\ ,. ' lt.b , \1< \ A 'Y 1 .. ltO W ln ltlg o\·er um 1 in ·futur <' he i11 n pos1ti o lt to rtllcnu' •dl c.:n ll.: at a11,(hour fo l' the conve ni elt cc of J m; Clie!O H!fhJfWd ,. 1-- (T \\' 1) ll OLJ..\I:S 1' E II n:.\ ) JL\r lRO I: . GRA ('E, 1 NFID. l •'RTD AY, .JrNE u;, ( SH\(:L io! COI'IES '1'\\'0 CF.NTS.) 0 50 Se as onable a r1d Reasonable · · Reduction in SUMMER Mantles. . . PAY FOR'--. 1 .. NEWFOUNDLAND - :- LIGHTS . [Xu I, To .J II. l Opcl tt ·d : :-iulltmt ·r Prints, I>daincs l't>H 0 l'C < \> tlo n:-:, Salet'll :; ( in plain :hade s), Art 'rcpon::, X •w Dre :-::1 'l'wec<.ls. St •1·gc:-:. &t·. :\11cl the fulluwi11 rr Job Lots nt Lmlit•s' \\'at c1 ' proofs. Buy .' anti Girls' , 'ailuJlnt :-:, Lalli •s' Mnntl es, Flanudl e tt es. j, gin.'ll, thnt it is in- te nded Lo nller th e light nt , · Harbor Grace Island. Suits . style MUNN BROS.; W" ATER STREET H . h p ' il B.,],' p cl I In unh·r lu dc :t r. \\ c lt :\\"C r c<l uc ·d I Ill' pri('C or Ollr Mantles 1[ . riCell u lll[ OWuer :tnd C'l-:>:tk;o{. Don' t fail to sec th em lJcl i H'C bay cl:cw hc rc, ns y 1 , 11 c an ltliY yo, 11 cannot lm. · th e :-:amc 2\lantle c l ·c wltcr' fur double th e price w· n:-:k. Durin g thi :-> week we will 111 :\ kc 'V A SPECIAL REDUCTION <:?* in om ll osit• ry Depa rtm e nt. 1,his oO'er to hohl good until NIGHT WOODILLS uuu -- RUBBER CLOAKS AT $1.50. <tual ity a lJ::o l ut c ly I' m<·. Dange r .ust'rottml rs of th e clifl'd uci ng of frcqm nt occ\•rrNl Cl', thu s more Ill HI more c ircuu the em:lll arcn urouultlw lm ildings, tt is COilt.ilkr d ttn· saf e to coutinu(' rcsiJcnt Keepers on the Jsluml, nt:d it dl'sirnulc thn t 1\ light ehoulll s ti ll lre cont inu ed t ht re, iL hne been dNt'rmin C1 1 to remo,·c the rC\'Ol\'· inJ: liAhL nml to nn occulting capnhlc of continuous opcmti on with out constnnt attl'ndnncc. Price5, 10and20cents. M. J. JONES, 93 "Water<Street. the foODILL'S WORM LOZENGES · - A. !' lt Otlld ht• ill (•\ ' (' 1'." hou:- •hold. s p R c 00 DS. 'fh c work wi ll uc cc. mut \! nCcll.J uly 1st, and the nr w li;:hL will l11· IJIIi <"kl y ns t •• of whicla fur ther nutit'c 11 ill lw \\' hi!..., tl1c 1 \llr k 1 .. dt•I H', :t r ... l dti Jrlt•x 11 ili he ni;,:l11 ly. ( By onl t•• ), <; t-:u. W. :-:cndun·. ll tH I.I> trF \\'l)I;J-,: \II I II'F. I • t • :\ 11.1 .. .fun(· 1 :!, i Cheap Shingles. in tl;:tnking his custo ruc1·s nntl the public ge nerally fur th e ir t':-<tt' eiiiCtl patronage, beg:) tu int imah ' tha t he is now pr<'par •d to li11 order ::; fo r a11 ot'. 'ced ·. ber n s pared i11 th e entlen\'or to ohl ain t;ootl l-' of n reliahle .,u.d ity. aud w it h in t.· rc n::;r.<l in our J1<'W pre- \\ c will be enau iPd I t) contluet lou::inC:<!; to ;t rrnter · a t. :mtag e fo r tHtr t' ll :-lntnt'l',:. OUR STOCK OF SEEDS /S COMPLETE, (I : •u l It a, bt• t.•n ::pcdall. ·,:('l<:dl ·tl fur tlti :: t 'f un lry ':-: :.- ro wlh. i It 1111 h-•!l',:'tll ttl'l'i wk<' l'ri l. t'·\\ illll! ''· .\ !P. I:Ji'ali"l:t antl fl •. l:: i:t t :ull ·"· Fricn tl in ::lt.. J cr J;:l(! - u- 'l'ht• .1 • H. A. 1ViOhR1SSEY Wat er Str c·e t. Hu rbor Grace. tl. t• ;t_t•l\ : :II(:\ . \ii i I l't" l J'll' i 1 1'. j, _...... _.._...... ::::.:::. = -: - II Hl ii'Uft,.-:arU'M CL""._........ ,.,cp••••=• rr1'Mf!' Jrt'Cf :Ill '.! t •t<l , Q_ qr-:t ft II Ley Q 9 1 PRI I.1E S HlNHLES rJ tr \\ v THE L':fVEG' r :J?RIC ES -ORANGE S , - ,_ EM O_ NS. I ( ·· . . "' 1 - 'I 'I . ' .. ' < > .\ 1.1 '1 111-:!: 1 ·• 1: 1>. tl, l ld t) 1!!';\1'' · tt'O ill .·Ill jl\!i' .1 . l l lliC'C ;'- \\' ''l l'llll g <.:S. •. 11. ( lt ot il·•· l':dcl'llh> Le mo11:-:. t ·:;.ryp'liatl Otdo!ls--ehc; p, One H ll : ,,1 .. ilt1 O 'J I 1 l L an[)'' "-; C <=>le brated Bi scuits. I lk :;n, :\lid :lOll) Doxc:-:. .1. l.l' .!•l I l .lll Il l ' 1 II ' {'I 0 I' I . lt '- t' I I • !II :: II C :\11(',"-v I C:lp. X \ li'( '\- U 111 :. of Xt \\ ll·ll'l•:. :: . X, w :"· \.t f: r(ti u. 1' . ..... •. tn o:• '" till 1 .ti· 1 fE L'1. S at 2 5, 30 an d 40 c ents _per lb. and upwards. :o-;t a ll X\' ' ,l ;:t ·• 1 . t: ... lnr •:. ·d ,i l I \ -{ 1 )'• 1 ('Jl ) (J }'[> JJ' ' 1 ] hi;:}H•' ( 'o - J\ f' 1 j, < 1• .i I f, . }··rli. - 1111 :1 Il l! :-Jt,, ;.. tl{ p • ( 11 !1( ( 1\ '; .\ ';, 01 \ }:\lit. ill ... '• .y ····' ,, .• ,,, . "' I I Ross's, "W a tier Str eet. t ht.u .... . I • 1.• :- I • I d. !-U :- :t..t '. '"'-1'1·1 (•11 , j, .. .. : ·, .:.·.· .. ,I .. , .. y .. :i .... 1 At Joseph t hl.lll . :-- •. 1. 1i t• .o: !: •· tltr ·: ;:it .d l •·l.l papf : r:- ('• rrt •. ,, ' . ,. , ..... !•. ·j, ... t ... . I _ _ \lntWt f, , :\ : . 11 Ill •. : -·. ___ N - - ( olli•, :111ol :tt, .l I • ..- ....,, e w Sl·ntl me 11 hu l Y••ll . .... 1. I< •: n,.. h • . .• 1. --' 1 :'end l ry rcgial\.rl•tltnllil nr ,•xt n . ... ... ol. \\\• an• th c 1 ' •. 1 HJ-::4(1' .. ; ' ' . :t, 111 1. t r. wn ha H<.'r ,. Jwwn in .T )DJE t: ( . Oo ll:-: ttl :til l 'l ·. ll ·. h l.;t l!,ollrl l. u . I . \ \'r· \IUttlt l :: o lidl an c arh· c alll or·l' ml' th 4 · wl11 •l• !' lot·k ;.!OC.". B d Sh . 'fbi :{ )lrl•:lrliiH'l' l i., rcp ll'lc. OYor BIBLICAE-:- LITERATURE. t•r·c tli:t. ... 2 nr. ' mi th 's l:il,le l>i cti on an · ... $ 1. :-ill lift'! of <.; hri !lt, hy Ill·,·. JJi ti un, £ , ..... t-::.ao I.ir eo r 'hrist. t.,. Hev.F.W. I .ifc or l;y l:cv. C. C:··ildc ... $ 1.:?.-; I.if o oi hrist, by Ern(·St R('n nn .... $1.1.00 Life-of Christ, t.y Re''· J. Stnlkcr .... ... 2.-te l.i fo l'aul, lty Rev.F.W.Fnrr.tr... ... 2 Earl y or Chri slinnity -do ......SIJ iO Mercy nntl Jnds; rncnt-uo ................ f! Oc 00 GS an 08S . ditrcrcnt Jilws to s elect from. '€" .,... Y v..,. ""Y v ., . . . . . ot L. \ l H 1-::-\' J. i;..r h t Jl ig h L:lci n)! \\ c an· :-htn\ tn l! a l111 e B< O'J':-\ f,o r SJ. :a t. :O:p lc nditl :nt idc fur su u tlll l' l' \\'l'!lr. Try th c 111 . Sole Ag·ents for Smallwood's Cel ebrated Boots. Groceries and Provisions : Fluur ( all l'•> rk, Hec f l' latl' Beef , .Towl :z. Our renown ed -tO.·. 'l !EA is s ti11 tnking th e lcntl. ('unto ! nil your wnnts ca n be. up plied at o ur Estnhl i :- luucnt. HALL- BROTHE. RS For To Lease Or To Let That lh·,. ira lJ!c Dwelling -House t'l'wo T c iiCiliCill:! ), on ( 'o op<' ra :.to llili , h c:ul of \' irt uria :' tr ' C'I. Hcnt low. J>o,:- :ocF.:i, Ht ;:i\' Cil immediately. 'I" I I.\ T DWELLING- HOUSE , \\ 'c lt :\,·c at la :-: t r ccc i\'cd part ot'uur c:ootls. l,y train fr o 111 t. . Joint '!'{. ex B;n·cel uua ' lunlla aml Grand Lak e. and we wou ltl in, ·itc out· matl\· cu:-: tolltl!rs to \'C 11s a n early t':tl l. · A large . ' t4 Wk url> re:-::; Uu -u(ls or all iuus Print :-: and Sat ee n:. Fla nn •ll c tt cl'l , Ua li l'OL':-<. Flannel s, )Loie:.:ki n' :-: . Blanl<clings, II a t:; :11ul ( ': tp: in all : Ly le: ami al l prit·c:-:. Cheap ly :-:lcc tcu :--il ock of \Vo1ncn 's, allll ( 'llilth·e n's Bl>Ots anti PATERSON & FOSTER. (• ll \ \' :ll cr :'li'C'<'I. :t l t•re ' Cnt oct pi <·d lry . .Tt •lt n t ;:t,l', \'. :.!in :n fir:-l ;\ nYl' lllbc r. · F• 'r p:trtit tllar.: :'lppJ_,. to CHURCH OF ENGLAND l>ra_r cr B uu ks, Hy mn B ooks El>\\'.\ l:ll P.\l::' t );\:'. Prnycr atul Hymn B ooks combined . . . ROMAN CATHOLIC Prayer B u, , ks. &t·. - - - - In a lu_!l h nc. ol ! METHODIST ll yum H,Jnk s. lt :t\' l! th e ahu\'C : Furniture I ll uoks_ at ))}'ire wi. :.: h l'U lt ) l'. For <1l all kind::. Ill t he Al -. ol. :1 l. : ll'l!C m' ¢ Book and Stationery Line of . PICTURE - FRAMING \\' C C;\1\ be reli ed up on. :,c. rur :\ :O:IHilplc of our .\ 11 '-it.C':'. (' l•c·: tp :t llll (3 ood. ... :up cr ior Fan'." SoapK Fancy H oods, Books and Stationery :- =-- n_r_ s_H_o __ sT_. -=- J_o--:H,..-N' -= s= . = PHOTO GR -APHS, - &0 . j,. the :::t'!l!'•'ll for l'lwtllr!l':l)'h ,; . --Tiut ' 'l'e". \: l· . t : uutl :ttl\l l'idun '" ,·ul argc d. . ' PARSONS' EMPORI UM, OpJ •vsitc t he uf Jto lon l'll, Wat er St 1 ·ccl ll arlJUr Grace. = Carriages, "Sleighs, Carts, &c. JAMES WARREN, OAR 1: / A(; H.(·. '/,/·.' J( ;J J B U I Is 10 ull wo rk In hi llno wllh OOO<t n n1l fnllhflll work gunrnnt h., l. All klmb of oloz'c nl&hor l n ot leo nml nt m O<lc ml ll t>rlt.-c ... '1/t/HILE THANK ING OUR MANY PATRONS t'u r t heir ltt lll'lt-:tpprecia lcd s uLt11·t Jurin g the pa:t :1!) y cnrl'l. we beg to a co ntinuan ce nf tltc •. and would C!d l alt ' nti on to th e fac t although [ailur' in the En!-!l ish crops l a:-ct sen!-iOll lt as •tl : 1. gre at !-'cm·city of, EE .D , :uHl not with st: mdin g the ext ra on linary : uh·am·e in pticc:-:. we ha,·c again s •cme <l our u :;ual nut! v:u·it'd ;-;l ol'k ol' . · GARDEN AA 66A66666666AA6 . . \Tc nr<' nnw prepared lo (ill al the lowcsl p1·ices nll orders with wh irh ot u' t·u :s tomers nt:t)' bc plcai'Cd lu fa vOl'tt!'l. w. H. THOMPSON & CO., \V nter Harbor Grnce. Etemiil Hope-d o ........... .................... .. ' I Vc hi C' Ic s b nllt In lnlc&t 1tlyl c8 nml In ci MI llni Mh . lfir 'uti fn e ti on FOR - A U seftll Present Eesnya on Mimch . ·s -t lo ........ .. ........ OOc Crux Christi by Rcv.J.Bt>nn ett,D.O... OOc \ Veeloy'.s on New T tst nment ... OOc Oxford H elps to llible ' tndy.ncw eu..1.25 Perfect. I .ovt', by Hcv. J . A. Wood ...... OOc Th e Chri st inn' 11 ::>ecret of n Hn ppy I.ifc, by H . \ V. S . ...................... ..... ... OOc '11l e Salvntio t. Army Soldier':; Guidc .l.)c The of the SalmHon Army 1 5c S. E. GARLAND, 177East& 20G \Vc t,\V ate 1 ·St. . 'T .. JOHN'S, N ftu . Groceries, Proyisions,t&c. \V e hn.ve in stock n. full assortment of .) Plitiu nnd Fancy Biscuits,, yrup s, Fl:woming Extrncts, Tinned l.i'ru its. Cottolene, the ne\V substitnte for Lut'd WATER H A-RBOR G HAC.E. Jnn . 1!1, Jb'OO. -- - ---- - FOR SALE! A II ERRT'KG :inti a . Jut of oth er t: cnr. \\'ill he Ch eap. N. F ITZGERALO. A Full. Stock of GROCERIES, &c. A Fortune for YOU in Old StaniDS . Pian o and Reed -:: .organ CHAS. BUTLER, WATER STREET· It. will pny yt,;;-look th rougl• yo ur old le lten nml ti10110 of your friends, in gArre ts, trunks, files, etc., as I buy nny old stamps , and pny N\llh prices for umo in nny IJIIRnllty. I do not want.l, 2 or 3 ce nt. et.unps th at. or u sed to-dRy, all you find on the old en\' blopC's . if you ca n nnd aeml Lhern to me by re- gistered mnil or elt prr Ee, c.o.d., i r red and I will a t. onco submit a 01111h ofl't>r. l'oy ns high ns $2.) nml O\'Cr f or ccrtoin etampe. Will nlso l my old Jtc\'t nuo st amps nod U. S. <.:Qlumbia.ns, nnd old Canadian and U. S. Coins, Medl\la nnd 'fokcne. .. TUNINC. II. KEN.KEDY ia prepnred to nltend to th e nml HEL';\ I HI XU of · -PIA NOS tuHI REED 'OJWAX3. - Ord('l'l for town work r from outs id e ploces. will be given prom ttL ntl t' nti on. JS"A il'work snti Pf nc· torily W!r formul nl nm.Jcrntc l':l !ts. Wire'ft, Fe lt , &c., alwn# kept. on hn nd. ,• '- \\ ' .H. 1 \ Vut er . 'treet, Jinrl,c,r G me e. l fnr1!13m · ,&c aAr 6 A A,& 6 6 A A u ftr a8r .& FO "R I G'l 1amlior' :; C'l·clopcdi:\ (10 vol- umes), 'will . he sol d nt n. bnrgt\in. Apply nt the . 'TASDAnD OFFI CE. r - -- -------- Per ry Davis 9 K(Y lL LER Buy · NO MTlJtiR UVDTf!lJ' V P 'l p A :, fo• B . 25 IJ.l llfl . illb - ;_,n . _,r l Oolic-, ClL'lD 4 1&n •"' C. Cr•·- · ..... Oholera 6 .... L- ·- ...... .., . •• .. .. ••t # 1 8 tt l "< b '' ·' •" .. . 0 0 ... or Ull, d - . - .... - · .. •• .. .. .. .. . ... - · S kinner's · Marble Wo r ks, Duckworth Street , St. John' s. nud nll other wo rk in lin e execut ed in styl e, Of good mntc1·inl, nt low price · and with nll possible despn.tch. -ee.Outport o rders gh·en prompt attention. · Pri ces, cntnlogues, &c., mnil ed on npplicntion. JOHN HKINNER, · PROPRIETOR· W. KELSEY JI.ALI,, Stamp nnd Coin Broker. l' ctc rboroi,Jgh, Ont. N. PIKE, Broker and Agent Consig nment s soli c ited nnd cnro- fully nttended to. 0PFJC&- WAT•;n TREET W &i!T, • HARDOR G-RACE, - - - N:FJ.D. MlOIM 1 1 0 Wife Mother, Sister J. or Daughter GO 1' 0 .. CASEY'S B UY A WHilJ MAC.tl_IN_E ! THE WHJTE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY JOHN CA EY, Gen. A!!ent, Water St., Harbor Gmce. Alt Canadian Government LANDS. rr lit GOVERNMENT OF CANADAllASJK r rHE 000 (two hund red millions) of aorta of the very land in the world, "·hich H olf era fr ee to nctul\l ee ttl cra in sections or lrlO acres each. The avent,e yield of "' heat on these Jn nds is from 80 to 40 bushels per aero ; o.p, 60 &o 70 buehela ; to 60 bushcJe ; root. crops and other grain• in proPOriioo THE LAND IS FOR THE PLOW, and docs,not.requiro clearing, lenci .. or manure. There. is n_o rain in th o fall to injure the grain, and •bou• the )• or April In .bo 1•11! .. •bo connky. Over & ,_, nl this r egion OATI'LE AND BOltS UN AT LARUE all winttr. eie Ia good water caaily found everywh i.e delivered from t3.60 &o 16.00 ton at all railwa y st.at.iotll. LU Cor building, coelt from 16 to 1110 J"lr M ; ahinglee sell at. ts per .M. CiU.le from iOO lbe., to 900 lbe., aN raiacd on prairi ea without muy food buL tho wild grau. RAIL\VA.YB aro built, or being-bum, all over the counLry. OhurohN aDd freo 1oboola are tabliabed in e, ·cry pronucc. Good home., good Iandt and iDttituticna old Oag. Now is the timo lor enterprising men to come &Dd 1ecare &!Ia locnlitice. Special ratca gi ven via I. C. c:odc: · oiitY'i:l Care of Newroand.laDcJ Ballwr.J, &

price WOODILLS - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940615.pdf · the ahu\'C Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U

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Page 1: price WOODILLS - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940615.pdf · the ahu\'C Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U




lt.b,\1< \ J·~ll-H . A Mol'li~~ 'Y 1 .. ltO W lnltlg o\·er l1i~~lol'e um1 ~-ill in ·futur<' he i11 n pos1tiolt to rtllcnu' •dl c.:n ll.: at a11,(hour fo l' the convenieltcc of Jm; Clie!OH!fhJfWd jJ~;blic genetaily . ~-----!.....~-


1- ­

(T\\'1) llOLJ..\I:S 1' E II n:.\ I~ ) JL\rlRO I:. GRA ('E, 1NFID. l•'RTDAY, .JrNE u;, U~H· I. ( SH\(:Lio! COI'IES '1'\\'0 CF.NTS.) ~ 0 ~JJ.H~lt 50

Seasonable a r1d Reasonable ~ · . "i~~~ · t · ··· ~~&. Reduction in SUMMER Mantles. . . ~WHY PAY FOR'--. 1 .. ~-

NEWFOUNDLAND -:- LIGHTS. [ Xu I, t~:ll. ]

To 1\ll:a.r::t:n.er~.

