On June 22, 2010, the inauguration ceremony was held for the first Integrated Solid Urban Waste Treatment Facility for the Districts of Lar- naca - Famagusta, which has been constructed and shall be operated for the following ten years by Helector Company. The Facility is located in the area of Nafkia, in Ko- siis Community. Its operation started on April 1st, 2010, marking a new era in the field of Solid Urban Waste management. The inauguration ceremony was honoured by the attendance of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Dimitris Christofias, the Minister for the Interior, Mr. Neoklis Silikiotis, the Presi- dent of the Facility's Managing Board, Mr. Spiros Elenodoros, the President of Helectror, Mr. Leo- nidas Mpompolas, as well as by representatives of the academic community and business world from Greece. During his speech in the event, the President of the Republic of Cyprus, after underlining that the facility plays a major role for the improvement of public health and quality of life for citizens, also marked the following: “The Solid Waste Integrated Treatment Facility for Larnaca - Famagusta Communities has been constructed in accordance to international speci- fications and modern design, and is equipped with cutting-edge technology machinery; for this reason, it is probably the only facility within the European Union capable of providing integrated treatment solutions for urban solid wastes." The Managing Director of HELECTOR S.A., noted that “a modern waste treatment facility has been constructed, capable of treating up to 200,000 tons annually, while the impressive flexibility of the facility, allowing for the treatment of diffe- rent materials - wastes, permit the separation of different materials out from a uniformed mass of wastes. (it continues on the 3rd) Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010 Larnaca: first Unit Solid Larnaca: first Unit Solid Urban Waste Treatment Urban Waste Treatment Facility was inaugurated Facility was inaugurated Eco-friendly transformation for METRO supermarkets in Cyprus page 3 - Research group in Spain on Project 13A - Study trip to bring back good practices for Armines page 5 Zero-impact festival for LAG Genovese page 4 - Bio waste: Deka Trikalon supports Trikala’s Municipality - Sensitization Campaign in Alcalà page 2 INDEX INDEX ITALY - Umbria Research Agency - Gal Genovese Development Agency FRANCE Armines EMA-LG12P SPAIN - Aragonese Federation of Municipalities, Regions and Provinces - Alcalá la Real Local Council GREECE Trikala’s Municipal Enterprise for Social Development CYPRUS Larnaca District Development Agency SLOVENIA Regional Development Agency of Inner-Karst Region PARTNERS PARTNERS www.wasman.eu It is capable of treating up to 200,000 tons annually

Larnaca: first Unit Solid Urban Waste Treatment Facility ... N. 5 OK.pdfLarnaca: first Unit Solid Urban Waste Treatment Facility was inaugurated Eco-friendlytransformation ... but

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Page 1: Larnaca: first Unit Solid Urban Waste Treatment Facility ... N. 5 OK.pdfLarnaca: first Unit Solid Urban Waste Treatment Facility was inaugurated Eco-friendlytransformation ... but

On June 22, 2010, the inauguration ceremonywas held for the first Integrated Solid UrbanWaste Treatment Facility for the Districts of Lar-naca - Famagusta, which has been constructedand shall be operated for the following ten yearsby Helector Company.The Facility is located in the area of Nafkia, in Ko-siis Community. Its operation started on April 1st,2010, marking a new era in the field of SolidUrban Waste management.The inauguration ceremony was honoured bythe attendance of the President of the Republicof Cyprus, Mr. Dimitris Christofias, the Ministerfor the Interior, Mr. Neoklis Silikiotis, the Presi-dent of the Facility's Managing Board, Mr. SpirosElenodoros, the President of Helectror, Mr. Leo-nidas Mpompolas, as well as by representativesof the academic community and business worldfrom Greece.During his speech in the event, the President ofthe Republic of Cyprus, after underlining that thefacility plays a major role for the improvement ofpublic health and quality of life for citizens, alsomarked the following:“The Solid Waste Integrated Treatment Facilityfor Larnaca - Famagusta Communities has beenconstructed in accordance to international speci-fications and modern design, and is equippedwith cutting-edge technology machinery; for thisreason, it is probably the only facility within theEuropean Union capable of providing integratedtreatment solutions for urban solid wastes."

The Managing Director of HELECTOR S.A., notedthat “a modern waste treatment facility has beenconstructed, capable of treating up to 200,000tons annually, while the impressive flexibility ofthe facility, allowing for the treatment of diffe-rent materials - wastes, permit the separation ofdifferent materials out from a uniformed mass ofwastes.

