T]RBAN SECTOR PLAI\NING & MANAGEMENT SERVTCES UrlrT (PRTVATE) LIMITED The Urban Unit Udan Seclor Planning & Manag€ment Services Uoit (Ad.) ttd. TENDER DOCUMENT HIRING OF INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS FOR INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN OF CHOLISTAN (Single Stage One Envelope) (Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014) s 503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: 012-W205316-22 Fa,\: 042-35213459, web: $nrl.urbanunit.eo} ok Page I of 18 Tender #UUl202l-22lCl P- \

The Urban Unit

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The Urban UnitUdan Seclor Planning & Manag€ment Services Uoit (Ad.) ttd.



(Single Stage One Envelope)

(Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014)

s503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: 012-W205316-22

Fa,\: 042-35213459, web: $nrl.urbanunit.eo} ok

Page I of 18

Tender #UUl202l-22lCl



Table ofContentsTERMS & CONDITIONS........................

General:Time PeriodPlace ofExtension of Response TimeCancellation / Penalty of DelayPavment to the ConsultantsEstimated Budget:............Deduction of Taxes:














Dispute:Eligibility & Evaluation CriteriaMethod for SelectionBid / Tender opening procedureOne person one bidContract PeriodDate of Submission / opening of bids: ..............


503 - Shaheen Complex. Egerton Road, LahorE. Ph: 042-99205316-22Fa-\: 042-152 13459, Webr u1rrr.uft anunil.sov.pk

Page 2 of 18

urban Sector Planning & Management Services unit (Pvt.) Limited (hereinafter refened to as

"The Urban Ilnit" or Client") invites sealed bids from eligible and experienced (hereinafier

refened to as "Bidder") for the specified job as per Annex-A (hereinafer refened to as



l. General:

l.l Any offer not received as per terms & conditions of the tender enquiry is liable tobe ignored. No offer shall be considered if:

a) it is received after the time and date fixed for its receipt

b) the offer is ambiguousc) the offer is received by fax or e-maild) the offer is from a black listed Individuale) offer received with shorter validity than requiredf) the offer is not conforming to terms of references indicated in the tender

documentg) any additional terms & conditions added by the bidderh) any conditional offeri) bid shall contain updated CV/Resume of the bidder (signed by the bidder on

each page). Bid shall also contain I (One) Passport size photogra.ph and a

financial bid/quote (as per format at Annex - B)









Time Period:The bidder will have to start the services right after signing of agreement. Total duration

ofthe contracts for all Los is 6 Months. The response time for any query should never be

more than three working daYs.

Place of Senice:The selected consultants will work in Bahawalpur Division and at his/her home

office/Project Office in Lahore tentatively splitted equally. Positions for LOT# 9 would

entirely be based in Bhawalpur Division.

Extension of Response Time:In special circumstances. request for extension of response time may be considered by the

Competent Authority (Chief Executive Officer, Urban Unit) on the written request of the

Bid will remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening the tender.

No change in price will be made in case of Pak rupees variation against US$ and

any other cas€ as may be.

The cover envelop must indicate particulars of tender, Lot# and date of opening.

The envelope must be properly sealed.

Bidders shall participate and bid for complete terms of references per LOT,mentioned at Annex-A.The bidder must attach a photocopy oftheir National Identity Card (CNIC).

Offered rates will be on the basis of complete TORs detailed per LOT at Annex-A

and shall be inclusive ofall applicable taxes.

Contract(s) will be awarded to Technically Responsive Highest Evaluated Bidder

by The Urban Unit after the approval ofCompetent Authority i.e. ChiefExecutiveOfficer of The Urban Unit.Urban Unit has the right to cancel this Tender or any Lot of this Tender at any

time without stating any reason.

All applicable federal and provincial taxes shall be deducted at the time ofpayment.Urban Unit has the right to ask for and check all original documents (as per

CV/Resume ofbidder) ofbidder at any stage ofthe Tender.




503 - Shaheen Cornplex, Egenon Road. t ho.e. Ph: 04.2'99205316'22

Fax: 042-35211459. Web: $\r$.lrbanunit.qor.oL

Page 3 of 18


Bidder/lndividual before the right time, who is authorized to either accept or reject therequest ofbidder without assigning any reason.