.J II. l Opcltt·d : :-iulltmt·r Prints, I>daincs l't>H0l ' C < \>tlon:-:, Salet'll:; (in plain : hades), Art 'l u:-~lin:-:. 'rcpon::, X •w Dre:-::1 'l'wec<.ls. ~11mmc r St•1·gc:-:. ~ ·c., &t·.

:\11cl the fulluwi11 rr Job Lots nt lfnlf-Prin~- : Lmlit•s' \\'atc1'proofs. Buy .' anti Girls' , 'a ilut· Jlnt:-:,

Lalli •s' Mnntles, Flanudlett es. ~oticc j, hrr~by gin.'ll , thnt it is in-tended Lo nller the light nt , · •

Harbor Grace Island. 5~<? Bo~~ Suits. c!t~ap. ~~-e~ style MUNN BROS.; W" ATER STREET

H. h p ' il B.,],' p cl I In unh·r lu d c:tr. \\ c lt:\\"C rc<luc ·d I Ill' pri('C or Ollr Mantles 1[ . riCell u lll[ OWuer :tnd C'l-:>:tk;o{. Don' t fail to sec them lJcliH'C bay in~ cl:cwhcrc, ns

\\' J,t~n y 1, 11 can ltliY yo,11 cannot lm. · the :-:amc 2\lantle cl ·cwltcr' fur double the price wc··n:-:k. During thi :-> week w e will 111:\kc

'V A SPECIAL REDUCTION <:?* in om llosit•ry Department. 1,his oO'er to hohl good until


--~t:: t: uuu--~

RUBBER CLOAKS AT $1.50. <tual ity a lJ::ol utc ly I'm<·.

Danger .ust'rottml rs of the clifl'd ucing of frcqm nt occ\•rrNlCl', thus more Ill HI more circuu e<' rihiu~ the em:lll arcn urouultlw lm ildings,tt is COilt.ilkr d ttn· safe to coutinu(' rcsiJcnt Keepers on the Jsluml, nt:d it ut'i n~ dl'si rnulc thnt 1\ light ehoulll s ti ll lre cont inued tht•re, iL hne been dNt'rminC11 to remo,·c the rC\'Ol\'· inJ: liAhL nml to t~nustitutc nn occult ing li~ht capnhlc of continuous opcmtion without constnnt attl'ndnncc.

Price5, 10and20cents. M. J. JONES, 93 "Water<Street. ~Speed the Plough.~ foODILL'S WORM LOZENGES · ~ -

~H. A. MORRISSEY~ !'ltOtlld ht• i ll (•\' ('1'." hou:- •hold. s p R INc~ c 00 DS. 'fhc work wi ll uc cc.mut\!nCcll.July 1st,

and the nr w li;:hL will l11· rxhiLi t<•tl u~ IJIIi<"kly ns t•• ~~il1lt', of whicla further nutit'c 11 ill lw i,::~ut d. \\' hi!..., tl1c 1\llrk i~ 1 .. i1 .~ dt•IH', :t r ... l dti Jrlt•x l i~h t 11 i li he <·~hil-ill.'d ni;,:l11 ly.

(By onlt•• ), <; t-:u. W. ~I E\\':-',

:-:cndun·. lltH I. I> trF \\'l)I;J-,: \II I II'F. I •

• t • .J~lut ':<, :\ 11.1 .. .fun(· 1:!, ~t l. i

Cheap Shingles.

in tl;:tnking his custoruc1·s nntl the public generally fur the ir t':-<tt' eiiiCtl patronage, beg:) tu int imah' tha t he is now

pr<'par •d to li11 order::; for a11 kind~ ot'. 'ced ·. ;\othin~ h:t~ bern s pared i11 the entlen\'or to ohlain t;ootll-' of n reliahle

.,u.d ity. aud w it h int.·rcn::;r.<l nrrl•mllloda t i~on in our J1<'W pre­llti~C'F. \\ c will be enauiPd It) contl uet lou::inC:<!; to ;trrnter

· at.h·:mtage fo r tHtr t' ll :-lntnt'l',:.


(I :•u l It a , bt•t.•n ::pcdall.\··,:('l<:dl·tl fur tlti:: t'f•unlry':-: :.- rowlh. i ~' It 1111 h-•!l',:'tll ttl'l'iwk<' l 'ri l.t'·\\ ill ll! ''· .\ !.·P. I:Ji'ali"l:t antl ~ fl •. l:: i:t t:ull·"· Fl ~· ti~ t', Fricntl in ::lt.. l ::t~· --. 1 :"><·1~ . J cr J;:l(!

- u-

'l' ht• utt ,,., , ; ~ , : · l.!.:,,· i~o_ ~~ ·~ ·· ·i·., .1 • H. A. 1ViOhR1SSEY Water S t r c·et. Hurbor Grace. tl. t• ;t_t•l\ ::II(:\ .\ii i I l ' t " l J'll' i 11'. j, --~ _......_.._......::::.:::.= -:- IIH lii'Uft,.-:arU'M CL""._........,.,cp••••=•rr1'Mf!'

Jrt'Cf :Ill'.! t •t<l , Q_ qr-:t ft II Ley ~ Q ~ 9 1

PRII.1E GS~D SHlNHLES .::.~~·, -:~ [~ rJ ~ tr\\ v ~ ~ THE L':fVEG'r :J?RICES CIG/~RS, -ORANGES , - ,_EMO _NS.

I ( ·· . . "'1 - ' I 'I . ' .. ' < > .\ 1.1 '1 111-:!: 1·• •1: 1>. tl, l ldt) 1!!';\1''· ! t l'll:\~:0: tt'Oill ~ .·Ill jl\!i' .1 . l l lliC'C ;'- \\' ' ' l l'llll g <.:S.

~ ~ ~~~· ~.-•. 11. • ( l totil·•· l':dcl'llh> Lemo11:-:. t·:;.ryp'liatl Otdo!ls--ehc; p,

One Hll:,,1 .. ilt1 ro~ u'· u'l'";! 'l O•'JI1l S! t~·lllw ! L an[)'' "-; C<=>lebrated Biscuits. i ~1 I lk :;n, :\lid :lOll) Doxc:-:. ~a l tl ; .1. l.l' . !•l I l .lll Ill '

1• II' {'I 0 I' I . lt'- t' I I • !II :: IIC :\11(',"-v IC:lp. X \ li'( :'- :1\l ~:t~ '\- U 111: .

of Xt \\ ll·ll'l•:. : : . X, w l ' rnz.~"i•·k . :"· \.t f: r(•ti u. 1'. E. t ~· ..... •. '· tn o:• ' " till 1 .ti · 1 f EL'1.S at 25, 30 and 40 cents _per lb. and upwards. :o-;t a ll X\'' ,l; : t·• 1 . t: ... t d t r l. 0 '1~ • ·i lnr •:. ·d,il I \-{ 1 )'• • 1 ('Jl )(J}'[> JJ' ' 1 ] hi;:}H•' ( 'o - J\ f'1 j, < 1•.i I f, . } ··rli. - 1111 :1 Il l! :-Jt ,, ;.. tl{ p ~u • • ( ~' ~ 11 !1( ( 1\ '; .\ ';, 01\ }:\lit.

~1111111" ill 11~ · ... '• .y · ···' ,, .• ,,, . "' I I Ross's, "W a tier Street. t ht.• u ..... I • 1.• :- I • I d . !-U ! · :- :t..t '. '"'-1'1·1

lot~·. (•11 ,j, .. .. :·, . :.·.· .. ,I .. , .. y .. :i .... 1 At Joseph t hl.lll . :--•. 1. 1i t • .o: !:•· tltr ·:;:it .d l •·l.l papf: r:- ('• rrt ~1 •. ,, ' . ,. , ..... i :~ • !•. ·j , ... t ... . I _ _

\lntWt r~. f, , :\ : • . 11 :r, ou~. - . Ill • . .: ~ : -·. ~ ___ • N - -ntti r~. 1':11111~ , (olli•, '· :111ol ~ lor. ,.. :tt,.l I • ..- ....,, ~ e w Sl·ntl me 11 hu l Y••ll . .... 1. I< •: • n,.. h • ..• 1. ~ --'1 Good~.·~ :'end lry rcgial\.rl•tltnllil nr ,•xt n ~~ . ...... ol. ifu<~i r~d. ~\'. 1\ E l~"'E~·.IJ.\l. l. , \\\• an• lofT<·rin~ thc 1

' •.1 HJ-::4(1' \'.\l.l'J·: ~_ .. ; ' ' . ~~.:'~"1' :t,1111.t ~ '11 ' ~~~ ~ · r. wn han· H<.'r ,. Jwwn in .T)DJEt: ( .Oo ll:-: ttl :til <· Ia~,:(':>.

l 'l·. ll·.h l.;t l!,ollrl l. u . I . \ \'r· \IUttltl ::olidl an carh· calll or·l'ml' th4· wl11•l• !'l ot·k ;.!OC.".

l\fayl~lm B .· d Sh ~ . 'fbi:{ ) lr l•:lrliiH'l' l i., rcpll'lc. OYor

BIBLICAE -:- LITERATURE. E:ali r·~ l~ i h li r·:ti l·:n <· ~·c l t•r·ctli:t. ... ~ 2 nr. 'mith 's l:i l,le l>ict ionan· ... $1.:-ill lift'! of <.;hri!lt , hy Ill·,·. JJitiun, £ , ..... t-::.ao I.ir eor 'hrist. t.,. Hev.F.W. Fnrrar.~u:n I .ifc or Clari~ot , l;y l:cv. C. C:··ildc ... $ 1.:?.-; I .ifo oi hrist , by Ern(·St R('nnn .... $1.1.00 Life-of Christ, t.y Re''· J . Stnlkcr ....... 2.-te l.ifo of~t. l'aul , lty Rev.F.W.Fnrr.tr ...... 2 Early Dn~·s or Chrislinnity -do ...... SIJiO Mercy nntl Jnds;rncnt-uo ................ f!Oc

00 GS an 08S . ~~~ d itrcrcnt Jilws to s elect from. <,::-c~..F-r...-"9 '€" .,... Y v..,. ""Y v ., . . . . . ot L.\ l H 1-::-\' J. i;..rh t Jl igh L:lci n)! \\ c an· :-htn\ tnl! a ~plcnd1tl l111e B< O'J':-\ f,o r SJ.:at. :O:plcnditl :ntidc fur su u tlll l' l' \\'l'!lr. Try thc111.

Sole Ag·ents for Smallwood's Celebrated Boots. Groceries and Provisions :

Fluur (all ~r:td cP). l'•>rk , Hecf C'utting:~, l'la tl' Beef, .Towl:z. • Our renowned -tO.·. 'l!EA is sti11 tnking the lcntl. ( 'unto ! nil your wnnts

can be. up plied at our Estnhl i:-luucnt.


For Sale ~ To Lease Or To Let ~ That lh·,.ira lJ!c

Dwelling -House t 'l'wo T c iiCiliCill:! ),

~itun t c on ( 'oop<'ra :.to llili, hc:ul of \' irturia :'tr ' C'I. Hcnt low. J>o,:­:ocF.:i,Ht ;:i\'Cil immediately .

.\I~'U, 'I" I I.\ T


\\'c lt:\,·c at la:-:t rccci\' cd part ot'uur c:ootls. l,y train fro111 t. .Joint '!'{. e x B;n·celuua ' lunlla aml Grand Lake. and we woultl in,·itc out· matl\· cu:-: tolltl!rs to ~i \ ' C 11s a n ea rly t':tl l. ·

A large . ' t4 Wk url> re:-::; Uu-u(ls or all tlc:-:~ript iuus ~tll lllltel' Print :-: and Sateen: . Fla nn •llcttcl'l, U a lil'OL':-<. F lannels, )Loie:.:ki n':-:. Blanl<clings, II a t:; :11ul ( ':tp: in all : Ly le: ami al l prit·c:-:. Cheaply :-:t· lcctcu :--ilock of \Vo1nc n's, :\Li:-~:-: •:-~',

allll ( 'llilth·en 's Bl>Ots anti ~!toes.

PATERSON & FOSTER. (•ll \ \':llc r :'li'C'<'I. :t l t•re ' Cnt oct u· pi<·d lry ~I t· . .Tt•lt n t;:t,l',\'. i'Ol'~CS· ~i< lll :.!in:n fir:-l ;\nYl' lllbc r. · ~-------~----

F• 'r p:trtit tllar.: :'lppJ_,. to CHURCH OF ENGLAND l>ra_rc r Buuks, Hy mn Books E l>\\'.\ l:ll P.\l::'t );\:'. Prnycr atul Hymn Books combined

. . . ROMAN CATHOLIC Prayer Bu,,ks. &t·. - - - -In ~ t·wl;, a lu_!l h nc. o l ! METHODIST llyum H,Jnks. ~\\·~ lt:t\' l! the ahu\'C

Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U lt) l'. For <1l all kind::. anytl111~g Ill the

Al-.ol. :1 l.:ll'l!C \'nl'id~· m' ¢ Book and Stationery Line of Trade ~~~ . PICTURE - FRAMING \\'C C;\1\ be relied upon. ~ .n .-~E~D :,c. rur :\ :O:IHilplc of our

.\ 11 '-it.C':'. ( 'l•c·:tp :t ll l l (3 ood. ...:upcrior Fan'." SoapK

Fancy Hoods, Books and Stationery :-=--n_r_s_H_o P_~=--s.'B_Is_H_o_P==, __,.?>=-~ __ sT_.-=-J_o--:H,..-N'-=s=. =

PHOTOGR-APHS, - &0. Tlti~ j,. the :::t'!l!'•'ll for l'lwtllr!l':l)'h,;. --Tiut ' 'l'e". •\: l· . t :uutl ~t~· Jc :ttl\l --liui~ l.. l'idun'" ,·ulargcd.


EMPORIUM, OpJ•vsitc the Ollit~l' uf ~I(Stlr:: . Jtolon

~ltlllll .~ l'll,

Water St 1·ccl llarlJUr Grace. = •

Carriages, "Sleighs, Carts, &c. JAMES WARREN,

OAR 1: / A(; H.(·. '/, /·.'J(;JJ B U I f,/) J~R Is prcrnr~l 10 c~N·n!J' ull work In h i llno wllh ti"~JIIIIch . OOO<t n n1l fnllhflll work gunrnnth.,l .

All klmb of r~('pnlrmg oloz'c nl&horl not leo nml n t m O<lc mlll t>rlt.-c ...


t'ur their lttlll'l t-:tpprecialcd suLt11·t Juring the pa:t :1!) ycnrl'l. we beg to :o~ a continuance nf tltc ~am •. and would C!d l alt ' ntion to the fact although [ailur' in the En!-!l ish crops la:-ct sen!-iOll

ltas tau~ •tl :1. g reat !-'cm·city of, EE.D , :uHl not withst:mding the e x t raonlinary :uh·am·e in pticc:-:. we ha,·c again s •cm e<l our u:;ual l h ~·c nut! v:u·it'd ;-;l ol'k ol' . ·

GARDEN AA 66A66666666AA6

AGR~~c5;~~AL, vl§9~9~9Q§~ . . \Tc nr<' nnw prepared lo (ill al the lowcsl po.~i hle p1·ices nll orders with whirh otu' t·u:stomers nt:t)' bc plcai'Cd lu favOl'tt!'l.

w. H. THOMPSON & CO., \V nter ~treet Harbor Grnce.

E temiil Hope-do ............................... ~n

~ po~!:uia~ -~~~~----~~--~:: .. ~~~~~.~-' I

VchiC'Ic s b nllt In lnlc&t 1tlylc8 nml In tlr~tl· c iMI llniMh .

lfir 'uti fnetion ~tnrnntecd.


- A U seftll Present Eesnya on Mimch.·s-tlo .................. OOc Crux Christi by Rcv.J .Bt>nnett,D.O ... OOc \Veeloy'.s ~otcs on New Ttstnment ... OOc Oxford H elps to llible ' tndy.ncw eu .. 1.25 Perfect. I .ovt', by Hcv. J . A. Wood ...... OOc The Chris t inn'11 ::>ecret of n Hnppy I.ifc,

by H . \V. S ................... .. ....... ... OOc '11le Salvn tiot. Army Soldier':; Guidc.l.)c The Doctrin~a of the SalmHon Army 15c

S. E. GARLAND, 177East & 20G \Vc t, \Vate1·St.

. 'T .. JOHN'S, Nftu .

Groceries, ~- Proyisions,t&c.

\Ve hn.ve in stock n. full assortment of .)

Plitiu nnd Fancy Biscuits, , yrups, Snuce~, Fl:woming Extrncts,

Tinned l.i'ruits. Cottolene, the ne\V substitnte for Lut'd

WATER ~'TREE1', H A-RBOR GHAC.E. Jnn. 1!1, Jb'OO. • --- ---- -

FOR SALE! A IIERRT'KG .· J~TNE :inti a . Jut

of other Fish ~ng t:cnr . \\'ill he ~old Ch eap.


A Full. Stock of GEN~RAL GROCERIES, &c. A Fortune for YOU in Old StaniDS .

Piano and Reed-::.organ CHAS. BUTLER,. · WATER STREET· It. will pny yt,;;-look througl• your

old lelten nml ti10110 of your friends, in oOiccs,:atoru,~:etorc.roome, gArrets, trunks, files, etc., as I buy nny old stamps, and pny bi~hcst. N\llh prices for umo in nny IJIIRnllty. I do not want.l, 2 or 3 cent. et.unps that. or used to-dRy, Ke~p all you find on the old en\'blopC's. if you can nnd aeml Lhern to me by re­gistered mnil or elt prrEe, c.o.d., i r det~i red and I will a t. onco submit a 01111h ofl't>r. l'oy ns high ns $2.) nml O\'Cr for ccrtoin etampe. Will nlso lmy old Jtc\'t nuo s tamps nod U. S. <.:Qlumbia.ns, nnd old Canadian and U. S. Coins, Medl\la nnd 'fokcne .


ia prepnred to nltend to the 'ft '~ lXG nml HEL';\ I HI XU of ·

-PIA NOS tuHI REED 'OJW AX3. ­Ord('l'l for town work r from outs ide

ploces. will be given promttL ntlt'ntion. JS"Ail'work Cl~rcfu11y z\~lt l sntiPfnc·

torily W!rformul nl nm.Jcrntc l':l!t s. Wire'ft, Felt, J mrit~r i~cys , &e., &c.,

alwn# kept. on hnnd.

,• '- \\' .H. KEN~EDY, 1 \ Vuter . ' treet, Jinrl,c,r G me e.

l fnr1!13m · ,&c aAr 6 A A,& 6 6 A A uftr a8r .&

FO"R S~LE. I G'l1amlior':; C'l·clopcdi:\ (10 vol­

umes), 'will . he sold nt n. bnrgt\in. Apply nt the . 'TASDAnD OFFICE.

r - ----------Perry Davis9 Pi~jic~ .,. K(Y lLLER Buy · NO MTlJtiR UVDTf!lJ'V P'l p A P.'1~~ :, ~o dlic:~ciou' fo•


25 IJ.l llfl. illb - ;_,n . _,r l Oolic-, ClL'lD 4 1&n

•"' C. Oholer~ Cr• •·- · C'· "•~ ..... , ., _ .,....., ~ D· ·~"tA-,. Oholera 6 .... L- ·-• ...... .., . • • • .... ••t # ~- ~w. ~ 1

8 ttl " < b c··~·· - ~ ··-" '' ·' •" ... 'COM"'I~ 1"!~ 0 0 ... or Ull, d - • . - .... - · .. --~ . • • .... .-~ .. ~· .. . ... - ·

Skinner's· Marble Works, Duckworth Street, St. John's.

Monument~, Hend~tones. nud nll other work in hi~ line executed in tir:-~t-<.:lnss style, Of good mntc1·inl, nt low price

· and with nll possible despn.tch. -ee.Outport orders gh·en prompt attention . · Prices, cntnlogues, &c.,

mniled on npplicntion.


W . KELSEY JI.ALI,, Stamp nnd Coin Broker.

l'ctcrboroi,Jgh, Ont.

N. PIKE, Broker and Commissio~ Agent

Consignments solicited nnd cnro­fully nttended to.



Wife Mother, Sister


or Daughter GO 1'0

.. CASEY'S •




Canadian Government LANDS. rrlit GOVERNMENT OF CANADAllASJK rrHE NORTH=W~T200,000·

000 (two hundred millions) of aorta of the very bee~ land in the world, "·hich H olfera free to nctul\l eettlcra in sections or lrlO acres each. The avent,e yield of " 'heat on these Jnnds is from 80 to 40 bushels per aero ; o.p, 60 &o 70 buehela ; barloyL..~ t o 60 bushcJe ; root. crops and other grain• in proPOriioo THE LAND IS Kt~ADY FOR THE PLOW, and docs,not.requiro clearing, lenci .. or manure. There. is n_o rain in tho fall to injure the grain, and seedm~ •bou• the)•• or April In .bo 1•11! .. ~ •bo connky. Over & ,_, nl this region OATI'LE AND BOltS UN AT LARUE all winttr. eie Ia good water caaily found everywh i.e delivered a~ from t3.60 &o 16.00 p~r ton at all railway st.at.iotll. LU Cor building, coelt from 16 to 1110 J"lr M ; ahinglee sell at. ts per .M. CiU.le m~siug from iOO lbe., to 900 lbe., aN raiacd on ~be prairiea without muy food buL tho wild grau. RAIL\VA.YB aro built, or being-bum, all over the counLry. OhurohN aDd freo 1oboola are tabliabed in e,·cry pronucc. Good home., good Iandt and iDttituticna old Oag. Now is the timo lor enterprising men to come &Dd 1ecare &!Ia locnlitice. Special ratca given via I. C. c:odc:· oiitY'i:l

• Care of Newroand.laDcJ Ballwr.J, & ~

Page 2: price WOODILLS - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940615.pdf · the ahu\'C Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U

''G ' . J Miscellan&ous. erman 1 ~- GOD. Highest of all in Leavening Powe·r.-Latest U.S. Gov't Report

Ilene it 11 of the ngc on one t.hl,', :111<1 of the undue nccumulntiun CJf wcnlth hy the fc•w on tho otlu r sitle, exnmph·~ I!Onll'timrs appeur wllt'ro the l1en ·fnctor of hunumity fr.•m the s tandpoint. nf acic:utilic or w cchnuic:alllllmucl•tnt.•nt lllet l8 willl an ndl'ttU:Ite reward. In :l recent athlr, '11 Lcfore lhc .:\ew \'tork

• t (Thie is the Poem of which Golovin

S '' 1 anya in his narrativl', that. it. baa been ·yr....,.u~ p . I rl'nt.lered in Japanese by order CJf Che

I Emperor, am) is hung up, embroidered wilh golll, in \he temple Jeddo. An

. • honor aomewhnt eimilar baa been done 9'· G,l~~~r •. J?rnt,;g l~t •. \\ a tcrtown, in China. to the eamo poem. H hu W 1s . I h1s IS the op111:0:1 of n man been trnnalated into the Chinese nnd who keeps :1 tbt~ shtrc, sells all 'fartnr langungea, written on a piece of medicine s, co1n s in direct contact 1 eilk, ami auapendetl in the Imperial with the patie:~L..; aml th..! ir f.unilies, l'lllnco nt. Pelnn.) and knows bette r t hau auyone el5e Oh, Thou eternal One I \\'hoae preaence how reml!\!ies ::dl, :m l wh:\t tme hright. merit tl:ey h:w c . H e he ars of :tll Ali ~pace dot!! occupy, all motion the fa ilure:.; and :.uccc~::c:; , and can . gmde; , . , tll f; -c J·11 1 •c.: : • • 1 knmv o f 110 Unc~llu·~~d through func li nil devnstalr Cn'11tor, yea ! Thy wisdom and Thy

word er~ ?I . . ~ ~ . , , 1n~; lhght. medtc111e tot Coughs. S\•rc I h roat , Thou onlv God! tl•E'ro is no <.i otl be- Crl'ntcd m o ! Thou aource of life ~nrl

good' or Ho:1rscu~ tha t l_1:1d d •. mc 5l_!Ch cf- side! • fcctt \'c wcr.k Ill m y Udn~ nl.tove nil Ldq;a! Three in One ! 'l hou fpirit of my spirit, nntl my

L(lrl ! Cough s, f:u:ti ly :t." Boschee's \\ Ilona none cnn compreheml ollll Gc: t::an Syrup. I.ast nunc l'Xplorc Thy liglat , 'l'hy love, in their bright

1M ni llltlo Sore Throat, \ \ i::: c r :1. l:Hiv called . Whulill<•t~ t exis tanco withTh.yaelfalonc ; Hoa sonoss :tt 1·:y stun~. ,\·ho w .lS l J;:utbr.u·il•~; , nile up( ~rl iug,rnlin~, o'e r,

r ' sufi\ . .'r::1 , f:-om:l \ 'Cry Ul·lllg ,,Jwm we l'llll G •. d-aud knuw no Fi tlc:d mc with nn immortal aoul, to

spring ~ · ' II lk uw rc ! se\·erc cole!. Sh<: cou ,,I unrl ; tn ·, Q,·fir the ~•hyEB of denth, nnd b:\lle it

wenr and I told her abo ut German Syrup In its auhlim c rcscnrch, Plailcsophy nnd that n ft:w lloscs w o u ld g h·e rc- )lt~y lll l'llsurc out the uctnn dN!l>- lllny

'fhl' gnrmenls of e ternal dny, nnd

lief; but s he: had no co n li\l<.:nce iu c<tunt

Patent med icine:>. I told her to take 1'111' snndil. or th e sun'!! r:\y-Lut Gotl,

wing • Its hl'll\'c: nly ni~::ht beyoml its little

l!phr re ft,r ' I hee a bottle. and if l !:e results were not Thl' r<' i no wt'iJ::hl , nor me:1sur\', none satis factory I wt•ulu t:~ :tkc no cha rge cnn m unt

E\·1·11 to ite source, to Ther, its Author there.

for it. A fe w <.lnys af~cr :;he called l ' r to Thy m\·Ktcrics: Hcnson '11 and paid for it. :i:lyi ::~ that she lJri1:htt'~L !!pork',

0 thou~hts inefft~ule ~ 0 \'iaion~ bleat ! Thou~h worthlc"• our conception• all

(If Thee, w ouldnc,·crbewithontitin futureas Thouga killlll t•d hy thy light, in \'nin a few doses h a d gh·cn her relief. " G) would trr \ \ ·L bhnll 'l hy shadowed imoge flll our

ilrCIII t

l' crs: ' cr::-c:o tn \ t~ ... .: t: • . ~: .. ,, :- ~

~n C!: ti o( lO.~ \U~' .. ;. ... 1· • ( •; \'

tmpc>Ulbt: ar..d t1!r ':'" ,.~·~ ~ • : -. ••• •, •

Per Bott.le ,i ~c,-: .' :,.::· ~ : .. ;

Wistar's Balsam


Wild Charry

Thle old reliable epeolflo for coughs, colds and all dlaeaaea of a pulmonary naturo easily retains Ita popularity among tho peo· pie, thouaanda cf whom may almost be said to havo boen ralaed upon It alnco It has ao long ~n the unl· vt•-aal cure-all In so many homea. Ita record for up· warda of a half century Ia known to all and attoatalta remarkabto m orit. Foraalo by all Drugglata.

Seth W. Fowle & Sons,

Do ·not. be Depre . .s~sed

bee~•:.:.. :;~~1_:we ~~n ~un .. bl~~i'!__ voL. r:~df of

tha t~. tin::k _ CO~I~

You r :ive been cxpc!i_. mcnting with new :md worth'ess compounds.

Clieer up! There is hope for you if you-will try th;t stand. ard preparation that h~ been in use for more ------- ·---than 50 Yell'S.

Wistar's Balsam .Df Wild Cherry.

II 'WiJJ Cure You. StJid by llll ~

Blank Forms 'o( nll desclip· tiona printed 1\t tho Standard Office.

To t r.1cc 'i hr counsel!!, infin ite nnd tb rl.: : -

And thouE;ht ia lost ere thought r:~n sunr 110 high-

Lobi, like pnst moments, in t. te rnity.

Thon fr(JII\ prirueral nothin~;ncsa tli\lst. call

Fir111 eh nos, tht>n existence ; Lortl, on ThE'o ·

Etrrnity had ita foundation ; all :5! rtwg forth from 'fhce :of light, joy,

harmony Sole origin : nil Jiff', all Le11uty TI1ine,

'1 hy word created all, and doth create ; Thy 11plt'ndor Iilla all apace with rays

Dl\'ine, ::_Then art, and wert, ant\ahalt bf' glori­

ous great ! Light·gi,·ing, life·auetaining Potentate!

lhy choina tho unmeaeured universe surround :

UJ,la•Jd by Thee: by Thee inepi reo with brE'oth !

Thou the bt•ginning with tho entl hut t.ouud, ·

A tul Ltrnutifull} min~lcd life and death A8 11p11rk11 mount upward, from tho

fiery Line, ::Eo 110na nrc born, eo ,.,·orlde apring forth

frc m 'l'hee, And natheapanglca in the sunny raye

::shine round the eilver enow, the pa­s:enntrv

Of Heav~n's bright army glitters in 'l'hy praiae.

A uti "a ft. ita homage to Thy Deity. Got! ~ thus ulono my lowly thoughts can

!!OIIr1 Thus ace Tl.y presence, Being wise

RIHI ~<Xl<l ! ~lid:;L Til\· ,·a~st works ; admire, obey,

udorc. Ami wh~n the tongue ie eloquent no

more, 'fhe aoul sh:1ll spenk in tears of groti­

tud('. ,

The Phamix P~&rk Xurder.

New York, June 5.-Quictly living with her son anti daughter in a little Oat nt. the top of tbo four-atory brown etono h ouse nt 19-i Waverly place, ia a woman who in the days of the Land League nntl Invincible organiution, phwed a leadin~ part. in the d~aoa " ·hich culminated in the uaauination of J.onl Frcdl'rick Cavendieh and Mr. Durke. Her name i.e Marguerite Moore and it \\'ill bM·e a. famiUt.r eound to all those in this country and England who are intereeted in thoee adrring daya in Ireland. Mrs. "lloore waa a~ one time aaitl to have carried from wndon to DuLiin the knivJa which were driven into the bodita or Cavenduh and Burke Ly J oseph Brady and 'Iimolhy Kelly. For nearly a year the London 'Timea' tried to flnd her in the hope that abe might. be able t<' implicate Parnell in the l'hamix Park lragedy. The Britiah

A million torch ra, lighted by Thy hantl, Government. tried to procure her extra-Wander unwearied, through the blue dition, but. failed. Sbe,wu the wife of

a bys11 : a profe~eional man in Waterford, where They own Thy po\\'er, nccompliah Thy ahc LE'camo auociated with the ladies'

command ! branch of the Land League movement, All ~"Y with life, all eloquent. 1\'ith which wu hca~d by ltiu Anna Par-

biles . nell. Mnt. Moore'• fervid apeech~ in Wbnt ahn ll we cnll them ? Pilt>a of the cities o f Great Britain advanced ht>r

crystal light- into the front rank of a~itators. Chief A gloriuua compl\ny of golden at rea me Seer tnry Forster, the Buckshot.' of

Ln wps of celeetial ret her, burning Land l.enguers' derieion, conaidered h er bright- eo important tbkt in March, 1892, be

S un's lighting system with their joy- cn.u11ed h er nrrcet. while abe waaaddrr ... CJ\111 l.tcn m11 ! ing n meet.ir.~ at Frankfort., and she

But thou to thE'ae art ae the noon tl> spent eix months in the Tullamore jttil. night. ~ho came to t.hie coonlrt in 1884 and

Yre ! Ill!:\ drop of ll'nter in the SE'II, . hill rt mained here eversmcc. She hill Alltltc lllDI!IIiliccncc in Tbt>c ia lost. : tnl.:~n n n octive part. in tho woman'•

Whnt. nrc t t>n thouenml worlt.le com - aull'rogo rnO\'ement. and in the work of pored to Thee ? nmcliurating the condhion of women

And " 'hnt llln I then ? Hcavt>n 'a 1111• toi~t>rtl. Mrtt. Moore knowa somEthing numLer~d ltost, nbou't l '. J. Tyan,' Number One,' and

Tlaou~h multip lied by myriada, ond she also knows a little about t.be origin urr:w r tl ol the ' In\'inciblea.' 'Tynan arrogates

I n nil ihe glorit'a of eublimest thought rn~htr too wuch authorit~ on _hima~lf,' Is Ltu t n-n a\lom in the La lance "·eighed ' 8~1tl Mrs. Moore to-day whtlc dueuumg

,\ ~n insL Th)· grcntm88 ! i11 n cipher '1 ynn!•'s hook: . , . . hrought . 'll18 11hnro !n the Invmc1ble orgamza-

Againat infinilv ! What nm I ! l\nught- ttt)n wn:~ n m10or one. Tb~ real bead · (Jf the mo,·em ent , the orgam&ers of the

~nugltt ! But the eflluence o f Thv attack on Mr. Foreter'l life, which fail-ligltt tli\'ine, - etl, nnd the nttack on the lhea of Ca-

Pcn·nd ing worlds, hath reached my vendish anti Burke. which aucceeded, bcs1.•lll too ; I were Fronk Byrne, an intimate auociate

Y<'s! in my apirit tloth Thy spirit. 1 of l~nrncll , J ohn W. Walah, known a, 11ltino I "Stockport," nod Edmund O'Donovan.

As ehinu the sunbeam in a drop of ~\II three nre now dead and ao I need d{·w- ha\'e no htsitalion in giving their

Xnught. ! bu t I li\'e, and hope·e ewift names. But. when he t.riet to auggeat., pit,jona fly . ns he dou in the publilhed atory, thac.

Eng,·r tcwnrd Thy presence; for in Thee Parnell, or Dillon, or Healy, or Red­l li \'C nnd breuthl', and dwt>ll ; All }lit- ~ mond, or Jlnrrington, or Davitt, was

ing high cogniza'nt o f thia conapiraoy or koew Even to the throne of Tby dh·inity. am·thin~t about it., he says that. which

1 nm, 0 Goo ~ ond surely 'fbcu muat is· not,. tho truth. I know that. '-and be. 1\Jra. Moore laid a peculiar emphaaie

'fh 1· · 'd' 1 1 on tho knCJw-'lknow that. Parnell at. ou ort < l rectlng, gm Jog a I, t lOU art.! leaat, \\'AS innocent. Why I know thia 9irect. Ly underetaoding the.\ to Thee;

Control my llpirit suid my wandering must. .remnin for the preaent. untold be-hear~, ' cause ~ sho.ul.d only ln'folve aome wl'o

Tho ugh but an atom 'midac. iD,)mcnei· are 11111 hnng. It. haa never been ty·: · k!lown t hat. wben the newe of the Phoo-

St.illl am som ething fubioned by Thy nlx Park murder wu tel~pbed, to hand l . ' Eoglantl Pamel1 nearly fell to a fa1ot.

