l I VOLUME XXIX. [TWO PER YEAR.) HARBOR GRACE, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, DECEMRER 19, 1888. [SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS.) ·NUMBER 90 By Telegraph. RAt.IFAX, N.S .. n ee 17.- T he French ChAm- ben the Canal em. Leu epe conei41ere tbe colllmse a fenf•l d lau ter to him- eel( and tlat nation London papers are rloubtful reaardina the ro . ported capture nf ll!lllin Uey anrl In ftnewer to R\ndolph ChurchilL Goacben Mirl it wu impouible to anap.,nrl operations Snakim. pre111ed tbu Government.. Go11chen re- plied that they could not de l11y operations. Tbree or foar months will be tE'q•aired to '!Sin autbentic information. Opiaion11 11till difer ro- tho authen ticity of Oem11n Dilfnl\ 'a report . A woman nam ed Gall a$l her. with fir ty dynamite W&l Pllllenaer by tb o umbria. Sbe waa t.rrteted 1\t Queen sto wn. Dtc. 1 8,- fhere are terrible storms nod tlew>da io Eut'lrn Fr11nce. Duri11J 11 dehat.<> 1u th11 nf Commone 011 IWlclolph Churchill. Mof'l <>y. nnoi eton o urged ahe Government to withdraw. The motion ••s rlefd,terl by I G .'l tu i ii . Donht• 11re increas inL! r ul.'nrt1111r the J;!ennine- f'.2.11 or Osm'ln IJigutt'll st<•li!IUt!llhl, r ll;:a rding Stanley aa.al F.min Ei(lbt;f--thr.. c thoui!Jlnu hc l\'e se tt led in this yu r. flouaaojler C.lUfeSSOII 1\ II> be pr"aiciont. Reuate wantll to abolislt tbe Su na tc.>, 1\UJ uiddO "re the {.'bamber.. U EC. Rt> nd11 " to prot Pct Fre11ch iuterl'sts in the t>Ko nmll l'11 na l. The United Stl\tes will sen.t tw o. fho llou so of C.-mruona P"" -"etl 11ll th o Ir ish \' Oil'll . The Civil Sen · i<'e L ondon. bnwe bt>t• n injnred to the extent oi f ort y tltO ildl\nJ pountls by tiro The A.m er i-;1\n S ora\ to• all o' flU II IHh l till Jhe t'\rlfl hill ha_, ht' t! ll ""lt lcd. Th o tl whuc ll ur.l •I f l'm·lu '"I' HI< t ' 1t u'lv i. ol the S t. L"' .wr ,•n r., l'ra ·uc .1 ., f r111 11 ti rst to tir•t () ,., .,.,nber A tc<'' I. fn kPn In o lnrk uav tile l uter<'uluut l\l F o>t Jr uae l,..• ., ( r Ai n fel l 1\t IIA I If ru \ "t' '<t o> rdii.Y. .MARRIAGES . AI A ll !'•lnt"• t'hurl o, llorbnr. Trinil\ " lh v. n'l :-; .,,. r :t lh II\ ' lh .. }( •• , . , -\ rt1111r •' \\. •r •ac • . , ICoJ .U t r • 1:,., h··l H •t-- I t. .tl, , l ,.1 tVt• J' ' " ... \f !'t \ 10:11 • 1 1 , , , . .. '\ o•W tl •d ... r t \' t h •• . .J U fit s .. , l.rh t 'l, ., , .. .. ..... t ha··r•• f. ,,,. ,. P nflf' tt I. >II .. ( :"> " ll . tl ., .,. \ t fitt- '\(liM 11!.tt'"•, •''I '\ t \', '! , h\' t). ,o ,J,,l, u It i .•dnu l•• l 'l • ,, Jl \' I'• :1. tr New Advertisements. ............ SORE FROM KNEE fO ANKLE. l!kin entirely 'gone. -- a matl of dia- eaae Leg one third in aize . Condition hopeleaa . On.red by the Cut.i- cura Remedies . For tbree yeare [ ""' a!most crippled with an awful sore le)C from my kn ile dowu tn rny ankle; tbe skin Will entirely gone. and tho fl esh w11s (lne nllll- '1 or dieeMe. Somu physicians pronounced it incurable . Jt had ,Jiminiahed abont one third the site of the other. nnd I was io a hopele!tt! coodi. tion. Aft er all kind1 of remetiiea 1111d aoendinc h uod reda of dollars. froan whi.:i1 I ftOt no relief whatevl'r, 1 Willi persundl'ti to try your Conco uA lt El.IF.n tr ..s. and tho "'"' 111 fol· l nwa: After ttiree flll )'ll I uoticcd n dec ided ChRilll O fo r the b11t1 0r. 1\l tho 1.'110 of throe moutha t Wl\l'i co mvletely c ured i\ty fl ea h IVI\8 pu riO od, and tl1e bono (which ht>on oxpoHrd for ov11 r a year) 20t tlnnnd. Tho ltl.'8h heaan to jlrow, an,J to-d a, v, n'l tl for ncnrly two any ia ua '"'ell M e, ·er it 81Han•l iu every rcapuct, an.J "11ic:u of tho .. A RO to b<t aocu. S. ti. AU)' : P nhois, Dodge Co., Ga. Terrible Suffering from Skin Diseases . I havo beeu n errabl,. for y"';ua frona tiisl.'n!leR of t he ekiu And hluod. And h11vc been obh ced to 11h uu publ 1c plnt't.'ll bJ reaaon of my disficnring lautnOII'. ll r .vc hl\cl thl' of pby· Aicattns nnrl huncirecls of doll 11rR, bnt 1:01 no relt ef uutd I U l!e•l th e C:L'TICI'Il A . .- ·hi c: h lll tVIl c ured uac nod l('(t my akin ns clea r aud ruy bl oo d 11:1 IHaro na " chtld"a. Tl> ·\ Y l)lh·u Bmuch, l' .U., From 145 Po unds to 175 Poands. hnv•· ll•k o•u I) ho lt ti es of t't;TtCt:HA Rr.. '-'lth nil the r cR uiiK I .:o uiJ wii!h for \bout th i1 tillll' I"Kt Wht'lt <'OIIIItl t'IICIIIj.! i 111 11 •1' . I WCICIIcd J.l ,') pouuda, I UH.I lo-dny I wcrsh 17 :, po uud11. tiEO . C A:'IIf 'BEl.L. n C. :'\ •ln:- l"htJ C t; tiCL' a:A Ht :so t .l't .ST is b.. yond Rll <f ullbt t he g rc:att:llt blootl jJllrificr IJ' ' t!t Cu iO · I' IU UUcd. ala e Sltio Cu r l'. nnJ Ct "TICT t:A :'till' . l \11 •• xrpaisltt• Sk111 Ht"w:llio•r . •llv ftfld Ct:TICI'II I the'"' "' Hlo•lll l' ur ·i . li••r . iut t;l wnlly are a po1411ive cu ·c fo r I' Vt'rV form • f :,L;i u uud Hlo ou f• om J'iuit; lca tu Sc rulnlll. \t :--.1 .J, ,, .. ,. . t. Ht ''''' 1 .. '111 llllit . \ 1- ' ll• n• ,; ,.., ftt" . ul " '""'' '" · 1. ·• .: "' 1 ...... 11 r. • r··· •···• •l• •a ,;tJtcr or \Val - Snltl e,.e rJwhere. l'rice: i 5c. : h:.•n I: Mruh· l u! ll t<-trt -a t"vuto•l 'l •J• 1t 1' d l l • 1• II• " .t 'I II ,.. . • ' 'h or··h " • llh !' i.l .. . :-" 'I' . •• ac . ; II:SOI. \'F: );T. - rop:lre by t he sr J ., ,,.,. , 1:. ,. 1 )( ,.,,_,, \I•· •• 1 1 ·; •• .. ( I l' oi TUt l>t:r;u A:"l> 1 ' 11011 C AI. Cn .. Uoeroo llo rl ;o.. r . , .. "' '" II. " ... 1: .·.I·····' .;.. , J 1: • •. l I ru- s .... o( tor . J(, ... tr• Co n• Skill 1>181'11•1'14,' ti·l :!:' I, • C 1' I, •' 'tt I. It '"' to \' 1 ! tt t Hlt 'l l •t0 tt;tttru n t•t ,l ..a , ,, ,.. U o• V f' "•t rt ... l• \f .,t\ \ •.: ••1, u% Pttf\ ' - ---- - lt .t rl••f '" \( o. l' uu-. II t tl •r ,. ·,, '""'' . I BABY'S ;:-. 1(111 aud .: .. tp I"•Ac fVIl t ' "" ' .,,...,, \ t!l o •l o< " •••. o:t. \" .-_1, ,, .... l • olt. • • ••• I I. .... ..... J: •• . ,,, · " " ' :">! : @ '·-HOW MY sncK ACHES'· \t fl 4• 1 •\ •" I ': ' "' ' '! ' 1 H' .. ... r,· t·•r 1\r-t: ..:•. ,. I .H \J , .. ,h,, 1 'i . ., \ .: ... ' " 1 ' ' "" t .. h ••f :"'\t .\ c•f,e·. 1\Hl ut"")' l'uiuA, and \V c.\k - .1 ·h··· 4 L,HIH. IICtC" nnd DEATHS ! I'"'" ,,.,,,., ., .. 1 1 11 uuu """"' '' loy th•• Cut.ic ura 1 An ti - Pa iu l·l as\.6::-. l"h c ti r rH 1111d oul.v u· Jiu. At f't t' '" q,' =•·• ·· \\'.u [ r··· t: t! r;, , t.,ltl' k lll tuc J .. C' Ontt4 r :t j;: .. I l ·' , . • • • : .: .. .• . •. .. .. F - ISH . ERIES AL ···'If J ,,J, ,. nn rl tfllll lr i1h iu't ., rc" ' " -.)a.,r• rr .. nk r: .,, ,,, .... ,..f Ji 'f bwy, L H. ··laac l "' " - 1 biiW,.I ' ' '•ar ,.,. M,.!t.,f ( "'l \ '1 I . \t HAll!'- t It ·· 1'<tlt , .. r:,.r " iit httt .,, ,f auw& ' ' I .. f• •• :u \ t' t""• PASSENGERS . \\·c sh:lll prepare for Newfoundland r, "' s r, ,.,. ,, ftnUl .. \" u d.; _ ,. ,. ,. , , ;" \t cl .. . l ' t' I o I A II"" T I • l.o .,, .. f,.,lf I ll .,,.,n t al .lu Jl rC>m HAlifax -li .\ Pf•'Y. 111 ca t.ln . Faeslt from th e .A I(I hll Jlttrm. Cildo P ond- 50 GEESE, .. tfiiT Stt ic tl y Cul!lalj . dlU2 . I Post Offfce Labrador Winter Service. 1\tails T ,EITf·:ns UN LY will be desvatcl.etl from Llai11 Orlico vi" on oc- th e tnd of J iinuary, anu rt1t Fet,ruarJ, 1 889, fot· 1000 Extra Quality, Ver-j Strong, 14 x 6 NETS, 100 Caplin, Herring & Cod Seines, lig h\ : a nd cnsy-handling; light- ness 1:; profit. \\' c co ntinu e to 3d vocate. ns A means to inorease the nett profits of the voynge th e light <.:od Se in e. ' We de iro to do bus in ess with th o mer · chants of Newfou ndland . GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE COMPANY, . Boston omcc, 94 CommerCial O\' l 0-'rn NORTHERN E'3TABLISHED 1836. m&uo S&blon Set.t.lementa in t.bo Straits t.o Ba,t.le lb . rbor, Cartw,rigbt --- andRigolet · I 1, )JOIJROATESTRF.F.T, EO. J..ehers . m 1 v.t t.ft fully prll pui· l, Fi vo cc nl R A BERpEEN : I, UNION TERRACK Oa,uou liak, will uot be -- -- IS(l Olf£ ASD FUNUS (188i): . T. 0. E'R.A . l' o1t .lf tllt•r G.-neral Post OfficP, . t. J olau'"• } , Dec. 12, 188d. · Spaniard's. Bay !. .A.a tbe of Ute Church 'Of Eog l"od in tJpaniaNh &y re.•t,o ut to erect a Cbu,-ob, uoaLribut.ion., "'" berehy aolicited Ud thankfully noeiYf'd by Rev , J. Evaoa, OAairmar;a of OommW.; kr. and .Mr. J._ Untobinp. CJ.rcla- W'ercU/16 :.Mr. J. F. Sheppard, Tnltue ..,,. ; M.a. Abraham .S.rreu, Bf-aiard.'!l .l!'eb. :l3 1 Fire P.rem.iums . ........... . ............. £607,000 Life Premiums .. .... ..... .. ............ 19'7,000 int.reat :. .. ... .. ... ... ... ...... ... ... .. ... 143,000 Accumulated. Pund,a ...... .. ,, .... .. £3,42,1 1 000 Tho U. err. powered to effect in- on •II t.inJa of Prcpetty in New- foundland Ill. curre nt. ltatea of Prernimn. The •bove Cot.OJ'tUlJ ia well known for ite lib erality amd in · Furma of Ap[)liCiltion for Pire and Life Io11nrunw 1 and •II ln· Clln be .>b .ttt.ined at. the office ot A. 0. HAYWARD, ST. Joa•'•, .dgnal (()'I' W. II. THOMPSON, Harbor f;(r«co . . . DAVIS a. COMPANY'S -FOR rRE--- '\ oo . oooo_9 _ ooo Variety too numerous to m'='ntion. TEA from 40 cents upwards:. STIUCTLY I \VatcT Stree t: Hnbor Grace. t:::::22 The S'U..bscri.ber ·s would r es pec tfully c all th e atti),J tt ion of th e 1\f c rc· h:uttS of ::Kc wf o tlltc.ll ancl to their st ork of FISH NETTINtiS . ior tl. u of l. - -- o- -- Xow 011 hand, 'm:Hl l! up spl'rially lor th e nn<.I with pat·ticu!a,r r<·gat·<.l td th eir Seines Cod, Herring, and Caplin. \Yo r ue prt" part :.J to nny of t ltl.' au o ,·o Seines of anyl"II[Jll, '""/ depth, u1 nd, fro 11 Lho Sheparc;:t G.o1cl. 1\l.l:ed a1 T" iaw pr•> dtaCI' II tho 't illc t o;e th l•r witia Llac gn•a t d!rt'IIIJi /, to ,., II"J" ll "''l:lT l>t·R·· · · iaH•K 111" 1' ll lllllntl'rl in .. ll tl'. lllll'r nnn·ot·ed by.fi.•lo:nn• ll; rrn• n:udy !"ur use; \'.'l f. f, .\SO .1.111 t: ltOO n. III :O.G. GGD-TRAPS of any Ri7. e or stylr, rn t tol c tn ord••r at 11h n rt rw t icP. A II s iZI''I l'<' au for irnml'di1tl c dl'ii, ·<'-' New Advertisements. · UNION BANK OF fiEWIDIUL!ID. N OTICE IS HElU:tn."' GIV.lo ;N Jbat a J)i- of Six per apo" e pt\t4 up Capitl\ -Stoc k of tbia <bar de- clared for the half year. endinrc Ncwomber 30th payable 11t tiau llnukioll Hourc, in this ci ty on 110d 11Her Saturd'Y non. tla inst. ro. 'frau&fcr Hool:e cloecd from trd to -the 8tll, bolh u1y11 iucluFi \• t>. ,, ' · ·( Uy ort)Qr of th e Renrd,) liOU>IE. 111 tll/11 [JC r. . .Toun'a, Dec. 1. Post Office Notice. "'\ 1f A I LS will be ticsl'ntc hed from Plnccn lin per S /lu ·t·uh .•. on M 0 :'\ J) .\ Y • 'nora.in1:3, lor Hcd bln u.t, Hn 111·F l l. tr bor .H ollett, IJn, ·stn ck. Blnc ,; lta'···r. :v uml lslllml, llsrou 's Bnrgeo, hie \ 'nlt :u nnt.l Mcrasbt:eo, • A ntl ou \\' EIHi A Y mo;u ius:s for J '111 nJ idu , I ln rltor, Odcrin, Flnt lwl .. urltl, Jlurin. ::it Lanrcuc ll . l.'laoahue null 't l'u::rrl'. for Hed Jsh.ud nntl North ... rn o fli co11 will :en, ·c St. J ol..tu's ilU SATli LtO .\ Y auornan ;: 'l by T rnin. For l'rt:e'}IIC nntl \\' 1'8tc rn offic:>e.s ou Tt: LS - all dosi ng at :'\au c ,.,·,·lnrl ;; . J. U. Po•t- c;.mraf. Gcne rnl l' cst office, St. John's, • • · lth DCC€-IIllrt:r. 18-1"1. S 'l, 8:\lllll'S HAtSAM HOHEH Ol\ JJ I 8 of choioc ruHI otitur 'l' l'!:Ct"hlo rcnar>dial that !lont lu:. nuol nllr 1y t ho ohllt iao:•t•• Ba ird s Bnls:lm of Hore · hound wi ll j.!I\"C rc titJf 11s il lty cna;; ic. "ec tla' y•u get Baird's . IT I' L EAS I O:S E\' E ll Y 'J'Dt K l\lr. F. l\1 . "r \1' 11: -' I tiuri B aird'!J of Horehound ". cn o H cu·llent rc au. ,.Jy tor V o n;.!l111 nnll I ''" '" lrctlllcuroy r rco nllut•nolo•d it lo ut ber11 wlto \fcre t'rlt :n lly well it . l!u.r.rl nl o•, ('nrl ciOII CA ., :'\ . I\. Sold by Dcn.lers. P rice 25 cents n bo t.tlo, 5 bottloa for Sl. W. II. & CU. (;rncc. - -- -- - -- --- -- - -- -·- - Fall Goods. J-u..st R.ecei. v-ed -- !\'1'-- C. L. KENNEDY'S V• •r ::rllin!: li,Ja, tl .o 'oLtou 1111L un 'l '":s ti o nah ly su a 'p;t sst •s any her l.:iu.l , ttllli most ]JrOtit.a fl/ .: lu us!!. HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT is till- I 1 A nnd V nriotl Stoc k I Coo king. l':wlor, GothicGt·ates for nml;in(! or re[ntirin;: 'l' ines, Tr •tp$, or Gill ca n be supp liC'rl, iu :tny r.i!c nw'lh :\ t\11 I wine, 11.t onco 11!100 rE' cci pt of ortl e r. ·: COTTON · LINES llnrn tT Wo can fur ni11h Cott.> n Lin e:t, TAaut•:u or \V HI T•: uf a supe rior '!ualit .", to o nl l.' r. 1 1 STOVES \Vrit c for uf'fo ro nrtlNin g. \Ve arc tho o ltlest. nnol mnn n f.t c l.tll"f'I"S of fi sh nc tt!n!j in til l' l'nit .- ol 't:tt.-s. -: (\J" :- EVERY DESCRJPTION It ill o_ ur e lT o rt lc urn lh o I Ct tnirCIIICiltll or the lislac rm c n, lllltl pr otlu cc till: lti•St llllatp!Atl to th e tr w1Lnt11 . \Vo spin o ur own Yarot 11ntl 1\rP th o onh· m nn ttfnc turrrs of tlal' S I"'J>"rd O ol.L Jf,.daJ 'Fwirw which lms tl t.e Myl,t .vt whe r1 we r l'xla it.il f'tl, inclu \h h;; th e Lo nu o nln - t.<'rnntionRI Fisbeti t!R Exhibition, w lt oro we recc ivcc ltla E!•>tdy Gold i\I cclal nwn n lcd for Congo a boo D1eosi ng , l'i:L i :..: ccl Pain ts Rav en Pa s lo Stove :Polish. Eu a mollctl Waro Cnrria;;o and Furnitu ro Poli c;b iorit \' of Twin C'R u nd 1\ · mannfllctur••IK from the mw our c ustom ers can r ul y on tl1 e of our :\ lld ho 11ss nreci of prir,.ll . Table Cutlery -n il kiudn and prices. Cun fill ordl' a 'R hy wire t tt sh ... rt. n ot irr and will !!ivl' tlo.-m c nreful "llltrnt i nn. Pl ated Teaapoona nnd 't'nblupoou R Electric nnd V1ctor Flou r Sifters Ebon y nnd Gilt. D ro J'} Handleo. B:::>'I' ABLI SHED . .. 112. CAPLTAL .. . other Articles t oo Nlll!lerons to Msution Mills at Bost on, Cnnlon and Haddaun. .. AMERICAN NET & TWiNE CO., - . \t .su- · 43 Coremerc ial Stree r, BOSTON, Mass ·. U S.A. - A Lna· gc of - 5 -r:-: Hall, T.i hr-nl'y nun Fnrwy Tabl e N01'ICE. I I i me ly Advice. =-· . THE Ann 'U..a11\l[eett:n.g or tile 'tockholder8 in the HAR]OR GRACE BANK FISHING COMP.ANY, (t.lliiTED,) will ho hnld nt. the Oftico of tht> Company, Ko 1 1-11 \Vattfla· Str<'llt, H11rh OI' Gmcf', nL II R.m ., on \VEDNE DAY, th o 9lh of 18R9. PATRI CK FARRF.I..L, JOHN PATlill 'ON, .Directors. lfllrhor CUrace. Dec 1, l SAA- fJa.:t tte BAIRD'S LINIMENT. Mn H. !'AXTON BAtnO, Woodatoclr, N.D. IJeftr Sir-1 IYI\8 laid up with lth e ciiOfttil!m ror a month , and h&t.l tried K greau m11oy other pre· to get t oliof fr om my auiTeri og, but w.thoo' ft 911il. VII tbao one bottle or yuur Batrd'l Liniment cnade a and rapid cure aocl 1 wall able to reeume any work . (Sillo ed ) :)PJ!NOE Glunille, S.B .. 21.188:l. IT CltAMP8 PAINS. .MRs. 0. J. ' t.:OLLIOU1T, of HUlaltte, A.loert Oo.,· N.D., aAyl :-• 1 hne u1ed your LiointellL in m,: family ror IOane hDit' "oal bare bo besitatioo Ia proaonach1' i' tbe ben 1 llau trieu . .Ito• Crampe iod peln1 J 'blnk h has no toq_ual. Price sats Onta. Sold by all Dealen. W. U. 'J.'UOMl':SON. • ·CQ., Harbcn :0.11\ny n motlacr tiH•re in noll! - L p s- likc Dr. McLean's V egetable Worm Syrup. 1 '"':i . - --; '1 htoro i'l ce rt.atnly no thanj! th11t will 11118\ll"r 110 1 "./ . J. · ·f . UJ well. Many imitntion 11 IJ E'CII pnt on th e I -- - --= .. -- - - market. but if you wnnt n t lo at rc li11hlo with Duplex llttrii(' J'S. plen sRnt nnti 1111fo, alwn:v11 on Dr., . Mcl ean's V eget.ablo Worm Syrup . -ASD- lt wtll bo. fu und in ncn• !Y C\'l' ry lltore. , Tot let and other SOAPS Do noL f nc l to try rt, af yo ur chtld bu worms it will be found 11 Alire rt>mHiy - - --..-- Price 25 cont.a. Sol d by all Dealers FO::E=l. SALE · \V. II . & Co, IJn rhor (; rllco. AT Tilt: Post Office Notice ! Mail Service - ON- Af! h, will I OliVO I> I I ,llO M 0 :'\ IJ A Y on tb o ftrriul of the · frniu froto Joho'e, aod will Cl\11 t\t- FANCY TOY BAZAAR r iclol;fl Strtltt : CHlliSTMAS ANIJ NEU YE:lll VXftllS : ::ic RIOII I !1 5, 10 and 20 cent Packages A fine llt:lfttion of I:'riucuol, Wa ll-l'oclttG Claroi no , ::ifttin, A l'riv1110. aut.! n. I!! wall lot \'ieWII or Unruor ' A choice ot\VrJt E r.OOI>S Content, Fox Harbor, Hickman'• •i.tll \' luws of :U11c bor Gr•ce, &o, BQ.J'bor and Sboo.l Ha.rbor; thence to Trin- ' nf- ity West. St\lmvu Covo, BonaVl&ta. Xing'" Tnuuoeotf! Rn d Preyer· Oouks Cove, Brooklyn, Salvage and Greeoapood 11nrl Tu& Huokt, Allium•. Jt>•el Ooxea Ret.ozpi.lg- will call,at Cove e,nd all Note Unolta, 81•Xc a. the Porta nrunecl on the ro8t.e between H11 ir J>io Me tcb Huldeu Xlng'a Cove add Dildo. lUog UMrll, &o. • ,J. . -- '' t..'lu-- Pon!Jftuttr nttttral. A ! argl' 1\UOrtntC'Cit uf Goo•lllaultable (l)r r,/oeral P011t Offtct'. Sa. Jbl.to'a t B. nuo Christanua Ttt>H> l\ov2\l, 188tl-6i 5 .A. t .!, BHUNLEE$..