Cancellation / Penaly ol Delay:4.1 The Services will be inspected by The Urban Unit through an authorized personnel

and will be rejected, if not found according to the given terms of references asmentioned in LOTs at Annex-A.

4.2 Bill deductions will be as per Annex-A in case of cumulative downtime in anycalendar month.

Payment to the Consuhants:Palrnents will be made through crossed cheque to the bidder upon acceptance ofDeliverables after 100% satisfactory services as per relevant TORs and approved byrelevant Team Lead. No payment will be made as advance. All applicable federal andprovincial taxes shall be deducted at the time of payment.

Estimated Budget:The Overall Total Estimated budget for this Tender is PKR I1.65 Million (inclusive of alltaxes). LOT wise breakdown ofoverall Estimated Budget is mentioned as Annex- A.

Deduction ol Taxes:Any axes (if applicable) will be deducted while making payment as per GovemmentRules / Instructions / Notifications.

Dispute:In case ofany dispute before or after the execution of contract, matter will be resolved asper PPRA Rules 2014.



10. El@biliry A Evoluation Criteria:

I 0. 1. Eligibility Criteria

The following Eligibility Criteria shall apply to EACH LOT:

NOTE: Bidders who are not eligible (do not pass the above eligibility criteria) shall becons idered as tec hn ically non-respons ive.

I 0.2. Eval ualion CriteriaThe following Evaluation Criteria shall apply to EACH LOT:

\x503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, tahore. Ph]. fA2-99205316-22

Fax: M2-15211459, Web: $ $ $.urbanufl ir. so\ .pk

Sr.No. Clause Yes/llo

The bidder must have the minimum relevant academic qualificationmentioned

1 The bidder must have the minimum relevant experience mentioned


Clause Marks


Number ofyears ofAcademic qualification:(Total 40 Marks)

20 Marks for 16 years education.30 Marks for l8 years education.40 Marks for PhDs.

Page 4 of 18






Methodfor Selection:I I .l Quality and Cost Based Selection (E0 technical :20 financial) will be adopted.

I L2 The contract will be awarded to Technically Responsive Highest Evaluated Bidder.

Bid / Tender opening procedure:As per PPRA Rules 2014, single stage one envelope bidding procedure shall be adopted.

Following will be the steps.

a. The bid shall comprise a single package containing eligibility documents and

financial bid.b. The envelope shall be opened publically, lot wise.c. After the approval of overall evaluation by the approval authoriq', it will be uploaded

on PPRA website.

d. After the grievance period has passed, the contract will be awarded to TechnicallyResponsive Highest Evaluated Bidder.

One person one bid:One person may submit one bid for any single Lot. lfone person submits more than one

bid for any single Lo! the procuring agency shall reject all such bids. A person may bidfor more than one Lot however, no person will be awarded contract for more than one


Contract Period:Contract time period for all Lots is 6 Months.

Note: Bidders must attach copies of required documents with annexures.

15. Date ol Submission / opening of bids:

Receipt of bids : 0o* JcPlc.,^\or, .2021 till I l:00 AMOpening of bids: 0crN 9-bfe-r- . 2021 at ll:30 AM at Committee Room of the Urban

Unit, 503 - Shaheen Compldr Egerton Road, Lahore


Chief Executive OIIicerUrban Sector Planning & Management

Services Unit (Pvt.) Limited


1Number ofyears ofRelevant Experience:(Total 40 Marks)

20 Marks for minimum required experience per eachlot.2 Marks per erlra year of experience up to a tolal of20 marks.

JFinancial Bid amount:(Total 20 Marks)

Lowest Bid (lot wise) will be given 20 marks, rest willbe evaluated as per following formula:

Financial Score =(20) x

Lowest Price of Financial Proposal

Price of Financial Proposal in Review

503 - shaheen Compler; Egenon Road. Lahorc. Pht 042-99205316-22Fa.r: 042-352 I 3459. web u rl sr)t ok

Page 5 of l8

LOT# Description ofHR.

