Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning: 1 st June 2020 We are aware that you will not be able to complete all of the tasks but try your hardest to do some of them. All tasks can be done on paper. Day Subject Task Monday Maths task 20 minutes Timestables Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Reading task https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjk9kmn Watch Bitesize and answer questions about The Worst Witch. Writing task Write a paragraph about kindness, how it makes you feel and acts of kindness you have done, or other people have done for you. Spelling task Write down 10 words from the spelling list and write a sentence for each word. Tuesday Maths task 20 minutes Timestables Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Reading task Oak national academy: Watch video and answer questions. This may be challenging but have a go. The lesson reminds you how to find information in a text so even if you find the activity hard, it will be a good reminder of what to do. Just have a try. https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/english/instructions-reading-comprehension-fact- retrieval-year-3-wk1-1#slide-1 Writing task https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/home-school-units/ Look for KS2, Year 3 Journey to the jungle.

Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

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Page 1: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Our Lady of the Rosary School

Home Learning

Week beginning: 1st June 2020

We are aware that you will not be able to complete all of the tasks

but try your hardest to do some of them. All tasks can be done on


Day Subject Task

Monday Maths task

20 minutes Timestables Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

Reading task

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjk9kmn Watch Bitesize and answer questions about The Worst Witch.

Writing task

Write a paragraph about kindness, how it makes you feel and acts of kindness you have done, or other people have done for you.

Spelling task

Write down 10 words from the spelling list and write a sentence for each word.

Tuesday Maths task

20 minutes Timestables Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

Reading task

Oak national academy: Watch video and answer questions. This may be challenging but have a go. The lesson reminds you how to find information in a text so even if you find the activity hard, it will be a good reminder of what to do. Just have a try. https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/english/instructions-reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval-year-3-wk1-1#slide-1

Writing task

https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/home-school-units/ Look for KS2, Year 3 Journey to the jungle.

Page 2: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Look at this booklet and read through pages 2,3 and 4 with an adult. Draw what each word means in the box.

Spelling task

Write the spellings you have chosen 3 times, each time in a different colour. If you want to, make a word search out of them.

Wednesday Maths task

White rose maths: Do activity below please.

Reading task

10 minutes on Reading plus or bug club or read a book.

Writing task

https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/home-school-units/ Look for KS2, Year 3 Journey to the jungle. Talk for writing booklet, pages 5-7

Spelling task

Look at a set of spellings from Level 2 on Sir Linkalot or choose 10 from the 3/4 list to learn.

Thursday Maths task

Log onto purple mash. Look in maths at times tables and tables toons. Listen to and sing along to the 4, 6 and 8 times table. Choose your singer. After that write down the 8 times table from what you remember from the song.

Page 3: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Purple Mash:

I have set 2Do tasks on the programme. Please have a look and try the activities there.

RE: Use the following to help you with learning around the Holy Spirit and Pentecost.

Background Notes for Parents About the Theme

Reading task

Read a chapter of your book and answer the following questions:

1. Has the character in your book got any friends? Who are they? 2. What does your character look like? Draw them. 3. Who is the funniest or most serious person in you book? Why? 4. If you could change one thing about the book you are reading, what would it be? 5. Choose a word from your book you do not know the meaning of and find out what it

means. 6. List the 3 best parts of the book and say why.

Writing task

https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/home-school-units/ Look for KS2, Year 3 Journey to the jungle. Write a list poem. Use the Talk for writing booklet to help you. Pages 8 and 9. This is similar to the work we did about the wizard’s pocket.

Spelling task

Write a sentence explaining the meanings of each of the spellings you have chosen.

Friday Maths task

Reading task

Bug club and/or reading plus.

Writing task

Write a paragraph about your favourite jungle animal then do the activity on page 10.

Spelling task

Practise spellings on paper or look at the website for Sir Linkalot. Go over spellings.

