' . .. .. ·:··y \. ,. .. ·. . . ' ·. . . . ; .: : _, VOL.Jit / ' '. ' '. . . I . "' '. . , .. ·, ) ' ·• , . .... . . ' ' . ' -1 .. .,./' ) ; L. ' I . . . . .JOllrfS, NEWFOUNDLAND, · OCTOBER . 31, 1848. ;- . ... .. .... \., ' No .. · cxvnr. e' and ttlr. £)11o met ( the •h'iitm '"" boat Tl10 Se I lefl on T unuloy (Aug. witb o very lriondly greet -!11 ob i• 'fl•y . uro 17 I uud ..::) .o] ut ... och Bay . w.oa follow;iQg lu_ ur fi•hing counected •loy. Lhe Meos r• i Uupt lwtve a .. nsiderablt> "'·"" Jersey a ad ono ,._ith Sr. JO'nt•'• , be81deo fi vo re- es10b tishrnent occcupied.in .th'e aa1mon fishery, or Tli£ SC l:fOON t:R "POST BOY," 4J1 Tons per R!et:ister. -Ar.so- FIRE F.NQINE-with Hose Buckels chmp l ete L Ui\lUEH. BOAT, to cnrry •Jtl s -AND,- 3 S ha• es lh" Exchonl!e Ruildin(!S '2U Vill e iu tho S t.John 's Cn mpany JOHN H. Jlgwl for 1'1'11SI <r f •w I I.e E•l ale qJ Cl c t, 14 R ENN <E, S TUART&. Co . --- - ---- By U. STE\V i\RT <\; C.::o. S f!) RA GS BRE.'\D, l. andwg rr Hr.nr.,Jrorn t.. /Joslon, '.l '.! (J nu l"TER) E:t IL\ N <. :t :. lt I from J! uti . gowsh. Ooo. J.l. THE SUBSCRIB:i::RS AHE NO W 1..\SUI:"lG F: .r 1 ' Ca:s! i lian JUu id, ,. f rom L ii"C17' oo l, rAHT OF' Tt n:t n. FAL L SUr rr.Y oF BRITISH .,.-GilJjS1ST IN G OJ' = B!ac.lc ., nnrl Colo Or cd Orluh ll tt <1110 ,; o bu"g CLO TII S . !\ f e rii Jnl · s, P 1'11 1L-', Cin ch om9 i\l u lt : !'< k ioo, Fl armcl:j, Dlu uk ct :.: , l3 1.tnkc·:ng, :--; •• , s., pr·dinu Bl ack nnd l< l uo Br n nd C l. PTlh l . G c lt ond Beaver "til' ,; '\ . '""" . ·n.,., ,. ply Lo mu•' \\' ool n nd Dt·nw t:J .s (; lo v es, J\ ruJ a great vari e ty ofnrll clf' !-1 fo r t he p r t,: .ot'J tl < 111d ap prou chiug J /11 J daily t'I JJ ec/l:d - au (.I tr usi vt: casCJr lme11 1 fif LEATHEll\VAlli: -A:SO IN S TonE- Ff.OUR, COHN Mi': · \1, , BHP. If> HU TTER, I'OitK , Pfo:ASfo:, BARLEY HI C Soal•· Candle•, T uhnc• · u, TltEIH US UAL 01' SUPE 11101l- 1!11 , r: on••• llng of -Congou . So uch ong, T .voul;ay , no vl Hyson Loof, C ru shed , and rlrnw 1 I. (;_ . \1\ S UF GEN ER..\.L -ALSO - Their celebrated COFFEE, hn"• &\lch satisfaction, freoh ground every ufo rning . Q CF'All of which will be sold cheap for Cash. B.. &. J. S. RUTHERFORD. Sign of the Golden Flu ce, l October 3, 1848. S ' / \V e are , hol'I'Y oo nnnounru tl .e return o.f . the r.l,ur cb Shol', with his Lordsh ip th e Bas hop of tbe the l\lu he rs. Hnr v.cy nnd ll oyle::s, nOd Mr . B rc, wu. Th ey ornvct.l on Tu ud t.foy nt !J m f. ea !I LI untl t;p(cJy, ttflcr uu aU.. seucc ul fuunecu \VCt!ks nnd fi vt:. dts)tl . 1 OF TilE LORD BI.S IIOP OJI . \ \'o },ovn l rec> n f: lVoured \\ilh the fo1JoNinrr ah- . 0 of . tl 1h Lord prngr"8d pr t.ococU ... 1111;!::1 lfl t11s lu trB protr r. Ctt: d vuya . e of Thu Cl 1 11rt· l_a o1H uf llt•,bb rtrour, hy the l\JnLJ lht3 {jt :, uf Jul y. Sh1J hnJ oc. or ••, t.e su lcH ·h6 li1 1hup, I itt: . .Mr . Olhl f.trlld), dur-liOt'tlto occ u py t lw 01 t hu Burg ·· o •, in 1 he l'lacu of tJac l<. t> v. 1\lr. IUad\ ll•'•r l' ,-thtl Huv . t\lr . app o• nt d curutelo i\lt .M,IUittui u ut U" ra tou -lhu Jh v. tJurve y u1t U llo; J ..,., wh u clw:i t'. ll IO ncc o uqu1uy l.ur llt:lil p, por1ly fur th e tu . weht <·f t h..: tr lle •ll ••, und port ly to 11 ct os · ht.8 L. urJ :o h,p's Chup !a n1s iu l1 1u \Ur 1 ou21 11u1 oJtudh:. d ,u u :J y J1Uf tculur l llll:'di Ou,-aurt' r. .U· (• \Yfl , Ulit; vf tliu S.u dcuJtjl or tilt: T J,c o lu gtcal lu suwu uu. T t,t: probre:t::s ol the li rs t tw o tlnys wn !t very en- 111g . . ·1 hd Chu cr. tiJ1t p urr l\' cd :i Af cly Ol ll nrl 1ou r UrH t HI or( !- 'n •·r·luy, - u of 2:, 0 Tl.tu (J _ ,,) !J "'1 \\' OS :i)H"H v t= ry h.,p· 1 tly n1 ll urho ur Hn 1 111 . UlttlwjJ prcnclJtJd nuc.l a tlllllllte Lo n.: d d10 Holy .St .cruuu: lll li:ll' ill s w llulc - pnn y, lt •gctilu r .. .V Ith M .. uulctiU uod t cw ua· ua t 11 ; re ut h't s U .. t.:k. J"1 c C hurch h u::; Ia •: ly he.t'll lJltc.U up w1tb 111 p c1 1 fo •·ct.!lceuue·ll:ul proprt · t:l y na d gcLl' lu l CO i. Vt.uu : ucc . Tlt u Church Sulp uu \V cJnc.; tloy, t uku1g Mr. M uu utultl to vl .s11 oa.,J Lu Puttl c, t•o11t iu b i:t VcUI•cr y, tile •U I' tl t!r 111 (H uud 1b-= Iutte r ol huuJrcd llillt!d lhJIII ll u rhour BJJiu U. Uofor .. lUIIUid)' tJ.t.: d t: lhU log, CUHH"OU OU the CUd tH at lluti bcneo u, hi•l tl•e si.J or_, lor lfu'lerul U tt j :!l, und tl1u vurp o 8H of epelJfi. u.u ll <' Xl u1 'J hut tiuwl u.)' (July Jl.ill,) t pt! llt at a11d 0 11 tlld (uJI OWIIIJ.: 111uruu•t; H wutt louuU llaat tho ::31ti wutt La U.r. lii!11eod or ' !SUI'keo, Uy · r.,J 'it wu ' ,.:•Jud '' p ifu1. "'ue ulttaiued ntuJ ch•' Chu r ch t1: 11p ro ... au u u :·t:u 111 ft tarUuLtr ur tile du), wii Jc ll \'(6d ry Wd : ur,J l ug;; J. O ., Tue11day th t: ;:,hit' 1,, r \\U)' l111ck lo o rul t." lllti'ed dtu hu rlaour at .:o" 11" "' ' u u Jcr n nJ v. -. t g' orh Ud r nllal .i!!a W 1 1h e Ut ch 1 u1 ul l fl lllUJih , :.ua ur (, l ll ' :i covt n autcd mercy. .\I r. L"lll li J uo, uum "II .:! rc;;ul .• rly it 1 ,iu ctc,l tutu the t. 11u r dt ot Lu lr\- tl Uurgcu uu tllu HJth ul Jui J, wol lulu lbu t:hu rch o( ti !J ou , fl u lu ltuw a ug tl oy, by .\Jl- . tu :i H.urul Dc1t11. U11 c tu :: h ut thu Budwp . \.1\' cr.:-.o \\ 111 · 1:-t d t: lnlue d ti 1 1J ::illi Jl ht H . .rg eo til t: w- ttl u llul cr .ur 1l1 u week, '. ' h .c ll w"u r; dJtCII l y ud p ruh ah ;y 1 11 lh t: ( wl,j t: la 1 :. V er y \VtjJI iH IC tt ll«' t) ui 11.J C< tiCfull)' III UIIUgct.J .) 01 11tJ jt( tf r: ltll ll t: . \l .r: U II J luuu ly 111 l) or- 1 he Jt l cdj(Jt: u cc 111 L (,lu Ju n, Ull lO Uj:i r clat tiY t. IJ ltiiJ lrt• f HJ..,, W . s-uch t• IHif•; tlc d U • uuu :sc_ JMru li uu a. i diJI u1 11 may well IJ : Y1· r; ll.)' l ll ,l! , u ut.J IIJ I \l H I"CIJUirUd DUr iJ O lll t:l i:"'U I C U/ (.;J J rl &llnU 10(LilU Ue t .J ••·ukn •l . tUierullle. Ja "Od thl! u-. r t: llel Dll'i s upport to thu.u ll t al th \3 H IJ:JIJ vp uta l hi !t pur1y w cr u b ltlu to rc HJ alll U\-Cf the fi•ttt !ju r ulny 1 1 uh l tlaut lltcy cuu!d partu ku uf H .. t) t.:tHJIIIIU .. fl llfll . Til ., ) lfC •• J.; Iu .. J nJ Tltu J ntJJ Ulltg Ul Luwcr vJ tac •c l llo wus utlllltlt- '• · C f .. cl lU l lt ll lj-lJt l \' 0 CUttl1Hltli CUII Id 1 J•U r ly In lh" lt1 th U Ult · fl tOOII lh t) t• r •. c•· c: dcd ll .J u t' Lo HI 1 ttuougll u &Jilek lo J pp cr Lu uu 1 llu :r tl a bu. The H ..:v. i\Jr . lt vy.ea ft ud b"1. t0 1! lu llust :ieltll."tn c ul 111 tlt u UIUIIJ· uq ;. u tatl pc rlt )fl ll t ::tJ lt Jil a ce Willi ll uJ y Cutn• : uuu10u. lu c.u :h JJiiiCU th tJ re u prOIIII::ill;,, ::) uo · Ju y t:5Cil u ol. At Uuq;t::o t ll u had lttcn Vt:ry COII c'td c rulll ) c.Hi lnr gcc.J hy c.lw utlllHIUJl or u no rth 1 lWu1ug th u wllul_, ltmgth ol tb ts Cll ur cil , :md uc curnmor.Jrunu 1ur e; ixr y AU \\utt , .. t:JI vccupJcU u ul} Jillui.J un :Suu - duy, July :a:!J. On m orn ing the fo6 !lull wh olly cleer od t.fr. ftJr. ftluuolaJu rn u bou t tu ru1 orn to llo•b u ur Hruon (70 " "'"•), intcndmg to coli "' all ttcttleujentg. TIJC Church Slrtp sn t la i.J ot 8 o'cl ock for St. G t:Jorga'd Huy, and waat oil Cup• ftny 111 •ho uvlltloug of that tlny. Oo reacbrn g Suudy l'umt it wa :s c.Jas1ovcred tl 1ot tbe Rev, 1\leoK Lpd euoiJruced "" opp ortullll)'(ol raru oc.c urr cu ce ) of goUJ ,o direct tu tit. Ju. hO'd; JUST hu v•!•!i wu c b- lor n long E Jt Lo J . .1 C in oJ Jbe loss o'r lx un clo 1b ea % Bm s K, rom naun, a11u. o n .. , Jtrom n·' · · u u provtswus 111 lhp vessel, whtch watt wr-.,cked Newpo1'1, luot rbem 'and '"" •uo frum tiL John'• · , -::o J'on ·a .. LB DY c.tj• ct wu•'lhu• m a grout meaaure . \'9wQ n unhO!JfJII}' Hu huLl iorentltd to cuolitlu · 41.'e !Iii '1.11. •nd ":uutJoaater tlt.e HolY. Socranoent. Uo -bowcver sldent futuilies. A s:oro wu• quickly oflior"tl and rather in fJres•n< ing and 4''JIIlrling tl)o sahnon lor Sunduy •erYiC<>, oo1d on the cau g ht by the E squ ;uonux . l'h e.r ol•o. deol in furs (July allrh) \lle c...e w&o o cbu' cregotion ol 150 per• l'u rc hu•e•l here, und abo ut-J.O f!htetly wt> l'r) \ w.tuJ uear ly as mnny in tht) 1111lcs fnnl.u:r uonh . . l\1r. ""\,Jae nooo . of uae h t: ud s ol the f.anulied laud evt:r r.c:• dpccte d Jge-ur, nl : Is in huc.J un opportunity Of Ut:ing thou the I.Jut rel.urus to every hy public Three cou .. Here •he popuhl1, 1ou , whic(1 :ia lo.r,;u, i' almost eu- werd now duly uwrnctl, uud nll the children liroly E!'qutmnux or Anglo-E e.quimaux. !\iaoy of acJmtned il)IO 1hu churrh . Had 11\e re lll' e u longer svl'uk ouly their own hlncun;e, and 8C\ ' erul uodce tl•e lrum a un hoth re ad nml write it. 'Thc.:a,e hpve Qee o iu- 1t.e huri.Jouttt; ntt Ulun c to hy tile rt:s 1t.l e nt ut tl• 6 suu:.h 1 nnc.fL'nn:o e a Lotqf' to thu nor lh ; but Nn111 ond tlne8 ot her etttub lie&hmeuU:I dOn this cona1. t b6 arttJ opponuuu)"'"wcru co uliucU 1 .0 Nan1, 1he Of th em, is nhoul 300 miles front tins tluy uuly . ::i andw ic h B11y. In o •tore vrovide <l by Mr .GuollriJge On Jl1onJov (July Sl st) th e ll i• hop proceetleu in the lull• urvoce o'l our Church w.tScclcbrnto.l , witll L he Ho ly Sucrnmeut , Jor tho first tlru e, on SumJa. Y. n buat to 1 anac ts. . \lurl, uuU Vl:iltt! lJ tt. res · pe ct ub:e lumily J HII Jiati T tu: hcml thu lumlly, nu 1-'ug lio hnuw , luuJ JlveU 111 t hid uci;.!l, ... tiu lf r ece tvf, f.! -sl.:< odults who cuultl for lh cm; LuurhooJ uearly thirty y eH r d, und i ta all lt tU t wu' ' · s ci•· ·•· 'J'hrcu uf the •u were C: , quimoux . All of had uave t e t%C il o ol hi s 0\\'11 GLurch . ttll ' lll r• ro l'er OluHvors donously tUJd int e ("" He was un tho point 01 to 1'\u \·u. I , lig"e111 l) i nruJ. uot th e leu.::»t so the poor 'li.Jtll lur th.e e.,( hrs clnldc ru. J'lu·y Chot•lflins then rcnuv t::d in10 the Church tfroHo who w t=re all rt:Ct ii \'t·d in 1u thlj Church uuU Onu h;ui .Godfullter!S 11111 1 The llltchop ocJ ... l t: r murried. walk c.: \1 f• om Lheu cu w, d iC :tSCI I t11 C IIl 1 US Ill tile ut Jac r p lar cs ,ch itDy Oil fi..1 plid !lt l ... 'uuse a Luup , 'f\bere i\lr. S tu hh u l':t · UIHI Bopu .:tsuu l pn vil eu c::; nnd h:: spouoiblliuc 's . t.> IIIJ JOYII'I; thHwe_.lJ tho SUtlJHlt:r unu d uy WUt4 lu:nu u tully fine, not.l Gud UJI(ICUTC tl to look bu ru..lrtd and th•ray huud.:;. I _ dv wu gttiCiously uu th t! ndn.inr :t tration of I tli Tbu Church Sh ip lef t F or te au nn Tl 1. ti Hy, nnJ urdmam:e:, iu B uy . Th u ul-. r each ed Huol tj llu1b our t he lullu w aug uiiCJIHJun . ccr uoou Hc rv ice , wh rch cum m t! II C cJ t' OO II ofl cr 3 ltt,c, iu A swull Tu :: klc, cu••b r' gau .: d h\twt: cn u' d•..-c k, was 1101 CL ilCJudctl t ill ne at ly 7. 1aiu e 1y u.tJd .(Jil t) -. · cs :- do lt u\JI d•lil.'n u 11 Mo nd a9 ond Tuu"day nr or ulttJ.: ti ol NcwfouUt.lluud, nil 111 th t: WtH.c uud u 1 c u .., u;fl :;ct, ·ict: H , h itt B u1U tlJut ull tin: c'" "d to guth cr itoauu wuh &c. / :!,000 VI fish Ill u Uuy. i\ t• Clc r gy w un uJ On Mondny, uf tc r ilio Cflllrc1 J v ra rcrs , scvrra. l our t.il•urd) ha.1 cv •n vmttcJ thiS :scadcwu u l, n:aall port fo 113 .o f t ll o t-C\ YICc t he y u sQ.p. t - us lhe .mo :Jt \pUIJUiuu :s, tl.ll tl lltU•I lr . queJHt!ll ol bll di ti1 \l uru\'lt1 1\ t;:totiOIIIf, 1 :1, iu lhu E.!i · on 1h0 Lob. ruJur. Mt . l.iu:sh Buutl dl , qulll• .J.UX uud np p tnrt :J to Uc u L 1 tauy hituJiy .:-.h.Jat: f,, r ihvii .C IHtt:d pU 11llC WurSill p, cu:urll t: Ucin g yritb tbtj tti el uotllJu l tl uvccy tU lc:ul tuu tu thu Ut:.hvp' ::t Lo n!' :: 1 ,r, 1 ytJr Ou t! lud, wus, in 111 osL pon.:1 , uud Thu tS . uttJ ·.\' US nul followt: c..l tty othcn!, \\ l!u 'SC l'IIJ Cd to kuow th c rr pu rts \O rt:ct:tvu ull who tlt::.ln.!IJ tu at tc ud , 'h ouo'1 vt!ry · '"' lu c nt ;j(}Opc:rdOOit Wt; tC UCCO t lllii VlbHa l. Or <" IO•VltcJ lll1 U I ur I! ) ' IIIIIS , whrcl. thoy uJI S t:. llg lfi I.,IIIIS•Jil JU n encll On )::) uulJny {Aug . ti) tho du 11 r !t(ll l plcnaang lone. "' g• u"o·c y :J o 11 \..i rcut On T 1hc ol At tgus r, -t\ftcr Mor n in,; Iol /t kl, ruuJ, hu c.htyl HtJO tht:r on Cu ru i.Jou J::s . m tbu t>lore, tllo Bishop an•..l Jl tls Cbn}!laiutt; .t..:ttd. · z:;,,.,ccs lllun ' wi th grc!Lt uuhoberi ot l'l! o iuh•b irnnt•, mnlo untl c.lny nnd "' l'u el)d,, y an 'hu tttorc,uud liUiulicrs of iu .,.t hree bcroSJ the B.1y, 1ldrtu cc:CciVt.:U IIIlO tltu (..;uur ch. It t.I Je-Ulii CC uf four w1lcs, to ·cOJ ISOcrtt ltt tho grnvc ... rr-:4 d:.J..ay "tAt•g. 8) l.Jl c ;:,111J' l or S1. y unL :ij,Ol h!\tl lJOen fo r t!aut ptH"t Fruml ld .art.uur, u..ad he re lhu ll1o1 10 p u11d hr :. uro \\clcomod w•th 1uucU knut. tdl w •tbi'tt-a- cuuuno e tl thl! prncticu by M r. twJ ,\l r. ;:::,u udef:i bu· of th uir Jcac.J 10 tilt) c!c!!3 of rock. -= , nru.J pro· ny yt.uutt ogt:t1t ol ... . i-luut & Cv . le::. 111 ,r wllh :nrge rnth t• r t ho o Uury tl lo re pru\'l ddJ, ulul tiHJ rtUIIIJ\JII lht:lll 1.. tt jC Th ey hnd Oe en uccustometl ho1. "tiOrtltst..l v.:ry g voU lu r a fl U '" to pluco with tll u d enc.l lJ o di es J oo 1l ond o.tbcr- cou suug Ill pun ut t:::.tJUIIuaux lm.:aaud . 11 ucessance lo r u juuruey. Now, howe\'er, ui tl t:UI n1 11J ruutc t: o Up lcti luarrtcd. their compurn1 i n: cav 1l iz 1tion nnc.i cornerai on to Thtt Ht :t bop p•e ll CI• cl.f lWH. ·c •• ,ud the rl.J cy Jullow tlt e CIJristiun motltt ol: Hoi l:uwu&uluuu, thu tircu l lllll', 11 lti t wr 1 al 1 ua &.J c..l l' si rc to huve tho pt ny ers sa itJ nttb u IJy •! cJu•t.)''' ' li' ut uLH lo ll tht: LtdJr a dur . Th ey \'HHt: uut t lac leusl iutcrcsted and tfe .. 116 uvtS u.u t.: h IICd u ll uut1 t X ll urL .• Lh)H lo Cit:.! vu 11 t uf lito of 1hu servtcc of Cous t! cta,. ii,:,q llllltt.UX ou lire.: aul 'j 1 ct ul H.tj ll i! lll. Uo Frr.. tlorr thtj duy. Th e n.l IS 11 0 ocCil:'lf)H \0 gi\'C thctn duf {A ug . l..f') a gruvu ) ••·u l Wfl!i cre•lrt lor uuy degrc u o l rdl c ct io u, lO bulicvu Tt us L:luarcu ::;lop cuu .d uut t Juruo ur 11: thai, l oukj ug \Jh..:.k ou :y u tla ey UJU::It h nv e COOieq tJClU.: ttuftt ll u .. Y} .tt " Cd j UIHI Ud dt\: d u lllJ \\'OJHJ cr ed Ut t i.U CUll tf ;hil .Of t he t: VCtlfS II OW tal-dug prutJucuvt: ul greut tilt: Basii'J j' u.., .. plt/c 11 , t Lud of lht>lr cuuUJtiOJI u nd pro.:t pect.t., bOt h tenntllcll to lu Jf,e tw '- '"Y " uuJ r cligiou :, us cp 'wJic.re t.l 10 tbose of thcil· four 1111l td, 111 u 1Jua.1. 1\lr . Ji u )"l c d ncct.JUIPHilh.:d f 11 1 la e r:i . lus L vn..lat ltlp, und tl•o)' H ll tclh.l l tho Th e C laur ch Sh ip hnJ now coa :i tcd . nlong eorly hnrbvur 1lu1L cvuu111 g, ( Aueu:,t It lt .) H uwc, 250 111 il cs uf L ahnu l or sh ore , nnd touched at 1hu · Sl ulltJ. u&:,uuiJ \t:• y U11U p rm c 1pul S t:: ltle ru enlb occupieU or visited, Uy 1h u u .. tu rtnll '" d lla u d nu ta ,o L. tlup ruru, m lil.ti Newf o uu dlun d or tra de rs nnd t h;hormcn i c,wu )Htle ·1 hv 11 t: Xt Uuy ; \lr . ftu) h!:i ' , .. n ncl o::t the wus gcu wg fur ud vunc c U, anti l. i &t: U ruuuy tC t dc ltl cl. t .i 111 u l.J u 1t t. (J u u a ur..f ill Ne:wtuundloud wore ex pocung !3utul uy lA ug . 11 ) lh c were v ldJrut- th e Bi ::l tiOJ ,' :i i( wu:s uot e tl 111 u ••• 01 U) IJ, , ._, : az c, t uu_ c.J pr udeul tu pru ce t: J n11y tunh er tu tile north. Ac .. cu tV csd 111 1u 1 1 1e Ghurc ll . la cf 3, li t c orJtJtgly, ou the ':l :Jn ..l of .\ ugus t, ordcrt( wor e giv- tSta rw u tt, \\t::ft; E'iqui- cu to rdttl rll, nud t he Churc.:.U :::)hip wns agn in iu ur nux. 'l'ltu ltl'Ud ul one 1 Fu rte uu LS uy on lfl d 25th, tSh•(lplnJ: only a "' (ew rww, tvh! 111_, Bl .:tllup tla11L 11.: lnlll IJcou m ur r u: d to ut lilllo tit: I I! U11. cU ; ot til. .M oU uste, "hero a f;iOrL ol b ud · l•t c.h uu. He h ..a s u large lunuly 01 sOuJe cb1IJern lutp lll.t:d. Uut:t 111 duhJ'r c n, 1wu ut Ia : a uJ J, huJ l.Jce n llupltZdd returnin no, tho w ere vory nuu1er6 u3 uutl t, y \V tx, (n:t ho n •• uy llle rn u:ssi vu 1 ° und ,;rent cuurhJU wus ovoid ht:tsd ruuo o t .::it. Jutu/d,''J iu 1111: yuar 183 1. H tl Lhern; pnrticuls r ly in ti.J e_luuer t•nrt ot seuaonl cuuld IJUL rt'UJt::tui.Jt:r l t10 ulltu e; IJ ul tlle when th ey n rc Otuke u i1110 ti lllullur frug•nenhs, Archd uucou l1uiJ k••n11y lvJt ueh md u. 'l c:dtGfllt'tU whtch, thougl1 1 hnrJiy a. Uuvo Wllter, uot.l f'ruyur llook, 10 wh ich ho hnd writrtJu tJid ow tl qui1e lur-:e cuuu gh tu cuut:1 6 Uua.unge Uy mu..IJ uumo auU oud tho uumt::tr uf the ciJildrou Ito nen collloion. It IU U) be u grnuncauuo 10 th at . Oo -::!o nurd ny (Aug. tho Chu•ch ::ihip pussed gahle vionecr of IJI(, t: Uurcll tu lcaru th ut lh& ncr o:ts tb o S tralld to Auch or t> oi ut , on tho opposite H11bop .read a cltnplrr to thu poor mnn uod Jars cone.l of Newlo undlo.1li, uutl rdmuml!d in lOe Boy ftt.mily frorn lhtl Tt:ai31HeU l thu s de VtHI- of S t. H .rOtt thr e t: lin yd. On Suullny tJJe Utiu nl yours ago. 'l'hu wl ,o le J'uuuly, it Js aurvices wet·e celei.Jrot_,u, U0 1.J.Iu thu allt::roooo cbal• nre 111 o ol ogooroucti. It duJ 1101 de ru were admiuod IntO thu Church; ou tbe .foht upp ea r tbat lltu Archd cu con buu vtoHed auy ot her lowi ,ug duy twu coupi Md married, outl a grove · ttc:ultuuent 011 tho Lnhrat.lor. · yurd J\ rem arkutJ Vy tho 'l'llu good Church ::i hop !"•do her oppe • ru !oc e on ul the HQ UI•mcm tho< tihe had . hvetl tb o rty.tbree l\1onJay muruiug.. haYIIi b wilh dotue u, tlh; u uy t:s ... in thut J ,cigh uou rhu <.1, aud tJac.l Ut:Vdr eecn caveU Jrom t'ruuc 1s Hu' rUO "' ou ct ns uuy Vle rgymau IJut a lt'reuch on Lhe ahorv. OVOIIID!f, nftur the !lev. l'rlr. llur••Y hutl tWICe T ut loug-cheti•hcd ,, .. .. e ol l•er hearl" ...... , ceholor4ted public tn 1bu otore. ltmg•h gutlllied, anti uhu decloted tbut t!•O tloy of 1 00 Q R. C:ht\at Cilngou T.ffiA , remow e tl two duy o, uud Jl'l>oched iu toe cburc b twrce, llhd uu•ll• t!nqulrie• uboul tho i tute or lbo Novy · BREAD 1• e opte. They to · auffor muciJ lrom tile Bl"g• Corele'a alellt NA} LS;fro ·m li IO .. and orio er properly cooatitute.r 6 i'n«!hell · • •u•bor.llloe. 4ttll }• time of "'" ' yi•lt · lWO ·, -' -.u .s o- JI!•O "oie · iu cuacody by tbft oeognboure . for Drett'jj Superidr I!.ondcSd PORTER : and• VIOle !\I conduc1, and uetbio1 cou ld IJo klllod 1 uoLII l'be uu1 uuy s11e •••led to tba Sen t !•Ia nda; thll lltonop'iil v o •it wus tbu IIDIII"••• ol hor wbei"" cbo outy uunltu inbebirouro aru l!: s quo. Th o land 111 llu• neighoourliood nppoard eX<:ullont; u,aux lodiaus, · ur ra l Uttr outJ ·· gume of allttontt itt Ju thu wintur ' bead or tho be•og .io m i111 y to••• au l!:ugli•u• ur u kollud tn lurg11 u uml 11; rs, and . tho fi•llory . w•u •. b!'re, •B io otner hnrb u ur ou t b" '" ' alway 11ood. ot 'N u,.f uundlont! •oeuu · ,11bore, Wtsce uumeroua VCiifdels JrOIJI Uni:fU!!I, H& r.. to t.uak.u a t1urur or 1Je 1 \tcr return to . ioduatrJ. ' buur,Uraoe, &c v A crew .of Enghhmon u1110 ro· ·: Lu11vhlg .1\llcho,r 1 'u int on \V udnoodoy ( A'ug• · · !JI&i u in tlolll hollbdur, •• iu : nuwy othun, Ill rou gh 30tu) thu lJhu ,r ch l:iui1• . .of tbu .bea· tho WIUter, co k ill .... 1. 10 !bo month VI .t>ecemb•r, 'Y l!•les tiO COUIIIIOII utthil IOU!IOU "' · tbd Sl(all• of eflef Wblcti ttboj . gu tile woods to Ket fut5ur ll•He1dle. l'nao•wud oiucecod•tl by callut r and, iu fur pooti.. & r., .. l COUJIIUd of Ju J . cou;R:lJUUuce, lhe uilamp• to reach i.a l'oulll, bJthtr ' dr.uu fuoli&n• . were . mnrr lod by the lJior- . lirotl:iuud.yu• ::'eptliiiJiio r, (t he lu;( ul !wO l:luuda)lf 11, aou their cb11<!urn lmpuzed •. Other w in o uamud lor tb · ol tho u,t!\f Gbun:l> . YIJIIIOU ib. tbo eo vet lttld borbours, .. uu 1or a C nfiflnll woe : uu thac · P ,_;• v• 1i' ,..- .. · ' b 1 1 ' ' ' ilje '. iariinloo( .hip .ol' war. . . • , · , , .,.ne ' · ott eR •, Ou ':l!litlroc la,rtlto l.;llu•cb Sltip ,ailod •for · the Part, .SherrY/ Bond 1 · l.allrador cout,to couoiuoce a YOJ'•p 1 ool10 mucib .. · . . . or eccrealutiaal"tiaitatl"@' &ocl iuperiutebdeilco ., . - _ ... .., &ti.a.:. ·. The lloo . if;yof.f"o.rteau, ll'uinado fl6. ." : . . ·' ' and 111lely aloout ,o oo SanltdaJaf• ' ., ' ' ..t. . .. ,. ,, . . .. '

q - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18481031.pdf · ·:··y'· \. ,. .. ·. {~~~~,·~~~q~~~ . . ' ·. . . .· . ; ~·; .: : _, VOL.Jit •

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VOL.Jit •

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-1 . .

.,./') ; L. '

I . . .

8~ . .JOllrfS, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUE~Dl.f, . ·OCTOBER .31, 1848. ;- .

... .. ' ·

• .... \.,

' No .. ·cxvnr. e' . t~rnoon, and ttlr. £)11o met(the •h'iitm '"" boat Tl10 Se I l•l.~nrt• w~ re lefl on T unuloy (Aug.

witb o very lriondly greet ill~, -!11 ob i• 'fl•y . uro 17 I uud ..::).o]ut ... och Bay . w.oa reoch~<l h~ follow;iQg lu_ur larg~ fi•hing ea.tjdllfiillrn •· n ~:~throe counected •loy. Her~ Lhe Meosr•i Uupt lwtve a .. nsiderablt> "'·"" Jersey a ad ono ,._ith Sr. JO'nt•'• , be81deo fi vo re- es10b tishrnent occcupied.in .th'e aa1mon fishery, or

Tli£ S C l:fOON t:R •

"POST BOY," 4J1 Tons per R!et:ister.


FIRE F.NQINE-with Hose ~nd Buckels chmplete

L Ui\lUEH. BOAT, to cnrry <~looutSOO •Jtl s -AND,-

3 S ha• es i~ lh" Exchonl!e Ruildin(!S '2U Vill e iu tho S t.John 's \o\1 ~ 1"r Cnmpany


Jlgwl for 1'1'11SI<r f •w I I.e E•lale qJ

Clc t, 14 R ENN <E, S TUART&. Co.

---- ----By U. STE\V i\RT <\; C.::o.

Sf!) RA GS BRE.'\D, l. andwg rr Hr.nr.,Jrorn t.. • /Joslon,

'.l'.!(J F trki n ~ nu l"TER) E:t IL\ N <.:t:. lt I from J!uti . gowsh.

Ooo. J.l.


F:.r 1' Ca:s! ilian JUuid, ,. f rom L ii"C17'oo l,

rAHT OF' Tt n : t n. FAL L SUr rr.Y oF


B!ac.lc ., nnrl ColoOrcd Orluh ll tt <1110 ,; obu"g C L O TII S .

!\ f e rii Jnl · s, P 1'11 1L-', Cin ch om9 i\l ult: !'< k ioo, F larmcl:j, Dlu uk c t :.: , l3 1.tnkc · :ng ,

:--; •• , ~ ~ :i

s., pr·dinu B lack n nd l< luo Brn nd C l.PTlh l )u c:, ~ ll!-4 , Twl-' t:~j!i .

G c lt ~ ~upcri n r ~ il l< ond Beaver

"til' ,; '\. ~·~ '""" ~-~ . ..:.~4 ~a ·n.,.,, . ply L o mu•' \\' ool S!ur~s n nd Dt·nw t:J .s (; lo ves, fl , ,rt.,~

J\ ruJ a great vari e ty ofnrllclf' !-1 ~ui t nU i o fo r t he p r t,:.ot'J tl <111d a pprou c hi ug sca ~ ons .

J/11 J da ily t' I JJ ec /l:d - au (.I trusivt: casCJr l m e11 1 fif


Ff.OUR, COHN Mi': ·\1, , BHP. If> HUTTER, I'OitK , Pfo:ASfo:, BARLEY HI C 1~, Soal•· Candle•, T uhnc•·u,

- A~O TltEIH US UAL ~l' l' l'l\' 01' S U P E 11101l-

TEA~, 1!11 , r :on••• llng of -Congou . So uchong, T .voul;ay ,

novl Hyson Loof, C rushed , and rlrnw 1 I. ( ; _.\1\ S



Their celebrated COFFEE, wh i~h hn"• ~:ivon &\lch univ~ttsal satisfaction, freoh ground every ufo rning .

QCF'All of which will be sold cheap for Cash.

B.. &. J. S. RUTHERFORD. Sign of the Golden Flu ce, l

October 3, 1848. S

' • / \V e are , hol'I'Y oo nnnounru tl.e return o.f .the r.l,urcb Shol', w ith his Lordsh ip th e Bas hop of tbe Uiucu~c, the lt~\1. l\luhers. Hnrv.cy nnd ll oyle::s, nOd Mr . Brc, wu. They ornvct.l on Tuudt.foy ~veuing'" lu tt ~ nt !J o.\~·lock, m f. e a !I LI untl t;p(cJy, ttflcr uu aU.. seucc ul fuunecu \VCt!ks nnd fi vt:. dts)tl .


LA~U. . \ \'o },ovn lrec> n f:lVoured \\ilh the fo1JoNinrr ah-

. 0

·- ~t ru e~ o f . tl 1h Lord ISt t~hoL• 'd prngr"8d un~ pr t.ococU ... 1111;!::1 lfl t11s lu trB protr r. Ctt: d vuya . e of Vl ~ttntfvn.

Thu Cl111rt·l_a ~hip w ue~ 10\v~d o1H u f llt•, bbrtrour, hy the l\JnLJ ~•eu tue r, o,f ~ ·l~ hur.:;d")' ulft:J I~II ~ lht3 {jt :, uf Jul y. Sh1J hnJ oc. b· or••, t.e su lcH ·h6 li11 hup, I itt: H ~:: v . .Mr. ~~~ r • i n~ hmu Olhl f.trlld), dur-liOt'tlto occ u py t lw l\I.~tt t u u 0 1 thu Burg·· o •, in 1he l' lacu of tJac l<. t> v. 1\lr. IUad\ ll•'•r l' ,-thtl Huv . t\lr . :\ldau~ton, appo• nt d curutelo i\lt .M,IUittui u ut llu ~ l• u ·· r U"ra tou -lhu Jh v. Mea:~r.o~. tJurvey u1t U llo; J..,., wh u wcr~ clw:i t'.ll IO ncc o uqu1uy Ita~ l.urllt:lil p, por1ly fur th e tu.weht <·f th..: tr lle •ll ••, und port ly to 11ct os · ht.8 L.urJ :o h ,p's Chup!a n1s iu l1 1u \Ur1ou21 Uut · ha l~o ur 11u1 oJtudh:. d ,u u :J y J1Uf tculur l llll:'diOu,-aurt' M·r. .U· (• \Yfl , Ulit; vf tliu S .udcuJtjl or t ilt: T J,colugtcal lusuwuuu.

