( .e VOLUliE ' F New ... _ ...... _ ... __ ...._ .. ___ _... _____________ .... ___ ...... _ ._ .......... __ ,.....J,.l , Thompson's lodioal Hall I Now in Stoc k all t he leading Patent Medicines Clo.rk e's Blood Mi xture, T111nnr 1 ndicn (for costivcnc!l!l) h:no's (for Wo rms) \:ul\t-d's H,tir Dye, Tri copberoua 'J. 'eAber ry T ooth Powder. w .. mer 'K & fe nnd l.ivcr Cur e Kidn ey }:no'a :\Tu r ray'a Fluid :ll"gncsi.'\ \\ ·yc th'a Iro11 1\ncl Wino No rth\o l' .!.: LylllJin's V cget..,\Jle Diarov cr y Jo ,do Quibino Wi uo Kello::g's As tlrmn Tic wody d o. Ctttarrlr 'n uff Ultcmnn s Dr op9 n .. rr,oa Elixir, H op Ditt ors Dr. W" lk e r'a Vi nc;a r B i tte rs Ho llowl\y's Com Curo Com Exhactor P erch!\ l' ooth ::itoppi ng Kc ntin::'s In ac>ct Powde r.ut ' .:L r .,rch:\ T issue, Oilc.l L yru11t1'R \\'il sollll S.u· sapn l"illi un 1- :lixir ,\ yer's ::innul(I>U illtt, Emu ;biun <lu Cherrv P l"<'I Ot "'l l '?ic rcc'.:s O oh leu 11 .:-.:o,·c t y ' do P nr;;ati"l' r lu N"""l I nj e<"t0 111 \\" aterj•ruof :\ nrs iu ; .\ p rons do "1 >au:.;o· F ..l!.,wll' C<! lllJI<""''l ;o: ,· ou p }'. ,ra· iHh's ·l o eh) i' O\ \tl ('r!i l t nlrl..-r T n h :u::: f,u· tl u ir \'tg•Jt , B.. y H ur n :\ n .- .• T n tl'S!'S .\ tlu lt "6" T rn-b4•: '-'. iuur Liniuu· nt l '.U,·cn ', c .. rwllo.: : ..... p, F nl:c t'a th Kcl'pl er's Cod J.i v er Oil nn d of Sprotce, Allo u'a L11ng ll.laaUl J mi'IOn'll Geld p.,j,lt, J .. Oo ld I nk, C' it mtc of Mngeaia, Cayrnno Lozcngl'll Pej,!!tOrmint. Lo:tangel!. Uingcr & vory nnd M ooro',. Food Sohopt•'• Prnparcd Coco.mut C.J ra 1-'oot J elly, N l'ltve'll l'uod Can ned Pin ou p1 •l••, J.inro J ni co Ca nn ed O w•tcno. Pe acla oe W ocdill'11 ilttk ing Powucr Yo rkahirCl Hu iU..h W orceat trwhi t-o S.'\nco ]Jri oJ S.p•ot-y, u,; c,l "ugo Oa·ied l>t·il'll Thyme Vi;oe::01r in P ick lltln'll (.' oytt tnl Cofroo nn•l Nilk Cocoa an:l Milk olo Ho lb & c;..,., H 11L Hnrrop e l.mrn <:tur.", Flu"k R I ll:tia· t.:lutiH'K l.k .. I :-l"il :\IIU Tuollo ,J , r. tl u. ll uir C.•rtt<' li J'"' Drcmnns Comb><, F . T . Cu ml•M Wnx T KJ\("rfl, Srto;olliu;; Bo tt i•.,. Himmel!',. l. iurc J uicu ,1,: Ul ycurino du. Toult•t V iw_;;:11 · A )' lulu p .,w,J cr l t'<luC:OrtloM\ o• ol l.)o•, St-o•ut.Ni S OII J'8 Pu tut K- IIl Ill• Tins Urttl.cr, :-\t<',HI" I RH:l and Y • llnw () .. Jon•, J).llu .u \', tt ""L 1-:nJ.:It ,.l, C ·'l'"l ,. "u ,., l• I l; "1 Ta vto S.ati nW<hl<l .. , \Volnnt. 'LAitt , I •lu. \I"L tlu, ll ut c!tO II ;,J Jl.otlt l 'q a• Alwnys on hn11tl :\ larg• · of Toilet Requisites, Perfumes, Dyes, Cigars and Cigaret tes . &Pc ·r,:;onnl attention gi,·cn to Prescriptions nnJ a cc ur· nt.cly prt.' ,IJRrcd with pure d ru gs. , V. II. TH 0 1\1PSON. Art-Union o1 London,i884. .F ORTY- EIGHTH YEAR. E very Subscriber of ONE GUfNEA will rcCP. ivc, besides n chnn cc of. a p rize at the an nunl dist:-ibuti on, lin imp ression of a !urge en groved by C. W SHARI' E, The TUILERIES,- 20th June, 1792. From the original painti ng by aLFRED E LMORE, R.A. The moment eh 0116n by t ho Ia t hat io wbioh, peootf1\ ted to tho wino oella111 of tbo Tuileriea, a a war m of intoxicat.ed yell: ng and ri ol.inlf in th e madDeSa of thei r triumph, hue come fa.c:e to race wi th tJJt Queen aod th e ltoy al Cbildreu, from whollll t bey are only by t ••e large oo uneil-tabi·J whicb b i\1 bewo dn.'Wll In front ol a wil'ldow r eeua. Leani ng on t he t."\blo, tb11 va rloua trpe• nf roffisnlllm IDIUit tb11 Qn een with tleree a l\d wh il" abo e uoda tranquil and jmmonb lo, ioatioc t with noble and tho prlde1 of ccu · t ariea of cr owoed anceatora It woaJa bo dtffiODit to point t.ci any t'ictnra In which anent tll e liCe no ore woro d iatioctlytndividuallaod 11.0d atrougly 1110rk e t1. I Subllcripe.iona recei•ed by ob.ncte ri a tics or Mr. J. F. CHISHO LM, Bookseller, St . John's. • • • The Council wW. it to be d!,t uoctlr n nderatood no pamea be ente red 011 the until t.lle MIOO.Dl o( tuhecripliou i. paid to tbe Local or Aaut.. J ' , 1 j. If 1 I •N ti 1. . , 1[ . - . .. 1.. SE:p'r EMBER 6, 1884 . NUMBER 28 , ! I u,•J 11 I ' :_.. ; .. .... ua ___ _ It ••.· 1 .ir:m; O BZBLY :Qil'1mlTI ON • ,,,j. - tho mummy.Jiko r em."Jio., 111 S t. J o t. o'a had ADf •nipiciou t hcro waa onu of tl•• "• hich "'"" m:u!e up of wood . [ bnt tltu bone a "· .uu ao tr tMk or piatol a hot!l were dillftDve red on t he or th o man. J\ II nr the party cxammoo theao msrk8 1\nd we re ho rnlittd to them. conalderi nrc t ho conolitiou I <;;; I W /) i1 lo't t'tld another objected and the bro!hor )'l.tded Gtn. ag.liu aid-to- daylllat he bad uo official koowledre t hd Purlher e &Ntl---- roaort.ed t.o.-Susploiou. · CU'Own· a taD COAt. IOSLI SODt: r.f""' QXIIUlll£1\. cu.uu.r (DIP.KC> _ lbe mq_n baye beou io '!fhbo bo wu or lMI, to bot .uoo eonclaalon. 11ror ab?t.' - - -- "" no 11'\tno allout t h.e cacup 00 Smith'• llo " ml\ny rrona r o ur ku o wl cdi)C woold 11 row fuxea, hare., and htu!, heeo wubed A"" ay ? 0 "!'hero wore no Cl\l"u lvorou• l h.e on I) one ,.ho hie death from l wcllattr, Any. 14.-1lle romai01 of Lieut. ouim'\ld, ns t lto r. .oourd of llJo relief cxped •· Will th o E.klmo wltilo oc lt IIC\foh - of tho (j reoly puty , wh o ti oo wows. to r li1111rb t he oC tltu ! or f:l\ mc u 1 lel'lfned from one or t ho d•cd nt Cape Sabi no 0 11 t be lot .laue. thi• :'!eit her did they d uc=\y. The ll e•h I hla cnnoe wu dMhed altt'in at n y eAr. wcro e xhumed tbia moruluK under that rentAined on t he frllttl OII of t hole uvu 11 CAke 0 .r leo upse t nud th o ma u euul: lad boon C.l!ulb&ll.-uuwolli lhe wem- bctt,.oLtllo Wblle tbe- dlttoiJ'Of Cl\to eucb wu tbo cese, he bed bunl 1 oothtog from Greely o r a ny o( tb'b aon ·h•· • ora t bat would hnd Won to believe It wu ' 110. H e d id not doubt t lle..O wero bickor- lnge an 1 d ilfe rt'uc:u amoug t bc meutbera or t he but Ito would uot believe tbe}' lelf vt o lonco or o• tr cuto me:uut ea or 1\DY tho a nd Ill tbo cxpon.O of the ltatl not rotted or fl\llcn nwny "•it h htJ bollt.. /' <).</ lirprtM, u( l baa city. Mr. K ialiaabo ry CroM, t h• Orat or t lt o • \ \'l;at ?o yon believe hiiJ bccomo or tbo wM seco od in oo mm&ud of the 111 pediti on dieu, away on J :\0. 18 . fl o ":1.11 11 other to hue waahed ftnd hi• f uneral here on 1 ua nt! 11\l'j:e nt nn, and tal: en from t ho n•nr, as1de fro ru t hnt or tbe nat i • o 1\nd lJr. tended wit h g reaL mi li tl'ry aud c:i rill.oo ! ahnllow .: rn,. e borl t wM roun ol heavier 1 . . . . Th o 11 us piciona o( 11 1 o of tlt:Jn nuy of t ho ntltura. Tho O eAb \fU l oblatnod • ufhctoot proof to convaoce John F., J:. 'raok W., \\ 111iam !L q'l irc :1od 110 aigua of deCAy beyond a d oubt .t ha t All r-eport ed mtU· had been 11 nd t htJ cscoptl n.,: baud, vbich \r&a excc .pL th e nattvo sc r\"cd 1\a food for !.""'·e l"'rmi••ion to t he Pow 1-:rprr.. q tn 1111, ht!y y ct or Pri. ·atp ll e nry, turrt Yora who were c nu.W lty rl 'WI" tho Uudcr tnur .JciTdca, wh<J d2tl o t: ly Hi dl\ya ltolo ro t ft.: ruliuf lion. At prt'sco t I do nelt cl\rO to my IJr e. ll ucklcy, nnd J:. '. A. Mandeville. fh·e rri•·e•l, tltcro \fM o orhi ns: left but DAme to .' 011 · but aoon u 11.111 tltaehl(rlt- l:ruc diCf:'!rl, nnd t wo /' wt J;;zprcu T O· 11 '"" e..!ol .:.n booc8. The bead had pro• l. ";luch Will be ID " '!me, 1 !""" porter& Wl'IC p resc ut thia morniDI( t he b2l.ly lreen tJ.ro wu into tho aea to pru,·cot read) t il appear M" wttneas to aoy IU\'Clell · tron CA&kul &1.. 10 lllK wM tal: ell i•lenl tlio !:l tio n whtn t heArut b abould be 1> 3110 11 whtch m:ty como ou.' fr o.n t ho srnvc. \\' hen rlro liu wn ro· knuwu-AJ it \\ a.il s ure to bo 501110 timu. !l ow do tiro othflr uilora ou t bo & ar nro vcd n atr on;: oonu r o r Dl cohol, but no \\"hcl lt •r 1"\"TIO "o r u ot. In tbis \Y Or k thern!oh·ca?' \"cry of dccny, OlD· c f t c otlk• rc u C t l•c Ikar it ' ""' not poasi- ' Well. n!l to t,ll,; no,.., anMcd from the cMk et. Tho cukct wu ltlo to rcmMo nil r racn of t ho trullet by but .nt th e) wr rc a bout tho neH upon t bo O oor nnli tho en- wlr Ht !l ull}" m••t lm oleAih, (or more wu h? rrtbl c tluo ; nil d"y Inn:;. We bavo bee n ilaroud cd forn t tAk en from it and I ' ldt u; tl•u !t un;. tlran or nuj oih or J)Qrtion . l: 1 w . cn . t hu 11 1' to keep our mo ut ha ahut, nn <i IIJ'Otl I& table. Un tbe botll>ttl or the DOl>" F!"·" W l\1-llUt f rom th <J hodie1 or tho o ur er II IC :u no uclt "!"our llrcnd nud bu \(er ia tctu \lttlcSll tl' repurlu weru nott.:;,d ltYo tlru toe. 11trnnR ,.ro rth at t h!a ll tDC, of coano we obey lA'{:\> of blootl. l ut tbey tYCr e rru· L>r the 1Ur \l\" tl t11. li nt wttlr ll unry fre 1 !. 1y 0 •lera.. -r:Gu would have '-rot n wo rd non need 11 eommnn ocr. u rrc nec 111 buri 11 !11 ; l..i llc l f<>r 3tt .:rupt iug to "; 1 cstrn lrc ru " 10 If y ou hncl oot promil<(ld to keep t ho Fhcc t WAa tn ktn t ho rope Pb \tc of l":l tions, it wu d ifT.: rent. The na me out t ho pnpcra. In " abo rt t he bliloku: ,.. 1\1 110tl tile me-n coola-rl " " ' ' AIO th o humntl fl esh 11 ud lime all of us will bo ouly t oo happy to te ll wo rk or tal: in;: oil tho by t hia me:tna life r. a, euatnined uuul r enue ererrtblng wo k oow.' ::ilo..- ly nnd rncreut ially tho bl nultct wu c: uu o. Ntrc York, .411!1 · 12.- Tho Commn dal r cmo,·O<I, n ud wi\1 . H Or.l:t r.Lt nrac rs o l" CASIIIRALISll. uys :-Command er Schley iu deuy iog t hat A scrr·m .. S:.ED car oF IIOI!f lC'I It O ne C'f t fl c jun ivr olli ·crs of th o T Atl i. l:•eute nnnt Gr . cely nod l.' iA men had "Y ' :-·· ll erc, ou t his llpot. 000 of tn o dtJAd bodu11 o f l hetr co mrndeB, upon tho lip s of uru cnL, (or t ho : c- " t he 7 · 11 .o · • 1 ,. IIJ<•."Ir\ 1\ 0 1. l ld 111 t :.rouzh nM 00 0 nir ht IIHU 10"1 a:\ Cu UpOO ni O Wltrl t 10 ttooiue IIOtf ou t.llt n:tcbed IU nll l.•llllr): , .r tell, of hia lira: Wte l tory and woultt noL tnke 1\ deni.l for 1'111 te rror. ·n,o I. II\Gkcncd &t ii W Af co n• tl 1 l d h" II J or fl c•lt. Anol t he n iuh :llnlln, • ; oequon y or . ere 1 111 0 bcMilll' mnrks nC ,\ reli c aoil bora 110 U A l d 1 1 h 8.nn••c wn•· of "t' lli n -., lt! \ Oh faedor r. roes < un1e 11 overy p:ltttco ar t o ' ''" 'hl:tucc to tl t<l t((.nd ntAil. '\;he hot\d "n• " ' .. t tl 1 t ' d-- .1 b d be d d IIJ'<'III f nr>rl cU I ofT hi• Ot\' n abretla I ory riO """' II en < \"OUre . en,.,. ,,.,. \\ ilia I ... dl\r· brown IHU" ur fl .. Xo 'rh• od cou ld be round to ·rom " acarnao. Uo l1clpcd to n l lt:;ltter tolu rrrl .. t ·o I f• t bo b D • o L f t'· "tl 1 ptrfot m Ill!· f, rrillo otlke. r-:,·ery if ' • htcs a o uc Jtta\"CS, I t tO 1 al ro •·!•r<·r h r. a11l n \I OOI -!a u l to: ttd oC tb e 1 ld 1 f . 00 h. lionel not picked, but the O cth QUEEN- I l l''"" ' ctrlo nr 5urrunnlrol tbu loe> ur port ion 10 won C!\ · must 0 . 18 0 . "" u \l'!l j All &hrunk up " nd t lau eki u drawn · or tLo cun totcu"ncc!. T he •l. iu " .. , drt eol \u.tc!ta,. "' !", t hc"t caont bnhsttc 1 bo . to tl.c &It \Il l. "l 1to · aoch t! nn o l IUIUtu,;.tL r.-:u tr were aecret. I be o• ·c r t tO tll'l )il:o pnre hmcnl. I C " 1 rtl o hc!\t th 1 b t Frnc t ia. A mnchini t. who h t' lpecl to put 1'\ """" ompa.n;y d.i 'it'r llt OUi b Ill\ YO tloo ,l. ru:l Ill " ' I , (':t pn . worn amoot c wten l bo I . l b I 'd l O 0 r." OT ,'·· 'I'!I C g <.HO) &rd an·l tho wretcbu; tco t, t tC 1 :u 10 a 00 0, 1.11 t lOY were per· ! "' nN Jill ih e:o ItS O\\ n e•ory tlweller io th at feet, cxceptln!j tb3t t hey were omn.ciated ., , , . If " '' n.oh nn t1 to a• m• l\nd It•• te ll I shut h1a eycaMd ref wed to see. Dolly n ud t uo tl drr """ drn 1m t i!!h t ly o,· 0 r t ho C At'IT Al r- !..2,1t00 OQI) Sterl111g. 11 b d r tl 11 t J after lJfldy """" •tr "'ped or lltob b llt none T ho only hody wM t h:11 - - -- 1 YU! 1 ' . ,"' 11 n' 0 l of tlrusc tr.orl tltal Jirt lo dvcd <t f Lir 11 t. tho hl'ncl o f which '" .... •o w I ll k cl nppe nr e,J <l ec,.ycd , from tho (ftct tl 1n.t nu Jo: EN }l\ !=i u 11 A :\I' r. u 11.1 l ,:( l;. Ill lol utsh. \foollen socks,nnd c •l· a 0 II$. 0) man M e R q uesllou nt l• hrul L"" ll l • I I tl b l '<I r ,. the t oo COAltl tOtl of :1 Ml\"in:,: wre tch l e.,< unge r t e Ot I IJ N. 1.1 V I': HI'C)() f. , tlur !tHad . U1.on tl1e cr ccp.iu:.: "J'I to t lrt,only li re mi•lni!;hl, Se veral othor c:>f l?o ercw co rro- -- A!< u- 1 eido o{ t he b n:ut, be l weco tL., c&rryro:,: iu 11 ;., b:\ull 11 s trip of AI bbratctl tl•c ao me refu8• Qll E E"'f I :'\ :u IL \ Bl' J J. n Jli H.;i, nLa he trn•IJ thi! io tn t he flame on tue cod or ed. to .' "c. , . Gil G ft.,;\ CEf ' II u CCII lOTH Ari-&.\OI :ED TWO U MSO lrn .: sos "roi nt cd Atu:l: uo on e o r hi, e Jmpl\nio•J5 fbo n. ttv ofhccr, Co11"tlle, J.O Ul 1N . ..,. ,id• d i•l not to i ns r i rc pr uen t a')< " r.otol. :\ ud when tc '""l; t he """'k W" 1 "r one •lu:.: up tho rrillt the tu.q>iciOD th!\l po<' r i n_: !k!h tdth llld tr c lb he olown nn cl . e rc '"0 s t; to W ,e.t h e r th ry T\\'E:\T Y .f f UST li .\ I, llEl' O itT. Ki•l'n;;hu r\ · mt;cl:t La.-o b rco fo ully d t10lt r. n th··r or tlr(' wnnl.l be aleepe ra r i•cs np aagus or .' he story Co m- wirh. Wllcn th o doctors touchet! t he nn•l olow n I hat my•tC' n o us path, IMUder, ." 11 "' r. mcry tho monstr.chc or t ho cltad msn it lcuif., m harr il . it is e :\JOy to gucn huo burrid tl .r Ad for. bona! 11 · Dra., Ames and rh o llCJJOrl!l IIIlo} .'\ c connts f 11r th ., ye:1r to the. "' the A uuuul on 'fucsdny,27t h l lli!l , whi.:h IJernnrJ ll uli .JI .sq. , r•n ·s ia l ell, 8h()\\ "C<l , in d tc Divitll ·r d and &null nt I It o I nLo tOt:: t?tirl'r or J 6 1• 01" cont. Wllll d cclnn :d , £1-1,035 be ing esr rie.l lurwo rd. FlRE BRA N C IT, Lit o P remium$ for 187A, &flor ,l n. .J,,otinq in•uN••,.PA. arno •" llccl to t.uing 1111 oi £5, 3 !>1 ovet · Lho P r -e minmlncomo uf 18 i7 ; nml the Lossc. to £ 25 1,66 1, h c in1: 5. ). 1 G per co ut . o n Pr ·aDii nms ot the Y c• u·. IN THE LIFE Tlu\t N o w P o li cies hnd bl'cn i ssued lor £2 22,48 5; and thnt th11 Life l•'unds hy tlt u ndditioM m• •d c to it os th o t" <'3111 t ol Uto y ua 'a opcmtions now Gi.!lpc r con t. of tho en tir o nrl P remium, rccci,·llll on uvcry policy in fo rce. T ho su rplu11 bnl11nco in th e F iro A c- count wn Rh o wn to \,e .£1 07.69!1, onL "' \lo · hieh £20,000 WitS A}' J'I"'JII; tlefl to Su&I ICilRC -\ cconnt, r nising tlr nt Acet ltlllt to £140,000 nnal mnkin,:: with tho He>· l 1n ut.l snJ flnlnnco carried forwnrd .t 1,000. FUNDS. Capitnl l'aid np ..•..•... ll uerve Fund •.• ..• . .. £1 Rfl,f):t0 l iO,llo!l l 411, t)U9 firo I! unJ fo r uuearllct1 l 'remiuma lbiRuce C:Rrn td fo rwl\rd ..• 14 .0.10 3 UtJ,8lli 11, 11: 15 Ltf o Accuntulnt (on .Fund •. . Aunuity )/u ud. .. I SI MO'N UONOYAX, 1 O oner11l A:; cn t (or Nlld Bun- Ao t.I!Tt' • A. 'l'. l>Jt I G rnco, R. &. Co .• St. Pie rre. V ee.27. CARRIAGES! WARREN & WHITMAN. o ff psr liaJi y. 'n oe WM fo und. 1\!1 purp?SU. vr l\CO Uld th e WOr l: 1\l one. Of t he ·· ·· d b th 01 1 tl elief e _.. . TUP. ,\t-rr.n r.rn:rn:. , srnwen were rr ue nt, t, the &e n uo: 1 t 0 ecr 0 tc r X[>L-ul · o tJj ce ra' lt:ll cmro ti!, nt t he tl rno t ho bodi es tio 11 , partially mi ning and bent to th " "An I t:ao nftc' dTccllt of chrso t1 b " "b"u tbo reuuint "'er ·o tnr ue.l fllrlll \\ ere 1\1< M Lh e dc ..,oot u pon t ho we., 0 J; up, ut they wer e gi voo t ho ove r 0 11 ono eidd tho •k i nl0111 :1nd rtll\ ttt;l··tl Tu,• thons;ht nf LO <lo wn th o hill after t hey U,,re ehoulder prei'Cotod t ho nllle wh:tt t lt('y b tl c, tt) n on nnuse. \. were >rrnpped 10 Tho 11\ilora on i\1 t ho rr onL The pb nnrl iu wc.-.1; W.to t he ,tomnch r u· Jt lt, or lumd, L "IY they t ook 11 body 'ou t aicil\ns d id not fintlnny of .- i, > lenc: u. ru, e.l to tbi11 fl esh. Ia it 0 10 Sci: ley sni•l t he a to ry t hnl nod pl11ced the body in t ho or•c:innl pa.i· wo u lt rfn l lltnt tb uo tr. cn "ill carry th'\t 1 fl cnry " ." 1 """" unt rne. li t; helic• cd t lon From t ha lllfl:O intt'fltlllo a bill nr aend'\ ti •>:l or cbewing_hum'u tleah ro ,vcr ., I tlen ry •h.clo u. all tho othcradid, or tU:Inn- dn rk "'"• 14ken. ahow· 'I ho pu no .. I p:l uy I forJ:ol i1 whoo I lUlU · . ins: t it •• ot.o t ltics; e111 1:11 by tho dccaM· di t•," Wll'i the only prayer the wr etched n.,.•/c m, : 1 "!1 ,'3 -. A fr nm. Po rla- ed In lo ia e lnrvtnf: co• dtliun \rt\JI t•roltftltly r, •I·I truly pn.y. It w:u Iris mouth &. \). 1 : l\e . nl Ob · porriooa or clot\lia2 or atnlalcin Sllii>S· of hcwer >a 10 fOrJ;Ct t hl\t nwful tt l ncd ou lntcn rc w Lieut. (;ree l)' wlt o 1t lrnd be eo r eported by t!tt a::n i•ore t! 1 n: I Mt.' od lll l ta ll cnr Y l.nd" mt h tMy cxcctlllon ou KIJi in<'b \l ry b3d b Jt r(lll "tl<lnir.d l . . , . . t ltC Gt h of J une. ll t>ury W:'IS dHected o\TI •• 1_1 StMhn,:: the lit:l ited • upp!y of food n11· 11 r uptu ro by fo llln;; off mn iccb.rif an eX· tho l "_f r IJ Ortioued to tho I!Utflfora 111 carl, !\! omi nnt ion wu made of tho lower por tion ru3ttra o d 11t:fen t .c u •n tn"u on lt-u b u,· u ' or t ho ooJy. but no ·id e nc e wh:lld\'cr tnnd d or _IDIC8h n. ,l p tr rti ona. With u... A• 10 tt e 3ll tged cnnnihaliarn l.ic nl . WM found thnt nnytlti ng ur the kind b:\tl ruu lt '''" . _"'"ld ener h•1 ... c .1 I;Ath erctl tlt ft t Greely if WM nnnhln" or th o oecu r rt'\1. Tho co nclusion rea ched th nt decii!\• ·,1! an na t •lao h11 ro hccn 11 par· ki od it wu at hl\\· t• been nn i'ndh·idnlll net t ho bctwcc u t ho riba on lbu t&lter or'lluu ta n tl t•,. h. a ud U!l\ ,.:euc mt :-lath ing or the kiw' tide of tbe 11t coat c.l udctl by tbc L:r1 i•c• u or thoae who & t ripped lbe bocly tf ill flNh liTAnTLISG CA':>C under Grcelf• p.lrS onnl Obaet\"fttio n. lllld akin to eti ll t ll'o C r&YiDl:l or One or tbe of the }l ·rrr, wh'>I'O ,Yew YnrL . ..... , •• , 1:1. • It Wl\'1'11 IIJZJ:r&\ "Atod hunger. Liout Kislin(;btlry lll\d for very obrioua r ouona i• wit hhoi .J . of au rpri •u to nuf. " M Jd t"o>m nunder Schley died of etnrvati un 0 11 , 1 di iCMo, '"" l lrl e !' rt11ort cr the foll o wing y.:atorJ:\y, " t hat nhe r n • i!\" Cro 11io ler in comflldca had 1!1\l.o.O hi.; body like of mo>rn111;: :- ll o \fil l ouo ol t bQ P'rtJ ea whioh thei r miecmlJla liulo hut tLClto ruen were otlter11 who di ed b:furo a odnlter loitu. Tho wnuvo:l t he dead llodiu lrom t lJe gruca nli re at 11!1, bat uf atill grent er \Yondt¥"· phyliicilln"a cert tfl cllte i. iu auw tauco ,• ba t buoiod th o ( ;n:e ly Cllmp. Tho bn rhl placo ment th&J. c; r ecly h11d cvtn 10 is r tlatecl 1\bo,·e. wh ere tho bo tl t.!4 \TCro repor t ed f ound t bc lu i, oornpl .:te con tr'>l on·r lo ie co mp.'\o- l'nlUTt: II E SIIY" S llD"/f . \, Tbo r tmaios of Priuto Ch"lrle' 0 He nry, who wat 11tot 1\t t he l;reel r on Soni tl•'11 Sonnd on .June Grh nt tho ti n1e .Jro ann ivor11 rc'ducocl lo t he rlirut C''t· tremity for food , round by the JIMty from ItO. til(ht h 10 1'1 I') Ua rtt' r of 11 mile beyo nd t he I C'II t of Uta nt e u. Th ere ,.aa acarcely le ft but 11 pll t of bonn. e trit 111cd- or nt:'rly of Oa•b ox c;; pt some o r t he lower p!\rll Of t lt e t runk. 'f'loe W:I.S cou ld no t bu fooncl, Nl t ha t it wll at first tll nt t he remt\iua were th oae or Dr. l'avy. ' l11 o •bonu were planed iu a b1g for r ernonl to t bo Jk ar wi th tho re01a101 of lll lt Others Of the jiJ. (atod pod it io n. Un board t hey were to A little box 11bout two feet loog , wl >iab woa pla.c:ed ft h and co nrod with the StArs and S&ripce. A day or t wo after t ho aqnadroa beaao t be homo!IIRI'd trip t be box WM rem.nd (rom lite deck. and the ofBoeN d etol'llllioed to nmoYCI all Aueplcioo of &Ita terrible IC!onea o r c.1nnlballam enact· td u tho e&rop on Cap6 8ablae, pr epared tho boDea l or burial, anau or WIIOD were prodred, ana to \be .. , lilted to tho proper le08tb; t.ho bonoa wt,. tllld, ant II all were u oearly in pllae u h •• JlOWble to 1ft'*'- · Tk head wu mU.Io g. and a block of wood wa made to do doty {n Ita pl-. Tbtn t!l il fnamowort I• tbe ••Po of a ' 111&0 •• ded to a pla•k, rui4 woood 'lriCl cOhoft olotll ea the otbn bodl111 bad .,._, ft.,.. •• acme,tiUottelr pleetd fo OM of lilt aloollol lJltd tub W'flll IDiD• of tM otberL Je ,.. ...... lllellr •lid• ' ....... tbalwaa lifted a.t.o oo.. .. 8" .Joltn'e ud -.keel Prlnte Otlai1et lS. Htef)'.' It ... llv.U• of wood &llat ... to N•r T_. , .WIIIIICI llf fritadl of _ MI· watt lttMJ aec1 lmlld .. o,p.. H ill• l:lo .... w ... WOtlr '*• d0111 t.lal& h il 'cloUelal tr .. OM lwlillnr wlli in thu rc3r or tho IO·CI\lldd • io na.' ' There ie no clou bt bnt t h:\t t he t ea t ,' 1\nd d i, tant nboot :IC or :A. vMds tnrn wc ro not only O\ orcomo with hunl(.:r Fo ur of t ho fi<"c men whose 1 · wer e and t•lryaicnl weak nu or kind ..-he ll re ported M waabcd ao "1 "'o u id to rl'1cuecl, lt ut •Te ,. rn :. de plor able courl1l ion di ed in J uno, 1\ll follow• :-Coop, ... nor, or D>iod and " alate of g rut nn cl.eAnlioru. ,Tu nr :1 ; Surgcop Pur: .l uao 6; For d11ys tb c t'ffO rtl or CArit rl!' for tltn•o (; ,rolrrer .lu .. 1:! ;. l 'rivMo ll endcr J uno thl.t renl'\iuccl nli,·o 11nd nf collectin!! t he Hi . h it ndmittcd t bAt tho bodit11 of bodice or tbo nfTcotc•l membe rs Lieu t. Ki aud Schuddor aot of (ho rcli o( cren 110 that th ey c011 ld lrur ted. ly fM \\" ben nu kod Ita to t bo flllCl or Or. PMJ, '!'he r ulnor portion or tho bocly or who i• repo rk .J to ht1vo diecl of tiArntloo U. ll enry, or Urcc:l y elp(•di· t he Pllilor mid :- ' hon, \till u !Jl o, LM CAnt ed much ox cllc- ' ThM atrrry alw l t" t he! Doctor hllYing menl 1n tbe ueio; h borhood of Cypreas !I i ll a tnrvod to de tAL it 111l ll o w111 Ce tnetcry. Al' P' icl\ltno l u• • be en to co urt-mllrtlallrd t hrto t imes at Inn the coro ner by perso"a not r elatr•l to c.:ltut nitled eoiclcle. T he tk cleto n found ll eur,r to hue tho body exh umed 1111d nn .-i th o at a h ea c! woa t bM or Dr. l'oi\· y.' inqoeat held. '11to corone r Ia conaidarlo.: 'I n condit ion wero tht re m:lioa or tllo Ur. l'a•·y whon you f uu nd t hem?' ll acltturr, N . r. ilwg. l b.-Ora. JJucl:lcv '\\'o found tb o bon es 8C&ttared all and made n aworn ci r t he leo Thry \ftro t ogel htr 1\nd raot1 diecloaed b) · t he exh u m•lion of Kia· Jlllleed in n blanket, and the bor:ee ao linglrnry'a bo d y. cxcitf'ment he re· li.tht tbM it wu ea11 to Cllrry th o '''" 11boat is lt i11 said l'ri• ate Ellla' ll!•nket witb ono band itl takiog ll.e bu nrlle will be exhumed u Clrde. w 11. tl owo to tbc There Wel t <! m;ark• or Cl brothe r · of tbe deoeAatd kn ife on 114! veral of t bc d octor' I bones whore linl'd " cond ition o( til ius:• '!hioh UJo Ocab bad been cut off. lOAd to tbc belief tile (jreoly elt:J>edi- OTUU tUUOT. lion WU dlvidt't{ Into two.p,ti u., 111\d t bet •Did y ou fintl auytl1!ng that l ed yon to one perbbcll beonnao tho ut her ha 1 1 belle•• othera were I bo t u oiell u l'rlute by fo rce of th e ron4 l'npply. In H enry?' t im oat.raclaod party woro 'Yea; •e np the bodlta or t wo nnrl U r. l 'nvy. Th o condil iol'l o( Urut. mtu wbo wcro folU'Id tD hne been body ahowa t bllt Ire dlrr l nf c'l urt-mar tialled aod eliot. One of ll•e l•ta r mtion at a tint') tlro OC hcf'l bad d1111d wo fonod on t he groqod with tho food au pply, 111ere 'Will abto lut tly rtO· limbe .tltd to the llodr. h 'w111 the bodj •ing in tbp al nauob ; yet it 11 reported he of a httle fellow of dark eomplexlon. 1\ hJld hel ped to kill a polar bur tb rc'O daya ullo., opeDedtbemooCband the t ee th proud bl!fore be rl iod. Kialin 1 b ury c.Jrea a to .be u black 111 ud we were atla· g loomy ri,w. ll u t binka I bore waa a fl ed tlat beoa anft'erlng lr oru atrul!g l6 nmonnt t be ttarY!ng. d"l' e"ltll IIOIIhJ. l\ e eDtDined the bod1 el ca 1ly tnen, &rOll th.tL l bo •tro n,:eat bt wirtoe o( aod foua4 thU 110 IM !a l!acl beta cqt f rom aathoritrud JHNAdalon of t ht> liule r onrl '" pron.bJy OWIOif to the rw t hat t be 08 hand, a nr< IY.tl. cLieaU Riliinl'hlll')'; it p?Or r .. uo. waa dtetu.d wbea "'' .-u fllOIIII , Will lllldtr the ban or L;.,n. Grt'tlf • oat of llle "'l'fr. f d l•pl.s11sure from th e "":lnni 11 111 do you b1 • pllt oat ot "" 15 • .-.. lt 111\1 bt,n tl• · ' Whr I moan \ bat tbt ahm· tat. b'· IIOt to Jb'l me th e bodr nf •• a "" ......., .. , or lll• Gre.l7 upedltloa, 'l \o lund excupt tn ll eory•a CA!O. h i' ui4 t here are no reco rda at tile wnr or uavv de· p:.rlme nt, bea.riog on t he aubjec: t. Chie f En11 in ecr :\lel villo, or tho r elief ahip Tluti•, Mid t hia 11fterooon that ho wu •o_rry Ki ali ngbury •a rema.ina were dug up. Ills might bave kn ow a, aher wbnt bad been Pid written or that t hey huo ruutillltod body. G reely nod ht& compnmoua could uot havo Ji>·ed ll8 loug 1\3 th er did unl eM t heynto tb u ll eah of tbo men thl\t bad die d. It was o nl y Dlltural t hat t bty a hould do tbis. 'J11ey d1d not kill t hd r c:o rnrnuions in order to eat th em; tboy only nw tbom afte r tb oy wcro. deAd. Mcl- Yille 1:\id it jc.at to a a eo 10 thu De Long and G ree lt p:lrttu . and h is froze and atl\r•ed to d eath 10 a fow day•, "hilo ft 1uo poor bad to 1;0 throus:h eloiY etnr- \"lltioo. ·n. o t alk abou t Milora finding pieces Of fl esh lfiog MOUDd l bt C:lmp \ Vl\4 bosh. alAted tho offic:ett or t ho r c:.lief t'cnt:la hl\d no to kco p mont hs ehut.. bt\t.l !a llowed l ho1r own counsel l!Dd tD tb o n•ntter. Ncoc l' or!:, A ut:11.•t 15.-11to Ti111a tillAr m c. roing L'\YA :- ·h,e 1.1ilors genern lly ta llc fr eely or t he ac e nc revealctt at tho deaolatc cnmp, but ouly throo or fou r C. '\n apenk fr om 1\Ct U ,J kDOIO ·(ed!;O of th o COD· dit100 Of t ho dead. atoriu llrO told iu pltlnt y. Out t he fncta u known uo of auch 1\ t erti bl c characte r that evou tho tai lors' lon ._cat ynrua nrc p robnbly li ttl o be - youd t he t rnth. ln interviowa "ith Licut Greely Jntbliohetl Ito "Ill repo rted lUI t hat llo:ury wu ahu t for atenliu1: ; that he wM n ever &ecn by b i• comradra, :\ :Jd it 1\"1\S tt 1 11 c 1118 body WftS in te rred Rl th C) fovt Of t bu 11c r lh Well icc llf't. nud pr<'l u"'altly nwQy bf t he "'"''C'· 'l ue bonra roun•l nrnr t hG camp, ond wh ich t he oOicera o l tho' /Jtar pMched up with the ai•l o( piccu of wood intu a pac kn:;c r clclllhiing n hurn.'\ll body, wer u at fi n L repo rted 1n th oaa of Sur.:con i' .• T l... crQlt"l o r the \' cuol a, & nd o ffi cr rs nt we ll, tlid not l:now ll cnr-y"s re 111nlt.5 we re b:\ck u u"l thcJ nw p ublished Co rnmnnd cr Sc:b- ley·a r epo rt to CltQn dlcr. ,\11 t houj:h t t La t t ho bo dy Of t iro 111:\0 <'Xecnt • lt Wll8 l oll nnd tlt:\l of tho 'l'his poi nt lH>• j,:h·oo ri ac to conuoen t. Somo of t he a.'\i lora '- 'Y W 1at t ho boue1 or moro thnn ono body wcro found lll.out t ho camp. 11nd wertl pnl in th.s box wttlo th o bones of He nry. II is 1\bo int imated when tho officers of lh d expedition AJ:reod ou o\n attempt to from t bo public tbo revolt i ng fi\C.,. nll t !Jo booc-. foood about the CAmp wen> put 111 t hoao of on o nnd was then decidu:! to 1 cport ti ro remni ru u l hnao or H en ry. ilo WI'IS l:nowo to bo .nn nl1o0!l (riond leu Hr. P 11 vy oc:cu ptcd • lot jlher rnnl:. noat fin bo•lir• were waabed bnviog been in 1\n ieo tl oo i• n point in Cotnrn:uvler !; d ol o .(• ' report t hl\1 IS t. i iiCrc dit- cd. ll•o e u.nmer t ent where tllo were fouod \fa& o tt 11 emall mc.a a from the t ea n od behind a or r ock. , w that t ho wo a n ot viAible front tho shore. T ho \I" Wier camp wheru the ico lloc "" IU •it u!Uod 11fld I he fi r o l >a•lies •verc reported al b uried wu Ot"Or tl•e rid!;e of ioc kl 1\ntl a hun °drecl ) Crom cJ1o te nt, Rl nearly a rigbt to tho from ll1o ua, nnd oo n bly . T he burial "'lace, wbero len bodu!s n·ere r l'por ted foun.S, In tho renr or t be aumrncr anti ou: v tbir ty or fo rt y ynrdt. Four ol tb o fl •o mcu w. bos? bodiea wero r epor ted 115 1\wny 10 •. Tu nc. as follo .. a: Coop, uilor, .Jnno ..r nl ; l'a\ ' J uno Gt h ; &fJ:l. GIU"dne.r, Jutylt'"l:!tlr; l'rinto Bonder. JotJtCJ l Ot h. l 'hcsl) deaths OCCitl rre<l nt a tirnu when th o aun i.,ora wcro mifcrn bly \'I'CI\Ic - the l att only four woekl before t ho r ucu o c:amt!. l' ec . if t ho reJ•o rt (o rwnrded to Seere ts ry C h1111dlor is tD be th aar•l"o" lottud of carrying t hd r d e111l co rn.rndu to thu little bnr i11l place dosu behtnd t l'c. ten t, toll!. thom, deapi te tlu• l'"tl\k enodc uon t bey vere in, to tbo leo Oou II hund red yards 1\ WR)'. flr e bodiet of tbrc .. others d ied in J u ne- L.Ie nt bury. l' nnto llenry And l'riYnto - were r ecoror ed. Tu o booliu or bary 1\nd not ln!riod, it wu admitted. U ooL K i,!iogl!w I, before anr of the roar ..,.o di .. l "''' i11 t he aMnt mon th, yet waal!"rie ol cloao br, tv bile '"" otbe ... the report i. latta a hoodred yarc1J aWIIJ. lllo truth 11 pl•ln. 'fbo l-odiea wore not wMhett a«t\,)'. '11to Qeab lthd been eaten. 1\Dd t he re waa not lt h on tho bonea or ftny body t noos:h to pot togotber and' rleliYer u. f rie ntla wi tbont hnin:; t he wretched truth ou t. Wh en St. J obta'a wa1 r e11cl1ed correapoad e nt., whethe r on bo3rd t ho ahtfl.• o r. loc 11l nowep11.,er- men, report e•l aix 10 tbo ho ld or one veael and toYCh to lbe taok '>n t he other. llenry'l oama Wa\ ll'lt !l'iVU, , Some Of bJs bonts am doftbtl l'NI ID tbe iron ri"•..., oaallel hit n11one 11re probabl. bqnc• or o thett or the Yl'\'tohed me n. unl ra they wero nrbt'r-wiM ri!Jpoqod of. Dol In ll enry"a cuktt the eouteot.ure priaciptlly pieot• u( wood. ..... W hen a bna.V of an.t chl'ralllte aan01ant'M ... cJ =:L, rttat br tc;rmbh•lnr IIOtt:o w•lllntowyt , rl•-, ,... trlllull' rfo) Jrr l)• tlneo..l. •hldl wo•lll ..,. ... a wide ran a. r.f til•, .... thu II'CIIl:oll .aMt, I",,J!Jid _,.d ... ,...-d ... lltn nr ............ '-r! tellfllll t tlal hila offe(W'llerl all •ri •n-rtar lhto •"-'"'""' tlf , .. l' JWt ll np tuu.... - r ..S ,..._.. all•