Main Job D€scription/ Terms ofRefererces (TORs)

Min. Qualification Min. Experience Deliverable & Payment EstimatedAmounl(PKR)

I Tourism


o Ensuring the development of a TourismSector Plan as detailed in Task No.2.3.

. Responsible for preparing lhe CholistanTourism Plan with detailed interventionsfor uplifting the touristic potential.

o Recommendations on promotional

marketing, desert safari, events etc.. Recommendations and strategies for

development of Model Villages, Resort at

Derawar, Forts Trail etc.

. Recommendation on cultural roadshow.o Recommending, helping in collecting and

analyzing the CIS database of the touristsites, forts, attractions etc.

o ldenti8ing, conceptualizing and

developing tourism potential and

marketlng strategies for its promotion.. Knowhow on organizing festivals,

seasonal events and liaise with localmedial, departments etc.

Master's Degree inTourism and relateddegree

l0 years ofexperience ofdesigning, feasibi I itystudy, implemenlation oftourism projects.

Inception Report (10%)

Initial Field Visit Reporr (10%)

Situational Analysis Repon and Way Forward (20%)Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40%)Final Report (20o/o)


2 Transponation

ExpertEnsuring the Development of a

Transportation Sector as detailed in Task

No.2.5.Ensuring condition based mapping ofexisting road infrastructure.


Engineer withMasters in relevantfield.

07 years ofexperience ofProject surveys, design,

feasibilities and

implementation andproject management of

Inception Report (l0o/o)

Initial Field visir RePorr (t0%)Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (20%)Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o)

Final Report (20o/o)


d,A503 - Shahe€n Complcx, Egenon Road, Lahore. Ph: 042.992053t6-22

Iraxt 042-352 I 3459, Web: $,nw.urlranunit.qov.pk (Paee 6'of 18' '




Deliverable & PaymentMin. ExperienceM in. QualificatiortMain Job Description/ Terms ofReferences (TORs)

Description ofHR.


Transportation ProjectsStrategies for Public Transport route


Proposal for new and up-gradation ofexisting roads and allied features with


Analysis of collected GIS based database

of transportation network.lnception Report (10%)

Initial Field visit Report (10%)

Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (20olo)

Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o)

Final Report (20o/o)

At least 05 years ofexperience in preparation

and management offinancial documents and

financial feasibilities etc

! 6 years ofqualification in


accounting and

finance / ACMA/CFA

Plan and Manage budget plan and

supervise fi nancial documents.

Administer effective budget execution

and maintain intemal controls.

Develop fi nancial objectives, instructions

and procedures

Assisting the experts in chalking financial

feasibility of the projects.

Monitor and report changes to the budget

as it goes through the review process.

Perform related duties and fulfillsresponsibilities as required.

Review and reconcile on regular basis.




t,650.000/-Monthly Progress Report (20% each, total 6)At least 03 years ofexperience in Project

Management and


l6 years ofeducation in

Economics /Civil /Agriculture/Environment /Engineering/Sciences or related


Responsible for overall coordination

between the stake holders.

Assistant Project Manager in the delivery

ofthe Task No. I to Task 4.

Organizing, attending and participating in

stakeholder meetings.

Documenting and following uP on

important actions and decisions from




503 - Shahe€n Compl€x, tiSerton Road, l-ahore. Phr 042-992051 l6-22% in\ il"i-'-I;:ii.iir) i\(l' s$$ ,rrirrrrrrrrrr -,'\ lr'Pa,rc 7 ol' l8


Description ofHR.

Main Job Dcscription/ Terms ofReferences (TORs)

Min. Qualilication Min, Experience D€liverable & Pavm€nt Estimated



Preparing necessary presentationmaterials for meetings

Monitor and track project's progress andhandle any issues that arise.



. Development of organization standardoperating procedure.

. Updating ofCDA organogram.

. Understanding lhe institutional issues.

. Addressing institutional gaps through acomprehensive restructuring plan.

r Overview and developing approach ofChange Management / Assessment ofCapacity.

. Roadmap to implementation.

Master's Degree inHuman Resource


Management orr€lated discipline.

lnception Report (10%)Inirial Field Visir Report ( l0%)Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (20%o)

Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o)

Final Report (2oo/o)



6 Archaeology /Heritage


Ensuring the Development ofArcheological Sector plan as detailed inTask No.2.7.

