RFP - Hifitry ol Consukc/n y Firm lot Regionol DqtetoPment Ptons for buthern Toutism zone (Mufton ond Eohowol p u r Dtvisions) URBAN SECTOR PLANNING & MANAGEMENT SERVICES UNIT (PRIVATE) LIMIT The Urban Unit lrAllE srG Urban S€ctor Pti.Mirlg & Malageflerll Seryices Unit (Pvl.) Ltd. tl.l RFP DOCUMENT FOR HIRING OF CONSULTANCY FIRM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR SOUTHERN TOURISM ZONE (MULTAN AND BAHAWALPUR DTVISIONS) (Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014) Tender # UU/2018-19/ li Paeetof a/r' s OAiE

PPRA SERVICES PORTAL :: :: ADMIN LOGIN - The Urban Unit · 2019. 4. 9. · SERVICES UNIT (PRIVATE) LIMIT The Urban Unit lrAllE srG Urban S€ctor Pti.Mirlg & Malageflerll Seryices

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Page 1: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL :: :: ADMIN LOGIN - The Urban Unit · 2019. 4. 9. · SERVICES UNIT (PRIVATE) LIMIT The Urban Unit lrAllE srG Urban S€ctor Pti.Mirlg & Malageflerll Seryices

RFP - Hifitry ol Consukc/n y Firm lot Regionol DqtetoPment Ptons for buthern Toutism zone (Mufton

ond Eohowol p u r Dtvisions)


The Urban Unit

lrAllE srG

Urban S€ctor Pti.Mirlg & Malageflerll Seryices Unit (Pvl.) Ltd.





(Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014)

Tender # UU/2018-19/ li

Paeetof a/r'



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RFP - Hi ng ol Consukoncy Finn lot Regionol *telopment plons for buthem Tourism Zone (Multdnd nd 8o howolpur Div isions)

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RFP - Hiting ol Consultonq Fim lot Regionot Devebpment Ptons lor s,uthe/n Touism zone (Multono nd 8o howotpu t Dlvisio ns)


Dear Sir/Jr4adam,

The Urban Unit has prepared this Request for Proposal (RFP) to for,,RegionalDevelopment Plans for Southem Tourism Zone (Multan and Bahawalpur Divisions)',against the advenisement issued on date _OJ April ,2919.

2. The Consultant will be selected under the "Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS) Method (80% Technical cad 20o/o Financial marks). and *Single Stage TwoEnvelope Bidding Procedure" described in this RFP, in accordance with the punjabProcurements Rules 2014.

3. It is mandatory for proposals to be made using the Standard Forms of the RFp.Proposals that are not in the prescribed format may be discarded. If any informationrequired in the forms is found missing, or *ritten elsewhere, no credit will be given in therelevant section ofthe evaluation

4. Two sets of "Technical Proposel" (one original and one copy) and one set oforiginal "Financial Proposal" on the prescribed forms given in the RFp, separatelysegled signe-d & stamped. must be delivered to the address given below by no later thanluc'Jq7, X3 April,2019 before 11:00 AM. The Technical proposal wili be opened on

the same day at I l:30 AM in the presence of the representatives of the pre-eualifiedConsultants who may wish to attend. The Financial Proposal of only TechnicallyResponsive Consultant will be opened.

5. The Evaluation Criteria is provided in this RFP. The Technically ResponsiveConsultant will be invited for Financial Opening after scoring at least sixty-five (65%)percent marks in the Technical Proposal. After the Financial Opening, the combinedevaluation ofthe Technical and Financial proposals will be carried out by weighting andadding the quality and cost scores. The weight for quality is eighty percent (80%) andtwenty percent (207o) for cost component.

6. Bid security for a sum equivalent to 2Vo of estimated amount PKR 2.9 Millioninclusive of all taxes, i.e. PKR 58,000/-, in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt/payOrder/Bank Draft in the favor of "Urban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit(Pvt) Limited" must be fumished along with Financial Proposal.

(Chief Executive Oflicer)Urban Sector Planning and

Management Services Unit (Pvt)Limited

,/Page 3 of47


Letter of Invitation for Resional Develooment PIans for SouthernTourism Zone fMultan and Bahawalour Divisions)

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RFP - Hi try oI Consultoncy Fim lot Regiondl Development Pbns lor sE,uthe'n loudsm Zone (Muttono nd Bohowolpu t Divis b n s)

Table ofContentsTERMS & CONDITIONS

General:Cancellation of Contract: .....Payment to the ConsultanPayment of income & other taxes, duties, leviesDeduction of Taxes: ...