SORE FROM KNEE fO ANKLE. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18881219.pdf · SORE -~ FROM ..... ----~-KNEE --fO ~--ANKLE. l!kin entirely

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By Telegraph. ~~.~

RAt.IFAX, N.S .. n ee 17.-T he French ChAm­ben reject~ the P~oam~ Canal em. Leu epe conei41ere tbe colllmse a fenf•l d lauter to him­eel( and tlat nation

London papers are rloubtful reaardina the ro . ported capture nf ll!lllin Uey anrl ~~~nley. In ftnewer to R\ndolph ChurchilL Goacben Mirl it wu impouible to anap.,nrl operations a~ Snakim. Morl~y pre111ed tbu Government.. Go11chen re­plied that they could not d el11y operations. Tbree or foar months will be tE'q•aired to '!Sin autbentic information. Opiaion11 11till difer ro­gatdin~r tho authen ticity of Oem11n Dilfnl\ 'a report.

A woman named Gall a$lhe r. with firty dynamite cartrjd~:ee. W&l ~ Pllllenaer by tbo umbria. Sbe waa t.rrteted 1\t Queensto wn.

Dtc. 18,- fhere are terrible s torms nod tlew>da io Eut'lrn Fr11nce.

Duri11J 11 dehat.<> 1u th11 ll ou~c nf Commone 011

su~kim, IWlclolph Churchill. Mof'l <>y. nnoi ~IKri · etono urged ahe Government to withdraw. The motion ••s rlefd,terl by I G.'l tu i ii .

Donht• 11re increasinL! rul.'nrt1111r the J;!ennine­f'.2.11 or Osm'ln IJigutt'll st<•li!IUt!llhl, r ll;:a rding Stanley aa.al F.min

Ei(lbt;f--thr .. c thoui!Jlnu i•omi~rant11 hcl\'e sett led in Caud~ this yur.

flouaaojler C.lUfeSSOII 1\ ~i~h II> be pr"aiciont. Reuate wan tll to abo lislt tbe Sunatc.>, 1\UJ uiddO"re the {.'bamber..

U EC. 19.-l'r~mee Rt>nd11 " "·nr~hi11 to protPct Fre11ch iuterl'sts in the t>Konmll l'11 nal. The United Stl\tes will sen.t two.

fho llouso of C.-mruona P""-"etl 11ll tho Ir ish \'Oil'll.

The Civil Sen·i<'e storr~. London. bnwe bt>t• n injnred to the extent oi forty tltOildl\nJ pountls by tiro

The A.meri-;1\n S ora\ to• n· all o' flU I I IHhl it~ >tit:an ;.:~

till Jhe t'\rlfl hill ha_, ht't! ll ""lt lcd . Tho tl whuc ll•ur. l •I f l'm· lu '"I' HI< t ' 1t u'lv i .

~lion o l the S t. L"' .wr ,•n r., t~ l'ra ·uc • .1., f r11111 ti rst ~f.tr~'h to tir•t () ,.,.,.,nber

A tc<'' l•r •~ ~ II ' "'' ~t t>rtu I. ~~tore fn kPn : 'L'r~ In < l ••~hcl~ . olnrk uav t ile l uter<'uluutl\l lt~i h•:<r

F o>tJr uael,..• ., ( rAi n fel l 1\t IIA IIfru \"t' '<t o>rdii.Y.

.MARRIAGES. AI A ll !'•lnt"• t'hur,·lo, t : ro•om·~ llorbnr . Trinil\" lh v .

n'l :-; .,,.r :t l h II\' l h .. }( •• , . ,-\ rt1111r •' \\. ,~h •r •ac • . , ICoJ.U

t ' r•~··L.f'r r • 1:,., h··l H •t-- I t. .tl, , l ,.1 tVt• J' ' " ... \f !'t \ 10:11 • 11 , , , . .. '\ o•W tl • d ... r t \' t h •• J:~\' . .J U

J ~ u iJ . fit s .. , l.rh t 'l, ., , .... ~r ..... t ha··• r •• f. ,,,. ,. Pnflf'tt I . >II .. ( :"> <·" ll . tl.,.,.

\ t fitt- '\(liM 11!.tt'"••, •''I '\ t \', '! , h\' t). , o ~'IIUt", ,J,,l, u It i.•dnu l•• l 'l• ,, Jl \ ' I ' • :1. tr

New Advertisements. -~ ............ ----~---~--

SORE FROM KNEE fO ANKLE. l!kin entirely 'gone. -- a matl of dia­

eaae Leg di~. one third in aize. Condition hopeleaa. On.red by the Cut.i­cura Remedies. For tbree yeare [ ""' a!most crippled with an

awful sore le)C from my knile dowu tn rny ankle; tbe skin Will entirely gone. and tho flesh w11s (lne nllll-'1 or dieeMe. Somu physicians pronounced it incurable. Jt had ,Jiminiahed abont one third the site of the other. nnd I was io a hopele!tt! coodi. tion. After trvin~: all kind1 of remetiiea 1111d aoendinc huod reda of dollars. froan whi.:i1 I ftOt no re lief whatevl'r, 1 Willi persundl'ti to try your Conco uA ltEl.IF.n tr..s. and tho ret~u lt "'"' 111 fol· lnwa: After ttiree flll )'ll I uoticcd n decided ChRilllO fo r the b11t10r. ~-d 1\l tho 1.'110 of throe moutha t Wl\l'i comvletely cured i\ty fl eah IVI\8

puriO od, and tl1e bono (which h~rl ht>on oxpoHrd for ov11 r a year) 2 0 t tlnnnd. Tho ltl.'8h heaan to jlrow, an,J to-da,v, n'l tl fo r ncnrly two ye~~rs p:~st, any le~t ia ua '"'ell M e,·er it w~. 81Han•l iu every rcapuct, an.J no~ "11ic:u of tho .. ARO to b<t aocu.

S. ti. AU)': It~ . P nhois, Dodge Co., Ga.

Terrible Suffering from Skin Diseases. I havo beeu n errabl,. ~<ufT~rcr for y"';ua frona

tiisl.'n!leR of t he ekiu And hluod. And h11vc been obhced to 11h uu publ 1c plnt't.'ll bJ reaaon of my disficnring lautnOII'. ll r.vc hl\cl thl' bc11~ of pby · Aicattns nnrl sp~nt huncirecls of doll11rR, bnt 1:01 no reltef uut d I Ul!e•l the C:L'TICI'IlA H!UF.tli E~ . .-·hic:h llltVIl cured uac nod l('(t my akin ns clear aud ruy blood 11:1 IHaro na " chtld"a.

Tl> ·\ ~tA Y B .\~S. l)lh·u Bmuch, l'.U. , ~!IS!!.

From 145 Pounds to 175 Poands . hnv•· ll•k o•u ~~·q•r I) h olt ti es of t't;TtCt:HA Rr..

:' l'l t .n.~'T '-'lth nil the rcR uiiK I .:ouiJ wii!h for \bout th i1 tillll' I"Kt ~' (.'Ar . Wht'lt <'OIIIItl t'IICIIIj.! i 111

11 •1' . I WCICIIcd J.l ,') pouuda, IUH.I lo-dny I wcrsh 17 :, pouud11.

tiEO. C A:'IIf ' BEl.L. \\' :uthin~ton, n C. :'\•ln:- l"htJ C t; t iCL' a:A Ht:sot.l't.ST is b .. yond

Rll <f ullbt t he g rc:att:llt blootl jJllrificr IJ'' t!t Cu iO ·

I'•IU UUcd.

C ~.; ncu t:A ala e are~t Sltio Curl'. nnJ Ct"TICT t:A :'till' . l \11 ••xrpaisltt• Sk111 Ht"w:llio•r. P~C r·n• •llv ftfld Ct:TICI'II I lt~:.-<n t. \" f:ocT. the'"'"' Hlo•lll l'ur·i . li••r . iut t;l wnlly are a po1411ive cu · c fo r I' Vt'rV form • f :,L;i u uud Hloou lhscas~ . f• om J'iuit; lca tu

S c rulnlll. \t :--.1 .J, ,, .. ,. . t.Ht '''' ' 1 .. ' 111 llllit . \ 1- ' ll•n• ,; ,.., ftt" .

ul " '"" ' ' '" · 1. ·•.: "' '· 1 ...... 11 r. • r···•···• •l• •a,;tJtcr or \Val- Snltl e,.erJwhere. l'rice: CUTJOCII\~ i 5c. : h:.•n I:Mruh· l ~ "''I u! ll t<-trt -a t"vuto•l' l • •J• 1t ~} 50 1' d

l l • 1• ., .,., , •,~r II• " .t 'I II ,.. . • ' 'h or··h " • llh !' i.l .. . :-" 'I' . •• ac. ; II:SOI. \ 'F:);T. - rop:lre by the sr J., ,,.,. , I ·~ 1:. ,. 1 )(,.,,_,, \I•· "~ • • 1 1 ·; •• • ~ .. ( t ·~ur I l'oiTUt l> t:r;u A:"l> 1' 11011 CAI. Cn .. Uoeroo ~~ft~~­llo rl ;o.. r . , .. " ' '" II. " ... 1: .·.I·····' .; .. , J 1: • •. l • I ru- s .... o( to r . J( , ... tr• Con• Skill 1>181'11•1'14,' ti·l

·~ ·t ,., ,\~ :!:' I, • C til~ J ~ 1 ' ~·. tl ,. I, •' 'tt I. It • '"' to \' 1 l • :t~•· f" , ! tt t ll l •• "' '"'lltlll~. Hlt ' l l •t0 tt•;tttru n t• t ,l ..a , ,, ,.. U o• V t\ I~I J.•h' H:,• •• f'"•t rt ... l• \ f .,t\ \ •.:••1, u % Pttf\' - ---- -

lt.t rl••f ' " \( o. l'uu-. II t tl • r ,. ·,, • '""'' . I BABY'S ;:-.1(111 aud • .: .. tp I"•Ac fVIl t '"" ' .,,...,, \ t!l o •l o< " •••. o:t. \ " .-_1, ,, .· ~·· ··· -·II~·· ll ft ,• rlhv( ' a · lt~t"ICA I\IHoiCI T~:nSH4r

~'.: .... '~• ·Jouoo l • olt. • • ••• II. .... . .... J: •• . ,,,· " " ' :">! : @'·-HOW MY sncK ACHES'· \t fl 4• 1

•\ •"I ' : ' "'' '! ' 1 H ' ~~ .. ... r,· t·•r 1\r-t:..:•. ~( r ,. I .H t 'lr • rl••o~ \J , .. ,h,, • 1 'i . ., \ . : ... ' " 1 ' ' "" t .. ,· h ••f :"'\t • H~t.rk . \ c•f,e· . 1\Hl ut"")' l'uiuA, and \V c.\k -.1 ·h···4 u.· ~"4 . Su rl• Ut·~•. L ,HIH. IICtC" ~tr., i:-.cc nnd

DEATHS ! I'"'" ,,.,,,.,., .. 1 111 uuu """"' '' loy th•• Cut.icura 1 An ti -Paiu l·las\.6::-. l"hc ti r rH 1111d oul.v u·Jiu.

At f't t' ' " q,' ~·J, =•·• ·· \\'.u [ r··· t: \· t! r;, , t.,ltl' k lll tuc J .. l a "'t~r . :~0 C'Ontt4 r :t j;: .. I ~· l ·' , . • • •

:.: .. ~~.~~;;. ::~ .•. · ~.~ ~;~·7 •. :~,\,·,:;~: .. :::~:~.·· ·_ : ~~~~:~ . ~~:.~· ~~~; .. F-ISH. ERIES 188~ AL ···'If J ,,J, ,. ~ n n rltfllll lri1h iu't • ., rc"' " -.)a.,r• iiJ ,, .~ -.

rr .. nk r: ~ ur•·l•··'t." .,,,,, .... ,..f Ji 'f bwy, L H. ··laac l "' " - 1 biiW,.I ~ ' ' '•ar , .,. M,.!t.,f ( "'l \ ~IIIl i '1 I

.\t H All!'- t It ·· 1'<tlt , .. r:,.r " iith ttt illu~ • .,, ,f auw& ' ' I lt r•u~-i .. f ••• ·~··· t :u \ t' t""•

PASSENGERS. \\·c sh:lll prepare for Newfoundland r ,"' s ~ r,,.,.,, ftnUl ~,. \ .. \" u d.; _ ,.,. ,. , , ;" \t c l ... l ' t' I t11Crchaut~-

o I A II"" T I • l.o .,, .. f,.,lf Ill .,,.,n t o·al .l u Jl rC>m HAlifax -li .\ Pf•'Y. ~~v.·n 111 ~uol c a t.ln.

Faeslt from the .AI(Ihll Jlttrm. Cildo P ond-

50 GEESE, Fo~9. .. r~!?,~S. tfiiT Stt ic tl y Cul!lalj.

dlU2 . I

Post Offfce Notice~ Labrador Winter Service.

1\tails cont11 inin~ T,EITf·:ns UN LY will be desvatcl.etl from Llai11 Orlico vi" Qu.el~c. on oc- ~tbont. the tnd dt~y of J iinuary, anu rt1t Fet,ruarJ, 1889, fot·

1000 Extra Quality, Ver-j Strong,

14 x 6 Herrin~· NETS, ~;~~ 100

Caplin, Herring & Cod Seines, ligh\: slro~g a nd cnsy-handling; light­ness 1:; profit.

\\'c continue to 3d vocate. ns A means to inorease the nett profits of the voynge the light <.:od Seine. '

We d e iro to do business with tho mer· chants of Newfoundland.

GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE COMPANY, . Boston omcc, 94 CommerCial Str~ct ~ O\' l 0-'rn


A~~unn~~ G~mJ~nJ. E'3TABLISHED 1836. m&uo S&blon ~d Set.t.lementa in t.bo Straits

o(~~lale, t.o Ba,t.le lb.rbor, Cartw,rigbt ---andRigolet · I LONDO~ : 1, )JOIJROATESTRF.F.T, EO. J..ehers . m1v.t t.ft fully prllpui·l, Fi vo ccnlR A BERpEEN : I, UNION TERRACK

rer· ht~lf Oa,uou liak, ulh~t YI II>C will uot be ----!or~llrdttt.l. IS(lOlf£ ASD FUNUS (188i):

. T. 0. E'R.A . ~R. l'o1t .lftllt•r G•t~ual.

G.-neral Post OfficP, . t. J olau'"• } , Dec. 12, 188d. ·

N~w ~hu.rch Spaniard's. Bay!. .A.a tbe ::\lem~MI. of Ute Church 'Of Eogl"od

in tJpaniaNh &y • re.•t,out to erect a Ne~w Cbu,-ob, uoaLribut.ion., "'" berehy aolicited Ud will~ thankfully noeiYf'd by Rev, J. ~hnr Evaoa, OAairmar;a of OommW.; kr. Jacob~ and .Mr. J._ Untobinp. CJ.rcla-W'ercU/16 :.Mr. J. F. Sheppard, Tnltue ..,,. ; M.a. Abraham .S.rreu, ~t'flllry.

Bf-aiard.'!l &~, .l!'eb. :l31 1~88.

Fire P.rem.iums ............ . ............. £607,000 Life Premiums .. ......... .. ............ 19'7,000 int.reat :. .. ... .. ... .. . ... ...... ... ... .. ... 143,000 Accumulated. Pund,a ........ ,, ...... £3,42,11000

Tho nnden~igne U. err. powered to effect in­atllr~tncea on •II t.inJa of Prcpetty in New­foundland Ill. current. ltatea of Prernimn.

The •bove Cot.OJ'tUlJ ia well known for ite liberality amd prom.,~neaa in ~~ettling loeaeJ~. ·

Prot~peotu~s. Furma of Ap[)liCiltion for Pire and Life Io11nrunw1 and •II o~ber ln· ~mo.tion Clln be .>b.ttt.ined at. the office ot

A. 0. HAYWARD, ST. Joa•'•,

.dgnal (()'I' N~UJ/Otmd!tJt~d. W. II. THOMPSON,

St.i~J·.IJfmt/M Harbor f;(r«co

. . .


' \

oo .oooo_9_ooo

Variety too numerous to m'='ntion. ~ TEA from 40 cents upwards:.