Page 4: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter Sunday is the beginning of the Easter Season which lasts for 50 days. The celebration of the Ascension and Pentecost completes the Easter story. Ascension Forty days after Easter, the Church celebrates the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Jesus appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection and told them that he was going back to his Father in heaven. Before Jesus leaves them, he gives his followers a mission. Jesus tells his disciples to be his witnesses. They are to "Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 16:15, 16) The disciples cannot carry out their mission of spreading Jesus’ message to the ends of the earth without help. Therefore, Jesus tells his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they receive power from God. This power is God's Holy Spirit, who Jesus says will come after he goes away. After Jesus ascends into heaven, the disciples wait for the promised Holy Spirit. Pentecost Pentecost (or 'Shavuot' as it is called in Hebrew) is a Greek word meaning ‘fiftieth’. The Jewish ‘feast of weeks’ was held fifty days after the beginning of the grain harvest. It was a thanksgiving feast, celebrating the end of the harvest and commemorating the day God gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. Jesus had told his disciples that it was important that they carry on his mission after he was gone. He promised he would give them the strength of his Spirit to do this. At Pentecost the Church celebrates Jesus fulfilling that promise to send the Holy Spirit to guide and help his disciples to understand all that he has taught them. It is celebrated 50 days (7 weeks) after Easter Sunday and brings the Easter season to an end. The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost changed the frightened disciples into witnesses who could speak out with courage. The Holy Spirit strengthens the Church today in its mission to continue the work of Jesus and proclaim the gospel to the whole world. Christians are called each day to accept and live lives of joyful service through the power of the Spirit in their lives. Christians believe that the Spirit of God is active in each person and, in a special way, in the community of believers, which is the Church. It is the work of the Spirit to help people to hear God’s message and to live Jesus’ way of service. The Feast of Pentecost is the celebration both of the gift of God’s Holy Spirit and the trust God places in people to be witnesses in the world. It is sometimes called the birthday of the Church because, filled with courage given by the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out among the people and began spreading Jesus’ message, thus marking the beginning of the Church.

Year 3 In the topic ‘Energy’ the children explore the energy of wind and fire. They learn about the first Pentecost when the promised gift of the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. The Spirit would give them the power to be his witnesses in Jerusalem and all over the world and would give them a new way of living. The children learn about the gifts of the Spirit which are given to Christians by the Holy Spirit so that they can help one another. These seven particular gifts should be used to help others.

Page 5: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Week 1: Talk to your child about all the things that you can use fire for: starting a car, cooking, light, warmth, making things, metal work, glass, firing pottery, for purifying etc. Talk about the qualities of fire – it warms, melts, cooks, burns, change liquids and solid substances. Fire gives us light. Do the same with wind. Help your child to make a flame and wind mobile using the template attached. They colour and then write their ideas on the flame/wind about The sounds you hear the smells you smell The sights you see the feelings you have The difference it makes the movement it makes The warmth or cold it brings the power of fire/wind Week 2: Share the story of Pentecost with your child ‘When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong and powerful wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak. There were Jews living in Jerusalem, religious people who had come from every country in the world. When they heard this noise, a large crowd gathered. They were all excited, because all of them heard the believers talking in their own languages. In amazement and wonder they exclaimed, “These people who are talking like this are Galileans! How is it, then, that all of us hear them speaking in our own native languages? We are from many different countries yet all of us hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that God has done!” Amazed and confused, they kept asking one another, “What does this mean?” But others made fun of the believers, saying, “These people are drunk!” Then Peter stood up with the apostles and in a loud voice began to speak to the crowd. “Fellow-Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, listen to me and let me tell you what this means. These people are not drunk, they are filled with God’s Holy Spirit.” This is what the prophet Joel spoke about: God says: “I will pour out my Spirit on everyone and they will proclaim my message.” Awe and wonder came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles.’ Acts 2: 1-18, 43 Go back through the passage and help your child highlight all the words in the passage which describes people who are bursting with energy or have no energy. Your child can then retell the story using the storyboard template. Week 3: On Pentecost day, God’s Holy Spirit showered gifts upon the friends of Jesus, gifts which were different kinds of energy, gifts which transformed them. To help Christians live as followers of Jesus the Holy Spirit gives them different kinds of gifts so everyone can help one another. There are seven particular gifts, which are linked together and help people to lead good lives and make use of the gifts they have. These gifts should be used to help others.