(it continues on the 3rd)

Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010

Larnaca: first Unit SolidLarnaca: first Unit SolidUrban Waste TreatmentUrban Waste TreatmentFacility was inauguratedFacility was inaugurated

Eco-friendly transformationforMETRO supermarketsin Cyprus

page 3

- Research group in Spainon Project 13A- Study trip to bringback good practices for Armines

page 5

Zero-impact festivalfor LAG Genovese

page 4

- Biowaste: Deka Trikalonsupports Trikala’sMunicipality- Sensitization Campaign inAlcalà

page 2


ITALY- Umbria Research Agency- Gal Genovese Development Agency


SPAIN- Aragonese Federation of Municipalities,Regions and Provinces- Alcalá la Real Local Council

GREECETrikala’s Municipal Enterprisefor Social Development

CYPRUSLarnaca District Development Agency

SLOVENIARegional Development Agencyof Inner-Karst Region



It is capable of treating up to 200,000 tons annually

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Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010PAGE 2


Approximately 30 – 70% of municipal solidwaste (MSW) is comprised of organic waste suchas food waste, bio-waste and garden waste. Hou-sehold sources of bio waste include kitchenscraps and garden waste, paper and cardboardas well as natural textiles. Biodegradable munici-pal waste is biodegradable waste that is collec-ted by municipality from households, somebusinesses, parks and so on. These materials willbreak down over time (“biodegrade”) by natu-ral processes.Proposals for dealing with biodegradable waste(or bio waste) are coming under the spotlight, asthe EU Landfill Directive forces local authoritiesto divert increasing amounts of biodegradablewaste away from landfill. Deciding on the bestenvironmental route for bio waste depends onknowing how much bio waste is produced,where it is produced, and what the impacts areof managing this waste using different techni-ques.

Although the Municipa-lity of Trikala has suc-ceeded in recycling ofidentified materials(metal, glass, paper,plastic e.t.c.) has notstarted the treatmentof bio waste. This is one

of the priorities for our area; to focus on how toprevent and reduce the generation of biodegra-dable waste. Home composting is one way toachieve this target. So during the 2nd workshop,DEKA Trikalon and the members of the WasteManagement Partnership decided that a part ofWASMAN’s pilot actions could be the introduc-tion of small scale composting for the sustaina-ble organic materials management (Homecomposting). Home composting means the com-posting of biodegradable as well as the use ofthe compost in a garden belonging to a privatehousehold. The supply of the bins for biodegra-dable waste will come from respective budgetline of WASMAN project.With the use of this short cycle management ofbiodegradable waste we hope to help in one ormore of the following aspects:• policies• information & sensitisation• educational tools• technical innovation• energy & greenhouse gas effects

Municipality will have a new policy on the ove-rall theme of biodegradable waste short cyclemanagement. Further research and shared goodpractice are required to improve predictability ofbiologically treated waste.

Bio waste: Deka TrikalonBio waste: Deka Trikalonsupports Trikala’s Municipalitysupports Trikala’s Municipality

Through the pilots actions of Wasman’s projectThrough the pilots actions of Wasman’s project

As first Pilot Action, Alcalá la Real began a greatsensitization campaign aimed at reducing theproduction, promoting the recycling and the reu-sing of the waste produced in the town..In the first period WASMAN team has addres-sed the efforts to pupils and students developingrecycling workshops in primary and high schools.During these workshops the importance of therecycling has been explained and also practical

tips on how to recycle common objects has beengiven to students.After the end of the school year, the WASMANteam organised workshops addressed to adultsdiscussing all the problematic connected withwaste and how to solve them.The team focused the workshops on the “3R”strategy:.. The principle of reducing waste, reu-sing and recycling resources and products.

The importance of waste minimization has beenillustrated during the workshops; disseminationmaterial has been distributed ( reusable bags and

leaflets,). WASMAN Project leaflet provide rea-ders with instructions on how to separate thetrash in order to recycle, reduce the volume, howto elaborate compost and how to use it in agri-culture.Alcala la Real Municipality is committed to sen-sitize the highest number of citizens, from chil-dren to adults, about a sustainable wastemanagement in the area.WASMAN team is working to define the secondpilot action based on creation of new productsfrom recycled waste.

The “3 R”strategyapplied inAlcala la Real

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In May 2009 was thestart of the eco-friendlytransformation forMETRO supermarkets.On Saturday 2/5/2009

the supermarkets were dressed in green and pledged to help with variousmeasures including help in reducing plastic bags by introducing eco shop-ping bags for use by customers, photovoltaic systems at all stores, recy-cling and tree planting, among others.