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E very Subscriber of ONE GUfNEA will rcCP.ivc, besides n chnncc of. a prize at the annunl dist:-ibution, lin impression of a !urge

Pla~e, en groved by C. W ~ SHARI'E,

The TUILERIES,- 20th June, 1792. From the original painting by aLFRED ELMORE, R.A.

The moment eh 0116n by t ho artia~ Ia that io wbioh, lrnin~r peootf1\ted to tho wino oella111 of tbo Tuileriea, a awarm of intoxicat.ed wre~hea, yell:ng and riol.inlf in the madDeSa o f their triumph, hue come fa.c:e to race with tJJt Queen aod the ltoyal Cbildreu , from whollll t bey are only lep&nl~d by t ••e large oouneil-tabi·J whicb bi\1 bewo dn.'Wll In front ol a wil'ldow reeua. Leaning on t he t."\blo, tb11 varloua trpe• nf roffisnlllm IDIUit tb11 Qneen with tleree ~rea~orea al\d abual~" lant~Drf:e whil" abo euoda tranquil and jmmonblo, ioatioct with noble di~:Dity and tho prlde1 of ccu · tariea of crowoed anceatora

It woaJa bo dtffiODit to point t.ci any t'ictnra In which Lh~ anent tlle liCe no ore woro d iatioctlytndividuallaod 11.0d atrougly 1110rket1.


Subllcripe.iona recei•ed by

ob.ncteriatics or

Mr. J . F. CHISHOLM, Bookseller, St. John's. • • • The Council wW. i t to be d!,tuoctlr n nderatood tllA~ no pamea et~n be entered

011 the lia~ until t.lle MIOO.Dl o( tuhecripliou i. a.c~IJ paid to tbe Local ~rctAry or

Aaut.. J

' , 1 j . If 1 I•N ti 1. ~t • NE~"',uN])i:ANDfSArimDAY, . !~f~" "'. ,1[ . - .

r.a~-.t .. 1.. ~

SE:p'rEMBER 6, 1884 . NUMBER 28

, !

I u,•J 11 l •~•·l I '

Ad':er.ti~.~e~~s~ :_..; .. :~ 2'H8ce~~ .... ua ___ _ It••.·

1 .ir:m; OBZBLY :Qil'1mlTION • ,,,j. -

tho mummy.Jiko rem."Jio., 111 S t. J ot.o'a had ADf • nipiciou tha ~ thcro waa onu of tl•• .":1udl~i "•hich "'"" br~:cly m:u!e up of wood. [ bnt tltu bone a "·.uu ao

tr tMk or piatol ahot!l were dillftDve red on the ~Y o r tho man. J\ II nr the party cxammoo theao msrk8 1\nd we re ho rnlittd to lln~ them. conalderinrc t ho conolitiou

I<;;; I W/) • i1lo't t'tld another objected and the bro!hor )'l.tded Gtn. IJftz~o ag.liu aid-to- • daylllat he bad uo official koowledre thd

Purlher ~tun e&Ntl---­roaort.ed t.o.-Susploiou. · CU'Own·

a taD COAt.