~ STIUCTLY CASH.~ I \VatcT Street: Hn1·bor Grace. t:::::22

The S'U..bscri.ber·s

would respectfully call the atti),J tt ion of the 1\fcrc·h :uttS of ::Kcwfotlltc.llancl to their stork of

FISH NETTINtiS . ior tl. u ll!'a~;on of l. ~~-

- --o---Xow 011 hand, 'm:Hl l! up spl'rially lor the Islnncl ltish c ric~, nn<.I with

pat·ticu!a,r r<·gat·<.l td their rl:q uin~mc nt:l,

Seines fo~ Cod, Herring, and Caplin. \Yo rue prt" part:.J to furni ~ la nny of t ltl.' auo ,·o Seines of anyl"II[Jll, '" " / depth, u1nd,

fro •11 Lho

• Sheparc;:t G.o1cl. 1\l.l:ed a1 T~i:n.c. • Thi<~ T" i aw pr•>dtaCI'II tho li'}ltte.~t, 't illc pn.~sibf,·, to;eth l•r witia Llac gn•a t d!rt'IIIJ i /, T~'?uircd

to ~t;it/,,.[ ,,,,[ ,.,II"J" ll"''l:l"· T l>t·R·· ·"·· iaH•K 111"1' ll llllln tl'rl in .. ll tl'. lllll'r nnn·ot·ed by.fi.•lo:nn• ll; rrn• n:udy !"ur use ; \'.'l f. f,

IIA:\0 1. ~; ~: .\:ill. \" , .\SO .1.111 t: ltOO n . III :O.G.

GGD-TRAPS of any Ri7.e or stylr, rn ttolc tn o r d••r at 11hn rt rw t icP.

A II s iZI''I l'<'auh· for irnml'di1tl c dl'ii,·<'-''·

New Advertisements. ·


~idend of Six per ccn~ apo" e pt\t4 up Capitl\ -Stock of tbia lot'lira~tion. <bar beet~ de­clared for the half year. endinrc Ncwomber 30th 18~. payable 11t tiau llnukioll Hourc, in this city o n 110d 11Her Saturd'Y non. tla inst. ro.

'frau&fcr Hool:e cloecd from l~ trd to -the 8tll, bolh u1y11 iucluFi\•t>. , , ' ·

·( Uy ort)Qr of the Renrd,) JA~H:~ liOU>IE.

111 tll/11 [JC r. S~ . .Toun'a, Dec. 1.

Post Office Notice. "'\ 1f A I LS will be ticsl'nt ched from P lnccnlin per Jl~ ~. S /lu ·t·uh .•. on M 0 :'\ J) .\ Y •'nora.in1:3, lor Hcd blnu.t, Hn 111·F l ~lnud. l l.trbor .Hollett,

IJn,·stnck. Blnc,; lta'···r. : v uml lslllml, llsrou's hl~ud , Bnrgeo, hie \ 'nlt:u nnt.l Mcrasbt:eo, •

A ntl ou \\' E IHi 1-:~ IJ A Y mo;uius:s for ' l'r~•qtie, J '111 nJ idu, Bt~inu I ln rltor, Odcrin, Flnt lwl .. urltl, Jlurin . ::it Lanrcucll. l.'laoahue null ' t l'u::rrl'. :\lrtil~ for Hed Jsh.ud nntl North ... rn oflico11 will

:en,·c St. J ol..tu's ilU SATli LtO .\ Y auornan;: 'l by T rnin.

F or l'rt:e'}IIC nntl \\' 1'8tcrn offic:>e.s ou Tt: LS­J)A}LUoroi u:;~. all dosing at :'\auc ,.,·,·lnrl;; .

J . U. FJ~A!-'1 : 1! , Po•t - .lta~ctf- c;.mraf.

Gcne rnl l'cst office, St. John's, ~ • • ·lth D CC€-IIllrt:r. 18-1"1. S 'l,

8:\lllll'S HAtSAM 0~, HOHEHOl\JJ I

8 com~oscd of choioc ~11 :ns ruHI otitur 'l'l'!:Ct"hlo rcnar>dial n~-:cnt:! that !lontlu:. nuol nllr1y tho 1110~' ohlltiao:•t•• cou~h. B a ird s Bnls:lm of Hore · hound wi ll j.!I\"C rctitJf 11s il lty cna;; ic. "ec tl•a' y•u get Baird's.

IT I' L EAS IO:S E\' E ll Y 'J'Dt K l\lr. F. l\1 . ~~crwoocl, " r\1'11: -' I tiuri B aird'!J

B~\lsam of Horehound ". cn o H cu·t·llent rcau. ,.Jy to r V o n;.!l111 nnll l"(lld~. I ''" ' " lrctlllcur oy r rco nllut•nolo•d it lo ut ber11 wlto \f c re t'rlt:n lly well pl en~t·d w : r~ it.

l!u.r.rlnlo•, ('nrlciOII CA., :'\ . I\. Sold by Dcn.lers. P rice 25 cents n bot.tlo,

5 bottloa for Sl. W. II. TII0 .\ 11':-ll~ & CU. ll ~ruor (;rncc.

- -- -- - -------- -- -·--N ~~~~ Fall Goods. J-u..st • R.ecei. v-ed



V••r ::rllin!: li,Ja, tl .o 'oLtou 1111L un' l '":s tionahly su a'p;tsst•s any o« her l.:iu.l , ttllli most ]JrOtit.a fl/.: l u us!! .

HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT is till- I 1 A J.nr~n nnd V nriotl Stock ~~

Sl-tEET~NETTING I Cooking. l':wlor, GothicGt·ates

for nml;in(! o r re[ntirin;: ' l'ines, Tr•tp$, or Gill ~et.s, can be suppliC'rl, iu :tny r.i!c nw'lh :\ t\11 I wine, 11.t onco 11!100 rE'ccipt of ortle r. ·: A~n:·

·: .\~n:-

COTTON· LINES Bn~c llnrn tT

Wo can furni11h Cott.>n Line:t, T Aaut•:u or \ V HIT•: uf a super ior '!ualit .", t o onl l.'r .


1 STOVES \Vritc for p~ices uf'foro nrtlNing.

\Ve arc tho o ltlest. nnol l •tr::r:<~ t mnn n f.tc l.tll"f'I"S of fis h nc tt!n!j in til l' l'nit .-ol • 't:tt.-s. -: (\J" :-

EVERY DESCRJPTION It ill o_ur elTort ~0 lcurn lho I CttnirCIIICiltll or the lislacrmcn, lllltl protlu cc till: ~ood !i lti•St llllatp!Atl to thetr w1Lnt11. ~. •

\Vo spin o ur own Yarot 11ntl 1\rP tho onh· mnnttfncturrrs o f tla l' S I"'J>"rd Ool.L Jf,.daJ 'Fwirw which lms recei~:ed tlt.e Myl, t .vt ~.~ward wher1wer l'xla it.il f'tl, inclu\hh;; the Lo nuonln­t.<'rnntionRI Fisbetit!R Exhibition, wltoro we reccivccltlaE!•>tdy Gold i\I cclal nwnn lcd fo r supe r~

Congo a boo D1eosing, l'i:Li :..:ccl Paints Raven Paslo Stove :Polish. Eua mollctl Waro Cnrria;;o and Furnitu ro P olic;b iorit \' of T winC'R u nd 1\ ~' tti n~. ·

'ncin~ mannfllctur••IK from the mw mntrrit~l, our customers can r ul y on tl1e qu:~.lit..y of our ~oods, :\lld ho 11ssnreci of lvwe:~t po.~siblt: prir,.ll.

Table Cutlery- n il kiudn and prices.

Cun fill ordl'a'R hy wire ttt sh ... rt. notirr and will !!ivl' tlo.-m cnreful "llltrntinn.

Plated Teaapoona nnd 't'nblupoouR Electric La~bt nnd V1ctor Flour Sifters Ebony nnd Gilt. D roJ'} Handleo.

B:::>'I'ABLISHED. .. 1,·12. CAPLTAL .. . S~!>O,flor.. other Articles too Nlll!lerons to Msution Mills at Bos ton, Cnnlon and Haddaun.

.. AMERICAN NET & TWiNE CO., - .\t.su- · 43 Coremercial Streer, BOSTON, Mass·. U S.A. - A Lna·gc .A~t-'IOrlmrnt of-

5 -r:-: Hall, T.i hr-nl'y nun Fnrwy Table

N01'ICE. I I i me ly Advice. · ~ -~ -=~ ;.~ =-·-· . THE

Ann 'U..a11\l[eett:n.g or tile 'tockholder8 in the


will ho hnld nt. the Oftico of tht> Company, Ko 1 1-11 \Vattfla· Str<'llt, H11rhOI' Gmcf', nL II R.m.,

on \VEDNE DAY, tho 9lh of J~tnutuy, 18R9.


.Directors. lfllrhor CUrace. Dec 1, l SAA-fJa.:t tte

BAIRD'S LINIMENT. Mn H. !'AXTON BAtnO, Woodatoclr, N.D.

IJeftr Sir-1 IYI\8 laid up with ltheciiOfttil!m ror a month , and h&t.l tried K greau m11oy other pre· par~ttona to get t oliof from my auiTeriog, but w.thoo' ft 911il. VII tbao one bottle or yuur Batrd'l Liniment cnade a ~ornplete and rapid cure aocl 1 wall able to reeume any work.

(Silloed) A~DHK\V :)PJ!NOE • Glunille, S.B .. ~larch 21.188:l.

IT CUR~S CltAMP8 A~D PAINS. .MRs. 0. J. ' t.:OLLIOU1T, of HUlaltte, A.loert Oo.,·

N.D., aAyl :-• 1 hne u1ed your LiointellL in m,: family ror IOane hDit' "oal bare bo besitatioo Ia proaonach1' i' tbe ben 1 llau trieu . .Ito• Crampe iod peln1 J 'blnk h has no toq_ual. •

Price sats Onta. Sold by all Dealen. W. U. 'J.'UOMl':SON. • ·CQ., Harbcn ~~c;.~

:0.11\ny n motla cr wiii-;-,.~-;nu tiH•re in noll! i n~: - L ~A ~M ~ p ~ s-likc Dr. McLean's Vegetable Worm Syrup. 1 ~ '"':i . - --; '1 htoro i'l cert.atnly n o thanj! th11t will 11118\ll"r 110 1 "./. J. ··f. U J well. Many imitn tio n11 h~t,·e IJE'CII pnt on the I -- - --= .. -- - - • ~ market. but if you wnnt n r~>m>'dy t loat i ~ rcli11hlo with Duplex llttrii('J'S. plensRnt nnti 1111fo, alwn:v11 in~itH on ~ottinr: Dr., . Mclean's V eget.ablo Worm Syrup. • -ASD-

lt wtll bo. fuund 0~1 s~lc in ncn•!Y C\'l'ry lltore. , Tot let and other SOAPS Do noL fncl to try rt, af your chtld bu worms •

it will be found 11 Alire rt>mHiy - - --..--Price 25 cont.a. Sold by all Dealers FO::E=l. SALE·

\V. II . TI IU~Jl':)O~ & Co, IJn rhor (; rllco. AT Tilt:

Post Office Notice ! Mail Service

- ON-

r8R~~~~~~<. ~h~N~~~~.~~~~: • Af!h, will I OliVO I> I I ,llO o<~ery M 0 :'\ IJ A Y on tbo ftrriul of the ·frniu froto ~k Joho'e, aod will Cl\11 t\t-

FANCY ~ TOY BAZAAR r i clol;fl Strtltt :

CHlliSTMAS ANIJ NEU YE:lll VXftllS : ::ic RIOII I S· !1 •

5, 10 and 20 cent Packages A fine llt:lfttion of I:'riucuol, Wall-l'oclttG

Claroino, ::ifttin, ~lounii.IU, llt~utJ . Pnin lt!J A tno~rnph. l'riv1110. aut.! n. I!! wall lot wr~h \'ieWII or Unruor (~tiiCI'.


A choice ~elttcaon ot\VrJt E \\'~00 r.OOI>S lle~t'a Content, Fox Harbor, Hickman'• •i.tll \ ' luws of :U11c bor Gr•ce, &o, eu~cea4uog

BQ.J'bor and Sboo.l Ha.rbor; thence to Trin- ' nf-ity West. St\lmvu Covo, BonaVl&ta. Xing'" Tnuuoeotf! Rn d P reyer· Oouks Cove, Brooklyn, Salvage and Greeoapood Ui~•h~y 11nrl Tu& Huokt, Allium•. Jt>•el Ooxea

Ret.ozpi.lg- will call,at Xin~r'a Cove e,nd all A~um11. Note Unolta, Cc~tut ~yr 81•Xca. the Porta nrunecl on the ro8t.e between H11ir J>io UoX!!~ Vin'~f~~ruuu, Metcb H uldeu Xlng'a Cove add Dildo. lUog Au~ B~elaule UMrll, &o. •

• ,J. . l"RA~RR. -- '' t..'lu--Pon!Jftuttr nttttral. A !argl' 1\UOrtntC'Cit uf ~·;UICJ Goo•lllaultable (l)r

r,/oeral P011t Offtct'. Sa. Jbl.to'a t B. ~ mr" nuo Christanua Ttt>H> l\ov2\l, 188tl-6i 5 .A. t .!, BHUNLEE$..


. I


-~,... · ·~·· ..IG .. J.p L '

POWDER ~Wol~ely Pu~

Tbil1powder DeYer Yartu. A manel or pur­

Jty. •treD)th aod wbole.omene~-More econo­mical &han tho ordlrl•rr kind, •. a!)d eaooot ~ ~ld in .. c:qaipetitiQTI whh th~t moltltud~ of low &oft. •bar~ ••iebt, a lom or pho,pbate powcter1. ~ld mall i~ ,:ov-RouL B.u:~No Powon Co., tot Wafi~IIU...t, N.Y: Apl21 ly ·

- ( J Q) (1.) = = ~

I = I = --- 4 'ctS c::: t ~ c.;.

' >:a. CD . :1 ......., c: I •

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C'd. - ' =1 ctS I t:: ·

'-- ~ a.:> I ~ I ....., >< t: I

LI.J t: I

a LL:J : • l


PAIN- KILLER . IS llKCuloi.SU:~IJt: U Br

PMxtcion•. ltl inist,rs. M ~uin11a1 i~r. .\1 a ungrrs of 1-actOr~. Worl:·IMJII. / 'lao totoon.•. N11 r.•u i11

llu.spil. l$,-u• Jlort. 11~rybvri~ .rvc,·yu·/~,·~ IC'Ao Aa. t'Df'r gi,;e,, it 11 trial. .

TAI\EN IHTERNALLT lliXt:D WITH A W l:a :: ·GLASa Of U()'f lllLlt A'l•m SUGAR IT WI LL L t: t'O l:SO

A N.EV£R FAILIIfQ 'cuRl: m H

!' LJ DDE.S CQLDS, CHILLS. CO~<a: .. flO~ O K S'fQrP-\U"~ Qf' C UU; ULATION ,

CltAA'J&;, .fAINS IS TU& b1'0M-\tll. SU;\Df F.!t A~D





.ACI'JI.~. . .80}\N&, FROST UITES, & c,, &c.

i.S ~Hh pe-r bf.tlk. W .. ware of Imitat.ione, ... ~!l

MllytSliw 1

........ " 'Hi' taned him ria,b&, • die .D&borw M4. Ao' 'buud· bim for the llfe- b,'d lJd, Ao' bi.., •·lJIDff thar ,a& Nil~ Wllb 11110' a rq.e upt.o hie breut I Ab f • lllepDy etu.e1 wo~ &bey ted

w bep .,i&Jl wu dJjld.

• Jea'kllled bu;.lr.• • Too mean ter lire,' '!bey dido'& baY' ooe word ter g~,, Of comfort .. tbey bonred near Ao' Rued oo Jim a-lyio~r tbere I • Thar ala'\ no nae to ult,' t.b~j ltd,

• He'a betklr dead r Bat euddenly tbe room growl$ltUil, While God'a wbite aua.bloe ~med lo ftl} The dart place witb a alea11.1 of h!e, . Ao' o'er the dMd abe but- Jim'• wile ! Ao' with ber IIPf ~oee, ciON to bia, Aa tbo' be toe• fD' felt tbe kia, Sbe eo{,~-. WJlohiu'ligbt ter tee. • Ah! J4n wu tJ•aJI aood ter Ne !'

I tell you wheo that cum ter light It kinder eec tbe dead min rigM; Ao' round tbe weopio' womao I bey Throwed kjodly arm• or lou tbat day, Aort mioglea 1filh ber own tbey 1hed The teode~•t tear1-Wb11o Jim wp dead,

-litlwtla C,q1utitutio1L -------

llllilton 1Ul4 ~thovon. BT CHARLES ~AC-..\T.

.Mil~p ait1 wWii!lll in tbe porch, l'he bright bi!-!O aky abqn bitQ,

Bu\ cannot eee &he light or1ieaYcso, Or amilee of tllote who lon bim :­

Bot, t~onab~e •Uter darknosa bi<\tll · 'fbe earthly from lli1 Yiaioo, '

He aeea tbe bowen of Paradito And apleoslora of tbct..Eiyajllo ;

He leaTnl fctOm augela at hia aide Creatioo'a awful ltory,

And looks npoo them face t(l face Undazzled by tbelr giQrY I

Beel.ho,en, Maaic'e great bigh pfiest, Wboat• beano-born faooiea capture,

Tbe taugled 1t:t1ins of Harmony And •e•ye~ thew inau raptur., ;

Hearl oo~ the vo1co of buwau ~iod, Nor eouod or life and wotion ;

Nor temJJtllta oo tbo echoing bills Nor moan on reatleaa ocello.-

And yet iu Hilooce of hie mind C11u beu tho throb and 1bundor

Of jubilant IJ~owa and eolemo o:tauta, And lay• of Lov11 and W uud~r.

Tbn1 tboa~b relentleaa Fate ruay cloau T t.e ~t•tewaya of our aeoa~s,

~mmortaf e~i · i ~ oyerleapa 'fbei r 1>11rriera «nd def~ncee.

And witu celestial rcj:olllpt'use For 011nu and loSII diYIIIKI,

l' ields ~reKtef joya th1u1 fieab affords fo foretaaiOI of tho l<.:t~roal ! •

To Liod ole! Milton 'B ray le8ll orba, A li)lht rliviue is ci•uu ;

.A1orl dc:nf 13eethov.:u loellnt the hymoa And lutrwouies of lleav~tu !

- Twtpk Ear.

Mr. POTTER OF TEXA~. -----




Til[ SARG ILEH r JrE OF NICC0 \ ' 1£, TilE LEVA!ITlNl!.

::iruok iug ooe of these cil(art, whicb ia •ery comforting c.o hiw. tho Auaualiao aita dowo a\ onco to repair, i( poaaible, the dam""e Osman haa done Ilia Remiu1tou. He carefully over· hau!s ll!a ~ifle, w bic~ ie Yory eiw.,le thoullh ef­fecu•e Ju !Ia UJechaole~. aud tindiotr ~be injury done to it by bia dragoman U. ali~bt, &hat acouod· rei hning l111d but a ~o'!le~& to do 1m work upon tbe wupoo. aoou baa '·' tq repair.

After te1tiog tho lock aod repeatioll •pparatua •e•eral ttmu, bo givea tbe rifle ao alfoetiuoate glavce, and muttere : • Tb~!lk God, you'll do your duty if 1 but do mio~. For be ba1 l(rowo to ~e~~~d tb ie jlUo aa a fri~~"· · huiua teated it •11atosL email game rbat ruo fro~ fOU, aotl ag~ioat. bij( g&Qlt that cowe to you to kill you, and 1~ hul eued bis life ou dthur ocouiooi tbao tLU. ; aud Tanar the fugliab WOllliD. look~og at him, aay•. Thank God ~110. Do arttiiDI tu the jn'e&& goo faotoriu of .tbf worl~ of teD tbiut bow many ti~ee oo their aktll ~nd ft.lthfnl labor haug tbe liYea of men IUld booor of womeo ?

The •eapoo being laid down witll 1\ eigb of. reliet ed anxiety, Errol say• tuddenly :

'~ bad hoped io thia Moori.tl bouao to remain o~~CJI"Ied through aoy riot or tumult. Now, wu~ t~plt two aooundrela to poin\ out my place of btd("ll· ~ mun tl~tbt wy way tbroulfb.' Here be m01e1 with a portorbed couotenaooe; and af· ter a momeoc uk1 Lady Aooerley if 11he eao 1Ug&Q4t f-aX plan by whicb ooe man aa14 defeod two eotraoc~e at tbe uwe time.

' \y.by oof barricade on. ?' ahe 1u.qeeta. •

1 ~~ricad~ or.e-with what ~ VtYaul, rup and t;nata ?' mullen Errol, loo~iog abou~ with acorn; fot tb~e. alter tbe Tar~iah fubiou, are &he oaiJ fnroiture of the roome.