METRO supermarket in Strovolos (Nicosia), was the starting point wherepeople from Green Dot attended and informed the customers about recy-cling. With them arrived “greenies” the mascots of the Green Dot and han-ded out fairy tales to children, sponsored by METRO, to start learningabout environment protection. The same information was made on 16May at the supermarkets METRO Aglantzia and Platy (Nicosia). People sho-wed great enthusiasm and willingness to participate in environmental ef-forts, and many rushed to purchase new lovely eco-friendly shopping bags.On the existing signs in the aisles of the supermarket, special signs wereadded informing people what packaging can recycled as another attemptto generate more public awareness about recycling.


The company's commitment is to continue the effort to become as eco-friendly as possible and open the road to the other superstores to becomeeco-friendly by using the motto “THINKING GREEN”. More specifically,METRO superstores are commitment to:

√√ Help in reducing plastic bag usage and launching of eco-friendly shop-ping bags for customer usage.

√√ Replacement of remaining carrier bags with ones made from recycled po-lyethen.

√√ Installation of photovoltaic systems in all METRO superstores that con-vert sunlight into electricity.

√√ Recycling of all boxes and other recyclable materials used within the su-perstores.

√√ Tree-planting by METRO staff once a year, in collaboration with the Cy-prus Department of Forests.

√√ Every new METRO superstore will have a “green” concept.√√ Introducing “green” cars for company use to reduce CO2 emissions.

√√ Continuing to replace HCFC gases and usage of better alternatives inour fridges and air-conditioning systems.

√√ Full collaboration with Green Dot Cyprus

√√ Development of new produce varieties at their farm in Limassol, in orderto reduce the need for imports.

√√ Sourcing and support of varieties that are produced in Cyprus.√√ Continuous improvement in our effort to become as eco-friendly as pos-sible.

BecomingBecomingeco friendlyeco friendly


Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010 PAGE 3

(it continues from the first)

Moreover, this treatment sets an international record in regards tothe production of recyclable materials, while enabling the produc-tion of alternative fuel equal to 15% and up to 50% of the wa-stes, depending on market conditions. From a total of 200,000tons per annum, the following quantities of materials and pro-ducts are produced: 9,000 tons of plastic sheets, 2,000 tons of PETbottles, 1,500 tons of polyethylene - polypropylene, 20,000 tons ofmixed paper, 30,000 tons of RDF, 30,000 tons of compost, 34,000tons of humidity and volatile compounds, 4,000 tons of ferrousmaterials, 1,000 tons of aluminium materials, 1,000 tons of glassand 67,500 tons of residues to be lead to the landfill”.WASMAN team visited the landfill during the Partner's meetingheld in Larnaca on the 7-8th September 2010. Three pilot actionswill be carried out in cooperation with the managing body of theWaste Treatment Facility of Larnaca.

New wasteNew wastetreatment treatment


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Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010 PAGE 4


On 15th-20th July 2010 the DevelopmentAgency LAG Genovese, in the frame of the firstWASMAN pilot action, together with the Pro-vince of Genoa, the Municipality of Cogoletoand the local utility company SATER organizedthe first “zero-impact” festival of the provinceof Genoa.Town and village festivals are very common inLiguria and are attended by several people.

They are a great opportunity to promote ourterritory and local products, but these eventshave also a strong potential impact on the envi-ronment. So we decided to realize this pilot ac-tion to test the organization of a “zero-impact”ecological festival and to promote the recyclingmaterials and sorting waste. During the eventwere host about 20.000 people and servedabout 11.500 meals using only biodegradablecutlery and kitchenware which were sorted to-

gether with bio waste and transformed in com-post (organic mould used for public green main-tenance).During the event were collected in a sorted waypaper and cardboard packaging, glass bottles,plastic packaging, cans, exhausted oils and bio-degradable fractions and was reached a totalsorted waste collection of 91,53%, an excellentresult!The aim of this pilot action is to minimize theimpact on the environment and to promote andspread good practice on an eco-friendly wastemanagement and reduction. In fact, in accor-dance with the “Provincial Planning for WasteReduction”, the tested ecological festival of Co-goleto will be replied in future in all similar rea-lities of our territory.

Zero-impact festival Zero-impact festival for LAG Genovesefor LAG Genovese

The experience of Cogoleto will be replied in future

TThhee nneexxtt SSCC && PPBB mmeeeettiinngg wwiillll ttaakkee ppllaaccee iinn

AAllccaallàà LLaa RReeaall // SSppaaiinn oonn tthhee 33 -- 44 MMaarrcchh

22001111,, hhoosstteedd bbyy AAllccaallàà LLaa RReeaall ppaarrttnneerr..