IOSLI SODt:r.f""' QXIIUlll£1\.

cu.uu.r (DIP.KC> _ lbe m~a· mq_n baye beou io '!fhbo bo wu or fle~b lM•I, to bot.uoo eonclaalon. 11ror ab? t.' - - --• "" no 11'\tno a llou t t h.e cacup 00 Smith'• llo " ml\ny rrona r our kuowlcdi)C woold St~ond. c~cpting 11 row fuxea, hare., and Y0~. ~"Y htu!, heeo wubed A""ay ?0

ptarml~tanL "!'hero wore no Cl\l"ulvo ro u• l h.e on I) one ,.ho m~t hie death from lwcllattr, Any. 14.-1lle romai01 of Lieut. ouim'\ld, ns t lto r..oourd of llJo relief cxped•· ~rowmng Will tho E.klmo wltilo oclt IIC\foh ­

~isling'bu.ry; o~o of tho (j reoly puty, who tioo wows. t o rli1111rb the rc'm:~ina o C tltu • n~t ! or f:l\mc u 1 lel'lfned from one o r tho d•cd nt Cape Sabino 0 11 t be lot .laue. thi• du:~d, :'!ei t her did t hey duc=\y. The lle•h I survl~ora . hla cnnoe wu dMhed altt'inat n yeAr . wcro exhumed t bia moruluK under that rentAined on the frllttlOII of t hole uvu11 CAke 0.r leo ~ud upse t nud tho mau euul:

lh~tro lad boon C.l!ulb&ll.-uuwolli lhe wem­bctt,.oLtllo Gu~tJ. Wblle tbe­dlttoiJ'Of 1\iatiJI~ ~~~~._;.aa_ . Cl\to ~bat eucb wu tbo cese, he bed bunl 1

oothtog from Greely o r a ny o( tb'b aon·h•· • ora tbat would hnd Won to believe It wu ' 110. H e d id not doubt tlle..O wero bickor-lnge an 1 d ilfe rt'uc:u amoug tbc meutbera o r t he ~:uty, but Ito would uot believe t be}' lelf t~ vtolonco o r o• trcuto me:uut ea o r 1\DY

tho di~tioua and Ill tbo cxpon.O of t he lon~:~st det~d ltatl not rotted or fl\llcn nwny "•ith htJ bollt.. /'<).</ lirprtM, u( l baa city. Mr. K ialiaabo ry Se~L CroM, th• Orat or t lto p:~rty • h~ • \\'l;at ?o yon believe hiiJ bccomo o r tbo wM secood in oomm&ud of the 111 pedition d ieu , ~J away on J :\0. 18. fl o ":1.11 11 other bo~tts rcpt~riOd to hue br~n waahed ftnd hi• funeral here on Sund~y 1ua nt! 11\l'j:e ntnn, and wl1~ tal: en from t ho n•nr, as1de froru thnt or tbe nati• o 1\nd lJr. tended wit h g reaL militl'ry aud c:i rill.oo ! ahnllow .:rn,.e 1,~ borlt wM rounol heavier I'~vv 1'· . . . . our~. Tho 11uspiciona o ( 111o brotbe~ of tlt:Jn nuy o f tho ntltura. Tho OeAb \fU l oblatnod • ufhctoot proof to convaoce tl~ce:i&ed. John F., J:.' raok W . , \\111iam !L q'l irc ~rm :1od ~bowed. 110 aigua of deCAy ~1o beyond a doubt .tha t All r-eported mtU· Ki~lingbuty had been nron~tl 11nd thtJ cscoptln.,: ~~ o~uo baud, vbich \r&a to~ excc.pL the nattvo scr\"cd 1\a food fo r !.""'·e l"'r mi• •ion to t he Pow 1-:rprr..q tn pu,~ 1111, ht!y •}~'<co loured y ct or Pri.·atp llenry, t~te turrtYora who were c nu.W lty rl'WI"n· tho luvrati):~tiou . Uudcrtnur .JciTdca, wh<J d2tl ot: ly Hi d l\ya ltoloro t ft.: ruliuf lion. At• prt'scot I do nelt cl\rO to ~h·e my IJre. llucklcy , nnd J:.'. A. Mandeville. fh·e r ·~rty rri•·e•l, tltcro \fM oorhins: left but DAme to .'011 · bu t ~~ aoon u ~ 11.111 tltaehl(rlt­l:ruc diCf:'!rl, nnd t wo /'wt J;;zprcu TO· 11 ' " " e..!ol.:.n booc8. The bea d had pro· o•l. " ;luch Will be ID " ~hort '!me, 1 !""" ~a porter& Wl'IC p resc ut thia morniDI( •~hca t he b2l.ly l ree n tJ.rowu into tho aea to pru,·cot r ead) til appear M" wttneas to aoy IU\'Clell· tron CA&kul wcishin~: &1..10 lllK w M tal: ell i•lenl tlio!:ltion whtn t heA rutb abould be 1>3110 11 whtch m:ty como ou.' fro.n t ho srnvc. \\' hen rlro liu wn ro· knuwu-AJ i t \\ a.il sure to bo 501110 t imu. • !low do tiro othflr uilora ou tbo & ar nro vcd n atr on;: oonu r o r Dlcoho l, b ut no \\"hcllt •r rr..,:;~ 1"\"TIO "or uot. In tbis \Y Ork expr~AII thern!oh·ca?' \"cry pronouoc~d IIU~~utlool! of d ccny, OlD· c f t c o tlk• rc uC t l•c Ikar it ' ""' no t po asi- ' W ell. •h~y ~rn n!l nfrni~ to t,ll,; no,.. , anMcd from the cMket. Tho cukct wu ltlo to rc mMo nil rracn of tho trull et by but .nt fin.~ the) wr rc ch~tuns: about tho neH pl~cctl upon tbo Ooor nnli tho en- wlrHt !lull}" m••t lm oleAih, (or more wu h?rrtblc tluo; nil d"y Inn:;. We bavo been ilaroudcd fornt tAk en from it and plllcc~ I' ldt u; tl•u !tun;. t lran or nuj oihor J)Qrtion . l:1w.cn. thu 111' to keep our moutha ahu t, nn<i IIJ'Otl I& table . U n tbe botll>ttl or the DOl>" F! "·" Wl\1-llUt from th<J hodie1 or t ho ourer CL~ II IC :u nouclt "!"our llrcnd nud bu\(e r ia tc tu\lttlcSll t l'repur lu weru nott.:;,d l tYo "~"I"" t lru l'"' •.:i ofhrtu~r ~;rcw toe. 11t rnnR ,.rorth at t h!a ll tDC, o f coano we obey lA'{:\> cpol~ of blootl. l ut t bey tYCre rru· L>r the 1Ur \l\" tl t11. lint wttlr ll unry fre 1!.1y 0 •lera.. -r:Gu would n~t have '-rot n word non need 11 eo mmn n ocr.urrcnec 111 buri11!11 ; l..i llc l f<>r 3tt.:rupt iug t o e:e:~J ";1 cstrn lrc ru "10 If you hncl oot promil<(ld to keep t ho Fhcc t WAa tnktn 11w~y ; tho t ~rred r ope Pb\tc of l":l t ions, it wu d ifT.: rent. The 1~Y name out ~r tho pnpcra. In " abort rnlwiuin~t t he bliloku: ,..1\1 cu~ 110tl t ile me-n coola-rl " " ' ' AIO tho humntl flesh 11ud lime all of us will bo ouly t oo happy to tell wo rk or tal: in;: oil tho IMt co,·cri~g be~:~uo by t hia me:tna life r.a, euatnined uuul renue ere rrtblng wo koow.' ::ilo..- ly nnd rncreut ially tho blnultct wu c:uuo. Ntrc York, .411!1· 12.- Tho Commn dal rcmo ,·O<I, nud t Lenth~ro wi\1 . HOr.l:t r.Lt nrac rsol" CASIIIRALISll. uys :-Commander Schley iu deuy iog t hat

A scrr·m .. S:.ED car oF IIOI!flC'IIt O ne C'f t flc jun ivr olli ·crs of tho T At l i.• l:•eutennnt Gr.cely nod l.' iA men had c~teo " Y' :-·· llerc, ou t his ~ory llpot. 0 0 0 of tno dtJAd bodu11 o f lhetr comrndeB, a~ ld

upo n tho lips of tho~o uru cnL, (or tho : c- " t he 7 · • 11 .o · • 1 ,. IIJ<•."Ir\ 1\ 0 1. ln· ld 111 t:.rouzh nM 000 nir ht IIHU 10"1 a:\ Cu UpOO niO Wltrl t 10 ttooiue IIOtf l~>y out.lltn:tcbed IU nll tlll~ l l.•llllr):, .r wor.l~ C~ll tell, o f hia lira: Wte l tory and woultt noL tnke 1\ d eni.l for 1'111 ~; l.:utlv terror. ·n,o I.II\Gkcncd nc~hl o'Li &tiiWAf co n• tl 1 l d h" II

J o r ltU III ~Il flc•lt. Anol then tl~ iuh:llnlln, • ; oequon y or. ere 1111 0 • f~e" bcMilll' mnrks nC ,\ relic aoil bora 110 U A l d 1 • 1 h 8.nn••c wn•· of " t'llin-., lt! \ Oh faedor r. roes < un1e 11 overy p:ltttc o ar t o ' ' '" 'hl:tucc t o tlt<l t((.nd ntAil. '\;he hot\d "n• " ' .. ~ t tl 1 t ' d -- .1 b d be d d IIJ'<'III ~·!Ch fnr>rl 1n•r\~ cU I ofT hi• Ot\' n abretla I o ry 1~ riO """' II en < \"OUre . en,.,., ,.,. \\ ilia I on~ ... ,ll~' l dl\r· brown I HU" ur fl .. ~h. Xo ' rh•od could be round to ·rom .\1'\ lOn~y. " acarnao. "·Uo l1clpcd to ~nd n l lt:;ltter t o lurrrl Dl"lllll:tl'h~· ~ ; .. ~,., I t ·o I f• t bo b D • o L f t ' · "tl 1 ptrfot m Ill!· f, rrillo otlke. r-:,·ery m~n if ' • htcs a o uc Jtta\"CS, a.~ I t tO

1 al ro •·!•r<·r hr. a11l n \IOOI-!a u l to: ttd oC tbe 1 ld 1 f . 00 h . lionel h:~tl not be~n p icked, b ut the Octh

QUEEN- Ill''""' ctrlonr 5urrunn•lrol tbu loe> ur portion

10 won C!\ · must 0 uece~,lt.>: . 18 0.""u \l'!lj All &hrunk up " nd t lau ekiu drawn

· or tLo cuntotcu"ncc!. T he •l.iu " .. , drteol \u.tc!ta,. "'!", thc"t caontbnhsttc or~~~~. 1 bo . to tl.c &It \Il l. "l1to· ti"h t l£~' aoch t! nnol tb~IO IUIUtu,;.tL r.-:u tr were aecret. I be o •·cr t tO tll'l )il:o pnrehmcnl. Jacuc:~

I C " -~ 1 rtlo hc!\t th 1 b t Frnc t ia. A mnchini t. who ht'lpecl to p ut 1'\ C!u~ """" ~e ompa.n;y d.i 'it'r u~ lltOUi b Ill\ YO tloo ,l. ru:l Ill " ' I , (':t pn . worn amoot '· c wten l bo I . l b I ' d l ~ Iiiia~ • ~ til O

0 n11·m;~Jft1.4"" r."OT,'·· ' I'!IC ~he g <.HO) &rd an·l tho wretcbu; tco t, tot~ t tC 1 :u 10 a 00 0, 1.11 t lOY were per·

! •l:cl~rml " 'nN ~hr~tnk~7.. Jill i he:o '~u li tt l~. ItS O\\ n t&~~. Un ~ e•ory tlweller io that feet , cxceptln!j tb3t they were omn.ciated ., , , . If "'' n.oh nn t1 to a •m• l\nd It•• te ll I shut h1a eycaMd ref wed to see. Dolly n ud tuo t ldrr """ drn1m ti!!ht ly o ,·0 r t ho C At'ITAlr- !..2,1t00 OQI) Sterl111g. 11 ~f· b d r ~ tl 11 t J " · after lJfldy """" • tr "'ped o r llt ob b llt none !.<Joe~. T ho only imperf~ct hody wM th:11

- - - - "d'l''•• tt• l!~ -~ 1YU! 1' . ,"'11 n'

0 •o "(~t .~.,~~~ :~"~~,,~ l o f t lrusc t~3t tr.orl tl tal Jirtlo p:~tb dvcd <tf Lir11 t. 1\ i~tin.,:bury, t ho hl'ncl o f which ' " .... • o ~~ w ~ ~ • I l l ~ k cl • nppenre,J b~oily <lec,.ycd , from tho (ftct tl1n.t nu Jo: EN }l\ !=i u 11 A :\I' l~ r.u 11. 1 l ,:( l;. ·~·l~ l Ill lolutsh. \foollen socks,nnd wcr~ c•l· a peA~ 0

II$. • 0) man M e R q uesllou nt l• hrul L"" ll l • I I tl b l '<I r ,. the too COAltl tOtl ~i;ht o f :1 Ml\"in:,: wretch • ~ • u~• l e.,< u nger 1~11 t e Ot I IJ N .

1.1 V I': HI'C)() f. , ~ 1\~i· t~tl. tlur ~>lraual !tHa d . U1.on tl1e crccp.iu:.: "J'I to t lrt,only li re 11~ mi•lni!;hl, Several othor me1nbc~ c:>f l?o ercw corro---A!< u-

1 ri~ht eido o{ t he bn:ut, bel weco tL., c&rryro:,: iu 11 ;., b:\ull 11 strip of fit~~lt . AI bbratctl t l•c st:~ tcmcn~R. ,~h tlo aome re fu8•

Q l l E E"'f I :'\ :u IL \ ~CE Bl' J J.n JliH.;i, nLa he tr n •IJ th i! iotn t he flame on tue cod or ed. to ~lie 0~ .' "c. tub;~ct. , . Gil G ft.,;\ CEf ' II u CC II lOTH g~:T, Ari-&.\OI:ED TWO U MSO lrn.:sos "rointcd Atu:l: uo one o r hi, e Jmpl\nio•J5 fbo n .ttv ~lurd ofhccr, Co11"tlle , ~L,Ictl

J.O ~ Ul1N . ..,.,id• d i•l not f:~ i l to insr irc tloo~o p ruen t a')< " r.otol. :\ud when t c'""l; t he """ 'k - ~ W"1 "r "·~h one othc~ •lu:.: up tho hodie~. rri llt the IIIUIII 'II t l~)' tu.q>iciOD th!\l po<' r in_: !k!h tdth llld tr clb he l i e~ olown nncl . e rc '"0 t~ s t; to W ,e.ther thr y betr~):ed

T\\'E:\TY .ff UST A ~~ li .\ I, llEl'O itT. Ki•l'n;;hur\· mt;cl:t La.-o b rco foully dt10lt r.n th··r or t lr(' wnnl.l be aleepera ri•cs np aagus or c:~nnab~htm. . ' he s tory tla~t C om­wirh. Wllc n tho doctors touchet! t he nn•l ..:oc~ ~ilent !y olow n I hat my• tC'n o us path, IMUder, Selt~C'! . " 11"' r.mcry prrp~red tho mo nstr.chc o r tho cltad msn it e~~rnc lcuif., m harr il. it is e:\JOy to gucn huo burrid tl.r Ad for. bona! 11 untru~ · Dra., Ames and rho llCJJOrl!l IIIlo} .'\ cconnts f11r t h .,

ye:1r l~i~. pre~~ented to the. hprrholtlrn~ "' the A uuuul ~fe~tin~-:, on 'fucsdny,27th :\I n~· , l lli!l, :~ L whi.:h IJernnrJ ll uli.JI.sq., r•n·s ial ell, 8h()\\"C<l , in d tc Divitll·r d and &null n t I Ito I nLo tOt::t?tirl' r o r J 6 1•01" cont. Wllll d cclnn:d , £1-1,035 being esr rie.l lurwo rd.


'Tit~t Lito P remium$ for 187A, &flor ,ln..J,,otinq J~v in•uN••,.PA. arno •"llccl to C45G,2i~, t.uing 1111 incron~e oi £5,3 !>1

ovet· Lho P r-eminmlncomo uf 18 i7 ; nml the Lossc. t o £ 251,661, hc in1: 5.).1 G per cout. o n ~he Pr·aDiinms o t the Y c •u·.

IN THE LIFE DEPAUT~l};N'£. Tlu\t N o w P olicies hnd bl'cn issued

lor £222, 485; and thnt th11 L ife l•'unds hy tltu ndditioM m••dc to it os tho t"<'3111t ol Uto y uat·'a o pcmtio ns now rl'prcse~.t.s Gi.!lpcr cont . o f tho en tiro nrl P remium, rccci,·llll on uvcry policy in fo rce.

T ho surplu11 bnl11nco in the F iro Ac­count wn Rh o wn to \,e .£107.69!1, onL " ' \lo·hieh £20,000 WitS A}'J'I"'JII; tlefl t o Su&IICilRC -\ cconnt, r nising tlrnt Acetltlllt to £ 140,000 nnal mnkin,:: with tho He>· J~en•e l1nut.l snJ flnlnnco carried forwnrd .t2·1,000.

FUNDS. Capitnl l'aid np ..•..•... C:enert~l lluerve Fund •.•

..• . .. £1 Rfl,f):t0 l iO,llo!l l 411,t)U9 firo I! unJ fo r uuearllct1 l 'remiuma

lbiRuce C:Rrn td fo r wl\rd ..• 14 .0.10 3UtJ,8lli

11,11:15 Ltfo Accuntulnt (on .Fund •.. Aunuity )/uud.

.. I

SI MO'N UONOYAX, 1 Ooner11l A:;cnt (or Nlld

Bun-Ao t.I!Tt' • A . 'l'. l>Jt Yb1lAL~ I ll~~rb<tr G rnco, R. O"SUEEllA~ &. Co .•

St. Pierre. V ee.27.


o ff ps rliaJiy. 'n oe nO~O WM found. 1\!1 ~~~ - purp?SU. v r l\CO Uld th e WOrl: 1\lone. ~OnO Of t he ····d b t h 01 1 tl elief e _... T UP. ,\t-rr.n r.rn:rn:. , srnwen were r ruent, 1\rcor<l iu~:" t, th e

&en uo: 1 t 0 ecr 0 tc r X[>L-ul · otJjce ra' lt:llcmr o ti!, nt the tl rno t ho bodies tio 11, partially mining and bent to th" "An I t:ao nftc' d Tccllt of chr so ~:hnstly t1 b rl~:hl· " "b"u tbo reuuint "'er·o tn rue.l fllrlll \\ ere 1\1< m~Cul M Lhe d c..,oot u pon t ho we., 0J; up, ut they were givoo t ho over 0 11 ono eidd tho •kinl0111 bac~ :1nd rtll\ttt;l··tl C.•• l•'~~ Tu,• bt~re thons;ht n f bodio.~a LO rnr~y <lo wn tho hill after t hey U,,re ehoulder bl11d~a prei'Cotod tho nllle wh:tt t lt('y b tl c, tt)n bron~;ht on nnuse.\. were >rrnpped 10 bl~nkcta. Tho 11\ilora on &ickeuin~t ~pectaelc i\1 tho rronL The pby· nnrl iu tl.~ir wc.-.1; W.to t he ,tomnch ru· ~0 Jtlt,or lumd, L"IY they t ook 11 body 'out aicil\ns d id not fintlnny ~virlencc o f .-i,>lenc:u. ru,e.l to rcl~io tbi11 hnmt~n fl esh. Ia it 0 10 ~;r:wcs. Sci: ley sni•l the a tory thnl nod pl11ced the body in t ho or•c:innl pa.i· wo u lt rfn l lltnt tbuo tr.cn "ill carry th'\t 1 fl cnry " ."1 ~hot """" untrne. lit; helic• cd t lon From tha lllfl:O intt'fltlllo a bill nr aend'\ti•>:l or cbewing_hum'u tleah ro ,vcr ., I tlenry •h.clo u.all tho othcradid, o r tU:Inn-dnrk h~lr·fiko •uhslan~ft "'"• 14ken. ahow· 'I hopu no .. I p:luy I tnn~· forJ:ol i1 whoo I lUlU ~nd •cur~) · . ins: t it•• ot.o l~at t ltics; e1111:11 by tho dccaM· dit•," Wll'i the only praye r the wretc hed n.,.•/cm , :1"!1 ,'3 -.A aprc;r~l frnm . P orla­ed In lo ia elnrvtnf: co• dtliun \rt\JI t•roltftltly o::~un'b~l r, •I· I truly pn.y. It w:u Iris mouth &.\).1 : (;~ 1 . l\e.nl tl~ li lllOrDrn~; Ob· porriooa or clot\lia2 o r atnlalcin Sllii>S· A~ UCI\\"~tl of hc w e r>a 10 fOrJ;Ct thl\t nwful ttlncd ou lntc n rcw trttl~ Lieut. (;reel)' wlt o 1t lrnd be eo reported by t !tt a::n i• ore t!1n: a:c~cuiog IMt• .' od lll lta ll cnr Y l.nd" mt h tMy cxcctlllon ou Lieu~ KIJiin<'b\l ry b3d b Jt r(lll "tl<lnir.d l . • . , . . t ltC Gth of J une. llt>ury W:'IS dHected

• ~ I~LISGill llY AL<~ o\TI • • 1_1 \1 ~'1 Fl.F.~I~. StMhn,:: the l it:lite d • upp!y of food n11· 11 rupturo by fo ll ln;; off mn iccb.rif an eX· ~1nco t hol c·~ lruunt:nn "_f l' ~sltu;:boJry " ro· IJOrtioue d to tho I!Utflfora 111 carl, !\! ominntion wu mad e of t ho lower portion ru3ttra o d11t:fen t .c u •n tn"uon lt-u bu,·u ~l .rch. ' or tho ooJy. but no c··id ence wh:lld\'cr tnndd or ~he _IDIC8h n.,l ptrrtiona. With u... A• 10 tte 3llt g ed cnnnihaliarn l.icnl. WM found thnt nnytlting u r the kind b:\tl ruult ' ' '" . _"'"ldener h•• 1 ... c .1 I;Atherctl t ltft t Greely ~~.,,.~ if thcr~ WM nnnhln" o r tho oecur rt'\1. Tho conclusion reached w~a thnt tho.~ decii!\•·,1! an nat •lao h11r o hccn 11 par· kiod it wu at hl\\· t• been nn i'ndh·idnlll net tho wound~ bct wccu tho riba on lbu r~lll t&lter or'lluuta n tl t•,.h. a ud U!l\ ,.:eucmt :-lathing o r the kiw' tide of t be 11tcoat wot ~ c.ludctl by tbc L:r1i•c• u o r thoae who &t ripped lbe bocly tf i l l flNh liTAnTLISG lllii"[L.\liOS~. CA':>C under G rcelf• p.lrSonnl Obaet\"fttio n. lllld akin t o eti ll t ll'o ~rrihlo Cr&YiDl:l or One or tbe cr~w of the }l· rrr , wh'>I'O ,Yew YnrL . ... .. , •• , 1:1.-·• I t Wl\'1'11 m~Uer IIJZJ:r&\"Atod hung er . Liou t Kisli n(;btlry lll\d n&m~ for very ob r io ua rouona i• with hoi.J . o f aurpri•u to nuf. " M Jd t"o>m nunder Schley died o f etnrvatiu n 011,1 diiCMo, '""l lrle ,i;·•~e !' rt11or tcr the following int~n·ieiY thi~ y.:atorJ:\y, " that nhe r n • i!\"Cro 11ioler in comflldca had 1!1\l.o.O hi.; body like tbos~ of mo>rn111;: :- llo \fill ouo ol tbQ P'rtJ ea whioh t heir miecmlJl a liulo hut tLClto ruen were otlter11 who died b : furo aodnlter loitu. Tho wnuvo:l the dead llodiu lrom tlJe gruca nli r e a t 11!1, bat u f atill grenter \Yondt¥"· phyliicilln"a certtflcllte i. iu auw tauco ,•ba t buoiod tho ( ;n:ely Cllmp. Tho bnrhl placo ment th&J. c; recly h11d mftintaiu&~l . cvt n 10 is r tlatecl 1\bo,·e. where tho botl t.!4 \TCro reported found tbc lu i, oornpl .:te con tr'>l on·r lo ie comp.'\o­

l'nlUTt: IIESIIY"S llD"/f.\,

Tbo r tmaios of Priuto Ch"lrle ' 0 Henry, who wat 11tot 1\t the l;reelr c~mp on Sonitl•'11 Sonnd on .June Grh nt tho t in1e .Jro annivor11 wor~ rc'ducocl lo the rlirut C''t·

tremity for food, '~Ill round by the rese"u~ JIMty from ItO. til(ht h 10 1'1 I')Uartt'r of 11 mile beyo nd the IC'II t of Uta at..u~ing nteu. There ,.aa acarcely ~uytbiog left but 11 pll t of ~tli-tt•nios: bonn. etrit111cd- or nt:'rly entf"ltac~ of Oa•b oxc;;pt some o r t he lower p!\rll Of t lte trunk. 'f'loe h~:atl W:I.S miilin~ ~nd cou ld not bu fooncl, Nl that it wll at first auppo!~ed tllnt t he remt\iua were thoae or Dr. l'avy. ' l11o •bonu were p laned iu a b1g for rernonl to t bo Jk ar with tho re01a101 of lll lt Others Of the jiJ. (atod ~X· podition. Un board t hey were d~potited to A little box 11bout two feet loog, wl>iab woa pla.c:ed fth and conrod with the StArs and S&ripce. A day or t wo a fter t ho aqnadroa beaao t be homo!IIRI'd trip t be box WM rem.nd (rom lite deck. and the ofBoeN d etol'llllioed to nmoYCI all Aueplcioo of &Ita terrible IC!onea or c.1nnlballam enact· td u tho e&rop on Cap6 8ablae, prepared tho boDea lor burial,

anau or WIIOD

were prodred, ana to \be .. , lilted to tho proper le08tb; t.ho bonoa wt,. tl lld, ant II all were u oearly in pllae u h •• JlOWble to 1ft'*'-· Tk head wu mU.Iog. and a block of wood wa made to d o doty {n Ita pl-. Tbtn t!lil fnamowort I• tbe ••Po o f a '111&0 •• ded to a pla•k, rui4 woood 'lriCl cOhoft olotll ea the otbn bodl111 bad .,._, ft.,.. •• acme,tiUottelr pleetd fo OM of lilt aloollol lJltd tub W'flll IDiD• of tM otberL Je ,.. ...... lllellr •lid•' ....... IWII1Dblln~altamanlllody tbalwaa lifted a.t.o • oo.. .. 8" .Joltn'e ud -.keel • Prlnte Otlai1et lS. Htef)'.' It ... ~ llv.U• of wood &llat ... ~rh• to N•r T_., .WIIIIICI llf fritadl of _MI· watt lttMJ aec1 lmlld .. o,p.. H ill• ~. l:lo .... w ... WOtlr '*• d0111 t.lal& h il 'cloUelal tr .. OM lwlillnr

wlli in thu rc3r or tho IO·CI\lldd • &umm~r iona.'' The re ie no cloubt bnt t h:\t the teat ,' 1\nd d i, tant nbo o t :IC or :A. vMds tnrn wcro not o nly O\ orcomo with hunl(.: r F our of tho fi<"c men whose bod~< 1 · were and t•lryaicnl weak nu or ··~err kind ..-he ll r eport ed M waabcd ao "1 " ' o u id to h~ve rl'1cuecl, ltut •Te,. rn :. d eplora ble courl1lion died in J uno, 1\ll follow• :-Coop, ... nor, or D>iod and " alate of grut nncl.eAnlioru. ,Tunr :1 ; S urgco p Pur : .luao 6; Serg~. Fo r d11ys tbc t'ffOrtl or CAritrl!' for tltn•o (; ,rolrrer • . lu .. ~ 1:! ;. l 'rivMo llendc r J u no thl.t re nl'\iuccl nli,·o 11nd n f co llectin!! the Hi. h it ndmittcd t bAt tho bodit11 of bodice or tbo dC:~d, nfTcotc•l th~ members Lieut. Ki liu~;oury aud Schuddor wer~ a ot of (ho rclio( cren 110 that they c011ld b~re-lrur ted. ly fM anythi n~.