7Method of selection...................



Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.Bookmark not defined.


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RFP - Hhtng ol Consultonq Fim hr Regionol Development Plans lot buthem lourism Zone (Muttonond Bohowdl put Div b lonsl

TERMS & CONDITIONSThe Urban Unit Planning & Management Services Unit (h/t.) Limited, (hereinafrer referred to as"The Aban Unit" or Client") invites sealed bids from eligible and experienced income tax &PRA registered company i firm (hereinafler refened to as "Bidder") for "Regional DevelopmentPlans for Southem Tourism Zone (Multan and Bahawalpur Dvisions)"1. General:

l.l Any offer not received as per terms & conditions of the tender enquiry is liable tobe ignored. No offer shall be considered if:

a) received without bid securityb) it is received after the time and date fixed for its receiptc) not sigred & stamped by authorizcd person on each page of RFP documentd) the offer is ambiguouse) the ofEer is received by fax or e-mailf) the offer is from a black listed company / firmg) offer r€ceived with shorter validity than requiredh) the offer is not conforming to the qualification criteria indicated in the RFP

documenti) any additional terms & conditions added by the bidderj) any conditional offer

1.2 Bid will remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening the tender.1.3 The cover envelop must indicate particulars of tender and date of opening. The

envelope must be properly sealed.1.4 The bid security shall be forfeited if:

a- The acceptance of consultancy is not received within ten days of issuance ofletter of acceptance.

b. The offer is withdrawn, amended or revised-c. The bidder fails to execute the contract strictly in accordance with terms and

conditions of RFP document.1.5 The bidder must submit all relevant documents, as per evaluation criteria.1.6 Projects provided in the proposal shall be marked once and in a single category


Cancellation of Contract:ln case bidder fails to execute the contract in accordance with the terms & conditions laiddown in the contract, the contract will be terminated by the Client.

Payment to the Consultatrt:Payment will be made tfuough cross<heque to the consultant on the completion ofdeliverable after receiving of invoice / bill.

Palment of income & other taxes, duties, levies:Services shall be made from the firms registered with income /sales tax (if applicable).Income. other such taxes, and other duties levies will be liability ofthe Firm.

Deduction of Tares:Any taxes (if applicable) will be deducted while making payment as per GovernmentRules / [nstructionV Notifi cations-





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RFP - Htrtng ol Consuttdnay Firm lot Regionol Devetopment Pbns hr buthem toudsm Zorc (Mutt,,nond 8o howalpu t Div isio ns)

Dispute:In case of any dispute before or after the execution of contract, matter will be resolvedas per Punjab hocurement Rules 2014

Method of Selection7.1 The weight for technical & company strength will be of eighty percent (80o/o)

and twenty percent (207o) to the financial bid.7.2 Quality and Cost Selection method shall be adopted as per Rule 45 of Punjab

Procurement Rules 2014





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Refer Particulars



Name of the assignment is: consultancy Firm for "Regional Development plans for Southem TourismZone (Mulan and Bahawalpur Divisions)"

3 A pre- bid,/proposal conference will be held: Yes _ No X


The Client will provide dre following inputs and facilities:i. Provision of data" information and documents/frameworks as per Terms of Reference

ii. Support in relation to Stakeholder Consultations, as may be agreed

6 Proposals must remain valid for 90 days after the submission date


clarifications may be requested in writing by an authorized representative not later than 07 daysbefore the submission date.

The address for requesting clarifications is:Chief Executive OffrcerUrban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (p!t) LimitedOftice No. 503, 5m Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, LahoreTelephone: +92- 42-99205316 to 22Facsimile: +9242-99205323Email: [email protected]

8 Proposals shall be submitted in the following language: English

9consultants should submit details of02 (Two) of similar assignments undertaken in last l0 yearswith documentary evidence.

l0cvs ofthe individuals should contain details on conduct of2 (Two) relevant assignments in thepast l0 (Ten) years.

ll Training is a specific component of this assignment:Yes No X

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turnwotput ottlsrons)

Name of the Client: Urban Services Planning and Management Serices Unit (Pvt) Limited


As per Punjab Procurement Rules 2014

Financial Proposal to be submitted together with Technical Proposal (sealed, in separateewelops):Yes X No_

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Amounts payable by the Client to the Consultant under the Agreement to be subject to all local

Yes X No_Taxes are deducted at source from payment to the Consultants unless they have Tax

Exemption Certificate.

