Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018 Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Happy holidays! Friday 6 July will be our last day of school, after a very busy term! Teachers will return on Monday, 23 July for a SDD and students will start back at school on Tuesday, 24 July ready to get stuck into Term 3! We hope you all have a fantastic break and spend some terrific family time together. See you next term! Semester Reports After enormous hard work by both your child and their teacher, your child will be bringing home their Semester 1 Student Report tomorrow Thursday, 5 July. We will be attaching a “parent’s guide” to their report envelope for tips on how to best support your child as you read their report. The key thing to note is that a ‘C’ or ‘3’ means your child is performing at their age appropriate level. We do not report as they did when we were at school or as we see in the movies from America. This is our formal process to let you know how they are going at school, but should not be the first contact that you are having with your child’s teacher. After reading your child’s report, if you would like to talk to your child’s teacher about your child’s progress, please contact them in early Term 3 for an interview. Athletics Carnival We are looking forward to our annual Athletics Carnival this Friday, 6 July. The day will begin around 9.15am for 8 -12 years olds with the 800m races, followed by the 200m and then 100m races. Don’t forget to return nominations for the 800m, and all students are automatically entered in the 100m and 200m races. Our 5 - 7 year olds will come over to the Jets Field at 11.15am for their sprint races, Bilambil Pre-school and Bili Kids will join us too, for tabloid games and a picnic lunch together. At 1.00pm we expect the K-2 children and preschoolers to return to school and the carnival will finish with finals (not all races will have finals) and relays if time permits. We hope lots of you can make it to join in our community fun day. Sporting Schools We are really pleased to announce that the Term 3 program for the federal government’s Sporting School’s funding, will be Tennis. The wonderful Gemma will return to teach her tennis skills program beginning in Week 2 for 8 weeks. The program will be run on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mr Mostert ??? Where is he ?? There has been some speculation around the school as to where Mr Mostert is? and whether he will be gracing the corridors of BPS again? Brandishing his quirky charm, high fiving the students and laughing at his own jokes! Well the good news is whilst we have been under the very capable leadership of Mrs Butler, Mr Mostert has been doing another VIP job helping lots of other schools in our area. Even better news is he is still our Principal and will be back to run our school at the end of Term 3.

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Page 1: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Happy holidays! Friday 6 July will be our last day of school, after a very

busy term! Teachers will return on Monday, 23 July for

a SDD and students will start back at school on

Tuesday, 24 July ready to get stuck into Term 3! We

hope you all have a fantastic break and spend some

terrific family time together. See you next term!

Semester Reports After enormous hard work by both your child and

their teacher, your child will be bringing home their

Semester 1 Student Report tomorrow Thursday, 5 July.

We will be attaching a “parent’s guide” to their report

envelope for tips on how to best support your child as

you read their report. The key thing to note is that a

‘C’ or ‘3’ means your child is performing at their age

appropriate level.

We do not report as they did when we were at school

or as we see in the movies from America. This is our

formal process to let you know how they are going at

school, but should not be the first contact that you

are having with your child’s teacher. After reading

your child’s report, if you would like to talk to your

child’s teacher about your child’s progress, please

contact them in early Term 3 for an interview.

Athletics Carnival We are looking forward to our annual

Athletics Carnival this Friday, 6 July. The

day will begin around 9.15am for 8 -12

years olds with the 800m races, followed

by the 200m and then 100m races.

Don’t forget to return nominations for

the 800m, and all students are

automatically entered in the 100m and

200m races. Our 5 - 7 year olds will

come over to the Jets Field at 11.15am

for their sprint races, Bilambil Pre-school

and Bili Kids will join us too, for tabloid

games and a picnic lunch together. At

1.00pm we expect the K-2 children and

pre–schoolers to return to school and

the carnival will finish with finals (not all

races will have finals) and relays if time

permits. We hope lots of you can make

it to join in our community fun day.

Sporting Schools We are really pleased to announce

that the Term 3 program for the federal

government’s Sporting School’s funding,

will be Tennis. The wonderful Gemma

will return to teach her tennis skills

program beginning in Week 2 for 8

weeks. The program will be run on

Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Mr Mostert ???

Where is he ?? There has been some speculation

around the school as to where Mr

Mostert is? and whether he will be

gracing the corridors of BPS again?

Brandishing his quirky charm, high fiving

the students and laughing at his own


Well the good news is whilst we have

been under the very capable

leadership of Mrs Butler, Mr Mostert has

been doing another VIP job helping lots

of other schools in our area.

Even better news is he is still our

Principal and will be back to run our

school at the end of Term 3.

Page 2: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au


School items P&C Items


Thursday 5 July Semester 1 Reports home

CRL Rugby League Gala Day

Friday 6 July Athletics Carnival

Last Day of Term 2 Happy Holidays


Monday 23 July School Development Day

Tuesday 24 July Students return for first day Term 3

Student School Banking


Monday 30 July Canteen Sushi Day

Tuesday 31 July Student School Banking

ICAS English

Wednesday 1 August Music Mates Rock Orchestra commences

for Term 3

Thursday 2 August Music Mates Ukulele & Percussion starts for

Term 3


Monday 6 August Education Week

Canteen Sushi Day

Tuesday 7 August Student School Banking

Wednesday 8 August 2019 Kindy and New parents info evening

P&C Meeting 3.15pm

Thursday 9th August Grandparents Day

Friday 10 August PSSA District Athletics Carnival


Term 2

Week 9

Term 2

Week 10

KH Ezekiel Riley

KS Mitchell Olivia

K/1B Cailin Henry

1/2C Gypsy

1/2H Pearl Lara

1/2M Mariah-

Louise Seth

1/2P Gwen Eve

3/4B Rhiannon Zane

3/4C Paige Cody

3/4T Bella Amir

5/6B Asha Anakin

5/6M Dylan

5/6T Jack Riley

Library Ruby 3/4C Aleigha 3/4T

Music Nate S 5/6T

Principal Oliver 5/6M Zane 3/4B

We proudly invite the families of children

starting school in 2019 to come along and learn

more about our terrific school!

2019 Kindergarten & New

Parents Information Night ► Wednesday 8th August 2 0 1 8

► 5.00 - 5.45pm in the school library

Page 3: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au


Term 2

Week 9 & 10

KH Zoe, Kenyon

KS Trinity, Lola, Olivia, Ruby,

Ruben, Akira

K/1B Cooper, Hayden,

Bodhie, Katie,

Jada-Jazz, Jesse

1/2C Aidan, Asher, Aylena,

Lewis, Jackson

1/2M Seth, Jake,


1/2P Makaira, Hudson

3/4B Jai

3/4C Dash, Connor

3/4T Jai, Jack

5/6B Tia, Zachery

5/6M James, Chloe, Juan,

Alwin, Lokaiya

5/6T Jack, Jackson


Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018


Term 2

Week 9 & 10 1/2H Taylor

3/4M Ruby

Please come and join us at

Bilambil Public School to celebrate

Grandparents Day

On Thursday 9th August 2018 More details to be sent home next term.

Year 4 Campers Year 4 Students and staff enjoyed a fantastic trip away to

Camp Goodenough last week. Going to camp is a wonderful

learning experience and gives children so many different

learning opportunities. The students were outstanding in their

support of each other, whilst challenging themselves to do

some things that they had never done before. Thank you Mrs

Colwell, Mrs Robins, Mr Thomas and Mr Renehan for giving up

your family time with your families and looking after everyone

so well. Stay tuned for a full report next term!

The Challenge finishes on August 31, 2018

Remember to get reading & challenge yourself!

Page 4: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

3/4T has been working on a

unit called "Feathers" which

has involved studying a range

of unique and interesting birds.

We have created acrostic

poems, discovered the

logistics and physics of bird

flight and migratory patterns,

and created a birds nest with

only natural materials with our

Prac Teacher Miss Street. Here

are a couple of our samples

of the acrostic poems for you

to enjoy!

Ryan Thomas


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Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Page 6: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au


Murwillumbah Eisteddfod

WOW Great News!

How wonderful are our Bilambil children!

Each group did our school very proud with their professional

performances and beautiful behaviour at the Murwillumbah

Performing Arts Festival Choral Speaking competition last week.

Kindergarten, Stage 1 (1/2H & 1/2M) and Stage 3 all came

away with 3rd place trophies while Stage 2 and Stage 1 (1B,

1/2C & 1/2P) each received a highly commended.

Thank you to all students, parents and staff for a joint effort,

despite feeling quite exhausted, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my


Donna McGlinn

Eisteddfod Coordinator

Stage 3

Stage 2

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Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Missing a Permission

Note If your child has forgotten to

bring home a permission note

for you to sign and return,

there’s an easy solution, simply

go to our website at www.bilambil-

p.schools.nsw.edu.au/ and

there are two ways to obtain

a copy of permission notes.

Go to the Permission and

Excursion Notes tab and click

on the respective Term notes,

then open the required

attachment. Or secondly you

can to go to the required

event on the calendar, open

the attachment to print a

copy. You can also make a

payment from our website

(which is a secure Westpac

Bank site) by going to the $

Make a Payment tab, follow

the prompts, put in your child’s

name and date of birth (you

don’t need the student ID

number) and complete all

boxes were a green asterisk

appears. It allows you to

process multiple payments on

the one transaction.

PSSA Soccer Kiama 2018 When we arrived it was so rainy and windy. Chelsea (another girl

from our team) and I were so eager to play soccer. The first day

got cancelled because of the weather so all of the teams got to

play tenpin bowling together. The next day we could not play in

Kiama because of the rain so we had to drive an hour and a

half to play soccer at other fields. We had to play six games

from 8.30am—4.00pm. There were a lot of good players there.

The next day we played one game in Kiama and we won 2—0.

Unfortunately our team did not make the finals. I think I have

learnt a lot about soccer from going to Sydney and the

experience was great.

Zoe 5/6T

Great News for Ms

Lawson Next term our School

Administration Manager, Ms

Lawson has been selected to be a

HR Payroll Deployment Support

Officer as part of the LMBR team.

She will be out of the Bilambil

school office for four days a week

in her new position, working

Monday to Thursday and at

Bilambil on Fridays until the end of

Term 3. Congratulations on your

success Ms Lawson and we hope

you thoroughly enjoy your new

corporate position . We look

forward to your return at the

commencement of Term 4.

Page 8: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Music Mates Programs capture their audience Firstly, WOW what a couple of great shows we've had here at Bilambil!

Well done to all the students who took to the stage to show off their


I was fortunate enough to witness the Stage 1 kids took to the stage in their percussion and

ukulele show and wow did they impress! The whole school was in awe of their skills!

On Tuesday the Stage 2 and 3 students rocked on! The whole school (and parents/carers) were

rocking out to their fantastic mid year concert. You all look like naturals up on the stage and I am

excited to watch future performances from our kids who never fail to put on a fantastic rock


Lastly in our Music Mates news it is with great sadness that our teacher Tom will be leaving us. He

is heading back to the UK to be with his family. Tom has been a fantastic teacher to the kids at

Bilambil and I know he will be missed! Bilambil staff, students and community would like to wish

Tom and his family all the best on his journey and we hope to cross paths again some time in the

future! Rock on!

With that being said Tom will have a replacement teacher who will start with the Music Mates

students in Term 3.

Notes for the Semester 2 (Terms 3 & 4) Music Mates program will come out early next term.

Once again this program will be firstly offered to those students who have taken part in the

program during Semester 1. If you no longer wish for your child to be a part of the Music Mates

program into Semester 2 can you please let us know by Friday 27th July (first Friday of Term 3) (at

the latest). This will allow for new students to enter the program and new timetables can be

made. Simone Henry

Music Mates Coordinator


Page 9: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Page 10: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Sports & Co-curricular Photo’s are now available to purchase. The photos can

be viewed both online and in the school admin foyer.

Groups shots available: ►House Captains ►Library Monitors ► School Captains & Vice Captains

►School Leaders ►SRC ►Whole School ►Year 6 FUN

Collect an order envelope from the school admin office, complete and enclose your payment

of cash only and return to the school office.

The photo prices are: $16.00 each, 2 for $30.00, 3 for $42.00, 4 for $52.00 or 5 for $60.00

Any additional photographs are $10.00 each. This discount is only available per family

order. All orders must be received by: 10th August 2018.

PSSA Basketball Knockout Congratulations once again to our mighty Bilambil 'Bombers'

basketball team. The boys came up against Tweed Heads

Public School in their Round 3 clash last Thursday, 26th June.

They fought hard to be behind by only 6 points at half time, but

a super effort in the third quarter to keep Tweed Heads

scoreless set the scene for an impressive 28 - 24 victory. Well

done lads!! Thank you to the huge crowd whose cheering and

chanting spurred the boys on. The Round 4 clash is against

Byron Bay Public School (date TBA).

Anthony Touzell


Notes will be sent home this

week for the Semester 2 Music

Mates Percussion, Ukulele and

Rock Orchestra programs.

Page 11: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . [email protected] . Bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018 Newsletter Kindy Paddock to Plate

Excursion at

Well done to all of our Kindergarten students from KB, KH and KS

(and the many parent volunteers and staff) for a sensational

excursion to “The Farm” on Friday 22nd June. From the pigs, to

the chickens to coffee to running among the Highland Scottish

Cattle. You did it all! A few sleepy but still happy faces climbing

off the bus showed what a

fantastic day everyone had!

Flo Borra


Page 12: Newsletter - bilambil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

e: [email protected] f: bilambilschool.pc/facebook.com

Term 2 - Week 10, 4 July 2018

Spoil Dad at our

Father’s Day stall on

Monday, 27 August


Calling All Cake Bakers We’ll be holding a cake stall at next

Friday’s athletics carnival and need

your help. We’ll be grateful for all

donations of all sorts of sweet treats that we can sell on the day

– cupcakes, biscuits, slices, bliss balls and more.

You can bring them directly to the sports fields on the day –

and if you’d like to join us behind the stall at any time in the day

that would be wonderful too. Please don’t send anything with

nuts and do include a label listing the ingredients.

Sizzling Sausages The P&C will be serving up a sausage sizzle for

those who need some sustenance during what is

a big day at our awesome athletics carnival. If

you have a child in kinder-Year 2 don’t forget to

pre-order your sausage sizzles and popper as

they’ll take them back to school and eat them

there after their races. If you have a child in Year

2 who is turning 8 this year they will spend all day

at the carnival so no need to pre-order for them. On a winter’s

day our sausage sizzles are pretty popular so we could really do

with a few more volunteers to help us out on Friday, especially

when we are trying to get the K-2 orders ready. If you are able

to give us a little bit of your time (when your children aren’t

racing of course) please let us know via our Facebook page or

come and see us on the day.

Canteen Hours Are Changing From next term our canteen hours are going back to the three

days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There will be

NO half day opening on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you to

those volunteers who helped us trial the idea.

Have Your Say If you’d like to hear a little

more about what your P&C is

planning and how you can

contribute with your time

and/or your ideas please

come along and join us at our

next meeting on Wednesday,

August 8. We meet at 3.15pm

in the staff room.

The Big Chill If you have any school jumpers

that no longer fit please

consider donating them to the

uniform shop so they can be

made available for a super

cheap price to others within

our school community to fend

off the wintery weather as it

can be extra brisk down in the


Our uniform shop has a supply

of second hand jumpers in

various condition and we also

have lots of beautiful and snug

brand new jumpers in stock

that can be ordered online or

by popping in to the uniform

shop between 8.30am and

9am Monday, Wednesday or


We’re planning to hold a spring time monster raffle towards the

end of Term 3. We are hoping to get as many donations as we

can from businesses and individuals to ensure we have a

fabulous prize or two to give away! If you know any businesses

that may be willing to support our school with a prize donation

please let us know. We’ll let you know next term where you can

leave donations but start keeping your eyes and ears out now.

New items only please.