Project management Project management Working in Working in teams teams

Project management Working in teams. Organizational Behaviour Staff Selection Staff Development Staff Motivation

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Project managementProject management

Working in teamsWorking in teams

Organizational BehaviourOrganizational Behaviour

Staff SelectionStaff Selection

Staff DevelopmentStaff Development

Staff MotivationStaff Motivation

Problems: Problems: A single-minded approach to getting the job doneA single-minded approach to getting the job done

Three men: a project manager, a software engineer, and a hardware engineer are in Ft. Lauderdale for a two-week period helping out on a project.

About midweek they decide to walk up and down the beach during their lunch hour. Halfway up the beach, they stumbled upon a lamp. As they rub the lamp a genie appears and says "Normally I would grant you 3 wishes, but since there are 3 of you, I will grant you each one wish."

The hardware engineer went first. "I would like to spend the rest of my life living in a huge house in St. Thomas, with no money worries and surrounded by beautiful women who worship me." The genie granted him his wish and sent him on off to St. Thomas.

The software engineer went next. "I would like to spend the rest of my life living on a huge yacht cruising the Mediterranean, with no money worries and surrounded by beautiful women who worship me." The genie granted him his wish and sent him off to the Mediterranean.

Last, but not least, it was the project manager's turn. "And what would your wish be?" asked the genie.

"I want them both back after lunch" replied the project manager.

(Bruce Guthrie)

Theory X and Theory YTheory X and Theory Y

Theory X: Average person has an inherent dislike of work People must be coerced, controlled, directed,

threatened with punishment Average person prefers to be directed, and

wishes to avoid responsibility

By Donald McGregor

Theory X and Theory Y (2)Theory X and Theory Y (2)

Theory YTheory Y Physical and mental effort is as natural as play or rest Physical and mental effort is as natural as play or rest Man will exercise self-direction for objectives to which Man will exercise self-direction for objectives to which

he is committed he is committed Commitment to objectives is a function of reward Commitment to objectives is a function of reward Average person learns to accept and seek Average person learns to accept and seek

responsibility responsibility Imagination and creativity is widely distributed Imagination and creativity is widely distributed People's potentials are only partially utilised People's potentials are only partially utilised

Selecting the right personSelecting the right person

Recruitment process:Recruitment process: Create a job specificationCreate a job specification Create a job holder profileCreate a job holder profile Obtain applicantsObtain applicants Examine CVsExamine CVs Interviews, aptitude tests, personality tests, etc.Interviews, aptitude tests, personality tests, etc. Other procedure – eg. References, medical Other procedure – eg. References, medical


Eligible vs suitable candidatesEligible vs suitable candidates

Developing staffsDeveloping staffs

Induction for the new recruited memberInduction for the new recruited member

Assessment of the training needsAssessment of the training needs


Taylorist ModelTaylorist Model The use of piece-ratesThe use of piece-rates

Workers are paid a fixed sum of each item they Workers are paid a fixed sum of each item they produceproduce

Often cause difficulties if there is change of work Often cause difficulties if there is change of work practicespractices

Excessive distinction between co-workers Excessive distinction between co-workers may damage morale of the teammay damage morale of the team

Motivation (2)Motivation (2)

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Basic need: food, shelterBasic need: food, shelter Highest level: self-actualizationHighest level: self-actualization

The feeling that you are completely fulfilling your The feeling that you are completely fulfilling your potentialpotential

People are likely to be motivated by different People are likely to be motivated by different things at different stages of their lifethings at different stages of their life

Motivation (3)Motivation (3)

Herzberg’s two factor theory:Herzberg’s two factor theory: Hygiene or maintenance factor:Hygiene or maintenance factor:

Which make you dissatisfied if they are not rightWhich make you dissatisfied if they are not right

Eg, the level of pay or the working conditionsEg, the level of pay or the working conditions MotivatorsMotivators

Which make you feel that the job is worthwhileWhich make you feel that the job is worthwhile

Motivation (4)Motivation (4)

The expectancy theory of motivation – by The expectancy theory of motivation – by Vroom and colleaguesVroom and colleagues

Three influences of motivation:Three influences of motivation: ExpectancyExpectancy

Working harder will lead to a better performanceWorking harder will lead to a better performance InstrumentalityInstrumentality

Better performance will be rewardedBetter performance will be rewarded Perceived valuePerceived value

The resulting rewardThe resulting reward

Motivation (5)Motivation (5)

Oldham-Hackman job characteristics Oldham-Hackman job characteristics modelmodel Skill varietySkill variety

The number of skill that can be exercisedThe number of skill that can be exercised Task identityTask identity

The degree at which the work is identifiable as The degree at which the work is identifiable as belonging to the staffbelonging to the staff

Task significanceTask significance AutonomyAutonomy FeedbackFeedback

Motivation (6)Motivation (6)

Methods of improving motivationsMethods of improving motivations Setting specific goalsSetting specific goals Providing feedbackProviding feedback Job designJob design