\\" ben nukod Ita to tbo flllCl or O r. PMJ, '!'he rulnor thl\~" po rtion or tho bocly or who i• repork.J to ht1vo diecl of tiArntloo ~h~rlct U. ll enry, o r th e~ Urcc:ly elp(•di· t he Pllilor mid :- ' hon, \till u !Jlo, LM CAnt ed much oxcllc­

' ThM atrrry alwl t" the! Doctor hllYing menl 1n tbe ueio;hborhood o f Cypreas !I i ll atnrvod to de tAL it 111l · w ro~g. llo w111 Cetnetcry. Al' P' icl\ltno lu•• been m~tlo to court-mllrtlallrd thrto times ~nd at Inn t he co roner by perso"a not r elatr•l to c.:ltutnitled eoiclcle. T he tkcleton found ll eur,r t o hue tho body exh umed 1111d nn .-i thoat a heac! woa t bM or Dr. l'oi\·y.' inqoeat held. '11to coroner Ia conaidarlo.:

'In '~IJ~t condition wero tht re m:lioa or tllo ru~ttcr. Ur. l'a•·y whon you fuund them?' llacltturr, N . r . ilwg. l b.-Ora. JJucl:lcv

'\\'o found tbo bones 8C&tta red all o,·~r and M~ndc•illc made n aworn at~tl!mont cir t he leo Thry \ftro g~thered togelh t r 1\nd raot1 diecloaed b)· the exhum•lio n of Kia· Jlllleed in n blanket, and the bor:ee wer~ ao linglrnry'a body. Th~ cxcitf'ment he re· li.tht tbM it wu ea11 to Cllrry tho '''" 1~<1 11boat is on11b.'\~d. lt i11 said l'ri• ate Ellla' ll!•nket witb ono band itl takiog ll.e bunrlle ram~nl will be exhumed u Clrde. w 11. tlowo to tbc bo:~t. There Welt <! m;ar k• o r Cl Ki•lln~:buryo brothe r · of tbe deoeAatd ~\I t­knife on 114!veral of tbc doctor' I bones whore linl'd " condition o( til ius:• '!hioh ~ould UJo Ocab bad been cut off. lOAd to tbc belief ~lr11t tile (jreoly elt:J>edi-

OTUUtUUOT. • lion WU dlvidt't{ Into two.p,tiu., 111\d t bet •Did you fintl auytl1!ng that led yon to one pe rbbcll beonnao tho uther ha11 ~:~~in!'ti

belle•• othera were I bot u oiell u l'rlute ~-fliou by force of the ron4 l'npply. In H enry?' t im oat.raclaod party woro IJt' tat." Iiialin~rhnry

'Yea; •e pick~ n p the bodlta or t wo nnrl Ur. l 'nvy. Tho condil iol'l o( Urut. mtu wbo wcro folU'Id la~r tD hne been KiJlin~:bnrfc body ahowa tbllt Ire dlrrl nf c'lurt-martialled aod eliot. One o f ll•e l•tar mtion at a tint') tlro OC hcf'l bad 10~ d1111d wo fonod on the groqod with tho food aupply, 111ere 'Will abtolutt ly rtO· limbe .tltd to the llodr. h 'w111 the bodj ••ing in tbp alnauob ; yet it 11 reported he of a httle fellow of dark eomplexlon. 1\ hJld helped to kill a polar bur tbrc'O daya ullo., opeDedtbemooCband the teeth proud bl!fore be rliod. K ialin1bury c.Jrea a to .be u black 111 ~1, ud we were atla· gloomy ri,w. llu t binka I bore waa a fled tlat ~an ~! beoa anft'erlng lroru atrul!g l6 nmonnt t be ttarY!ng. d"l'e"ltll IIOIIhJ. l\ e eDtDined the bod1 elca1ly tnen , &rOll th.tL lbo •tron,:eat bt wirtoe o ( aod foua4 thU 110 I M!a l!acl beta cqt from aathoritrud JHNAdalon of t ht> liule ronrl '" pron.bJy OWIOif to the rw that tbe 08 hand, anr<IY.tl. cLieaU Riliinl'hlll')'; it p?Or r .. uo. waa dtetu.d wbea "'' .-u rn~ fllOIIII, Will lllldtr the ban or L;.,n. Grt'tlf • oat of llle "'l'fr. f d l•pl.s11sure from the "":lnni11111 *a~';hu do you 111~ao b1 • pllt oat ot "" • IV~toAi..,u11, .4~""'' 15 • .-..lt 111\1 bt,n tl• ·

' Whr I moan \ bat tbt ahm· tat. b'· ~~d IIOt to • Jb'lme the bodr nf ~"' • •• a "" ......., .. , or lll• Gre.l7 upedltloa, 'l\o

lund excupt tn lleory•a CA!O. h i' ui4 there are no recorda at tile wnr or uavv de· p:.rlment, bea.riog on t he aubjec:t. •

