: ,- f ........- 8 - ' •. :..r . , •• 4 ' • • • ' .. . . \ . ' .. . . ' . . ' \ ) : ,. .. . . '7 :: ·· I · yoL. 4. . . •• .. . ' .. ' . . ' i .... . . I '\.h t J<J sf ,. . .. '-• ' ¥ -. ' I . . .. .. . , . . I . . ' I •, .. : . .. · .. . ,,. ,. .. . "1 . ... · .. ' . . . . ' ' '- ·.- . ·. . . . .. . ; : .. •. , .. &. .. . 0 I .. ·- +] ··'--· . . ' .. . . . .. r :. . .. .•. •• ®'11 i:,a 1 t. From Willmer &- '8 'Europtaf' TimLI, Oct .. 20. No't-fttfl. ,_, _ ...:: Young Ladies' Academ,y, Under the directiota of the ot the Sa r rc <..:reut . BROOKSIDE, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA 1 ' HE re-.pPctfully informt•d thnl . an Acod e rn for Ladi es hns hecn op r ntd al Brou , .. here n sulid and l• : ducation wa] be giv . er r to Duy and ThE> healthy s ituation and beautiful grounds of arc so w • I kno n to tho r.Jii?. f> nA u( Halifttx Rl' to rt•quir o Fpe.cy RI dc s crtp tion. .t.Jusic:, t' YHY branch of a polite' aucu ion wdl ue tau:dat. 'fhtt formation of ttni ' he a Is .if f Y ouog t<' virtuo,nnc.J, thP r.uhu of their · Ly' 1he study of thos e t'ullj•'r1s vhic:h aro ,.. .. lt'nded to con li t it ol e a ducattou , be · I ing · he l!re at ouj c·t wlu i: h the Lnc.Ja cs or the \ So ere Caw t. n YH in nn p11111 i will uc ... nllain the 4el0ired end 4 \ T ile t-y s tt>JO pur u•·d s ru ; tl pnrentnl, nrJd · ' I ; r .. th fo mi ld of vi rlue i lhn c•lldllll,L l ;ri nc 1 pl c whic·h enf ,, r<' t! d tht> ir 'rh.., . \\ hich ' nrc m •ty be kn o wn 0 11 ttppllcotion to ellh t> r .,,. t-li nnully or Ly lctt •·r . 11 i .; point out tn Parent s at i 1h c c<:nlrul pl•slttnn nf i1" mnny 'JOVROIO JJA S usn plucll or Vtluculion,nnd 1ucd 11y ot' lw\h by lund nnt! rt eu all 8tlU':! •II:! of tfl,. y ea r. · Ev ery o pporlu111 tr 1 :-1 tnthns e Pupil:t wl. o '' l:ih In lt' urn l11 e F rP 11 ch lanu rHJ •c• .,. 11h · ,. e ' 11 1 uuy c: :< lrn c! •nr:,! c. Th e re t :t at pre::1cut a \' 11 c !l . ... } r o r 11 f•• w H o a re i P • l lu l,;,, '( , ,\ ,,g ust IU. 10- H\ OJ.' LO., DO.\". s.1 \'n r;s· · n Hii Fd R T IW \ nD J\r uo onrn .u F. :'ltr oWE R£0 DV A CT OF Capital, £500,000 Stg. E.cc:lttsu·e of n n csena l f'w ·d ( S tu-plus p,. em i .. UI IIS) <l .f 3i , OUO 't;t e r/i., •g . . L "c H. 0 Ji t£C Tn" s, HA LI FA X .' N S. It . c;n ... !I H< E "' lll lrf', Chmr man. J •1hll Jlu11 . 'J' Itom ns <.. I\ J ol ·n I )uffu .-, l!:' fJ .) on . P. C J: c{ cnnlngcs o .ff c. J ·ed. by this Socitly. r r. kt ' FC'f •: cU RTlY, aris ing froltl n IBr!,!ll Cn!•ilol inoep cn .J,.nt Cl f the Pr11miurn l•' und . . L ••A NS .- Twr .. lhircl ll of the tmnual l't' Pi mium -. J) n j,J, or ha lf th e Pr e n11u ru s for tht first five ) enrs, wlu ch mu y re nmi•1 un interest to lte de d lll'l t! d from t l1e of the l'oliC"y at the d"nlh of the u- pun•rf . · Low RAT£ Q or rntee of Pre- nriH cn 8f A low liS ony !Sur•ie ry 01 f'qunl Dn · t AI O N:t OF Uuuu 11es in th i:t ·8oeiety nre clt! cl nrt- d annually aud ore penn nueut, nncl t> ac h ye Ar tf tP. Atts ure ti hns tir e r.p liun of ri! Cffi · vin!r t he pro fi :s in C.t.SH, i n reduc t iou of Prem1um; Or in ft 1 1 )11 illll IO the I' UIII IIIS Urf'IJ. Pt en.iu ms mtty be I•UHJ Annually, llnlf - Yearly or mny be .. tr .ktecl for one YPliT, f nr fh'e y•ar,B , or fur !If f. , wilhout pardcr1uttiun 111 tire prufils of the Socl f' ty . A lib er ,ll a l\ ow nnc" fur RUrrfl lltler or poli ci es. Every IIR o l htJ Socu :H y 's H Jt tea u( Pr eutium, ·mot.l e o -In net>, nn(J fo r ms ol bVplicllllo u, "'"1 be hncl 111 1h e uf 1he Sah · Ec riher, l1a1 fur ,zrn iU II OUI' •l n uri- 1\ulion, a ri d all documents requir t! cl for eff dc tiug ru surauce. , J. 8 . b \JLLEY, Sub JJg en1, FOR S.OLE At Office ot JQurn"'· t mt following · ' !'fEA.TLl Off GOOD PAPER. C USTui\11tUUS E t: NTRIE:) & WAKI(ANTS · .Cbarter l)1uttbd C 0LONIAI4 llONOS lHI.I. OF LAOING -lULLS OF BXCH ANGF.-iu books of 6 12 . · anti !U ee ll el\eb . . .. PJtOI\11:StS0UY NO J'ES- io Books of 1 !. antiS quJtt'l •· · · · 1\lEitC.HAN'TS' DOOKS-:-1 2 and S 'q{tJre• eftett • · · · FISH HECEIPTS-jn ofl, S quir,. eaeb · _A'PPRENTJCES INDENTURES, lte., &c. &l. # ' ____.__ I o L' S U Bsc ·· l{ i Tbe blood &toined ef .Austria · ) · ·'/ .U : .J ' .._. · of .. - '"- . Alrt>ady. i_ l:s ' <'JLces!4pll, in .. the ' way of · : /' ' · · _- 1 a11d havp ratsed'l- an · outcry / J 1 wi_Be; but theae excesses, howe•er (. · ·. 1 rid, at kast the polliution or having . 1 25n· B!tiS NO. 2 BREAD; Just Rcceiv cc.J, ex Eo, fr om Hamburgb. for most part· verpetrntcd.. whtle · the s•·ord Er r\NN EL'Iz. un :l' a a11 d Fu. t. .H<f rom Balli11iore F OR IIA LE BY THE SUBSORIBERS 'J(aQ BA H.HELs SuperHou FLOUR b tt H lllt:.d\l do 100 Rrltt 'v\' hlle Corn 1\JP.nl, 60 hu lf do do 50 B.u·rrls Prime J'OH K 70 Y l'llnw Corn, 2 l'ach 50 l>o 13H .A N 55 flu xes Hurn•ydew Tobarco. B'111 & IS's SO B .. l\1 oul.t Can tllf's , 6'11, 8 '•, & J U'11 15 Jl,,zc ·u BROO:\lS 20 Kqc s \\'atcr and Sut.ld Cutckert 5 H •d :t. Sm 1kcd JOLBS 50 Sad t! s . Bucon JUO Boltuuure l'ured 50 Gr .. ,.s a Blacking I UO Snit. S t> ptt'rnbc1· 5. ES FOX&. Co . -- ---------------------- ------- Wo rno oJ.'I'ER Porr S. \LF., CUEAP FOR C. teH, n Rt •: ..\1>- ·N.,s. J I 2 und 3 . I) Dn !o -- (111 oatrl'ls), Nu t,l:lovy FI.OUH. supt:l · tiue - in brJs . and half brJs. C OltN L "7 white and . yellow (in barrele. half-barr..!s and V !l gtJ) run K-Ame rican B l• :E l<' - prime arrd Nova Sculia (in ',firkio,s and tuh s) U .u n A uwr1 u an-an ub s 30 And S5 t: ach .\N C OHN-in bat!• - ..... , 1 R, T uiJncco, Pipe..t, l)rit'd .:. Apples LO,\ : It, BROOMS 13 UC I"E1:s,&.c. · ,&c. ("' · . 1 '0 .-\ P- i11 bous, 64 tu lbs: each •. Bild 40 lb. box.,•)' •. '8's und J O'lt · HE'RRlNGS, A S ll , ON IIA :\ 11 1 I A a ss ort •• · nt uf FU H.N ITUllE <: 11 r\ J1ts .. T A &c . L U N , from Hawab11rl{h, } 00 ft GS Fine Br And, Oat . 50 Half -barre ls Datto . vet. 6. JAMES FOX &- Co . ]\ "ow iw.din g, tr f £Ltx.jrom P IN B Lumber, Spru ce 1 dil o Pine and cheap for Cftsh. Oct . 6. JAMES F< ..' X & H OPS 5 bales, Cheap to close sales. p,,; by Uctol.l er 3. P. ROG BRSON &. SON . 1 )OHI(, IUO barrels Prime C aty, ex "Goi- .I' dell Gruv•," troru N.ew York, for wale hy Oc1ohcr 3. ..,-- P. RUGElU50N &. SON C OFFEE, 25 ba gs snp t> rior, for sa le by Oct.J. P. HOG&H. SON &, S ON. --- ---- - --'--- ----- -- F LOU R. 600 barrels, ex from w York, lur enle hy Ur tolt "1 3. P.. RO G ERS ON&. SO N 10 t;A o . .; , 7 tJ ( 1 'lHtANOY, fur ttft lt: ,on IU' COUI uwda tin l! te rms, to do11e a hy _StlJH. 26. · · OU u O.\N &. 205 wuo LE, half q_ul)rter l\t l'l- 1 nulu ctur.sd 1 OilAG C0 1 tn store !or su le l'Y ' · I' . S o! f". 2o . DUGGAN cf: FO.>L' 50 ftOXES ·BLOOM RAISlNS,. 2 0wr. C heeau, Jut1t lauded ox F AL Co:-4 (1' o in Huli _hl.x, for .a Itt by Se pt 19 . P '. H. CARTER Co :.._AI.SO, ON 11,\ND-· ..., JOOO LiveT,pvo l SALT 8 l: unB . \VHBKEY t .. was drawn in the cival confiic•, anth•he blood '"as lw't with exciJcmllot : n' ut lhi i plen . cab 2.) •!o P. Herrill ;s lla.t1;d S Hhrlit C nf!OllC B.RAN DY 250 . l31li!S No. 3 . .JfiSH T JJ J\ . E.\ l.V P .. /1 fiiE/vT. · 1 . JOHN CUSAC Odober 13. · I r. j, ll.£Yll' 1t ; ll'® £ill'Wo -+- A Capital Chance for. ma king 3argains 1s oti'ered ar tihop of . · .'1. ·· A• ll.. ..... .. 1)J'!j W-l10 are now sd lll'g u lf at praces, tbetr pre s l:'nl varied und :- L ADlES' ana WIGS .Fruutlt:to, Cornbd 1 Brusht-s ti•·unted, Fdncy nnd So!lps ' \, Bu:&ors and H.uzur Strupd, bl.c,, bi.o , &.c . lc::J"" As A. & R. B. are prepc&ri " for the rec eption . of dum· new Stock, wtu h · ex- p'3ctt-o ahurdy,tb t')' J 's Olff' _ tb arftcl c,; ut thu LOIVES'l' PRICES VASH . Octou 'er 6. · Jl.r·e .ex B ri; }V,ATER . \V tT CU 1 )rom Ralt i rno re, A.SD OFF£Jt I?OR 8AI.E -591 il Ui t orfine nnd fine Flou1· · ln ·sh gl'o uud auo from new wheat 200 Burrels \V hite Col'n l\ ·J.oul .., 100 . Hull -hurrels ditto Ouxl'S so B11 rrt'l n Prim e PORK )9 l>ino Pll ·klt•d 1 ll ugs hPnd_ S moiH !d ditto 1 l ·a :4 e Blu e Prinacd Cu lton I i:Lrlc ll rue Cv llon Dorries l.S Ex KAT£ from Bnlt i. mo1·e, Pu1 ;\l (l·o m ia, Scu TT asu LAdS f rom B .Jstoll , antl ulh eJ' lai r. ai ·,·i vals Superfin e, Fcne and l\liddlings FLOUR \\"hite Rot\ Ye ll ow Curu i\l t! al Pr im., PORK , Nu. 2 BREAD BUTTEft-in kc ga und tubs Indian Corn 1 Ship S1 uf.l' und 13rRn, in 2 . SOAP- in 60, 36 und 30 lb boxe Cand lcs .;... G'tt and S 's , Table Salt, i bogs Cnrrnn1s - in barre ls V IN BGA It, A l huny Ale . Sugar - an barrclt1 nod Congo Teas, &c. S ep t. 2 6. 600 BRLS. \-\ ' HITE CORN M&AL- . frc' h aud ktlr. drtl·d 2 ;10 Barre -ls -Supbtfino New FLOUR 60 Ditto Prim n POR K . 20 HuJf .. uaa-rcl JC Mess dho 80 Buxos ·s. 8' s, Rud IO'e CANDLES 60 Bags Brau, 50 BJs pria11 e SUO No11. I aud 2 BH.b:AD, J&i,.t in Jrpm lJaltimo,:e, and .f u •· .Sale CHE./lP I' . . )or CJJSH 1 by . P. ROGERSON & SON, September 19 . 300 · BARRELS FLOUlt · 50 Dt to Coa·n Meal 50 ,H a 1f bdrre ls ditto 30 Barre ls Prime PORK no l11ng P. r uo ll.ungwry hBE IJeen sub- dut>d . The oucient coustilUticm, .jn . of which · :he pt-ople t•oured out their · l_)lood. · l1ke water, has The l\lagy• ars, who a for Au!ttrian· pusillttnlmity. have befn quicteil, css by H.us !! ia'l load tran goJd., as can •t , was tirnc for u feeble but gcnerou o to mako n irilpression. B has been oessed .No that) 1irteen H geoernld, '!'P close of war ·, aqd induced eoldt!trS t" lay down tbtlir 8l'ms, have been . murdered onder the o( n. court and lo muku the oi•play a SUitable mmt , Count HuliJ dny, the nister of Huol7ary,- baa bt>en sltol uo.der circum· sta'i1ce:t :tucb wall (or ever make tlle Austri . an · wit.b eru.:J I• treacbePj, fUnd <111bonour. . ' The death of this -and a.ccomplitihcd · recoJ"US Rll f'nciden'- a8 lOUC_ hiog OS any ·ba\ the world of rom141ce To rt· uder his lttst · hours . all bAt6r - as , pcfssibl6, aud end tho degrading, he 'ra.s i"n• · lenced to a of a soldittr's de The small. epJrit of revenge wbich • c a ted the "Y vulhlul Emperor," and his tcher, llaynau, wa11 not con enl with ta king the lttt,. of their _but u in a way that would \h.e mos.t effec. tually prtdtS and galt soul. · To avoid tlae _ •li,num•!lY o.f.Jbe ha lter, the w. if" . o( the dyiug pttt . iot bad . a dagger conveyed to h"t:r : hu:Jb .. wd- iu his hnen, wath wbich to anti .. cipate doom . Gracious H"aven! What a c' ommc tary on Austrian jus I ico, and the bravs people who Jive under tts rule! 'l'ue · count did not succeed in the suicade, bu\ throat was so injured by tho wound he bnd wflacted that be pre \'t:nted murderura rrorn strangltr.g him by U)e cord. He fell, to tbu hoarl by the bullets ol Auaura: iu soldaers,' and hke & bru ve nan A, who lctugbed to scorn the impu... .r tcncv of who w isbed to crueh' tbe"am- spirit of labt!rty 1 Ius last word11 were- •• 1\Jy country (or e vtr !" Some ' lc&dies ol tho · bigl•ettl syanpa with tbe noule ' nature thnl mer., pnysical torturu cc .u!d not subdue,eudt!avoured .to dip their handkerchief• iu tlle bluod ol the fullcn pa1riot, but were pr"vented by Austrian 1Ja1.onets. The ci vilasod world recoils from bru1alitiea like this. All the luws that prevail nation• havu by ' the murder ol the Hungarians al AraJ, and the lall of Co !l nt Bnttyauy at Pcstb. Such con· duct would disgrace a Red Indian or a New Zealand snvage. Tbe count WU8 opposed to the Hunoariou outbreak, bul attached to the con· which the violatt-d, and he forrned of a dcputal ion to \'\' indiachg ratz, at 1be commccrnenl uf ho•lilities, for the pur. pose of elfucting a compromise. He W&ul de• tuined as a wnile proposing pea9e, and a long ond se\·ere confinement · bna te. minu t ed au a death gloriotJ.S to th .e victian 1 but undyw.: a me a.;s:st\Sain 's .. The turn of C9uannntinOJ?Ie i.s elill matter ol conjecture. Much hu be en wri.·. ten ota the vaew wtucb tha C,;znr rnay take of the prss cnt or an \V_,titern. EU... rope. 'file &;t'ner'-1 belte _ f is, thlll the millun.- deulland iog will l>luw . _quactJy over, and lh11t ftus s aa wall pocket the affront rat1ier thl\n J?fO .. voke n collaeioo with J4'rauce' and England •. In 1' 11ras, u ii thul the Jtreucb EA• ccutivo is very cold iu tlJtj q_uarrel, and thal of the rtthuion in .,_ ,h acb L is r\ a pfu:oo s1anda, with lhu Auto· Ju1t receivci u •• Wat e MDilch, ''from crat •. ho would furego tho aupport of A;(D I'UJ\ s.\La BY nllllUU of Whtcb he Itt the DOIIllllal bead. Sel•t. 22 . JAMES FOX 'J'he -proverbial fickleness of Jf-ae 'nch P9C)• Tbe Cngo uf the echonner . ln&N&, from Hat• plo th_e ar rult : ra hiatory lif&lC 1 viz:- PROPERTY FO& SALE but a r.:trogrts•'saon su 111 ua cuo.ao• 2 88 B ARRELS euperfine fine aod mid · · " . q_uence1 " a• lllu on a. at, . would " U ' .. THAT valuable highlv cultivatea 'piece nry the aa_: aon to ":htch tho , dlanjts (t'LO IC,. r- 18 .• C.ORN or LAN V, tho Properly or the ' lJlte ,M . ror'• Qepb"wi)as . d dlfficalty inalir.-biar. 29 _ [. ' irkan• BU'J''f&R, 6. " JtiuN Howi. t.Y , adjoiuing tho Dom'! eno. of the Tho accou.nt• rom Rome •ne tbe reYerto Will be 1 old luw if taken troiD aloqaide. Hun.Joo c& UaaB-':JlR&s,aud containing about oJ aati•fcctO• Y.· . '(he return of the Pape · i• -culla!e FiJb aak,D in. 17 acrea. Fur f'#r1bor yartlculara apply to still talked abu I;, but wben it may take plato Sept. 16. . \ ' May 1 ELIZA HO\V L .E Y lJ ati,lllho aubl, cL Q( 'rboro bu .. \ . i l

I +]collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18491117.pdf · _A'PPRENTJCES INDENTURES, lte., &c. &l. # ' ____.__ I • o ~ • 'l'I~ ... Wo rno

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IIOOiiiiiOiOiiiiiiii.ii~iiiiiiiiii...;iiiiiiiiii;;;;;;o;l~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~..:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;o;;;l~iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ .. ~--;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;...;~l;aC;~·------=-;;iiiij;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii=!;:, _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;o;o;;iiiiiiiiii-:-------------=-;;;;;;=~=;;;;;;;=--~;;;;;.-;-, ~;;;;;;; • .•. •• ®'11 i:,a 1 t. From Willmer &- Sn~ilh '8 'Europtaf' TimLI, Oct .. 20. • No't-fttfl.

c:=:=======·=======~ ,_,_ ...:: Young Ladies' Academ,y, Under the directiota of the ,Ladit-~ s ot the


1' HE Puhla~e re-.pPctfully informt•d thnl . an Acode rn for Youn~ Ladies hns hecn

opr ntd al Brou ~actc, , .. here n sulid and rP6n~d l•:ducation wa] be giv.err to Duy Pupil:~ and Bnnrcl~~

ThE> healthy s ituation and beautiful grounds of Bl'ook~•dt> arc so w • I kno n to tho r.Jii?.f> nA u( Halifttx Rl' to rt•quir o Fpe.cyRI dcscrtp tion. .t.Jusic:, ah~ ~lodPr L~tnguB£!fi'S , ~tucl t' YHY branch of a polite' aucu ion wdl ue tau:dat.