·:rh~:n llall the door up,' UJI LAdy Aooerley, ~ ,r toddfpl.f •truck with th9. tbno~tbt.

\ A tioe iioa I N1il the door up 1' ecboea ~r­rol wit1.1 ft glum laugh.

1 1 am g l&d JOU thlult it a ftue idel\. Let'a do 10 at ?De.,• reroro1 the. Eogliab woru1o proudly; COI)ICIOnl that lbe hal IOIYcd tb 8" problem

\1•"' bee~._ qsanttrllc~u_!ed to" over 30 yeAts ''rt.af•, rlgh• l bri9g the uella aod· t.ooi1 ·at foil tbe .. me';"qu~l\ty ,!O~tiouee t.o U6 u~ once,' be laugbs wit~ a eneer aL womau'a tbouj;b~-i'• i~ oorilroetloo. • . leeaneu. ::==========:::======== At thla Martin intericelll :

1 Sol would air if · I warft1 t ·ICIUdd.' -. ' '

• · . CAIIPBELL'S • Wha& do yoa 111ean ?' uta Errol 'io utoolab-

(JA f.JtARTfC .. COMPOUNQ m~~Fb~re·u a· wbole work -bo~tebelow 'aoswera CUR~ the ~ald. 1 l~ted (& tbere wbeu l •• ; &ryloa to

~ ~pu.a.. Ooeti•fll- aD4 -J.A ae& oq_& of tbe·war or tbe cauooo abot lbi• moru-Ooalp'":J•u J of. • · ·

~.,. frot11 • dfiiOntt;;d .Ute of the Ll~er, Stq. Th.-- .\rtb boy, "bo,· hnloa been ft'l baa beeu .......... a...!.,•tpach .. r ·-· . .. to!) bn~y whll •the pruw~ona to talk durtu, &he DJIIIIJCet!~oa.BWoua.&tl'eottQ, prt'«'.edaoainteniew, here corrobora6eeAfartlo b7 .......... aaut.-.na.·Aoidi~7 oft.be Stom~ MJ'IU« IU&eoti~J \ AbdallldttllelloMmabe Mla.'··MamUiua~ !.-.~ Appellte, Graft!, C9f»ptt .... .._ •• · ' , ....... ~. lf ...... ~Vomltuac, &:o,. 'Alii 'A.oop~ith ' We m&J ftDd aoDM­~· Jik.r n I Alvthrw Ulre hI ~. a.on .. it le u~in( uJal. ' A ad· Er'rol,.· takiq a lamp. fa e •_·a.. , ..... ._."! OC'CIIIelort Naue., do•u•aire io a ml,~ foUotrtd bJ &lie· whole

..,.,.,.....__~lfiC• el'~elaand partrtuep& LadJ ........,,wllo ,.... ... ..._ ,_:!.~· -,o· ,.~-..,._., •• t.ijno fOidl. • • to ·~~~~ lum if au1 oae apprMOtt• .-.uule eD• ~·4J\f:.rl~ ~U.·~J~.\ \lt~·"la\ob u1et ill oul1 ,100ured bf·al~

A~llab \he llopr .appuuUJ tau ao& befoo UlrJio namber. Th• 8m or \haee be nretcb• edoca&ecl w the oae of mOdiiD &oole. JFQl ftod• .__ &be eatraooe of the paaaae wbeN It opeu U&tlt tha& •Ill a$dbim, .. xoept a MIJ&)Iaw, a few opoa u-e ooort-JUd\ for b.-h .. de~rmllatd w oopper•..U1, 1 e&roag pair of. eblerl capable of ,~pue•no ft(b& at•tbe puter"JIM'-l. bo' 10 t.h oo&Wsr II•YToopi»erp&a&eal a lt,P bammer, aod hla ·oott~staed opou the little balcony OYtr·

'• few pteoee· ~wooa-or nr:Jowa--lilel but oat Jookhfa bOib the eoll'oce tP tbe ooort-yart.l aod larae ' eDoa,b &o be of ae"U. .. a barrioede. tbutep.l...H'ue up fro!J). lt to tbt·~eGoud ftoor 'fbert are alto a uumber of ~I• poooU., &Q t)le ibeJ oocupy._' workio1 of oopper, &he_ caae of wblob \be·A.'fat.ral· t the, begaus can eQcer tho room• upon iao oaooot JJDclentand. Af~r romm.,toi aboqt1 tb.e ground it th6y lilre. I havf' little r.-r of be pol Ia ooa a· ooor,le of ol4· faablooed aog." fire,' be thinb 1 • the houll! iJ all atoue · anu tbat ba•e •ppano& 1 betu need io odd jobe tf brick_, beaidea-- u be ' llii.Utea and whietlea •. oarpeo&e.,.' wort aboo& tbe bocaae, aod oarryioa r .. tbem with ,him. b,. ~turn• upttalrt, the ff)ea bu- little, ~edi ... ting upon tile Arab bo1'• evi· iol{ come 10 bJm tbat he will aecnre tbe email deuce--,.,! Mr.Niooovie anq Osman would bard· door to Ita fraape wi'b l~e wooden pio~. u be !y wieh tp burn up one thousand and one can find oo oaile akQoareaougb w wjUla&aod ADJ )Jundretl pu~ of gold, no ml\t.t.er wb"t they forcible attack. migh~ lih &q~b with ml!-' Then mqttl'lrs to

'fbeo maklD8"411 urnil.'auoo qf tbe door at aelf Q · 'I' tbe at~• eod qf Ul_, little •tair·••Y· bo ftoda it bi.n i I !Orge I a n I fact.or m m! tta ry altoge\her to dilapidated aod dbeayetl ror hta eogiueering-La.dy A.nntsdey'a beauty.' purpoe.; thooab &he QliO ~· 'lbe bead of tbe The Ur" atring or bells he bangs about a atairt ia et1tlrely suited &o bia pJlrpoee, beioK be· foot blab, )lQrwitting it enougb sag to gi•e out tween one aud qoe-haaf &a~d two iochee tbiclt of aoand ~riekly to any t.onoh. The aecon<t row atroog eeaaoned oak. He i.l prepariolf to aecare he platces in a similn manner across the atdr­thia doot ..-~en f14dy -\uperley, who hu beeo way leading up from tbA court. yard. TeAting watching blrn, 111• ouddeoly, lookin~e down tbe thllro aud tiucling them to work sM.illf&ctorily, uarrow atone piiUite, through wblcb tho atepe he tllkea the bearioa of these strings by other come np aLraigbt from tbe atreot : • What a plaoo "' for a mil"'Ukrue.' oLject. nea&t'er to his shoot ing et.and, so thttt.

· llaaoiftpeo& 1' return• Errol grimly. • How I he hu.a their raogtt pretty accurately in tb~ wiah J had a Gatling and hair a do%en men to t.lark. 'fhen ho giv88 a grim chuckle mutter· wor~ it. Wbat mad~tyou tbiok of amilraill.ttue, ing : • Th~ ecoundrels 'II hardly crawl o • er Lady Anoerley ?

1 th011e, dark aa it. is, witbont my hearing;' and • Why I read io \be newepapert tbat milrail- coming 10 Ltdy Anuerler says: • Now J t hiuk

ltusu were uaeful for defending narrow placea , d , 1. where meo could noL Afoid tbeir 6re.-Ob, Mr. 1 m rtl& 1 for them, uut it was hot work, tuen E rrol, wbaL i• tbe matter with you ?' siukipg d()wn on " d ivan, wipe11 ~he grea'

J.o' or the Auatralfau had jumped u if ,booked beaJ,. of f'llhauswd wil froru hiH foreh&~.d. by electricity aod utter,a a cry of juyoua exuha- All tbi11_,!Jaa taken boura, thon~h the youn~ tioo. • Lady Aooerloy. l ~opt your idea. Tbie miUl hM worked like -one }'068el'lled, the tire of door tb'all be my Gatling ¥RD !' invf'ntion in hia eye. In fttc t he b~&s made

\ViLh Uti1 be pull• out ooo of hi• Remington , them all .work t.hie night; running hi11 errttnda cutridget, and cowpa.rin~ it co.refully w1tp tbe . \ · l thiclttleee or tbe door, mutter~ to himaelf : and doin~e hi11 LIC t.hng liice sl11.vrs tthou t t tc 1 Ueorge. woo'& i\ aurpri•e the lfOouodrela! T hat' a fo1 ~e of VuiCI:\n , 6 \'e n t.elling Lttdy A une rley a rum idea !' and otbcsr ~prtuioue of delight a\ to• jump q :t ick I' W hich tb~tt 1 ... 1y hall Jone I be plan. very rttpidly, for, thun;.:h S"r"h h'llR ' hP.P. n uo-

lu fac~ be intenopereee llll thrQuj!'b bia work cu~Jtorneri to coJO IUIIU•I. Like mo:ft wotut>n, aho upon bia killiug mAchiuo rem11rk1 qf a airui lu ill de l ighted to oL<!y Llot! , i~ht man, tf he on ly jo•i11l oMure, 1nch 118, • 'fbie wilJ bo ~n oye oven- orderQ IJer aLont in tl•~ d!lht wny. I ndPco, cs r !' ' How ~iccoYiu will stare !' • Thill ,,ill make Oeroan jump/' , h ore'e tt rib crnclcetl f'>r all ~h11~ night whiles thP yo11n~ A ulll nt li~tn litt11

IUO Turlta !' etc. ete.. 1111 the tlule hu IYUV<lr Lf't:n rorging the W&tjiO U'I Llmt Hhttll UI\'C her workinK 118 tf il were for lois lifo. ' ' ft·N'()Otll, Ius hl\lj b .. eu forgin:;t t~1tur11 al11>11t rile

Firat IJu IUI.'&aur..s tl·e door, \Yhich I. or ""'" " "Hrt of th is gl •llt .Euc:lial.a lu.ly tlu•.t lllllktl

un.vi~tldi n~t 011k. a•rou~r t!DOUJ.!h to I told " ltoou illl{· hbr .,. 11l11 ve lorcvPr. ton c:trtridKe lirwl1 "'"J ,.,~·v.,u ~ IIi cuvf.l"' ~~~ .. 11 As Enol 11itK ti <>W il with a 1\i::-1• ho nwttr • s ; eXj.IR IIdthl( wh.,u llrutl. ~en hu tu~<kt'll thl!orl ull G 1 1' 1 · ' l!oq;u • KUt" cigl\1' if 1 Wt•re llf' LOu,' Ht'n rcll .\t~t lllll"h '~ too i·Rhot• ril l rh uy linol11n 1\ llllt'T

I b b I Ill tt tltA lltlltt llllllll t"lllt l:l IUHOlli!'O:.Ftf 10 tjn,l r 111 t l\8 ut a lttl 11 ~:ro:nt.:r lliaw~t"r thnu t ho .:n rlrhl~t:d. Ouu ur his winrlfl\lld frOtll NicC•I\' IU l'lnCI'<I in

Thi>~ heinJ: dnnt:, loe P:tl\ooiues hitt bel t ftn<l lu11 h .. utl, &llol JJ.,I f Anoutl•·y l<l>tll •liu;.: l·~lot•t pouch, fiodlnJ.: h., luu• " ""rty t ... u "'"'' ' '"' ' ruu11d• hllu wiLit R httlu l.onrui 11:,; coni. r~:.,'.t.r tiJ llc;ht ••llhc:t! .t•umunltw•• l.oe1<dt: SIX iu lh., III"J.:tUinc 01 It nt his Ltoh uKt . Ida l{ewiui{ IOut ; fur Ch~t rl .. y 1-:rrol ra~t.~r ex . 1 I lot'g Jlllll' panJun,' lw R>t}'S : • I meAnt ('C:CIIUJ: " row 111 AIPX.tlltlfll<, h:u l t l.rcwn "'¥".) lhf' h iut lot• )lurtlll, nut vuu. p ,LI',Ivll 111y all Ius p~o ··i!ion~ to c.rrv mnr., UMt• i• l ~: t:ll •

llu can ~ ··•tro tifry rtir loi.s iod "'"'" mnchtne. luz i •·e~ !' anti borl!e that uuoubur of bole:s tlHollgh lhc · 1 prufe•· to w .. it tJn you mysull,' :~ ho re <lour, WhiCh I" nloUUt ei~:t.t ro:rt f• IJ.:h. llnr ty ~U l'IIM , l oln t~ f.illl( l<l i~J.t ) ~· · loChl'll wi.tu, " uol t wu iuch~s. cluck t hro•t"lluu l. • And w ), \ ' i11 1 h>~ r I' UI\Vin~: 1\rt t: r thll ~o:ll81t:ru rllllhiOII Ill) p1t1:~1~ . ' Uufl't n!tk (J' lfllll ioull ! y f'l t1rf!- \' 011 't e I 00

'f.,.,.ic hoi••• 11 11 Uu\kc• io1 liv.: llnl'il ·•c rnliS the LircJ. Uh. hu w yuu Ita"" Lui leu fur 111y ~:~.d.ul y dour. ~llch·lontl tl'll iuclll'll rr .. m ' "" ull•cr aud · Llt i" hut hi:,:ht !' tho lowt•tor H ilL'" luu~ 1\UOYtl lltt: sill. Tb e: ro: 1\lll 1

\V hich is tru ... , to•· t tP IJP:ul<~ C\f l'"rSI•ir~&­cnu~o:qul.'u<ly rvn hl'lh.'8 111 t:I\Ch ruw, lhll hi!lht:et of all udull' al.uut four feet aud" llalf fruw th ~ tiuu are hllll npo:1 En'lll'~:~ fn1Phf'.Kl1 , hi~:~>•flhll floor. ~tchE', ami hi-. J•routh comes iu tl1e 11hort C::tl!JIS

The lo"""' ro"' h11 directs eo ra tn nkt> the of axh~tnlltiou. atai r.wtty ft buut 1\ roo t high for ic.. wholtt dtalal•on, H<ivin~ !luiJ thiR she gol's a little wo1y from judl{illll thill lVIII osuch auy one: ~r.)'lllll to re .. cu hi 111 , ttnd, si ttiu~ dowu hcr'l!el f. ~~~zc~ at tho thu door by crl\wlinJ<. ! o the oth t:r lion of youn~ mttn in ll J~~tLhutic a ud wistfu l n111uner, at.I)Ce r holoa he wives a ~euer~<lly incre111ius: 11.,. predlliou t ill the lui' row ,.-ill shoot eo 1\8 to llbout which is "Vtol·.v lnul sympto14 in wvu.cu of stri:.e the kneel of wen lt.andin.t at Jbtl bottom L.. ly Ann"'rl ~:~y'" tenl)•lll'>l tm•ut. of tl111 stepe. Theae orifice• lliRo cunver.:c at E•·rol lini11bes his ci~r 11nd, turn ing P.vt>ry­bUcb aa .au~lo 111 to wake a complete orou-llrt' thin!t ove r in hi~ mind, rt!mnrk~ : • N ow l'•n ••pon tllra httl11 narrow walled-hlllllir-wuy. thoBe good lo1· the frant on tr11nce 1 h t>('O, u nci l hu ,.,. ou thtt ricrh~ ahootioll to thtt left, ftod uit:l! w•··•a. atroitg f11ith in ~he m.itrqil/eud~ tloi ~og Jcudly All tbia ~rrol do~:a with o. good deal of laoor ror work 11t the u~tolc J oor. • tbe wooLJ ia tou~eb and tb11 aul(er old·fllllbi~ued T 1 aod ru~ty ; aud with a greR\ amount of Cftre, ror ' hen it i11 titue fo t· you to go to s uep,' he aqultlta through each hnle to 100 the .J rectiou llllJll L~tdy A nnerlt~y. i1 n~tll~. ~oighting a& a candle the Arab boJ holda • S le...p 1 Why there's no toll inc; ttt. whut dowu the atair-waJ. Tbia bf.io~t acoomp\i•bed. 1110•uent we moty lte 1\tt>tcked.' he P!UKI 010~ .of 1be bole~ witb a Reuuu,gton 1 For th"t titu,. you mn11t keep you1· s ~ren~Lh eartndge, drJYIDI( &bern home rrom tbe \oeid11 [ cannnt ti~ht, !.Jut 1 Olin "'"toh. L;.:t m e ... t with a piece of wood t ill tht copper rime of thtir lelillt dl.) 80111e ul that.' abe lle prevent their goio~e in aoy further ~uti bold them fi rruly in thllir place&. wbile tbe bql · To tbia Errol, kfter IIOffiO gr•tmloling , t\11

le t• project lliJZb~IJ upon the aide' of tho door SP.nt.s, lying retaJy fnr 11ctiou nt hrr cull. .Fnr faciog tllu stair-way. hotl.a of thurn1 not knot~~• in~ wh"t the l<~,cy pt

Lookiug oo tbi1 ioalrumeot, 1\nddtd u it ia i11.n. eommandur is doing in the d ty , tnutgino wh b fifty n.urderou1 knoba of cold lt!ad, Err.JI tb.,ir Jru1ger is now-n(,t to comu. lliYel a griru chuck le 11nd mott1r1: 1 They'll be . So Lllcly Annerlt'y 11ee'l the t'arly son l'ise cuned cll'fer and 11wfclly lnckJ if tbt-y dodrce ant! ~et hi,.h in tue he"vet\.'1 on t he r.ccoutl tbat,' aod proce~tda to io ., order. He fittda day' of the ~~~~lish tttl.t\ck u pon ~l l tt ci ty. per, each aboq• When .Errol upttns his eyes sho i11 11till Abdallab's woflc. wl\tcl,i1fl- H o look11 ut his \9tttoh 1\nd cries:. hnl.- abooc a qU4rkr of ao ' 'fwelve o'clock I \V hy didu't yon W~tlco 1110

•ucb diataocea apart tbatwbeo pi hufore 1 Now it is yo~r turn, Lldy Atmnr-door etc~ of .the•e oriHcea will exp011e the cen- I by, you must lie down. I'll look on~ for yon. tral fulm1oauog c;a1• of oou of tbe cartridszee- I'm a. new m•n now, Plt!IIIO go Lo your ft labonoua Job wbich be •t lenatb aeeorupli•hea bJ beatiuJt &he plattl witb tho aitl"of a bruier room l' aua bello•• &he Moor had eYidontly uled for tbe But llhe 1\ntcwertl : ' Not till vou te ll me 1111me purpo1e, Aad :b1o outtlog them u ho wlah01 wh" t the wo\·emeut in tllu httrbo.r me•us I' lly a d ie and eled~te·bawu~er.

Tbi• <being dooe1

he take• U!em •patalrt aod • A h I ~Lae Eugliau shipe au-., still there 1' futon• the plat~• tu Ule bfok or the door .. llrm~ ( y ftlt.' 1! aa be can with tne materl11le hu cau Hod. • Hcu·"h 1 Thfln J ex pect wo'ro 11ll rigitt,' ~rter tbia be olotu tbe door, lock• ooll •~curea ant\ be duhes into the lic.~ lc st11 ir"w11y, bnL, It

1? place ae •ell aa pouil.!le. an<J puta • br~~ce ~llio!ahe i11 tollowinc:, t urns 1111•1 HAsists her a~ra1ol\ tile lower plate, no& baying aoy uwber ~ tool( enough to reach the uvrer one. ll £l to the roof, and t he ~wo look out on tbfl

He tbeu dart11 dowuataire •gain and flafls t\ httrbor tog~ther. ~mall tbup pointed bamwcr, .. uch •• bruler~~ 'l l1e E\Yptiun forts ~r~ Ai lene anJ di11mantl .. ~to.met.iniH uae, and to be aure tbi11 will work , dd, their l>llNf~tB in ruintt, tlll\ir gnns O\•er· trtel' n upon a Cllrtridge, e~oriftciDJr one to '-e thrown, d eatroyod And d eeerrecl. Tho En ... aur~t '!Jtia be doea· in \lie · cellar for feu tbe 0

nolae w11l •ttnct aueotioo froor tbe outaide ~ud lifllh. fl~e~, on•tbe cootnary, ltrtl 1\pparl'nl.ly in ~u~ioiC ·it npludea oader bia IJio.,, brio~ tb., neotrly fill good couq i t ion 1\S wbon Lltey optm&d liam~Aer up w Lbe room abon and pl11oinsr it be. .tiro the day b&rore; thongh t.hey~l show llide tbe t.loor, aoDOllDI!U &bat tho ntitraiUl'lUe is tiC&l'8 £roru atl'iktng shot"' amJ onu b 1'S[e read,r for a~tlov ; aod the pride of tbe loYento; A""vin~ bolo in ber amoke·t~tllolc. 'ft.e •. are cou11ug to bam,almo~~ wilhes the Moalem bt!~tllllf •md-.Y steam, Q.nt• all far l&ll'llJ iu the outer would borrr up 10 y to te1t bll mechanical .,.m· Neu, tbtt back door beioac· defeode'd t.ythe wa- b>trlJor, wbioh eurpri~JeS E t·rol, •u• there is 11

chiao guo, he triee to thwlt of aowe U\l!•n• to tbg CJf 'meo 41ing.(rom tho Lighthouae Fort, caake tbe tire of bia rillt Uiat mu•• protec\ the &'ld a s mttll y .. oLc. with the EgJp~iao flag ia ~~~~ eucr&floe .or the ltouae more dea1111 ; 1eme alon~itftt the Bcitiah ahip that be.ra the. •II·

w ua of kouw1u1C \be ez~ot looallon c.f h~ tue. miral's pellnon. mlee bJ MQrlng lot-.lld of ~· Upon $;01oa [To Bl COI(TINUID.] do,•n so take a look M thle trool door, thu jlor- · linl of lbe a&rinp or belle •&.ba• adora Am1ned'sJ . . clouke,. oomu to Jlim frou..&bo l&able aud •lab A k10d No u. of~n more agiMable tban • il aolcJ.ta. · rough Yea. • •

Ue · '-tllr NIDOftl ·&!Me fro~ tho beuta : · · --:-- · · ...,._, .,. li&de .aelp btU._ ikulr .,u alrlpl of He \t the wllftlt man who kn.o'" bow to. ~'-' 111111 · •••-:.· .... lboA.t lye lttt lo~c.·aofil Ql8 tb.e ker• wh,io~ X.ife • \)G~· int.o h~ haocl.L


T & R. (llf lhl.ollJB)


GENERAL Assurauao UampuJ.


