primary school news 1 The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, Australia Tel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected] Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C primary school news Term 3 Week 5, 2016 Congrats Primary Athletics Age Champions! For current updates on upcoming events, please visit our website at www.tkis.qld.edu.au Upcoming Events Tue 16 Aug ICAS - Maths Assessment (Primary) Fri 2 Sep & Sat 3 Sep Beaudesert Show Wed 5 Oct First day of Term 4 Thu 18 Aug & Fri 19 Aug District Athletics @ QSAC Mon 5 Sep - Fri 9 Sep Primary School Parent-Teacher Meetings (please contact the school for an appointment with your child’s teacher) Wed 5 Oct Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser for TKIS students competing at Equestrian Nationals Tue 23 Aug Lucky Draw @ Parade for the “Kishana to Netball Nationals” Raffle (postponed from Tues 16 Aug) Wed 14 Sep - Fri 16 Sep Book Fair @ TKIS Library Thu 6 Oct TKIS Open Day - all family and friends welcome! (please contact school for event timetable) Fri 2 Sep Primary School Beaudesert Show Excursion Fri 16 Sep Last day of Term 3 Congratulations to the Age Champions of the Primary Athletics Carnival (pictured below) held on the last week of last term. (See Kooralbyn School News Term 2 edition for more news and photos on the Athletics Carnival). Perpetual Trophies for the Sub-junior, Junior and Senior categories were presented at Parade (pictured above) when we returned to school this term. It was a closely fought competition, with ties in the categories of Junior Male, Junior Female as well as Senior Female. Well done Lachlan H., Mieka C., Malaki H., Natasha M., William R., Marleah B., Jesse Z., Maddison S., Ethan C., Mama-Kura M., Lachlan L., Isabella S. and Noah C.-T., and good luck to all the students who will be competing at the upcoming District Athletics Trials. Go Kooralbyn!!

Congrats Primary Athletics Age Champions! - …€¦ · Primary School Parent-Teacher Meetings ... Book Fair @ TKIS Library Thu 6 Oct TKIS Open Day ... See page 6 (Grade 5-6 classroom

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primary school news


The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C

primary school news

Term 3 Week 5, 2016

Congrats Primary Athletics Age Champions!

For current updates on upcoming events, please visit our website at www.tkis.qld.edu.auUpcoming EventsTue 16 Aug ICAS - Maths Assessment (Primary) Fri 2 Sep &

Sat 3 SepBeaudesert Show Wed 5 Oct First day of Term 4

Thu 18 Aug & Fri 19 Aug

District Athletics @ QSAC Mon 5 Sep - Fri 9 Sep

Primary School Parent-Teacher Meetings (please contact the school for an appointment with your child’s teacher)

Wed 5 Oct Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser for TKIS students competing at Equestrian Nationals

Tue 23 Aug Lucky Draw @ Parade for the “Kishana to Netball Nationals” Raffle (postponed from Tues 16 Aug)

Wed 14 Sep - Fri 16 Sep

Book Fair @ TKIS Library Thu 6 Oct TKIS Open Day - all family and friends welcome! (please contact school for event timetable)

Fri 2 Sep Primary School Beaudesert Show Excursion Fri 16 Sep Last day of Term 3

Congratulations to the Age Champions of the Primary Athletics Carnival (pictured below) held on the last week of last term. (See Kooralbyn School News Term 2 edition for more news and photos on the Athletics Carnival). Perpetual Trophies for the Sub-junior, Junior and Senior categories were presented at Parade (pictured above) when we returned to school this term. It was a closely fought competition, with ties in the categories of Junior Male, Junior Female as well as Senior Female. Well done Lachlan H., Mieka C., Malaki H., Natasha M., William R., Marleah B., Jesse Z., Maddison S., Ethan C., Mama-Kura M., Lachlan L., Isabella S. and Noah C.-T., and good luck to all the students who will be competing at the upcoming District Athletics Trials. Go Kooralbyn!!

primary school news

The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C2

Primary School Captains for Term 3We are proud to announce that our Primary School Captains for Term 3 are Tara, Tayla, Luke and Noah. Congratulations!

These captains have been chosen from among our Year 6 students and will serve for one term. Students apply for the position and new Captains are selected every term so that more senior Primary students can have a chance to experience the responsibilities of a leadership position.

Although Captains have more responsibilities, all students in Grades 5 and 6 are considered leaders in our Primary School and are expected to be a fine example to the younger students by being supportive, thoughtful, tolerant, helpful, inclusive and responsible.

Grade 5-6 students host students from China

In Week 3 of this term, I had the opportunity to host two Chinese students for a week. We had two of the Chinese girls stay with us. Their names were Yangyang (English name Angel) and

By Tayla, Year 6 Chi (English name Cindy). They were 12 and 13 years old.