Study and mapping of the archeologicalsites in cholistan.Comprehensive Archeological SectorPlan for assessment, identification andconservation ofthe ofthe sites.

Proposal for archeological potential indifferent areas.

Coordinating with the local authorities forunderstanding further on archeologicalpotential.

Master's Degree inArchitecture/Archaeology/Conservation orrelated field-

lnception Report (10%)lnitial Field Visir Report (10%)Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (20%)Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o\

Finaf Report (20o/o\


d4Fax: 042-35213459, Webt $ww.urhaouril_qov.r,k

Paee {l of 18"

503 - Shahcen Complex. Lgerton Road , l,ahore. Ph: 042-992053 t6-22 (


5.7 years' experience inHuman Resource,

Capacity Building and


l0 years ofexperience inconservation and

archaeological projects



Deliversble & PaymentMin. ExpericnccMin. QualificationLOT# Description ofHR.

Main Job Description/ Terms ofRefcrences (TORs)

Research and site assessment of past

societies to interpret archeological


Conversant with the laws and regulations

pertaining to archeology.r,3s0,000/-lnception Report ( l07o)

lnitial Field visit Report (10%)

Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (20%)

Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o)

Final Report (20%)

Master's degree in

education orDevelopment

Studies orrelevant discipline

l0 years' experience in

development, education

and capacity building.

Education and



Ensuring the Development of Education

Secror Plan and Capacity building as

detailed in Task No.2.2.

Analysis of the GIS based datasets of the

Education Sector

Recommendations on the Strategies forupdating missing facilities.

Recommendations on New Mobile School


Review the existing curriculum and

identity the gaps

Recommendations on the TrainingTeacher's Programme.



lt 900.000/-Inception Report (l0o/o)

Initial Field visit Report (10%)

Situational Analysis Report and Way Forward (207o)

Cost estimation and PCI preparation (40o/o)

Final Report (20o/o\

At least 0? years ofexperience in similar

nature work.

l6 years ofeducation in


agriculture /livestock.

Master in Rural

Development/Economy or

related discipline


Economy and


Rural Economy and Livelihood (lndustry,

Agriculture, Livestock, Trade and local

commerce) studies

503 - Shaheen Complex, llSerton Road, Lahore Ph: 042-992051l6-22i ii\ 0-ll-l:1:l li::1; i\tl,,rsr L,ri,,,rrrrrrr :,,r t,i'

Pasc 9 of 18

LO'r# Description ofHR.

Mair Job Description/ Terms ofR€ferences (TORs)

Min. Qualification Min. Erperience Deliyersble & Payment Esaimaaed











Assist Expen / Specialist in surveys,studies, analysis, design and preparationof reports as per requirement.

Assist Expen / Specialist in surveys,

studies, analysis, design and preparationof reports as per requirement.

16 years ofeducation in

Economics orrelated discipline

l6 years ofeducation in

Anthropology/Sociology/ Social

Cultural Studies orrelated discipline

16 years ofeducation in

Sociology/ Social

Cultural Studies/

Social Psychologyor related discipline

Fresh Graduate.

Preference will be givento candidates havingwork experience ineconomics

Fresh Craduate.Preference will be givento candidates havingwork experience inanthropology

Fresh Graduate.

Preference will be givento candidates havingwork experience insociology/social culturalstudies

Monthly Progress Report (20% each, total 6)

Monthly Progress Report (20% each, total 6)

Monthly Progress Report (20% each, total 6)




NOTE: Research Associate positions (LOT#9) are Bahawalpur based.


503 - Shaheen Conlplex, E8enon Road. Lahore. Ph: &2-99205316-22[o( 042-3521 3459, Webt rvww.url)anu[il.gov.ok

Pase lO"of18' '

. Assist Expen / Specialist in surveys,studies, analysis, design and preparationof reports as per requirement.

The Urban Unit

LOT #:

LOT Title:

Udan Sector Plan il|g & Managartent Sewi'es Uoit (hn.) Ltd.

