I l. .. ::t· I : VOLUME XXVIII. ' . Advertisement& ........ New I .. U'ni2:0DA.I;TDBr.JII Be WO&W. J.upft OW.. . . . . _... Of<tM JMtet u.. .. v.uoa• n.foll&twlNwe..,. eel for,IH,•h _,._..-,.,ill ... Y , , - for Nlenaoe. .- . .. .,. _,... a ..J!?ai' I - . llble ................ Ia &M ........ ..,._ Noe. 4o..-0p lo the ..... a._ &M , ....... from Oil· •- ... _ -• cap. wblcb ...... -ba &o-da ...-·- -- &beleoe ot anz' h 'II'IIIIIPf'C*d alacle 111lniJ; ea- . die OW... Gill• lane . npJJ to ..., Jek o1 4h• oa' b• em!DI&ed, aad of pouao ... fie baud th ' 9!ptod u'u 8fJPI'ftliaa&loa oal7. We ESTA.BLISBED - -18M WH::>LESALE AND RETAIL. . l.he botold ... aao lha Jor· "'-- ._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 wbloJa '11'11 f' olaed to... Sea. &liao ... alii ... ••4 ue, wblolllo Wm wU iJ1 diteot OOD! .. ti.DI· .... _. ' ea\loo . .Jlth l.he ana* lake ' e,.tem ot Ceo· ::.::.s_-:'! I tra1 Africa. u..,.....,.._ Hlr hafe VIenna Coagre. tha• woe& b&"• 1lcK ll:ine •1 dd• poae *' Iii below 'llaoqtr · IMra hcnrnw. the& -'d ' ...... ooo man tell ' Ule tale of we co... cl l.hat \ctrribl., nlfbl Micblpa. 1'ba Uaa* ftpte. l& will 1M 1!1 the PoiiWroy · lau on bo&rcl.lbe ooly eum•or o1 011iea tbere are wba& M DOrr kuown or an awfnl dia&Mer 36,610,3 IODI .. Of Dearly the popaladoa Tbe aamo or tbe man who baa boea reaoUtci of tile Britllh lalea, a fact wbloll oanojlt t,. from dM&h after be bad ·, 811 up all ho""' f1Uped lA a momeol b7 aay ordloUJ I.. Tbe S11btcriber haa -saiD added to hia large &nd varied Stock, a (e., o( new! eet leading Patent Modic:Ulce aod driee, U follOW11: ::.:.:•:.•::: -H0JtSU roa . .ut The -- ·- Arltf a>td NO'tly Ga..ttte u'.JI :-• We htar &»- .... __ _..."'_ oenl8cataa.at Ule...-q- I achabl aotb n' t oL.. 100 ... .--ll---...u 7 -. .. --.. -..a..-.s&ata.:o--. 1 . 1150 . oa no mpe e o 1 ..... onr M7 pan oe u.. tru.ed -----r -- , .... _- bon" were bouggl lately for l.he German "t .. ,Nouaolf, . .• of l.ho plo to tbe §tate by the nmbera of bomu fl"• In Great darioe tba lu& half oeetnry-the iaenaeo beloe the frolt ohanitafy aad medical. work _ ,.. el10bt millloultofllng, Bat l.hia ("'' a ooricapoadeal) '11'11 an agreglonsly lo• oatjmat.e, due l.ho miuppreheuaiooa of b le'1ttatemo11t. Dr. W, Fur caleulalea tliaL lbo mlulmom lobereot n.loo or lbo popoha- tioo' ol Ute United Kingdom ia 1159 per boad. Mow, oar populal.loa hu lncrauod by elgbt miUiooa io l eA tbu fifty yean, and uaomiag lbal lwo milliooa owe FtO· lollgation of lifo to improfed aollat ioo, tbo ealu to tbo State 1.1 DO ,_ thao .£S18,000,- 000 J MAoifoatly &hie Ia aood economic va luofor eanitary aol eocc ia Groat Bntaio. r _, I' . .... &elleG* : o eYer •a-n Mttlar bill fooL opoa diJ .&Jtolol Ja 1 pt,t»a . nao kok Slam 600 lud Ia Alfred Ss.one, or Cbicaro, of 800 I !(.Y., 77( 000 ; 1 u...ita, P:a-:. tho CfOW. Ho bad beeo IQ the water lht7 expoaed to a blUer, l,&oo.toDI Oll.ooreloooloo, t,OOOpw; Obl- plorelq wind; and wllbo ot a to eat . ooco, l tL. 714,000 : T wr ke,,7oo .• Wbeo tbo A.- diac:oYored him on a 000 1 FQO-dloo, Otu, .. w, &oUa...S. Oroen'l Flowcr, Boec:beo'a German Sy rup, Warner' &f o Cure. Carter'• Little Li ver Pilla, r . • -•v7 $ Uot UaJ>10· 0bow.foo,Obloa,600,000 ; Bani" Wi.tar 'a Balam of Wild Oberry, Wye th'• Liquid ExtracL, Hueli.Do Mother Orate•' Worm Ex torminator . Uebig'a E. xtract of liCAt, !'oar'a Soap, P Cilr' a S having StickL Wbite Enamel (for fi lling tce t.h,) BorW.no ( for cleana iog purpoeoa,) Mattaon'a Fa mil y Syrin ges. FAMILY RE'll't'DY market . If a Coathlental State waota honea m.LI ' · It cao oaly buy b.,e or io America, aod we EVER KNOWN. ' · ' can go on aellloe p111tty mach on oor owo torroa u loog u Wet hue got aa aahnal left For Sale (Who iCII&lo 11nd .ko t.n.ll) at THOMPSON' S l\foclical Hall, !IRrbor Gra ce worth parohuiog. But what would bappeu If war broke out aaddooly aod tbo markoL bad booo cl.,..d by oar nh lall Dlgbt, a ei11bt.mllea froiD Sbo- Tcbeon: flO ooo : Uu -Xow Olllaa.600.- boylfan, bo wu 10 oold u to be ooo· Ll•"pool, bel plesa, and 10 weak from buoger tbal he &s' taod. LoD<Ioo. co uld mon. Although atiU woak lla¢rict. Bpsla: iiOO.t.IO: 61t f'-t : lroru the clfecta of bll a lui experieocc Naw Y otk, N.Y. ,UOI/,000: t'an.,. n-, t.l!6!1..- '!' ' OU • Pokaloap Java, : Pckla, (,'bl D'l , ho Wu &ble lO make a bne( llatllllltDt of eoo,Ooo: Pt.ll, dolpbla, P a., SL l.ho DlfOr- to· be foraouea nigh&. 1 wu bu rg Raw , 716,H4 : !!uta-, JaJnA, Kl,o li : arrakeuod io tho middle of lho q_igbl.' be PJI, stu: Olllaa, 1,000, 000 : SL j.oula, bOO.OUO: • by the cri" of tho pe..oogera aad crow Tat.SMa Loo, Chloa, Ubi.,., that &be ,_, wu 1 t 11 kior. l•rnog oa& Toklo,Japa o, t87,!JS7 ' Tllebaat chau -r a, Liwe Juice, Lemon s ,rup, R..u!pbei'T1 t3ytup, Dt-. Wileon'a H e1 · bino Johneon's A nodyne Lini ment Tamar Indicn (for cost.i\'oese) Eno'a Medica loti Sugar (for wo rms) Guard'i Ha ir D ye, T ricopbe roua T eabo!Tf Tooth P owder, Eno'a F ruit S.. lt Mu rr ay's Fl uid :\lag1108ia Beef , I ron llld Wine. TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. 'VVe vv:l.l.l. you bapa our euemiea.-Haaio0111 ia a thiog to be oocour&$1od ; bul even &bia roay bo atounHl too bigb a pricu. papu. . . Oblaa, 1,000. 000: To1o-dloo. Obloa, 800,Qgo, of the and fouud IAJICII oo a life Vitana. Aulrt., 716.106 : dw>r. Cblr>a 1 rah Witb 111 olbor pereooa. I c:aonot aay 600,000. Tor: Cnll .DRlN Cllt · FOB I'L-Nolao a'• Cherokee Vermifuge ia pleaa&Dt to take aocl a poaltiYO worm expeller. MA'ITER. Uaod up with uthma Go to tbo drvr· ala& aod 1t0t a btlUlo of Mioard•a Hooe1 Jlal. Alii; It Ia a posit he c ure for uthma. N orthrop « Lyman's Vegeta ble Discove ry do do Quinino Wi no PHOTOS, - Tho tbal Franco b11 cnt down bor tilting 81. 800,000 or tboamouot from ber army cethnatea, abould be rol(&rdod u a aligbt \okon fuonble to peace. J f tbey trere redoced a buadrod tnilllon •ltogetber aod aomo aublimo roYela- tiou could eater ioto Ute bead• of th..,. im· pa uioued F reoob and .Germana to the ollect &hilt tho ia large eoou11h Cor botb poo. pie and \bat they 11.1lgbt with 101no t1Turt llll\ ua&;o to li vo without cotliog each otber'a throal.l, It wouiJ be a bleeaiog. Someho w it would aeem I <> be aoob an ouy mat tor. Uut nations often boco111o iouoe u well u men, 1\urt wo vruJume that will go on bawmrnug pruning·Looke iuto t po:are uutil tho a hum is aouuded. -T111 c oxt."o w .a .- According to a Fr c ocb cootemporary, tho Itallau and tbo Gormaa Goferumeata hue ootoe to the follow lag understanding ':-In -of war bolag doclared Cliaioac Gcrlll&oy, tbo haliaua are onco to mollil i.stl throe army corpe, aud to march opon lbo Alpa. In tbo evooL of Gcrroany being victori ou.s, tbuo threa corpe willi"'maln io obaornlico ; b al 1boald ebo bo beat.en, tbeo tboy will C!I'OU tho fr ootior and aivo her eomothiag moro tbau moral support. Germany, of CCUrllll, pledge& bera elf tO a reci p- rocal aotioo io the n e ot of Italy beiog at- tacked. \Vbate90r trut\1 thoro !DAY be In tho above atat.eonont., It It aignitl- ci\Dt &bat tbo P'reuch Go,oroment bu joat couaootod, on the 01rnuL roq uu t of Goa- oral 1-' c rroo, to ettabliab ao entroooLmeot c:.arup al Nice, 10 u to hinder an Italian Army, nf ter eroaaiog tbo frontier, from mar ching upon LyoDJ. Tho C4t.!Jiet was iu fuor of tbo camp boing ea&abliabed on tbo road to L7ooa, aoi near that city; but tbo War Miuiater al<IO<l finD. aow wbo my coll'pauloua wore. Part of them wcro members of tbe orow and pan were paatooeera. h teemed oul7 a moment before lhe •eeael bad gooo down, and 1 boli on tbmt all but a few of lboao oo boa rd •eot down w1tb bcr. 1 do not know jaat u. o"' bow many pe ople wore aboard at tho Ume, but cbe aumber could not ban been far from tlfty. We paued Utroogb aa aw. Cul ol gbt. 1 tblak I nenr aaw aucb a aea u that which lOlled oar littlo nh al Ita mere7. Wbeo daylight C&UIO rre boiated a aigual of diaUC!Ia uai ag a coat t iod to a. o oar . Two •-lapUIO\lao oeM on Satur- day tbaL they muu baYo aoen our ligaal, bot for aomo reuoo t \J ey apparently mado ao e1Torl to r eac h ua 'l' be as.orm etill raged, and it may b• tbaL tbo7 bad alll.hey could do to •ve thoDIIOifea. Ono after aoot bor of my ccmpaolona periabed lo tho oold, or waa wubed off the rah wlaeo th•y bqcamo too oomb wltb tbo ccld to hold oo any loo- .:er . Wo onor •w a oy otbon from tbe euoken lleatoe r. I don•& bello•e any of tbom aof\ ·i •od. Tbe voeeel weut d o wn eo au dtlooly tbal Ul o ct e" hada •t limo to wao tho boata.• \Vhe'D Slano Wl\l pickoJ up the ro wu tbo cor pee of ouo mm oo tbc rah "itb bien, tbo olbor fo ur baY i ng poriabed before. Swoe aaya lbia mao was ooo of Lbe orow 1 wboee be dool aot koow. There Ia ootLi ug equal to Mot bor Grn1111' Worm Exterminator 1or dMtroyiag worma. No articlo oC ita klud Lu glvn atia- Cactioo. .KellOJQ(a A s t b 01a J{crnedy do SnufJ. Dati'y'a Elixir, H ol• Rittet11 Dr. Walke r's Vinegar 1 31: terR Holloway '" Corn Curo Pllt.4U>'s Q)ru '&:ctroclor .Keatio(' R I OSf'Cl Powde r N ortb rop <i: Lyma n's Em ul lli on A yer'a Bll rii3J>m-illa , P ntnc r's Emulsi on Jo Cherry P ioreo'e G olde n D iacovory do Pnrgal i\·o P cl lcta do Na lllll J nj ecto t11 W a tcrproof !'l ursing A prons do Sponge do Bibs (for clJilrlron toot bing.J Fellowa' Componnd. 'y r up S :.eedcrum'...Xcot hi ns:: Powdcn R ubber Tubins:: for F ecJt:rs D htinago T<1bing. A ye r'• fl ai r Vigor, Day Rn m .All en '• Hair CbiiJ'.s Tru!f.3eS Adult'a Trusse ll, Mi nard' s L ini men t CarLolic S011p, Fullt: r'a Earth .1\Vright'a Un fcnnent.ecl \\ 'iDe Bu rdock Blood Keo,..l or' e Cod Li"fer Oil and Malt. E.lnco ot Spruce, A lien 'I Lung Blllsaaa Sudson '11 G old Paint, J ud son'• Gold Ink Cilnlte or Mqnoaia, Caynnno l.ozoAgeS Peppen»inL Gi nger Lozeugee •vory an d Mo ore'• Food Lime J uieo, Canned Oyat.ot11, Deaiocat.ed Cocoanut, Nea ve'e f ood Woodill'a Baki ng Po wder Yorbhire Rel ish, S.uce ' Dtied Savory, Driod Sago, Vinepr lu D ri l'd .U iot, --.:: Pi.ebtoae'a Wuhing Cr ystal Both & Cot. Ra t Pute, W ax Ta pers Tooth Bruahee, Sh aving Brnahea, Dreaaiaa Combe, 1' . T. Combs Rimmelfa Li mo Jui ce aod Glyceri ne do . 'l'oilet Vinegar, Coemoti q llOB AJab-.i'a Plate PowdeT Con cootn.t6JjL 1e, f:lce n t.ed So.aP- Aiixed Paint..-i n 1 lb Tina Um ber , Sionna, &tb P ipe lled an d, Yellow Och re, Oak St.aiu, Best Eog )iah Copnl Van iah-1 rsal, Ti na Stai n, Wa lnut Stai n, M&hog:aoy do . RotewOO<l do. - .u.so- of any Goods you may require in our tine . keep description of House Fur- nishing Goods, and pay special attention to orders f !' om the outports. Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co., G H . & C E . AltCRIBALD, Managers, Show Rnoms, · Duckworth St. ; Facto ry , Forest Rond, Sr. John's THE Sl:n SCR I BERS w or LD RESPECTF u LLY C ALL t he nt tcn t iou of the of Xe wf oun dland to their stock of FISH ETTI Cor Uie eeuon oC 1886 and 1887. -- --o--- . Now hnnd, made up sP?cially lor the Is land Fisheries, nod Wttb pa rttculnr rcgnr·d to the 1r requirements, SEINES -FOR- OC>:J:>, d3 OAP:J:..ZN'. \Ve are prcparod to fumlah aoy of t he a bo\·e SeiAe3 cmy kngt/1 and de""' made from &.be ,..., I HE PARD COLD MEDAL TWINE.· .Thill T• .iDo protlucea t ho Sei'fl4 w it h the ireatllmcgC!a to IIJIU'I tnll<l rougla wage. . '£boac Seines n.re mouut.ed io a manner aPJWOV«/ by folrermeni are ready for "U, WILL JTANDLE US ILY, AliD DO OOOD l't8DIYO. CO.D-TRARS· - A Sns ru: U4ROll rt£R- Ooo or tbe airoplctt turometon is I\ 1pidor'a web. N tt· l ttl'll aaya t!\ :1t when thero ia A pr o3 pcct o! ralo or wind the apidor aho rt.ena the flJa. 111cDtl from wLicb itt web ia auape ncled, a nd lon 6S tbingw in tbi1 able as u tho weather i4 Yl\ riable. If th o eloagat.ee Ita tl,r ead, it il l\ ail[ll of 6 uo. <' alm weather, tbo du n tlon of whlcb lll l\ 1 be judged by lhO thll tbr t!llck are le' ouL 1C tbo f\lider tt DlaiOfll)aCiifll, llJe 1\ & ii(O Of rain: bat if, oo tho ron trary, It kotepcl at work do ring a rain, tho latter will not lu t lotig, ADd will bo Collowud by fino •e. , the r. Ul her obeor- vationll have tAUjlht Utat the epi du makoa in ill wob ov,.ry twenty-fo ur boura and thaL if a'acb changea are mado In tbe onolog, j u.st before auote&, tLo olabt wtll be clerr aod boaalifal. - 'for: N EW Rrru: FOR mE Bll:ITtSH Aru" -T be new m'iuiue rill e for Ute Britlab a rm1 bu d Jut beea decided npoo, and, acoord ing to tbe teallmooy or S ir Hoary Half o rd, IL to be a moat fortnld· able weapoa, a.ad u JTMl an adnaoo upon lhe llartioi- Ueory aa the latt.et ,.. l.D IMJ. YUIOII of old Brown Bela. h t. olalmed for It &bat It will make aa rood lboaUar a.& 1000 Jvda. .. , ,.. JM*ible wl&b Ule Uaf . Jlenry a.& 600 p.rcla. 1• bM about oa .. third the nooU o{ l.he exieliat rltle, and tho liplo ... o{ l.he ammunll.ioe nqllind will make 1• PQII!ble for a 10ldl.u to Cl&n7 168 roaada futoad of 100 aa .. ,_aL Be· foro accoptloi thla fnorahlt ..u-te of the a ow ah.>otlDf maehiu 1• will be woll to wait till h bu beta 61DP.!J tee&ed bf U• porimeuL Aa tbe rifto will oany teA ahota In ita myUDO, l& cui tully be illl&lliHd 'll' i tb wbal apeed._ aoldler lo bill drat bat - tle will be &blo to aet rld of bill alodt or : uumonitioa, Jataal3 IDCnUOcl l.houp It wlll bo. · -TilE Ntw AUSTilAL14M Ftu.r.-AI reaniL of the arrau11eme nta for Uto dol eoeo of Auatralh entered luto at Ute lat e Coloo· 1111 Co ofcrtoco, thD oxaot foroa wblch wiJJ bo add e!d to tho lirltlab Oeot ID l.hoco wato111 bu ll ow boeo docldsd opoo. Tbe ..imphilJ•, a Cut cmiMr, beariogar&Aour·plereing guot, the AndDr, Brid;, aud Couac:.l; -. goiog torpedo boate, oril!iually \armed tor- podo-oatcbe"'- aad tbe Li=m/, gon- veuel, will be d etpat.chod ,. aoon u Otted. form- log a permanent addition to the oanl foroa of I Ofon •-Ill• wbicb bu been malutalood by Uto Imperial GotcromooL for maoy yean. 1o adclitioa to thia, two fast and four amaller vesuls will be kopL io A uatraliao pol'U iJI rNOITtl, ready dtte<l ool for ao"ice wbeo noted The ccet of mala- ti!D&Dce of all tbeao v-t.a. both io aclife •rrioe aod Ia r-"e, will be boroe by the ueociated and t.hey will pay &D.Doally dfe per oeu& ostlte ofiitaal OOil of the •Maet. u a liD fud. l'lle preiCDt &rrlopcMDI M to Ju& or teo y..,., or onl7 to be termlaat.ed by 1 thrto mont.bl' notice. - -Btrlia baa beea bariDJ a meet rapid rro•Ua dorlaao &M 1u1 10 ,...,.. At tht cloee of the century Berlla oontafoed oal7 12,000 lahabltaola, ¥d, inooueqoeoco of the 80 yean' war, the oumber fell l.o· W'&t'd the middle or the am O'lDlDI'J eo MOO. .&.t Ute du&h of tbe Great Elootor, 1688,BM. llo bacl 20,000 lnbablta.oa.; at the deoeew of Frederick I., lbo flnt king of Pruula, 1713, 61 ,000 ; at tbe doal.h of l'rederick' William 1., 174 ,000. '.('be aenayean, war redooed th,..,o lation or Berlla COD· aldenbly, bat "wbon erick l.ho Groat died l.he Prn.lsn Capital bered 146,000 lo!l&bltaota. .U tl:e ead of 18th CM!DA HBW B'XPLOSIVE. Experlmeuta with a tu1 Pulmioate . PER FUM· of an1 or 11 t 1 Je, made to• ordtr at abort notice. .t:RY H.aU ck Clotboa B RUSHRS. - Tbo eoleotW. of the SmUh10nlan Jo. atJtnt.e are much !JitorMted lo the alaaabter or l.ho miJrntory birdl wbie b are lrilltd by tlylur agal uat tbe B&rtboldi etalao bMCoa light in New York harbor. J.>rol. Ridp· way, Ute eurato, Malee that, Ybile aooe of the 1peclmeua -• bhD are-rare, Ule, are mo•tfy oft be urbleror noto - vttorinr family a ud the re are alao field bi nh, Uko the mea- do• lark, Tho warblen aro loaoot d,. Youren 11od the field blnJa fl!ed oo Tbt ae' bl rde DJiftRte by ftylar bleb, and are attracted from all ado. dowa &o Uio eleclrie ll&hL. El' aatlclpatea 111u::b la- jorita to Lbe birdl in oooaequeoeo, u the be acoa t. a hlf b, 1larte llrht of great pow- er, altnat.ed Ia a locality frte from aoiae, 11od 1.1 oaleulated to th- bUda to their deatract ioo. Qalt.e a number o(birdl, moeUy oro we, baye liMo plektd ap .-o"- 11 at &be buo of the Wubiaatoa mODD· moot. Thoro were al10 a namber of wild deck• . 1'be crow• a, low, mlpte at claw a, a od tbe miata bide' tho moaarDeat, wblob ill 660' feet high. Jl baa beeo DOtlood l.ha\ ei'OW'I u e miptior Ia larp aamben, wblcb lodicat.u In Uae opiolola of the Smith- aoolan ecleot!ala, au euf7and aerore w!Jitar. tory tbe number bad riaea to 0,000, aad at tbe death of Frederick Wil m IU, Ia 1840 to 380,000. WbiiQ Willi , the pre · tent Emperor, followed hla bro er, Fred- oriclt William IV .. oo lba &lirooe in l& ll, BOTHe ' bad 600,000 lnhabltaota. By 1867 tbe populalloo bad iocreued to 700,000, and &eo 7oan later to O'for'l ,OOO.OOO. 1'be lut otMGI ou l>to. 1 1886, abowed tbe popafalloa of Berlin to have riaeo to 1,262•• 000 eoata. aDd tl1ll aumber bad boeA •••IIed to 1,880,000 Ia May Jut. wblcL abowa aa looreaao of ll8,0U0 lo tho apaoo of 17 NnD Yo•k, N ov. 4.-A dozen fODllomeo luterefted lo exploaiYOI -mbled at the bome of llr . ote}lben Emroaoa, eo111or of l'I'Oiped AYODDe and 16Mb line&, JBiltr> cS,v, &o -- asperimeo• iJI wblcla Dr. Emmloa W'CII lllil&ecl bJ Coa& GeofKB de ltappeila ancl by lall10111 Hewloe E .. 1111aa. l:.mm8111' DOtr U 00111poeed of two cheep ud -ny obtabaed IDI&eria1L Ooe 1.1 u ulnol from _. aad tile other a mineral aobalaDOe. n. lll&l be pouded In • monar IMIIU.er lqrtdiaot Mpuately abowa 1.117 traoe of 1.11 uPioehe MlDN. Another nluabl• qaali" t. peoallat to tmme..U.. aa tbe mlxtare ia oalled, t. \hal'* co., be meltad a.ad fu.d !Jito aa7 abape aa a aolld Woclt or may be f1'&1lalated lo nrtooa abea; ooaeeqaeaU1 It mey be a.aed u eitber a hlab or low ex- ploain . Aooordiag to Dr . Km .. ioa• oom· pilalloDI It c:ao uer& a of liBS tooa &o lha equare loch. 'l'bil ned pre•· aura t. exerted by aitro.-elycorloe, 264 tooa. Tbo apeod of exploaioa Ia tbaa that of aoy other practJcal uploaive ex- cept uiCJiiuato or IAOtCOI'J. \Vbto IIIIOd Ia. form Ita blabMt poaibilltlu of 1peed are obtalood, aad It Ia lllitable aa a blutloc aaea' wbaa maaofactared iJI t.he form of powdOI'. The rapidity or explo.ioa Ia 1- oed lo proporlloa to th• eoarwu .. of tho anla•, and It may lh" be employed in 61"0arma, 1 S:t-calibre Smith & W -n •M 6red at a diat.aaee or lix feet at ao !roe plate ooe aluh of an loeb thlok wilh foor rn.lot of emmeeaite. Tbo ball merely f'-d tbe plate, willie, with leD flr&loa o powder, Ute ball made oaly au Ia· deatal.loo. After ee•eral lntereat.iog ax· ptrimeata Lbe party W'&Dl iato the rarcJ of l>r. Emmeoa• houae. A loadta bemlapbere wu placed on a rook. Upon tbla w1re pl.aod oee oaaco oartrldrea of ruupowder, 001 or exploalve reletloe, dy. .. P rucriptlooa caroft dly compouoded and with p 11re drag.. W. H. THOMPSON. G U AR DJ · AN FIRE ct; LU'E , OY LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1821. STANDARD • HERRING - NETS. All ready for immedit.t.o doli,ory. ,_ b For (llllng 6ab, 'h• Oo&.ton net uoqnoatlonablr anr pauee 1 n1 other kind and ... t Cor maklug o. r rep&lrillg Sei.Dea, Trape, or ' om Note, can bo aup plied in a ny liLe moab and twuae , at OllCO upon l'f'OIIip$ of onJer, ' COl=TON l.INES mooU.L . -- -Tit& J.>atol or CnlltJS.-U Ia ouder- etood that Sir Roblri Blddolpb ia waltlag eo ... Lord S.llabory wltb r11pect to Ulat • blob die people of Cyproa regard u a 1f0M Wbea ba aad LoN Bee• oo111tleld took t.ha& laland trlbata parab le to the Saltall ... at about no.ooo a ,_,_ -• ucell111t ba.raalo for lbe Soltaa, wbo waa relined ol alf &roabl• aud -llD ob&alalq '" The cJ&IIIcl& ID the lllaod nieaoe roee to abont Uae •me amont,and &be Britllb tup&Jer had, aooordlaa to Lord Derby, to IIAd eboat lllt,OOO a7w.r oD ao- C1Pf9L lA Lotd banda the ebaiJe fot &U hlud ,...Suuy fell to !16,000. Ba\ dla& It DOt alae .,_..t aat. terof .... ,a.lal. .' l'be lrib•• "- (,'ypra U. beellimpooDCied b)' Brililb Tr ..... ary to liukolood th1 hi*'• defaal& epoa Uae War JOllA. the lD'-$ of wbJoh waa a.ranw.d b)' Brltalo aDCI JPraooe.. lhppean, proride the ...,. of l'luol aa weU lie U.elr atna_ an4 DDW .aM OJpriotel 00111plala thM 10 1arrt a ebale ol UHI · n+ea• o( &h laliDd ill abelndll4. . ll ill liard tlpoa <.)pr-Utha• ...,d .. " .. "- ,... ... 8GIIan' 11atlt .... 8altlbal7 .... _.. &W u4 )le eanaet u•ak• u. Tile ..- Len ean ao J: to ..... ana 1D009. llr . Qoe. ... -- ... .. dl .. ,.,..., . ......... 1 a111ite and ammeDilto. Wblle the other exploeln beat thelllld, U wu ab&Uel"'d by the ammeoaita. AD iroD plate eix fncb01 equare wu l.heo au.peadod ft0111 lhe braoob of a Ule. A ooe OOAOI dynamite oanrid111 placed OD tile plata almptr beol It ; a ..,._ Reletloa almOil broke it, wbiJe e e &lDOU.l of -IDihct .. ade a bole h l.he plat.e u larp a man 'I Holloway 's Co ra Care ia the medl cino to ro111ove all kloda of oorna a nd wa ota. and ouly coet.e tho lllllall au10 o( twaotr-bo ce ota. prepanUo oT!tyf?Opboaphllel I bavo Died can ccmp&ro wilb hllo., •' Compound Syrup of llypopluMpbhea for . roai.OriDfl: atrooatb lo tbo oenoua •yat.em. l t.hl.uk ll tho beet wsdic:i oe I O YOT uaod. \V, J, Uutfalo, N r. .. COIISUlii'TieM .-Many asy tbal tbla d la- ouo ca.ano& bo eurod, but the IJ")priotore of Allen'e Ualaw will aatialy ao1 ODD tbat il baa beeo cu r ed iu nry :'JDan1_, o[ Ute wont deacription. l 'bry ban huod reda of teatimooialt from lbankfol ladiflda ala who w1Ulual7 admit It baa aved l.heir lhe.s. Tho111a1 Robioaoo, Fa robam Ceatn, J•, Q.., writaa: • 1 hl\n boon- afllioted with rbtumatiam for lbo lu t tea yean, aDd b&'lo tried maay remod ie a.witbout auy nllel. 1 got a bottle of Or. 'fbomaa• OU, aad fouad It gavo luatuL roU.C, ud a- then buo load DO a"-ok, 1 WOill.d rGCOID• mood it to all, A. M. flamiltoo, Warkworlh, wrl&el: 'I' or weeb I '11'11 t1oabled wiU. a aweUed aakJ .. canaed me ma.ella pala llld an- .o, ...... Mr. Maybee. of *la place.• re- c:oauaeHed DT, 'l'b0111111 1 .r.o&aetne Oil for lt. I .tried h, and before ooe boMlo wu ued I .. ou.rtd. It t. u 1111ole or ,..., nlae. Vltalf&J aod ool-;-;;- reatO...d to weak aed lfto1 t.alr, by oae ol Ayer•e Hair Tbroocb '*' ol-'oc llllcl boallac qoal.lll.., h pwtv61lta tbo aoru!Dolalioo o! daodrd and OW"'O .all ecalp cUeou.. No woman can be eonteoted aacl happy if her at.la t. oo•cmd with plaapl• ud blotdlea, ' Ill- dlatlfllriDjl erUpclODI &I'll eaally remofed by t.ho OM of Ayef'a tlanl- penUa. '!'bill meclid ne ia eafe to &.\teL aad It a thoroughly reliable IJlood putner.. - Yoa aead aot ooorb all aipt aad d l.. (orb you lrieoda; there It uo CIOC&Iioa for 100 rualllf the riak o( loJlam. Gat.iotl ol tbe or oooa.:.p&loo, wbile 10u COD it& JJtckle•a AoU-Guaau.mptif o SJ'IDp. Tbla medicine cu.nla oouaha, cold•. of tJie lao,. aad all lbrou aod U'oublea. lt rromolel a ,.,.., aod ea.Y expectbntioo, wluoll Immediately re- Jie\'01 l.ho and loop from f lecid pblop. Pr;emoaiUoot of a pproeelalajt daorer, lo tbe abape ol dlg .. tln weata-. lUll tude. loacti•h1 oftheli id!MJI, palDIIa tbe re,l oa of tbe llnr ••·I alloalder 'hiiMIII,rntotal de. p.reaaloD ooapled with beadacbe, farnd s.oocae, nrUao, allollld Dot be cllar...,-ded. 0• Northrop Ill L,yaaa .. Veptabfe Dia- oonry aad OJ1poP'Je C•re, a.ad uen tho perU to bealtb. h reao,... all ud rl•• tooe to AJut. Cyr , of 01'1.11& We, Arooatoolt Co., Wai,., wrh• : • HariJic Died No"brop & Lylllll4 1 8 'ftlnable Jt:..WO. of Cod UYar Oil witll llypo!Coepbltea of Urne a.ad &da, aad tleri•ed 'bnell rn. II, 1 take the bhetV o{ 1111 for qiiOtiiAo-. a.ad abo wbethriT you would be wUU.. co "" me th• llf&D01 for U.la plaoe, .. r &Ill ooa&dea• woald be a la,_. ale for J• Ia thla mmllf wua Ita ........ bon.

TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18871126.pdf · "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11 ... Boec:beo'a German

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Page 1: TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18871126.pdf · "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11 ... Boec:beo'a German

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New Adv~menta.

I ..

U'ni2:0DA.I;TDBr.JII Be WO&W. J.upft OW.. . . . . _... Of<tM JMtet u.. ~·"- .. v.uoa• n.foll&twlNwe..,. u.oet..r&eo-.a~r-:n_~~II"Pido8tol7 eel for,IH,•h _,._..-,.,ill ... Y

, • , - for Nlenaoe. .- . .. .,. _,... a

..J!?ai' I - . llble ................ Ia &M ........

..,._ Noe. 4o..-0p lo the ~'lfJiadMeaa .....a._ &M ~ ,....... from Oil· :&...Jo1~ •- ... _ -•

cap. wblcb ...... -ba &o-da ...-·- -- &beleoe ot anz' h 'II'IIIIIPf'C*d alacle 111lniJ; ea-. die OW... Gill• lane. npJJ to ..., Jek o1 4h• ~..~. oa' b• em!DI&ed, aad of pouao ... fie M· baud th ' ~ 9!ptod u ' u 8fJPI'ftliaa&loa oal7. We


l.he wren~-botold ... aao lha Jor· "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11

=-~.!";A· f'olaed to... Sea. &liao ... ~to alii ... ••4 ue, wblolllo Wm wU iJ1 diteot OOD! .. ti.DI· ...._. ~ ' ea\loo . .Jlth l.he ana* lake 'e,.tem ot Ceo· ::.::.s_-:'! ~i I tra1 Africa. • •

u..,.....,.._ *''~IJICL • Hlr hafe

VIenna Coagre. tha•

• woe& b&"• 1lcK ll:ine •1 dd• poae popt~Mloa *' ~1 Iii below ~.000, 'llaoqtr· IMra ~ hcnrnw. the& -'d ' ...... ooo man tell ' Ule tale of we co... BAQJAe,....rr~ cl

l.hat \ctrribl., nlfbl Micblpa. 1'ba Uaa* ftpte. • l& will 1M -~ 1!1 the PoiiWroy· lau on bo&rcl.lbe ooly eum•or o1 tblrt.J·ft~e 011iea tab~Ala~,d bel~w tbere are wba& M DOrr kuown or an awfnl dia&Mer 36,610,3 ~ IODI .. Of Dearly the popaladoa Tbe aamo or tbe man who baa boea reaoUtci of tile Britllh lalea, a fact wbloll oanojlt t,. from dM&h after be bad ·, 811 up all ho""' f1Uped lA a momeol b7 aay ordloUJ I..

Tbe S11btcriber haa -saiD added to hia large &nd varied Stock, a (e., o( ~ new! eet leading Patent Modic:Ulce aod Sun~ driee, U follOW11:

::.:.:•:.•::: -H0JtSU roa TD--G-~ . .ut AuT~-The --~ 1~ ·- Arltf a>td NO'tly Ga..ttte u'.JI :-• We htar &»-.... 7~_..._._ __ _..."'_ oenl8cataa.at Ule...-q- I achabl aotb n' t oL.. 100 ... .--ll---...u7-. .. --.. -..a..-.s&ata.:o--.1.1150. ----~ oa no mpe e o 1 ..... onr M7 pan oe u.. tru.ed -----r --,...._- bon" were bouggl lately for l.he German

MOSTW;;~ "t .. ,Nouaolf, ..• -.u~•N-.--..T- ~?.,;~¥51f~~£;~

of l.ho plo to tbe §tate by the lacl'!lll~ nmbera of bomu fl"• In Great darioe tba lu& half oeetnry-the iaenaeo beloe the frolt ohanitafy aad medical. work _ ,.. el10bt millloultofllng, Bat l.hia ("'' a ooricapoadeal) '11'11 an agreglonsly lo• oatjmat.e, due ~ l.ho miuppreheuaiooa of ble'1ttatemo11t. Dr. W, Fur caleulalea tliaL lbo mlulmom lobereot n.loo or lbo popoha­tioo' ol Ute United Kingdom ia 1159 per boad. Mow, oar populal.loa hu lncrauod by elgbt miUiooa io leA tbu fifty yean, and uaomiag l bal lwo milliooa owe l.h~ FtO· lollgation of lifo to improfed aollatioo, tbo ealu to tbo State 1.1 DO ,_ thao .£S18,000,-000J MAoifoatly &hie Ia aood economic valuo for eanitary aoleocc ia Groat Bntaio.

r _ , I' . .... &elleG* : o eYer •a-n Mttlar bill fooL opoa diJ .&Jtolol Ja 1pt,t»a. nao kok Slam 600 lud Ia Alfred Ss.one, or Cbicaro, ~DO of 800 I ~r,:: !(.Y., 77(000 ; 1u...ita, P:a-:. tho r~·· CfOW. Ho bad beeo IQ the un,aaD;CaloaUa,laclla,7U,2!18: U...~Cillaa: water lht7 boor~. expoaed to a blUer, l,&oo.toDI Oll.ooreloooloo, o.~-. t,OOOpw; Obl­plorelq wind; and wllboot a bi~ to eat. ooco, l tL. 714,000 : C<>oat..,IJ~N~pla, T wrke,,7oo .• Wbeo tbo A.- diac:oYored him on a 000 1 FQO-dloo, Ot.laa,Q~,OOO: Otu, .. w,&oUa...S.

Oroen'l .Angua~ Flowcr, Boec:beo'a German Sy rup, Warner'• &fo Cure. Carter'• Little Liver Pilla,

r • . • -•v7 $Uot8· UaJ>10·0bow.foo,Obloa,600,000 ; Bani"

Wi.tar 'a Bala m of Wild Oberry, Wyeth'• Liquid Mal~ ExtracL, Hueli.Do Mother Orate•' Worm Extorminator. Uebig'a E .xtract of liCAt, !'oar'a Soap, P Cilr'a S having StickL Wbite Enamel (for filling tcet.h, ) BorW.no ( for cleanaiog purpoeoa,) Mattaon'a Family Syringes.

FAMILY RE'll't'DY market. If a Coathlental State waota honea m.LI • ' · It cao oaly buy b.,e or io America, aod we

EVER KNOWN. ' · ' can go on aellloe p111tty mach on oor owo torroa u loog u Wet hue got aa aahnal left

For Sale (WhoiCII&lo 11nd .kot.n.ll) at THOMPSON'S l\foclical Hall, !IRrbor Grace worth parohuiog. But what would bappeu If war broke out aaddooly aod tbo markoL bad booo cl.,..d by oa r neigbbo~~~a-per­

nh lall Dlgbt, a boa~ ei11bt.mllea froiD Sbo- Tcbeon: ~'""' flO ooo: Uu-Xow Olllaa.600.­boylfan, bo wu 10 oold u to be almoa~ ooo· KJ.,.-Cb>aog, OIII-600~: Ll•"pool, belplesa, and 10 weak from buoger tbal he &s'taod. $;S,~; LoD<Ioo. F.at~laod, 3~,111!1: could ~ly mon. Although atiU woak lla¢rict. Bpsla: iiOO.t.IO: W-..~. n~aala, 61tf'-t : lroru the clfecta of bll a lui experieocc Naw Yotk, N.Y.,UOI/,000: t'an., . n-, t.l!6!1..-'!' ' OU • Pokaloap Java, ~,tOt : Pckla, (,'blD'l, h o Wu &ble lO make a bne( llatllllltDt of eoo,Ooo: Pt.ll, dolpbla, Pa., ~,000: SL P~ l.ho DlfOr-to· be foraouea nigh&. • 1 wu burg Raw , 716,H4 : !!uta-, JaJnA, Kl,o l i : arrakeuod io tho middle of lho q_igbl.' be PJI, stu: Olllaa, 1,000,000 : SL j.oula, llo~ bOO.OUO: • by the cri" of tho pe..oogera aad crow Tat.SMa Loo, Chloa, bOO.~: ~l'lao-Talo, Ubi.,., that &be ,_, wu 1 t11kior. l•rnog oa& ~,QC?O: Toklo, Japao, t87,!JS7 ' Tllebaatchau-ra,

L iwe Frui~ Juice, Lemon s ,rup, R..u!pbei'T1 t3ytup, Dt-. Wileon'a H e1·bino Di~tera Johneon's A nodyne Liniment Tamar Indicn ( for cost.i\'oese) Eno'a Medica loti S ugar (for worms) Guard'i H air Dye, T ricopbe roua T eabo!Tf Tooth P owder, Eno'a F ruit S .. lt M u rray's F luid :\lag1108ia Beef, I ron llld Wine.


'VVe vv:l.l.l. ror~ard. you

bapa our euemiea.-Haaio0111 ia a thiog to be oocour&$1od ; bul even &bia roay bo atounHl a~ too bigb a pricu. '-R11g~ papu. . . Oblaa, 1,000.000: To1o-dloo. Obloa, 800,Qgo,

of the .w&o~ow and fouud IAJICII oo a life Vitana. Aulrt., 716.106 : ~oo dw>r. Cblr>a1 rah Witb 111 olbor pereooa. I c:aonot aay 600,000.

Tor: Cnll.DRlN Cllt · FOB I'L-Nolaoa'• Cherokee Vermifuge ia pleaa&Dt to take aocl a poaltiYO worm expeller.

WIIAl~S'l'IIE MA'ITER. Uaod up with uthma Go to tbo drvr·

ala& aod 1t0t a btlUlo of Mioard•a Hooe1 Jlal. Alii; It Ia a posit he cure for uthma.

N orthrop« Lyman's Vegetable Discovery do do Quinino W ino PHOTOS, SAMPLES,&~.

- Tho r~ct tbal Franco b11 cnt down bor oatimat~l .~.600.000, tilting 81.800,000 or tboamouot from ber army cethnatea, abould be rol(&rdod u a aligbt \okon fuonble to peace. J f tbey trere redoced a buadrod tnilllon •ltogetber aod aomo aublimo roYela­tiou could eater ioto Ute bead• of th..,. im· pau ioued F reoob and.Germana to the ollect &hilt tho wo~ ia large eoou11h Cor botb poo. pie and \ba t they 11.1lgbt with 101no t1Turt llll\ua&;o to livo without cotliog each otber'a throal.l, It wouiJ be a bleeaiog. Somehow it would aeem I<> be aoob an ouy mat tor. Uut nations often boco111o iouoe u well u men, 1\urt wo vruJume that tlu~y will go on bawmrnug pruning·Looke iuto t po:are uutil tho a hum is aouuded.

-T111 c oxt."o F~tANco-Gr:iuuM w .a.­According to a Frcocb cootemporary, tho Itallau and tbo Gormaa Goferumeata hue ootoe to the follow lag understanding ':-In -of war bolag doclared Cliaioac Gcrlll&oy, tbo haliaua are a~ onco to mollili.stl throe army corpe, aud to march opon lbo Alpa. In tbo evooL of Gcrroany being victoriou.s, tbuo threa corpe willi"'maln io obaornlico ; b al 1boald ebo bo beat.en, tbeo tboy will C!I'OU tho frootior and aivo her eomothiag moro tbau moral support. Germany, of CCUrllll, pledge& beraelf tO a recip­rocal aotioo io the n eot of Italy beiog at­tacked. \Vbate90r trut\1 thoro !DAY be In tho above atat.eonont., It It cer~loly aignitl­ci\Dt &bat tbo P'reuch Go,oroment bu joat couaootod, on the 01rnuL roq uu t of Goa­oral 1-'crroo, to ettabliab ao entroooLmeot c:.arup al Nice, 10 u to hinder an Italian Army, nfter eroaaiog tbo frontier , from marching upon LyoDJ. Tho C4t.!Jiet was iu fuor of t bo camp boing ea&abliabed on tbo road to L7ooa, aoi near that city; but tbo War Miuiater al<IO<l finD.

aow wbo my coll'pauloua wore. Part of them wcro members of tbe orow and pan were paatooeera. h teemed oul7 a moment before lhe •eeael bad gooo down, and 1 bolion tbmt all but a few of lboao oo board • eot down w1tb bcr. 1 do not know jaat u.o"'• bow many people wore aboard at tho Ume, but cbe aumber could not ban been far from tlfty. We paued Utroogb aa aw. Cul olgbt. 1 tblak I nenr aaw aucb a aea u that which lOlled oar littlo nh al Ita mere7. Wbeo daylight C&UIO rre boiated a aigual of diaUC!Ia uaiag a coat t iod to a.o oar. Two •-lapUIO\lao oeM on Satur­day tbaL they muu baYo aoen our ligaal, bot for aomo reuoo t \Jey apparently mado ao e1Torl to reach ua 'l'be as.orm etill raged, and it may b• tbaL tbo7 bad alll.hey could do to •ve thoDIIOifea. Ono after aootbor of my ccmpaolona periabed lo tho oold, or waa wubed off the rah wlaeo th•y bqcamo too oomb wltb tbo ccld to hold oo any loo­.:er. Wo onor •w aoy otbon from tbe euoken lleatoer. I don•& bello•e any of tbom aof\·i•od. Tbe voeeel weut down eo audtlooly tbal Ulo cte" hada•t limo to wao tho boata.• \Vhe'D Slano Wl\l pickoJ up thero wu tbo corpee of ouo mm oo tbc rah "itb bien, tbo olbor fo ur baYing poriabed aenrallaoun~ before. Swoe aaya lbia mao was ooo of Lbe orow1 wboee ~~~ be dool aot koow.

There Ia ootLiug equal to Motbor Grn1111' Worm Exterminator 1or dMtroyiag worma. No articlo oC ita klud Lu glvn a~~ela atia­Cactioo. .KellOJQ(a As t b01a J{crnedy

do C.& ~arrh SnufJ. Dati'y'a Elixir, H ol• Rittet11 Dr. Walk er's V inega r 131: terR Holloway '" Corn Curo Pllt.4U>'s Q)ru '&:ctroclor .Keatio('R I OSf'Cl Powder N ortbrop <i: Ly ma n's E mulllion A yer'a Bllrii3J>m-illa , P ntncr's Emulsion

Jo Cherry Pect.or~tl P ioreo'e G olden ?orod'iet~ l D iacovory

d o Pnrgali\·o P cllcta d o N alllll J nj ectot11

W atcrproof !'l ursing Aprons do Sponge ll~ga do Bibs (for clJilrlron tootbing.J

Fellowa' Componnd. 'yrup S :.eedcrum'...Xcothins:: Powdcn R ubber Tubins:: for FecJt:rs D htinago T<1bing. A yer'• flair Vigor, Day Rnm .Allen'• Hair Re~~t.orcr, CbiiJ'.s Tru!f.3eS Adult'a Trussell, Minard's L inimen t Caivor~·,. CarLolic S011p, Fullt:r 'a Earth .1\Vright'a Unfcnnent.ecl \\'iDe B urdock Blood Bit~l'll Keo,..lor'e Cod Li"fer Oil and Malt. E.lnco ot Spruce, A lien 'I Lung Blllsaaa Sudson '11 G old Paint, J udson'• Gold Ink Cilnlte or Mqnoaia, Caynnno l.ozoAgeS Peppen»inL ~ngca, Ginger Lozeugee •vory and Moore'• Food Lime J uieo, Canned O yat.ot11, Deaiocat.ed Cocoanut, Neave'e f ood Woodill'a Bak ing P o wder Yorbhire Relish, Worel!lltenbi~ S.uce

' Dtied Savory, Driod Sago, Dri~Tbyme Vinepr lu bo~l.lea, D ril'd .U iot, --.:: Pi.ebtoae'a Wuhing Crystal Both & Cot. Ra t Pute, W ax Tapers Tooth Bruahee, S having Brnahea, Dreaaiaa Combe, 1'. T. Combs Rimmelfa L imo Juice aod Glycerine

do. 'l'oilet Vinegar, Coemotiq llOB AJab-.i'a Plate PowdeT Concootn.t6JjL1e, f:lcent.ed So.aP­Aiixed Paint..-in 1 lb Tina U mber, Sionna, &tb P ipe lled and, Yellow Och re, Oak St.aiu, Best E og)iah Copnl Van iah-1 rsal, Tina ~ood Stain, W a lnu t Stain , M&hog:aoy do. RotewOO<l do.

- .u.so-

of any Goods you may require in our tine.

~We keep ~very description of House Fur­nishing Goods, and pay special attention to orders f!'om the outports.

Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co., G H . & C E . AltCRIBALD, Managers,

Show Rnoms, · Duckwort h St. ; Factory, Forest Rond, Sr. John's

THE Sl:nSCRIBERS w orLD RESPECTFuLLY CALL the nttcntiou of the ~lerchnuts of Xewfound land to their

stock of

FISH ETTI Cor Uie eeuon oC 1886 and 1887.

----o---. Now o~ hnnd, made up sP?cially lor the Island Fisheries, nod

Wttb parttculnr rcgnr·d to the1r requirements, •


OC>:J:>, ~.ER.:Fl..XN'G- d3 OAP:J:..ZN'. \Ve are prcparod to fumlah aoy of t he a bo\·e SeiAe3 o£ cmy kngt/1 and de""'

made from &.be ,..., I

HE PARD COLD MEDAL TWINE.· .Thill T•.iDo protlucea tho lig~d Sei'fl4 pouihl~, wge~bor with the ireatllmcgC!a

rt.pu~d to IIJIU'Itnll<l rougla wage. . '£boac Seines n.re m ouut.ed io a manner aPJWOV«/ by folrermeni are ready for



- A Snsru: U4ROll rt£R - Ooo or tbe airoplctt turometon is I\ 1pidor'a web. Ntt· l ttl'll aaya t!\:1t when thero ia A pro3pcct o! ralo or wind the apidor ahort.ena the flJa. 111cDtl from wLicb itt web ia auapencled, and lon 6S tbingw in tbi1 able as loa~ u tho weather i4 Yl\riable. If tho IJI~ect eloagat.ee Ita tl,read, it il l\ ail[ll of 6uo. <'alm weather, tbo dun tlon of whlcb llll\1 be judged by lhO lon~:th thll tbrt!llck are le' ouL 1C tbo f\lider t t Dla iOfll)aCiifll, llJe 1\ &ii(O Of rain: ba t if, oo tho ront rary, It kotepcl at work do ring a rain, tho latte r will not lu t lotig, ADd will bo Collowud by fino •e., ther. Ulher obeor­vationll have tAUjlht Utat the epidu makoa chao~;ea in ill wob ov,.ry twenty-four boura and thaL if a'acb changea are mado In tbe onolog, ju.st before auote&, tLo olabt wtll be cler r aod boaalifal.

- 'for: N EW Rrru: FOR m E Bll:ITtSH Aru" - T be new m'iuiue rille for Ute Britlab arm1 bu d Jut beea decided npoo, and, acoording to tbe teallmooy or Sir Hoary Halford, IL pro~ to be a moat fortnld· able weapoa, a.ad u JTMl an adnaoo upon lhe llartioi-Ueory aa the latt.et ,.. l.D IMJ. YUIOII of old Brown Bela. h t. olalmed for It &bat It will make aa rood lboaUar a.& 1000 Jvda. .. ,,.. JM*ible wl&b Ule ~It· Uaf .Jlenry a.& 600 p.rcla. 1• bM about oa .. third the nooU o{ l.he exieliat rltle, and tho liplo ... o{ l.he ammunll.ioe nqllind will make 1• PQII!ble for a 10ldl.u to Cl&n7 168 roaada futoad of 100 aa .. ,_aL Be· foro accoptloi thla fnorahlt ..u-te of the a ow ah.>otlDf maehiu 1• will be woll to wait till h bu beta 61DP.!J tee&ed bf U• porimeuL Aa tbe rifto will oany teA ahota In ita myUDO, l& cui tully be illl&lliHd 'll'itb wbal apeed._ aoldler lo bill drat bat­tle will be &blo to aet rld of bill alodt or :uumonitioa, Jataal3 IDCnUOcl l.houp It wlll bo. ·

-TilE Nt w AUSTilAL14M Ftu.r.-AI • reaniL of the arrau11ementa for Uto doleoeo of Auatralh entered luto at Ute late Coloo· 1111 Coofcrtoco, thD oxaot foroa wblch wiJJ bo adde!d to tho lirltlab Oeot ID l.hoco wato111 bu ll ow boeo docldsd opoo. Tbe ..imphilJ•, a Cut cmiMr, beariogar&Aour·plereing guot, the AndDr, Brid;, aud Couac:.l; f111~ -. g oiog torpedo boate, oril!iually \armed tor­podo-oatcbe"'- aad tbe Li=m/, gon-veuel, will be detpat.chod ,. aoon u Otted. form-log a permanent addition to the oanl foroa of IOfon •-Ill• wbicb bu been malutalood by Uto Imperial GotcromooL for maoy yean. 1o adclitioa to thia, two fast cn~iaera and four amaller vesuls will be kopL io A uatraliao pol'U iJI rNOITtl, ready dtte<l ool for ao"ice wbeo noted The ccet of mala­ti!D&Dce of all tbeao v-t.a. both io aclife •rrioe aod Ia r-"e, will be boroe by the ueociated oolooie~, and t.hey will ~ pay &D.Doally dfe per oeu& ostlte ofiitaal OOil of the •Maet. u a liD fud. l'lle preiCDt &rrlopcMDI M to Ju& or teo y..,., or onl7 to be termlaat.ed by 1 thrto mont.bl' notice. -

-Btrlia baa beea bariDJ a meet rapid rro•Ua dorlaao &M 1u1 10 ,...,.. At tht cloee of the l~th century Berlla oontafoed oal7 12,000 lahabltaola, ¥d, inooueqoeoco of the 80 yean' war, the oumber fell l.o· W'&t'd the middle or the am O'lDlDI'J eo MOO. .&.t Ute du&h of tbe Great Elootor, 1688,BM. llo bacl 20,000 lnbablta.oa.; at the deoeew of Frederick I., lbo flnt king of Pruula, 1713, 61,000 ; at tbe doal.h of l'rederick' William 1., 174 ,000. '.('be aenayean, war redooed th,..,o lation or Berlla COD· aldenbly, bat "wbon erick l.ho Groat d ied l.he Prn.lsn Capital bered 146,000 lo!l&bltaota. .U tl:e ead of 18th CM!D•


lnterea~ Experlmeuta with a Po~ tu1 Pulmioate.

BRI.A~PIPES,AMBERS, PER FUM· of an1 el~ or 11t1 Je, made to• ordtr at abort notice. .t:RY H.aU ck Clotboa B RUSHRS.

- Tbo eoleotW. of the SmUh10nlan Jo. atJtnt.e are much !JitorMted lo the alaaabter or l.ho miJrntory birdl wbieb are lrilltd by tlylur agaluat tbe B&rtboldi etalao bMCoa light in New York harbor. J.>rol. Ridp· way, Ute eurato, Malee that, Ybile aooe of the 1peclmeua -• bhD are-rare, Ule, are mo•tfy oft be urbleror noto-vttorinr family aud there are alao field binh, Uko the mea­do• lark, Tho warblen aro loaoot d,. Youren 11od the field blnJa fl!ed oo ~D.­Tbt ae' blrde DJiftRte by al~t, ftylar bleb, and are attracted from all ado. dowa &o Uio eleclrie ll&hL. El' aatlclpatea 111u::b la­jorita to Lbe birdl in oooaequeoeo, u the beacoa t. a hlfb, 1larte llrht of great pow­er, altnat.ed Ia a locality frte from aoiae, 11od 1.1 oaleulated to all~ th- bUda to their deatractioo. Qalt.e a number o(birdl, moeUy oro we, baye liMo plektd ap .-o"-11 at &be buo of the Wubiaatoa mODD· moot. Thoro were al10 a namber of wild deck•. 1'be crow• a, low, mlpte at claw a, aod tbe miata bide' tho moaarDeat, wblob ill 660' feet high. Jl baa beeo DOtlood l.ha\ ei'OW'I u e miptior Ia larp aamben, wblcb lodicat.u In Uae opiolola of the Smith­aoolan ecleot!ala, au euf7and aerore w!Jitar.

tory tbe number bad riaea to 0,000, aad at tbe death of Frederick Wil m IU, Ia 1840 to 380,000. WbiiQ Willi , the pre· tent Emperor, followed hla bro er, Fred­oriclt William IV .. oo lba &lirooe in l &ll, BOTHe ' bad 600,000 lnhabltaota. By 1867 tbe populalloo bad iocreued to 700,000, and &eo 7oan later to O'for'l ,OOO.OOO. 1'be lut otMGI ou l>to. 1 1886, abowed tbe popafalloa of Berlin to have riaeo to 1,262 •• 000 eoata. aDd tl1ll aumber bad boeA •••II• ed to 1,880,000 Ia May Jut. wblcL abowa aa looreaao of ll8,0U0 lo tho apaoo of 17

NnD Yo•k, Nov. 4.-A dozen fODllomeo luterefted lo exploaiYOI -mbled at the bome of llr. ote}lben Emroaoa, eo111or of l'I'Oiped AYODDe and 16Mb line&, JBiltr> cS,v, &o -- asperimeo• iJI wblcla Dr. Emmloa W'CII lllil&ecl bJ Coa& GeofKB de ltappeila ancl by lall10111 Hewloe E .. 1111aa. Dr~ l:.mm8111' DOtr apJ~ U 00111poeed of two cheep ud -ny obtabaed IDI&eria1L Ooe 1.1 u ulnol from _. aad tile other a mineral aobalaDOe. n. m~ lll&l be pouded In • monar ~ IMIIU.er lqrtdiaot Mpuately abowa 1.117 traoe of 1.11 uPioehe MlDN. Another nluabl• qaali" wbl~ t. peoallat to tmme..U.. aa tbe mlxtare ia oalled, t. \hal'* co., be meltad a.ad fu.d !Jito aa7 abape aa a aolld Woclt or may be f1'&1lalated lo nrtooa abea; ooaeeqaeaU1 It mey be a.aed u eitber a hlab or low ex­ploain. Aooordiag to Dr. Km .. ioa• oom· pilalloDI It c:ao uer& a ~n of liBS tooa &o lha equare loch. 'l'bil ned blgbea~ pre•· aura t. exerted by po~ aitro.-elycorloe, 264 tooa. Tbo apeod of exploaioa Ia ~rroater tbaa that of aoy other practJcal uploaive ex­cept uiCJiiuato or IAOtCOI'J. \Vbto IIIIOd Ia. com~ form Ita blabMt poaibilltlu of 1peed are obtalood, aad It Ia lllitable aa a blutloc aaea' wbaa maaofactared iJI t.he form of powdOI'. The rapidity or explo.ioa Ia 1-oed lo proporlloa to th• eoarwu .. of tho anla•, and It may lh" be employed in 61"0arma, Ye~terday 1 S:t-calibre Smith & W -n •M 6red at a diat.aaee or lix feet at ao !roe plate ooe aluh of an loeb thlok wilh foor rn.lot of emmeeaite. Tbo ball merely f'-d tbe plate, willie, with leD flr&loa o powder, Ute ball made oaly au Ia· deatal.loo. After ee•eral lntereat.iog ax· ptrimeata Lbe party W'&Dl iato the rarcJ of l>r. Emmeoa• houae. A loadta bemlapbere wu placed on a rook. Upon tbla w1re pl.aod ~rt~ooeuiYely oee oaaco oartrldrea of ruupowder, 001 or exploalve reletloe, dy.