Payment to be made in PKR in local bank account.



l{ The date of exchange rate is: Not applicable


Consultant must submit Proposal which must be sealed and clearly labelled. In case of any

discrepancy, hard copy ofthe document would be refened to as the Original prevailing Proposal.

t7Proposals must be submiued no later than the following date and time: 'I0e9doy, 1 3 ap"il,


l8.l Bid security of Rs.58,000/- which is 2olo of estimated cost, (estimated cost is Rs 2.9 Million)in shape of CDR/Pay Order/Bank Draft from a SBP Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in the name of"Urban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (h^) Limited" and shall have to be

att ched along with techtricd proposal.lE.2 Bid security of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded on the finalization oftheTender whereas the bid security ofsuccessful bidder shall be refunded on the completion ofservices.

19 The ceiling of Consultant liability shall be limited to l00o/o of contract value.


Evaluation Criteria is described hereunder:


A. General Eligibility:

The consulgncy firm must submit:

I . Copy of Registration Certificate (Company/AOP/Firm);

2. Copy of Registration with FBR along with active tax payer status;

ge 8 of47


RFP - Hrttt,q ol @nsurE/rr.l Fhm lot Regionol Dc,rclo,,ncnt Pbns rot soutlEm lowism zone (Muttun ond,p,llpwotput Dtvisbns)

List the applicable reimbursable expenses in local currency.

Not Applicable

The Proposal submission address is

Chief Executive OfficerUrban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (P!r) LimitedOffice No. 503, 5th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, [ahore

2019 before 11:00 AM

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Copy of Regisration with Punjab Revenue Authority, along with active tax payer


A certificate / affidavit that Bidder is not blacklisted by any Govemment /Autonomous Body in Pakistan;

Audited statements/Income Tax Retum of accounts for the last 3 years.

List of propose professional staff along with C.Vs of relevant core staff showing

project-wise experience.

List of similar works completed (preferably in Public sector) during last l0 years

and similar works in hand, indicating scope of work, total cost ofsuch works and

cost of projects received against those works along with date of start and

completion or expected date of completion.

B. Evaluation Criteria:

Evaluation will be based on all the criteria regarding the Relevant Experience, PersonalCapabilities, Qualifications, and Methodology & Work Plan of the Consultant as

demonstrated by the Consultant's responses in the forms attached to this letter. TheClient reserves the right to waive minor deviations, if these do not materially affect thecapability of a Consultant to perform the contract. The experience and resources of theJoint Venture/Associates, Sub-Consultant shall not be taken into account in determiningthe compliance of the Consultant with the qualifuing criteria. The further detailed criteriafor each head is given as follows:

The further detailed criteria for each head is given as follows:






Page 9 of


REP - Htuing d Cotuultonq Fim lot Regionot D*Wment Pbns lor ',,uthe'r,

Tol,rlsm zone (Mulun ond


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Sr. Attribute Marks


2 Relevant Projects 100 marks each


Teum Lead 200 Marks

Education 50 Marks

50 Marks

2 Relevant Projects 100 Marks (50 Marlc Each)

Tourism Expert I 50 Mqrks

Educalion 30 Morks

10 Marks

2 Relevant Projects 80 Mark (40 Marks Eoch)

Urhaty'Tourbm Planner 150 Mqrks

Education 30 Marks

kprierce (at least 7 years) 40 Marks

2 Relevant Projects 80 Marks (40 Mark Each)


{A}'ERAGE TURNOVER FOR LAST 3 YEARS(furnover in PKR, as per Income TaxStatements/Audit Financial Statemetrt)

Total 100 Marks

02-5 Million PKR 50 Morks

More than 5 Million PKR 100 Marks


Education of Human Resource will be marked as follows:

Relevant ro ment will be marked as follows:

80% Marksl8 Years of Education 90% MarksPhD 100% Marks

ProjectsStrong t00%Medium 7s%o

Weak 5|Yo

Z^r" 10 of 47


RFP-H inq o, @asl{/tonly Fhn lot ReglE,not Devebpnent Pbns tot s,,utlt€rm foudsm Zone lMulton ondblnwotput Divisbns)

bperience (at least l0 )ears)