T t,t: probre:t::s ol• the li rs t two tlnys wn!t very en­Cotltlt~ 111g . . ·1 h d Chu cr. tiJ1t p urr l\' cd :iAfcly Ol

ll nrl1ou r UrH tHI or( !-'n •· r ·luy, - u lH~tuncu o f 2:,0 u ult:~ . Tl.tu ::iU ih~l ) ( J _,,) !J "'1 \\' OS :i)H"H vt= ry h .,p· 1 tly n 1 ll urhou r Hn 1111 . 1'1 . ~ UlttlwjJ prcnclJtJd nuc.l a tlllllllte Lo n.:d d10 H o ly .St.cruuu: lll li:ll' ill s w llulc -pnny, lt •gctilu r .. .V I t h ~h. M .. uulctiU uod SOti.J~ tcw ua·ua t11; re ut h't s U .. t.:k. J"1 c Church hu::; Ia •:ly he.t'll lJltc.U up w1tb 111 p c1 1 rc~u G'd f o •·ct.!lceuue·ll:ul proprt · t:l y na d g c L l' lu l CO i. Vt.uu: ucc . Tltu Chu rch Sulp ~ ;. dt:d u u \V cJnc.; tloy, tuku1g Mr. M uu utultl to vl .s11 U11rg ~: o oa.,J Lu Puttlc, t•o11t iu bi:t VcUI•cry, tile •U I' tl •t!r 111 tl u ~ UlbtUlJ~: u (H ~ c v ~ ruy, uud 1b-= Iutte r ol ott~ huuJrcd llillt!d lhJIII ll urhour BJJiu U. Uofor .. lUIIUid)' tJ.t.: d t: lhU log, ~0 CUHH"OU OU the CUd tH at lluti bcneo u , r. vm~ le i c•y hi•l tl•e si.J or_, lor lfu'lerul Utt j :!l, und J cl~u t ~d tl1u U1~hu j.J "S vurpo8H of epelJfi. w~ u.u ll <' Xl !SUI~o luy u1 Hur~ou. 'J hut tiuwlu.)' (July Jl.ill,) \\U ~ t pt! llt at ~CG, a11d 0 11 tlld (uJIOWIIIJ.: 111uruu•t; H wutt lo uuU llaat tho ~l.urclt ::31ti wutt Q~,

La l'ucl~ U.r. lii!11eod or '!SUI'keo, Uy · r.,J 'it wu ' ,.:•Jud '' p ifu1. "'ue ulttaiued ntuJ ch•' Chu rch t1:11p r o ... au u u :·t:u 111 ft tarUuLtr t il ~ r t~s t ur tile du), wii Jc ll \'(6d n ·ry Wd: u r,J lug;;J. O ., Tue11day th t: ;:,hit' utlti.J~ 1,, r \\U)' l111ck lo Hur~ t: u, orul t." lllti'ed dtu h urlaour at .:o" 11""' ' u uJcr n nJv.-. t g 'orh Ud r nllal.i!!a W

1 1he Utch 1

• u1 u l l fl lllUJih , :.ua ur (, l ll ' :i covt nautcd m ercy . .\I r. L"lll li J uo, uum "II .:! rc;;ul .• rly it 1,iuc tc,l tutu t he t .11u rdt ot L u lr\- t l Uurgcu uu \ V,:duc~dll), tllu HJth ul J u iJ, •wol lulu lbu t:hu rc h o ( ~ J piJcr ti !J ~:eu ou , fl u lultuw aug tl oy, by .\Jl- . ~\luu '11tai n , tu:i H.urul Dc1t11. U11 c tu :: h ut c:ar~iu u thu Budwp p rct~-clted . .\.1\'cr.:-.o \\ 111 · 1:-t d t: lnlued ti 11J ::illi Jl ht H . .rgeo til t: w­ttl u llul c r .ur 1l1 u wee k , '.' h .c ll w"u r; dJtCII l plt:u~aut l y

y ud p ruh ah ;y 111 t;;\~ tul t . l ug: lh t: ~c/iovl, ( wl,j t: la 1:. Very \VtjJI iH IC tt ll«' t) ui 11.J C<t iCfull)' III UIIUgct.J . ) 01 11tJ jt( tf r: ltll ll t: .\l.r: Gut 111 1 : 1g\ u~u l• UII J 1 11 ~ luuu ly 111 t il~ l)or­~un :q,: t · . 1 he clwn~e --:tro•u Jt l cdj(Jt: ucc 111 L (,luJu n ,

Ull lO Uj:i r clat tiY t. IJ ltiiJ lrt• fHJ..,, W . s-uch t •IHif•; tlc d U •

~H uu uuu :sc_JMru liuu a.i diJI u1 Uu • ~; t :o , 11 may wel l IJ : ~ l ljlpO:.~U ~-. U.IJ Y1· r; ll.)' lll ,l! , u ut.J IIJ I\l H I"CIJUirUd

DUr iJ O C.:liii~ IJc qdJlc lll t:l i:"'U I C U/ (.;J Jrl &llnU 10(LilUUe

t .J ••·ukn •l .tUierullle. Ja "Od tlou:, ll ct~lf thl! u-. rt: llel Dll' i s upport to thu .u ll tal th \3 H IJ:JIJ vp utal hi!t pur1y w cru b ltlu to r c HJ alll U\-Cf the fi•ttt !ju rulny

1 1uhl tlaut

llt cy cuu!d partu ku t og~.:tl. l'f uf th ~ H .. t) t.:tHJIIIIU ..

fl llfll . Til ., t;r ~ hul' ) lfC •• J.; Iu .. J nJ Tltu JntJ J Ulltg Ul

L u wc r Hu · ~ c n, vJ tac•c l llo :"l.Jl' fllll ;~ 11 t wus utlllltlt­'• · C f .. cl lU l lt ll lj-lJt l \ ' 0 CUttl1HltliCUII Id 1 L,_,ellJ t ~ tlJ ~.· J•U r ly In lh" (.;IJU r'~ lt ~htp . lt1 th U U l t ·fl tOOII lh t) ll~ . :ohop t• r •. c•· c:dcd ll.J u t' Lo H I 1 ttuougll u &Jilek l u~, lo

J ppc r Lu • ~f1 t· , uu 1 llu: r tl prt~uC h t: U a bu. The H ..:v. i\Jr . lt vy.ea ftud b"1.t 0 1! lu llust :ieltll."tn c ul 111 tlt u UIUIIJ· uq;. u tatl p c rlt)fl ll t::tJ lt Jil ~t:n ace Willi tu~ lluJ y Cutn• :uuu10u. lu c.u:h JJi iiCU th tJ re 1~ u prOIIII::ill;,, ::) uo · Ju y t:5Cilu ol. At Low~ r Uuq;t::o t ll u l.:hu.c~u had lttcn Vt:ry COII c'tdc rulll ) c.Hi lnr gcc.J hy c.lw utlllHIUJl or u n o rth u10; ) ~ 1 lWu1ug th u wllul_, ltmgth ol tb ts Cll ur cil , :md nrlun.iln~ uccurnmor.Jrunu 1ur e; ixry pt:r=tu~s. AU \\utt , .. t:JI vcc upJcU uul} Jillui.J un :Suu ­duy, July :a:!J .

On ~lontluy m orn ing the fo6 !lull wh olly cleerod t.fr. ftJr. ftluuolaJu :::t'urt~ti rn u bou t tu ru1orn to llo•buur Hruon (70 " "'"•), intcndmg to coli "' all 1t1~ IIH t= rm~t.luttu ttcttleujentg. TIJC Church Slrtp snt la i.J ot 8 o'clock for St. G t:Jorga'd Huy, and waat oil Cup• ftny 111 •ho uvlltloug of that tlny. Oo reacbrng Suudy l'umt it wa:s c.Jas1ovcred tl1ot tbe R ev, ~1r. 1\leoK Lpd euoiJruced " " opportullll)'(ol \Cf~ raru oc.c urrc uce ) of goUJ ,o direct tu tit. Ju.hO'd;

JUST RECBIV~D. huv•!•!i •uflor~d wu cb- iucouven i~ nco lor n long

E Jt Lo J . .1 C c.uu~ . in co m~eq u e nce oJ Jbe loss o'r lxun clo1bea % BmsK, rom naun, a11u. on .. , Jtrom n·' · ·

u u provtswus 111 lhp vessel, whtch watt wr-.,cked Newpo1'1, luot ~'all,bruo~iog rbem 'and '"" •uo frum tiL John'•

· , -::o J'on ·a .. LB DY 'fll~>lliahop'• c.tj •ct wu•'lhu• m a grout meaaure ~ (~' ~ . \'9wQ n ~m unhO!JfJII}' cJ~ fealutl. Hu huLl iorentltd to cuolitlu ...U~ \,__~ · 41.'e ~ !Iii '1.11. ~.j.lil ~ •nd ":uutJoaater tlt.e HolY. Socranoent. Uo -bowcver

sldent futuilies . A s:oro wu• quickly oflior"tl and rather in fJres•n<ing and 4''JIIlrling tl)o sahnon prepar~d lor Sunduy •erYiC<>, oo1d on the mor11in~ caug ht by the E squ ;uonux . l'he.r ol•o. deol in furs (July allrh) \lle c...e w&o o cbu'cregotion ol 150 per• l'u rchu• e•l here, und i~ l!:sq<~ltiliiu?:IIo,y_ abo ut-J.O ~at.n.t, f!htetly wt>l'r) \w.tuJ uear ly as mnny in tht) u(lt~ r· 1111lcs fnnl.u:r uonh . . l\1r. Goo.lri~~e ,. ""\,Jae llJ~Ch nooo . ~on~ of uae ht:uds ol the f.anulied laud evt:r r.c:•dpccted Jge-ur, re!jid~s nl lJurt~pling :Is ~nd in huc.J un opportunity Of Ut:ing mnrri e-:J ;otl t e rwi~H thou the ~umiUer, I.Jut rel.urus to Ku~lnncJ every ~~~~~­hy public uti(J~t~iun ' hel nrc witn e~ts t:"S . Three cou .. Here •he popuhl1,1ou , whic(1 :ia lo.r,;u, i' almost eu­pl~8 werd now duly uwrnctl, uud nll the children liroly E!'qutmnux or Anglo-Ee.quimaux. !\iaoy of acJmtned il)IO 1hu churrh . Had 11\e re lll'e u longer 1h~u1 svl'uk ouly their own hlncun;e, and 8C\'erul uodce t~o1i.e mi ~ ht hove ~nunuJed tl•e flervac~e lrum aun hoth read nml write it. 'Thc.:a,e hpve Qee o iu-1t.e noi~ bbouraug huri.Jouttt; ntt Ulunc ~ablon to ~tructeU hy tile ~lorovian ~li s.sionariea rt:s1t.lent ut tl•6 suu:.h 1 nnc.fL'nn:oe a Lotqf' to thu nor lh ; but Nn111 ond tlne8 ot her etttub lie&hmeuU:IdOn this cona1. tb6 iutelliget•c~ arttJ opponuuu)"'"wcru couliucU 1.0 Nan1, 1he o~a. ro ~ t Of th em, is nhoul 300 miles front tins tluy uuly . ::iandw ic h B11y. In o •tore vrovide<lby Mr.GuollriJge

On Jl1onJov (July S l st) th e ll i• hop proceetleu in the lull•urvoce o'l our Church w.tScclcbrnto.l , witll L he H oly Sucrnmeut , Jor tho first tl rue, on SumJa.Y. n buat to 1anac ts. .\lurl, uuU Vl:iltt! l J tt. l~tghly res ·

p ect ub :e lumily JHII Jiati O!lvte~. T tu: hcml ~f thu ~ ~~g~tt~!: 1~,:~~di:1~~~~~=f~~~~~?~."'~J!~~w.J~=~~~~~~!~~~~ lumlly, nu 1-'ug liohnuw , luuJ JlveU 111 thid uci;.!l, ... tiu lf recetvf, f.! -sl.:< odults who cuultl uu~wcr for lh c m ; LuurhooJ uearly thirty y eH rd, und ita all lt tU t wu''

· sci•··•· 'J'hrcu uf the• u were C:, quimoux. All of had uavet et%Cil o t:ler~yman ol his 0\\'11 GLurch . ttll' lll llt.Hti~the r• ro l'er OluHvors donously tUJd inte ("" He was un tho point 0 1 rt~ cn oYill~ t o 1'\u \·u. ~~· ~11 1n I , lig"e111 l) i nruJ.uot th e leu.::»t so the poo r utliur~ . 'li.Jtll lur th.e purpo~c e.,( e ~ tuc u lliiG' hrs clnldc ru . J'lu·y Chot•lflins th en rcnuvt::d in10 the Church tfroHo who w t=re all rt:Ctii \'t·d in1u thlj Church uuU Onu dnugh~ h;ui .Godfullter!S 111111 (; ud uau . h~t~. The llltchop ocJ ... l t: r murried. · r ,,~ tJ r ~hup walk c.: \1 f• o m Lheucu w ,

d iC:tSCI I t11 C IIl 1US Ill t ile ut Jac r p larcs,ch itDy Oil fi..1 plid !lt l ... 'uuse a Luup , 'f\bere i\lr. S tu hh ho.~t1 u fiollin~ l':t · UIHI Bopu .:tsuu l pn vil euc::; nnd h::spouoiblliuc's . ~·bo

tuhli~hrucuf, t.> IIIJ JOYII'I; thHwe_.lJ tho SUtlJHlt:r unu d uy WUt4 lu:nu u tully fine, not.l Gud UJI(I CUTC tl to look bu ru..lrtd and th•ray huud.:;. ~ I _dv w u gttiCiously u u th t! tir~ l ndn.inr:t tra tion of I tli

Tbu Church Sh ip left F or te a u nn Tl1. tiHy , nnJ ll fC ·J!iVHI~ urdmam:e:, iu ~uod~\'t ch Buy . Thu ul-. reached Huol tj llu1bour the lullu w aug uiiCJIHJun . ccr uoou Hc rv ice , wh rch cum m t! IICcJ t'OOII oflc r 3 ltt,c, iu A swull T u :: klc, ~ ~: r u cu ••b r' gau.: d h\twt:c n u 'd•..-ck, was 1101 CLilCJudctl t ill nea t ly 7 . 1aiue 1y u.tJd .(Jil t) huaalr~tl -.·cs :-do lt u\JI d•lil.'n u t\,pu rt ::~ u 11 Mond a9 ond Tuu"day nror ulttJ.: ti t~riog'c's ol NcwfouUt.lluud, nil Uu~ 11y 0 11~aged 111 th t: ihb~r) . ' WtH.c c"~e~ratcd ; uud u1c u .., u;fl )l or ui 1~ :;ct,·ict:H, h itt Bu1U tlJut ull tin: c ' " "d toguth c r Ur au~ itoauu wuh l~..e_u :::ml , &c. / :!,000 qu ~u.tul tt VI fish Ill u Uuy. i\ t• Clc r gy wun uJ On Mondny, uftc r ilio Cflllrc1J v ra rcrs , scvrra. l our t.il•urd) h a .1 cv •n vmttcJ t hiS :scadcwu u l, ~vll,cll E~qui 1 uaux n:aall port fo113 .o f tll o t-C\ YICc t hey u sQ.p. t -us lhe .mo:Jt \pUIJUiuu:s, tl.ll tl lltU•I lr. queJHt!ll ol b l l di ti1\l uru\' lt1 1\ t;:totiOIIIf, I ~ 1:1, ufcou;:~~, i u lhu E.!i · on 1h0 Lob.ruJur. Mt . l.iu :sh Buutl dl , ( i\lc~l'r ::i. qulll• .J.UX ( 011 ~uag 1 !, uud np ptnrt:J to Uc u L 1tauy :5 itu.l~ 1d ug•n ~,) hituJiy lu ru i ~ hcU u· .:-.h.Jat: f,, r ihvii.C IHtt:d ~ l th ~i r pU 11llC WurSill p, c u :u rll t:Ucing yritb tbtj ttie l YIC~, uotllJu ltl uvccy tU lc:ul tuu t u thu Ut:.hv p ' ::t Lo n!':: 1,r, 1ytJr Ou t! lud, ~and wus, in 111 osL pon.:1 , rtqu~rc.UjtHiltj, uud wuul:~. Thu tS .uttJ ·.\' US nul lo. t,.;t~ , follo wt: c..l tty othcn!, \\ l!u 'SC l'IIJ Cd to kuow thc rr purts ellt.~ugh \O rt:ct:tvu ull who tlt::.ln.!IJ tu at tcud , 'houo'1 vt!ry P «' ll ~ct l y. 'J'Ia ~ ro Wt~re ·'"' lucnt J~u :ipbou s, ;j(}Opc:rdOOit Wt; tC UCCO tlllii VlbHa l. Or <" IO•VltcJ lll1 U I ur ~hurt I! ) ' IIIIIS , whrcl. thoy uJI S t:. llg lfi I.,IIIIS•Jil JU n

encll aerY~. On )::)uulJny lllurt,H•~ {Aug. ti) tho du 11 r !t(lll plcnaang lo ne. )J,~Uup ~~~crui.t}l "' g• u"o·c y ~tr :J o 11 \..i rcut tkafrf~: On T U :! t~t l uy , 1hc !!~t 1 J ol Attgus r, -t\ftcr Mor n in,; Iol/tkl, ruuJ, l·hu n~XL c.htyl HtJOtht:r on Curu i.Jou J::s . Ser¥-~C_, m tbu t>lore, tllo Bishop an•..l Jltls Cbn}!laiutt; .t..:ttd. · z:;,,.,ccs .ivoou...oU~. fJ t r. urwoLcm' lhc lllun ' wi th grc!Lt uuhoberi ot l'l!o iuh•birnnt•, mnlo untl c.lny nnd"'l'uel)d,,y an 'hu tttorc,uud ~n:ul liUiulicrs of f..:lm~l..,, p~et:det.l iu .,.three Uoo 1 ~ bcroSJ the B.1y, • 1ldrtu cc:CciVt.:U IIIlO tltu (..;uurch. It t.I Je-Ulii CC uf four w1lcs, to ·cOJ ISOcrtt ltt tho grnvc ...

rr-:4 d:.J..ay "tAt•g. 8) l.Jl c ;:,111J' ~ndeJ lor S1. yunL ·~~tc :ij,Ol cbo:~cn h!\tl lJOen U :i ~ ll fo r t!aut ptH"t Fruml ld .art.uur, u..ad here lhu ll1o110 p u11d hr :. posuhy~lau t t-J.tler;ja .nJti:et\lerP,Lulthc.E.~quiuluux , t i & t'Ud~ uro \\clcomod w•th 1uuc U LlJrtt~ttau knut. t d l w •tbi'tt-a- f~:.-w}•cu rd,, hod cuuunoetl thl! prncticu ua.r~ by M r. twJ r-,lr~. ~t.lldt:r fi . ,\l r. ;:::,u udef:i bu· of lu~· wt; th uir Jcac.J 10 tilt) c!c!!3 of rock.-= , nru.J pro· beeu ~ 1 ny yt.uutt ogt:t1t ol r. J c~tir~ ... . i-luut & Cv . le::. 111 ,r ,~ 1 ~ 111 wllh :nrge stot~ !S, rnth t• r t ho o Uury u~r ·1 ~tin ~ tllor e "u~ pru\' lddJ, ulul tiHJ rtUIIIJ\JII lht:lll 1.. tt jC ~;rouau.l. They hnd Oee n uccustometl ho1. "tiOrtltst..l v.:ry g voU ~cil l :S lu r a cuu~rugaU IJ II , fl U'" to pluco with tll u denc.l lJodi es Joo1l ond o.tbcr-cou suug Ill pun ut t:::.tJUIIuaux lm.:aaud . ::, t:v~ru J 11 ucessance lo r u juuruey. Now, howe\'er, ~ IDC'e ui tl t:UI ~tuu U~t p ~. z ~ d~ n111J ruutc t: o Up lcti luarrtcd. th e ir compurn1 in: cav 1l iz 1tion nnc.i corneraion to Thtt Ht :tbop p•ellCI•cl.f lWH.·c •• ,ud uti) III I : •~Lc.- rctl the C lari~t runny. rl.J cy Jullow tlt e CIJris tiun motltt ol: Hoi l:uwu&uluuu, thu tircu l lllll' , 11 lti iJ r e ~ u . t . td, twr 1a l1 u a&.J c..l l' si rc to huve th o pt nyers sa itJ nttb u IJy •! cJu•t.)''' ' li' ut uLH L.~tu · e• ' l o ll tht: L tdJra dur . ~ ru \ t: . They \'HHt: uut t lac leusl iutcrcsted and tfe .. 116 uvtS u.u t.: h 111~U IICd u ll u u t1 t X llurL .• Lh)H lo Cit:.! vu 11 t uf li to rtp cctu tu r:~ of 1hu servtcc of Coust!cta,. ii,:,q llllltt.UX ou lire.: a u l 'j 1 ct u l H.tj •ll i! lll. Uo Frr.. tlorr thtj d uy . The n.l IS 11 0 ocCil:'lf)H \0 gi\'C thctn duf {A ug. l..f') a gruvu ) ••·u l Wfl!i '-='ll. ~t.: Cifrttd. c re•lrt lor uuy grt~ ut d egrcu o l rdlc ct io u , lO bulicvu

T tus L:luarcu ::;lop cuu .d uut lt: av~ tlh~ tJuruo ur 11: thai, loukj ug \Jh..:.k ou :y u f c w)cur~J tlaey UJU::It hnve COOieq tJClU.: ttuftt ll u .. Y} .tt " Cd j UIHI Ud dt\: d u lll J W ll~ \\'OJHJ c r ed Ut t i.U CUll t f ;hil .Of t he t: VCtlfS IIOW tal-dug prutJucuvt: ul greut ll tCUI IV t'lltcu~;c, tilt: Basii'J j' u.., .. plt/c 11 , tLud of lht>lr cuuUJtiOJI und pro.:t pect.t., bOt h tenntllcll to ptul·_,~:d lu Jf,e V~· tH :,u l' biuw.J~, tw '- '"Y " ~.W.~ rhlly uuJ rcligiou: , us cp'wJic.re t.l 10 tbose of thcil· four 1111l td, 111 u 1Jua.1. 1\lr . Ji u )"l c d ncct.JUIPHilh.:d f 11 1lae r:i . lus L vn..lat ltlp, und tl•o)' f~.~ na.u U tt.dy H lltclh.l l tho The C laurch Sh ip hnJ now co a:i tcd . nlong n·eorly hnrbvur 1lu1L cvuu111g, ( Aueu:,t It lt . ) ~lr. H uwc, 250 111 ilcs uf Lahnu lor shore , nnd touched at 1hu

· (t\le~:~~rt . SlulltJ. u&:,uuiJ \t:• y ~o i • Uty r t:" CtH\'Ct ~ U11U p rmc 1pul St:: ltl e ru en lb occupieU or visited, Uy 1hu u .. tu rtnll '"d lla u Ui:.IJ o~ dnu ta ,o L. tlup ruru, m lil.ti Newfo uu dlun d or .l!:ns.J.~h traders nnd th;hormcn i c,wu )Htle t.Jw o llw~;. ·1 hv 11t: Xt Uuy ;\lr. ftu) h!:i ' , .. nncl o::t the .:, cn ~on wus gcu wg fur udvunccU, anti l. i&t: U ruuuy lttHg ld~· Htr.u ...: tC t dc ltlcl. t .i 111 u l.J u1t t. (J u u a ur..f rnrrt~io1 1 3 ill Ne:wtuundloud wore ex pocung !3utuluy lA ug. 11 ) lh c u ::l ua '. ~t:: t Y , ~;cd were l· v ldJrut- th e Bi::l tiOJ ,':i l·f tH illt~ t:: d VJ~i t , i( wu:s uot thou~ht etl 111 u ~:~ tvu~ ••• u~ 01 U) ~o.:l11 : \l. rt:u IJ, , ._, : az c, t uu_c.J r e ~ prudeu l tu p ruce t: J n11y tunher tu tile north. Ac .. cu tV csd 111 1u 111e Ghurcll . · n~b..._wu la c f 3, li t :w~ 111 ~ corJtJtgly, ou the ':l:Jn..l of .\ ugus t, ordcrt( wore giv­tSta rw u tt, \\t::ft; :\lo ~ u t aln t~ CI'd 1 l 1~c rallj' E'iqui- cu to rdttl rll, nud the Churc.:.U :::)hip wns agn in iu ur nux. 'l'l tu ltl'Ud ul o n e l lu rlil )' ;~u u\,tJ J ·)l•gll~h · 1 F urteuu LSuy on lfl d 25th, tSh•(lplnJ: only a "' (ew rww, tvh! 111_, B l.:tllup tla11L 11.: lnll l IJcou m ur ru: d to hour.:~ u t t h~ lilllo tit: I I! U11. cU ; ot til. .M oUuste, "hero a f;iOrL ol b ud· l• tc.h uu. He h ..a s u large lunuly 01 sOuJe cb1IJern wor~ lutp ll l.t:d. Uut:t 111 guwf~ duhJ'rc n, 1wu u t ~'h om, Ia: auJ J, huJ l.Jcen llupltZdd re tu rninno, tho l ce-i::duud~ were vory nuu1er6 u3 uutl t,y A~e· h • l t: acon \V tx, (n:t ho t:X~ rcs~t~U n •• uy llle rnu:ssi vu

1° und ,;rent cuurhJ U wus lh.:c~B.:Hlry 'to ovoid

ht:tsd ruuo ot .::it. Jutu/d,''J iu 1111: yuar 183 1. H tl Lhern; pnrticuls rly i n ti.Je_luuer t•nrt o t ~hd seuaonl cuuld IJUL rt'UJt::tui.Jt:r l t10 lt t~ ~> c.lluuu 'a ulltue; IJ ul tlle when they n rc Otuke u i1110 ti lllullur frug•nenhs, Archd uucou l1uiJ k••n11y lvJt ueh md u. 'l c:dtGfllt'tU whtch, thougl1 1 hnrJiy di~ccnulalu a. Uuvo Wllter, nr~t uot.l f'ruyur llook, 10 wh ich ho h nd writrtJu tJid ow tl qui1e lur-:e c uuugh tu cuut:16 tit;rtou~ Uua.unge Uy mu..IJ uumo auU 1ir.t~ oud tho uumt::tr uf th e ciJildrou Ito nen collloion. uouze~ . It IU U) be u grnuncauuo 10 tha t iuJ~Iiui· . Oo -::!onurdny (Aug. ~G: h) tho Chu•ch ::ihip pussed gahle vionecr of IJI(, t:Uurcll tu lcaru thut lh& ncro:ts tbo S tralld to Aucho r t>oi ut , on tho opposite H11bop .read a cltnplrr to thu poor mnn uod Jars cone.l of Newloundlo.1li, uutl rdmuml!d in lOe Boy ftt.mily frorn lhtl Tt:ai31HeU l thus vr~d~U ted de VtHI- of S t. H .rOtt thret: lin yd. On Suullny tJJe Utiunl ce~n yours ago. 'l'hu wl,ole J'uuuly, it Js h:ar~a, aurvices wet·e celei.Jrot_,u, U0 1.J.Iu thu allt::roooo cbal• nre 111 o tlcplur:1bl~ ol~tu ol ogoorou cti. It duJ 1101 de ru were admiuod IntO thu Church; ou tbe .foht uppear tbat lltu Archdcucon buu vtoHed auy other lowi,ug duy twu coupiMd ~ere married, outl a grove · ttc:ultuuent 011 tho Lnhrat.lor . · yurd cou~t:crlued. J\ w~s remarkutJ Vy tho rnot~~r

'l'llu good Church ::ihop !"•do her oppe• ru !oce on ul the HQUI•mcm tho< tihe had . hvetl tb orty.tbree l\1onJay muruiug.. haYIIi b wilh dotue u, tlh; u uy t:s ... } Our:~ in thut J,cigh uou rhu <.1, aud tJac.l Ut:Vdr eecn caveU Jrom ~t. t'ruuc1s Hu'rUO"' ou ctns pr~cddiug uuy Vle rgymau IJut a lt'reuch prie t~:t , on Lhe ahorv. OVOIIID!f, nftur the !lev. l'rlr. llur••Y hutl tWICe T ut loug-cheti•hcd ,, .... e ol l•er hearl" ...... , ceholor4ted public .erv•c~ tn 1bu otore. ltmg•h gutlllied, anti uhu decloted tbut t!•O tloy of

100 QR. C:ht\at Cilngou T.ffiA , remowetl two duyo, uud Jl'l>oched iu toe cburc b .w~~ twrce, llhd uu•ll• t!nqulrie• uboul tho i tute or lbo ~··811•• Novy ·BREAD 1•eopte. They •fll•~ur to · auffor muciJ lrom tile

~60 Bl"g• Corele'a alellt NA}LS;fro·m li IO WOII~ ~f.atari• • r•l .. and orioerproperly cooatitute.r 6 i'n«!hell · • • •u•bor.llloe. 4ttll}• time of "'" ll1~hup'e 'yi•lt ·lWO

·, -'-.u.so- • JI!•O "oie · k~~t iu cuacody by tbft oeognboure . for Drett'jj Superidr I!.ondcSd PORTER: and• Indl~ VIOle !\I conduc1, and uetbio1 could IJo klllod 1 uoLII

l'be uu1 uuy s11e •••led to tba Sen t ! • Ia nda; thll lltonop'iil vo•it wus tbu IIDIII"•• • ol hor ltf~. wbei"" cbo outy uunltu inbebirouro aru l!:squo. Tho land 111 llu• neighoourliood nppoard eX<:ullont; u,aux lodiaus, ·ur ra lUttr .Auglo - ~c:quiuuiu:t,-lf u.t outJ ··gume of allttontt itt abuodi\JH ~ Ju thu wintur '

• bead or tho f~injly be•og .io m i111y to••• au l!:ugli•u• d~ulu uru kollud tn lurg11 uuml11;rs, and. tho fi•llory . w•u • . ..B~t b!'re,••B io ov~ry otner hnrbuur ou t b" '"' alway 11ood. No1·~rt ot 'N u,.fuundlont! •oeuu · ,11bore, Wtsce uumeroua VCiifdels JrOIJI Uni:fU!!I, H &r.. to t.uak.u a t1urur or 1Je1\tcr return to . ioduatrJ. ' buur,Uraoe, &cv A crew .of Engh• hmon u1110 ro· ·: Lu11vhlg .1\llcho,r 1'uint on \V udnoodoy ( A'ug• ·

· !JI&iu in tlolll hollbdur, •• iu : nuwy othun, Ill rough 30tu) thu lJhu,rch l:iui1• encoumer~d. u~op . .of tbu .bea· tho WIUter, co kill .... 1. 10 !bo month VI .t>ecemb•r, 'Y l!•les tiO COUIIIIOII utthil IOU!IOU "'· tbd Sl(all• of eflef Wblcti ttboj.gu . in t~ tile woods to Ket fut5ur ll•He1dle. l'nao•wud oiucecod•tl by callutr and, iu C\llliwbe~ fur pooti .. & r., l)ov~r .. l COUJIIUd of JuJ . cou;R:lJUUuce, lhe uilamp• to reach i.a l'oulll,bJthtr

' dr.uu ~tud_hall fuoli&n• .were. mnrrlod by the lJior- . lirotl:iuud.yu• ::'eptliiiJiior, (the lu;( ul !wO l:luuda)lf 11, aou their cb11<!urn lmpuzed • . Other ~rue• w ino uamud lor tb · ue~cmuon ol tho u,t!\f Gbun:l> .YIJIIIOU ib. tbo o~i&hiJ.uuriug eo vet lttld borbours, .. uu 1or a C nfiflnll woe d<e~euted. : uu thac ·

P ,_;• v•1i' • ,..-.. · ' b 1 1 ' ' ' ilje'.iariinloo( a· .hip .ol' war. . . • , · , ·~-AUP,, t~ ,.,.ne ' ·ott eR • • •, Ou ':l!litlrocla,rtlto l.;llu•cb Sltip ,ailod •for · the

Part, .SherrY/ aodl.f.:.ildlo~ \YilfES;~ Bond 1· l.allrador cout,to couoiuoce a YOJ'•p1ool10 mucib .. · . ~. .a.f.!!.·v~ditJ. 8· .~,:, . . or eccrealutiaal "tiaitatl"@' &ocl iuperiutebdeilco ., . - _ ... .., &ti.a.:. o(di~ep•ery. ·.The lloo.if;yof.f"o.rteau , ll'u•inado Auau!·~ fl6. ." : . . ·' ' and 111lely Cf?l.er~4 aloout ,o u'cl~k, oo SanltdaJaf•

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~unrlay the Ctlurr.b strip \¥~ "'~ti~g Blf~~o' ~- -~to~·ONl A-l.. , · . '

zc a • - ; _ , , 1 t; ~ , o A g ; · ' ~ ~ • - :;; , .. -~#.. . c .\ . c: ' 3 *0~ '· . .: •

· W. Stewart-J~neral earfO. IJ.onr, Gtaba~, bead wind, the "bole day, i~ ~h~ of l.!a ~.,e, ~ud V &!iu~: . 8CI\I;fT ':ok' LA-KJ H ua.o~-!frO/>a/11_!/ ai it Willi with d if}icuhy that Divine SF.rvi'i:e cpulcJ· be lta~cU prrVAtd.-We receiY~I y~terdav'a ehp' Jro'm cel,..brarep on bo,ard. .! ~earful nig)lt follJwed;- the '·office 9t'ibe Huron· Gnetlf,~t~e •tb bh.; heuy re1n and f•~ueot ligb~ning,~t inter'ttsllt,with which Ienos bur l!ure \loubt ~hat a qataalJ"'pbe •i· •iolent JUfta of wio(t J.nd e trern~nt!o,l.· .. .;,., lt was rbilar in some re~p•ct~ to that of tbl.;~ Me .. 811 oeeujpn of l(rejlt ~~~~~n~fulnete t'flac the eflir•;at day riarch ltu &~ken pljlce OD) O(le o( our-; Hll4nd· ~. break,wll!lo und jullJ offche8ay; and Q( greater when 'J't.e drifli•itr' llebort of&~( t 'le OOJta'~it.hour eny ftt 6 o'clock, on ;\1ouday moa niog a he w···e •"T .. ly t•eraon m them makes ue fear it wa.-•o IU(~den aod moored in •be h•rbOtli; The new Cflurc~, wpicb t~ d~etruetion 8o complete that ••o ooo ~!t eecia is eJCOt:djpgJy wei~ bpllt ftO~ eornmodlli!-JII• Wllf e1l 10 givd aD SCCOUflt o! lbe tn lancb0J1 eyent Or conS4!cra!ed on~~~ morning, an•t llie coqfi,ma- eveo t.o t .. lt' chtt nomo of the ill·fllted vessel. Our tion ~elobr,a~et.l ·in the a : t~JliOO!J. The l'ti~p wett corr~81•o••d!'ot .. ays : - . ·

' d.,tai-nerl, by coottftry .wipdH aod calme, 1111 the ·~The eluirred upperworke of a larJe Steamer, . followin~ Mouday,(SfopJ. 11th) and. o ,viue Servtce or Propeller, werfl <11-iven !lllhore at Pine t\lint wer-ceieLraced in the Ct.ur'ch twice every day clur· ahnYe Gotlrricb, on Wedneadny laerl rbe iOtb ... t. iug the Brsbop'e · stay. 'Great and bleued ituletd th~ oircumfereuce of the moat be ina d,.aribelf t.o ie the progteu in thilt settltmeDt aioco the Bish!" ue ae a!Jout the. ~i cumferen,ce of yftalJfbarrel, 1be

-... op'e ~ret vieir, rhr~.e 'eiHI ago,-• Chureh duly tpa!lt itllelf coming ashore Bt 1\.iflt'&rdine. 1 ' be consecrated ,and rt-fti•lnrly' served l•y .a ret~icleno, C)Jr· d~ck ~tnd mae' of the nastol wt:r e burnt black. The· jlyman, wbere, befnre that p~riod, ell wu1 cDi'rL: - tol'm~• •n at>.,ut 18 nr 20 feet lonr; 11nd plliotetl nePe, darlmtll uhich could~. aod wna indeed, fell. w!liro. l't1any of th~ wooden btlOJ~• by wbicb th~seils

The Cbureh ~hrp ldt Le POtlle on the Mo••day are run up anti down the mut have drifte•l a~bore ofterpOOI), entl ruched, Bellnllage J:Say lhfl ne~t aod "{J~·r to huVA ht'~D <."Uta"'"' -&ilh an aae. 't'he evf'nin,. 1 be lli,shop coufir~t•t"tl in It• •". He.y, ~t yawl, .. hich i11 ubuut J8 or 20 rret in tLe lc.,el, Gr~le-.end Push· throu,h, and on,..Friday (Sepl. ~<> . ) paiuted lt·f\d colour inaidl", atul whiro whh. a an=en went , io n boot' tt. H~ruri1age Con; and trorn. rstri11e ou1'11de, hltt without auy oam" whatever on ah.en.ce on foot (r.rosl'ing Conaigr~ ~BY. in a hoat,) it , wee Mt ot all hurnt, but is t•o• io the posaeeeiou to thrbour Hrirdn . ·1 he Church iSht~, 10th~ mnJ of Mr. John ~JcGre~or, of Aehfieltl, •bo fouud time, went rou~'' ' und 10 ' the ttiglrt of Friday. en.. ~er Ill Pl-08 Point, ~hrre abe wu dtiYen ashore. counrereJ a tremeJidOUa t:aJe, She, howeYt:r, wr.e The burnt p r:tr t~ also of aotber small ~at h•fe beeu hrou,rht safe ahtf sound mto Horbour tirrrun on pickf'd "l!r Amu1r.:st the uriotut arritlea that th" S111urday. uorth-we~t wm•! hu driven in,aro.be\11\een 200 and

.On Sundny (Sepa. H) tbe Bish"P conseC.Tftlrd the .500 b~rrele ol ftour IHlcl Indian corn, r.· ick~d ~I' by Churrb' and Cfiur~h .. )tmf a~d contiu1ed j n che alter· Yarioue parties, bl!stween Kiuc'anJine a rd Godt:ricb , 11oon. The w'iud .woe 80 violt-ut rbat n 1auy candt· a Yllll't nun•bcr ur bo•e• ot candles and. rai~tin,., &r., «fa tee from nt>igL bo.uriDI hnt boun coulcl nc•t reec~ • fad ftl!'o an ·uuwe11ae ~uant1ly of lucifer mu tcbe8 io 'Ha1bour'Bri1on. Some arrived on the follnwing round bou11. Mony of ahe ftour barrels are toark· iiay, ar.d Wl're <'OOOrn:ed at the evenina Ferv1ce'. ed •·City Mills, D. ltarvey,' ' and other of lhe 1oodll On -~~does~oy t'he Bi;twp. areompanit·cl by i\h. ,.·covered lrom the "reck are dtreet~d ro the Sault Mount11in, proc~edetl to J:SeiiPOIIU». It "Ill bi~bly ~1. Marie and che M;ca Bay .M io ing Company. ~ratilying 10 fin.t.l lhe aood work8, be~un by li te late •• Thrre is toq OIIICh ~uon to leHr tll,Aat'1trOr Un" hi~trly ~~~~~d Mr. Polden, proe.-erinfr, hy (Jod'a con- tortupate ,.hip firet cau8bt fire and tben Mew~ ; t iu tu·d l•leP,sing, in' th~ bahda of 1111 friet•cl,1he ReY. lor tho var-ious l'lllti of the wreck tbat we have M.r. Man hall. The Cburr.h now rtquirta enlarge- eeen ind ica1e t!Hll the lim~r• hne bet: nriveu bUll•

mt>nl, and t1•ougf•, .unhftl'pily, tl •e n tftne ol lh·e der t..y eJpl01ion: 1'\o l.odiu have yet !teen d tll'O­people are not the I&Oie as when they erected 1b~ Yered , "'luctr 1-YU U8 the faitJl hope tl1a11 aa thelte ebur:c.h and ~hool oftheir own free- will offtrina!l, Yeaat'I!J ,tnernlly t.ur •he Auumctw abor~, tt.., men \he tr lllfecti.Of'l is Sti1,l eet_Jq ' be ho use and.POtviCe of m!ly have 88Yed .ftrt tnselvea O,Y taking 10 1118 boat8. their God, and 1hey tru" flun to fliYe ,ood etfecl A• a • p,.cia l ro.g~t10g of uw.g•et•a ~e!l held here )e~t .. 10 tl,ei r desires and J'1.8yer11, 10 U itt own wa)' and lprcla) • tt ""•• determint'd to eend eoneta bles alor•Je time . MailJ . J•artook of tl•tt Holy Commuruon in tlle t·oa~t to prot~ct abe recovesr"ri pwoperty, wb .cb the moroing, thor,tt. .Be4Ff'ral, unfortunately, were "~ •u•rer~:ly)Jo.t-----.ill be caretully prt!etJrved for l< ept off by od.n.r~e witult~, and could oot arnve lpe OW\ nt:r~ "anJ thot \tte farmers vD lhA lluron before I be middle of the .drty. Tbo younlf persore COJSC will flevc:r oilll ut ~hl'lt u.ott u~ramtc:.blt: name wtrecoufiiCht>d in the afternoon. On \"Vetlneeday, ol fl'rtd."tri .''-'J'o onio paper. 1he 27 h of Septt'mlter_, o graYe-yntd "al eonae~ Tt.e Qurbec Gnutu cuntams an extract fr?m the cratnl, aud ,.,ine J!el"&llll8 cnufimt-d, in the nti~e!l· Dtlrail 1-'rre Prcu, wh1ch cootJrma ttffl t1 Ulb' ol a bouriug serrhc,m er•t of t:ngl rah Htuoour ;-nfter ruuwur reepf'CIIug 1h.e to .. ofthl' propellt'r Golica•b •hich: on the sa.me day, u.tl ('burc h Ship left For- abc ut tl•e ~~~ ulc. , on Lake ti.uJon.-fc'roru the tune )ja~j, an1J 011 tht> nu• day at d loll -. win,: u iglt l arcountet gtvttn, it upJiearcs \bat 1bo Goliatl• w .. encounrued onother a"W\ful 111orru from rbe ~. ~- from Ot:troir, ht,und •u ttowe I ort 111 c ... a.ta, with Tl•e w ind 'ho wever f'Uddenly ehitttd roW .N . W., 111 a curgo lor t.ltltrreut Mu11ng Oontpanl~.; h is the niJ[I•t of'lhuredoy, and in tht' altt.rncfon ol Fr i- lltated thot on the mortu• ·g of .Jt'ricJ~J ~t4!22n~ .day ( MiC'l\aeln116 ;Pu)) the Church ShiJI wars dept~mber, atmut 4 u'clork ,whr n otl Ia .. oro •., aux ·Mrely arkhoted at tiurm . T be Biet•op ftad t•o & rquu, rl_t.e GC?I ... tt.a ~k. iO~ , ntu.l·; with ' lf t ter .. serVICes on .Aundl'ly {Oc't. ht) in lbe Couti•IIOD•e, r.t.l .. c:.xl'Lueioh, wu alanvsL iustalltly de~troy.,cl. •hict}.were l~rg' ly attended, 1t1e room lleia•1 more CaJllltit l''uller "' tlttt echw~ ~ ... .,.lJI~ wbu waa than rim. The congreption ttppeartl 10 appr~ci· at • duolauce ot ~about five &t~tee f,.orn~he ur,fonun­a1e tlJe Rev . Mr. G tatLttr('Uitl'll ea•icea aou '0 l)ro- ate Yellllel al the tllt16 of lbc 6rf',<llllii1CtJy hear~tbe fit hy t tt~m. ' I rr.port rtnll 1 ell ttu, ghock. 'I _lae lo-re~ of . i\ wu IK>

