PRIMARY CARE CHAMPIONS Community Medicine Leadership for ACTION A West Philadelphia Access, C ontinuity and T ransit io ns Network Commit to 8-hours in person every month for the following opportunities: Build your leadership and quality improvement skills Collaborate with a network of clinical providers and primary care leaders in West Philadelphia Develop advanced skills in: Become a future leader, educator, and practitioner of health care transformation The Fellowship in Community Medicine Leadership for ACTION, the new West Philadelphia care network of primary care provider champions and educators who share complex and high utilizing patients, begins July 2019 The 12-month clinical fellowship trains physicians and physician assistants to lead healthcare transformation and improve health within underserved communities and community-based practice settings Panel management and population health Integrated behavioral health Rapid cycle quality improvement initiatives Transitions in care Evidence-based interventions for High- Cost High-Needs patients Interprofessional team-based care “The Fellowship in Community Medicine Leadership for ACTION (a West Philadelphia Access, Continuity, and Transitions Network) is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS- T13HP32112-01-00). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.” [email protected] NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2019-2020 Join a new Community Medicine Leadership Fellowship Participants are supported by a HRSA funded $10,000 stipend to cover expenses Team and Collaborators Invitation for Primary Care Training Enhancement Fellow Application The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, in collaboration with the other Penn health professional schools, the Southeast Pennsylvania Area Health Education Center, the Health Federation of Philadelphia, federally qualified health centers, and other safety net providers in West Philadelphia are committed to serving the larger West Philadelphia Community through this new fellowship program Program Mission The purpose of the training is to develop leaders with specific instruction and development in the areas of panel management, care coordination, and quality improvement to lead health care transformation Desired Outcomes The 12-month clinical fellowship trains physicians and physician assistants to develop, enhance, and implement essential population health skills in primary care settings Application Guidelines Interested in participating? Please address any inquiries to: Chinwe Nwadiogbu MLA Fellowship Project Manager P: (215) 662-9433 E: [email protected] Criteria and Eligibility There are currently f ive openings for primary care providers (MD/PA) Applicants are required to submit (1) Letter of interest ; (2) Curriculum vitae / Resume The deadline to submit application materials is Tuesday, April 30th 2019 Learn more about the fellowship or apply here. Contact Please address any inquiries to: Chinwe Nwadiogbu MLA Fellowship Project Manager P: (215) 662-9433 E: [email protected]

PRIMARY CARE CHAMPIONS · PRIMARY CARE CHAMPIONS Communit y Medicine Leadership for ACTION A West Philadelphia Access, Continuit y and Transit ions Network Commit to 8-h our s in

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Community Medicine Leadership for ACTIONA West Philadelphia Access, Continuity and Transitions Network

Commit to 8-hours in person every month forthe following opportunities:

Build your leadership and qualityimprovement skillsCollaborate with a network of clinicalproviders and primary care leaders in WestPhiladelphia

Develop advanced skills in:

Become a future leader,educator, and practitioner ofhealth care transformation

The Fellowship inCommunity MedicineLeadership for ACTION , thenew West Philadelphia carenetwork of primary careprovider champions andeducators who sharecomplex and high utilizingpatients, beginsJuly 2019

The 12-month clinicalfellowship trainsphysicians and physicianassistants to leadhealthcare transformationand improve health withinunderserved communitiesand community-basedpractice settings

Panel management and population healthIntegrated behavioral healthRapid cycle quality improvement initiativesTransitions in careEvidence-based interventions for High-Cost High-Needs patientsInterprofessional team-based care

“ T h e F e l l o w s h i p i n C o m m u n i t y M e d i c i n e L e a d e r s h i p f o r A C T I O N ( a W e s t P h i l a d e l p h i a A c c e s s , C o n t i n u i t y , a n d T r a n s i t i o n s N e t w o r k ) i ss u p p o r t e d b y t h e H e a l t h R e s o u r c e s a n d S e r v i c e s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ( H R S A ) o f t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d H u m a n S e r v i c e s ( H H S -T 1 3 H P 3 2 1 1 2 - 0 1 - 0 0 ) . T h e c o n t e n t s a r e t h o s e o f t h e a u t h o r ( s ) a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e p r e s e n t t h e o f fi c i a l v i e w s o f , n o r a n e n d o r s e m e n t , b yH R S A , H H S o r t h e U . S . G o v e r n m e n t . ”

[email protected]


Join a new Community Medicine Leadership Fellowship

Participants are supported by a HRSA funded$10,000 stipend to cover expenses

Team and Collaborators

Invitation for Primary Care Training Enhancement Fellow Application

The Perelman School of Medicine at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, incollaboration with the other Penn healthprofessional schools, the SoutheastPennsylvania Area Health EducationCenter, the Health Federation ofPhiladelphia, federally qualif ied healthcenters, and other safety net providers inWest Philadelphia are committed toserving the larger West PhiladelphiaCommunity through this new fellowshipprogram

Program MissionThe purpose of the training is to developleaders with specif ic instruction anddevelopment in the areas of panelmanagement, care coordination, andquality improvement to lead health caretransformation

Desired OutcomesThe 12-month clinical fellowship trainsphysicians and physician assistants todevelop, enhance, and implementessential population health skil ls inprimary care settings



Interested in participating? Please address anyinquiries to:

Chinwe Nwadiogbu MLAFellowship Project ManagerP: (215) 662-9433E: [email protected]

Criteria and EligibilityThere are currently f ive openings for primary care providers (MD/PA)

Applicants are required to submit (1) Letter of interest ; (2) Curriculum vitae / Resume

The deadline to submit application materials is Tuesday, April 30th 2019

Learn more about the fellowship or apply here.

ContactPlease address any inquiries to: Chinwe Nwadiogbu MLAFellowship Project Manager

P: (215) 662-9433E: [email protected]