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Capital : .£!',000,000 Stg. 1nsurnnCC8 ofiectecl on almost all ki"ds or

property in N ewfou nJi'*nrlat lowet~t J)08HiLIA ntL011. J ! d UOUST U S C LIFT.

SOLICITOR, ST. JOBl'f'l, .t(g1mt /or N cw(CJimclland, E. B. THU~I P 'U.N,

S ub ".tlytmt {-or II arbor Grnr'.,


Medlcalllaii .. · ESTABLf~HED IN 18.35. .,_ __


Tl.tt >•' ·--~ri bor """ ogai•1 nudccl to hi,. luba 11ncl \lll'le•l :::>tock, " few of tit" ucwe~:~t Je,.di11. ,

P~ttoll t 1\l ct.l icillt'll w nd Snudrie~e, '"' foiiC\w11': ., ' A F ' Ureens ugust luwot, Wurnf't' 'll S11f~ Cure Limr F'rui t Juice. BtJl>C ii ec't~ Gerllt"n Syrul' Enu's Fruit St~lt, H ollowuy s l:tJnt C ut·e


Cant~ l 's Little Li\'e r Pills , 1

W 1 .. t>t •·':~ £luhmm of · \Vild C ho•·ry, W y,•tl. 'tt Litlniu ~IRit Ex lri\Ct, Huzeline )luther G n\\·es' \ Vorm Exl f' rto inntor Liehi~;'s E xtract of Mf'nt, DrMinu;;e :fubinBc Pt•~tr'd Soap, Pt:o\1'

111 Shu\' ill~ StickH.

Whitfl E1uuue l (ror tillinl( teeth,) But~zinc (for c loan11ing f'III'JIOSt;~:;,) Mattson's Fulllily Syringes, Lcu111n ~.vrup, l{ullpltorry Syrup, Dr. W ihmn ' :1 Jlo1·1Jino llitterA, John:~on's Anodyne Liniment, Tttn1nr lnuu~n ( lor ooat ivcneAA' , Eno's Mwl iCt~too Su;-r (tor ~orw11), Gutt rd'll H~ti r ,IY•'• Trico;.>beroua l'el\ber .-y T ootl1 PowJc,·, .. ! urruy's Fl ,tiJ l\t agn e11ia, B11Pf, Ir·o11 nml \Vinto, ~ or t iii'OlJ,-.; Lymun'll V ~~olAbln D iN:OYer1)· •

do tlo Quiuiue \Y iu~, Kello~g's A 11thmn Hemedy

clo C.t t urrb Suuff. D11tfy'!l Elix i•·. llov Hittt'r!l Dr. Wnlkor'.s Vino~ttr Ui t.tllrB Putmun's Cum Extmctol' Keutiu ~·~~ InKPct ·P owJer N• rtht·op & Lymnu'11 Emulsio1 Ayers :::htr~~t~p!! •·ilht. Put.ner'• l!:mulaio111

Jo Oherry l'eotor~&l Picrce'11 Golde n MediCill Discovery

l.!o Purgath•u Pellet.a do Nu'!llll 1njeotora

W ~ttel'proof Nursing Aprona do Sponge ~~s do B il,ll (foa· childl"ftn t.eobhing.r,

Fellows' Cotupound Syrup 1

Stcedm~tn'" 'l'eethiug P owders l{~uber Tui.Jing for Feeden A_v~r·a Hait' Vigor, Bay Rnm Allel\'11 R11i\' Rtstnrer, Cbild'• Truaaea Adult's Trt\IISe! , Minard'e Lininlent Cttivert'R C"rbotic · So~tp, Fuller'• &utb Dried Sa,·o,.y, Dt·iod ~age, I>ded TaJm&.' W ri!:h t'11 U nltlrlllented Wine .Curdock mood atners ' K .. rolur's Ood LiYel· Oil ancl MaiL hence ol t3prnco,· A llen'• Lung BAlaam J uJaon'11 Good Plliot, J udton'a Oolcl Ink Citrate of ~tagueeia, Cayoone T.ozengoes