Experience (at least 7 years)

l6 Years of Education

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RFP - Hhing of Lonsultoncy Ftum fot Regionol Development Plans fot tuuthe,./,r. Toudsm Zone (Muftdn andBahdwolput Divisions)


OTENl. Format for Firm's relevant experience at Annexure - A.2. Format for CV at Annexure - B.3. Relevant Project will be assessed according to ToRs.4. Relevant Project includes Hospitality and Tourism, Resort Management / Tour

Operator, Master Planning, Hotel Operations & Marketing5. All personnel experience shall be considered after 16 years ofeducation.6. Any information not meeting the minimum criteria will be marked zero (0).

METHODOLOGYCredit Marks shall be awarded on the basis of the followi criteria:

DescriptionApproach and Methodologr.For evaluation ofthis aspect of the consultant, Approach and Methodolory proposed bythe consultant to carry out the assignment is fitrther sub-divided in to:

l-Understanding of the Scope of Work: which should address the TOR in details. (20o/" Marks)

2-Quality of Methodologr: which should cover all phases of the assignment as pertasks (307o Marks) with detail breakdown & description ofactivities and steps for eachTask

presentations on methodolory and scope. (507o Marta)3. The Consultants will make

Sub-total: 200

Important Note:o The Technical qualification scores are 65Yo.o The Financial Proposal of Technical Qualified Consultancy Firms will be

considered for final Evaluation


The forrnula for determining the fmancial scores is the following:

Sf= 1000 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F the price of

the proposal under consideration.

The weights given to the Technical (T) and Financial Proposals (F) are:

T:0.8 (Technical proposal 80%) and

F:02 (Financial proposal 20%)

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RFP - Hhing ol C-onsukoncy Ffum lot Regioaol Develoryent Ptons fot so,uthe|7 Toutkm zone (Muttan ondBahqwqlput Divisions)


Expected date and address for agreernent negotiations:

Mondoy, April 22, 2019


Chief Executive OfiicerUrban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (P!t) LimitedOffice No. 503, 5th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, lahore


Expected date for commencement of Consultancy services

Monday, Moy 6, 2019


Number of Bids:

Eaoh Bidder shalt submit only one (l) Bid in response to this RFP. As per Rules 36 (A) of Punjab

Procurement Rules 2014, one firm is allowed to submit one bid only. In any procurement, one

firm submits more than one bids, the procuring agency shall reject all such bids.



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RFP - Hhlng of Consultoncy Fhm fot Regionol Development Plons for $uthe'lN foudsm Zone (Mukon ondtuhowolpur Divkions)



Regional Development Plans for Southern Tourism Zone(Multan and Bahawalpur Divisions)


Govemment of the Punjab developed "Punjab Jobs & Competitiveness Program for Resuls(J&C P4R) Program" with the assistance of World Bank to support industrial development

in Punjab in the light Punjab Growth Strates/ 201E. Investment Climate Reforms, SpatialDevelopment, Industrial Development and PPPs are components of the Program. Punjab

Spatial Strategy (PSS) is one ofthe key component ofthe Program.

The "Punjab Jobs & Comp€titiveness Program for Results (J&C P4R) Program" is in directsupport ofthe World Bank's Country Partnership Strateg/ (CPS) for Pakistan 2015-19 and

in particular the objective of promoting private s€ctor development. It intends to promoteprivate sector development by reducing the cost and risk of doing business in Punjab,

improving compliance with international labor standards under the Generalized System ofPreferences (GSP+) of the European Union (EU), and promoting efiicient spatialdevelopment and the provision oftechnical support to industrial clusters.

The objective of the PSS is to provide a reflection of current trends and functionalrelationships throughout Punjab. Its role is to provide guidance in categorizing the diversityand specific needs of different communities within the plan area in terms of sector orthemes (e.g. infi'astructur€, tansportation, economic or environment). For example, it willidentifr existing functional relationships between particular places (such as cities or city-regions) and broadly estimate the Upe, size and scope of future needs. Stratery will helpprioritize and coordinate public investrnent decisions with respect to the following:

o location of industrial estates;

. Investments in large-scale infrastructure projects (especially related to transport /connectivity); and

o lnfrastructure investnents in order to best support economic growth. Includingdirecting of Tourism related proposals to the 3 Zones as proposed under the PSS.