· I o b · . . . f u 1 . h 8 . h rnren~te 1hat 11 el.ook eT"ry 111nher m but Yett.e l. n r e eJ;reru11v.e lntuum o '" a<"enua t e 111 " I• N 1 d bo 1 h k ld h · d b h u l't1 '\ h .. H • o 10 Y ut• a~ rtf, 1e t 111 e, eou. awe aurYaved

JJr tP.~ p;;;.,, s~i&ll muier, arri~eci on ·'satur­de', Jo llt!,.n. Mq8a(oa & Kua, iu 17 day• from Greenoc:.k41 a copy of tbe Greenock .lldvcrliiU' of the lGrh current wae receiv~d at Muar.. Mc.:Cocun•e . ' . Readins Room; from wbieb "e learn ,thal a nr-icl or tuilly, tvitb a recommendation to 1be .. ercy

o~ &be Crown, "''18 g iYeo on the afrernoon 84 rbe

' ·P by tbe'Jury in tbe CWIO of Mr. Sllll'H 0'-Batlu•. Several JOf8el• had arrived at London and Sunder· land from tlethbur,h, 4o bo1ut'ot which there had beea' i:aeu of cholera on the voyag~ . Two coMe had . OCCjJrrec..l qo ooard •

1h.ulk at Woolwich un

S~w~!toy tbu 7th, and two rnore on Suuday, of w ... icb three terminote!J fdtally. So111e ca.e• bttd al.o Lleeo repor1eJ in Lambeth,aod several in Edin· .. burgh.

Mtbough tb~ general opinion ie lhnt cholera ie but eliihtly ~on1agiouet,it •• to ue hoped that both the Au rboril•es and our ci1 izene will be on the alerr;

that '}.~tautioe may he enforee\.1., auri 61th :-emoYed froQl our atree111 an" ,J,.nee ; nnd , abo_.ve all, that

temperance antJ personal eleaO IIUe• may lie jjeD· erally obeent>ct. '

Hill Excelle1tcy the G ove r nor, acrotnpnniec~y 1he H on. Mr. Crowdy, Colno i.rl S ecrf'•ory, pnid a hrief Yitit to thia districr lut • eek . Th .. y 81 arted from Sc. John'e to ff'lJSiil on Thu r..Jey, "nd (cak .. inJ bQtu tlrenc~) reached Cbaf'el Cove ancl finally Brigua the ume eYenm~, where tht>y put up tor rhe uight, "' ll1e t.o!lptlnllle re,.itll'nce of Cbllrlet~ C oz ens, E.q. Leaving Brigu~ tl•e ue'Xc mornin.c lhPy vi11 itel! Port cle Hrnn ancl Boy RoberiAI on their "ny tl'l" n, renrt11n2 this 'rowu «Uout lralf.pa"' two o'clock P . ... H ia Ext'ellenr1 havinl! tl'ele•l a few momt-n t8 ar thP. refltd r: nc§ of 1he li on. Thoma• R ic lley. proct'e~e•l 10 Car lton•·ar, w hr~ be had • ." ir•tervtew wi th R11bt. Pnck, E. .. q . at ttfrral He1reat. T o wards ni~ht Hu ExcHIJ~u,·y r e1u1 ned hi ber, anct p\•t up at Mr. Rtt.llt:y' .. , where he 1ue\ a adt!cl

\ f'Urty 1n danf'. AI J2 o'cluck "" Snturcf~ty bill Esrdl~>ncv ceom­

paoled loy Mr. Crowdy a••l Col. L a w, proteecJed ,,., nee in Antle's Pftrkrt (nr lhe CoYe.

Durin~ hie t-:xcellency't~ vPry rl'lpid J'rOft'el.ll thaoueh ~e d iffr rettt ... ulentt-n •ct he aeked a gr~al warie •y o f\ q uefttionfl, 1111cf oht,. •nPd (u we tue a ... eure1l ) H cot1aict~rat.le •uuoun• o l vllluoble iulonqauon fron1 the- partiei ullerroJattd, "" of whom w .. c~ d eliJCII tr.d ltf the OJtl•d rtuniry 1hus atforclf'd df.· &t~~~i~· iug ba1 EJccdlen.·y in ll•e funherauce of' bit ltie.¥•. · • • •••• .'\IIIOIIg Olbft r ftlftller .. or t•ubllc utility: H•• Er.cellency has orc1eted thac tlrA 'rr,.c•va ~tl•ou~ .re.__ 111t in hPrP tiuriug tlte winter.-Harbour Grrf« J;le JO'd, Oct 2~. . . •

.o:J ~ : .. t ' ' • Bi~op Mullock •ulminit~let"f"tl <.:onftrmati~ to'24-t

child( at the Koman c,.r h~tlrc chap .. I hPre on .;;. ny le~r, and, aul~itfqucntly 10 321 t'bildreu

at Carl near. the Lorcl11blJ bltlo announce•' rhar hy a re em· d h•p,.nwntton lrou1 Rome the ctttho lica in th~ tclltncl are now privile1ed to eat naeat on Sa­turday .- lbid.

Piqtou, ~o~~f-t.! M .Ste1tart'k Co·:-caule. Geor:: 1iaa, Purce9' Pielou, 9 daye, M. Stewln & C<J. -awoe.- · ; • · · -

Cl.~RED .

Oct. ~s.:- Ht~be, Rillinplly, Bolton, Job, Brother~ & oo.-a•ickled fi~b.

30.-Nautilu"• Xelly, ttalifn, R. Fip1ay~en1t. Clipper, Gearin, ~ydn~, the r.futer-bdlaer. Ariel, Lelllaoe, . Halifax, l>urpo & FoK-ult~ Bar~, Daniel, Sy.d9-~• R. O'Dwyer-ba\lu,.

LO.&,JlfG. ·

Oct. 17.-Lera, Oporao, W. • H. Tboma• & Co. 18 .-.:-United IJrothera, Boetoo, ,Huorere &-co . I~.~MJrtle, Pottuaai,W~ Gr~· e. ct ·f'.o; · 20"--;.~uttUan Maitf1 Pc:>rt~galr . lk \~. S,tewart. 24.~tiunler, TorlJoay, HQUn & <.:o. M. A. Fleming, Liverpool, W. GrM'f& & Co. !1!5.-MereeJita, SpaH1, C. F . Ben!"ett It Co, CoaiJtancia, Spain, C. F. ~naeu at Co •. l..aoreana, Spain, C. F. 88n-n~t &. Ctn- .,-Ar~mfte, Brietol: C. F.. Benoeu &"Co. · 9

Grow\er, Wat,{fqnl, Hunter~ & Co . 2&-CutereUa\ Cork, R. Al10p & Co. 27 .-Amaricau Lft.,., Portuaal, e. & N. Btabb .­Lirne·, Porcu'jcal, Job, Rrutl•era & vo. · Zeh .. 1111, Wettt Judiea, J .-& W . Sttwart. ~.-04hello, Greenock, Bni'V'• Johno~tpo & Co. fnvourtite LaM, Portugal, ~. ~ N. ~tubb. Eliz''- We~a lndt~a.::5lshb, Ruw & Co. W rUi1u11 fl ora tin. Llf'"rpool, Parker & Gleeson. 30 .-Cc 411ue tte, Wut lrHiiee,j:. Hariey.


Tbe GtpMl'J, on ber Yu1~e t1om Green~k to · rhia P'"'t• full in o,. tbe tlat ioet.1 in lat. ~0.24) ~OJ. 3'C:.5S , with tbe Medoea, DaYia r.lester, from Q0t1iwc to'·lielfallt, wl\ter loped. The crew,~ in no•u~r-~er.e •alren.on hoard the Gi'peey,aod Q,, rha 2~u& uraa., in ' lflt 49.30, lonJl . •U30,2S of thorn • "''V'e tren•f"u6d. 'to tho barque Envoy, bound too L onrtoed8rr)l. 1

o, •

The &tlaHtir., 'J;axtor in~tecu, frnm Leith ror Queher. , wa.c w~c~ed OJ). the nictw oS the 28th ·S ··p­u~m1Jer' ill> rite Stnlile of! BeiJP.iale ).Qfte r~ ~~~ ac:sug~r "'"& drowned: the crew, aud the OJb&c­pauenKer. ai~ in httmiler. w-:,e ~\t.Ol.l •. DIHI•tsiV;"eti in U••• por"oo Sunday. nettin&, ~ith. Coptaiu Cole, from l""\.tUin.Gte. · ·

- .. .. - . . \

... ilUI~lO • . ::~~~· ====~s===T~. h~jM==D~;~~--~==-~

( Tue1da~1 ) A•t ON:& ~ 'cloek,

.II( tlae Cotnm"'"lll S•les ROOIIISi

05 BARRELS ·Maadlin~s FLOUR V 65 Barrel• Superfine utUo 110 B•g• INDIAN COR!'_ · .. 1-24 ,Bn~s No. S BR E;.i\.1). 46 Kea• BUTTER. . ' 25 Banda Prune PQM. ~

, J.flM_.J;S S. CLJ E T, Ot"lober at . . . Aucliu~tl't,.


On Friday, lOth clOy q~ Nov. next· eecompanre y 1 e n ew. r. • 116, ' '''''"" ar 1 L · 1 b · I' ft b

.... - u a w--"" J I .• ul . . I I ,. v I • a 11101116111 . I Wtla Ul II t,~ug e rlllllDt . .. I 11

..uuur .uuu~t, .. uuy ~ llllu , .. a ceoua, .8 6 1' . a ell, t.err itio DOI&tt, 11nd 11ll w•-_ dark and tuU. aotf .~enn, and ceJe llrated two l«:niCea . •n t's cla Jr "'a11 supJ,~IIeu tha t tl1ete ware aoout=lb pereone

At TwELT'I o'd9ck,

ere l•nppy to le" rn rhoc rl.e zealou fll ftnd pu h.. - - . ON . THE P R~Ml:bES, . lie piritrd 'l'eetotolere or drill town, have IIC lenlloh . a Th.- IOtereAt (or •he ur.exptred terri) . IUC~etied in ohtftininl( 8 811118hle ,rOOIII in which "U o( S9 yea!"a from the J a\ day of

.of theae " eeuleoJenll, and confir~ecl 10 .•t.ree. 011 bo•r~ tbtt •1!-fdt~d veeael. .Great nu:mhere " ·ere. prevent~d me~twg the 811hop, !'JcToo OcToaa:R I !.I.- OEracnt.rrcT o• THE from ne•shbcwrtog tttl11nde, by rbn very teu•peetu.. Cacr 1' b · 1 h t .• 1 ' · b S d (U 8 H !1 . - • 111 nuw ~e.: .. aec~r a1oeu t till cue crop•

bous w~a~ tr. un "Y c:t. l wu •perr t rat 4 '' ol the past toeca~tuu io tb ia county will Dot Jleld an

to h ltl their weP.kly m.eeting,.~ an I tbatthe Socie ty, 11

· Sf"pl~>cnher lut , in the ne'W OWEJ, .. who hue been etarul~ng ns 1 ~ w ert~ on Ute dtsfeu- LlNG HOUSE wi• h a Y nrd in the

our uuue t. d ~ b h (uod · 1 'f11e Cl.ur.ch Ship sailed fro m Oc1erin to Je"Ye awerag~, 81 rr HAny uyf• " 1 1 " 1• ll()l IH ei

eive o r the 1881 tw_e lve- ntontbe, ~ utencl _no w ~o -~e· rear, aud l"rontog 8 on the \\' aiPrsidt', ad-sun1e rb•ir 11g2rt!881Y., ~harncrer an all Ill prtt-ltOt> . · . · h H 1 1 1 b 'I b M J • aoates tur llae auppurt o lbe people. lo tleraaom

~lacent lll .Bay .011 T~urklay ftht:rnoon, 1 he, ~2•b ~h, tt i• ttlftred, th"t Jf all tbt1 luod raiee•l tltere mat., oud havptly arrtv~t 111 Furylar.cl on F rtdny were t~quttlly d i vad~d u would .-ut support all th~

-eventnR, 11 . short. tuue be lure •t•e gale came up fr"111 t•eopl., lor lvur muutlltt, ao me of the poor aettle r11 &ho .N.E.. 10 whrch 80 111~0Y •e~sdAI we re blowo off ••II find thtrullelve• W1tl111ut llread at U•e eod ol the cou•, IUltl &t!Veral, ll ae fea red .• 1?81, On S~- oue. h •• • pa~u•ful pro:o pect to lot.~k (or,.-ard to,

f'Oe~y. Tltey ftrO in fact fu!ly rtsasolvep to beard. J OUitng 1 _e o uee 8 8 Y ~ 1 1 Y. .r . OHN' the Jioo in Ul tt Jeu _ ]l), it, · EAGAN, tn Water Street) lffimf'n aate ty to the

· · _ \ \\'~stward nf Mealtrs .J . "- W . S-r.ltWAR'f'a

Pl"em i•ea,

,turday, cbohgh 1be v~,.•el waa walhiD a cl\l.le" .. ut no w 1111 1 1· lh o&lh J 1 to c 1 · b u 1ts "'"' ur c:s .. o e peup e pns • ength or t e !-bore, no por~on could land ull tbe tic" eeouomr Cllre anll ae lf · relil\uca. we ought to

,arternuon, 10 conl!equeuce of the bhfY sea. . lrv., ~l•utiugly aud ll i•l oue anut1te.'. !Jut public Oo SundAy (Oct. 15 h) the wea1b~r waa laepp ly r bariry cnnovc he grven to all h ••uat be cU'tlfiued

fin«f", aud the_ at rvtc .. a o.l rlre Chu•cl. well auend.,d. to tl1o11e 10 a Leolu •e wnut au~ Dtde.airy .-&11~,. ·Jn the eyenang the liaehop odm•n•a•ered tho Holy CluKmick. .- J

~acrament, and '" th& alu,ruooo ltd~ a t.:ou6uua... · Muao~:a.-A man by tbtt name of ~t!il Mcl''tt ·.tron. fwelve youu,r pertiOna·of Frrr yleud and tbe dycw, "'bo hae lwt'd for fOIUU lit11e el tbe .Riue ;ne~~hboud: ·g eettlt>mlln~ of Aquafort, !~ne"f'tJ on l'tounlll llllf, Wal RIT8dled la•t Wdl rr. 011. clusrge ol ·lhle OCCartiOD tbe •r 1•npu.nral •VOW8 . 1 bu Hr .. hup ffiUrch:r . n.~ Clrt'UnltllttliiCt'. on w hicb the ,:trar~e preached at eacb eerY.tee. 111 tuunrled, 11111 near tall we can lea~rn, are ae lol · • The same ~te"tces we•e celebrared the next •ifty tow,.; -

Co~ llOI'I I! l\ ' e bQU&s r.-On) estorday tnorning, on the whllrf of Messrs. J ub Brolhera &. Co. , h6fore

Aaron Hogeen. E"fl ·• and "Cor~ner'l J ury . upo n the body of George lloope r, seaman, late of the

:brigantine Lima, be loo~ i~g to etticl firm. h appeared upon the e~dence of tbtt 1rrltchmen ,

Nrcl•olu Christopher, tha\1 th ree of tho aeemen

Cllllle down upon the whart~a I1Hie ,.fter rnidn igh•, - they mighthne been a liu heartt.but were v,.ry

quietnnd in goO\hpirill . T _ •"~ down "\!Vu ... be ai<le of the vtbarr, and tbe decu~d-~ufortv~ately fell ever between the hunber- boat and tire w bRrf, and Wll not again Cound Until yuterdeJ moroiDit

when .the llotly wu ~akea up by jinere. Or. Sb"a' twnrn.=--Statect that ~he deeeued bad

r«eiYed aorne injur1 of t~o bend ; hut be belieYed that as I'O diatUrltanee or q•u.rre ll ina bad beeo proy· ed, rbat rhe full (roan che "harf against tbe aide of the boat had e~~.ueeft h. a d al•~ bit more IUddeo