'fhtt formation of ttni' he a Is .iff th~ Y ouog Lad1~s t<' virtuo,nnc.J,thP r.uhu of their mind~

· Ly' 1he study of thos e t'ullj•'r1s vhic:h aro , .. .. lt'nded to con li t it ole a l'Up~ri or ducattou , be ·

I ing ·he l!re at oujl· c·t wlui:h the Lnc.Jacs or the

\ So ere Caw a· t. n YH in v1~ w, nn p11111 i will uc

... spare~ t~ nllain th e 4el0ired end 4

\ T ile t-ys tt>JO pur u•·d ie~ s ru;tl pnrentnl, nrJd ·

' I ;



th fo mild i~ttlut>n'~e of vi rlue i lhn c•lldllll,L l;rinc1plc whic·h enf,,r<' t!d tht> ir ..rP~f,ulu trun:~­'rh..,. ltsrrtl'~, \\ hich ' nrc mocJE~rate , m•ty be kno wn 0 11 ttppllcotion to ~l u d u nie P£i i.: OC ~, ~uperiore~~ . ellh t> r .,,. t-linnully or Ly lctt•· r .

11 i.; ~uu•· <· t·:'F"ary ~ ., point out tn Parents at

i d1 stu11c~. 1hc c<:nlrul pl•slttnn nf ll ~.t~ ilax i1" mnny 'JOVROIO JJA S usn plucll or Vtluculion ,nnd lh ~ 1ucd11y ot' c ummur. i ~!l llon lw\ h by lund nnt! rte u u~ a l l 8tlU':! ••II:! o f tfl,. y ea r . · Every o pporlu111t r 1:-1 n fl~· rd t · d tnthnse Pupil:t wl.o '' l:ih In lt' urn l11 e F rP11ch la n u rHJ ••c• .,. 11h ·

,. e ' 11 1 uuy c: :<l rn c!•nr:,!c . The re t:t at pre::1cut a

\ ' 11 c !l .... } r o r 11 f • • w H o a rei P • ~ ~ •

l lu l,;,, '( , ,\ ,,g us t IU. 10-H\

OJ.' LO., DO.\".

s.1 \'n r;s· · n Hii Fd R TIW \nDJ\r uo onrn.u F. :'ltro W E R£0 DV A CT OF l'ARLI.~M E.ST.

Capital, £500,000 Stg. E.cc:lttsu·e of n n csenal f'w·d ( S tu-plus p,. emi ..

UIII S ) <l .f3 i ,OUO 't;ter/i.,•g . .

L"cH. 0 Jit£CT n " s, H ALI FA X .' N S. Tuo~lA S It . c;n ... !IH< E "' lll lrf', Chmrman.

J •1h ll ::i • rtJcll or• , l!:~rJ . Jlu11. ~. Cunard 'J'Itom ns <.. I\ IOilPar, E.~q J ol·n I )uffu.-, l!:'fJ • .) on . A ll i ~on , ~~'I· P. C ll11l ,8~q , :\Jaua~er

J:c{cnnlngcs o.ffc. J·ed. by this Socitly. r r. kt' FC'f •:cURTlY, arising froltl n IBr!,!ll Cn!•ilol

t~nlly inoepcn .J,.nt Clf the Pr11miurn l•'und. . L ••ANS .- Twr• .. lhircl ll of the tmnual l't' Pi mium-.

J)n j,J, or ha lf th e Pre n11u ru s for tht first five ) enrs, wluc h muy re nmi•1 un interest to lte ded lll'lt!d from t l1e 't~morwt of the l'oliC"y at the d"nlh of the u -pun•rf . ·

Low RAT£Q or Pu:~tJUM.-Tha r ntee of Pre­nriHcn 8f A II~ low liS ony !Sur•iery 01 f'qunl 8IOII~ ilt (o!•

Dn· t AION:t OF PaoFJT~.-Tb~ Uuuu11es in th i:t ·8oeiety nre clt!clnrt-d annually aud ore pennnueut, nncl t>ach yeAr tftP. Attsureti hns tire r.p liun of ri!Cffi · v in!r t he profi :s in C.t.SH, i n reductiou of Prem1um ; Or i n ft •11)11 illll IO the I' UIII IIIS Urf'IJ.

Pten.iums mtty be I•UHJ Annually, llnlf-Yearly or Qu~~rtcrly.

ln t~urrwcP mny be .. tr.ktecl for one YPliT, fnr fh'e y•ar,B, or fur !Iff. , with~~ wilhout pardcr1uttiun 111 tire prufils of the S oclf' ty . A liber,ll al\ ownnc" fur th~ RUrrfl lltler or policies.

Every inf~~rmatiun IIR o l htJ Socu:Hy's H Jt tea u( P reutium,· mot.le o -In net>, nn(J !·l ~auk forms ol bVplicllllou, "'"1 be hncl 111 1he nffiet~ uf 1he Sah · Ecriher, t~tho l1a1 Pu~r•phlt: ts fur ,zrn iU IIOUI' •l nuri-1\ulion, a rid all documents requirt!cl for effdc tiug rusurauce.

, J. 8 . b\JLLEY, Sub JJg en1, ~"twjuund!autl.

/ ----------~------~ FOR S.OLE

At th~ Office ot tlli ~ JQurn" ' · tmt following

IID~£i1~ ,If®IDJ)I~9 · ' • !'fEA.TLl P~INl'&D Off GOOD PAPER.

CUSTui\11tUUSE t:NTRIE:) & WAKI(ANTS · 8HIPS.,_AHTtcLE~ .Cbarter l)1uttbd

C 0LONIAI4 llONOS lHI.I. OF LAOING -lULLS OF BXCH ANGF.-iu books of 6 12 . · anti !U eell el\eb . .

.. PJtOI\11:StS0UY NO J'ES- io Books of 1 ! . antiS quJtt'l •· · · ·

1\lEitC.HAN'TS' ORDE~· DOOKS-:-1 2 and S 'q{tJre• eftett • · ·

· FISH HECEIPTS-jn Hoo~e ofl, ~,and S quir,. eaeb ·


# ' ____.__ I • o ~ •

'l'I~ L' S U Bsc·· l{ i l3 !·~ it~ Tbe blood &toined Go~rnrn~n\· ef .Austria· ) · ·'/ .U:.J ' .._. j~ · p•ovokiitg • th~ OXeCrmto~ · of iri~nktnd .. - '"- . I ":· ~

Alrt>ady. i_l:s ' <'JLces!4pll, in .. the ' way of cru~hy · : /' ' · ·_-1 a11d vcug~at _c·e, havp ratsed'l-an · outcry .f~t~ / J 1

un.~ , wi_Be; but theae excesses, howe•er ~or.__.... (. · ·. 1

rid, ~·~(j at kast the polliution or having ~een . 1


25n· B!tiS NO. 2 BREAD; Just Rcceiv cc.J, ex Eo, from Hamburgb.

for {1~ most part· verpetrntcd.. whtle ·the s•·ord

l1t~b.:n;II~ ~9 Er r\NN EL'Iz .un:l'a a11d ~T. Fu. t..H<from Balli11iore


BY THE SUBSORIBERS 'J(aQ BA H.HELs SuperHou FLOUR Oc:.~ b tt H lllt:.d\l do

100 Rrltt 'v\' hlle Corn 1\JP.nl, 60 hul f do do 50 B.u·rrls Prime J'OH K 70 Ba~~ Y l'llnw Corn, 2 l.lushel~t l'ach 50 l>o 13H.A N 55 fl uxes Hurn•ydew Tobarco. B'111 & I S 's SO B .. xc~ l\1 oul.t Can tllf's, 6'11, 8 '•, & J U'11 15 Jl,,zc· u CAHP~T BROO:\lS 2 0 Kqcs \\'atcr and Sut.ld Cutckert 5 H ••d:t. Sm•1kcd JOLBS

50 Sad t!s .Bucon JUO Boltuuure l'ured HA~S 50 Gr .. ,.s .\l~th:lwlt., a Url~t Blacking

I UO B :•~:t Ta~lts Snit. • S t> ptt'rnbc1· 5. JA~J ES FOX&. Co .

-------------------------------Wo rno <0£)].V~~m ~ {g(fl)~

oJ.'I'ER Porr S .\LF., CUEAP FOR C.teH,

n Rt•:..\1>-·N.,s. J I 2 und 3 . I) Dn !o-- (111 oatrl'ls), Nu t,l:lovy FI.OUH. supt:l·tiue - in brJs . and half brJs. COltN .\l~A L "7white and .yellow (in barrele.

half-barr..!s and V!lgtJ) run K-Ame rican B l•: E l<'- prime tuc~s arrd Nova Scoli~t B U TTI!:H.~Nt_~va Sculia (in ',firkio,s and tuhs) U .u n A uwr1uan-an ubs 30 And S5 lb~t. t:ach 1~1>1 .\N C OHN-in bat!• 2·LJuah~ls e~ach -BH.t\N . TEAuu4C0l'}i'~hl ..... ~ , 1

"'UU~ R, T uiJncco, Pipe..t, l)rit'd .:. Apples LO,\ 1·: .~~9A It, Blackin_~, BROOMS 13UC I"E1:s,&.c.·,&c. ("'· .

1 ' 0 .-\ P- i11 bous, 64 tu ~ lbs: each • . CANDLI-::-i-(~5 Bild 40 lb. box.,•)' s· •. '8's

und J O'lt ·

HI C~, lJH.ill~ HE'RRlNGS, A S ll , ON IIA :\ 11 1 • I

A L~t rf:!£' assort ••·nt uf FU H.N ITUllE <: 11 r\ J1ts .. T A ~~S, &c.

La11di,~ 27z£n~ L UN, f rom Hawab11rl{h,

} 00 ft GS Fine BrAnd , ~0 l34rre le~ . Oat . Gdt~t1 50 Half-barre ls Datto .

vet. 6. JAMES FOX &- Co.

]\"ow iw.ding, tr f £Ltx.jrom ~lu:diac,

PIN B Lumber, Spruc e1 dil o Pine and Sprue~ bealt~, cheap for Cftsh.

Oct. 6 . JAMES F<..'X & C~.

HOPS 5 bales, Cheap to close sales. p,,; ~~11e by

Uctol.ler 3. P. ROG BRSON &. SON.

1 )OHI(, IUO barrels Prime C aty, ex "Goi­.I' dell G ruv•," troru N.ew York, for wale hy

O c1ohcr 3. ..,-- P. RUGElU50N &. SON

COFFEE, 25 bags snpt>rior, for sa le by Oct.J. P. HOG&H.SON &, SON. -------- --'--- ------ -

FLOUR. 600 barrels, ex • .M~nilla,' from N· w York, lur enle hy

Ur tolt"1 3. P .. RO GERSON&. SO N

10 flu~:o:H t;A o . .;, 7tJ Uri l'l~tf ( 1 cln~~ ll ho~tle~ ~"'('b,) 'lHtANOY, fur ttft lt: ,on IU' COUI •

uwda tin l! terms, to do11e a cout~i,nm.,rlt, hy _StlJH. 26. · · OUu O.\N &. FO~

205 wuo LE, half •!·~I q_ul)rter hn~!·• l\t l'l-1

nuluctur.sd 1 OilAGC0 1 tn store !or su le l'Y ' · I' .

So!f". 2o. DUGGAN cf: FO.>L'

50 ftOXES ·BLOOM RAISlNS,. 2 0wr. AutUlpull~ C heeau, Jut1t lauded ox

F ALCo:-4 (1'oin Huli_hl.x, for .a Itt by Sept 19 . P '. H. CARTER &·Co

:.._AI.SO, ON 11,\ND-·

...,JOOO Ho~r~htacls LiveT,pvo l SALT

8 l: unB . .Cor~ \VHBKEY t .. was drawn in the cival confiic•, anth•he blood

'"as lw't with exciJcmllot : n 'ut lhi i plen. cab

.· 2.) •!o ~· P. ~ Herrill ;s lla.t1;d

S Hhrlit C nf!OllC B.RANDY 250 .l31li!S No. ~ ttnd 3 lHU~,qj .

.JfiSH T JJJ\. E.\ l.V P .. /1 fiiE/vT. · 1 . JOHN CUSAC ~SONS.

Odober 13. · I

r. ~~ j,ll.£Yll' A.~ 1t ;ll'® £ill'Wo -+-

A Capital Chance for. making 3argains 1s oti'ered ar th~ tihop of .

· .'1.·· A• ll.. nr~JJCHIVOOD, .....

IHI~ir ID.r_r,~: .. 1)J'!j ~.oY1'.:n::m ~)1';,1 ~eo _ W-l10 are now sdlll'g ulf at ro · duc~ praces,

tbetr pres l:'nl varied und well·a~ortt:d ~toe~, comprit~ing :-

LADlES' ana Gcutlemt>u'~t WIGS .Fruutlt:to, Cornbd 1 Brusht-s

ti•·unted, Fdncy nnd Shuvin~ So!lps

' \,

Bu:&ors and H.uzur Strupd, bl.c,, bi.o , &.c .

lc::J"" As A. & R. B. are prepc&ri " for the reception .of dum· new Stock, wtu h · ex­p'3ctt-o ahurdy,tbt')' wtll~ J 's Olff'_ tb buv~ arftclc,; ut thu ~ •

LOIVES'l' PRICES VASH. Octou'er 6.

·Jl.r·e ~ctit)ing .ex ~n\e1·ican Bri; }V,ATER . \V tTCU 1 )rom Raltirnore,


-591 BAHRI·~L§ ilUitorfine nnd fine Flou1· · ln·s h gl'ouud auo from new wheat

200 Burrels \V hite Col'n l\·J.oul .., 100. Hull -hurrels ditto ~5 Oux l'S Cllcc~Q so B11 rrt'ln Prime PORK )9 l>ino Pll·klt•d .J . ,Je:~

1 ll ugshPnd_ SmoiH!d ditto 1 l ·a :4e Blue Prinacd Culton I i:Lrlc llrue Cvllon Dorries

.AL~u , l.S ~TvR£

E x KAT£ Pnt~ D£RGAST from Bnlti.mo1·e, Pu1 ~~'A ;\l (l·om Pl&ttad~>lph ia, S c uTT asu LAdS f rom B .Jstoll , antl ulh eJ' lair. ai·,·ivals

Superfine , Fcne and l\lidd lings FLOUR \\"hite Rot\ Ye llow Curu i\l t!al P r im., PORK , Nu. 2 BREAD BUTTEft-in kcga und tubs Molu~eA, Indian Corn • 1

Ship S1 uf.l' und 13rRn, in 2 bu~th . SOAP- in 60 , 36 und 30 lb boxe Cand lcs .;...G'tt and S's, Table Salt, i bogs Cnrrnn1s- in barre ls V IN BGA It, A lhuny Ale. Sugar- an barrclt1 Hyt~oo nod Congo Teas, &c.

Sept. 26.

600 BRLS. \-\' HITE CORN M&AL-. frc' h - ~round aud ktlr. drtl·d

2 ;10 Barre-ls -S upbtfino New FLOUR 60 Ditto Primn PORK . 20 HuJf .. uaa-rcl JC Mess dho 80 Buxos s··s. 8 's, Rud IO'e CANDLES 60 Bags Brau, 50 BJs pria11e B~J.<:~·

SUO Bu~s No11. I aud 2 BH.b:AD, J&i,.t in Jrpm lJaltimo,:e, and .fu•· .Sale CHE./lP I' . ~ . )or CJJSH

1 by

. P. ROGERSON & SON, September 19 .

300 ·BARRELS t~upedioo FLOUlt · 50 Dt to Whit~ Coa·n Meal

50 ,H a1f bdrre ls ditto 30 Barrels Prime PORK

no l11ngP. r uo ur~r.d, ll.ungwry hBE IJeen sub-dut>d . The oucient coustilUticm, .jn de~'nco . of which ·:he pt-ople t•oured out their· l_)lood. · l1ke water, has b~en d~tttroyed . The l\lagy• ars, who ent~rtnin a tbor~ugh co~tempt for Au!ttrian· pusillttnlmity. have befn quicteil, css by H.us!! ia'l load tran H..~s~}&n goJd., as Georl.t~Y' can u~stit~. :rhis~ •t , was tb~ tirnc for u feeble but gcnerou o to mako n ~ourablc irilpression. B ~b has been '.~· i1 oessed ~ .No le&~ that) 1irteen H U~fiao geoernld, ~bo deli~ered the~~-ves '!'P ~~the c lose of ~he war·, aqd induced l~ir eoldt!trS t" lay down tbtlir 8l'ms, have been .murdered onder the gui::~e o( n. court ~rtial; and lo muku the u:a~edy oi•play a SUitable d~Ue• • mmt, Count HuliJdny, the Pri({l~ ·~Ji nister ~ of Huol7ary,- baa bt>en sltol uo.der circum· sta'i1ce:t :tucb wall (or ever make tlle Austri.an n~tne synonym~.>U:t · wit.b eru.:J I• treacbePj,

fUnd <111bonour. . ' The death of this br~~o -and a.ccomplitihcd ·

nr~blernan recoJ"US Rll f'nciden'- a8 lOUC_hiog OS any ·ba\ the world of rom141ce pre~tent! To rt·uder his lttst · hours . all bAt6r -as , pcfssibl6, aud hi~t end tho ano~t degrading, he 'ra.s i"n• · lenced to a malelo.ctor'at~cad of a soldittr's de The small. epJrit of revenge wbich

• c a ted the "Y vulhlul Emperor," and his tcher, llaynau, wa11 not con enl with ta •

king the lttt, . of their ~tctim, _but tb~y mua~ &.akt~ u in a way that would \h.e mos.t effec. tually wound. hi~t prtdtS and galt hi~ soul. · To avoid tlae _•li,num•!lY o.f.Jbe halter, the w.if" .o( the dyiug pttt .iot bad . a dagger conveyed to h"t:r :hu:Jb .. wd- iu his hnen, wath wbich to anti .. c ipate hi~ doom. Gracious H"aven! What a c'ommc tary on Austrian jus I ico, and t.h~ dt!v.~tion ·of the bravs people who Jive under tts rule! 'l'ue· count did not succeed in the suicade, bu\ bi~t throat was so u~udt injured by tho wound he bnd wflacted that be pre • \'t:nted hi~t murderura rrorn strangltr.g him by U)e cord. He fell, ptt~rced to tbu hoarl by the bullets ol Auaura:iu soldaers,' and hke &

bru ve nan A, who lctugbed to scorn the impu... .r tcncv of tbo:~e who w isbed to crueh' tbe"am­m~.m"nl spirit of labt!rty 1 Ius last word11 were-•• 1\Jy country (or evtr !" Some' lc&dies ol tho · bigl•ettl ~.;lut~s, syanpa hisin~ with tbe noule ' nature thnl mer., pnysical torturu cc.u!d not subdue,eudt!avoured.to dip their handkerchief• iu tlle bluod ol the fullcn pa1riot, but were pr"vented by Austrian 1Ja1.onets.

The ci vilasod world recoils from bru1alitiea like this. All the luws that prevail among~t polit~hed nation• havu IJe~n outr~ged by 'the murder ol the Hungarians al AraJ, and the lall of Co!lnt Bnttyauy at Pcstb. Such con· duct would disgrace a Red Indian or a New Zealand snvage. Tbe count WU8 opposed to the Hunoariou outbreak, bul attached to the con· stitu~ln which the Au~ttrians violatt-d, and he forrned on~ of a dcputal ion to \'\' indiachg ratz, at 1be commccrnenl uf ho•lilities, for the pur. pose of elfucting a compromise. He W&ul de• tuined as a pra~oner wnile proposing pea9e, and a long ond se\·ere confinement ·bna te.r· minuted au a death gloriotJ.S to th.e victian 1 but rdh:c~iug undyw.: ~til a me ~n b~s a.;s:st\Sain's ..

The turn of ~at C9uannntinOJ?Ie i.s elill matter ol conjecture. Much hu been wri.·. ten ota the vaew wtucb tha C,;znr rnay take of the prsscnt po~tataon or atl'uir~ an \V_,titern. EU... rope. 'file &;t'ner'-1 belte_f is, thlll the millun.­deulland iog will l>luw . _quactJy over, and lh11t ftussaa wall pocket the affront rat1ier thl\n J?fO ..

voke n collaeioo with J4'rauce' and England •. In 1' 11ras, u ii rum•~ured thul the Jtreucb EA• ccutivo is very cold iu tlJtj ~ul_ern q_uarrel, and thal -~· ~sequenc:o · of the rtthuion in .,_,h acb L is r\ apfu:oo s1anda, with lhu Auto·

Ju1t receivciu •• WateMDilch, ''from Balti~o,·c crat •. ho would "~t1ly furego tho aupport of A;(D I'UJ\ s.\La BY tb~ nllllUU of Whtcb he Itt the DOIIllllal bead.

Sel•t. 22 . JAMES FOX ~ Co ~ 'J'he -proverbial fickleness of th~ Jf-ae'nch P9C)• Tbe Cngo uf the echonner .ln&N&, from Hat• plo rc.o~tJcting th_ear rult:ra illfiinttt~f hiatory ~

lif&lC 1 viz:- FEESIIIPI,E·~ANDED PROPERTY FO& SALE but a r.:trogrts•'saon su shaail~tul 111 ua cuo.ao•

288 B ARRELS euperfine fine aod mid · · " . q_uence1" a• lllu on a . ~iined at, . would reod.e~ " U ' • .. THAT valuable a~d highlv cultivatea ' piece nry 1nt~ecqfe the aa_: aon to ":htch tho E_IDna~ , dlanjts (t'LO IC,. • r-

18 B~trrel .• C.ORN MEA~·- ~ or LAN V, tho Properly or the ' lJlte ,M ~"': . ror'• Qepb"wi)as . d IU~b dlfficalty inalir.-biar. 29 _[.' irkan• BU'J''f&R, 6. Rh~.ROM "JtiuN Howi.t.Y , adjoiuing tho Dom'!eno.of the Tho accou.nt• rom Rome •ne tbe reYerto

Will be 1old luw if taken troiD aloqaide. Hun.Jooc & UaaB-':JlR&s,aud containing about oJ aati•fcctO•Y.·. '(he return of the Pape · i• -culla!e FiJb aak,D in. p~. 17 acrea. Fur f'#r1bor yartlculara apply to still talked abu I;, but wben it may take plato

Sept. 16. . \ ' May 1 ELIZA HO\V L.EY lJ ati,lllho aubl, cL Q( c~njec~llro. 'rboro bu



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} . ~=:~)uisundots:andih~ bel ween Pn6 of •I he Prin_cn RP.geprl rhe Howe, 1he C~IP.dQpill, ·~ttl~ ~-· ~.f .:W~.;er ~Jln~, ··f!JJ·{a.r .;.4er ·. ha~e ··.y~t . In .'"i .ill·ll~f!' ~e. ·~O~("S8' rbe: $l e· ._,~;~~~ ~.nd · · ~ I' • ~


io •od -~~. ~ c,~.rfe:"'h;; nnd - ~ht! ltsrophllll, th., . Veni(I'Utneo., t~e Po~~rfu~~ aup ·]fl ~m~-tp: haQd_~ Jlfler the re~~j.p~h.e ~--aOI ··. a~quar .ariUJUogea.. What "ltnkt to tt:e. i'row 4 \

--.... Ftench 1 n, feehng··o,fft;nded at !t leiter .rec..-i· ,:tt ~~tn "r"' Oh~run suul Porc1\1!11~8• · . · . · •ftta:e. : :Fr.om •h_e .J.ruU' rnttul e-.eted ,by the ·pt_,u ·· · t t (. 1 ·~ ·

. . · ~

< •


ved fro the ecelesi~J.IItic comnlu iuintr of I he b . lilts .. Au:~t,rllUI ,pit:~!· tchuntc:llfdl~ !.P!tl.e.fl'lj;aUSI/ onfl :frOIU b.iia aect:f9it ll : _of l . ;pl'o.vince. ~ower In~ \ r•.ro ~ . .... ,ty. 0

. l 18 ~~~era. ·t~·ot::~.be f!!llQD f

. be r . . , .. . r . ~ " rl~ ... l8 I) fi t ~r 1!1~ .oc.:ar e ., ttr 1\lll" ll. . • ' . • • . . . . f . ~heir ~arry~~rr, lr~ule l'o (oJeign ;1>1H'te:-:.conve}'irtg · ~!Jm . ~ra~~r•.•..!_-i.lLtol~l\hHJ tn th_e ,Ete~ ! · ·At Sulinstopt~1 tf\ere "!,a .. a ltutt~unr, ,...~lle t"' o'f :CJln\qa lYIII d~cl_llt~. r~ iavo~r 0- r~~l~taoo ·~hjther fhe .p"rcdticrs of' rhtir ir\rlnin11j and thei'r~ca-·· ,nol c t~~.pptnt )Y)s referred to htA Roll I tweo•y-_s ix VP,S:iela. Hnly .fo,..r ho~ra• Sliil" frw~ - ~~·~ · _ltn~ .~pper Canada rru.!~ad agJli~IS,t 11• .p.l tal;--(orciu« rp'nrk,l'l~ (or .' tft~rD ,· -eV~ry cljt.l~'

dtlittpprp_Yed !)f tbe cotdtnal's con- rnou rh o! ll•t- Hu!!phoru:t. · .· . . I ~ · 1.-L --:- · • · Tl · ( · · "' rt-~ ~im o,erbn~tr<i. • l 'ue ;tt~~k.i:-h ' tldcft !et' lU}PhOrf\~ BFr~~ t,h~ Jlp•· - Tp~, H~Y ~ E~r·R~ .The arll~k }!.rntleror ter._are\00\Y driv ~ng-•thtColoqie1J.out .l fir.elf 0~1'1

. · i . . ,.h.lr'ul &I the .mtrro~~dl e_.,.r,ll, Gt eu~~O.)'~U .. ild .l!.hJl\:111f ... '!lL~e .afl. ~uu!f. ,c6.!oure·!· IIUIIJect~ RJ~Ilr IJfa r:k_ele. ·Alld oil( t~ti~ is -~?De ·_by me.ir grea\en-. - v t ' ' . ' Aqlauu\~j< 10 ll!L~.ild ~t)" PI\!UIUO· . . _ ,o . be')(€~~111 1l or _il t"·fillllll 21Y: .1 ~e .,jzrAJ,pous _loU~ terprrae ontl ener:gv of ch~cter • . ~:I Colonists .J';9ll~I§N INTEI.L~~lfQIJ_. T~ T t:tlr lqpy in ·';\/atllaclua,, <ComrnRncled ... ~.cr~nun_g .a .Y'nk .hat~~ Pr~_nces J?ukee, ~e. laa:. · ·h ' "- • · · '· .• .. • . . hv 0 'er 'Puchd LaJd b.:eb ur,ltsrec.J lln<;k to Con. J!Ht heen pt;rl:'etr, ted. It I Ii awn•tswhu~ ~Jn£uhtr we ave -ueen, VP to t~ilf tit ts, ·too nMJch ~ec.Jde•l .

• · :i;&lll";o,.t~ . . · 1

• • · : tf•.ntJu·~~vhell !'en_:~it, l t! J.teovl~ ·~ 1he Oltl World tq the ~ootl old f:tit• ~Ynu \\'iniCI_e~tyleof -' 1 . going 1'H E RO~l.~N . s~r ATgs.. Tile FreiliCh ·ft~er, conaieting ·x. VP.flllela of IU:tf ~~~!j.l~ ashnrneal of ther_t)S~Iv~ (or ·~UV_I III{ tW ~·~entJ.'I 'J;'p· improv~ .. 9ur ~~H'Jt!itioli, ~A sb'ouJ;l-t-~.

<;;enerui .Zucchi hp.s l-e~signp~ .tii.o .~rR<fe n~ •be 'line, tw•' lri'1f3ie.s 1uui .itdtune r~t, wr h 8QP men, l•1>ng 6owe.t ~o,wu l~ ~41..rsb~t: ·a - ~lllt!ll urr_at ol'rn~y; turn .o len(, .or. ratt1er tq,ke or1e out of lkotber . Jo11

iLieutenaut - G~neral rn trlts .RulllB .I urmv lltt IIIIU GOO {!~1~ . i!' tinller wetlh fo~ Cht! lklrcltlllt'll•e~ . lle~~~llll~k .11:: IU~ll Ill ~"' ·~ flllliZO lt_re DIUUtiiiiJ; natbun' d Look. ' . th d t l t h I . 1 d ·' ']111 1Je LtC'ht Zeitu1Hr-hu t"th:r.t fr ~ <.;1111" 11111 • tlle WQrlu h.)l tllrat ne t oJ .condu.lllllnle lully . , e grouo 11\ tt lllr t:ngulo!e to ttervH n u • :c> . • . . ...- ......_ · ~ • , • , • • • .coo~~it u. lion "\,. pr~nc*', . J!Ud uot an' au sol u ttt' G.,.· 1 i.unp,lc v~, I~~~ ti•of· lllll~i~ ~~~~:~··~·l1901l ·.,t t.Ju arrJV•. ~ 111 ~ -~· T.!lbe r~t r.k I 18}~· II~~ 1!!11111~11 dl t' t~ ;np~ ' A a' ~~~ in it i,ul i,ve .s_f~p ,-co this' j'h()~Aill~nt, wo ulrl '

t · ' · f •bu $11-"JilOrUS 0 .ll · '.vl'llhl~ i!OC 0 0 ~t~ rVUJIOII. d 1111111 14 ~~ ~ 20' c\f' U . l IIH, it IIOt ~~ well fqr tl1e COmiUOrcial: LJotJy of tl1iit .vcrouu"n , I f . ' 'li d I l T'*k .. I

A Jell ( R f h d · ·r h 1 .-\ !'nhlle 11 t.vonw JltUIIS ~ t- •1. ••u 1·~1 "' L' • s cu~mu'1ity t.o. o-p._e.'ri a cOr_resJH)o_tfeo.._ce ·lwitt. th:tt -. er rom omc, 0 I e ute 0 I e 14• ·'· e.hip!\ ill b ur\u ur of.; lte ~rtl~h ..g: .. ... . . ~ ur: PI-:4C£ Cu.'OR£.'1:-t.-The •. rnhl<lort prrper I"

. .ays thut t~e 9oputc~:t of tho lult· Con,st itu .. nt I · 1 ' ' • ' j ~tnre' thul rttfl c. r .\uil nnr•u ll l tl}t:Pt·illJ! ol ·,he l't!H<"e of ~uej.J~~ or Monlr"~ul, B1> ort to a:teef'tain ho..w·fur'

.artt IO lie I'J.tOged inti) three ciM~t'S. The .. CqiiJ!~OI!I:f' i u~~?O will he lit:Ju ill thrt-1. cit,y,wh~Je r..v~- I he' lntlil~tr~l prpducts (_)f tl'liJ ld!un•f mny mee t

.first clq_s~t to cornHI!It of thol!e wh o di1J not co n · . ~HqVS FRO)I BJFFl~'.S B.\Y-SIR fUll~ FU.A-N~Ll~ .ry l'r':pttra \h>n itt L~iug nlrenJiy 111" tld f"r •he rl!cep- ~~it!q•urj~ttA ' s .iu Cu!lada; utthe UtntS t ime gi; .. aent to lit · 1· u .. 1· d 1 U_•tl,l_of ,thts p_ l,l i lpt,altar~v.b, ic 4JltHu~c;rd qf thtt u~o- . ... - 1. 1 . . . e proc llll tnn o n ,,t•puu ~ ~ . an I . . , .'~ lu~f'!l c e.ar ;t19 un~!er~srantl, that our t~ile wiq1 .Will \uerefore oe c l~d frum e .. tll l' ; in .the ~e . The lo llo~IOf[, cre~l(t:~ to \he 1'tf1D L "'UdllfJ Clf!tl~t~- •' t p61:l~hould he .r~cip~ocally "eueficial. A~ a ftir~ .coQd clas~ will be hu m oro moderate me m.. Uvonicle, we c lrp froru the New Y1..1rk Cow:ier 4· H.v~quu_p A.p·~t,n to.~ O,T_ ;i fl2. l~o.u~ OF 0Rp· ) b 1 · · · · " 1 ' l'f,6. t~r..:£ ,..;_lc ts rumvurt"J thtH thd GIJVerom.,ur so· t ler e{H·~ur~,.:et,le U!._ to \!IO·!lllufltion of sucti tt me'\·~ ~ ers, ev_en tho u!! lht>y have cunseralt'd to thu I J::,,_aw.'rer . It - · ~· tl coofir u_U\llOU of lh6 81UCtUJ1611l Ol . . "' j . . ·.T..> bl ~ ' riou'~:~ ly cor11~rn1•lat~ ,uhnli:!hiug r Its U·ut rd of Qrcl· RUr~, the~oc11l L.eiittlature rnight ~itb mur.lJ atlvan .. ·~,opu IC • · 0 prucla

1imeti; tlie:Je .~viii al~:~o 1 Cnj..t l Wu.rJ.,of theW, lutlo~~i.J. • ·,rrutt .. L, ove,~rri_v~d ut 'uaoce, autltllitt 1)1e ~n. rar~ cu. utru. 1 o. (thi:~ hr_nnch of h d l · L II d 1 .,.. tage to \ . e rra e. nt «Ji il ~ll'h~jau nprk nod flUIIt

e . u owe '."return to it~roo, ~-\-)t u,nd"r ~~H l llull : · tht.i ~~v··~_, w.ill lJA vet~red ut-4l1e cmn~n uJ.,r•rn- · • II rh ' d 1 ll · h 1 1 · · · d into our tuarkcits,- du.J..y r,,·u , tlJ•o. n ,rt1e .~tame privi- .

,V e l nuce . c:: ~~11r c 11~ WI _.c• u . . er ltt r~ 1

~~:tpl. Chn.pe l, o( tbe b~~~l'l" McLo.llnu of thi_tJ ch,ief ttucl in two ofF.;~"r"1 t'l ~~; c'~tlle 1 'Cuu1p- J'

cull,_,~ nor &lonedllcd. 0·~ HI , lao~e v('r,l!4 1·1,or1, lr 11j 1 U:tvl:.) s~r~its, ·w;,0~6 ' art•.vur· wtt 811,. trolll:lJ 1\ f the Or~tuuucts' Stnrc A cr:u111 , u.ud lh~: 'Juge .!J~iug 11''C•1rcl~d to ott o~ the .intr<?~Uc.t i or. of ·


.cer:aJO, . Ihal .I'a~quule .de [c.. l:l the ""'Y I UIJU ioCI'a )t':!i tmluy ·~ioni~ng ; furuidh~d rnlormation Coulpl~oh~;~ry t'\JIIIl ll~tl l::n:h ~~l:lllllll_tl. . . ()U~,(i~h aJid u ~ rrl ll:_: , i!ai O lla~ir rwu~~t.s_. ) • ..dt!pury w.h.o a't prt~Wnt puullcl · nd guieLiy : wt;icb wrll u1 lt'atJI lJe f ca11 'wi :h iiHer:est in th" Ah\,0:1, {.,·\ 'Vf ':iOCP. , L~s9 . , · Ji~ ·•v · •Y E .(.tnwr! n;try 'ft11:i ex ... !urt l""· ~:t fur u::i l!l ·s -C~I ~ coe-•ern .. in" in Rome. · , · r l1ullt:d ::5ta tt=.~ , 1:1111.J i:11leuJ iu O\_e. rv rturt ol tlid J \1 • CJI · · 1· 1 V · 1..; J · l t J ~ X; ~ ...... M• • " • unt '¥1lltstcr .' ~IIIIJ!J tn tlury rnrr1 ' tl"' ool . ~ · .,... · • t !.~, r..crue• .· ·ur ~ltl ld ul owe for n li mit d il\le ~Uf

N \PLE ;:, I w orld. About lhll rd' nf Au:tlllll, Whl,lts .th" !\11! lmd t\11 tllllll e ncc ul ner M~j -::.r y Ill \V iud,otr <.; .~llu, r'l ~r.i';n r cl f l I I fi I h i .', •' f. . '3 A~D SIC,I Lt>lltt'n lrud ·Ju ~'oud ct Btty,' ••11 tud~tita't iOII uf U cl· on ' ~alttrJ lcy lu!! l, th tt 20th , '" ol~lrl(··r h •:t cr'c·!~u · l till I . -•~• .au I ~~ r:a• ~ ~~ r I !1 111 t • ou_. -:-

Tbe .violenr.c .ofthe G~vernmer.l VA& on thf\ 1 tin 's Uay . m 1;11. 7-l,lo'll . 7l, J.t,~ native:~ of t h ~ i~:al :~ . . fi e wnd iu'lro:l u~~·d bJ y- ,,..,.0 ,1111 P . .tmurs r,111 , Butu ~uny ye oliJ t:Ctetl, Ot] th.c othe r '""'\l,lhdt'li\e Jilc. rt!~~e .. The leiters hue ly rt\ct>iv d ";~full : ·· ~u~:~t Cluuu vu lJlhtHi . rh~ I C?t~ lttut'l ; till Eu :_t l !~ta (?· t::B., her M aj~ · •y's P.rwc•i, ... l ::?<!or~l4r.)' ~f ::S . I.ll~: .j d :·.vr~~:;ecl :cotu•e ·~t n~r rcvt:uue \Vtll ~~ 't perrtli t I! Ucl\ ·~ ·•ccou 11 a f . t d L ' t d . \\ h.tlerurt u, u rn! ~avo tnlnrruaraon l11 811!11:1 t o ni 1 J-o , \If . l J · · · 1 , . · · 1 • . • ... r .. o urrc~ s ttn arol r ury procet> · ' . . 1 • . 1, . l' , ur (~ 1 1!. 11 • .rlrll, • "re u.: \1~\l. 1. rt:l.'ly, ll ci.IIJy_.,.e tttHJ, iltil t the J~.-i . ·1' (. I . . , . t'' " lur.:o s ill !'~> were theu ~ ~~1,.: 111 , •_ lll l:~ .'-"~t' t_ll;:. : ~·:.esu tang, rom .revo Ullnuary P' _h.:ee~wgs Iulcll . lttiCI b ud lluen thert.' huH 10' lhd u:e lor fuur ~ _____.. • r~I . fJ·~i·, ~JUSOJ YY 1!\ICh ~·~ . e?t"''~lplion, Cllll hb' eulltly

f!" ~ltly dOd '~cp;t!~Lc.r, ,l8?8 , and ol a eu·u ~ tocn:tou~; uurl bc: tug u~k~.t wuh r'~a:iml to tlwstS uu THE MOflNING COURIER. m~•Jd up, lry iu~pusiug u(ldil.ii:HI \JI J~ti~s on lho:;ll .If!' ue.nt . date 7 !' u reportc'd thut _r e tzictdt) ; boanJ, wh~tl.ur rb~y ·werd·uead ur ul_ivel ,they .r~· - ---··- ·- · ~ ... _. ___ , __ _ -- · ~-·· ~· ·"!·~ ll~uJiea vf li,f1·1 w'lt1ch m iat i:trer to tht.i comfort 1u 1 1

.. ~,d ~~~tiOn h'as been .01-:ICO.Ve~oJ i"i Which 1:1 : p'li c;l l Ill til~ ~arut!_ ~~uyl thr.t tho cr~W8 ~Vt:re II,Ot :::;T.Jou:s's, s.~l'U lt O .\Y, NuV I..:\111~ 1 : tr: }:).J~I. pl~:ltl l '!d at: thl). rjc l_l,·;~e '\fJ IIal~nl_: n,nll.' liart iCtJ_~_ lmplteated 20,000 personi. · . j u u~~h~ep,, (dull 11, 1101 dead) llul w~r., ull ~tslt. '" A \ · · ( L d p' .. •, , · • 'rlti:f ro t'vrutnt •on wu11 ·cousidhtstl by tho l!:uKtieb- lu r.!~.t,V. tJ ntt .~f t.~le oiJ;idal~, f"!_r w~o:jtt heue~ t nr ... f J

~opy 0 · or . a.Unenlon :~ deipalch on · llr~tu uud hy Cupt. Clruj1tsl, ttd iutli'catiug t'llu~tJ',u I :or u r t:ceul nu11~ht.>r of tl1r1 jourual we ollt!r~tl uthunw~e l~e r~ .ve11u" i::1 r.Q!'itoiY., .col l.ccrctl nod HJ• · / ~6 Slcr_fion que st~o~ htH.I be.e.~ ~eot t~ rho ollips of ti~r Jol111 "'r'cs•J~flu ,v,a're 1cl~u.ly'mt!UtJl . aom1:1 IUhlding reu1.Hk :~ on tllu pr•19p3cts of the sLn·"' r•roJfr'i.ttc~l. 'J'Iu::\ ~ ~~ i·r,g "~lets e.ff~c ecl,' auo rhc '1'111 •

mpt>ror of R,u ss t~, wbo • se,~t ~ c nut·ter _ lu ·, The ~ugl•:oh10an lunded ttl ()a~e Hay, soml' P,ft t!nde uf l~i:1 .l:l~l~n~. ~ l tlatS dame ti111e, ~~ !i•y of our ~~~~ u.a.aproy~!• .\Y~ - ~~u~li t~oou recctv11 .Naples r~ co omendu~g the ~r_ug not to grve tli11tance 1n1ru l,vmJ'tt Bay, a· ~·•auuty of·c,·lttl u•·ul 1 1 fi 1 · f t h 1 k f · · · ,.. b I l ' d t IOtrg 11 C to urgd t 1e p_roprhlt y.o ort wat IIJee · .. iocreu:Hu,l cummu:~iu ntJvuuu•~cs,, t!l, ruf:1gh, . . L!,ltJ .wuyT as~urtng un l _lut \U::IStt.i ·an 4us1r1a l provi:-ivn:s wath whwb . lhb ~tlu 1 " ·us turni•hed hy ·• 1 · · < r. _we uld suppott ,him under ooy Clrcums, ·anc~s. thd Ur1t1sk Gov~ruul"nt lor tht: ue~e or" ihe loQ~t in~ new ~~~~: ~te ts, fqr the d i:1po~l ~~the v.co•lucl:t o I ,he~ cbunnel of i "_l.er--c~l."nin l ''''11.t?. . . . 1'11o Guv,e,rnment' '·papers were. filled w·iLh l n"e.sm2 !thiJ.lS, ifrhe.JIIhoulcJ cl1~ucu to ~o'?e tl•,e'r~::, ·?.~:~rtabo'!r u111l r:np11al. f'-'r th is purpo~o~_, ""e ·l 1i rn~~ . ~ - . _nbu!fe uf England, and duurahes nga 1nst Lord u~ •ht!y wu~l~l be oblrged to d':' ot;J I"Re•.r rtsluru to to C_l'u~da, as likts ly to be~coc9t! lit;l t! ;·ueu~ive 11.1 rko t 1)t '- «."l!-m}lla arriv~J lrer,Q y.e~c"r~a·y fror~• fhrn:o ,Pal~er;JtoA · for bJS des )u tcb nu lbe alfctirs' of Eugluaul. J h •d ' llt certaa!aly ''"' lut~~' 11_l'w~ 1}~ 111 lorrrur fi:t il. Qf the be11efip al r t:st.ah ol suet o t1 , bur~"- • wrrly thereu{rer s~e{;;!! J!Ut iu Qunr1Hl•

S "rl . . • f... It IRI quute r. ttlad u.er" ·~ 1l ·poa:ubtluv, l-fe1Wolprt u . ~ -. . . 4i . . " · IC '! · prolm tJdi ;y , th'll Checo,.ruander'of tlre'uiJ'Iu'tlunale ~e •·,ytt;rtuir,l but lit1lts c.l ••uh•. 'l'nd ~ ~~ ;11 popcr I ' '·'J~\t.u.rliit•g •. uveicA;nt'~d ot~ ho\l'rd _whilu.ou J •. er pels':' It ~ slated that a N eapolit.B;n army of 18 . uptHiltt .. u urrc! il id cr.,w.- are sull ahvtt. u.:;~ay~ai l!f,eU dhuri_cca ttud COf:1nlit!a of tb at oun 'P'• ure ul" ~ 1_1ce to tbJ~t tJorl. Pu e. ·? ••iry ,1}y tqe 1Jeuhl!

000 meG had arrived Ill Aatrodoico J on . thfc i ecud that il llllt.)' bo au J ; . • . • • • lllOiit Whf;llly rl ~pencldul for I heir t!Ji:tlCIICI! ~~~ rt~ri: I ~N-'I!er , it S' ll!! fo u ri tl tllnt l\\0 IIICII llllrlcl;e_u 011 ~~~ I.) 1frontierd of the Romau States; and that 800• r Tilts MI!Leflnn itnd her ·gallant officers and crt"' cul"ture. 'f'u~y h, ve 110 ti ~ lhsrV, ex,c,.pt ' tat ihe U~r'llg_e . u.f ~011 .. ~ ~l!!'elt:'l: re~t-II_Jhliu~ .\·1.1~ {;tltJler a: ,lher corps of 14 ,0003 ntn \S'us expecltd there I have rt uched lum~' tilmu~y.J.y-uriraefe-'or' at ~~uy ,muuth o( 1b~ U1vur St. Lawreucf!. Their Jaked AI!! It ic1 U10l'c t'lwn ~~~"ly 1laut tl•" ""ec.l:t of thul l1t .:. on tho S Jst ios\un l. · · · ' · rate lusve done tocJ" uuut r eatcume~tuuuu~t \bllt t:utltld ·" .• •' · · •· · · IJ 1· .1 If · 6 l . 1 • I _, r lJ 1 · . 1 . . . . , at"f r~:verd, ~~::wg a Ire~ 1 \V.~It:r; HJ'IJnl 110 "h., la .'<'1:nws., w.ert; ~on vt-yr:,\f rrou1 ~u mllyr ~ 1 iu thtat . The Bulldog steamer is the on ly Briti•h tlleru to lhtJ lllg teet creu.~tr ......... ,;,.. - ·, ~fcept suc\I.US M~ pecuU~r lO !!t~ lnkt:d,of tb'rtl 11- ve~w~l. i l ,.\yould l;o l'fr' J_au r lbut slro aho~J ld "!! pJuc.cll •easel at present at N ap1es. Tw., l\me rll~un I .·oo the 1:2 h of Ju11e tbe bark _got 11 nippecl'~ II) ) , . . • t Iri

2ates, the lodt>pt~ radence, 60 , Ca l. Blake. thu 1ce oud ou ly CfiCH~JtH.l deetr!JCIIvn by th~ ttllllt;>Sl , lD~~· ""' ' h~~ l!~llllo t ue coneitlerc•l ~uvu ilulal~ t~ at the u t n1u~1 ver~e o. · tho .')unruntin? :; t~tiup, anil

and r.umbe 1. d • 4 •· p d. t!Uperi.UIOIIU Cl:t l:!(t oU IIIf ttl'}d goo1l ~IIUUCt o( tho~>e t1IIY eX_l ~tr1t , (ur ll r.e generul ~·a lliS Of tbd COUulry , thtit all COIIIf lllllli,CIIliOil W.it ll her fio;u :hQ ~ho~O ·c ' r .nn '

0, ' ar~ 111 port. un .0 r ~· wbo w~re 111 c11arg~ of her. ~h~B::I t!O RerioiJ:cty _l•'as~ _;p~rticulurlr lacrriug, 'rtru gc11t:rally fuuut.J lo 8 ~1 oulrl I·~ cu t 0J lor n retc~on, ~ ' H t imr~ , uut:l t~hu is

omrp.odore l\~o.r_gan • ' ll·j· llred ti1n.1 ~hts J~u ki!J t!O 118 to lJe kent 111lunt .001.11 ,. 7 b~ ch*'aper uod bt: lte r uJ :qllt:d 10 d.lt: W..t ll l:l ur th e 1\l'!rfec tly pu rg~ tl ul t!V"t'ry• ltill ;.! lltldCI hiUd. In fill~· . VENICE . l by til~ wccs~au 1 wor k of ne11rl y oil h.u1Ud · tit the · · ··

f I · 1. (l.e,abut,u ry oil Cuuud_ .a tiwn ua tizu. l11 fuc•, a:~ I•Ju .. ·• 1 o 11 tlt'IJ c·"r" c•l tiOul •··· ltt'· ecl I y tll"' l• e t l tl of'11· A teuer from Vir.eiiZil of the Vdt 110 yo •h•tt . pun•J,s , uno! by n: ec:1 n~ o -two nuHul rc puuaps ou• u • .. "' ' . u ... IE- • ... 1 _ 1 1 , -

.Y t OICe l,Vi ll not' ~~COt lit; ~ tree poft ~goiu : Tlu: il l ~ lllt'~l lly c .. ptlllll (;unpl,' l from '(hu wr~ck of ~hts B:J tltl!y Cit II ¥t!t. ''··~ r.,rm r at 011;, bull the JlriCU cead 10 wun! vlf tho a wf,; : V lllil:~tiuu of lbuL futu l j:e~ piual ·of t~e krr•gJc •. '.n 'd 1 1 ~nceforwarlt 10 t.e \ l t'.. Eni!lt~h ti·''.' J':i crlldl ,cd\tsnd totn lly lust.Jtl~l uh~tt ll o( tl1c lnuur, tl.!t!V wall jlrt~ft! r the Ollt! to tl1d ur hc• . scourgt1 or thu !1 UII lMI fucpilv. ro.uo. A CU"culu r W<tS t-~u1J 10 huve he~tu TacuiVtHI I ol hun. lt.e h:uk wn 'howtsv~r, Jmnu.lly ~me - 'Thegrr,n ter ·plt~t'or'l.lu: pupulntion of tlu.ri. cou•,t• y, • · .

. ~rom Vrennl\ ll)..Jnoc.i'IJ,CIJ •g •lin t h t't)t'elorwu.(cl all "'t" . .t:,ccJ hy tltru~t rnecJ :all luudts;l ~~Its bow, ll~ou~fa heing d .• rl tolw1 ur~ c;ultdiJft! rnl;ld c-..nsu •nM.t of ti.:tn. The l.nrlies o"'nn.t:c,tcd w itlt tht1 Con~reJ:eri ·,nnl

,unctionllrleffis of the kiD;.:•Iocn :~la ull IJe J ta l r oo~ . b~r I r:r ·~cotll tllll ~l ~o t l u y uu I bl'f urrtV8 I OUIJ Like our~e l ye; they' ~ru u~w ala elauJ r~..~r pur,. Church, Ill thi:t tO\Vn, prellent l'tl lhtscr l~a<4to ·, tic~ .th.at tboee o Cla l:l \v ho ure "~ ' IVt:s o f other Au:~~ i lttl ~uil ou.y · c~ u tc ~a·~~ y _coutmuu on . • '. . R " v. (.hnno •: ScHvFI£LQ . 'Y•lh tt ll :wtl:~uru •t silk t~1un proymces, auJ who w~r" 10 offi.("u · in ' tbe . llul!eat~rng l••l.wur_~:~ the_ vu.w1•••·. tt'! &hts rt:adae.d ch..aers, to tttke •be l) roducaa of th.,ir lc~IJor tu~ol iu4 . · ., " 1 1 k h 1 ll 11 lu d b • • · Pulpit t;owu , ou Wts·Jutscul~:~y lutJt.-Ltclger ,r yr:~-~mllardo·Y"nt.t•ni1' kitl'gdom bct:oru fla ts ~~,J ;n ., cfa I lle c (JC • w '.c 1 111 tP. 111 1111 0 ~ ,ge ~u e Cuc~ll .. 1ludtry • .. H~uce , tlce · clrtt:l .~au~e of th~ir pr~seut ltrduy. · · •· · ~· '1. · 1848 ehall lJe inaiuluutci,L l'n :.< trucll•>ll 'huol ul r~ o I uued , u.t t~he llll:t th~ WIIRrf. 1 h~ two Eught~h

I "" · ~ L d J · 1 cliscuuleut. 'fhrouj.!la l11e H~Jency .o.· ( tfu~ir Uovertt' ernved co or~Hutze · U1e uc.Jminii'IIU\IIou ol : u:;ttt· e;, 1 11 11 J18, y tqJt:nor: tlOu a !J are, IIJeuuoue• yee~ler• eecor1tiug to the ' cvns: 1111 u.on 01 tt.e t'lllJJir~ . · •' 1. I <iny, wcr~ butt'~ Joet ytJry n~itr en~ Mc~llno •• ·~·wo ruent, they ltuve at llidt (aft~r ar} irumense e~peuJi·

· .Scb~ott, Pre11deot v,f' the Tribuuut uf Appenl of ul dl.d ~r~w o_l tho_ I?" ~lups arnv~,tl ·10 h~r. l11ey ttre of lll~'ll t:}) dUcceed~J iu c~nn~c liug tho iu Laml :Veutc~, W88 to Le c_harg~:: d Willa &IIIII orcnu :ZIU IOfl. Ul~ ll~tlyt!s ol lh,e ~hecla.~ I hlah~t'. oaviglll ion of lhtsir l~tk6d a uti ~iv~: rd with tLe wu~ }tade1:z.•<y w all sbortly · return iu qu~tlirv o( L1eu. , hi:~ llue to CaptairJ Cbauel, anctl. his gn.llnnt of- f · ' ·

G ~ r , lers u the S r. L •Wtcuce anJ the Atl 11111 ic. ·teoa&H• eoerBI o( ;h~ ktnll~lum. · · · .. ·· ; ticer:tttntl ship,'d comp.wy, R(aiul o stty that thetr • ••

TURKEY. I C•lllliUCl 10 llrmging 11011 b'thtHr Velld~l ·~ deaerVIIII( \Vben it puyo them 10 export their pro·luco rcorn Tbe ' · . 1 of uiure than cohlU!On llf~&l.u~, aud &veu wttu thdr Canudd \V est , by thal rout ~! , to :llulj ux, luk ill;,!

0 r ~~an~e of cr~e.~ ,of Bern • ~anely, 8.~d .?ther : exertiout~. rt could bol have been clone, lJul lor tlttt herriug b;Jck ia payment, us llt t:y dr tits otlt~r . ffi~ 8 co ,fi. m e cf. ~ lae fullow 1u2 ~lelfttlat coo.. tlfnunclt · oud encturiug autahtietl of tbe .stup. Tbe · ~~trnm"· Bern, Koet.Ut~, no•l Oe111.bins~i, ar~ .very. ~tk r)l 1111,1 ~erst~vJraucJ c f ttie officers ami meu day, .w e eec uo good rouctun wJ1y &: r.~~~er t.Jvan · anteresung :-~em, BIJ soon lUdte w~s u:aforrner! of w~rtJ esulcjecia 01 odulira\tou tu ' lhtt Euglidbmeo lugtS:t would noi r~S:tuh to tl1erU lJy drrectin {~S ir .he detertntn8llOD or lhe Sullao 10 r.e~Uil tho de- wb Will s d ll en . . I • . •• • . .. ~xporra, in the woy of pru .. i:tiOII!i, to ou~ - ~~h~re:,· ••• . :;!( nde of Ruasin ant.f Al.lsUra' rlecl~:~rejJ Uuct hir' 0

It!!! ~ 1 1' -:

r. • - ---------- kill<! our hcrrinP iu ' rtsturn. 'f11e voy~,/o' hi .'btSr I untry Will lli• ,.,.rst rel,igion,thnt the Suhau havm~ I r _..,.. b .. '5 e 'he 1 p 111e. ~nemieJ? aa1d thd same (riende~ · a:t ir, llt! ! HE · CpJJ~ E~.r£Dt'f~ ·-!t 1.1~1 een 8 would lid much sbon e r , 'l' ilei r ~Jrtlduc~ wo-~IJ JWaa determined to become 8 aut.ject of the Suhnn. maHer CJI speculatton for ttome tune what c~un· brmg "btHltlr price, owJ 1hey coult.l g~ t our fi~l; und i.nd to serve unJ,er hiJ'colours, :~n.J t h~tt he would try lho Rouud l:~landora WtJr~ to cou~uer .- IJtsrrtng, at a clacnp~:_r rate. ' · ·

. ~rnbra~e Jdha."'ism ;'"tb'nt on qr•ilting Hun~ary bis Griffirh H Williams, •crj'ec&tlt•major of tbu reiiOICJtlon ~a'8 alreat.r; taktw.!·hut tbp\ ' _if ~.I ts lauJ late r l'g iment on. Round l'lan.~,· idfuro:-~ . (htt As tb~Jii tl~tpp iuc iulere~ll are bf'comi~g moro pot, na~c!e b~ _ pr~felf.''IO!I ol foal It euoua:r Jt """ be· etlrtor· ul the St Louis f!uioo t~a&t l}lt:tf ulti. contract1uJ evdry day, slupowuers of thtd vtoce ~Ul'f! h_e dtd, r~ot WISIL to ha_ve &_he OJJJJeOrti)ICe uf_ runte aeslutatiQU wu , .. ., Island of Cuba. tuiMht, in the course of tl li •_tle lime, find I[ much } leJdang lO feur. lfe au•h:cJ lllttl be JrJ not aek 1.. . I • • •• • • • d. I. h h . I I I . . . •ny one t·o fioll , 1 · · · 1 · N 1 1 G lac m e n wt!re to haye been t~tHppe lo t e to I "" ac va utage to ernp oy tl 1r elups m tlu:~ ~ 0\\ liS f> XUOift e. t.: OVt'lt I~ t:ll"• t.,. • · • d '}"l · 1

• • '

1lerala·,Kme!tz outJ S leiw, nml abtiiJI tb lrry · officer~ , , ~r;l11n~ Qf ~opt•z .lo ~~ "~rd),ed ~nd_ ~r'tue • . I! nut ltue of tructe, wh1cb, a~t at dev~lov ~d lldelf, .'Mqu,fd tl~l a~ptuate fru:m ·taim,_nnrl llave mudti ibt-ir t:Xpedttlon hadbee:n 1':1 co~;t~mJ!Itltt~a f~Jr '.oanr , will a~urd tlrecn surer anti more cons taut eruploy, .decl~rauon ·~· ~a.vour of le~lan11rma. l<lltir-Uih, ~ho yun rt~, uu~ lh6 l,t,ln.dat fo.r .J" a6pporl h$d ~eeu . ment, r\utl t•e1bavs a mqre lucrulive ·ooe, lid tile ~"•greatly trrnn~ed ~-~l~st .l!eru, ~eltl i llllllt:cfiu ~t:- •• uocurnuln red. by annuul .donatly,nt~ (rom t ,~u yoyagea . thilher from this pla..:o woulJ (ae m•Jch ,.y to tl•e Hun~aru•n caul I•· aun udorcne.t r'be oJeu planters of Ctlba ·and were depn11itdd ·in New ' , ,. "' · . . . . Jhe Porte had f.c,lPtt d rtl~ 'llt!tnRucl~ of J{u t.:Jid nnrl y k

1. ' h' ;r d f 1~ L . · ah~rler a~J more faf tle, than tho:te 111 )Yluc-h they

·:Auatritt,' aod Lita\ Jo:ilglotu! untl Frttn~tt 8J1JIIlltrecf I I ur ' au 'J~Ct. ' lp ' · e 0[ :r .

0 '1"~0 •. "J>f'l~ I .sr& IIOW . eu~rege•l. Tbe pur:~ui.t of the herring . ,Jecic.JtSd to ll!S~isiiiJ:e J'?rle", nncl _he IJ11 pplicftlecl the m I ·~ ~eneru . !::~o.a,erbol' ht 0 .efpfe ltRaon . b ~· fiehery',' apari 'from that of Utd cud, hu, 81 all tuned

l!'_Ol JO lmprlllt {1 8 ' 11111 011 n.e jJT,g o f C'ltrir:lltllll OUJeCl Wad ll'f~ .ed\8 1111 .anent () ~ 6pU ··~ . , • • . . • Jiungary, ~Juch'" ll_ley ilad n l ~ ny:~ s~r vecrwuh ho· can GoYcrnmeeit in Cf-!ba. rot Jbe P.res~at . ~deft f~uu~ tqlle.ruoro nluallltt wb~Sre tbo durutloc.J :!S_ou f. Sollie _w?rd.t (rom ~O:flfllth _travin~ (liVt'U lh~ ~~peditio~ h'~•. }?een a ban·Jono4; .bU~ Col.-. h~ fe~t ~!ac~: ll'HIL the ·u~ply. Jtae ·~ 1l1e oru.1uora lhttr ~etu ttut.l h•,"' cuut auton~t ~V.hue no~ Blll~OO', tl~e. lt!~dert! ett,tec taaned ~t? ~~~ ~hr~ lf;!O fo~ tbO' be~t .of rea,.ons, bec:au1e in

• Jutd YJt>lded ~~ lh" pr,p!'n .se~ of ·~~ J..one , grettt doulH of ns uh11nat.e JUCCeiJ· . the foro1er brrench of produ~rive loclu.my ·eo niuch ,e~uauuu eh.owed llsell HI !)re flullKilrlnO • nfJ, aa,d , , ... · •·:':'\...) . . .1 • • • • • ' , •

jt ~ae a~ oue titJIS teorttd tlcut'!l •littu ned wouiJ 1 he N. Y . _Sun, •h,a.c9 " · prelj.l~e~ t.o ~6 .CGfll,tal! l~lJ?r Ill'~ u~ue •re DOL requ1~.su 10 6~S ao. 1•ke place. V~uabln6k i b1t1Htot t,e, on1e tt M u· ttlll• wasH \n(urmed. a.a lu the. ~Qnle\'Pplated out\-age ve•tetl ll' ao thA latter.

. ·man', hu_t he taft• open ly ac~·llu\\ ll:lll ~tt:d thlic the a~ a io11t_ Ute J ... taud ol · CAtb.a , 1

.tatea·: that tb,e Tbtt indu1\~ioue Putct.man, witb• booest prit.lcJ, ro~te bad. notb1Pg Wha.le"~r to tJ ~ Wilh' lbd uhJu · urJ(BIIi.ation (()r that object ~!; •. at ~Uil mo• m .. y .way trl~b tr~ r b ro the bdretfitary ford• autJ .noe J'11UOD ._,f u~an afltJ llli COUIJIIIIII OO .. , ~lirJ hts 1111" ,neAl DS V i1aJ &Ud • (QfliUdabJe fl On the dll)' bl~ •f b J1

'· • b ' t' • · r IC1 •

~Ye'ft wriueu Jette11, 10 the Qr11mt y1:z.ft:r .. ud lhe . rr , . ' . .. H 0 t e ~1!1111~ t f! Ot)Or COUIItrte~ 0 f"~llr(lpe, J:ie,rt aki•r. in ~b irfa ~e ua•c:t:••~• hi~ ,;rut~uite. · w_hu~"'tbe. oelatoauoo w .. utt~rttd ''aanat !'· ~ · aeoJr~at we ,,bern~''' ,,•b-curerr~ aqd\ t~hivo~o-

•. J:her~~• .no doui)•, .. J•• _I"I(u . frpm Malr!l df · · hJoN'TRKAL Oct. J8, 1849. ~ erahne~one aoc.Jar.-ot yorf!; t.y oureft .. ms aucl ttJe lOth ID.a., lbat lhe ·£ngheh t CJildtlron httt h·T~ . . , 1 r . ! . d . r I lh I d .. I d ( J

1 ..... A•Jrllttc for . ·~~~ tleit;blmUrliOI.Ifl o( Hte'• Dcsrdl\- rhe. minifettn .of _tbe Montrea-l~...a~e,,. en ' ll.fflriM we ".\~ " ·:0¥r I a e• ItO • . • au 0 In. JaeJftt, at ,lbe' teque~ of lSii. ~uatro· •f· Obcu~ing. l_io~_i'•••· b~s made anoesation the. au I ~i of der~ntl~nee!. •e ._.bo~~t our f·~~nertlam on a att~· 1fa~iu1 d~paleh~d • ·•tearu.er to (.;et•halooie.'wlu:rt) ..aguariun from one eod ut the proJaoee c 1~8 ·~~of, .b•rr~f!R booea ; we J';J&Je it au ~eylum of.

· • J:d•~· .-u •••etl~~h•t1ecJ, .'H.ar ~-tkiar~al !!'ir W. other. - The column• of eYerr ~~pe-r ID pat~iotitm ap.~ ~~ bo~• ql Jlh,ilo,op¥n aod JDen ~· ' ·~~~,~~~,_ ~·?•·J~·~~· ~u~ ILe ~ueao,J~e ~"!o,r C~oa~~. l.eot.IJ wiu• it, 'q \do diO'Io '!'fl· of 1 .cjoape.•~ . ' ~ ....

r · . . . .


M.a.RRI F.D,-Al U•u ira , on Tu··sJay mnrniu~·, t f.le Gth tul'fr., l o,v tl•e ltt> v. J .1hn Curus · A . Gnthercole, Mr. GF:onor. Bt s HoP, to t:u~.ABETH, etjeet duugi, . t~ r ol Mr . \Villtttm K~rlly , al l or tJurin. ~ ·• ... ·

O n Sun·lny t'veninJ.t l u~ t , by tbe . HP,v. ~r. l''or-:­res·rci,Mr. ~lt.CIIA~: L At.L.:N. of Alleudalt:, to Et.l~\ 1 cltle"t r!uu~l·t• r o l J\lr. J -.. 1111 llurrl inj!, of ll llll h> w·u.

Ou l'hursrluy evt-UIIIM, IJy the R· "· Thumus King, Mr. P•·Tr.R THuMPdON . (:~on CJf ~lr. Tla.•wp• eon, uf tht> Ga:1 \Vurk:1, ) to AG:-r£S, dJo•t tluut;ll• l t?r of Mr. Alt>X~t ncl ~:~r NurrJ~I', ttrclric.-ct. ·

o:T" Our .Ut·rcaitlil~ {iitnl! can bt supplittl ruith the JJ/ank .forms. lo bt! used under th~ Jteto Crt-~loms. ./Jet , 07l applicatirm al t/,t offi~ uf' tltis Juurul}l.

Jtnttlii!Jtntt • . - . = ==-==='-'===,


Nt>vem~'" 1~-Ern ily Tohm, Hollerhon, Opon(l, · ' ~ rlay~t, ~~~IJirisun ' Brookittg & C o-wiue. n, ..:

rulrf, \V~rreu, Oporw, ~0 clu} tt , R All!vl' &-cq, -sulr:' futcou, Curl.tin, ~lalilux auc.J Sydntly, 4 drtys, Hn!n~ ~nhnt~top.-&..__Co-Jl.M . mutltt. Hea11; Tempi~. I ~umhur~:n', '7 daJB, ao .. ring Qrot'l~rll - IJl'l)·visiO"!et· &~ ttrgnret J'irl;t~r, RetJt.ly, ,.ontlou

· 36 1lay .. , lloliinsou Uruokiug· ~ Co-~enernl cnr·, gu. L\Inri6 f.ur~rin ie 1 l{tlug,l\lirumtchi, 10 duytt, Clift Wootl ,'r, Cu-lucpbor •

I~- Eu,.b~mia,~!ane,' QtJorlo, ~l · da1J~ Baine Joh u~tron & etth. C~..~ra, ~ttlJycomu,' L~Jt• hoi1, 28 day8, Mmlg~ ·~ Cn-sah. . · . ·

16-Cartereua, Nattprfac:e·, V iana, 2l .clllys, R Af., sov & Go-11afl.' qth~llo", YouciK,~ Na1•lett, 40 rlnys, Hai1•e Johns•"!:! ~ go·-ba fla11t. · ~·nm~t, U. t~ llllell ~. Opor , . day,., Jou Brn1here & Co -~""· EiltS~, Hogaa , f •gueire, !l~ .Uay,;l J &. W 8uswart- h. . · ·• ' -


.£,1.E ... Rin'. . . Novemher · J5-l'1t~fcun, Co;i1in, Hallfa'l..C...Baililt

Joh1•aton &. Co-ll.~l. 111ail~t: r-- .~ } 16 -New \Vorl~ llarri.o1tou, f~r~r:nb~co, Bow~

rucg · Brot1Jer.-6eh. • ~. LOAl) q. .

Nov .J ..... Q i,P.en, f,onclou 8 'tallb Jf.ow & Co 3-.\llterh London. Bol niQn Brooking It Co M. A. ·Fieminf, W.-ter ord1 J &. B ~.,nt' 6.-lhiakt Por1,ugul E. N. Stabh. · · 1-Uatroline, L iverpoot Job, 8ruthe.l"'. &. C~ ~-8ilb9•.· Spa1u.'•(J..... ~DDOU &. c~· .

' ·.



;'" ·r


... .


' \ .. \....-

· ~ v --..-. . . . . • ..


• • I I .,. ,. .. . ~· ~- . . . ..... •

.. . ,

w, . .._ .... . '


. ·. ...

... . • . t

• I . ' . . ,.,, . . ... . ·.

.. ·.

. . . "·J • . ,: . . .

: . · ...

. . . . . . . . ~ ....

o I o ,

I •

~ .

.. ,, . . . . . .

• • • J -·

• 1 ' .. I ' . ..

I' · ' • . \ -

~~, 1\'hrl!a' • Bostort,1 l l O'Brit.n. &' Cp .

1~-Ja'{!! Stew'arr, Op!•rto. J & \V Stewart Notltts. , {

· ·-8~1~r IU~tel. 'Uairre :lohneton & Co . . rQh~"t!r1cA. eflt 1fnd i"f'~; .l "~B lla1~es &. Co .._

16 ' Henson, Unatun 1 C F Bt:r.uetl ,"z, Co 'Sa 1,\\ · nftictl). ~ ~l11rvey

·:Mary :S~reh, t.i~erJ)ool, JJuwrin( Brothers ,

rrHE QU:\ltTER~V MEETING of tbe H ·"-' · · vot.•uu· l•a:-H Soctc·u will take p)ace on· Sunclay n.-cr, the 18th iiuHaut, at the Orpbaa 1\~· lurn J;cboot, ilru~_etluuely aflt,r hu•t · M,s'~t . · , · • r-' : G. J. HOGS'&TT, •

i . . • o· . . · .. .BY THE suti CRJBERsl

·- • Jt.:MOjlUNOA. • ·Th;-Ranrl&founefls, frnm Queba to "Cork, out.16

·d"vl!, lut 4Slo20, Inn 2o.so; .. wniJ spuk~n ru on ll •~ • 1)13rh 'ult., by th., Ernily 'l'utJin, nrriv~a here.

Noveniber IT . SecretRrY· 2(}, -rroNS:5~BATHiNa' .lltON-puoch·· V ed, I ng le~glhtt .

§)TEi\f PLAT ~6, t7, 8, 9 ·inch 300 Bags NAIL ·-all: siz'e.s . ·CHAIN ' CADLES-t, to 1.\ \t1eh 1 00 too• .llrrit-td at 'Halifa:c-Oc;. 21, Indus, 81, John'•,

N.F. 2~. ~w•l't, cl1110. -3,0, t,rimro~. Hurhour 'G racP, N .F.; Jntln Hu111in~:t, Burin, N .F., tlo::~t o man ov~rhoard ,,tf::)ca tt'Tit! on ·rhure.do' lu:st ). N vv. !l, Scbouautr l:Jee. ~t. Jnhu'~· N. F. . ,

Cleared nl Halif~-Oct. 27, Schooner EJport, NewtouutlllttHI. ,

Jlrriv1d dt Bermuda-Oct. 2~. ud~nh.tine Henry '(; lluht , S t. Joll n'~S, N [•'. , loacl expc.-rieJII'~cl tUucla ·rough Wt<atl1~r. nut! 'I"""~ ha forc::m •otll.

.ll'rrionl at J >hil t lf·hia- Oc1. :.!2, ElczuiJetb, St. ·~ullll'e~, N .1•'.

The tfclooout>r n~thc re Rt Cupe Pur.:up in" i~t tlte G nz,.IJe, from Prin· e Ectwurd lt;laud, curco ol produce, hound ro ~wloun91anrl,-went utthnrr. au rh*' ni::l•t of e 2-lch,- lw& ht:e n sold lur the lu:ndit of ull cooc~rue.tl .- Haiifur prrpu.