{This engagement is for one of the three proposed Zones)

In order to undertake the project activities, a team of Urban Planners, Economists, GISprofessionals, Transportation experts, Environmentalists and support staff have been

working at the Head Office and at each nodal office for the preparation ofa Core Strateg/,certain economic and policy research and analysis have been undertaken for theformulation of respective frameworks.

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RFP - Hlring ol Consukoncy Flm lot negionql Oevetopmeat Plons lot $uthern Toutkm Zone (Muftan aaduhqwolput Divisioas)

PSS to be validated by Panel of Experts and approved by the Cabinet. Necessary

institutional structure is also requircd to b€ set in place. After the stratery is approved,

alignment ofpublic sector investment for three years with the PSS will be the next step.


The Urban Unit requires the services of a consultant firm for the development of Regional

Spatial Plans for a Tourism Zone in the South of Punjab (Multan and Bahawalpur Division)and undertake work to develop necessary framework for implementation and proposals foraligned projects and development schemes at the regional level.

The firm will use the work done by the Urban Unit to form the basis of their Regional

Spatial Plans. The Firm will conduct site visits and surveys and prepare reports and

recommendations to validate the opportunity to form Tourism Clusters in the Southem

Tourism Zone (Behawalpur end Multan Division).

These Regional Spatial Plans (RSPs) must include proposed clusters of tourist interests!

natural sites, heritage sites, cultural activities, festivals & traditions, archeological sites,

parks & recreational sites and adventure tourism locations including activities based in the

urban centers of Multan and Bahawalpur city. The firm must provide detailed assessment

ofthe attraction sites conditions, frequency and nature of visitors, accessibility options and

routes, consumer (tourist) preferences and willingness to pay (wTP), accommodation and

meals options, access to emergency services and institutional presence; including any other

information mentioned in the detailed terms of reference.

The consultant should give special emphasis to the Cholistan desert due to its untapped

tourism potential. Cholistan locally known as 'Rohi' is a famous desert 30 Km from

Bahawalpur and comprises ofan area of 16,000 sq.km which extends up to the Thar desert

extending over to Sindh. Cholisan promises visual delights for tourists in the form ofevents, heritage, music, festivals, fireworks, and desert racing events. The desert is home tothe 96 century marvel called the Derawar fort. Moreover, the desert hosts two major events

that attract thousands of tourists and is a source of employment for the indigenous people.

A comprehensive map detailing the three tourism zones has been annexed. The focus of the

consultancy should be on the Southem Zone (Multan & Bahawalpur Divisions).


The specific assignment ofthe Consultancy sought:

l. Develop a Work Plan that lays out the broad survey areas, outcomes sought, type ofinformation gathering (FGDs, Interviews, on site surveys, visual assessments),

locations, expected table of contents ofthe report). Identifu and finalize locations ofeach type of survey that will be conducted to the satisfaction and approval of the


2. Develop survey questionnaires, focus group topic guides to the satisfaction and

approval ofthe Client prior to field work that incorporates:


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RFP - Hiting of Coosultsncy Fim lot Regionol Development Plons for fuuthe/n Tourism zone (Mufton ondEahowolput Divisions)

2.1 Zone Branding Strates/The consultant shall conduct a comprehensive branding assessment of the proposed sitesand clusters. The assessments shall focus on developing the following:

I. Brand Strategr for lntemational and National image of the Region

II. Tours Operator's Perception

2.2 Site AccessibilityThe consultant shall ensure that the following amenities and meteorological conditions are

covercd for accessibility to the proposed sites:

I. The infrastructure of the roads and their load capacityII. All available Public transport routes including railways and airportsIII. The local amenities and facilities that can provide hospitality to the potential

tourists on a sharing economy business model (e.g. Airbnb)IV. Access to facility through the points ofentry for the site

V. Weather and climate conditions.

23 Site Assessment (Infrastructu re)The assessment shall include the parameters but not limited to the following:

Asset condition, waiting area, reception/ information desk, boundary wall, private

parking, taxi parking, cleanliness, quality of drinking water, booking area of bus

terminal, mosque facility, lighting system, security, maintenance of assets etc. must

include the peak months/ week and/or major annual events of each destinationgiving an estimate calendar of visitors.