-~~ Kenewe, v r;, 1 ~e lioly Sacr.anae ul ill a he .r.n~ru - Sun1e time in /une leet, h~ Jeft Jl~11i1oucb~, N. ang, nnd the ~ontirmatrou !f! •.tr" uftd ruO(In. l'our 8., where lre pall llern "'orktnl donne the WIUter, oper~ne were. ~on61me•l · J 1116 '¥11f 1be last .eule- rn company wuh a ) ouug mau uamet.! Cnrr, wbo ·ment to be Y181te6, anti 011 ' tl1_, lnllowtng mor~••nl{, "a• r.otutug tu t'tc lou u 11 iftid to purchase a 10cr. 17th) the ~eoocl t;l: urch Sh•p ~t>ile~d for S1. team ot' Lor.ea , ~ciogthr ~•lh blm ~ •um of mon~>y ~ultn'e, aud hy 9 <.'clock t hat eveurn~ wao• \aeati.otr for tbat a)ur.,~ . Wben parr had beeo tolfle ·Joto tbe harbou'r, and wse ~Won eaf,ly ac anclror; urue frolu home bi• ta(her boeomiol anx .ou• huiog; hy the good· ha11d of t.;oo UJ.ton lo'Jr, JH!r• ahqu1 bim, wrote :o eo iDll••ittutlat 'be Eut ILnr fotOled !hltl vrmr~ted &tid periloue YO}IIge ~ithOUI W_llh ~~.e. r~queatt tba& he would make mquirf (o: -eoy acet~e.ut or lmuJrllnee· of the _leaat mtln,ltrtt; hun. 1 tn• ?t'riiOD accordio~ly qu.,ationtsd McFa­·b~,_ed, u II humbly boveJ, for the= ble,·a•nc• •lie d.f•Ji u lo whether he koew wbt:rtt tbe JOJ#DI death hy immersion in the water~ coapeyed. . . · · m•u had 1006, aud recei•ed for anew~r t)iat be ye,.dict, ...:." .iJcficltttl~li!J a·roUJfttd by /a!li"lf i~to · Much _cre.lu 11 due t_o l~e ma.erer, Mr. J. Rq~ar - knew no&biu1 abou& him, u tbey h~ p~rtecl at Ou_ M:J6our ~lwrera IJ., lu,./ltr-boal and tiM wltarf. ' ry, for b•• all. til anc..l paane 1n fb e man.c~·~• .. n.t ut the Mrramlcbi. h eut.&equ11otl~ becftqte ~01Wn, how .... _ rfimu of WeJriutllzy. te_~~el, and ~the ~bole crew f.,r"thcur wrllms and ev~r, tltat McF .. d,au aud Cllrr ba heen eeen to.. "!...~~~~--..;-~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!' :fattbful aentce. · ' · Hetlrtsr 1-, a .-ereou who waa aeql\.atnled with lhem MA,Jlat~o,-.On Saturday e•e~in1. l••t, 11 tlte P•·

. AU were- merc!fullJ prea~r1ed rrorn h.u~t aQd IJotb, aa tar ou rb ts Jr wey hooae laaWalh •• e ... d alao rorhial tk bool-hnusf', bJ the R~t, T. it. H. Bridge, ••e~neM, and, uo~1f tbo lawt day, tl•e t _uod phul't.~ 1 bat a vereou auewe:ru•1 · al•e dtaeription rinn of Rtcu.u., ..&...Oa&,.JiO lht..&T, friuter~ )'OUDihl eou ol Sb1p bad not •reee1~ed a ·~•ch• or "''•'"• or lhst • Carr b1 hie father, Wh t«n io compan7 wi1h tbe the la.te Lorenzo' Hurn11, of Hal.faz, mert·banr, to ·ro(l~ or •par. Tba1 may JU•t~y .be ret~rcled aa a • U• I•ected ruurderer at the- ~aet ~eur tbe cfey be ~Lt&.&a&TK, "ldeet dau8hterof Mr, R. Powet, Mil• •ubseet or aba~lulnt'e.., when tt •• con.ult,rt'tl _,,,., euiv~_tl tbue. · Us10n tl•ete drcumeta.neea being maker. of ibis to••·

. the ~hole dtatance aaeled !>Ycr~konirrf1 dufdtrt ct ~de kJlowt, . Mt Fad)•U "a• arree~, to under~o !!!!!!~-'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!III,'!!S!E!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!' l'~D _rom pla~IO place, ""• IIMI~o male•, anti th 111 e~~auaiuettt.o before tl•e o••lifltratea; aud ahort" 8Jl%JtPJ•9' l~'I'JlLJ'.I~B-011~ :ttme ocou~ fou,rtee n we~k• and fivcf da1•; and ly aherwarde the bvt.ly uf a ni1tU pra• toulld ' if! tb• - .... ~--'"""'~'F.J.-="'!_~-o::::::.======·=====·=-

. ttJat the e~o 1tae ~n UllUIUaJiy lemvellfliOU,. woods r.eu I he ~tl•ontr'• OOlllf •itb h#11 11khlf • · UaJV~D, ....,. •

4• 0 tbet osen W,Duld lbert!for.r ·prai .. tha .f.ord fCJr '.t.ruken and bQriug .uJ#.feat ma• ke bf •k»leaee, bur Qct. 2a:-Helene, M~h.baace, Ahnoa; Si•bb, Row Uie loodDeaa; •,aud d• cJare lt•e wonder• Jt•aL. He decumpo••tiuu bad eo tar ad•aarctd &hal " waa ' &c. lfololwood~roU.ioos. Paulit.aa,Sartie, Vii .. doe~ J~r ·tbe chitdern 6£ meu! . 'J'ttal th~' •ould eca.,n.•t:IJ JJonihle w ideutifl the remains. , ~e•~•l · lageicia, lp daya, L. "o "d .rien • · eo:..:..bellaat. • enlt- lfa01 ·a~ AI. th• t"On&rrta'"m of 1647 a~ople, artu:Jet o f elolbtDI w•re auuod ia the preeuu er'a 30- G·J*I~t Skeeo, ~r.-ock, 17 dat, Me-• •= praiae Hua to tte ..,.., o( tbe eldete. u · ( t'a. po,.ntiuo, •1"-t'IDI- 't ith the deec.riptiOIII~D •1 ·Bride & JUrr-atneral oarp. Seeler, •ro•1• ·J • ~ 11-~ , . : · · • · · • • -Mr. Ca(r, .,eur., .uf ,tbe clpt .. rua wcua -tty tbe !ahi..Sure, J7 claJt, S.loe, -lohnttoo ·Po.-•. lbe IJ•f.op,wt.th b11 ~o~~moot, teiU!Ded pu~ ·eo~ ~beu be Jcr:Jt f•IJ~te, aocl aiiiO a clotb ..... wub 8our._' o ~~erial 'Wor!)I,,.AtweU, Baldmoie,~.l . B. he tlaaUI a or ....... .,,... lfltiOO; aDd ,. eeaud .... • ......... uf tbe ......... ..,... iar lite ........ Me:. ~rn-. &. eo., J.rOYIIieoe. U.aoer, Card, .... .Cber 1M ~olr' s-on~llt,"ID &be C.n!1.rat llool,' l"iaiiJaP il ucw iu ja.ilewahia1.bil uial.al the !u; Y'•k• lti 4~ l' ... BOJR800 II. R0o-proYieiou. • ... ,.,. .. .,.... ••r rttcura; ·btjnJ ...._ .,,(•• Court •laicli lic.t ~oaT....., die 17.h J'Mite ~,lll'Dt.,·SJd1MJ•841at., &Ho~ri•J \ .... &,-w •. ~ . I ..... . . ' • • c .. .. • .-liN.· . . . ' I R ... ,... n __ :....:__,_k nn .... I .. . .. .. ••• • ' • • t • 0 ·~. _..,.,...r,~ ,...,_,.,.~,..

""\ • • # • • I .,. -.• ,_. ,. • II • ..

The whole eubje.ct tn .8 ground ..rent. ,o.f, o,nly Thirty- • e ven Pounds Ten Shil l in~Za CVJff'"f 1


pe r annum. R . PROWSE;.,

October ':l6 . Aucliouee r ,.

On 'Vedn~sday, 7th ~oTember · Next, at Tw&LV£ c'clodk, · ·· .


l ;nlt11 f1Tt fJ iowly di~td of by pricalt coJtlrarl._ of.which dru noliu will be gioe~t,

A •ub.tential, newly built, snd,plt4:1-111nt~1 a it uated 'C 0 T 'fA G.E . on Marsh Hill, at preeenl in tht oecu .. pancy of Mr. J oHN McDo!'f.AOR,

Architect, beiog 3! feet jn front, and 3.'? feet io defJib, with a balcooy in tberear opening on a connniont YaNJ. e ird • ~lower·pl~tt in ~root thereof,-for an u~ttlJf1ired term of Twenty• eiah\ Jeara. from tlae llt .. Nonmbor oex~ .­Tbe foundation wall• ate of ltone and hme, the tidea brick"D0£16l, ao<l.t.he1iD •e rior coiled-. tbrouabopt. . . . ·

Tbe lowttr floor compritea an excellent Cel­lar ; a larae Kitchen, well nntilated and. liahte d ; ~nd ~ pump-boUle~ eo·~Joaih) a neYer· failina Well of moal exoeUent ~~er. On lbe lround fioor are • Lobby. a in'l Sl,a ir-caae.; a Dan ina Room,J.P feet bJ _14 feet..; :A .Draw• · ina Room, . 16 by 16 feet, . and tftree other­Ruom•;of8 by fO,aad.Bbr . t,,aod8 byl4; .•. the upper ll~f ~0!\l~iDI fo~f &oCMl•Atlic. 8eei­RooJJll. Tbe e:ateut of Jr'Ou~ 11 St feet oo Gower Street aod 9i foet ie•r•ae. the JYhole aubject 1'o t4o arowulfy8Dl~qf £ji currency P•F aaoqmJ. • , . ...) . ·• . 'i ~ . ··A tie" o~ tbe· CoU•,. ~•Atf .,PNIDU... · may

"be bad '"' ~.;, pretiou ~o·.-. ....... b1, appiJ·. iaa to Mr.1bbil M~aab. tb• ,_.a, oc· cupaot, aud ~~ct P._ArtiC:alara .. , ,be obtaioed at tbe ofti!:• of.11\* Sablcr.iber. ,._a:e •., plaa aacl teetioD o~~tal• -~1 .. ~ll.o .,. .. ~ ...

P:a._&o~t. · . ..v~...., . . .



' ·'

" . . 1 .



I . e I

"' I (h l ::" , . .e::." .. . f 1.

' <

Notltt •. . . . mo -~~l])~m .

WILL let oo Le.aJe, . or otherwiee, the SHOPS and .DWELLINGS in the

. ra_n~e .jmmediat~atward of h~ owo Pre­)lllsee, and will ellher .~iab them for the Te· nanta, or ollow aoy Tell~t thlft may .enga~e to. 'ft~ish. ~he H~uae h.e jntenda .oc.cu pying out of the firat year 1 l,ttult. The Houeea bt-ing very ·apacioua an'<! in the moal. central part ~ t~· towo, ara ~oe,t deai.rable for any puraon

,washmg to do a Jar~• buaioen. · The Houaee m•y lie es:a~oed at any time{

.and t~rnu made known oo application. Oct. 14. (5\i2i.-w.)

~n Sale.


AN~ 5'QR I!IA\L&

R Y 'I' HE S U Bs·c.R I BE RS,

2()() BARR~LS ~petfin.,_ Ftoor to H atf-burrele dn'o ditlo

.SO Berrel~t Corn Meal 00 Ditt o Prime PQrk · · lQ Di·to Ptg•'}ol(•s


2 Hogsheads Smoked di~t~ · 70 Bags Indian Corn-2 buehela each 25 Bo.1~a Hoo~y-dew Tobacco 60 Boxes Mould Ctaodlea-6's, S's, &.. lO's

100 Bttltimur.,•cured H.1ma 25 Dozeu Carpel ilroums

• 50 Boxes Prime Cheese 5 ( 'as.ea con~inr~g tOO ir~aa Matches 3 Barr·ets. 250 dor.e_~t Blacking.

JAME'S FOX & Co. October 3-l • (2w.)

BY OLIJ"T WOOD 1c. 00. Ex "Htlt.M," frotn H.8.MBURGH,

OATM E >\L- in Barrels and H !'\If barrels -QAT G HITS- in Half barre Ia

HOILIN6 Pt:ASB-io Burr-el" aa1d Half bls OlU~.: ~N P~A~.E.- '" Fatkioa and Kege EAdem CHEE~B \\'~atphalla HA~JS

E.r "Sttphm G. Ban,., from JVE Jf'•YORK, 8-4 Ragtt gooc 'bREAD ~0 Harrels h1gh-1'roof -RUM


Pr~me Novll Scntin aud Amt-rican. ~u:r;r~~ SupMfine FLOUR, Indian MEAL ·. · Congo. Soa~~on.:, Twtualuy, Bubea ._.And

Hy~tun S kin TEAS St . 1 >omiu~o c Ofi' FEE MolaV~'JI lllld ~ugnr, Rice We.~t ,lf\ija H_U \1 , Fi,~ruf'ir~ Port WINF. .v 111e~ur , Ca,ve t~dnth TobRcco L1verpool SO.\_P, 'White LbaG Putty and L~nseed !)d TUKPENT!NE Cordage, Ca nvas•, Oak,~~. &,c ._&c . &.e.

Octooer 31 . 41ns

-----------------------------------60 pu!\S. c hoice MuscovaJo Mul!lt~8ee J50 Barrel.t •u~rfiue Ohio Flo~r

50 Keg• Pr1mu Hutter, Ju1t lanl td and for l•llt bv

PETER ROG~RSON ~ SON. Oo~ob~r 31.

V nHis Cor ~ale, .... -1'he fine o~w Bri4J~otuwt ·

''Georgina,'' Or Pictou, tvl Tuns,N.M., launched in April laer, i•

1Ut'1118tHI•Jty ltu )1 , \\eJl (ountJ io taill, ri~tl(ifll(, &c., end w 1ll t,e found in nery way e moat dtt·

·..-irat';)le nsael fur toe trade of tbw couutry. . . -A.uo-

-~ Tb" Urigaotino

3zl2. ''Rover,'' ·or Pictou. B.l Too•~N.M .• well fnund in Ail•, ric•

flO,, &t., and en eter' . way a sui1etJ!e n~Hl for \bia &rade. Fur further partlcul.r• apJ•Iy to

M. STEW ART & Co. Oet. 31. ~B.-SboaW we Oumnts not be eold in a fa•

d~Jt, tbe .-ilt J.ke a ~rler for '"1 port io Uri;. .ta1n. M. 8 . .. Co.

-.._::. \

, ,' •• oi


"""'' ) '--· .

·-;.:.r .. ~-;:-· -~

4 t .- * /. £ I , i , f .

.. " J , ., .. "" >lj • ) t ! a

.__ TB't · HORl\liN.G .-COURIEJL ·- ,. I I

· · The Brigantine . ~ . ,


Er JANE fron~ Lit1erpool, · .~·''Lo.v~ly Mary,'t

. per Registflr 134 Tons, .fJ .;M. She _.t\8 ·ttauo'ehed at P. E, Island in the fa~~ of ~ FURTHER SUPPLY 0~

LADlE$' CLOTH BOOTS Oitto Petersham •and So ow ditto

Diu~ .. satin, ~id, Cordovan, V ~nel,an, .a"'­. Carpet Sltppera . --.J ,

Gentlemen's Black and Dr all C\6\.ll Boot~ •

. ~ aod Blucber , Wellington, Clarence) ~

~ BOOTS · ~ 4lll Deck ~O"'ta ~ • Men's, Wo'!len'~. Boya' and Children's 'Shoee J-lair ,Jtnd -t'ork Soles · Dec!l! Wellington, Kip Front• and Baclu~ Welltngton Gual Front& aod ll.4cka French t'alf Grafta · Cordova(), Calf, ~~P: aod Graine~ .({ip Roan, Llt;fnb, Baodaog, Chamois. Skins aod

Barvila . · · Sole and lnaole L~~tber, : · ·

A:"'D lN


ta4i} ~- aoderwent a •borough ove{'haulinl last ye~r in Cork, bad oak beam• put into her, aod ~as refaa~e~d · e.he is po.w f~d in a suit of Salle of lbe beat Gouruc!k Caovau, n new Ice Towline and Wo~Unts. and all ' ne~P.ssa-ries ·adap!ed forr t~e Sea~ ,F iehery, She will

·carry 115 Tuns of Oil. and will be fo.und so all re~pP.cts a moat c!e,irable weasel for . the ge,neral l~ade o_f tbe J.l~'lld.

-.. ALSO

, The Brigantio~


'' Elizabeth '' \ '

Burth,.a~~ Registe.r 117 tona, N.M., wa1 launched in •he year lf45; ahe is fouod in all ~ate rials nec.,saary for th3 Seal Fishery, aoct will carry 110 runs Oil ; aaila fAst. and is well adapted for the Seal Fishery. Terms atcom-·moda iog •

luveotor it~s may be aoeo, and further par­ti,:ulau made known, ou application to

. H. O'D\VYER.

· ....... ,

- ;


' )

' . •. '

I . ~ I

-Cll)n SJlt.. ·

.. :~

. v .-


LD.NRON BOOl STOJ\Jt - 0. ' '

Re~e'"~d per " .Funchaj.(' "~q.~til\an.Maid, u

and ' ' pe,'cOft, '' . · A GZN,ER.A.L ASSORTMENT Of'

BO<!J.fS, s.r AT.lONERY . . HARD}¥ ARE; _ and PERft1MER.~

.llll of .'which ~ill ~ Sold "¥w ~r MS'll. Jam~ JoseJ-~ Graham.

October :!6. • A. &1 R. )3LACKWO$,

Have Just Recei\·ed from Lo~oo~, . • A. STOcac ()F


&c. &.c_, Oct. 24.


INDUSTRY, . A (ew sets Tea Trnys, Japanned Trays, ~aiters ; ~pice Boxes Tea C addieB; ~len 's &tH.I Boys' Skut.ea Powd~r Flot~ks, Sltot B~ltat

Oct.24. (3w.)

~- I By R. & J. s. RlJ1.'11ERFORD, Ez •' PEnsE'VERANCE,,. Jrum Sydtaty,

Qf the Burthe n of 31. T ons N . M . , a deBirab)e Vesllt!l ue ·n OodBter, 11; well bwlt, nod sails faet.

' HALL's Sportiug Powder,


Corpeting, f'IQor Oil C loth Wilton Hugs, Door Mat11.

70 . TUBS PRll\lE BUTTER. Terms of poyme~t .made accommod.at&ng ~o

purchasers. For lurthe.r particulns apJ)Iy to


Oct. 28. "

~ TU& Fl~C

:21!. Briift. '' Pa~ket,'' Exprttss~y'built f::>r th~ SeRl FiRIJerJ, burthco pt~r R~g1ster 82 Tons, 3 yenrs old, in complete order.


Oct. 3. Sept . 26.


l:I AS B. EC El V..ED., ri:IAT Pll'f.E G


1 8Vl\Dl£TRY, and C.uT..tLIAN Muo, fro-m Liverpool,

'' Z • , , : -ltbnnr CuzysJ::L.L, J.ro-nt _Loniiou and ScoTT~s.u LAss, rrom G reen ock tpcoon, · ·. · J' . I


CORipl.,tuly fitted oul thia Sprin~ in eYery re- AN .~?'TENSIV .. ; ANP WELL S~E{;1'ED S.UPPLY OF

~i~.~:~1;:;rip;;·::~J'~·~ ~0000~;:d .. ~;. ·:-.~J~Jl]§H MANUF AGTU~~D G001)S, o"'. I!& _, sA IN E~ J?_H N_?T~~;:o ~; l- -~-~· ~ ... ~:···~ "'1'8.~ . _ ...... ·:.-·· ~-<:. ~F ~·HIC\1 ... ~ "rR&AbY J'OR ,M_.,..CT •• N •:r . HIS

i.Y<n:W' 11&.~l:IDII (1:}9

- . ; . -· · . ' . ' · . . . 'q . Ez ExPORTER, from Ballimort:·- he d&sposed of at a very low figure, aod on accommodtrtiog terms,

ao4 BAHR.ELS Superfine and ~1sddlings ' \J FLOUR -coNslstJ~G. o,.-50 Barrel~ Corn 1\J E AL cL6THS-Bla-ck, B lue, Medley, and Treble B. 'M etal _Tea-potR, Co.1fee ... .pots o.nd Spoons

JIJO Half. barrels ditto · 1- Mjll'ed · LockM, Ht.Dges, nod Screws, of every deacri}" . 74 Barrels P ark Pil, Cloth", Beavers, Flueh ings , and Water lJo.o

1 Hogshf>ad und 4 barrels Smoked Joles Pro?f Cont iogs . Plaoes-Jojoling,. J ack, !ryi?g aud Mouldin( I 13 llng• Indian l'orn TROWSEH.INGS-Doe and &cksktnt, Cas- Brushes-Sc.rubbrng, Pamt, far and Hearth 1 ~4 V111o No 2 Breod, 45 K egs Bolter \eimeres. ~it-lbourne Strip~. and Fancy Cornice Ends, Pole Rings, Curtain Baods

20 Boxt.s Mould C andl.:a--sixes aud . ens . Tweed1i . - and Rings Ex L.a.nKfrmn HaU.Jax VESTINliS--Figured and Plain S...atin, Fan- SaucepaoB, ~namelled a.nd T in'd

JO Barrel• Nova Scolia Pork cy Cauintll, r.Iarseilles, a rtd Livery -o\..X:to-10 Dillo Mutcovado S ugar. Stripn Sol.lcilong, Congo( a.od Twankay

r.:c ~ltamrr UNI CO RN firom Hnli'az : CLOAKING~-Faocy Sfripea and Checks a a H !.1' _Drills, 1\Joleskins, Velveteens TEAC'f

14 og~theuda v1:ryVat~~u.g .Proof Demerara _Frenc~ Merinoes, Orler.us, Alpaca, and Ber- "' ~, ~ . ~ n• · lin C loth• \

Blanket•, Kerseys , serlget~, Paddings Refined and Brown SUG~R AN D OF FORM£1l ll\1POI\.tlTIONS,

Cavendi1h and Roney.dew Tob11cco Wb1te Beane, No. I, 2, and 3 Bread Soap, P1pea. Srnoked H e rrings Nova Scoria and Amcr Buller,in tuba & keg• Sugttr- in nogshuds and barrels M~&ho.cany Sufe.e. lhreau•. &.c., ~c.

UUuGAN &. FOX. '(2\v ) O e;t. 28.

Carpeting, Hearth Rug~ . and Door Matti Starc.h, Soap, Candle1, Blue Shawls, Sea rfa, H andk~chiefs, Neck Ties Pepper, P1mento, Carrawayeeed, N utmega C AN¥ AS-Blf'ached, n \ own, a nd Flat 1\,luslard, _Currants, ·Chocolate. TICKLENBURGH -IN bTOllE -

Lmen. Law~, Sco·ch Ho~ and Fr'tflch D.E,t~AD-Nos. 2 and 3 - Cao1bric · . . PORK-Hnml>urgh, jo brla • .an.d hal~ brla.

Satins, 'Gro• de Naples, Persians ' BEE,F -Atneri.cno / " GLOVES-Kid, Berlin, Cashmere, and Doe- ,Peaae-Spl~t and R ound,ia brls. and llaU,brts';'

flkin HA.~lS-:-West~holia . Painted Hall Can•lle,and Fan~y To.ble Covers TOBACCO-Cavendit!h; COF.FEE Beat English macle \Velliogton, Clarence and Aocbora-lroll) ~ lo 1~ cwt.

- • • · · Chain•-from I ~o I i.och ft ~ L 0 r¥ E T k S BEE D 4 .rt . ~- Hfuche.r .. , ~~tila-flolll ~to JO ipcb


OFFER by Wholeule and . Retail, a gen•· ~ ...,_ .. BOOTS _.. ;tlll/ll lron-.Flat, Ro..und! Sq.uare, aod .Angro

. r~J usortment or n• wARE. maoufOC'" . . . ' , Slo_el-BIIater' Sprmg, Germaa' aod Cut tured an St. John'• uy l)lacbiaory · all of which W oa'~'en '• Cloth, Prunella, Potenbam, and • Uo1ler Plate, Sboet Iron, Iron Hoop bu been fit •ed up tbia •eaeon,-.:.:a/l bo aold 'Sno~ Boots ~ . . . Sh.ee~ Copp.,r, Compo6itton Bolls 20 per cent cheaper than i• to be . fo~nd . in Men '1, 'Y ome~ '•· Bo.ya', Maids', ·and Chil- Stemplatea of all aizea . Nowfo~ndla nd, eomprieing the1ollowioa- arti• dreo'• . . Shoe• . , Cordage, Bolt Rppe, Spunyorn, Marhno aod clet aod 1izoa- ' · · · Ca1f, K ip, Linini, Binding, an4 Chamoi.a . 9akum; Rega.tet Gratee, Cambouaa Boau~ Ket•le,, fr(lffl' lillon lO 12 all"na-IO....izll Skine.an4 BatYel'a ' . . ' .. . Ct~ID,..sh.op, ar.d ~·~recaa le Stovoa . Tt!a do, t to 22 qu.rt. 1 1

4 do . Clo.e, ,Rbundecl, B_uu, a~d _ln•.ole I.,eatber Sb1p~ W U.&che,., W tudle•s P_alta and Ran~•

Rouofl Tin Puo1-l quar& to20 •uarct J6 do HOSIERY-io lilt ite ·variet.y Cham Condu<?tore, l:Jouat\ P1pea 'fe- Poas--1 to. 8 viot• 5 do . I .. · Negro and Bake·l'~t•; LeRd-Bar ~ S .. eet Tea Ceuletert-t ao 1611,. J~ 11o HaBJDRD!8HDJ TRIMMINGS (;hilnney Pie<?ea, ~atohen Raogea and Ovens ~ffee Po~ - 1 ~o 4 quare. :; 'do !, . . . ' Powder, Shot, P;~iot, Oal . Oal Lamp1-i pmL. to~ qaert~ · • . ,Jt·. tla · · -~~- '· .. Sp1rits Turpentine, Varoieh I~ "~•odlod.1iaoc.-pabtri i)tDt.i;O l.qtta. J5 do 'SMAJ·J· WARES Pa.int_.:..Whi.a, Hlctcl~. Red, G reen, L Blue Tan Laqu~r F UDE\el•-• viot 10 t ·lpUooe ~~ do , ____ A_ . .A • •• w · d GL ' 7 9 16 Glo· ..., . Tin Sea~•. round-7 'o J!l inch',i 5 do I • • • • • 1 ta ow •_as~- x lo ~· . . no ChaJUber. P*ail~. peinted aad.plain ..• •do· . .. A, O&H&RAJ; ·~-~ltTM~l'f~ 0~ Blllket · S~1t, .Ptpes, R~d Ochre, WbthOJ: Tin' Oulcb and ll~ft~rinl Oveot, eacbl· 4 Clo Statlo*erJ, BoOb, and Charts ·Chalk, 1ron Wboel B•rro¥'s, &e. THI~ Drippit11~ Paaa aud ' ~lee :~ do · .- · · · , · · · · ' • · - ALSo­

~=~r·~~r:,~~·ad pl.ua . ·. :~.: .. -' IBOlruAN. ~·;B·,;·r~ 11nmL1il(. y .. ._.,_,all li~Cttl.lendo,. . · -a· do'. :. 11111U ~P. ~;~ -~~1 .. D . S&oet lroo Sl~o f•pe-iJ to 6 i~bM. 7 . ~o · :Coppe-:. P4olal; •ad !fin. Te•~Kenle•

Penoa1 ~aib~l to pbl!ch&H .~ovld do' weJI ~i(e11 .. ~0'4Juaio•• ,aDCLFlitb-l.I:••~t~ ·-·•o .. ~UD~latp the abo•.• ~lock,.· Aar'laaatiiy_re.· ~oati :SeoOf•;:-FMei.~Dfl !' ~I " =- · ~, · ., ... qaltetl cea ~ ~a'na~ '011 6 ,ltoura' . AOUOf. -Feaden-Brau- Brollze and Kitchen ia-PNIDIIII oppoeate I&· J, H. Warreo'• Table aad Daert Kain• •nd J!ork•

Oct.. ta. ~ l•ort·•udle ~' &Qd Canera

.. ·'

A Coo•iaament of 12 Ca•e-; of Loadon' .

Wliicb will

Oct. 14,



..... : 9

I ··~ , .: .· - .. ' r'


<I fA . I ---1

> -- - ·---r-:Not~ri.


.llulepe,lMtll Blf?:Cior~ or fl1.e . District or Satnt Jo.)tu's: .

~ : .•

•: y - . .. .. " ' l ' 4l ~ .

/ ... ..

... ~



NotlceQ.· . . TO TO~~ f

Ind<'JlCndcot E,lcctors cJ~ tiJe Di!l .. trict af}~t. ~hn~s. · . · ~ .. :

GENTLF>.,JI:!N. • ' • GI':NTLU.tt:N, You ure nhout to hR cnllt!d upon to ~,.erci"q one

The day is no\v r,\pidly npproal'bina: when you nl th e mmfl iu1porlalll riJ;hl~t of J..'reen~n-lo ch e w ill [)e called on_1o exercieu the· mos1 imporu'l ul RP.pre ti enletiv~d lo !WM•Ol'l yola tiews iu the Colo. public duty ~can tJe,·colve npon n Bnti~h c11 ~

111111 Ac~tocmloly . ·

:t.t!n-to tetunt in1o the 4egit~ltuure m en io wl•om In nnutwncin£: 10 you my iuten&ion•lo IJOlit'ity<;mr you tnust rt!pps~ tlte lru.st of 'mnkiuJC laws-luwc~ fltl'fl'!·u ,:f'll, 11 i:i 11o c r1ecot!StiiY 1hut ') sh:o.uid ~. int.o t o tsffect your JJropeJ'Iy, your hllt~rty. llle dt:ure:H any lcncllecncd f'X(lositiou of my poltu~el . rt?~l­inlertatS of youCtif1 lves anti of your chi!Jrcu'c~ clttl- plr·s. J hn ve ~>how 11 111y readiness to take rl '"

c.Jren . · quef!lionli (J f nuuli c ir11erE'~t. rlurin_L~ maQy y(;ua Ou &hat dny, Gentlemen, the miQhl of lite ,.copie ;) f rny lifo lf r:ll ltavo bcen. vat-sefam~ngt!t ~u,aru.l 1

id lllUIInifict•ul, und lh t!y wtfl huve nrroil!nl•tll.wfuru !Juliove ev''" thuso opp0~,.0 10 In€ wtll ~tdmat that I thtnn lhe hiiiHHlO tried pul.rlic •.hen, a:; wu) l a :~ '""'tlll f ll ll ci n1P~ pur,..ucd that course which I thOUJeht those who 0!4pir~ Ill r :vnl Wrccn in yflur ofTcci tOII ~, he:<~ rn lndntf'rl l (l s ub!lurve lhe ~eneral OIIVftrt

'¥hilc you Hhn!l"ln1nJ a!' judj.!e~ I'> weich 1h .. i ~ lilt: ... InCH, 1 s hnll, therelu rl:! , at preaenl, ouly briefly r"fer ncs, IO scan their l'lutm ... , nod lo Jr::ctdc nutl Jllt!g... to 6 011 ,o-:' llll)Hirtn n1 subject~:t which IIIU8t tthonly en .. b i:!IWCI:lll ~he :,C VI:!rul c~illlttlllb fnr your r .. vuur. • t.;:tl(n--{htl Oltt' lllt r>l} Qf lhu A8:ft:mhly, nnd in ·refe .....

Geutle111en, ltuu one of ll •~e tried we n !. I htt~~ e ucc 10 t h~ti.f , t•xpl!t in the vt~ws I shall he rendy to scr41ed you fr~rll lhu yenr IS3lj 10 the pret>OIIl tlo~ • ~ U I • PO~ rr pl a"..:~ ·l lty }'Ollr fa vour in the honourable ood JJCrllnp.:t wtthout VI\IIIIY h\'o uld c~ny l hoc for ye"reo ~O~ition 10 w lotclt 1 o&pire. ev.e•~ belote my. fi rst Elc_rtion 10 repr_e rJt-nt _the. P,c,o' \\'rth re:~pec t to 1he St. John'J SLrut .Bel, pnsaeci pl., 1n your L<'~Jsluture, 1 renclorecf som 11 Ina~ st:r- . w i•h n view of prrn· t·n• tnj.! t..b.e rt~currence of the vice to the cumcuon c>tut~t- of tho coun:ry . . In 1ilut culu rurt y th 11 1 lv114 sn 11.•j 11 rinu~ly n(rt'cted the whole ) ' Cur I wos relurllct.I, \Htrtout th l' e.ll t.dliPt-lt :ioltc\ tuuou COJin 11 y, 1 o m cou\'rt tcetl abut 1he ailJ)tional securhy 011 IllY pan, nllll unnUIII_IOUBiy, lor (I ll~ ~Jf I IJO l o r.gc~t wb tc h c4" tl l rt:!'tllt r.-om tho CIITrylo'~ OUI o( lhnl Acl, Rud mns t r•!I!Jli'Ciuhlc d1s trrr.l:f ot lhl! 1'11llld . . ·\ ~ulll 8 111,! 1 ft~ 1 :n n~•:qu~ut r~:rluC'lion. ~or Jusur&nce, Wtll 111 J8S7, my .l<:lcc\1oo wus umuumuut~; :1~ the dv11U: soo11 cc.mpc 11:-1\10. \5n n L .. (se bojders for ahe ~rent of tltna yenr 1 wus RO f~r honoHrt<1 wr th lhe ex, nutloy r('qu in:rl t•y the slr.in~eur.y o_f it•provi,.i.on~ . press~u coufirl ~:uce of lhe wholt~ l:uuutry 01:1 to lot 1 am unt ~ h•Hvcver , unmrudtul o t ·che haulsllljl 1t np1_wintetl by n UIIUfl imous vote of the lt eprc~c ~ i t~tpn f}~ on 1111111 y \\ ho!.e ro t: /lUI! were mnter1tJIIy l ct~&-tatrv t!t~ o f tbe People 10 re p_rc:::-;cn~ bu r coun1ry tn e ••ed toy tha t ~>t' Vcre · d isus tf'r, oncJ I thereler~ con .. tire augu!llpres~t• Cl' of ou r Jllu:H rtulll! QucP.u , ono Ct'I\' K it t o he lhtl clt11v of tl •e Le~if'ls!llrf', lC. cou­he fbre the do~ of _lhe lt~_hout s of 1Ln1 :\ ~scmhly ortl a \\ hcthor tltu l''r' 1; .. ,..11 J 111acle lly F.11rl GREY, o( was a second trme smuluray llonourcrl ; aud 111 th~; 1-!ivin~ u td 111 &uot1 t'U~> P !J for 1ho erectro_!l of pt:r­lr~st AS.'~emb ly-l hr:, Amalgnul~lctl llo~se- wus 011- cnn ncu t ond l"'! t:urc: uu11Jc 11 ~,., III Ii} nul'~tlll \,e car· rrnsted IJy )OU, 1hrough n IIIUJonly ol mu11y hun · ri•:d out by Jo nnw 1u lo l' ra • t~t!rl iu li~u uf'll~t: ~ ~~~riul c1re:ta nf tl:e consLi ruec.cy, to cuurtl yc_)ur r1J.: Ir <IS uud (; r,1111 und o tlac r CO IIlrll.lulro, .tl lor lhtl rel i~f of the nt~flerl your pnvalc~('8 nt Q venoJ ol uo CUIIIIII (JII F·r~ ;:,utfcrurlf.

J•errl. . T ha t r\ c;ri!'ultnrP mny he mo~ t hP.nt>ficinlly pr~-• I bnve now once more been ca l~ec.J upon "' u -.eculcd 1u ,., n ux il iury to 1hu Fit~heneto, ll•e exp~-m~nuer, tho kindest, the ntO• t tl n ttcrtllg, by }h! l(lll· tiCIIC U o f post _I~'M" , Bllcf llluTt! Cll(lt Cin lly lite p r e ­l'ltiO OS fiiOot reeji\lctul>ly etgned, to 0ffer lll.)' "Oi f ll:l a ,..en t, lrn:1 clear1y t!~ •ul • l istH' tl ; 1hc wetws &hcreloru, Cuml~eJu re for your:S oHruj!Hif, 1111 11, IC. cu lli ~<O for' Ilea r' xlnul··d dt'Vtdi'pmeut of our A~ricuhurnl mtule , il become~ uJt1nt~tlrut •vu Juty lor 10 ~ lO !:; 1\ e re:!o urrl'S shu ' I ro·n 1vc f11w1 nw thut lorj!e .. httr~ a ~rutoful a!'c-erldnce. .,f :dlt:ll l:ou to w hi~r :uo irllJ•ond'l rct! oJ the sultj~c l

Y ou pcn·erve , Lheu, G cntlenren , tl.at on the c!a~ ,. 11 , 11 r~s i t ~ · of t:lt'c tiun I sl.nll ltu pr .. J~II cd lo :.-lUIIe! bl' furc yuu J1111111ntely r o 1111 rored \\ ilh Aurir ulture ia the 1m nay trio I. It w rll tlu: 11 he your Ju1y to sn1u f., rr11 1111~ 11 vi f~,11ds-n rueu~tJrc 011 ll•t! procrusao curefu ~ !y, th e chu ruclcr.:~ ( )f l lt.OSC lwftl~a )'Olt. It wLt r lr lltl' profilulolt• c.u ll t\'0[ 10 11 ur tlte tood 11,18 every wtl l he) ou r du ty th t!ll to exop1111e cardully 111l IllY \\ '·"re hco u found lll..tlt> r iul ly rlr·pentlent. My lOIII!


I .~ J I :~.-·


' .. )

•v ' ' ~~·--

.....,) ,. •• I

! I rt T~ ) ...- ·, ~ ~ • ' .: . ' I :o • - t 9


) .

I • - .t



AT. J-Il.S DOCtr, MAGUT~l'Y COV·E. .Thl. r.o/!!Q ofthl BriJranlltU HA~D.r~O~R,jt.flt rtceiv·

. ed j' om P11guuuh, con..ti.ShlJg of:-

18 TONS Pine and Spruce TIMBER-

B.~ RRELS Fhiladelphin Y e,llow.Corn ·l'tleo 1 Do Do · . tuper.fine- FLOU.(t Do Do e~lta. lir.e Dn • • /-Do ~ew Y ork White Corn MEAL

~ from 10 to 16 inches sqU'Uro, und ' · long lttn~?rhs · . 28 Tons Hurciwood TIMBER-nmnog whir.h

is o ~.SelecliOfl of ~vi and Stem Piec~s 8 M. Feet Sprue~ BOAR'US

90 SPARS-from 7 -to 18 inches dinmolcr -.(LS0-

)0 PiuP. and Spruce ~lAST PIECES 20 !\1. Feel HurchvoCJd PLANK .

l)o Do, auperfi2~ FLOUR, · ' . -ALSO, ON IIANl>-

A 'in r~e qua~ttty P~ne an~ s·pr~r.e BOARD~ J.)~ALS--.assort.e~ lu.ngth~o~ _br~adt~ Jtrni.p.,r BOA U 0~ • . . STUDplNG~<t~or.te(lengths, 3 a 7x3 PALING , LATH. Pine and Cedur SHLNGL..~· . Sept~mbtr ~ll- ""

' j 'By .n,. ~TEW.I.IIlT A•'.f.-'o . --- 420 yuU<TNS 'and Tubs (PrimA 13UTTf.R

.. . J OHN \.VOOD?. Ocruher 24.

,J U.S T RECBIVED · Ez CIIANOY., H Al'fOtn,and LAD\' S.tL£ AND Von dALE BY

;- • PETER ROGERSON & SON, FIRK r~ p, imc null or

100 narltcla \Vh11 a Com ~l <'n l 150 llarrel:f Supr· rfioe and .Scralch·c d :-:) u,

pe rfin A Flour


100 fings Yotro"' CORN 400 Ditto Good 11 R ~Al>

30 Diuo Heavy O nta - A;-10 - -

2.-"i Ill. ll:u·d A:n~ric:ua DRICJt:S. Or.1. ~I.