Annex - B(To be filled by the Bidder)




Total amount against complete TORs of LOT#-(inclusive of all applicable taxes)




501 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, l-ahore. Pht 042-99205316-22Fa(: 042-35213459, web: $\r1\.urbanunit.qo\.ok

Page 1l of l8


Total Amount(Incl. of Taxes)

in PKR


Urban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (Private) Limited, ("TheUrban Unit") a Company duly incorporated under the provisions of the CompaniesOrdinance 1984 (now Companies Act 2017), having its registered office at 503, 5s Floor,Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore through its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) onbehalf of its Board of Directors (Hereinafter refened to as ..Client" or *the Urban Unit"which expression shall, where the context permits, includes its successors-in-interest andpermitted assigns)


S. holding CNIC No. (hereinafterreferred to as the "Consultant" which expression shall, where the context so admits,includes its successor-in-interest and permitted assigns).

The Client and Consultant shall be iointly and individualll referred to as the "Parties" and"Partv" velv.

WIIER-EAS, the Client desires the Consultant to render the consultancy services as perthe "Terms ofReference and Scope of Services" defined in Annex-A attached herewith,

WIIEREAS the Consultants, have represented to the Client that they have the requiredprofessional skills and technical resources to render the consultancy services as per the"Terms ofReference and Scope of Services" defined in Annex-A attached herewith;

WHEREAS, the Consultant agrees to perform the consultancy services as per the ..Terms

of Reference and Scope of Services" defined in Annex-A attached herewith,

NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnessed and in consideration of the mutualcovenants contained herein, the Parties hereto do hereby agree, undertake and declare as


I. INTERPRETATIONS AtrID DEFINITIONS:In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:



words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa;

reference denoting p€rsons include persons, companies, corporations and pa(nerships;references to a specified Article, Section, paragraph or Schedule shall be construed as

a reference to the specified Article, Section, paragraph or Schedule of this Agreement;and

503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Rod, t }or!.Fa\: 042-35213459,


Page 12 of 18


INDTVIDUAL CONSULTAI\CY SERVICESTHIS CONTRACT for consultancy services (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is

entered on


iv. reference to any statute, law, decree or regulation shall be construed as a reference to

such statute, law, decree or regulation as re-enacted, amended or extended from time

to time, and reference to any document (including this Agreement) shall be deemed to

include references to such document, as varied, supplemented or replaced from time to


v. where an expression is defined, another part of speech or gtammatical form of that

expression has the corresponding meaning.

vi. 'Business day' means refers to the qpical hours in a day when normal business

operations take place, the working days would be from Monday to Friday in Pakistan

2. Services (D The Consultant shall perform the consultancy services as per the

"Terms of Reference and Scope of Services" defined in Annex-

A attached herewith (hereinafter refened to "the Consultancy


3. Term

(i0 The Client shall define the schedule/Timelines for Deliverables

for the Consultancy Services as per Annex A,

(iii) The Consultant shall keep the Client updated with delivery

reports of milestones achieved as per Annex A,

(iii) The Consultant shall .render the Consultancy Services and

submit to the Client the required work as and when necessary in

the form and within the time period agreed between the Parties

to this Contract (attached as Annex A).

The Consultant shall perform the Consultancy Services during the

period commencing to or any other

period as may be subsequently agreed by the parties in writing

4. Payment (i). Repo rtlService ased

(a) For the Consultancy Services rendered pursuant to Annex A. the

Client shall pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed ![!

detailed in Annex A. ("The Amount")

(b) The Client shall not compensatei reimburse the Consultant for any

expenses, including costs incurred by the Consultant while rendering

the Consultancy Services under the Contract.

(c) The Client shall not reimburse for traveling expenses'

(d) The Client shall make payment for Consultancy Sen'ices via

crossed cheque in name of the Consultant upon submission ofDeliverables, verification of work done and being approved by the

Client (as detailed in Annex A).

A\503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road. Lahore. Phr 042-99205316-22

Fax: 042-35213459. Web: $l^s.urbanun it.qor .olPage 13 of 18

[inclusive of all Taxesl contingent upon Deliverables

(e) All payments shall be subject to taxes and duties, including any

amendments thereto, as applicable in Pakistan for the duration of theContract.

(f) It is a lump sum contract and any extension in the time period ofthecontract by any reason whatsoever shall be without any cost.