We played lots of games like handball and soccer. While they were here we taught them what a scooter was and how to ride one. They really liked it. We also played piggy in the middle. I don’t think they play

many games at home. Both girls were the only child in their family so they did not have brothers or sisters to play with.

They said their schools were really big with lots of students and big classes, much larger than ours. They thought our house was really big. Both of

them liked my bird – a Green Cheek Conure, but were scared of our dog. He is only a Kelpie, but he likes jumping up at people.

It was fun having them for the week.

See page 6 (Grade 5-6 classroom roundup) for more news on our Chinese visitors.

Grade 5-6 students with their guests from Suzhou, China, who joined their classes for one week. It was eye-opening for our students to realise that the Chinese students considered them to be very lucky in both their learning and living environment.

Primary School Captains for Term 3, Tayla, Noah, Tara and Luke were presented with their Primary School Captain badges at Tuesday morning Parade.

primary school news


The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C

Open Day on Thursday 6th October

Next door at Pre-Prep

Well, we are already halfway through the term, and the Pre-Preps have been very busy learning about Australian animals and practising their social skills in light of the arrival of some lovely new friends.

We have had a few new Pre-Preps join us this term, which was an adventure for everybody involved. So ‘welcome’ to our new friends Henry, Owen, Christian and Rori, and their families. We are sure you will enjoy your time with us in Pre-Prep.

Our new friends have been able to join us in our Australian animal adventures. We have

used this theme for our story time and also to create an Aussie animal book; a work of art that they will be able to take home and read to their families.

We are looking forward to the weeks ahead as we play and learn together.

Miss Lauren, Pre-Prep Coordinator

We’d like to invite all of our TKIS families and friends to come and join us at our Open Day on Thursday 6th October (please contact the school for a copy of the event timetable).

As many of our students travel in from all over the Scenic Rim and Logan Shire, the Open Day is our way of sharing snippets of what we do every day at school - through activities, presentations and displays organised by our students and teachers - with their families and friends.

Please let us know if you would like to drop by. You can email us at [email protected] or call 5544 5500.

We hope to see you there!

Pre-Prep students at their morning tea break.

primary school news

The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C4

classroom roundup

Recently the two Grade 5-6 classes were fortunate enough to host eight students and two teachers from the city of Suzhou in the Jiangsu Province of China. Our guests were here for one week. Four students were in each class. In Mr Thomson’s class there were four girls - Yixin, Yangyang (Angel), Xiyue (Apple) and Chi (Cindy). They came from a number of schools. Yixin’s classroom in Suzhou has 46 students, with 12 classes at each grade level, giving a total of about 3300 students in her primary school. Her school day began at 8.00am and finished at 4.00pm with two hours of homework each night. Others came from schools with class sizes varying from the high 20s to the mid 40s and homework of only one hour per night in some cases.

Suzhou is a city of 15 million people about one hour west of Shanghai, with the vast majority of people living in apartments in multi-storey buildings (varying from 3 to 30 storeys). It is famous for its numerous World Heritage listed gardens. It has a huge expatriate population and five international schools, but all our guests came from Chinese schools (the Chinese government does not allow them to attend international schools in China). The students were surprised at how small our classes were, the small amount of homework, the opportunity to play (ie. run around) at lunch time and the blue skies and wide open spaces.

On their last day here the Chinese students presented a slide show about Suzhou, sang a traditional Chinese song, read some poems, made a short speech of thanks and showed a video of one of them playing a large traditional

Chinese instrument. They also gave all our students several gifts. We, in turn, provided them with some Australian/New Zealand food – pies, pavlovas, vegemite and cheese sandwiches, Anzac biscuits and the classic Australian tradition of Tim Tams.

It was a real experience for all the children to see how positive the Chinese students’ attitudes were for learning considering the opportunities our students are lucky to have. All the students were returning to additional lessons every day in their summer holidays. Thank you to Mrs Mills who taught Chinese to the Grade 5 students (while Grade 6 had Japanese) for about six weeks, beginning the last term, in preparation for the visit. Thanks also to the families

who hosted our guests. It was a delight having our guests in the classrooms for a week.

In English, our focus has been poetry. The students have been investigating the subject matter, style and language of various poems and comparing them. We have examined how imagery, metaphors and similes have been used. The students discussed what type of response they thought the poet was trying to stimulate in the reader. Why did they write the poem? Who was the intended audience? Was it a performance poem – one intended to be read aloud to an audience? They have also been writing their own poems, both

free verse and rhyming.

