Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature www.ryannesportfolio.webs.com

Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature

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Ryanne Kettner

Mrs. Mcgee 2A

AP English Literature


Page 2: Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature

Bucket List

Six Words

My Soul

Letter to you


A piece of creative writing

A random assignment

Work from this year!





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Page 4: Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature


“The Rabbit’s Lullabye Song” -Age 4

(Click pic to read)

“Rainbow the Dinasour”

-Age 6

(Click pic to read)

“The Midnight Star”

-Age 7

(Click pic to read)

5th Grade “My Role Model” Essay! (Very

embarrassing lol)

Click here

Page 5: Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature

Shakespere’s Juliet once exclaimed,”What’s in a name?”. I am about to answer that rhetorical question, simply because my unusual name has a whole lot in it. I believe it is safe to say that most of us know of Johnny Cash’s famous song, “A Boy Named Sue”. Well, I am a girl called Ryanne. It is not “Ray-Anne” or “Ri-Anne”. It is not “Ree-Anna”or (God help me) “Rhine”. My name is pronounced exactly like the common boy’s name, “Ryan”. When introducing ourselves to new people, my twin sister will say,”I’m Paige! Like a book!”, and I will then exclaim,”And I’m Ryanne! …Like a guy!” I have a twin sister with a beautiful “book name” while I am stuck with a man name. It is not all dismal, however. There is a secret twist to this name game. My name has a Celtic origin, and means “Little ruler”. I find that to be terribly ironic because my sister’s name, Paige, means “Servant”. The irony only continues to grow! Upon typing this paper, I have discovered that the Greek meaning for Paige’s name is “Little boy”. This can be no mere accident! Did my parents plan it this way? It will always remain a mystery, for they would never admit to such a thing. So what exactly is in a name? A great deal, apparently!

My Name Essay

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Page 6: Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature

I had landed myself right in the middle of after school detention, and that was just where I needed to be! The room was packed. “The more, the merrier!”, I thought to myself. Sometimes in life we fail to notice God’s gracious blessings, but this favor was too obvious to overlook. Detention is the most dreaded place for any typical student with a good head on his or her shoulders. As for me, I had nothing to dread. In fact, I jumped for joy at the sight of the sinister room. It was like moving to a new town and finally finding the nearest mall.“Yes!”, I thought. I had just made the transition from a private middle school in Florida to a public high school in New York, but even the most extreme alteration in my life could not hold me back from doing the extraordinary. I had a sudden desire to run for Sophomore Class President, and I decided that I would win. After all, it was only the last day to turn in the petition of thirty signatures to be on the ballot! I had plenty of time! The school day zipped by, however, and my only opportunity to snatch a petition paper from the main office was right after school. This meant that I would have until the office closed at 4:30 to hand in my petition. The student population usually drained in a matter of minutes once the bell rang for dismissal, and for any ordinary person, this would have been very discouraging. Quite the contrary to what one might think, I felt even more thrilled by the challenge! The solution seemed easy. I had soccer practice to attend, and a team of about thirty girls would be absolutely perfect for the job. Much to my dismay, my team captain would not let the girls sign the petition until after practice! That would have been a bit too late considering the fact that practice ended at 6:30, but minor mishaps do not phase me. Now, I know what you are thinking,”Who is this girl? Miss Optimism?”. Yes, actually, I am.

The lights in the school building started to go off one by one as I turned a corner. I practically ran right into a boy! “Hey! What are you here for?”, I asked. I hoped that he might have been there with some friends, or even a study group. “Detention”, the boy hissed. That was even better than I imagined! He showed me the way to the detention room, where I found exactly thirty, bored students, just waiting to have a cause! Who would have thought that a presidential candidate would have gotten all of their signatures from after school detention? Well, that is just what I did. Thanks to detention, I was on the ballot! Now, I had one week to campaign. My competition was incredibly strong, but the creativity of my campaign was almost impossible to beat. I passed out Styrofoam tiaras that said “Vote Ryanne for President!”, and had the whole school wearing them. I had fliers hanging everywhere, posters with inspirational quotes, candy for everyone, and door hangers on every classroom door. There was not one issue in the school I failed to address. When the air conditioning died in the midst of a heat wave, I passed out red and blue fans saying “Are you HOT, Vote RYANNE” , and “Wanna be COOL? Vote RYANNE for Class President”. I had every school club involved with my advertising. I had it all. It was at this time when I really noticed that being “popular” and being well liked were two completely different things in life, and I appealed to all kinds of people.

The day finally came. I sat at my desk anxiously awaiting the announcement. I unsuccessfully tried to swallow my nerves as my entire class stared at me. I cooled myself with one of my campaign fans as the familiar voice of the principal suddenly interrupted my attempted meditation. “Congratulations! Ryanne Kettner, is your new Sophomore Class President!”. That summer I moved to Virginia. I never had the opportunity to serve my time as Class President, but the experience made an impact on my life that will last for an eternity. Building relationships, being an inspiration to others, persevering through unimaginable challenges, being a breath of fresh air to the people in my life, and most importantly, staying true to myself, were the keys to a hidden door that I had discovered. Through this door, I had attained the formula to happiness and success in life. As said by George Allen, “Health, happiness, and success depend upon the fighting spirit of each person. The big thing is not what happens to us in life- but what we do about what happens to us”.

Summer Assignment

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Personal Essay (My summer assignment essay)

My Name Essay(From the first day of school)


Page 8: Ryanne Kettner Mrs. Mcgee 2A AP English Literature

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My soul project folds into a cube. Click HERE for more detail.