J. A • \V Ill T E Ir 0 R )) 11 AS J U ST ltEC EJ\' f. O

A Vnrif'ty o fGo ld und rlvrr _f ,,.vf!r, Vciti· cal , and Uf'tJr•va 'WAT<?f:l ES

Gold t1nd S alver <.; UA IU> C JI A I N-S A varit'ly of Gnld Hru£!s, Puts, J~ronchcs Locke tt~, Gold \\'al l'h J It ukl'l, STU t\ s uold nnd Stiver J'J:<.:N C IL C AS E.S ()vld P~ ull, S1lver S"'un· l3uxcs, &c., &c.

N B .-Usu aln tt'' n t ihn pa id to rh e r• pn r in~ (lf, oll sorla of \Vn(cbes and Clocks .

Oct. J 9

fro'm 'Vlutigoni3h; 260 Firk in11 ouc.J T~rba l1rime Hu.Pr

ET llrottt.ANUt:R, EsPt:RANCl', a11d MAnY from Cape B reton ; '

174 Fir~ in11 nnd 'fut,s priurc Hutter t){) T nn w Frcc-Siulle r SO M. ~h i11 ~lcs

Ex M ATJI .OA from .'Hubou ; 85 fi'irki"s lturr cr ~0 ~1. ll r mloC'k Bonn.ls I 0 M. ~l'ruco ,Dee Ia

Er Ol:o ttorNAfrom Pictou ; 50 RrHrP.I>f t Fl 25 ll nlf drllo ~ O'lr 211 ll1ure iH It \'C F l" 'l'"

:J 1), ,2•' 11 :-iU IIS Q , l Clfltllf~S 2 Dutn S~tu t h,wr:!fltr~

5 B nXPS l' rckle:o~ H.x Tr.R tt .\ N o\' A from .1\nl' York

f;f!J IIl'm ltP. r 29.

-------- -

y . n. cARTE}V& Co. (_ tC AN TJ. l 1'\ G- ns~nr\c(ysi:t.cs ~) I' J ,AN K -Pi \IO nnfl Rl'u' c:o, ~ and,:3 inch S lli~(~LE~-pr11c and 11pruco

The ouovl) '~i l l ho 1wld low fo r Cosh. .. -Al.SO-

I, p...Oiic sca~uurl ~,;Pu e rul couduot-10 ~<Crut llll&c ~v try utlicia l 1-11nnt>1: 1j,.11 ~ i th ll•o Hot:d serviN! of lltJa votu of mi(le \\hil .. iu tile ~Cj.!~t'IK ture-to ~ t' il( lr J)1stn cl j 3 known to you nil~ nuJ 1he e_f.idency of

.. me before my lH~C'' fHnuae o l ctlli··tl oucl cnuuously the })l'pnrcm ~: r 1 t over w l•ich ' I- t.:.v e pl'e'tlulcrl lass cnqutre ·intv oil '"Y v<•lt:fl , n1y ~' P~.t>c hc." , n:•.r. my 1101 1 bt•lo to vu t,.cn q ut~~ liooefl. lr-w ill her my c_te­JllOtiVet~-uftc:r ruy C~lllttCtiOil \~l . lr ll.e ~u.,t-ro, ,.tre to ~ 1 vo 1ha fud~s• tJu pport to lhe · exLe n li iOil

m~nt; null 1f o\ 1cr .•ll~:i_ deel' , tills r>e•rrclfua;:, 1l11s nnd 11111,ruve 11 w 11 t o f IL P. •ll t:dU8 c.f ·iutor·cumuwut­fit and p r o p e r P. Xuuunotron, I COllie h1nh ftull l rho cutlnn lh rou~hnul the C•1louy.

- - --- - · · · - -- -- PORK- prime P ictou .

BY TH~ SVBS~~IBE~ .. , JH.:~ F, S upr•rfino F lour, lullinf"! Mt•n l ' About 300 11 1t'CC~ ot tMit.tll\1'1 E, I Primfl NovnScot ia llUTTER-~u frk s.& rubs

\\'ell cnlc:u lated fur huildin~ pu rpm-c~. co ra · ~}J (;AJ{-tu lJnrrels

o rdtel u utn•JI'I.wci; •I' ynu fiucl me upon all <.'CCa~IO II:-, Bu1 of uve11 crreotPr itnpOrtftO<'~ thBn tbltt.tmltjeet ~ ho suppOrttlr o r. the Pe ol' l.e, lho ~l'lll:!rt('r ur .' h t: It! th~ prC>mot i~ll CJf Gc utlrnl Edul'.lltJnn. lltleply l!llere&ld nl lire I oor i\1 ... 11, \\ be t her l·r:.lto rwon, ~ Hr - impr..cfi1t'~il w11h 11 t!l' IISe of lhe iuestiuaat.le t.eu,.fils tner , or ~Jec!ln nrc , the Utdlll .clll ll0 Jt:lt!IIJcr uf the r o tderrecl on tlte Colony t1y the lato lumen I Ltlfer llc ::l o f nil , Rt ctuno BAR:-<Fs, the 11llle rtncl eloqttent IW5i•jer· tor

•· U nuwed by powe r, 11111dluen c cJ by gnin,'' lliour ::::ichuul to) ~toom, it shull he my m osc anxious l lturnbly hope w f,,, h<.,~uu rt> d 0 11,·e a;.:u111 J,y vour de: ire 10 Jl t' l pt:l•ln t ~,· a11d ext~nd lloo Ul'lllf'Ur~. u{ Sutfr1J~ctc ,r11y l'"s t ltl t· - u 1v ~:u :. , 3111 t' l' t.J r tht: lu :ure . \~ h1ch tu~ wn~ l h•, nuthor , nnd ro _nenke such 1/rt·

1 llbVe dec· ltu•1u ur tu 1 ~; 111 1111 1 p r\IVe ll lf! lll:i on 1111' :\r·. ru1 I:' X)I !! rtence rnny hov u Gc11 den~ton

1 oiHlW II to 1 .. , c•t·,·c:.Sttry fur couft!rriOJl the grcaletH

Your 111 u t fu 1tl,;u l ·nvan r. po~«t< il r le ltcne(j • ,. 011 lht ri11inrz e eue ra tiou . . J u liN V . :\ L'GE:'\ 1'. \V111t r rtPrt> lll'f! tolhe L,.gi,letive C~n~llltll~on

Saint Jo hn ':;, J9 1 h O t:lober , IS id. l l nt~·ly prontU I;!II !t•d, I enle rtulll llttt opiuton whtr._h - ------- - _ ---· -- I lll'l ie\'rl to l! •·nuntll v hettl 111 1h11 Cult>IIY, that rl

In Chc Prell'~, doe,.; not proviolo tllo:~e mP.nns which exprr ieucb

T u l:c l:~suu.l . Yu t .,lj , "'"'· r ln:- biof' \\'11 l fl "" , .. e mOl'( .. trec livo f.,r '""· ltarriiO· IiUII ' c·•·· •·l'"'n.t .ml of 11ie two H u ui<es· wath H~r

T il l:: ,\l uj.-s• y':~ H t'p rt:bCUIUII Vr>, ond I would <:1lrtflir1 ... r l\:E, u~·I·,'}lf .'; DI~ .~.'' D .-'L';\) ,·' \' 'C lll~ !>t!l l'uiiW Clr · hv ltf }'OUr coufi•lencc, dtd I UOl un-H • ' t .\ .. t,l 1 t .lJ fl '''liiiVut:a lly cl t:t: l:lro my rea(Jinei'B to SUJtport a

l·'oa· I~ S9. By f:>T EPIIEN OLIV~ P ,\ CK, J . P,

of Lama line. Oct . 7 .

slr oil&: l11r t H·ni i·Pralc re prPacnuuion from I he At~"' :-;PIIIi•ly to th t' J• .• r ... ut G ovt' rnmen t ,fM fh (lt'e c lonnces •h.rl nre '"~~: t' ... , nry lo g tve to all clnsses ol the eurn­nouriiiY llr~> ir .t uc ru tlueuc4? in the utlmiu&tnatiou of lhe novl!rii iOCIII .

I cnkP. t hiS oco·usion olso to rnJI Allen tio,JJto 1hn~ s ••c t tollR o f I he T own \\here llae' dwelliugt ere coh­!llruclcd of ~ ood, a11tl in cnau)4 plnce!l cmwolurl lo

-+- ·e.xc~I'S w11h <'Very rl elll' r iptiott of built.linJt, J~lld nlso _rf1HE Sul.lsc r ibe rs nre instructed lo le t for n wichnut n ~>UJ>i•ly nf ~n1 er \n ruse of fire. Thtl j_ Ierro of years the GHOV ._: Ftd{M , at rr tU il t ,.1re111 l•cJng uow fuu i~beJ with tb ittdrlidtra­prPsetlt in th~ occupancv· of ~I cs~ r~. Co.Htt:n lum, I ~ lldll uee my lee:~t c• cf ,.uvuur:J to oht ll iu n &. HEXT, and C'Ontaining ttbflut 1<20 Acr<'S l)r lllll:i ··• t:nc·y of 11 ror lbe lo<'ftlltl~l! lhlll are 1\14 yet Uti­

LAND; w ilt1 4 c o rnfonub le D\\' 1-:LLJ:-IC]" l !!upp l t ~> rl. \\ i•l• th eA f'XJHOd~tton of tuy teoiJtrteuttl, HOUS£ d 1 d ' OU'l ' I IO U l lruve th ij houn•tr w be, Gondenr~n, • • . ' nn urge co~rno ao u s ~ . You: IIIO!!t ob~Jiell l S en4nt,

~E!::i a lache d to at. - i'ur furth~r p u rtac ular - JA~H:s DOUGLAS. apply to


RORIN SON, RROOKI~G & Co. N .B .-Immod1utc pol!::~e ::~tow n wall lw ~ivcn

Oct . 5. ( •; )

St .lo.hn •,., 'N . I•" .. s~·rr,.mber 2:i, 1848. ----- -----------

lndctJcnd<'n t ~lector~ oC the Dis-. -- j' t a·ict of ~t . .John '8. I

(j t: I'ITLRM£:S , -

Tit " Gt:u~rnl Election being now nhout to tnke


'llietinjZ o( :-Avltlcr, \VuHJow Hcul!s aud ~tlls, TEA , COFFI<::E: ...,. Quo tu~. Ruhits, &c. TOUACCO-<'avt'ndit~h, I G's

2 \Vc~t lnum ~crews Lump, f)\~ nod U's We11tE-rn IJt•cked Bnnt-~G tons -N111Irod, tn hal l'-l>ox cs , ~ 2 ·~

I 1 ___..., Lumber lluat - lo carry 4_00 qtl~. PlPES-in 3 ~!rOt-S h o Xl' ::l

H. O 'lH\ YEH.. VINEGAH -:-i" unrrf'l::t Oct 14 . (4 1\ ~ l• W .) Lol"''d~n.llufrlc · d J'o · !Pr -+-------:--- ---- --- - N e w N11\':1 Scotia C H (::!!:SB

ll)' 1•. IC04,f~lt~O .l' &. ~o.,· , .1)00 Prime Suua r. cun•d Hnms ond Sh oulJcrs T.',) Cm·go tflhc Cli11J'Cr JJ~·i;;(w/iuc !\ A I'! c~~ "~ H lTE nEt\ N ~-in h ues a nd u ri~.

I ji·um lJc,lt&mm·c, '11 11 z ,.. l urad \\' nlu ut3- IO ~mul l pock:':!"~

11 18 BARHELS "'up~rJi ll b l' LO UP.-choic 10 uuz. Prim e Hnrnhut·g ·GIN-tu Slunc J~rs

b11uul,. . BriM·•·I Tl{ I PE--in Jura · I S5 Ui11o F~r•t;h t'O H:"-1 ~11-: /tL C HAIRS, l3I::DST~ADS

t 100 U1110 1\r:uw f'(J HK And a (t' w chotec Centre ond Cllrd TAJ3L ES ~ ; 5 K~,: good HUrn .. tt -25 . !,~. each. St•p t·m Lcr 5 .

50 Huxcs 1\J oulu Curul h::tt 100 Onto So.•p

10 H~ l ·-L i t: I Cctl Cfil' , l:llu lt ·cc 1!5 Ua n el" V ruuud Oi I Cnk•· \

100 Bu!Ctl Ye llow lwlinu Cvl ll 50 U 1110 l•r-uvy Oultl 50 l>iuo Hruu

180 D t1o Nos. 1 and 2 UUE.\ D. ~epterubrlr 23. _lPJ_r_i ~ --~-~-----.

10 B~le~ Frrst., 13y PETER:\ H.OG BRSON & SON.

Sept. 7. '-- . --- ~-- ~ ~---- ---

By P. II. C.Jl U '.I'I:'R &. £o. .A LARG E ASSOR T!It EN T OF

COOKING STOVES Suited jur Sh ips' o;· lluust use

Some of tht.> utwvo- STuVE::! ur~ constructed to burn eiLher \Vood or CuuL

St•pleml>t>r 5. ·


l1;r :tire ~TI'~W £ffi~ 23 ~<t'Jo

28t) J)AHHELSPrime N. S . P OR K U ) 480 do . . do. do. n~ t~F

1 QO Pa~k .1gt:s · do. do. HUT'l'ER 150 Run· l:~ Pal o t nnd Nnvy 11HEAJ> 21)0 .l3o xcs and J.ulf-bux cs Chocolate

10 l>o Pre pt~rct.l Coc.-6n ·10 lJo Fresh (;rclund P opl'l'r, 30 ltts.co .. ~0 13urrcl~ l\'tJva Scotin OATNEAL 15 Uo Do Put BARLEY J( J )<' i l<i II s LA H. u :30 Bnncls C nlc u :NI Pluis lc r t 0 Roxes Cou!{O uud Sou c hnrag TEAS

10 l?uxes ' 'o~c~~it~h _ l TOI3.'\ t:::CO. 5 1\ o~ s Ladaes r~vt8 1 s . I ''ooJ

AU 1! llt41 17.

1J Y PRIVJ1 1'E CON1'R.:JC T, Three well uualt respectab le

TH~ Suh~cribcr.•s 110\~ prepnrect to deliver ! plot~ . 1hc Pcvc ral refJili!lition8 which I i1~ve r ... c,.IV· 1 from h111 lJJ S f1 LLER Y ( no or Mr . ()'. ed frorrr nlrno:-;t n!ltho extern perta of thfs Otsll ict,

UJ]JEl'f's Cottu&e) the aove orti~le in nny size "'o uumerously nncl reepectalJiy. siJo~d. , j~toed to 50 po'cka~ee. \-\'h o le~tnle purr.hnscn. w il l lta vv lite solicitrllinus of my rriends Ill St. Jo~n. ,, hue · ' d · • . . d 1 .t ~_•lnr t · •iue cl rnl:! 10 off~r myself .flfl a Conll.ufate lor

. .. BOXF.S and Kt!g• Water, Soda, But­

• ter und 5ugu•· CRA1..;KERS,

lt ~upphe '?:'mllc.J &ul.~. l ~ , .\11 a l ordl:!r::t le lt ut }'f\l r Sutfrhl!"'~ 10 huv~ lhe hflhorofngoin repr~seut h~ ollico of Mr. 1t.1JNLAY, wa ll be puu c l.Jitlly •n:: y ou in lhe e nsuin,.r House of A~serrrGly. Sept. ~ · -n.ueoth:d lo . I· ~tc 11~i vPiy *'nsr.tge .t, n-" I arn, an lhe Geneotnl ---...!.'- ---- ---::-------------

11 . \ VI LSO~. Truclo end Ag ricullure of ou.r Country, J.OU. cannot ~mrn~W ~~~~ ml!l£ildo Oc:t. 5. ( lm. ) l11·lp perceh•iog thtu ynur tute~ewt antf. mnu~ ,r<rp • - - -...---. --·-- -- -- -- ~--- tllc utiliecl · :tnd I think I IO tlY Wllh conftdence ap• TO BB SOLD AT l1J@~£!Sl:i@£11 ~,&l illJIDl.§!N£.<0 p··ol to ~~~ •. par1 I huvc invariably tasken fuul pur- 'l' MILL

-7 !wc.t, durt:'l!l the tim.., I h.,ve had the honor ?f o THJJ S · JOB.'S · · ( ::~ ca t 111 , 11 " Lc~ito ln•uro, in. usiPg my bes ,ueruous RavER HEA.D, at Ohe Penny Farthing P·~r lb., _ TilE lfORNTlNG •. JIOURJnn,J THE Proprietor of the above Establi~hmenl Ull evory IICI'Usic .n , for t,9e pror~lOliOII of JO!Ir}nter: , F,R. E 'sH' c'.o'a· N . MEAL . n II 1J nn .

respecnfuHy announ-ces to the Sub Jcriherd P.:H, · pon .c u1 11 rly t•y rb., m"kinar and extt!n retoa! Qf: • , \\ h' thorero, that Lieut. CtJionel LAw having kind llonds·nllll Hrif.t;P8'1 whir.h t.Rve so esae .. tiaUy con- of 4

1 ·very su1>eriot character, · grouno from l,rintt> d and Puhlish:d h~ Joiztn ~0~08,' 'n ; ·k ly ~rooted permiKsion lor tho B"nd to attend rrilrutod io ihe rl~veloprnepl .J·f (•ur Aaricultural . ,day ..to day, at tbe ~Hll Eatabhabmeol. . Offir.e iR Me~t~rs. • 0 DwYE& · 0 ' • rn.:

F ·d h ' 1 k h r 1 R .. ~or•rce" , aartJ are 10 w .. lf c~tl&:ulated l.ft ,·n,.r~ue J · o., Hutldinmr. Hecl:'e Cove, Watler · Sts;eet,. ~Yery e very tl llf at l ree 0 C OC 1 p.m_. , t e tU - " 0 r ~ ..,.. t" JIJ"ft ·~ .,~.,. ..as T aOrDJn,C

1 ... b d ffi d flllr rrlornlttw1 eociRI corulor:a, In .. ,., •• e that hu·e· .. r- ·~ I • 'fultSDA:J' TuOR8DAl, auu.· .TU&D.l I • • lest nrranaements aav e Cf)fi mn e to o . or " " · ,. 1 1 'I ' s Curreotv Jlff eu~a,~m · • ~ h~Ln h l tlu~rto, 11nd eYer shttU c:ontinueo, •inceUtfy , ,· . • .... ~ &\ ~. ~AI~0. • Term1- wa~Tl' B&LLJ~o• • .~ • • ihe u•mdet ac:cornmoda.tion and onJoym!'nl ,to tl fi \'Oie rl to the ad•a••cement of tbe IJeatUlleT,e•la tJf w ~:r' -~·...:~..w . - .

Jhe 6\lbseriliers to the Gardeos. tOur common oounrry~ , ~SSEUi to take Coafa from Pictou tb BOOK' lrD: io·a •aiXTI•G . .' '

~uguet 5., WILLlAI\~ t.E~HY .- I bav" ttu• bon~r tp r•Jqai~, , N.eW York.. F~f«bl Three Dollar• per · .1' a. •(d - · -fr ; G 1 t ~ •Neatly, .E ctUi the Office DJ ·'"' !" RJUNO.

Wharflage "ao• J toN'ge, # ey~:~~r~~hfu( aen.-ot,; , . t• ,P•crou ·~h~ald~irrtlt"l~~~ON & SQN <Joliftta~,- of .t),• kor~ut~e tli tiCIIVrt.: • By P. a. CARTER. &.- Co. l'ltl•r~'te " fJ '¥fle6.' · ' '· ' , . .. . ·. , ,ot tAI1Dqrk will ~dm~ of. J •

.. St.Jobn'r, ~Jet Sept., t~49. • . 1 • S ptember 2S. ~"

--'-} .. .


cV®W wmn+r ~ JIAY<l) ~eeaCeciiU thla O•c:e _..,. aea.caee. -· .... ]Mlleh