Chief E n11inecr :\lel villo, or tho relief ahip Tluti•, Mid thia 11fterooon that ho wu •o_rry Kialingbury•a rema.ina were dug up. Ills reiJUlve~ might bave know a, aher wbnt bad been Pid ~ud written or Ia~. that t hey wool~ huo roa~d " ruutillltod body. G reely nod ht& compnmoua could uot havo Ji>·ed ll8 loug 1\3 ther did unleM theynto tbu lleah of tbo men t hl\t bad d ied. It was o nly Dlltural t hat tbty ahould d o tbis. 'J11ey d1d not kill thdr c:o rnrnuions in order to eat them; tboy only nw tbom after tboy wcro. deAd. Mcl­Yille 1:\id it w~ 110~ jc.at to ru~ko a a eo10 • [l" ri~on betw~cn thu De Long and G reelt p:lrttu . UoLou~ and his ~D froze and atl\r•ed to d eath 10 a fow day•, "hilo ft1uo poor wretch~ bad to 1;0 throus:h eloiY etnr­\"lltioo. ·n.o talk abou t Milora finding pieces Of flesh lfiog MOUDd lbt C:lmp \Vl\4

~~~ bosh. i\l~lvillo alAted tb:~ t tho offic:ett or tho r c:.lief t'cnt:la hl\d re~ived no order~ to kcop th~!r months ehut.. "11u~y bt\t.l !a llowed l ho1r own counsel l!Dd jud~;1ocot tD tbo n•ntter.

Ncoc l'or!:, A ut:11.•t 15.-11to Ti111a tillAr mc.roing L'\YA :-·h,e 1.1ilors genernlly ta llc freely or the ~;hastly acenc revealctt a t tho deaolatc cnmp, but ouly throo or four C.'\n apenk from 1\CtU ,J kDOIO·(ed!;O of tho COD· dit100 Of tho dead. S~n&aliOIL'\I atoriu llrO told iu pltlnty. Out the fncta u known u o of auch 1\ tertiblc character that evou tho tai lors' lon._cat ynrua nrc p robnbly li ttlo be ­youd the trnth. l n inte rviowa "ith Licut Greely Jntbliohetl y~~tcr.hy Ito "Ill reported lUI uytn~; that rriv:~to llo:ury wu ahut for atenliu1: ; that he wM never &ecn ~'"~ ill by b i• comradra, :\:Jd it 1\"1\S nudcrllo~d tt111c 1118 body WftS interred R l thC) fovt Of t bu 11crlh Well icc llf't. nud pr<'l u"'altly <r.~rritd nwQy bf the "'"''C'· 'lue bonra roun•l nrnr thG camp, ond which t he oOicera o l tho ' /Jtar pMched up with the ai•l o( piccu of wood intu a pac kn:;c rclclllhiing n hurn.'\ll body, weru at fin L r eported 1n thoaa of Sur.:con i ' .• ~y. T l ... crQlt"l o r the \'cuola, &nd ae•·c r~l o fficrrs nt we ll, tlid not l:now tbn~ llcnr-y"s re111nlt.5 we re brou~:ltt b:\ck uu"l thcJ nw p ublished C ornmnndcr Sc:b­ley·a report to Sc:cr~tnry CltQndlcr. ,\11 thouj:h t tLat t ho body Of t iro 111:\0 <'Xecnt• lt Wll8 loll nnd tlt:\l o f tho &Ut!!~On cn~d 'l'his poi nt lH>• j,:h·oo riac to son~o conuoent. Somo of the a.'\i lora '-'Y W1at tho boue1 or moro thnn ono body wc ro fou nd lll.out tho camp. 11nd wertl pnl in th.s box wttlo tho bones o f H enry. II is 1\bo intimated tJ1a~ when tho officers o f lhd e xpedition AJ:reod ou o\n attempt to l:~p from t bo public tbo re volting fi\C.,. nll t!Jo booc-. foood about the CAmp wen> put to~:ether 111 t hoao of ono 11\~11, nnd i~ was then decidu:! to 1 cport tiro remniru u lhnao or Henry. ilo WI'IS l:nowo to bo .nn nl1o0!l (riondleu ~ilor. Hr. P11vy oc:cuptcd • lotjlher rnnl:. noat fin bo•lir• were waabed nw~yllftor bnviog been b~ttied in 1\n ieo tloo i• n point in Cotnrn:uvl er !;d olo.(•' report thl\1 IS ~:encrnlly t.iiiCrcdit­cd. ll•o eu.nmer tent where tllo au~\·lvora were fouod \fa& ott 11 emall mc.a o~nrly a hnndrotlranl.~ from the t ea nod behind a ritt~e or rock., w that t ho woa ,..~, not viAible front tho shore. T ho \I"Wier camp wheru the ico lloc " "IU •itu!Uod 11fld wbo r~ I he fi r o l>a•lies •verc reported al b uried wu Ot"Or tl•e rid!;e o f iockl 1\ntl a hun°drecl ) ~>rds Crom cJ1o te nt, Rl nearly a rigbt ao~lo to t ho direc~ nppro~ch from ll1o ua, nnd oo n a~nll bly. T he burial "'lace, wbero len bodu!s n·ere rl'ported foun.S, ,~,... In tho renr o r tbe aumrnc r t~ot. anti dia~nt ou:v tbirty or forty ynrdt. Four ol tbo fl •o mcu w.bos? bodiea wero reported 115 wMh~ 1\wny ~ted 10 •. Tunc. as fo llo .. a: Coop, uilor, .Jnno ..rnl ; ltiur~oo" l'a\'Y· J uno Gth ; &fJ:l. GIU"dne.r, Jutylt'"l:!tlr; l'rinto Bonder. JotJtCJ l Oth. l 'hcsl) deaths OCCitl rre<l nt a tirnu when tho aun i.,ora wcro mifcrnbly \'I'CI\Ic ­

the latt only four woekl before tho rucuo c:amt!. l' ec. if tho reJ•o rt (orwnrded to Seerets ry C h1111dlor is tD be bolic~ed, th aar•l"o" lottud of carrying t hdr d e111l corn.rndu to thu little bnri11l place dosu behtnd t l'c. ten t, toll!. t hom, deapite tlu• l'"tl\k enodcuon tbey vere in, to t bo leo Oou II hund red yards 1\WR)'. flre bodiet o f tbrc .. others w~o d ied in J une-L.Ie nt Kialin~:­bury. l'nnto llenry And l'riYnto Se'lne!.J~r - were recorored. Tuo booliu or Kialin~: · bary 1\nd ~chnoider w~re not ln!riod, it wu admitted. U ooL Ki,!iogl!w ditll.£>a~u\IO I, before anr of the roar ..,.o d i .. l"''' i11 the aMnt month, ye t b~)lodr waal!"rieol cloao br, tv bile '"" otbe ... ~r the report i. ~tlien!~ w~ro latta a hoodred yarc1J aWIIJ. lllo truth 11 pl•ln. 'fbo l-odiea wore not

wMhett a«t\,)' . '11to Qeab lthd been eaten. 1\Dd there waa no t l t h o n tho bonea or ftny body t noos:h to pot togotber and' rleliYer u. frientla witbon t hnin:; the wretched truth ~omo out. When St. J obta'a wa1 re11cl1ed cu·~rr correapoad ent., whether on bo3rd tho ahtfl.• o r. loc11l nowep11.,er- men, reporte•l aix ~dtea 10 tbo hold or one veael and toYCh to lbe taok '>n the other. llenry'l oama Wa\ ll'lt !l'iVU, , Some Of bJs bonts am doftbtll'NI ID tbe iron ri"•..., oaallel beflri~ hit n11one ~ 11re probabl. bqnc• o r o thett or the Yl'\'tohed men. unlra they wero nrbt'r-wiM ri!Jpoqod of. Dol In llenry"a cuktt the eouteot.ure priaciptlly pieot• u( wood. .....

;r;;·~~= ,. W hen a bna.V of e.i!UIId!A~• an.t

chl'ralllte aan01ant'M ... cJ =:L, rttat br tc;rmbh•lnr IIOtt:o w•lllntowyt ~"'""' , rl•-, ,... M~t trlllu ll'rfo) ~-- Jrrl)• tlneo..l. •hldl wo•lll ..,. ... a wide ran a. r.f til•,.... thu II'CIIl:oll .aMt, ~~te~f'dfea I",,J!Jid _,.d ... ,...-d ... -1,... ~p· tl~: lltn ~ nr ............ '-r! tellfllll ttlal hila offe(W'llerl all ~bL •ri •n-rtar lhto •"-'"'""' tlf , .. l 'JWt ~. llnp tuu .... - r..S ,..._.. ~ all•

Page 2: lodioal - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18840906.pdf · flo ":1.11 11 other bo~tts rcpt~riOd to hue br~n waahed ftnd hi• funeral here

I (


' A Trip &UOM OoaoePUO!l Bay- W L ..- Se«r& au4 IIMid-'JLallway r Lf.­tbore~ .Pidd-Llne Oponed Wddl& O( Oqtobcr I -1larb6r Oto« &pr 1 188-1

Cnnuuon ... mof bll tb some or our ro:ail era tile teeD~ lnJepAn.~lo from a lrip IICrqq t;ouc.opllull Us) there '"" tDI\1 y od Ul'll

,yho lul\ u not luul tbo p rtvtlllit of b.lholJ lusr u e•, 1 o t heae IMte r "'""111 evw l <l t lue fo rme r tho r~l11tlon of Ulu tmpNII ~tot a s,J:tl\loW by our lir1t J'>UI'MJ to llarbOr (,race aod tl u alate• •• iat of a few faau of p tbhc unportMC• tutw he o f lutc~t 1\ltrl ~I c 1 opu that the' '"'' 11 tbu cotcf reMou for t111 cdatorll\1 lcUcr I

Oo s,,turday morm •J tile cloud., "ha"h Jow.red over Sr.. J obo • 1 ro nased m ao­mao a 1 small quautttiU pori 11p8 t.> \h11 I opdul but tu unp~ut volumn to the 1 t<ophet.a wboao 1~ona Lave bceo eo •1ooruvdy d11proved'l by tbo Btnui!Ce weather of thu put ep~aug 1\nd early IUD tncr \\ o \fcro o f tbc S\ll!!Uauo na~abe?, --4 kmcl pron h:uce Jlralll• d ua 11 reah&atlon~ u tr hor.«&. fo r not a drop of nlo fell o~ , s wl tic •vc aoacb..d from St J ohn t :~ J ort ~~<t&l Cove 110d wbtl" c r.,..mg the I»)" t l u 11 tn llho• o re.pleudcntlr :Sulltud o • 1bo front o! (;ouRitl~u • st"f;O colll!b aud b)' tho oodo o! &n lutclhgcn~ dm cr \Y O

ler~ :sr.. J ll llll • "' !) IV a.u "" I at J l) -were upon tho etcn. olboRt " ht1rf 11t t.l c Co,o-lcn maiCJt 1 1 uou hour 11 I t vch o mmatn -not b.~ l tra'"clho g f.,r al.Jige <1(~'\Cbco II 1\llf C01111try :\I I fl\r bolt er t h."l wo lt:\d 1\ y re~~ 10 CX(>CCI \\ b6 eo~u !l tt5ertbo tho bc'luUfJJI IICcl cA 1\lon~ tic t oMI? Ccrtatnl) not w o for no teo males e••:r tnncllcd IJ) us prC&Cnlo I 80 v11 rood nnd ,1-t ., pl.,as "~ nnl,\ornl buauhes. h • t ,.fre rlc:\IIUJ::St Toho a lhc eve ru 11 ~ th lc hj:l t npo 1 t he IU>IIJ l)io:Mil ful COI~~Cd nl1 I hold• nluns: t l o ro\d o.nd wben tl csu h~> 11

<ltMpJlCMCU rro ll l l 0 ((UC l \VIII 1.) ~lt lc c\.-.tul" 1\llcllllOD 1\IIU It tnOoL"11ltngly 1 unci ou•nrd~d tt Lons: o 1d o:trrow to lbo finot ~ ,.,.., "" 1 brcl\ktn ~: 1010 uo rtll ""I aouth bt , ohes deer " ahort dro "" ~tlo ~~ iJ~ LA k t, tt tS lx 1\Ulllol fru u " '!I 1)() 1 l of ob&un nt 01 " 1 I tlus benuty uuprc~sc• usdf '" h grent fo rce \Vhc 1 bel t ld by o 1e e>r:l1larnt.eJ by a dmo bol11 I •

'FI"' tlo 1r p.·ur of bnyA 1\UU wul II o b.~lm l<ltit nr \>.~tny \ u~:ust dl\) ' \ nd ><hen the 1 o td h:uo !;O o from our ~:~tc I k~ n

b03nt ( tl dre:o 1 bu~ nol for lou;: w e

I Ot>~' tl " ro~d co n encc• lA> cl I' to ' " n;ttl ohc "•I!Cl I " td fro • rn;: I Ito b t ) Otl l a...oem to n•e I •.,t cr ~Ill h ~: bcr t o I a r o H

'~~'•Y Lo t hu I~) Jlnll ·~> '" •n tl u lo f) htll l' btd l~ n I~ to the t;o•c tl c C)ll C:lll h6r.:ru uo op~nl •g t l rcult1• tbo hustc l1tlo

1 1 fro ut anti tbu rOI\Cl wand• 111 nuJ out luh~r and tbalhrr lake,. ~"""' sol\kc Uut t l c d~ACtnt bccon t S etc~J>e a 1 I steeper wllh each J>All"l"!; no nc• t and ~o • the wl\le r be)Ot tl '" ' ' ~~~ thu Co•o tsrlf nro ..een nl •o•t 11t our f•ct ll) t hu t n c "Cl hR I r •el ~~~ tho wbtf 1\ 1 b M I I tl s ~ l .n ly ( lncu tc:uns vi cl h" I I ~


ocge ~hmbarh -AND-

CONCRP1JnN DAY ,WVBRTJSilR ----~~~~---~~---,,-------~

,. urated, Ia 10 DIUIOrupulou• and dotd to •" prutctlll81 of nab' &Ad law, not \0 apeak, ~ Cbnat.ianaty, ll the aalborilied uponeiltot Romaa Oatbohc opuuon 11a thin~t we do no•Oot.re t.o t-ellovo uul .. we are forced to rlo ao.

rorpoael7 Nlra!Aad from lltllnr ~bek DIID., •••o up to Llie preaeot hoar \ Jt1 j011ilctt to th~ polioamoo, Wt IDD•t fD"*' Uf &bU tber orideotll cooutlered

tU~ tht1 bad o•ly done Ulelr clu~r. for we IIDd &hem llliiP!Oniosrqoo of Utt mtJuoa be (o,. Bt.Hooor 1 K. llenneu for to(orfer Ut!r w~ Uaem Haa llonor, however, dta· 111'-d Ult compllliot, 11nd wok oocaalon to pOlo' oul Ule mlelllke &ho policemen lfad made, aod Lbe iode,.ndont ac.awa tha& ~he flreOteo occupy. We loteud out weak to m11ke aome oba.lrvatloue oo tbo u-aty or afot:.dlolf mor encounl(emaot to oar Yolan~r flre-compAoyl~t 11 .. ~011 glveo

4 q (' f )Qcl t m ~xcllaDgo for 1.hc Lec,..ard t.lauda 1'be ODIJ ol&lm{ ' nco l tts OD t•e 0088~ of Nlmfoundlt'ad arc t he pnrllrp~ ox&cade4 •lotler trcnt.y to .Prytth ~U~UI~ t o t.-Jco CJfe fiah l U baya ari'd to land foa; ho p\trr~ of o~tr •~~& Lt.bm Th Jli"'rieb.Juave nd tert1 .. t.on•J claama wbat.over ~ ~a.cnl11nd To alak aa the pclce or 1'oregomg t Lese Jm,'ileg03 the CtlllSton of lbe Leeward blea r• 1<0 aKk n pretLy staff prtce Th0t10 French llt!OI Ie 11\ our mnrkot.s "ho 118 a matter or cou rao, as k u l lo;tSt t.wa.:a ns mtcr. 116 'boyo~ ex1-acL o • onLually to ro oeiq t or th1 u proJuco, a re left f.-r l:o h1ncl) by tlaoao ul\tlotll\l bllrgamcrs. Tbet" na-e two parttee, howeve r to every bargun and nhhongh tlaro E ughsh Govornua~t 18 11nxton!l to lut.vo tho pr t Vl.eg"ell o£ tb8 f! rcnob UshCI'JIIOn on. l lU,\ aQ.uth OOI\lll nnt ullod at wsll hetnti\Lc be foro Jl&) mg unc:h n 11116o o r nnyt l tng lake it N early OIAry Euro pean 110wcr bu !lOme t urnc.ory 111 l ho \ VosL l ndtl'~ 8(11\t wl}tch hut o. IIOIUPwh11t u ncort.oun hold upon Cnu ' nud Po rto )llcu ·~ tl ac greatest \V~st Tndmn powe r hovmg tcr• I'IWry of llOt11 1) lifL) t hOII!Utr(d IMilllll"O m aJea Wtth II ('OJ1llllllOn I ( a ll() ll t WO !Uld a quaate r tll tlltonK Grctt }j ttun to 'Whom un 110' t. lac R:tllh n ~~ a ad m~ of' .. th' Iinl!ler .AnL•ll~ wl~tch In;. clnd• oot.~ th& Lo;w ll'(l 'nod Wimdwu.nJ t.'TOtqlll bclollit ii.'}•e'.llceojla w.,.l ln Jtt\n power ••t!i~{l9cnt.o• v of n l'arly fotartt'On &hOWl'"~" ~o m•l•s uu I n

[IOpllltltaon o f ~bo~~~~a:c tutcl n q uarLc r malhona. l"rauee -toJUl•S lhu d, Lcau0 tho (10aSC1180r;/Of~ tO Of tltu !'lllll\llc r 1 l•ml~ wtth nn nrc ' o f de• 111 I n lire I Sq IUfO IOtltlJI UJl(j nnJ ' 1"'1 UltOIIOII of about Lhree buodttld tJwn:t:1ntt Of tho Ll\eward Jal . .. ds Ji n iiiCll I us uu.Ju-­lonpc &od of tbo Wmawoni ~~ 1rt a u aq to U..t ween theae two potl>iC-.'Il;tOIIS hets tho Dntish hlllnd o£ Do11nnu:n J~.,t nort.h of tl o tlftoon t h pantllel <~fl • t.a~uJr 11nd thwrP(O e ll 8 o( the l .oOC\\ Ill ci gr011 p o( wluch Mta:;l~ntl 0'" ' a be>tnl<!l! MotH tiQ~raL Anttg 1 ' St Ktl6 U,u bud • An· gnill ' und U u '\1 trl:,'lU tbhll tl• To h 111d t !I C~WJ ovur t u 1 • m cc " u tl 1 oo to ba enk ap Lh 1 cLam of tshnJ~ belong• 'II to

Jo ngl mel wht.el ~trutchcH tn A loCI\ 111 ul h ue f10111 t~ o coa.l of Flnrtdu lei the norlL COL\IIl of ::So tlh A1 •en~.-u ou thcr nuunlant.l of wbtch ahu ''~" j.t01>1Cli3Cs Gn tunn

W& IIOlf'CUly ox~'llW<I th6 7 erru Norx:t. .AdiiOOale t.0 d taoc:e w tth plooauro o• er our ronunka ol Luat weolc on tt.a .lUttude over aanco Lhe lllld alfl'lly ur lut Chnst •~as poo1lo d on t gencrnlly fet.l obltgcd l{) thoso w ho from w lat\l.e \ ur ano ttvo aud an whawvor ..,,.,, JIOlll~ o aat tbear ancoo atsten~tll:l and wtclcodness. \'1 o wore almost \ltef'l'rod for tho mtsreproecnta~ t tOM and Wtld atalt'utOnta 01 ou r CtLy contotu)IQrnry, fo r thou;;la t~naons nn tu:q~tcd wath H nngh~ woudur how our romuka of lnn week contlt!mnatory of Lbo ouLmt'o nt U onloy a:., loo r, and of our cout.empornry a Rtrocionsl y 0:'10 Silled JIOhO) could 00 80 twallc.od 118 our m otrollOht.un hrotho~ hM

""' UII.Od ihom, ,yot " o nnd ats rc.t.dct'll have htd 110 much e:>:t>llrtcnco of wlat\t at Ot.n do m lh ts retJii'<:t tha t whntovc r feel tn::t m ' " b J <tXotte<l t horolty surpn110 l!l

not tho n .. mo to I>''"" a 1L li nnn<'Cc.Msty to tako p.p tho A h -o

atl<l $ stntotuc nts HOt~ Htrt. u1d sho ' tJ etr untru~tworthmCIIS.

W oJriaull 11h 1ll ga' o u fe w anm ploll Our oonwruponuy t.!leg~ (we J o no t AAV bo hc• e~) t.h It tho STASDAIIO IYitclo of last week C\ aJouc.,d • hackangur> tf nuLg 01\l m ;:: u vl't all ne t so dts0 n1ccful to Cl" thzod IIOCtt.:L \ - 1et.~ he would "PI ea1 dot.er mt 11'o.l lo ,!..:fend 11L nil hnunlw H~re as tho"n) ( vu q aot J from oar

nrttc lc rclcrrl'd to)-hooe 1 ~ the w av we I a ko I 'I g lootE:d O\ or a nd de

f.,n I J thu ' ct ln tl n c:uo we fc:tr from whAt we

hM e hurd thro a~h other aourccs tnl\t the ru •~ much truth 111 tho t\COount f hl\l thoru ~1, 1 tid bo 1\t ) IS to o tr oun I n tch to bo luplor"d \\ u dllpre~:-110 no3t c~rnc$11) All)

tl m~; hko brc~ohca of b w llud or Jur no UIMtcr fr11 u will quRTtCr t l cy m~y C.3mc \\' u won II 1 ot. btl do a •~; ou r hit) "" " cat ten nor wo tiel we bo cxpr<O~t 1: tl ~ re~l ~. mmcnts ol our naod wcro wu to do othcrw 16C

T l o ~ l rocau s ''!I~ f trt laermoro tlant wn cat!' I tlau foohng en:;cm lort.«l hy ho COlli"'<' <If r vc ntll 111 connel'tt m vllh t.hll t rugtc o r uts o f D eecml.Jilr la~t 11t Hnr­hor On•~<' "' \ Jll.f fiji• •tw 1 o f Lhe

IJ cad~) II ul. oro at ~<00 tluu wo ap-[lfl:ll c 1 tn tho no v rolo o f con as 1

f<~r the dcfenoo,o r nthet 111 JUSLt6cn non " o f t ho rowtlvtlln ant.l \ ao leuco o l Lho.'IO

who30 1\Ct.s ho (tl J :::.TASDAIIDI would 1 oppo.'\r UOWr mmftd to dvfc lllJ 1\t 11Jl h•z"1 1,

N o v tho STASD\RI> nn;ht Ill ov!'r look tho lllCOO~ISI~ 1~\ of 0 I CO lit tnpor ll Y t1 ~l L lC ITICU~ of t hO role b~ lll!; I noL\ one "tlh "" lallt bo &s!!Ort.s cl~c 'hoa o 111 tho same 11rltclc an I ~h ' d l t l • t k I tm fur allO\VIng II, so Ill IC I c reuat ~hoult.l fPol obh;;;o 1 t~ at fror not loncuncan; us Ul tho 1 t.<tvjfiiO" of d to o aL1 1ge R tL hcaf' •~ tho mnnncr 111 "'l11ch "o piR l om 11e10 rolo of 1 1.11t~ fy• '7 o tmge -

Wo Ado ttt ~lo:\l tt Ia very !ftr I whop people nro li\bOrt •g u J c r " grtcvar.co for wl ch tl C) :>re lo 1111 I lega l rud rc.M CJ

[><JCr.,IJy a acb a ono 1\S thol drc~Hul niTrny of s~ ' " l'hen a U •> Lut rur wl d nil "o al l U<l IIIl o(' bnr uo ) 11111 ~:ood vall-It • vory l >rd wo any c3pect:l.ll) lo r t l e roore loop •1•1\o au I u retlccu g 1 oruon of

r x yea'" b) 1 c u r 1 loz 1\ people to kcev t hctr fed n~o:• under ru 1 < 1 • • I« ~sttunt but at is llcvor thelciiJ 1 r Lou • 1~11

• , It tltty to Jo ao II d ll 13 to 1;., I OpuJ II It ; l ' r d .. ,. :.1! ~r ho bf virtue of t hctr p~h 110 11 u t "<' 1 1 obat1113t u ~ny anflucuco >rtll c~ert at au t ltu proper

darcotaon ::-> ot onlr •• rNAiu\lton or tl a clescraptao 1 wrong n ll.aolf at 18 t.:~ be

\ 1 1 u o co 1 lc nne I f o ly on tho grouuJ t hat t he 'll Dr 1 111 tocc l t or c~oupUI\UYCiy ar naco 1L most

ll•o '"" 1 "lectnc 0 1 lo r 1 ,. ~ ~e I 1 frcq 1u1 tl) au!Tor \Yhtle tho ~u It! e5capo 1 )•u!r anJ han c 11011 t fo r 110 no 11 no If ••e know 11 ydun!f of I to tc81llnt In my o wn c..,.d 1 ••II ~'' (.,r 11 thM at , 1• n 1\DU 114 1011\cltolltl t bcy 11ro daamctrlcally the b~t prop.u atwu 1 hllv" ever tndd fo r o pposed to aaeh doto~s ar •e know llUJ rb • ••• thaug of tho aenhmcnts of ~e in~ll gent

~cn.._.n Protei! a 111 of tb11 hl11od _,od we II auk

Ayw'l .\ill• Cure whoo usc I 1\cronJ n~ to direet£oo• •• wsrrttntc I to cr~ h cMo rro n Uld •ntem all fo rms o! m~l"r al II• ~•• •a~ 1 "" F<Yer • oJ \~:uu l I II ~ ov r

(ulcrm Uc t lte uu nt nnJ Ha too s I' u YCMI i\nd I •orders of thu hvur 1 ry II T he cxpcrrnoc 11 tH n &'fu ooo nnll will ~o~l yo 1 otl t •g f " curo ,. nul o!Tect.,J

n 0 c loorny ro.r• thu d cspon h nJ: " '" ""8 tho ><eartl tS.i of ~out thot UJI\ny c:o npiRt or ><auld ohon !l t'<~f po" wt ro tho bloa<l '" lo pure n I hc~ltby IJolo ro rc~<Ch l >ll ~he duhc~to vca~de of tho brr. u \ ) er a ::;.,r

"MpBrtlll\ purafiea 11 td Vlt:llt%•a tho \1loo I and tl a• conduces to he11ltll of booy aoJ umty of wltd

Saoco 'ftiAhty o r n{.'f..-oua atrength 11 en zcnJcre I 'toat epoodaly by tho uao ot Fullows ~yr •P of llypcphogllhllea II IJ t/~ rc not.l v c.~lculswd ot on ly w rniUif.'tC tho VIOlence or Wl\tlllOJI d tSe MU and I JJDCCl a raptll recove ry but 11lso to proteeL 1 ach 111 u•o tl fro n ~mg ntt.ackcd by epado uac 1111\l:>dld .

Lr..~on1so Dnvoo•~N on thla oont1nont te~ufy to tl c l~'JCC and consll\n ly ancre~~ ~~~~nits of No.,hrop & l ymi\nt V dteeC...bl~ Ot~Jovery "' d ~>r•~>Cptlo (;u ro aod t uporL at• he dice I err CIS tpo 1 thetr CUIIO Dllrtl troubl od wtth l. vor (.;q uphunt Cou81tpa taou l>yapepsa"f' pnritv or tbo !llood nod other ph)'IIC..'\1 ll r tulle' And M a ramelo med acl HI tL lh. 1\CcompllabuJ romork:\ble

----J R Cnihbertao r oronto wr1tea

' J.ly Wtfll Ita II very IUIVIIr& Attack Of l'leurlly and I n~mlnauon of t he Lnn~ll " bout tJaree yeN-. 11go and ever atnce hl\l bo:.on • nbJe1:L lA) •e• ere colla on tho ahgbt en erpaauro lb raot Utey were 110 freq teo~ that I er •yetert ••s (llillC r ed aced Sbe t~t.l aeveral reroedie.B but without 11n1 ptTtn•n~n t effect uul.ll abe wu lodllceu w try Northrop & I ym•n a ~ malaton of Cod Liver 011 and llypop!loapltacea of l.lmo and ::SOda ancl J un happy to -.y tt bu ex c•eJcd onr 11nhoapau~u11. [ buo no heal l{otlon tn r ecommendtog '' u a llu l'AL U IUIIDY rnr all affection• of the f.uaga 110d l;b"t., a ad fo r a ll cl-Qf Wnung D11 .,.. ..... ~nd boahliOJ lip of Weak Coa~th11 IJOOL 1

wo J o-tl ey &grot wath us til oondcmnang euch occurreoc~s I'bo moro proper t1 e ntOrO dtg 1iftuJ t bo moro Will! OOllrKO ror Prote.~tnuts 18 to re'r In rrc II 1\ny word or J coJ that nmy l c cons rucrl 1 tlo :\II ansnlt auJ whalst demandao,.. that no atone slutll bo left uuturncd to bNog homo to tho 1t1111ty tho re,rful deccl of St Stephen a IJay ' uJ t o b rang about such 1\ allto of llf four• M wtll le11d t 1 t l o effieaen~ 11dtuinaa trn11on of JU&ltcc yot to do uothang c~u demncJ b) tho noml bw II tt. whtln ... o J o mon a~ne~rely 11n l e Arnoatly bo po th M snoh oc urrcnces M tbeall may bel d11 co 1 tl'n:t ce I an I d1t1CO 1lln aerl otc

Protestant• ( t bo ~rrel\t bulle of them) e1 en though thr~ugh no fau lt o r deelro on th~ar part tho very tntunate pohUoal rola t oo•haplo r g ftabiltatmg betweo• the m aud the othe r grCI\t r ehgaous body bo s napped 11!1 1nJer haro yd no waJth o ve n tf they I :~d tho potror to <!cprlvo them of tb010 raghll ell at t!Jey cla11 1 lor t~msel v<l