H11ir and Clothes"BRUS HF.S. W Preecrptiona carefully compbuodcd and

tritb iJUre ctruga. ,


~~~ 5:u~or ~ ~raue ~ ~a;rb. - AKD-

CON(]EPTJON BAY ADVER1 JSER. I• priute•l and pnblithed eY6ry WIICioudar BDd ~tur~•Y n.tohllf, al tbe S&ao~ OJB.oe, W.a&ei Street., li~rbor Graoe; by 6117NI( & OJCa.

t)uBSCaiPriO!f (\.\~Ia -12 "r aaDa&D ; ll for hatf.ytoar; w fo~l1a aobtortbert lhw ra&ai . .-n, be •• ~·

ADV1tltTIJllfQ RA~ OIDfl per loob fOl't tlrt& io~ertloa; twen&J oentl per taoll far •eta

"OooUaoaUoo. ara~ ra•ers.r lbr .. ._ ....a u1oa~. The attlftbe1' ·or · INirtioM "'~ mGat be spoolfl.ed bJ ad.,.tiMr. , • Jo'l Worut of all ~lnda aeatlJtQOQttd at f1111t • aooable ~tu api b.l·• •daf•orz ~~ ·

'1 \



Insurance Notices. ~ Li4 :otwvw ,....,.,., 'I;PT ,..,.,~..._....,._.

. PH·<ENIX. Eir.e~ Ass~ ranee·~~. Compan~~-





TRUSTEES. DlREOTOR~ Jotepb \Vm. Huendalt~, Eaq. .Hriatow BoYill, E!«J· , 'fhe Ht~o. Jawea J\1:::g. .lobo Cluttoo, Eaq. UctMiua ~. Co.ope. Esq., M.P. Ueor~eo Arthur Fuller, ~~~sq. Cbarlt!a 1!:. Goodhart-. Eeq. M. Rhode Hawkins, ~q. J:)irJollo J.ubbock, Usrt. , M.P.\ F.R.S. Cbarle.o~ 'l'htnnu Lucu, Esq. Cbarlea Magnay, £s•t· rhe Hon. Edwin 0 . Portman. JJudley Rober' Smith, EPq 'Vm. Ja10e1 Tbompeon, £ Bq.

HON. DtREOT Olt JuliN J. ULOOl.tf'lhLD , Eaq.

\VILLIAM C. 1\IACOONALO,l FltANCIS n. lliCDONALO, ~ J oillt Stcrdanu

The enr..,eroent.a of thi!. Oflice are SUUI'8D•

teed by a curuerou• and wealthy Pa-oprit!tut·y ad<lition to lt lllrgo invt'St~d Co•pic.al ; llncl t.lle, JH'Oo:aplic.ude nnd liher.tlity wiLb which clctim, )utve aiJtllJ8 ueen WOt1 are W t!ll•kDOWU llUd eeknowledgcd. •

'fi.Jo~_tiOrt.ttnce o f t.he tt11nMctions ot the PHtENIX l!"IRE OFFICE

may be edtimated from tho fac t that since ita eat.abJiabroent-uow dve r Ost: } J U!\ORt:D Y t:Ar.s-· tho payment.a in 8.1tiafACtiOD of (.;JaiJa8 fur l.A.IM­.sa hav11 exccedetl Fucunes ~hLLIOSii Sn:ut.rxo.

lueuranot:a a~r~un Loas· by f~re ~tut.l J.ighlo· inlt AU elll!ctt-d by thu Co111 pany upou every dt .. criptiou of PrO!JOr ty, ou the u.oat favorablll t.enua.

W. & ( ! J:ENDELL, :-.t .1011!\':..

Jan17 .1 ql'. . ' ... s~~r{twuJ/npr/ -------------------GUARDIAN


Assurance Company UJ:i LO~DOX.


~unscRtDED C APIT.,L .. ... ... .£~,lJU0,000' atg. 'j uTAL lsv~t:ll Fusvs Ut'·

\VA Ill) u~· .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ~ ,7 ;,0.000 " ,d..N~UAI. l .'ICO.IIt: UI'WAitiJS O f :}.JU,U\10 ' '

The" Gt! AHDi r\ ~" l o l'il · ~ 1\ lir!Ct ciKI!S JO; .,f.!l'"h ln,ucr< IIC< ·c ump .. ny, ulh·n~ rtll Llw 11t· lt\JYttlll.>l~l'!' lll't>lt dt•IU Md t lC to 111.-<l.lltl i'S, \ ' IZ.

unolu uht..oJ llt.t.ltilitv, fu,· ort~hlc 'J',., t11 :1 "' ' ~! pr•Hnpt ll : t dt:on .. nc. Lu ..l .uu1 ,; fu r Ius~.

T lou n•u.ler~> 1gncd J. \\"1.1); h t<t!ll " l'l oe•in :• .. ~ A ..:cuh fo r· Nhwfouno~ luntl II' I"C'J'·•• uJ lu I!>·

IIUU l:'ui ic 1~ u~::~UUlll fl,. S l,y !o' ! tP.

J .·Ul.b:S ;::; ',V f :\ Tf.R ,

~ .. ·' """ ~. J vSEP II UI J!li>Jt::\ ,

" " ' ' · .-\ ~"" I H o. lin•~".

The Loodoo Ta6ld I&JI : ' A -oorreapoodeo~ of Notu and Queriu utno&a·from tbe Kol'lfilc1 Zti· ttmg what ia catlett a • cornu~ &ruaorip& of tbe aeot.eoce of · deatb.1. pronbnoced apioa' Jeeoa Cbria'' The foll4t'og is a o0p1 of &be mit me~orable jodiclal .. teooe 'frh1cb· bu e•er beeo pronouoced lu. the atmalll of the world oamely, that of death aploet the Suioor; witb~ Lbe re· mariti u .. at the jour~·· lA .Droil hu colleoktd; the knowled.:e of wbtoh moat be ioterettiog io c.be ll4theac de(Cree to every obril\iao. Until now we are uo& aware tbat it. baa t!Yer been made pub· lie io &be Hermao papera. The aent.enee Ia word for word 111 follow a : • Sentence pronouooert by Pootlae Pilate, loteocfan\ ol c.he prorioce of Lower Galilee tbM Jesua or Nuaretb aball suffer death by the croaa. l n tbe aenntetotb year of the rcilfo of the Empet'or• Tiberua aotl oo tbe 26th of tbe moot~ of March, io the tnoa& bolr city of Jeruaalem, during the J>ootiflcate of Aoou aod Caiapbaa, l 'ootiua Pilate, Inteoda~•of the p:-o•ioce of Lower Gali· leo, sitting: in jucl~emeot in tbe presidential eea&. or the P11etora, seuteocoa Jeans Cb"ia' of Naz.or· etb to deatiJ on a croee betweeu two robbere, a.a the oumerone and notorious teatimouiaht of tbe people proYe: 1. Jeaoe is a mislea~er. :t He haa ucit.lld the people to aeditioo. S. lJe is an eueruy to the Ia we. " · He calls himaelf the Son of God. 5. Ae calla bia.eelf falsely the King of lerael. 6. He went into the temple followed by ~ · multitude corryiull palms io their-. hanrla. Orden : Tho first centurion, Qnintu11 (.;oroeliua, to Lring him to tbo place of ex~cution,forbids all peraooa rich or poor. to pre\'eot the execution of Jeaua. 'lhtt wit oeeeea wbo have sillned tbe ex­eoatioo -&lllliost Jeans are :-1. Uaniel Robani, Phari.ee; 2. John Z2.t;0bsbel : :J. Raphael Ro~ bam; 4. (.;epet Jeaua t-o be talteo out of Jeru­salem through the i"te of Tornea. The aeoteooe is enllrued oo B plal.o of btl\dl io &b e Uebrew lan~rua~e •• ocl oa u.s ~idu are Lhe fo llowiug 'WOo de :-• A ei ru 1lar plate bas been aen' to each tribe.' Jt wu d1scovc:red io tbe year 1280 tn the city of A quill ( Acquilla ?) iu the kin1<dom of Naples, by a seArch matle for tne diacoYery of ltoman autiquities, aucJ reruaioed there until it was fouud by the comlllilllltiea of ar' in the Fn:ucb army of h aly. Up to th~t tim~t of tb~t n•mpAi~o in Soutberu Italy it wu preservlld in the eacristy or the f)artbuai:IDII, near Naplee, where it W!UI kept iu a Llox of l!booy. Since tbeo tbe ~lie bu beeo ki!Jlt iu tho chapel or Case ria. The (.;anhul!illo8 ob1aiueJ by their petitions tha~ the pl111e mi~ht be kept by them, which wu au •ckuowiJIIt'lllen t of t l.e sacriticea \Yhich they nuvie for the French 1\rmy. Tile F rench traosla· t ion was med~t literally by membere of tbe COW· millolion or rtr1.4 .. lJuuoo lllld a facJtimilo of tue pl11te OD:!ruerl, whkh wu booth& by Lord II o.-nrt.l o n th11 nle ol bi11 cabiuet for 2,ts!l0f. Thf're Bcernll to be no historical doubt 11t1 to thll llolthentioi ly or tloill. The rehOIIII of the sentence correavoud exHctly wi1h &l1011e of the K08Vele.'

- TIIF. Burnsu N .wY.-f..audml. nu. 6.- :\lr. Arllour lt~eymor 11 l lleatlo. (.;nuservative mcm~r ut dow lt ou8tt of t:~>muoons for tbe tiouth divi11ioo of l.ioculusldrt:, in a 81Jil~ch, ycaterrlny. I!Aill he loehev,•ll tlo c: I :nvcroonJeu~ ut th" ne.x~ lf'IIBiou of PllrtiHment wouiJ Mk for a loau ur i 10 uou . UUU to st reu~tlocu the un•y ' '

- • I! ASSAk O.' - L totu/nu , Dtc 5.-~lr lllrTfAArd, fnr man)' yMra I he .. rt:coHI reporl ~?r nud (lublialoer , r · IJ.•nsard 't p••rli~rneu turv Hcbl\lti!' will ceA1!8

ou ncL iR lhl\t Cl•IJaOi ty 0 11 J •wuary lat. Frpm 1he uoouopoly lti8 h ullil>! lrns o::ujoyc:d he baa "'"""SI'cf nn llll ll lt"fl8 t.l (urt uut'. Mr. illlneard "111 b11 succccdcu Loy tlo~ litm of Ahcru, <..:uruce & Co.

-1• fe rumored Ia Berlia that tbe Oonrnmeat willuk.lbe BeiCbaa for .O.UOO.OOO~r 60,000.· 000 awu t.o equip ft~tltl ardJlerJ.

..!.tt Ia reponed Ia Gelten &baa nrr ialporL. aot.fortl8oadona are beler.....aed Ia :sa.o,, out ­tide Of lbe Dltltralised IOD. OD alt.t J'ruoo-ltal• lao frootler. ' ·

• -- l\ -Speaking of the amall wara, · wbiob Great

Brit&fo baa beeo narryior on lo Afrloa,aod Aria, Lord Saliabory re ferred to them aa merely • the aurf 'ba' awka the adYaooioa wne of· oi•ilia­tioo.' '!'be aame may be said or Ge'rmaoy'a wara oo 'be ... , aud w"t cioaa' of Afrioa and Samoa, bn• c.boy are deplorable all the eame. ~oslaod'a Black Mouot.aln cam palau; uodeuakeo to puoiab waot.on mordera by tbr•lawiOM bill tribe&, aod lbe Tbibetao war, wa~ed in ordor C.O olear Britlab territory of inndora. are defen.ible, bo' moe• of ,Grea~ Hritain'a smaU wara. like thoee ln Zululaod aud A(ghaoiat&D, are wan or aggreaaioo.

-A GRIAT C USTOKS S£1ZUR£.-San Francilco, J:Jic. 8.-Colleotor J. Sbager baa eei&lld tho ateamor lVutJMal and her car10 of eopr which arrived hero from .Java laat Moodar conargoed to tho Amerioao •agar refinery · of thi1 city. l>uty amouodog to 8150,000 waa paid oo tbe cnr!(o which ia nlued at 1400 000. ' The reaaoo for tbo souure is elated to be that the quality ol &he sugar baa been underestimated' and that the Go.,.eromen' b.. been defraoded on~ of about 1100.000 duty oo ooe carpo. A warebouae of lbe company where eome of t he aogu baa been stored 'frM a lao aeized and witb the at.eamer and careo placed iu charge ot the Cuat.oma Officer uod11r aeal.

-ITALIAN FOR!IGN PoLrcr.-Ro111e, Dtc. 6.­lo the Seo!\te to-tlay Gooeral Corti uked what tbe.J~teolious of tbe Government were rtjl&rd·

· ing ~&.IIIOwab and for iofo1 matioo u to the re· latioha between Haly and France. Si!cnor Cri11pi, the Pri01e Mtnilter, io reply aaid that the exped~ t ioo to tbe Red 8ea "&I nndertat.en when be waa uot io power. Still be did oot tbinlt the Governmeut would abandon Massowah. Should it do so the place 'frould bo immediately occuvied by another power. Italy deaired solely to eur· ci~t~ a civilizing mission, and diu no'· aspire- to conquest. In regard to the relationr ~etweeu Fraucu and Italy, Sii.!O•.If Crispi aaid : Ollr rei&· tione with l•'rauce. which lately were not' eu· tirely aatiafactory. are now not only good bnt cordial anti frieodl7. ~othiOJ.: justifies tbct 1111p· po11iliou that a •ar with Francu it prooable or ntlar. NeYtlrthelesa, in vie"' of the situ"tiou thruugllout ~:.urope. Italy cann(Jt dream or llil ·

arminll. Ou I he contrl\ry, owinl( to her apecial J.l'lllltion rtnd h~r en11alltweut•, aloo must labor to ilerlt ct bee arwameuta.

-Ttl£ LAND Ot' THt: A LLt0£0 FnEE.-Cit~cill· uati. Dcctm~r 4.-l'lo~t excitement abou~ WhiLe (.;"II' in SouthtlrU Uhio cont•uuu am! ill ktpt Ar.tive by nurueroue Alld Startlio~: ruonors The rrtclll are. howeve r, th.at ouly t.wo "orsuoa ha•~t bc:e n whi(lpecl11o far, the Iaiit • ictim beio~ot Ad•m Berkue, or Sardinia. Hut notices wtittt~u iu red ioo k aoo bearin!C fristbtful dnicce ~re plentiful J u.tt uow 11 crouh!.,aome ataUI of atfain ex rete io l;lormont county ~:r\'•insc ou~ of 11u e ffurt to dri•u col.,recJ ch•lt1~u Dill or tho I'Chools. Some chilcircu were forcibly .-jectooul Rud thuir parents wau~ befo1e the gr11od j rtry 11nJ tr~•e teetimooy 1n thu ruattur. :jincc theu the houses of thi!Stl colorl!tl people luwe been &Mailed aftf'r ni~otht with atooe11. ""d .windn"s and doors brokeu dowu I u IJUIIle p111Ct'8 colort-d cu ildrt'n lire jlllardlld to and fro on scbo.>l Rnd ao uu" holeaouto Ceoliug peru•led the ueic:h borhoou.

Queen Insurance Company. -Ft.r the lirst ti111c eince it •rnt completed,

GAP[TAL-£2,UOO:OO(.) S tcdin!!. t•ve~'.'Y ·••iuu y.,~~ra llll"· " t rlli u has run :-If the • , trnc,; 10 the Mu~o 1ren l l.mohotl "I hioJ spe11ks

-OIIOt:ll£"0 vl!ull TIIK HousF:.-Lo•ltlon; Dtc. l.-Io the llouse of (.;umtDoos to -day ,tbe apeAker ordererl C uuiuKbl\m Gr11ham (11dnoct>d libernl) member fo r tho north weal di• ieioo of Lanark­shire, to withdraw from the house btlcauae he bad accuecd Mr. Smith (govcroooeot learler) of col.l · uivin~ 1\t a rlifhouo11rable t rick and bad refused tn retr~~ct ChJ aocuaa1 iou. All G raham Wll8 lea•· ing tbe hoo11e a roemller sboute1i · Bruo,urabsm!' lu an iuterv1ew Gr•ham explained tbat the trou . ble arose ou t of an action or Urooko Robiueoo, conaenatiYe member for Dudley, in putting a 1notiou uo the pllpl'r to pre\'eot dtecuuioo upoo th11 chain makers' ~erleYAouta. Mr. Graham brtd cbaracteruuc.J tbis as a diebooorable crick and ex· preA&ed ~be belief chat &hl!llOveromeot bad ioati · gated Mr. Robinson to perforiU it. lle bad re­fused to withdraw tLat stateme· t and hence bia die1oiaaal. GrabaU! aaya he will no& apologiae oo matttr wllat the reault may be.

------ vn luln P8 for tlte O~trtt o( the liraur) l"runk, !{Hit-Q UEEN l NSU lL\ Nt:t<: DUILf 1NG w.•y uflio:iiiiM rtoorl employllt-S. It lul&lllwnye bten

Ll V Jt;ltPI)O L, ren rl'ol thllt wbet.l 1\D ,\ccillent tliol occur it coultl - As o- uot bu t be a very stt'ious 01111. 1n tbis first

Q U F:RN 1 NS U I! .\ !'JC Jo: J: l ' I LDI ~ (; ::>, 1 CJl.'-•· . howuver, the freitlht train only punched a tiU G H..\ t; 1-:t ' II U HC 11 ::;T HEE r, ~~ ~~~11 holt1 throu~:h n pinto or the bridf.fe-an

LO~ DUN. wchc:at•on: lrowe~llr. or wh~&t would bappeu were a ewtlt gotu" tram to ruil off.

TWE~TY-N I NTII A:-IN UAL ltEPOirf, J.'he Revor~s unJ Account!C lt-r\ t ho yeAr

1886. proRen ted t.o t.he Sh.u·e holtloh. tt t the Annual ~{eAting, on T.ursJay 5th 1luy, 1887, sho wed in th11

F{RR Dl'!.A~C if, That. the P1·emi;l;'; ,s for 1 · ~G. ~t.ftcr •led uc ·

tiu~ H.e·inRurance~~ I~Oilllll'tl Lv £:601 ,649. and ~he L os sew t o £JS~,·l !).1 ; or 58.7 !I !•Or cont. 1

IN T HE LIFK Bl1A~CH That New PolicieH, J~,j heen iRsue(l for

£ 2:its,!l90, yielding in pt~ium £9,915. und th~tt t.he t.OL!\l o~ruium)u6me waR £82,r ~74. Tt>a~ the p~ynlilTrrit.o pohc.v· h olders •ere U3,741 , ~tnu tbat tho Life !uud was Jf1CTeued by .£40,003.

The &lance At CrrJi~ oi Profit and LoRe, ,1fter adding £23,000 to the Fire Fund, wa11 abo"n t.o •m.onn' to.£ 13.,196 i O~t 4u, ,and WIB J~~d o£ lla follows :-£27.o06 tS 0 For Dividend and Bonos

16,701 17 0 Added t.o B.e rve FW\d, 8.\ld 90,489 8 4 Oarrled forw ard.

Tt!Ji~. Fl ' ~ l>'i Were ahown t.hore fte1· Lo t IUII oK follows :-Cap'~"l I• aid op ... ... .. : .. . . • f 1 fiU , ll:~!) Reeenea ••• ... . .. ... . . . •. . . . ... 4 ·11J,·lSf, l.lfe Aooumull\t ion F 1u t ... ... . 5 61,01 6 Anoni~y Ynnd ~ .. ....,. ... :!·i 202 1'0.l'A.L FUNlJS IN IIMW . . .. ii.:Wii.Ou~

' JQH.N G\) MAUK, ~Jit:ral . I ~Jrrlt for 11/jld

Sua-A«JtNT. A. T. D RYSDA LF..

-A D £\ ' IL's DEED. -Nt:w Yurt. Dec. G.-A desra1ch from lh'tllnA. S4ys: O u l'ueed•y " I!Ul l\11 IKid handsome .-ritinll (leek was le ft A' the resil!euce of Dou l>omin~:o Olh•"- crilllinal j ulille for tbe dietrlct of La CalhecJra.. \Vbeo Mra. Oliva opened the desk au elt}JIOsion airnilar to the roar or ... C8111101l took place, IIUd Mr8, Oliva found beraelf ha1h11d in blood. The deak coo. tainPd au infernal machiue, inreocllld, withont rloubt., to munler Oliu. Tllere ia aowe ilope of bur recovery.

Eoormoua Demand for Eggs. Ao egg mercbaot, wbo goee from bouse to bonae

buyinll egaa, told as a fe" days aioce. tba' be expected to to 50 ceota a dozen for eJllll bofore '

'l'bia it ~tba~ tbe - - - - PJ)Oltry iu year 1UllOIIM·

- l'n•:PAnt-: von Til& Woii!IT -London, Dtc 6. · ed to.nead) c dollan; and - T te l ."n/ng,e G'Clullt in an article oo tbe arm· eten. tb!)o,•we aeflr.a l.wlllioo dol -am~t .. u of ltu&ai• IAJII : Huuia ie not meditating lara wortu of foreiao ~ga. Our own egg-railers ao immettiate breach of U.u peace, but •• £tadu - Olf(lbC.lO bave tbia lD"I)DIJ,· J'be !leUl&od for fre•h all~· ruobiliziug aud makioll coloual pr~p11:ations elll(l for food alooe far ex.oeeda tbe aupply. At for the c.>nft•ct wbicu ia poaaible a' any mom1111 , tHtJ cenld per doun •all• are u cheap u bed· through t.lut!lopmeo'- io Uulpria and whicb 11he etealt for food: Maoy peraoua wbo keep heoa cooaidera · iotYitabla. h behoYea Gerruany. will probably not bne au e~t!f to 11011 wheo they &herefore, the paper ountioaee, lobe wi1e in her reach 8hy oente. &me ooe may aak,'"what can ueoeratioo whilo trunmg to t he approYed wiadom a body do when tbe peaky oltllleoa stop lnyinll,' aud 1 e10nrces of her great Cllaoc~tllor. ani! tbe pulle ts refute to begin till aprioll ?"

--- Why! do M \\'10. H. Ye~roaus of Columbia. . - ' Tftcky ' is a new .word wbicq bu j'"' found Gouu .• Editor of tbe Germantown T elej(rapll ,did 111 wrty 111to tho Amer~can language. h a orixin lu~ wiutor. He aaya: " Lu' fall I marle a ex­ia obPcure, anti the eaoru of several Eut.eru periu.eot worth giyioac oar readers Until abou~ papers that ban J evoted t.bemulne to tbe etJo. JJec. ht,l waageuioR from twe nLy rommoo bt~oa, j.:r.L hl\'0 thus far fa iletl 4ll reyeal it. Ita 1aeau· only ooe Ot' two ejl'(l a oay. ·J. dt!oit.leel to try 1n2, boweyer, is well tie8ned. • Tacky' means .Sherirll\n o Condition Po,der. 1 coufeaal bad any pereou (Jr au.Ytbiut 10 blld forw. P11raoo11 bu~ li ttle f111tb in ita valu~ to utake bt~na lay. thAt arc a rlul ., • off' iu tbe aooi•laoale are • taoiiJ.' cou1n• ucod rl!eolio~:. aud for o ioe daya aaw nry Tho word, io Jacl, aeema to be an equiulent fnr I little df••ct Thou the bona beflan laying and itt • d1uy' .lr • to ide,' And is ao iotereeuull aud u~te· tbl't'll • ootba lHid j158 eejla. · PAr~ of tho time the ful 1ae01ber of the llia!fU"Jfe which promi'!ea to thermomeler 1\'1\" 12° below aero, and my bona exolod\) tlloae hAckcwed term• 1'bu· .Ku~liab were laylnloC uouu ClfflS a day, while my oeiRh· 14Dgllajt ia AnO,UIIJy ;(rOWIDg richer. I)Ofl (who diU DOt Uh tbe po•der) wore ,ettiug

--- non... l oo,, withuu~ heahatioo, beline iLia a - The auryeylo~r t~bip Egtria. of the Britilb Ya1uable aid to Carmera for elflf pro4uctioo.

nny,whiob bas ~eo aouodior abou& tlie F riend- Well oiaM•bt Wllne. for aearly 741 doao eas, ly 11latlda. bu fonod c...,.._,r.-~ deptba ooo of In tbre'e moQtba. from tweo&1 commoo beoa, t :l96-faLhomll•o•l rb£ e ther (4;!1) fatboru~boat whh .eaaa wortb 60 out-.. Ia wortb bulng. flu rnii .. L They ne 10 taL :.l-1° ~ .• Joog. 1160 I . 1:1. Jobuaoo & Co., 22 ' C~tom Houle 8&., \V- 'J11... aN IDOe tb&o athou8&Dd fathoma· BoetoD, Maee .. {&be ool1 make,. of Sbtrldau'e

$l re•1er than ••1 otber dotlths koowo lo Co'l.dieloll' Powlttr &o m•lte beol laJ). Will 1 ~be eoutbt.ru he".'wpbero, aod are oaly ew:oeeded eeod, poetpald to aor penoo ; ••o t.~~FeU&J. · m tbrt'tt llllilhl 1n tbo w?rl.. l'ltere are ~ ll•e cent ,.ella of powder, ud a aew l'ool&rJ