.. Prucriptlooa caroftdly compouoded and with p11re drag..



~ura.nce C~mpany ,OY LONDON.


STANDARD • HERRING - NETS. All ai~s ready for immedit.t.o doli,ory.

,_ b For (llllng 6ab, 'h• Oo&.ton net uoqnoatlonablr anrpauee 1n1 other kind and ... t e~pro~IQ..,.. •

SH.EET~NETTING Cor maklug o.r rep&lrillg Sei.Dea, Trape, or 'om Note, can bo aupplied in any liLe moab and twuae, at OllCO upon l'f'OIIip$ of onJer, '


mooU.L . ---Tit& J.>atol or CnlltJS.-U Ia ouder­

etood that Sir Roblri Blddolpb ia waltlag eo ... Lord S.llabory wltb r11pect to Ulat • blob die people of Cyproa regard u a 1f0M ~. Wbea ba aad LoN Bee • oo111tleld took t.ha& laland ~ trlbata parable to the Saltall ... .-c~ at about no.ooo a ,_,_ -• ucell111t ba.raalo for lbe Soltaa, wbo waa relined ol alf &roabl• aud -llD ob&alalq '" The cJ&IIIcl& ID the lllaod nieaoe roee to abont Uae •me amont,and &be Britllb tup&Jer had, aooordlaa to Lord Derby, to IIAd eboat lllt,OOO a7w.r oD ao­-~~, ~ C1Pf9L lA Lotd De~f• banda the ebaiJe fot &U hlud ,...Suuy fell to !16,000. Ba\ dla& It DOt alae .,_..t aat. terof ....,a.lal. .'l'be lrib•• "- (,'ypra U. beellimpooDCied b)' ~ Brililb Tr..... ary to liukolood th1 hi*'• defaal& epoa Uae Crl~ War JOllA. the lD'-$ of wbJoh waa a.ranw.d b)' Brltalo aDCI JPraooe.. Thlf~~'- lhppean, proride the ...,. of •l'luol aa weU lie U.elr atna_ an4 DDW .aM OJpriotel 00111plala thM 10 1arrt a ebale ol UHI ·n+ea• o( &h laliDd ill abelndll4. .ll ill liard tlpoa <.)pr-Utha• • ...,d .. " .. "-1~.000 • ,... ... 8GIIan' 11atlt .... ~ 8altlbal7 .... _.. &W ~ u4 )le eanaet u•ak• u. Tile ..- Len ~~a~~~~my ean ao J: to ..... -•t~~~oo, ana to·-~ •

1D009. llr. Qoe.

... --... ~- .. dl .. ,.,..., . .........

1 a111ite and ammeDilto. Wblle the other exploeln beat thelllld, U wu ab&Uel"'d by the ammeoaita. AD iroD plate eix fncb01 equare wu l.heo au.peadod ft0111 lhe braoob of a Ule. A ooe OOAOI dynamite oanrid111 placed OD tile plata almptr beol It ; a ..,._ rfdre~ploeivo Reletloa almOil broke it, wbiJe e e &lDOU.l of -IDihct .. ade a bole h l.he plat.e u larp a man 'I ~!a'-

Holloway's Cora Care ia the medlcino to ro111ove all kloda of oorna and waota. and ouly coet.e tho lllllall au10 o( twaotr-bo ceota.

~o prepanUooT!tyf?Opboaphllel I bavo Died can ccmp&ro wilb hllo.,• ' Compound Syrup of llypopluMpbhea for . roai.OriDfl: atrooatb lo tbo oenoua •yat.em.

l t.hl.uk ll tho beet wsdic:ioe I OYOT uaod. \V, J, UOIINE~, Uutfalo, N r. . .

COIISUlii'TieM.-Many asy tbal tbla d la­ouo ca.ano& bo eurod, but the IJ")priotore of Allen'e Lao~t Ualaw will aatialy ao1 ODD tbat il baa beeo cured iu nry:'JDan1_, o[ Ute wont deacription. l'bry ban huodreda of teatimooialt from lbankfol ladifldaala who w1Ulual7 admit It baa aved l.heir lhe.s.

Tho111a1 Robioaoo, Farobam Ceatn, J•, Q.., writaa : • 1 hl\n boon- afllioted with rbtumatiam for lbo lu t tea yean, aDd b&'lo tried maay remodiea.witbout auy nllel. 1 got a bottle of Or. 'fbomaa• ~lootrio OU, aad fouad It gavo luatuL roU.C, ud a­then buo load DO a"-ok, 1 WOill.d rGCOID• mood it to all,

A. M. flamiltoo, Warkworlh, wrl&el: 'I' or weeb I '11'11 t1oabled wiU. a aweUed aakJ .. whl~ canaed me ma.ella pala llld an­.o,...... Mr. Maybee. of *la place.• re­c:oauaeHed DT, 'l'b01111111 .r.o&aetne Oil for lt. I .tried h, and before ooe boMlo wu ued I .. ou.rtd. It t. u 1111ole or ,..., nlae.

Vltalf&J aod ool-;-;;-reatO...d to weak aed lfto1 t.alr, by ~ oae ol Ayer•e Hair v~acw. Tbroocb '*' ol-'oc llllcl boallac qoal.lll.., h pwtv61lta tbo aoru!Dolalioo o! daodrd and OW"'O .all ecalp cUeou..

No woman can be eonteoted aacl happy if her at.la t. oo•cmd with plaapl• ud blotdlea, 'Ill- dlatlfllriDjl erUpclODI &I'll

eaally remofed by t.ho OM of Ayef'a tlanl­penUa. '!'bill meclid ne ia ~"r eafe to &.\teL aad It a thoroughly reliable IJlood putner.. -

Yoa aead aot ooorb all aipt aad dl.. (orb you lrieoda; there It uo CIOC&Iioa for 100 rualllf the riak o( -t~ loJlam. Gat.iotl ol tbe lu~,. or oooa.:.p&loo, wbile 10u COD it& JJtckle•a AoU-Guaau.mpt if o SJ'IDp. Tbla medicine cu.nla oouaha, cold•. loftam~~~a&loo of tJie lao,. aad all lbrou aod cbe~t U'oublea. lt rromolel a ,.,.., aod ea.Y expectbntioo, wluoll Immediately re­Jie\'01 l.ho l.hroa~ and loop from f lecid pblop.

Pr;emoaiUoot of approeelalajt daorer, lo tbe abape ol dlg .. tln weata-. lUll tude. loacti•h1 oftheliid!MJI, palDIIa tbe re,lo a of tbe llnr ••·I alloalder 'hiiMIII,rntotal de. p.reaaloD ooapled with beadacbe, farnd s.oocae, nrUao, allollld Dot be cllar...,-ded. 0• Northrop Ill L,yaaa .. Veptabfe Dia­oonry aad OJ1poP'Je C•re, a.ad uen tho perU to bealtb. h reao,... all lmpcuitle~~ ud rl•• tooe to ~~I• 11~

AJut. Cyr, of 01'1.11& We, Arooatoolt Co., Wai,., wrh•: • HariJic Died No"brop & Lylllll418 'ftlnable Jt:..WO. of Cod UYar Oil witll llypo!Coepbltea of Urne a.ad &da, aad tleri•ed ~ 'bnell rn. II, 1 take the bhetV o{ 1111 for qiiOtiiAo-. a.ad abo wbethriT you would be wUU.. co "" me th• llf&D01 for U.la plaoe, .. r &Ill ooa&dea• ~bare woald be a la,_. ale for J• Ia thla mmllf wua Ita ~le ........ bon.

Page 2: TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18871126.pdf · "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11 ... Boec:beo'a German

·.·~~e . ~t~blirb -AKD-



•no l'iaheriol Oom=i•alcm.

Tus 6aberie1 commiadon ia, aa we an· .·nonoced lut week, at present in aeMion

_,_, at W~~n~ Ron. Joec.ph Chamber· lain, Sir Uharlee Tupper, and Sir Lionel West are tho ~ritith oommiaionera; t.hey are able and-experieooed diplomaL· lata. They will have the co-oporauon

..,.. t.nd ~dYice of Mr. Bergne, wbo"WO'aeo­retary of t.be)hliC..x ~~rj01 ~:n•Pn: uon; of Mr-. TbO,!IIpaoD, .. who It 1S oon· ooded mado tho llblest argumen• belore

, the Commiaion ;" an<l of the Attom-q General, Hon. J . S. WiD.tor, wbo rep~ •uta Newfoundland, Tbo · American Commia3iOnf'r8 aro Secretary BaYI'rd(COD· oomiog whom, aaye the Capo .Aon .ttd. wrtiMr, there ia a fll!lluraf i1Dpre811ion that lao u diaposed ~ look 'With marked re­epect upon the ovinioo.a of Mr. We~t); M r. Putna111, a leading Marine lawyer; an.J Mr . .Aogoll, o£ Miobigw, who wo ar~ told baa had experiftllco in diplomatio afTai.re.

The Oommiaionera me~ on Monday last for &he fir.~\ timo at the St&t8 I>e­Jiar~mtmt, \Vashiogtoo. It continued, sitting for an hour. It wet again on tho

' followioa day, aod aflcr a ~C~~Sion of threehouru.djourueduo~il.Mondaynext. or oourae, as ill proceedings are eocret, it i.a not ao to.uy tc ucertain much about ita acope and puaeitale we~rlc. Wo &oe it etat.ed, &hough, u the rNult of an int8r· v iew had with ?l!r. Cbsmberlaio, that ho oooaidera ~hat, while the maio object of the cotnmi.asion ia ~ obtain a ee~tlement of Lho Atlantic fiaheri011 que~tioo, the commi&liooora are not precluuell from considering other mnttore. Henco. bo­fo~ &hey are dono wi~h &heir work!the Debriog Se.& seal fitheries matter may receive the attention ~bat it morita. It ia aatiafact.ory ~ loa~ remarb the }f alif..x Chronid4 writing on tbit. I'Ub· jcct.,-

" Jt ie aatiafactcry to le&ro tb~t Mr. Cham. berlaio bas uot boeo aeot to Wuhiogtco, u bu beeD report.ed , eo handicapped by offic1d ioetrucuooa aa to be depriYed of lha' froodom of acl.ioo wbi~b tho oeeda of tho caee may n:qoiro, Md ao u tc be til· duced tc a diplomatic 11atcw.aton. Mr. Cb&mberlaio'egre:.tor frcodom en lalla, bow­over, great.er roapoD.lbiliLic4, u well u a gr~wr field for triumph, for wbilo be hu an opportuoiLy of makiog bia o.amo famoua &od lwoored throoghoaL tbia couutrJ, be hu alto a c:baooe of g11iniog an iocreucd notoriety without ao increa.ae of f:.mo. Topchiog Lhe importAnt question of com­mercial onion, Mr. (.;l•&mbcr lain givca rtther ao uocertaiu aoucd, or, we a ui~:bt better uy, rath01r an cvaeiYo auawer. WJulo hil Ulcuaoce that, wbeu incidentally rcfer­riog to tbia queauon io one of bia 8peccbes, bo • did DOl aay tbal It ought to be pro· 'I'Ootod' Ia estiafactory u far lUI i 1 s:oca, iL adJ.a oolhing to •b•t wo t.lready oodor­alaud from r. careful re,.ding of bit apeccb, aod bit wbolo rcmarka on tllia aubjcct, tbougb they may oot be aaid to diacloto actual oppoa.it10o to Lbo moYemeot, cer­taiely eJbibit ao att.itudo which is cbarae­teri&lXI by whaL mar ha mlled prononoccd iodiacrenco. Mr. Chamb..rlalo uye :

W~ 'maintain the- chuaotw ot the rlaoe ~. uUr oonwuain1 &he probibitoion o a!le :!' t~~ ~:r •

ale of ardeb• 1aplrita. • U ia a buktrt wW url•e matter or.u.tact.ion ~ha~ &he good peO· tba ... oar lo.l 14w pie ol tlio abovu place have dQneWI ·..me~r ·~ri":!~o': ~to as Wl·ac~ upon ~he leuned J uCtp• ad.vioe. to o11r people, would be W I b ~ba~ &he u&er to • aarp umber e are IOlTJ to earn, owever, D&tllR\11 atw wiUI a1ar111 .a •• a protpect., elec~ion at Bonuiat.a .clid not reault 10 pctbllo IIIMID~ o1 tba people ttia h.Jd Ia &be Oourl •t.iaCac~rily u &he onb rtfeued ~ ~ve. a-oD tba ;eth of AprU lu'- prerlou to &be A telegram frnm &hat nlaoe •otter~·- olllalular ol UielloJ'&) -t !o tba 8111, _.._.,. r . ~ """'V 17 Hqt...U.I ~~""'meat lo ~der lhe brought the unweloome mtelligence tbt.t etJbjd. Oar - -.JIIdr~~etuel,u a

the Local Option Bill had been defeated ~,~'sl.i':d•r~-r.d'U..'Q~':~.".!:{ 6'f:; -162.vo.tea being out againa~ &ho mea· "\be dleaJIUmo'we r-l•ecfa d~JM!do frOID B.lol. aure. The number poUod by ~e pro- .&tloro.,. Oeoeral dtclarlo~rto ualhat tbe ri&ble hibitiooitts (216\ was much abort o£ ~be of Britlalua~eote Ola thlapou\wolll4 btOC>D&W•·

t Not~dlilc~-~:"e are •&Jn requuite ~wo-tb~rds majority. We· an wtlb tDX!e&1, aoc1 euo .. tlt appool to tour IOITJ' our gOO't Bonaviat.a Criendl hue ' to Mc:ure for ua eome more uf,UciL Cak~n ' tbla backwl.rd aWp. : It ia 'to be· l-co..,...,~A..,,IIIUI-.;117 ":i.lln!~•A:-~o~~o.;:i, hoptld Llut thoy wo11't ha•o cauae WII'O'· oou& 04 whkb the Frtoch ~t it. ·• Th1i rbk, ~ugh, £a grut-too of !.tblor, or' Uaat If lhe7 do, ...._t to· be attempted 'with at.fety, . - _,be taba toeoableo~~r bher-co· -- - ·•..Ubal&te u..a,u • no othCT'proc1amation bt.( referonco Mr. •.TuaLice .Plno-t,· in re21y, ob-

. t.o and makel lrno'lin the pn~vmooa oC sened- J • ,

&ho .Cur~ct .Act, .... hich measure will · • ' • · 00,..0 int.o.9·L,..t.ion on tho ht o( J'anu· Wi~rerifd WI the .claim of French

""" .,.. to &&kp ~efriprra u baft for 'tbo p~.co,af,lo,.,. uy next. .thia Act ia an imporlADt of tho ood6.ah«f on tbi.a par£ tho Co111t o ne, and as 10mo miaapprt>henaion apo of Ne•foDudlud, tho rigla\ 111a1 be coo­petlrl ~ cxiat in regard ~to the aoopo aidored anqant~oo'ablt, u bo bolined it to of it, It u well tba~ our peoplo be fully bo anqaa11l011ed. It Ia • r iahs then tbll informed on &ho eubjoct. We deem 111111' not 'be rotittea or !o .. rroptod. h II' it wiae therefore ~ append the 6&.b, 111111 tba\ the compelitloo of the':' French

· ( • th111 to bo lntro4aeod ~!ere for tho 6rtt time 6th and 8th eocttona ~ It, " have~ vcrJ i'!jariolll c,fl!'ct _apoo &be vis.:- iodastry of tho rU:daot popnl11Uoo; tba.t

Section I.-Tho deoomioatioo of l'lloooy each • conaeqaeoc .. may be uerted or miti­in the Oarreocy of tbis Colooy ibl'll be Dol- gated by pormlttiolf the Dritiah reeldenta to Iars aud Coote, lo which CorreoCJ tho Cent aell bait to tho Freocb, whote pnrpoee sb&ll be one-hundredth p!Ut of • Dollar, wo11ld be jaat u welleerved by plll'chuo u aod all r.ccouata aball bo kept, &II moaeya bJ ctplnre by thomaolvoa. paid aod recei•ed, all verdiota rocoiyod &od Tho &it BILl of liU. you, to which all jodgmootl entered, aud othor lo~e•l pro· peraooa uoder tho Crown io thia Colony are ceediog11 takoo io each Caneocy. No atlte· aubject, probibitl tho u.lo for expottltioo1 moot ol' account of aoy dobt contracted except uudor liceoao from the Rocolvor Gen· wiLhio thitOolooy by partiea retldoo\ with· oral, witb ,the aathority .of tho GoYOromoot io thia Colooy eba.ll be biadiog or valid, of Nowfouodlood. l'bey (&be Lababitaotl oolea the amo eball bo rendered, eteted, of St. George's) cooteoded that noder tho or declared In Uollara and Coati. circalll.ltaacea tho P9wer thua roaefJed by

Section "V . . Tllo Uoveroor Ia Council thia Act might. without injury tc lbe ru t of may obtain aod im~rl each qaaatlty of tho Coloay, bt uorcited to their adnn· Copper or Broo:ro Conti 11 may be oeeea- ~c. and in miliptloo at leut of tho otber­Baf! for the purpotet of thie Act, which w1se aerloua CO!Jaequoncea to tbls common· Ceot.s ahrJJ be alelflll tender for any amount lty. For hit part, ho e:nr ootbiog to pre­not exceeding tweuty-llve Ceota; no other veDt'tho adoptioo of thia coarao by the local Coppor or Broozo Coios other than Dritlth Go•oromoot, aod it •~emod to him tc tlo a Slerliog Peoco and half-peoco, and tbo aid happy proYiaioo, whether ao iotoodod t.o ap· Uroozo or Copper Coote imported u afdro- ply or oot, whether coutemplatod or uol, said, thall paae ouneot lo this Colooy. ' wheo tbe Bait Bill puaed, that tho Act

Section Vl.-Notwithatandlog any exist- ahould bayo booo framed io ~acb ao elutic iog caatcm or UIIII{O, five of tbo Copper or mr.ooer111 tc ODablo the Goteromeot to coo­Broow Coo Ia obtained or lm~orted u afore· for tocti licooaoa upoo Bri~ieh aubjocta upoD said. aball bo • lcl{lll tend or to exchaogo for thia Cou~ coarto wb1ch woalll obvioualy the fivo Coot S1lnr Colo of '1bia Colooy; be alteodod wltb adraotago tc the iuhabit. teo of tho .aid Conti shall be o. legal ten- aola or St. Goorge'a Day, aod teod to tho dor in excbaogo for tho Silver teo Cent prc110rva\ioo or harmony between tho aub­Coin i twenty of tbc .aid Ccnla a legal leo joota of 57raoco aod England roeortln~t tc dor io oxcbango for t.ho Sihor Urelhy Cent and realdoot upon t.hil cout. · Colo ; and Lwooly-fiye of tho &aid Coolll The iune railed horo'i• 51lch a vory ahall be a l e~;al t ender in erohaogo for t bo imvortan\ ooe, that wo regret tlant tho hnuty-O•o Coot :iil•11r Coio of tbta Col· ony, if the Gonrnor in Couocilabould aeo limits of our ll}l6CO ~·d&y prohibit Ul lit tc import ~od paL ia oirculouoo Coioa lrom commenting opon it ~ tbl' extent of tbe lut deDomiuatiou. wo 'would Jetiro. It, with the o~her

Soc. V ill.-AIL Gc.ld, Sil•or, Copper aod matt.e1· o.hovo referred to, ahall, bowover, Bronto Coiua boretoloro imported by tho receive our bnt aHetHion the cocning GoYeruor io Council iuto tbia Colony ab&ll woek. bo a legal tender under t.hia Act.

The Presentment made by the Ba.y or '1'ho u Fro~oh Shoro n t!-IOVil.llOO. Islllnda Grand J ury also had re(crcnco tc

"'"•·• a very Important maHer. That wna

Ao Import4nt Doolaro.Uon.

Dun~o the term or the Supremto C->ur~ oo Circuit ¥itting nt St. Ooorgo's B.1y, on tbo 3 r.J ~ptcmber lut, tho Grauel Jury in their Proaen tmen~ brought boforc:- ~hP ootico of tho preBiding J udgo - thtt bon. Mr. Jus tice P1N8t:NT, D .O.L., -a very importan~ mntter, one having ·• I doo•t kr~ow l h•t thor~ U t ut.h • tbi.n~ a3 a ~

C.uadlaa propoo.al lot OOatat.rCJol uoiua. I on. roaercnce, nmong other thioga, to the d..roWid Ute ••rK .. tiou b.ta ,._., m.<l•. but I om a.;surnption by tbo French of sovereign uaable lo ... , wbochor 11 lo d .. ir .. t bf. ••1 oon- or proprie~ary cJ11irns to any )•art of tbo aldeut.le port.lon ol lbe Oooadlao p<oop e. I doa· t

" the modo of aoinins; herring in tho spring o( tho Joar by barring aod keep· in~ the 6ah uncloacJ for a number of dnya, (in tome c1111ce eight ·or ten days), wbtlo large quantitie• or thom die, is m06t iojuri.>ne to the fiahory intereat of tho bay, by polluting tho &pawning grounds t here by injuring tho fish· ory." ThiA, tboy reapcctfully submitted, " llbould bo put a atop ~. and they ~ruat.­ed lbe Governmen~ will Authorize, or ctuao ~ho police ~ step each injurioua practice.." The Orand Jnry alto do· precatAd "~be injury c'\DJed !O ~he fiah­ery and fiabiog-gear, (vic., nfll and q:~oor· ip.r) by .pnUing into. &he waLer &iba and ofl'al of the herring."

th:lnt tho mau.er tau rocohed IIJI co~>tlderaU"o territory of this Iohmd. Mr. J oatico al pre.~ot. Pinaent, a.fter reading tbo no~ifiettioo.a

Chamberlain'a reception io At:.crica given by t ho F rench Commanders reltt· wu • ery conlial Oo the ! G~h inat.., he ing ~ &it, and ~ Dtitiab offical ' au­waa entertained by the Now York Cham- tbority ou the Coast,&c., observed, in ro• ber of Oomwerco at tbe annual dinner ply \0 tho Grand J ury,tha~ "as they were anJ banquet. In replying ~tho 'tout awde, under tho Treaty of Utrecht, the' o( hia hMith, he spoke at tom• hmgth, whole of thia Ialr.nd, with the ial.and.a predict.in« a apaedy aottleme.nt of the adjaoent., was d eclared l.o bo the rightful fiabery diapute, in sceordaooo with tho 18rritory of Or-eat Dritaio,a.nd to bounder iotere.ta l1f both peoples epecial its abeolute IIOVeroigoty. The terme or ad•antage ~either. twn nt.tiooa this T rMty in tbia rcspec~ have never were t!Je grMiett cus "tit!J each bwn abroga ted ot abandoned. '!he other, a.nd ono-half of tbe udgo lllid he bad never U.llderstood (or of t.bo United Sta\o. fiode a a mom on~ that tho Crown has eYer in aoy the United KinQ:docn. The two degree allowed a . .IQvcrei(D or proprio-tries cotdd n ot afl'orc:l the huu tary cl•im on tho part or .France. The quarrel. Their eentiments Go•e.rnment of Orua~ Britain has always alilto ~mbioe to cement tho maintained its terri~rial dominion io-1tinahip and comr.1oo tact . Tho right or user in the naturo The TirJtU, commenting on of au e&~~emoot reserved ~ Lho French' Chambult.in received in America, by, Treaty, ill no moro • oC.sion of •o•er-that it wu in the higbeat degree ~tia· eiinty or dominion than u e the prh·i­t.ct.ory, not only ~ ltit pereonal Aod leges conferred b1 Treaty ot 1818 nJ>On political frienda, but ~ tbo Britieh na• the Uuited Stat.ot or America. '!ho &.ion, and it u a aubel.anl.ialJ•rooT that presence of Britillh sllipa or war, of oi•il

., Uw! aolid mua ot· the j.,me:iun people vfficera, and the right of popul11r legi.a. ia amlcally di.epoaecl· tol&ni the Mother latiYe. represent.atinu enjoyed by tbe peo. Country. pie on tbia ooast, and .it~ - aubjllCliop ~

• We o~rvll t,ll•~on the l ~tb inat.,' tho lllntioo, nod Cuet.ooaa' Reeulatiolll,with National .F'ilhary A4aociatioo of Now t.he presall08 here of tbe Supreme Court ~or~ adopted ruoluticoa aaklng for legia- of this l.Jaod and ita Dopendenci111, wi~h Ja.tion " ~place 'bo 6aberiol upoo a na~ juriJidiction under ·R oyal· charter ovw 'tiona! baaie, nuer again ~ be 'made a" the&e''&ntl tho' adjacent 110111, aod with matter df barglllo or ule t.o foreign na- ·cogniuoco of"crjmioal oll'encile commit­tiona; alto fo1r ·aufliciont .JiroV!<:thm ~ 11:<4 uj,oo the &nkaorNowrouodiii.Dd, all give .AmeriC.o muliel.i ~ Aml!rict n a~to't. thia position. whic;h Ia io no wiao

.fillaermen, ~d (or~~~ !1-IJI!!. ColJimercial Bnnulled. by the pormiaaive pn~~eooo of a righ~ in forei&n wa~ .. foreigrr neola Breuch Nan! ~'orce f~ the l litoiplioo hvo i.a Uleira. " · ' . a.nd proWlclion ohhelrown m11rioo. Ho

.Aa Car M Newfouodlaod i1 coooemed, b11d, therefore, oo hesitation ~.·n •ying U will, wo beliewe, be generally admi~ tba~ the asauq~puon or French .Com­ted, thd a reprocity treaty would not mMotleh, or irre:t{ult6rity in the' o;::noe eui\ da, whoe•er el~e it might. For ooe or Brit.iah eutboritica on thit t, r.

l thiog, it would ruin ool"re•enu~>. · nn~ised b1 ~he GoYeroment ot we,woa~ly wet it' the adaai.ioo ot our Orea~ Britain, and ia uotent.ble." fi.lh daty !reo. • We 11ee i\ et&ted Lhd Tbia ia a very important enoounoe­·" &.be mo.t Canadt. would obtAin ail a mont., aod, coming rrom auch a hiJb aod re.uh ot 'be oommi•ioo wu a r.,. lith an undoubted antbbrity u the Supreme matlrelin re~m tor frie tlabing.• Tbt. Oclur,t o'f .Nawfouodlaad, it ·wUl DC!~ open. ur web • wide wbject that it ia quently 5o reoeiyed with eve"' .. uranoe doubtfu if the .,..nt eommiaaicin will bt the genera! publi.c. Tbe u~rlr pre·

• lwadle ~he I'DA~r at all. posteroua, verr,arrogant olllillll of:Prench Oummantlm m ~·above repr-J abould be etemly .reaiete¢ bf our people. WbOD. ihall wo rii oa~vea ot Lb1a haae l.ta­cumbu--wben lh!'ll we ebalte oil Lhia olinging .ootopa' from tM adiJ over. bGrdOIUICI llioalden ol Britalra'a aldld

..... ..u..,..,1 oolo•y !_ ,All,.. wbeD 1 .,., . 1

, DeUftDd liiiJ,Jn IWrp'MID'--•f. .. ~ teferrad &o &M IW' ~--~ u.. .._. •bWa i' ia .,___. ~ jhe .,.... ol.a.&bove ocu& l• will un 0. ih.Cr IIMI7 operaUoae ....,.._ '

Tho Judge in reply obeervod that •itb re­~I be lobarrlog of horrlog the ocndn~

cowpiAloed of was lllegal, and he read to tbe Jury tbe Statute law upoo, tho .. 110bjec" remarking t.h4\ it appeared tc bim ~ be aufficieo~ it atood, 110d onlJ' ro-quired tc be oofyrced apoo complaiot 10ac)o, by tho Polico authontloa, ... -

1wu oow dono t.o a

larao extent iu other p ace&. , ,

'I T-he iojorlo01 prectloe of tbro.n'ug the ofbl of herriagt Into . tbo water, wu .one which did not appear to be pro'lidedapiotf auUiciooLiy by law. aod ho •ollld niCOID· mead leailfatiyo action io the matter, aod 10 with regard to tbelr complaio' u tc tho offal of Lobeter l''actori011. WJth regard to obttructloo.t ~ public way., 11111 indl•idual bad a righ& to remoYe the10, aoll lbo Police and Road Board autboritiee ought ~take a.topt in all eastt iu 'fhicb it wu oleu tba~ a public dght of WIJ ui.tod."

TD B.Al'1' Aaf. _ , , A nw ot ~be onc.id~ preu' have, we

ara pleated to notioe, lately been do~ ing " mtle of their •r-eo to the ditclta• eion of ~hia ~ ~ moet important matter. One o( t.hl!m-&ha Montreal DaUv JYit-o ""'-ondlr •n article bearing tho cap. tioo of " the Newfoaodland Bai~ Quee· tion," thoa d eliveT'I itael(. 1 It •1•:

.. Tbe royal ....,lit bu been ai•eo t.o the bUl pUled 10100 timearo by Ule Newfonod­laod Legialature, ea&irely forblddi.og the aalo to fort !pen of baiL Tbie m-ore it al10ed dlreotly al the Freooh tlabenoeo, altboaab tbe· Amerlc.Dt wlU alao be aJreoted b7 It, aod II lo 1018ei'IIJI4ICI'I " ntalla~ry l.aw. £he Freoob llabano111 have aliray. olaimad IIOt ODIJ t. rllb• to bOT bait and tlab Off· abore all &rollfld &ho Ne•fowuilaDd cout bu• the 10le n&bt tc tleb aloof the P'nnob ebon. 111 prevutioa t.h- &om purobu­loa bait the NawfollD.dJand authorititl bo~ tc pt 1 level' ~ ~ t.~aa• wUI foroa theta ~ nJIDqa!ah ao~ae, of &htlr utnordloary olalma oader U.e tn&t7 ot Utteeh&. Tlae Ne•foaodlaadara taave, boweYer, uothu. ud a be\&lr .fftMD for dtalrlor to hap Ultlr bah te U.ellll&lna. Tba fnAllt ol &lie lalaod depaoile npoa tiJa CIII&IJoll of " oJa. of llhwmea-rartnora. oa• ol alae poor OOIM llbtnneo, wbo ar!l DOW .more Alita• aroae &Ma tboy Aoqld be, ud w)laa the ~~~~~ fall ..,., -y o( them, l.lt.blo ~ be Ndaeod ·to ,... ... . Ill order to do W. h ~ aot • opao ~1 101111 ud ...Uw~ lUade ........... ; ...... .... be~Wit4, a.a..n.,, -.a

d10piJ loae ~ laraeiiQID lo telldy cub wbl~b tb17 formeriJ ~lwad for IMI' wlll pron, I' ~ tC? ~ hoplcl ~nJJitmporarilJ true.''

We thank ov oontamporary for lhe intereat which it, takee in &he welfare of Otar ialutl ~hermeu,, t.nd tllroqh them all the ot1lor .c!NMa of th11 population, in tho oon.flict which &bey will ore long bo oogageclln whla foreign 'bonntr.favored oompeLiW~ra. ll'ot' tho bt.Uie aoon to be !ought ,.m be a .. ..,. on._rought Dot only again~~ ~ho Frencllana American~, bnt, it mlllt DOW be 0~, apinat yet another dangoroua rival...o...da.ogerona be· canae it u , aided. by 1~ et.ate d!ltiet. We refer ~ the Portopeeo. · A laM circular, dated <>porto; OcW~bar 21, t.ellt

&hat-- •. ~; •·

"The l10port do.Uee oo flab, wblob early In 1882 we~:e."2,166 ret., or about g/H nor­Una pu quintal of 60 klloa (ttw 1t 154 lk,)·wera ralted In Mayl,tl/32 tc 2.292 roll; (•llont 10/IIH by u add!Uooal tu: ol.U per ceoL In 1~, when &be harbor wqrb at Lt~. )IMr ,Qpono, ,rore pommuqed, • ne•. t&lt, limited t.o .lwo.pel' ceol ad 1101Dr­,.., bea-an ~ .be IIDpoti.d, beiDa two-fiflbt per ceot., Ol' 18 rei#, (u lncreue of •bout one peony) in l~.; el,.fOO. &weolieUie por. coot., or 26 roil, (~u'-' ljd,) In 1885 ;. lhirLJ·three 61\le\ha' pa()loat., or SO reis, (abo a& lt<J.) 14 1886, . . 1111~1 )lay 1887, wbeo the fnll t•o fer · f'D'-• or 90 rei•, (about 6.1.) wu c~-tha total doUea tllen being ll,S82 reit, or.abou& 10(7 at.erliog rer qaiotll of. 6.0 ltlloa (184. llu). Oo the lit o( ~u\ Oo~btr (1887) a ••• tt.rilf cam" to. to operation bJwhicb t~e dDtiOI on fiab are CODIOlld•ted ioto ODe peJmeot or S~ rei•, about 2/· per kilo, witho11t aoy aupple­meutary J?.VOIDiage, (ou.p& lbe ucbauge tu: le'lied io OpoM oDly), rMnltloa ID 2,:Si6 rela, about 1.0/6 per quintal of GO ltiloa, or aboa~ 8/81 per ow& (112 lba.)"

It will be aeon f~ ~he aforegolng that " large increase bu within tho paa~ few yoara taken plt.oe in thoduliet chug· ad on Nowfoundiaod filhgoipi int.oPor­tuguete plt.rltol.ll. To emphui%o &hit cir oumetanoe, let ut here recapitulate the facta and figuru quoted abon, they havo a deep meaning for na :

Early in 188~ there was lovied on fish aeot fro10 thia country ~ Lho abo•o markets a duty of 11/ 6 cur~ rcocy oo 60 ltiloe (about IS' lbs.) Tbia io the followina mon~li oC :May wu rniaed ~ 12/3. A small addi lion oofluouod ~ bo made o•ory r oar thereafter until the let oflaatmonth when • new tAriff came lo~ operation, and the duty wu fixed a~ 10/5 aterliog per quintal of 60 kilos, or .. taout 10/ 6 cur rcncy per quintal of 112 lbl. ·

It ia plt<inly !l•idt'n&, thort'lore, the.t all Newfoundland 6eb ent-ering Portu· guese portl ie no" met with an immeoee dut1-iotleed a prollit.ilh•e tax. Ooulu oot our Ohnmbcr ol CoJIJimerco mako •~me eiior~ ' to IOC<Iro an abatement' of thielarge proforootial duty •• wasa11hor\ timo ago uooo in the caac or Spain 1 I n aoy cuo, whether" lb~ bo done or not., it aecm~r to us our plain, simple cour11e ill ~ work All ~Ito fa•·oriog, agenciea Jl'o-l~avo withi.u our 'oua1 111a.ch. 'Vo ehciuld leaYe no legitimate meana uo· trietl iu order ~ hot:,O'por tho opera· tiona on our banks and arouorl our OOAets of both Ftooch • aod ~ortuaaoso fiaher­men, ant! not ool; tberb bot Amoricane al•o; for thoy too aro 'Uofair oompeti~re -they have oloeod their markets against us by wha~ yirtually amounta ~ a pro­bihiti YO ta.x-vis., a cent a poaod on cod6eb aod " duty on aU our other articlee or ezport in like proportion. O•tr republican ooigbl?ora, therefore, ue not entitled ~ not· caonot oxpeot much conaidcration at our h~da. We forgot t• meotion abo•e, \lu.t., u our readere ara prebablyaware, tho Portagueee have lt.tely been· turning their attantion ~ ou~ Ban.lt .fiabery; eT&ryaucctodihg yenr ~hoy are onga&ing in it 'o a larger .ox tent. .lri. ~~ courae of" .abort time, &horefore, ''N may nt.tlirally expect to 6nd theta en teriog inWI keen, Tory iojurioua oo01poti• tiott with bnr ehippera in 10me of ou1· but market&. W.hat the reenlt 'trill bo wo ,do not 'neod ~ .. y. We hno only room in eloeiog t.Q. uprou the hope that the rigoroua enforcement of &ho colon1'• ~t Ac~ yet oontiouM to aogago the eerioo.s atteotioo o( &he Oo•erume.ut. We are u folly impretllled uovl!lr we were with' the urgent need' ~bat exi'l" .... for the ma~ter being at onoe liken firmly in hand, t.nd the faot demonttrated beyond t.U donht, th.at the amoont o! ~ubhl

&a well as tbo l11rge e xponee m•mr ....... WI eectue ~be royal .-eat ~ &he m01111ure was not 10 much time and 10 mnoh m.oney nael-ly wutecl; &ha\ ibe ooun\ry app~tea &he nlue of ita fitlleriea aod e. · 17 of it• invaluable bait 111pply~ 'and 1. 4rmly ro10lvod ~ conaorve &he Qne ud protect the o&her from &he, annoying .encroaohmenta of 11\oddl~me onlilid~JW, l-' • the ooat and tho tronblo be whal1i\hey may. ·

OaoLn..t PnJA$,ori-we.~b•eno a et.atemen' oC IOple 1lDfereat WI n.a oon­tained In a New' ~orlt: deapatoh of tlao 16th in.~t. It Ia tO ~e ell'ect that tho Italian government liAI lnformed Boo~ t.ary Ba~ ~' epidemio oC cholera hu ooti.rely ln all pt.rtJ oC Italy. NotwUh.ataading tlaW, laowner, ordera bt.Ye been given U.u at the dopartue ol Noh ateamw bOood WI tbe United Btatee every emigrant ahall be aubmltted WI t. medical uaminati.on.

.:::: . ' . (r~RTIIJI1lAUo& OUOUI'AliDUD]

lll1S8IO!I.ABY JbaTutG&.

• I •

'1\a BeY. Hr. Sll-.apob Jut u bolla ~ &Jl.4 otw* jlteDlS. · ·~ HIIIIWIDII' ud mUM~ art,al· , .,. ,, • .............., ."11 Ilia OlfD. aacl kill ODI1, 10 la wonld be : -Oan~ar ~~ oOIUJDn to-daJ ~ &oo IDIIOb kt pre&n4 ~ II•• • oootabla a Dcftloe 01 tile IJooeua of .a very

of JPMOh. .WWiaalnadyw•ll· li'Oriby .-.o-lln. a•·-, tho Nloved ltoolfD. .., be aid, umelr W., t.hU the r--- -~ man ~~of lb. 8bart Olllhe Miaaloo· ~! of oar old and .. lattDtd friend. Capt. IZ1 plt.tform; nerywbtre IVOktl udlblo vwvrae Pllta. Tbt baabaad, family, &Ad

KiMioD&rY ... Uaa at. Harbor Gnoe. IIDllea, Uat.& he 1010ebow 1aooaedl baJOCid Jr!aoda have onr d,_p 111mpathJ. -·• Miaal-- Mottl 1ae14 IIIOit~traiaenllnolorthodulltlhteo'-' ' • • Tb~ ~o_. OD11f1 nawu laaua aaodloglala baanra ,.,.7 ln , happJ . -Two Mitliooary meeUol' wen held 1n

lo tho Mathodla'· Obureb ot &.bla &owa oa frt.DM f Dll d _.t h afvi W. t.own dariug the pan week. Iotereat. 'l'neadayettalDif lu&. A!Uioaab the nJcb\ "-.!..uu!,• to ob:!:~ .. :w:::r, rha or, loa aoconot. of thllt u wellu of 4ther lillll· wu dark 111d ralnJ, "'a roo:dlJ Dlli&INr of above all ft~Uog ., oartaia ~ouo':; prir. lu ·meetiop held eltowbere lo the Bat.

.PO"JJDI . ..... IDbltd to bearJIDportla' ~ - U..-lne t.hU th ...... Nlll non- appeJit Ia t.Dother IS'olamo. w. bavo lo whh tetpect to tho pl'Ofl'6ll ol C~1 ted to be bora iD ~twfouadlur Mr. Ulan~ oar frieoda for their k lodo011 In ca11.1e ,!Jiroarboa& U.e world. Sbeve mado .0110 wgatltloo whlob U Ia IODdio& tho paniculara ~ lit; • yo '

'l;lui .apo~ of the ChafrmaaJB.S. Huu, hoped will be ado ,ted, and donbU- will · ·' Eaq., ooolaioed valuable IDfonuaUoo oon- be. That ..., lh~l tho ombort 1 th (&P&CI.U. TO !r.tJfl)UD.) ceruloa tho adnooemeot of M..tah't kill(· ChOrcb of Eor!aod Ulloa iD Co~ Ba 1

. .&m~ta, Friday aft.trnO<Jif. dom iD vario01 · partJ ol U.a ...nh. Par· qbt and abonld oootribnte ., an11lolo~ Polhog r-tenhy in the matter of tho ticulu meotlon wu IOIIdo of tho.~aboara of t.maantaooually ~maintain 10100 protnlaioa LocaJ Option !Jill ~aiJ.Od:ln tbe eigoal tho 1~·· Joha Ha~•. IJ! ~' f•J~ ~ jeotb, a• ~nnao'e IOD or other bo of dttltlll or &be. probibJUonlta, T•o haD­whore, within tbo me10ory of men now hT· Intellect retldeo\ lo'" Ba at t.& (fr l dncJ aod ftfloeo Tok'd lor problbllloo, ooo ing, oanibaii.ttn wu nmput; bnt no• lo Millloot.f)' Colloeo of 8._f~:. C:. haodred and aiztJ·&wo.., apio.L. M uch in· tome r>u,ll ~tl ~JI)& ~ ~ UatDpl' to~ ::.':{ or ..a..,..Ja-, wbero M mi<>"• be. "*' wiia a.plt.,tecl. • ~ toamaetifu ID .ovorr'l'oue Lilt eoud of _, ' , -.... "- . • Camll7 p~JarmartM. blt.rtl. • Uemoe wie ~ !:faiJOI'tUM &aiODC &be beatbeo. y., ·,. -J1aa S.S. .Z.cdalld,.biiOGgina to ~earn. &leo_ mad~ tc tho New Hef'rldea. ~ tlo fond 0 ~ -~.,''!o:f~~ ,*;.~ .Tob._ M~D ~ do.,t wijllean P~ • • ooday R~v: Dr. Goddoa •. tho~~ Pnabt"riiD. 1uoVal~~ ~to mako (M otUr Now f.# 8~ 1 Ialaqd, Bo~vlata &)', ibeoco Mlosater, aooomplilho4 a IIIOit btNaoll worlr.; fooodl~ have alre.dJ dooa iD th2 \6 ~cote dio apriog INI fle~tr,l. ~ Cap!· for ObrlaL . . <Jbarob ud the world) a nt.a. aocl wH WWlf>ID \\1ndeor, ;her old 'ODJVJaodor. Ill

Tho eateemed putor of tho Charoh, the for the-lvea, bDt, wbalia of rreatea' ... 0- .-tor.eh•rro of her aga!n this II!Priag. Wo &v. T . H. Jamea, In oonooctloo with tho maaa, ~make Ohrla&'e oame koo"n 0~0 •lab hsm fulleaooeaa. CapL W1ncbor 110011 rudilla of &be Report, refenecl ~the gra&l- aarl4 aa4 Hit JNlo¥ healt.h ¥10~ all. M(' ~ortb by the lc414nd. • Be h.; belA ia town

.rylog f.ct U.a• ~lbe Mt&laodiet Obareb of &lone.' for tbo pul week or 10. \;ipt: J oabua Canada hu reaobecl the aonaal ooatribn- Th~ MlaaloaarJ maetiop wera broqht Pllte •ill go in ~hateam~r M ¥ iliug 1048ler, tloo of •l!OO·OOO to tho MiAlo~ Fdlld. ~ ., ol01t b1: t.ht banedicdon b,los pro- a poet' wbicb ho bu filled for the p&l~ uro Towarda tbaaa10 Ne•fouodlaod i\fte O'ftr IIOClliCilcl by &he . Cle~10111 Jn .Cbt.rge of ~oa. ~.000 I b 0 _ &be lllaioo. After which, taking lo~ ooo·

1'he firet epealter callecl on wu t o ...., • eldert.doo the woto- of tba oigbtl, the -lletel'l'. Pato.rtoo. & 1-'oller'a tchoooor J . S. Peach, who made ao appr~pr!a!• dia· 18llfUI o1 tle llpOOCba, and t.ho !otoren Spriltgwd took hor dapartorefrow tbia por~ court~ OD tho •a-of ldethodil\ ldi.atlooa &&ken Ia them by clergy and poople, all &bill IDorolog for Heart's Dol4cb~ Trinity in th~t laud. When he am ~· to t.h1l WtDt, We lilly be lllte lo<Uieir homea -1'0· BaJ, where lhe will be repaired daring tho coootr7 thoro were j11.1t a do)UII milliooarlea J 1 log ' ,._ ocmiog winter, . Mr. Jamea Re!d, q( tba.t laboarlog Nte, oow with foelioaa of lo7 ° 0

• • - place, hu &bo coolnlct for. tbo tobllilding 111d gfat.itndo bo 1p0ke of fito Urnaa tbal of the tcboooer. and doubtl~u ehe wi ll ~~ onmbK being ooaneotod 'lri&h t.he Now- Jll.MioD&rYKoetiDe at l"reehwater. 6oiahtd io • maooer ib.t will reflect cu dtt foaudlaod Cooreronoe. oo her baUd ora. 'lbe Sprilogbird i& au Amori-

J'bo Ko" G, P ... ::>tcry, ia a neat aad Tbo I rat of a tOriea of Mlaalooary Meet- ca.n. bpilt c:raH of 67 toea, aud will be, when ~efully prepared epeocb, •poke of the lop. In ooouectloo with tho Carbonear Mo· repeir&d, er.oployed lo the !lank fiabery. difficulliot with wblch mi.uiooariea have to &bodllt Diatrict, wu hold in die Melhodi:.t Speed tho good work-tbe good work or cootood. Oae diUicoltyeomowhat fonuld- Church, Freahwater, on Moodl1 la.tt. Tbo dnelopiog thil · lucrative 'and rapidly e.x­ablo il tbal of bifotry. Another which •paololl.l edifice wu fillecl with aiOoat at teo- peodiog branch' o~ Lhe e\aple indoMr/) caa111a u amonn' of llllfforios amooa tho Li•o ooogreplioo, tbowlos lhal U.o later-" " miniatert of Newfooodltod il tho low atlt8 in Mialiooary work wu not 00 tho declioo. -Tnt AJmo.&.L MtS,IION.lRT MnnNa of of fibaucei. Still aootber dUIIculty Ia tho Rev. G. P. Story anoouoced tho well-known tbe AnJrlicao Cburcb wu helll I111L ueuing ooooaaity of toqDitloJil forelp tananaru; hyain, 'I All b&il tho power or JMa'a name," iu tbe Britiah II &II aoder the preailleocy of wbllo on thiltub~t the apealtor gatOIOIDO wbich' !11!1 heartily fiiDi i thea the aecoud tho fu!ctor of B<trbor Grace, .• '£be me'ouos amuelog aud forCible Ulaetn.tioua. Ptalm wu read. sad lhe .Rn. G. J. Bood, buio~r beeo opeocd with .Praycr, tbe Ultair-

Dal tho CODfl'l'gatlon anticipet.ed with S.A., of St. Joha't, engaged lo pre;er. mao iotrodacod tbe Hey, Leareuco ~mot, mucb iotoreat the tpeeob or tho Rev. U. J . Capt. WllllamTaylorofCarboooar, wbofor who gan a very grepbto d010rlptlon ol tbo Dood, B.A., who hu beoa recoo&ly tranl· maoJ Jeart hu preaided onr tho meo~iDJI work of tho Charob io .Afriea, with apeci~l lin~t Ia tbo folll' quartcra of the globe. at Freebwat.er, ..,. ctlled ~ lbo cbair, aad refcreoce t.o the dioceao or Maril:rburK. \Vilb etidontaatitfa..JtiOD tho aud.ieoco foJ. deli'IOred ODe o(hlacbt.raeterilticaddr~ The f O'I. gootltmao iotereat.cd b(a bOArerd lowed tho speaker u be grapbiceU1_ gan Tho 'repo~t of tho Society wu read by 'the w!Lb ao i01tructiYo accoaut of tbo Uark (;0 0 •

au accopnt of bil traYolt through l!!aJPt, Sape~Dteodeot of tho Clrcnit, who elated tloeut gontrally, ile area, climale, popula· J oppa, Joroaalem., Nuaretb, the lAke of lba~ e MiAlooary Income of lbe Canadiao tioo, religion, induatrioa, etc .• end tboa went (;alileo, Damucll.l and other pi~ of lo- M~odiat Church bad l"'I&Cbtd tho 1001 of oo to poiot out tho pretonC poaition 'of tho tereat. llo gate 10oat loterotllog aooouolt l•vv,OOO, of which Nowfoaodlaod bad con- Cbarch in the J>ioceao to which he wu moro of MieaioD work whloh bo bad wllo-d triba~ O'IOr 8li()l)(). Tho work In lbo 'lo· eepocially referring, and cloeod bia addre• l io thole g,.ttro laodt of Bible at.ory. dltD, Freocb, Cblooao, Japeoeao, aod Do: by rcadio~r extrocla from the letlore of n

Tho lut epeeoh wu deli•ered by tho Rev. moetlc Mt..ioDJ wu molt eocoora.giog, and, friend working 1bere. J . Gooditon. • former putor of tbt. circuit. uotwitbatandiog difficull.ioa, gratifyiag 100" After tho •inlliog'of a bymll, l bfl chairm•n Uo abowod tho advaDiaiiOI of Chrial.iuit1 0011 wu reported Af~r tbo tiugiog or ao - introcJuood tho Ro•. Wm. llo<~ , who cho•"' oYer lleatbtoiam. bJ &!lading to tho liDOr· other hymn, the veuereble Father Pcllcb, aa hia aabjoct, "The Cbur;:b'a worldo .Nol\' · aaco,auperetltion aod craolty ohhe lat~r.auu addreued tho andieoco, reforrioa chit Of to fonDdlaod." Mr. llow'a epcecb ..,u liltco ­ocntrutiog h with tho lfTACioll.l lufilteocea the work lo Japen aDd the potitioo cf Me- ed to with rap~ attcntioo by tbo &ndienc:u, of onr ble&Md Chrialiauity. ln clotiog • tbodi1m iD thi.a oonotry, coalrullDg It wilb larg~ oambcre of whom were fnmilinr '1\' it l:i warm appelll wu made for liberal oflorl.aa• the limo wbeo ho Brat eotered upoo bi.a lhia- tboee pnrla of tbe Is land wllielt be ciucril•dd. tg bo preeeutod uoJo Cbrltt. aiooary career. ~v. John Goodiaoo, chair- ·rho oe:rt apeak or WM tbo..;l tt>v, C. Ern l"~

The collootions oo tbe Sabbath aad at IDIIn of the diatrict, uext apoko oa Heathco· Smith, B.A •• the clerigal Dem<a!hcuca . . ~'Lcs 1he meetlniJ were eqnt.l to thoeeolluc.yoar. iam OCNltl Cbriatianit], and proved that tho epeaker hold hi• audience epoll· bouod ~car Th~ chotr did thdr part nobly in tho Goepel of Jeaua Cbriu wu the power ~ eomo 4:1 miuutea, tho greater por ltc>n of

aiogiog of tbt hymoa tad ia f.he eelllCtioo of raite maD frcrn bi.a dogrtded ocoditloo, IDd whieh limo Will tehn up iu tbc ducripci.m two piece• wbicb wore ~pacially go& op for do~troy &be cruelty, tuponl.itioD, and error of tbo rellsious cooditioD' of our Bo()pirc tu Lbo occaaieo, ootilled" Let t.he lol.uw lo" of tboee who kDow oot the Suioar. The the Eaat. Mr. Sw1th uvlaiaed Uuddbl\'4 and "God be with y ou." famoot M.iaalooary hymD " FroiD Greoo- idoa of t bo rtdico.l eoodi~o of bum8oity to

Attor tho beDod1c1ion wu prouoaDoed laod'a ley Mouolain'a" wae oc:rt eoog, aod be tbia, via., thaL lifo 1 .. miier&blo, tb,at tc 1he congregation alowly retired, mach the Rev. G. J . Bood, B.A., c~mmoocod bia deeirc to li•e ia to be miaorable, aod that to pleMed and lmprettcd witb, and let us hope adhdr-b on • v:fait .toitbo Holy lAud, aod c- to doairo to Jiro it to bo happy ; th:>t beoofiucd by tho a.uu.ivertt.rJ milciont.rJ .,.. a~ 11 aaw 0 IDJU 00 work thoro. '£h,. hie NitYaua .... u a etaw io wbicb all ll<tircs meeting of 1887. audience wu hold apell-bound for ll&lf ao ctue and all psaslons dio. Tbe "to• . ~entlo­

bour u tbo epeakor deacribtd that laDd 10 dlau pointed out that eo11r11ci118 differctl IIIUalon ot Upper Ialand OoYe. ucred to 11.1all-tbe lAud • from Bulldha in tbia : bo declnrod tbat hn·

" o .. r • hOM arroe' wo.lked lboH bloi.,.ed feet , mao nature ill radically good, aod . Co>pablu Tho Aoooal Mlaloouy Mootloga of the Wblcb olgbteen huodred teare ago •ere oallod of ~i1log to the bigbut moral exc&llooeo,

Charch of £ot~laud ou behalf of the Homo !'or ov a<haoLast 00 tbo bln or crou. • !odepeodoot of oxlerual forces. Hero and Foreign Million Food, l u coooection Tho coogregatloo wu tlkou tc aocloot Jop- the apeaker pointed out ~ another •Y•· wltb tbe Mt..ioD of Opper Ialaoll Cove, pa, Jerualem, Betl.tlebom, Nuaretb, Detb• tem of R!lde1nptloo in f'l'lia, that ' lAnd ~f

1 wore bold in tho eettlemeotl of Upper Ia- aDy, the Sea of U.llloe, and ~87il'- '· Tho tho Jumoa acd the Gahgee. that labd of laud Cofo and Biabop'a Cove ou the .. aa. prlocipal e•otn. or Sctibluro lo ClDDilCtlou thrODOI aod palace&, thai lud wbnro Wt ru l11g1 of Tueadaj aod Wedoeaday, the 22nd with theao pi- werealladod to. Medical aomo of t bo ollleet writing• in the world aoj 23rd ioil '£ho weather oo botb oigbtl mletioDJ wore hlghlytpoltao or, aod a fitting oataido our qwo Scriptnree. :fhat the r.uli­wu io ita character pronrbial and by oo tribute paid \o tho Nod of earoeat workete C&l idOJ\ of Urabmioiaw "'"' t hla

1 •i:r., that

etretcb of tho imt.~~ina.tioo ooald be called who bad ooo.eecrtted lboir liYoa to the IOf• tiu reeidei lo tbelleatl. tbtl.t •\ruie roildea in " Quooo'•·" Notwlthataodiog, howner, ao Yice of the lfuter to labour io what llltoJ lhololelloct., that by rodno:i9g the pbyalnal to luceuanl dotroponr or ralu, tho att.eodanco part.ioalarly bo re,prdeJ"' Hit owu laud .. • the :r~in11DDIU, a'od eultlug tb.e iotellecloal ou each occuion wu ulatge ulf oo& larger Rn. T. R. Jamea, of Hubor Grace, de- to lhe muimum, you would Mlppreas ,-ico Ulao otaal, aud the coDtrlbutioD' ~tho mit- Jiyered • powerful addre., arring tbe DO· eod exalt yirtao. Dot tbat In ledfa, after eioo food 11igbLiy In exceaa of tboae of ~ut COIIily ot tapporllug to noble • ca1110, by the mlllenolaml tbat · ban pu8od teetiog year. Tble, tlkJog lo~ ootllideratloa the prayer and liberality. Figorea ••rt pro- Brabimioitlll, •o llod a lacd of l'noLheisw doatltalion preYalliag 1111oog 10rno podloo !laced to &how how much wu upeoded Ia !otlnnlxed and cr11.1tcd oYer bf Polythei:aw, of the people, ehowi u looreMed rotereet oeedl-lodalgencot, and 110 • OCIDp&ratl~o- 10 &hat there !lie not leu than l brdo hand rod io Mi•looary worlt. Tbe 'C!epatatfoo ap· ly little for the grandee~ and noblea' work mUiioaa of gods. Mpbammtdaclim, Mr. pointed by the Mi.aioo Board, •lUI ooo OX• 00 oartb. Smith declared to be not QrigioAI, that tho ceptioo, putio ao appearaoooi tho plaot of The oollooUoo wutakea ap, lho doxoiOfly Koraq wu ai10ply a piece of plaglari! lll frorn &be abaeirfee- beio& 01ore tbto aappllod bJ •aug, aod tbe beoedlctiou proaooDcod- be~aJllog to eod, ~tod tb" Mobammod ,., .. tho Rn. Mr. ShAre, of Day Roberta, on ooo which bro!lib& tc " cloee oue of tbo moet no~ &<J be Mteo10od Ia ao,.: aease ~ oo On · oitlbt, and by bl10 and tho BeY. Kr. War· profitable meetiol' ever held !ri ooooeotloa gioal cht.rt.eter, M a roligiO(Ill to~h~r. 'J ioo horne, oo the other, •!tb tbe milllo11.1ry t.unlver~aryl.o thia place. roY. geutlemaJS tntfttd mwutely ioto tho

Mr. Netteu of Brigos-fately MiaiOIWJ -G. P. B. co1Dparlaoli of thoao differel'~ •.r•tcma, aod of the St. JohD't Ootbarbor•, and well· ooooladed • moat eloquent add tell ~y point· lt.oowu loSt. J~hD'I u an ea.rew worker lo Ba7 Bobert.a Oent.ral 8ohoo1 lo'g oo~ the OCDG~tptioo of our [!i•ina Muter lbo Temperance and enry other ~d OIIIN of tho original oood1tion ol humaohy and -epoko oo both -'ooa ou the Obnrch't [TO TID mrroa or nt& rr.uro .. uw.J 1:111 plan ll'horoby humanity II to be clleug-worlt in the Foreign flold. Prefaclos bla DIU Sut,- ed aod eln11ted. · adt!reA b1 &lludlog to tho fact that ba had Oo MoDdaJ, the 14th inat., tbe Caotr.ll 'fhere w~ • nrylarge attendance, among beco a oolleae cbnm of tho prloat of tho Scbool of l:by Roberta aodnweDlitlaooual otbert R . 8. Muuo, Eeq., Mra. Pilot, uhd M.ltlloo, and nor llinoe a fut rriood, ht enmlnat!oo 'lritb very utWIOWry rtllllta. eeural oUier leading clth4n• of Ht.rbor wooton to ahow tho prop• of Obriatlaoity l'ho aabjeot. of eramloatlon were-Read- Graco.-Com. Ia heathen Ianda in epl~ of the many biD· log, Writing, DlctllioD, AriUI10etic. Gram- , draocet lu tho way. Amoorth-biodrmOta mar, Geography, Hillery, Mo111oretloo, -TRa!Asa OP 1wo CRAFT I• lately re-bo mootiooad, ..al mO&DI {pocaalary), and Alee bra; ,and the rndy 1111wen wblcb ported. Lut oigbt week the h.S B., owneJ wane of koowleda• o} f.ho chareclllf of 'bo ebildrea pn lhowed &bat they had ~~~todo by Mr. Bo11eoo of TrlnltJ, was lett oo tho ltnugo peoplet, nil Jlyea of prof~ ocaaiderabla pre~ &berelo. Diftloolt Brandln roof of rocke ocar Cape St.. Fnocir. Cbrittiaoa Uriog lo bqlbeo ceo tree; and cot proble111.1 Ia me~~taratloo and aliebra wore Tha<~~labt, It It u ld, Will tery dar It and tho the leaat a d.irided Cllrlateodom . • A . I!IIort worked with 1&10 and readiD-. aod In oeplalo thoaahl hlt ocnree, which w111 lo­aodabloepoeeb wueonoladecl by tbospaalt· u.- and other aubject. thla Sohool will tldo tho reef, would briog him c!eu of ie. er'uuggoetlo,...nralouy methodt of help- bta.r fnortblo OOiap&Jitoa wllb any other No' till tbe craft alrnclt wu any dan~r lo'- t bo Mlaeloo ca1110. lo Ooooepllon BaJ. On tba follo•lor day, apprehended. Tho weather wu fioo aod 1\

rbe BeT. Mr. Bow, Bay de Verde, pve a pr'-a went alvon to U.o 1001~ d-mor of tnodara~ otf-lhure hrce:r.o wu blowlnjt, leopy aod taklPf add.-- oo tllo work of a &be ecbolare by Mra. Pilo~ 111d Mra. Sheart, th1111 f.ha orew experienced Do difficulty 10 Mlaaiooary !o ech pl1001 u tho ijtnil of both of whom epolto very kJadly ~ tbe ,..u.., aebore In tbe boata. '£ho tchoonor Bolio lale and Greootpood, u circamttaoc- eblldren, and ID appropriate wordt tried ko l'ltDalDod a6oat loog 41Doaah to eoa.blo ed wboo bt had obaqt of thaeo mlaeiooa. pre• Dll('ll U.e!.r JOODftuladt the adYU· them tc liTO thelr etfeota, which woro oco· Mr. How 'I npatadoo u aapMker had pi'O- f EdnoaUon Ia al'ter life and &be re . nyad tc St. J obD'a the followlag day: Tho oodod him, owiDJf ~ the freqaontlJ f~ 10 ta ely to IOCftte fromll. Tbey baartiiJ B.8.B. had S60 qulobiJI of lab on board. viri~ of Cooeaptloo Bay llabenoeo ~ OOD tbacn apon their preaoot aoc· 1'ho ·other crah belooaed to 51.. Jobu'a. Groa~~tpoDi on their voyace ~ aod from tba -.ana aleo the Teaclaer 'Wflo bae dono ble She wu loet at the Ame plico on tho Jol­Labrtdor. Baing, Ia looal parla~~oe, " a work DO doa!M wltb oo-.ltotlo• 8dei~!J1 lowiDf (lu\ BatardaJ) nJabt. 1'ho An" lfTtllt mao oa &bo tooano1" U.la doobtl- ud for whlob he deiOr'f• tile tDoet ooruw Loara w• froiD . Lab~or bat bad landed contrlbnload to 1W'Ill the t.*Dclaaot u the pralaa. all bar lWa t.a•.c..rbooaal'. Nooo o& tho 10ott.iap. • Hr. How'• tp1101a ebo•ad aiiU M~oh arae.r Jntoraet, yoa 'lrill be rtad crew were Joe&. hla re..Patatloa • a epaaliar wu oo' ude- l.o laana, "MM'. Ultor, Ia now bal.of taken lo --•rved. wbllt' bla ~ fi04D t. JoUUJ ,tle -u.r ol Ed-tloo hare than Ia yet.rt -Tho Be•. Joba Goodi&ou latol1 pub-of lift)' mlltl wuellelaaa IDdloedOD &Ua pH by; aaclaoma of onr Jl'toel~ towu- llabad a '-.el\tr of t.ebowled,meot io ibe .bll heart u wall ae hla •Df11• wu iD &be PeoPle bt.vo prollllte4tprisel ~be OOtDpeload IDI"- of the lllbecrlptlooa reeeived lobe· , rlfbt plaoa. Th•JtorJ ol atalaelODIIf1'JUia ,for b7 t.ha baa cblldreo frooa &flU.. achooll balf of tho •offerer• b1 tba 10. ot the Cu­lo aaob pta.e • tbaee a111doDad br kr. Ia lila Dlarlot u tla om uala~Dauoo. boa.,..· baoklog ictloOnO( Occo" Frnlld. How, alloarfa told by abe aoaa nd&ibl• Tllil II a ..,... (o tba rirb' dlreodon, ud Tba &tDoaoa cootnboted by St J obo's 1!0101 ol IIIOClaro IJ••· oonld Dotall to w~ Ulla oem);atitive azam.leatioD OOIDtt birlllie. iD :ouh 111d olothlog, reached tho allolt p..-ieai .,apt.tb7 011 bebalf ol , 10 off, I bopa ~be able ~ nport the p-1101 ~ ~tal of 1601.'70. Harbor Graco _., ol qar (a.W ,_, olroalllltiiDIII) ol ._laltlllau\.oe•m our aldie to •1a •" 1168.80, Carboaeu tl~7 : ~~~ tllia ~~ ..aNted f.Uow-oouolrJ'Iiaea. WCifd ol IDOOfUII..eDt to all ooooened, .-. ...,.. ~&' 1o from O~od and

The ~: llr. w~ ad4r-.d the l&aola ..., .be doaa ln Utla ""' to belp .w s.,, La~o.r, tea dollar&. Thoa tho people ofBhllop'a Cov.. la" a.r..ct, ~- Tleollan Ia ... udaou talk. I lad ~ toeal .ll!.~ to ~~tnal1 Cbt.rit.al)lo labid, llld aara• ~~~ao.- oe the bl-.cl· nfanaoa to die EclaoatiOD ~ aiiU 1Wo\. ebjeot IN• all aoarooe amout«l ~ tho D- ol u wbo llt.ye liMa 'pririleced to tab an..,. requlnd to bold a pcabllo eX&tD.._. ..,_-oll90&. 1 part fa ..... act~- won of •· iJOIIof llaeii'~IJ. WllfieUIIJDOUHI f Jlr. ~ ·~--""-lt o( the1ddowa ,.lblDf the world. Wlda lllllll ,alatrlla ' A.aclw,JDotirla'tah~OD'Boufl IDil ~~eiallw~u,alo any --.rtiiCJ M lila ballel,llld the ......., ol oilier of &cl...aloa to ... tbllt 'aclml&ble npl&a S:JWMI ~ Ue c!..rna ~ to .,.._ .. .._ W...U. 111M If the .flO- \lea eardad ato l!llld ... , I We" 1•11 lie ..u-. Oliltlo p..,.,_j;!r &1M ~rJ · ,_ of ....._,.. ..,.. a.. tb&ll D ... doM JD ICIIIM ollllelllboolala die Diatdet Wp Qiva ii biq U.o or If .,.a • ,.._ "" ... ~ ,., .oC IJL .Joll~'l wh' •' ·-....., ....._, -......;..ae ~ 'Ool~iilo t.hU t• ll'ari tn.UU oer 11111114 Llid'a Tben •• be ... loed apMtd to..._. lllllrlltet .._ Tbt p,._ of U.ls __ ... 10 ,.... .. ..,.,.. to .~ ,.... ........... ....... - aldiJI.. ... ~to llelp tlei)Oior ud ....,. ,.. ti lllllf ollllalllillable beatD ioM llalc1 a\ Olif 'aallllai• f U ~ •• " S. 11811 Hvot 111M dh aaola a ~--~IW~ a..Uri~for.._,"l•'•• ,_._,_l!llaU.Ie ... uaclllo life or ... lllrdl• l.la .,, •• ...,._., ~oa... ..tW•lleiDftbt,....._Ad ~ to_. .. tlill · .' ' •. ~ OBIUVBB. , ~ IIJM tddow 1M7 ......._~ ·~ ' : . " ' _.,....._.tY!1S.1887, . . IIJ.Wlltt .. Jl't( ..... _ .

Page 3: TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18871126.pdf · "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11 ... Boec:beo'a German

. .. . -- ~ ~ .. ,.. .- • • " - .. ' I ' ·' TliE liA:RBOR GRACE: STANQARD, ·NOV. -~6, l88i~

• ~ f .. #

: ·-On Woduoeda7 i.n, lk.• wreck ul tbe . ..!.A' Caatoat MtlluP oocnarreat at ·sa -t'DIO•p. . ...:.C.pt. '1'!1~ Alooolt alld .Advertisements. . aleamet Plo«r wu purc:ltUod fo tbo SL Jobo'a ~t17.. u, Wtda....,-, •r' Ule \Ia f1111111Y ltaYa &owQ OQ Molldar ~roloa . •• • , _..._....__ Jobo'a Commorol&l Salo-Roolia b7 {lclab ~ '& u-~ld l!aqabtu b lb. 'au ~~~te for Brftlah 9c!hUDbla "b·~ bo In· \ • • I • •

~IDIDal, ~·i f~&haau~nof 001 &hoq.AD4 Beu·~· ' ol; ........ ~ter: Bijo •.• nt!owed' 'Wlc!jaekUtaa don/ W'•,wwa 4~·~oc0ia .. Dav· an'd . II lght· l : ·r-ud ilteeo pollll~(.£1,015.) ,x » •linae •aono .. dtlotlillt16foo.na. ' _l'l\e, Ia blnew~m, , • ·. • ~ 1 ·t r' , , , , • ··T • ·

\ ' • ~.,.._, llUie ODD WU aleeplllf 'id"- ·~er lllOQ~ '. •• • • 1• , , •, , _ • 1 DutJ•~ &CII,e aU8ek of~ I --.u A~~ befell· M.-n W. Grleye IUibUr·O,... od:a i*t.-'wb•·the'IDota ~ : 'A Swbvs . .\n.UL~~ ne,r ootqm-1 ~-~ . ~ycklllll, lll tbe• throiJ. •u4 a . ~ 0 ct'• acihooaer _..,~ a abon &ima 'dari befdl*L' JHu _..-.'iooitWMil~ per 1Dadt Ula follow~ .aauop~oepseli\ o ~ •• dry, ~ ,coup..,a~Uc~&•

• IJO• wbi~ • ...,.. Gro-t~. dMp&tO~ ... &M'fami~eo &lltlfoo~,llldlifterloiDe1 f!l~ ftl btrtb::~" We bealb 'tbt,pnti ~caliOII or ~ ~ ~, ,SJoip ll ~.IIIICIIJ'Cd •• ·• •r1 8U4diln17l~l bz m110 ~ tbe ~ tile moDM Wlll-tbron- oa1 from the Chi ~·, Ulle p~per wl•b, eo'me pbe,. c11~ 111l1Uie Jd1 ,prpatraUo~a ~oi\O"'f. '11111 d.IMue Ia a11o 1

' hAying ei'Oitell olf'.fw~ot7 fee aboyt deal:.. atomiob. . A ft*OIIIDc oiaaiOOul.aiWI.:d hJI 'Uit • .,. Tba&Jp6 pbooailarapbrom wbom ' awmded wllb Uo&rMD-. alllleOIII.IUJoei I ~I ·• . • ·rbo !~red pan, obmiog don witbgrea\ mooae~bip . ~.~r·- wel)oup& oar outpbl. JlbOf tbNII p~pUDr · llol!l,ot Voice. n ll, lllbltnt4 ._ .• ~m\Tir'' o""el ~our Sl. ~ht force, breke.io ~er ~It and quite ~ad , J • • • • • • . , ~ • 011bp't!,l.,. pballad -~ 111fPii Ui l'l&li' ~DT • cJU-c,~,lllYolYo tho 11mc1. ..... tanlllDate 4 '.It • 1& ,

1 y • ;, . . g ' . r' .. , ••

ber IODfr ttoat:. , Sbe liad tweot7-four pv, , -Vitglota Cotta. e. "lt~~e rtll~:tlee o( U.o eplta or c&~ &~~4 It YUI ~ ~o~ or plilt~ ta&&\1:1~ ..A)'er'e Cberrr .Pedoftl a6orlla 1

• 1

• -c, . Of ED 1 N BUb ruJ G B : 11001 OD board at~. Ume. all &old. crew H ' G H. E riOD- d .... h &te lrtu 'bepbora··· .. , ~~ Tile IDU&a.due I fPtOib"NUet ur.l llllftlll- of BroD-. . y lTRTWG • nun, • •, and pllllngera, bu& no ooe ruat&ioed iDjoay 0 °~~t~ ':~eolq ;:,1l Tl;'Ttlr~ h wu1t!C?t pboulu~ oql. tfit ~ ~ 6r A•o· ifb. oblU.. , il& coouoll the dlil~Uoo to' B --, .1' • • .., •• • ~

1 of an7 klod. Tbe -.-1 a& &law lime uo& 11

, rlallla~ 1 lb ~'irtl Pa:n r'u..a •We ba•• f rdered ·~ ~oe 1let~ra, ud OOliCb ucl t.Jac.-'rettahl ~ 1 • • • • .• 4 beao.g ltAworlbT, ~ld "ilb loor·boal daiD· = :oc! wtle'od~:recJ~tbo otad-' Witt ·~·, .. &o r.• 116~. wltb.oul Ulam, ~~~. I b~Y~ bota a~ ~b ~ciao tor". F. :J:.....A.Z..a..:Fl. us· A~ T.BE 6]S" .• ~/\· L GENERAL M.EETTNo-·· of . the.· -81'ANDJJ.R,D a11ed, wha& ·~ to. be doo~? Buddeol7 a ~ eo ba Gtift;.:.1 ... ad wltbOi& the~ tbty OOIDI. ·, ~ e don t Hque ~· !0001 o•, twtoty·lour ·~011. it!/'th• paet J: .. ~""' v '1': h ecboo9er bot~ 10 11gbt.. A 11p~ of dl8t.re. ~ er I!OGftlaD;ne la"er' ocnihl ~L &b.la nrie~ O,YIJ1111Uai .. ~1 be.\ter,Ulao our tw~h;e; bav11111,CI'lid~ &l1l\llal a.ltackl London Oelcbratoo Porf~t Lll! R .A:iSURANO E COM P Aft Y, ueid at Edinburgh on ·,o.IIUDA Y, t o Wll .-. boalted aud" the ~ooer Polar get~ • • 1'7 .. ~bur eo Ule dlata~~ of mm.m, bal' mla~1t,ilt bap~D ~I \be beet ~"chlllt. ~ ubaiii'Loc all Lbe • • ,· ~ . , ' J I "!!6tb or :A'rrtl; 18~?. th!) -~!!<iwing R caolt.s for tho year ended l6~h. NC!Vember,

.. &or, Cap,.Wbite, came to·~ NICOl), • ' Ul ~-::a.~rro: ~ . · 1''M_r' Em I ., lregula:ftd' J!biuii!t,.; ,0~ jph' ,t~· p)l'• ud . ~ ., I t ' • ' ~s· PEG TA' CLE s 1886, were rqror~:-•. -' . • • I • • •: ~ "' towlio~ wu l•keQ. qo boarci.&M~olar. &:u-11

• ~~ •j, w.....~rt.J":Jloli'llil o'a ~d' x· • .u~~ bold ou~ ··~ ata~ll ooep Without Relief, · . • .. , • • wbii:h JvoqblUlediubttdeaboooer ufel7 !i~!~bl.:npt!&.Tn~builinoa ' (1ovoci.t~~ o ·~~1 ''b• 4.1V;r~l ~birli~g • [trled.A.Jede,Cbarry~. ,Jt:belped ' . • ' • • . . 26oa N ow Pronoaai. for Lifo Afturance wore roeelve4 dwlD~r ,· > ll.. io&o batbo~ aL Co4&ell'•. ll1aad, atter 14wioa ud wba- h oootaiDI4 wu iuuod lll' tbo· '11}1blef. ·~ dp ~ Uje: m!Jei:Di e.Ueri u- ' InA' ~edla14lt1• ailcl doc~ •.•~1 . · ; : ; .. tho Year 1 .. , . .... .... : • .! ....... ... /' ..... ,~ ...... v., .. -i"•"·:···-:"8 .Cb~~61~ 00

00 bor, wilb adY&I'II wiudi, a di.e&azaee oflmor. .im • " ' ~ lauclra4-.ad Aft. """..A. '""'r · It, ll ' 'llo~1,qu• ~·u.,.n·a.. aenoai cpre;';-9: 8tooreau,~~D.,¥Dtr'tll~ .l I S20S Propoaabllwete aooo,P(ed, Riau.H.Dg ....... ,:. ...... ,. ................. . o, • .., -tlaan tbin7mU". l • .oUD ~~- ., c-;-'""' atJbpba&." 1 ''1 ' , ' , • • A:r:llr'aCberryl'eei;Oralle dee;faedl;pa : • • · • · ' ·· : · · ' Tho' Total' :G::diUng ~cs iA force , a~ l.tltll NoY.1_>l8801 ' ·»lA:

• • : ' ' • t • ... ! . .. . . •. . • . . bett.-~edy, wlt.bla my kDow~ lor • I ~.. • • - wl! ·.I I • . ~ tc:i<l t • .• • . .. .J. ' • I •• •. • • '99:80'1!'7~ 00 TwO,.un --... ohb ~ W&A'IDINOTIS-W..,..,.~N.. • I . I. ' l· • rchrocaJo BronchiUt,ucl alllvD«_d~ " , . : • • 4 , ')·-~· ·, I amouo 0 '"'";;f;.:;'"" ..... ;~cr~·~··~i~"''.b=~~o . h .' J-

ot Ule, ··~=-~~:.~'.tort t~a.; ... ~. 81 Lm.: ~o'.tll• ]bleb raop'E' eroi'd. :·· ~ ., ••.• : ~~~·· ~~~. ·' . •. \ ,·,.:;:·~·~·:-~~::'~ •• . ; ·"a· '•" "8. I I 0 ,T.~ 0t~l>fto~=·~q~~~g)cm~ .&:dailzioiu, to 1g,cil1~ 00 prueb&ed to Cap'- a~,~ ... of jbUI4aaltr aiOod af80/lt. 'I'M ~r'tllorae'-t:at •• 1 :ad m,.;,~ mw,to llt.,Ucllln x:. 0 I C~tJ'h.lc~. ft1H.Il Uptllllrt, pl\f ftnlnt EYE. LAS lett! . 'rh~ A.wl)lll Rovoaue•am.ouutctl, p.t l.lS\h Nov, 1888,. to-....... 4,~,uso 00 l'lowr~ wbiea ebap, &e will be rdmom~hld; ~··TIM late ~·Ua'it bM'~ek ' .~ • tooi ' 1' T • • u ·' • · anlt ll.nlliy KU!ed- 011 . f'l.1 ~· Dyi < ,. , · ~"• · Tho A.ccumula~ 911114s ettlbo er-mo do.to amouoted. t.o .: ....... ~~ J!!!.. on tbe 1j~ ~ o.o ~bore lo a abo•- !diMry-a combiD&Uoa •~,warm', ,oppl'AIIift• J . • KA'B)UAISW'a , , , :~itJ.~~Tl~':b ~~~ce!:.~\ ... ~ ~ t.. <,~· •, •• • • · , .. '. 1 Boi.Dg a.n .Increuo ~u,~g tho y~ of .....• :~·:'':t''' ... : '":.""·""' l ..j ~.461 00 e:orrn at .1.wllhopto. Ooo ad4kou ~ ~ lli~ aad heayY.i~MoftD~~.,. ~a. ~~~ ~bw... ... . .. ··~ •. " • . -~ : _ . treltuclly •Ill~ bloOd .. \oily pbyaldem told 1t 1 •• • · , , , .___..;-, • , . • , • • , •: • • •, • • • , ., r • • e•~taed b7 all .tbe •t9erl!.go pa~Mpaere ~· ~-... ~.~~ der-.w:s.w~l~'!! ·...,.oil· Lba 6ih".JJ>a&., .~ 1ta. a. .. o ~raJ, a& ,me ~ot.!lv. u,p.buallll;la Kl 1\'J~&~.!r'.!. · ' 1 ~W.holc Life/ I ifui P}iy.· ;moot ,nua Endowment :.}?.oh clCS boft~ at tho hmo of the aee1deot. It~· _,._.ta ..... --·oviD . . •r •--a Jobll'a b ••• a. .. ,4-ala~ 11~:1i!r ' hi'Oamobtb. A1fer~T~OU.~- - rue s~rsy rr.J THE WOdLD -IIEO , • . • J h' h fi • h. l onc.,.tocl CilpUfanul)l a:id hle'omccirl from ~ a~ ple. '1\ie rue""d-••1 •• 10. >Jll~~~a'oll.' ot it~~ &9-ll.rit ' Ill~ wJtho~~r'~ .. ~W.~-~ •. ~.. " 01:.• t; It , . .. . r1 issuea ; nisei, RhScrvc Bonus ohctes by w l C pro ts arc lf'rge y . all blarbe forlb•-uofortuoatooc:cllttOoc.,and Tbote..bUbaea avu&t.aoao,dt'lt•· =••"'IM-..O.pt:IM'"b; Oil'ai.Dol • Cured B'f'Ualng• •. · • - increased . . •· .. t • ' • • ,, 1 • .


tendered tllo gallaot lll"rioer. bea~tf' pbe•lo ~c.tuaiJOG. Tbe, 7!1ocl il DOW t-No. ~~~~ftl s.;_ .SL i:.;, ·~ ... ~ • at.' ~wo bottlet ot.J.-nl'a ~ l'etltoral. . l ~ nevor Lire tb~ Bye ana · laa~ for Po· ll·C~lca nat· d up ·in ·.o~a. nn._d ,·rrl VE y curs nt Lo.w Rates. t hanks for tbe ""'. "" l\lld !eam.anhko manor ~· '\)odorate..} W~tb'r r~.~r. TIM ~mpera- i: b , b the Be.- ._ UerpU. O.p&. ~~ am Dow Ia -perteet lloalth~ ucl able to · many yoare Wlthout change. .. r " lo wbich bo bt d IIOted UDder tbO liJ{og cif. lure Of1 air• je U •01 deg-teee. ·Tbere ii I B~.:'rl'd,.' o ( 8~ 1o 1Liu llarrfe~ A. W.U tftU.=tb:::=~te'U.ha~ng boeo pro- --- .· • l • • , f

cumetanc:ca. The other adlireu aao uoo· preformation of cloud for tome oomiog ot,. 1'01:L.,Harbor. - 1 ' ' W'i> n eoder.oo ~~ boa;mptloo.-: For aate b7 BoARD OF Dm£6Toas,Fqn .Niiv.·;ou.rox..u;n: · •. c_rdated Capl-: Ma,nuedl.f~nlm ~l&md e; liadod be~ e~lowG~ogo!:~1 ofS!~~e:~ o!i~ft~t:~rpp~f:!· . ·~?'b1' th~.-o:t"·Ji' ~;:~~'i':.z~~bB~~~~ ·Fo~ yean I· ; .. In ~U:'\ had W : ~[·~~?HMPSU OHN,boF..sqG~· H ox. A. W . H A RVF.Y' 1 ~ J A :M ES HOWE, Esq. ,· . r; •1 ce exprCI!IIlog • un. 11111 lua coo eoeo '7' • . _....u ..,u,:-" . • • oJ ,11' ~w • . ., • we:ak IUIIlA, aD<llUCJCHd trom llrooebltJI u ""ICiu ~ , U . r roco. .llox.

1 "'OSES MON IWE, · 'W. D. ORIEY £, Esq, ·

in biJn boped tba~ he will hu e comUWid of laona of lace wealher !ll tbe law of nee ud ~~~~ ld,.t' da h~ ~ '::,.~ ~~~ and CalaJTb. A ret'• CbnTr Pec&oral re- AND .u tho now boat to be plnec!d on the, route. fall of bot and cold air oo.rreoll. "l'bao J.P., Oba~~el, . U8 ,. . a ' tq. , atored me to bealth, ADd I have heeD tor a B T H OOULD 'IO'.A ' t ' ' • "T!lo re,.ul:\rity wftb wbieb yoor tripe bno are importao& elomeola for weatber con· . At l:lL Joba•a, 00 the !Oib llliL b1 tho llo•. o. loag tflme eoddmpar'at



1 Ylgorooa.rt ~~ · · • • ..._.., ' l&iir Rlalta acccptccl "nd clairrus sottlcd jo ~~. J ohn'a wHh~_t refercneo to

" ' d u 1 L •L di 1 d · · · J Ia r • 0 c.uo o a eu e.o oo arvla rN<> ... • Merchant, Uarbonca.r. h d ffi · • .. · . . • bee a performed tbrough 11ll weatbor, aod " era on, a .. o u wae co~ t o~ u poatt.ioo nord. obD Uar ad o Muo,graTe Towa, lo .. tbo Pect.oral, .... d And J'lllleL- Sept2<!Gm en o cc. · 1

• • • • •

1ua natu;<l of tbo .rorlt. ~compllsbed are of tbo walor io a el.e&m boUor ta of vaal im· dUA BW.d!ord ol B«rlos Neck. . Edw.:r.i E. CurUt bllao , VL t '' ....n-nu'AS KERR, 1~~. m . . . b"·L cortao r ··' t Th e rJf ._.. ,,U Oowar 8trlfll Panowose St. Joha'l . OD tho ' w M n \.MSA Y, Mallal1cr. . r .a...n .... w. WVT eu c1ont, ro oar vewe, to 011& ..,... yoor co or ..... e J• eo w ue ec..,.. !lei 1 et. b n. 0 1.1o d 'J b w rtf -ol Two yeara ago I IIUJfare<l tram aMn!re JUCO'I, RECEIVED · · .~.~ " r re1•a: t~>t.ioane a mo-t experienced, oiBefeo&, ~ lbe Golf Stream. Oor laA ootee .coo· St. A:tho'a/.(Fr~Shore~ i)~roh ~Uruag nronc.biUa. Tbo P':L•lelao al.too~ me ~ . aud ftui!.&blo COQmt\nde~ o[ the Nottlaero I&IDOd oorTYiewa of We&lbe.rtlfo,- rfelamiJpdor ol &oa..uta. . =ol~e~~= ... e ~=~llln~ -BY- H. J. STA BB, Gene-rat .Agent f or· Ne~.ofoundland Mail Coa.u.al Stcsmcr." .of 7Mr, b.e reelioiog poll 00 0 to Ilew AI Ill. Tbomaa'Obllrdl, SL Joba'a, b1 lha ne.. OWl medleiOOI. wiUIIIut baldlt, be ballY

mooo alao ooo6rm•m7 •iowa. Yoor new U. Daallald, Oaorp P. Uald>lal!". Lo Olhla .t:., pi'CICrlbed Ar~r'• Cbl!;ry Poetoral wblch c l KEN N ~DY GEORGE PAT. ERSON A l IJ. V G - Dr A c-tuonin.-1 I ill Eitoelleaa1 the moooa ·~ an7 rate are here lo onr tclooae ol eldeet daoghter '?f lolr. Gao~ WI! llama. " reftO\'ed me at on~. I cootJoul\(1 L) ..a • . . , f • !Jeri ar 01' ;'ace

Go.-emor, io Cou ncil. bM beeo pleuei to grea& bolp. J woulcl blgbl7 Teoommeqd tbe A.t.l,larbor Bntoll, 011 tho Gtb I oat., b1 tho~·· lllla mediCine r.abort ttme,aocl wu aarod. t1 I ' Scpt.2·Hf ·· · ·• · d . \V. A. 1Ia1"N, AO&ll W. Oluou .. of Dlllloram, hr· -.EruealColt.on Lopolport, lad. . 1, I

, appoint ,Capl:lliu Ul'nry D.awo, .(Port-de- atu 1 ~f Manry 10 our tcboola 10 tba& wo I.Qee &y, 1o Tf)'pboo., BoN, o1 Lltlle B-1, for- · ' , . No. 145, WATER STREET, G rue,) to be a J Ultle& of lbe Peace for the ID&J "'*' among our bof' I corpr of futuro lane s.,. ' . . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . . Jol&lhl or Nn•fouodl~od. . 1 weatber ol»eryera. I aaagea• to RalhnJ AI ll<!lloram, 011 tbe·lOtb lat., byth BeY. w. • p,.panc~ brDr 3 0 .ueraO. Lo•oU.w-

11 is I:::tcell~nc1L in Council, bu aleo be eo and Gonmmoot tbat eo me meaeuroa abqald. A. Bayou, Jacob (J.o ChioU, Dl Delloram, ~""" Bold bfall D~ 1'ltoo tJ;•a&a ::W..,"' "pJt U<lcJ 10 arpOiD then .. \' • I bert n -(e •A ba •be takea to eaable Ula poor to '"'C OUt WOod" tqao Ba;,j to AllliJO Lamb,ol Jlrly-da-NOfd, r~ • • •

""' " ua - u f th . b _. d"- . d lane 8•1· -;;;;;;;;;;;:;;---;;::~~;;;;;-:;--;;--;;: n m~mbor o 1bo Motbodiet Board of Kduea· ur e wtoter aod un ana nggaog ao Oa lha 8th loot. Ia SL l'aal'a Cbarch TrfDity · 111 t ion for Port·uq-Grull.in piece of Rey M J pioiog witb the eold wbiob will be declaiYO· by I be RoY. a. J obo10n, Mr. William c;oekor,ol l'lft'H!il D A. rJ[ A Jil D

SIA'•· ene, l~f t lbo diet.-ict; t~o Re• JJ Wbeat- ly aloog in Juou7, 1888. At preacnt onr I:C ... rt·e Delight_ to ll.iae Wary Wooclm&~~ Ultcocl<, · A~~ ~~~4~ tcly and Mr Hict.,.rd Ueuley, (Uurio S.V), •cather le aubjec~ &o poworfol magnetlo of Trialt1. . lobe addi'ioo.al m•"'bora of tbo Motbodiat ourreota bo~woeo 8 . W ud N.l!:. and ad- • .u Rt. ltarr• Cathodral,llallfu:, No• 16th, by

• . w i . " ' ball Be.-. Father Brigs., lllchaol J . DurkD, of N"ew· Hoard of l::dncation, Borin; Mcaare George 'fool lloue storm1 elate. e a eooo loaDdlaDd to W.•5f P. l«lWWd daughter of .roba !lutrett aod Goorgo Boll, to be' adtllt.ioaal han our ftra&-.oow. Tbe 1riod wall t eod Pooa1• ' ' membena of the .Uothodiat Uoard or Educa- alroog to oporate between S·E. ud, N.E. _l!lll ___ lllll!'~llllllllllllll ___ !lll ... lion .Graod Bank; blr J uliO Urowo. to be a witb gle&taLreogtb. locreued care il ooe~- DBATBB. mem~r of the ~~~1hod1at Uuard of Educ:a. Cui on part of boAta and ,_ola Ianing for

I Tb hb" Ua Tburaday. t...t; mucll .aad dotpl1 N«T''OIecl, tion for laot'e llarbN; l~Y omu B. me. · af1n a loo~r lliDMI, Wary, wife of.C.pL. Oeotg<~ Darby. aod l l easrs. Henry Htltyard. Cbar. ' Yuterday (Friday)1 a .... -Thormomoter, Plko,•&od1'! yean. ' · les Sil!.a11!. LyraoJcr Cuhoua , aod· Goorgo :!0 degree• io air. 9 Lm.-23 degr- ia air, At O&rboneo.r, oa lht 20th foal, fortlftod b1 tbe 1-blll--"rJ . to bu " lletho.h~t Uo11rd of &hi· oat ·of suo.; 1ery bri11bt.. Aneroid. 80.80; rfiM ol tbo Hol).!)barcb. Oa1borl.,., n llet ollbo c.1tion ior Honoo D~y: 1.\leurL P hilip llicka, wiod, oorlb. 10 a.m .. -cloudJ, locrtued Wr l'aar!clt: Fox. ~ 77 yaara, a - tr ... Dl Co. · ::Jrsoo l{uMei,Stepbcu Cbalk,Job o Verry, ay1optomt of euow, wblcb will 1000 0081e. K!lkean1. Jrolond • ..:R.t: P. ·

AI Car1><>a .. r, ou lbo 19th !nat., Edwla LC>clt:­cflrl Cbarlc1 Whnc. to bo a 13oard of Roatl At Coocbe, about a forloiglrt ago, eoow bar&. youogeal aoaof Bfberta~~d EtMIIOr p091, <.:omrui-<.<l.,ncra for ltod:y Uay. Fol(o. cu.-erod • vefeel'a deolc to ais or eight laches; ~ u 1oan. ·. /,, .