Unr con temporary soos on to spo1k o r oar" wnthans IVIlh sptt.o nn 1 m"hgm~y ~~~ t ho oX JIO&u ro o f tho H en loy R •rbor ouLr •go by Llao AJuoca~ -"Inch JOUr n11l cl11ms tho crodtL of bemg tile onlJ paper tha h&S bro 1ght t he (Rots under t ho Mttoo o f tho pnl. he and tho ttutho r attes \V'o dart~ uy t iMt tf tho truth '!'ere lcnow n, th!! ou t hon ttcs know of tl from o ther and nfttro t r ust.woalhj ftonrces ~foro tho .A. duocatu arttclo nvpellrot.l Jlod tho Adoocat.s c llltmetl t.0 lfo tho jifiC JOUrnAl who pubhabcd an account of f he .ttur n o one would bavo t•"on e.xcop •fan to tt So f1..r u we wore concerned at Wll8 tmpoatble th r Ull to refer to tt bo (OrO WO dtd, unlO.q WO f\Ublt.ehod an AXtra -'1lnd tha t oven 01rr oont.ompotary coold ecaroely expoct. We notice that our mot ropohtan bro ther of the Ttmu comes out. &ot.l umlea waLh na tn condemmng t ho 11U1ok on 'he Sr.. A ug.utuae, and tYC ba • o no do uhL t hn o tlte r P"f"l" wall do ~hooaamo u eoon u tboy ob~n trust­worthy mTormahon ahout it Would tl~at p.1o Roman C.lhohc PJ'~¥~8 h11d done like ~t.ae tn l'Oilpoot to tho deadll lltt.ao!c on Prot.eltlnta on St. S~pbeo • Day luL I lrbe ltate fl. Matte~ MIJbt tbeo hue

.. wei( clUJ'enot rrom what lt Ia at NUMmt • Tbe A.d-* hittata that it rept'&Mnt.

!' ~he C.thol~ ovlnaon Clf tb~ oounLry" ~· Jr;oow: ..... , it npretenta 'hAt power ,ol chquo wlaiob eucceecled m -uering bl'Oadoa•~ tile braDda of IOCtauan lltrife, ~d in bringinr lNl tbe coodltioa of lll'.a.it'l lohd Jecl t.O ~. DOtoriOWI 1'enlfct ,.., '•no~gnllty'i,--od "'•\b onrapoiOSJ lot delpU., CQ DOdee le. !aoub ... ~ooa. Ba~ aPt a ebeet wh1eh hAip parlued

,•cb a pollo7, aad, u we haft-denaou·

Tho .Adt~Q«JU ei1J,too,tn auppo.mgtha~ Wfl referred to ltllam1W c&I'CUlation ou• o( don~~too IC 1& liad 111'11ata Jallodtoed ovea to a little better pnrpoee. 1~ would ha\'e aeon ~llat •ho lac~ wu meoLtonell 1a

cooneotton wath tho quoet.lon u ~to whtthor or no~ 'h roprosonte I tbo Yte'll'a of our U oman C.thoho nt11ghbo~ and fe llow countrymtn. h Itt no~ a good BtgU t.0 6nd ou~; oootemporary 10 relldy to ooue~ o ~be wora~ or Lh.lliO who, not out of all well to baa personally bn~ from the bes~ of moti'NI, pom~ out to bun hiA ru11jta.

U 11r chantable o,t, frlood 11 aow fully COIIYIOCCd bo toll. U1 Of Odr '~i.eilf tetlla preJJIOIU ~C!J and OfiiTogf ~1 •nd by we may expeat to flod him cocat.i1 on~ IUid accaalo~r aa of an1tiptJo¥ Lbe fnal afJray of S~ ~pbea'a Dar I& - to b11 tbe proper thtrJr nowaday• to Uft mardorera poatDg u QIAI'\yra aod r-atnca.

Here Ia what our very Cbmtw.o oo•'-.• pol'l\r)' .. .,. on the potot Qua to auflcieut

to JU&llfy tho ehargo of comphctty whb provaooa 0111~ aJYI\oced apluot tho Sr.?ttdord bj oorte"J'IOut.lcuce to our coluruua 11 lew moutllaamco Q uotiol(

from llnr odttonaleof a fuw montbe 1 11100

" e i!IVC 11 aptlCHneo of tllu w11y w w!ueh wo wellgt>tcd lb4 outrage

We bopo •ad pnty th• l now mnro tlun enr all ,.llo have aoy ludut1noe (• ud " I o baa not ?) will Ulolt 0 & lbo OIJO Of pt'<\CO & t\t ON OT LIIJ l u tl • furthon ooe ol tb.,.., cordial r•IAtlo oa tl ot 1 uo to bopplty el al"aderixoct •• Ia lloo 1 :ut. Tho b al ..,. prv! IHII'IIY • td tLo l.applnOJI!I oltho ""''""unity do.,.,nd apon tit,. L<>< a 1 ooo no """ .,Jo or I be tllbor .. uow M UtiOilto be lloo cr••t 1u nl •• 1d clh o lo.-hn.:• WI on roprl~&t. tako 1 • .,., o one knowa wbero II oy w Jl oat! bod I ~ It>{ h lnl<ln• lfto<l •vn••ul a I perJI"(ualod a l I u in oco 1 oheo • tfcr lnateod I tho ft1>llty I 1 • all leuo l<l tile Ia • of th.t l&J d tho ~ n..tlr& lou ol j1UII01 ""tl lb~ puoubweul ul tbu s•lll)

(But tl o extracls we h•vo clapped out "TOuld fill Op " colaum of •J13Cu J

t.J..ny gnod people tlro~llt t l at l bp STASilAUn went~ tl o othrr c1tromo It 11

left for tl e AJrororc aod au ~~nonymoua acn bblor a atr .. ngur au our utidat, to asy tho n ,..poa•IO

Jf our tucrcdalooa conlomp<?rary woro to correspond "'lth tho 1\lll ho rttlca And wtlh 11.!1 fn ends hero at . oull fi nd out t he troth on tht matwr \\ o gavo tl full liberty t o pubhah t bo rcault of tUI 11\VCSU~;trttone

T o ttny am putt •1 rnon who knows oR [lOn!One.llv or m o11r ctlatorml capacat} thoro as no ncod 0 1 BJI~tng th .. ~ wo lu&vc: .. Jwuys used our and tenc:e to dlllcu m t.cn a nco o alt •.,e vtOI, ncc, anti tnsult cttho au won ! look or deed W e cia .tlP.ngt 811J OliO to J IOII I~ 1:11\ 81nf;IO ICt of Oltnt

1 aul o ur prav tlc Ua1t c .. u f11lrly be oon satlc rcd tnconM~Lont w tth goo.! wall t.o wnrdH ho30 of " datferon~ creud from on"' A.rnongML t llosu of o thor creecl" nro Ill IllY for ••hom wo e tturhun t he ltahf~L r(!ll l oc.:t 11n.! ro tt-t.l "liJ 0 II

Cull•lauL tsh ond C<JnWt tiOII tllf'or C"<Jillll n .,l L~ lo r nil

Bot ve woult.l be coar nuUmg • gnmt en no veal) - to allow .. ny c •mnder~t laun wh 1to'"cr t.o bland us t.O the m tor­estK of t111 Lla 11 naJ JU8U ::c \V' o tl~S~~uo ;;o

seo til cl u~scs nnd cre,da Ia n ng t.ogc ther m IJCotCtl ant.l httnnou~ LuL wo Cftll

cle.orly p•wcvtvo ~Ia •t tiucla can only lt' lAJilal..ly be lookct.l for whon tbe 01111

p tr~y tlt wtlhng to Jtmut t.o the other \hat Lhny do• • "' I fur Lhc•nsol vea

(1 o be ro rmu~d)

A ORP.Al' d e11l of tltscontent has been c xct ~J umoos-t o 1r toWNipoople ~!I pec tal y atnongs~ that very ee lf 81lCrt fican., nnd most uacful, 11nu we rn\ls t Hhl not duly n-ganlod body-our Ftre Comp .. u y 0 1Wntuuoe at seems too, tlaa~ who11 mtsunJeret.t~ndtngt> aml u n plcnannLucu atrJ&e, t.oo mnoh ag1t&IIOD of t ho na ttUr 10 t hn prcu adW. rue! Co tho flo me bu~ tho fcehng rune ~ bagb &ltd the efToct o r 11.8 contmllllnco would~ eo lumonl.tt\;lo thfo~ wo tbtnk at tf06t to wlako rofaronco to 1t..

an &ht pal&. •

The rollowm g waa lllteodOd for pobh callao two woeka •IN

FoaEIOlf PoLtTCW f<~rm an lnLornetng atudy at present Tbo French R epub Ito a ppeua to be iocreaemg m •ggrell8ivo neae u m onth& roll on T he F orry O.bmet ur the n.oa~ belhcoee abe bn yet bad .fuota and Tooqutn aro ho11 ' Madngaacar aeema to be fu t ~•llmg un dcr her tb8ueu0t' A war ~tween laM and Chma •~ 1111 but tn\l\ tllble. The .Uuale, if tt takes pl•ce, woultl nl m o,t oeftlaaoly end an hor fou ur R 111111a a lso would poeatblj !loti o Lltro opJlOrLumty o f ea.t.endang ber oat~tcrn frontier st.ill fur­~ber aouthwartlu Rt CL m& • OXJ unae Englend, whoeo ta'11do wtth ClJlna Ill

ono rmoue, and o• e r tour lt nes tiHtt of •II Lbe roat of tho w oald would Le " lu;a• y tnlfe rer Autl there u "IIO~»tbtltl) a-nther ro~uuto porhav-• o r hor hcing o• rntually dntwn t nto tho coolest

N 0~ aattalied wat.h her IOM o r I resii,.P m E:o Jll, FnlDOO hu llll l111t q tarrolt!el wath tho Drtttah natton in her c fTortt Lo n.-g11m all that abo hilS lost m Lh \t country She Ita~~ undentl\lly verY un porlaut .mLorestlllotbo land of the Nile a11d 1t wu only by Lite u.xol'CWI of rather uu\l.irlmqlltic-abrupt.nCllll and 6rmn~ on tlfe part of tbo Brtti.tb 'Plootpolent.l~tn nj. the Conference th11t th11t bod) most pf wh<llkl m omlx:N a pj>e>&r to h "o aop po;ted her topreseotoLtve, dd no aecedc to tho l'reooh d<!JI{•n•l

Tho oonnae or JXlhcy punned bJ F ruoce ih Ocean~& ta 11nothcr of tho tlunga Lha~ tend t o antcnatf• l.lae tll feet tn~t be~ ween the t wo con11lnttt..

No• one F .. cti"OilOAn nRilOII seems to ha• o a gt'od word Cor poor llr ll<tl)lll a A 8fC11t du.l or tl c coldna. ollOWII loJ t l o Great P owers &Qw,.nt~ he r IS 111 -doul.;t~lly due to the counsc of J)()ltc) pn rtluod by her •tu~men tu fo ret,.n 1fTn trs but a I ll'go porttou oC tt mus t \,!' tttnbut.(.oJ to the n· en\ y at her 1 r llll­peuty E ' e n Pranoo llaKruarclc "II"'' • ~ to bQ, m chnocl to go la11ncl 111 l1 ttul .,. tl~ Frunco 111 eudcu\ Orlllg to prc1eut t l • t 1 xpi\DIIlon o f the .Bmpu o "'luc ia It tll.>ctu to Engl11hmon 111 furc'lt.l IIJ>Oh her by t lr IICCCSI!Iltell o£ her g row1111: COIIHII!'rCf' H or euterpnsm~; and ba,.- lti\CJ culonau. au A nst ml 1stl\ "l'l>C"r to bu 11 tcn l 011

nutk aug he r Ill I file of I I na .. l f t.n

lo:nathcn her cords outd slrcngthcn I o• 11llllc-." l'lle- con(ttt.luruLtuu ol t l e \ Ill

tntlJ~~n Ofloaue. aooou 10 l>o 11 moutc• tor the ncar Cnturo

Tho ••r or tl o Ltbefllls and R~tdtettl• •g.matt!Mo BnttMh H oneoofLorrts1s he111g w"gcd wath gtML Cur-r Wh.,claer Or

not, the conduct oft he Lord•m tltro'"'"" 0\tt t ho F mnchtso Dall Wt<a 10 re prohcn ~ttl>lc 1\8 Ll e Gled:~tom JH rt.Y 'IIOnlt.l 1 "v 118 l.;c h e' e 11,. "IJ IC:lnt cor LilJn t la .. t th~ U JII>Cr llou110 latL'I (urnasllllt.l tt.s opt >an !'uta 'With a wenpon "S unst at ch .. t tho• ~•II usc UllliJl&rtngly a tu t.O us d c tn IDOlll

Our AmPnc.an noaghbo111 nrc nlmo11~ too btUIV wttb thetr PI"CJitdontt•l contc~L to nndy foroagn poh ttcs. Tho J tOSptct.~ 11ro good, aoraumgly, o f IL U efllucmL IK­commg an oocupaot of thn Prestdc nts chatr- for Lhe lin t uwo atuco t l e g roat e&Yil war

Every good man no maLt.or what Ius M&lonality, Loves that tho oboaco o f the people, on 'lfhomaoevor tL may (,II wall ~lt tn clearuog thi: atabloa of UnatCJI Stat.ee po1ttt~, which ll uo~ deeeutng of t.be t1tle or Aupa~t, are yec Car from J.Los- p n re •• U>O ... ,.., .. daairo

The cauao qf th• unplettMnlnnss ap p e l\nt lO l.;o tbta n sccmts t.ba \ on, tbe o<:c.'\8tOn of tbe late 6re Mr Q,.,IUcr tn o rder to 1 rovent. wbtt~ be consaderc•t \l'ou lcl bu tnterforonc:e wath th'l lirumen Tns V r:XATA QuAurro AOAtN - A and othona tn • ttompt.mg to oxLtngaa~h Graguot correa110ndent of tho MtiTcllr!J Lito fire on board tho S S OruJtlmul t.bc onder d11t.o A ugust 18 gn•• 'bo putt otbor nag It mstruct.od t wo o r throe culara of ancothet caso of tnterreronco l.;y pohocmen at Lho \"bl\t I ~tato not. to allow a Pronch an a n-of wnr wttb our 5abormon any more persons do wn tht.> nrcb way on ~at coast lle 111171 ' 1 WM a t h 4Jlll6." '" lllso t hut a n umber of our Qu*poo on Suod11y laet. Saw the townap!llplc m~>SL t espt>Ctablo men of Ftonch man..of w~~or (mm)C1'0C<Id1Lutcam a ll cluases nud creeds, hllllt.cncd down to up and trap the ancbona o r two fore IIJld ronde r I\8SJRLancl' alt.ons tha t had pat 1n the re Cor slatltor

Atnonl(St them were aome firemen, who Thoe Ktnll aolaoonur Vel.z, J oo Kan~ had no t tawc w run hom e and dan tbear echooner Alana and put the;n aJnft nmfc,t ol It tppe~~t-s furlht'r tlmt the unttl they brought op ll0 IIIOS• t ho nx:Jc,~~ afor CS'Itd ()()hcomoo provonted theao from at the 110uLbc rn 1101n t of Qu•rpon wbor.~ entaaang the nrcbwny unci goang dowo o n thoy wol'o 1>01\rded by men from t he tho wharf Had t.hc) done 80 an n proper 1horo who we ro rmcoeAAful by tho aaJ o f mannnr wo woulel not blnmo t.he m an the a nchora and hnea tn I'CllllU Ulg Llw autd leMt If blame was to bo attacb..d to cn~fta from the 1rnmanont poral tn wlucb

'Rt~fiOrta froul ~he Llbmdor co> ,t , .. t .. s t rto~tr are sonacw b •td Rltt I Ill

to,::, tnt.l wo filar t ho rc~ al t "all be v~• \ 111 aoh ~hot~ of (aUL yu tr R c tlc h 1T t ol the ~;rcen fish catche ~ h 1J 11 • ant I Cro!4 t1ao "orth "'lth poe 1 (,.1"\.'9 n J>OI l mg msny othnta tn h ko condttto n a l ~be ach es. A por ...,... .....:&. U.o 4fet l.o•pvon, bad been aucx:tMl!CuJ, Ia a van0

~ooo c.arlr on the grounds The onlv locahttes w t.ilro-any fr~ "' !IS

bemg Cftught wore thoso where t he fi 1

oty Ju,sbeen l?ood dunng t ho sens n ­SI\)' from Whtt~ &u hhnrl~ to R o ea'>< ll•u!>or Sou~h of t h ts and extenJ111~ to &Ito S lrattJI of'llul o hle tho co.! IH~I'ry 11 ~ ery l.;1d , aqd Lho llrollpccta for • f II eal.ch "' ere ~r, fiHh bcing 8CI\rcc oa. t ho ground&.

&nyOOdJ tt Wll8 Uvt to them looitng they had been mOretleaaly plaCOfl l.y the ---at a ll tho C1rcunutanC<'e, it may b«' 4 Crooadik I. wat.uhud the who}ft ~<:ell I' LabradDT ~ry Deport-4th mattt:r o f clo ubL whet.hor or no~ aach for an "S¥-£ anaa batt It wu blowmg s s "lleroul~", 1884 Luml 11nd fiSt a ulca as to Lho exc lu11on of a gale£~ theN W at the Umo & -c lttzans 111 wuae or n ot To our mmd yond tho ..-reok and ooofuaton or gear A uo 2-6-NIIo- •o veseels hore reBJ)()Otoble ctttzens 10 anch numbt.ra 88 only ~me anchor wu loeL £rom the ct~t lt.a 26-0ape U.rrlpo-11 vnatlt bore 100 wJU... not sm~"o tho e!J'ort.lt o f thoee en before meoi.iooed After Ute Crocodile to 1100 each h ~ ~""" h d 1 •- -' h rdl d H oJM!dale-No flaluo~: n uel• cro cl""' orang to put out tho 6 re ought to be a comp Owu L 0 oowa 1 an m .. rct~ 26~VJnaor IJM'boT-boftta 30 to ')() qtls admttted on auoh OCCI\atons. \They all leu b uSiness, ebo alell~aed rta'Jt AWII} • IornaYaclt. (E)-boat• ~ t9 70 have a mote or lOili nLal 1nt.o,.~ an t ho leavmg the aulTercns m lhear claffic1ltv T 11ra-riek (W}:-~~ GO Co !)() epeody anhJug.Uon or "1e liery olo'llont., at tho anoroy of tbe rook• and Lhu J:llle Jl•clt-I!Mta., 80 10 tOO and oro oft 'In able to re!lder nluable u or wmu blow an~ at t.bt hme. H11d tt , Kuqoclt a Jaland-boatl 70 to 100 etatanoo But thco reatncCaon- wtae or n oL been tor promp\ ._tatAnoe renderotl !l:o0 i l'ielt'e-\oa~ H I) to l 30

b h 6 I £ .L 1 d b 1 llogera Iloilo-! ·~uela bore !!00 each unwusc- w111 doubtless giVen m ~ood Y l e 1 termon ° .... e P aoo, 00 toss Adot.Yibk-boall t UO to )21) (a tth and With the best of lDI.enhona r.tld both crart.a would bavo been tost Ot 27 -l~ged lalaada-bol\t• 1.00 IQ HO w1th no wUib to haJnre the C~~eh n,~t~~ or dnve n t<) 110a m auch • wreaked oool\i. • J'1gaerTicklo-bo&ta. 120 10 l !IQ loy body 10 oo doubt tho cit.tsooa trill take h oo u to he tneoo.,erable Thill 01n:nm Cal>• Harriao• -~II 120 10 l.W all t.be oarcoo~et&nc~ into kiodly cooalder a:a.ooe 01111 be ewom to bf a hund red ISioqp C~t.a, JSO to 1150. atloo We repeaL tlia& we att.acb 110 blame mubae&ptao($be p1aco wbd\l"~&ched tbre ljleip 1 li-J, ~oo- r to tho pohcemao tn queauoo carrJlng out wlaole afi'.Ur f!olten lOO~to J60 ... Lbetr loetractiooe. 1& wu Uat maooer of ~;.~ lb bo KmO, H~~~~~ to ~ It Lbet wu ao objoctiouble. Af~r maklnr ~ .......,_..,.. Willa 8 ' ' 41 IQbject M~ ftaitiort- w M f4.: 110< -__.., all proper allowaoce for Lbetr bel or yonog tbo following may JlroYe of foter•t to W..._ S.r It ~ tibl._, 1.10 to 160 men not long lo the (Of'Ce, tbu Uley dill no& oar readen :M Deeclmbel, ed•t.ot or Qiio,t'Rtld-~ BtTtu"tiK'- -rcah&e tho IUiproprle*J of Ule up~ ... lo~ tL. ~fiW'Iitll U. ~ ot ~ria, baa ~. ~~.AHJe Baah~a... eQ to 80 thiJ aeed, aod afle r freely admlt.dor tha~ common~ ao -.rltatton . onder tbe l r~ Ha~,~~f~'~ &beyabowed laudable plaolt aod laapuuallty. prompuag o( )!14 1'e"!1 for tho ceaton we muusfJro~oanborooahooodem.latioo t.O Pr.ano& by ........ o( the IAaward

~~r.u::i:lo~:.:rw:,::~~:o Ulwcla m._.... • rreoolt ooll()Oeo ' •o•td lo eeforol-. their .-.... •ro mona oa &be ... ,__., ~..roa~~ knoekabou& ,-etpt~:~tablecl&iMoaaa•~~ • Th, X..*-' Jt~.~!leaUaa to tollllub tbelwk..:dlawhlaiWrWooa,' .a~~~ -~· A to - ••Pftlllt)U ao awf.U, bl~~:t' of the eoutla trbere oll(~ltn4 11._ ~ tu• oa• ahadden t.ob• s~~.. " bowD.utho~~ ~PreDoh =.o7!.~;u1~~ l:!~~~~ r.~~~':.~= ~:~r~===~~ ... we •W.adWh 'onelll .. 'WiiW~r.ferri..

We .ate.._ • ......._ 11M 0 ' of ~ in~ pu:t tA. ':1ft ld. A.' 18f,chllre!fti_...._~ ... u;, J•• oaejoaraat~11 ~~~~ OOD•

pollll --r·'· lil ·fUt, .. ... ,#' ~!! .. ~ Cia ~ 1!~~ . . .....

' Poad lalaod-boal• 20 t.l ~ oo•:uutU! Uny-boaa, I~ to ~ t!bip llarbur-bo~11 16 to i¥0 l'ialung Sbape Harbor:. beat~, liS &o 85 Fnauola Jllll'bor Rla:ht-boata, 6 to 16 St:rr 1-UtUt U~rbor-boata 10 to 20. Murt:&) 1 Harbor-boata 16 t.O ll~ Spe" r Uarbor-boatl 16 to SO Uaulc llarbor-boal1, 40 to 00

Page 3: lodioal - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18840906.pdf · flo ":1.11 11 other bo~tts rcpt~riOd to hue br~n waahed ftnd hi• funeral here


Local and other Items . .-=:.---... t ' .... ~ · -Thu rlubl icatlon of ~h, ren•alallllt por­tidn or Ur. Chlsbolon't l'aper Oil •• Medi­cine ~rc the Chriati•n \Ira. «~to.,'' bu blolil0'1:14 uono1dablyd•fen-cd till ueuittue

' ~-~ ' ' -Axonn:r. C ARGO Of C ,, l'l'Li owu aold by public auclio a on 'l'bu~ay lu~ h bad arrived on t ho preoedl4g loloo(l~y to Meaera. Pa~reon ~· l!'oato.· \!J t b6 achoooer IV. C. SiiM". 'JUe cars:o conmted of· • 66 bead cattle, SCI sl)eep, 1 horae. 70 batbela o~l3, H rolls leather, .Ind. 600 paok&g1ll but ter. Tho li\'Q.awak brougb~ fair prie&a.

. -Tn& 1\IFt.t!'li.\TCJt lor tho Sil.-er Cop took plaoo n~ t he' 1\An~:o hero on W cdats·

• day lut-llr. l'eter Koi:;ht being tho win ­ncr. Llu !~be band101110 IICOr l' of 87 points. Tho cootea~ howo•er between him all\.1 Ucatl Conat.nblo Dllylo •u ao cloee tl"t ~.ad Mr. Kniabt mUlled t ho laat abot )lr. Doyle would h ll\'O won she cnp by lor :! jloints. Wo conj!ratalato ~lr. Kui)lbt on hi•!!;ood mMkmanabip. T~o Cap dariog tile Ju t t.breo other seuo1u It wu oon­H·Ittd lor wu • ·on-in 1883 by HeAd ConAtnbl\i D osie with 89 poi nla; (in ISH:!, 110~ tired l<>r); in 1881, by J oseph Godd~n. I :sq., with 6 points ; and in 1880, by Dr. Allan by 7j pomta..

-Dr.mr!nso C .I SUA LTT o~ L\BIIADOn.­Jiv the ln6t LAbrador anai' we loam of tbe CCCUrr~IICII Of 1\ aaol drownin jt CUO&Itf "loich l'n.t ~lr took pluce ftt Mnuo~'a le­land, 1..¢\ir~dor. 1L aeeo•a thnt ainoe tho

· 1:1tb Au~; . n boa<'a c re w of thrc., IIJI!n bc­longit•jt to that plac:i: had lioon miNing. Tho bocliu "ere found aon10 tiu1o After. It is bclicvcal llu' ' tho boal t lnlclt on 1\, rock iu ~lacou" ick Ticklu. 'fbo o11m~ o: tho uufo rtun:ltc mcu we re : ,John llol­clcn <>eor~:o Co'l'oyduck, a nti l lll!Jic Spraclt­l:n. ' T hey 1111 belongl'd lo C uvidL Their t.unilies 1111d rclntious h"'~ our warm aym­l':.'h)'·

- :.!Atns& D ISAST•'IIS - There arrived h~rc 0 11 Fritl.~•· hy the S.S. } 'lura· fh·o of the crv"' ol the liehr. Jc~•ic r"ccn tly wrecked ''" the LnbraJor cout. W e learn from uue oi tl·~~c thnt the J•s.ie " "s lost on th~ i lo th .\ ug. a t S.:•llio lb~·. nloou t ·10 n)iln h elow <Ape :.lugfortl Shc dru•·e uhoro !rom licr n:.chon! durin~:~~="'" of wind, and l:"a:~u • .,·a "' reck. Sli11 hnol a 81ll!\ll quantity of 1\~h on boud nl the t i\111) o f tho mieh" P· 'J h\J CTew. which cousiatcd or ci~:ht males :111d t•~' fcm lllet . were brouch t up to Jlolton. nntl tloc ucc on tv Twill iugnto nod thiS port.· Tlw Jt.uir n nt ownt:d by l.lr. J-,J"~ r•l lliPNck o f lln~us. ft <l~Aicr of :>!.: ·nt. l 'nt~'"un ,\· Fo.t<!r o f Lhis plnce.

- r lw t" o uth<·r ochooa.enl loht wcr.· tho rhn/lt"•l('. owu~,l loy ~t .• J'obn of llnrl.lor :.L.tHl; 'nod tlu· l'ulo1a, b~lonc;iu~: to l\l .. t. ""' "' lbhon of 1\.1111 Cov~. Elploi lls. Bo th t h1··~ ca .• tt wcro lo•t duriul( n h"nvy 1!"1" nt :\:o\\t<'CK Uny. l ~~hrr.tlor, ou tltu 14Lh , \ u..: . 'J hl'y p:art<-d LltcH ~Ionon•, <I ro ve :<•!.ore, ~ud IJecnrue tHt&l wr cC~/1.. ·A l or~e •!U~Htity of &he h oA.tc r ia1 ur \ho l '~tt'cria >tM """''!. 'l t.~ cruiu lo11tl .. houL :II'() 'jtl• 1<1h 011 001'"1 A 11ol l.•· • crafr . c.•ll~tl tl•~ i .•r· L·,. bt.•l o•-~tt't~ t o T \A •' 1iuJ,!':\h!, \\'ftd )n,rt in l-.mchc Ua;;ht ou the I ith rl la.o t UJOIHb.


FO·R~A."L~ .

I Nickle Silver .Shnw Case . ~ ,. . .. ,.,.. . .

.. SutP N'E'We .... f ~ • ........:J.

PORT OF HABBOB. GB.AOB. ~ - --1 · llllt'lll•n. ·

Aqo. 40~Boo,.n•ko, Uash01: 'Roo~ra, etl~ . J oho .ll oo~ It Co. R..-ov•r' t 'oo/o, S t. )hrtlat, W.l, do.-de.

(qnlto ouw) S by 2 feet, which will bo di•­of 1\tl'-os~ •anJ .chlii'JlCX.,.. _. . . ·

1''¢6»''1\..-~·ll\1~ apply ·~~ . . ~~ ~A.NDAUD

II opt l _.,Pocotto. 1\'r!g bt, ltritl.>l, oa.lf, e!o-do. Slttere, N~ro~. do. do-do. 2 -W. 0. Hllvor. ldcLu.n,l:l.ddoek. caLIIo, oto.-

1 l'Atorwn ~ l'OitfJ'. '

6-lt.watd, Wilkie, Roncon>, nl~Joho llooa

~ Co.;,' ,., ~o. Sopt. 6-W. (l. l!llvor,.li.,Leon, 0:\dtleck, llallu l -t•~o "."tl .Foe!«. ,,

Pon oi Oarbonear~, ..II • • - ,J «:. .J l. r;-.•.:


RERRl ~ G NEI'S. ~ . . f'or mRny years we hRvo oimed to perfect the T winu apoolally mormlact ur~ll by up