Next meeting

The Programme MED has issued the third edition of thenewsletter. A whole page has been dedicated to ourproject. The English and French version of the newslet-ter is available on


WASMAN on MED newsletter

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One of the “Grenelle de l’environnement” objec-tive aims “to reduce the production of householdwastes and assimilated of 7% per capita over thefive next years” (2010->2015). One of the con-straints consists into the obligation to carry out

several studies to improve local management oforganic waste and implementation of the inci-ting royalty. Its concept is to induce new beha-viors to reach this objective, as, for example,measuring each family household waste produc-tion. The “Incitation” come trough makinganyone aware of its responsibilities. In this frame, the ADEME (National agency forenergy and environment) of Languedoc Roussil-lon, the Council of Gard County as well as twolocal MSWM syndicates are particularly intere-sted by capitalizing good practices. Within thisframework, those institutional partners wishedto know more about the experience feedback ofthe implementation of the inciting royalty and ofcomposting units set by the MSWM syndicateSICTOM Sud-Grésivaudan located in the countyof Isere. A one day study trip has been organi-zed from Nîmes and Anaïs Lagaude, for ARMI-NES-EMA/LGI2P participated to this day tocollect information, and eventually a future in-sertion of those new concepts into the WASMANMCA Methodology frames.Inciting royalty trough invoicing household wastewith voluntary contribution points brings variousadvantages…The waste collection is concentrated around asingle point with half-buried containers with ac-cess control (Voluntary Apport Point). Each fa-mily has his own chip card. Household waste

containers are side by side with specific contai-ners for the recyclable waste collection whichmotivates people to sort, because recyclable wa-stes are not invoiced.The deposit can be made on any points of theterritory at any day of the week of the South-Grésivaudan territory, even if the person doesnot drop his waste in his residence township. The waste invoice is calculated by bags (volume)and it encourages people to compost organicwaste in the free-of-charges compost units. In-voice of each family is in coherence with the ren-dered service and consolidates a bettercitizenship behavior.Those voluntary apport points, (VAP), permit toend with door-to-door collection. This solutionhelps to drastically reduce the courses of collec-tion truck, and the important numbers of VAPavoid increasing the route length of users. Anestimation of carbon emissions study allows con-sidering a reduction by half of greenhouse gaseswhile passing from the current system to the VAPcollection system. All the participants of the study trip were fullysatisfied by those constructive exchanges and thisexperience feedback with the SICTOM South-Gré-sivaudan. At the conclusion of this day, new prac-tices might emerge on the territory of the GardCounty and more particularly on the Nimes Mé-tropole area.


Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010 PAGE 5

Prof. Rafael Bilbao (Professor of Chemi-stry at the University of Zaragoza andWASMAN’s expert), together with hisresearch group is supervising the projectI3A concerning the transformation ofwaste into energy. This transformation generate relevanteconomical and environmental advanta-ges. The transformation of these wastesin energetic resources requires the imple-mentation of energetic recuperationmeasures. One of these processes concerns the ga-sification into high temperatures combi-ned with a last generation system ofenergy production. The new technology converts thesewaste streams into thermal energy forprocess steam, district heating, and/orelectricity.This research group is studying the gasi-fication process since 1984, starting withthe biomass agriculture and forest wa-stes.

Rafael Bilbao has recently participating ina research event presenting the paper“Biomass and wastes: Problem or ener-getic resource?” Taking advantage of theurban waste is the main objective of theproject approved in the framework ofthe CENIT Programme financed by theIndustry, Commerce and Tourism Mini-stry and developed by the researchgroup supervised by Rafael Bilbao forURBASER which is the company in chargeof the Zaragoza’s eco-landfill manage-ment.The results achieved with the mentionedproject and the research carried out bythe Professor and his team have beenused by WASMAN for the compilationof the waste management state-of-the-art. Cooperation with the mentionedteam has been established for promotingthe innovative aspects of the research.

Energy from wasteEnergy from wastein Aragon in Aragon Research group in Spain on Project I3A

Study trip to bringStudy trip to bringback good practicesback good practices

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Newsletter N. 5 - September 2010








Umbria ResearchUmbria ResearchAgencyAgency

Gal Genovese Gal Genovese Development AgencyDevelopment Agency

Alcalá la Real Alcalá la Real Local CouncilLocal Council

Regional Regional Development Agency Development Agency of Inner-Karst Regionof Inner-Karst Region

Trikala’s Municipal Trikala’s Municipal Enterprise for Enterprise for

Social DevelopmentSocial Development

Larnaca District Larnaca District Development AgencyDevelopment Agency

Aragonese FederationAragonese Federationof Municipalities, of Municipalities,

Regions and ProvincesRegions and Provinces

Armines Armines EMA-LG12PEMA-LG12P