foth••m"· ''" lt:'..- northt••• t:"out or Japao ; tonne Ralaio~r Guide, for eo otala. Tbe book alooe by t o ' Vnu .. ,J S• tea tbjp. 'I'Nc.wi'Onl; 4-176 CIOIIU ll6 oo&a. For 11.00 lift'**' d powder r,.u n , .. ~n u It u' d u• l •dron• i~ar..t., diMOYer· II aad " book; for 11.10 a &arwr- fl poaod aae ud d hJ 11 . M .• , C ltnU,•grr. aod ~I faaholllll, book; llx .... for 16.00, exprear-pn(Nld. tJeDd

.i (JU 'II f. l l'urtu H l4llll , d iiiCOYered bJ the U ralted ac .. p. or..... la&-&a.r~ ~Diall HDt ' ~~Ill t i l~ lSI~· fcft,


For Sale (\VboleaAie and t\etail) at TBOlolPION'a Medical Ball, Harbor Grace . . Golder's :Patent Victoria Anchor ~d Oil Buoy.

Owners of Banking Schooners :fb~~~ei.s of great adwzntage. b' aendioe omuber



9tb-'l'bis Anchor up t() five hundred weigh\ cau be t/wroughlg rtpairt.d by any ordinar1 b/4.cl:.. 1mitla, wuereaa the oommoo aoohor ia totally ue­ltu wheo once broken.

l Oth· - Tbe Stock of tho "VICTORIA AN· AND

HOLD .• YOUR . GROUND C HOR" is leu than one· half 111 loo~r u tbe 1toat of tbe common aucbor, aud if needed In a lutrry

RY USINO cao be t.hrowo o•er u:ithout llorlc, and it. will bo

GOLDER'S VICTORIA PATENT ~~u:~it;~:::r~~-:,~~:i,/~0 anchor of the dar u

I N .B.-The VIOTUIUA ANCHOR ia the oolJ AN"C~C>R... nnchor of the dayfo for gentltmtra'I!JacliU whero

-- -- hnldin9 potcer co.obioed with lighlnu1 aotl n1al11ua

For Why ? ia tile dema11d

ht- The • VlCTUlUA A~CHOR" is not b8-

pecially ad11ptod for aoy psrticular, but t.utry cla.u uf Vt!ee\!111, from tbc firt.at J:}utern to tho l>ory.

2nd-It 11Uperaede1 all o~hora, u i' has more hnldiug pu1Dtr than aoy olber tweuty per cent. heavie r.

:lrd-lt cannot be foukJ by cablca over it or 11et pt by its owu.

4th- It d ow• in one-fourth the room on deck Cit rail, ooly projecting abou ' a f oul frow t ile vessel's •ide wbeo stowed.

6th-It. caa be let go Stock and Flul:e from t ho rnil by meaua of a T otoblcr. No cock-billillq, bill.board8 or iron oo buw oeccssBry . G&h~Jt cannot poaaibly fo•ll tho fore-foot or

prick tbe bow wbiii'L beln~t secured. 7 th- It is easier to cat aodfoh and stow tLao

aoy•otber anchor . 8 th- The F luko cao be taken out and rtplact.d

io "few miuutl!a. ::)pare Flukes cao be anpplied.

Tha subscriber be~ to ioform ac'Jwcnu aod yacltt OU'ners, &bat b~ving wade arran~tements willa the 1 erra N o.:a I ron Fowndrg , S t. J olvt'1 Etvt, for the manufacture of Ilia Anchor (where i' C&ll be aceo and information obtained) ia oow ready ~ recoive ordera which may be forwarded to

JOHN MUNN & Oo., llarb'or Grace, N ewfoundland.

Furtber information can be obtained on appli· cation to

F. W. GOLDER, Invenror, Late offictr of A . A.. T. Co. S . S . Minitl,

and recipient of the Gold Mt.dal CUJii Diploma f ur modtls at the .Firhui~ J..xhibition, ~c , 1888.

Addrtu-F. ,V. GOLDEB, P . 0. llox No.6,

Harbor Gra~e, Nftd n ec24

Just.Received !/ ~TE_WARTMUNfUCo., Sh1ppmg and Commission

AGRICULTURAL·IMPLEMENTS 22 st. J!:r:!:~~~treal. Buckeye Mo'ring Machines, ~

Horse-Rftk.es, Seed Sowers, ) Ploughs of every desoription

Iron il.nd Steel Harrows, &c., &c.

Ali of the )a teet imp1'0•ed m•nurauturo from

ftc RiiBan l'lnl4rJ ~ AlriCnltni'al forb, SM!'fll'~ ·~ O.N'f. -

JOHN· BOGAl{. ll&.eDt, Wellw. &., H~ Qra.Cf •

Solo· .Apn~ for J!lle~foUQdla.nd

Special attMLion ghen to t.be ta!e of Fi.h and Fi.ah Oi la.

Aloo, to the 'buying and shipping of F:ow and Pro•l.aioM and (.'eneral ProduOf'. WC•llle Addrea-~uoo, Montreal .•



f~qt ~ra~ ltu•~b ~. "~w fl8ll , QUE8t1Qx Aaijl. ~I? week we brieft1 drew &be at~n,ion of -AND"·

CO.VCEPT/O.V BAY .4.DVERTISBR. onr ~era to lbe un.-&it~factory manater iq .............. ,,........,.........,..,,,_.__ ............ .............-............. which, i' ia ~rted tu' the pren, \he ou'w·

\VJ.;O~ESl>A Y. o~ .... ~MI:IER 19. 1888. to~•! J?gulationa am enforced •t BaJifax ancl .......,_ ....... ........,.__................................. other pl•Qea in re;ard to tb.- adrpi!&aiop and

amP·BTm nnnt-A flftllfG OOJUST~I ·~qfbipment of II Freon~ ~h" in bond' u~ _. _ • · · I 1Jh!oh f!ab, it aeema, ia ~rougbt. in from St,

As ia well known, •hi)_>-builrliog ia an •vo- ~-rre free of duty, and lcent in anoh a D!ao7 c:aLUon eapep~l!y ~~lluted t.e ·Newfoun~lf!P.d- ner wa~ there ia no poaaib1Jity of iJentifying era; it ia one, 80 1.o apeak, r•oy of tl}e aoil. it, 110 u to a~rtain whether or not h is t~x~ 'l'h•' it Aboqld therefore lJe l"t-gelf llVailed of pot·t.ed again u a C•nadian p~uc;~ or whe· by o11r people, who ~tppear to ~av' 'a natural tber it ia aold in the cqpotry, (to the ll\rg~ aptitude lor the worlc1 ia' mauer of no sur- detriment P.r the local fiahing intere:it)­pri.aft. we are pi~ to. observe from tho .. C.nadilln fiatl tnight be ex~rte.l iu i~ Twillingat.e .S,aua that both tchip bui!t!ing and "pl•c~ q~der ~n ~-" 'f~e Italian Qov­lumberiug •ill during ~be •J•proaol~ing 1011800 em '!lent, ali•e to the ueoeaaaty of pro~ting be conducted on an e"teOSi\"tt ICII.Io in \'ariona the lt&lian fishing ind.uaLry, has impOSfld a l)&rtl or Notre Dame Bay; that qu~te anum· apecial --duty of half ~L dollar per quintal ber ol per80ol tllere have taken •t' t.heir win· against thia "French. fiah" from St. Pierre. ter·quarttra n~r the Aqeqe of tlleir ful~ op- The rather aerioua cbargfl ill, we observe, erationa in the above line at. th-t place~ We ag.'in publicly riade tb~tt 1nndry ('fish m~-­learn turther tlwt ~Wme llt least of the vessel• chiLD\& in Cana~ por are in the habit of aoon to be conatrncted there are to tllko the impott.ing • French fi • in bond aud then, })lace or those which have been aolt.l tQ ner.. tMking it completely under their own control, eona fn other parts of the country-; while abip it to the It.lhm market tta Cln<tdirtn !isla, mont a~ to be built by th011e of t~e plaqt.cra while auffici~nt C11f\lldian fiab ia exported aa "!"ho ~"~"quire schooners for the pqqtoae of lbe '~rencb tiab' to tho Weat Indi• 'l}lldcets to tiabery hlrger tb1.11 thuee they la~ly posseased, de.:ei"e ttllacustoq:~s authoritiee." '£be Hali· which, it ~:flS. they sold, Ve~mela .ue now fux ..Ueralabo)dly IUISert.a thl\t "an allegea wantnd \! qf gre•tea· carrying capaci!J and inRtan~e of this occurred a e)IOrt time Ago. better "~aRted to go farther away iu search of Hon. A. G, Jone11, ¥.P.," it &Aye, "iA one of the fi•h 'flt~n it. does not come n~rer to their the hugese im1!9!t.era of 1 French 6eb' in this howes.'1 Qr Jllte yMrs, addR our contempor · province. 'Ve undPa-atand," uddA our "con­ary, "the fiah have not appeared to lulve h"en temporary, "thAt. on Aug. ~4, 1888, 1\!r. JIO •bundant around our shores WI formerly, J:one11 ~hipped 2.1J7quintahHiry cod to GenOA 11nd little could be done by those whu remain- by the Ndiio Jf. J oluuon, which tua lt11lilln ed 11t howe; therefore when a man has three G ov&rnment subsequently refused to lldmit tL'i

or four aon11, young 111e n, it ia in1liepensable Cansdian lh1h, cpnter~ding t!~t\t it WtiR in t.hRt they should have tl craft to lollow up the reality 'FrPncb fish'• .,.hich haul been shipped tiab if tbey llre to ~rna living at all by the from :3t. Piet"l'O tlnd ro ehippe1l frofil ll ttlifax ~sheriea. For this reason all who Clan poRsi- to Genoa. A snit is now pendin::: in tho oly see their way cl~tu, with the llSSis~nco l~lian co•arta. If the fish was re~tlly their merchants give them, aim to eeoure a ' French tish' which hKq been ehippt>d by Cl'l\ft. in ordea· to prosecute the fishery, 1101'1 Mr. J<>nea Kl C11.nadian, he would have thus wituin tbe pR.(It few yt~ ... rs a lArgo nnm . dishonestly t11.ken two shillings and 11. hulf b;}ha\'e ueen added to our muiM list.. J.:1st per quintl.l, or .£267 at~. from tho lt.ali~tn year eight or Leo YE'Iblels were built in our Bay, OoYernwent. We trnet tlu\t ¥··· J onetl wsll Lu~ nearly all of lbem \\'m·e inteodo<l liS be abltl. to oiP.ar himself from tho •mp161l.'lll.n:. B"nkent, ttnc.l in their conats·oction du .. regard cbargo which the ltulittn (;ovornmont lsa~> waa pstid to uaving them suittlble in every re· brought a~ainst him ; but tls i11 wu hoi_Jiy >UI speet to e ngllge in tho pros~cution of this &er t th~tt . 11ndt:f the l'resent udminist•·lltiun of 1•.s.z!-rdons enterprise; und wo vAnture t o n'l the cu~toms r~gulut1ons there is no ubo~t>td•~ een thut t.lle clu!ls of \"eMels built in our Brty in the NUJ of 1\f'] JishoneMt n\iddl t~nsnu do for this fisb11ry is eq nal to any that clln be im . fnuuling our oov'l o:- the ltHiit,n C\)<~toms, in porteJ lroru uny ohbc neighborsnl{ provinces. the mtt.uner alleged. Unle.-<'l th~ D••usi o1ion '£here is no '11lop work' flii L in thom, ar.d dur- Go,·e:mruent pro \"ido thut tbiw • French lis ,,' ing tue ir coqstntction ~hey are duily arxl uhKIJ be imporwJ in pttckR~e!' th.tt ll~111it of hourly O\·erloqked lly Lhose who ure perfectly iden ti fica tion. •nd nnl.sll3 they a88mne cuntrol comptstent to gi ,.e their lltteotion to tho work. of the • F•·ench 611h' when in thA Cll!ftlllllll No doul>t the encosu·agorner.t to Khip. lJuiltliog warehouse, so as to pro•·Ant f•·uud; "t lu' !tnli11u lleiJ ouL by tho Uonuumeut. ofiHIO veo~rslsu11 Govorn111enL mlly be compt!lled in Rell -•lcfc•ucu done wuch to atimulate this indu!!try. Aftor to place the same lli~h dna.y .. u Cr~natlian litiic, llll, the bounty of four o•· 11ix: dollnrs pM ton whicll they now pl~tce on tho bounty oheat~­is only equiv-.lent to the dr11wback paitl un tlte euf'ld 61h of St. Pie rre." IUill.enal used in their cons I ruction ; and C•'n. The H erald is correct when it !lll VII that " in ssJerin:; thu isn10ens~: liflnt~fi t. 11111' is conferred justice to 0111' li!ihermAn • 'i'lr·Pnch ii<~h' isnpo•·· ulike oq shttc anti people, the expenqit.u re ~ti~n.s 11honl~ l.>e 110 l"egulllterl tlutt thoro 11h" II Uloult: in thill direction froru the ~uul ic t.ret\- henceforth he no g•·c11ter pussihility of lle­sury is 1\ most jud icioul\ one1 "o4 rcL4m11 frt\u~ng the custosna in tho ~111tter of im . t wenty fold moro tuan "l'l'ropril\tions m~tdt~ porting' Fronoh 6sh' tht1n in to>tki1.g impor . in othl•r directions." tatio n11 of tollacco ; 1a01.l tf oO cents duty per

Onr northern contcmpnrary is ri~ll t. [ t quint.a l i_s not sufficient to give our tiRbt, rmen is lt~trd to eatimttt.e tully thu advantnrr~ u41equ~tt.e protection agttion • F rench fillh' t.lll\~ ol ship-building; ic. is an tll't>Ciltion for is cu6t1 penect by a -l.ounty of $1.80 pe •· qnintal, which, liS we sl.l\trd above, our people then the (llell!!llt duty should be inc~rellt~ecl," ha'fo a peculiar, a natuml aptitude. The The m_atter, it seem11 to us, iselUlilj Rett.led. Htnt.ecuenL, it will be 11eon, i11 ru~trle e l11t> whure Le t the D ominion authorities follow the pl"n th11.~ in all probability tlu~re will not be mo•·e udopt.ed l.y NowfounJI~tnJ in reg>~rd to ~b~ two of tbe Dundee l'team11hipa prose-:ut..- 'l!'rench 611h ;' t.h~tt i11, entirely wouibit tht1 ulfl theN ewfoundh1nd seal fishery the ensuing lan·ling of the article in bond, and 11.t. tho sot me aprhtg. Tuia, \'fe fet~l sure, will not be matter t ime levy ll duty Of\ every quintal o( it of a of •egret to our People . '£hoy will w;sh thut, dollar ~tnd a lu, Jf. tbllt, dep&l\d upon i t, ~fore mamy ll&lsona ab>~ll h~tve 4!apll&l, thare would aeon obviat.e tbe difficulty; 11.nd m~ty not be 80 ~uch 8ll one solitary at&uuer 1 ,french fish ' would ere long cea::1e 1.o flnt.el' ~ng.ged in th~ 8&\ling indtuury out ot this Canadi~tn ports, anq be a source of ht1rrq to country, either looal or fo•·eign boat.s. Tlu&t the fiabin~ inllu11try ol t~e Dominion. Tht' indeed it. will t:tou~J tL11t these have h•d auove, aa we uid, WllR the course adopted hy their dtly, an >tt last have ceased to be. this colony to~ard11 the Fre nch product; the. 'fhat, before lo - the fi.t.iusry sball again be effect Wll.S Ill\ w143 anticipat.eq-we ~"vo not conducted, u i t wa~iu .}'81\nJ p"'t, by Blliliog !Since been troubled with tbair fish in any veaela only. Tb~ h•e ot l11te, fur one or way. Could not our Dominion fraenda take two aprings, IJeen n iudication that t.he a l&U out of onr book in this reaptct' ttorthuro purt.a will the tlrst to take the .r;-~oitiative in the mat Cl'-be tf,eqrat toaubsti - ~u ~~~ nQ"D'Dl.lC. \l.lt.e ~lio~t&mera in the eeal ~~-~ery. For qtute a nan1her nf the little crafc. hue been out6Ued there, ~tnJ have en­g•ge<i iu the prosecqtion of the 11priog indua­~ry with at Jeaat f~tir ~tverage '"f~'-'lta. W'o.uld n not be well theN~fore for our northern trienda to keep the above eircumst.~tAee well in "lliod, and benoe(oa·tb t.o build their cr•ft 'n 1oob a salmta,ntil\1 aranner as would tit tbero, 'llot anly Cor the prosec•atioo of the &nk aod ol ~he-dup-aea li•h.sry, Lut. WI well ~' them Co~ the ~e~&liug iuJuat.ry 1 Would ltuo~,b add mnob to the t~llttenae of bni~ding Aehooners or lhe dNired deiiCl'ipLion' Not, w., f.bink, "beu tim!Htr can be a.> euiiJ bl\4-h•~ •lmo~~ " for the t•ltiog." W h11.1o u.y our C.WQ DOrt"erO, 000Lel1lJJOftri4;. '

RECENT t.elegraroic de~~p11tohes in~imat.ed t.hat a U oited Stawa Squ"dron bad been order ed to al!ell Port au Prinel\I!Diess the Hayti~n authorit.ie11 releued the -m.eriOlln ste~tmor llnytim .Republic, .whoee. roecue tbreu 11bip11 of w•r bad been Bf'! &t. •

Tbe oauae of the trouble aeems to hsv~ atiBel\ from the f~tct tlult ~~n a~?ove atellDier h"d beer. seized •t Port a'\ Prince by the Ha&yt.ill'.l Government iu pftranance of the _ex. omvle of the lJnitf'd S~tes in }\ehriog St:~t . She Wll.'l heiJ IllS • prize,hnin3 beea condemn:. ed for Tnnnlng tbe blockade. '.rbe seizure of the ateatmer,it ie •id, was illegal. The rele•ae of the veuel.a \t aeem11, w•• denaanded through the proper diplom•tio oh•nnele, ~nd ~he stern ILMUr&IICO aivel;\· tJutt if the demand ''!Ill not C?ruv'lied with ' w!tbiu a rPUOo"bla pe,rlod of ume atepc woul~ be tabil to en q o., it.. With r.bia end in . ~i.~1! Seore1 ary • W bi~ney ~~ent. telegraphic inatruoc.i001 to Rear Admiral Sberd•cdi, oommandaD~of &heitrookl•n D.v1 7ard, Co J!&Ye r.ht .. pcJ!Wmond, •(JtJkM, and Yan~ao, P~P\red lor eea ••' rap\cJI1 u

h h leaarnec.l that "tll.,o ictioo of ~&ary Wbiw.e1 ~ due, nolo 10 bauola to •n &biibluae refUMl oia &he IJ!&tf Of tb•' Go•.ern· IUeDf, to OOID.:!J.l~. iiqU .. , for &bf nt • I~ or the ~ft)eriOo\D ,..,, .. &o &b. ..-ror, llladea 6e all· "'ori&iel to · n.e

by 'the Go•emment that slae~ ·hsd no los:al rigb&" '<) ... and detain the Hayt~ Rt~publio &bey aboul4 ~ave a~ptecf the aituation and releued the veaeel. While they bRve uot 1'efnaed to do 'bia, thfly ~re, it iA uial, actio~ in auob a proerutinating way aa t.Oindioat& a atron~ diaanolioadon to •ccept tbe judgll'fent again.\ "hem.

A late W aabing~~ deapaLch say• that in r,gard to ~e above ahip, apeoi~o instrullt.ione ~ave been given Rear Admir4l li11oe, cOtnt manding &be Nortb Atlantic squadron. He is to prcoeed "to P<'rt. •" Pri~e, reque1't t.be re!e.ae of the at.ellme1·, and ir the n\\tJ.oritiea refu~~e to Anrren~er he.r t.o him, be ia to .sei~o the vea~~el by lor~ of ~rm~. anq t •ke her to 80roe neutr11.l t6rritory where she Cllln be re­atored to b~r owners. ll· iR stated Rt the navy departmen•, that the OakJW. and Yantic ttre ready for sea. Extra preCllutione htwo hPOn takPn to goard 11g11.inst yellow fever. Non-o of t~e vessels will remain in tho vicintty l"uger t~an ~bey are required to accomplislt the purpueo of their visit..

Nell' Tiarl¥Jr. Dtc. 18. '&!. lTO TRB IJ.DlTOil o•· T- STANDA RO.J

D£ARStR.-~·or mAny yeara put Mr. l'iddle hill boon keep­

loll a hOt\Be pu the :\~w Harbor I'toad for trllVel · I era 1 apd , tbere ceu be uo queatiou but. thl\t h wae found of great booelh to pen~oos travelliq~: on tha~ long road.

1 do uo~ kno,. if he JlOta aoythimr frorp lho Govoromcn~ lilcu the mi\O or the Ue:lrt"e (.;ooleut h11lf way hou11e. h ia anid that he doea not. aud tha& he will oot open hia ltoue~ to lravollerrslloy lnu~er. 1 wot~ld li:Ce 10 nak i! he oau lawfully rcfuc~e a poor 101111 lodgin~t wialtout money 10 p11y l.ios ? H he ia Qot rom•10oralcd, wi.J utber be it' not juati~ed in 10 rloin~: "!

Your11, etc.. A Poon TuA n:Lr.r.n

Local and other Items. ,...,.__~ ___ ...__ ...... ........ w ....... - ....... .., ..... ..,. ......... ___ ... .

-2i No\"K ScotiAnS wcrll lust lnsl Bcl15011 rrucn Aruuricau fi~lsiu.: Vt:&.~ela

-PEI~O:o!AI. -J~- ll. l' rowsc. E•'} . 1;,•rn111 11 C011tl41. t!lC., ill ' nt vri'M·IIt in I O IVII Our ulu llieut! look:~ :~s leal~:~ anti hcnrsy 1111 t!'l'•·r.

- Tho (;hri~ l ltll\5 Trc.: 11 t St l'nnl's lin II wil l ho •)p,:,,.,J l•• ·uictti: ft•r rh .. Lo•t •ic11e. ·1 hll wlwlc ~IIIC!; of ~Vu•l:l ... n Lc Ul.itJVci• .. ur lit very luw pri._.:a

-Thu l3<lRIOn F i-<h Bur.: .. u r,•pnr•tt tiro• tntal mllckl!rt~ l c.,1clo o( tlstl :-.. .., ,,.. 1~"'-! l,.n · l ll ,·cl lr. s­vcrtr Kt ·tV 7li9 hhla. fti:HIIIlH 7~ -1 7-'1 ln$1 year, ~v.:Ho iu 1 ~::!li , ~t11u t1:111 o:J:l in 1 ~b:J.

-The nun•snl cxtt onill~tliou .. r tht! sclcol.trs. wit '• Lltll t.luurihnli"" .. r priz··K. " sll ''" h. I r ' " ,.,,. ::it11u!o•j •t.,., 1:-ir.:h•ll>l t"' Fr1•l• y "'' ' ' ' ""'" ••t lrlllf· P'I•t:! ••"<:lcH·k. 1'..-rt•ll ltt ·~; .. .t tr i,•ud• urI he .:III IU· 1cu .::ro rt!11:1.:C1fully i uvit'c~l tu he prc11e ul

-The 111!loooucr 1~-'CI.I~" t . Cl\piKiu \\'n it. frnm 111\llfk¥, Ul'llllll tu u .. y :)I. <: .-or::u ~n 1.. :trri\"Uol iu Syoluey un ~ I unday wllh hcr n .. :.: ltulf . Utll•l. the Cltew:orcl .... ,·ins: diet! aut!Jcllly 0 11 :-iuutluy ni~:h,_-/1.,/·iji'z pOflt• .

-Cnp1. E li D•-. e'~t 11chooncr ..t . .U /Jn111dritt nrrived hure yeatcrJ"y fro111 Ch.\rloneso wu. I' ~; . 1. Shu lut81l C11r~o Qf protluco•. HlllHI.I" tll\1.1-

wlsil'h ia OtNIIt:d loy ,\(ea~rs 1•:. & \\' . 1>.1we ol thy ft·lbert.o. T ho [1,-,uwritt. wu uclic•·•·. IJrll · Ot!urlll tO \h~:~ lattt.r placu t~> l.1uu aull llsepotlu ol UCr Cllri(O.