2.,1 Site Network

The identification of functional connectivity with other site for development of atourism circuitLinkages with neighboring towns and cities for development of tourism nodes.

Identification of economic linkages to determine economic corridor based on

activitiesSocial linkages that incorporate the indigenous culture, languages, festivals and




2.5 Visitor CountI. Conduct Visitor Count survey at identified tourism assets with assessment of

financial inflows.II. Counts shall be summarized to identified peak periods

III. Consumer surveys of Tourisc' perception of services available, aspired and

willingness to pay

vwersof a/z



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The recommendations should focus on the soft and hard Infi'astructure interventions andthe benefits that accrue from agglomeration and network development for tourism sites.

I. All survey results by geo-tagged pictorial evidences.

II. Submit raw and refined data of all surveys including the filled questionnaires to the

Client at the conclusion ofthe project

III. Prepare comprehensive reports in word and excel format and make power pointpresentations on the results, conclusion and recommendations as desired by the

Client during the course of tle consultancy

lV. Present and engage with Panel of Experts, advisors and UU team as required.

V. Prepare comprehensive model of tourism clusters based around urban centers toaugment the hub.and-spoke model of tourism development proposed by the Punjab

Spatial Stratery; leading to development of Tourism Master Plan including detailedcosting for all proposed interventions, projects and up-gradations.

VI. Other tnformation sought through this engagement:

i. Iocal Crafu and Related Industries: location, Number of Shops, Affrliated


ii. Local Tribes and Culture: A brief intro to the local demography, their

customs traditions and norms.

CONDUCT OF THE CONSULTANCYThe consultancy firm will be engaged by dre Urban Unit for the surveys of the

Tourism component of the project namely "Punjab Spatial Strategy". The firm willreport to the ChiefExecutive Olficer ofthe Urban Unit.

The Consultancy firm will work closely with the team constituted by the UrbanUnit for undertaking the work defined above. The Terms of Reference may change

as per mutual understanding ofthe Urban Unit and the Consultant.

The Urban Unit wilt ensure that the Consultant has all necessary information,

contacts, resources and meetings needed to perform the assignment.



TIME DURATIONThe Urban Unit requires the services ofthe consultant for a period of4 months


RFP - Hi rry ol @nsultonq Firm tot Rqtondt Erdrelopment Plons lot s,/uthe'I, Touism Z e (Muhon ondtuhowslput Divisions)


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RFP - Hiing of Coosuftgncy Fhm lot Regionol Development Ptoas lor buthem Toudsm Zone (Mukon ondBohowalpur Divisions)

PAYMENT MECHANISMThe Urban Unit shall make payments against following deliverables subjected to successfulacceptance of:

All deliverables to be submitted in following format

l. Hard Copies (2 Nos.)

2. SoftCopy

Page 17 of,7

I Team Lead

At least 16 Y€ars ofEducation in Public Policy,Hospitality, BusinessAdmin. or otrer relevantfield

4l0 yean of experience in thefield of Hospitality, Tourismor In-bound Tour Operations

2 Tourism Expert

At least l6 Years ofEducation in TourismManagemenq Hospitality,Business Admin.Archeology, Or olherrelevant field,

27 years of experience in thefield of Hospitality andTourism Management


At least 16 Years ofEducation in MasterP lanning, Architecture,Urban Planning or Tourism


7 years of eryerience inMaster Planning, UrbanPlanning and/or Tourisrn/hosDitality sectors


Agreement upon the Objectives, Methodology, SurveyLocations, Survey Questionnaires, Focus Group TopicGuides, Analysis Techniques and Outcomes of theProject between the client and the firm.

20 yo

2 Surveys ReportInitial Survey Results, Summarized tables, Raw excelsheets, lnitial analysis


3TourismMaster Plan

Detailed analysis leading to Tourism Master Plan forSouth Punjab, as per TORs


4 Final ReportAny changes to Draft Final Report as required by theClient




Sr.Key StaffRequired Qualification


Experierce and Expertise

Sr. Deliverable DescriptionReport shcll at least include: PaYment

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RFP - Hhing ol Consultonly Fitm lot Regionol Darelopment Plons lor Southen foudsm zone (Muftdn ondBahowolput Divisions,

REPORTING TIMELINESConsultant shall adhere to the following timelines:

PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTAI{CYThe total amount of this consultancy is PKR 3 million (inclusive of all applicable feeJtariffs and taxes). The payments shall be dispersed to the consultancy firm as per thepayment schedule above.

