Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah

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Many new university students are not accustomed to producing academic writings of acceptable quality while at the same time not enough time has been allotted to introduce them to a standardized attribution system of intellectual property rights. The combination of these has risked many students to committing plagiarism – often without they realizing it nor knowing why it is wrong to do so. Hence, introducing new students to a method that would help them get acquainted to a standardized attribution system as well as scaffold them in developing their skills in producing high quality academic writings is of paramount importance. This paper is written with those purposes in mind and is thus meant as a thorough and comprehensive guide to achieve those two purposes while – along the way – trying to make the readers aware of potential pitfalls that lie await in their path.There are three main subgroups into which this paper is structured. The first three sections contain technical style guides meant for students of PPK Ukrida writing in Indonesian, thus contain local policies and references to Indonesian standard spelling system. The next two sections are based on APA attribution system while the last sections contain some caveat emptors to keep us safe in this age of Internet research that is getting more and more risky, especially for the student-researchers among us.

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