Page 6: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Wisdom – that is the gift to be sensible and not to jump to conclusions but be thoughtful. Understanding – enables people to be compassionate and to take time to find out and be able to appreciate what is happening. Counsel – means using wisdom and understanding to come to a good decision about something. Fortitude – there are times when everyone needs to be brave in standing up for what they believe to be right and holy. Knowledge – without knowledge you cannot make right judgements or have an understanding. It takes practice to have true knowledge. Piety – this is about reverence and respect for God, for one another and for oneself. Fear of the Lord - this gift enables people to recognise the awe and wonder of God and be amazed by the love and goodness of God. Help your child to think of ways that these gifts can be used each and every day in simple ways. Create a poster using the template or they can make their own. (The template uses easier language for the children.) Week 4: Celebrate the story of Pentecost – what can you remember about the story? How does the Holy Spirit help us today? Mission Together and CAFOD have Pentecost liturgies you can download and celebrate. https://missiontogether.org.uk/pentecost/ https://cafod.org.uk/Education/Primary-teaching-resources/Pentecost-primary-resources Key Vocabulary fire wind power energy gifts, Holy Spirit wisdom understanding right judgement courage knowledge awe and wonder reverence Resurrection good news Holy Spirit feast ‘Share the Gospel’ mission ‘I will be with you...’

Page 7: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Christians believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit within them gives them energy and the power to live the way of Jesus.

The symbols used for the Holy Spirit – wind and fire – are symbols of power and energy. At Pentecost, the disciples

were filled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and went out courageously to carry the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world.

Children will know and understand:

• The energy of fire and wind

• The wonder and power of the Holy Spirit

See the Background Notes for Parents

Week 1 – Think about the power of fire and wind. Use the Flame and wind template and on it write and draw the

sounds, the smells, the sights, the feelings you have, the difference it makes to our life, the movement it makes, the

warmth or cold it brings . (see attached template)

Week 2 –Read the story of Pentecost. Retell the story using a storyboard (see attached template)

Week 3 – Look at the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How can people use their gifts to serve others? Create a simple poster

drawing pictures or cutting images from magazines of people showing these gifts to others in their everyday lives (see

attached template)

Week 4 - Celebrate what you have learned with a simple liturgy



Page 8: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Week 1

The Power of Fire and Wind

Page 9: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Week 2

The Story of Pentecost

Page 10: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Week 3

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

to speak wisely; to work out

difficult problems and to

explain them; to believe in and

trust God; the skill of nursing

and healing; to do wonderful

things for others; to know God

and to help others to know

him; to know the difference

between right and wrong.

Page 11: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Curriculum Learning Tasks - Aim to complete each task over the week

Computing: Become more familiar with a new computer programme.

Purple Mash has work I have set.

History: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z87tn39/articles/zc8yb9q

Write a list of foods Ancient Greek people liked to eat. You can choose which foods you would

like and put a star next to them on your list.

Science: Write about how to best look after a plant from what you now know. You can include drawings

if you like, or write about any seeds you might have planted at home.

Physical Education: Pick a ‘Joe Wick’s Workout’ which you can carry out anywhere at home. Could you aim to

complete one of these short workouts every day or make your own workout to do? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvPHOpzoEk5onAEbq40g2-k


Can you draw a jungle scene? Page 10 of the talk for writing booklet we have been using this week.

Additional Learning Resources: Scratch Creator – Create your own coding projects online at: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted

Classroom Secrets – Access free home learning packs (including Maths, Reading and Grammar)

on: https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-home-learning-packs/

Twinkl – Access free home learning packs (including Maths, Reading and Grammar) on:


Please keep going over how to tell the time on an anologue clock, then digital. In school we were looking at past the hour, to the hour and 5 minute intervals.

Page 12: Our Lady of the Rosary School Home Learning Week beginning ... · Pentecost In this theme the children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. Easter

Y3/4 Spelling List: