\ J , /f'. ";\ - i ' ' '. '• .. / . . : .. . . .. . . ··. · . . . . . ... ' . .. . .. . . ' ' ., ' . .. ' . •• • . 1 ' . -;l •• . . ·' . .. , ': •. 1 .• I : .. . . :- . ·. . :j .. . . . I ' ' , .. ··, ' . .. . , .' ' ' 1 I ' 0 , ' ·' t .. ' • ' . _ i,, 185 _ 2i .. NO. · . .. · ·' .. •, VOL. 7. . @n . .Salc. <tS ... · Writing Desks. R OSf.\VOOD, lll boguoy. aut! other WRITING . for ::iu 111 the . Al n)r 29 LONDON BOOK STORE cmloc · 40 .M . pr 50 1\£. Pine clo, 5 15 l\1. '2 and 3 inc I..Ol'C)'8 ARD Fish Cnsk 2000 llbds. Sydney Co Jane 5. ,..- SIZCS r A fl enuti fut collection of ROSEWOOD VORI\- "?'i' ·ed 1tt\d fdr tho i.\Iny 29 , '-L ONDON 13001 STOltE - -·- LUI!:: . ! I. bu.: ! ! . ROACH A SLAKED LIIE · l 11 ilarrcl s, P'uns., Ilh ds'. , and · by tltc llu sbcl By !Hi LLEY, i\llT C HELL & Co. J\I ay 2 2. 1 . !::1 111 00 FLRJ\1:-l' .:>, Prirne BUTTER, snitnh lo for - 1:-'uluily "u;o. -J ust rcc c• iv od per Stc nou cr J nu n ':! G l xc: 't.' r: 1-: ER Sp: 11 ;k ti ug fro n1 ti.tt· Fount, at '1 reo l 'c111:c per lo l"ss. l\ & R l3 L:\ C l\.WO OD .. - - r-- - !\ .\ !.: TI C AL ·,\ ST JW );0}111; AL AL.\L\ - N' \C I' ,\ , few nf 11tr ahu ·o ,\ f ot s ole nt tho Ll) !\" l: UO L\ STO IUo: . Ill" RO(H.;Jl!HJ.l' P. 40-t> H Supc& "· . ; ;o Q.r.-cht •st• ( " t• :; n l C:.\ 200 Dux c:; Li l' c rl'(Jv l :'0.- \1' :!{. O:.: ru sltt•d :Ol'( i. \ll ·I l'u n.; h c c •u s f. O. \F :-i Cl >A!t B" :ws lt ipt t'A:-iD L E:; 1 rt cd X oil :i 100 J lfiJ K< ·gs Whit o !' Ji ut l 00 Jl i, Jes SO LE L 1 ·:.-\ THEil 100 Ha rr e ls Ne v Beef 1 00 l> i1t" Wl1irc C OR:\' MEAL 100 13 ,g, J in o ditt o .50 Ba rr el. Coo al T nr 10 Di tto B1 ig ht VARN LH 10 D itlo !law Turp c utiuo 10 D itto ::\pirits Di tto 1 0\J Coils a ssc u tccl C ORDAOE 20 B ags Hio CUFF , EE. April 14 FOR S;\l,E AT. TilE OntcE OF THE illoRNtXG CountEn. /- NEWFOUNDLAND ALlHANA.€ ...... . . '• . . f . .. / i ' .PAPJER ?>L\CHp: GOODS. . . ' \. Benutiftll ussortmeut of Papillr M nclwa I coosisting of:- · · EnvAIJlpo C:us os, Cunl Trnys. Cprd Rocks, Pen Tmys Curd Coses. Ink Stllllds, und Portfolios. · 1\l•y 12 JAMES J GRAJIA·i.\1 THE LIVEI\PDOL AHD J.;OPIDOH Fire Insurance Company E.'i'l'.A.BLl,SHED l:V _l o36. Of j ' /" , •. 1'he Roy jlll. Insm·ance Coiupanr. . - C.)I'/1'.-JL-'l' wo Milli on Stg. ·' TR USTEES. - --· - - -·- ·-· - -- -- CAPiTAL. £2.000,00 0. - . . Joh n Show Le!;;h. Eaq . hR B:B H 'Blundell, Etq By the Subscriber J l1' HIS DUCK· Y; HlD. MAGOT1'Y COVE REDUCED R A. •t• E :5 0 F l' R C: :.\1 I U DIRECTORS. 1 t::.Q 1'01\S HARDWOOD TIM131...:R-1Dug tl longths · G l Ill. llnrdwuut! Plnnk.l &. 2, 3, auJ 1 iuch ,\ Iorge ns. ortmont of SPA H::i l'iuu n111l Spt·uco MAS'l' PIECES 3U Wliarf Sticks. 511 fLet loug -AL SO- Tho ochvoncr l?ree Trade, <il Tous, Terms occ onunodn\ing -A:SD- The New V-essel ;\ ow t.n tho St .. iu lbo lluildinl{ Yort! of 1•10 '-'ubscrihc r; wi ll bo . rrn tl y for lauuchit 1g IJy I he lst So plemher, if purchased. May 8. JOliN WOODS. -- For S<ll t, t illtcr i lL part or iu whole, ir1 L ots . or to be Ltt A FIELD !N CJ a bout cs,hnving n ft on- V 'tageof (j !JO li: ct up ou the l,Oilg l'o ;l.cll{ oad, o ppl>si te wh !l t be en comm on ly ktHJ\\'11 lll'- Ual>r' s Bou·lin t; il ll cy,ancl En st n fun < l auj oiuing lhc Roma 11 Cath olic Cemcte n·. It is w ell calcu· lateJ either l ;• r BuiiJ iu g ••r pur- a ucl will in a short tim e fo rm tl1ll ccul re uf u thickly po p ula1 e J Viciuity, in ono of tho mu st agre un lJ lo si lcs in the s ubur bs uf the towu . Fur furt her pa rti c ular s apply at the Office of the ::iu b,; cri l,c r. in t r• c C omm erc ialllui lcl- ln g" • wla: ru u pi au of tltC property may be FREDERI CK It. P. \GE, A g cnl if tlt c 1 1 rtJpriclors BY LU: :C:E!\"T, AND RDIAINING UF FOH . IIER l A111l 011 Sale C..:lt cap, fly the Subscriber, nntl Conj!ou, in -Qr-ehes ts and Ou xclil. flf bUpcrior qunlity i' clwe. Twnnk ey. Hy so n. Young Hysou nnd Gun- powdm· -v cry tiuo uuu iu small puckuges or fa. 1nily USt' Flt ENCH C:IIOCOLATE-of exquisite tlu1 ·or unu fRv s·n : t:s: Sir Tbomns Bronckor. Aonm Hodgson, V/m. Potter, Esq . DIRECTORS l:" Ll\"E! KPOOt; : / ·' Ef<l:. \1/illinm '£)l rl c. Esq. Deputy C hair. rnen-Wm . Esi 1. ; \Vm. !\! cu i, Esq. Clmrlos Turne(, Esq., Chnicmnn, JohQ Cump iJc ll, Es_ q. , nod J Urumley-MWlre, Escf. pc puty Chuirmou. GeorgQA\1 E sq . UnlJlh 1\l ic "nell.luus lidd, l!. ' q, Duvid (.flnrion, l linni Cl uxtou 1 .l::s q, Th omn. :t Dover, Esq. Ri 1 d 1 1i :ln rbortl . E,;r. ¥o be rt E 1-lurvey, Esq, R Br u II ill. £ .; q, T lt'O-s D.,· so u Esq, Jo Chorfos . J ack . E >< J• E J wnrd J uh nslon,Esq..Rogor Lyon Jones, Eo•r· J' ""' 's La wr ,•n co. &. q. l\Jnxwell, ERq; . (.! co l-go Nnxw c ll ,' Esq. Robe rt McAndrew, E:sq.- Ed· nwnd l\lol• criux. &q .• Henry Moore; Esq. Willhun. S 111i th. :Esq. John Tou r, Esq: Jiltlrt aga a11 d Aclu2ry.-P e rcy M Dove, Esq'. Tbom118· llooth, .Esq .. Wm. llrown. M.P. 'I'homns A. Busbley, &!i) • C. l <: wnl'l, E;q., 'I'. Stowort Gl ndatnne, Esq .. Georgo \.O rool, I!: S< J·• f..:Sq .• George E• IJ .. llurul oy, Esq .. G. H. Laureuco; lo:sq .• Llt - tl u dul ... . Esq., A nt!row Low, b;q., \V d h1U11 L01:·. E.sq .. Juhn 1.\lnrriutl. E>q .. . L l' wtn C\Iozl uy, Esq.. John Po•u11in gtou. Esq., H . St ul\c r- _. __ foht, Esq.- ::i e crctury- S\\ iuton lluult, Esq. C:. I - Fi.,·e Insurances · T HE nbo1•e Compnny ofl'cr 1o A fl'e ct lnsuronc el On all kinds, at vc1y rates. on Property i11 Nuwloundluod ugainst l•'iiP, nt . P ro mpt ij rtd hberul of • • · very reduced o., ;nts be a to th1\t .the _D_ irectopa The Joo a aud high stnnding of tbn " Liverpool 1 1 ':' d t " · 11 k . l:.tYO ·now nut 1 on se t\tcm to ncccp . nnd Londou lnsunuu:e Co mpany. ' th ou· we LW\\fl ...,. -..- : libet'lifily in tho sotllonwut of claims fur Joss. tl to . J,li•' I:; . ·J S 1J llANC ES hU'ge nmount ofthcit · cnpitnl, nut! tho churncter of At tlto Pr emiun!S of tho English 'rnblee, 'giv.iog to tho , theA ss u.ret! some met wtth to who Wt8h to protect thc•r lt-u bilht<ttb pcnntttod ;-tlus roducuou wtll e:ttend to pcrty ugni11 ij t F•re. ,- istins: 'Policies. . r , l>'orther pnrticuln1'9 will bo mndo 'l'lto·succ , ., <I J\igh pasitioa of tho Co'!flPllllY to the Age!lts, who nrc !'ropa•· t he .1 rnto Rn_ tes ndnp.ted •.prese. nt , po- !' uhctos ft·ee of chnrge. . . , cuhur 't 1 ogcs to 1utendmg Ln ·E ;. -, BO\\ lUNG BRO IHERS, · ho oli iou s ly fo• · th9ir bene fit to be udnntte<l Mny 19 · Ag ents. 'li n\ " sele ct cluss of Live 'S, ti s the Bonus to bo' nil- ··- - · -- - ·' do d tb t h<:ir f! olicies froiu time to• rime. will be I here by ·onhonced, whilo the Iorge Copitnl rrHE AGENT S -t, , the. PHCENIX 1\.SSU- COMPANY. of Lo ndon, beg to llJI401/-nCC u. further · reJuction in of Premiums ·oil Brick U"nd Sto'M-Buililiugs :iu this T .. wu,particul urs of' which may bu on applicntiou to \V. G. ·nentfcH April 3 I .A . THE SUH:::>CJUB£/t I S to recch ·"n .01-ders for tho 1\EW l.lRUL'IS\VICK WORK.-;, for tho folio nrticles, viz:- 1\lnt · blo TO , \lBS.do HEAD STUNES Do MONU M An will bo put on either of the abo1 ·c, and FootStones sont wit !tout nny oxtm cbnrgc. gives eotir<' security undo·r n<!veriJe ·-circumstonc'es, which a Mutti nl or one with a smnli .Cnpilnl, necessarily suecomb. , ·A portion of the Premiums mny remain o. P. cr -cdit- Mecll' l : . · Kn:t." LEv, Esq., Surgeon . ' st John' s, Nowfonnllland , March 1, 1852. Brocklebank &; Autllony, . . AGGNTS Equitable Firr. Insurance Company, OF LONDON. CAPI1'AL-500,000 STG. B oa rd of L ocal Dire ct ors f or N ew foun d land : J. CJntE\" E, Esq., Gltairman. f]Unlily, in pnckng Hs uf :l to 12 lbs oucl! S I'J J<l T S-Urnudy, iu Hhds and 'lllurblo T uble PIECES Ut artl ';, He nu oss oy 's nnd brnuds r Hon. L. O' Bnu : N. I RooT Puows£, Esq., J K t:NT, E sq., \V}t .. M. ilA.ltNEs, .l!:sq Stcmding Co u: nsd : Rutten ln rn GJ N-in Hh•.J.. nn<l Hcnrtb Stones. &c., &c .l - , Prices of·thO.nboYo, pinos, other pnrttculnrs, by J :U I'-Oiol F:n st Iutlia, hi gh·J'I'' J11fnud fin o tJn, ·our npJll• ,ing to 1 W •I IS J\. J:: Y- Cnmpbelton, and lsloy, in Qr·cusks II. ! GE O RGE or in Jut s. 1 qt··c ns k Gl cnlivet dirt..o .. _ __ ... ___ .. . _. \\ Win oa , suitnblo for rllniliug NOTICE '1'0 Mndclr n anti Vidoui n- in hhds. or qr. cn s ks fe w doz e n pink NOTICE IS HERE B Y' from HUT'l'LI!:D i> ORTEit-40 hi s, 4 dozon ouch, ti·om and nftcr. tl10 1st day of the fumed Whitbrend &: Co's brcworv LIGHT AT CAPE Pi);E, on tlt e Sc otch U AT \IEAL-in bnrrels and huit'.bnrrols Coa st of this l;lanu, will bo chnn gc•l in 11 s character, and will thereafter exhibit 11 Light OIL. Spi rits T U IH'l :NTINE · c1 f Slockholut. 1 on I, nnd ,\ mcdcnn TAI-t at intervals of half a 711i1lul c, tnstca o l wm ty Ln nd tl n S O.\P- in 56lb box es, hnrd uud dry ucond.s, as nt prcsen:. Hon . E. l\1. AncnnrM.o, Attorney General pARTIES in this Office for three censo- cuti, ·o yc nl'9, will bo ontitled to pnt:l'icipnte in ouc-lwlf of the profits without incurring abili!Y· for lu surnnco ngninst Loss or Dnmngo by .Firo ou lluildiug, Hoose hold Fumirnre • Goods, ::;wck in Trude, }'nnning nod Agriculturnl ::itock, :ihips, &c., will be received nt tho Agent's Oliico, ndj oiniug Dr. CAnso.s's, in Mr. PnowsE'II 1:5touc Building, Dt:ckwurth·str e ct. E. L. J, \RVIS, Agect, 'N. B.-No charge for Policies executed in this C •l ony. und dips STA13G, l NATIONAL LOAN FUND FO!l. . 1862. LEATHE!l-Euf.lislt nud Scotch Butts J. C..RIEVE, l Comrr.i s- N[ ·,.,FOUNm . '' AND CAMB. IST, CUHOAU,E.-from li tbroad to 3 inch in running G: T. BROOK ,ING, / SIOUCTS. L i f c ! s s n l' a n c e s 0 c i c t y . .,.. . rigeing, &i: .• nssortcd JOHN l\IUNN. . 1 OF LONDON. , Or of the Yulues of Sterling RODI!:Snutf Hnwsers-li to 4A inch EUGENIUS HARVEY. C:APITAL -"r.Oo 000 G . . J\Inmus 10 •. · KombroJiJje, Bousolino; arline, And Spu'nynrn -- .. u t a ' . · . Cunoncy, nod Currency in Sterling. N AIL'S-al(enPnll asaortmeot. cut nod wrought St , .fohn's, 22 1 852 · Boiling nnd ll!lko Pots Cllv_ors , ;·. ·/: SUR:P.LUS-62,000 STO. · · EN rna ES nn•l w A R_ n..qvn Fryin g Pnns-;nssottOO Slli_Os . wanted to Purchase. (A Prolecti<m fo-,. tltc antl· Orpkan.) By t.ho single set, !luiro, or roan). , I RUN HOOPS-llhd nnd hnlf-hlld lidop'a · · DEBB!"J"f'URE NOTES _ \n any sum . frnm Board of Local Directors for N ero fou n' dland J, · ,.,, FLOUR - -Amet4cnonndCnnndlan ' ·• '' -"I"Oto£1000. Applyto H \\r H ' E Cb- '- 1 -- N d '"" v . .. OY LES, sq._. •u<tnno. Fi'IJ t ' ' . Q hin'n }' . BllEAD-Humbut·gh. OS 2 110 3 'M 8 . vOSEP}i STRAFFORD ' I - .• ,_ P .. aP,ers . . HU 'l"l' EH-Rnil,burgb nod Novn§cotioo . ny . :. . . . Hon. J. Cno, woy I Hon. JC. F. Itt cif rJ,, 2,<llod. 3 q'utros, or by tbo ilinglo · set . II few lirkins Lochlitie Hdn. J. N N. Sfuno, Esq. I . I' ,. 'I - ·- ·I • · · WINDOIY Ol.'A.SS. BA L£AD · BY · G; F. BOWN ilf cdicul E : r:ami ntr-St. m :EL CAnSO!<, Esq':·' , . DILLs or Storch 11'01:1 Blue-In bOxes . 30 ni Hardwood PLANK, ' ::io licilrrr-F.' B. '1' . CARTER, &q. ·'.' n books of 6,' 12,' 24.' so. nnd 100 BOIS L E A T-1:1 n:E. J . ' •' - . /. 'I'RO"":!!:!IO . R. y NOTES j 1\ nod ot5 ,pncknges of Prooiiom ."· .. · .. . · BULLEY. IUTCftELL: '& CO. . of Hnlf for term. Iu _, r of 7d Af3o;. a : large_' art 'd/ 1'oell amp·tcd .Supply,. OJ Hlml just received. O:t , Malhi/Cle, i\Ytthno urlty-f¥n · •·- li .t 'N . UF "'C' TUREU GOOJU,l ·· " ' and Gimerol Wa•hington, from Hoeio!l, .. of , ou , tbo Policy. , d . .\. . . .. , 1 • • •I I• .. . - IU/l l ,1 soo ··DRIME \Veat:phnlin JIAMS' ' •• qf . e pai!l'in,adnnc!ld . 1 Of }" 1 2 '" nqa '• 3 •' ·nui'f '1 · ench ' ' . p• S ,B wb enO Yt'f rC!Jlt\rOtl ' . · .1 •• • • ·· " i, · ' 1', -. ·' : - s 'tnble fbr tho Seu on for Town and anpplyin& .•. '·" , • .,., · ., ..60 , eef. " : 0 · .v!B· · · · .. •· r ·, . . p 1 .r 1 ·· _ .n d 0 ' 1 70 rolome Sauspgea t3 111 Ctgura . I tons o pre(. p mn e to o lC.f P'\'] . ·cAS'Bi . REODI'P"'l" : 'l'rado. ' ·. . j I '' io D lk'b!. ' Pails. · 10.Ditto Hroomti '•. . ' . 'iiheriil ndded t lh q·Pollcy, or· !.t wedfu fu- ' • • ' ' .• ' <P a 1 nil .. .. . ···"l I . ,. :-, ,, ,., I< lJif WJIJ.IA.Mr WAAR.EN, .!r· I ,. "'' ' ·slq}J ·W.;.Ii Boardrl 12 . DO' FiSh 'I.:tno Roehr hire n\!lubtiuhs' of ' h' oriuuJ .. r1 dt .i u ';J: ,rlt'f.• j ':' -vr -n ·. ,.r ,, ' tv . 1 l 1 , ' .::J •. oflb'e :A:iBured". ' • , ... . '1· ;."' tn. hf l .,d1.t .·' · ·I t . l ,..., t /.\ .-. _.; ' .·'·• 10 ·Do · WbiskLSroo'ms; 20 llfa-8phtPAna, 1 . •• "S!'r't ·s ' A'RT r. ES. J> t }3J Jt LS 1; :.!': , ,9.- Ji:, in_ pf 6 , , · ._ WbicJ\ , w111 be ecild ou Rensouuble 'llerma. '" 1 ·.'.·1 c1ea gnlntedddllfy 0 11ithe NI L B SDS. BJLI,S OF . LAD \'N ,. '' t.: '' lO 's et;' nl ' t1ie 'll ce of Mny S . · ' , , . ·. ' , , ,,. ; : .oca!Bonruan-ltboutrefemo tt. ce. ':1p•D , ..,.,...,..,. ;, 1JR"' ' ...... · .' 1 • 1\' ... . , .< ! 'I .,, "" ·• ., ,, '1 1 '1.'; . ' "• ' ' 1 iFs>l: D!a, :l'a\Jies.otiR es; • 6cc d ancj ;otlumt· .c . 4 •. a;. , (1(.:"· t IS pnper. f - " -r .rr . • , . • I' '" ·' · ,fl ,. .. , ' ") )' •A ll <j ;I o 4->, ' "" :" ... I' ' . .i ,., , <;! , I. ;rn-.; ... ,., 11;11' • .. ... •I II .! ., f .; e . • ·- .r.. u-.\ (1 "' ! ' i.4bltt •ll· .l'l•·. " ,.,: , .J iJ ;p •• . . A.gon H - •(.gr-l• AI nE •n Pm i!o ,' •. p 1cp 1 r.::tdo .1 ' 'i- . . , 019 . .- ·!&l · . Jl. • • · .• •• 'r tiJo IDOH term,. •L 'I'. ·: l ... , •I , lWlt . ( r. ' 1/ht , I • J Jl • •. .JA"Mj!;s J: GR'tl!A:\1 . February u . ' . . ' '. 1 ' ·. ' . \. ' '

collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520707.pdf · \ J , /f'. ";\-i '. ' ' '• .. / . . : .. . . ~, ... . ··. · . . . . . .. . ... ' ~ .

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S'l'~~HN'ls., ~¥iVFOUN . tAND,,~D~E~D;A!! .JU~" _i,, 185_2i ..

NO.· ~4 ... · ·' .. •,

VOL. 7.

. @n . .Salc. <tS ... -~="'==='==~-

· Writing Desks.

R OSf.\VOOD, lll boguoy. aut! other WRITING . D~KS, for ::iu 111 the .


cmloc · 40 .M . pr

50 1\£. Pine clo, 5 15 l\1. ' 2 and 3 inc



Fish Cnsk Stave~, ~pnrs-a~~o

2000 llbds. Sydney Co Jane 5. ,..-



A fl enuti fut collection of ROSEWOOD VORI\-llO~-just "?'i'·ed 1tt\d fdr ~ulo tho

i.\Iny 29 , '-LONDON 13001 STOltE

- -·- LUI!::. ! I. bu.: ! ! .

ROACH A SLAKED LIIE · l 11 ilarrcls, P 'uns., Ilh ds'. , and· by tltc llusbc l

By !HiLLEY, i\llTCHELL & C o. J\I ay 22.


"'lll~-d~ !::1 111 i-~ ~:S~:ID ~ill>s 00 FLRJ\1:-l'.:>, Prirne BUTTER, snitnhlo for - 1:-'uluily "u;o.-J ust rcc c• ivod per S tcnou cr

J nun ':!

~ ru~a. u lit J..S E.1~ 2 .

Gl xc:'t.' I~ r: 1-: E R S p:11;k ti ug fro n1 ti.tt· Fount, a t '1 reo l 'c111:c pe r lo l"ss .

~lay I ~ l \ & R l3L:\ C l\.WOOD .. - - r-- -

!\ .\ !.:TI CAL .\~[) ·,\ ST JW );0}111; AL AL.\L\ - N'\ CI' "· 1 ~ .):! .

,\, few nf 11tr ahu•·o ,\ lm u llltC~ fot sole nt tho L l) !\" LJO ~ l:UO L\ STOIUo:.


RO(H.;Jl!HJ.l' ~· .~0.1• P.

40-t> H 1 ~1. :; S upc & "· ~·'l.uG.I ~ . ;;o Q.r.-cht•st• ( " t• :;n l C:.\

200 Duxc:; L il' c rl'(Jv l :'0.-\1' :!{. B .t~n· l,; O:.: ru sltt•d :Ol'( i .\ll

·I l'u n.; hcc•us f. O.\F :-i Cl>A!t B" :ws lt ipt t'A:-iD LE:; Barr~ n~sr 1rtc d X oil :i



100 J lfiJ K <·gs Whit o !'Ji ut l 00 Jl i, Jes SOLE L 1·:.-\ THEil 100 Harre ls Ne v Beef 100 l> i1t" Wl1irc C OR:\' MEAL 100 13 ,g, J in o ditt o .50 Barrel. Cooal T nr 10 D itto B1 ight VARN L H 10 D itlo !law Turpcutiuo 10 D itto ::\pirits Ditto

10\J C oils assc u tccl CORDAOE 20 B ags Hio CUFF,EE.

April 14

FOR S;\l,E AT. TilE OntcE OF THE illoRNtXG CountEn.



...... . . '• .

Noller~ . f . .. /

• i


.PAPJER ?>L\CHp: GOODS. . . ' \. Benutiftll ussortmeut of Papillr M nclwa Go~ds,

I coosisting of:- · · EnvAIJlpo C:usos, Cunl Trnys. Cprd Rocks, Pen Tmys Curd Coses. Ink Stllllds, und Portfolios. ·

1\l•y 12 JAMES J GRAJIA·i.\1


Fire Insurance Company E.'i'l'.A.BLl,SHED l:V _l o36.

ru~DUCTION Of PRE~lll.iMs;• j ' /" , •.

1'he Royjlll. Insm·ance Coiupanr. . -

~ C.)I'/1'.-JL-'l'wo Million Stg.

·' TR USTEES. ---·- - -·- ·-· ----- CAPiTAL. £2.000,000. - . . John Show Le!;;h. Eaq . hR B:B H 'Blundell, Etq By the Subscriber Jl1' HIS DUCK· Y;HlD. MAGOT1'Y COVE REDUCED R A. •t• E :5 0 F l' R C: :.\1 I U ~I DIRECTORS.

1 t::.Q 1'01\S HARDWOOD TIM131...:R-1Dug tl longths ·

G l Ill. llnrdwuut! Plnnk.l &. 2, ~&. 3, auJ 1 iuch ,\ Iorge ns.ortmont of SPA H::i l'iuu n111l Spt·uco MAS'l' PIECES

3U Wliarf Sticks. 511 fL•et loug -ALSO­

Tho ochvoncr

l?ree Trade, <il Tous, N.~I. Terms occonunodn\ing


The New V-essel ;\ow t.n tho S t .. ~k s iu lbo lluildinl{ Yort! of 1•10 '-'ubscrihcr; wi ll bo .rrntly for lauuchit1g IJy I he l st Soplemher, if purchased.

May 8. JOliN WOODS. --

For S<llt , t il ltcr i lL part or iu whole, ir1 lJ ~t ild ing L ots .

or to be Ltt

A FIELD r~O:\'T,\lN !N CJ about ~ act cs ,hnvin g n ft •on­V ' t age of (j!JO li:ct upou the l,Oilg l'o;l.cll{oad, oppl>site wh!l t h :t ~ been commo nly ktHJ\\'11 a~ lll'­Ual>r's Bou·lint; illlcy,ancl Enst nfun <l aujoiuing lh c Ro ma11 Catholic C e mct en·. It is well calcu· lateJ e ithe r l;• r BuiiJ iu g ••r ~\g 1· i c uhural pur­po~se~ . a ucl will in a short time fo rm tl1ll ccul re uf u thi ck ly popula1eJ Viciuity, in ono of tho must agreun lJlo silcs in the suburbs uf the towu .

F u r furt he r pa rticulars apply at the Office o f the ::iub,;cri l,c r. in t r•c Commercialllui lcl­lng" • wla:ru u pi au of tltC property may be


A g cnl if tlt c 11 rtJpriclors


A111l 011 Sale C..:ltcap, • fly the Subscriber,

TF. .\.·-~o ., c ho ng nntl Conj!ou, in -Qr-ehests and Ou xclil. flf bUpcr ior qunlity

i'clwe. Twnnkey. Hy son. Young Hysou nnd Gun­powdm·-vcry tiuo uuu iu small puckuges or fa. 1nily USt'

Flt ENC H C:IIOCOLATE-of exquisite tlu1·or unu

fRv s·n : t:s: Sir Tbomns Bronckor. Aonm Hodgson,

V/m. Potter, Esq . DIRECTORS l:" Ll\"E! KPOOt; :

/ ·' Ef<l:.

Chnirmn~-\1/illinm '£)l rl c. E sq. Deputy Chair. rnen-Wm. Di~o·n, Esi1. ; \Vm. !\!cui, Esq.

Clmrlos Turne(, Esq., Chnicmnn, JohQ CumpiJc ll, Es_q. , nod J Urumley-MWlre, Escf.

pcputy Chuirmou. GeorgQA\1 ·nstron~:, Esq. UnlJlh Brockleban~.

1\l ic"ne ll.luuslidd, l!.'q, Duvid (.flnrion, ~sq.• l linni Cluxtou1 .l::sq, Thomn.:t Dover, Esq. Ri 1 d

11i:ln rbortl . E,;r.¥obert E 1-lurvey, Esq, R Br u II ill. £ .;q, T lt'O-s D.,·sou llonj by~ Esq, Jo Chorfos . Jack . E >< J• EJ wnrd J uh nslon,Esq..Rogor Lyon Jones, Eo•r· J '""''s L awr,•nco. &.q. Frnnci~ l\Jnxwell, ERq; . (.! col-go Nnxwcll ,' Esq. Robert McAndrew, E:sq.- Ed· nwnd l\lol5· • criux. & q .• H enry Moore; Esq. Willhun. S 111i th. :Esq. John Tour, Esq:

Jiltlrtaga a11d Aclu2ry.-Percy M Dove, Esq'.

Tbom118· llooth, .Esq .. Wm. llrown. J.~sq. M.P. 'I'homns A. Busbley, &!i) • Jos~ pli C. l<: wnl'l, E ;q., 'I'. Stowort Glndatnne, Esq .. Georgo \.O rool, I!:S< J·• ~'rnucis H~ywood. f..:Sq .• George J-~ult. E •IJ .. Jose~h lluruloy, Esq .. G. H. Laureuco; lo:sq .• ll : •rol~ Llt­tl udul ... .Esq., A nt!row Low, b ; q., \ V dh1U11 L01:·. E.sq .. Juhn 1.\lnrriutl. E>q .. Jnm~• ~loon, ~.,; q . Ll' wtn C\Iozluy, Esq .. John Po•u11ingtou. Esq., H . Stul\c r- ~ _. __ foht, Esq.- ::iecrctury-S \\ iuton lluult, Esq. C:. I -

Fi.,·e Insurances ·

THE nbo1•e Compnny ofl'cr 1o Afl'ect lnsuroncel On prope~'f)· ~f all kinds, at vc1y m?~d-erat8 rates. on Property i11 Nuwloundluod ugainst l•'iiP , nt . P ro mpt ij rtd hberul s~ttlcment of cl~uns. • • ·

very reduced rn tc~. Tht~ o.,• ;nts bea to n~noun.ce th1\t .the _D_irectopa The Joo a aud high stnndin g of tbn " Live rpool

1 1 ':' d t

" • • · 11 k . l:.tYO ·now nut 1onse t\tcm to ncccp . nnd Londou lnsunuu:e Company. ' thou· we LW\\fl • ...,.-..- • :

libet'lifily in tho sotllonwut of claims fur Joss. tl to . J,li•' I:; . ·J ~ S 1J llANC ES hU'ge nmount ofthcit· cnpitnl, nut! tho churncte r of At tlto Premiun!S of tho English 'rnblee, ' giv.iog to tho Di~ectors nnd Proprielor~ , ufl'u r ntl vnntn;;t>~l11~C~· , theAssu.ret! t~ll. some e~teus ivn ~itriits _of ·1~volfing met wtth to po~sons who Wt8h to protect thc•r lt-u bilht<ttb pcnntttod ;-tlus roducuou wtll e:ttend to pcrty ugni11 ij t F• re. ,- istins: 'Policies. . r ,

l>'orther pnrticuln1'9 will bo mndo k';Jr~otlJlp- 'l'lto ·succ , ., <I J\igh pasitioa of tho Co'!flPllllY plic~t.i <:"' to the A ge!lts, who nrc !'ropa•· t ~}s.,u~ wi~h he .1 rnto Rn_tes no~ ndnp.ted •. prese.nt , po-!'uhctos ft·ee of chnrge. . • . , cuhur 't 1 ogcs to 1utendmg Ln·E l.1<5DR.EI\~ ;.-,

BO\\ lUNG BRO IHERS, · ho oli iously fo•· th9ir benefit to be udnntte<l Mny 19 · Agents. 'li n\ " select cluss of Live'S, tis the Bonus to bo' nil-··- - ·--- ·' dod tb t h<:ir j- ,.~octiYo f!olicies froiu time to• rime. IPJ;!I~)j~~ ~llJ,;~ @~~ll~~o will be I here by ·onhonced, whilo the Iorge Copitnl

rrHE AGENTS -t,, the. PHCENIX 1\.SSU-• RA"NC~ COMPANY. of L o ndon, beg

to llJI401/-nCC u. further · reJuction in th~ii· Rate~ of Premiums ·oil Brick U"nd Sto'M-Buililiugs :iu this T .. wu,particulurs of' which may bu kn~wn on applicntiou to

\V. ~\:. G. ·nentfcH April 3 I .A ~;cnt s


I S nnlhorise~ to recch·"n .01-ders for tho 1\EW l.lRUL'IS\VICK ~·IARllLE WORK.-;, for tho

folio wiu~ nrticles, viz:-1\lnt·blo TO ,\lBS.do HEAD STUNES

Do MONU M ~:NTS An in~criptioo will bo put on either of the abo1·c,

and FootStones sont wit !tout nny oxtm cbnrgc.

gives eotir<' security undo·r n<!veriJe ·-circumstonc'es, untie~ which a Muttinl Compnr~y. or one with a smnli .Cnpilnl, in~st necessarily suecomb. ,

· A portion of the Premiums mny remain o.P. cr-cdit­Mecll' l Ez~uu&tcr :

. · EnwA~u Kn:t."LEv, Esq., Surgeon. 'st John's, Nowfonnllland, March 1, 1852.

Brocklebank &; Autllony, . . AGGNTS

Equitable Firr. Insurance Company, OF LONDON.

CAPI1'AL-500,000 STG. Board of L ocal Directors f or Newf oundland :

J ,\~t r.s J. CJntE\"E, Esq., Gltairman.

f]Unlily, in pnckngHs uf :l to 12 lbs oucl!

S I'J J<lTS-Urnudy, iu Hhds and <.! r ·C:ns~o--of 'lllurblo T uble Tops~C~Hl~HJ.£Y PIECES Utartl '; , H enuossoy 's nnd ,IJm· tell'~ brnuds r

H on. L. O 'Bnu:N. I RooT Puows£, Esq., J uu~> K t:NT, E sq., \V}t . . M. ilA.ltNEs,.l!:sq

Stcmding Cou:nsd : Rutt en ln rn GJ N-in Hh•.J.. nn<l Q•··Ca s~ s Hcnrtb Stones. &c. , &c.l- ,

Prices of·thO.nboYo, pinos, o~ other pnrttculnrs, by J:U I'-Oiol F:nst Iutlia, high·J'I''J11fnud fin o tJn,·our npJll•, ing to 1 W •I IS J\. J::Y-Cnmpbelton , and l sloy, in Qr·cusks .\l~y II. !GEO RGE LOVEY~

or in Juts. 1 qt··cnsk Glcnlivet dirt..o .. _ _ _ ... ___ .. . _. \\ l~r~S-'-\Vhitu Winoa , suitnblo for rllniliug NOTICE '1'0 ,lDt\.Ri~EitS! Mndclrn anti Vidouin- in hhds . or qr .cnsks (:, JAMPAG~E-n fe w dozen ofliu ~ spnrkling pink NOTICE IS HERE B Y' GIVE;:-1,-)J~ from HUT'l'LI!:D i>ORTEit-40 his, 4 dozon ouch, ti·om and nftcr. tl10 1st day of July,/nexG~I :c

the fumed Whitbrend &: Co's brcworv LIGHT AT CAPE Pi);E, on tlt e ~o~!t Scotch U AT •\IEAL-in bnrrels and huit'.bnrrols Coast of this l;lanu, will bo chnn gc•l in 11 s i'AINT~-llluck .nnd Whit_o~. character, and will thereafter exhibit 11 Light Lin s~od OIL. Spi rits T UIH'l•:NTINE · c1 f Slockholut. 1 on I, nnd ,\ mcdcnn TAI-t at intervals of half a 711i1lulc, tnstca o l wmty Lnndtln SO.\P- in 56lb boxes, hnrd uud dry ucond.s, as nt prcsen:.

Hon . E. l\1. AncnnrM.o, Attorney General

pARTIES in~ urcd in this Office for three censo­cuti,·o ycnl'9, will bo ontitled to pnt:l'icipnte in

ouc-lwlf of the profits without incurring abili!Y· Proposnl ~ for lusurnnco ngninst Loss or Dnmngo

by .Firo o u lluildiug, Hoose hold Fumirnre• Goods, ::;wck in Trude, }' nnning nod Agriculturnl ::itock, :ihips, Unr~os, &c., will be received nt tho Agent's Oliico, ndjoiniug Dr. CAnso.s's, in Mr. PnowsE'II 1:5touc Building, Dt:ckwurth·strect.

E. L. J ,\RVIS, Agect, 'N. B.-No charge for Policies executed in this

C •lony.

~tittn C•~t~dlc!!-moulus und dips ~~CHOLAS STA13G, l NATIONAL LOAN FUND FO!l.. 1862. LEATHE!l-Euf.lislt nud Scotch Butts JA~lES J. C..RIEVE, l Comrr.is -

N[·,.,FOUNm. ''AND CAMB.IST, CUHOAU,E.-from li t broad to 3 inch in running G: T. BROOK,ING, / SIOUCTS. L i f c ! s s n l' a n c e s 0 c i c t y ~· . .,.. . rigeing, &i: .• nssortcd JOHN l\IUNN. . 1 OF LONDON.

,Or _:rnbl~s of the ,Comp~rati~q Yulues of Sterling RODI!:Snutf Hnwsers-li to 4A inch EUGENIUS HARVEY. • C:APITAL -"r.Oo 000 s~:w G . . J\Inmus 10 •. · KombroJiJje, Bousolino; ~I arline, And Spu'nynrn --.. u t a :"'-!'JJ_~N •

' . · . Cunoncy, nod Currency in Sterling. N AIL'S-al(enPnll asaortmeot. cut nod wrought St, .fohn's, Nftd.~ .1\~~rch 22• 1 852· ~ Boiling nnd ll!lko Pots a~d Cllv_ors , ;·. ·/: SUR:P.LUS-62,000 STO. · ·

'crs·\'o~I HOU~E EN rna ES nn•l w A R_n..qvn Frying Pnns-;nssottOO Slli_Os . wanted to Purchase. (A Prolecti<m fo-,. tltc ~ antl· Orpkan.) By t.ho single set, !luiro, or roan). , I RUN HOOPS-llhd nnd hnlf-hlld lidop'a · · DEBB!"J"f'URE NOTES_ \n any sum. frnm Board of Local Directors for N erofou n'dland

J, · ,.,, FLOUR--Amet4cnonndCnnndlan ' ·• '' -"I"Oto£1000. Applyto H \\r H ' E Cb- '-1 -- N d '"" v . .. OY LES , sq._. •u<tnno. Fi'IJ t ' ' . Q hin'n • }' . BllEAD-Humbut·gh. OS 2 110 3 'M 8 . vOSEP}i STRAFFORD ' I - .• ~ .~ . !Den. ~ ,_P \~y:~ ~ ~ .. aP,ers . . HU'l"l'EH-Rnil,burgb nod Novn§cotioo . ny . :. . . . Hon. J. Cno,woy I Hon. JC. F. B~:~tif£TT, .

Itt bo~s cifrJ,, 2,<llod. 3 q'utros, or by tbo ilinglo · set. II &It!U~GS-n few lirkins Lochlitie Hdn. J. N o~o. N. Sfuno, Esq. I .

I' ,. 'I - ·- · I • · · WINDOIY Ol.'A.SS. BA L£AD · BY ·G; F. BOWN ilfcdicul E :r:ami ntr-St.m :EL CAnSO!<, Esq':·' , .DILLs '· or E~OHA!IGE Storch 11'01:1 Quoeo~s Blue-In bOxes . 30 ni Hardwood PLANK,' ::iolicilrrr-F.' B. '1'. CARTER, &q. ·'.'

n books of 6,' 12, ' 24.' so. nnd 100 BOIS o~~h. L E A T-1:1 ~ R~W · ~ n:E. J un'o '~ ·: · . ' •' - . TH~f~~~i~S~e~~omeoftho ridvanta~~~-o~er~d /. 'I'RO"":!!:!IO.R. y NOTES j 1\ l~rge nod wei~ n•s~~ed co•ns!j:_"~lon~ ot5,pncknges 1\f~dornto R~tes of Prooiiom ."· •

.. · .. ~t:eost'and.c~~gl!s . · • BULLEY. IUTCftELL: '& CO. . Ln~na of Hnlf tht~~ltls• for ~bo!e term. o~· Iu_, ~~~., rof :~:1:( 2 • 7 d .~ qW~~· Af3o;. a : large_' art'd/ 1'oell amp·tcd .Supply,. OJ Hlml just received. O:t ,Malhi/Cle, f~om B~mburgh, h~o i\Ytthno f~rth~rs urlty-f¥n eo~oi'aation tlt~ro•

· •·- li .t'N.UF "'C'TUREU GOOJU,l ·· " ' and Gimerol Wa•hington, from Hoeio!l, . . of ,ou ,tbo Policy. , d . .\.. . .. , 1 • • •I I• • • .. ~~er ~~()--· . - IU/l l ,1 ~I) soo··DRIME \Veat:phnlin JIAMS' ' ~i..ti{· por cen~ •• qf . e P~ellliuma pai!l'in,adnnc!ld. 1

Of }" 12 '"nqa'• 3•' ·nui'f '1 · ench ' ' ~ . p• • S ,B wbenOYt'f rC!Jlt\rOtl "· ' • . · .1 •• ~ • • ·· " i , · ' 1', -. ·' : • - s 'tnble fbr tho Seu on for Town and anpplyin& .•. '·" , • .,., · ., .. 60 , 1~08-1"" 100• tllo.k~d eef. " :0·.v!B·· · · .. •·r ~·t ·, . d~~ . p

1.r li~' 1 ·· • _.nd

• 0

' • 1 70 rolome Sauspgea t3 111 Ctgura . I tons o pre(. p mn e to o lC.f P'\'] . ·cAS'Bi . REODI'P"'l" ' J!Oo't!~"· : 'l'rado. ' ·. . j • I ''io Dlk'b!. 'Pails.· 10.Ditto Hroomti '•. . ' . 'iiheriil ~nsh, ndded t lhq·Pollcy, or·!.t wedfu fu- '

• • ' ' .• , ,.~· ; '<P a1nil ~' q1 u~~!.. · ~~~t· .. .. . ···"l I . ,.:-, ,, ,., I< lJif WJIJ.IA.MrWAAR.EN, .!r· I ,. "'' ' ·slq}J ·W.;.Ii Boardrl 12 . DO' FiSh 'I.:tno Roehr hire n\!lubtiuhs' of'h'oriuuJ preiniu·m~ii.t · iliil 'optloo ·

.. r1 dt .i u ';J: ,rlt'f. • j ':' -vr -n ·. ,.r • ,, ' tv . 1 • l 1 , ' • ~ • • .::J • •. oflb'e :A:iBured". ' • , ... ~ . '1· ;."' • tn. hfl .,d1.t .·' ··I t • ~;,'J~ ~; " Llu "·• ·'• . l · ·~ ,..., t ·' ""~\ /.\ .-. _.; • ' .·'·• 10 ·Do · WbiskLSroo'ms; 20 llfa-8phtPAna, 1 ~ . ••

"S!'r't ·s ' A'RT r. ES. CnA"Ru;~ · J> ~JlTlE: t }3JJtLS 1; :.!':, ~xc9, J:{Al, ,9.- Ji:, in_ ,B,~ks pf 6 , , · ._ WbicJ\ ,w111 be ecild ou Rensouuble 'llerma. '"1·.'.·1 ropn~s!~· n~llpted,,nn.d:flO c1ea gnlntedddllfy


~OL NI L B SDS. BJLI,S OF . LAD\'N ,. '' t.: ''lO 'set; ' ~~'.fop'al,o nl 't1ie'll ce of Mny S . · ' , , . ·. ' , , ,,. ; : .oca!Bonruan-ltboutrefemo tue~n tt. ce. ':1• p•D • , ..,.,...,..,. ;,1JR"' ' ...... l·~c · .'1 • 1\' ... . , il>1f"~ • Ut • .< ! ' I .,, "" ·• ., ,, • '11'1.'; • . • ' "• ' ' 1 'R;an~< iFs>l:D!a, :l'a\Jies.otiR es; •6ccd ancj;otlumt· .c . nv~:;.,n 4 • . a;. , (1(.:"· • t IS pnper. f - • ~ " • • • -r .rr • . • • , . • I ''" ·'r·· ,fl ,. .. , ' ") )' •A ll <j ; I o4->, '"":" ... I ' • ' . .i ,.,,<;!, I. ;rn-.; ... ,., 11;11' • F~!">ll: I ,S0APS .. ... •I II . ! ., f .; ,fOI '"P!otiOp , ~)i~: ·e!>-Wnf! •.qndiP.P~tlO'I ~·~ e . • ·- .r .. ~~ : -~· u-.\(1 "' ! ' i.4bltt •ll· "·.l'l•·." ,.,: ,.J "~ ~W!SHB~lfliJNs•<§m.p.Pm,Gl!P~PERS iJ ~· ~A~ ; ;p QRA~ •• Seto~ . ~Rnae ']:E'il~o,l .A.gonH .l!!.~cs, hi\ ,1'\T'~\A:>: y.os~'.sj ;,,f!!,s~-, ~~il!lit!r· - •(.gr-l•AI 6~ptl6'8dtr!lif'GeNeRA~~n~'li'A~t nE•n 1 Bo0~1i,C~?"/{nd't~J..Miflo6~1:& 1 •·o··~·~i ;~! Jl4ft'M~ ~, Q.qqji~.~~QJ!I'O.IIo Pm P,.~.-~rfii;Jfre?Eq t~ i!o ,' '.tlO:H,:,,';,.:t~~·r . PRINTINGexi!Cnt~ • . ftttho.Bhortes~ p 1cp1r.::tdo .1 ' • 'i- . • . , 019 . • t· .- ·!&l · . Jl. • • · .• •• : .~ 'M'lMi 'r tiJo IDOH ronsonull.~· term,. •L 'I'. ·· ~ ·' • ·: -~ l ... , •I, ~For •lWlt 'cWitA~~tkti'jm~' . ( r. •'1/ht 12~ , , I • J Jl • • . .JA"Mj!;s J: GR'tl!A:\1 .February u . ' . . ~

' • .·

'. 1 ' ·. ' . \.

' '

Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520707.pdf · \ J , /f'. ";\-i '. ' ' '• .. / . . : .. . . ~, ... . ··. · . . . . . .. . ... ' ~ .


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C NCE':;> OF wAR. . SUBMARI~E hiatinywboliewioiuldland 'or'i aoy .Other vo~d by the. · . , .. ""'L- muli_i~n~ l.nugh;nt the peace .;ocil'ty, :and . . . .. pP)J~try i:'l\a· p~-~~·~ od ·P. ... p!lr . tO 1h6 ~x~~.t ' it . lslaoil ?<'ve· ~ . ev<aotr. iiQt 11ifAu:~iorr-c!f ·~~10

........ ,L ::_ profeSII!Ons of fulth _that .. tbe day IS at A COITes~ndent t)f· the iastitotjo . 'tJicils'e ofthe rPpreseb- 'brn h,d out on· .. th'e ruhd~r -if 'i\qt nctl!ofllly arrived, when war sllall . fi1JJ].....pp,quirer' coAveys the •Jitlougll "!e ·have hn~ jpbbiog,;, w_hicl~ 1s· fuo, broh_~~ ~ad..:_!e!ldi~g' f~m •

__ ce·ll!>!! to Do/ vag~a bet~veer:J ci•ilizetl '.natirms!' · iMorm~ to.the publici io the •publ:c mimey, peculntioli, cor-.· Du-el Islaoda,11od 1t 11 n~w ~st·Jn .th~ . l,t _. -··u!i". howe\'er , ' os we may, theae phi.lanthro·< tntio?.(Of . ~~e sub""?ann~battl'ry f'!r ruptlon, a~d ' ail the .e\oiill coasequeat upon . \1•ns t.1vo yeo(,;.' ngo. 'l'he cliief re11i on fur '!'JY men~ -\·

; pic ~ntlemen' can pninl t(l many fact~ wl1ich, 'ruction uf fields o( ice:- . snch .nn state of t~'ngs,-we say. n'ot· tioqing thi9. is, t!Jut ih~.· p-jtlic : !DIY not . t~io~. that.._ , : though not ·ahogcti.cT eonclu,.ive. tend to COO· .. 'l' ho:· use ' of the galvanic .battery to fire. . d . "' fu diJUJd . the money ·~ILl ex'f'l'n!lcd, by tl~ :Bob_rd n~ Triu, i.t'f·

su -~orine cuarge6, as pra I · · Sc;>·succ8:1sftilly 1.~.5~ •11 t' bl,; \ ·, :.L Nowfoundla.nU 10 Tire Commissioners ' of1 onds a . ~tahnb, mr • . .:firm their views .. • b ,_ ~ wi~odiogoll th.ese mwbac •• ew uu ~a . .~ . It' _ . C .r ....

ThestrC'ngth niid - rcsourcl's of nations ore 1 '\1 ' 'I ' II fi · · 1J 11 1 f l-' ' 11' .a'- WI coutrus 1"-flra ' ,..,, . . • . · · · • - · · .._ , 1Y · ' on~. ~~~ al c m~ . Ill t 0

· ~nne ~0• . •.e . {83.2 . . • fl.RE>I:<Ell, hns reportod t)lat.our iod<!fi•tiktW.!e· ~llua· .llOW so well kn(}\170 to ca~h other.their cfil>acny) Gatell'wrll r1!ode·r -lbe procese V .J"eroo•mg 1ce A ' , ' · • , .' ber, Mr. Jos. did not get. th~. :t;ny' mbiiev £1. r the . .:~f doing mutual mi~chit!f so accurately- ascer1 obstr~tc:tions by .sllb-rnnrine I?! . ~ng, cor

9pn·r&, . Tbpn it moy b.e expected. tl1at ._sometb!ng sboul~ , .. _, .

tained, , that rulets . are un ·lon ge r . deonroti~. t r~ely cnsy and·J!losl ef!ioilJJ)t . l(jl\'ers ohstruc~ & eo:ggestod by which an iinnrovomont io 'iho pre· roo.d nt Bird Js1Rod8Jli.O:ce· be·l'r 'siiC!\1) i~ thb'holiee..; •• greatly ro find -cause of quarrel in a ~•raw/' ted by ice <lurli>g ir~1t 'n,J co ld wcatlo!!r·c l,ln b e sen~ stole of ilffa1rs uuiy be brought about. 'f'ltl wh,r reos tli" ~ .. abo~o-no'?ed ·;mu~ be ~ooiidered ' ~·

Taking t11ei1· naval a~ O)ililary stre1~~th lo- so relieved hy sulr ri~e.,blnsting, • previ0u51y ftnit~tep ~wrmis improvement. in 'our opi.1ion is ,- o very honds'on)":ll{'" 10 proportion, and ·woul<}bafe • gether, England and Fran "l co1umand· a dt~· to great freshets or ri s of water, ns t<>.reri<ier that ths people in all tho.dhltric!•· nt the nppr"""h· n_mde .a veyr good read, bad i.t .been laid out forth"' Btrucli.,•e fo rce equal to nil >he rC's t of Europe. lho ioe harmless td b.ridgas. ' ;ng Erec.tions, should be left to ,hoose thei r own purpos,.fj>r which it vyns iateilded., The,dista?c;P .And it is the perli!ct kno<Vlctlgo of thi3 fact "The Arclic expedition, furnished with a n . . . f U . . n , · frn•11 •11le"moin mnd Jo_ n_.dio~ fmro _Cutnlina,,·to .D. b_nn-. ~ · · · f aprosaotatlVOS. urespoctlveo q IIIJ•U~ll c<O, ,or we ~ ., . ":"J _ ~~nt rde'sflitrni s them f1om v~1e r~t:n g c~cryhtn- sufficient su pply o powder and long wires , h, old t.l,lnt the . Coustitueucv of N e wfoundland po•· •istg. fi'Qm which tbe ron~- to the Uita Islao<U· .,m~ 1. e r cn 111 to a quarre w1t 1 ea~ 1 n1 .e~ , · and g•lllc.l baueries, can open a water path from < branches alf, is nbout 4~ mile•, NE. wlnlst tt effec ually cnrlJs the· ~ggrcssrv.e spll'lt \·Vellington Chancel to the nilleli~llt . degrec of e'as~l•li8icient good se~se, judgm·ent. nod intelli - . • <lf the Mus \ ' ItO Colossus, and ful'lmls I he I ali tude. We nre inclined to the opi ni o n,fro m ~eoce, tq. know \vho will best represent d1eir wishes · 1\Ir. · .SW£E'l'LA~ of 'f~inity, hns said~tl1ot' til.\' · . .Jeolizati~ the prediction that the day must I what we hnvo seen and known of Mons. Maille- · and their intereSts in . the· L agi.:. lntura of the l'ost .!'(l us ter G'eoernl does not· know tho geo&rapby be w , wi - one foot planted "" the llahic ti>rl's sul>·marino blaslin"' operntluns at H ell Country . . \Ve object, for ...l!lldous reast~ns, to · thr ·of l1is own couut,ry; ho1veve~ that may be, l ' koow and the other I e banks of tho Seine, he w :J I Gntt', th a t the charge sho~d be expl.1ded uear influences wbic~· hR•o been brou ght t;/lie1u· opoo. not, but 1 thiuk he miUt bsve JUld~great deal of ad-make E ur(lpe C the ice , nnJ that two . cbarg~d should be firl'd tl)e po!itic~ . of tho Country- they fo7.sist 0 ~ two ditiooal troulilo sincett,.,"lwnod.Postal Act pme.ioto·

In our time , ges asti.es arC' qu ietly wi lhin a secnuc.l of each oth.,r, S" lhat whe n the d~scriptloos, m~rcatttile. ~od re)igious; ~· not ·nllJil'!llion, nod _if tl~e<e t~xist,s any co.mpt~~¥ nbout :accepted ; a nd dolicat~ q•l . 'om!, like. lhus~. of firs t C' Xp los ion raise~ the ice . anJ ll!l.s in the oi r b~ mi•underetood, the religious iol\uoace tlludc~ the mnils DOIV in these CJU3rt~. I do o~hiok it the nght ofsearch,ordiSfllll ouud anes,w atch between the watet anc.l the icl', it make.; room · · ·. d p l\1 1 · · h 1 ·1 f to is not con lined .to one Church,' nud fo1· pr , f we cnr1 j~' ~y bo ntlrlbu re to tho ost • r. enero • Jn pa~t time , a:e >oen .t 10 t u wnrs. or<> re- ~ for the srcond ex plosinu to s pread on the sur· f ~ TJ-"'- •l ey . •,tr. B•T•Y, of llo sta, h••, . rirng fe rred to negoua tors, 11ind uJpU by the pen face of the water unc.lcr tho m ore distant i-t:e, hnveonly to refer to the llESUL": o the lat<> u n- ..,.... " ~ ~ ~ ...._ inst.ead. of tlw ~'~ord ; the pl. · n ~·ea;nn f,,r all anJ thus free a much grouter extent of s urfuco h~r: py and unootul'l!l struggle on tho subject of F..du- tho pnst winter ond. s~ing. been preachiag YO~ wh1ch 1s, that cl\'lhz hd c01~mun 1~s o f men. a~ thau two single ch nrges fire~ at nn interval of I cnllon-but wo sny we qro opposed to .lLL ISJLU · llllUch n;;a\?sttho \Ves\oyai,IS, untl lms'aa\d.th~ftbeir they approa ch each other Ill Jl lly uf powco, scvf' r a l •econc.ls. L~ng cylmdera slu,~1ld be I c:<c£o, nnd unless tho people a1·e left to reason, .l\lioi•ters had oo anthority to.pre11eb. \Vhl!t igoo. :tte compl)llcd,to m utunl 'rcspec . u sed ti1r these charges, Qac h contauun g as 1 urguo, judge, nnd net for themsel•os, ropreseutoti>e ranee nnd clfrunteryio o young mao like .Mr. llATl.T. . \'e haYo sa\!! that changes u dynasties oro i much ni r us will r e nder the charge .buoyant.- \ institutions will provo linle bettor than u dolusio·n Mr. BAnT· ho•o)sosaidtlmt during the past w.iater accept~. ~~ranc.e 1 e pnsPd tho . IJer hranch of · These cylinders, plneed e ud-wnys iu an open· 1 a11<l. 0 enu re . . ' he · has di~co•ercd n chain-an uobtokeo lio.k'frpm the Huurl>o rt~ . onu e cc tec.l I he. D ko of Orleans. iog in the icc, nud pres1ec.l c.low~ iutu I h1• " : ' .ter \\' 0 beloo to no pnrty-wo are under uo-cootrol .th<' Apoetlos-to tho pr~soot 1\lioistry, of· \he Epis. :England qnd Europe at -largo or.ceptuc.l t he uuc.l e rncath would assume a honzon tnl pus1 11on . g . . '-' 1 ...., · · · ·_, J l · ed ., · war of s ucce ·sion " d I ' · d I I · '<I \ or 111flueuco of uny k1nd; we w1U spe•1k nut whnt 'C.JIDal-..,hurch, of course. Tho correctness of tlus .) '"'-'lange, am 'vag no } -. ~ uu c r· t tat a:et au w 1cu t wrc l:i a ll e ot1 . . . i . ~ . . .

' end· restoration; then Belgium cxpcll~d the · curre nt the charge m ay be ullvwed (I) drift the we con•c_i ~ntiously beli~vo to be of pubhc IOlet'OSt, ll~~·.nt J tnow lo be lrue ; , wns. •lft Bonavl~tl\ King of Holland and c lecteJ l.t'n I. w1th t ho Jenglh of the cable, as it may he ignited at any lrres pecllYe of persons or pnrtlcs, nod we feel pet"\ th1a lp!'IDg, _nod bOBrd Mr. B.u:1.r pr~ach. A luot en me r esult ; ~pain repealed the Salhc luw distance that the wire has lou"'th of Jiuc 1u sundod that thoro io ex;..tiog ia our community oulft- through th<' preu I'III!,Y...do hi1)l' sorne good perhaps, and ch nged the order of succession from the . reach.


ciont of public Jpirit and independence to •ustaia ior the Presl'· "ls.a torrOI' to eYil-doers." .,male. to the fe mnlc line ;; th is was the resu lt of

1_ "Tho· knowledge of those f•ct~ J:U n~· be nefit o Journal pursuing such a couno, Jiitluirto ' I am .sorry to s~y, tber~ · hui .benn _ but

n · c1~1l war- .but ·•· the Great P owe.-s " left the sonwbndy, ut some future time. a ud it· is there- .. •ery littl~ lis II indeed eougbt In this .n.eighbourilood, Parties mnSI. mte restec.l-the pcoplo of SpaiD-:. fnre thai we send ,·ou this communication fc~r ~ ., .d { b 1; tl ' - h ntt... '1' · · ·a·

h ' d ' 1 • 'j( ' • 'UO)! oun BOX.\YISTA connF.sro~oE ' T . nn e.,eve liS Is t e onao .,..-•er na11y ay, to aeule 1 e matter accnr mg tot 1e1r own WI . publica tion." . . . . Eng land aud l"ra,ncc did uot dn, as,of a sur!,!< · lJonavista, '.!'.!d "'" 18 - · 11 IS so f oil p1•11o .'" " hove h'la_rd from. B~1t h~s

ty, in the se,·enlcen;.h, r•i gh teen t h, n~y.sulate as W>t . R. NoAD, Esq .. nrriv~.d 'I'() rp.d~ from ~ tlsqbee ~ery scurr.o, but · I : than~- -thQ cnphn Will the earlier part of the current ce ntury, 1hey 'J'HE J\lOltNING COUlUJ!.:R, S1. J ohn's ria 'l r inity,-it appcnrs 1 is com~ to • nd 10 plenty; snmll ? llBUtltles· wore taken ~ould ha,·e done- spei11l !heir bl,;ud and I rea - mnh a surr~y of tho town of llonnriata. _ h ~or urlr.g tho lust we~ll . The pototoes ore~· ~~~~"

llUfe in the family quarreL ST. J o ns's, Wr;:oxESD.\Y, Jut.\' 7, 1852. . tuinly seAma ~Jrnnga thot 8 {!OUtle\Do.u should b•· u£ them IO R good height. nod aro looking well. I Portugal dro ve D on Miguel out, nnd the seu't Kll t!Jo wny from S t. Juku'• 10 p<'rlorrn luis beiiavo tliere. n1·p but very few outs , oud very liulo

,:;cntlomon bei.IJok himsel f 1" shouting sn!po D•"t 11C>IOt'R snys t lmt four canJidute1. nt least, s"nico, whoq we ltnvo genllo)nen on . tho S()Ot wh en-1. plnnied in .this noi~;hbo u·rhOed this &omson . . · upo.n the PonLunel morslies,

1.nstcohd ofE'shuoung will contest Honnvistll Buy nt tl1o n ~"t lll~ctiou. quito compPtr ni to perfurm it; but so_ it is : ue sure The house of l'll••sars . . Roli!illT SLA.DE & Co. nre . IIUb> ects ol IS Jou . Agaw 1 e uropeau · .

l'o:Vers w ere not twublccJ\iiOlll'~<h o anc.l the for thut di~ : rict . •i.z: ~I , . C.tll'l>:u, it• pr.eoen_t -...,. ~~~th ere;. munoy grnnted fvr nny puhllcpu•·posf' ;~o nhout l•ying dbwo a ""'"reSile!, letqoMure,I• be, Teigning Q Ut!en-neitber of thom the very best presontnth·o nnd 'fr,..us u rer of tho Colony ; Mr. Pure ;,. it giv':o 1o •o•no ~"f' tl'~icl in~: ut .St . Jo:u• '• · lieve. nbout I ~ 0 tons . 8 )10 11'ill be used for the ,eal or mo~t bclo\"<'tl of sove reigns , were pcrminad, Hos1su:<, Mastor-ia-Chnucory to H. :\1. <Jounci_l ; thus excluding tho nut-huruour pco pla from pnrtici- ~s hory cltietly~ tus~ · fvr. fl'reign •oyngos. I need l!ucccssive ly, 1u occupy the thrune. Mr. DouGLO!, Chuirmen of the fl our~ of Rond paiiug in tho b'uuelits nrising lherllfrum . ' acnrcoly sny thut this w!lr · allo•·d empl - •ymeo~ fvr a

It is too enl'ly. purh ups. to speculate upon Cunu uis;ioners, and 1\lr. GJ.r.Y. who nt present Ou loo~in~; o•onho Jounialo of tho past I egi;ln- ~; rent many persons. the final issue of the Coup d'E ,ut. which has, ' holds no uffice of emolument under tho Guvernmoot. tivo Auomuly now just brought 10 n close, J don't 29th.-Cuplin oro lnndcd in great piPaty io S ol· for a season, nt nl l evl'lll ~. jJincec.l l\' a•>oleon in h · f 1 fi d 1 d · 11 1 ... ~ 1 11 f 1 P . \Ve beliove I ot noH.her o I JO two 1ret-name so .. ,&ne solitary money gru11t for Uo n"'·i,otn, neither Yn go , on to a t 10 cov~• t 1ey usua y roquent.-thc P al ace uf K ings; the recogn ized : mce· . .

. l'resic.lentnf lle publicnn Fra nce. genllomou has tho slightest pro•pect of succe••·- do I rl'coi!Pct F•~ing ouo petilinn (,·urn this pluce, Some of th e akilf• nro brmgmg good trips of fi sh It is p re lty clear, howe ver, that t!tc Gr~at they belong to tho old tory sehoul. nod bosid~• th~y except thos0 from tl1e . E piscopn:inus rein live :<> thn from the Grutos uud lhcolieu to·duy. On ::iuturdoy

:Powers beyoud the J\IJ'~ wi ll le t him ru le 1111 • ar" the untliuching ~dvocntes ot-nnOllsoleto sectn- divisinu of tho Educntion G•·nut, and which wore lust, 26th instunt, i\Jr: Tun>t,\S Fox nnd fu:nily left ,Ji sturbcd. Th e r epresenta tive of tho elc.lor rian sy•tem of liovornmoot,1vbich would not be to- got up ot St. Jolto's and sent vn hero to b~ ai~oed. T~inity for lsb1nd Cove, Conception llny, where 1 :ilo111 bon, much more the Urleuns branch, has le1·atod in •oy other portion nf Her ~Ia)esly 's do- Bi•hop Ft:tLD would h•ve acted much tbe 1yjsor believe 1hey nre to reside the onsuiog yeu. ;no thing to hopr: f<.r in ihe way of nid iu nny minions: the snuggle. then, will be between iUr. purt l)nd he sold tho •nmo for 1vnlle paper ioetead :attempt to regain 1 he SovC' I'cign Power. They OovoL.\a nod Mr. (.he", end both tbese geQtlenat~n o( pr~eentihg thorn to 1he Legisl• tive Aseembly. art' exiles, all ~f the m ; e xpiating in the. ol>- boiug wu•t mny be termed liLe)'tll, without ot' ull \Vhil" 00 the aubject of equcntion J might just ra­Br.unty of fvn' lg n lands, th e foll le9 aud cri mes 1 nppronching 10 thnt ultra-radlcolism which is ·auh- mnrk, thnt we hnve n rf.P~r .• tion of some twonty· c,f their ~ro<,eullors whn held an<J, abus~d tho I vor~ive of urdor. both are suppn11ed to be soogui'Qe )lix hundred people,-lfnke not n doubt but you powers of that 60\'<'relgnty. " \\. a1·s ul suc- f h \\' ( . • b b h <'Cssion," thcu, w e repeal, hau " ceased."- o I o rRsult. e ore o ?Pillion t at o \!: _o will b~ surprised wllon toll you we hove not n f.,. 'fhe w orld will hear 110 more of ~hom Another tuk"a the fi1·mast llo,nd nod gn1u the most exphc1t mnle school io the plnce. Tbis is cerlni nly much Jhirly yenrs' s trug"'lo to sl'ttle who shall r ulo pledge ugui 11 Bt 1he sub-division of the Educution to be lamented, You mny nsk \Yh08e fuult u this? France,is not tu be


placed a mon g probabililies. Grnnt. will l>o tho successfu l candidate ; for we ore \Vhy. dou btll'ss, thnt ol the iohnbi:lll'l • hemselvoa, Nations hove come tn a sort nftacil undcrst a uc.l- informed that the Protostnots of llonovistK Bny ge. fur not coming fonvurd nl)d ma~iQ n m in tho jug among themseh·cs as tu th'l' retniuing or re- nomlly.1agnrd very suspiciously and utlfuvomu~y tho mnllor. .'\,1id whut no nwful responsibility n thoy jection nf rulers ; and, thus,J e throncme uts nnd sul>-divi•ion qu csliou, inwrrinr;, " .for it i• to woman we must look fortho "bc.lications, which once h ad iufcstuc.l society, . . · . tn1ining .,f tho fuJ Urll I:OOI'rn.tion. and formation of pass by almost u 11 regnrc.led. Morllfymg though the _Jdnrl;rs10n may be. Y"t we

___ . cnnaot help making it, tbut Newfouodlond does not charncterofthoso whoa .. onmes mny be surroundod

Tho CoUI't of Qunrler S..11ionsopeoed yesterday; their Werships.P. W. Curter, P. Dpyle, sad Til!lm­os l!ennett, Jo:sqrs.,, presirliug. 'l'be Grund Jory pnoel l>eing called o•~r. Ambrose Sbea, Esq .• WOI

chosen foreman. The s~nior lltngiatrsta theo 11d· dressed the Jury, stnting that tho Attorney Gooeml would havo samo matter• fur tbelr consideration on Mondny next. He was not aware whether tbnt functionary iotended to proceed in this Cuurt agaiust the pnrties appro hondo:! 09 tho t;(ligy mutter, but if he did, there Willi no doubt the cnse 11>outcl be d~alt with ns becqme men ch\1rged with tho ndmioiatru• tioo of justice. Tbo Court would be ready to nt­tend tu nuy presentlilonta the Jury might make, r•speclin~ ouis.u1cos. b11t the loa• of tho &*' -.llill left tbo Execu1ive but lirtlo moons for applyiog the remedies thut tnight be requ ired.

'l.'h~r!l being 'oo further business, tile Jury were dismissed.-Erpress of yut(rday.

"' Ex-rnAORDJ x.-n \' E t.Ec·rn 1c T F. L EG R .H'll Ex' possess men of sufficient pau·iotism, iadependanee, by II g~ry or &lllrl)ped ~y R bl9t in the history of ages PF.RIMENT IN THJ: HoU~Il oP Co~D!ON s.-011 nod ·integ1 ity who cnn a/T..rd to gin• their time Jo y et tp como." I sincArely bopo thntthoBonavistn peo· Wednesday last, a Commiitee of the H o us" of tiJ.O country fo~ their country'• good. h proof re- ple will bo liP ~"~doing: And th~t ere long •ve shnll

u d i h .r 1 ' 1 1· r 1 · · · f Y oetordnfo UJOroing, n lad named Michal Drothere Com~ons . were en,..,. !!ed in in vesti<"a1in""' the quirod fur whot we assert ? We hove Ollly to re- be "'eue w t 11 .om• o sc 100 ,or t )O tn)nmg o B . ''' .,- , o in 'tbo ernp oy of · i\lessrs. ,une, Johnston & Co.,

Electric Telcgr~ph C ompany'3 B ill. B efor e it quest tho reader to tuke a gl~nce nt tho past, and our lillie dnugbtera iii tlioir·lnorqJ nod .re)i~;ious dtl· jncautiouo.ly applied 11 ligllted cigar to 8

pac'kage of .adjoume,d ·an interesting experiment was made scrulioizo tho ch OI'Ilcter. and the co.oduct. nod thA ties. 1 obsene there is o. sum· of four tho'I.Jsoud damaged pPwder 1vhicb h11 hull been directec! to to show the rapidity, prec isio.,, and perfJctiuu mol ives of lho men \vho ha; e occupied' souls in tho p(,uode voted' fur St.1oho's foroducarionnl pu·rpoaes. throw or.;rhonnl, when ~xploded, · injurittg him with whicb an ex11ress dc~potch now passes 'Vhn · · 1• 1 tl •b bo 0 1 ' t · considon.•bly! thouglt wj(aro");Iud to say, !JOt fatally. R opi'Osenlutive Branch of our , ,...gls14turo Mer t nn WJUS 1r.e o 1e Ol,lv •.r ur p ope ; 1 lS T d . c . . 1laily between L u.udou o.nd Y o1·k. For thi s · 1 f 1 · · · 1 • d · h I -k ~.ve gq. > • • • •

h I I · since we bavo hnd o local gooernm.ont. To . this rohbwg t 10111 o t telr JUSI ,r1g 111. .,.a m1g t lUI put{.toec, at. s ort notice, tie tciC'g rnp I. wl;es . h 'I b' . . ' h . 1 Tho fiahen' in Triol.ty , U~y doWn to ' ihe close of cummunicaun

0.,. f1:0m the ceulrnl ·nfficu 111 t~Je sweepiog chArge we mnke but ano solitary exi:ep- , ow lo'og w1l t .15 conuou,e .• w y JUst 1111 ong as < ~

' · • · -~ 1 'd' s J h • l01t week ,,.118 vp ry u,oau eSilful, but •Within ·the i:itrand·, wj th llijl lubby nf the H-.use of Com- tiou, nod our rWJders can have uo ditllculty ja ·guee- we conttuue to lfluv peop. f8SI tng Ht . t. 0 D eto .. rost dayortwi> tho catr.h b buen somewhat better. mon'e, w,e re brought ij-P thE' winding staircase .oing to whom we nlludo, thou·aat m~y - ile clnsaili~d ~eprea~nt '!~ ~~ tlie Legiilntjve ~sse~bly. ' u.this J3ay .(pnrticularly ' the ·n'onh aide ot Jt1 ~he .into the comruiUee'-r.oom. and I hove nttochDd to ns follows : first, those {IIJ!d J,Jiey nre are Ly fur'lhe . Depnrt.ed th.ia· .life ~a the 25th jaonnt. F.~aboth small or croft ure · not doing Yory nNieh.-. Harbor • an instrument on the t'dble. · Not ice was given fol\'ost in number) wbo ooug.ht thp ·h ooour of re~ Fl•h<>r .• wife uf ,Joeopb. Fjsber. Jeavjog a helploes Grac~ llerald, Jn~ :Jo. . ··• - .

. . h d I . c.J' . . . . . . A henvy-eale fro,m tho w; was t!Xperienced h. ere .to some c ne . un. 1 ec IJltcrmc wte atat1ous to preseftt'!n!! the· peq11Jo (or the honl)rable p' q_aition w family_ to l~_ent l1er lou. ~ • " :k ·h . 1 · J' 1 ~ • 1 d .. . t · ~~ on the nignt·of Friday l_B,\Jt, which bligbtl!tl th~ trees

flep t e e ectr1c 108 c ear · ur a a peel a l•pntc 1' lYhich ·it . wos Jo· l>o' but· the steppin{!·B4'oe; lfl• ~ · • P ' !' ' • · • • and did eoosjdenb.le d na" to ttie kitchen gard1u. ft- , 1 The commitlel', with l·he Tim£4~'u hand, re- Th ' fi h d · tb 'k 'd' • h -..~ -eoncl-those »'I!'? -deelred a'-d !lbta;oed Jogislativ~ e s ery urJng ep~t ~ee. , CO(\St enn_g I e _.Jbid. · ·

·• <l)Ueated. the tt-l!!groph elerk to tell b . colleagu e .honors lbnt ! bey DligiU "'t,lllle it io tbeir powet .to ye?' u~ottJt!Q atnt'! .~f ,the w,ea~her, hl!-1 bee n pre.t-' . • ~ . . . · at York, 29~ milurto II!Pod up..J · · fourth ac.J. · • t .. 5al . · b • •h• th lJy AliTDOaJ -HiJI celleo~ tho Goumor . vertirem~m~.l'l)-the'• four!h colu~n of that paper, procurB siJ.ua~joos and plnc.os 'fur oeed'y and' depen." Y goo,.. 1 ruou 11 eomew llt plen}ior • .....,n e)" haYing been pie ' J10 Jeeao mmissiona nuder the

· Mri · Balcdek, and one of the membe rs, with a dent' rolnthes .aod frie.tlda..t wbo w.-re eill1er fuo h'!' beeQ. of J11te. , · .. ' " ' ' Gn;at ~~~el ... •MOiot;t!f1' .. uodermeo~ peo-repeoter tiliMJTg .the tr.ansit; Io fifieeu BOCOJlds lazy; too proud, or too igoci':'snt to obt~J.i~ 1ror' 'theii:~~ ' .• ' ' ' ' • • ' t)Pmeo 'to .'be Sheiift'a fur the """~~.aPt.

• '"' • 11 1..!"· ·· · ' ' ' · 'i: h d · · b · • d ' · 'tin • . , · · agai11,11t &heir n..,.- re1~tilrely. (-dader, the . .Act -. :~neT t~ req~est :waa 1 s~o •. t " :a o,;eruseme.ot sPtveo support :ll~ ooo8t OJ!., . 'n.T'\"ro~;~•, P. cups·< • , , .. 1 JOth 'Vic,. cisp 3). the Oath for tbl' ' doe execution 1n question was forwarded IJ·om Yo_rk,a!Jd read tio..oe; uud tile tbird. aod w.e, mi¥l}~,J<i,tbe mos.e • ·• ,-.olf OUR' ,.Run;~ ~oaqsroJ{DE~,.. . ; ·oft heir _on)ce wa. fbii dar lldmlat.tered to them, at .ofr, wi~bout on .erro; on :the fac~ .of .the 0,.sttu-1 numerous cllllll,are tboae w:b.o ha~e gooeto. tbo Le.;· - 1 n!l.«y, :Z61/a J~f• J ~~. i . the Oo1ero~u&..ijo,.-, ,,ll ... ace qf hi. &~!-

: JDI!nt; lD th~ ~ommlttee-room, . J~· tw.o. minutes, gislotur'\ for . the expreu ' parp(Nie ' f: -l1npro•i,l!.l it is r.igb~ .tbe P!Jblic ahoukl ·be, ~~ acquaio~ Je')l' . }'"7: , . !~; r1 .•.• , • ( : • , .' · f ' .and ·~::r;;~o .tbe gTe~ j;rBI16cauon ?i all · their own cin:omftllocea. . ~ . ·r . l . itb . ' ' . ' tb -h' b ' . 18 •. _:n_ ' I ~ ~..- " n..a- G ..,._ to ,_ Sben.'(t

-.• ter:ant,. the. nip~lat4H . . etat,iug .til a• hnol •tt ilol . : • . - • • · .· . ,·.· - -- . ·· . - · • • w · mattan W-'!_ 'f lC lt · · )IDIU'!l'JIIta '1 .COAl- •·:~ · ~..:.~! . .' • · i~· !"'1 , ur . ' n be '-"-""'-'-~ . • l "tertled.. . ' • I • •tile ,Ceotftl~; en lid Crawrord Uaden,l!Aq., . . . , . ried arr.angem~u~}f migbt lia.ve . .,ut, ,at m~r. uu-.u -~~!~W.: itr~ n~ .~~~ral'!~ - - ': ·• - . . • · • · , l • to lle Bberilrfar liM--N · hera Diatriet; JohD Ste-

;~ accomphabed in 'One .miqdte aud at a roat ~ ;ft!~r.ilfe•Ocwt~~/~'that ·~- . ~ Cbuna••· ,C ~ ~ _o!• Roeci.CO.~~~~Ih ,~ ~., .,,.,, ·tt.tfe for , the ·8ou.,P ·J>ii~ . _


• but aligbuy mor11 than ·that pait!'.forthe ll.dver.: laud dtiie ~· Pf0kt1.1.Jii ~-ji:~en 1tiiilii~iop•; 1ie~ora .a .s-.-..-.llr •. W / ·Swiiur..lQ.- hu ,o( .t~ct · . ; : · 1 . . ·. , : , ., : ; ' · ~ ~111 :in· tbe pper, · " · ' ~~ ~: i _,w<~~~~thi.t ,tbe 1t~ra 11•• .P~'~ JR_'i\1~ ·"'" it ,JI!~"'·~~ .~ ·~~ ~f ~~p If~:' ;Secy•a ~ .. ":h Ju!,Y,, lBJ~, . ... , ' \ ., ' )

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Page 3: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520707.pdf · \ J , /f'. ";\-i '. ' ' '• .. / . . : .. . . ~, ... . ··. · . . . . . .. . ... ' ~ .


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July 3.-Jone A Milvoin, Tillock. Co ada .• Hounsell Cabinet Maker,Upholsterer and Undertaker & <.:o. ,..... , '

Aonnndnle, O'Neill, P E Islnnd, Hu tefs &: Co. Swift, Woodford, Sydney,~ }o' Bo,\.n. tlorriet, Goldsworthy, New York, Ho\ ring, llro·

l NFOitMS his Customers and the Public ge­nerally, that he has

Removed to Duekworth-Strcet, thors. . 'Rosnlie, '{bite, .LivOJI!Xlol, R. Afsop « o. East of Cocltrane-Street, Crenr:nore, Kemp, L~erpool. Job, Hrutl era &: Co. Where he will continue to carry on h1s busi-H.R.S., We!lt, Montrenl, P &. J, Tassi · uess as above, in all its branches, and solicits n · ·n9.so, Norman, Bo<iton, Bni~l', Johnston -~ Co. •

contin11ance of, the patronage award"'d him for ,(; -Shumrock.: Ft•tlllcb. Sydnoy, W Vnr · r. Cyutb(a, Goldswirthy,'Boston., W: &: H Tbo~as & many yes•·s, ·

,<;o. · • N·.B.--<::arpets, Curtains, Mnttrasses, Pallias· J3,,bio Packet; Furnisa, Dalhousie, Wurren, Bro- sl's made with all possible de6palloh. Sof88,

then. . . . Couches, Cha.iJ·s, &<-., re-stuftcJ, covered, or E~p?rium. ~ewm~~n,:\liromtc)Jt, , Wnrr.?n, Brothers. 'tlpriu stufit:c.l equal to new. 'Vtlham. Wt~hj'combe, Wallace, N ::>, Muc.lge &: g

$A. ,. Ships' IVIaeelsJr~atleor Repuired Bacotieu, Hoggort, Modoi111. J <0.: \V Stewart. J line 30. ·


Jun~ 26--Cynthin,' BosiOn, W ~ H Thomaa &: C<> 28---Snrnh. l!.ondon. 13rooki.ull &. Son Sylph. Figueirn, Hounsell/!£ Co !29-Funchnl. Scotluud, ll'uutur3 .lc Co .

J\ :SlllAL L Family in a qui"t neighbourhood ~lJ could a.ccomodate one or two BOARDERS For further pat ticulara apply at this Office.

June 30

' . ~ ' .

. . " ' • .·, \ ' ' • T '-'

'• .. : , . ... 4 · ·: · . --k~·-1 -.~ ..

~ . . ' . . . . ' .· ~ .· -· :


• ..

. . F.OBB~fiUt• . Sd L T.,...,titfqat. . ., . __:....• .

. ....JJ)lf Wo' ~.~g mm~rro~&~

500 · HODS. FIGUEIRI S.tLT-On bonrd tbe Scbr. Clcerub,

J uoe 30.

'fo Printers, . Publishers '· &e~

FOR SALE' . Cheap for CAS/:I or appro~ed Note.'

A ,Set of '



{Compline, nod in excellent cooc.litinr~ For further particulars apply at tho Office o

the Morning Courier. June 30

CADIZ S.-\1 T·-alloat,

The Cargo of the Amar'antlr


. ' ..


, -.... "' . ' -

• ·• . -' \ . . ' ·.

• ·- ..

' i . By Wnr~en Brother• :' ; .. 1

G. REE~ Bay Pi~e lncli BOAR~ . J:d Dn ·. Ju .Clapboard 1

s~s, l\Inst l>ieocs,~d· Y11rds · c •.•.

June 2:~ · · ,

n!j lfi , G. REJVDBLL Per . fh,k{ .and Sylplifrom Hamburg

50 n!tl31~; D6W Wcsfphalia 114M~ ', ,..,/ • C 2:> Sides Smoko.d BAC<i>N

30 _iialf-uurrols Imh ·QutmDI!I ond Grits ·. And, pur Fear i''lbJ from Plymoutb ._,

An assortin~clt of l~ancy Cnne-sent aod Eut CHAIRS, Whqt.Nots, ' l'nulcs, &.c. --.

Juno ll) · ·

.lUST. HBCE.IVED ·) _.. J\ncl for' sale • ;

At1 the BuildhJg· Yard ot'lhe ·Subs;mH;r i(ro Spruce iusd Pine ::;_;;;--... \ ,

MA.S'I.'·PIE<:ES . -Lorge size, .from 50 . to .63 feet . ]ol!g;

JOHN . WOODS. • June 16 ~---·----·-----·-..:.....,;-240 TONS . .

On accommodating terms, L.v ~ · 7

• . • '

r \ ·V ·'F' l'E. ,, BROTHE...C. cJ]::.TO~, _House '"arronts and Entnel-'l une 30. ~· • " ·' "Y'. o.ll - J· ers . _:_ ___ _______ -:-- -- - · I.

B GEol{GE LOVEY S Custom use .llonds-·all letters ~ . · Y • Cl'laacr"1>arties, M nnifests, Repo~t.s - ·

Ex Schooner Eclw, from Boston, Slrip'~ Articles, Bill~ of L!i,ding . ; · · A lart:t assortmrnt of Bills of Exchaoge,Fishennen's :Stiipping Papen

yANKEE NOTIONS,- C?sh Hece!pt ·flo?k&. Qrder <J~~ooks· . Fssft nnd Oll Recespt BooJrs, Pnces Curren~ Apprentices' indenture~, &c. &c. ' . CHAIR5-Single and Double Back W

Seat, Rocking, Grecian and Childre.9-: aSl\"'rted

TABLES, Bureaus, Washstands, B st ~ds .

June~() J. JrGRAHA-M

J ui~2-Duc:~lie u. W Indies. J &. W Stwar1 Coron ctr Uo,loo . J ub, Brorhors &: Co

--- ---------- ---- · t~klng Gla~ses; Shovels Ua@~1i'o Hay and i\'lanur~ Forks, Spades, Truuks

EORGE LOVEYS .ii:ri'-"<<'ii::ARRELS Prime HEEF

Echo. Bosruu . G Lo•"Y"· :;.~13olcluthu, Scotlnnd1 J .l: \Y Stewnrt.

~PO~ 1'=-' AT 8t: "

City of Glasgow ( •·•· ) fi·utn New \" ork to Liver· pool, ou th€ 18lll ins!. io lat47, lou 47 5.).

. l'lt:!lfOIIANO.l. ) Tl1~ ontwnrd IJoU nd English sr enmtlr '""" so en by

1h• Rt Croi~. fc'Oon :'oloutrenl, oil' Cupe Ha~o . ou :;unclny morniog lnat, !Jetwcon 10 r\ucl II o'clvck.

!,!.'Ito CherokAu, h"nce fvr :'yclney uud Hnlif,tx. w ns sr•un on Thursday last nt noon, o liu.Jo lo lh" wesrwn rcl of Sr. Pierro dr1 ~I iqn c lon.

'flw unrcJit u X Y 'L. Tnylor. muster. from Quoh~c hou nd ro ~\VIIUsen. hns pullu hare leuky-:wu cnen c.Ji snulocl-··must di.;churg.• cnrgo.


ln IliA lt.o.olie, for l .• iferpoolr Mossr. . R. Ruth· Nfurd, \V LA \lessurier; J llarr,:'olcLolllln, tllugfnrd. l' Jurclctn, Cupt Bupe, nnd John Gibbou nnd fctmity.

ON M0::-1' ;:lAY morning, a FIVE POUND M.en'sand Boy's H~TS-tiuaw, Pnl~, Pede!, NOTE, the rroperty of a Poor Mau. w· ool, &c. . .

The finder will b6 hberally rewanled, by leaY• 1\Jata, :J:>ails, ~rooms, Hanel \Vhisks ing it at thi~ Office. .' T~bs in nests;Mo'p.:.Handles, Wash Boards

June 30. Clothes Pins, K.nife Uox.es, &c. ·

Royal Insm·ance Company. Capital-2,00&1900

TRU!T.:r.~ .


Chnrles Turner, l•:,q., Chairman John Cnmpbelt, E•q ., nnd J. 13romteY:Thore, £aq.

' D~puty-Chnirmeo . .Actuary and Secretary-Percy l\1 . Dove, &q.

l7.000 American Hard .. BRICK. June '30 · - ·

LIVERPOOL SALT, afloat On Sale 200 ·Tons

On accommodating terms, hy . Juue 30. W ,:>RREN, BROTHERS

.........,-- - - --------Brandy, Rum, and 'l'ea.


25 Hoxe·s . 'l'OBACCO ~x Lima, from ' N'ow Yori(.


\Viii be sold Low to close Sales. Juno lG

-----~-----------BY SAWYER I CLIFT

1 Billiard T A:BtLE--second hand, all co~ plete-che11p.


2 Very handsome PIANOS · . 1 Elegant' four: wheeled CARRIAGE, with

hood. June 12 ----------------------------

P. ltogea•son k Son 0./J'er for SaLe

In lhe Crellmoro. fur Liverpool. :1-1 rs Thomas WiiPncrrs. Mrs Brody nnd ia?'it,y, Mi88 Scnpclin, SPEOIAL NOTICE, Mcs~rs J Stears, McKonh. Smtih and J one•. ASSURANCES ( · b · • • ) N d

By the " Alarm"from London, andfor 1alc b!t 3 M BUSH ELS H:oavy OATS 50 'M. Pine Green Day BOARDS

2.'i M. Pine CLAPBOARD. In the Harriclt. fur Now Yurk1 Mrs Goldsworthy. , ' Wtt par1tclpntion. enec!e. on The Subscriber June 9. In the c;i 66 , from Greenock, 1\Jre. ::5cnu nud . o~ _befote_3,ld_t December next, Will parllt1.pnte t vo bild &! y · In be 1 tflt Di11won of Projiu. to be detet mtoed ' c r · - by the result of the Company's Life trnnaaotiona to

. -5 HHDS. BltANDY ....,..Otard's Brand 10 Q.tr.~casks dl','- do Two New

~uttlon . .Sal~rJ. the 31st December, 1854. 10 Hhds Old East Iocln Rum-. high proof

M Qtr.-chests Souchot!'g Tea ======-~-=-==--~- ~~==·-~====

The Company, therf'fore, ofl'e111 apecinl acl~on­tng<tS to pnrtiea llaauriog.during the present year. WILLIA!\l WARREN, Jn.


(Wednesd ay,) at 11 o'a:ock, by SAWYER . Be CLIFT,

10 Cheats good Congo TEA. l 0 Boxes Tobacco, 5 Barrels Rum

2 Hhds Rum, 1 Sideboard 39 Barrels Flour 10 HhJs Halifax Porter

4 Casks do Ale 1!1 Dozen Ea.ll do Cologne

5 do .Brooms fi do .W a'ter B.uckets

10 M Cigars ·

Future Uivuion of Profits e•ery Fioe Year#. l'uynient of Life cluima never di1puted except in

ciues uf fmu&. IN~URANCE: agnlnst Fire on tl•e moat f~tTour.

nl.le !erma, with prompt and liberal aettiemeut of claime, · .

• BROCKLEBA~~·ANTH ONY. Mny 20. .Agent1.

JJ 0 6) mo lZl!~~

HA VTNG made their usual arrangements (or .SVMJ.\HlR' PASSAGES, parties de­

sirous ot sending for their FRIENDS, will please apply at their office. May 29.

June 30. [ Lodg~>"t . ] ·


- /oo

Ex Packer ArrotV. ,/~-\

Qnarter··Chests Superior Congo

TEA June 23 J . 0. FRASER

10 DOZEN Cane Seat CHAIRS lO doz \Voqd Double-backed do

10 Dozen Wood Single-backed do

90 and 126 tons, N. M., I Well founJ, and in every respect desirable vessels for the trade of tbis country. 'I'etms accommodating. For further particulars iap-ply to GEO. LOVEYS.

June 5.

Ex " 1l1ary Anne" from J.\~w York, 1

294 BRLS. Supedine and No.2 FLOUR 50 Barrels BEEF 1

100 Barrels Pilot Bread 75 Boxes Tobacco-lO's and 18'• 25 Boxes 'I' o ba·cco

100 Cheese, 7 Oases Clocks. GEO. LOVEYS.

2 HnJf.IJnrrels Pnt Barley 1 Bauel Hay Seed •

July 7 · .

2 Ditto Rocking Chairs 2 Ditto Cane Sent Jo do 2 Ditto Children's Chairs Juno (j, /""-

'.l'.hil IJny Wodn~da,Y, at One o'Clock, in the · · ~~•erdal s&'les Roo•,

42() Barrels Can~da Superfi.ne FLOUR 50. Fi~kins . do pn!lle New B!liter 80 Borre!s prime Mess Pork 20 .I;Ihds Muscova'do Sugar

, 10 Barrels Crushed Sugar · j 20 Boxes l\1an'uflictured Tob:tcco



By JOHN BARRON. July 7. ...

iu11e '23 · WARREN, BROTHERS.

~lJST RECEIVED 1./!:.o L"~IRI(INS Pri?Je R, n.dor'e BUTTER.-: i!J I' Ex Spray JUSt arn•ed.

Pe'r· Arrow trom Halifax, Juno 2. \V.' WARREN, 1a, ' .

A: small lot ,prime EW BUTTER Westphalia Hams, Saoked Beer, I (.lu small, packages. . · Polonles, &e.', &e. ·:

June-23. SAWYER. &: C~IFT ' . ·' J

\ J;ROBT. PROWSE, f Auctione-er July 7

CDIJt ~S,e .lfi.JI..N:..,l!Pd.C7'flRBt Ju.t rucivedez Runn~rMfi.tattd Sprq.yfrom Ha. · ••• v p ,... I burglt., a11d or 1aie'l~ for Caah. • I •

IMPERIAL "l.fA. TT. IN,., Per{uae.ry., · er.u•ery , · _ ~· hARREI;S ig•' H~d•, ts dlito Up . ill. ' lf A Cbolee ~elet'tioo of .U..nted PEI(FUMERY J 8 D • 300 We ~balia Hame, 20' M. Ptlaie . . . ·.

Me'reba"n·ts ' LiiD' e. 'FANCY :AND~ LAIN . ' . . -he• &roils iad_iapea~ des DimeJ. Lot H!l'fana C~gan,. 100 ol n 01, so Plec:lll 8111011 · 1roia 1n!f,i,peDAble8 11.- -Mullan"' - E111roi~ D'O- .Boel. . . r.- ·

---·.'·. · . • DiJ;Oc& f.r9m the ,Far . Eaa'-·,·11t, . " deoar, WaltWm to'nien'lre poiu lie Jloadi~lr, A:ii Ve· ; • ' Ar.e.o : I.. . , '· ' The P•ckat Schooner . ~- NEIL MACDOUGALL'!, 'f'i•l!f• A.ulk~a~ C1URpllerCu011, C.mp~ Bead• 10 Cbesta Congo, 20 do Bo~ea, :! do IJ',wanka1 T~

, • r Bo)lqaet ~tie Ia Lil.e. JJo~f't . D'AIIce. E&u d~ . . Wi/J be.cU wry ·dr~~t~p. . f' . ''Echo,". . , July·

3.· ,. · . . , ... ~-. f'..ciloco,.BUdOlfne,An!'n•!ic " VJ¥1a~Y~J'bObJ'o · J~~~et. -:·. BULLEY; rrc~Er~r...&eo.

~~~~.!JHe~, ·LIP 11ai"- Vtolette, Co·· ' ' . . C t. Me~'"!·"~· · . · . .'~ 4':!~". ·-t;~ HaliJaz .G.lw .Smem~f :JI.iu~ Treble'.dUtilled Lavendei TO .. SHIPPERS OF ~ - I

Wtll aa~!_~r ~~nr.to.!DO!f'O~· . !"f· ()r threof ~. 1' • • ~o,.~aa,~.~ ~~~-.. «(L_~,I~~ .. . I I !'u.~~:v.;..~=b ~~,::;,:,0~.';:~:!;, . 100 T . r . 'd 0 l . BA~D·E'.>L. 8 ;r;r:?~:tag:i' :t,P. ~ aeco~~odate~; . ~P·j ._!!' .... -WJII ~:-aold to coYw.,.c:P,at~,by . , _...ti ·~ H,.Ir' OlJ. ,Ctlebi:Uecl ~~a.D Corllal • · . : rimme · , ~ .... . :,

. · ' · .• • . , .•: ·. . . . . ·. . . . ·GEO. LOVEYS. · 1 _F.laid. ' .. • : · · .. , · ·For •lo by · W. WABBEK, • July7.

1 GE@lWE -LOVEYS. July a. . . »•11~. 1U1Ei J .. GRAlli'rtt 1~~~·· ~. - . · ...

I • ·

1 ' ••

' I

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THE ,--..

- ~ .· • ·• \ . .. .

LAN' II U ESfr lT [!T ION AND-A US-· Qieetirrg held by hi J.D. on tho -~;!£~~~~~~~i~d~~;:~~ - Pl~tY" npd , ~be .P!o.vidon.cc :Qv_el'. hi'm,~se h. it p··.v~ · TRALIA.N EMIGRATION. month:- · .I vote, if-it gt;wd lnnco. Let>ln~. fqer tl{r,~i - ~t.'i:&:'~~r.t~

.· • · • · : . ~ •Sn mnnyoftbe poor Y.:~Yerrell!••~:,_ otll>6·.to expresses· nn opi- ·enro a; ~r~5f t~an to.· 'J' ~~~~nt eQtftlr.~· of 0 1ld_."J. q_uestio~ of:tl1e dny i~ om!g'lntion_, and cd, nlllioxibt!B foraomo , ond will' hn~o ~pmt o,f , se)f-~~ll.1.lY. o~~ J~~fl\o~. 'ntiCl\ ·

.the. natural Jeltinoudn of .cm•grnuon seems nt · pects 'of ge!t" ·\ \V;Iy,that p'aptr,June !), . e::e_ry. man '' 1!1 dtsco\·er w~.~~~~ ln.m~ely . ,undet• · prisent to be Australia. N Jwre l11irsel'r ·hns 1rofu, the, 1111<1 \lwo im<l to . . . GpJ,the elemP.nl~ lmd .capac1t i_'!is o/ wonlth.1fc . ~ ·ther~ · potlred forth ·I be: gohl which.is to tempt Ch~rch i\ any of tl)n8~ poupl~ uru ·ISI:'Niifo' . ~i:Stuc~·N. \\lifT' be 't'ich ; it esHmnury riclt~n'selfT'r."S'oUrces, the .ndvetuurers, .to pu,v fo, tiH"ir C:'hrfit anJ p.ns- dtmog 00 sta~•.ntion .'~ · · · - and ' cnti"lift bu. 'fa. co :nro~d •. I.J t.· b .~oo.· ~ .:ilteino- ·

El11'1.0X~·'i ·J.;.IU: "fii.:AJ>,I! . OJ' Tilt; ~~t:n:J? KtNGD.O:U• 'I" J ~ sage, nn:l to r('quito ti!t~ir sucritict::s. "Tberu is .T.he Emigr~tian Comtui~sipoers '1lv,e .estllb- . ·( • ,._ 111 taiL ·. . . blost·.among men : · an excess nf popnlatiun .in som!! p~1rts of l}ri- lished n depot "n:r._, Glqsgri,v, princip· ly fbl· ;he , .. !:' . . .· Britith. ·Amcr·fcan. A Go6p NasiE ·....:_Ati\'nyiJ' ,bo more · aohcitoU.S . ~o tain,-and a deficien,cy .in those t:olo,nies; ~he ant;o of tl_iese for! iml cl.J.ilJron .of It, e. · · J. ~i ··~•~ . · . 'fons' . . ·. To~e. prosei'Ye your inooce·nce : t_bih1-,c~dl!6'r~ed 'tQ[):ravo. ir: humon atmpsphere he ro is condensed_, th~~o is jThore ~ro half-famishin g soyls, not\ itusta' Inwnnl 4 .3d8•2~ 5 - 77.B •. GG4 It '\viii n:eyor do to ~cek ~ goqd ~Jato~ · a primnry .a vacum yonder. Consequently there IS n gre.at ~g , tbt< ·chcnpenO<l.lOaf. sl.ill ilenrer t 119 · 0 .. t-rd 4 • t 47,007 . . 788,~0G object. l;.iko trying to 'lro.g,-ruleful;--!hcfCffort to.bo

I f l 'fi . ,. I . h . l T l f Sk . d ""' . l w .. ~ .n...wnr will ml,ko _yo_n eont~mp' iiblci .. r 'f.ukA: caro rus 1 o 1 t;o col)tmoncllog row l J.IS . emtsp 1ere e ~,. o o • · ye 1 nn w9AV-aX coost< er tiJfs , • < . · , . ;,:;-our spil'it nod .Coihl!:l~t, a !I'd your fPJIUtjltio~ will to the antipod es. The re ni't\ also commen; ial rioty, umlcr rnful nud p.fintcly patronage , as ~: 1 :f!lt'!lc. , , . 8.5.3~,242 . : - l ~67,070 tn~e cnro of itself. 'lit'!) utmost,thnt you nre eallctl

nnd material inettunlities, which; if 11ot re-ad- hn\'ing luid dow:n t_he p1nti;H·m for a com pro- . Thus, tbe ·.Amllricnn shipl)iog" omploy,ud iu . our to do :ns t~t· gqilrdin~.of }•our''l'e~utili!on : is ; 10 r'e­juit~d by emig ra! iun, willpluuge hoi h England hcusive scheme of cmigratlon; which \Viii re-1 bom\l trado is equnl to' rntho r more thu'u 18 per cuut mo,·o liiJUrt 1sj p.spe,nnons.. Let not your good j 10 · nud her colouics into gt:eat miserie• : yet lie\'e our English pa-rishes of some of tlt~ir uble- of the British •hil>ping. But whcu tho Protoc- odl ' spo~t?JJ P.'und follow ihe higl11ist exompjes in • whic)l nre sn ex ctly cnrrespondi:nt, tha t the boJied pnupers, send the Lanarkshiro weav- tionists b~gmdgu the r\mericnns sp h:rg'o n pnrtici- 10ii1i• nod explicit sti lf-• indicntiou .' . ND- ·rcJnitallo·n mouotnin whiclt •pprcsscs Ud hero woulJ, if cr au.d his family to a land where iuJu'stry pntiou1io our ~rndo: do tboy ro.fl'l!oCt h~w much lin·~- cun be ptfl'muticut which cjo'•· s not~pr'ing fro~Q_prin, remm·cd,ju6t fill 'I' the yawning ca,·oru you- meets with no cumpctitinu, aotl place ·thc' di s- erns!lat'e~oftho Arnericnn trqd o is o~joyod . lly Uri- ciplc, nod ho w!li> would mni :r tnin;olloi;iuchnmi:tot· d '1 u .. }> . I d 1' f r I ,. d ..: . .. sbillti 1 " lho followio" i• . .. ~lJttomcut ,tnkco sl.lOflld bo n~nl'll' ly' solt'c- lli>US t 'l l{lDt"'lllllltl ngo' o' d · ~hn-cr. " r. ~t uy nco;; •t::tes t 1cso new tresse nee( •e·womnn o ' "'" 011 at t 1e hca · '""' " " 1· ' ~ J t..l . from tho ruturus b~fu~o u• utthe qwantity of A mer' _nc•.or \'Oid of uli'c_oco towards GodnntltUwurJs mnu. ·· .af!d sing ro 1

JS bricHy au well. ~ - o ol a comfi.H·talrle though distnnt home. An· ican und Uririsb shippiug eugagoJ in .tho 1111du of ·~· s :- overture for such an onlurg.,,nerrt of tile scheme th o U nit~.a S.tQ.tus, iu tho ycuc--cutling ~u 0 30, Rt:ADI"G 'VonJCs or TuououT . ....-It is wholcsom·.,

· 11

nt l13s LcP. n mudc tt'l Sir C. Trc\' e lyan, nnd not 185.1 :- nn\l bruciog for tho nrio~. to hnvo its·fucultics kept on "Two oxtr~mi11ps o cmpirn nre u 1 . I I' 1 \"I 1 1 1110 stretcu.' h is· liko· tho oiYor.t of o wolk in S1vit-

. this momour thrent~m· \-.·itla "Is 1nvt)Jy.iu2: Jm h!ic a so ut cy uec lllCu. ·v Jf•t lCr onu great fJ an, Amel'icno , rl.1i~h. ,. I . . . . . ' 'R' I . . '1' ~ zorl_nnd. upon thu butly. Rend in~: · no essay 0 llu-nnd privn!o tni;fo1·tnnes uf rhu SC" Tho m· tiC\'era nnnor one•, onglllnllllg 111 u1 ercut · T.o. us. , o.m· .,. . , f

' J I · I' · con's, rur lns!nnce, or n dn•pter o Aristwle fof dc·sertioo of his shepherds, nod tit nsoquent.d•·s- spo ts au tavlug <lfi(•reut objects iu \'iew, shall Ent~rotl Inw~rri 3.0.5-1.3~9 1.55JJ)G ~~~~r. if it ~0 -woll ~ntl !hnuj~htfuUy rei.d, i t'~ch truction of his flocks, impend ovo ,tuo Austrnliun I c nme into operation, we think lhC'm as valua- 1:ntered dutwn.rd 3;200,:>19 1,55!!, 170 liko climb~ up u uill, nod mny Jo 000 tl ·

8 111"

shot>p-fiormor; on tho o!bor,-lllpld, I 10 decny of rho L)c for the !,;llanls us lor !he facilities with - - -·-',\ 1 ort.uf go:Dqj -S et !be lortuisu. ro r, " iust . 0

potntocultivntion. nnd tb O.~I't.'n ldug d ''O of_ the •;·•- 1 which they will surroullll emigration. .And wo Torn! 6,-~5 -1. 869 · ;J, I 1'2,039 . hnro; und, oven if ho does 'not .ovo1:tnke it, ltu will --... t ~m ~; fsmnllholdwgs.oxp~:oou largo 1111 • ol the lll j;h nru st add, tbat we hold the dis t inrruishcJ uames Thus. while tho Amor\cnn sh i t~rinc: which pnr- do muro tbun C\'er. ho did pt'avious1y-moro than \ !1n,nhd P0 P 11 •1nt!~11 ~:. .. ScutlnnJd 10 "1b~obl~t ~1""r''u1liul~. w lrich appear on •e ,·cral of their circula rs , a~ ticipntos io the tradio of tho Uoitud. Kingdom n·pro- CI'Cll' bo would )~avo .thought hi.msolf cspnlilo. of do~

O~OC01111llllCS.I ... nnvul'le .wouu l'lll'retll' \1 llll· I J I c. . r. sontsonly lSpcrcontofBritishsuippingsocmi~O)'· ivg. s~~ lir e lrnru !u rup lvi!h .tuetortoiso, ho sorios o"these dist1:Ji:ts; bnt I he' sull'criu wo~ ld uut so lll1~" Y I' le . ~es. ~ ~alt. Ia uul·. ln!p)b)Or~ u'."

1 Y,d Ol' od, tha J.:ritisb shipping w h icl1 l""1 ici pn,te; in tho. lUlls '5lcdj7.-G ~ csts Ill :J.'r~th. ·

bo confined toth •nr.\..ono d Lhu nru,; t u !onstvo tll :d cnm vll arr• lc>pco;ta 11 t!y s Ia c ><Jcun. to .• f U · .• ·· · 1 1 · f A I . I t \ r '11 I lrnuu 0 the llllCu :Stnles IS CIIIIIIILO no ~·· t Inn ..1'wo A"" '1'\yo. -l'iron, tue French nuthorl woa

.. Lo impo rlniJL bra.n.dtcs of r:ug!nuo· .. t l . lu wo uld bo l.JC Cllllg'r.a ur, riiH l JUt ·: USli'O IU WI . ~~~~t . )c GO poa· C(' Ut of the Amcricnn sldJjpiug au umployud. . I pnrnlyzed. lmnrcilsc lossos. p<>rlmpo '"''' 1 to thu o•· su<IJ.:uly lnundat~d. bs :;\ atal w a• , w!lh III'IIIJ; , . ' quust1oned by 11 hn~gh.ty puhco. mngistmto conct•rn-

. _, · · · · II I · I · r I I - t.:coMIIilSt. · in:; his profcosion. •luur 11 JIOut,. ;sir,' . said Plron. I· . tbcn~ ~",;.n S~l' l i1Ustcont r;.ac :a?n oJ tlte it· ~H'ii:J 11-•.:aF ,_ wou \ I c~rg1l('~, >cfor u >CIIIg pen eel y lJl cparc' _ tu • Uh, o. pout/ snid· tho n)ugistrute; ., ll}U\'O ttUrOthel~ ! o lll_p &cteu 0 :1 Uto rnnnnlnc!.IH!!I'iJ ut rkslurt' nnu (q\"~ rhenl huuuun:Ulu cmploym~ut aw.l m J tll- · . L , ,. •

othur places. J\1 ultirutl l!,s of imlusr'riutftl openrtives 'I "'tcllrtiiCC.· \H .4R)tnxy oF CoLon 1:'1 DuE~s.-A b <h• dr- wlio t_~ ) 1 l"' ot.' · ' ~..hen \\'u tirO oven.' sniu 1 irou, J • · ·fur 1 'have u brother who i~ u fuol.' ~ ~ . w ould bo tlri·own orlt of ell>pl<•. mou!. nnd do~ lilu- r <'spou.lcnt uf th e J.ondo11 Art J ou,..,wl. in , . . , • .

tion. •_wean uvc r. rc.~jous now _t lo_n l.·isbiug ·.wi~ k P __ r_os- CO~l PLE'!"IO:".;. . 0 F T 1 1 1~ l!U~ II St; B\I \ ' trcu! ing upon th e 511 l~ "c t of d res; , says the np. -~l10u+d not tlnu k .th~ ma'n sound n.t . hcnrt ngntnst ncrn• 1111 1 1m p~ 11 1 11 ·• H urn Ill H) 1111 1 soli 11 let e.r ,. · · · . . I k d I . w lt01n the woriJ hus not something to·suy ;· fur somo , . . J. ' • • .. . • ' ' . : ' • lUI\ E TI::LI::li!L·\ l' t I. t•<·a l eff,·cl u l ' ur an •l ack tlrc;st;s '" tu m n_ku ono ulwn,·s SI>Cnks ill · n!(u i..at'u goad JlBtriut, a ld ... ,. unu o tn furtns ung tho sll·ougPsl rnnt1vos for suok- 1 I " II I J - v

io~ cuc rgetil:ally the I'""'""! ion of such tcrr:blo A submnl'i.ue t clo.~rnph botwooQ tho cons!s of ·J. Ie ugure appear sm:l ur, •en co It 13 a Sl,lltll- • of frecuum, unu \Ill honuurablo muu . : ' mi; fol'llmos.'' Ew;~mtl nnd lruhllld i• now nn uc~omplishod t:rc!, blecrilurfor s toutpc rsuns; lriJ.Ckslurcsdimiu ish 'l . : · . . .

nnJ~ 11 11 <'Vrn ll >re~n~n t with intor·,..st 11S I'"J'."rJ• rho tlw appUI'eut size of the lcet . Uu the ctltl!mrv I Z ualrrus mol~ nro. ·o,·cr ~ls plny•_n~ tp . you· tha -A 'ccc ruin 0~l )·1nt a mo men t wh<'n th e whole ~ - 1 · d 1. ht I d 0 k · ' strcnorh of thun· buhof. wlu lu JUtllctuus · tuuu nro

fiihno \\'f'lfnro ofthi~ couurry. ):csh!rduy rnurni11g. w ntt' un tg co oure ressos ma l" pcrso 1~ &how'w tr )·ou the rounds of it. · , cl ispo5n lr !o r-npu b l ivn of th o cnuutry is sub- ·11 t Jou r o'clnclt, tho lJrilwlflia stl'rnnor s:artod frum nf1pcor Jargcr. La t~e pnUel'lls make the fi,!J \\' ' " ~ t od b r f

1 J'ec ted to Oil nlll'hCiivu · .. n u!! ncu f ro lll obroad, I" I I I . I I I 1 . II .. I r l k h I ' .1 ' I . ~ "" 1110! ~~~ .. ruct r ro>soh; men 0 Cl99 'l n y I Pill w1t 1 t w It· c~rap 11c en r o nn uuun. p o- "~' s ortor·; .mg~tuuiU~ stn.pcs, pt_ ton urrtl ers!~udi " li . uxpuricnco · .• . '. he · most i" nut'llnt

o r to a rC' Ja·llt'ut nlil' ·frnJil hn.mc, there is no j 1 1 1 ~! 111· sr1·•·· sl<•:l''' "r f> tti!Op · ro u vesse l d J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h " ca ,., 'Y wr : ~ . ' · '· • : "'' "• a < tot lC a ·tg 1t o I 1c •-.;ur ; nzou- by 0 .. • • nnd unites b,· n. ~turo·. W(\lth: r !lilt .' ll l'

11 l'r ... ligit,lb c·xcitt.:lllCII! ohou 1tl fl.ll"lishd uy the A,lulir:rl!y, ns n pilut Ill tho expo- tal s rrip C'_S hn\'e n C•J.ntr;~ry cflec!, Ullt 81' • very \ UDII .of l.irth i3· 11; ol>stuclo to 'truo inorit. in

L" fel• oml Filch m u l> i!iry mau lie~tcd . \Vo dit.iun . Tlr_o s!t·:nll..r" P'"c~<·rlP_d ut 11 low mt~. of u n<~'rac<•tul. Jncongru tty mnv bt: freque ntly I . 1.

1 I'J 1 .. - J . 1 b'l' .·

speak uot uf I rel:!u d , 1bc cx.otlu~; ti JC ru.: c is 10 BJH' N I. vn ,·y 111 <J' fr,un r. ,ur ro ~1x malt•s nu IJour. ,pnytu ·,. o . . . . • _ . .... . w . 1 n ouc su l gOt) IUJ rc (l no any cvu:;a::tt • . .

\ . n 1.' I . d I J Ollt !ho \\' l're ~\·u' •h rh o ," r.ul lcst ca ro notl precision~ ~bscr:;e_ d tn. tl_w a~H_ J' 1 ''".' of c·~_ ln rs "'1 1".')<1! rc- 'I'll impro\•o _u mun is to liiJarnlizo uutl ~olato• ' · l. -,,11 .i mcnca , ul .:.ng n:~o l an :-:ic1: ! 311 :t'cm ~ 1 d 1 I 1 __ .,u u 11s rhf\\" rPcodcd from !li t' J.: ll_!!:i:.h const; 1wd ut ~CrtHI.CC lO tnt::tr ucc.or lll~ce wtt 1·' 10 co_mp l•X- iu thou!!ht.. fooliu.,rr. nuJ I'UriJO:>U. " ·it!t scbcrnt's t~~~- tra nsf~o.·r r ir:1g mt·n, nutl c.spc- J f 1 l 1 LJ 1 1 -

· l~11 ~1 h . nfl ••r n nussn ••> uf linlo nwro 1h11n •ixrocn tun .o .I te wc:arcr,_ QS o· 1~ 11 .u su ·1011 1let :til< .. • Hornca Wnl l"'lo, ~It ''"• "lu nl}' you' tlt I tllur1nl1t c1 ull y W O!Jll!ll, and w l c·t~ i'nn1ili r-•. will. ~!! their ~ d vii J" "

h' ld

1. '!'I . · c hours , Ol!l c.i without thu ,{cCUI'rt!llCH.Of 1111}" t'D·ntrt:- ~ fl •J\\.'er:; :- Ut'rOUl~ lUg a s,a l)W Ct>UntenD.TICC', 01" of. wt·iring a su tir_o nn annukiud •• · IJur. in my uv., {

c 1 rcu, to ,\ ust"; 1~ . :c ~-'"'I(!I'Udoll 'om· _, I-1 ' I' o. .r 1 h f k 1 1 J 1 " . y-..;_. lt rnp•, nmveu nt ""'' '' 1aruour nu11u t 1 ~ c 11erso u pru · nppnsr11 to g tlWIIlg ret; a pn <!cum- tluuk I shoulu \l'l 'll\1 nu"upult)•y tur tholll.'' missioner:; nre tl:rnug c> tl wit~dc Puta t iu ns. unJ ll.aosc whu hnd •JSs,;a.t.hlcd_ ro wjtru~~. th cirnpproncl.•. plcxiun associa l t~d w.ith n c :~ u ~. r ·y · Or . lcm, ,n- 1'ho uprigltt. Pnor~.ntic bu:iucss mnr.. mnkCs tho ovurwl1clmt.: d with currespowlcrl t:l!. !:; i 11 cc 11t? momrnt rho Br~.nr'!ri Ul h ud urt I\ Ctl nt h"r cJ ,•!it l · y~llow, or· one ld ,J ~hcatt: ... n .. '1.1 .opd wluto rL•fJ - unt iro e ire It! iu wh lc.h ho lllUVCS ploasuut, ll"t"Ot.•ublc, last Jauual' v, ~I r· .. \I 111 duc ir, t ire clr:l'f C om•n i• - na1 " ' n. au ol rnlfo<IIUIIICIIIPU tiro fact It~ Holyl111nd tbnt <i't'i·eJ ulm<•~t c .. !orlcss h~· the \'tcllrity of a, tl ~o) de liglnful. · "" " . sjt111l' r, sa~:."'i liH:y Iran: claarlcrL'd f~) rty-two tho lri~i1 ~ horl' w ; r :~ roacJHn~, tho hual gral'n .. d r ~·st r cJ "' I 3::1 ~·--·-- .. - -·· ·------ ----- ·-ship>. Hut iutl " r endenr, u 11 a ,,:;:~d c111 igral i .. D "'"" appli ed to th e tolu;:rnplnc cublo by coupeclllll! ·. I . I l I ·. 1 • 'l'H 1_. "[.' .. "SI'fl\' l'. IIE.\J ',"l'. · 1 · [' · · t •.1,, win· with 0110 or' t 'v• ship'~ lond<'d !!:Jn•. 111111 It the la1 V Will I !B 5_a low comp•'-'"' ".". hn. d .,. .., _, 1:; a sn lOH!lt.' I I~C; 1l ltug at 1h:.i moment Jit't e~o:n - J 1 r.