( ii). Schedule of Payments

The Amount shall be paid upon submission and acceptance ofDeliverables as per the TORs detailed in Annex A

(iiD. Payment tions

(i)The Consultants shall perform the Consultancy Services and carryout their obligations hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency andeconomy, in accordance with generally accepted professionaltechniques and practices, and shall observe sound managementpractices, and employ appropriate advanced technology and safe andeffective equipment, machinery, materials and methods.

(ii)The Consultants shall always act, in respect of any matter relatingto this Contract or to the Contracting Services, as faithful advisers tothe Client, and shall at all times support and safeguard the Client,slegitimate interests in any dealings with any subconsultants or thirdparties

(iii) The Consultants shall submit to the Client the reports specified inAppendix A hereto, in the forrn, in the numbers and within the timeperiods set forth in the said Appendix A.

(iv) The Consultant shall send deliverables to the Client.

The Client shall make payment for Consultancy Services via crossedcheque in name of the Consultant upon submission of deliverables,verification of work done and deliverables being approved by theClient.

The Client designates AS

Client's Coordinator; the Coordinator shall be responsible for thecoordination ofactivities under this Contract, acceptance and approvalof Consultancy Services by the Consultant and for receiving and

5. Obligations ofthe Consultant

6. Obligations ofthe Client

7. ProjectAdministration


501 - Shaheen Comp lex, Egenon Road. Lahor€. Ph 042-./9205j16-22Fax: @2-35213459. Web unit.so! Dk

Page 14 ol 18

The payment shall be made in Pakistani Rupees, within 30 days ofthesubmission of deliverables, verification of work done and deliverablesbeing approved by the Client (as detailed in Annex A). The report maybe reverted to the Consultant if it is not satisfactory for the Client andConsultant will be allowed to resubmit the revised report.

verifring invoices for the payment submitted by the Consultant.

The Consultant undertakes to perform the Consultancy Services with

the highest standards of professional and ethical competence and


By entering into this Contract, the Consultant declares and confirms

the non-existence of any conflict of interest or other legal hindrance

which could potentially result in the inability of the Consultant to enter

said Contract as of the date mentioned herein.

The Consultant frither declares and agrees to intimate any subsequent

condition or legal matter which could potentially restrain him fiom

properly performing his duties and obligations as laid down herein for

any reason whatsoever till the complete execution ofthe Contract.

The Consultant agrees not to disclose or use, at any time, any

information disclosed to or acquired by Consultant during the term of

the Contract or even after the expiration of the Contract, without the

prior written consent of the Client. The Consultant agrees that all

confidential information shall be deemed to be and shall be treated as a

sole and exclusive property of the Client.

The Consultant agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after

its termination, the Consultant and any entity affrliated with the

Consultant, shall be disqualified from providing goods, works or

services for any project resulting from or closely related to the

Consultancy Services.

The Consultant shall be solely responsible for taking out any

appropriate insurance coverage, if deemed necessary.

The Consultant shall not assign this Contract or sub-contract or any

portion of it to any subcontractor in any case, whatsoever. Moreover,

the Consultant should also be not allowed to engage human resource

of the Client or other connected departments for the Consultancy

Services rendered under this Contract.

The Contract shall be govemed by the laws of Government ofPakiston, and the language ofthe Contract shall be English.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this

Contract, or breach, termination of invalidity hereof shall be settled

through bona fide negotiations between the Parties, failing which such

disputes will be referred for mediation. In case mediation fails the

Parties shall proceed with arbitration under the Arbitration Act, 1940

and the rules made there under. Sole arbitrator shall be appointed with

8. PerformanceStandards

9. ConfidentialitY

10. Consultant Notto be Engaged

in CertainActivities

I l. Insurance

12. Assignment

13. Law GoverningContract and


15. DisputeResolution


503 - Shaheen CompleJq Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: M2-992051l6-22Fa\: 042-35213459. w'ebl

Page 15 of 18

l6 Notices

17. Entire ContractModification

18 Force Majeure


mutual consultation of the parties. The seat of Arbitration shall beLahore and the award ofArbitration shall be frnal and binding.