To enhance job design:To enhance job design: Job enlargementJob enlargement Job enrichmentJob enrichment

teams and IT developmentteams and IT development

staff in an organization will often belong to staff in an organization will often belong to a department depending on their technical a department depending on their technical expertiseexpertise

staff from different technical areas could staff from different technical areas could then be brought together to work on a then be brought together to work on a projectproject

once project is completed, team may be once project is completed, team may be disbandeddisbanded

stages in becoming a teamstages in becoming a teamforming





team-building exercisescan help the process of becoming a team

getting the right mixgetting the right mix

Meredith Belbin studied teams working Meredith Belbin studied teams working together on management gamestogether on management games

found that the academically brightest found that the academically brightest teams often did badly e.g.teams often did badly e.g. argumentsarguments implementation of plans neglected etc.implementation of plans neglected etc.

gave psychometric tests to participants to gave psychometric tests to participants to identify best mix of team membersidentify best mix of team members

Belbin’s management team Belbin’s management team typestypes

The chair/co-ordinatorThe chair/co-ordinator not necessarily a strong leader but must be good not necessarily a strong leader but must be good

at controlling meetings: calm, strong, but tolerantat controlling meetings: calm, strong, but tolerant

The plantThe plant good at generating ideas good at generating ideas

The monitor-evaluatorThe monitor-evaluator good at evaluating ideas and helping to select the good at evaluating ideas and helping to select the

best onebest one

Belbin’s management team Belbin’s management team types - continuedtypes - continued

The shaperThe shaper rather a worrier, helps direct the team’s rather a worrier, helps direct the team’s

attention to important issues; a driverattention to important issues; a driver

The team worker/implementerThe team worker/implementer good at creating a good team environment good at creating a good team environment

and getting people to do thingsand getting people to do things

The resource investigatorThe resource investigator good at finding resources and informationgood at finding resources and information

Belbin’s management team Belbin’s management team types - continuedtypes - continued

The completer-finisherThe completer-finisher focussed in getting task completedfocussed in getting task completed

The company workerThe company worker a good team player who is willing to undertake a good team player who is willing to undertake

less attractive tasks if they are needed for less attractive tasks if they are needed for team successteam success

The specialistThe specialist the ‘techie’ interested in knowledge for its own the ‘techie’ interested in knowledge for its own


typical problemstypical problems

more than one shaper and no strong chair more than one shaper and no strong chair - arguments over direction- arguments over direction

several plants and specialists, but no several plants and specialists, but no shapers or completer-finishers - interesting shapers or completer-finishers - interesting discussions but nothing gets implementeddiscussions but nothing gets implemented

general advicegeneral advice

Time your interventions, don’t overwhelm Time your interventions, don’t overwhelm the others in the teamthe others in the team

Be flexibleBe flexible

Be restrainedBe restrained

Keep the common goals of the team in Keep the common goals of the team in mind all the timemind all the time

types of group worktypes of group work

Should you divide work up between you Should you divide work up between you or should you do it as a group?or should you do it as a group?

It depends partly on the type of workIt depends partly on the type of work additive tasksadditive tasks compensatory taskscompensatory tasks disjunctive tasksdisjunctive tasks conjunctive tasksconjunctive tasks

types of tasktypes of taskAdditiveAdditive

effort of individuals added together to get end resulteffort of individuals added together to get end result

people are interchangeablepeople are interchangeable

e.g. shovelling snow, interviewing people in the e.g. shovelling snow, interviewing people in the streetstreet

CompensatoryCompensatoryjudgements of individuals are pooledjudgements of individuals are pooled

errors by some can be corrected by otherserrors by some can be corrected by others

e.g. estimating costs, efforte.g. estimating costs, effort

types of activitytypes of activity

disjunctivedisjunctiveonly one correct answeronly one correct answer

getting answer depends on:getting answer depends on:someone getting the right answersomeone getting the right answer

others recognizing it as being correct!others recognizing it as being correct!

conjunctive conjunctive progress depends on the progress of the progress depends on the progress of the

slowest performerslowest performer

software projects often like thissoftware projects often like this

‘‘social loafing’social loafing’team members who are parasitesteam members who are parasites

particular problem with student groups, particular problem with student groups, but also in work environmentsbut also in work environments

can be alleviated by:can be alleviated by: making work of individuals identifiablemaking work of individuals identifiable consciously involving group member in the consciously involving group member in the

project outcomesproject outcomes rewarding individuals for team contribution rewarding individuals for team contribution

cf. ‘club player of the year’ in sports teams cf. ‘club player of the year’ in sports teams

Decision MakingDecision Making



Leadership: types of powerLeadership: types of powerposition powerposition power

coercive power - threatening coercive power - threatening punishmentpunishment

connection powerconnection power

legitimate powerlegitimate power

reward powerreward power

Types of power: personal powerTypes of power: personal power

expert powerexpert power

information powerinformation power

referent power (based on personal referent power (based on personal attractiveness/ charisma)attractiveness/ charisma)

Leadership stylesLeadership stylesdecision-making

directive permissive




Making decision alone

Making decision participatively

Gives autonomy in implementationClose supervision