lor th iK luoluatry · At tbc Into l .ouclon Fitbcry l::lthibi tjou wo roooivod tho only O old Modnl l'wnnl.:d for this OIMII or tiooda.

T l.o •u~riotlt)' of Cotloo ~c ltin11 fo r li.tJo~: porpo1r1 o •-or llt~n•P i~t noiV frooly 1\lfmill ed uy thosu who hMu ~:i•·cn tlta t portion ol our mnnu factnrcs ". fAil tria.l. . •

~\'n ·~•rctlully ,urxo tbo hou•e mercbnnt• :u11l 1\ll thoRc lntcrcatod m thu fa@hcrtu or thll J alan • who ba••c ~Ol alrcndy donll 110, to Gi•·o !~ ilopor lAut IU~JUct thclr atteo­tioo. 'We bolio• e. I~ ••ill ' pay thom to 'do an. L' .' ,

-Sample• oud quot.ntiooa freely j!i~eo, nud corrrap<>odcncc solicited.

American Net & Twine Co.,' Bo'stoD., U.' S. A . .

A. 30. ' ESTABLI'HED 1842.

- FOR-

TWE TY SHilLINGS • A Solid Black W alnut Flower rable, 7s. 6d.

A Solid Black Walnut Marble Top Table, - - lOs.

~All enquiries. cheerfull_y answ~red.

Nfld • . furniture. & Moulding, Co·., G H . & C. E . A.RCRIBALD, 'Ma.nagers,

~ooms, Duck. worth St. ; ~,actory, Fores1 Road, St. John's. '

Ayer'sSarsaparilla ttlruuiAtes and rcgulata l.bo Aellol:l oC l.bo ul;eoll~o w 4 rwhuti&U.-o •orpnt, nlnG""• and •~""lllltlions tho • IIAl fo•-· aDd ftle«lllT curta JtheumaU.am, Ne urala:la . Ub ettma,.. \1" Oout, CAl&rrb, (lenenal D c blllty, an4 All ~ ar\Jiug !roru 1.11 lnopO•crltbed or oornpLoo.l eonllllluu ot l bo b lood, Mol a ... o&lt• eueo!YlWity.

J • IJ luc:o111p.uably the ebe:~~ blood modi· cine, on o.ccount o r Ita coueeot,..tod atn.aath, aud lOT"'" pc>ur ov<>r diiCASe.

vncr.\ R.ED nv

Dr.J. C.Ayor&Co.~lowell , Masa, 8ol4 b7 all Dn>;¥1~; ~~oa fl, W: boWel

TIIOS ~t':.ltjRDO & Co .. \Vbol•ralc Accnt•. St. ·'obn'a.

:Cat'gC Ann , Sel! ·GOlting N eedle, aolf· · ' thron.d.ing througbou~, nutomo.tio

' Bobbin - winder. o.djuJJt.nblo Steel B=ring$, &c.

\\' ill ~cw f r<> m tho fines t :\l rt~io to the l1ellYitst tniloriug.

I t ia the lightcal ruonins-, m~l:u leu noi&O anJ is tbo anost oo:nplete ll11ehino

1n t he m~rkct.

W nrrnotcd lor the te rm of fi\'C ~·rr•r'· ¢:?j'l ns truc t ioua ~o: ivcn free of chCLrgc.

P eerless Hnnd Machine, ,. W ringere, PIMtoru, Oil,

N codloa IUld Po rt.a for d.iffurcnt. , MnclU.no3.

J. D. F U LLEitTOK, Agent W hiUl Sen-in~: i\lnehino P o. for'~u

(;or . llucltlforth !:it.. nud Beck' s Oo\'llla

p~;t offil~;:N6l,~e

Page 4: lodioal - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18840906.pdf · flo ":1.11 11 other bo~tts rcpt~riOd to hue br~n waahed ftnd hi• funeral here


Kiscellany. 111.-" Tn, 1 LOVE TOO, Sll I" t _.;;;,.;o


LOlLDB.&liDOLPB~ I . . -THE .cHASM BRltmEo.

• L-1111 T&IAOIUI'Il.OP&ItaTOII. ........

A "'"k later Jaau Thome mel Cale Cardonoe a&'Ute gate of Nltrtl!j)rook.• She atopped to deliYrr a Jlepet~ lht took h but ey9(1 he't.aaka!loe. hit ht.ce ri11itl. lie oo~ tbaa·~e looked worried, ud her bated ahoolt.

• '1'baolr.you,• be crle~ly aid, turolni to

• Jan• ?' aaked I be • GermAD baron.' •hh aa illomiuated face. • Do IL, aod 111 gc~ on 1117 kneea 10 you. l,'ll cooaidcr you my dtbtor forever. 1"11-'

• Ub, don'& be eo ptofllM.' lo.torroptod the doctor, • bG' puab tbe tobacco-pooch o~cr Lble ~ay.' •

V.-1 TOUR. KOTRIR ISII'r TOUR lllom&lt,f •J•net,' Vr. Wealberby aid, q, waa

lloftbb)' In you 10 re!oao Mr. Cardoon e. • He hl\d atopped lo froo' of lfle coU111f11,

-nd aho waa leaning oyer tbe wbcol of hia

Sc:a.rc.ly aboYe ~ .lddle ......... ol eJ!p& build, aud 111pareolly deliaa&e ooeedWitioD, Lord Ralldolph CbunlhiU tu .. aaootb dark browa hair, ~ do- U. lllicldla ad' tblo u \be oro.wn. 'l'be bead II -u, &be eyte tarae, the 1101111 llum1 and ·&be CIMell boooa 10mewba& blah. Hla lordlblp'• mooetache Ia, bowner, &be moe& conlpica• ou1 objecu of hi• peraooal appeataooe. Jl Ia the large blonde mouatacbe of a ZoaaYe af polidoa. Oooe, by mlltake, Mr • .Jacob Drlght alluded 10 tho. ooble lord u " U. Member for Woodcock,'' aad Lbe Bouae ll\ugbed C9oaomedl7. And ·oace a .e ... paper aerlbe hiL upon a happier title, "'rbe ll&~~tam or Debate.'' From roar o'clock lu tho afternoon, all &brouRb dre•rr queetioo time, be lite imp.atieotly iu bia place. ae•tly agitadug hia left kooe, nu1'118d aboYe hia r ight, and aftec&looately car.-iaa jbo moue­tache. Vexler aad 1ini1tor ba•da go np alteroatoly &o Lbe lilky -Jatllor of ble liP.. Ftellh wiUI rea&, or bAiptd aad pale w1th late boora, Lord Rydolpb ae\'er - &o foodle tl.e moattacobe. ll lenda an sddod Joy to the anfMoenl boar of wlet.ory, O( wblle Lord BirUagtoa, •l:atoeo 1ean bi.e aeolor, attempta, bot falla, &o w1tber bl91 with ZLD "'umpt!oa of patriarchal aaperi­orlty. U ododtrtedJ7 Lblt old, yon or mno prefere po1U1ili,fo what Ia called floaeure, yot dou no' lg-a.!"' tho claim• o eoclely in tho world of wO'fda. lie ia of Lbe nry fow merullera of Parliament wbo dr- fo r diooor. So tbe flower. aqd IOniltere Of the Yirgio fo rolt, uuaeo, uubeanl of man, are made plraunt to look on ; and what naturo doea for bud and bloeeoou, the bar· her and tbe tailor do for tbe IIYely IC!tlder of tho Fourth Part7. Lord Raadolpb'a clotbcaare. howner, bo' the bnlk of him, the outaide par& fin& teen. 'Ibo kernel within aeema aonod, ud, i1 carefully pre· aen~. mlly hereafter bccoUiu llluatrio1111. Hia ind111try II 1oar•elloaa. bla readioea of ruoun:11 worthy of all pral110 ; aad tbooszb bo apeaka freQuently, be ia oo dlo wboho worth liateoiqg 10. llo ia u ot. eloquent with the e loquence of llr. Gladatooo or Mr. Bright. Ho baa, iodoed, a ali"hlliap, ao impertcctloo of yooaJ deli•ery wbicb epeU1 bia p roouociatioa of eome of tbe con· aoca·.t ·, partlcalarly or Lbe J .. tter S. H. however, be oner ri- 1.o lohy beiaftta ol dcclamat.ioo. bueldom liota below the eafo lofel of commonpl.co. Hia occaaioll&l ob· ecr\'lltiooa are aeatly taraod. aad Ilia aet sveecbu denrly cooetructod. lie ia IIC3rcoly orer at a loa for aa Idea, nenr for a word. UIYe"'looe-wbu ia called •eoera­tiou-<:Annot, bowenr, be deecribad M .,le etroogpolo&.. Suppoaed to be IGbordinate to Sir Stafford Nortbcoto, wbeo it 1uita bim to do eo, bo de6 .. bia chief. ; and Lbo ap­proYed; leade!11 or Lbe Uberal Party fret under bis atinginl( .t.od uoaparing lnvec:tl•e. Tlaough ool •lwaya brilliant, bia ealliea 11re olton cnttin~: . Hie darinJl know• no bount!.. :\lr. G;. '•tooo onr e called acroa• lhd fl·•or t hat hu had utterly lmuhoJ. pulveri.ud, Md demoliahod hi an. That. waa • miatalle Tho Prime Mlniator migh' u well bs•o at· temptcil 1.o annihilate a J ..clt Ja ·tbe-Uoz by ahuttiug down the lid,-f'r<•IH ":>t%HN iH IM ( ClllunQM," by Daoid .'hrkr•uN.

Northbrook CAnoe under the aoetioncer'• h~~omml!r uy foreuloaure of morti(IIIC"· 1t ,. .. a ..O.aa1l1o cuuntry·tea" aud did oo' btin11 lut.lf what It ""' wotUI. 1

&0 . • Mr. Csrdonne ?' ller tone waa quick. cleeleiY"t, tinged "it.b

00pe111Lloo. • Ula I' ~:jacol~ trd Q\le Cudonoe, rod­

deninll, and bitiu~t bia upper lip. gig. .

'11•e run:h1114!r wM Cald Cl\rdonnc, lin lhh:llig.'lnt. wii!Litby1 aelf·.rl~llll?"•tod n~Rn, IICunetitoee callCtl by hta ffiC!UUII' the t.er­mao 1\arou'; not bo:ett.ul8 be was uf G~r· man deeceot, but 1•robftbl7 becantt1 of bia ru~dy face, ftuo llhfeique and .bruaque, l'o•itlve>manoera. tJoe hlu.,r ter~:mjr upon rudeu- wh•n hi1 ~ion waa aroneed.

Ilia bend wna 11 Lti\\Yil)' oue, and abe 1111"' bow tightly It ciOIJUt! ou tbd upper rail of the gl\ttr.

I Jl1 ltne• t he f'el\800!' he IUedo

Tho ulood Oiled h6r lace, then left it d mBtblo .. white.

• l>ld he tbinlt eo lightly or I' ea to men· t ioo i~o aakotl, her eyoll aMpping.

• Ughtly,' cried tha ductor, •lth a abrag of hl.a ahouldenl. • J aUl glad ,..c woro'l on the top of Notra. Uatuo when bo men­tioned it I Janet, yo1.1r m.,ther iau'' your mother I' ,

• You will uot lnaist.' abe aaid, appenliog­ly, Cl\tcbing bcr !l~th .

• EYideutii it eaiata it1 m1aelf' be rejoin· ed. '1 bo noiRhbon •I!IIC:dlalt:d noneide"'bly

nhout bia Dfcnt. a\ ~ortht.rook. and pro• l•la.:eiee wero •uatle which were not par­t icularly conapliweu!Ary. Uo would lntro· oluce oew·fau11lcd ootiooa. be woo14 enpf:e J,. fooliab "sl"'rime nta, be would be an o•:uy vletlm to Lbe faoci• oltbeoretic farm·

• :\o, Mr. CMdonne.' She epoke wiw rapitlityaod with a quick

Oin)C of her hand. • Porlaapa tlone, J ftoet-'

ll waa an aatonnding.announcemen', and 1oado lb the abrup' way veual with 'be doctor. It wM au locooailtont, Improbable, impouible etatemeoL, aad ye' Jaoo' under· atooii hicu. l!'or a momeo& abe aoemed beref' of apeech and motion.

• No 1be lntecrup&ed. ' Jt will ahnya e1iat •

• J anet1 yon are the llr5t wom"n to whom 1 uer proposed.' ho huakily aitl. • '!~at is truo though I hue nlonost rcacbcd mad· die •11e.•

• Ur Wtatherby, ittbal uue?J' be gaapod. iuw1 aod tht~liko. ' Wall, ht: Cl\me and 110llled among t\em,

1\nd notloiu~e of the ~inti liCCnrred. lie h:ad }.,ft l~>nlllnJ,:-upcratioua to 1\0 clperic nood lo~nol, davolo•l hi•luianN onoouanLo to book"' "njl'yeol t hu (tcSb couutr.)'·&lt , And i Uend· (ld ao much to bi~ own buaincM, and nat 10 thAt or other (lcoplo, lb4t laa was voted wo eacluaivo.

'l11~r' was a fftilwl\y 111\tlon nt North· lotook, .. ott one dRy he rsu hnstily np the ah:J•• o f 1 ho lower to acn.l a au~l!ll\go by 'telccB)lh. I h~ l.a••l IUJ>f~l from the t.rain without.lhiuldn~; of tho ,·ah!IC whlcJo he hnd Jll•c"'l on the acftt !>Hide huu. l~ con· leHt.ll WCN ulu.,hlc lliiCJ he waa 1\llltJOUS 10 rrcciv;, it uy tlae' rctnt11ing tn.i.n. '!:Ito openotor wl\8 n quiet, olconurc-looltm~: J.:lrl, v~ry con<t)ICt &ud plainly cl~td; he r face

• eresnay white, neithor npproncbiug to l'allur uor indicntiog ill -lacl\hh.

llo etatoJ his crnuul. Cc-uhl abe s:ot n di~~t.eh 1.o Croyl4od lae£orc th11 tmiu got tlocro?

• Oh. yes,' "'"' the reply, ' How c!\n y~1 ld11,ntily tho ,.,.liao 1'

I Itt •·oicol IOOUntll!ll M clal\r M !\ bell, 1\Dd her while, ah~Jk!ly. hnnd wu tnyaug -.itb tbe bUUOU or tho t.clegmph·IOILI'UIDulll.

• ~ly nl\onO ia ou it,' ho &ftid. • • And your n~~on<a-itl?'

• Cale C!\rdoun~.' She bad hcnr4 or him, but bad no•cr mot

111m. . ~he a11r•cyed bin• in a epecnlati•o w!\y,

yeL with nu euggeation or boldnllll. I lor uyee wero soft, I.'"'Y cyca, with (1\bn loua •lep:hs, And J~~et tlaoo tinged witb wiatful lu~reat.

A fe w ticking eouod!t. followed, Ant! lh~n 11hc announced tbst tho mciMI:C h~tJ bocn ..an' and acknowloolgcd. Ito thre w ilown a coi11 iu cnmpen&,tion, anti then picked up 1\ book wuich aloe L11d evitleutly llet:u rco.d . lug.

• SMtor RcMrldl, hy Tborna J Cnrlyla,' ho exalnimecl, rc.tding tho ta~le, 1\n iniOUI\· t ivu of enrpriao in loie vuice. ' Yo11 aro­nru-plodding thro11~;h this ·r ho nsk,•u, •tauuueriug iu hie choico of words.

• Yes, • ehe aoewcrod. • And-oujoy it ?' wu bls next question,

a little 11rinaly put.. A fainl p ink l111eb Cl\mo i11l0 her cheoks. • At lene~ 1 do oot cousidur tho rending uf

It an in0iction,1 aho rejoined, a ~e~~rcely t oorceiJlible rwile abont her red hrs.

llr r reply pleaat'd him. lie waa atand­ln~t almoll directly o•er her. for ohe "'""' aellkd .. H e ooti~d tho tloely-poi•cd head, th o c.."'pact l!row, the delicat(\te"rs· tbo cbutnut-eolorcd hair. with lurll.ffig ahatlows of brooac lu IL, "od not " 1trautl out of place.

Her fiJ:ure wilt Ill he nod ~accful, and '!.er 1\lr mode<~t and eclf-composed. Il ia pro1imi · 1y <lid no t di&turb Iocr; tho con&eionii.ICSll of hia worth did uot CI\UWC her to d•prcca!ltc be,..dr.

She npene•l ~ aruAII dn we r, t lo tc"' into it t he eoln wh ich h~ lol\tl placet! on t ho ta ble, llDtl hauded hlon tho vropcr chl\nl(o.

• Keep it,' lao enid, with n toM o l hie head.

• I can not,' eho replied, • [ llm not en· t illed to it .'

• I nlltl\l liberty to "h·e it to you." • 1 am not at lib~rty to receive it,' •he an ·

ewolred, • or m lber, I do not wl•ll to.' lie picked up tho ch"4111e with a frown. • Yoo l111ow my name,' ho u .id; • if I

k new youra we might conaidor oanelvc& acqa&in!Atd.'

• My n11.1ne ia.d:snct Thonte,' ahe n'join ­ed, jn ber q~eL way.

lie bow~u. tbeu (leacended tho wiading at.air·eut.

• Jaue&,' be repeated to himself. 'A l!taid old o:uue. and it anitA her . Somehow I ffol atreugely iutereetcd iu tho liUlc­throab.'

-"-n . - nw:dno.

ne two met rrrqneotly after tltftl. Jnnet lited iu a neat little cotlllge not far rrom tb11 alation. Her mother ....__ dftad, 1\Dd abo npported an iunlid faLber witb her earo­lUJ.1.

Cale C..rclonne •i•i~ he'to 11t tho cottAge, -.nl her bll,lta and ftowora, ud 110metlwu walked with her in the wood• that "t"'t.cb· .,.J between Nortblorook and s.he cottage.

llninr aeen eo mnch of the world, being rldo, loautleome aut! a pi-nt talker. It was 110 wonder that ahe bceamt foad or hi•

·aociety. lie in t urn "'"' •ery mnch fas. ciuated by ber, aud :le ll!lmttitoee ~dered why. lit had mingled "'RTUt)_~o..l . in Aock!ty. and had met. ntony bea~tiful nod acauoovtildted ladiea, while 1he waa bat a qui"' ortli .. ar,Y·Ioolting r:lrl. lloweYer. he waa ~ant tho onlytu"n who hu tried 1.o :lnd Lll woy nn~ or Inch "qnauolary J.

le ••l'l•l1_C!Ilc~ to her ouc "•t-n\n • 11•ry w llanaiil~ l~de tho cotta~·R•td '11n: '"\•N were ~oininfl ~ly ov.,..b""ll : th., )'octnll' naoon wae jnot "illihla own the low· Jyinf hilla; a RI.Lie, ' "'lnou• orlor wa• waftl'll frnn• tl.e woo<ta ; fres:• CfOI\kcttl lu the m.,.dowa ; au owl c.lled l•• ht~ mal<> from hie 1~elt nud~ the OllVI!II of the tnill.

Why wae JanPl eo l••nr In replyin11 to Cat. Card\Nine·e l"'-41nnato • .. veal 'I llo •• tile colcw COftle a11d p in laer fact~. llu aa,r IMrr llpe t.bcft.wn.

•1 bclie•o you, elr,' she Rnlwcred hnm• l;ly, rl!grctfully. •1 a ppruiato tho honor yon buo pllid me. J am sorry.'

llo tlld not wnnt her pity. Ho fel' like aci~iHgjhl!r aud fiingins: her <town t he em· ban\uneot ; but by " g rc11L effort bo curbed hie t-emper.

• I am too polite to in~ist upon kno"lug your rl!lU'on,' he lftid. • You mi~bt PY 1 hi\Yil r,:o t tho right 10 domsorl it, and 1 clou't know \Jut tlo:\L would be tho truth. I am gricvou1ly di1Appointcd, nod it ia eucb "11<»'.1. uuJ such a -1\-wret.chcd ex· p.:ri.:nce to aoo, that I don't koo,.. where to look for rcdreM-or for C'omfort , nther. You w111J tuo t o uudcrM~atl that IL cb&IIID ) a • oa Letwuen u1-'

• \\'uich c:u1 never be brhJgad,' compl eted eho. her touu firm thonqh sho trembled he could aee her .l.u the e!Ar- l i~;bt.

He wheclttlaroun<l. She 1tood 1till for a m'lonent, whiLe fttHI apccchiCM. S ho lfU

Ianing & fiurco light with heraclf • You tlnspi&e one.' abc anlJ huskily. • Why, no, child I' llo apoko tho epi­

thet In tendurncM. not bc0411Ae &llo looked eo chiJ,I. lik o nor uecaWIC be ,..u a dozen yel\ra 111,.. ec~ior.

• I 1uu very ouisefftblo over it, bot cnunol bl:uuo you,' ho a.ud, • uoluu it IUftJ bo be· I'.An•e yon hue no bneln- to be eo charming,' aud a queer amllo camo to bla lips. . .

She lift.ed her loaud IU a eclf .dcprodatiug wny.

• 'Ill e re ia aomethiu~ I muet t ell you, ' abo slowly Sf'ld, lookiug paaL bim into u caney. . In JustiCil to ooyaelf, air, .... d r hO)lf .JOU wor!t thinlr. ouo boJd, l rc]<'Cicd you, and yet I love you, alr. ilow tlecply, God know• !'

T he tweet grey oyCII ••cro luokin11 direct· ly a t him t hen, a wftrm glow 1n tbuou. U ia h"*t. ~uc a bound.

· .lanc t, you h""o recouaidored ?' S ho ahook hu hOild. • 'I hen you bavo a:mply incrcaacd the

pain- lho couociouanOM of tho ar~"t boou I huo loat. l)o yo11 delight in that ?'

II ia touo rose In volumetl, "'"d 1\ fiery oparklo ca.mo ioto bla bauuaomo browu eyea.

• I want you to 'kllO'If, air. thl\t I . too, nm 1utferiD.g,' aho l:litl, au o. hu•herl , IJicuurcd tone. • It hu given mo onorc W m:\kO the con(eMtOu th11n it did you to bou it.'

She wRlkeJ r11pidly aouy, and bo atMed after hcJ', • lif:htly atup!!licd.

• It •• her CAndor thst is her perfect cbl1t W,' \fa& bia meutal COUliDOnt.

• Yea Janel.' · • An<i father kept it h om mo ?' • Thoro uooer was nu.r uced to tell you.' • Wlo,-fa tbe.re need now?' • Ana"er that younelf, J•uet. 'fbat ia

wbyyou rejuctod Calo Cardouoe. • Y cs,' guped J,.nut. • It \Yould oot

buo uecn r igbt. You bno guesaed tho re:uon--u a pbyaiclan, solely, pcrbapt. Ami my motbcr, wy true woUaer- wu abc iOs...,no?*

• No, little <>no.' ' Father in Heaven, I th:mk T hee!' Her hands wo:re clupod, bur cyca we re

reverently nplift.etl, !Jcr fi\CO ahiuing lllr.o tho fa1.-e of ZL Mint. At lcaat tho doctor thought eo.

• ,JI\nut, your bsppioea! liea at your feet,' ho eignificaotly aaad. 'You will bo ICusi­

. blo enough 10 take it up. • Janet etole off into tl.ao dim wood• to bo

alone, under tho trcce 1\ud tho wonderful revelstion. llcr stepmother, who alao su p­po>cd waa her real motlour, had rlic<l in the IIIMDo-uylunl t:\YiDfi ma·i. Po;,r ,Jnnct twlievctl th.ftt abo bad inherited tho taint ; Uoo olrc,drul vasitation wo>uld cowc IIOnte

tiano ; abo could no t brinl( aorrow to tbe lifo of A huabl\nd, or eh&wo and auffcriug to !act offspring.

1\'.- TIIF. CII,\.Sll nnt DOE.D.

Thoro waa a ~treat crowd at tho cburch­rair. Calo <.:ardoone, looking no t unliko " Genn:\0 bt.ron, puaod lrona tAble to table, ch111tiug with tho ladies aud buying t heir waf\'1.

Once Q p&ir of aoft, aweot 11rey eyes met IIi• from nmid the foatoona of ivy. Ah, he kno~~t to wbom they belonged I flio hel\rt 1\Chcd fo r a moment., and the light went out or hi• fl\ce.

' A J.,tter for Mr. Cudoone,' c ried t ho po&t·ruistreaa from the little wiudo.., of tlau pret~ntled poat-ollico.

llo wl\lked thi ther, pnid tho po~lage :md receiY<-d the Iutter. It aont.lliDed but one ll ue:

• '!'be cbsem hu been britlgcd !• A tremulous hftnd. and no Millo! Whnt

dirt it mean? h caruo to him eo suddenly tbR' he foil that ho w..a trcuabliug.

'fbo erl!olug wMe 11way; tim crow<! d••· penoed ; 11ood tho ladie1 cov.,rcd the r.ables for the morrow , aud tbe janitor laegau to put out we llghta.

CillO Ct1tdonno lingered. J11nct camo to Lbe door. dmwing bar Ahawl olo•oly around her, her fl\ce UllUSUIIIJy red, COUiide riull it wu uau~lly eo white.

• Cnn I see you hoone, J :111e t ?• She answered with a nod and a smllo. The pKth lod froru the church acrot~:t the

mclldOWI, odo rOI\.1 with clonr and flaunting , 1\' - AS U\TTilUIISl' Or TDII'£R. •i1b dllndeJion.biOA!OIUS, l!iO 1ky I'D . UU·

1 - bruken expno10 of blu11, atudtled witb soft · C:..:l\lo Cardonno hRd but OM conhonial Jy twinkling ~t.~ra.

f~ic utl. a ccrt:liu Dr. W Mthcrhy. n ouan 1\ 1 Janet wu clin~:ing o Calu Cnrdouoaa' uw Iotti~ cro tch. (•ty. but a )OYinl. J(o<><l -h~r!od I • 1 received yuur Iutter,' bo aid. fellow withal, a roost e1cwllout ploy11c1an , Yea., 11ud "·ell reaJ, not only in tho clftll8iC3, lout • h h"d but one meaniug.' iu the polite hL~rnture of tho dlly. t:•ery • 'l'nerc wu but ouo lat.eoded. ' ldlo ovcutnl( ei ther found Cale <.:ardenne in ! • Oh, Jnuet ! yo u (1,.,·0 ruado roc ioex­tloe ollice of t he doctor, o r the l3tt~r lu tho preulbly '"'PP.Y !• hLr"'Y 111 ~orthbrook. . • 1 ~he di.l uot 1\uawor him. 1bere watn' t

• <.:.nrdounu .. you ought_ to geL mamed, any o~ed to. Pcrb~pot.e'le couldn' t answer; the uoctor Mod one cvuow~:. . . \1c had clapaed htr eo lightly.

Tbay were ant..<! an t he hbrarr, httlo • Jlow ,.. .. it bridged ?• be inquired. more tbao t!:o to p of the doe!.or'• balcl bud • You aN. oe.-er to aek • waa lier hurried • iliblu in !be t~uolr.e witb which b11 batl eu· ao••er. • Ur. Weatborbj koowa.' nloJ'&d bamaelf. • Ob I' ejaculated Calc. • I ri!Cit.ll a

• Wh1 eo, WO"lborby ?' ·promise bo made. Jt waa merrly a fooliah They Lad~ familiar way of calling each frmcy; w..ao•t it ?•

oUter by th.ear lut names. • At that t ime it ICQrntd horribly reftl,• • Yotl nul(lo~ look elaowbcro And fare Jano~ replied with a a!Jaddu. • Thank

wonte,' rconarlo.ed the other. God, It waao•t raal ~· • You hue eome one to r ecommend,'

Cala Cardon no said, iot.erroptivcly. ~~~~~~=::a:~~ • Ayf. I have replied tho doctor. • One :M&.~UIS OF H4RTINGTON'.