Within 2 weeksI Inception ReportWithin 8 weeks2 Survey Report

3Tourism MasterPlan

Within l0 weeks

4 Final Report Within 16 weeks

4_ 18 of 47


Sr. Deliverable Submission(from date of sicnirs of cotrtrrct)

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RFP - Hidng ol C.onsutfrncy Fhm fot Regionol [rqebpment Pbns tot tuutlltrr,n Touism zone (Mukon oadulmwalput Dlvislons)


VPage 19 of


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RFP - Hi ng ol Consuttoncy Fim lot Regionol Development Plons fot guthen Tourism Zone (Muftdn qndtulpwolput Dlvlsionst

Tourism Zones

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Annexure - A

/* 20 of 47


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RFP - Hfutng ol C.onsutton y Fim for Regionol Devebpment Plons lor $uthern fowism zone (Mukon ondtuhowqlput oivisions)

INTORMATION RELATED TO EXPERIENCE[Using the fornat below, provide information on each project for whbh you, and each associate

for this project, was legally contacted a:; a corporate entity or as one ofthe major members withinan coru;ortium, for carrying oul project similar to the ones requested under this Project. Usemqimum l0 pages. Please provide Client's certification and/or evidence of the contract

Note:l. Onb ,le eligible projecls thol sarisly teclnical uiteria shall be irclu&d2. All rlv Fimrciol runbrs arc ,o be given in Pak Rupees3. Only Conpleted projects qte to b added

(Signature of Authorized Signatory)


Project name: Value ofthe agreement (in curent PKR)

CounEy:Location within country:

Duration of project (months)

Name of Client: Total No. of staff-months Oy your company) onthe project:

Start date (month./year):

Completion date (month/year):

Value oftotal project provided under anagreement (in current PKR)

In case ofconsortium, value ofpart ofthe project

provided by Bidder under the egreement (incurrent PKR):

Name of associated members, if any: No. ofprofessional staff-months provided byassociated members:

Name ofsenior professional staffofyour company involved and functions performed (indicatemost significant profiles such as Team Leader, Economist etc):

Narrative description of Project:

Description ofactual services provided by your staff wirhin the assignment:

Bidder serl & stamp


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Annexure - BCURRTcULUM Vmm (CV) ron Pnorussroxlr, Srarr

l. Current Posilbn lonly orc candidate shall be nombwedfot each positionl:

2. Name of Comptny llnsert name of compdtry proposing the staf):

3. Name of Steff flrcert fiill rumel:

4. Date of Birth:

5. Education:

6. f,mployment Record [Slarlirg u ith present posiriotL list in reverse order every enploynent letd by stffmember since gradualioq giingfot each enplqvrrwt (see formor here below): dnes ofemploynlent, name ofenploying organizatio4 pos itions lgldll

22 of 47

7. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned

l) Name of project:




Main project features:

Positions held:

Activities performed:



Degree Major/Minor Institution Year

Employet Position Brief dacription dtooth done




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2) Name of assignment or project:




Main project features:

Positions held:

Activities performed:

luntoll p fioject details gtoup and contimte numbering (3, 4, ...) as iaay tirrps as k requiredl

13. Certilication:

I, the undersigned, certiry that to the best ofmy knowledge and beliet this CV correctly describesmyself, my qualifications, and my exprience. I understand that any wilful missAtemsnt describedherein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, ifengaged.

Date[Signolwe of sld nember or authorized rcpresen dive d the sd] Dav/Monly'Year

Full name of authorized representative:




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(to be filled by the Bidder)

Note: Amounts mentioned in this form will be against all points mentioned in ToRs and inclusive ofall taxes.

24 of 47

HR Cost

I 4

2 Tourism Expert 2

3 Urban /Tourism Planner 2

Sub-Total (A)

Out of Pocket Expenses (Lump Sum)

Sub-Total (B)

Total (A+B)

Taxes: Add PST

Grand Total



Sr. Position StaITMonths Unit CostTotal

flncl. of Taxes)

Team lrad

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The Urban Unitrr!- sird Plir{ t lL'Fd'r S.i(B lhr lA^) Ird


Consultancy Firm Name

Project Name

twezsof ly'/


March 2019

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