Multiplying, adding and subtracting decimals, converting between


fractions and percentages, as well as and fractions in general (addition, subtraction, equivalents, writing in ascending or descending order, and finding the lowest common denominator) have been the main activities in Maths. There has been an emphasis on understanding place value so many questions have been presented to the students written horizontally so they have to set out the algorithms vertically in the correct manner. We have just started work on symmetry and this will be the focus in the coming week or so.

Grade 5 - 6 with Ms Milne & Mr Thomson

Grade 5-6 students gathered round dissecting a poem for English class.

primary school news


The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C

classroom roundup

Grade 5 - 6 with Ms Milne & Mr Thomson (continued)The three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) has been the topic covered in Science. The students have investigated how to transform a substance from one state to another and how to reverse the process. We investigated why some liquids took longer to freeze than others, why melting some solids was more difficult than melting others and watched some videos on the properties of

the three states of matter, including the process of making steel and the water cycle. The students also investigated whether it was easier to compress air or water, and the

importance of being able to compress air in particular, and how useful that is to us.

This term in history the students are working hard to create a portfolio to demonstrate their learning regarding the development of Australia. Each week, students complete a different activity that they are able to choose and all students are working hard on their first assignment. It’s been great to

see how

motivated the students have been to find out the history of our nation.

We have a busy few weeks coming up for all students in 5-6 and it’s important that they keep their attendance at school up during this busy time. To all students competing in District Athletics in Week 6, we wish you the best of luck and hope you represent TKIS exquisitely. Grade 6 leadership positions for next term are now open and applications will close on Friday of Week 8.

Ms Milne andMr Thomson,Grade 5-6 Teachers

primary school news

The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C6

Prep - Grade 1 with Ms Jefferson

This term students in Prep and Grade 1 are focusing on retells and recounts. Students in Prep

started with holiday recounts which encouraged them to talk and write about their home life and family, before extending their writing by adding a ‘new idea’. Over the coming weeks, Prep students will focus on retelling stories verbally,

through drawings, writing simple sentences and also dramatic play opportunities.

Grade 1 students have begun the term reading and writing recounts, focusing on identifying and writing about the who, when, where, why and what. They are also working on developing their sentence writing. This term we are aiming to write all our sentences with SWAG! We are using this acronym to help remind us to Start with a capital, Write neatly, Always leave a finger space and Give each sentence a full stop. We are enjoying using this to

help us edit our work, with students eager to share “My sentence has SWAG!”

Our Science unit has us investigating Light and Sound. We have begun exploring different ways to produce sound using familiar actions and materials and comparing the volume and pitch of different sounds. We are learning how our senses help us to detect sound and light and are understanding how sound travels, learning several key scientific terms such as vibrations, air particles and sound waves.

Thank you to all our wonderful Prep and Grade 1 parents who support their child with their homework each week. Please continue to encourage your child’s reading and discuss each book (what happened in the story, how did it end, who was their favourite character and why), as this will help them during their retell and recount tasks at school.

Congratulations to our Students of the Week - Kye (Week 1), Joseph (Week 2), Kahlila-Mae (Week 3) and Trey (Week 4).

Ms Jefferson,Prep - Grade 1 Teacher

Grade 2 - 3 with Mrs Smithattached to these occasions.

We have shared our experiences and will be producing an information poster of what we have learnt.

In English, we are working on retells of different

fairy tales and folk tales. We are learning to include our feelings and opinions when giving a retell.

In Mathematics, we have been learning about capacity. The students had fun measuring the capacity of some buckets using sand and water. We are now learning about the rules of multiplication.

Everyone has been working hard this term. Well done 2-3!

Mrs Smith, Grade 2-3 TeacherThis term, Class 2-3 have been learning about the celebrations and commemorations

that occur all over the world. They have been investigating the traditions and beliefs

Grade 2-3 students with the informational charts they created on Easter and Australia Day.

Prep - Grade 1 students proudly showing off how their writing has SWAG (Start with a capital, Write neatly, Always leave a finger space and Give each sentence a full stop).

classroom roundup

primary school news


The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C

Grade 3 - 4 with Ms PittThe students of 3-4 are keeping busy this term. In English, they are learning about historical

recounts. They have been analysing journal entries and extracts from the first fleet and have expressed and justified their opinions on the texts being studied.

In Mathematics, the students have been creating a range of multiplication games for their peers to play. These games come complete with instructions, a game board/diagram, question cards and an answer sheet. The students enjoyed creating their games and took time to plan out each step. They have also been exploring number patterns, money, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

In Health, the students are taking a keen interest in healthy choices. They are learning about strategies to keep healthy and improve their fitness. They are exploring the five food groups and the influence of health messages. In PE, they are learning a variety of games that develop their tracking of an object, teamwork skills and communication. They have really enjoyed being involved in PE each week this term.