Cloee to the realma where angela have The mee111ge wae. uot. hair an hour old thei r birth whf'n, overwhelmed with. honor and

Just on the boundAriet of tLe Spirit ·ahamt, ho called a m~~ of hia aa· Land. · aociatet am) tendered h1a i.fpa&fon aa

I Tb . h . r·b . • l • le8dcr of t.be lriab party' declarioc hia e c. am o e1Dg 11 comp ~te 1n me, intention to retire from ~U&fa.. Only

In m e 11 matt.er'a Jaac. grad~uon loeL, when it waa rtported tu him tha' the And tbe nexc. atep ia apin&.-Deity I cauae of Ireland would be irreparably

I can command the lightning tbooch damaged by thia action did be a' Ju'

I am duet I wiLhdraw ic..' A monarch1 and a aJ&ve, a worm, a • Why t!Jen did he ai' went onder

W goj, Mr. Font.ei'a ~ble iDdlo&men' in Lhe hence came I hue ; aud bow ? 10 Bouae t>r Com mona ?'

maneJlouely • Becauae be knew 'M be hlmeell.td Cooatructed and concei1'ed? unknown • \haL bia denialiD ',be BoOM of eom!

tbia clod · mona woaJd baTe DO etrec& wba&eftron lJYea aurei)" tbrouch aome hfcher en· the condi&fon oft.be pabllomlnd. Pol'-

.., 01'11· • actr'a arralpmen' of Pamell ·~a • 1: or from ilaelf alone 1t. ccuJd no' be I one thing a&oYe all oQea. t.bat.IM • .,.,

Enn to i'-aource, to Thee, ita Author of the ooaepincJ .... btl Utebr·lhe there. ' "lDYlnolble BrO&billbood t' bt'tr tbM

&kin~ Powder

' soc:i t't~· , the Gencrol ~ciety of Mechtlll· ice nml Tmdt•smen, Mr. Ahmm ·.

. ...

"Hewitt, well known frCJm his promin­l touce in the iron imlubtry, ns well ns 1 fr,>m his politicRI reconl , 1;11 ,. ' n rn t•SL ~rnphic pn·acntntiun of the r.-l!ults 1ol the work of one of the \\;n rhl's ~,;rc·att :~L ltl•nt·fllc tora, llesacmt.•r. \\'e quull' fr .. m tho concluding portions or his nd,Jrc!l•:

" \'on n il know altout tho Jkl'st•rn l'r inHnt i(Jn of atl'PI. It w:l8 m:Hiu in 1"--,;;

. • loy 1\ s tmlcut in his lttltumtnry. Jl c the otlempL to kill hun wn11 to hr mntlc 1.roponndcd hi iuc1\ , ,, tho W\rrld , t,uL on 11 certnm dnr. He l.:nt•w the hour 11 10.,k lift1 en ~·cu rs hl'fore iL 'fl'lf~ 8111'· nnd the minute' of the nttnck • n I I d · • :~ 1 1:', I c • bsfully put in opcrali 1111 .. I l.:ta.•w ~l r. · mntle_oll p rrpn!'ulwna 111 IIICt'lll. ~ ~ t lh:~. ~m ,•r ,.l·n · \n·ll. lfe Itt 11 " ' '"' ' :<L ki~OWIIlg Dll th111 hO W~'nL (~li t of CJfl iC\', IIH\11 who lh:\:Cr 8011)-:ht. to 111 :11.:1~ tl f or• l wlthtlrew the ~nard from I hu•n1x. l'nrk tunc, but t.e has tal.:~ the n ·war !:< ,,f n~ul ollowcd h~K succ~I!SOr,_ IAml ( :1\'ell· t1ia ~:rea t iuvcnti1111 , aiUI h ,. t" ltl ""' tho ~hah , ~o com ll tnto olhce without wnrn· !list time I uw hilll in Loudon tha t he In,, 1gnora!'t nnd unprPpnr~d . J uK. I nul 1,t'nrly :f ll..l,t)tW.),ll\)(1. The '""' ri­Cnre_y, the Informer, who '!IE'~ auch n loutiun which h e mndc to the w .. r:tl J,y trttgtc ,t.lcnth nt. t he l!ntlllll t•l O_l)_onnl'll, that ial\·ention in the s~t,· i n); il hn11 <·1· gave ~ynnn t!1e crec.ht. of o~:IIIIZing- the fcctctl in tho onlinnry 01u•mlion11 ,,f Phamu J>nrk munlt•rs~ nml so far ns. I soriNy i:1 simply inc:tlcul:.hl('. 1 ( 1 can t • ll he. !""Y t,c n g h_t . I w:1a 111 wt•ro 10 ~n.'· we were f!ll\'ing ~ t ,OI.IO,I kKl,­Tullamore J•lll at that. 111no . ~nd so Ollll 11 ,·enr in this country nJ11111: :~ 11 the ~?ulll P_ro\' e n com ph~\· :~hh1. . Bt!t rttilllt.CJf Jhnt itwcntit>n npplic·tl t•l f' \'t ry lynDI} \\lls undcr the d 1 n·~·ll on CJI Ius hntnch o l imluBtry, pnrt1c uh1rly in tho auper1ors, who loo~ed on h 1111 a~ 11 J:OOcl 1 rn nsportat ion uf the ~O<Jd11 :11111 1 h\ i•r.J­~Icall of n sham. Gym(' f'IIP. t l11s IIIllCh duets of t he countn·, 1 should certntnh· In n letter to \\' nl:1h :.n•! l11s rc·mnrks undcrc:~timntu thc' 111110unt. An·l 1w ir apply also to J>. J_. • hctttlnn. C11rey 's J nm ~1ti ng tOM}' somctltinJ: e \'l'lllll rc 11ppeo~nco ns, nn tn f: ,~ma .wna clue to s:J rprusing;. •r111.: inJ: the W(Jrill' t.•gdha, a!1 ncc1de~1t. f~•e Dnu,.h . ( ,u,·c·r•.unellt the .,;nving eOcctetl !Jy tlmt in r ent i1111 i:s t.ltd not want lum .. H e \11114 _thl' tr l n~>t grcllt E'r th .111 tlte t (lt lll ntlue (If •l fl lho r! aonrce. Dmdy, 1- ngttu1 ~clly_ nnd IIIOl':lhlc capit:lluf the wurhl v:1e hun· b:Lffney . " ·ere tht! four men uuphcntcu dn.•d ,·,·ars ago. t.lt re~Uy Ill tho 11\IHtlc:r l>y I llrl•y's con- "o'ue lllll ll, L\· :\ l!inc lc i ii \'CII t iou. t •. 1s f~~ton. F1lr rnuny ":c• ·k~ l•t·l:•re t.l~o ~o• • trihu t \!U t ·• ' the· nJ!gr.·g:ll l' ."'' .1:11, uf goH•nunent. cnlletl on Cnrc) tl_H') 1110\ c J the woriJ mort' vn llh' t hau c ld'\ lo ,( :it t\' hen\'ennncl rn~th thrnu~h tltt•l r r renture r t nro lwf,arc lti:1 hi r.h. :'\o w !wlo.o•s."t Bolton, the (rown J ~r.·s\!.:nlnr, I ll per· i eu mill i•;ns CJf tlullnr;o~. It i:< a ).:rl.'aL sundc . Drody nn•l 1-.rlly,, the _ncttwl 5 11111• lie will 1<-n ,·c it tt) hi:~ d li ldren. RISDPSinll, to tum Qut•l 11 11 t' \'1\ll•nct.•. wliU h:l\'1! d t>IIO 111,tltiu;.: , h:l\·,. l• n:ri ­~~Rdy,_ lll"J:t d ~?: ~ l :_c g!·~·~·mM. ,, f ~ he la lt,•d nothing t1) till' lll''t" i,.i ti .. nu~ ;l, i:t Jllll, l.t} the 81JCtlnll~ l.'ll.:kc\1 11nr.l• n11, IIICIIII''' · \\'lwm h.ll! he 1, ,l.hl.l :' \\ (t, .111 by lltto.rneys nn~l SJ•l t' l', c.tmc ll<'a r wi ll la'i .:~ ehi ldrl'n r .. l. ~ \\' h•J w· uld It<~ ~~1\kt>mng, Lut h1~ mother \\'l' llt I~ tho t l!o go~iut:r if ~10 ltnd nc~·u n ·\:t·i,·, .I unt• J•lll: anti ~e~gctl hun not to l.te~m~ .,tho Jll'nny ft•r hill s rc!IL ,1J,11-.,,·l·r.' ~ ll uw s~Jt't.f. Ill. Ink~ the r· •JlC l!raL, .. he much would the dislribut iun utlai11 ;:tiCI,· ea1d, and he tl11l. 11u.•n _th ~): tnM ~ tm OOO,liOU, O\'er the f:tcc 1.( Ft.Jc icty :1d•! tv Kelly, but. he g1we up h1s lite too Tho the fortune CJf nn \· •inJ:IO inll i\'i.lu:tl , government. woult! not t~nve accepted 11111t how much hRs~his ill\·ention nd1led Carey but fo~ ~ ektlful t.nc.k he plny~d 10 the fortunes of nil n11w kiml ~"-~ciu:· on the.n. \\Into m·gollllllons Wl.'r~ 1n tilic Americnn. . progrna Carey auggeeted by broad lnota that. he could give e,·idenco cnou~h to im_plicate Parnell in tho murder!. Tl•ia bate. caught. them when nothing clee would have aer,·ed hia purpoae. Carey rtceived bie pardon, and com·ic ted the men whom he had led into tho net . But. he ne,·er told anrthing that could implicate PArnell or any or tho Jrieh leadera, nnd fooled tho go\·crnment completely. Mta. Frank Byrne carried the knives that. were used from Park to London anti a mao and a woman took them from Lontlon to Dublin. .Mr. Byrne waa in a delicale condi tion at the time, ·and iL xoultl 11ecm ecnrcclv poaaible for her to hove tn\.:en then1 alone acrou the water. Carey eaid that bia wife could identify tho woman but. when Mn. Carey wns confronted ·.vilh Mrs. Byrnl'l nfter tho latt.er's arrest ahf' failed to recognize her. Once more I want. to say that Parnell 11'1111 11lwavs i~norant of the existence of the Iuvi11· ctble Societ.y until it Ltccnm e known to him by Ca.rey 'a confeuion:•

The Rioh and tho Poor.

Fertile Egge in Winter.

Much can be done to secure fertile Pggs during the winter acl\~011 . To ac­cure auch e~gs. oue 1111111t try to (lltta in ttl good no tmitlltiou of n:tturnl condi­tione 118 p0111iblc. A l\'ntm~ rtlOI!IY heua<.', covered with dry cnrth nnclsilllll, in which the fowle cnn scrl\lr h , ~lilY window ncar which the fowls cait'bftl!k, a vuiety of grain, aupplementc,J by tL little m eat lind & generous aupply or vegetablu, such ae c11bbage, onionl!, tur­nips, boiled pota lol's, and tho like, the roloting in of the grnin into the ~nrth or 11 litt<>r of leavu, to int.luco E'XCfCIAC, three arc neceuary to recure the hig h­r&t J egrrca of ferulhy M tl.ia ae:uJun.

Grcnt cnro ahould be exerdal'cl in gatlwring the egge for hntchiug. They ahould not bo lett for the t:vening collec­tion, hut shouhl be gathered scvcm l ti.p\CI a d11y , at ten o'clock in the fore­noon, at noon, in L"e midtllc of 1 he aftem oon, and at. llight. An <>gg will allmd considerable cold with fr~ezing.

.Mrs. J. II. lion. ~YJH:r:. l:i2 Pacific Ave., antn Cr uz, Cal .. writes:

"When n $tlrl al <·hool, in Rending, Ohio, I 111111 n !'1' \·cn• ntl:.t·k of brnln fov.~r. On m~· rf'•'•H· o·r~· . l f011111l my!lolf p1•rfoc~ts bnhl , nn•l. fur n l<>u{: tlml', I 4·urt•u f s honltl Ito t •t·rut:Uit:llll~· hO.

Frlcntl!t llll:~'ll 111,. to n, .• Aycr's Ualr Yl~:llr, anti, un •luing 1!<>, IllS hair

Began to Grow, 111111 I no,,. hn,·.: n-; fi ne n h <':l•l or hnlr ns 0 110 ('nnhl wi~h fllr, t ... iu~ t'hnuht·ll. lww­c,·,•r, from hlon•lc h l tln rk browu."

"A£tt•r n fit of sldmb.• . m~· hnir c:uoo out in co111bful111. l n-..·oll\\o boules ot

Ayer's Hair Vigor nntl now m~· htllr i • lo\'1.'1' n ~·nrt.l long nml \'cry full n111l hca,·y. I ha,·o rocom­rucndell thi>~ pr•'l'arntltoll ttl others ,,.1\b lil;o goocl ciTcct.' '- :lh~•. ~hlnry Carr, J.I".O r.egiun st., H:~rri-.l•nr~. l'n.

"I hn,·o no; ,) .\yet·'o~ H alt· \· igor for Su\' ml ~·eor;: .Ill• I always t•lot,li ll<•ll ~alis­b.:tor~· n-sult ~ - r k new; it 1-. thl' \.est f'r•'P.IrtUIOII for tht• hair I)IRI h lll:ltl c." -C. '1'. Arm·lt, )faumuith l'ri11;: .• '. rl>.

Ayer's· Hair Vigor I'rcpt>rrd b> nr. J. C . . \ ~ ,r ,\Cu., Lowell, ~at._


QUEEN . Insuranc2 - Ooy. Lost i u the G rc:t t. Con ll agr:t tion.r-

thc :;mn '

$541,000 anll t he

QUEEN I~::> RAKCE co. p.nid o.tt tu 30 of its ptttrons. w bose policic:i were in vol ve<i iu the fir~ , . tctly n. similDJ amount, vtz.,

$p41,000 JOHN CORMACK.

Agent, St. John's. a. 'r. DRY DALE, Agent, llarl,or Grace. om ctimea an egg eeems to re tnin its

power or hatchirg a h er l.teins: snhjccted During the post few " 'eek11 our coun- to conaiddllbla e,xposurt-, while nt other GUARD· I AN

try baa been the scene ..uf n aeries of time11 a aligtlt expoeure to cold aet.'ma pilgrimng<'a, all diret'lcd to the ahrine to ruin ita chance of bntchins;. To l.t() of •he Fcdernl Cl\pitftl , ancl hnving for 0 11 the · aafe sidl', therefore, one ahoJtld their ohjecL eomc myaterioua ulll·\'intion ~:nthrr tho egg11 frequently, nnd tnkc 11a by govermnentul m ethods of the h~t rd· fow rieka 1111 pouil.tle. ehipa o f the r oor man 's li fe. Tho een- \\ ntr r ahoultl be kevt. bcfor<> the fo wle tral idea untlcrlyin~ tht'&O . mg:miza- nL kll houra in the dttytime. lf wnrnl­tions aeem11 to bo thnt. ns m mwy is the t•tl enough to take off the chi ll. it i all embodiment of m11n'a ~sepeions thnt the hetter, ond will be In~ liuhle to OJ>l'OII up to him the road to happines~ fr~·t•7.c- . 'fl•e fuwle 8houiJ lollt. he c.Hn­on earth, and ns the ~orcrnmeut poe· pl'lltt.l to tfrink icc·wntt•r nt nnv ti me. eeuea the right to coin monl'y in ite As soon •\8 Ute water Lt>giu:~ to' rr~·lze mints untl print billa in its pflntin@ tho \'CBI!clll should b<J CtiiJJt icd, or 1\

offieee, that. it ah•o can be for tho llOnce smnll n111011nt of hot wntr r tul~.l l·•l to tho creator of m onev. Tho membera of thnt in them. But., if the h (lll!ll' t.o theee pilgrima~<'S, Coxey's Army, warm, there are ft:\Y d:1ye in lhe yenr KeUy 'a Army nnd the like, 11roposc to '~hen water will freeze. At ni~hl. •·f go to \'' ashingt<tn , nnd by their p rl'llence con rae. the l easela should Lte emptied to give 110 im(>Ofling n dcmonetrntion ns . ol their contents. ~ aotluenco legiah1tion in tho desired To' ~ecure lc:rtilo winter ev~-:s, tho direction. One aohcmo ia lo hnvo tho fowlsabould bo in vigorous hl'nlth. Uy go\'ernruent. inuo honda, lien ring no in- correct feedin~, by the aec.uriug of terE'et and payable in !netalmenta.'" plenty of e xcre1ae, and hy st ric t ntten·

Whatever one's opinion muy llo of the tion to cleanliness, he:alth will he pro­right of a mnn to be rich, i t. 1a fnr from moted. lt may e<1Jnetimeshr m·c• @S!IrY

.clear how the propoacd iuuo of bonda to usc condiments nnd contlit i(lll pow­could be cont.luc tet.l so ns to producu ctcrs. om o o f the lntter nrc t>xcrllrnt any Jood effect. As tho world is i~~.emsclvea,···~·tnmthey cnn l.tc pro­orgam&ed and na hu manity ia const i- cuwl in proportion lo their rnlue. Al­t.uted', ~heir will nlwnys Lto rich anJ wnys try to eccuro good hel\lt h by pro­poor.· 'fho dist ribution of wealth may per attention lo food and snniLnry con­eeem unjust. 'fhe deaer,·ing itwentor ditione. who hu worn his life out in de,•ising -•-- - - -impro~em~nla in meohnni ·nl things, I F or 11 vcr_f bod bum m elt berswnx, the 11~1e~t1at. who has wor~eu for h• .un , and into this pour 11wcet oil until it. ovolvmg 10 the laborn.tory !JCW chcm.1cal i makra " eah·o ,.,,hicb can be rM •Iily products, the baeterJOlogllt w~o hnds spread with· a eoft bn1ah. Keep e,·cry a pan~cea for the nt011tdreatlet.l d1senece, pll rt. covered with the aah·e.

Fire and Life· Assuran.ceC o'y.


SUIISCill nt:u CArtTAL. ....... .£2,1100,000 Stg. TOT.\ L 1 ~ ,·~~-rEu J.' u.sr t ' f'-

WAJC I>:s o~· ...... ......... · .... , 2,750 t ~ A~sUAt. l~co~tF. t•r w'n:; o~· S50 Stg

The GUAHDL\~ lodng a firat.-cla~ En~lish Insumucc Coat\Jany, offers all thoec mh·11ntages lll t)l;t. \ ~:. imble to in­l'urcra, viz., uniloubtl•d st:1hility, fa\'Or• ablo terms nud pnn11pt s<:t tlt•m cut. to dnimsJor loss. ·

'l'he Untlcrsigu r'(l luwint;· heen ap· pointCt.l Agent~ ft)r :\uwfouudlond are proparu:l to issue l'ulidea ngainat. 1<41 by .Fire.

'J'. l~ ~r. \\'I ~'J<tn, ' t. John'•· JO E l' ll CiOlHJE:'\, l'lnb·Agcnt.

11 •1 rhllr G rncc, )i .}',


Assurance_ Co. Established

LO~DOX: 1863

1. AJOlWATE 'TREET, - • E . C.

.. certa1nly rank aa tho benefactora or __ _ h ·• b t th 1 · t r t.l I oit.'O~L£ ,,~o rvsos {1S87.) umam~r ; u e ue ry o 1e Ilnppy da,·a a nd restful ni .. hta Hll'llt · · 00 000 world abowa that iL is preclselv tht>ao f · "A , o- "'·u 1 ' Fu.o: Prcnuunte ....................... £ 7, claMea who rtceive the benefit l raet roml ueJngll 6erbsodj'rs~pnrl ·"· t ~~~ Lifu Prcmiuma ........................ l97,000 commenaurate with lho value of their ret gu a thee a t.h e . Y un~ttons aluc, lutercst. .......................... ......... 143,000

k h i . h 11 rllngt ens t o ner~o.aa &)Item t 1n., Accumulated Funda .£3 421 000 wor ,., w en l~ 1mpor~oce to t o ~IL. we rry nnt.l fatigue are comparath·dy ! Tile UAdcra1 cd ~~ .. ~~~ .. w~ to of bumanhy 11 conau)ered. The 1n- unknown and life ietruly enjoyed. IL 0. · gn 11 k ' poda f Pro-veni~,. ~nvenLll athnd ,J>rtat.ente

1and tbhe i~ certainly a moet wondcrrut m cdi- Pe e':1t. i~fur~J:OJ' at. c:.':ren~Ratea

cap wull• ma .. ea e ao une rom t o cw e

1 iD'fen&f.m. Tbla Ia the at.ory tepeated · _ __ of Premiums. . over and uver again Yec. unjUJL and 1 , The aboroCompnny is wcU-ltnon for aevere aa h aeema, thia ia 'he definilo PI Lilli PILES · t-n:w~o PJL.:S.' ita libGraliLy and promptncaa in aetUlnc W of bumanby, and tbere Ia no proba· Sva.tr;ro~s-Moieture i t.ntenso tlchmg loaal'8. , • • bililJ &.bal. the cure of inequalit.y of abd attnpng ; moet. at. n1gbt ; worso by .ProapcctuaCtl, Focma of applica&fon fortune wlll ever be discovered. acralchlnJl. If .allowed to continuo for Fi~ and ~fo Insurance, ~d &1-

The \1pioal inventor inventa becauae tumors (orm wbloh oflen bleed and ul- other tnfonuatton can bo obtained a\ be baa to. and he may hope to reap a cerate, becoming very •<!re· Sw.n ·s.:'ll the office o(. znodft& rewarclfJOm bfa work. WbeLber OnmruT at.opa C. he ltcbu~g and bh:etl· A. 0 . B A YW ARD. he does or don not, bia very aeniue ing, heala ulceration._ and 1n m~t. Cl\st a • ST. Josa•e, will• allow bim to be idJe. The ap- removca tho tumora. At. drnrJ.'lSta, or Agont. for N.P.LD. ~' iu,blldoe baa to be endured. by mal!t ~or 50 cents. Dr.l:iwayue &

1 W. 11. TllOlll'SON, Ba• ln Q)lw ol Ute commania&fc. &en- Bon, Pbuaaelphia. , cab-Aacnt. for Harbor Oncoe



Page 3: price WOODILLS - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940615.pdf · the ahu\'C Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U



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The best value for the Coqsumer of ;my soap in the market.

Millions of women throughout the world can \'ouch for this, as it is they who ha\'C proved its value. Tt brings them less labor, greater comfort.

F IS ·H R h ~ .h~S! AMERlG AN NET & ·TWINE C~.

C..onunercial Street Boston Mass .. ..;__ __ _ MAN'CFACTt·nr-: I:: OF



Tc Notor:ous Tynan comc.s to th, Front "ith n bookful of Ex­


condemning the net, the coun­try cnl led it. hy pocrisy. The pub­lic tlitl not hc lic\'1' their regret. The::e three men, to~ether with n host of followch;, hnd preached sedition for vcars throughout Ire·

Tho il)famous P. J. 'l'ynnn, the lnnd. 'fhey ftad urged the ignornnt ·Number One' of the · ntrnciou!! people to \·iolencc, nnd for years PhcPnix Par~ murcler:;. has written 1t wns n mnthemntical certainty n lJook, in wl1i (·h h<· prv:easei! to t.hnt in the w:1ke of n Pnrnellite Jisclo:e the inside ld:. tory of the visit, nttmlct· woul•l occur. And organization uf the [n\'incible' when the head'! of tho league rcpu­Thcre i'l rrnlh· little that WI\ not <tinted tho murdnr, the reople snid prO\'ell on (latli in tho famous trial thnt this was a gunrdel pulicv to which resulted in tho conviction of hide u secrcLjoy. ·

forced upon them by the exasper­ated enemy. In a. word, the Jn­,.i nci lJI c. sprnnJ! into exis tence IJy order of tho l'arnclllte go\'ernmcril of Treland clectcu hy the Irish nation.

'fhnl is what th e ountry all along bclicYell. ls it true 'l r doc:; thi :; infamous man hope to interc!!t tho world in the act.ions of one who supt>rinlendcu and wit­nessed the most illfamous crime that has been committed in our day ?-.1/unlrcfll ll'it,IC.•(I.

)linnnl':! Liniment. for nhcumatiam.

RllEl"liATIS~I Ct:ta:o 1.s A DA Y.-~ulh A nu:rican Hhcu n11\t ic Cur<.' ,for H hcumll· tiem !ltH.t NcumlJ:in, fl\dic~llly cures in 1 to a dn ,.s. 1t rcmovu nt once 1 he cnuae 11nd llu! diecnse i mmcdintely disnppeura. The lirst d<>!cgrc•Hty llenclila. io ct!nlv. Sold by \\'.H. Tho'fpson .~ Co.-Jn 5. -lOw

. . ----, Minanl's Unimeut ill tho n{'st.

th e fvur wretched nssnl!:< ins, who, Anti thi!' i::1 how Tynnn ehnmetet·· on the afternoon of a beautiful )[ny izes it. This is why, he snys, he day, !'hocked the dYilized world writes the book. lie will not hn\'e bv ns cownrdlv n murder as wns the memory of the martvrs he· e\·cr committe(! in the historv of mirched. ·The Pnrnellitcs haYe th e race. Lord Frederick Ca\·en- plnyeJ a cowardly part. They be· di ::~h hnd J,ecn newly swnrn in ns f!:lll with l'nrnell disavowing an Chief Secretary in Troland, on May net which the exccuti,·e of which (i, 1 ' 2. In the oYening ho nnd the he wns the head commnnded. nnd lion. ~rr. Burko, th<' permnncnt they hnYo ~one on lonlling these under-secretary, a th~>roughly luynl men, who dicl such a day's work ni1d humane man. who hnd been for Irelnntl. with infnul\·. l'nrnell 's

· DEAJ.'X~ COMPLETELY Ct.:RED, faith fu l h1 British connection in reputation lilled e\·ery true-hearted Any p~rson aufr~ring from Denfnc1111. Xotscs in the llenl.l, &c., may learn of a new, simple treatment, which ia prov· ing ,·cry anccesgful in completely our· ing cnse! of nil kinds. Full particular11, including m:1ny unsolicited tcst.i· moni,\1!1 :utdncwspapcr press notices· will be sent post free on npplicatiou. The e~·stcm i11 withouL doubt, tho most successful ever IJrou!;hL before the pub· lie. Address, Attnll ::i(>CCinlist, Aluany Buildings, 3\.1, \'ictOrllt ::itrcct, \\'est· minster, London. S. W.


tho 111hl:'t of all the tumult!! of [rl hmnn with shame. Tt. wns twenty year::, we re walking to the wrun;! from Parnell by tho fears of !'Cl·rctary':; lucl;.re in Phwnix Pl\rk. o11e prominent mc111hor. whose The ,·eh ·ct !mnrd wn.; co,·ercd with nnmc i~ not gi\·cn. But Tynnn hundreds of mcrn·-mnk crs. '!'he knows thnt l'aruell cn1uo of too L:>rrl l.icuten:~nt w;1s onh· n . hort gtunly n Purit:1n !> lock to know tli;.:tal\('C :111"!1\". The c ricketers l.' l':n·en fe:-tr. nnll that if he hntl not Cl'OdSl'd th o p:t th ufthc tWO \'ictims, :tllowed his juc\(!lllCt\1 to be :'e· wlw were ul,sen·cd to t,c chatting duccJ b,· the cxt·itemcnt ami ten­:mli langhiu~. Four men sudden- sion t'f titc moment he nc\'er would ly gol <1 IT:1 janntin~ cnr, went up ha\'C subscrihctl that c~>wardly to lite two g •ntl cm<:n ; ftlttr kni\'C:f tlocumcnt. For it was rend, alonl!· CAPLIN ~ll'nmcd in th e !"Cit in~ , un; two ~ide the proclamation of the L~~rtl ~linnnl':~ Liniment. i11tho Huir Restor.er men fell on t he ~ ra:-~ ; fvur assn::s- r,icntetwnl vfTol'in!.!' a rcwnnl of ins lied . The peot•le ~nw the ~ijU,00(1 for th e apprehension ofthc ;:etdllc n t "'Htll· d i..,tnnl'C and thought 111 urd cror!l, with shame '' .'· the true· it n drunken ruw; tho Lord L:eu- hearted Jri;.:hmcn who rcj okcd the tenant :',1\\" tl.c UJ•lifted nrm:; and worhl m·cr at n da ' lard I\' 111urller. thought !'omc IJrawlors were annu\·· This i ~ nll a<'cording to 'i'yn:lll.

·. SEINI:DS. -.\T.:O-

Cod, Trap ancll-Ierri11g Nets. '

.\11 of tiw \'en B ":-: 1 ( 1·talit•: :·ntl ~htle of Our .. .

i11~ hi:, fril•nd~ . · 'fhat ntHnifcsto d i,;l!u ted 'fynnn,


'l'hl"y ~n,·c thc·ir colors like n charm, Jn shntlrs both d~&rk nml gr•IY i

Thl•r,·'a nothing in them that can harm, Or cnnsc the lcnt~t.l.lismny,

Tit<: polil·e ftliltul th e two lJoJie.i who at tho tituc wn!l a fu~ith·o wcltcrin;: in tl1c•i r blo•ul. ,\ en· of t'n\m ju"ti<'e hnving gone to Fmncc, honor went up m·er th e l:i11d. whi <·h c11untry rcfusccl to gi\'e him J;uiline::" wa:: ,..u;.: l'cndcd. The mur· up a l tho llemand of J;nt!lnnll. der was connnittcll on a ~ntunlnv :-'till. i l wns n~tt judicious to make

Shepar. d . Gold _ 1\ ITedal _ T\TTINES aftcrnt lun. lln :-'unday, tclr~rau1s complaint at that juncture, and he J...VJ.. VV were !<cnt 111 c,·cn· tvwn in li te lias rctll:\incd 1.ilcnt e \·er ~incc ; hut

th rce k i ll;.!dOttb ; !toni lied pcopl c now, from the ::ccul'ity of :Sew York rend the d rcau ful new~ at the he lnunchcs tbi~ l.lvok, to let the

The Diamoml Dy<n~ nrc the best in the wurltl, amlthc simpksL to usc. Dy full(lwin~ directions gi ,·en on each pnck· age, n l"hild may st•curo the very brt~t n·sul1:1. Hcfuac nil other imitations ; sec that you get tho " Dinmoml," the only rclittblc.

)Jinaml'" Linitncut cur~11 l:\ Grippe.

of whit j, '· · . • :.·tit<' uul \' m:lll .ll .. t.-1 11 r.: . f .·-l) Ortl••r.:: l,y lette r or wire pr••lll l.'t iy and :':lii· t·td•'rily <'Xc.: utctl.

20 Miles to Procure Medicine \\'infield, Ont.

\\'. 11. Co~T:~;c.-, Ur••ckvilll'.

I I . I I 1' I ~ ,. ,. •I • i I ' I : 1 .~ tt·,! ;.\\:trr.:; at 10 1•>11 .. •. ·: ! . . ... : .. ,·q .. t, a, l S7G

cburt h d unr,-; a pnrnly::i:: of terror world k1.uw nncl npprel"inlc tho fell upon tltc t·ounl ry. 1l1Ctnlli'Y of the hcroc;; ( mmdcrcr::)

The Jl"lit·t ~l'olll'ctl t!te worlcl. who::c wol'l.: has beet) tlisowned loy Londnt: and the ao.;,a::"it were lm·kin~ in the \'CI'Y 111011 who 11nlercll it ; who

Duulin :-~II ~be time. There came were in sympathy with it. and who C'nrcy'scunfc::.::i,m; the nrrc~tofthc . \tppli <'d a portion N ' the m•mcy to

. DE.\U ~11: :-.\111 !ll'll int: your " Dr. ~lonse't< !udinu JlU(rL l 'ills" mthislocnli· ty. I lu1 vc CU11tomera who como :!0 miles for the ~nko of getting Morse's !'ill!!. 'l'his sp<.'nks fM itst•lfJus to their \'1llne. J usc them in our lnmily ·with " ~e most. snti11factory r_csulf.l..~' M1 w1fc haa been cured ol atck.tk~ncho by t heir nse. We could noldo without them. '

Fis!tt •ri . ·~ E x lli !,j:in.t. l .'~3. :-:l'llt I I;H. I ll11st r·:ltC'fl (' :1 t :1 lrwt II" .

~· . .

' ·. ... ! ~/' _,.·:.

. · -------------~~-~~~


.. ,:.'. "":~(.-· :, ~~~j"'J1C)

: _), ::• :J ll\.9.1 .\J ··a

actunlmunlcrcr ; their lt·inl nnd t·nrr,· it vn. execution . ..-fl'ynun in his book Aiu.l this is ho\Y 'fynnn ~how~ calls ~his patri cJ tism. The mmder the cont•cction between tho Ill\·in­wns a pure, high-souled :tel. The cii,Jc" anti the Jlnmellitc-:

Yours, etc., A. KIU~II'II-:S.

' : -~·- ---~-----·

Ill en who per pel r:,tc~l i L al'c hel'Ocs 11 c ('l'ynan) then ::cnt n despatch and mnrtyra, ns purr ns nn~els. to the Invincible Dir<'clory, asking Lonl Frederick C:n·endi h huu them to senti instructions at once. bnrclv for tho fir:-l.,timo . ct his foot Oid the public change of front niter in frclntHl. H e wa_ known · tO' Lc their cour.:o; ,.,·hnt wns h e t u do;

---·----··· ··-·~------·----::..~- in sympathy with all true reform wns he to return or continuo their C.C. RtC'n.u:o ,t: Co. nnd betterment. ~o mnttcr. He present policy '? Telling them GEsTS,-I Bprnin2d my leg ao badly was n sor\'nnt"of the Briti~h Gov- thnt he hncl gh·cn ccrtnin orders, that I blld to be drh·cn home inn car· ernmcnt. and ns "llch he hntl to be but thut before cxccutin~ these he ri11ge. l immediately npplicd Mts.\nOS' suppre~ oc.J. 'l'ynnn • describes the nwnitod their nnswer hnck. he con- LJSJlt£ST freely umJ in 4 hours could formation of the ln\'iQciLles ; their \'eyed no information whnto\·er ns uac my lrg again 41 well as ever.



BILIOUS&. NERVOUS -DISORDERS, . -St"('ll .\ ·- -

Sick Headache. Constipation, Weak Stomach, ImpafredDigestion,

Disord:.ered_· Liver:- -:- ancf -> F~male - Ailments. TilE ='.\ LE 1:-i XOW ~TX ~ITLf,TOX n XES YEA RT.Y.

Jar FL'J. J. Dill El:TI0~:-1 WIT II E.\ (.' 11 nuX. '"Q ··-- -

numbers-two thou and-the pur- to his plnns; those did not belong losllt.;A WYsAn:llT. chnse of tho kniYcs; the murder; to tfleir province. In him wns Bridgewater, .N.S. the se\'crnl nttc111pt: upon the life vested the nuthllrity to intelligent­of Mr. Forslet·, before tho departure ly carry those otlt, which , with his of the Chief 'ecrctnry for England. brave nml heroic comrade , he tried 1'here is nothing new in all this, to do. \\'hnt he wished ttJ lcnrn and the eulogy of assassins is to be from the Pmncllite statesmen of

T~at. string on your linger menna "llrang home nllottlc ol M1~.\nn's LtSJ· llt:ST." •

expected from such nn infl\mous the movement was if there was any quarter. llut he insists thl\l the truth in the statement pul.llisheu - KEw YoR._, Ma}' ~.-Stmr. Luc1mia ln\'incible were nn interial portion in the news papers ns to n :fur render; nrrivcd here lusL mght, having cclipeed of tho Land Lengue~vh1ch was led or was lrpland 's policy .(b continue all previous ocean recorda for tra,·elling by l'nrncll nod JJnYitt. 'fbey unchanging nnd her nnswer to the gh·en distance. Sbe reached Sandy acted in secret, but it wns under invader s till to remnin those , ·orc.Js Hook, lightahipat 8·51 o'clock in Sdaye, 12 hours, and 57 minutelt. When eho

KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement ancl

tenda to peraoulll enjoyment when rightly used. The ronny, who Ji,.e bet. ter than uthenaud enjoy lire more, with lc111 expenditure, by more promptly 1\llnpting the world's belt product& te the need.a of physical being, will aU.e1t the value to health of the pure liqui<l lnxnt h·e principlca embrtoe41d in tho remedy, Syrup of Fige.

l ts excellence ia duo to Ita preaenting in lho funn moat acc:ept.Ab:e and plou­aut to thotallte, therofruhing1md trulr bencficiul prupertica of & perfect lax­ath·o ; effectunlly clel\naing tho •y•tcm, diapclling colds., bcntlnchca and fe,·cn 1\lld }lt:I"IIII\IICOlJy curiug COnllipotion. It ba given entisfnetion to million• and met ~·ith the appro1·nl of the medical 1•rufcaaion, bC<'nuso it acta on tho Kid· neya, Li,·cr aud Bowcla willtont wcak­elling thetn and it ia perfectly Cree from eve'7 objcctiuunblo subst.Anc:c. . Syrup of Fj~ ia for 111\lo by "11 drug­giats in 'l:ic. DOll!~•. but it ia JllAnU· £nc:tnrcd by tho Cnlifornia F ig Syrup Co. only, \~hose nnmo i• printed on e,·cry pnckllgc, al .. o tlto nnmc, Syrup of Figs, and being "'ell infonnc<l, you will Jtol accept nny auhlltituto if nfl'erod.



cnoss. -----

ESTABLISHED-, -IX 17 · 2. THUSTF.F.l:! ANH OIRE<..'TOR::i : .