who i1 •orthy in every reapect ol auy Spencer Compton Cuendleb, marquis pf boueat man's Jon. 1 mel\n Janet Thoruo.' llartlugtoo, r:1uka high among Uritiah

J uat tl•,;n aomething bappooed which atateemeu of tho liberal p.'ltty. He ia ~ rAther diatnrbed tbo doct.or'a complacency. member or Mr. Ut!ld&tono'e cabmet. at tho A pair of brl\woy arona •ei&erl him, lift.ed l'rea11nt time, and Ia bold in thJ higheal hio from hia chair, then replaced bim iu it r el!peat oo bo!h aldu of t ho boueo of with cotllliderablo violence. ~mmona. ID Babate, u in e lectorial COil·

Tbt doctor was a aruall man, bat wuglo "nata. bo Ia iuvari~bly polit.e noel reapectfu l aa a tfnnia·ball, with nry little t.enaper, o r to ovpoocola. Outalde of P"'llftmcnt be Ia el110 but • alugwleh one. lie ebook him•elf, highly eet.:emod an::l 1\tlmired "' a ooan or ,.djueted biaebirt· collar, picked up hie pipe eulted cb.aracter, abili1y and "''"lnwenta, auil rc·croeaod his loge. who adorns tho digniHcd at.atiou in wbiab

• Cardoouo, 1 dido•t know thRlyou in- ho waa bora. lle ia t be eldut 10n of the dulged in proftuuty, • ho uid, bia pipe onco duke of l>erooalolre, wbo ia " nobleman more iu lala mouth. or liberal and enlightened viewa,nud i1 uow

• Did I e ... ear? You are to bla111e. You abou fifty yean of "'•· bl\ving been born proYokod me.' In 188S. After graduatior Ill 'friulty col·

• Oh 1 did eh ?' uked the doctor. •. Very IC~;e, C"mbrid~:e, he dnoted hie Qtteotion innocently 10, I &~~~~ure you. Duolliog Ia to polltica, and io 18h7 waa elected to tho onder llan in Uois oonunonwuhh and boulll! of commooa aa a llb~ral. lie b:u r.rentffttion. Still, 1 would be ueu~ed for held olllee aa followa : One of tho j11010r uking for ao" planation of aucli a 1uddeQ lorda of tho adnolralty, !o.larch to April, outburat.' 186S; ondor aecretaty of 1tato for war,

I ~b .. jil~d rLe,' growlod Cale c~rdoune, 1863-G, aecre!Ary of •tate for •ar, February hie 1-•oo apenc.. 19 July, 1800; poatmaator-j(tueral, 1868·

• Who jilted yo')u ?' 7l; ohio:f accretary for Iroland, 1871-4. • ,J.snetl11oru".' Aner toe eleodoo of 187-l, which pra•ed • No aho didn't,' the doctor aid, wltb dieutroua to t he liberale, Mr. Gladatooe

cmph:otis relired from Lbe leallorabip of h ie party in • I t ell you ahe did,' «¥elated the other, th• honee ef commolla aod Lbe ma~qole of

with f'qual conphula. ' Uurlat oo& J to Hartinrft.on took bia pl... With tbe ra· k~c:;- ? 1- 1- nnderwen& it That.'a j111t taro of tbo Jibera.l1 to power Ia 1880, and wl-!1.} atn eo ee111itin.' , the p'f'emien':llp of Mr. Gladatoo•, be &O•

:ibe did uot Jilt y11u,' peni.ated the doc· cepted a ~tlon Ia U•e cabinet Lord tor. Frederic Cefttldiab, mnnltred Ia Ph01nlz • C•le Cardoone waa oo loia feet apln. l'ark, U.ablh·J·, May G, 188ty waa • brother

• lUI•• eorry r the .-Jd as. laat, wiLb a IMP• IMII' franee lmaWin~.

'ltorr7 t ~&eel be, fnllna • lit.tte daMtl • .,.,._ 1 ba•~ pros-ed to

• \\'l.at do you mean ?' be ft-ly de- &o Lbe ma"fllla of Hartlna-ton. A work maadd. • Ob, you waot mt &o be pee- reeently publlebtd io l!:qlaad ~,.. the e1ae? \Yell. aloe rejedftd me.' • followioJ dtiCriptlou of Lbe marqltil aa be

•11w'• the betuc word,' rejolaed &be appean iu &be boue of commooe: • Tall doot.or. • lt ._., 110 chroptory. \VIia& ead robll.t of fra•e, two.d IMII'Oel tbe p!*ible reeeoe ooold abe'-" had r abonldtnr dd thlll Ia the laoU. with a

• Yo. .. ,.,, Mk ller,' powlad .a.. OWHr ..all, well da'tOIODOd forallead, parUJ con· JOllf' ' , • • a- 1 - oe..aaiaed to deellne ~·"·' •he..W.. .

J• nqeinicl loftYei'J to apeak' Ill .. ..-ord.t. ....._. bJ . .... ..._deelra

q1 MorthhrOok. • I woa'l.' aaeled bf clark llal'r cba- clowanrd from • 1'.,._,. lilt .._._low JOG.• &Ita rt111* W.ple ur011 dat left eJtbrolr,

... •'111M *'" ftf7 ...,a-..&arJ to-. a loalf, blp DOll and /~rna browa • ........,. IJM ...,._. ... cllcl lo" bean~. the IIOble -rq•la loo ... ,.., bleb -.• a ..a of bl~ ud brHCitnc. Thera Jl.

• 0. r a,.,..latecl thlloofoto, l ...... rlato llo,..,.r, a IHIAtlllor Ia ~Ia cllllp-ae& .,_ 11tncte fOr aU.. ucl provacJior ncletllp wllhill 11M ao& Y"

• Carclolt.., lf • hme 1M •11 -rrr retedtd ,,. ~' liON& to &be liberal ,_,• lie..._., ..W. • 'n.lre II 101M myeo 'plltJ. D~ In •oattla -ly fubloo. ia

H.e Wa 1t.ec1 a Bea •Onab le Apology for 1-' •:lloiJ, a..od He GoL Ollo.

Ono dAy three o r ron r week• ng., " •e· t.a\1 11rocur ov.:r in J craey ll:lt olo>wn with laia clerk onu o•enln~; . 1\o•l uitl :

• J 3noea, 1 owo Nuw York l.aou~<!l over SS.000" ' '

• Yce, air.' • W e hi\VO Si!,OOO in CRib in tbtt eAf«', the

a lock ia at! ruu tlo vn, a nd Lilia wouiJ b.. t he tinao to fail in bt .. ineaa.•

• It Cfrtaiuly would.' • llut I w11nt. a re..aon .. blo arology to

giYe any creditora when th11y coone dowu upon ue ror ezplanationA. Sco if yon can' t tbiuk of aomatbing to.ai~-ll t, aud l~t me koo" in the morning.' I

The clerk promiaod, 1\Ud tho ~rrocer wheclud a cheat or tea and a bag of colfeo home aa n be~inning. Nut •ooroiug wl"'u lte appeared at the atore tb1 a&fu waa o pen, the ca1h gone, and Wl ~bo ooat. w:u a aoto from tho clerk, realinJl :

• I hAYo !Alton tho tt,OOO ud 11111 pre· !W'ed 10 akir. l& will be the ~~ ex~:Jee io tho world fOI' yoor failiag eo ft.a' th• t credit.on ~·t realilo t.-o cnta aD ~ dollar.

lloliDIDOy'l Pi!J.. 41fd OiHI-•1 -Rheum&· .&11111 and Goot.-Tb~ae purifylor and aootbiog remedi.l deearn the aarneat at­tention of all penon• liable to scout, aeiatiea, or other paioful alf~lioo• of tbu muaclea, oe""• or joiota. The Oinlmtot ebould be applied after Lbo alrected parte buo bfteo patieotlJ romeuted with wann water, whoa tho uu~rueo' allould bo dili­ftlotly rubbed upon Lbe adjacoo~ akio, on­l e~~~ the fr?otiou ~ paiu. llolloway•a l'ille abould be lilllu ltaneooaly takdn ro diminieb pain, reduce iu8ammatioo, and purify the blood. '!'bit lMI&ImeeL abatea tlae Tiol•uc•, aud lcuoaa tbo frequeoey of gouL rbeuma&iam, and all epaanaodlc dia­e- which apriog from herec'IU.rr Jlftdla­posltlon, or from any aceideu'-1 •eakoe• of cooetitutioo. Tho Ointment cheeka tbe local malad7, wla!le •• J!iUa rauora rita! power.

Xra. O.pt.. Borman. of Millbridae, On:' tario, wri~oet. 4.q. l1tb 1871. :-• AI.LIN'I l.!UKO HAUAII .cared my Sou of a aterc. .. u.ack of eoa~I{..Uon of the lunga. Ue took D!J other rnedlcloe, tl1e RAt.aAII a.eted wonderfullt, Saklnr away ·the f..,er, .a on0111 oparatlog on the bowole, aad a.dlor 1nattdr op from tbe luura. lu appearaoee ~I baJood es.,.._ion. '.l'btre are aoYtnt.l o thrra wbo ruidelu Lbi1 IHii,~boar· hood and haYe been cured by ..\l.UM'I LUKO IJ.U.SAII, wbo would a\n certllkate lfaeked.' '

W. W. Y.aLeUao, l,yo, lll.S;, wrilta \, • I wu aftllcted wiLb rbeo•atiala, aad bad giveo up all hopM of a care. B[ ohaace .l aw Ur. 'J'bo•aa• FA~ OLI recom­mended. I lmntediatelr ••' (ll&J lllil .. ) aocl pon:baaed fotr boUJ... aad wl&la OII)J &wo ..,...lea&loM I wM able to I'' aroandi. aod u&laoqh u ..... DO\ .-1 • beUie, am oaarly well. The oU.er "'ra• )loutee 1 Jll\'8 around &o "'1 aelpbora, aaa 1 bate had 110 UI&DJ calh for qaore. tbat I fMt b~und to reline tile dieted b7 wrf&Uir to you foT • aupplr• • ..;.___ 1

~ D7•DeDala.-r•b oat ttaapooatal of·Ptff'/ .,,if- Pala- Killet io • ..., ead walft' imnMcl~ aflft eecb -t Let your dle\ ~ ooarllllloc, bo& taba a& repl~r lot.enala. bela~ oarefal eo~ to onr­lo.d "• atoeaoll •• 1117 •••, •or to Ia& too aooa af&er .. ..,. ulftllt:

.., ... .... ...... .... .. ""' fiWit ....... , 0011&, ups ...... an4 b•9J

............. ...... _ ... J ~ ................. -~,

.......... ...., ....., - ....... .,.,. . the ....., . ..... wltb bra ..

..._..... u. r ~. "l.t .,..,..-. uc1 bit ••• •&~~A· 'n.1 I' adta ....... dd np~o;. ~- wDtle la ........ ed wi&Wa die Ia'*

............... eel. I )OlD .. !If ltkalboft, IH "'-d lllcHalllett ..... ~ ... ..w, JICIIIIbl1 IICh ,....... ._....'"batik or die ..a • ... ... ....... ~ .... ....,. .....,.,...,.,. .. ~·

.. t• :..:r:.' "'*- fOftl dd WI .....

,I I ' . ·· Advertlsem8Dta. r .AdvertiseDient9. ' Adve~ment'41.

't 9"'

~.A.L~~s Ve,etable Sicilian

l(essrs Jillard :BrOS ..HOUSEHOLD ~ORDS t

HAm RENEwER wouta n.peedallr bet '4! lnuma&e 1.o their aoraerou frieoda aad •oue&omon &bat tbe1 lla" ~wed abe greater' pordoa of their

Spring & Summer Goods per !Jott~ Cjty from Load on, conelating lo

· part 'of a yery oice ...onme~t of,

- U..ln& Jlft1III&UGD ptrfoeUJ adapc.eolto' CIIN .u- Of U.. .-Jp, &Dol U.. In& U.

-rill r..'«n o1 faded or 1'1'71Wr 10 IY oaltu'll oolllr1powUI. &Dol JOII&hLIIl beaalf. 1\ lou bad 11W1J laJ~.&~.ono baL-UYO .. l..UJ IIIC\ all &he reqalr_,_ ueedlel lor Ulo propu .,..-., of l.bo bait aDd acalp. lt.u.l.'l llAlll llUCW&a II» -.1JIJJ'OWD Ill !11'1'01', ua4 lpi'IA4 Ita fUDo u4 -.Iaine. 10 .._,. qaan- of Ule l lobL Ita UDJl&ftll­leleol - cu be aurtbe.- 10 baL oue _, u....ure~WN~u.,_uu.

:'Men's Hats~ Caps

no. ~ ba.,. en... btu •ttrpr!M4 at u.c n!Ctlllp& ol or<lon trona """""' _,. 111-. wbet9 Uoor luo4 .. .-Glide"" .a'onlcw 11& llall04--. ....

n.- tor a 111ort UD>O of R.u.1.'1 n.u• aucwn WODderf..Ur ,.,,.....,. u.. .,.,. aonala,......_. 1L d-U.. ~plrom all .. pariU., • ..,... all b--. tenr, .... d. ~. ouod Ulu prhe.ta ~ I& .una~· 1M wtalwMclalaolio. -s~aabltll \b- 10 P-" forward a IMW ouod YIIOfOQII rro.u.. 'J'bo etr.n. or W• aortlde ..,..,.,. \IIUIII•L, W.e Uoaao of alooboUo 1>"1"""' u ..... , ll"' rematn a 1o .. u .... , wlllcb wa1<11 UIUM&....U..ofCOODOIZIJ•


WHISKERS Wilt chantt \be 'beu<l to a D&t..-.1 tarcnno, Of biacll.- .. 4lllte4. 1' prod-.. .,.,_...,., ...,lor~ wUJ- Wllab away. eo..r.u.rw a *'ale fi1C151U*Uoo. tt. II aJ'I)IW wll.boaa ~~

l'llUAitED DY

Btf.li!lrl co .• lfaShna, I. B. f Sol <I liT all Dealen Ill )of oc1ldAea. -

/ ----r-----

lroR ~ THE fOBl£8

ow ~-JIIIIftll.rlal,..,.


tho •. ' remed1. l>H:AIIM tho _, ...-eblq·aa.l ~ blocl<l-pw-tll6r. Ia

Ayer's 8arsapal'111a. Sold liT all~; ,I, .,. botU., .... .

THOS M'!ltUltDO & en . Wboluale Ajreota, St. Jgb.o'a.

of enry ~ptlon and ebapo.

Carpelinga, Floor Oil Clollo & Stair Canoraa Urocaded and MataiUIIO CloLb for J..adju

jnckete, ' Hlue l>iaaooal Woratod Coating for Men's

Coata, Brocaded Velretoeoe, SaUot-~~11 1badea Curtaiu, Llou and Net llanginJ:I Window Laonbrequinll-l\11 prico:v. Wbite, Creme and Colored frillin,ltll Featbera, lUbboua, 1-' lowora, Lccca,. Frin~;~ca

~~ Dres~ Goods, Boadod uimpe, Umbrcll..a. 1•araaolA

· A ~ery larie Stock of

:Et <> a •:t. :fu :R 'Y for Lad~, Genii and ~lls.ea-prl.:cs 11nd

1tylel tO ault OVCrJ'DOO.

-SMALL WARES-of OYillJ deecription.

J.od In Stoe\ oh former hnportaliou n~nrly

150 PATTERNS --of Parlor, Bedroom 1\Dd Kitcht-11-

"PPAAPPEERnss P A . P E R S 10 ~eled from. Nice paUeroe aoJ


Remember Lbc Sign o! tho


~q C.A.:EU:>.

0 GEO. WEBBER, s:: ~ .DRUGGIST, U> Water Street, H~. Grace

AI.SU CU lt~ SciatiCA. Nell~, ll<~Adacbo, F.aracbe. Tuothacfae, CBm))ll. llrniec:a, Spnrlua. Ouu11l" Colda, Quiu.Sl'y, Ery8ipeiM, t.;olic. Crnnp or l<atllu, llo:m•cneu. llu ru•. !Iron· chitis, 1'umbneas ot tho l,lmb8, rconninp ('&u.Jruff ADd prc;ofUOiJ:IIO tJao crowth or t he I l~ir, anti &II a 111\ir l>rc&aing ia uncqunllcd.

$500.00 Reward offered for a better 1\rtide, or the Proprio· tore or any rcmedy11bowing more Tut.imo· ui"t .. of gcnniUD ~"'' o!tbe abo~• d'a:~• io tlae •••• le11~1 of tho e. Thor\! h no· thing liko it wh~n b\lteu intoru11lly for Cruope, Co!ic, Croup, Coll a. CougloA, l'teaniiJ, lloanene• and Sore T.,roat. lr ia perrecUy hanuleaa, aucl C!IUI be ~riven ac· cording to directWoa wilboat auy iojurJ wbat.evor.

&liuard'a LinimcnL ia for aalo by .all Dr11w•ta and Deal en. Price 26 e<>nta.

J uly 7.


Marble & Freestone Works Ar.EXANDKH S !tU'fll, P uoi•uJ r:.:ToH.

A S deairca 10 tlaRnk those "hu lon•·~ • • fAYOraJ him in rhu p:."\ '"ith

their ord~"'· a aul wo>nlol fnti"'I!&J nt tho· aamc timu tbotlou I.a. fac•latioa for t-crlo r n · i n~: wnrlr. In hi• liuo with uUNJn" lluol •I••· •p.o!.Ch •nd ncatneu, 1\Dtl a' lHicc& tl•"' c"' · uo\ be co••ltcteu with. T loo. o n~l'dtiu:;

lll.an tel Piece~, Jlllou" O).Ctl t.e, TQ m b Hea.dat.onoe, Our'be, Heartba and e,

Oopio~r~. ·wlll.do well to call on him. Tht>)' CA n ol>· •lAin MC.atie, thoron~:h and chMte workonnu · aWp, at pri~s lower thZL!J tbo lowcat c(..,. wloere. • Ohu'reh Worlt-Footf, Altar~, Teobleu,

~c.-A a~cinlity. Tbe Su*rlber buing11lmMl fortyye~~rs'

O'<perienco in th;s aolouy i• lt.eoalore in ~ poattion to proYitlel\laterialanol W orkm!lu· ahtp beet c"lcu l.tod to eotl.ure t.be IIC!Yclriues of our climate. 276 Gower Street, St.. John's April 18. ' •

Guardian North~rn FIRE ttr. LTFE · AsSuraJl.C$ C mpa,ny

Assura,nce Comp'ny · -Fott-



SuaMRIDID CAI'ITAL ......... £2,000,0GO " TOT.a.L JKYUTK.o Fusus or- ·

W.altDS OT ,.., ............ ... 2,760,QOC " A NNUAL lNCOllr. UI'W.AitOS fir 3bO,®o

·fbe "GUARDfAN" being a firat-clAII Engliah loabranoe Cnmpany, off era all tho~e edYaatagea moa~ duirable to lnanren, Tb.., .. doubtod atabllity, f.,.o rablo terma aud P~:DWPt llflttleaoeut of claima for loa&

11ao uoden1gned haYinr; been =tJipolotod Ageot for .Newfoundland ia prepared &o a~ aue l'olicieaaplnet lou b7 Fire.

J A:MES B. WINTER, St. J oho'a.

JOSEPH .f.JDDEN, Bub-Agent Rr. On~oe!


CAPITAL-£3,000,000 Stg. I

FJBEPREMIU~S::: ........ .£403,f00 LIFt!. rlo .... ............. 1117,1 00 1NTJ::tt~·~· .......................... llO,OO<

rt~AD OFFlCES: LeMDOM-t ~toorgate SUee' Mtlll>tt:M--S King l;treet .

' Ineurence cll'f'Ctod on P ropt'l'tV in Xo•Coundl11nd a~ current R:tt.t-a of Pa'll-mil1m. .

PBOIIPlXlJ UIII&-F" rms of Applicntion (or ll'ire and Lifo Io•urauce, aml "11 otloer Infol'lllat..ion ~n be ob&eine-1 nt tho oftico of

A. 0. RA.YW.\RD, it. lobu'a, Agent for Ntld.


J'or One Konth Only!

PERSONS ae«llatr down along tbe Rail· way'fraclt aad elM where would do

wall to call at A .• & E. Panooa FUilNl· TUllE STORE ud iupoct &be1r •teuaiYe Stoolt before parohealer elMwltere.

We k"P 1• atock nerr &biD( Ia ,th boGII· farolabiag IIAe &baa .-oll)d ,Diak.e ~ h- OOtDiortable. :

'l'HB Qlo!SUINI!:


Cflaabe.r S.i ... froa IOJ to .£20 ~ m. •tJe ao 80/ tdte'*oa 1'.W..lro~~~ M/ &o 70/ Kltebea 'rabl• freta tD/ to 14/6 Bedroo• 'l'abiM rro~~~11JG to 10/ WortTtltlleafro.10/&oJO/ • · i Wala .. u4 Martllu Top "l'abl .. H/ to 10( Oftl aecl Boaocl '.Nil• 17f co 40/ Chai~Ptrforaled aad CUe Seat. 6/6 to ~ 1V ooes Sea&~ c... seu llooll-t 10/to !-' Doobll ud Slqle Beclt s,lDCl.le Cbain,

tot/ .ad 6/. • Araa,.M ~ Otiln 1!/f to &0/ 1 Cbtldrea'l CMa ucl oracn.e, , ~ ud W... Foot 8cOOl.. WliM-Nota. ~ Bleelltta, l~Ju~o &eoola aa«< Ollil.......,.. · Wula~'r ............ 'l'rab I. I

llo1ll~ ~ 1.....-a to order N . ......, .... litl,.._lll ton bt .U... i. ud .... n.oo..~ WM u. W""'

olba"--.W. ....... tillbe eube..,_ eoa~ llr ..,._ ... .., PAR8UNl9 PdOTOOilAt&IO '80011$, om Furel~ tare lion. QIIPOIIIe tbe merea•dJ• pma .... ., a~.-. Jolia ._1111" • eo. · ' .

At & E. PARSONS. l I

' 0 ..

• 1

THE Pl.LLS I llllfl'""" u.ll otht\.1· Medicine~~ for Purify. ing tho lllood ; they are . unihtiJiu for all n 11 11 d111nC8lic nml houeeho!J N'm~dy for nil oil<oa~W.nt of thu STOMAC H, LIV I-:R, KllHH:VS 11011 DUWE J ~·. In Cong•'tlli~>to 110<11 O betr..:liotlH ot O\'ery kiml tltey 'JI'ickly rooao1·.u the c.:unS!',:IIId in const.i pptio•~ nn<l (l ii!OI'dcrc:£ condition of tloo llowel8, ll.cy ac~ N; a clL•uusiuc; ll))('ricnt .

lo'or D ot.ilitnt€'<1 CouRtitntion~~ nnd Rll F cmolu Complninta t llt!t<O Pills u rc nn . 'IIJI"t"'-"~e.l-tllllJ cot·••c.:r ... ll J., rrgulu o·itiCll unJ \V cn1m~e:~ from 'O'!m tovur c-... u&U ul'iaing.

!I'Rnds nnri,·llllccl f01 tl10 fncilit1: i t thf · pluy11 !n I'Ci i~t' i n~, l te.nl in,~;, .. ;,J tlooc­onJ.:hly curiuf! thu auo~l iu,·utc rllt•· St1ruo nml U l.:er.. ... ntl in CRI.e., of nA l> IJF.U~, IUD nng,\ ~T:i, OLD WOU ND;-;, Gout, ltlu•nmnlillrn, nnd nil Skin •lh ­enses, it 1\Ct..l 1111 n' clnll·m. l\l,u.ufatctul-ctl ouh• nt Po·off'SSOt lJoLto•

W,\Y's l·:~w.t,Ji~IIIIII:HL, £•33, OXFUlW ~TR I::I•:'J', 1.0 ;-; ou~; , nnoliODirt Ill I H. 1.\ tl. , 2!t. !JJ. , ·k G., I I•., :!~11., t\IJ.d 33s, cu"ch llox nml Pot. nu.l in Couand" n~ 3G cents, !JO ceu t.a, nnJ v !.'•U cent11, lltul l.hc lnrgcr Ri:u.s in prnpor t i<>11.

trOAUTlON - I havt uo Agent in tho Unit.ed 81.6u.s,ooraromyMcdiciue;1 eold there. Pu.rclu\.eere aoould therefore look to t.he Lnbol on Lht~Pot.il n.ndBoxc~ If tho address ie not :533, OxtordStroet , London, they arc spurio u11.

Thu Tr:u.lu .\l:to·k11 uf :111 11aiJ 1\f(tli­cit:r•q llljO ~gi.ot..ca col Ill Utt;ow~. IIIIU n l!IQ nL \V:osloing:nat.

Si!l"~·f T 1. 0~1.\S UOLLU~\'.\ \' .i.1:l, Ll ~ ro .. l l'ito'C..,L, VJIIllun . I

DL·.:. I ~. I t'SU. .. ----------·- ·---

PHCENIX Fite Assurance Company. I.Ollll.\1.: 0 l>T t:t:~:T & CII.\1;1:\C. ('I:u:-s


E TABLISHEO IK 1782. 1't:t:!\1'~:~:~ .tr Ollt~rTI)fl!'.

J,.Joo f'~l .. orolllq<il l,t: • • , O•lt"'"l llonLury. f.•'l Dccinl .. llnro lln, l·:••r· 1-<.D. tlool~o..,.,,,~:,..l II t· . Tloe ll<'n J•u<* llyog. Stt J . J,..ub«k, llort. lnlm Otullou. F .. q. w . .r .• l'.n .. s. 0. t:. l.:..ove. P.•fJ .. l!.l '. Clou. Thn•. l .u"""·"•·l .fulon t:"''l'" DaviA. t;.q. Jun. 0 . )hs:~ow. t;.'l· (;c'o. A. ~IIIIer. •:If). J t lon::!lo•,.•rl U•loy I:• I C. J;;. c;," ..,U .. rl. t::.•t· t 'lnrlrs 1:1v-.s, t;"' t Oudl•y IL timllh. E••J \\' J. · t'huoul>•ou. t:~ 1

/1 {jl>ITOI:S : Woller lllrd, F"''l· 1 l .nr•l \': m.ltrool I'LiJ•t••

J 1114'l'lo J-'roncl- l.o.d•cr , Y.•'l ·

J •>IIN J , l ii.OOliFt Rt.O, S<crttOr!J. F 1:ANCIS II. hlcVosAI. U, II.<~ I So:crtl4ry.

loMn ran.c:ea agninat LOl\ll by F lro M e or-ecUid by U.o

PRtENL~ COJJ PANY, 'lpD:l avery dceefiption of l'roperly in every Jillrt oltlll! world, on the 1uoat. fMomhle !.etiUI.

' l1ao orouartitudo lind liben\lity willo wlaicb ibt ehp gemeniA 1\rc 11lways me( ou thie Coaupany a ru wcllltno,.n, anrltbc im· porlt>uce cf it.a rotl\l iona with Uoc pubhc ID"Y bD eationetetl fr<>m t he fac t thtt.t aiucu 111 ellt&bli8huacut. it h..a Jlllitl more thAn '1 \\' L::LYJ:: hliLLtU~S STEI:LI Nl.J Ill

dieoloarge of clniaoa for l..oMct by firo Haw of p rc:nium and nil other inrorm~­

tioo may lle oiJtaincrl on "rpllcntio n to \V . & () RE:SJ)EJ .J..

St . • J IJIIN'~. A!Jtnl jt1r N~«'(UHllrllt!~./

$200.00 Rewarl! ! Will be p:~itl for tho detection nnd convk · tion or :my f>"""lh • •lli"Jr or dcl\lln~r in "":-' boJ.:UI, conutcrf('il or iuoltl\tion IIIli' !111 • nns, eapecio.lly Uittcn or prcpnrations with t ba wprol H oi' or 1101'11 in their name or con· n ilCtoJ tbcrowith, lha~ ia intended to P1is· I cod and cheat the pu blie, or (or "n'y prep."· ation pnt in any form, preteadin~r t o be tho .. .,,no M ll<or ll!Tnns. 'l'be geouine have oluMer of Gu£1!'1C Hors (notica this) priot-.-d on tho white label, and ue t ba J<Ureat and beat medieinu on earth, eepecially for .Kid· neya Llrer and NerYQna Ui--. Beware of 11l othen. and <>fall ~t,o~dod formolu or rocelpta of lfor Drrnllll pobliahed 10

p&pen or for •le, M they are fraodl 11nll awintllea. \\'hoe•er deale hi ALy ·bnt tbo ccoolae '!rill be prOteeut,d.

Hor ~rrrns· Mro. Co. , Roobeeter N.Y.

~~e -~~·or '~raa inmb;u-b -A:tD-


r prioltd •'ld pnbliabed e•erJ $.\TOR· Tl.lY mornlnt: by J. f '. M ORM a~ the

"Scallliard" Offiqo, WateT Stroea, "" of ll..,ri Qulntju'a abop, UarboT uraco Newfobnalant.J • · 1'1a)jsr.Twcniyebllllop por aoaam-p:.y·

able hlf-yearl,. • 'nna p41 er-ie uo& esoe(t to an'i•ablcribtr

for a .J_.. term than 1i11: mon&lt. Tillll fc}il AD\'EIIT!Stllo-FJntln~trtlon­

fc. three lloea ()lreylftr llPt) la., for • trJ ~cUUoaal f~t lltl. Fot: each cou ijau&llo~ oet-tblnl of \be ftra• abarre •

1crA•Ite~~J4~wed 1tdta olloe of tbJI p~~per wUIIou• wrllita 111tn4tiona, JlmltlDJ Uat taalilbtr or lawrdOIII, (A eo-

. tloria,Sal.., aiHINotlorl will~ dettnotlnt) &Mmtlln. ttroeptad) wfll be repeated aetll ordered Ia writlef to be wl&b· ... WL