~ecreiAI{B UIIicP, &lo\'. l!2oJ, 1887.- rt~ported hard froat &o nortb tbeo. l 'b.e At Kin£'1 Co•e, IJ( IJ.,oa tba Hth Inti F.llu- · Cu:..Ut . • weather cbange 1a now moro dociai\'e for both, wile o! Tbot }1...,.....,, « , and danllhlu ot

. _._ more fros~·eosh by fall or moon . lod.ica· tbelatro J011 Snadoro, (K 0.) and i 81 ... ., · - · l ~ f Oa Oct ~Gib, at Uamiltroo. Olugnw, Fraocl•

Tm: F.lLt. Tr.illt! or 711 11: ScPRtiU COURT tiooa by lilt! a y late 1 ebow teu .. enCJ o ~;liubelh Je&q Vaottban, abo ~to..-od wile ol n-u opeucd at SL J olon' s aL noon on l l op. rough wctltbor froll. ~ortb aod North ·Eaat. Uob6rt L,Uo;~. ot tho~ oJ 'l~lbar .11 Co, tl•y lect. in al•o prc!liloc~ of l:>ir F . ll. T . 1o-day (Soturcllly.)-wt nigbt noticed Gtu,ow. · • · · · . · · · Carter . Ctoicf Justtct . aod tbo Uooe. R. J . atrataSeJ wbita cloud bot ween N. W. aod Oa tbo 18th lo•L et Blacl:head, ~..t .. v erde, l ' iu.(;(Oo t, H.C L . aod J . C. U tile, A.-lit· $.E. fonoiog liko tbo Noah's Ark. 10.-16 Ob&.e lloo~. &~red i6'J.••n; doop11 regntlecl by

· 8 '1""' .._ .._ a la"C' .clrele ol Irion a on~ J .,rl..'•:f . J amot .Uurflly. E&q., wu P to.-thera!ometor I · w l lnu~D•nl at :. At lit Jaba•a. oa the 2111 lnatanl. after achort c l.,..•eu !orem•i> of tbo Uraod J urJ. Tbo 9 Lm , tbermomet.or 22 i aaeroid SO.%. uloHo, Air William l'..,t_ ar..t 68 7.,...,, a lll.tl•o C!>id J" •lice iu oh.r~io11 t bem aaid tbat bo Prod I~ eome eno w.-Com. Gf Oar ltoa, EaslaDd. · · b~d l.n1•ed 10 bu at.le to coogratul ato tbtro • AI tb! a&Jqa plaro, oa Lbe 2h t lllolaDI, after a

(i~.oid of St. Pour, Na. Srmdoy Scilool allil ~ Parid no-> ·

· will be held io

DONNELLYIIA.LL .. :· . _ _:_ 011-.-

TUESDAY.· 6th DECEMBER _and following d&J',

Cootribullooa in mooe7 or faoo7 artlcloe are oam eet11 eolieiced, and ma7 be ror· warded &o &he Reotory 1117 time beloro tlao 80th No .. ernber. lJu-bor Unce, NoY 18, 1887 .. . rllckr 1M dutingu~ palro~tage nf lli8

· . Lor~p JJw..p llACDO!IAt.tl. .... ~--The .Wiet of the. Catbedral Parieb, llar.

bor Cfra.co, iotood }loldio~t. in \be T otal A.beliaouce H.Ul, oo Ulo 27tb1 .28tb, 29th f>Dd sou. Deo.mber~

• 1. i b 1 thor'l illb.,.., Samuol Coltoo,ogod 61 ,.,....,, oo t ltts oceM1oo on tuc oct ro a aeoce o By Telegraph.. for tbe porpoao of rai.aina fUDdl for Ulo











NORTHERN AssUl'anca C'm:pa,ny

.l'Olt PIR.E d3 L~E

- - ··· -~-

. CAPITAir-£3,000,000.Stg ' .

FinE rnF;Ml UMS.... . .. ....... .£408,(00 LIF~ do . . . ........... 167,(00 lNTKltt.:S'l' •..... ........ .... ......... llO,OOC

cria.~<• fro1n the cnmmnUity. Ho bad, ho• · orec~ioo of a .. cnr, j t:at b..eu iolvrmed ~1 Mr. McNeiiJ. --o-;;:- . • • II I::AU OFFICES: Q . c ... \ cC!us: Attorney General, that a cue UALIIIAX.. NoY. 2

1.- .... roam'e mooagenr Su11' N~... . New Epl·scopal Resl"de' nee LoNDOII-1 l'l1oor,tlto Street o f cone•almtot of birtb hsd lately come &o ht.a beeo deetroyed by fire. Moat of lba ani· _ _ A DERDEilt>- 8 King Street. l.Ol1BARn STREET • CII,\ Rl :SG CIIUiiS l i~htao Grocll•)'ond. ·n.ia cue would like- mala perubed, Lou. anen buodnlt.l t boa- ---:------~"'--~· CooLribo&looa will be tbukrull7 recei1'1d . • LON DO N · ly den:ao,l cbeir al~ntioo beforo tbe clo.e aaod dolhan. PORT OF B.A.B.BOB. GBAOE. b7lbe following ladiee, who t<izm Ulo Com· I nsurnnco oll'PCtcd on Property in __ E&T. ABLISl:J. ED .. 4\f ~J~2, ot"t ho pr.•. ent te rm. 1 bo return• from tbo Loodoo wu peaceful 101terda7, tbo So· miUeo : . _ ·- • j l ' D. c.e cl A e , r f I u c:laliata beiDi quiet.. ' CLUUD, MRS J onN ST& ' M' D.....!J_, Newfoundland ut current RatPB of Pre- . I u··· - s. o·• o''Ec' lo'n' ~

t I n ftr)" w,ro ... ry . .. &1'1 ory. DO TIIO · tAamcr ,<' .. L .... I ... n, from Rot•--~am, •. •a- II n .. ~ • ,.,~.. ml.llm. T R ST'l!iE .t " T !! ~ b d d d · 1 · ll b •' ·XII<N<W ..,"' !'oY • !'lore a, 1&D, 1'11doe1, .~D J M•- L. K•- TT! n.....:.1. cuRES " AINS- E•••rn•) abd J ' \V "·- dal E • uo f\1 11n e1x y·•~•en ptnooa an a aye .. D .. 11. . .tb OrHII • • . • -. , 1 ""' ........... r, r~«··- ,~-llt . • . . A..., ~ • <N!epb m. 1 U&JLOD o, eo.

1 bet~n .aenttlnced to terrue of ·impri•onment " 11 1110"' oear onr .U1 co "1100 wl 1111

M RS CONN&LL } ............ ___ P RosPr.crosF.S-Forrns o f Apphe11tion . lDiornal. llrietow Dovill. ~· r c-tbrou,.hout tllo year bJ tb• lower Court , Eoglieb steAmer, aad ooe buudrod and MIS AlAnr MOBPllT ' A,.,...,.,...... , for .Firo lUlu Lifo I nsurnMo, and aU R E. L~ I £V ES S wella·n .... Con 'fb lJ J • . • " f rt t . e d owned PA.SSENGBBS • .,..., .. · . e ~o, amcl Di·•: . ;;;.. • aoJ or lb~ao ae.~euty·fi •o wera b&bitual OTJb· WFO penob C~b· ~er •. r . "' . d . d tb r- a's r...~· lrAm Ballla.-...:u ... J l) ... ob'- r.tra Fanoll, M.rt Walker, ot.bor Information can bo o btained &I . &raoLiooe or tho . Jobo Cluttoa, Eeq., •• criwinl\ls. Exteodud ter011 of imprieoo- e reoo • loot uu r~ .. go.e an e •• " u A "' •

1· "' Mra a lah ... , Mra Tho. llaorabao •bo oflico of 0 1 Jo: C ~~ Procideol~aa au.mmoood Goblet to form a AJ .. •r• r. 0 oKo1.1tomor, ~11 : 2 tutermodlote - • • • Mu.aclea. ::>tiffocea of ~be JoiaatM, Sprains Cla'V ua · oo",- ".i;·~-·.

ment abould be gl•eo to lhie lat~r clue. &ad 14 ia "'.,....'*" ~·or u.,.,..llfllll-a.tn Tbomp· ll!rt Colbert, Miu Golf, A 0 HAYWARD d S · · George A~or· iuUoa:,wl.l • • f At prceent cri~ninala, wbo w~ o.1onlh af~r oew Cabi ot. aoa, lira W llorlfo, we .. ., w H Jolare, Col M.re Sbea, Mi" F Oreon, ' · ' an ~r&IDJI. • Obarl•lff':' Go0$1~.1..~ r .

1 month Incarcerated, recei.-ed ao greater Nov. 22.- Gioooeeter, dariagr Ule fieblng o ... narro• , L..Ouao, Prlndorlllo , ~ Olr· .M.ra McKinnon, Mill 'Madge J onM, ST. Jon:c's, HEALs iJrnim, ·~Ide,' Burne ~!IJ!Ode JlawJd~~ • ' puoiabm~Dt for their t.entb olfeaC!' ' dlao IeatOn, loet cteYeo&eeo y-r.; .. odoiae. blln· ardln, T.lboa: llo atoer~o. Mn Wbitteo, Ml• M,. Uaorabao, ..A gmt for /{cii)(Otlndlm!fl Cuta, Craoka,Ser:atcla'ee \.~ .:.Sl.~bo' r .ubbotk.JJaf - .R..S their tin!L Tbo oumber of persona lm· dred aod tweo~\'llD I me. n.~r.8JaS..f:"~-;~:r:, 0.r 'tri;..ard .. ~r~l~ ldla Sca111 Mn Job a Morp~, I ' ' s"'r' s A'BL. E .. REM . . E, DY ~ ~hiifee·'fltomu Looaa; .~ . . priaoo.ed w ... coa.iife rabiJ lea tbaa for the Tho Oaheriea couwal .. loo meht tho Stale ~~ ...... ,. li•rlaDd. J MoL Mlllr,'P P oir ... , Qoa • • &li!l Jobo·Bostlo Mra D A YI!DD Harbor Grace Stove Depot $ :BE .. T· .. , Oh»~_liin_,,t:a -·

. con.,rpoodinJC •tllaoll or lut yur-t o JaiiJ D~rtmoot yucerday aod eoo.tiAo.td aittiog 111•o,li Urau1<t1, 'l' AllaD Ooeperd o Ulon aolol Mra •W ffeooe.e, Mra Iaao Pompbrey Cil"' . " ... ['b~Qoo. E(l~.-8. t anr11~0 of impriaoumoota belog I by fl'"e. for an boor. A Cook 0 Ooouiclge lin Bowridcollra lWIOr" Mra J tleDIItii07 Mra Jamoe Keelo 1 , IN TilE \~Oit.LD . .,a • nud,ley It~ ~i

• Ilia Lurda!lip au~d lla& be b p.Ud a Clom.ooceau oudertook to form a .Y.rcnch :!;;..J:;.~ :.:.,~QI.oll l\la Efc-o M,lal E Mn Graham l!litl! Guland . . . • . . JUST RECEIVED ... ·c·uR~s· R~enrn&tiem, N'cu~· - ;Wm. J alotl' lim~.:.·-=~. LJJI:.II tiai~ to l.hrbor Graco a fow wee ·ul Cablnot, ba~ fliJO(\, Gobl.o' a ud FreJciaet , • ,,.. ·t • ·' M.ra John 'COdy : 1 • • aud for aalo by , • C.. ~:Ia, Jloancn~ Soro· . · J.40N. D ~ll " U e bad found a luge namber of fiihe n declioed. Tbo Prealdeatiommooed BriiiOo , • 1\6 ...

80:::az: &'1, , r . MAGGIE WJCKHt<M, C . l . KE. N N [ D V 'rh~~t, qroop; Uipb!boria, n~d all'kludrcd , ... .IOQ J ·=· arnu.JJ,

lo prlaaa there for deeertltlg tbeft-.mute at 10 u'cl90k lul oiaht. J.U . ..ts.. N.J.~ &Crttary. • • • ' • l i .. ' afBiehonr. . j w t,U,H a~ II· -;·· --00 lbe LabrttiOT cout. Uelearo~ lh& tbe Tbo agilatioo &o compel PrOiideo' Gra")' ·" Rubor Graoa, No,...l,o28 ' . B.och08terl Parlor Lamp•, neweat'dotig' ri LARGE BO' TTLE I . Fr~JCOIS n. !MACPO•AD bad weo away thetr boate aad their..- , &o reaigo iotcUaea., 1 '! ' S \. • r '1 •. l ' ~. for tho eeuon. Sharemen al~~Q bad. tun Nov~ 23.-Tbe e~Eaap,_ Eugoole It Tl:lE 'N@TlCE ! '' In Braeke~ Extension LAMP . : POWERF.U [, RE~lEDY I T1wi llgagemeDLs:f(.wJ ce Dllf· a~ay. with t.Lai.r ab~re~~ of tbo deb talt f' criticallJ' ill a' Am'lterdam. R I M thl M •. A 'goneral ll!8ortmoo~ or Fa.noy and BaD, MOST ECONOMICAL antccd "T a norneroo. aiiil itttfr l'ro· t llank!ng DO doubt t~at the,. bad Hull rigbt <;l.m•oceaoa bu failed to form a Cabinet . egu ar an y ee mg THE UNDERSIGN EO picked np par1 Tablelaod Night Lamp•. prieiArJ ID addition lo a lu~:e inYuted to tbe1rsbare at tbe ll~e !be 6e~b~ . .uQ GreyYtlode i' impo~ble to M OUre the of A COD·TRAl', fo' September lu&, Jn~t rocoived b7 AS rt cos-rs nOT (;apilltl ; ~and'lhe ·prenlptlliide aud liberal· 'flle IP, bow~vor, la1d at dowo ~u abAr • formatioo olaminittry. l'be teelgoatioo of of Lodeo "l:labor Grace," No, 476, F . lr 11e11r Tioker Harbor, Labrtdor. 0 . L. KF.NNEDY.

25 CENTS. ity with which claim• bavo alwav~eco

men ln!.d no nghllo ll!ke po•Ma!oD of lbe tbe PrHidoot ill ooiUiibered ioo•hable. A.M., R.S., will ' tllkb placo in tho M.ASoNtC Tbe own or cao ban lbc aame b7 proving e'llol. aro well·kllown u d acrnewiM Yoyage dltriog tho 6abery or iodeed afltr· The National r.-gue bu been eoppreeaed HALL on THURSDAY nex&, lat Dooem. prepertj aod paylog· ei:peaica. Latoat lmproYed Oombi..o.at.ion Ohimnoya 'fb~>' i'roportauce~of ~bei.f'taosactf of warde, ootil a eetllement ,wu made )l'itb a' Kerry all4 Clare, and IOYeral braocbea bor at 7,80 o'oloek p.m. . .MIC HAEIJ MAHON Y. Jua~ rocelvod bf Dm~rlflala ond .n eAien prooonoce it t bo tbc the roerebant tor tbo promiooa &o., aa.p- bne been aopp~ iu Cork, Galwal' and (By ordu qftle R. W . .tll) NorUl RIYer, Cooceptloo Ba7, t C. L. KENNEDY. b<la~ eelliog modicioo they bave. PlHENEX''FJRE 6Jl'FICE P1!od for the voyage. T be balaace lboo du.o \Vufo~. P. D. K..NIUUl', Oct 29, 1887; ~ Doplex, .Azgand, aod a largo aaaortwcat BEWA.llE OF naTATIONS, mRy bo estimated (rom the f~l &h•l •ioco ~t be d rawn by tbo abaremao, juu u io Tbe ~eri .. eommilalooera .. ~ tbrco 8«t'el41'f. s· of Lamp Burners. b k iC& catnbliRhmebt-now o .. er Otic II ONDUED

!lway~~!:rot~et "'lb1~,:f~r"~~~ '!!:.:~ bon'.'::~:? ~~~=~rQ~o~(~o~;'~ U01erat Businu.r nnd EZt.clion ofOpian. F I . H ~ R I E. s ,· 1888. Jn~t received byo. L . KENNEDY. of .fi,~i~he:~i;o :~~Y ~;~;~ed\~ :;;-~:~: ~f~:~~-r!~t::;;~:;:e~~~r;~~~~:! H ie Lo~ebip io oonelt~~ioo drow tbo att.eo- precarlone ooodilioo. • NOTICE iog lbo o.amC of C RDS C ~IILLJoNs· Sn:llLtNo. t ion ot ~he Graod J~r'f, to tbo condition of Nov. ,2, ,-Terriblo droogbt iod pr~tlrie • Tubular La.nterut. Patent.. Flour Siovcs '. C. Rl 1-IA ,1,: 0. l u*llnaoc'..-. llfll\iu•t. Lo ... ,liy p(~ and the .Ceart Uooae, and bo~ tba~ etepe f!roe are btlog .;s p6rie'oced Ia Kaneuoiaod "liTE. bne a wiah ~do bOlla- with tbe J1111L roqoivod bf , Yan nouth, N .!3. IJghtoiog .Cro eliecttd by' t&e COa!l(lan

1 •o.old be lakeD for t~e O~IJOO of • new ..Mialoari. Io the lodiao larriLO!r whole A. ITER FOUR WEEKS from I bit date, ' ' IDerobaote of N•wfooodlaud, for the 0. L. K ENNEDY. n(fon .evcry d .... c rlptlon cif l'ropert Ob tile b~tl~lng ~ally equip~ for. ~t.e proper ad· foroe• baYe beoe tiona&, ud bU!!drilda of applicalioo will bo1 m.tde to llrs Ex· ao211lr of tbe belt paM.llaat we ue oapable Ji'anoy Dra-r Pulls and Randles . TEST! !\.ION IAL. moat ravornblo loran a. mlDIIIratiO~ or Ju•uce .• Iwo barrlet.el't, ""I ell' read~ bomolea.' •• , • DE.LI.DICr ruttCloYIRifOR for Lottena Patent, of maklo~r_ of Jaa received bf . MI!Atre. c. c. n1cnAnDa & Co., w. & G RENilEf .L, M-111 ?t[arpbJ aod. llfoml, ,...,. preeeot- C-"·- • d ;...·-h·r bu "'· ·o arree•·d I'D under the Gre., SOal of tbe CoiOD7, to be HERRING m MINHSANDTit\PS y " J --' h Tb t I •·" auau , 3...,.....,' """ "' -" F W G f R • ' 0 L. KEN NED . G~ntllm~u-Wc - n1ider Mloarcra Lini· ,,. <>t. OliN's, ""'to t ,e .oourt. ey w~ coogra o a_,. LoDdoa·, ud tbt-.. pon11de of d"na..,l to lrftlllou to ~ • DLDIR, o · arbor U~. ) 1 • ' · • , "" ..


b tb Cb r J Ike d iahed en . ·~ " ... f . r .. . I ANoaou<> d · ·N ~ .men I tho laut '4111U of aoy io tho lnllrkc~. . .. gt tt ll ) 0( tlr{IJU Hdlao.t l' !I 10• Ul 'Ul w fJ IIIO· foaad iA ·lala.,.~aie- ~ - · • or mproftftlvlh 0 ""ao "" • a& matuaU• 1atilfac ,.Y pri--for 1888. Ji'onoy .Alarm Door Belle d · J o l7 • ens m thou· caroer o· •- CliO It BUOYS. · · 'J . 1; - • outl cheerfully recol)un .eo 1ta uaa. · A ; , • • -

• l:'reai<ko& Gte-.y, roelgne and ulta Robot • In ~bort, we bojf,, ~P1.t that 1te bope to. J un •roeti .-od b7 ------r-~f.::.....--------Tbe foliowiogaroeoa~eoftha-wbJcb (o fonn,. mlolet,Y. lie will eo~rioteod ' Dated at ~l. Jolao'e, tbia 8th !Uy of NOY· bo fa~thfo.l fo ~anoe allll llltlntifac:. 0. L. KI':NNEDY. Dr. J. 11. IIAHnts, I ~ •

came np .before tbe <::oart for .,et.Uemeolo. Ule meeting o1 Coagreu. The Senate aod embor, 1887. lyre, ·and follow tiHI iiu:iata of honorable En li h • rl L r "~· F1.10.u11.''',\0,~!!1~11°1508p111t."l I G£ 0· . "' ~·

8:' ~-~£ R

Before Mr. J111tlee PIDIIII'-' 57:r willaoleot; a oew Prealdool.. If McNElLY & MeN !!liLY, commerce, In tb• ale dour ..,.., If •., a.nd ,AJne CIU1 Door oc:U o u .,_ Sbunabao .,,, natW.,.:A"oa.ctloo foUOD· bo\ fall , Grny will ult Goblet.. ·Tbe I;Jo/kiiOf'l f or' Applicant. NETTINCS' IN SHEETS. vartoua doeigouod qu~ltiu. F . Jt.C.S., l::'diobu r~:h '

repair or a teoemaU. ollder· Affl"DDIDtD' 10 done will laoe an addreM deciAriDJ ,_. A- ._....- \VII' atill ·believe ~b&• th'e li~CM, • trong J uet ret:eived byO. L KE2\fNEDY. M. ll.C,l:l .. l::njCiand. ....: , , ~ - '.' · &o do. A petty ini7 wera called for t.he ble retiremaal baa beea forc-eS bytbe -...~. ooclcteloew!Ueobaoet.UieobaoFNOiagood ~ be Let! D.l~UG~Sfl, ;

; trial, bat i& Wll aettl~ by oonnat of tho lmpelllibiUtr of JOY~rolog tile oo~try. '-- YO"*"t, b7

a qulektr' ud eaalar bani, ud A choice a680rlmenL o( ToUet o.nd other 0 · ~i-. defoada.a& agreelua eo pa7 oaa baU G"YJ pleaded pltleolltly for ltme, ba\ IMPORTANT TO flANKERS ,.:,-;,o;. caleb. •• - Soapll' • • Water s~ .. kr Gl_'ace plaialiffa 001111 .Dtl n6'er a. jadpoo& to be Hanel, tbe Kadieal leader, lnleted ' oro a , . , --- 1. • ar·"'OOESTER .. n.,T .._ TWI".' E Co. Jn~~ rccelnd b1 TR.\'£ COMFORTJ\IlLF. _ ebterod tor tea eeat&. bla immedi& .. raelpalioa. Tbe m--ae or uv ...... .. •• D ' tl• H . . =

lJcGDiren. RaUo.a.-Aaa.cUootaQofor JM~pa~ioola,npeoledoo&tor~!.: d ~,SUBSCRl.B~H.Sdoalre:toca!Hhe 001394~onO./b.9!,Co~rciDlStr«l, 0. L. K~NNEDY. we 1ng· ,0USe, .. . ~ . .J~t-,.J~!f *S · 4alla8~ fo r obetnactiag a wiodow-llpt, Nov. 16.-Tbe Germu Reicb • .,.. opeoe tteatioo 'of I boll eng~od in tbe .A.mericllU Broome, fOQd qDAiit,aodehe!'p litual~d OD n anlleruoau Slroet, bclon~tlnK tu M~ble o .... Frl'i n~ and fOr oloeiD,J v,p • ·rtabt of .a,. Au neterday. Tbe apoecb frOP. ' the Ulroo. Buk Eiellery' &o &heir reoonl1mpoite\loo TO :am TeET! J Q,It rocoived L7 lbeOitlltooC lb,lllate -\le:uad,r P•raou,.. Ql or c tJ: qneuioat wu d= &o-M baYioa baea ,..._ &!Ia' O.rmeo7 will. •ttan~rtllen tbe of a C · L KE.NNED y · AppiJ' t<> IWWAlW I.'AUSON~. . • c:-::--• • made, bfl~ch .. of~~· ...... , ~~!~~~ ~ pea. 'of~ by_jrieadl"' alfiancet,.!_D__~ New Ba ... ked B'anlr La·ne (P-•loo af•en ·ob or eboliiJ b~ore tbe • , ' ~SI\17 f ! ... ,, . .• •• • ALEXAND.EU .-;)ALlT~~jWJialli'f clote ap -eu~ •J po-•r o -o......- on.. no lft'eeiiYe &nlde!-ea. Gt!r111111~ Wt....,. ,-. . 1 '! . ••II' Jat No-"-bet) , Water Street, ' Ha.rbOr, Grace. ia plaaoll«!a dweiH111, , 'nla wa doou, bu• to f- with oompowra nerj 4afi r. Tbt • .!:.;' • .. · • " · ' · · 1 ,., l J!!~Ltill,aotloawubroop&. Jadgtae!ltfo~ uo-Mntame.apofi!JIDpe yto\ht ~Co.ool.~~-byolalWIJl~.t_llf_!l~!:NOSDE~~ I . 'J'H~T~GIB,LE REbu· CTIONI REDUCTI ON' w J• RUSSELl :A'tC.uiDI ilMoodaDd ill bolb OMIIta foe deC!aradoo, EmperoraodOrowD Prlo~J .. .. _ .. ...,.. ...... uo- - ow· ellang-House, -o- . • • • • • • ' wb~bay.elna.reonla I o botb thne cuu, .Mr. M.o.r'laoa apPMnd Jmteidec• Gl'e9Y· bu p~ a m-ae Bub. .(blneml P&lnter, .P~pl':t'·~~Dg&l', ~~ bu for pJiillt.Ur, aa4 llr. K•at,, Q.C .. for a.. of relipadon. RibOt will fdrJA tile oew • Tbi1 newline bolog m~e of &ho wiUa Otlt-Jio~~Me an4 Gudea attuhed THE (}~NlllNE Gra.lner, &o.. . lo llo!l lendao~. 'l'be JW1,.fODlld for Ule defeodaatl -~.,laoludillllt F'loqreD~/r~o&, Wal. B-'. gqa•,·tu o' Helmp Ula prorerty olllra H, 0 . lJ(JO~ aod ~ • s I N " E R '. . begs to acqu•hH tho gneral poblio of Har-

' lb two eoaota ~ •• dick. aoa Geiletlt J'erfc!e. no eitie.e ~~ ~ ~~ , J., !!'!II I C'' <J the 00011na..- of ur Ja111 .. , , • \.A ' bo G d j bbo · .. ~ ,_ · ·...,HcfoWtbeCblf( JII~ 'J. ac\J "' , :J'Itieala&lbwltll·a~of'&foalloll~. , • •-·~· ob-~, ......... _ :.......... ... ~. · a........ .... r;:::--# .... §:E ' • GMA.•,, S r. race au o.~s nag 'o"na~ ... t ...,'!'

C' Rill , r ,. r ....,., _.. __ --,___., ..-.-. 1 WI~~ CHINE now ~pued t9 be•to.r .~trealer 'a&Uotln~t eantoe7 -k -r aer.- 00 ,.... tbe f'l'tlljl•t.: ' • • J• ·' 0011 UO. DIW uach bJ ftR lear l'or tei'IDI•cfld,, appr,. aHbii oflloe • • l.'i ' · • thau here &oro" to the lli/f.Mren~ tmoohaa.of

t;Uen far ~ l'iol•n&. ... ~. o~ -tbe, _paf'II01I • _!0-UAY'ST!!L!Oll'UI'... ~.&be __,.alaowJII.a &laaU~ ,..W beu fllll7 s.,.lW. ' • ! ' ' biltrade, ,11nd t\&~.1111 ohlefl! with 'fhlob ~} • bl&itnl:lrl •lttrtbl tao l'~ pa~ ~ INoY, ~·~'1 ltlt:' ~~-,_ ~· ~JtrN..« .... C.• llaoJ U ll Loolanan !land Jlaoh•ne•· b' maJ.hernqrod w1il be prJ~qt-pd ,I-Q<btl~~~~t~ .• '"' .. "'~..;!!!!~ ·•HIM .. drxotolJ leu .... dl'lli~' OfaUpe •• ':1)-. ·-w ......... ···'l'h ~:fA~ .J ~ ... Df~ ~· ...... tU.. , ... CoUoD' STEWART IUNN & Co Bickle~ B.al"inlf. Kybln.e..- ' oneJ Til h. npedltibo 'and llltiafaptlon. lie ;.; ~~'""Ill u~• 7d hi~ .1.fr • . !foo« ~ .. 31~.V. tl. ~:.,....!. ' ', .L1..

1 ud •"' flrd-..,. wUIJlMt a tMole . ' ' • •urU& Olothu- :Wria,..re· t ru•l• baL he ,.Ill 1:9'\.llttn• to r~i,. tb3t .iur!'!P! plabil:lf'i ...... a,Sd Jli. p~t ~ . .-; ff/lftj jD(l!IJ~··~·"·CI&II· .. ~ w.,- llabW•&OoiaoM .... .udni au ........ .., ... ~~--'on-Ar . ..Aqm,o . Neahlat- ··Xa,clltuo ' bleb I) bee fLbe I • A del:.-~. . I • •• , . ·~~~ ~H •. I for ~:· I ~ <·· I ........ S('" ~ .. - Jl*IIM .... tM r-...ud ¥"r.r-. mrc""""ni.UI.U&IHN.... . • • -r . Oeat.emu, 1~1 Plaftmg .&OhiDel IIIPPOii•. ~ D 10 • ra lf.Clfll.,.

Diforll ~r· JndiA&< r ' "'•. • h • . . ,...,. ~ lUI •JhiA<f· ~ ..,.. c.«¥11'ltl& ~ • w.wa. ._ ' . -t.- ""~..., . ' ' )Jell' MMI!Ldo 011, Nfedl~• aod Au.ada. by ljlllf. darf"' t o f:!t few yeara. ,.._ ... ~~!:'!..-....;..,..._ &o• &H •"' I T";:-.~~,r~ . '!" ~~~teo otatl-._ 1 • ;rr -~ J~.,... ...,~ak'eal meo&aforall SE\VJ.RG •MACUlNF.a~·•ll . &:~ralli1Df1.KA1omimloll,Paptr·llaqg •

. · j~J&P4P!~~;..CHaft•'• .• . Hth~~~ ·,OD ~ l'PI~ .. tr • . .n .. aoae' ; ~aue~Otaptu&o~•41Fiih ~dftacl..to bo"-m ·pd~,foroa. iDoliU injf, ~~ ftlflfuliJ aiad ..wrao,~ll,r, por. 1

&.9ft; n&: ~~.,.,.._ .... ., ==="' · ·· 1 ' •. • j.~JO~~l.,....._. tMioU.. ~ajaa:f,I'JAOU.. ••· • • • ODIJ. ' ~ 1 • \ fo~~~teeofall~latJ~or:ror~t-at:a '' ~~~!;~~ ·.~:w·~=~tk"uo. · · I'IW'~ ~d )Wio ...... .,.... .... l!....._ i · • • lila EISJIIJiov, n.At,. .Minlf(/l~rla,. c~. Cb~mode~te • .,.,.. •ooaivmoa. · , a

~ 111. • Ia '!:.•:elll!*l, ·'Jh~Mt f.t&D~Wotori ~!~r~~ft, , .,.: B.EJ( ..._ C ~ , 1111. •• • , r • X ·B. 8M'!TH, AoPTt c ,. w. J .. llU 1 27& · ~~· ~"' ~DO ~~" ~~J{*:· h~ .I. Ul> - ~· I • ' . I ... l , ~.~-.\ · . ,J71Wam8i:M..( ~~ .(IJ-.'rbol'yltcf,l~D0~~,\.88]• • " April _ .. J~Woa.,...._ f 1 • I _ ~ .~AI· @.'(~~ . • t.tl 'l ~· •• ~ • , "' • t< • ' l J .. ~ •. ~~· MAOWNI8·R&MUl&

• • .., ' \II · n If lil: ... ,. 1.~1) ':;I '

Page 4: TO OUR OHTPOBT F.HIENDS. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18871126.pdf · "'--._._ dan "Vall lee! b7 ~ wbloJa '11'11 ... Boec:beo'a German

I'WpuM \J Dt. J . c.~~..,.,. Co., t.ow.ll, ~ 1frice .,1 a1& ~ .. ~


. A. YOUNC MONTACUE !Jcdi..al ...t.ll!UU f or Ncrform<ilorul,

wbo hMjust ~turnfll from Loudou, Eug­laod, wititbemoat woudcrful and impro•ed appliaucoe for truatio~: •acccal!Cully tllo mOlt ebro.aic CUK of diMMO exterually, aud thl'ougb which eff~ct ia • iaabl., iwmediat.ely ha tbe moe\ atubborn c;&~~el.

C:•.U dt B•rgoi,.g, !!S RWII d' AJtory , Pa..U Fra•cc..

• Poril, Frtma , Kuo. 23, 188.~. Tbe Comt.e de Rourgoiug iu a letter to

• Dr. Beuueu of t.bo abo•o date, p.yo : " I am fMliug well from you r t.ppliaueoe 11ud am bapp7 to gi"e thew mr moot diaLinguJII ­ed pAtrour.ae."

,ldriee free, A~Dr J . Gordou Beuuett, S08

· w.- SuHt, St.. J ohu'a. Jane:,

Why Pay Higher? - waEN-

32 cts. per Pound w • o..w s- e>wsoe a

~. SOL aud 10 oa. ptocketa.