In History, the students are exploring a range of events celebrated and commemorated. The events being studied include, Easter, Australia Day, ANZAC Day and Queensland Day. They are exploring the historical origins, symbolic traditions and how each event is represented.

Congratulations to our Students of the Week, Ethan (Week 1), Stella (Week 2), Summer (Week 3) and Alex (Week 4).

Ms Pitt, Grade 3-4 Teacher

Grade 1 - 2 with Mrs Baldwin

In the last couple of weeks the Grade 1-2 students have been working on recognising and describing

2D shapes and 3D objects. The students have investigated 3D

objects in their surrounding environment and have tried rolling, stacking and sliding the different objects.

During Week 4 our students took part in a fun learning experience which had them sifting through our various magazines to find common 2D shapes. After they found a variety of shapes the students arranged their shapes onto coloured paper to create a picture.

This activity was loads of fun and I’m sure the students forgot that they were even learning throughout the experience. They were very excited to have their photograph taken with the picture they created.

This type of hands-on experience allows the students to have some control in their learning and can result in students retaining important information more than they would in a lecture style lesson.

The majority of our Maths lessons have this hands-on approach, which is consolidated with book work.

It is hard to believe that we are at midterm already! The students are all beginning to get very excited about the Beaudesert Show excursion in Week 8 as we will be writing a recount of this the following week.

Mrs Baldwin, Grade 1-2 Teacher

Grade 3-4 students at their journal writing (above) and playing a multiplication board game they created themselves (below).

Grade 1-2 students sharing the beautifully vivid pictures they made from arranging 2D shapes found in magazines onto coloured paper.

classroom roundup

primary school news

The Kooralbyn International School Address: Ogilvie Place, Kooralbyn, QLD 4285, AustraliaTel: (07) 5544 5500 Fax: (07) 5544 6108 Web: www.tkis.qld.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Kooralbyn Campus Incorporated ABN :: 22 449 947 887 CRICOS : 02759C8

Announcements & Notices

Parent-Teacher meetingsOptional parent-teacher meetings are being scheduled in Week 9 of this term.

The meetings are not compulsory and each session will only take 15 minutes. The parent-teacher meetings are intended to provide an opportunity to speak to your child’s

teacher and ask any questions that you may have. If you are not able to physically be at the school, a phone meeting can be arranged.

If you wish to book a time to meet with your child’s teacher, please email us at [email protected] or contact the school at 5544 5500. Free Dental from Metro South Health

Queensland children will continue to benefit from free dental care to the end of 2016. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) program provides up to $1000 per eligible child (2–17 year olds, whose family is receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or other Australian Government payments) for dental treatment. The CDBS can be used for services such as examinations, xrays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.

If a child is not eligible for CDBS, they could still be eligible for free dental care with Metro South Health. All children aged 4 through to Grade 10 at school are eligible for free public dental care, as well as children aged 0-3 years and those in Grades 11 and 12 whose parents have a current Centrelink Healthcare or Pension Card. To check eligibility or to make an appointment, visit:www.metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/oral-health or call 1300 300 850.

Students of the WeekWeek One Week Two

Week Three Week FourStudents of the Week: (back row) Ethan, Ziggy, Alex, (front row) Abhinav, Lochie and Trey with Mr Mills (Principal).

Students of the Week: (back row) Daniel, Mathew, (front row) Summer, Charlotte, Emily S. and Kahlila-Mae with Mr Mills (Principal).

Scholastic Book Fair @ TKIS LibraryThe annual Scholastic Book Fair will be held from Wednesday 14th September to Friday 16th September at the TKIS Library. Parents and carers are welcome to pop in and take a look if they wish to.

The book fair will be open at the following times:

8:15 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. ;

12:50 p.m. - 1:10 p.m. ; and

2:50 p .m. - 3:30 p.m.

2016 NAPLAN results in the mailStudents who sat for the 2016 NAPLAN testing for Grades 3, 5, 7 & 9 should be receiving their results in the mail over sometime this week. (Results have been mailed out and Australia Post promises a 2-6 business day delivery, depending on the destination.)

If any parent would like to personally discuss their child(ren)’s NAPLAN performance with the Principal, their teacher(s) or the School Coordinators, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 5544 5500 to arrange an appointment at your convenience.

Students of the Week: Jemma, Stella, Jourdain and Grace with Ms Jefferson (Junior School Coordinator) and Mr Mills (Principal). Chloe and Joseph (inset) was not present when the photo was taken.

Students of the Week:(back row) Cody, Hunter, Ethan, (front row) Mieka and Kye with Mr Mills (Principal). Marindah (inset) was not present when the photo was taken.