-Elsewhere "PPC"ra nn llol'l'erli•t'ment re­epecl iol( tbo ulu of a q•s!\nlily u l pvulln- from the Alpha Fllrm, UiiJo Pond Th1~ .... ., u11 rh·r· Staod, is the f\rlt i11,tl\hi1Cnt of poultry yot !1\IUI for pUbliC &ale Uy tUU I:UtCrpnsiu~ IU:UliiJ;Uril.

-The Rev. 1,fr: ·Noel of tl.is town, accnrclin~e to aonouocemeot, delivert!d a lirst - ciM~s lt:ctu r" llt (;'\rh\lnel\r lut e\'coin~:-subjPct: •• W hill's iu 1\ ~.uou?'' Notwithalnodi'l)l l lsu 1uclemu11ry of the ,;yelltber ll rupectablo audience rtSsernllleo1, aod li11lenef1 with pleasur" to..wl\at lho rcY. ~.:o n · tlom11n b"d to tell ~b o~m. Th~:~ lo:cturu WIIS Ulucb aod deservec(ly llpprcoiated,.

-Profeallor Huell'• ex11ibition 11t Cnrhonenr was, we learo. a .c rellt BIICCeB:t, tinnncia lly aud otherwlie:....tlle lfal l w..a ao or.> wded thllt "grent mant ~raooa could not obll\in Admiraio11. A handaonfe amount was realized, :ao1l lilt! andionco waa ~rrerttly ple-.od. Tbe l'rofe~r rt:LI\roed to Sl. .{obn'a yetterdaymornio".

- To.-iltty'e obituary oont11~n.• the n"mo of J11m9a 1\\tlaedi\IO. who unlil a few mootha ago waa cuetaker of lhe Merchanta Re!ading Ro.,su. Ho ~·· ~ Newrouualaodl!r, A member of aho firm of ltl'\ir & Mosedl\le. St.· J.oho's, aud wns pre· 'fioui ly employed by the 1\rur of J ob Orothe,.. io whoae int11reet b1e made from 50 to 60 trips aero~ the Atlantio.-Halijaz pope•··

~-- T,,£ ~I!AL FISllltRT.-h i\ not yot k~ow~ wbethor t.ben~ w1ll uext apriu!( b11 two or fo11r Dundee ateamera prokcuting th.~t ae11l lisherJ from ~ ewfoublllan~ hie eaid ,defini tely that the A,uro.-a iod 1-;rra Nuca ·will be here ; bu ' It is not fet know~ if tbe .A~uiiJiau:( ac.s.l Pofg11ia will COnte.

Hart>or Grace will hue the oaoal number en· gagiog in lhe Uabt1'1 the eo,ulog aprlug.

-t;opper-minloa 01 natboa are " boominsr" at Tilt Con. Tb" &rbice. a' 14W ton ateamer. lately lo11d'ecl at th& place. Nor ia tbii' all. New ameltloa worh are no~ in coareo of eon· •traction a"d. wjll aoou be colDplot.sd. A tteAnaer from renoaylnuia letely arrlnd with " load or ookt\ for I be "tor~a. and &l1e •teamer F«lco". wit.h a lo.d of COAl.. '1:;0' lbli' from &hie it will be leon \hl\t &bere ia ~o \nhUIUDn of operadoo11 bt~nrr 10011 relued. '• •

J; '* \ ·• • ... I

-There hu been a proeperouaatuon'a dahlng alona che South11ro coaat ot Cape Dretou. fhe North Syduey llualtl baa • alw.-ya uaaintaine!d t.h•~ mouef oo~ ld bo .marlb in fiahint: ott tl.tat oou& if a mall \'e .. ~:! a wer11 ueod. We heard 1\ atri\iog ioataoce of tbia the 'Jtber d11y. Th11 Currie Brothers of Cow Uay purcbaaed thia aumUier a veaael of teu toos and m11o•u:d her tbemaclvea. In threp days fiahiog lh ~:y 1tooked enough to pay for tbo craft and ainco hue deue well.' •

-The Montreal Star uya: Vico·Admiral G. W. Watson will aucceod Yice.Atirusral Lyooa, u jJOmmAuder-in.chief oo tho Norah American And Weet ln<ltea at.o\tion. CAplaiu C. C. Drury, wbo b now borne on thll book• of li.~I.S. Pruitlrut for aenice at lbe aclmintlty, will be nag Cllpll\in w the uewly 11ppointed coosoH\uder·iu-chief. Tbe OAJlthip Bellu ophon ill to ~:o out of commia­aiou And a moru woduro nod po""urful ironollld to taL:e ber place.

--DIED AT SEA.-Tbe 110hoooer R1cnrt, Cnpt. Morris. nrrived iu von on Muutlay nsoroin~ with tho body ol l!:llmuod AleXIlndcr. who rliod At Pea 01• Suod11y. Tbe Cllpt.Aio reportll lu\Viu.: ~rt l:fallfu: for Jhy St. George's, ~Od .. where Mr. Alexl\odor eogagetl to work his poaaage .to bls ~0111e. He reti• ed 'lo Satarday nhtht IIPI>aueocly 1u the beat ef hellhh aud was fountJ d9ad in hi11 bed on Suud:sy Ul"rniug. l'he 0111111e of hia deAth ill not known, but i' ' " snpvo11ed he WIIS takeo wilh " anddeo obill. Th~ ,.,!118el p'1t iqto port tor "llbelter ou Moudny.-S!Jtlutypaper.

---- L - LI\brador is enid to poMess 11 wnterfftll lh<'lt

m11kes Nifti:11r11 lo'alls ioaicuilir.ant iu cornpnri'!on. R. F Hol111c, ll'ho recently rn11de 11 tonr of Lftbrn­dor. loC.\Ies tb1a fl\ll on the tinwrt Hiver which Ct'llllPCI!I Lak ca Petcloikapon with I ;oosc'n,.y. At 11Jo lrellfl or ll111ml tun l11let. Up this ri,·er 1!"10 mil.:s iR \V iouinik11pou lAko ntttl :iO mill'• further up tlou r iver •~ located lieu t; m111l F1111~. in the bre11k o f " 1 h Lcn u, thll L'IIJrnd!ir • Tt~IJ i cilsnd, t ~0,10 :!.:lllo feet POO\' Il tlte lake. ~lr. ll olmc 81\}'K lhC l,;nu1d J{ivcr it< t .:tl)O ft't•t witlu 1\l ll:e fnll, nud the hctt:hl of rlto fal l is eMinH\lt!U to be ucurly :::.UUO r.:ct .

-The S.le of Work Ia ooa•ectioo with tbe Harbor Grace HeUiodin Cbarpb oloeed oaa Atoo~ ttay lot 'l'h~t procoeda, we learu, amo•ated to nearly 600 dollara -- .

-Tbe Cbriatmaa Tree in coooecclon 'Jitb St Paul'e Sumlny Soboola opeued iu ~~Paul's Bll'll oo Monday afteruopn The die.-11\J 'of 11seful nud fanoy 'articlea wa1 at once varied an<httrsct­ive There w-, a lar~.te •tteudauco Aluch ntis­f~totioo ia expreaeed at ~he oll!aainK reaulL Th11 Chri•tinaa cakee sttractell much attention Thltt will bo the laat ni~ht Grea~ barj:IIICI 'llay bo uvected 111 all kinde of UIC!ful and laney articles aod iu Cbrietoallf cakea

-The Jona, Capt Parmiter, AO<i the Con­federate, Capt H•wkin•. arrived here frnm Syrl· nl'y oo Mondar l11at Hoth ' 'eMels b11rl fine r uu• dowu-nbout. 70 houra ll~in~e the cisoe taken ; thry bron~ht no snptJiy of freeh beef, wbicb veaacla fro•n Sydnoy "' thia l!ta~ton nl!URIIy · clo That Article wns fouurl very IIC!uco there an<1 1 he price u ked W'-11 UJH'"arda or 7 cents pl'r ~h T!le scnrcily is owin~r 10 the people h"vi1111 hl\11 to kill their Ct\l tlu lru1t. winter, thc:y no\ h11viu J.: enflicient. foddtrr to keep lht! auimala through tl.o aeaa,on ----

Cdr SuoPloiEN AND Orm:n.<s, ATTP.~'TIOS !-Thrro Are uow io circuiM\on heru cou••H,.ftll ~ c:w­fouudlnurl <!O·cent piecca, year 18 t Jnu of theso lnst eyeni11g wa11 olfe re1lnnd lllltlli!I J '"ctio~ ­l.v ncceptcll iu OliO Of lbt: dry ~uo<J .. hn pll 011

\\'n1e1 Street Tlte iusi lat:oo i11 not" ~o·ul u ue . nud the counterf~it cau ou cxs11ninllliou llu l'lt~ilv rtet ect~t l l'hr color 111 pour ncHI ll tl' t•dgc~ roul:ll;, nnrt not we ll limshed. llrtvo n cnr,. !

Some t imu.since, we holiove. cou111erfmt money WnS 111~0 iu circlllllliOII ill other Jtllrl8 uf the dl!l · trict The coin Willi, u i11 the prc!!ent il·~•nnr.o•. poorly cou ulurfeited, nut! could IJ,. 1l< recs.,. t enasly 1t id W"ll for our people to lie ,. ,. t l•t'lr J.:UI\rti - -

-The J> unolco 11te11111er , l heHlcaf~oun unlt\'iiO Llont bufdl which wM nul iced iu cL pr : \"iou~ i~~•e . hnd 10 be UI~CIJI\rl(Utl or I I.e CHitOn \\ hi1•h huo( lllkcu tiro Ill 0 11 \' or her CO!II Jt Htlllclllll. It " (1>1

funud n.:CI.'tl~llry to tal;u ou& 1ho Lalct< . .. n n~ 10

rcul'h lhll Rtnt nf tire u ouhlc. Af r·· r lll lll" is dlffi . ---- culsy the fir~ wns cX CI:o::ui~h ,•o l. Th,• !'iu•1th :-;. '"

-The Cl'lionnte<l prnol ncl or rho l' ro,·inl' ·- lown Fsrc II111:1Hlo wcr.: I"''IIC:IIII•il witl• $~io fruul lhu fi• hc•n cll. rur I ill' lhrctl 1(.011111:1 ehl lllll! s .- ,.1 :io llun. Clou6 llv" 11 11)! iu fl•tv~: uisiO II or lh~sr t'cr-1 ~ ~- 1:1 "" l oilow~ : ~l' l' flll "'"I whalo• nil li·l 1:itl VICt'll. - ---::rlllullll, va lu,·t l lll S:l•i 11,j!l .) 1 ; n·o.lr1·rl!rr•. !t :1 ·I - I.O!'S or '1"11"11 ."l"l ltHlXfl:o;- Jult·lli:.:t·ne" " ·' "' puunrl•. Vlllllo··l M ~:!i;lt :. e•1ol :;!1:! t:1 I pnuud-<; I ri'C't'h·ctl by tit..- I '"'"l"r•/•. (•·''' ltl j•) vf 11,,. I.~ .. nmckrro• l. ,p;_ IN P•lllttols; ush,·r l'll rt·d li •h ti~ . of t\\"O scfi,.Ont: r~ 111 lht• ~ .. rr .. .,·nrd. "l ite l1r"~ :!UII I'"''"·~; Rltel ltl~h: ! tJI (1 l "•llll ol ~ ; r .. - ~h ll~h-1 \\"t\~ ~lr. ·'' T obw"s Fiu( T nuf Sht• h:ul lllt

7.:1ku.i U:; , .. ,.,uol•; li~l, o ll11 :h lfil :.:nllou~: s1,r111 huartl :,oJ •1uiulalt1 ti.:l• uw.J n ' I'' " 'Ill )" vf !:"'"'"'· vrolu~ ,.f li~ lt,· ry l'r oducs:~ lor l ite lllltHit:J, S I I(J, . !-'ht• """' l,.:;l 011 she :,rl t 11·~1 .. a t 1-"•lll uuo: l l.ori•u•. Gt.i· :If> • c: rct>u llu•· .. , he u.unc ol 11., ... c~ , .. r ccarr " ·•·• - ~ I AI! I 'I~; ITr\l'i -Tiot> "'"hnnoto·r {; 11'11 (./r rite /:/1.,, /J l>,·l:ttt!·y. •un, ·.: r 11nd uwn•·r. :--1,..

L··l 'nllt 1111011h-r. '" "''" "'" 111 l'tt lll"'. 1\ 1 1~ . "1llo "II" l..t•:tl t•u Ill ,.,..,.,.q l•y olo rf•u•;.: 0 11 rio,· ::->s.crc" Iter ko·c l :.:•H•u nutl IJvllouu h 1• ly ''""'I!CU _ Huck,, IH"IIr L'u.o..:lou.RI.'• l ·,, ,., .. l "npl. L.-wid Au olt• r<~nu . us.dcrwcllt••"~ a~t·u l. ha~ -- ---ll'lnrlll·•l h11111e lr:J111 U1~:hv •• l.sd1er lit· "''IlL !u - 011 tu: on•>rruw (Tiollr-<d tl ) o'\" '''":.: ''" ' l'""•cl:i luuk llfl.:r lit .. ~·'hiiUIIt'f (.", .,,,._ v. hich l''J'~I?.ccl or t l;u IIIJ,!h :-ichu .. ! Will !.!IV·· th ,· lr •. ,,,. ,,:.: I"OOI •·r HL lht• wl•·•r! 111 !haL plnr t• w111t .1 ru~:11 , r <'·uti 11 11 •ni u111•·11t 111 ;-.s . !'nul~ ll.t ll .\ .... u1;•t ,,,, . 1· Uun .. l . · r ltt: \'l",;"' l" l wn.s f,u u., d r•• h,. t•1,dl\· dt r tt 111 • pJ •. ., .. ,tt:.! au ltj t"cl"' u u t J ... P"•:,: r .u u •h\." "" ·'II, 1 .... ctl :--lu: \\ , \ r4 tt•flf J)UI.tf f ly c ,,ul"••d dtt f ,l U!: Jo \\' l ''!f ~\ 111 ... C: V~',Inl varts, t•IJrlll\.•d '' ~~ ·•pt•r( ( •r, I l l 1 11l.1

tcdtl nud Hfl••r h .. r r..1r;.:o .,. ,,. all o!l~nl 11tr;:"ol wa11 hury I>~ II At lhu olusc I he I"' '" '·" tl•~··, , 1 llll h lud . :-;to ~ "'II ;.:v lv l.•v..-rpvrol. :\ ;:;,. nud r•• I .,, , ••f l'ri£•·~ w1ls l.dt•• pile,· . . lo s·l~ t u.: hy t ,.

cc1ve po·r ..... ,,..,l ''"l•·••r ... - l "lll'tuiu ,\ nd,.r:too ~ru •t sncct:&:~ wltic'• ho~ :tlll' ll• lo•lslo.· elf.oth u t ..... , ... 8 h_v l lro .. ll'llllot'r . lf,,fw f •r Liv.·rl'u•l lu llll·d.; )"Ollll\! pcrforcnc•tp u:l r .. ,., ,., ll · · · ·~ · ·1 11 4. ", I•H>k arl o:" 1!11• !II"IIUUiot•r .1/oii":J ('., ur 111111 purt. lifo• Cuu lid t:ll l l llllt II \'cry l•Jo j •y.oh!o! t•\"t•:OI It _! 1111\' wl11d1 "' "~ ol.11r. ~:: .. ol loy II• ll s>tr.111 w 1sh 11, ,. 11rhr t.~ lonkcc l lvr•Yurd '''· I"J,,. 'I·111H• '" '"!. "" ....... .,, ..... 1/u,, ICIJI!II tly ·.,L FvrliiiiC r. .. y. :\tld.- :!1) C<! lll t< t•l rr.llll lll'!ll'i. !\lid ,,., l'o• lll~ 1•1 '"'" t .. · .:

1/u(iJux 1'"1'("1". '""'d. l"sek•·•~ f·•r ' "~·· • ,.<'.1 l'"huu c " ' ·~· h o• ol •. - L"II"I't.ll Fs~Ht:r:r -Tio~ ful!n wittQ' m11v be 1ninecl for j 11 <"cllld <11oup;oli011 11" " 1oo :'.t. .~ :'-·•tthlu

of it .. l'fl.':lt Ill lohRl Or I"'Ck t•r-t ::cn..-rnlly : - "uo••. I ho• oluur, w1 ~ he upc11 111 7 '' o· l,.o•:. , o•ll· .\lr Au.SitJW 1-'hck u( ll" tllrox. Ioiii! p:o lo•t!lt·tl lcrtnlluucnt to coniiii i!IIC<! nt lt •• ri-p;" t 7 l'' •t.:•~d y. in (.;R unoln nuol lh .- l; toll•·•l :"111\lt•!l 1\ lllll•lur lrnp ----lhnt 18 dc11t1ued tu 1;,-c,.trlc vc•.r l'"i••llor wuh -Lo~s 01" Tlr~: ·• \'t:<~n .. -Cn"l Fill••o•r ·l· l f' l tii&J it• w •u~ h•y :oo~uan· , tur tltt• l un ' h~u •IH! e r u :tra. t h t-.t.r i;.::•u ltue;, l'"t..,·!tt. l \1 ~" ' \' \\r,,., •. d .. l l ;r ,Hhc t lV ccttn. It '" ·• .,,. , .•.• tv. lu ll nf l'' no·au·.d uuruy. l l••'ld. nrr i\·c.J ht .. l' 111 , j,. lu i~ f "•·•:/ tf,·,ru o~ >UHI 111 1111 ~ucco··~ l ul u11 r .. 1·s..y h~ollo111 , "" n11 rlw ~lunf1ny C11pt F11z~c rn lol ~tll ~ llll l lo•• 1h .. lnH uf l.:•·cl. I ""Y h " '" n h'lr "" "hwlt 111 1· " '" st11h1•r lti~ Vl'll~t>l to l iH• f~tc't lh11t rice lu!l wt.iallo• wn<~ 11 ut. u:· lwoki. 1111•1 '" nold lll '•ll l•l t: ll ~ua rJ II •.! 1hc lull- t.:t>ll:jl 011 lhc r.igh t qf th" !\C••ido•nt l'tpl ./ru:k­stor , thcdc lt ullkl4 l!t'tlll ru UU)' ·1'• ·•111111" Ill hait Ulllll . or rh.- lll<'allt••r l."•tf;l •. rro:u SL .J ulllt' • '" Es,.:hll'"U or thO!Ie lrnl•!l nrc 'JIIIIl' l'lllliCil'lll l•.r :\ urlll Sydu .. y alonn• t l" :\l'" lio•II Ct•d n t~irnllt\r fa rn 011 1.1 1111111 hy hts¥ill:.( thc111 011 rn·o 1rnwl11. nud lie nt our o• t o• l••!!t.lphl'tl lhc Min i!ll l'r of .\ larlut•, when "J'eD I:Of<!r 1\ spnOI) or 1~11 "' I . fcol. 111101 lortlll!ill\! I t tl !'II<'" ur II!Jair~ 10 Ill~ nll il·c. t"r I'~ wes~:h nb•1111 :11)1) lu11. nn.t rms 1 ... l'nckeol (hy rt:· ( ; L Bnrclocll ,.),.n "~""'·n·ll· cu•u;rl llnt:• l of 111u 11)11\"lllj.f II fc ,.. p1eCl'~). Ill a IJ •X lhrcu fe .. l 8'}UI\rtl .OIItldt'll l!lillnur" nf lho Whl"l.t to du riuc Chc rcct•u t You r.n n ri:J!t With tl,.•111 nulllll!.! 1\CJILI M I IIO.: 1oe. t l11 r.k fo:." If she wlu:~Lic •~ n 1t .. r order 101111 nud nl:1u iu the IIIJ.:ht who;n wcatll tlr permiss ; nnd u ~olil to pcrf.Jnu il!l wurl:. 110 bl.u:oc •·••11 he nl· they cnn he brou!!ht n~lco re 1111 :ot owo 1iouc in 1a1·uctl to tltr p(' r"''n in chargo•, hu t shis lllloltl,· n C,"!'it• uf B storm ThUIIc tmps I 1\11 hu •••o.l hy Ccl\111 111.!' or n pnblsr. I;"'-'" II j:•lith! to lllll rilll!rll CtJ II I IJ~<III I:il litllr l.!' out veacl.i wills do ri c~ und a ,;hould l•e prucupl l)' 11111-lu known !>y pubh.: ntl-crc•Y to liah uuJ puck \"C rl18cllleul. . --- ·--

-THE l'.\1' ,\1. J Cll ll.u:.- l"hc So,·crei~:n l'on. -,\ n iu\·esti!l!lti•lll ill I•> '' r!ltls t>r ser;onc; ch11r~c. tiff, lhroul.!h "D""cr .. o of rhu t\11cr .. d Cou~recl\- we lc1orn from our cuutrupohtMo C••lll•·.upllrarl"<t . t iuu of ltiles. has io~tucrl n11 order for sho cl'lo· '~1111 hc•ld b~foru .J nd'-!c ' onrny on "o~rn •olny l,a,• .. brllliou throu,:thout thu (.;lltholic Wl)rld or 1111pccial Cll~t lnin ::irnrk. of thu Utlt! lll'lltille t.) f.trn W RII

llu~n ks~tivwg wh~rew1tb t11 brill~ 10 11 clo~r: tne brOnl!hL up to nn:~••er for thu deAth of o n t , f hill cnemun1blc c\"Cnl.i Coll ll tlClcu wnla the ::iaccrdotnl aonsnco who ••n~ h•srio•l s.t sen tln riu!.t ' '"' vo•A · Jultileu of hid llvlrll('ll~. lie hi\~ Jl xud for thft t l!ul"a l~t~~t voyn)(O tn St . • f tJhu 's Tu,. cirt:tllll i lll tl· OtllciJt'lliiou lhO lnlll ell\.)' of the vruteut J l.'<tr , 1\lld CCl of lhe aff:ur nru civeu I.Jy the ().,/.,,,,( 11.'1 fvl · tho Uoly i"Mher hns dsreotcd thl\t 011 thllt d11y 111 low11 : About leu ,lny!l as:o tbc 11hove Vl'dll~ l nr· OVIlry church llud ch11pd thront:IIOUI thu C11.1t.olic rh·o· l to ~les..'lrd C. 1•' . U.:nuett & Cu. 11\dctl nuivt: r8o tho_Uioll8ed S·crrtllll' IH lhllll vo puhlicly wi th ~1\ lt . nft\. r n pa.-~1\~0 or rorsy St!VCII tltt)'d uxposcd durtul( at portion or the dM· for u.e from C11di~ "J~sc cnplnio"s lo;; conuiut:J n o~tat.:· 1\•torauoo of thu faith fn l, lbl\t nt 1hu end of '"" m ent lo 1ho effect th:\t onc of hi~ Cll'•• naml!tl l::xpoeitio1~ ~Ve doc11dea of lhtt ItO IMY of thu ~harles llookey, died M 81'1l, .;url ~:~ r ortlinuy Ul~uud Vtrl(lll llh.all bll polblioly recited, nnd th11t I os rCI!IIldlancca, orou~eht 011 by n color nntJ WM

tho byruu 1'e Dc11111 Lam.lamu11 wuh tho accnato111 • buried The atalemeot was accllp.tetl "" bciu,.: t:d pruyr:r ahal l be chan 1e:d, lln1l thtl Heoediction 1\ll ri~ht. nnd the ship IYIL'I to hnvll ll:lllc11 in a of thu blcast~d ::iacram~:ut 11hnll t lrun be l!ivtn to llay or awo llua, Y•l!lerd"Y· ouo of t!;e uru w \Y'hu ~h e uwtembled con¥r1!~11lion. l~i1 llolinesa gras1cs Wlllltod more WII~Oil. '!llllrrelh~l wi1h. t 1•c o•psntn, to •II who ehall t11Jce part io the devotions n AUYI thtl former let f11l l some expre&siOIIII rt>lntivu pleuar,x iuduiJ(t:nce to bu f!-11inerl on the fullil· l o foul pla.Y to 1he 1111111 who w .. s uutit<l "' 11!11. mt:ut of tbo · ue~ual couditious.-Ercha11ae. T ho worlls were overhenrd 111111 wer~:~ convt'yed to

· ---- the police. who arrested abe <l:IIHIIiu :11111 8\.ltut! o -Fot:n FATAL Acc~DI::NTS -A despatch frons lhu crew 10 the ruoruiug to iu'l_uire iuro thu CAlf'.

Twtlliu~:~tco lllYtl lhat oo l~s thlln four r11~1 The or~w then m!lde aucb ocpo ilion" cha~ I t

'coideut• havu occurred there duriuc the put is likely thM ~"o C<\1<' ,will co.rno up ro r rrinl iii 11

,_, .. daya. Uo $uuda".Y Dt:ccmber 2ud, t\ man rtl\y or two. Th.e evideOCtl l:i'fllll uy the lllll U * II-· uamerl .f.tter Lil(bt left hie bo111e and went aome laken iu private, aoll couh.l uot. uo got for pu l> · diata11&J a•ay for th• pnrpose o1 picking1 clog· licatiou, barrie.. Not h11vin1f rt~turlled that nis:ht a ,.earcb waa ma<l~ for blu• Qo ~JouJsy whl,lout S,PECIAL TO THE. STANDARD. u nil. On the I01b "i.ll ddad body~(ouull in tbo b111bea.. V-.rioua rumQrA 11ro rJ e" 'o •Jse ST. JoHN'S.. 3 J').m. CI\Uie of hie dt'atb, 1he firnoilin~t opiuio beiu~ Tho magisterial invcs igation is RtiiJ tha' he lou ,t.ls way aoll expirtd fru10 exposure proceoding in tho cause O( the deBth t.)l At Uhaol(e bland• .,n lttouuay week. Uoor~o t.he sailor of the E,c.glis~ schooner Clara, Hill iuua met with lois death un•hlr rllmArkable who was buried at sea under circum~ oircumel.looee. While pr.atioQ a liue under tile 8~ances suspicious and unknown. U.1s qnatt.r·ch•\u of a e-..1 a& Watenoao•e wharf, d tha• h ( d be ball hit head oruahed be&weeo ,.0 aohoooera. romouro ~ t e seaman re wse lo go The uufortuoale 1uan dill(\ in .lfteeu •olun~ aloft; tb~t ~be captain struck him and after &he accident F• tal mllbep number ~bree sen~im below on bread and wa\er die\. 'alau ooourred on ~londay~ Ou tllat dalle. .. Ihs taousht that bo~h the oap&ain aaid \1•• tcbooner MiRt~ie F. 1ru !)(.2C!e\ttliur ~o•o the mate 'fill be ihdic\ed for wfltul m~ t­&he U.J, \Vllllaan Dove CO' k~ocnd onr~rd der. »r .. f'arnell is recoverina. by &be ..-Jaboom Uld ~ro~!~. 'Iht foar&b Tb8 ~er BOI0n ooy, wbtch Jt&ely ud ••• aooldtu& of &be loa bappeoed JetterdaJ ~at In here wiCh her oian_k and paft while •he aooaer .I;,odf &peo.ir w• cominl' oat L •• u.~. 11'! .... 1.~..a • ·wtol ... &bt BAJ• _ .. l_"he IDliuboom dld the fa&al work Ia ~:n· DA~~l&Or .&.!OM6 G&N to-m'lm'o..,....bt &bta- ..... 0.,.. Oeorp ta.b wu pNC~e· g a mu • • · · pltattd lltto &he •'II• n&en aad \llrie~ i.a a The ~teamer Mtratk~G ~ Mrlla f• ~-·· V~t•· . . · · . • \erdar, boDDd for Ltwe ~·