All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or vpermitted under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemedto have been duly given if delivered by hand, mailed by certified orregistered mail with postage prepaid or by overnight mail, or ifsent byfacsimile as follows:



This Contract along with the Annexures embodies the entire contractand understanding of the parties with respect to the subject mattercontained in this Contract. This Contract supemedes all prioragreements and understandings between the parties with respect to thesubject matter contained herein. This Contract may not be amended ormodified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed bythe parties. The Contract may be extended with agreement of bothparties in writing.

For the purposes of this Contract, "Force Majeure', means an eventwhich is beyond the reasonable control ofa party, and which makes aParty's performance of its obligatiors hereunder impossible or soimpractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in thecircumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civildisorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverseweather conditions, lockdowns due to Covid-l9, strikes, lockouts orother industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or otherindustrial action are within the power of the party invoking ForceMajeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by governmentagencies. The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligationshereunder shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under,this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of ForceMajeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has takenall reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable altemativemeasures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms andconditions of this Contract.

The Consultant agrees that it shall indemnifu, hold harmless anddefend the Client and its subsidiary and affrliate corporations andparticipants, and their respective officers, employees, assigns, agentsand representatives from and against any claims, demands, damages,costs, causes ofaction, losses, expenses, or liabilities, judgments, suits,actions or proceedings (including but not limited to the cost oflitigation) arising out of the breach of this Contract or otherwise

I9 Indemnity

Fax: 042-35211459. unit 9o\ Dl

Page 16 of 18

503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road. Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22

negligence or willful misconduct by its partners, agents or employees

while engaged in activities relating to this Contract.

a.) This Contract constitutes the entire Contract between the Client

and the Consultant as to the Consultancy Services and the

other matters it covers, and supersedes all prior agreements.

understandings and representations with respect thereto.

insluding any confidentiality agreements previously delivered.

b.)This Contract is made at Lahore and the Parties are agreed that

the Courts at Lahore shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all

matters under the Contact.

c.) Both Parties may execute this Conract (including Appendices

attached thereto), as well as any modifications to it by

electronic means and each party may sign a different copy oftle same document. Both parties must agree in writing to

modifu this Contract (including Appendices attached thereto)

d.)Each Party represents that the person signing this Contract

(including Appendices attached thereto) on its behalf is

expressly authorized to execute them and to bind each Party to

their terms.

e.) The Client represents that its affiliates and any others for whom

Consultancy Services are peformed shall be botrnd by the

terms of this Contract and the applicable Scope of Work.

f.) The Client agrees that the Consultant may, subject to

professional obligations, act for other clients, including the

Client's competitors.

g.)Neither Party may assign any of its rights, obligations or claims

under this Contract without prior written consent of the other


h.)If there is any inconsistency between provisions in different

parts of this Contract, those parts shall have precedence as

follows (r rnl ss5 sxpressly agreed otherwise):

a. these Conditions of the Contract; and

b. the applicable TORs

c. other appendices to this Conffact.

j.) The Client may use or reference the Consultant's name, logos

or trademarks without prior written consent, provided that the

Consultant may use Client's name publicly to identiff the Client

as a client in connection with specific Consultancy Services or


This Contract may be executed in any number of cotmterparts. and this

20 Miscellaneous


503 - Shaheen Complex. Egmon Road- Lahore. Ph 042-9205316-22

Fai: u2-35213459. web: $$w.urbanunit sor.ok

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21 Counterpart

22 Severability

23. Termination


Signed by Mr M

Title: Chief Ex ve Officer


shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were

a single copy of this Contract, provided that all counterparts have been

duly executed by both Parties hereto.

The provisions of this Contract are severable and the invalidity ofanyone provision shall not affect the validity of any other provision.

This Contract shall stand terminated by the Client, after noti$ing theConsultant through a written notice, fifteen (15) days prior to thetermination. The Contract shall stand terminated if so decided by theClient for any breach of the terms of this Contract including withoutlimitation in case the Consultancy Services when demanded by theClient were not received within the stipulated time period.


Omar Masud Signed by s

Title: Consultant




503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-992053 16-22Fa\:042-35211.{59. Web: $\r\\ urbanun( gor ol

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