J<>sopll W. B:u cnllnlo, tS.. Brlatow 1:11>\' 11 I, El!q.

'l'b.s Hun. Ja.mns Bynt• John Clnlton E.'!l· ,

O~to\'lusl:~ Coope, EM!., li.P. Ocorgo Arthur 1-'uller1 Elq.

Chnrlell E. OO<Xlnttrt, E:.q. M. muxlo Hnwklull t.:''l· J:S,r John Lubhoct;, hnrt., ~f.P •

Chnrl1'8 Thomnl! l.uc:t<ll, t::aq. l.:hnrles llnt;uny, t.:8q.

Th., lion. t.:llwln H. l'ortruan, El!q, Ot.dlcy rto~>crtl:imllh, t.:sq.

WIJ lin~. ~.'~~~~·~_:J'bOmpiiOn1 Elq.

Ron. Director-JOHN J . nLOOMI-'JELD,Esq. Wt LLI.\X c. M.\CDO:>~ALD 1 JolnL .I''JIA:oiCIII 8.lfAODOloiALD ~ HccreliUieL

Thr oncn;emeuu or thiN omee ue auaran­l·eetl by n numeroWI nod wcallby l'roprl~ lary, In addition toalartre Invested Capital ; ant.! the promrtltudo nnd llbenalll)' wllb which c:lullo11 ~vo alwny11 been mflt ue w~ll-known and knowlcdced.

Tbe lmport.nn lb• lrau•actlone ot the PUffiN ~ '}'lJ~E OJ.Jo'JCE

may be catlmntcd fruru the tac:ttbatalnc:e II• nlablll l.llllCill-llUW OYer 0 N Jr IIUNDKitll VJrAIUJ-Ihe paymcut.a In ~atlatacllon or the eltllm• tor l.oPell have exceeded •·ouRTXX.'Il ULLIONl:l Sterllnc. _.. ln~uranOCJI acolnal Lou b)' Fire and

Llcbtnlu~: arc ollectcd l,ly the Co1opany uron tver,. dellerlpllon or Properly, on tbe moiL fnO'rabhs term"'

\\'. U. RE~DELL. St. John's. Agent for Xewfounuland.

J. A. "Whitman .. Custom· Tailor

Will gunmntcc Fit, Workmnnabip and Style.

Custom work of nll kinde performed aL lowest prices and wiLh despatch. Outport orders receive prompt. au.entiOD

Oi \'O 1111 A call. WATER ~T., HARBOR GRACE.

~MAS B~ECHAM:· St~· ~~ :d~~~~~~:oiancashire. tho express commands of the ox· of the • pnnish nationalist-· war established Westward record laat. Nov· ecutive of tho Longue. Now, Dil- to the knife. ' WhnteYcr orders ember, 11ho trn\'clleu 2iSO L:nota in 5 Ion, Dn\'it~ nnd Pnrncll were on tl}e they !'bould Rend him h<l"\·as pre· daya, 12 ltoul"' nod 48 min. She waa exccuti\·e. Parnell i~ dend. Dil- pared to obey, doing his dJJty like 10 minutes behind w~Lward record in Ion nntl D:wit will, of course, re· n sQldicr by either attacking or rc- actual t ime, but. taking into conaidem·

W. J. RUSSELL" House,.Sign & General Painter


. .

· .'old by :111 DruggUs nne! Patont-'~[cdicino Denier!' everywhere.

C. KNOWLINC, • t •. Tuhn'~: Agcut for Newfoundlnnd. nudinte 'Xo One.' tiring nt their discretion. • 'uch in tion fnct. that she trn\'clled 96 miles v further to a\'oid icc, ehe would have

Tho Land longue wns the lcgnl substance wns the contents of this gone O\'er her reccrd approximate t.imo ------ pnrty. rt posed before the country iroportnl despntch , stnt under cov- of 5 daya, s h'>ura and '1.7 minutes. ns flesiring constitutionn.l reform~ er to nn officinl of the .Pnrne1lifcs, • --but it was concocting, with No by whom it would be gi\·en to Q- SUBSTANTIAL PROOF FOR THE One.' tho mnnler of Mr. Forster at nnd delivered to the proper nuthori- DOUB'flNG ABD U.NB.ELIEVING! the moment when it wns assuring tics. The Jlnrnellite who reccivecl

Worth their weight in Gold. Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN

Root Pills. Btl~ Morse's Indian


br. ·IYiorse'~ I-ndian. Root Pills.


l\ ••:n111

: w011 ,_111~ GoonOniH:rt. the British public thnt it wns op- · this despatch from Dublin, remnins Hope had Almost Fled! . :->ormnn.Oni,Jnnnnry 15, 1950. posed to nil violence nod physicnl to _th i~ tin~ in the tanks of 'legnl A FmE ·o•8 GOI.DES AD\'IC£ Gln:a a NEw "o!:~\ ,;K::~:.cf.~~r~~~::,~n~~~~n•llnn Root force. 'l'his is tho nllegntion of ngttatton. F.:<JSTt:sc£ ! l'llth"' "'''t he iK'at re~;ulnL •rytinn. 'fhis wns tho nllegntiorr of Friday morning brought to K From n prim to letter rccci\'ed from ' " '·' humnnlty cnn nsc. l.lfo Is fill the time the' Times.' This wns the belief of the nnx1ously looked·for despatch n lady rl'aiding in tho flourishing ciLy pt •. ,.,.: trnll nnll dollento nro mony 01 I lA rs 'TI 0 · b \~uriot .. \lhly :>nrllcleorrorolgnaubllt.ftneo c~untryntthotimc . nutthismnv from tho exccuth·e. The ncti\'C 0 t.. 10 1ll88, nt.,wemakopnbhot e ntllt('f\ .. to tlw Stnnll('l!t Wheel In work& nnd he mere \ ' I\ porinft('f on the parL of policy was still to continue,· no- following paragraph : _ .. You may aay wtont 1" lhl' r.• .. ull~-ttL tl r11L, only n sl l,;ht to the extremely nervous, who think. •11111'11'"<''' 1- tlr<'ccptlhlo In IUillme-koeptnc this creature. t was tho Par· thinfl' ".' t1S in nn_v wnv chnn~etl. hnL wnlt l 'UU: Rll (lhO Oh1!4•r\'lltlOn grO\.,. lho 11' ) h . I I Tl 0 D ./ their COLldition hopeleu, that. P~&ino's l rrt:'~:utnrJty to•••·o m c• ~;renter. unut nL lut. ne ttes w 10 gnve t e oruor, w 10 10 1rcct.ory wus nstonishc . nt Celery Comr-ound hu done a \\'Onder· whnt roultl hnvo been reoiiRctl with llltlo consulted with Tynan, who plnced the inaction of tho men in Dublin, ful work for me. l•'or many ~·eal"' the t roubll', tn tlu• l>ctclnlng. will now requlro · · • ., unwh l.'nn• In • horouyhlt,· clcnn•lng tho en- lum in chnt·go of the Jnvinciblcs (if these good statesmen hnd hnd a &.witching of tho muscle of my face and :~~.~:n~~~~:;;0~11~~~;Je~t~~'n.a;r~~:-aan~l~~~ in Dublin,nnd who, when the Invin- n little practicnl.knOwled~e of tltis eyes were trul)' terrible; · my handa· rr.:n,.. ' · ltcp('rcci'Libly at nrat, th<'n raDid· cibles were wenry ofinncth·it~, nnc.l inaction!) K-- wns instructed ebook •. nnd my hmlle trenJbled. I was l~:.~~:':.1J ri:?·,~~.:;~\'m(. 1~r!~g1':'1~~~1'1~";1~ enrnged nt the escape of l\lr.li ors ter to remain upon th e ~round nnd on ao ~flllctcd tbat for nearly two ycal"' I m.,~ , rucnt. To N~"venL Uti", i advl~tt nil to gn\'O tho order for the ' removal - no nccount to leave Dublin ns they I ha~e been unable to ~ppear on the atreet. pnrlr_,. lltl' l!)" tern frequently hy tbo Ulle ot h h . f I . I The U80 or your Paltle's Celery Com· :IJ(Jr••·'" t:lll>~, nnd ro preo~Crwi vJ~;or aud .vi- t e cup cuusm o t 10 I nvincibles would underst~nd h1s presence

11 pound haa completely rt'atored me t~

111111>'· ' vnrll filii hrnlly, R. P. ATweLL. for murder-of Lord Frederick thore mennt nett on. , health and etrength, nnll tbat my con-TilE Tn.u fF.J.LERfi' SAFEGtrAno. · Cavendish nml 1\lr. Burke. 'fhnnn· Once more :-It must be distinct- dition has ne\·er lleen bcUcr. I will do

A ntll((rllldn8 Pond N.S J 11n '!1 oo l d 1 · h · k 1 d •· w. 11. ('l)ml(tock,IJrock\'lllo: Ont: · • • · snw t 10 mur cr. nne, tn IS oo y un . ers tood thnt the crenlion of whRL 1 cAn to ma..:o your princcleea

. , . en~t inn Blinds mndc, refitted anc.l re-

nomtetl. · Graioing nod l'l'uside work 'neatly done. Lettering and Sign Painting a epecially.

Satieraction guaranteed. · Reeidencc- .




Trnced nnd shnded hints, Berlin Wool, Color BoxeP, Crayons Ink Bottles nud Stnnds,


J. W. KENNEDY, Doot and Shoe - Ma.ker. \\ ATER ST., H~RBOR GRACE,

(opposite the Slip.) ltv or)' deiCI'lpllon or LEA TB.aW .. uu:

made aod ~p.tNd. .._ Band-eewed Work of all kinde-.

~ecialty • . n.•nr Hl r :-For mnny ~·cnr• 1 hn:r.·e l~een a gloats over it. H c doscri_bea it ns this nenr nnd imJ>Ortnnt Irish or- remedy kno"•n to my frientle,becaueo it. nrm lol'IIC\'I!r In your .. Dr. ~foreo•• lndllm I 1 d 'I. d d . . ,, ~ . baa tnkcn from mo a bea\'Y • d f 1 ttoot l'IIIH.' ' ~ol with .ruc:h a blind raJtb but one wou < escn uo n goo nn un- gnm znbon or raw1er trnns.ernng 0 aw u TEW R III'OnO\Icnco wrou~;ht by nn IIIC:IunJ J)enOnaJ aelfiilh deed. lie showers prniae of the brn~er nod more determined burden. n ."'Ill re.:omrntmlled .to !"6 s A T IIUNB & Co. t ~IJ' ' f l{'n l'(' or I herr \'1\IUO nn() mer II. ,.,. tl k ' ·1 h L f I L d I . by " dellr frlcz:d who bad ueed lt Wllh.

Dr. Morse'.s Indian Root Pills. hw·lnl'• Is wucb that r 11pent1 much or m,. upon. 10 unspen ·nv e wretc cs, mem l er~ o t 10 ~n .• . ..cnguo mto entire antiafaotioo." ~ SHTPPJNO AND ColnUSSJON

~~3~~~~,.>~-l'rZ~~~~~~~·,~r~.::~~~~ r:~~~~L who, worse than Thugs, stabbed the Nnhonul Invtnc1blee, wns not Thia ia lly no meRna An isolated c1111e. MERCHANTS. T 0 Save Doctors Bills use n hOX 01 ll01'110 ' 11 1'0111. Your• . .tc., their unnrmed Yictims in tho back. the work of subordinates in tho Proof• come in cdntinunlly of wonder- -- .

lll. Jt. )IOl!t'•l• Dut he says iL wns the Pntnellites Pnrnollite rnnks. It wns the action ful cures wrought. bf. Paine's Celery l3oard of Trade Buildm" g. D M ' I d' R t P'lls l\V.\I.u.\ur.EAnTJCLE:sELLSWELL. h l d h d r 1. c d D r. orse s n I an 00 • I I lllfrllchOill llarbor :N 8 J \\' 0 ore ere t e mur cr. s t liB of those who go\•ernetl the ID0\'0· ompoun • OC:tOl"'· n overy parL or I . - . -~--·'""-............ ~-'"'"""". w . n .co,nstOI'k. ur~vule,oot. an. 1.3, '80 a reckless effort. after notoriety; mont-men tho very highest in· CAnad!' lill<?W well how it. cures, and .Srcciala~tention gi\'cn to Lbe aale of Best F a.mHy·Pil .. f in Use 1 v~!!'.~l~8lf;.d~1,'~~~." ~~~ef:J:~~- ~bR:o~adC:110:: could a scoundrel of this sort tell telleotaally and nuthoritntively- P.1Cicrlbe 1t. "·ith confidence for all F11b tuld F11b Oi1a. •

ntPim. I eon mo1e oru.o Dr. M~'alndlao the truth ? When Parnell Dillon and to whom l\'ere delegated the torma or nervolcuen<'tlb · k We aad Y to oudr F Alao, tdo pthc ~~Yina and abippiu ~ noot J'lllll Uolln or all tho ot hen~ combined. 1 d D . . d h 1 1 -~ • • • • • nervous, wca , ro eo own an lour an ro·ta.uODI and Oeaeial Pro-

FOR SAL/t By .ALL DEA LFJlS. 'l"b"luulrll r ontl oro ettll tncro..'uln~r. 1 an nv1tt s1gne t e man11estol leg•hmate control and reapons1b1· uyepaJ?lic ruden try ite e11'ect.e and duce \'oora..tc. N. L. Nacuouo•. after the murder, repudiating anu, Hty of meeting every exigency you waU never~~L Lbe ooeL, 1 C&blt~ Addrea'- KllNN,IIoo&nal.

, .


Page 4: price WOODILLS - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940615.pdf · the ahu\'C Househ~lcl : Furniture I lluoks_ at ·~ny ))}'ire wi.:.:hl'U

. ' .


i'HE · llALtBOit G.R.ACE ~'I'A.N DARD



C0.NCEPT10N BAY A.DV .ERTIS:&R. ~ uo n ot' holll ~;;,.;.-,.~-;; ~;.;;,:l~r 1 h e <'{11 11 1011~ c x ;>n·.i>.••tl h)' our .-orrc~ t)()nll· ent1. Trousl~nt ndverl lillu.: t•aynbh: lu n.h·n:-~cc. Noll<'f'K or lllrth•, Murrlu;t•l! nn•l lk nlhM,

tn~r•~t rr.•oof chnrt:e. ,.,.h~~ nCL"<•mpn n~·lns: d cnlh uullccs \Till be chur~:•·ll fur ut r•·:ulnr TlllCII. -- ~ ~~ - --·- ..,... --

1-'I:W.\\', ,Jt:St: t.i . 1$!).!.

1'111~ OJ,f) c·c._-n. 'I~' OH nn· .\'/·.' W cnu-:.

.\ :; hns been the c a:-t• fu r scnsoi1s pas t. numuers vf half-stan·ed , iJJ. comlitionctl, r:wcnous d ug s nrc ore long to l1e " lc fL homo "- as soon , that i , n the ir o w11c r:; depart fl)r Lal•ratlo r . .. Le ft h•ullc .. t u be a so urce of annoyance :wtl a pe:!l to imlu~triuus, hnrd-workin~ people h en• tlurin!! the ~ummer nntl Autumn 111'~nth:: . •· Left h om e ., also to bo an llCcasion of dnnger to !'hecp and o ther <Jundntpcd~. and at the ~:uno tiute a Jnc nncc , it may chanc e, to more o~pe<·ially younf! people's li \' c~. ~~~ was the c ase, uo L v c rv Jon:; a~o. in the \'icinity o f Jkuine nunn Lake Ho:ul in this l'utll·

llllllli t , •. :\"or,' ha J ~nough ns tlti$. in all

Cllll~l: i euc~', Ullll l)ttUtcdly is, i~ it all. By nn m c!Ul :-'. The ' · 1110n­c-rc l r.uppie , whclp3 anti h ou nd-; .. go l!llll fu r ther C\'On . a nd nrc 11ft· t i Ill<' fonn\lthe oecnsion •l f g r ic,·uu:; UllllO\' :IlleC 1\110 lo ' S to the Cl\\' 11 ·r :; of g:lrJcn:; and o the r ul :\1 1 pl vls of s;rn und which h :l\·e ht·e n <·:n cful ­ly til led. a nd p ut in lit cond it ion to r e pay tho hard b bllt' a nd t ni l that h :ul heeu 1.' " \'end c• l upon 1 h e m. AtHI I•• h :t\'C a I tl : i · rcndNe1l u~c­] c.<~-or little i f a n,· :-e n ·k c t •l th t• uwm•r:>-i ~ . t \1 :>:.av • tl1 e l ..:a;:t l)f i t. vcn· \' l'X:Iti tm ::.' I t Ill:\)' IJe a :!k ed h cr'e- lt"Jw 1.lo the rn \'Cnou. eh·a­turc, J!v a bout thei r .. ,t i rty work ... , [n t l ti ~ wn,· : .\Iter the lntlll hall b een ~.·arc fitll\' nurt urc1l with fi sh :111cl o th <'r coinp11 t ,-at the snc-ri· li c·t•, to1•, n f tu uch lnlto t· anti <' X­Jlt' ll!'l' .-lhe ,:t.ndn!! canines <J ,> no t i'I.' I' UJIIC !11 l l':t r it UJ' in ' 1\le!'t o f the .. un~:"·· ·n· 1:11lr:'l'l." allll thus larj.!e­Jy if no t ~rhol h· d<•'tl'u \' t h e Ya lu· :\ble po tal11 :1111·1 •llh cr ·:'Cell w hi<'h ha t! IJI.'eu !'!anted thc rl' in. The r<'· g rcttai1J C COil " Cif liCllt.:l!. ttf l'Ulii':"C. i ~ tha t a l l the IaLor :IIHl ha n l t uil 1:\\'ish t·d thc re<•n l-!ne -1 ( .. r n:llt!;ht ; a n1l that , a flerw:n d ::. the uwne ts will lind 11• tiH:i r ~.·u:< l \'en· litt le where they had n'.l~un:d .l.'· 'expc~· t · e ll ven· 1111\C'h . Atlll what :>t tll furth e r n tl tl i to the :tllll0 \':ti1~C i ,; this-that. a ,> often h:1 ppe ils . muny of the o wuot-- a re po,,r p<'o pl c. wh ll h :w c l.c en a wa\' frnm the ir h om e!'! at th e fi :::h c rv :dl th e , ummc t·. and who hefure i h e ,· l l' t.t h a .t 1·a re fulh· }1lnnted a n.! t;urturcd t h P laud , h n 1 • i n~ ,,n th l' ir ret u rn. ill t h e fa ll. t •l lind IH•::lt!.y ·luok ing t•:t '.ch e,; o f p ota tO(>'". <·:tlt h:tgc, ami •lthc r \'e!!e· taLles ( whi ,·h wu11l d :5u flicc fo r th eir wiutc r :<u pply) . :tnd n ul th e s te ri le. hun~ry land whk h will then m eet the ir e,·e:l . Tlw ir tli s­n p poi utmcnt a nd ·chag rin w i II be g- reat i n,Jectl i a n ti they will be ready to b less th e •log::. whidt arc t o !.lame fur it nil !

hlanket ··on tho ind u trinl energies of the peopl e. Whi~h t~hall i~ be, then, we nsk aghin-the dog or the --heep-the old curse or the now c ure '! \\ hich ?

'fl•nt the Lobster fishery is one of c onsiderable i m portnncc, ns well to ~ewfoundland ns to the Grc nt no­minion nnd the Groat Republic, is a truth which u1.lmits of little ques­tion. Both the last-named coun­tries nrc, we observe, paying particular attention to the IHtsiness <1 f exporting li\'c l obs ter:;. A short time since, the steamer Y((tlllQttlh :trri Ycu at Boston, hu ving ori bonrd n o fe wer thnn 1-500 crates of the li\'ing crustacean. ~lore of them were left in Yarmouth, N. ·.,which the s teame r could not bring. This, we take it, will ;;ullicc fo . how the m~~rkod attentio n which is bnin~ d e\'o t ed to the inclustry-antl thnt , too, 1,~· people who arc not, like Term :\o,·a 's , dependent for u s ub· s istcnc e almost wholly upon the one in1lu try of the fishcri<'~. The l('sson t u he leamt is sci f-cd­llc nt;_n ccds no inculca tion.

It is inte resting to ob~cn·c also tha t th e pre:;ent sca :;ou·:: lob:: te r. lun·e la t · ~· ltcc n arri ving a t :-'L .Tohn':i t'rom the we~t e tl:t" l ; th e lir~t ,;h ip lllcll t lif thc 11 ·wl ,r -pa~k ctl crusta~e:lll-('IHl ~ isti 11"' u r 1.) 1) ca. C:J - W:l ' d \':! patch ctl IJy .:'\1. :'\[t)II Hie pe r ::lca1ncr J:fl, ·rdiJII 't . whi · h len ~t. J ohn':; f••r Lh·c rl'nol nntl (:las· ~(1 \\' on Tuc.~dny .,·cni n~.

In v ie w of the li r,;t impvrt:IIH.!C ,,,·the m a tt e r. i t goe,. without. l':t,\'· ing t h :1l it is a b::!o l ute l~· inJis pc n-a ul c that Jol1 l C I'·Jia~kC I'S MJwu Jd

C' XI'I'c i:;c notlti n~ Ulll th t' g rca lcs l •·arc in th e m a n ner in whic h ·t he d c lh·ate li. h i:-: p ul up fo r !!:lie, : o thn t no thing e x cept good prcscn·ed lobs ters be place d ou the 111arkol. t)f the ulmo t n eed thnt toxis ts fllr t his , in the bc5t interest of all c on ­ecrncd, little remains to be said. i 'acker:~ o f lub~ t e rs mny d e pend upon it th:\l th ey . a · we ll ns the :;iti p pc r,;, h :n ·c ,·e n · m ut h t r1 loso 1,_,. no t J•ayi nJ! the \'·t·ry ~reat c:;t al· ll''t i t~n to t!.iQ. llf a l l ltl :ttlor:; con · m Lcrl wi th th•: i ndu:-try . the m u:-t i 11 I•Ht:mt. For i t m eans muc h to !•o h . Let it n c,·er he furgollc n tlln t once th c uanh~ of t h e tout h ~uutc ti .. h is I o~t , ' tis 11n t :<u en:y to re ­;!:tin it. One lmd s hipment will d o u ntold hnrm to the reputntion o f ~ewfoundlnnd lohs tc rs. And once : h ey ha,·e Jo:;t tlmt, the n g ood -hy '" the m - they will re main in the ntnrk e t unsold, o r be dis po;:ed <Jf at rui nousl v low prices.

Our pa~k.er3 should bent the fac t a lway s well in mind, that nothing !ou t the g rcnte:;t care is nt nil time:; ohs crYctl hy ou tside rs in the J>nck ,.f the d e licate c rustacean, thus ~•·lling thos <' o f our people cn­ga;re•l iu the indus try nn oxnmple 1\'nrthy o f tho c loso:; t imitation. T/,('y rea lize h ow \'cry tn u ch de­t·c ntls on good pnck ; thnt, in point .. r fnc l, ' ti ~ ausol utc l y cssuntinl.

Before we dis miss the s ubj ect we tlecm it of interes t lo note what •lur :::t. Juhn't; contempornry, the

l:ur>ouTANT TO FtsnER)tEs.-The Cnnntlinn Government, acting upon the request of t.he Newfoundland Go\'crnment, ha\'o suspended tho operation of 5th and 7th sections of tho Canadian Labrador regula­Lion:« regulllting the size of mesh a n d the number of trnpl$ ftontiog craft are permitted to usc in Cnnn­dinn. wnlt:rs .

' t: rnEltt; CouRT-The indictment ngninst Lannon for barratry nnd Carrigan for murder have been postponed until tbe fall term, though the latter's in\'estigation s till continues, witnesses bein~ ex­amined daily. The Court on 'lues­day hoard un nr~mnent in the case of )£ackpy Y!i. 'l 'dcgran~ libel suit, :\lid admitted npother plea for the defence-viz., thnt in the month of ~O\'cmuer lu~t Jo eph Boyd tender· ed n m essage al the Anglo-Amori-. can vOice in :t. J ohn's for trans­mission to ~ir \\'illinm Whitewny, the n in Tl'inity Bay, und the official rc tu!led it without sufficient renson. 'l'he Trinity cnsc will be continued to-morrow IJy :\Ir . .Ju!iticc LitUe.

- FitiD.\ y' GAt.E.-~[uch nnxioty

\•rc\·ails respectinl! H on. John {urk 's :Oe h oollel' :-'nowbird, ('apt. l:uu1:::on. hound frnm Bl'illgcwatN, :\. ~ .. with a lond uf timbe r for l 'arhonf':tr. A no thi n~ hns he on lte:ll'l l of h e r :;incc Friday, it is feared that :;he wn~ los t wilh nil hands in the gale which prevail ed with ::uch Yiolenco on that dar. :'\luch d :\111 :\!!0 wns d c,uo in Plnreil­t ia Ba y . ~ .. hulmcrs fisi1ing ofT l':q•t' ~t. :'\lary ':; rccc h·c•l c e rtain d :una!!i' in the ~a l e. One had h e r d o ri Ps and C\'Cr.' · tlting swe.pt from th1· dPck, a nd a ll her g e:>.r chsabl etl. . \ 11o lh ..:r-lhc Etlith Annie-whic h Ja,· a t nuchor in Plncentin Hoads, atic m ple d to ride out tho storm but could nol ; l,rcnkinl-{ ·lcnr fn1m uoth anc h ors, sh e drove into the hnrb or nntl wn!i with diflic ulty kept fro m llam ngi ng the honts lying thNC' . A tii:\H n nmc d ~hen h nd n d or r IJrok ,•n up, nnd an Ame rica n hn tike r rotlc o ut the ga l e in th.,e Htt.ul:;. h ut h13t a n anc h o r. H was rct•••n,•tl that a sc l~tlnnc a· o f tho . izc ur tht· ~n'' 'fbinl was seen walcr­l••:..tgcd Slll11C mile:; o fT Capo lline, whil'!1 ,·c:;::ol it is feared wns she.

JJ\s " Ft. m:HY.-)[cssl'lf. John :Uunn , · o:.S u:l ukcdlttr~· )1, Cnpt. ~cill. nrrh·­C'Il Yl'&tr.nl:\y O\'entng from tho Flemish C:tp. Shl~ h:ls llbont ~ rtLle. fish (cqunl to orr) f~ one bniLinJ:. 'l'bc 1\'eaLhcr wns \:cry elormy-the dories not being O\'erbo trd for lift.cen daya. No ice waa sect), aml fiah wna very plentiful on the ~rounds, Lho outside cdgo or Lho Ct~p. CnpL. Xeill i& time n littltl behind on the -8lnl't , but bctt.er work will no doubt be done Inter on.

.Mt•Mra. H. H. Prowse & Sop's.bankfl~ Hcletul Mlly, Capt.O'l'oole, and Chnrhc F. Mayo, Calpt. J. Mulcahy, returned here from the Bank J.o'iahery-thc for­tHOr ycater..i~ty morning with 400 qUa., the lt\ller on Tut'e1lny alao wiLb 800 qtla. An(lther Lnnltcr banking acbr.-1\leaars. Al11n G<JO\JriJge & Soos' Mem1aid, OapL. W. Mulcahy, arrived .t St.. John's on Wcdncsdny morning with 850 qtla.-tbe r~sult or I.WO baitinga. One or Mr. Pat.ul'a Lnnltera returned to Burin with 270 qtla.

Let the ,·exa tious 111aUc r be re - '/i·adr Reriew, h ns to t~ny on the j!a rd ed in whntsoe ,·c r li,:;ht it mny, a bo,·c s uhj cc t. It remarks : ' · Dar­it lllU l lJe o wnecl thnt the Ctll'e fo r ing the Wllller we had le tters from the e vil n•sts wlw ll v in th o utte r t':< pcrienccd l ob~ t('rs pncke' r in e x termination (I f the \'illainons nnious parts of the Island on the cnnines, so thalnot St> muc h a s one ~uuject o f pnck . It i a g enerally of the m f;hall u e left t o hetp to Enid thnt tho falling ofT in the price blightthc prn~peri ty of tho com- ll f lobsters is whollytoduotbc cnre-

f ~t~~ity by 1ts hate d prese nce there- less packing nt tho fac tories. This, ~:-to proYe a ,·eritnbl <' c nr:oe, and must of th e write rs deny ; on tho

n ot:\ bl essing, to the i ndus lriou:;;, contrary, the stale of the bes t h!\rd-working man. nut it may he pac ked fish g onernlly turn out ns as ked h c re-Ts it not strange . in J.nd ns tho m os t carelessly put up, view a ll o f th i:>, thnt th e re m edy . and the renl cause of the tro uble ts whic h lies so close a t h a nd, i ~ no t the infe rio t· tin-plate employ ed in at once glad! v avail ed o f b v the the manufacture of tho cans. It is peopl e who s titfc r so much froin the nnly quito receutly that packers mnl-practicea of the d og:; ·? Why hn,·e woke up to this fnc l, nnd is not the niu Of the trong arm of m os L of the m nrc d e te rmined to the law invoked , 80 thnt fo r the usc n b etter nttic lc in future. time to come tho villa inous c rea· " But, \·ontinues one o f the write rs ture will no m ore be s uch a c nu · e ·• e Yc n if two. or three o f us u o

- SAD DEATH.-News wu rccei\'ed hero WcdnPadl\y from Montreal Lhat ~(rs. Mary Whitten had died on boa~ the S. S. Tiber, h~nco for that city,tbrcc dnya after the a teamer left. .Mra. Whit­ten woe in failing health tho paat win­tl.'r, and !tat. Rntunlay week took paa· sngc in t.he nbovo nt\meU ateamer for Montreal, in the hope that the sea­voyage would do her good, and alao t.o conr.ulL medical men in Lhat place. Alas ! ebc waa never to reach there. It ia thought that.' aea·aioknees afTt!cted hor disenae (aomc in want maladyr, and hrongbl. on severe straining, ao much ao that death supervened. Mra. Whit­ten bas relati Vt'l in Montrc&l. She be­longed to Drigua, her maiden nPme bt•ing ~ill8 Sheehan,. aml waa mnrried to 1\[r. George Whitten of SL. Joh{l'a. ' he conducted a amnii aLore and'balrery

on Watl.'r ' treet. ~he wna kindly·dis­pose~lnntl wRs knvwn ar,d rtapccted by nil with who111 alto was acqtuunted ..

o f worry an<1los!! ns h e nt present •· good l in nnd consequ ently turn -F.xcun.-to~ SEAEON.-Thul"'tla:l{ next, is, but shnll be banished from tho " out a g~od pnck , where will be ~tat inst.., will bo ."gAl& day iD . nr~or

'· the r•nin f1) r us? Om· fish will be urn~e-two pnrttea of ox~ul"'tomatA confines of the dis trict - b(', in short, ,

1 . o

1 bt\\'Jng arr11n~e<l to como luther from

n .proscribed animal'? , ~ 11 PP0 l nmong.sb other }ots, nnu St. J ohn',., 'l'ho s. u. F . party aro Ay I that's tho tJUe, lion for out· · tns tend of , getllng a first- clnss •comin•• by special train arriving here

people to well c onsider. 'fhey• " price, ns we o ught to, we must bo. nbout. "'9 n .. m. The n~mbcr or thia shoold put it honestly to the m- '

1 SAtisfied with t.he lo\V general pnrty is expec!A'd lo be O\'Cr 800. 'l'he

selves nod endeavor to find out the II a verage rato of the Jot". Muouic And Drhiab Hlllla ht.ve been · engaJterl by tho S. U. Jt'. committee.

true answer. • SEALERS CAPTURED AND SE~T 'fhe "Union" amuaemenl. Club folke aro Which shall it be then ? An - .Jlo~rE .-A Into de!4patch from Vic- coming by the lAdy Glover; 'hie party

noynnce and los1ron the o ne hnnd, toria, British Columbia, says that will bo about. 250. The qunt.ion of ac­or sati-sfaction -and gnin on the the captain of H. M. S. Hyacinll1e, commodation ahnuld be eonaltlered by other? What do the electors t~ny- which had returned there,_ stated thoao or our citizens who are io that or rather one-third of them, for n that he hnd seized the sonooners line. To accommodat.o the number of

t 't' • H' '-'' 11 1 · 0 , · vieitora aatiafactorily will tax the lodg-~e 1 ton "o · 19 r .. xce ency t 1e Annte . _,.Joore1Favorit~and Triumph, iog·room of the town. Governor signed by' that number of the above c1ty, \Vhicb were found will suffice to place tb distric t , or fishing for seals in the open sen ; any section of it, under the pro - and that he had confiscated their tective atgit. · of the A c t on tho g uns nnd papers, and had sent ·statute Book for the better prescrYn- the m home. Drnstio treatment tion of !beep, aod the utter dig- this I It is believed further that truotion of doge. Thus ' vould the interesting clovelopments nrc likely community be at once wholfy freed to follow the action of Collector from the pMt, Which bel ps so Jnrge- Milne in refusing to pll\ce the ves­lytointerferewith the rapid growth sels in custody. How vexatious of the valuable industry, ond at

1 these fishery disputes are, to be

the I&JDe time. t,o act as a " wet sure I

-PF.RSO~At~-R. 8. Munn, Eeq., left. for St. Jobn'11 this morning.

1\lr. W. deO. Warren, of Cakebread & Co., wbolraale Tea Dealen London ; an<!_ Mr. F.H~tyw11rd, ofSt.. John'•, came hither by yetterday'a train.

Mr. C. 0. Carlyle, the Canadian Emi· gmtion Agent,lcfL by train on Tuesday en rouu for Ottawa, During Mr. Carlyle's atay here be moved greatly L"mong the people, and bia miuloo can­not lack io aucoeea (ID thil aoooun&.

Local and oth~r Items. _,, ...... _ .......................... ....._ ................ ~ .... " ............................................... ....

..,.. Regular auiJ5cribct'lf ron hn ,.e Lbeir Paper aent to Lhcm on Lhc L'lLrn· dor coast. during tho season by l c.n·in~ their aJdreu nL tbc (IOicc. For .JIJ eta. Lbo STA~D.\RD will be mailed for the eeaaon t.o any 'ndthcas on Labrnd,,r,

-The ateAillOI"' A \'l\lon, 'l'nfna, nnd Dttobtu of Roxburghe, goL into Pilley'" lsland on Sunday, Lho icc in Notre Dame Bay being much slacker.

-Tho material, sheep, etc., of the loet. steamer TexM will be taken from Trepassey by the steamer Uluntla.

-The steamer Pnnthcr, C11pt. W. Dar· tleLt, arrived at Drigus from St. John's on Woouuday. Thence abc proceeds to Turnavick.

-OIIIT.-A gentleman well known in thia country d1ed nt. New York on '."uea· tlay-namely, Cvloncl Davenport. Ht: will bo remembered in connection whh tho Ncwfoundhmd ltailwny, or which be \VIlli one or tho contract.on!.

The greatest flesh nml blood mnkcr iu exietence and a life-sn\'cr to con· aumpti\'CI ia Miller's J::mulsiol) of Cod Liver Oil," lhc kind Lhat. cures " bron· chitil, cou~hs, colds and nil lung troubles. E\·cry bottle wnrranti'J . Xu oily lnale like othcn~. I II ui:; hoLLies, ,)\lc. and $1.00, nt dr,,ggi, t.

-11.\I.F. A S IJ HF..\ HT\' . - Tha t olr llo\·etl \'etemn of the uc: ighborin~ tuwn- Hon. J ohn Rorke-cclc:ltnllt•u his 7 th hirth· dny on Saturday lu,:t. ,\ pr•,fusc dis· pl:ly or lwntin~ 11 1 11 1~ out illS ltappy Wt·lcomc to tho J.: laddomu e \·ent. The ~TASil.\ ltll ~:lnd ly t·xtcmlo~ its cunliul con •mlul:ltions lo t he nhl ~cntlem:w.

llon\t' Cuc. t.ll lo; ~:. of Fr.wkfc rt , ::\. \'., took n Be\·crc cohl wl til'll sell k d on tho lungs. H e wns cunli11 rd 10 h i ~ bed, hn.t pnin~ in his s it!,•, p n J fll llC ~went ::~ n1111 rc.itiClS nights. li t· <'.\ Jtl'l'l•·•l In tli1; He wns completely rt .. lurc(i to l:ea lt lt uy using Wt:!T \l:'s J: \1.~ \ \I 0 1' \\' 11.11 CII ERitY. '

THE LADIES. 'fhc plensnu t c ll'o.!clnntl pcrfcc•. sa ft ·ly

with which ln•li<•:~ may tt!l••t lwC'.Ili fu rni :l Ji;lui,l li1:<tttin•. ;-;Hui• pf Fi~;~, II IIlier all ~ouuiaions, mnke11 iL t t\dr f.l \'Pri tc• remedy. T\) ~c l the t rue tllltl !'' nuinr a rt ich•, look for t 4c 111\IIH' ,,r tl11• ',t!i­fornit\ Fig ~yrup. 'tl., printl'd llu1 r Lht• hot tom . of t Ito pn~.· I'"J;•' .