· · 1 •,Kassin a the word ••Fin~!'' tu H ulyh{l>:u l. 'J'hn nn s w~r w o rn a. tra n~ part:llt ~,. utc vd ll!lOt· ; or_· 1t til e s!:tt·•s 1:1 1 ~ ~ p u r! »f L iverpool a ud IW('III)'·Ci0·•·ht "' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

" H.:! t lu• iu ull(!t!iut o di tchnrgA of n gun o n hom·il tho ut. y WJlt t 10 g ow:ug r<.• t cnmp CXIflll 1al j:Jlhatof L o,JU.I •.: L The tT)'i=-' ~~il l,uut ' · lht.')' 1 · 1 I ' · 1 d · 'b f' b t'J · • Il l if;tllllh. Tho IJO tr ,' wa; I lOll JU St "'1-P""T mg It lowerc l! y lll"UIJ~ 0 (l till Ill!! 0 OeJlCr l'CU com e,' ' l'ut ", ~, , . ). :-! rt; "(TfJ; tl '_,~ i '' ~ ~~.) we ] ' it)' r I' I' 1 1 1

I , , . .

1 r u'dorlt_. The work hnd be.cn port•>rmet 111 Ill u n~uro co:or; if the pale u ·, y had · impr••ved t he coJ::-

rn a uy a (1/l'.·' y Jn r ·l.a(·r .-; IJ t: Ll tl, al a• mau y a a a- !hnn urah t«w·u lu.ha r- ! i\lc~ su~_r!s \\' ~PG~ .rupully, vcrous h'ue nf !n:t· co •Jt~tf~H nnro by surrountliug ther's anxi .. u.:s au i1hf , w l&~~s:..; sons havt: ru.>heJ, 1 1 1 ·' 11 ' ~ ulut.u ul tho 11 rllu nn1u s 1run~ 1 · 1 h Ill erc:"'"l:"' nnu " • " . _ ,_ · · it q·ith pale green. w 11c 1, y ,cuutrust, would per hap~ w il!1to11 l r.: h ;i .. •r, ~r.d iu some uJtlC'st ~red !rou1 1-Iolyltend .. A l.·l!c r hnd r:rnved. '." Du~- IJa ·e sul}"utieJ it with a Jclic'ate )i,1k hue; or ca;, ; wi<.: u 11 ; I'" ·' ;1,1 1-, !o J'us!lu a 1110110., a lrn, <hrH io•J rn" ~-: oa t.omau who hut! l~ftl>11 H oly· I 1 ~ f I 0 1. I 1 1 1 . b . . · .r .• . . 1 1 . m11 !l; e .ace o t te e •cute rot n1u w 11to ccn Cl u \\"d 1.1f hbc ruteJ c; 1 11 1\"l ctS ltl tl:l• .SCOrch ~Jf l::onti by th e mto·u ll )" SfCOIUC I, UIH, W 1050 ptosence . . . l r .

1 \ • ·· 1 , 1 I r ' wns imllll'rlinl<'ly· l'""ui rcd in Loudon . A messrr~'P ' Wb5 arrayed 1r1 a hsht 1 ~ \JC, or 1ght grc_ en, or 111 a g•• d. Y c l urol IH•l u~ answc ru • u wr any .. , · .. · 1 · Jj'" · · <. bl · k I I · r · , . · I 1 J "Pot to so•·k him out. Wi1hin bnlfno hout· ho wns transparent w.11tc onnet, wllu a ut: or pm ·

gcu~ra l l'corn n:clll ~i11 o 11 11 1r llal.l \ l l ua :.i t o . d d 1 1 ,, Y · Q.o • '•de h d"iji c.J b 1 l w itbC t a·.\' t ! . ~...: i i · l' :.n 1. i lll' .i fi(Hll the ~ . l \' illgs' 1 ch~co ,·cn·d . ·~nc.ILhe r1esp~n c

1. _ •

1· ,

1nm 1ebn~~ ~..·· ou wcr , lUSl .

1- OjVld ·l'· et•rc~t nn

1 . ow ro~c. •

.. 1 ~ · · r •• C'J • • • •• ~ • 1 . . nrC'wnntoUm ors( on. u s tr: • ~nrt y~t ~on~x t rnon~agrccabe\~ou _ Ja~· _ wcnLlclrnprcs.:non "Bnuks, 3

" '· ~xI '·1·1 • :~tu "" '', "' · 'co WILl such au I , '"in. ·• A uothPr hour nne! !h~ cublo WM 1t8htJU1. of .the ·specta tor I. In g t'rul the _brvkeu .and obr~ct. 1 · I tl ' I tl I d . · J . . . · ·

J t H1 connectmo comp nlo _wu I l.o un wuos. nu semi-neutral cnlnr:i uru P u.lucuvo ui an excel-E I f I . . r 1 • 1h1: iuc:icat ors nt tho Du~lln !ormlnus nf the Orog- · ,.., · I 'l'u b I' 1 -ut 51' \'cra. o t 10 ossoc\atwns Fl l' cont.ucttn" 1 0 1 •. 1 . \ . i 1 t

0 0 0 "ors' !col c~t!ct Jn ( ress. ney may o ~n IVCII Cu

. , r , • o 1r a \ill woy. 111 : miUr S·~ .rc-P • w r c Jh ~~~~ . · · l b I · · C'llllgr~llo;. are o t a sa le •· characiC'r. Tlwr!! is with thoso nt rhn tormiuus of Chcs ! <~ r untl Holyhuod by a httJo poslltve co or, ut I 10 co11trus•mg

c\· Tilt: L.\T~<: r. w•:ar.

Shri.1k. sicken, nn rl die! It sh~ll bo tl1y doom, Thou of th e St · n~ Lth• t! honrt.

Li ko n tropic':~ l ~u\\'er ia a frvzen zoae, \Vhc10 it; lu otros ull d<' Jl!ll'l,

Th~re i~ no homo in tlri> wolld so dr·cnr Muy thy w nrtn ex isun aCd g•·nco;

Liko th~ dovu in it:t Wnllderiug~ fur nnd ncrtr, 'l'hou shulltjod oo rostiug pruco. ·

ThP .friends in thy uo~om most cherished Iio ' \1'" '10 brcntho oot thy untnro's ~ren!h, . ·­Shall puiu nntl slrull grievo !hon uucousciously \Y~h a sorrow nigh to t!cuth.

t~ a t 1of lhc g<·nt lc mull ."r !he W~;t ll idi ug of 1 Hnilwny, in H .. lyhcnd. Tho Britnn 11 i,1 rtlmnioed color ~hou~d l~ enr but a srrpll prop'or!_IOn to the l ur"sla re, anJ es pcc1,all y I he :Socwry for as- oul ; i1lu rho hn r!"""' d,ll·irrl; tho ni;;ht, nud ut nrr moss of pru.1c1pal color.

' Dut oh! in tlui l'o'orld must thou fiud n homo, ' A niggnrd AXi3tu tt co thort•- !

~isting emigru:ion from till: Highla11ds a11d I s l- cu rly hom· on Wecl!.csuuy tlw conn<-cl ion uftho sub- A IJiue bonu.ct and tlrcss m1y bc;(:octr, onds ol :::iC<•IIund. Uf!l1e );o t!or Pr·incu Albert mnrino wi1o with thnt ulrcutly lnid uo wu upon tbo with an oran " o colon,.Jsbnwl, but tbe blue o is the Patrn11, a11 cl the 1~ u ~t: u ba; head ed tho Hou:th linr wns ;omplrtetl , . t!st::blisbin;; un unbro- con trast rho ~run go · n~!lst be of n \'ery J.,ep cbariraiJJc sul>scription by a doualion of .£;,100 . kon hut• "~ Elccll'IC .comm~mcnt,!!!Jl brtwoQq Londo_n tone· a pink bonuc t may bo worn with n green

. I · I · . nod D,:lrllll . nnd I rom th1s ..ftf"~ urnw~eiOI)Ots will ' I f . J· l 0-t n1ms to co111 uct ret'run·al; ns much ns poss1- , . b . f f 1. 1 . 1 ~ .11 . 1 I'· droSI', but the tuc o cac 1 assortcc accor 111g bl 1) h I I' .1. · . . IOSUo! , 111 u rt •' spnco o .. une, W II C: 1 \\'l .VII' un •Y . C I d b I

o. y w o e om.' 1es, w hu:l~ u the su1;('st way -u.s re• pecls I he trnnsmissinll'of news-brio~; tho !" the1r o;tact c_ontrast . . u_ourc E aw s nt·u to mducu the Htghlamlcr. !U Ius now :'boJe, metroprfli~ uf Ire lund fnrm fnur !o six hoors, tho mstnnc"s lfl w!uch great _vartcty or .colors mny

·to settle dowu to those pa51otul occnp a11 o ns to disrnnco from H ulyhcnd to J).in,;;s\un, rwnrer!o I,.un- b'e arranged w1th harmomous nnr.lnch off~ct . lt .which he w as accustomed when hl! te rrded 1 Ito non tlu111 it bus hercrofnre been. Tho cup)e, col)si~ts .is alway~ ncc~~!}ary that ,if one part of. tho drc s cattlo nn•l mountai1~ . sheep of Iri s lllltive gl e n•. of a •inglo co pper wi1·o. ~orfectly !nsulnt~;by_g_ul!n l>o h.igbJy. Q~JIIJmOt)to;•l . or co~,ist .of ~arim~s . . co· Prudence and charily have seldom bcc.n uwru Jl"l'clu~. unci p_rytect<·d b) nn o_uter cov~n•1~ o!1 Iron la,rs, a 'J.!Ol'IIOO sho~ld , be plnm t,o>1gn•c, r~p11 e

,From tho youroiug!hellrt must tllou dat·kly rom n, Thou ort dosolu~ju~ 's buit.

Tho colt! &holt contemu thee-tho iulc luu •h-'l'ho migh ty shu II cru•h !h"o low- "

Till th o ton~ of nfllictio11 th ou shull quutr, ,Aud bo tlruul;on with tlry wot•.

Mno mny pcrpctunl motion fiud­Discovoa· tl&o longiuulo-

But ho cnnuot fur hom tho depths of rr\iud Of n nuture so •·rnbuau.

' happily unite d tha-n 111 rh o re,ulutious of this gal vnul1 .. otl w~ rcs. 'fo •.ocur~ fl!rt!J cr s\'f01Y r:orn · .10..,tlt" .-.vP_;['.he_ l•:::e.n£ -'!l.lll'..!!fact!!'f).er~ .pJY S .. · ; I'' h d · .. 1 ° I 1 I rh o r~cturn ol tho ttrl os nod shnrp rocks, tho"'"' .......__,._,_ I' b' d' I . . r •'· · uCJet.y, W uc are a mlfau y cu c u alu< to rc - . . d bl fc -~ I I d' . f· , 1 1 ~·c.al at enl!on to 11s,.su ~ecf, an t 1e gone e,. lt je n fnirv nod dolicntc tl~i 1 ] . . . . . coaflncr ,q ou o or n c o t1 Sh.1Cn' J e 1stnnco fm, 10 . . . ,. ~ .,.... · 'b · I · · L ' ; 'd • · .I • - tC\'e m•~cty at home , !O pro\'IJo A.us!rahu wllh .1 "'I'I 1 .11 of tllo ,v·J- ."td' sovorit ruiles · J ct• nl tins stuuy nre-v1sl le lll t1 e tvxllle fa- 1ku thu ~Jl' tll' s fino ur ' ' !' · t, .

I I . .-· · 1 · . · cor IS • 10 eng 1

• • • g • • • • J · 1 1 1 .r ' • \V•·· I t' d th t ·n t' · •lint c ass'" etmgraulti w •l ch ~be most . r"C)\IIrcs, nod tho whole VA'S Jlnit) J,o,vn on Tnnsclny, unrl"'' bncS ' I, h\~!J ,r~ r.o so ~~~I Y. . v~. ~,eu: .J,met'lcan .uoro .cat 1 w n u swu.op~ WI I uugou ·" wtog _lo !_ecur_e ~0 E~lg]aQ.d th o advantngc• uf II pre- lho dir~cri .. u uf ~I··· Newell nud ~lr . !:>tath.'!lll qJ t4o . mavufalra,rers, ·b'y tlie • .s~e ' u~ililtlbn, n;~ay Sorno porriou wi~ stiU Wllet. . . .sept relu; f fr,o~ th e; pt ess\l rc o.f great su f!l:rin~,;~ Gutta I'crc1m Cumpan~- ,reach the same deg~ee of perfection. . And so~o .ch~ 1;5j10d w~b du .JI Io ~~th will ~ast

• ill her 11\Vfl ·Lo~6m, und ...to ,:etlit'U t-o ber tbe .. , -- . .• • 1 . :• i:to 1 T0~..!.'. '- .!1 [~· ., u i - ··.r· .. arneatr.y A . b-' ' . • 'I ·~. . .. Dh'l(! • . . J · 1' 'L fi ~ ·\ · ' L · · · J (i ... ~ · ·.. •· "1 W <i~~~ P' · · · · e Y • s Jt ... ve~ lltt atormy- u >• .... ··

commerc1a . cue t~ ..Uuch wtll nccru" whcu "' t cvenmg two mo!lon_s or . 'J!lll'f cnmo ngnln. 11)1tl 'i,f li!e ' 'o's ~tiO !lei\ r d filr, 'il <1 destiucd Till iit lifogth 60100 t\ttul'do,,-troviog clast, · h ,.¥ Ao'l 1·(' h . . . ·' . I· · 1 · • befo ru th o Hon•o. rhrrt ~I i\lr.Spuono1· HS th rho ·. • · , ,•, · ,_ · S • I • ' .

• ~ . 011 8 rla \o n I'"P" ~uun a< l·quo.u to 1' . ·· · · · 1 1 f 'I IJ ' to n · hi~b· a1ul \n.o le .WI•rpose. . tlluy oloso y Iu mem'ry altull aweeJJ U\~uy • ... "' i ""' · d t' , - , · 'fl , · · n111oag6l)IC.Ut of MnyrriJO!h. uu1 .~ ta,t o " r, ~or~ - ·' •• , ; • l'" . , . . . . . .. ute1r, pro uc np cn,,.l clly;. tc enngr a u! ~ - 11 t. t ' tu' ' 11 ·1· · · ·•r· • •onu'or to •he m' lfl 18 .Uelrt.\ ' fr1r labor ·or proles:~wn.- · c ,, : h uiJ . .. : I<' k b . . . ~ . I " · . . lllllll ns to '" rrcPO ,1118 I 110 · U ,.~ J) • • • " ' ' • • • • • ' : • 6 0 •. ~\e l11! 0 • "~ :re~u.' r":,. to .t I5!0IIJ ft:o~n 1 t.~ vi cnnr ~;o _of ·Froii'IH. &J\giJin ~ho furr~IOI' '~"s hvf·· Adopt it . early, aud purs~o ll stcadt~y, n~~·er Sbr!n.k. Slcl;en,nt?d~<!j~! Jt .~~a~l be. thy dobjtl, proc~edwg .to th~ li!S'SIIISS, \.Jn~ll lhyy h,l\e tlctl by th~ 811 p.o l'l"'], of sp~nk10g_ n~nmst tu!•e to- l!'_olfmg· ?o.cl.< ~~- ~~. e turn.tng fur;ow . bu_t for,- . ~ lwp _of. ~1e su_DSit~Y.o, !.1.eu~ 1-. , . . 'I u rep~ rd. the mod~r.;,to .CIJ>t of .the1r OIJ'lfit auJ wards rhu. end vf the n~ot.~•ng st,tuug, until llle l ~wa,rcl'. ffi ' lhe ne.w ·gHiuud ~Pl~~\'\reu;faJu,s ·~o !. f,.tke u uor.·~~~ .~~.\ro1 1 , . , z~:~ ;"1)?\!o::... -, "",.)

passage .. ' • . . • ) ' ' . _....../ hn~~.of . ud;myo!lll'JI.t .nr·we~'~hon. ~unctuuU~ n~ bo hrol)en. ~ea!lll~.wn~s oro abu•;,dnnt to1 Wh,eto 1}8 LLShe~ il~pnr . " :Phe ponr p()o·"'e. of· the Htghla~otls are long- .f u c:ocl< , tho_ Spen~P~ loav.u.•.tha chan\ ncu nlll't.be; e~l'ylti;n't':Jcj,''S~I ',II ld ~Qil •Jro l • . . --, . . '~ (t'J I'' . ']"I . .1' ' . ,. l'rrVJOU• !nllong roo• 'fur no!hiU!;· . . .... t1 . ... "' . if I. . d • '1 'f' :i;'· MOR TI\,TG. ·cou·RJEI) :

~·1~g .or 10 oppurtuu.u.y. , w1r utstreb-s 1s 1l1us · : · 1 • • ~ ,. .• , 1 , •r · . · ·,, • 0j rfg y p J · 1'-" . ....-~ r 11;_1 . t;n ,, -~~ -: •• _ _ t.. XI !J~ W '-J

~j~~!~":~:?/i;~~~- Jarat:s Mcq.uoon, wdting ~ ~i-~~~f~r~~ ~~~~~t;~~~~"n·~f,;n~~~:Hl;f~:"~· ~:f~~l ~~;;s~;a:h6t.:tS!;;ti}11~~c~;fJ"r@-'~r~~~i~~~t~;;:~ ~ . -m~oJie,q~,:~Poi~;~-r-~ 1 , "''l:ho •elt<te of • rh~ ~~o"l o .· iu "Odem! . ia most ~~·sc~F';~lP,~;,';~ 'V~~'fa~", e,&~:~ \.l,;il~~ ;;;1ur~tW co!'n~t ~tli}•_Cf.l-'e'-f&rl! ,~~-#~t~)/;~.f~ ,;J bt: resho· ruoLtllllER<-AND '-Piiorar&~O!l, . · ,

.••• -..:· . "' I' . " '1' '{''1'' " '-"' . > ' li" . ~- · "' (h')\,_ . ~-~ Jut l J,f.'u~ <PJtlllgti...or reptno wer t e la inuecl Soin'i~w-eelif .. ~n.'uui u,IN!ornings or ;w:,u-olnrmtng. There novt'r .hu~ b on noythilt" like tho h r. ' nu•tyllo, jilr 'Uo • ? opu•cn "• nro 10 : 7 -T . • . • ;o< • • , , • r-" • . ' I · ·~ · . ent.di.sr i:c,.~ . call hurd y ' de~cribo" II'Y fcill.- · J; "Pir'lt in'g( ·~ tb~'ii:!li. , .t~" · '19, ,• p, '· bilitJiil'~'allii , lack ol 1~hentnnce, 1s un~a~!Y· ~e.t;_)j I!'~ . I! ESDH ~nd '.lSATUR~-' r, u 111~ of)iCf:.,'iDufk·

. -f,f~ _!lt!~t!ig!_·.!'n": · _r~~tin!;' ' ttieir 1 fEO~t,bltr '"t!?lh- m?~o .. ll•P,,;elqUI l , n ft i'!'!, , tiro . J,~~fi:IAI t !tlb~~ r .sboui<Utnre. t!JJI~ ... ~J._c _e~.t!f. .tn.e.~e~~ 2f 1_11bcrt-~ , worth f[t,reOJ~'fi.et'iJio::W :t 0!/~~~tt:~l!~~ l'~rr;ta, . llD fCC I 'tl, my. f~II!J\'l•Cfe~ urea •\ oCO jliO;! th ~.~~·~op Orl!$tl • .'!9,~.1lr-! ·~~t}V'~ '~~ · ~-!!!~J ., tOI. H"-·~oQl~~'l!.tMi.tllf!e-_a~~f \lo.rro.w. l ;z l~ms-c~L1·~~ ~ocit.~r .\.{-, 'J Cr-&ill

· before me: . 't"crfiinot ·h'elp th~1n; ~ioy l>od . Ice f.1 ?1 1 o"t)1 ,Q\. C:o,nii)9H'\' . ~t· •A _,. '8 ._,&1}! 'l'ht~UIJtlll·el~··n . lt~!f~PJ?~~ ~/W&.Q\gntty. 1!'K1 !l":", 1: ~ n: " ' : '· '. . j ha~e PWl'.Y(tnofi thefl'! ll\lluw llllf wl~nt will ~o- 9,~'/..0{.~8. ~9tJJ?~• ~W~·~0., :.~ .1'1~~> 1.;·~~~1 ,0!~~~ nnu,1iscfennne.~ -It pTe~ra :«;. ,t1~'"lb.d~s'\voT\I ! ' 'i '·• ·::UII~Jt ·:AiiD"''ll '"PRiNTING ' '1' co life ltillb.o j!• ' " ,.,., Jllf • , .~ • il!ent iVOOio BlW\)lllt ne> te10TII 'vr . t 10 .1'-'C~ 811Bo< f J •1.1. J~'i'e""'fi "--' ~ I 'r.-. ,.; ol. J • ··JJ·· (,.•!!'· 11rrlli1 ~ :\ G .>li' i\- '' • • ' · , ' , .

' • · • 1 ., " ' 1 • 1.- ' · lir'V i-V:i"~'b~s-6 : ~~ 1 0 li·k' in ~~ 1Med t()'lbll•lr. • . o va uru s JU ..... li·~~~O'.rot 6' g •1UJ '?'"" wen- Niall if uec'u ea. at 1/le DJ!Ice i'~ t!Je• Mo'ti.,. a:to C'o!J,


-:At -~~ 14~'6;,, -~~c 'agent of tb~ Soci ely 1 rid- .~.l~rn~; . .. ~ntl tl~e-t,ef~f: he ~r~st~l Mr, ~orein_rl _pciti .3 ''l'llii ir(ii10<b.l aod' ignoflB epl~i~.. . I:u~ ·~.i 1";~:4~ ~e rho~ltrt n~ice ~~~ nl:'tllfl;V}"tfo~.~/f.! · · :trcs~mg ::.tr C 1 reve~ynn , 1n~nuons · th'at :t a wo-uld tlo't' di'ij~, Tbut .boa. gentleman wj:i, •how; *''c~y man be con"s~tOUS of \_he .P~W~ !,n • b~ · • 0 1 lQdiN'l 4ci~rJI of. · • "'· . . ~t

. " .· '·

1 ' ~ ' •• .. •I \ . ~

. ··-'"''-·'"-----·