اله وي لد ةل ر اس ات اث ح ب ا و وال تد ري بAlhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182 E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661 P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575 Page 1 عالمم يكم عراقيوي كيمياء نوكتلة وي ال وحدربعة القوى ا داخل النواة ولمطابقة بينس مبدأ ا يؤسلطاقةكتلة وا ال نظريت في ةوية النوي تعط الجديدة الت ي نتائج أفضل و اكثر شموليةوية النظرية النو من بها حاليامعمول الNuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization "Unified Field Theory" NMT-MQ-UF وية النويتونلماغن نظرية ا الموحدمجالة و الكتليم ال لتكمBased on E=mbc, Magnetons, Conservon and mass-energy conformity principle Bahjat R J Muhyedeen Professor of Nuclear and Quantum Chemistry (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC) Department of Chemistry, College of Science University of Baghdad, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq 1 1 Present address:, email: [email protected] , Professor of Quantum and Nuclear Chemistry, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC.

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ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


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P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575





يؤسسمبدأالمطابقةبين والنواة





Nuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization

"Unified Field Theory"



لتكميمالكتلةوالمجالالموحدBased on E=mbc, Magnetons, Conservon and mass-energy conformity

principle Bahjat R J Muhyedeen

Professor of Nuclear and Quantum Chemistry

(B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC) Department of Chemistry, College of Science

University of Baghdad, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq1

1 Present address:, email: [email protected] , Professor of Quantum and Nuclear Chemistry,

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC.

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

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الحديثالحديثالحديث العلم النوويالعلم النوويالعلم النووي مؤثر فيمؤثر فيمؤثر فيمي جديد مي جديد مي جديد لللععع كشفكشفكشف

يث يعد ح الأوربيةالمكتبات الكبرى في احد العواصم إحدىفي أخرىلقد التقينا هذا النووي العراقي مرة

في العلوم النووية.....و حاورناه فيما عنده من جديد... و هنا الخلاصة.... بحثه لنشر

خلاصة البحث:

NMT نظرية الماغنيتون النووية لتكميم الكتلة و المجال الموحد

لة مبةدا مكمةيم المبنيةة ع NMTلقد طرح العالم النووي العراقي نظريةة نوويةة جديةدة و هةي نظريةة الموةانيتوو النوويةة

الموسة القياسةي النمةوج و هةي نظريةة حاليةا و التي متضمن معديلات جوهرية عل النظرية النووية المعمةو باةاالكتلة

SMET الجديةدة حيث مقو هةذه النظريةة في الكوو الأساسيةمن حيث عدد وحدات البناء اولاNMT او وحةدات البنةاء

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6البتونةات و 6)و هةي 22عةدماا SMET الحاليةة بينما مقةو النظريةة النوويةة )الموانيتوو و ضديده( 2في الكوو هي

موحةدة داخةا النةواة و الأربعةمقو او القوى NMTة الجديدةمن حيث عدد القوى اج او هذه النظري ثانياالكواركات( و

مقةو هنةا SMET الحاليةة النوويةة هي القوى النووية الضعيفة و القويةة و الكاروموناطييةية و التثاقليةة بينمةا النظريةة

مكمةيم الكتلةة و أوجةدت NMTالنظريةة الجديةدة أوأج مةن حيةث مفاةوم مكمةيم الكتلةة ثالثااو ثلاثة قوى فقط داخا النواة.

طرحةت رابعااو المبةدأمفتقةر لمثةا هةذا SMETعملت به و نجحت نجاحا باهرا في مطبيقه بينما النظرية النووية الحالية

اقة القياسية لتكوين النويدة التي استطاعت او محيب طاقةات اننظمةة المفتوحةة و هةي التفةاعلات التةي مح ةا مفاوم الط

التي طالما انتظرها العلمةاء حيةث حةاو الأربعةبتوحيد القوى NMT لقد نجحت هذه النظرية . النووية تداخا المفاعلا

طرحت مفاوم مكميم الكتلة الجديدة هذه النظرية النووية أولام. عل مدى قرو و لكن لم يتحقق جلك الفيزيائيين العديد من

. حيث مقو هذه النظرية:" 2011عل غرار مكميم الطاقة التي قام باا العالم ماكس بلانك في عالم

Here are some quotes

NMT Concepts

1. NMT Concepts

The NMT believes that the numbers of the basic building blocks are only two, the magneton and its

antimagneton rather than twelve (6-quarks, 6-Leptons). These basic building blocks arranged in circular

closed quantized packages rings as nmtionic2 shells to form the fermions. Therefore, the fermion is not

considered as point consequently it has center of mass and axis to revolve around. A fundamental premise

of Magneton Theory is that energy cannot create mass but vice versa through spinning-rotation motion of

the magnetons which result in creation of mass-energy conformity principle. The spinning-rotating

magnetons are considered to interact as magnetic dipoles, with electric, magnetic and gravitational

properties to achieve the four forces, replacing fields being tangible force carrier’s bosons. Furthermore,

this NMT believes that the proton and the neutron are bound by four-force particles conservons. NMT use

a novel neutron mass defect and standard energy of formation rather than mass defect in all nuclear

calculations based on Mass Quantization Principle.

The NMT theory does not use mass-energy conversion to describe the nuclear reactions and

processes and binding energies in the nuclei but use its own mass-energy conformity principle in

addition to neutron mass defect. NMT has totally different interpretations than the primitive β-ray theory

of Fermi of 1934 where he proposed that the electrons and neutrinos can be created or annihilated. NMT

confirms that there is no annihilation into photons in the matter but rather disintegration of magnetons

packages into neutrinos because matter is quantized. The NMT concepts are considered as a parallel to

the concepts of the theory of Standard-Model (SMT). NMT concepts represent new philosophical visions

in nuclear science. The Q values of NMT are identical to SMT but more comprehensive.

NMT is now used to confirm Mass Quantization in a similar way as Energy Quantization. The

quantized mass creates the quantized energy but not vice versa. The mass in the universe is quantized and

is composed of a package of elementary discrete mass particles called magnetons.

2 Definition of nmtionic shells: They are the shells that form the fermion as explained in item-2.3. The word nmtionic is the adjective raised

from NMT (nmt+ion-ic).

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أو مروو.والنيةوالبرومةوو و هةي اللكتةرووكتلة المكممةة مبنةي الفرميونةات وكيف أو ال NMT و شرحت هذه النظرية

داخةا النةواة . أو الماغنيتونةاتK,L,Mمةن الماغنيتونةات نمتونيةة البروموو يتكةوو مةن ثلاثةة أغلفةةو لكتروولكا من ا

و الةذي بةدوره يولةد ياموناطيية مولةد مجةان -ضةمن الحلقةات المكممةة لفغلفةة - عنةد دوراناةا و فتلاةا وضمن الفرميوو

بالتةةالي متولةةد الشةةحنة او المةةاغنيتوو يولةةد الشةةحة اليةةالبة و ضةةديد المةةاغنيتوو يولةةد الشةةحة الموجبةةة و و اكاربائيةة مجةةان

الشحنة الموجبة عنةد البرومةوو حيةب قةانوو فةرداي. أو النيةومروو يتكةوو مةن أربعةة و الكاربائية اليالبة عند اللكتروو

و Lالراب ( هي شةحنة سةالبة بينمةا شةحنة الأغلفةة الوسةط و )الولاف الأو Nو K. أو شحنة K,L,M,N نمتونية أغلفة

M هي موجبة. أو الولاف الأوK أو هذه الماغنيتونات مدور في هذه الأغلفة. كثافة و لاذه الجييمات هو الأكثر

الموجةب Mشةحنة سةالبة فاةو يتةاثر مة الوةلاف النمتةوني الثالةث للنيومروو هو جو Nطالما او الولاف النمتوني الراب

للبروموو و بالتالي سوف يح ا هنا ماثر كولومبي بيناما مما يزيد في استقراريتاما بانضافة الة جيةيم الكونزرفةوو

( و الةذي يعةد 2091ام الذي يربط بين هذه البرومونات و النيومرونات )يقوم مقام البيوو الذي اقترحه العالم يوكةاوا فةي عة

نوع من انواع القوى التثاقلية و الذي يحةاف علة قةوانين حفة الطاقةة و العةدد الكتلةي و الشةحنو و الفتةا و غيرهةا خةلا

التفةاعلات النوويةة و هةو الميةي ايضةا عةن محةو البرومةةوو الة النيتةروو اثنةاء عمليةات اننحةلا النةوي ) يقةوم مقةةام

ض هذه النظرية انه في حالة مواجد برومونين قريبين فاو احدهما يوير امجاه دوراو غلافه الثالث كما مفتر (. Wالبوزوو

مما يعطي قيمية فتا موايرة و بالتالي يزيد من انستقرارية. وفي حالة نواة الايليوم فاو كا بروموو و نيةومروو يمتلكةوو

فتا بامجاه مواير للبروموو و النيومروو انخر.

بينما النيومروو يمتلك )أي له عدد ثابت من المونيتونات( البروموو يمتلك كتلة مكممة معينة واحدةو من اللكتروو أو كا

النظيةر فةي نيومرووشحته في النواة. أو كتلة الو معتمد كتلته عل مقدار وفرمه و -في النظائر الميتقرة -ممة عدة كتا مك

عةدم انسةتقرار ثةم فةي كتلةة النيةومروو عةن الكتلةة الميةتقرة مةيدي إلة و نق اوأ او أي زيادةالميتقر معد كتلة مكممة و

معتمةد علة NMT النوويةة الجديةدة كلما زاد الفرق بين الكتلتين كلما أصبح عمر الن ف اق ر. إو النظرية ،اننحلا

عل Q-valueة لحياب قيمة جراء كافة الحيابات النوويإفي neutron mass defect ∇Mnالفائض في كتلة النيومروو

البروموو و النيومروو في كتلة كا من و التي معتمد SMETمن قبا النظرية النووية الحالية خلاف الطريقة المعمو باا

Mass defect و التي متمثا الحيابات النووية M. كما طرحت هذه النظرية النووية الجديدة مفاوم حياب طاقة التكةوين

و التي مم استخداماا في حيةاب طاقةات التفةاعلات و اننحةلانت Standard energy of formationاسية للنويدة القي

النوويةةة التةةي مح ةةا فةةي المفةةاعلات النوويةةة و التةةي ي ةةاحباا فقةةداو او زيةةادة فةةي كتلةةة النيةةومروو نتيجةةة مفاعةةا حزمةةة

ية م نيومرونات انصناف النووية التي مولةدت نتيجةة اننشةطارات النوويةة. الماغنيتوو المتحررة من اننشطارات النوو

mass defectاو هذه الكتلة انضافية معطي طاقة انحلا اكبر من المحيوبة من خلا معادلة نقص الكتلة M.

Q-valueالطاقةة المتحةررة فةي حيةاب الطاقةة الرابطةة و حيةاب قيمةة NMTالنووية الجديدة لقد نجحت هذه النظرية

β من عمليات اننحلا كافة مثا-, β

+, EC,α,cluster كمةا . كانةت بةاهرةاننشطار و اننةدما كافةة و النتةائ و مفاعلات

Standard energy of formation ofادخلةت هةذه النظريةة مفاةوم جديةد و هةو حيةاب الطاقةة القياسةية لتكةوين النويةدة

nuclide .ت هةةذه النظريةةة الجديةةدة لقةةد اسةةتخدمNMT معادلةةةE=mbc بةةدن عةةن E=mc2

نو هةةذه النظريةةة ن مةةيمن

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حيةب مبةدأ -عنةد دوراناةا و فتلاةا –بتحو الكتلة إل طاقة با مةيمن أو كتلةة المةاغنيتوو مولةد طاقةة نوويةة بقةدر وزناةا

التطةةابق الةةذي وضةةعته.

و مطبيةةق معادلةةة ض فةةي كتلةةة النيةةومرووالفةةائعنةةدما ميةةتخدم هةةذه النظريةةة النوويةةة الجديةةدة مبةةدأ


أي أو كةةلا . NMTفةةاو النتةةائ متطةةابق مائةةة بالمائةةة و هةةذا يةةد علةة صةةحة مفةةاهيم النظريةةة النوويةةة الجديةةدة

E=mcأجا يتم استخدام يعطياو نفس النتيجة مماما SMETو NMTالنظريتين 2

يختلفاو في المبدأ. رغم أناما

مةةيمن بةةاو الكتلةةة منحةةا إلةة NMT الكتلةةة إلةة طاقةةة بينمةةا النظريةةة الجديةةدة يمن بتحةةو مةة SMTأو النظريةةة الحاليةةة

طرحةت مبةدأ جديةد و هةو NMTالوحدات الأساسية م محرر الطاقة المخزونة من داخا النةواة. أو نظريةة المةاغنيتوو

أي محةو principle of conversionبةدن مةن مبةدأ محةو الكتلةة إلة طاقةة principle of conformityمبةدأ التطةابق

الكتلة إل طاقة.

Mass-Energyطاقاة –مبدأ المطابقة )كتلة اسست و اعتمدت ان هذه النظرية

Principle of Conformity و هو يعني ان كتلة الماغنتون تدور فتولاد الطاقاة

ة بقدر وزنها.بقدر زنها بينما مبدأ التحويل لاينشتاين يقول الكتلة تفنى و تعطي طاق

اي و يتوقف تولياد الطاقاة بتوقاف الادوران. ضمن الاغلفة و هذا يعني ان كتلة الماغنتون تستحدث الطاقة عند دورانها

اي ان الطاقة انها مسيرة بطاقة ذاتها بسبب تنافر اقطابها و ان تحرر الطاقة منها هو نتيجة فناء حركتها و ليس ذاتها.

اي زيادة الخلفية الاشعاعية. ان هاذا المفهاوع عان الطاقاة حرارة الكون من و هذا ما يزيدفي الكون تتشتتتستحدث و

ان هذه النظرية جائت بمفاهيم نووية جديدة و قومت اود مفاهيم هو على خلاف القول ان الطاقة لا تفنى و لا تستحدث.

النظرية النووية السابقة.

هنا تجد خلاصة هذا القانون:

IX- Mass-Energy Conformity Principle The momentum of the magneton inside the fermion expressed by p=mb. The amount of the energy,

SSNF, generated is expressed by E=mbc based on Mass-Energy Conformity Principle. This principle has

three criteria which discusses the concept of the energy of the moving system which conforms to its

moving mass.

First, in classical macro system the kinetic energy of the moving mass which described by

Ek=1/2(mv1)v2, the first velocity v1 will be multiplied with the mass to give the momentum of the system

while the second velocity v2 is considered as a simple unit conversion factor to convert the momentum

unit to joule unit. The calculated energy here is a mathematical function for that moving mass. This means

that the essential issue in this term Ek=p (½v2) is the momentum p while the other two factors (i.e. ½ & v2)

are trivial or insignificant as they do not have any physical meaning. The factor (½) is redundant and v2 is

unit conversion factor. This is a general rule for the calculation of mathematical kinetic energy for any

moving mass in the macro system.

Second, in quantum micro system the kinetic energy of the moving mass which described by

E=(mb)c, the (mb) term represents the momentum and the second speed c is considered as a simple

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mathematical unit conversion factor to convert the momentum unit to joule unit. This concept is applied to

the all moving non-accelerated particles such as neutron, proton and electron. This is a general rule for the

calculation of mathematical the kinetic energy for any moving mass in quantum micro system.

Third, in the fermionic atto system that is composed of spinning-rotating magnetons which is

described by E=(mb)c, where b=0.603797x108 m/s and the speed of light c is a conversion factor and its

multiplication with momentum (mb) will give the real amount of the energy which will be generated due

the spin-rotation of the magnetons inside the fermion. The non-relativistic mass-energy equivalence E=mbc

gives 187.607MeV/bc to one u.

Based on Mass-Energy-Conformity Principle, the amount of the energy created or released from

the fermion is equivalent to the summation of the mass of the spinning-rotating magnetons. According to

this concept, the magneton or its anti magneton will generate 0.0503 eV E/bc (or 0.25 eV E/c2 for purpose

of comparison with the literature) inside the fermion. When these packages of magnetons leave the fermion

texture, during nuclear processes, they will carry this energy to the environment as gamma rays and they

finally disintegrated to neutrinos. In NMT, all the nuclear activities calculated are based on this principle.

The overall surplus of the strong self-nuclear forces SSNF will create an outer charged electromagnetic

shell, OCEM-shell (columbic filed) around the nucleus. The OCEM shell protects the nucleons not to run

away from the nucleus and to control their stability in regard to the disintegration and to control binding the

electrons in quantized orbitals. This OCEM shell will be torn at very high temperatures in the stars which

let the nucleons to be free for a short time to fuse to create new nuclides. The OCEM (columbic field) is

behind the fuzzy surface of decreasing nuclear density.

ن ةف مةن خةلا فةارق بإيجاد علاقة متنبة بعمةر ال NMTالنووية الجديدة نجحت النظرية الكتلة ميو بناء عل مفاوم مكم

بعمر الن ةف للنويةدات المشةعة كافةة حتة جات النظرية الجديدة استطاعت أو متنبالكتلة النيومرونية في ملك النظائر. أو

10و التي مق بحدود الأعمار الق يرة جدا-25

أو مثا هذه النظائر المشعة متولد داخا المفاعا النووي و ي عب و . ثانية

ق ر أعمارها و لكن هذه النظرية النووية الجديدة و ضعت الأسس الحاسبية لقياساا و بدقة عالية بنةاء يتعذر قياساا لشدة

عل مبدا مكميم الكتلة.

و بدقةة متناهيةة و التنبةاء بمقةدار كتلةة أي نويةدة يةراد مخليقاةااو متنب بمقةدار استطاعت هذه النظرية النووية الجديدةكما

. كميم الكتلة و حياب النشاط انشعاعي من معرفة عمر الن ف و طاقة انحلا طاقة اننحلا من خلا م

(2)2 ممتلئ بموجب القاعةدة S1, P2, D3, F4, G5 and H6وو من أغلفة نووية نظرية او النواة متككما بينت هذه الn او و

هكذا حت ممتلئ بروموو ثم بالنيومروو وبال او عملية البناء مبدأ أوننويات و هذه الأغلفة محتوي عل كرات ممتلئ ب ربعة

نمةوج – سةوف مبعةث ألفةا بيةاولة. أو هةذا النمةوج pn-pnات فةي الأغلفةة. أو الكةرات التةي متضةمن الشةكا رهذه الك

و قد هو ي ح لتفيير كافة اننحلانت النووية.من مائة انحلا نووي وبنجاح و استطاع أو يفير أكثر -الولاف النووي

" مةن Fertileأي مناةا سةتكوو قابلةة للانشةطار "" وFissileمكةوو انشةطارية " رية في مشخيص أية نويةدة أونجحت النظ

هذه النتائ مامة جدا في المفاعلات النووية التي محتوي علة أكثةر مجربة عملية و خلا مبدأ مكميم الكتلة قبا إجراء أي

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

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E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

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P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



مةن خلالةه النوويةة و ة قةدمت نموججةا جديةدا عةن الأغلفةةأو النظرية، صةنف نةووي مشة أثنةاء مشةويا المفاعةا 111من

هو مطابق للجداو النووية.بطريقة وسلو اننحلانت النووية و متنب استطاعت أو

موصةا إلة نظريةة داخةا النةواة و موحيةد القةوى الأربعةةث العراقي نجةح فةي مكمةيم الكتلةة وأو الباح يمكن القو بإيجازو

التي لم متمكن من حلاا النظرية النووية المعو باةا لةدى لظواهر النووية الموجودة حاليا وز انووية جديدة حلت اغلب الوا

x 10 2.23324الةذي كةاو ييةاوي ة. لقد حيبت النظرية كتلة وحجةم وكثافةة المةاغنيتوو والفيزياء النووي65



لقد اقترحت هذه النظرية او هنا مجةا ثقوب اليوداء.عن الكثافة العالية للي الميئولة عن القوى التثاقلية وهذه الكثافة ه

اجا Electromagnetic Fieldعلة غةرار المجةا الكاروموناطييةي Gravitomagnetic Fieldموناطييةي -مثاقلي

معتقد هذه النظرية او هذا المجا التثاقلي الموناطييي هو الذي يتحكم في النواة و النظام الشميي.

و بةةين النظريةةة النوويةةة المعمةةو باةةا حاليةةا NMTفروقةةات بةةين نظريةةة العةةالم النةةووي العراقةةي يمكةةن ملاحظةةة بعةةض ال

SMT. علما أو النظرية النووية الحالية مم انجازها بمياهمة الآنف الفيزيائيين و عباقرة التةاري مةن كةا العةالم بينمةا

علمية الشخ ية فقط و التي معطي نتائ اشما مةن النظريةة النظرية النووية التي قدما هذا العالم العراقي هي من جاوده ال

المعو باا حاليا.


لم مكمم الكتلة و ح لت عل نتائ باهرة اكممت الكتلة و عملت با -2

أنشة ت مبةةدأ التطةابق فةةي حيةاب الطاقةةة النوويةة بةةد -2

و المتمثةةا بالمعادلةةة مةةن مبةةدأ محةةو الكتلةةة إلةة طاقةةة


و مبةةةدأ محويةةةا الكتلةةةة إلةةة طاقةةةة معتمةةد

E=mc المتمثةةةا بالمعادلةةةة2

فةةةي حيةةةاب

الطاقة النووية

2ميكةةةةد علةةةة أو وحةةةةدات البنةةةةاء فةةةةي الكةةةةوو هةةةةي -9

الماغنيتوو و ضديده

ميكةةد علةة او وحةةدات البنةةاء فةةي الكةةوو

و هةةةةةي الكواركةةةةات اليةةةةةتة و 22هةةةةي

انليكتةةةةةةةةةروو و الميةةةةةةةةةوو و التةةةةةةةةةاو و


و مفاةةوم نقةةص E=mbcمةةدت معادلتاةةا الخاصةةة اعت -1

بدن Neutron mass defect ∆Mnكتلة النيومروو

E=mcعن 2

و حيةاب الطاقةة فةي الحيةابات النوويةة


E=mcاعتمةةةدت معادلتاةةةا الخاصةةةة 2


Normal massمفاةةوم نقةةص الكتلةةة

defect ∆MA و في الحيابات النووية

حياب الطاقة الرابطة

عنةدماأو موحد القوى الأربعة داخةا النةواة استطاعت -5

. اي جمعةةت جمعةةت بةةين الميكانيةةك القةةديم و الحةةديث

لم ميتطي أو موحد القوى الأربعة داخةا

النواة و قد حاولت عل مدى قرو كاما

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القةةوى النوويةةة الثلاثةةة وهةةي القةةوى النوويةةة القويةةة و

الضعيفة و الكاروموناطييية و القوى التثاقلية

الميةتقرة و هةي ت مركيب الفرميونات الأساسيةوصف -6

مروو باناةةا مكونةةة مةةن والبرومةةوو و النيةةواللكتةةروو

1البرمةوو و و كترووللفي ا 9نمتونية وعددها أغلفة

نيومرووأغلفة في ال

وصةةةفت مركيةةةب الفرميونةةةات الأساسةةةية

حةةدة و الميةةتقرة و هةةي اللكتةةروو ب نةةه

مروو وأو البرومةةةةةوو و النيةةةةةو أساسةةةةةية

ركاتاكلاهما يتكوناو من ثلاثة كو

أكةةةدت أو اللكتةةةروو و البرومةةةوو لامةةةا كتلةةةة مكممةةةة -7

هةةةو ا النيةةةومروو لةةةه كتةةةا مكممةةةة عةةةدة. وثابتةةةة بينمةةة

و الطاقة الرابطة الميئو عن كا التفاعلات النووية

ن يوجد مثا هذا المفاوم عندها

بينةت أو عمليةة اننحةلا النةووي لييةت عشةوائية بةةا -8

لنيومروو الذي يمتلك كتلة أكثةر أو اقةا مةن الكتلةة أو ا

المكممةة سةةوف ينحةا حتةة ي ةةا إلة الكتلةةة المكممةةة

من خلا انبعاث اشعة +β و

-β وEC وα

معتبر عملية اننحلا عشوائية

نجحت في وض علاقات و معادنت مربط بين الطاقة -0

و عمةةر ن ةةف النويةةدة المشةةعة مةة فةةارق الكتلةةة غيةةر


ن معرف مثا هذه العلاقات

او هذه النظرية مبةين او الطاقةة فةي الكةوو و اننظمةة -21

النووية ميتحدث داخا النواة ضةمن انغلقةة النمتونيةة

و متبدد خار النواة ثم ال الكوو خار النجوم

اناةةا مقةةو فةةي نظةةام معةةزو : الطاقةةة ن

مفن و ن ميتحدث با يمكةن محولاةا مةن

صيوة ال اخرى

بينةةت او اي جيةةيم المضةةاد غيةةر ميةةتقر و جو عمةةر -22

ق ةةيرة جةةدا و مةةن ال ةةعب مولةةدياا لةةذا يتعةةذر بنةةاء

مفةةةاعلات نوويةةةة ميةةةتخدم مفةةةاعلات المةةةادة و المةةةادة


مبين او انجيام المضةادة لاةا اهميةة فةي

فام اليلو النووي

ميكد او مفاعا الجييم م ضديده هو ييدي ال عملية -22

الة الماغنيتونةات و هةي الجيةيمات انساسةية انحلا

كما هو الحا عند م ادم البروموو و ضديده.

موكةةد او مفاعةةا الجيةةيم و مضةةادة يةةيدي

الةة عمليةةة انبةةادة اي محةةو الكتلةةة الةة

طاقة. حيث موكد هذه النظريةة او مفاعةا

الجيةةةةةيم مةةةةة ضةةةةةديده يولةةةةةد فومونةةةةةات

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

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E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

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P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



ميتقطبة. اي متحو الكتلة ال طاقة.

قةةةد وضةةةعت هةةةذه النظريةةةة اربعةةةة معةةةاير لوصةةةف ل -29

. و ميكد او الجيةيم الةذي particleاستقرارية الجييم

ن يملةةك شةةحنة اساسةةية كاملةةة و مكممةةه )بقةةدر شةةحنة

انلكتةةروو او البرمةةوو( فاةةو غيةةر ميةةتقر ابةةد. مةةثلا

الميزونةةات و الكواركةةات و غيرهةةا معةةد غيةةر ميةةتقرة

.كوناا محما اجزاء من الشحنة المكممة

ن مملك مثا هذه المعاير

مفترض وجود نوعين من الكونزرفوو الذي يربط بين -21

البرومونةةةات و النيومرونةةةات و هةةةو نةةةوع مةةةن القةةةوى

نيةةةبة التثاقليةةةة و الكاروموناطييةةةية. او وزو انو

و معةد عمةره 502meهةو ييةاوي ال انلكتةروو

نيةةةبة الةةة او وزو الثةةةانيو ياخةةةت مةةةن الثانيةةةة 69

ياخةت مةن 52و معد عمره 613meهو لكترووان

yocto second = 10. الياخت هو الثانية-24


مفتةةةةةرض وجةةةةةود البةةةةةاي ميةةةةةوزو بةةةةةين

البرومونات و النيومرونةات. و هةي علة

نيةةبة الةة نةةوعين انو متعةةاد و وزنةةه

و معةةةةد 264meييةةةةاوي انلكتةةةةروو

8.4x10عمةةةةةةةةره -17

s وزو الثةةةةةةةةاني و

ييةةاوي لكتةةروو نيةةبة الةة انالمشةةحوو

273me و معةةةةةةةةد عمةةةةةةةةره ييةةةةةةةةاوي



شةةرحت و بينةةت كيةةف او الشةةحنة اليةةالبة او الموجبةةة -25

هي صفة عارضة منت مةن دوراو الماغنيتونةات. لقةد

حيةةث SMETحلةةت اللوةةز الةةذي عانةةت منةةه النظريةةة

كمةةا نعلةةم او الكواركةةات ممةةنح الشةةحنة للبرومةةوو مةةن

اجزاء من الشةحنة خلا افتراض او الكواركات مملك

و عنةةد مركيباةةا مةة بعضةةاا معطةةي الشةةحنة الموجبةةة

للبروموو و الشخنة صفر للنيتروو و لكن لم مبةين مةن

اين مامي الشحنة اليالبة للالكتروو

لم ممتلك مثا هذه الفليفة

شةةرحت كيةةف او المجةةا الموناطييةةي حةةو الجيةةيم -26

المشةةةةحوو يكةةةةوو مشةةةةحوو و مةةةةزداد قيمةةةةة النفاجيةةةةة

اطييةةية بزيةةاة الشةةنحة للجيةةيم. و هةةذا مةةا يفيةةر المون

اختلاف سلو انحراف اشعة كاما و بيتا و الفا

ن مملك مثا هذه الفليفة

او هذه النظرية معتقد او لكا مفاعا نووي هنا طيف -27

خةةام مةةن الماغنيتونةةات و معةةد كب ةةمة اباةةام و هةةذا

ن مملك مثا هذه الفليفة

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

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E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

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يياعد عل الرقابة الدولية

E=mcينت الفام ال حيح لكا من ب -282

E=1/2mvو 2


لةةم ميةةتطي او موضةةح هةةذا الفاةةم علةة

مدى مائة عام

ادخلت هذه النظرية مفاوم جديةد و هةو حيةاب الطاقةة -20

Standard energy ofالقياسةةية لتكةةةوين النويةةدة

formation of nuclide .

ن مملك مثا هذه الفليفة

لكترونةةات ن مةةدور حةةو النةةواة معتقةد هةةذه النظريةةة ان -21

كمةةا هةةو معةةروف اجا ن يوجةةد مبةةرر لةةدوراناا كمةةا ن

يوجد دليا عل دوراناةا. و كةذلك النويةات )البرومةوو

و النيتةةروو( ن مةةدور داخةةا النةةواة بةةا هةةي موجةةودة

ضمن مدارات مكممة و هي انغلفة النووية

معتقد او انلكترونةات مةدور حةو النةواة

مدور ضمن اغلفة النواة و كذلك النويات

هذه النظرية متوق وجود انلكتروو متعاد الشةحنة و -22

برومةةةوو متعةةةاد الشةةةحنة و نيةةةومروو سةةةالب و اخةةةر

موجب بناء عل التركيب البنائي لاذه الجييمات

و فةةي حالةةة التوصةةا لخلةةق انلكتةةروو المتعةةاد فانةةه

سوف ينفة فةي عةلا الخلايةا اليةرطانية بشةكا فعةا


ن متوق هذه النظرية مثا هذه الجييمات

هةةذه النظريةةة طرحةةت مفاةةوم طاقةةة التكةةوين القياسةةية -22

لتكوين النويدة و قد مم استخداماا في جمية الحيةابات

النووية للانظمة المولقة و المفتوحة و التي اعطت قةيم

مطابقة للقيم التجريبية و معد نتةائ هةذه الطريقةة اكثةر

يةةابات النظريةةة النوويةةة العمةةو دقةةة و شةةمولية مةةن ح

باا حاليا

ن ممتلةةك هةةذه النظريةةة مثةةا هةةذا المفاةةوم


.صفحة 81او عدد صفحات النظرية هو .هذه المفاهيم في العداد القادمة نشرح بالتف ياسوف

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لقد أثارت أعجاب بعض علماء الفيزياء النووية و هذه نماج من رسائا احد العلماء :From: JBARAN3 Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 2:15 AM

To: Prof Bahjat

Subject: Re: Evaluation

June 16, 2012

Dear Professor;

Eugene Wigner* in his Collected Works, Part 1, which I happen to possess, describes Einstein as the mentor to all the physicists of the day; and father of modern physics as Green* was father of mathematical physics. He would sit front and center at the colloquia in Berlin; Wigner: "if the reviewer presented a clear report, no comment would come from the first row. But if the reviewer of the paper was unclear, questions would sure to arise from the first row, especially Einstein. 'Oh, no; Things are not so simple.' That was his favorite phrase."

Your paper “Nuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization-Unified Field Theory” is, monumental and unique, is especially subject to be frowned upon by the less endowed; and we no longer have an Einstein to establish its clarity. You did not present it in a "what if" way; indeed you were quite dogmatic and insistent. I think that is good - even great.

The weaker physicists, not use to Berlin - like revolutionary concepts, will probably be troubled by it. In any event it will be a bit of an uphill battle since it tests the validity of mass-energy equivalence and it critiques the man himself. Of course much is known now that Einstein wasn't privy to and unless there are some glaring errors in calculations to mar its merits I believe it will be published.

I also believe in the dipole-diploe interaction and the origin of the ultra-short range nuclear force you propose. The idea actually occurred to me but I must admit I did not see the merits of the gravitational participation – as contributing to the (presently) unknown origin of the strong nuclear attraction - at sufficiently short distances in the nucleus. That was great!

I sincerely hope the Nobel Prize is in the future - for you. The paper - if proved experimentally - will indeed result in such a prize. It is a comprehensive work with an absolute new approach to understanding the structure of the nucleus which hopefully should stimulate experimental research to prove.

As all works that are revolutionary it will be slow to "catch on;" not so with evolutionary works. Any time one questions Einstein – one is in trouble with those who place him on a pedestal. R. Baran

*Hungarian Wigner Jenő Pál; November 17, 1902 – January 1, 1995, FRS was a Hungarian American theoretical

physicist and mathematician

*George green, mathematician and physicist 1793-1841

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


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P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



أعلاهمرجمة الرسالة

MITنووي امريكي عما م -رسالة من بروفييور روبرت بارو فيزيائي 26.16.2122التاري

عزيزي الأستاج )البروفييور(

ب نةه المعلةم أو الميتشةار لجمية علمةاء آينشةتاين، الموجودة عندي، ي ةف 2* في مجموعة أعماله، الجزء يوجين فيونر

أب الفيزياء الرياضية. كرين لحديثة كما كاوالفيزياء وأب الفيزياء ا

ندوات في برلين ويجلس في منت ف ال ف الأمةامي: "إجا قةدم المحاضةر أو الناقةد يحضر كاوآينشتاين ب وفيونر يقو

مقريرا واضحا، ن معليق ي مي من ال ف الأو ولكن إجا قدم المحاضر أو الناقد مقريرا غير واضةحا، فةاو الأسةئلة سةوف

مي بكا م كيد من ال ف الأو ومن آينشتاين عل وجه الخ وم. "أوه، ن، الأمور لييت باةذه البيةاطة." كانةت هةذه م

. " آينشتاينالعبارة المفضلة لدى

Nuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization-Unified“ فةي بحثةكالموضةوع الةذي مناولتةه

Field Theory” هةذه الأيةام آينشةتاينعاض بشكا خام عند الذين أقا موهبة, ون يوجد عندنا هائا وفريد ويثير انمت

أنت لم مقدم بحثك بطريقة "ماجا لو"، با كنةت عقائةدي وحةازم جةدا وبكةا إصةرار. لكي ي ادق عل وضوح ما مطرحه.

ن با انه عظيما. -أعتقد أو هذا جيد

ن ييةتخدموو المفةاهيم الثوريةة, سةوف ي ةيبام الربةا بيةبب مةا الفيزيائيوو الضعفاء, الةذين ن يعرفةوا بةرلين مثةا الةذي


عل أي حا ستكوو هنا معركةة شةاقة لأو مةا مطرحةه يختبةر صةحة مفاةوم مكةافي الكتلةة والطاقةة وينتقةد الرجةا نفيةه.

حةة فةي حيةابات لةم يكةن مطلعةا بشةكا كامةا وإجا مةا ثبةت بةاو هنةا أخطةاء فاد آينشةتاينبالطب أصبح معروفةا الآو بة و

بما يفيد مزاياها, اعتقد انه سيتم نشرها. آينشتاين

وفةي أصةا القةوة النوويةة جات المةدى الق ةير التةي اقترحتاةا. فةي الحقيقةة هةذه Dipole-Diploeأيضا في مفاعةا أأيد

الأصةةا غيةةر كميةةاهم )حاليةةا( فةةي -الفكةةرة راودمنةةي ولكةةن يجةةب أو أعتةةرف بةة نني لةةم أر مزايةةا وأسةةس مةة ثير الجاجبيةةة

المعروف للتجاجب النووي القوي عل ميافات ق يرة داخا النواة. وكاو هذا عظيما! .

بكم في الميتقبا. أجا ثبةت صةحة مةا مطرحةه بالتجربةة فةاو جلةك سةييدي يوآما مخل ا عل أو مكوو جائزة نوبا من ن

الفعا عل ح ولكم عل جائزة نوباب

جديد بالمطلق لفام بنية النواة والذي بدوره آما أو يحفز البحث العلمةي لثبامةه مةن إو عملكم هذا لاو عما شاما م نا

خلا التجارب العلمية.

جميةة العمةةا التةةي محةةدث مويةةرات جذريةةة مواجةةه بةةطء فةةي الدرا والفاةةم واننتشةةار ولكةةن لةةيس كةةذلك هةةو الحةةا مةة

الأعما التطويرية أو النشوئية.

في م زق بيبب أولئك الذين وضعوه عل قاعدة التمثا . آينشتاين مياؤ كا وقت .... لقد وض

البروفييور روبيرت بارو

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



روبيرت بارن الأمريكيمن العالم أخرىو هذه رسالة

From: JBARAN3 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 10:21 PM To: Prof Bahjat Subject: Re: Greetings To all; Here’s a more simple minded approach … sort of ... with tongue in cheek Why split hairs? Green, the uncontested father of mathematical physics, developed the concept of the potential viz., Green’s Functions, and was the predecessor of one mathematically expressing E/M theory – although in a difficult fashion – and as later developed eloquently by Maxwell. Maxwell gave electromagnetic theory elegance, as did Einstein with Special relativity. Relativity was expressed in terms of down to earth thought experiments; Maxwell not only presented the theory mathematically but comprehensively – as a “solution to the problem” instead of random ideas, ravings, and generalized functions and, in Poincare’s case, sophisticated verbiage about space, time and the elusive ether. Did they not? Give the devils their due! And it all works so well! Of course the one depends on the other; the latter a bit (I think) more than the former. The Lorentz transformation sets the table for results obtained later in Special Relativity; and establishes empirically equivalence of mass and energy. Implicit in Maxwell's theory, with electric and magnetic fields e and b, one calculates the energy density

to be (e2 + b2)/(8) and the momentum density as (e x b)/(4c) implying (in the case of radiation when e

and b are equal and orthogonal) the energy density being E = e2/(4) and the momentum density being p

= e2/(4c). Allowing the momentum p to be the product of the radiation's expected mass, m, moving at a velocity, c, and shows

or so E = mc2 The two theories are tied! And beautiful!

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



BUT In the sub domain of the nucleus, where both Classical and Quantum concepts seem to require help, where at ultra-short ranges gravity is a force to be reckoned with, and where Newtonian physics (once again) seems to take more of a hold, the E = mbc or similar approach might be a part of the answer! The magnetrons, with mass, and dipole interaction, could just prove to be the trick! R. Baran

يعود اكبور و ماكسووي فيزياء،الرياضيات اسس لماذا نندهش ؟ والعالم كرين اكبر عالم الموجز للرسالة اعلاه و المعنىان اطيسووية وايناوو اين وضوور النظريووة النسووبية وءيرهووا وهوولثء العبووا ر ال لا ووة جميوو النظريووة الكوروم ن أسووسعووالم يال قليود م والميكانيو مفواهيم الكو صور و طلوم مسواعد ، لكون النووا E=mc2معادلة موحود و هو إلى صلوا و

معادلة جاءتو ، (ال ا لية وىالق وى نووية وية وضعيفة و وى كوروم ناطيسية و ) ف داخلوا ل وحيد القوى اثربعة .ل لب النداء وهذه ه البراعة E=mbc العالم النووي العرا

From: Robert Baran To: Prof. Dr. Bahjat R J Muhyedeen Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 7:01 AM Subject: Re: Your papers of 2009; 2008, received

Prof. Dr. Bahjat R J Muhyedeen

Thank you very much. I'll bet the gent, with the wild hair (i.e. Einstein), who sat next to Max von Laue at the colloquia

in Berlin, will turn in his grave over what you presented. I hope not however since of all the magic fell as he was no

doubt the best of the best and deserves a great rest from his efforts.

Happy retirement (a time to ponder for sure)

Robert J Baran

اكرا جزيلا ل . أنا اراهن السيد ذو الاعر البري او ءير المصفف )يعن اينا اين( الذي يجلس الى جنم العالم ماكس ( لو ان احد ادخ هذه 9191يائين ف برلين عام فون )ي كلم عن صور لملسيسين للحلقات الدراسية اثسبوعية للفيز

المفاهيم الى بره )يعن اينا اين( سينزعج مما دمت انت من مفاهيم ف البح ين. انا منى ان ث ينزعج، موما يكن فان سبية الخاصة ك السحر د سقط )يقصد مفاهيم اينا اين الخيالية ال قو ك لة حو الى طا ة و افكار الخيالية ف الن

و العامة( و لكن ث ا كان افض الفضلاء و هو يس حق الراحة العظيمة ف بره ن يجة لجوود .

رخص منام لورض نشرها إل لكن يحتا العالم العراقي و آخرينمن علماء أخرىهنا رسائا

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



هنا تجد مقتبسات من النظرية

Here are some quotes from the article of the NMT-MQ-UFT

Abstract (ENG) A new theory is hereby proposed which is founded on the concept of quantized elementary discrete

mass particles, called herein the Magneton and Anti-Magneton. The particles are conceived to be spinning

magnetic dipoles with sufficient mass to produce the dipole-dipole interaction sufficient to act at ultra-short

range – the source of the Nuclear Force Field (NFF) - which now has a gravitational component. Since the

NFF contains this component it can be thought of as the long searched for Unified Field. The theory is

termed the Nuclear Magneton Theory, or NMT.

Abstrait (French) Une nouvelle théorie est proposée qui est fondée sur le concept de particules élémentaires de masse

quantifiés discrets, appelé ici le magnéton et anti-Magneton. Les particules sont conçus pour être filer

dipôles magnétiques avec une masse suffisante pour produire l'interaction dipôle-dipôle suffisante pour agir

à ultra-courte portée - la source du champ de force nucléaire (NFF) - qui a maintenant une composante

gravitationnelle. Depuis la NFF contient ce composant il peut être considéré comme la longue recherche

pour le champ unifié. La théorie que l'on appelle la théorie magnéton nucléaire, ou NMT.

البروتون و النيوترونالإلكترون وجد نموذج من وصف هنا ن

Here are more quotes from the article

Fermions and Hadrons Composition Structure

In the outline of this theory, the NMT suggests that these circular rings are arranged in a certain

way to make three quantized fermionic shells, 1st K, 2

nd L and 3

rd M in both the electron and the proton

textures while they make four quantized fermionic shells 1st K, 2

nd L and 3

rd M, and 4

th N in the neutron

texture, therefore it is heavier and larger than the proton. The 1st K shell is the most dense therefore it is

considered as a core of the fermionic particle. The charge radii for these three fermions are not fixed due to

the elasticity structure of the fermionic shells. All these fermionic shells have several quantized subshells.

The magnetons’ circular rings in the three fermionic shells in the electron generate the negative charge and

they generate the positive charge in the proton shells, which is distributed on quantized masses.

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



In the atomic orbitals’ processes, the visiting electron changes the direction of the rotation of the

magnetons of the 3rd

M shell to have opposite spin to occupy the same orbital of its hosting electron. The

change process which take place in third shell of the electron requires a small energy from the system

therefore it is endothermic process. This process is known as pairing energy; which is the energy required

to accommodate two electrons in one orbital. The opposite directions of the 3rd

M shells in the two pairing

electrons will set up a fermionic bond, which lead to the stabilization of the chemical system. Not only the

electrons form fermionic bonds but also the neutrons and the protons can form them. Therefore, we have

four fermionic bonds i.e. electron-electron, neutron-neutron, proton-proton and neutron-proton. The

protons can form fermionic bonds in different manner where only part of 3rd

shell can change their

direction to have weak fermionic bonds in diproton p-p (He-2) due to anti spin properties. When there is

enough energy one of protons converts to neutron to form D-2 and emit positron.

In the neutron texture, these magnetons circular rings generate partial negative charge in 1st K and

the 4th

N shells and partial positive charge in middle shells 2nd

L and 3rd

M provided that the magnetons

circular rings in 1st K and 4

th N complete the elementary negative charge and in 2

nd L and 3

rd M complete

the elementary positive charge. The net charges of these four fermionic shells have to be zero in the

neutron texture. This shells texture is responsible for the negative magnetic moment of the neutron because

the middle positive shells decrease this negativity to −1.04187563×10−3

μB, while the three positive

fermionic shells of the proton enhance each other to give the 1.521032210×10−3

μB even they are so far

between each other. In the electron, the three negative charged shells give the −1.00115965 μB because

these shells are very closer to each other. The electron fermionic shells are behind Casimir effect.

The middle shells 2nd

L in the electron and in the proton might revers its magnetic direction under

high magnetic field to produce neutral electron eo and neutral proton p

o. When the technological facility of

eo-beam becomes available it will be used for treatment of cancer cell without affecting the other tissues.

The 2nd

L and 3rd

M in the neutron will also might revers its magnetic direction to produce a neutron with

positive and negative charges as intermediate stages.

The neutron partial negative charge in the 4th

N shell will attenuate the positive charge of the 3rd


shell of the pairing proton inside the nuclear shells in the nucleus through formation of strong fermionic

bonds. This partial negative charge also helps the two or more neutrons to be in one sphere in nuclear shell

as they behave like electrons in atomic orbitals to have opposite paring spin. The neutron partial negative

charge in the N shell also highly facilitates the entrance of the thermal neutron to the nuclei of heavy

nuclides since the columbic forces will accelerate the neutron toward the nuclei. These partial negative

charges of the two neutrons in alpha particle also help in penetration of the alpha particle to pass the

potential barrier of the nucleus more easily due to the columbic attraction between the partial positive and

the partial negative fermionic shells of the nucleons in the nucleus and alpha which commonly interpreted

by alpha tunneling quantum effect.

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



Here are more quotes

3. The Calculation of Q-value of Nuclear Decay and Reactions via Neutron Mass Defect

NMT adopted a neutron mass defect Mn concept, based on mass quantization, instead of the

normal mass defect M. The general formula for Mn can be written as follow:

(NMT) Mn = Σ(M-ZMp)left-side – Σ(M-Mp)right-side ……. , it uses Mass-Energy Conformity Principle

This neutron mass defect ‎∇Mn concept is different from the Standard Model-Extended Theory,

SMET concept δM which stated that the mass excess is converted to energy. The mass excess of SMET

uses both Mp and Mn:

(SMET) Mass defect, δM=(ZMp + NMn)-Mmother ……… , it uses Mass-Energy Equivalence Principle

The neutron mass defect ∇Mn which based on mass quantization and the Mass-Energy Conformity

Principle are new concepts in nuclear science and considered as the main premise of NMT which

used in the nuclear calculations.

The main concept here is that the magnetons generate energy due to their spinning and rotation

movements inside the neutron and the protons in the nucleus thus creating Strong Charged Electromagnetic

Force (SCEF) with self-gravity force, SGF. Each magneton or anti-magneton will generate 0.050 eV based

on E=mbc (or 0.25eV based on E=mc2 for purpose of the comparison with literature nuclear values and

data) based on the mass-energy principle of conformity. This neutron mass defect ∇Mn concept is

different from the Standard Model Theory concept M which stated that the mass excess converts to

energy and vice versa.

من كيفية الحسابات النووية وفق هذه النظرية نموذجهنا تجد

I- β--decay Q-value

I- β--decay Q-value

The Q-value of β--decay can be calculated from the neutron mass defect Mn in the parent or mother M

and in the daughter D. In this type of decay one neutron converts to proton and electron to achieve the

neutron quantized mass in the daughter nuclide. Thus we have to add the mass of the proton to total

neutron mass in daughter nuclide in right side to be (MA-Z1Mp) One electron will be released as beta ray

and one electron will be acquired from the surroundings to neutralize the new born proton, the total

electron balance remains constant. The general formula of Mn for β--decay is given by:

Mn = [(MA-ZMp)M – (MA-Z1Mp)D]……………..(58)

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



The term (MA-ZMp)M and (MA-Z1Mp)D will give the total mass of neutrons in the mother M and the

daughter D respectively. For example, the Q-value for β--decay can be calculated like this (see

Appendix-B for more details);

(0.7225 MeV/c2, from literature‎)

Mn in neutron mass (neutron mass defect) on both sides is 0.0007756 u. The Q-value is 0.7225 MeV/c2 (based on

931.5 MeV/c2 relativistic) or 0.1455 MeV/bc (based on 187.607MeV/bc, non-relativistic)

II- β+-decay Q-value

The Q-value of β--decay can be calculated from the neutron mass defect Mn in the mother M and in the

daughter D. In this type of decay one proton is converted to neutrons by help of in the

daughter nuclide and one electron and one positron will be released out. Thus we have to add the mass of

the proton to total neutron mass in mother nuclide in left side to be (MA-Z1Mp) and to add two electrons

mass to right side to total neutrons mass. The general formula of Mn for β+-decay is given by:

Mn = [(MA-Z1Mp)M – {(MA-ZMp)D +2Me}] …………….(59)

For example, the Q-value for β+-decay can be calculated like this (see Appendix-B for more


(Total= 1.8203 MeV, 2.842 MeV/c2 from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.001954152 u. The Q-value is 1.8203 MeV/c2 or 0.3668 MeV/bc SMT value

is 1.82027 MeV/c2.

III- EC-decay Q-value

In electron capture decay, one of the protons picks up one electron from atomic orbitals to convert

into neutron by help of and to achieve the neutron quantized mass in the daughter, therefore,

the total electron balance remains constant. We have to add the mass of the proton to total neutron mass in

mother nuclide in left side to be (MA-Z1Mp). The general formula of Mn for EC-decay is given by:

Mn = [(MA-Z1Mp)M) - (MA-ZMp)D]………………..(60)

For example, the Q-value for EC-decay can be calculated like this (see Appendix-B for more


(Total= 0.5324 MeV/c2 from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0005715 u. The Q-value is 0.53235225 MeV/c2 or 0.107217 MeV/bc. SMT

value is 0.53235 MeV/c2.

IV- Alpha-decay Q-value

In α-decay two protons and two neutrons are emitted from the heavy nuclide together as α particle.

The general formula of Mn for α-decay is given by:

Mn = [(MA-ZMp)M – {(MA-ZMp)D +(MA-ZMp)α}]……………..(61)

(Total=5.245 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0056302459 u. The Q-value is 5.2446 MeV/c2 or 1.05627 MeV/bc. SMT

value is 5.245 MeV/c2.

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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 00963992576182

E-mail: [email protected] fax: 00963 113112661

P.O.Box . 61 Damascus-Domar www.alhwya.com Tel- Lebanon :0096171480575



V- Cluster-decay Q-value

In cluster-decay, different products of nuclides are emitted from the heavy nuclide. The general formula of

Mn for cluster-decay is given by:

Mn = [(MA-ZMH)M - (MA-ZMH)D] (62)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0341700623 u. The Q-value is 31.82941 MeV/c

2 or 6.410 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 31.8294 MeV/c2.

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0480123 u. The Q-value is 44.72346 MeV/c2 or 9.700 MeV

MeV/bc. SMT value is 44.7235 MeV/c2.

4.2 Q-value of Nuclear Fusion Reactions

The neutron mass defect ∆Mn is used too in the calculation of the Q-value for nuclear fusion reactions as

follows. The calculation of the Q-value is based on the mass changes in the neutrons (neutron mass defect

and not normal mass defect) in nuclides on both sides. For example the Q-value for (d,n) reaction

can be calculated as follow.

The general formula of Mn for fusion reaction is given by:

Mn = (MA-ZMH)R - {(MA-ZMH)P + Mx}, x= any particle released, R=react, P=prod (63)

(Total=17.589 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0188828854 u. The Q-value is 17.589 MeV/c2 or 3.543 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 17.589 MeV/c2.

The fusion reaction of 2D with

6Li gives different products as seen below:

(Total=22.4 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.0240180645 u. The Q-value is 22.37283 MeV/c2 or 4.506 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 22.373 MeV/c2.

(Total=5.0 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.00539505601 u. The Q-value is 5.0255 MeV/c2 or 1.0122 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 5.0255 MeV/c2.

4.3 Q-value of Nuclear Fission Reactions

When the thermal or fast neutron attacks the heavy nuclide, the result will be a splitting into two smaller

lighter nuclei. The mass of the released neutron mostly covers the range between UQMn of 236


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و الأب ح اث ات اس ر ةللد وي اله

ب ري تد وال Alhwya for Studies ,Researches And Training


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(0.99531712 u) and the free neutron (1.008664916 u). The neutron mass defect, ∆Mn is used in calculation

of Q-value for fission reactions as follows.

A-The general formula of Mn for primary fission reaction, without late β--decay, is given by:

Mn = [{(MA-ZMH)f + Mn} – (MA-ZMH)fp + xMn}], x= No of neutron released, fp=fission products (64)

(173.29 MeV/c2)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.1860330680 u. The Q-value is 173.289803 MeV/c2 or 34.901

MeV/bc. SMT value is 173.29 MeV/c2.

(172.840 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.1855505420 u. The Q-value is 172.840 MeV/c2 or 34.811 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 172.84 MeV/c2.

B- The general formula of Mn for fission reaction, with late β--decay, is given by:

Mn = [{(MA-ZMH)f + Mn} – (MA-ZMH)fp + xMn+ y(MH+Me)}], y=No of beta particles (65)

(191.274 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.205339788 u. The Q-value is 191.2740 MeV/c2 or 38.523 MeV/bc.

SMT value is 191.274 MeV/c2.

Here we have to pay attention to the reaction of magnetons of high energy, which are released from fission

reactions, with magnetons of the proton and neutron textures of uranium nuclides and fission products

inside nuclear reactors which will release more gamma ray during the fission reaction. The above

calculation is the net energy release from the neutron mass defect only ∆Mn. In section 4.7 we will discuss

the open system calculation.

4.4 Q-value of Nuclear Spallation Reactions at Accelerators

The calculation of the Q-value for inelastic nuclear reactions is based on the mass changes in the neutrons

in nuclides on both sides. The general formula for these reactions is written as follow:

Target nucleus + projectile → Final nucleus + ejectile + Q

Here are worked examples:

1- …… 10



Mn = (MA-ZMH)R) - (MA-ZMH)P (66)

Mn = 0.009328432 u

NMT Q-value is 8.68943 MeV/c2 (1.750 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is 8.68943 MeV/c

2. Notice here that


has 5 electrons and 11

C has 6 electrons therefore we have to add one electron to left side i.e. we use

(=1.00782503207 u) rather than proton mass.

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2- .. …… 11



Mn = [{(MA-Z2MH)R - (MA-ZMH)P}-(Mn-MH)] (67)

Mn = -0.002968084 u NMT Q-value is -2.76477 MeV/c

2 (-0.5568 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -2.76477 MeV/c


3- …… 12



Mn = [{(MA-Z2MH)R) - (MA-ZMH)P}-(Mn-MH)] (68)

Mn = -0.02009852 u

NMT Q-value is -18.721768 MeV/c2 (-3.771 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -18.721768 MeV/c


4- …… 14



Mn = (MA-ZMH)R) – {(MA-ZMH)P1+(MA-ZMH)P2} (69)

Mn = -0.00313782 u

NMT Q-value is -2.922877 MeV/c2 (-0.589 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -2.922877 MeV/c


5- …… 10



Mn = {(MA-ZMH)R1+(MA-ZMH)R2}– {(MA-ZMH)P +Mn} (70)

Mn = 0.006940262 u

NMT Q-value is 6.464854 MeV/c2 (1.3020 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is 6.464854 MeV/c


6- …… 12



Mn = {(MA-ZMH)R1+(MA-ZMH)R2}– {(MA-ZMH)P1+(MA-ZMH)P2} (71)

Mn = 0.001992465 u

NMT Q-value is 1.855981 MeV/c2 (0.386891 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is 1.855981 MeV/c


7- …… 16



Mn = {(MA-ZMH)R1+(MA-ZMH)R2}– (MA-ZMH)P (72)

Mn = 0.00218090666 u

NMT Q-value is 2.03152 MeV/c2 (0.4235 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is 2.03152 MeV/c


8- …… 16



Mn = {(MA-ZMH)R1+(MA-ZMH)R2}– {(MA-ZMH)P +Mn} (73)

Mn = -0.01991007429 u

NMT Q-value is -18.546234 MeV/c2 (-3.735 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -18.546234 MeV/c


9- …… 30



Mn = (MA-ZMH)R) - (MA-ZMH)P (74)

Mn = -0.025756694 u

NMT Q-value is -23.99236 MeV/c2 (-4.832 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -23.99236 MeV/c


10- ……..


Mn = {(MA-ZMH)R1+(MA-ZMH)R2}– {(MA-ZMH)P +2Mn} (75)

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Mn = -0.004479123 u

NMT Q-value is -4.172300 MeV/c2 (-0.840 MeV/bc). SMT Q-value is -4.172300 MeV/c


4.5 Q-value of Nuclear Spontaneous Fission

The spontaneous fission has been observed only for nuclei with A>230. The neutron mass defect ∆Mn is

used in calculation of Q-value for spontaneous fission as follows. The general formula of ∆Mn for

spontaneous fusion reaction is given by:

Mn = [(MA-ZMH)f - {(MA-ZMH)P + xMn}], f=fissile, P=products (76)

(200.41546 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.2151534716 u. The Q-value is 200.41546 MeV/c2 or 40.364

MeV/bc. SMT value is 200.4155 MeV/c2.

+ (201.94486 MeV/c2, from literature)

Mn in neutron mass on both sides is 0.216795336 u. The Q-value is 201.94486 MeV/c2 or 40.762

MeV/bc. SMT value is 201.9449 MeV/c2.

Finally, based on this new concept of neutron mass changes in the left and right sides, the Q-value can be

calculated to any type or nuclear reaction. The released energy is due to emitted magnetons outside the

nucleus as single magnetons, based on principle of conformity and not based on conversion of mass to


3.5 Binding Energy Calculations

Mn = NMn-(M-ZMp).

The binding energy is given by Eb=(∆Mn/A) x 187.607MeV/bc (non-relativistic) or x 931.5 MeV/c2

(relativistic) for purpose of comparison with literature.

For example, the binding energy for can be calculated as follows:

Mn= 0.00238816996 u. The binding energy is 2.22458 MeV/c2 or 1112.29016 keV/A (based on 931.5

MeV/c2 relativistic) or 0.4480 MeV/bc. SMT value is 2.22458 MeV/c


Another example is the binding energy for which can be calculated as follows:

Mn=0.00910558633 u. The Binding Energy is 8.481854 MeV/c2 or 2827.28456 keV/A (based on 931.5

MeV/c2 relativistic) or 1.708 MeV/bc. SMT value is 2827.266 keV/A (based on 931.5 MeV/c

2 relativistic).

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4.7 Standard Energy of Formation of Nuclide and Q-Value

NMT noticed that some radionuclides in nuclear reactors, or similar environments, follow the

thermodynamic of the open system properties3. The open system radionuclide emits quantity of energy

exceeding the equivalent mass defect calculated by SMT. NMT explains this phenomenon: The fermion

textures of these radionuclide are attacked by high energy packages of magnetons, released due to the

fission reactions, which result in high excitation energy state system due to extra mass. The resulting

excited radionuclide will emit energy exceeding the mass defect ∆MA or ∆Mn. In addition, the calculations

based on mass defect cannot evaluate the energy deposition of prompt and delayed gammas, beta, and

magneton packages (neutrinos) emission of the nuclear fission. Therefore, NMT tries to derive a formula

based on QMn to calculate the standard potential energy (latent energy) which is acquired by the nuclide

during its formation to help in calculation of QT-value for all open-system processes happening in the

nuclear reactors.

The calculation of the energy released by fission reaction is very complex. Although the Monte

Carlo transport code MCNP5[90]

enables coupled neutron and gamma transport simulations, the final

calculation cannot give the actual released energy and the total delayed heat QT.

The QT-value is one of the main parameters required to evaluate the neutron flux of the reactor. The

general equation for calculation of the neutron flux[91]




= ( )

The MCNP5 will provide the average neutron produced per fission per sec but QT remains the main issue

to be calculated. The total fission QT-value is a mixture of energy contributions from fission product kinetic

energy, prompt neutron kinetic energy, total prompt gamma energy, delayed neutron kinetic energy, total

delayed gamma energy, energy released by electrons from beta decay, and the energy lost by magnetons

(neutrinos). The QT-value usually given by the following equation







3 If the magnetons packages can be transferred from the surroundings to the system (i.e. the nuclide), or vice versa, the system is referred to as

an open system (includes mass flow, work and heat). Otherwise, it is a closed system.

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Although the estimation of the QT-value is assumed to be independent of burnup fuel, reactor

design, and reactor type, but it really relies on the burnup fuel. However, the literature from IAEA, JAEA

and NNDC shows different values for the QT due to different method used. For example, some textbooks

recommend a QT-value for 235

U of 195 MeV/fission[92]

, 190 MeV/fission[93]

, or 200 MeV/fission[94,95]


Table-12: QT-value data from ENDF-VII Tables (The results obtained from Los Alamos Lab

Radionuclide Fission product +



Prompt gamma





Delayed beta




235U 174.05 6.60 6.33 6.50 193.48

238U 174.62 6.68 8.25 8.48 198.03

239Pu 181.62 6.74 5.17 5.31 198.83

website http://t2.lanl.gov. *{Does not include magnetons (neutrinos) energy}.

The current ENDF-VII reported fission Q-values and their components for 235

U, 238

U, and 239

Pu are

listed in Table-12. Experimental and theoretical research has been done on the relation between the average

total fission fragment and the fission product kinetic energy (QT) of 235

U, 238

U, and 239

Pu with energy of

incident neutron[96-101]

. A detailed article by Madland (Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National

Laboratory) has described the total prompt fission energy release and energy deposition, together with their

components which have been determined as a function of the kinetic energy of the neutron inducing the

fission for 235

U, 238

U, and 239

Pu. It has been found that the energy release decreases somewhat with incident

neutron energy and that the energy deposition changes slightly with incident neutron energy which is

contrary to basic physical intuition[102]

. They found that the average total prompt fission energy deposition

Ed can be evaluated for the three systems under study as follows. For the n + 235

U system: Ed = 180.57+

0.1121En (MeV); for the n + 238

U system: Ed = 181.04+ 0.1079En + 0.0042 (MeV); and for the n + 239


system; Ed = 188.42+ 0.0027En − 0.0017 (MeV). More recent and extended articles by Vogt (from

LLNL) improved Madland study which calculated total energy release for 232

Th, 238

U, 235

U, 239

Pu, and 252

Cf to be 180, 187.5, 190, 201, and 220 MeV respectively[103]


To calculate the QT-value in the reactors including all its partitions, NMT proposed a standard

energy of formation of nuclide (nucleosynthesis) as a new concept which is based on neutron mass

quantization. As explained previously, the protons and the electrons are stable outside the nuclei and the

atoms in the normal circumstances. In severe circumstances such as in the stars, the neutrons are usually

generated from fusion of protons during the creation of nuclei. The energy released from this process

during formation of the nucleus is called the standard energy of formation of nuclide, SEFN, (similar to

standard enthalpy of formation in chemistry). The released energy value corresponds to the actual latent

(potential) energy received by the nuclide during the formation process. For example, for creation of He-4

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nucleus in the stars, four protons will share the nuclear process where two protons fuse to create two

neutrons i.e. 4p→2p + 2 + 2e++ m

-1 (νe) or 2p→2 +2e

+ + m

-1 (νe)+ , ( is either QMn or UQMn and

is different from the free neutron).

The general formula for calculation of SEFN is given by the difference between mass of free protons

N ( =1.007276466812 u, not MH), and the corresponding produced N neutrons ( ), (not Mn) in the

generated nucleus, and N positrons released to environment. The mass of the produced neutrons inside the

nuclide will be given by N =(MA-ZMH). Recall that equal to QMn in stable nuclide and UQMn in

unstable nuclide (or NMp=MA-ZMH+2NMe + ). The general formula for is;

= N - (N +NMe) x 931.5 MeV (80)

This equation can be written in another mode, where N - (N +NMe) is equal to N(Mp-Me) =(MA-

ZMH)+NMe and after few substitutions to replace by MH and the by (MA-ZMH) the final form is

given as follows:

= AMH - (MA+2NMe) x 931.5 MeV (81)

Where A= mass number, MH=1.00782503207 u, Me=0.0005485799095 u, and MA value is from the

nuclear data tables. The energy of two electrons 2Me in Eq-81 will be save as latent energy in the nuclide

which serves in estimation of Q value for the open systems. For example, the standard energy of formation

of can be calculated from Eq.81 [4*1.007825032 - (4.00260325413 + 2*2*0.0005485799095)] or

from Eq.80 [2 -(2 +2Me)] i.e. [2 x 1.007276466812 u - (2 x 0.993476593 u + 2 x 0.0005485799095

u)] which is equal to 0.026502415 u 5.14615941 MeV/bc (based on 187.607MeV/bc, non-relativistic) or

24.6870 MeV/c2 (where the mass of two neutrons 2 ( =(MA-ZMH)/N) came from the nuclide mass

MA measured by mass spectroscopy). Eq. 81 shows that the SEFN of is more energetic than

. Other examples are the for is 5.913712 MeV/c2, for is

4.873137, and for is 0.420235 MeV/c2. The values explain why the regions in the stars

produce , are colder than those that produce . The SEFN per nucleon is given by

/A. The /A value for , , and are 6.1717499, 1.9712373 1.624379, and 0.2101175

MeV/c2 respectively, in comparison with their Eb/A 7.073915, 2.5727, 2.827285, 1.112290 MeV/c


respectively. The values for more than 3200 isotopes have been calculated (visit this link,

http://www.mass-energy-e-mbc.com/NMT-files-index.htm, to see the excel files which are monthly

updateable). NMT used the SEFN to calculate the energy change of all nuclear reactions and

processes (in similar to enthalpy change of formation in chemistry). For any nuclear process

A+B→C+D, the energy change for the nuclear reaction can be calculated as follow:

= - (82)

The positive value of refers to exoergic nuclear process while the negative value refers to the

endoergic process. The values for the fermions (e, p, n) are 0.510998928, 938.278046, and

939.565378 MeV/c2 respectively. The nuclides of low latent energy will tend to convert to nuclides of high

latent energy to be more stable. This concept is completely different from SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn in

two points: first, it uses the standard energy of formation of the nuclides in the calculation rather than

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the mass defect in SMT or the neutron mass defect in NMT; second, it deducts the reactants from the

products unlike SMT and NMT which deducts the products from the reactants. The -value is based on

187.607MeV/bc (or 931.5 MeV/c2 for purpose of comparison) with consideration of the following points:

a) In negatron decays, we neglect Me because one electron leaves and one electron enters,

where .

b) In positron decay, we add 2Me to the right side (products) because one electron and one positron

leave, where . The of the mother in β- and β

+ decay is smaller than the

of the daughter.

c) In EC-decay, the of the mother is larger than the daughter which is a sharp criterion for EC-

decay, where . In EC decay we add 2Me to the right side (products) to get

QEC value (same as in b). It is different procedure from SMT and NMT due to Eq-82.

d) In any type of nuclear process, the electron will be considered in the total mass as a separate particle

if it is needed to conserve the charge as in late fission reactions.

e) In all type of nuclear processes, the mass of the proton and the neutron will not be considered as a

separate particle because they are already included in Z and MA.

f) In all type of nuclear processes, (Target nucleus + projectile → Final nucleus + ejectile + Q) when

the neutron is the ejectile or one of the products we will subtract {(Mn-MH)*187.607plus 2Me} i.e.

0.36341 MeV/bc (or 0.782352 + 2 x 0.510998928 = 1.80435 MeV/c2 for purpose of comparison)

for each neutron from the total value. If the neutron is the projectile as in (n,γ) we have to add

0.36341 MeV/bc (or 1.80435 MeV/c2). If there are neutrons on both sides we have to use the net

(i.e. ∆n=Ʃnproduct-Ʃnreactant). In nuclear fission reaction we used the compound nuclide i.e. 236

U, 239


and 240

Pu etc. as reactants rather than n + nuclide.

The energy change has been calculated for open and close system. The results of the are

identical to that of SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn for closed systems but they are more comprehensive to

cover the open systems. The results of the energy change showed that the EC-decay, α-decay, cluster-

decay, spontaneous fission, nuclear fusion reaction, and nuclear reactions at accelerators and colliders are

close systems. Negatron and positron decays, and nuclear fission reactions in the reactors are open system.

The values of are identical with SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn values for closed system while they are

different for open systems as seen in Table-13.

More examples are worked in the Appendix-B. The calculated QT-value for nuclear fissions

was in the range 199-212 MeV/c2 depending on its fission products and their series of isobars. The QT-

value was better than the Vogt results as seen in Table-13 (see also Table-19 in Appendix-B). The kinetic

energy for primary fission for 239

Pu is higher than that for . The energy change actually succeeded

in calculation of the QT-values for fission reactions in the reactors (see more explanation in the Appendix-

A under Diagram-5).

The energy change succeeded also to explain nuclear decay processes better than SMT’s ∆MA

and NMT’s ∆Mn, especially when the open system nuclide (take account of mass transfer) was included.

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For example, the 93

Br undergoes beta decay with energy Eβ- of 11.283 MeV/c

2. The calculated is

11.995 MeV/c2 while both SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn, give 10.973 MeV/c

2 which is less than the

amount of emitted energy. Another example: the 139

I undergoes beta decay with energy Eβ- of 7.1174

MeV/c2. The calculated is 7.4498 MeV/c

2 while both SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn, give 6.8065

MeV/c2 which is less than the amount of emitted energy.

The energy change values are identical to SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn values for closed

system nuclides, but it gives different values for open system nuclides. The 22

Na undergoes positron decay

with energy Eβ- of 2.843 MeV/c

2. The calculated is 2.8423 MeV/c

2 while both SMT’s ∆MA and

NMT’s ∆Mn, give 1.8203 MeV/c2 which is less than the amount of emitted energy. The energy change

can distinguish between the EC and β+ decays because always the of the mother larger than the daughter

in EC decays while the of the mother is the smaller one in β+ decay. If the of the mother smaller than

the daughter in EC decays it will not happen.

Based on the energy change the nuclide either undergoes EC or positron decay but it cannot

undergo both of them. Both SMT and NMT criteria for EC-decay depend on the mass defect rule which

should achieve the condition that ∆MA mass defect*931.5<1.02 MeV/c2 but it is not sharp criteria for some


Table-13: The energy change (in MeV/c2) for some closed and open system.


Nuclear Process: Fission-decay Q-value






Type of the


1 200.418 200.418 200.418 Closed

2 4.6787 4.6783 4.6783 Closed 3 8.6894 8.6894 8.6894 Closed 4 11.332 11.332 11.332 Closed

5 31.8295 31.8295 31.8295 Closed

6 (2.84231,2.843

2) 2.8423 1.8203 1.8203 Open

7 203.439 195.677 195.677 Open 8 210.974 205.255 205.255 Open

For example, both SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn give 0.120 MeV/c2 for

36Cl β

+-decay and 1.142

MeV/c2 for

36Cl EC-decay but the value for the mother

36Cl (272.509 MeV/c

2) is

smaller than the daughter 36

S (272.629 MeV/c2). Therefore, EC-decay will not happen based on SEFN

conditions. Also SMT’s ∆MA and NMT’s ∆Mn give 0.483 MeV/c2 for

40K β

+-decay and 1.505 MeV/c

2 for

EC-decay but the value for the mother 40

K (303.634 MeV/c2) is smaller than the

daughter 40

Ar (304.117 MeV/c2). Therefore, EC-decay will not happen based on SEFN conditions. The


54Mn and

58Co cannot undergo EC-decay based on SEFN conditions. There are more than 65 examples

on different nuclear processes mentioned in the Tables 14-22 in the Appendix-B.

The standard energy of formation of nuclide of 5H,



5Be, and

6B have a negative values

-0.535, -3.24, -4.25, -2.58 and -0.898 MeV/c2

respectively which means that these element cannot be


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If we use binding energy EB values instead of in Eq. 82, only the results of closed system are

identical to SMT, NMT, and results while they give meaningless values for open system especially in

fission reactions and decay processes.

هنا مقتبس من الخلاصة

Here are more quotes

6. Conclusion

The proposed nuclear theory of magnetons as the constituents of the sub-nuclear structure carries

with it the implication that the original mass in the universe was built from two basic units – the magneton

and the anti magneton. The NMT confirms that the mass in the universe is quantized and is composed of a

package of elementary discrete mass particles called magnetons.

The magneton and antimagneton were compacted under severe circumstances in star cores. These

two magnetons form the assemblage or package of quantized mass which is accumulated to form fermions.

The magnetons behave like rotating spinning magnetic bars inside the fermions, which in turn creates a

Strong Charged Electromagnetic Force (SCEF) field of long range with characteristic strong magnetic

constant and self-gravity force, (SGF) (gravitational force) which acts in ultra-short range inside the

fermions all of which constitutes the strong Self-Nuclear Force (SSNF). Some of this energy will be used

as nuclear force inside the nucleon (fermion) and the other part of the energy will be used as binding

energy among the nucleons inside the nucleus. This SSNF is responsible for all types of nuclear forces as

they are of the same field. It is stronger inside the nucleon than among protons and neutrons. The SSNF

field represents the strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic forces and gravitational

forces therefore it is considered as a force of Unified Field.

The stability of the particle and anti-particle has been discussed from four criteria points of view

which are based on the concept of this NMT theory.

When electron interacts with positron they will form positronium atoms of unquantized mass. These

magnetons of this positronium atom will disintegrate into neutrinos, in similar manner to proton-antiproton

decay, and the magneton energy will be released and recorded as 1.022 MeV. Therefore, there is no

annihilation reaction as the scientific community believes.

The proton has a certain number of magnetons so it has one quantized mass while the neutron has

several quantized masses. The number of magnetons in a neutron is variable, depending on the number of

the protons in that nuclide; therefore it has several quantized masses. The special and characteristic

property of neutrons to have several quantized masses inside the nuclides are responsible for the existence

of isotopes, their decay and all type of nuclear reactions.

In the outline of this theory, the NMT suggests that both the electron and the proton textures have

three quantized nmtionic shells, 1st K, 2

nd L and 3

rd M in while the neutron texture has four quantized

nmtionic shells 1st K, 2

nd L and 3

rd M, and 4

th N. The nmtionic shells concept will set up a new

foundation to the quantum field theory. This shell concept succeeded to explain many nuclear properties

such as magnetic moment of the proton and the neutron.

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This Nuclear Magneton Theory (NMT) succeeded in calculation of the binding energies and the Q-

values of all types of decays and nuclear reactions in reactors and accelerators and colliders based on

neutron mass defect Mn rather than mass conversion. The results of these calculations are with full

agreement with experimental data and SMT theory calculations. The energy change , based on the

standard energy of formation of nuclide succeeded to explain nuclear reactions and decay processes

better than SMT and NMT especially for the open system nuclide. This theory also succeeded in prediction

of decay energies, the half-life, the radioactivity, the atomic masses of the isotopes and identification of the

fissile and the fissionable nuclide. The neutron mass defect ∇Mn which based on mass quantization and

the Mass-Energy Conformity Principle are new concepts in nuclear science and considered as the main

premise of NMT which used in the nuclear calculations.

Conclusion (French)

La théorie proposée nucléaire de magnétons que les constituants de la structure sous-nucléaire porte

en lui l'implication que la masse initiale de l'univers a été construit à partir de deux unités de base - le

magnéton et le magnéton de lutte contre.

Le magnéton et anti-magnéton ont été compactés dans des circonstances graves dans les carottes de

étoiles. Ces deux magnétons former l'assemblage ou l'emballage de la masse quantifié qui est accumulée

pour former des fermions. Les magnétons se comportent comme des barres magnétiques tournant à filer à

l'intérieur du noyau, qui à son tour crée une force électromagnétique forte Chargé (SCEF) champ

magnétique puissant avec une caractéristique constante (= μb 23μo) et (depuis les magnétons ont une

masse) d'auto-gravité, la SGF (force gravitationnelle) qui agit dans l'ultra-courte portée à l'intérieur du

noyau tous qui constitue la forte auto-force nucléaire (SSNF). Cela signifie que le SSNF est formé à partir

de SCEF et la SGF. La configuration des lignes de champ magnétique non nul a hélicité magnétique. Une

partie de cette énergie sera utilisée en tant que force nucléaire à l'intérieur du nucléon (fermions) et l'autre

partie de l'énergie sera utilisée comme énergie de liaison entre les nucléons dans le noyau. Cette SSNF est

responsable de tous les types de forces nucléaires car ils sont du même champ. Elle est plus forte à

l'intérieur du nucléon que chez les protons et les neutrons, mais de même nature. Ces SCEF et les champs

de la SGF représentent de puissantes forces nucléaires, la faiblesse des forces nucléaires, les forces

électromagnétiques et les forces gravitationnelles par conséquent, il est considéré comme une force de

champ unifié.