THOSE" h h \'"b t B 1 · I d" 8 <1 r, I~"· Sh~ct,· nl1Q Roc.J Iron ~ w o'"'-:ave .. . ~a , d! . or c tan HOoP IRON , ·

Curn to ~rrqd 1 are hereuy mt tUilted .. that TI N...!...IC IX • it will be ~anufactur.e~w.ith d.espal at Ftelllh ~rws~ a~d • ~tet'n Papes · ... \Vacer, .formerly R.~•ue 5 ~J,i~l. ... . . PAINTS-all cf11ours

\Vh.tutl ~nJ Bulle~ '~d · per . u~h't Coal and· Stockholm r A R luduu1 <.;urn . ........., ~ · duto "- b \I{U \1

Cu20h, Fn·e~ood or Braol ta~en in paym£~Dl. • A~d n · lnr~e Jot of Haii:.S POVVDE'R1 1n

J. MUlUU ¥. . 25 lll. I<P~S Liv·erpool. COlt~AGE .

.Sovember ~.


:BO\VRING, BR-OTHERS. PHCENIX NovPmbt: r ...]4. •-....- - - ----- -- -- ·- - -

--o-AD\' ERT l::sE.\1 E~T.

~~m'lli®~~ ~&~~\1 ~~0 . -u- - -

l· ... . · · ·r~ae wtill b'fr il ttttdd f~in sailin~ -sc'tir .. ··, · .. : .. ,, : .,, . · .....

I • WI t~M, . ... . ;:. ·. . . OC H.~·lifn~, 69 .)o~r~. ~~" ~= . .. . .. ·: L • ,: tl.e~" . . ... . . . .. :'...5~ 1'-10 bjJl~~ap:e~ Hrndth . .' .. .. ... ( ....... 16~· 10 : . \ · : Depth ., . ..... . · ... . . · .. . .... · 9 .3-10 • · .·, .l,nuht>belf Jast f:ftunm~r; buil Of . Seasoned WOOtJ, .

nnd well adapted f6r. a ~aler. Hoe a ·gnod · luveutory. 'l'crmtt eccu~h~·ot18Ji~IZ', AfpJ)l to "'"· .. ·· .

P. U0Gl1:RSON & SON. , .' . o::r-u n~c ·~o1cl ;in. o te'w c.iuy~ will t~ku .a Cluuter ·. :. ~· •

(or the w~sl lt.di~.

Octo.ber 31. . · 1---------------~~--------~

JJrarren, B'l·o~li~rs, ARE · ~ow LAND-INO, / • .· ~ ~

Ex /.-\P.U£rt . ..CARTER,· from Quebtc,

50. l?~KINS EUTTER, ofsuperio.rquai ~ llty "'J .

I po Rarrels Superfine. FI.OU'R · O~ IONS Pomme Gris oncl Fnmeuse APPLES .... .,

E.r D uKE \V t:: t.LlNG·roN and CLIPPER, 700 l) arrcl~ Superfine P'LQUH. ·

Anrorn or Poll lt>, L·llJrttdor I up tl, 2-hh SoJ.~t. ,


lat !ll 11\ , , ln11 1~ W. \' t<nli-<,Newf~'ulullunt.l tu Perua r11 y,co., ~1h ::5eJ'I..

la c l 'l ~ . ,lou ~0 \\' . Sullun (If Plyru• urh , L••hro•for

cluy:t uut, 2.1 Oct. I orf CctjU1 • I. v Ill

PHm~ r x F uu: Ot-·rrcE, I · soo Loudon. ;3th October, 184'3. \

' TOTICE 1'3 JJ b:REDY GIVEN, rltat tlu' l. ~ l>u·er. roreJ o r tlai:-~ Ollice huve uppointed ~Jc::~~rs. JUH :"J J\1. REN UE.LL &. Co. to bu

BY TilE SUBSCRIBERi 'Boh~ · UI P.ac he tl, II:.. If -hleorhP.•1 • ur11l Uoiloll . .

GOtHOCl{. CANVAS, JJT LOIJ' fJu Jrt·~s . ,

· 60 H ~t lf- har rt-1~ PORK . 150 B'oxed c ·HEC:SB, 150 Tubs D 45Q....CHA IRS.

Oc1obcr 3 (. ·

\ '·


r li• tlu• f'n lron fr!)m Huhrax . . \lr oorl frs llntton OJIII rl11!d, Mr \Va lkl'r nn.l Child, R••tl ~~ Cvx.

lu lh~ F~et.-ou ·rur Halit.u: , .\11"' S G Ardt.~lldd , fft ~ l f <lmlly, M~:~•r~ Lew•~ 'J'd,,.i,:r, Bt'rt artlinil Ru­~e~t, J u l111 \\'1''"• . J ul.rl 1.} Cux, uuJ out: m tile f.. f ... • a ~ t! .


A~enllf (,,r rite Pw.E--•x 1:-c ~lJH .\ :-iCE Coi\IPA~l', 1n thtl L-el and or ~cwfuundluud, uud thut they arc duly uutllllriZ•·ci to f'leCu te Pol,cies or ln­IIUrUIICtl ogatu:,t .Fue, "" tu:t.nlf of the tl41d


Noiember 14. 130\Y HJXG, ~ROTHE It~


IPo gro (tj~~1J~ill ~ ~®o

2;)~1lLS. U•rlt imore .'11 1adi • -· c.x l11dus~ fo r. st~l o Ocr ~ 1. l,..; llOG b;ltSON & S01 l

16-0-·-8 .. \t{RE'Ls su,~rfine £·:Lqul.t ; i~~ .dO\ Whi;u COHN .~ll!:AL1 ex: 11•1/ram

from ti nlifux, fur aule .hv . • · Oc.· r. Sl. l' .. ROGERSON&. RO~.

r\ro I)UW Jaudru~. ex J uUN &. M4 r~u. , from t:<JitsA L I!: B.Y PH:lVATB CON'l'H.l\(.;'1', ' 13oston, · · . • .

%tuctton ~~ltrJ • ., - ·4------ - ...,--. - -'- - - -·'--- .. - - - ----=--=-=.--:---- -


TJIO:\IAS RfCH ':' ER, Sf.c:n~lai"!J·

Th., Ilales of Premiurn mny be known ou appiH:Oitun to .. ojd~!,!flOt:l.

----- -100 BAG~ R.REAu . ~ .... ~ ·n,vellin<Y-House,

tOG fuu3 Pnme llottcr-~6 pod Hti · · . 0 .)

40 lh~. curh SlTUAT.EO AT ELLlS'~FlELO.

- ·-'l'his Day,

(Saturduy ) , a'r ~f.£V P.~ .,'d<ck, AT Tf-1£ 1.\l .HlT C! t'

.· EnlJnelt ~- J.lfitchell, I

' ( 0 r.r K • S C v ~· E . )

nAG 9" \V .\ L !\ U 1':-' I C uc; l< p.,,, \\· I~E

l O c tave ~w.·er :\J.o~lu!,!:1 . clo ~V C w. 0~10.\'::>-ur bu lk.

- A .F T I:U .. \\'IIU: JJ-\\' Il'll uU r Rf:SEHY E -

~Q C{unrtE'rs .\I VTTON anJ 13E.E F l l> l-'rrlw1~ BLFJ'T l·: It . Ill 11arrc ls \\' HITE 11£AXS

,! 0 B \ IXlS {. JG \ H.S.

Nove rn<Le r· 17 . - - - -· - - ---- --

This Uay. :(Sa turday.) nt TwELVE o.'clock,

·A 1' Tlf l~ .PR EmSES L \ TE R rrn ~ flFII~D ', ,lj not dispo4£{f ,of in tte mrau·tim.- by prh·crte 3alt

Til£ DH IO

f.~ J:l Jl .0 ·S P E R 'I T Y,' ' _ ~~·.rons , N. 1\t .

Sub:tlnurially fitrPd (or r.hA SPnl Fiaher:r, ood with ull her Seoliup: i\l..;ll.~l.lllld.

....- ~)...Sll-.

A H~AYIN!;-J)OWY fJULK., With Blocks ttnd .Fall.s .complete.

Doth' h~longit~g to tho )nsolye.Qt, E-•~te .o( J. , 'foDIN &. Co.

~ovembf!r 17. J . B HUTTON,


. .


TO F ARl\t);RS,

This Da!r, (Sa1urdoy,) at 12 o "clock. by

P. H. Carter ~ Co. 'A very useful

. H 0 R t) E, 'f.hat can ~be ,recomf\)f>nded either

' 1 .die· or,Draught.

lor Sad:

~o.Y.eQ~b~r 1,;1. , .2!!2¥! - CZ2!.-;...

• . L The British llrjg , /,,

''~ P , 0 R C I A f . 8. GJ)Nf.ON, 1\~r;

,Of t~e burthe.o . ,c;f J.Gj Tou•. For further particular• apply . .to ' . .

L ; O'BRIEN &. Co.




/ 11 the l'rr,s. and 1pfedi'y will b'- Publishld1

Pr r,:tt-ON E ' HlLLlNGJ .TilE'


Fur JS.30- Dy P. TOCQIJJ1:. Cnn'l.ini1·g fr.ll t~n~t 1 hUtheuri,c Cornffl~r'~~l(

S :n !ls icul . r\tcrr,uollt ~{"nl, D .-1uu llllt'lllur, Jc:ccle· IUSIII:a l, f.dUI"IIIifiiiRI, l c',IIOlLCIUI, 1\lrlatary, .N'tual.

nuol (; .. 1 •·rul Julot:uu•iiou. \ Ql~ r. 21. ...._, ' I

- ... - ·- --~0 bt 1Ltt.

60 Boxe!! C II EE 1'~-20 nnd 25 lb~ . each' \; 20 Rnrr~l~ POH.J( ( recommenc.Jcd )

N ovomber I ·l.

Apply to . · . . FR.EDE.RICK R . PAGE.

October 27 . --- ------- ----1. } ' JNE FULL ltlCIJ TO:'CED E~ -Ji;.;;·ican n;·igautinc. Jo~£PII· ~ALCU, /1-:0)1 ..

S E 1) j \ p R I N W · Boston; · · . .L 1. . ~ 2~0 ARRELS ~~pE'rf\06 FLOUR.

On an ent it·e new canst ruction, y .J)lioh :he U J 40 Boxes. i\lould r.J).N,DLES, rnclst perft:ct C rt'sccndos And [) tntJ nd~& can · · (G 's, 8's, &. tO's.) be obtuinet.l . Ueing on consigomc t wilt be 0 Boxes CH_.l!.~SB · a1.0ld lor cost aaad churg~s. 40 O•azen BHOO:'tiS •

· Ca.n be st!eri th11ly be twet•n 'dne and qvo 40 ·311• rei:~ APPLES, !0 DiltO' Turnips o:clvJ;k 1 oo appt'icati .. u tu 1 • • • • 600 CAl3BAG~!)

." : ~ ., lJANJJ~LHILLSt.CQ. · -. 25BundlesHAY No11emb.er JO. · _ .For· SaJe ·ny

~ DUGGAN &. FOX. nl\ n n . l"'l ffl ,~ A\ Oct. 20. ~£~~9 ~.~.~.J1~~0

. - . _,. CY

DAfL¥ E~P£CTEO, (l. Cl1 rgo _lart!e rounq Jo/tJl . Cusacl\, ~ Sons7 ~ydney COrlLS, t>:< Bn~ . '· HtcltA im ~

' Bn••WN . " 1-Joust·k~ercr-~t wi11hiut; to purct.nsc '"'OQ BAH.l{E[.S superfine FLOUI<. - - --2 h11d IJellcr loose no time. a'! part of the cargo U 50 do Prime RBEF and PORK A. ~~\~,'1' ~'I' ltE o,n lbe ~ ..... -is sold,'and th.o vessel ruust have quick Jes· E:r h ! J8, fi'UJil BttllimOl'C .

1'1 ~~ Ill~ I OCCUfliU~ lJy Met~srs. :rat cu . .r Oct . 20. C~unu;s l•'u ~E:-c~ l ' T &. Co. Apply' to P. H CARTER &. Co. JUST JtEC C: YEO


PE'tr ROGERSON~ SOrl. Nov fO .. · TilE 'l'lllRD VOLU.ME OF .'lo.v.cmberO. r= _ .

t ,__ 60 BAGS N .\ILS -nss•lrted t~iz~ ... 20 lliuo IJUf'lE'l' Jll{l'rORII OF ENGLIND -· ./J.ml J~n1opdi~le Po~suaion Giotn, · S pttrrO\\bills, juM rectJived, per Eli~tl· 11 1 l) ll I 1 ill... · ' 'f\VO WPII-Gniflhe~ 0\VELLINO HOUSES. bc:l~ , frvui Liverpool, UIIU tor sulu uy

,wjth Fro!~f pro·or Cellura, .and GardPnl N ·'"· 3. PHIL:IP JluTCHIN~ . nctM.che~. adjoinin~ tl.Je rPsidt-n~ of. 1\lra . T£NfL£MA~, in G.,orge Tow9 , on rh..e Cir.cu. lar Road. A pplicnr inn lo ~ roade to


Upp, !iJe lite Prtmile! of Jllta&r~. llruJ.er1 4· Co. Uct. 17 .

A I·' I·~ \V Jatoa·e BtJih.Jiu~ Lots# on L r NO LEA S£1:1, at Eruuogron, an

exltW8i~e Tract of lnnd, nbnut len minul9J~ wnlk fr om \Vote r St re~]Pr furth.er parti.cu letts apply to the ~>ropuetor,


}!.:~ CttrPt:.n., lrol"l Bosroo, ' A NOW LANDI~·G

100 BARRELS Prime PORK 10 B~trrel:t Rump p,,rk

.50 Cnske Alhnny ALB-Dunl~s 80 Barrett~ APPLES . Ex . YoL.lNT, rrom Hnlifax, I'

!;!~ R=\rrels FJ~OU R . l O Puncheon:~ l\lolasseu

I Dit~n Grennc.Jn RU .\( 1~0 Bllrrcls APPLb:S-in prrme order.

c;ower ~treet N ov 3 J'ull SAL£ D\'



Ez " Eli:~beth," from Li•erp.onl. A large n.dd~tio.o to tboir previous 1toek of


Manufa~·tur.ed Goods, whi~b hnve ~een person.ally aelecrt"d, and will­be found to c'ompritte all articlcss euilRble (or rue ful. and . win t.tlr ·~niuna·.

.RJ•o. hJi •~me flet&tl1

.l II' A:a 0 ~ · ~.JT OC It OF

• ~ .lND IN ITOR£,

. -..--------N ll.'o,BEllT H.&JVT


& Poacu,from FJ/l.lJBURGH, ~oo j> AGS 2ud Quality BREA 0 . U . ) 300 Rag~t gooO commt>n ditto

100 Firkins Prim., Rander's BUTTf;R -!ND 1 IN STORE­

J00' .. j.'jrkius Prime C.umoeriJnd . 50 . Fea1lu~r 2eda-60lbs. Nove.nbt>a: 3. -


1. ()00 ptECE:; ROO VI. PAPt.-:R, just re...~ , . . ceived per Elizahtlh, rrotu Liver.

pool, (of sale. bJ • )lov. a. PHILll'. HUTCHINS


Mott's Ch~late. P.rep:a·~cd Cocoa, · t;c~oa. Pnste, and Dron1a,

' Ree to infor,:n the public of St. Juhn'a and


IY aleJ' StJ·ed. Ocloher 17 W . J. SHIRLEY.



THOM AS McGONNAN. October 10.


Lattrence 0' B1·ien, ~ Co. NOW i..ANDING,

E:< KrNGA t.ocu, from Hornburgh ,' .

1050 BAGS supcrfino and fino No. t, 2, auc S BREAD

210 Firkins BUTTER 20 Do prime Holstein DUTTETt 50 Burrtds and half- baa·rel» GRITS nod

• 0 A T~l EA L, very fre11h ~0 Bnrrelj Stockholm TAR

278 Coilil CO.Rfi.AG 1.;..-.assorted 11izes so Uoxea "'i.Noow GLASS -nx9,

SxiO. JO.x:l~, 10x14. 12xl4, 12~16 10 l\1. BRICK~·-Ha'mbur2h. . UID cb' FORNE, UIPORTATION81 •

NAILS-aJI sizes ' OAKU~f - . \.Yhilo, Bluclc, and Green P~JN'rS LI1-JS£EP OfL-boilcd and row PORK und FLOUR. . CORN MEAe . . CA~DT..ES, ·oA , \iVashing SOPA LnRfSUGAR ' SHEETLEA I TJN PLATE .

~· October JO. • · d ;:... ••••

100 ChestM Fio.e Congo TEAS, (At low pric:P.a.)

. :. . ·. AND 10R .~A.L~~ BOWRING, BROTHEBS. On bo~d of aaad Ve~t~l. Nnvftmhtor 14 . . •

tbe Outporr•. •hat a conatanl auj,RIY of t.beae artir.l.ea wrll alway" 'be ki-p~ oo lund ; the Cha· raeter of lheae nutritioa.a• beYerate• i1 alr~ady


~·D\VE. L IN=G ·ao ·u·sE Co•npraei~" Pnlotir, atc'hen, bllck Kitc.hen~

25,000 ll~mburg Bricks~ 30 M Pine ~IIINGLES; 40 o~:.~oald Aod 1 (ew: barrel.-.nd ~a.ll-t.arrell : , ~ CAND,LES: 20 Ot-z~u Yarn.SOCKS

. PRIME D auo·~RG. r·onr ;~!;:!J ~ ; .~-~ SJtle•. ~flllt ~E~l. hat· ~I tJ 1\• . . J!. 3QGtRS01f. & 80M

.. 6o&ol:er St • ..


auflicJeotly eatabli•hed here. · . • " CLIFT, V\'OOD &. Co.' . P .S.-Aiao a •uppl1 of TJIO,MA.B'a iod HAN•

as& w'a CHOCOLATE. • · c.w. & Co.

U.clober 3j ,

Four Bed ro.om•, .,liar. ao.d Shop, 10 tt

good ._iluatiou (u baaioe11,.

AU part~ulan ·DJacl: known• b1. applica..,tl~n Lo . • ;tO EPH STRAFFORD.· ·

AQctiooeu Octobu 10. ·





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, .. ,• .. ~HE ii'O"RNIN · · c u:Rr:E-,i., . ·- . . .