-r~:H8(1~AJH-};. J . , hC'Jthm, Ppl'ci:d >IJ::enL of the Xow York :\[n tuul J.ifo In· aur;l iiCO Co., e:tmo J.y r.uri :1~;u fn1111 ;-;t. John'11 yrstC'r.tn r. Mr. 'hc.lltlll wi II spend ll few tln~·s here on in ur:1ncc busincu . llo rc(lorts l•n t~inl'l's 'JII id, bnt expccLI tl) mnkc nmtl<·l'lf li\'r ly in the filii.

Dr. Lchr left In· Tucstltw' , tr,l in (' II

route to St. Pierro on n llit, incss trip. Ho 1\'ill bcnbsenL al..out two week :~.

-Our yonn~: rendcn mo~c pnrticulnr· ly will be intl.'rl.'sted to know how tho wori.i " tarifl'" receh'C'd its tlerh··1tion. Briefly it. may bo enid thnt it. <lid 110

from the low·tying, ret:f·likc isl:lnd of TarifT11, in the stmits of Gihrnltttr. Its inhabitants-tho Jlillinns -were long wont to levy enforced trib•1tc on 1111 merchant ahips thnt. pn"ed by ; nnd it waa eo that tho nnmo "tarill' " came to be used for the tribute Lhat the fa\'o:cd clauea hn\'o succeeded in le\'ying"'o t.heir lrae favored citizcna.

-Tho " Union " Excureion Club of St. J ohn's inteod \'iBiting hero on Thura· day next, the 21st in1t:- Tho pnrty will lell\'e St. John's iu Lite . S. Lady Glover At 5 o'clock o. m:, cnlling at Dri~us en route. She will nrrh·c at. Harbor Grace nbont 1 o'clock p. m. A dancing as· seh1bly (under tho Club's nuspicn) will bo given in the evening Rt. tho Academy Hall. Profeaaor BenncLL, wb011e recog­nized ability ia ndm1tled to be firat. olaas, haa prepnrcd 11apt'cial programme for tho occasion. Further pMticulare will be gh·en on Wednesday.

-H-nJESEAL.-A \~Cry picnsiug O\'ent. took place at Whitbournc on 'l'ueadny morning, when Mr. A{bert. Wnghornc and Miaa Leah Parrot, C. of E. achool· teacher, were united in Hynlt n'a ail ken banda by the Rov. J . H . Dull. Mr. ShcrifT Seymour nctcd ns fnthcr·gh·cr, and Mr. A. S. Noble, or the N: F.'R. R.,. u beat. mnn. .Miss..Rut.herford, of Har· bor Grace aasiatcd the brido. Mr. nud 1\fra. Waghorne recei\'ed the wnrm con· grnlulations of all their friends.

- 1T WIJ.L r,\\' You to gh·o Mr. Hrul'a Atlv., "Old Stnmpa Wnnted " your cnre· ful nLtention, nml hunt up oltl atnll\rll for him. Ho ttdvi11cs 1111 thi\t he pnul one pnrty overS-tOO for an me. He pnya front 6 ccnta to $.)() apiccQ for them. Conault. your intercstJJ nnd (>urao and realize good eaah prices for your old atampa t'nd thoae or your friends. Let. your children canvnu tl~ neighborhood after aobool, and forwrml tho stilmps that are aurc to bo found to him for oaah offer.

By Telegraph. --o-

H.H.t•'.\X, .June 13.- ChiC'f Ju ticc (.;l)!(•ritl){u i11 clyin~. En~l:t11cl is wjJhng to lliseuss Fr.tncu's

ohj.:cliuns on tllo Afrien•1 fJIH:stiun Lllld plr1Ct' I he n ·ltllions of hot h cotmlri<'ll 0 11 t\ 1111 til! factory footing.

By tho plu~ue in H ong Kong J,;;oo have tlit.'cl. There occur n humlr .I dcnths daily.

Jt's~: 13.-All Spaniah tJtlicen~ nntl soldiers on furlou~h ha,·e !teen recalled iII conseq\)enco or lhe napcct of· Morocco nlf11ira.

ln\'esligaliona nt ~ow York di~close startling, re\'olting C\'idencc against the police force or brillery nnd bluck· mnil. ' lloston is llootlctl with apurio,:l'

money. Doncnn ~[clntyre, tho ntillionnirc of

:\[ontrcnl, is dt:ad. . Chief Justice llegl,ie, of llritish C<.~l ·

\tlllbit~, ia dcnd. J ~:sE 15.- Englantl, Fronc~, nnJ Spnin

arc interl'sled in tho situation ut llo­r\)cco. H Jo;n~lnn1l reiurorcu her llcc:t. at GibnLILar, th*.Frcnch lleet. will pro­ceed to Algicns. A Spnuish t roopshir t~n i ls to Tlln~tier.

$:!-i U,OUO lire hts oceurretl nt rl·:ul nud Dunne :O:treets, Xcw \'l)rk . .

-The aehr. Lily of the Sen, Capt. Pttrmitcr, nrri\'ed t<HIRy irum Trinity Illy, with n load of shingl<'s, ._~c. , ,\:c.

-The shops of town will close up nt. li p.m. 011 Momlny Ill' XI. '11te custom· nry holidu)' will Lc held on ur nbouL tiH: :!•jth in:-1.

-A notice of mnri11crs nprcn r:J in to· dny'11 i~>su c :tbQuL tile pr•'llt.II!CU nlt 1.•ra· ti\111 of Lite I [,trltor lim co 11!11111\1 l.i~ltt. The chnn~c ha:1 Let·n tll·ci•ll'tl on Ill\ in:; to the insecure form:tlinn ~tf 1 h e I I:11HI.

-lntt'll i~ ncco!' n Chl'•·rin~ d t•tr.tcter hns J.,,•c:n l.th:ly rCl' i,·~:.t frvm T riui ty I tty. On thC.Ih.)fl h t!i t!c aut! l'"' (H:cia lly in till' ne igltlturhovd of l!amlo111. fr., lit i tn l.i u •Jt lo~ . li111t havo hcC' nlaken. In ull <li rcetiuns in the L •• 1y lar,.;•· lll ttnltl.•l'l! ,,1 !>111.\ 11 ti., lt arc ::el.'u- it i11 !J,•I iL' \'ctl 1 lr ~· pmduct vf the lt.tt t.:ht ry- a ud ns \\ , IJ hij:t;l'r II Ill'S. fiJI •..,H'~" • t•> , ,, r ,• M 'l n iu Ia rgt• nu utbcr:<. sh .. w i 11).: :t 111:1 rk, • I i " · C'rc:t'll' ~ i ncc tho a rt ilki.tl prt:lpa;.:a tiou !t:1,. ltt·gun.

-·J·:t•l'I'\TIOS \J •• - l·:it:h t f••ltl,llt• Jlll pi iM l·f !'C' \'l'l.tl lln\' sl'll"toll! lwrt• h·ll I•\' \ ' ••v tcr ln \' 'a t rn iit lvr :;1. .J ,•l ll.'~< , \d.• r:·l·i,..\' 1\ i ll ill' l'X:IIn im· I l•1r J,:nttlt ·ll a,, t •';l\');.

\' r.s. '1'111• 1111r ty ~'"' " Jiril'• •1-:\ln:.:gi · l'••·••• ··· ( 'tur:t 1:, ~,.,., .\lin .\ lurrin .. \ liCe ::\•·i ll, :\l inpiu Brvwu, :\ln1:d 1;1;11, )[ a y .\ l.lt(Jit.

Thru,: :tr.· nt pr :1c11l :;J:! ,·l ti !tl n n a l· t ,•ndinJ.: t ht· l'. oi E. <l:t ,\ sdrl.t•:~ ' ' "· 'l'lr o s ·lun•ls nr1.' l'row.h .J. :1n I t he !)•>nrrl lt.ull y 11Cl'll a nnt lwr ·,., .. '' ott .. tnl.c (oil' t l. i:! cru ~h or schol:trd. · An t·x:uuinu t i<•n utul•·r tlw I! mr,l ,,f lliglu•r l:.i.lucatiou wiil ltc ltt·hl l u·r~· un :\lou.luy \\'Cl'k IH:Xl. ~

- ::u tr t·ts ,: ~on.:::.-The ·h r. ;:now· flak £', l't~ pl. Hnrris. lttt!CI It oil anti kins loy llle ::ms. J uhn )[nnn , · l'o., ll'IL

ior 'Li n:rpOQI ltut. e,·etting. Mt•ssr!l. John :\Iunn , · ~/11 schoo'ncr

Jtuee of Torriclgc, Cnpl. Fitz~cralJ , luft Oristul f,,r llMLor Gmcl' to-tl:ty .

T he l.t11ly Glo\'cr, I.Jnpl. Juy~(', ll·fL .lteuec for :it. J onn's on \\'t .... tuc:.tlny momiug. She rclurnetl tho fotlowiug mornin~ wiLh gcnerol cn r~u-lluttr, hut · ter, etc. .

MCJ>srs. John Munu & Co's borqucn· tine Floro, C11pL. Pike, nrtivcd down at l'l'numbuco yl.'eterc.IRy, nflcr t\ pnssnge of 3G daye. \ •

-A liAl'PY Ens T.-A quiet pnrty ~:dherecl at Mra. W. H. Pike's, Wnter Street, on Wcdncatl&y e,·coing, tho the occaaiort being tho marriage or her daughter Mary, to Mr. Gcorgo Apaey. Hcv. \Jr. Sw11nn performed the intcr­!'l!ting cllrcmony. 'l'hc bridlll ptnty wns composed.of MiuraApaey, Pike, Hogertl, P11rsonl!, Hall ; ?tleasl"'. A. Apsey, .A. H111!, F. Golder anu F . Hiscock. 'l'ho bridu wns t~stefullv uttiretl in white \'Ciling, anti lool\cJ \'cry f:tir. J\fter tho c• ~:remouy, the party with nssem­blcc.J friends partook ot' eupper. Mr. anll Mra. Apecy went. to lluy Hoberts ycstcrdny morning, thence to take p:ts· aage in tho S. 8. Grcenlan~ for Lnbm· dor where Mr. Apaey wi&'bo engngcd in the fishery huaiues3 the present acn­aon. 'l'lto young couplo'e many friends wish them 1\ long 11od happy term of lifo together.

- . 'upplies for the coming fi sh e ry nn~ n ow well-nigh all g ive n out by the l e nding and other firms of town . Quite n number of the plante rs nnd fi !!h c rme n hnve l oft-some fo r their h omes outs ide, othern fo r the conl!L The s teamer V nngunrd, 'apt. A p ­scy, ltft Bny Roberts this m oming for Labrndor. She t ook the dE:nlers nnd crews of Mr. }Ie Rne, nncl Capt. W. Hennessy.

The ·. . Uree ulnntl , Capt. Pike, loft llny Roberts y oste rdey afte r ­n oon for Lnbrador. She took d o wn the dealers nnd crews Gf Capt. 1. Me rcer, Mr. Georg9 Apsey , m~d others .

Post Office Notice.

Mails for Europe )1e r ~- :-: .. ('ore:ln, will ho •· lo,ctl a ! th e .II :tl'l111r (:rat'' ' Pos t O llicc, at 10 ~0 o 'c lot·k,

TO-morrow Saturday Mornin[. .June l.'l.

A. 'J'. OTtY~I>ALE, Puslmnster.

NOTICE! - -n-

THE MA rr.s FO!t :-\1'. JOHK'S nn<l int<'rmedintc . 'lations will IJc c~oso1l a t lite Post Oflice, Jlurb~ (rmcc. 0 11 ...

Mondays at 7 a. m~ A l l ot h e r tlay;; at 10.:! 11.111.

.\ . '1'. DHYt'D.\LE, ¥ 11ul>i-Mo~l..,.,


;\ n ox cur io n J,y the :;tcntnor Lady m oi·r,·, t o t't. .Jultn'::. ( nnderthe nus ­picos of th e l n .r\ mu_c tll<'l\t ('J ub) will ta k e pln<'C on or nuuut

Tuesday, July 10th, ( weath er per111iltin~)

!'rice oft ick c .::: - L:uli c.i ;O cts.· Gent.;' Sl.OI.l, t11 IJc laatl fro111 th~ f(llluw i n~ llt<'lll bc r,; llf l'lllllmittec: )),q:Or~ . I. .J. -l'u tupitrr.' ·· ('. L K e n­n ed y j r .. ll r ~t r:t pJr. 'fhu,:. llnnra ­llnll, \\' . .f. Lvnd1 . \\' . I I. Ke nnell \' II. ,\-. .:'\ ( .,rr i :~st•y .. l . T. La wto n. i ()'( '.fntwll. .:'\1. .J,.n,·.• .. T. .}. :'\I u rplt , . :wd .ltl ll:\ ('.\~EY.' '

.T tiUf' 1:!. 1"!11. ,..:, ,.,.,,,, ··!/·

PRI N~E C:.,..OALS. • -.,--.\ l ':1 r::;. • 111· I ' time · ot lh ~\' t l ll('\'

I ·n .\ I. ·. jn-.t rct·t•i n.•,J JWr ... l'l;uuncr :"\·:all •' ""· ~~ ·n t h. ll .tC :n lnw r: t e-..

Otat oes ; <'hnit·e Scccl I I . . I "~--:tn l '.'I III I~ 1tll:lt ll(':-. :tl t;; 1.70 JICr

Ul'J. I ;l'•wt'l'i l·~ . l ' ro\·i .. inm; t h <':IJI.

.1. .I . I I E:\ ~ !·:~:-) 1.

--o--Summer Arrangements and

Change of Time. D:tily Service , Sundays excepted.

()X an ' L, r 'I t ' E..;J>.\ Y, J une J:?th

l<t·l!~ Truit s \\ i!l bo run n~ follows- .

].(•nrc St. .1 \lht r 't~ nt. 10 0 . 111 . nrrh·c ot llnrbC1r Grncc nt a.;:o p.m. I

Len \ ' O HnrLor Ur:u:c nt. lln.m., nrrh·e nt. .'t. doluo'll nl -l Ji.m., on nil week daya IJt.tt. Montl:1y. on which dlly Tra in :\o. ~ Wilt leti\'C Harbor Gmco nt. i.30 n.m., nnd arrive nt St. John'" nt. 12.80 p.m.

EXTRA TH.\l.X::; . :-it. Jvhn's to \\'hit bourne nnd il1tcrmcd­iat · st:ttions, \\'ellnC'sdn: t , at G.50 p.tn .; retnrnin{: will lt•a\·e WhiLbonrno nt. 10.30; Holyrood ll.•l.j; Kclligrel\·a 12.20 · Top.,nil 12.45 ; arri \'ing nt St. John'~ 1.3-') n .111.

~t. John'il to \\'hitboumo and inter­mellinte stations, 'l'huradn.yte, at 2.30 p.m. ; returning will lea\'Q Whitbonrno tUG. llcJiyro>OI.I i .30 ; Kelligrcwa 8.10 · 'l'opsnil S.-10 ; nrrh-iog uL St. Jobn'a 9.s0 p.lll.

t. John'" to Kclligrews anu iutcrme· ,liatc ::iLiltiona, Satnrdt~y• t~t. G..)() p. m.· reluro.iug willle!'':e Kelli~truwa at .10 ; ... Topsatl .-10 ; nrnnng nt SL. Joint's 9.80 )).Ill.

Ronnel Trip Excursion tickets will be sold nt nil stntious for 1llt trains on Thurstlnys ; Ami nl. St. John's StAtion only for the Wednesday and :saturday o\'enings' extrn trnins ; the tioketA ao isaued bl'ing good for returning until the following Mondlly poly.

P~~rtice· or aix or more JM:raona goin~ to tho snmo ataLion, will be allowed .Excursiou Untcs nny other dny on regu­)nr traine, tho ~keta ao iuued be1ng good for returning the 81\tliO or fellow­in~ dny ouly.

An Excuraion 'fr~tin will lc- St. John's for lJolyiood (wen titer pcrmit· ting), Sunday e\·enings, at. 2.30 ; return­ing nt 9.1G p.m.

For 'Iimo TRltlca And further iufor­nll\tion, upp!y to the ·alation agcnla lllong the lino, or to the unde.-.igned, at the Rnilway Ollice, St. John's Station.

. . AR'rHUR S. J"OBLE, General Ageut.

MARRIED, KERRY D . c I Our esteemed correspondent. J. Mooro At the residence of tho bride's mother &try &tt e

(whoeo letters t.o tho STASDARD ha,·e, on \\'etlncaday night. laeL, J,y tho n \'~ ns s upplied Board of Ag ric ulture, wo ar~ aure, bc~n pcnts~l ~Y our rend· 1 W. Swnnn, OeO!ie Apeey, eldcaL son of • ' t. J ohn's , Nfld. era WltJ.t--qmoh tntorcsL) wr1tca u11 from J. F. Apsey, Etsq., to Mary (l.l llmic). , . , • . ! emblns,"'-i'lorth Dnkotn! ~ 11\Y thtl~ youngeat dl\ughter of (tltO lnte) ea,.t. . Th e). n~ \Cl'} hardy, doctlo nnd

the Oreal. N_orth~m Strtko Ia o.ll . w. lJ. nnu Eliubelh Piko. I n oh nulkor:;. Henvy ftooda tn ~hnn ('aOln and Wts· . At.SO · conein. Farmera all through oro accu-1 At the MctluxhsL Plli"'OnngP, H nrboc • ' iog, and the ouLlook it cnoouraging." ' Gmce, Mny 29,bytho Uc\' .. \\': ~\\'1\l~ n. Enghsh DONKEYS Our corrtapondent, it. ia pleaaiog Lo any, Leander ~araona, to Cnrohno Dmzt.JI, I . ' baa "lately receiv~d nn invi~ation to both of tb1e town. 14 lo 16 hnnds htgh, nnd • come up higher."' Ho now lhce ou·l On tho 16Lb M11y, nt tho resilience or S'Li E'I,LAND I>QNIES Lhe Bank oftbo Red River," amid trcea, the briclo's aislbr, 2G Rus!!cll l'Jnc<', .£. 1 '

flowers, and aingingbirde. ltia A change Br<>Qklyr.1 N.Y., by tho )(O\' . Mr. Faut"t, 1 0 to 10 hnnds high. fromtbeprairie;itreJDindaonoaomuch :M. E. Mmiater, LorctiiO Pike, 80 11 of , • or Newfoundland~ Had we thehilla•nd thall\lc Cilpt. Richard l'ike, to J :Ul(t, ROBERTSON & co., ~XJ>O'rtenr, e•e,reens, 'Lwould atill be moro home- dl\ughLcr or Capt. W. Jl. Cc01.a, of St. Woktll~, Surrey, Rnglnnd. llke.' i ' Johu'a. (Estab. 1864. )My813tw