.. ' . •

. THE HARBQR GRACE . STANDARD, NQV~ ~- -a.l8S7. . . .. 14iscellany.


~~~ blotaoat briahi with aulaiDII dfw, ADd oolotecl wltla "lf•no'e OWII bl .. , Tboe opiGeft ..._ tiM qllNt llahl a-sa u.. ~ n4 troa11 lllabt.

TllcN ~DO& wlMa.toW.I-0'• ~btoobaodlptiDp -, Or CICIIIIa!Ue,l• t•rpl• dreAecl, MDCI o'w tiM lf0Ud-blrd'llald41D .-&.

'111M waliM w. ... -"' .-.. w .... "'CCQCb.,...._ ... blr-IManalo-,. ..... ,_. aa4 ......... .,. ,..u.4 ,... .... Jfl8' .. - 1111 ..a. Ta- cloda d\1 .-.... &D4 q.W .,e Loot~ lt.l'lillceiiO ... lkr, Jla-blwo • It tiM M7 '-' fall • ..,.. ,._Is. ........ ...u.

1-w tiM& 0.., ..._ I .UU­T~ laollr of cMu.b draw- 10 -. UOJM> bl~ec wllhlo •r bevt, lal.,- look 10 Hen•• u 1 d-"-


Oil. .... , a.ud t.ltl ob, rida &04 ran I 'l'bet dar .., Joor eco.

Tlloo u&unaa eua.IWM -r..W., Tbe ... tiMr all ~«!ow,

The IorDI ••~ clacila clotll f'l sold, Tbe -he ..... 011 tile ebo.._ .

Such euaa will a~a~..., ..-ell wnoe wW elq l'onY« ,••trmoro.

Ob, ftt aod few I ob, lrl.t and I roo! T bo fri..OO. wbo ml't tbat d•J;

J::atb oM lb<t other'• eplrlt blow, Aod eo Ia e.noeel plaJ

Tb• boure lie" poll, uatli al Jut, 'l'be twllialll lrlaaod U.o ehoro.

Do Nlll: • !Jlch d•J• .~u OOIDO og.lo, Fort"fer, o.,e.rmoro..•

Ouo cla7 a,plD DO eload of p&lo A Iliad ow <tor uo caat :

Aod r•t ..... otro .. lD ••Ia, ID ..to To a>ajo.-. a p lbe puL.

Lllro bot ualllt., tile aua lbat eboao, Tbo ,. ... .,. that beat U.o 1horo,

Tlwl....,..da wo uld tbo eoap "• •=& .Like, oullko, Ot'crmore. •

FOI' sbolta .,....., ~pt •• betw .. o, A ad • Lioa oar eooge tlowod lrM,

Saos d.l...orJo Ia oo vodortoao, A ad marred ollr barmoaJ.

• Th pul lo ollre. DOl JOurl,' U.OJ 11ld ; Tho •••M that belli ~. obor.,

Tbougb like U.o aomo, ore O<JI lho IJOUIM, Ob, DOY•r 1 ooycrmoro.'

-&u lOll T'raaM:ripl.

{ Frotr~ /larpc' • Ba.mr.)


E\'!0 SUOCI:M.

Tbe7 beloaged to tbe great aurpluaage ol M&Macbnaett.a-not aoxioua, 1•t; ou tbo wbole tolerabiJ aiml~u. Ft'lllb 7oaur gfrla wit.b aliUlo IDOI"e Ulan euo11gb moue7 to be eo ... rortablo, witb jaua ouougb iood,looU to make the deelgoing or prettJ toileta pl­quaut, wit.b jaut ouoogb edacat.loD to let t.boru de~iro DO moro in the liuo of •nero etadiea, or t.bo Aouex, tb&t il. A little Freucb, a little mualc, a llttlo eouip, a llt­tlo club-wJ rk at Hro1111iog or Shelley, or Ulo laat literary luhioa, that all 14J"1'ed to pue tLo limo, when not •ugaged Ia more aerioWI punoita of dllDciDi and e&lliog, aud make tl.11m thiDk t.bey were roally ou lt.int­iog t.bemael•ee and re6oetiug oredit OD tlao JOOni womea o r t.beir pDeratioD.

Ther IIYed out of towu 1 few mile-, bal tbey ea.me io o•ory l'rida7 aJt.eruoou to th• 11.apbour cooccrt.a, 110meUmee ou Suoday to 10 to 'friuity, e.&.d OD week-dayl to do their lhoppiui, ~look at tbe pictureeof the Paiut and- Clay <?IJlb. or 110mo ot.ber ooUoot.Jou, &.o tate a Torlr.wb bath, or to "ialt a m.-uee. eometimee attODdlq a coune of monliq ._...,_,-. ot Lbem~ ... Maria­nee looklaiiD&.o &h mlAduGre, tm abaa­cbalaa h wi~ a -'riedoa Uaat alit Mda't -,.mlDd.

l'!ley bad a loft17 hol!M "' ba ~~ IBicW ot ~ llo~rer bedt in &be ...,. ol !low• and when aloe spociM=• a. thW Ute tndl&iocM ol &be old ~ pudfather; aod ~ ::::'-d a OCiellder-able boepilality ..., weat oca• a

IIDODf the -.l&bJ OOUUJ fMII­ooc.iouaJIJIID~ the Gld.t aed pAOpl•, l1ld Uleir oa111e did a en-• them, !f J OU Wlr11 DOl 'llll\8

JOD Wieb.d JOII W-, IOai&IJJ Dl· "iGl or be ...wt.d b7 the Bet-

taoootM ft"! aMriJIIUdiJOa 110; wbUela­timaey wlt.h .LcuaiM of the B•t&aoolltea wu a arowu ol boaor.

The IMUuloallt, bowonr, dl4 •ot lbare lhia fMi ing of U.elr aablatbu oommauit7; th11 felt that ao olct'11ame b&a col all the 'fir­toe ol a a•• beak aeoouut, like that of t.bt Pallertoo• and t.be W edmoree, and bad a nguo &eDM of ~loa phJed b7 t.btae people ano.l their 11et, eo tha& it ~came daem to pat tbeir boat foot forwud and bold t~lrbeada and lloair Cfpe etrt.laht, aud alway• to mako l llcb people remember t.bat tho7 were llot­tabeatcL •

Jn trut.b, while OU.. JOUDI wome11 of tb. ir eel 'Were btl,_ of oew miUione, tl1eir owa paltry lucome lu eocnperieou oDIJ acn-ed te lr:eep up tbt!ir •oclect plaee ; aod ranch of t.be old f&ll"'ily plate, the jewell aad cuhmerea 1ud laece aod lura of t.be former Beet&IICUte ladle~, bad gouo witb ao 11oele wbo lind ia another State, aud w~re mlde Ule of bJ bi1 dan~thtera, who roally ~te4uDed to Lou•• aed Kate and FranCH &lid t.be reat to lint uo riabt to tbem. Out of thetr 1- &11•1 bad mutualiJ to ebare tbe U • peDM of 11\"l ujl, to drDM the1111elne, and WJ llotriee and oaci!IM aDd kulokkuacke, end reeerve a ll ttJe for charcb oolt.otlo" Of ....... berrua, &Dd a•t all t.belr mlllio t.ud oo-n tlchta aud extra 1-o•; aod roo .,., be ••r• ·tbere wu Ylf"J llttJe left, aad th•r wen loeky if tbe7 bad oot 11111 la­to debt wlleo tb17 balaue•d tb.lr aepuate -unta at tile eloee of tbt yev Maria waa tile 01117· out w'bo enr bad 107 laiD left onr. aod wu I• a ooudltioa to become the facalt7 cnclltor. Bot th other llel.rs did not urbcb like borrowinr of her, &fl,er all. ud arier wert btr dabtora wbeD t.btJ -lei ••old it.. ' 1 ...ad ,..._ lion-ow ol &M~' laid A•J· •She WOIIIG'I da -.,. &baa M~f ea.. d-r

Luelae BeU..W, &be JOII ..... .W., WMoetfl dteat ........ Nooa. WM ..... ,.. Wltll tlltlr ~.- .... 10ft .._. ., ...... t.to ~ Mlf • .., .... Wef18 r. W~ boU- Tnda laJ, Wide4p~D. ._...,=u ... ...-. ........ . ~ ..................... t.u.eoo, .,...... ICir,.. .... , ... JOU _, ~·· Fat lien ....... , ... ,.. ••• tW 11 ••m•• ., ,~ .. ~·•u,, ..... .. .... , .... ., ..,...,. .......... ....................... ~.,.., •I&UIIae ...... , ......... ._._.~_. ....

... ._;.., t • •. , . . lDfl clllltelbDpiJ aDcleolelr to pa... 8be • Eu.oU1 11 rood- for all 1o.ur pcrri'O"'· and monl. Til• lhbtea the bod7 cau eat. , ,o...,L -..cDPa .,rMCI wiU. p.opa.-wllee &bey ,... ~ .... oat of wu black, ucl )'OQ oaa bral4 drink, ud wear ara Je .. , bat tMn Ia M ' l - ' her .w.. '**- '' woald iltake tlwla a~a- rooraelf • · • • llaJa to the rlob aa4 ftlled -.... wblol ~G Wm10u-r EOGI.-OM a.JI daiokl• khwilr olwlf • cu....s frHa •Tii• 14ea i Ai lf 1 ua tolD. to w.U 1114 .._ alod. Tile wbe&ali.atbt I'!N'•WOII ...,.Mil a,. ttkepoDM..aii &btaa. Sill ~hand Be"J Btowo'l MD&l-. ... ~')[aS. I I' do~ ibe dilDo- IIIUDIIl 11011 tial nn 11141 ol ' 1 lloiJ 11i ........ ual1 .... Md pd ~MAll 11Ma1111 ~of oplaloa ... ondo-p&ew.. oom- ~~~~r~• o1 the .,.11 ucln& aad .odtna. wldllu ~. W oa a~~ ! If • • , • _.a bood ol lo , ud lhl libel to • ..,.., lato :ro• aacS A.mr Uk....tlkt-' and ~ Ge wide cloaaa1a ~ deaoe,l ~ B~Boll • ,W' polil6oei.S haft frleDdl; lhl did theaa, too. f• • Y-, lbaok roa. 1 bow whaa JOil ~th Itt btaadlal ~. betiorilq1 at UN ooe np.raw ~ &.\. .......... ......_ &lie tiiDI btlot; -s .. ellarecl tboat ol aM 1DIDD-llb •wiDe aacS ~ loDCI cltl'ila ... of .-uoa -s OcxlUDu'-c ~ .. till &W *"" Dnla, .... 1114 ........ ... ...,. GpSIOII .. ....,. wW.. .. boer af&e,o aecl .U.U. • 1IOt .,.,., altar ba If: mlod, the.&:::' IIIOIDIIIt-onr niDb leldl tlal 01111 ~ ....._ 01111 ,Jeanla .al~

:!:::.!'~.':!r~'~~'t :U.~~!'• hrn" an, ~ wUl i:' .. ;t::~..:;f,=·.~~ Ct't:. tMJtaelft ;lt ~....sed. ."7 Ia ol &browlq beraelf U.to tha GODdUioa uil • No, 1Dcl114, DOl &lien; I dcie'l ... , tile oi'Cll ..Wiftm1D41 ol&U world,~~ 8wur 0..0. .Eiocu.-Tab wo q..,. atiDOii)la .... of &be ou to wboa lhl epoka l •rtO&Jpecl hit dilmoadl aad bla ~ ol 6,1,...._. pcobiMII. ....,_ ba aJ1 ~ .UI ocaiDJae (..S u.pod) ...tjla •• ud the wu tba& peraou fot the fe• -u nd bla.IDppldne. 'l'ben'e a Utile pl1101 ~,.....-.of ••lime, dallrola*ft. w..., ewer Dltlht. ... -.., ~ poqb P8111ar, with all that ptnoD '• fean, eonon. ap oil 'l'remooa~&rMt, ...., U.. .PDbUo (Jn- llua of •tare aDd hDIDID klad.~~ to OOfet &Mm, J!U l.D 01a1 lilblti(IOOD whole hopee aDd JoTa, t.afu&a the W'&a eoqllaba&ed deo, wben then Ia ao tad of oarloe, ocld1 do'b ttl an.ud auid ... ~ jiOIIIble to die aU.plao,. pai alf OD t6e ln. .let lloll &wo ar with them. · fu&al*lo, OG'-9'·tbe-trar Jew•Ja: aDd • aalad tW hal I&Ced 1.._u lw eeola ...... &bne mlOu&., peal Ia alr-tla1a' lUI,

Aucl ererybodrlaid bo• 8JIIIpa&bttlo &lid p•ed p-. ICIOh u IYIIJ'bodr d01111'& b Ia t4rldaa tlW an a,w~ ~ h.tppi· ~Sou,,... J'ou poa4uhlal8 o1 beet, aweea aDd perfootlJ lorel7 aod uullleb haft. ud u half the prioe of &be odaer 11111 Ia to ,. loll.Dd ,Ia th- ~L; lov qa.rt. o1 ...- Ilia oo1oae, tear oar. Lolliae S.Uaucn:atl .... oaa of thOM people piDOIL eo- llp u.ar.. Wa'U 'lllocb .. ·.n.. paraqla olwealth .. . -.now oompand rota, &wo ... ~a·~ IDe- ...W.r wbo foraet ~lne eu&ln!J 1 wbile Parken af....vd ; aDd If JOil'N goocl, wt~ eiiOII rttoiU'OM, u4 1M~ ... Ia ud tal&. Pa.• ....,_. •11oU. .d a& u..' JUria-• na& Ia, ITifJbocJJ Olll of the X.te, 111 tde JOil lu&.o the ma&l.DM, aDd 1::: ~ 1rttb .. wfapM IBiad 11M tod of r0v ~ tlilld ... 'llphhlel aDCl

~irld JOil ;.., 1M UIJbodT qtd\8 llke ba&~ ~~~· prd ...... JUk ao- CaDfO~~~~Dd~la~ ooOtoatlwlarloapa. LoaiM ?' uld &..7 to Kate. • She la de- C'OIIIPauw her IIIler, aocl foucl.tlle JUde t.a&ilol .-:s Ultlal wy, · .l. llllilaer •· WilT oL$.~~ • Jerm1De4 &o rlait the lllorrler1, and I kaow lbop, aocl btoamt be..Udencl willa Loalae ~'of bappl6_.1latiD ~ ..U.. Tb'- ~oa ot ..._d • ....,11 • ._ fw the7 uenr -l to Ilk bu; lbe ja.at &oot: ·before the olou\! of wii:Drll 11018 U.e bid· Ia eo old a elof)' &bU '' 11M powa .-.ari· 01: ~ ~ abe .a. ol .. ad•aotaae ol apoll&o pbrue. Tb11 reall7 deA ......,. ot the .....,.. kiocdoz. IOCDI, -s ~~ 10 ofteo .._to' 01DDP. CM'W~.._-.pa.to~ -·a dotcl h, ud JOG kllow LoU.. II • • 'llleldtaol tillt ~ ,Utw fat jew- hare 110l11fartuc.& r..b_~ tabl balll,....._aa4 ~~ ~ ~:! =-=" .,.,., fu&kll.m rilhor, ucl .u .. people alr)or IliAd~ •n--'• eo be aaac1e .._ •ro~~~.i*lalll~ofBDIII,&M....._ 1 « _, .. ,_-"7 • foal.... lllto a.&ar for ........ uaa...,. ,,..... •Mcl.UiMat-1-oltlal ..... .lqd .... uallllolbak'-I.....S.••h~ol

•1 doe't ... U.. the- a\fl.people lo ud IVIII&ue." _ao • lapeniiiUllr o1 a--. .., 1MdDf tala to OM PGU4 Ol leu, woebd .. udelll&aDcl lW llle au a hare ...MOD aDd • n ..... .,..loft}, old-fllldootd white pl.....; Ia ~ ._ &o be deiiiOD- baUa -.1 IIO'Oed 11 ._- 'De .P'I. to Baaburu...,_tod-ud aU tbUIA aareeiJaA. al~ aa baaadfal aa IDGn• tta&lcl Oflt· aod .... ipba, .. friP.U~t be ~ ~ .. ~-- 4lf ~ ~ I'd taka bi.a ud ..aYr 61dl' t&.GM.' aid Ka&e, • aDd fall a ta~o ... d .-, Aftet all, wroet II bot IIIOif a vptaer lliw .._ a .,... a ............... Jollit. . •SIM.,. .... , abe..., lop ,nat JO• aiaaaobeaperr I 'olcltil. JIIIG&311t ~ W .... aJM e!Mri• io,w ..... IIIOftjouii ........ ~1UiJ1 ._ttlfroqlaW.IItole&~ebo-.tW •Bwtbefeara.lbe.WIDOOII.._ .. 0~ _..fii&M-.NoDiDfecl .. M 5 .WO.; ...U~~ u ....... ........ ..., ... 1a. aw bare h; a.ud abou IGOia ~ look.,. at U1-, ra&e. How de rou.appoee ud,eqPlly, rtpaS.oiilJ n..abe ... a· CnatJD J!:oGI..-(Jdoae appleo.c! oee tbe_Je&l Ia be Do.,. iD the c-tleM W&J a&ocu 10 bea-.1 erw 01m1 locetber J }llrieiiOIIIMioud CO tie UN ., .. ao4 hap- ..SO. Ia' aida t:foci80Cl fq .... dll bfon Ulat the doctor ordend Ulem, aDd thell And look .a thle :>pat; J&'l hap. We foil of p!ll&ooarae. Wllu8ol01ll011•1•.•1adcai'a ID boiUal ba~ (&boat l ' OI U OIIJI9i&) tben»'a uo- to IDJ,' &Gewend i'nooeL r&lubo..., fell o4 a ~d ll&lle an., hall .. ,.. are wa~;.t::a~ M Ia ae1, Ml.s 011 ~ plate a dMtln..,_tll1 o1 iah7 ' Bat •be woa'l*J loq t:ith the Horriate, of all t.be oda•pma aa ou_h._ a whole ' aotiq. lhe ol .-kiDd. U pow4.r, with oue of ftou, aod lift IDto Ute beoauao abo'aaolaa &.o Ule"lklf~r·· ball Ia IIIDriae brealdDI throuab mla: &hen 118ft~ tbtre ·- 110 ·..u.. laft ,. lhoalcl bo r,m,.pu ...... .... Ollloa, ete. Bbale to~rn-tbeJ •1 ia'e to be th11 llu.- ball en~ w&a a aoap babble ball eo brill laD&. I doo'a obllaed &o aakt h111DDD laft of uact17 the abou\ poUJ, aD4 po'llT Ia a eaptal of water. gino lo .Bot&.ou-Md abe Ia bou•d 1.o re- know bot I lib the moout&o- bt8t, - kllld. Wbou we ue told, tMrefore, &o Ha.-. ~7 pt'lpl!'lld four IQ'I, bard-boll· &aru ud ban bet1llola nair aod &.rr&Dp thouah-aach traoqullit7, Reb paWd lo•e- do fiab\ we ue oniJlold &.o do wba' lo the eel atld ebelled. wblob dlride ID qou111L all bOT notioua.' u-. jaut mooabeame.. na.re'a10me&blu' tud will pl~ oarati"M moet. The moa\ Pa' them io the pan, ud lel tbea beoolllt

1 Poo~ Loolae I' elgbed Maria. ' Well, uplical abou' &bam. "oulclu't lher be of oat mlaonM 001110 beca ... we will uo' be- quite bol, 1Dd eo"• diem I• t.bt ceutr• o1 1bo ca a 't bolp it . It'e t.be W&J abe'• IU&do. verfeot wll.b the bloom of deed wbiterelnt? 11••• Uale, bot ue eoutlnualiJ th!Ditlq &ba& \be dlab wllh the curl)', ucla wall o1 bofltd And lhe ll too awfoll7 pre&&y for &eJI.blua, 'flier are the pa..re aod preoilt u:p.-iou of we can 10 ollr own ..., aod flad pleuore rtoe uude~ abe border. aod 1weeter t.bau booey1u U.t boot7oomb maideullo-.' ID wba\ b&a alw111 proYed diaaaroua. With Con.'UD BEV.-To alJc _,1001 tratlr, add whtD abe cboote~, aDd eomebow I tbiDlt • Ob, Loulae, what oo-uae 100 can rot • fo~r ~p&loua coming from accidea• or in ell •-tbe'• more cbanoiog wit.b U!ew lltt.le laaltl 11p aboul a pi- 11 eolored a laM I' mlafortuoe we may M.1 with £pic&otaa, " It D • poau PIUI tal&, U.ree poaada brow a or bers thaD the would ~ witboat Lbeaa.' • h lan't the ooloted alaaa. J&'e the to~~~•· a mu Ia DllbappJlhla mOl& be bll owD faata, tupr, 0111 qa&rt of mo'-, three OCUOM

~- · -"'t.b t.b WUJ " of IDhpetro aDd ODe ODDOO of pearl-t.ah.. 1 Ate we, ...aria?' en.... eo ora. ' t.bin1 remote in them, &be Q)"lt&i·MUlDf for God made all mtD to be happy.' n. Let the hifl'odi&ot. be boUed and carefaUJ JOG t.biak 700 arw awfull7 p~ttr if we in· power, l.be life of the orea&areL • •mo troth bu been taoabl bJ •HrJ roll- lklmmed uloq,.. lcnpurhiea from the_., aiel O{lOD bniJig OQt way l.hrouae tile made • Creatllflll' Irion , mo~r.Uet, yhlloaopbe~. ud ~ aod aqae oooduue to riu &.o the .arlace. Mpool.ally ouy? aod 11reete~ th&A boJiey • YN. '!'be7'te Jill& &a macb alift u yea (rua tho bep01ug or dme. If ao:roue wl.ll Wbeu tbo wat.e~ ie rtadJ &.o rteeiYilllt ,.., ud too ebanlliur fo~ P7thlue the more or L No& the pearla uot tbo11 ana& y•l· llud lh• -ct tbat aatare mta~~t blm aad ol Ul rial. Ua flulta we fla011t iD your lace ? lf we bor- low Indian pearla : tbeJ ue lo•et1 corpeee. made him to do, If bo wiJI dallf t1J to ,t.. • aate poor iA • taltpe&N ODIJ row all your lt.a\ quaner'e lacorae, aod Bu~ look here. Here'• a grul turqoo!10 biJ mind a Uttle more entP aod brMdth, aod wbea diMol"ed aod the watet bollia« uuer poy you a dollu of it, aod lot you lfO that bu diaLorbed all ita ..nten ud alta by mekiDa blmaell fatDiliu wlt.b • tbe beet dip 1oar ~ef lu, pi- b7 piece, holdhaalt to l.be great hall lu ao old flOWD made onr, clouded belweeu ltll opoqae ~lan like tbat b&a been eaid and doDt lu the world,• for a few .eooudl oal7lo the bol bath, Pfclt 110 thal wo eau jue& flaab wit.b epleudor ?' Guluare of the aea. Bat ll'a all a-oiltt.or, if be will o"o~ome tbe e\"11 ID hla owu It Ia lh• e&at iD wbiob Ia 11 to remain, aod

N It b lao' Lo • • b d d b ad wbeD tbe liqaid ia qoite oool pour o"utbe la~.,boedw.._r~u. ~01':w,..' •o'uiJ ba,li~euqr~ • .'. lllr.e a palu~r thlo~r. h 'e r.lin. A ad re&at au enlop w at uatuto mado 110a bcof

.... Gla.- • ... ~- look at theeo aquamarin-oot the aea aud troe tbere, be will ~pidl7 8ud &bo • Lot'l lucome, &Dftl.,. AD Looile can' t l{reeu ODOI, but tbeae ~to, pale KJ-bluee, pl~&aoree or life iu a~DDcUDCI. 'l'be wowld TllliW R• citPT FOil BuD So4P.-Tike belp it, 1 tell7uu, au7 more t.bau abe can t.fteroooo-eky-bloe, wuh the uu1 dia~~~oud w1ll be a tropical eluDe, boariulf pleMarM 61 poaolla cle&D lard or tallow (I IUO tal· help her boir'a boior bright yellow aod curl- eparka matted juet-under t.be wga to multi- ia iau.hau.nible profll.lloa ou eror7 llde. low) aad melt.. Set &aide au til lob warw. lag, or bor oyebro... beioK blaelt and ply tho 1parklo. l:aob 0011 ot tboae 1100111 Uaty, labour, lhoa(bt, llllalfluetioD,' aod 1ah ODe oac Samaou•e Ked Seal Lro or elra.igbt, or ber akin like a rose leaf, or her 11 ,. eky iu 111iaiature, baa a tort of ,. plano- memory will be 110arce1 of pleaaare ; uata~ Potub (l b&d tbie the beat aod Ol)ttl 16 figure like a tall J OUDi wood uympb'L I tory remoteue• aud infinity &bout it, •wall will dl~eloae her bealllJ ; mao will brlu~r eeDtl !"' can) and d ilDO I.-. iu two ud ball bope we alllo•o ber joe\ tbe I&ID•&a If e~aeh &a it ia, &a If it wu aomethlog 1tellr.r •omo- bia tribute of ~•pect aud alfiCUou, and pluto of cold water, aod wbeu the lfruM ill oue of 01 • &a &a preuy auo.l f&aciuadDg 11.1 tbiojl eubmiuiulf &.o lmpriiiOument b~re. • t.b• AIUlillh&J dail7 pro•• that • all t.biur• luke Wlli1D, pollr Into the water 11.0o.l ltlr ebe i.t.' • Louiee. ebe'lll.blult you're cru1 !' work toeetber for 1Jood' to them that t.aek tlaOfougblyabout llu mluatee. It cau thn

• Weill I wonder If abo'• not ready 't • lli~ fl; I Uiiok 10 too, • aio.l Ule quiet happiue·•. iu di•iaelr appolut.ed w&yL Jr be poured Into a box or mou.ld, aud in oae 1 'm tired of waiti u~r for that I oat prink,' cried yoUDff fad7 bobiud &be duk. auyoue w1ll not do thla be doea uot duene or two d&T• be cot iulo ban.. Kate. ''l'be traiu will be &t tbe station b..- • Why, Ka•e, you that away your jewelry muob beppiueu of &DJ k ind, aDd b11 COW• I NK SrAIIfS.-Submefie tbe lbe etalu­fore ebe ia. We're aoiua 1.o towD about tot. bo:r. IUld you c:peu the bo:r. r.ud there plaint& aod mieerioe are oaly t.be eoufoeaioue td uuder a littl• warm milk, tbe newer her drea She t.biake eh11' ll ban • while the tbiOJ!I uo jaut &a bri~:h& and ebluing u of wuted opportuuiLiee IWd r. fooliah Jilo,- tho better, froan Gn to &eo ~niuu&oe, t.beD Yol•e~· eYer. '1 hero·~ a witchery about tbom. l'ruoiJt~~ JourtraL waab ead riDM iu 10ft water. Iok at.a.la.a

' A wblto what?' &Aid lila ria. t.be CAre- Tbey'r~ oapeble of workiug apolt.; tbey'ro ILfiJ bo remofod before W,. Wub wlt.b t.ektr and bardon-bear~r of t.be number- lin ubjootA. uot clallia.d, ACt 1pirita, uo& 4 R.t.IIU>r roa Coi.D.-4 ~mtd7 for an plat7 of waa.r alter a apouge hal beeo Maria, wbo bad whitt eyeb1owe and • rudo.lr wilcbtL but certaiAI7-' , lucit>ieut oold lu 1M bead -1 be ob&alued uaed to take up &a mach iDle u pottlbiL If 1kiu, aod w~ ahy aod Limorou, and DOl iu • 1 eloog.lcl tbiak tfMTd ~rrougbtlhel.r epell h7 brHihlna Ule lreah fum .. olio were of lhJ.a will not ._oed, rllb t.bt pa11 with tho leul faeoiDat.lo1 or &JU>patbllio, and, u ou yoD1' aalpbor. The powder t.bCNlld be apriakltd lemon jllke, aan.rie ~d or pari!od wood you -. not iu the leu~ like Loa lee, • Oh, Kate, here ~look bere f Q :dok:, upon a bo\ -1a1 aarfaot, a Uttle a& & d••· -riatpr aaid riDN u ~bOn. bk alai au mar

1 y II. lt't IUch an exlraartliD&"! OCC&• befo~ It IC(IM oat, Ol' IOQI8tblq llappeDI to t.bt peraoo labaJLua to -.cJ M - U pel• ~ remond, wbea eo~jfliJ·~ealt, from aioo I~ W&ft&llta ao extraordiD&ry gowa tho It; it cau•a elriue.foro-r~. D1d 1oo "" eible. 'J.'he odor it DO& ..rl1 '" cfilaree- llueu. by applJiDI I11110D juloo ud waablaa UJI. ' - auJ&blo~r like t.bat? Jaul look al It?· able &a whee the a&ob It labaled af&er it wi&b wum water. A ID&Il ..,a. • I turoed

•It wUI take en"! peon) of ber allow- • Wbere Ia It to look at ?• a U&lle netllld. bu btu eo- v- au* lo &be t.lr. roy lub&&Dd onr DO a b.atifql, Ugh&, drab &oct.'· '\\'bel Ia i&, aayway ?• Oul7 a t.bort time Ia reqal~d before a table-clot.b, to my eoa.attruataoa, &a m1 wife

· Tbeu ahe will ba-re all tho reat of roura, • I•m lllre 1 dou•& kDow.• • cur•' ia e!IIOlld. Io:"ta liuleohUdroo dad bad of~ uat.ioueJ me &flint& Ulie ,.,1 Mllria..' ' A cat•a-eJe quarl.a,' a id tbe qaitt JOUDf uo diftloalt7 ua brealbloi' tbe foroM. t.hLar I rDJbed for tbe ...U oella.r and

' And what &re JOU goill&' to do J\a\8 ?' lld7, lor Loaiae utfer al:owtd a elerk or == w 8<11pUed Ita eocleDt. OD Ulo ata1u. aud lu • Ob, IDn my moDeJ, 111d wear ou• l lano alt.endaot to blader ber frwtloca ot epMCII. It ro.s Wolll4 be &pP7 fiYo m.luotoe h bad wboll7 dillppeared.

t !Jat will do ve,., well-t.be Ct"e&m~lor aDd • A oat' ... 1e querta I Areo•f JOD mil- p u Ia eel poppiu.' tueo? Wb,, .... , ue -'--L, oll•e·oolored, p _ , d'-- O&.IAD IUD eo iblt lbt oqbl , \V 11 , 1 d 11 be .... - ...... enenre ••-a.at --..uraaemeuL to be oa IYI"! ~ t&blt$, •1' •

e • wen rouae ou 1 ouoo, ao • ID~tlorioue tblnp.• l.'ue a oboertal riew of enrylhioa. a writlr of a LoDdua r.&ter. lt la deal~ hu lOt bor bead ou blooming oat at tbla c The auual ouM, Tbla 18 a rDTal cat'•- 1u all ~romiaod pt...,.., ""' utf laat. be -'tb __... ball like a ...... at white Janan UIT-WhJ, ~' ere.' r- to 811ft ..... .... ..... aad ,, la dell 01. ..-- ..- 'fro•• u God aad mlDd rour owo bcui- Take a loaf of fraefll -~ ..._... __ .. her bloom !' ' l>oD' l JOG remember, .Kate,.thit c~r 1 -e ... .._ ....

• Whleh mean• that wbea abe hM """Dt of u :r Cb··'- r •ell'• whi-.. t-..:... . 8 -p· • -• ._.. . ba •bile I\ 11 ttiU -. paR lilt luide oal ·r- "' -- ~ "'" ....,. • ...., a.o.,.yoar .. _Ia IIDOIWJ, l pa'JGar ol Ia lo ~the etu ot ... _~

•II ber moue, you'll rift ber all JODn to "'"" of Bla• hu a ca&'e •- q-· ..... ' •• I --~(. •- , __ ... ,......... J'OU - Dr d u.al d 1... d d It .._ , . _,. ' ..... ~ "" .. - 1111allar. Pat th•loto alae otea 111d bake

apeo • •• au • au ao 1o.e a a yoane • alwaJ• ~agb\ ll wun't of aacll oo.... Ca &irate forbtu'Uice tiU JOar heuttioldl th deU bro om.. "l'i•'l ft.l.r, Maria. I tho old t.blu;faloa'd be :l::DA• 11 he .... , wbou 1 •- .... 1--"r 1 f 1 - a D&le wu. '• ueo -1 th17 -• 'd ••. -· f Jd • - .._ • ... -• a Ill crop 0 '· are orilp aod u full of Saoror &a a oat. .. nu ..... ,_ o oe woa oom u. k a-reea and gray tbiop lher call oat'•· 01•• your to•aae aore taolldar Uwa JOGr zaa po.1Jed

'1 aaur know bow to epead it all mf!Olf. eyea. Aud eo &hlala lbt royal ca&'•-n• ?' baadl or JODt tytL ao4 JOCl wiU t.r;::, r::.... wit1t. JODI ell..,. Nu1 &.o Loa1aa, JOG ara Uaa apeDdt.brift o1 •.both• aamelt t.be cWJIIObeiJLl £U1DiM lato J'OV-. .-.. ...... 11• l.be f&a~UJ, Ka&e..' 1 Cb~ll Ob, ll'e Ja abe Ba'ble, dlw thaD LIIOM ol ~L

'Well, I eboaldo't be U I bad eaoqh Kate I -'1'1111 l. a oh,.obtrJI Did TOll Aft ull roe~ to Urea llllD4ked DIOIIIJ. l&'aouJJ~aJIDOIMJcSoe.'l -,..-.r-aa.olo:--eo-1-Aid? r-L --. ..__,_t-1., .JO<- .... __ "-'d • I'd I.. ba •-•t _ .. J ~- •r-- ..,..._ ,--. .,. -- .,... _. -•vW. _-.,- w'-- •or •Le a--. 11-- -'tl• '- ou.. lo.l to fl IOCDI - o a... a&IUJ.Uow laetre &Dd i&a wWte. Jl'l 1M eo. ---~~-ld 1.a.-1.- -'•'- 1L- • u r-- .., '' - - - ••

_u II 1'-- oil" 1 - 'd If I pan ov- - ..... .... &Ill -lam •or -·-• ... _ ·-- ---' --.,o..... -.-. waeaore OOou !f!!'' t ol= ucS -''•• aM4 bodJ of trW ot _.. ... o. -, ' ' _..__.,._ • .,_ dld r --•-- -'-- __ _. __ _. _ ' ,.._ - • IIi ~ - -1· -=:.&. ... _ •-•- '-,t:~"J _.,,..J....a •-

M ....,..... ...,.., .... - "1 w- r-llow ~&, •lowl•• w.UU.., aod Do the ,_._ &bU U. .-. •'--- .... ., ... -- • -- -t"'- ... JOGJD ant..• ADd with dale e1lpNIIil011 ol t.Jaaalil"'f etnak ~.,,. &b:~v. 1~ tbe .... , ..... ; -z bel • .,..._~ • IHfsd•• ol llae k1ll priMp&~~ o1 poli&iMl__..rl.lla MUkJ· W~ la tile tky. l'a. 6mootla, IIIOOOd flair wtll.u-t.J .. n beeoauiiU· aor -..a . U b• ...... l&lll

JO~ -.1 laaariaC~:!tllt80IIIIJ ~· too, ~ I'OIIed Ia. ADd Mop, I d.lda\ •·a. 0011'-t to ~ W.,. JOO c:u, ud 5 ~.~·c!:.::", j.,•~l ~ wblaa.le o llat &rala aDd '• fool DO - - J' faUr Wore, h .. a peadao' atrloafq rr.. ~ w.a-)ou eaaeo& c1o '"'Jlblq. tel .._. &h ,_ ..__ .,. etair, biUTied off &.o bold the k1liD if lbe ID &bU cilole ot rabiN tM like epikM. N- repl7~ kiad to a elwp ow &Dfl'1 -.- .__are -«~ oollld till the odaer arrtftCL pfceoa'eblood ••erroaeot ~! Loot a~ wotd; Ia 11 t~MCOa~ ~ tbU ..Ua the lor ffDID lbe reaulll ot.;..M.,..aa,oo~a-

• A~ 7ou reallrl• earnoet. LoaiM, aboa• the purple COtDera. .... t.be &llOI$ abiDiaa l dM&Id bJ ~ .... or bJ oabtra. Alao t.b• white felre& ?' laid Ka\8, &a tberwalk- &IMD .. Iner •• the IDOl& .. ~-"'aL Oh qa:.,~ .... ..._..... 1 '--l .__ d d that 111&11:(. wuald b.al'l heofuod bad tber ed de ... __ ... , f u '1. 1 · • ' .._..... • -e ...., ..,_. 0 w:::J:a ... "1• ao 0 come u •• o'==._.:.. -d -•--at -·-. WD ...., - It 0 u.OftT 0

U a bow -DArb that WOIIJd be Oa the White & mak ru1f t... '-LI.e f - - - - .. _ _.. -f btl I -~- ' .--o:.W DO e 'fOil m I vz .,...,._ 0~ " -r. Ve'{ ID&IlJ ---l.t fro- pbJa"-J na a v• .. •f&IIIIU. ftlfiLI baa lathe price of lt 7' bat -a ._ __ -~• .,. ~ ·- - -

• W It It' t • • #- -··- d1-··. 'e.,._,.,. of~~~ o• --'-1-e • • mr u ranpllOI; 110• J01lra. • .Ei,ttteea luuadled dQJJara.' - .u -·- • _, ...

Yea. l'n made up m1 mlod &.o a.ba&.' • .Aiad h 'a worth It,' oried LoaJH A. LtnuSUJro•-Liltle TALtgi--Spriup latioo ban -~o• fall Ia Ultit wOfk, • Ja'e a dowacer'e drla.-ftlra&.' • Eiada'& JOD bettlr uk ber U .b, oao'\ ue liute tbloat, bat theJ are loa.ro&a of aod m.itaothropJ or -. odaer form of • 'l'bere lau',aa,ua&tr ,a nqalai\IIJ aald- tab a litt.le -.,• wlaitpend lta&e. larp IWeaaL A belm Ia a llttlo tlllaa, IKI• meollll 1J1DpaUaJ bta ooetarNCI. Ia ,.,.,

l7 &a wbi\8 •el"ea, with ltl dalicale bloo111 [lO 81 coarmrvao.] h ro•eru the ooarae of • larp thlp. A N&or of th- - a tlloroocb h1p11lo all o•er lt. h'ellke t.be pe&al ala W7; ud · bridle-Oil II • litllo thiDJ, bvc - iu - l6•kll•' aod a Uade medioiDe would ba•e I'm aoior to weat great white Illite witb "· -... ---- ot .. u _ &Ddpowed Nailaand pt~~are Utlle thlap, prenuled the bablt ol daoaalt& or actiou aud-1 don'& -l'•• half decided to bur ·- ,.._..._ ......, bot the7 bold lat&'o part.l of lure balldi•r. wblob hM neal~ Il la imponanl thai me 10m1 eon of jewela &.o w•~ with 1-. 1 . toaetJae,. A wor~ & look, a frowu, a 11111 e aJ1 be t!:fu...-ed wltb the ,_. dancer ol don't know wbr we thoulda'l boJ jew•'- 'l'be lf"'IMt part of lilt ~a teat ud .-11 ara ll&ll• ~ btl' pcrtrerflll fur llD' aL · a to Ute llrat~mp&oalaof mea-row ourwl•ee &a well &a wah f~huboda to miNty lu OM world Ia &mOJI¥ people who aood or erll. lal dlambauoo ao4 wl~ tbe <eNd ol o1oto atvo wm to ue, all the mor• tbal Uaele mlpl earil71fe CIOaleoled &Dd llalpPr U tiler nrlDk of thil, &lid a! trap. mlud the lillie, luqaily u &.o bow far .. e dithnbaoce Ia SeJ.t&ccutl'• people h&Ye all old f&IDiiJ prot- oor, knew ... §&¥"real pl ......... ol liar.,._ l'er Ulal little dtbt-(&'1 prolllite4 eoouec&ld with parol, ~~dlaor11en. t1 tltiDp.' - tif•. n! dOor ~ pl~la wide. rtdena ,, • it ltPt & thUl!C'\acl ••. onr; t :rlae am i.DclairJ ... ~ bunt-.... to

I roo ... DOt jCOlcc , to l'lla lD dtbl for ope, .. ,.tta dikber Ia etev, bat yoa kD01t 110\ W .. l hlplltiUI6 lflot-hiaie •• foiWI ol 0"8f .... Teo ........ 00• j ewelry?' iaanuared Kale ID borror. froaa loaUeDtt-._. too ... ,, lltdar Into apoa IL • Por tbe W&Dl ol • Dlil ua. abOe ;apotieu wiU. UJ OM MrlM of thoa,ila.

• ltau ID de~? No. I'•• oltlll told TOll tltf WIOIIJ pethUfhilalecl Ud ae.-.~foaad wae) OII& ;' &Dd for the triAl of a • .,.. \be . .. , ti~ and .. .., the min, ja• .. -th&t l'lil Lhe lloanolor of the famliJ.' lA lifa. 'l'be ,....,. • Jatce Damber of bone waa lott·• Etep roar wotd MCreciiJ lnooanol motioa would .Wa.at ,llot oDIJ

1 With M.aria'• belp.' dlaoouteated, rnabllor, uo.l ubappr peo- rkeep it to dte eblldreca; the7 wUI _,It Ia 1h1 unuciM earaced bul a.b.e wbult l)'ltem.. •If lt!rl"ea Mariaf'l•~are to help me out. pie, to wbomllle dole DOt brlac mach, aDd MIOOD itoo•IOOCierUtaaQrbodJeiM, cad 'fbere Ia "1104 DOIJ -~D lu cba.u<e o1

1 Joo't 'koow wb1 tlloald cl•rl" her ol who IDike h dlaaarteabie, eo fu 111 a~ae,_, ..the dtoa will prubablJ be uiii&Qr u lifL wurk bot 1a ohaap of llaoqbt. 1'b!a II tbe pleuure. ADd • 1 tbouldo ' wood., If &.o all llrOWid u.-. 'ner aboud ere,.,. Mlad U.e Ut"• thillp. -~tar aa abeol•te ...-.

"I eoold ra111 a 1aaa euil7 to eomp&a~~ eome- wbeN. '.l'bere la pr0babl7 &a •aoll dfeooa. • Tt 11 1 lltU. Ua~ar 1o .,. a ""P elwater, 1: liMr rilw ol Llae orfrla aed tlol•a budaome.' • t.ID& amofll &be~ •ocb -1011 frK- , r.t u.. ~ dn 4raWd 111 t.nrd upa, trabMD' ot aoclaeae.J dilord~t~

• Loalee, 1 really tblal( 7our wbl&e corded tinr aDd wooder1ar wua to clo-u &beN lale1 ....a a Mode: ,a-u. &e tiM,._ to wt.lcla .._..... &Mia It ..,cltd allk wltb the CT)'It.&lce& woGld I(OJU" .., la mlaery UIOIIi Ult , ~ ~ftrtJ, dJe. M-•lttl,allft& UaaA 1"'- ....,....Joloe &.o I' ctedt &.o be Jit~O. T11tte J. on.a well ·wltb JOur wblte lilill&. Aod aria'll -, and 4 .. th are DOt lbt WOfJI& al!lodou HeM we ~ U/e el tot la llafpiiiiJ.oclra. cliaeue of the ..UI JOI-. 011 to '-alty of lend yo a tho blr black pearl. • of Lhe rr.oe, bu&ldl....., miedlteoted lll"'J, It r. ~ 1IUle llalac .0 ;,.t a Wed ol--- &be ..Ulud &.o -tal ~....,_...l whloll

1 Ob, r .. worD ~ biJ illact pearl uti· ud lporaDot •ben to go ..aDd whaa to do, TW 111 4a1q-INA.-..~ tea-1 - be pre,..e.d or cn:arecl bJ tdaoadOMl l'm k.oowo bJ h.' 1114 ..__ ara all ou ow.tfaulL la aacla ret, oe ~.., el aala wiMI llaullrlu 10 & u- tnWal.D4r, an~b lh aldolalkoocuwlll &.o

1 J•- ""fOil'- w~• •• Old d-' D -rfd .. tblJ IDD8 -•J 6. riPW lroprJ• If ~' tloii&Joof Of Ill -· Ul1 WeUe--' or dt• - .- ::.., -- ·- - ., •);wtllt.llllb ..... ......, r- · ._.. •Then Ju alllbe mon reuoa wbri be w1U ootr tate the rialltroad. Bll the pn•td..UI ~paaieo'- Ult~tbaa thuDidu't. One of oa, a& ur rate, ma.at ro peth leadlar lo the ,.r ))I...,. ol llte Oocl pcoete. oertalla .w ... &.o tbote aore ..... lloia w&a Ji•• .._ ~tJ1.• lleede &.o ~ OOtltiouiiJ po(aled oa&. U la who tlbPM1ioaJuOCMJ-. BelaapraJW II •eo'-l or otrtOa. ditcMd... h woe d

1 It will loot &a If t.bera .,,,. oul7tuoaah olcl ud tim ... wont, baa people eeem lo bare ba¥W CJod u4 a.dloat.M eo mea to -e be a ~· addl&loa to pr~~~~~a obarii4eo lf, 1110D'1 to £e'-Ode uw dreallD the fa~~~Ur.' eDdl• ditlelllty ba hdiDJit.. To betiD ud aek,aad He wUioottunan, blall.-d. ~tltll Of IMklar, aaoh .... oolllcl eartr bo

•'l'bM 70a mlaba ban )'O'lraalf a Dew wtU1. h _, bur.ld lkt U.enla oo l&at!Dc '0•, &b.,..,.... 10C111t1-. •• ... IIDeb ~JI)Hed wl~ tlaeadriotud dlraodooof~a 0111, lutead of boudlor JDDr IIIOIIIJ 10. p&ea.N pCIIIible aput from .... ~1111101 ...... ... Qaacerou OI'OIIIIIf,' • Daor- ,. ~ n • ..Wt of .... 11Jh&a ,..,.... \Vha& a pntl.J afrll T ... , oue wl&ll alae red of ~bUitJ aad dftoborl' of dUJ. Bo 10 GoeS ~ ...,... ,.._, ~ daa· u WI ti1D1 woold ,....., -r a oae &oaa ... _ Do JIM& bow, l~Utlld 10 lfke to Wtt aaoaat of ,...... - obnate Jlalo...... ... - II .. ....., lila wo.-a .. ..w·- .... MOIIIIt7 . ., ....... ol .... ch II .. . WI a c1c1c.- o1 .._ alrlt at a"- ud lati. Tile .. wbe ...U lup ,....._ .._ .. tloe& OM ..a 1M ... tW" iMMtdoo JiH • be~ to ........ .. .... .................... OU' ........ ~ ........ wM ............ to......_... .... u ro• .... 00 "• w ............. w ........... a~a • ..,. - ........,, y.., cet 70111'111f a..._.... u4 w..i- who fttb aoo •oall .,_.. ..._road, 11M falttr roa~Ute ,.....r ...... Wo aro 1o lladJ aile ._"lfCHIDd oolondWiii.Kal& Yoa'dNNu&lfllllala. WN ..ta. too Htlla. K..tt.l .. ao clllblietJOa ... ,._tM Unt' alloL ............ Nial.._ ...... .._.pablle .,_ .. ~· 1'a ,...,...., -• 1Ya7...._ ~ 1o work nt, .... 11 ... ., .- P..a. e..a ._,... ....,..._ 11M Jiof 01111 ... do_.. ~

wtda81J .. ......,.•4WIIea0acl...,la. ~ ..,.,..._...to ..._ .... M ..... be .._... bla t1a1 rtna .., • .t.R11a••dy. ~ ...._," .......... lad w111t MllftiJ l'•afnidpaoplnlllllilikJoualocbnrJ .~wMII11o&~pn .. lliletoii..S •Miontraek.-.•IIIMIIa ... aw., 4MIW "wi• ._ .,atp1a-. 18 .... Mlltll, LOella.' lll¥i ., ... noo. ToW ...,. ..,, . .,. .,.. • ........... • ... .,... ,_. lila 4.,. ol ,..,.. llllMit troa WOik .. wrrr.

111e ................ LoaiM ......... liOIMed ""- ............. n~.~. ....... ....... lbee ............. he .... ,_ to...... • .. ,._ ...,_ ladtewarld; ~ ........ ~ ... ~~~~-·......... . ...... • ....._.,._ ...........

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:V.sTABLISHED· A D. 18 3 7


Capital: .£1,000,000 Bta .. 111111raoeea ed"ected OD almolt all kinde

.t prepertT • NewfoaDdl&Dd at lowest pouiblt r&&ee.


Agu: /M' Ntv-fo~~ond/and J:. B. THOMPSON,

.lq 11. . Bcdi-Agt11t for Harbor Grat•

- QUEEN Insura,nce Company CAPITAir-£2,00010_,0 ~terling.





TW'ENTY-FIRsT ANNUAL REPORT !'be B.eporla and AocounLe tor Lh•

yea~ 1878, preaented to ~bo Sbar~bolder "'tho Anuua llleetiog,on Tueed&J1!l7tlt May, 18i0, a\ which Bemr.rd H11li,Eeq preaided, ahowtd, iu the DiTide~~d r.acl &nus d lbe r•to L()Jletbe r of 16 pet oeat. wu declared, £H,036 boillg cu­rieJ forward.

.PfRE BRANCH, Tlld t1ao P~miume for 1878, after

dedaetlng Re-inauranc:ee, amount.ed to £'56,!74, being an lncreue of £ 5,391 oYer the PremiuJD l aoome u( 1877; ud the Louoe to £ 1l01,6Gl, being 66.16 per oent. on tbe Premluma ol the Ye:ar.

IN THE LIFE DEPARTM~NT. 'J'htt New P olioiea bad beeD i&aue

for £22:1,486; and thd the Life Fund• itr tlae acldiUolla made \0 i'" •• the reeal· ol U.e year'a opentio~~o~llow reproaent.r 67 .i per ooDt. of'" entire u& Premlux rooehecl oa ne'7 pol'-1 Jn Coree •

TH 8Drplaa b&laDoe In Ute .ll'fra Ao OOilD' ...U 1Ja0~ to be .tl07.699, OD' lf wlaich •• £10,000 , .. •prrorriated to S.li':M lOMGDt, ralabll Utd Aocou• t.o 140,000 ID&f ~ wi&b :\Ito Jle. .ern l'und ud &laaoe ouried Conrard .tU,OOO.

. PONDS Caph•l Paid ap ...... ..... , ... 1180,0:10 Ueaeral Reeene Fu4 -· ... ... 17&,~ •'ire foaadforaHaraed Pte.Some 140,00& Bal&Deecarrled fonrard ... . .. ... 14.,030 Lrft Acedmula&ioo Ftllld. - . .. • . 800,816 Auuultr !'uacl... . .. ... 11,635

. £816,428 - -·--

JOH.N CORMACK, CHDtTOl Agc,.tfor TV.flJ­

IOa-~una· ·, .t.. T . DllVHl>A.LE

Harbor Urace. L O'SHEEHAN 6 Oil.,

J>.. 8t Piena.

$90~.00 Reward I .. ··~ ,. \fUI M paid fo r Uie de\ecUoa aod -coulc­U:~o of DJl1 peraoD 11Uiag OP deal lug JDIDJ bo(UI, OOODterf•U orfmitalluo HoP UIT· TUS, eiPoOOialiJBI"erao r prepanllounUh &be wcml BoP er DoH lothel r II am• orcoa a.oW lherewiU! ,tba' Ia ID\euded t.o alia­load aacl ota .. , U.e p•bUo, or fo~ t.IIJ prepA~ &&loa pua fo aoy furm,pre\eudtDf \a be tba -• .. tior Banau. 1 'he aea•l .. llare claiMr of Guo Hon(rtobcetbia)pr1ated ou Lbe white label, aacl are th pureal aocl bell aedloiDt o• earU!, MptOlDJlT for .l(u\ aeya,Lirerud NertOuV.Jae .... Snare of all oU..n,aucl of all pre~od formalu or raoaipu of Hop Bnnu p•bllat.ed I~ papera 01' for aale,u ~I)' are fraada .u.cS · mDCUIL Who..-er clealal• llD7 bu. abe gooulae wtU be proeec.ted

HoP BtTTIU Mf'G, Co, •11 Roch111b!r, N.Y.

"' faqu p ~--.• ·I -•n·- · CONCBPTJON BAY ADYBR'liSlllt r prliDaecl Rei pobUUecleftr)' &na­

D.af ~ 1»1_.1. W. llvu aa "­• 8tiodud','o.-, Wata Btnat, nar ol ...... Qtllado't ......... g,_. B~ocn...t Taa--~~- ,_ __ Pf• ....... : -'baaiOII ,..,._..._

, ........ u.. :~ ~) lL. ,_ ~...,..•aJ8MN. I'Or ... ..... .................... ., ...... .......

.. .ww.t~ae .... NMiftclat ...... ., ec:·· wrl- ......... .. ... •••• el laMftiMe.(A.._ ...... .............. ..... ... --~ .... = ...~ .. ~-.. .___