/===~=========;~~==~==============================================·~·~·~· ~====·='===~===== .. =· ~j~··~~~==~~~:;=====· ==·==~==========~~==~~==~======~~~¢=~==~==:=;. t··~·=~~· ==::;:· "' I • I • • ' • ,~ • .. .-f • • ~ '

. LisT•OF - 0 •

AIJ\jED LET-!f-ERS Il'f ·t-o B

~~F.T{C.E, ~1\ JOB.tt•'s. . ~~- ~

. ~

~n1lert:bn Jnmrs i\.1 w iII 1\'J icld rnuson .(\ nder~nn JuU\P-R · Ayfword C'ntht-riuo Anrhony \Vm .A ht>nru Dnnit\l

l\)"se J ohn 1 ullerton 'William Forest~\ Jolu1. l''r.llltces \y m Fnrnit~s W111 J<',;,f! ~l.n ry • l:Jtz :i- r:sl ·l Wm • f'i i :;cruiJ o·~:u is


O;NP.il Thon'lns O'Ftunu~nu AntiS

p Phohm T imothy l'o•'IC~r Thnd·cure of Shea a•uw,·r Cniberiue PnV +! Mrtt . P!tulnn lt icht~r.tf ,

.fOe Itt n liiiil'tis · · Power C Cu~ ~o~vt!r Joi,Q1' 1

})tlt' CII Juhn : Power l>u rk Puwer Ellt•Q,_ l'nwler ~~ r:t P.t, k 111 Tbo~t l'rutttlergndl~

COLJ.IEP. 4 ' \)avid Foi"Y


John Hyrue · . .'

/;. .. : [~-~~i,:~foo;.elc;· :. !~u~~ :ncl · ~- !~;:,::ti~!· 'u!:"i~:~:~:~·~:a~q~t~~~ ~ > .: . . :: : ~ ing. tht:t· !~!;!JI~io~~ •. it :-ha~ .. nCJ ,eq•.• .. o'rJae i!re" ~ PlSTRtCT OF TilJN.L J beduty o . ttt m&~~c·n~u.', .'!-'• .tWway~ f!!,,.an·tf the· .

• • MfJ:~IT(). • ,./ Jerem1nb Couuet' / . J

. . ,."' DI.S!R~CT j[FF OB-

11Jt' ~. 0 •

• ·y· 0. W.f!l Rili.ouc -- - LA I' OILE

'Chftrl~s ile h~Cro.ig t\V nJtht. l<'ruoci~t 2 0

J .. hu YoUIIJ.t POH BAS~UE ~

fl'ntii C I!I Jlou Cr JF; nu v Altnoutl.

Jt~m "~'~ Cltuk

•. . . ·!l'Y. - (' : . J mo<~t..delt ~ te ,use tt ffi!.l,ll ,st.tcc:eL.I~lly ;· •er,)t fe~ .· • ] oPefril .f·Vc.ry _ · .. · ~ ·umeron .no ,, car~ee r• qu ~re an~ ~ther. rn~cJ :ctoe., qn .sQuaQ a Jittla. · · . J ;,lm _Hit.rridgQ t • H . . CJ'lliOr Otl,_.or . 1\fng~esth, .it u~eJul • . :J~!er~i~~ in . ·. Gtior~:e FrRihey ~Rol'iinson ·HP'ro . '\II~ opea\ au, an.d . hfllt foo "II baa Jn~~uwuv J_n1_nt!! ~oh.ukln , , 1 1\,l ; 0 1- 1 .• ll .. ot.her· .wall alwu1:a eosut'e ll p;fe f\'" eesx con eme~'f. . ..

_ ·~ v P. ~'~1• · • •n u Q • • \CONSU~lPTION'--.CUHEO · • . 1 \-_~t~LLV co! JtShn J ~tylor Hel~n . .. , . ... . . . • · \ . ·.

' Robt~l,ourn · John Towill H~trriet ClenJnPBe n_ndbt:>l ~ron:, h~o, Con,~4mp~tan ~an be1 ~\l~~

c (' 'i' 1 H~ 1 e , ronc tl~>!· vonsuu1pt ,, Ln·cr \ .Otnp 1111118 John ~~~~~~~·o/'A 1 ;apt. _ay or I tl "" Cold,., Cuttu:r~. c.oug~s, "'~•h.ma, Spitti-ng of . . ·.· f!lin" l.t~Jruun ' 1\1 O'ltk 1 . .Sluod, 8oren•·l)~ m · ljte ~heat, Hectic J.'luslt ~~EENr•LANO COYE .

1wr •.. 1'\:to nle~rlly Nq~ltl Sweals,, Difficull:or Pro·ru-.e: J•:.x,.ecjnation• -{.....,

hrn -~·u 0

1 l'uin iu th" ~Jue,&c., h.~~ove beeu lud 'cuu· lJe cure. ~ ··

1\ltct.tl.- L•lll!!hlnn • o n Qt.one ron. : . lhif;U~lAT~SM. · . .lfKW l'ULICAN K111&d li lt~le lcP.n) Th ' · 1 · · L.

t• Jot C 1 11 0 1s ss on y Ollts ·or 1uore tunn four •thoosnQd ~hnrlt::ot 1'1d; arlllf 1.0 ~rnp.:c 0 cod•:s Ql Hheuruoti::~m 1bn1 · Dr. 'W\\'II~uud'd 3ureu ..

. '

' .1

41 Aylward Putrid~ G inn J q lourwn '(;a llu"nn l'i::uruon tl . ' fl

. ~.. Juhu )1cc;j-( ,..J, / '"'" Pilmord \V T; k J<J Jlu ra llu luu1 t·urecl. 'J'he anotll &t>JCre nUll' cttri.nr. / .HEARTS OELIG-QT lfl IU' uno- · · ,. · · . .,.,~ . '"

~~'rt!ct~&tck E,....... \lr T c·k J . 'tt-t'S nre . w~:~:kly ~rmltcnlt:tt by lltl , e-xtrnorlllllu·ry-


n ·Brien Miclrl ..... .


core nf C \Vnlsh

Richtf ca•r r,f Fu

Erien Michl cnre ol W11 l~

.Rnrron 1'ho.s carpe ut er Doytl Jol111 Durn Jns cnt'e Uu•k J n111CH )trc•·n l'at rirk Jln .z •l ~! ~:~ IInce

Md rre ill nrv llr;!C J uhri r tcu Tunnl hy mwr, N mnsn n

Durn J ercntinb l h· rrt;.:un ~lie n

J~art ... ,J rs n r e ~dwnrd

R u r X' ,\lr Jt•o\ n John · J~utJ ,. f:llen B,.,on Sarah J ~\IIJ!I:! ~ J II IIICS

J'.n ts ton Hnrri•:t 1s ru y 1~ . .."d n"n r d

\ c


Cogloy ~lnry care or C onely Jo la n Ct~ h i ll ~frs

.Ouy II'

C I:S:<id \' Al tO (.;oalwny

1 Jr.o cdre of

,' Wl.dan .. Connors n i dow

-(; n la l!n•l Thomas CttJHw~W. i\l or.r Cnn nor~.., a !I , C runnnford John (.;u111ntins P care of Ho

li t::'} Connelly 'rltomnt~ C tliiO O f !l ~'l i dt ll t!.l C ltJ I\ e J : rnes

· (.:ook Ellz aht! th ( o .. lt•ll n E ilc n Cullen ~lttry Cut trto ~. · r • "" ~ict:o los ~any W i llur f\1 Cnnw rlord \V 111

C ol lu t J Thomns C1.Hil'r ~Ira;~ cure of ~hac·

l.uu C uJ tlihv 1\1 ichuel Collis jnmos Cauonn P.ttk C a. !l ;rly Tho111n9 C nrf'w Tltomns Corrigan Patk

~ ·(.;arter John f;t~mpbell Mary Corril 1\lra c;lllcn 'J'Ilornns Colmnn John . . D . . Dunn llichl care of

· · F IIZpturiclt Doyle Morgnn Dowl inll Joh11 D .,yle Tbpit . Dwyre c·nre of <-!uirk Daue, ,Pbi lip Don~hue t\ltr.hae l Doy~ Wm Quiui Vitli Do) le P,c lt!~ D"e Tltomna D uron 'J'humas ']Janie! Julia D rl lton Charles D icks J ohu Duon ttl riry Doyl~ Joho care o(

U•Joling J)oyle Joeeph Dw) ~r Catherine Doole1 'Eit.auor :Oo~o~ley J utly l· E , E~tey Thomae Er'~ ltturulgti Jud · ~.Ehyurt.J ll~uJy C:nle rof

· ·• , Gl' iffiu En~o:lie ts- Brirlge Ellia•t.J t ;chuvtJd . .l!;uiCiallh Jnrues Nxatll Bru..f~t et · iliug llt:b J o, t..,b

. I•' . Fbrristnl J nd Cooper ·

-' i-'uY-f•utrtrk 'rho~ · l~ .. lynn· H caru qf Jieodry f'HIIII J uhn

· Foley· ~Tiao i{lll l' car.e ef •. • Br~noail . :l

• · ~· i'I<'Y .Miclrl lfnki:r '\ :II.ZJ!~i'~ lcJ ~1,a~y ·

llultln Wrh •. Jfru ,~u · Antlttw F.• ·zl'alric~ .}Jart~n I

; .. ,u) l'ntk .t 111 ~ of Casey (j .. r ;tfl .\lr~:~ C Gal u Tho•ll'o!J (} r:r ftllllt Mrs l i • oV t'>l J IJ IIIt'd

GuS\\ t:ll Tr} jthenn til·

IJ ,. nt' hrv Pan wk H ··fd~ u·u curt: vi I h iland H o~un ~lru y c11 r~ • d

· U dlun lli•·l< e" .hht lluyt> ; l-:ot w I I 1• 1• r 11 1 1

HutiH) p, , . are oJ ~'linn· ll uwl•·lf hr 1~ 8 l lul rle rt Juh IJ 0 1\1 16i1 J II I e~ ,. H'\rvt y 'J ame ll urrin:::Jou Pu. II 'I t kt> !l 'l~d, as Jl ,,r~: Tl)ullt al! I ld fcruuu l:'a•.k It uio• 1\lr S

llo~11 n ,\Vm ll ntulio .llur~nr ll,wley ~ f:t1 ry ll .. uruball Aunslotia

• o(

.J J r• nes Willrnm .ltd lu r ~ ·~o pt .l u,d au tl .l a ur t:~ Thornos C .Jame s .\1 r s

J , 1li:r:~ Thomns li

f{ ,.n tO II T ht. lt lttS

. J

1\. c ul J ulr tltdi U 2 h.{ uncdy llu ~ h cure of

1\.. lly Georqe K"'ll} GctJrg-e (\ ce lt:: ~ i •clruf! l

- K •: nr locy Gllc• IJ K.-nr-ell) i\l achu e l 1\. t- !IIWJ J ll! ll t'tl K :. r,. 111 1\Lrr y A K c'lllH:d y .\l .chud

·~ L~ nch C11 · fu: r ioo l.ar11;,: . .rt Ja coh L\'ll l'la \Vad , .w r.;tlwy t ·a l~o · tlll~ I. out! ;.\ lrc ·out:f L,d 'o ur ·Mrs

ill 1\! :! le r H i\1'


.\ l •:: p it ) J urc mj a . !\l , v r ath ~1 ur) C~lrP of

·' .I:J11y e~ t\h:Grn\; J afl .\l orr1~u11 Juo A & Co J\1-urploy Mury )lut pllY W ti.Jow rnrc ol

1J , l:' tliHIII

,\J c Louglalin Ja n~e:o 1\J II rp ltf J'utk lllbSI•O

~ltleu .\l c url! of tiluttery 1\l 001 e ~Bill U61

J\Jtt Ioney J U:it~ph .M ~ucaru . ~thvimJ ~Iullowuey Altce Murr!ly 'lunodty M urplay J\11el11 McL~od John ,\Jcl'trt:r:~•. ll J ames ~~ c f-h~r~:ou ,\lr. rt ha t\Lsrtin Johll Alrd t\Jarun Et l~n Mtirph y J,lflh1:1

~I u: phy L •· Wiit 1\l t; rrl~llll P aud Tltos ~f r v 1111b 1\ 1 rs i\ lcUrull• l' :r tnck ~! ttl lett i\l r~ 2 1\J 611 II y l\Jt~IS ~~Orrlt-Sr·y Cutht! riue 1\J 1lo· ~ WAlle r t\l nti< II Y J II 1111'8

~ltlllu!Jy l\l tCIIIIeJ ~lul· key 1\t ,. ry M11r fl ::- Be~tjn min M•ttpt.y i\l'rdt I!: Mc Ka'nhn) J\lr Md.;a i·uoy Juhu ~lr.:tirulh l'.,•k

' nlf ) .. • l~ ,.__./ 0

Nuwlan Br t~lt:et Nc:ur' J.~s lJ Jlur

· 0 Q•Owy~ r J{ ll ltert (:) ' Hr)'nll J t1 111c s O'Ke...st- p .u 11el 2 , O',U tlll i~P I ' J olrll

Quill Wrn

R Renrcl(ln 1\1 whl Hh tiltS li. tl wurll 1t I IH irnt. Po rk Htu~u l ll t:ttry R~" IIY Jultn kurwh J111ly H.~ •Bl'lt M·ury l{ r i.!IIO P:HK Hyao Jamt:s lt~:J::.lUU \.Y

s Strap 1\lnria ti1r1un 1'.-tt'r Suhvnu \V m

• 0


~rttllh TtaourllS mosoo ~tt ect N .l\1 E:sq :,o. lr lc ) J u:-eph :"\1 •;•1 · <1!! .J II III I

::i<t lt l t; l 1111 T hn1U38 :O, l Ju11 11 Ph rl tp :"'ftt: t' h . lll J ,•IU o;8

Htupl~ •ou J,oun :;lt•'f ' l'ard l-:1 ~J ::, llt:cl~ar• l:: tl w.Ard 2 :::>uu.w J ui.Jn

T Turnbull Alex TuttZ~ I Jula ll Too .u. ~ldry Turpy J 1" T ultcl J 1Jhll '!'ruy \\ 111

v V .1sey Jot.u

\V \\'ol~h or Ht~¥1y Anty \.Y als h Cuthc.r111e \Vubh Wut c."Urt!O.i '

buUJmert~ \V <:kh J ubn \ Vu l,..b J·.luui•Or \\tu l tih J u:s CUIC Of

\Vn lt~ h J uhn Cal ragan

\\' :.J,..h P cll re of Sullivan \V u l~lt JtLitlt· S \\ ut::lfn u \V1c:ow \\ nl:o h J :tru t:s \\' nbh A tt a,.. IUtin \\' nl~ l• Mnr_y , \Vu loh P.11k ·,.,

y Yendal l Ja t ll<' :f


a\lr::~ A rnot l"' K EE LS

Patrick Hyuu scnr <>Rt:t:~'S PO ti D

Edmllflll Clltl:.lcr < :h ,trle& Oenge A \VhJtut o re


wen u .• ,·i :~ 'c : ~ IIIIIUC I y I• UO!r

1\I ;\G 's OOV3

Jnmes H : g11 n CON C EPTION Jultll ~lcUru lh


JIAU6v UH. OR .,C£ Tb cJII.us 1Juu,ly l\l uurtre' Sulilvnn

.M• t~ \V111 Anuiug M• Hu ac hy

·John 0 !\ c lio J ,,Jill ~ u'i I Ounlt:l Connt-ly

D KIUU:J P Nowlnrt lost:l'h Pow.cr ~ltl!ltut'l Uurk 1 . ,

N utll un it>l Munllen (:.li\Bil ~ ~Aft.

c,. pr T ·t•uwer · • U t' lll lt tta lht iuhu,. Kautt

.Joltu \V11t1an lt•;hen J\) lett \\' m Cnrb.,ry

BPAN'IARD 's BAY Jonu11 L •·ury I{ rl'11111 d L.i tcks '1\lr~ A '1' - · ~ lor .

T tJ P.:I f•IL

Dt:nni:~~ \\o II•••• D'G RNT POINT

F T iuker · O'N~· • l .L1s · · ' Mr .. Sth iW '

0 ' ~ t> 1llt ft·bnrd · 0'1\ry'fl ll' lJ ,•ull llJ O ' l\.tH:IIu l{!l:ti'tlrtJ U'Hnto .M ·

: BAY ROB~R'rtf

W '1' Llrt:ef\ •

BtLLf. hLIC Job~ Couoen

0 •

. ..P '

l'~lt•• lle E· 1 , ¥:\)11,. lt oortl .. J ~Lu 1'i1Ten

• R OSE n l .. \l"CII. . .. II ~nr y Blur k11111re

GllA ~ I) DA~K 8 a)\Vulal f'uc • Cl

N ~.· h t:urrlllt 1\ll :cht~ ll ll.o U I'\ D C• •U NT.E·n.

J O IICjlb ~111 Ju PICA nEE

\Vrn rln•r•· ll JU • .RLIIITAOE DAY'

~es:stou F11rec;y

'- ~ v • r"'"' , U, U!JU, irlllt::' . . • . ' . .\ 14 ratoer Jas !St~wort J C · .-......, · E f ' .. · I, 0 1> 2 null·d urum~n_gs. . Pq.,.onA o -the':-tl s~~~~nts .an \: l ltU'UII 0 • b L ' I \ 13 II' I I . f :

J l> tli t:t Oo I e . "'.'!\!lfc n sy um! fuel( w~. d. ,. lllltf, I& lhe.-L geude:.a•j, t- •·k ~u~t "' th~ foi)O\\ 102 lt'tte r : ·

\l .1\1 ft 1 L 1 · Bluek\\elltc:! blnnrl, ~eJJt. 14 18-17 ~ ~lr 11~0?r•k oyL11 n · p lt- ' O\Uii£ND -U~o'r Sir : l t;avt:' MJll'n ;,, n , enry ro ··l' f 1r r r ·. i ""' ,. ., ,. • l\J tcrrtlt•,\: ror Ulfl~ ~ t: Urtl WUh lfl~ H. ot:U.m u_liSIO ; COli··



sr(l .. r;s ble ul rl ty IIIli" I could uol' ~ 111 etleep nr \Urlk . , ~lll't ~?"Y l\lmun 2 llrad the Ullnos t , cJ~tre;t<i1tg plriu~, nr11J 'tt1e t. 11 ,t 1~ .

~entllCil 'S List. ~ ~npl l ~tty ~ltttua w t: re t~rn~•ly sw~lltm I hu\ e Uo.c:d four ~tlt'ti of. • )CIIIt ~ar.Hrpnn l ln, IJtlcJ IIIIJ.)' ltuve OunH rue · lll6te

·~ Capt...Ga:o\Yd N1le thun 0 11" ct ,ou , li tltJ_ do lr:a rt~ ' \\'Cift fl ttl good. J 0 , 11 .-\ P / flO JIIUr·b h e w · r-ltt• l' t!•'• 1 arn ~IHir td v r t! llt!"l't!.

AHrPrl Nnrhurq Alert Wm Goff p tve Yuu ure .n1 hhcrty H' u~., 1h r:~ lur tilt: lJe~cfi 1 01 tlot: · ·

\\'~='TERN SIIORF. C ull Hrazrl I

14'r . QEORO 1-: 1d BAY'.·

H LP~:rutrdud ~ AleXUtH.It~r Jt:~q

Mr Hu ruuct ' ~Jt:luH.Ie H. udl&ctt:d.-Your!', re.:O Jlec tlully, : .· . · DISTRICT OF FOOO B c S tP. VPO'l'OII R'>~an .,.. . . • Jut1::s (i.U

Jnhn Brmv Brr·z :linn G :n.onJHS ILtptd I ug.-\ UTY ~N8 H~AL;l'ff . Jl)hn Owt>ns

CAJ' E CI•\'E. \Vm Snrrth

' +w II. I.I NG.\ T£

J run e~ lluold d Clt:r rlt ~ " 1\1 U~:f .J 11 11W!I \\' lrrre .\I e .. :-; r:o~ A :v. J ?coree .'"i•trlll ll.: l Uurtru1

JumcrJ N •v'ru Hucculieu · · S Cosm~i_c~ , Ultulk, 1~11li 11 var !l'ty ol p ep rations c Purer l..ngnu s~ol ch I!C IIt: rnl~l UtH•, Wht: l l. npplwrl tQ_1 tnee very

.\ ~f tmrn Camilln il u JC•• ~lu (rr,.CJII dn . dU.vll IIJIIHI ~ t ol ~~~ bt:Slll.)'. .They ci CIHe til: pcrrt! . \\' 111 Hriu" C \ ut hta J:-:) crowrl t: rSi rH. 1~ut!'ph•ll ul lltt: sktn, _ un~ c hfw k fhe · carcu l 11~ 111ct, wb it:ll, cu,,t May Couraer u .\lorri!JOII ::ic·• e n L ucll wlot'll lllllllr~ . IS 110,1 lii\VIll'le tl b~· tl i:-Cil!!u Qr .jiO\\dt:rd

1:: ~'ll'l :::>ted~ Hjlruy · ur ti re e-ktu llt~ :unP.d. lty tl.tfl al kultt'li U9t cl 111 ~onp:~,. U l\1'/) JO'tltl - F.uph• mir- • V heuutltf .. ,. Its ~\\II prudu~llou 111 lite •• t.uu·au f11·1•0 It L Va lin is ~r1z' J l'•!n<•lr V c,..f'Pr PI\ iuc," HS wt·ll hl:l in rhe ~nrcJcn of riclt ancl tl t) ll-. \V Allnll t·: ull h• lll ' ft :\ .M~Funun Yt!s•al I Ca l t' l ~ IIOII~ t.l' unu vurt~gl!,ltd !lower~': A Jretoh Jo lrt• Ho.,wuru J) • ~ W n c l'f\' U o" tl heulthj .circulu tio!' u l tl~e fiui &ls, .o'r thli J rlltes Hlu 11 11J fi..:IJ

Juuus Cou l,,• r J ••lll•·s I lu.iolor (.; hu r l•·t\ ~I O:ocs

0 i\lc ~ Uu t111ld .1!:!1 ~ 11 John Couuter \Vl'lce_mt- 2 -; rw r trrng olJhe tlllre r rch hloud to 1h~ t:Xi'tem illt·s Mt CorlJul ~l •za iJt. t !l J ,.uchell Wrr ttH w IJ(·b llf 1~1} ·. \Vjtlch .. puji1ts ~~~~ couu.wria~occ ,, hic la 11,J.e . ;

1•' .-\. Dt! h·ulle \\' r l t' UUIW . t! X IJU ~81Jfl beauty I t 1:! tit at Wlol~l JIIIJitij'lt! ll.e IIIII /

Tlllte t; n 1v P.ns Tc..lh a.!e y ih iJwin

ll .o\ TTr.E I:IARCOUR Gcoq,: n (( e a t J!s


S tcpluH• t\t tl .. :. ~ O:mi ~> l Blnn.Jrortl ,\lanh ·1 Snwk y

· · G RJ;<:· I~N 13 \ V. ltidtd Cumo.t~ r forJ


EJw '[.d llurns ,/

DISTRICT OF LA-' UH ! ·Oott·'''' - -,-

\V ill inan ~V t.: lrh., r


N :cltn la ~. L d )r().:f ~ Jumes \\ ltiJ I hnrn G R ~AT 1'1...\ C ENTi.\.

~1 •uy Corh iu \l1cltae l. ,Ma lonr y David Powt-r Johll D uhun J ohn Bn ulrhvin Catherine IC'iuti John Co~gr!lve

J. t 'I'TL& FLA C E NT'I &.

Rirhdp.l J§ngl ie~ h N id10lw lfuyelt ~lrtt Fe~nCB!iV

.tsUtillf , H r•nry Lu111u. l' homos :'Vl.tlz ·, rd 'l'hoana~t L" m tJ d 1cphen Sp1cer l'"ttlr .Md'hre Mk bael ,\lt·Orttrh 2 1\~luurl D 1\ltoo J vhn Po wt!r Wm lt•sv••l

OO E RI !'{.

Cnpt 1'hnil ColiiiiS \VI{ODY J S f. t\ N D.

Sn111ar~ l Cral•b Thu ruu:~ Cn~<e ~·uwci :; ~quire

1:oNG SHORE. John Con 1;11y

· s ·r .!\1 A n v 's . Brid,zot Jlyun


Suwu~ l l~ubert s'uu~o t~ l.AND

J 1\Iudrlock F lorrt Cn pt Furrcl \V t i h -•111 tl t t~c r~1\ blu t1hurlc:. nnd ll .asltet~ of lH\'t: ltnct!S lil t~ G z ~H nuuH.rc , l•uc IIOIIe c un dh c.iille. ' TillS Ut!t!UIY

P SuthPrlnml Gratia G F:1rren Z .: hu :un I f' tbc ll floo~pr u •g ol na{.lu;t- - lll!.t' '>f' . pou-t!er or suup _ ----- - --- II lit e r " 1:11101 n frt!e uurlltcniUry c itt·tll!l tton t!J crt: it,

W IIJLUEH. &; ~Jil'l'll huv ing · llO'UC/luty. It the lftdy ,is . ln ir 'u::! uri¥~111!)1 1 1\Y, ifroj:e pun•hasf'rl thA copyrigt of "('h:.1rles l'iU .. p u tlll uud u ,..e co;allt!llcc~, und the -hlood l tf t h c k

mtr's Europum A/ail.'' nut•••u 11•:A thnt it'" 111cr rpo. r..old, 8 " 11• iwpurt>, s l•e iiS uot l•ci•Ultlul. Jt 11 l~ l •e rutur! w :lll tl11 .. ir " ·Europtlln 1'i, lts', T ile hro•>'ll f.! r Vttltow,nucltherc 18 JIU~n al nctivu hln'uu ro ll~ tll 'l'in~es,'' ·•ltico CUII IUIIJ:I 4~ t!OiiJ"ll-ll o kr l•l:'e H g oYCI< I. .4.!J1 hluulll lO l i t ~ rheek~S, UIIU u hrtl liutrcy

r re \ ' lO th e I , CS "thut J8 hltt !: ill ll [,l iJ~ ' , · . y prllltt:d tutellljt ttllce, cnutprir:~r~ rl e ~1nponun1 .' • · ,. ,~loy tht! ~.tJ Uth eru, 4 ~1; 1 f'li Jiel'ia lly

11,8 f~utllr• 11

• V IZ ~-J 1 6 9 euera_l Nt!w:~p;q}'1 i .~ . n ~ ! 11 I llt l t•·~. '• re ~o llllrt' h urlunr~d. Lu.li•·s 1r1

1t1u CoiiiJ'rt'h•! ll :11YO ::)h• pJIIII~ Lt.:- 1 ; otHI 3 1 n t,;o•H· .., pn:h erst~IV t;S Prl_cr·~ Curr t> llt lr •· nj r~v::t nn AXlP. ll · !' h W II O I n k~ IJut I'• Uie Ol(•·rc t:-e, or art: cc.m li t• ··tl ·..'i vo cir<•olncion, is' £'t41'c•:irtlly a dnJlH·d tb ' ~' " Hr ttir~l• 1 clo:-e "001


:- •. or L.u Ye spoile d th•·i r OO IIIfllt.ixiu nlf . • \ 'J · ' lly t he d ' l l ffi CU I IOII Of tl ~ J~It· ri ~;:,U ~ IJII~ I U ' J I . F'orP. Jl'll a uol Ctllou ul It crch un • b'111Jl,.O \'\ 11 ~r a111l ' . , · . , · · ~:- , 1 t,,,.y

• • ,. 1

- h. ( 11 • . 1 W•!l(l l I () r t:Vll lll ~lS!<lll'llY Ol Slf' n "' 110'u I ' frndl! r j Qll l .. t fr l} lll I () J t' l'} l ~t· llt Ctl ll1p11111Ui tliH): 0 ) . . • ' r1 " 1 Jll ll ~p1 r111:1,

erl11oriHI n•>' i ce:t. gi~nn in .lhc Hr ili:tlt F otei •·n nnd Sf~ll.rkl lllg l'yes , . ~tuJ ht:uut tJt.tl curut•.lt>XIOI!t!, t !rey · ' • ,.. ' ··si'inuld u,e Hr 1 O)Vl!~eutPt! ti r ' II '1'1 · t:u lnn isl N~w~ll mper:z the l'roprletnr~t b',.ll~vo lltn t • . ~ · : 11 e!ll purt "· · ~•.u ....

• • ' 1 1 • ·· . ' l!a t ul :o~ who h tH'A lrt • rl ~~ ure .,,0 , .. 1t 1 ., •. 1 tl.e £uropema mes IS h•! 1 111 vljry h1gh e::l•·na twn1 . . . ' • " . 1uu l!tt t 1e..,

l I J ty· 2 1 1\J.cn • n•c tl t· hg l~ ted. , Luu tc& of tl Vt:r)· Slatiou cruwd our . •vequ•u , u , v ••" • l' .r L Olla~e u d y. ~

Da·. ··ron·nsc•ul's s:u·sat•:u·ill:.. WO~OgR ASD BLgSSISG OF .Til~ AG E.

The tno·,., Exarnol' rllanry 1\ledic iuc in the \\'oriel l'httt ~XtrRCl is put up in IJIIRrl hutll es : it il' .. ix tim~"

chenper, plelisallter t 111111 warrauted supea ior tt' any euld. It cirrP..f wi thnut vouurin g purgin~, !liCkfluio6f, or tl to hilitatin~ th., Putitmt. 1"'"' I~ ~reaL b~nuty sn•l superiority of this

pnr11la ov.e"r all 01her mecJu~ined is . tlrar 0~ k erm.ltcott!s . the cl iscnt~P , lc invi~orat l's tlte horly It is onP. of tlr" \'Cf)' hctu SPnt ~o As o Qnl~n:n. \hnJcuu:s ever known ; iluo t on ly purifie~ th•• whold 11ysttun, and etren!,! • h en~t che pc r'!o n, ltu l it cre Ated ne w. puro, 11ncl rtch Llol.)(f ; n power pus­setlse•l hy no other rnt!ali r·~ne • . Anrl ·in 1IJi:~ lies th e 'ru'ttJ ~ecr~ c of itlf wuo• let ful surcei!S. It hn:4 J1!!r · , urmed wi 1 It in, tb.e ln'&t live; yen r-ea, ritors 1 han 100,00 l' t'llred of sev~re cues ul cli:40A!I~; u1 l~n ... t 15,000 w~r" consi.lered incum.hle. It htts savt!•l the ltv~s: o( more th~tn 5,000 cbilt1rcn ·dudng tlau two poSt :4e Gf' llll@. , I to.ooo en•e• or Geaernl D~bllhy oad wnna o(

N ClrYou• fo~.u~rar. . r

· S C ltOff) LA C li HI':fl. "I'Iti t-~ r c r · ifit-n!t: t' utrCIIh i v t:ly prh\'cK thnt tlri!'l S ur·

StpartiJa h11~ pt!rf t!(: II' UIIII O IIIV· ·rtl tc 1110"11 Ohr:!•itrale dlstaM·~ ol. the l: lul)d. T hree Jltl iSuhd cun .:c.l 1u vue lr u JJ~e IS Ut'l \'r t'Ct!rl t!ll l t•o .

TH IU~ E t:HJLUR f:N. ~n . TowN .: e No-llcllr ~.1r: 1 " ·•VI\ the plet~t~uro

10 tnlorcn you 1lt11l tltrec ot 111y crll :tlr t- 11 b iJ \'1" IIP. t'll curt'cl ot the ) crulula hy the u!'ie ol ) 11ur e~cdi~•H 111• c.hciue. 'J Joey " t! re ulil oc •eu vuo)' s•· ,· crt~l,> \\t tb ball 8vrt:~ ; lul\e l nk~:~u ouly lour :l. , . tJc~; ,, 10uk tlu:m UWII}, fur wllaclt J f~e l tuyetll uuucr gr'e~ot olJiiguc 11111 .

Your~ rP!!pcH~ ' fullr l .·s . .c: \\'. CRAJ~, 106, Wonaterre 61. ~PtTilNu l.SLOOD .

. Nt:W Yotk, .'\pril28, 1847 Dn .Tuw:o.s .:r-m-1 Vt>rdy udieYC l'ltut youn:ia rsa,

Jl"rtllu hus lwcu the u. enns , lhrou,.;l• Pruvrdtw c e of snvn•g n•y hie. 1 lruve for s e \'t'rul }t:ttrt:S h11d a l:ucl Coua:11. It bP.ronre worse n nd worM~. A 1 last l rn i t~~u lnr~a quau1i1ies of hl•lOd, bud nitLht sweuls nnrl wns ~;rea lly <Jcluliarerl and redur.ed, aud Jirl not exptlct 10 live. J have ouly usl!d your Sarsn· p :anlla 11 rdmrt tune, naul ther.e has l.u:en 11 wuull"r• .Qtl .:!luuge wrou;;ltr in' 111e. 1 nm llo\V ablu tu wulk 'nll ovP.r the ci1y. I rKtse no> llloo•l, uod lilY cnUJ.! U hu:t h•fl m e. · Y l )U cuu well una~iue thut I am l11aukful for tlr cee resuls.

. ' Your ohe•lient sen•nnr, \\' :\ll<ussr.LL, 6S-C11thcrine Sr.

OPINION~ OF PH\'SH.'I.\N:S. Or. 1'ownsencf tS altnotlt dully r.,ceiVIIII! ordera

from 'PhystciAJl ill clttlereul jJQrl8 or tlus Uuiou-. I his i11 to ~ert~ly thn.t ,wo,lhe ~uderrtigue•: Physi·

ctt\118 of lte ttty of Alham•.hAve in nuu1"rous cli~e" pre:~criitt'(J Dr. 'l'owusenA_Sarsnpnrflta,oud be laev~ 11 to be n r.e of tbe nu{st . vft'tual>le prepttration8J an the mnrket. H . P. f'oLrNo, M.O.

J. WH..SIIN, l\!.JJ . a. n. BtuaoiJ, ,\J.D • .

,~. E. i':L~t,'IIDOnr, M .0. (i L iSCtJIIJh8 .

. 'l'IU~ PA!8t:Y

Jolm Bu tltlr

Or.· Townsend'& :; .. nmpanllrt invigorat~e that whole ststern Jtermauently. To thoee "ho ltuv .. loat ~lteir muscuhtr ener~y by the etfflets ol metll .. ci tie or iorli'J~ret ion commiu~ .. t in .youth, or the t>X • ce(isive irrdul~tmco ol the pM6iontt, aucl hrouahc ou a ge1.Bral pt~)~1cu.l prostrntiou of tht! r.t.>rvous sys·

/ · rem~ lnesittuit' t wunt of ornbllion, faintinJ eettsn .. ·tio'nft pre rnftture clecny nrrd declinP; has•eniog to· wnrc(-s \he.fctt6\ clist:nsP, Con~Uili}Jtion_, CillO be. all · Ji ·ely restored lY lt•irt pleuant rrmP.dy. 'fhis Snr .. DI~TlHC,.f ST. JOHN'S

P&1'TY JJABOUR •l .. ury C •10pe N'lchol118 Dtslaney .loh!IDIIII Rylln ' I~ tcbn ,., .Huuonr 2 Jvhn Murrhy

snporilltt iiJ far r-upuipr co any hrvroort.ATJuN CoR oru., .u it rene·ws nod invigorates the S.)atein. ~ive;r tactiviry to the ltmher aurl str .. ngth 10 the muscular y!Oite m, in 8 moat exir110rcfinury cfegree·,

Albany, April I, 1S47. , . . . J\J.STitW AR'l' &. Co., · ,

Allents for ~liw'fmaudlarid. SnrBtl.llflrilltc Depot ·

Kelly'• Brick Building•:, Wi.al.:r fSlrecl, St.


Juhu Groru • fUJl'rUGAL COVB•

l\1 1c1rnel Futt~y 'l'l101110 t1 Culahnn 1

OUT£R C.u,f • Jamut. Coady KdmoncJ Ho•d en '

TO~f,. · Joho Bui;y -".


II ·is the snfr:st aruJ ftJ0:4l eU"clunl mf'dieJO& of purify ing the syt~tem~oo · ancl relievinsr •he ~uf)11rin,z• atte ntlltnt upuo ehilcJ .. birtb n er di~:~coveretl. Jt 11tr~og'b~n11 l>otb the UIOther ancl child, vrevent pain ond diJeose, ir•creaeu·· enu cnria,htH• lht! fo~d llrose who huYe used it think ·it itt 1ndls penr-oble It is highly uPefuJ • ltoJh be fore curd After confine· n,en·,, oi\il 1\reventa diseoeea au~ndnnt upon cl~tlrl .. hlrtb ~jn l:Ot!tiveoed, Piles, Cratnp!t, Sweljiug tho · l'~eoa, D.:epondeucy;, He:anbur~ Vuaniting,

J n'•·• . .

UOURlglt, l'rintetl uucJ. PuhliaJu~(fby Josun WOODs, ; n lti ..

Oilil'e in t.lr. ll. O'UwTER'a U~utfd-ing;., fle\~k's Cove, Wuter. :::>treet, eV~rY W .:o"e' u•T anti tiA·ruRa>4Y moruin". ·

Tcrm .. 7 T-. £"'n SEHLLil'IGtJ Curren~y per annum. ,. . BOOK ;AND .J B Plli&'TIN'G 0 :

x~atly &rc:culed at lh. O.Jfice of the MoRNING Coual&R, at. the tl. •' lett t1otue the ncltwrc

!>I lh& 1Dork 'll adt~ail .of~


