K W Name: Katakana Workbook Class: :

Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

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Page 1: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words








Page 2: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Katakana Chart

� ga � gi � gu � ge � go

� za � ji � zu ze zo

� da � � de � do

� ba � bi � bu � be � bo

� pa � pi � pu � pe � po

�� �� �� �� �� �� �� � � �� �� kya gya sha ja cha nya hya bya pya mya rya

� � � � � � � � � kyu gyu shu ju chu nyu hyu byu pyu my ryu

�� �� �� �� �� �� �� � � �� �� kyo gyo sho jo cho nyo hyo byo pyo myo ryo

� a � i � u � e � o

� ka � ki � ku ke ko

� sa � shi su � se � so

� ta � chi � tsu � te � to

� na � ni � nu � ne � no

� ha � hi � fu � he � ho

� ma mi ! mu " me # mo

$ ya % yu & yo

' ra ( ri ) ru * re + ro

, wa - wo . n

Page 3: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

a �

� � � �

i �

� � �

u �

� � �

e �

� � �

o �

� � �

ka �

� � �

ki �

� � �

ku �

� � � �



Page 4: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

The Small tsu (�) and Long Vowel Sounds

In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( �

). When we write katakana

words in romaji we also use a dash, either beside or on top of the letter we want to extend.

The small tsu (�

) is also used to represent the double constants. When we say the word

aloud, the small tsu (�

) gives a small jump in the word. When written in romajii, the small

tsu (�

) doubles the first letter of the next character.

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. The first one is done for you. ����

kukki- cookie ��� ��� ������

sa �

� � �


� � �


se �

� � �

so �

� � � �

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ��� ��� ��� ��� ����

Page 5: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

ta �

� � � �


� � �


� � �

te �

� � �

to �

� � �

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ���

�� � ���

Read the following romaji words and write them in katakana. See if you can guess their English translation.

tsuna sofuto chiita-

Page 6: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

na �

� � � �

ni �

� � �


� � �


� � �


� � �

Read the following romaji words and write them in katakana. See if you can guess their English translation.

tenisu nekutai



These four characters are very similar. Study how they are written for

clues as to how they are different. Remember, � is written from

bottom to top, while � , �and � are all written top to bottom.

� � � � shi tsu so no

Page 7: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

ha �

� � � �

hi �

� � �

fu �

� � �

he �

� � �

ho �

� � �

ma �


! ! !




" " "




# # #




$ $ $

Page 8: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ����

�� ���� ��

ya $

$ % % %

yu %

% & & &

yo &

& ' ' '

ra '

' ( ( (

ri (


) ) )

ru )


* * *

re *


+ + +

ro +


, , ,

Page 9: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ���

�� ������ ������

wa ,

, - - -



- . . .

n .

. / / /

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ��� �� ���


Page 10: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Chon Chon �and Maru � In the same way as hiragana, new sounds are formed when we add a chon chon or a maru to regular katakana.

Old Sound � �

K � G S � Z/J T � D H � B P

ga / /

0 0 0

gi 0 0

1 1 1

gu 1 1

2 2 2

ge 2 2

3 3 3

go 3 3

4 4 4

Page 11: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

za 4 4

5 5 5

ji 5 5

6 6 6

zu 6 6

7 7 7

ze 7 7

� � �

zo 8 8

8 8 8

da 9 9

9 9 9


: :

: : :


; ;

; ; ;

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ��

���� !�" #� $%��

Page 12: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

ba < <

< < <

bi = =

= = =

bu > >

> > >


? ?

? ? ?

bo @ @

@ @ @

pa A A


pi B B


pu C C


pe D D


po E E


Page 13: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Read the following romaji words and write them in katakana. See if you can guess their English translation.

basu pasuta

supi-do gamu

messeji- yu-za-

Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. ��&

'�( )% *� ��+�, -�.

Test Yourself Fill out the blanks in this katakana table.

� �

� �

� �

� �

� � � �

� �

� � �

� �

Page 14: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Combined Sounds As with hiragana to make combined sounds, always use the /010�in combination with


sound of any of the katakana. The initial sound is written as a standard size symbol,

while the /010� are written smaller, half size.

kya �� �� gya �� ��

kyu �� �� gyu �� ��

kyo �� �� gyo �� ��

sha �� �� ja �� ��

shu �� �� ju �� ��

sho �� �� jo �� ��

cha �� �� nya � �

chu �� �� nyu � �

cho �� �� nyo � �

hya � � bya �� ��

hyu � � byu �� ��

hyo � � byo �� ��

pya �� �� mya � �

pyu �� �� myu � �

pyo �� �� myo � �

rya �� ��

ryu �� ��

ryo �� �� Read the following katakana words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their English translation. 23 ��# -�4 !3� !5����

Read the following romaji words and write them in katakana. See if you can guess their English translation.

menu- indonisha konpyuta-

Page 15: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Extra Combined SoundsAs katakana is used to create Japanese words from English words, more combined sounds are needed to be able to represent all of the sounds in sound is able to be created (for example the “TH” sound), but these sounds are useful to be able to say tricker English sounds in Japanese.

These sounds are made by adding a small vowel to the original symbol.

tso �� ��

fo �� ��

wo �� ��

vo �� ��

quo �� ��

she �� ��

je �� ��

che �� ��

tse �� ��

we �� ��

ve �� �� Read the following katakana words and write them in English translation. �*6�7� �48�� 5� 49� 5�

Read the following romaji words and write them in English translation.

pa-ti- foruku


Extra Combined Soundsis used to create Japanese words from English words, more combined sounds

are needed to be able to represent all of the sounds in the English language. Not every sound is able to be created (for example the “TH” sound), but these sounds are useful to be able to say tricker English sounds in Japanese.

These sounds are made by adding a small vowel to the original symbol. : fi �� ��

ti �� ��

di �� ��

wi �� ��

vi �� ��

tsa �� ��

fa �� ��

va �� ��

dyu �� ��

words and write them in romaji. See if you can guess their

words and write them in katakana. See if you can guess their

Extra Combined Sounds is used to create Japanese words from English words, more combined sounds

the English language. Not every sound is able to be created (for example the “TH” sound), but these sounds are useful to be :9070;08<

. See if you can guess their

. See if you can guess their

Page 16: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Crossword Practice Fill out the crossword below with the English translation of the katakana clues.


3. =��


��,. �

7. ���

9. ������

11. >.�

12. !�)�

16. �%�2/




3 5


7 8

9 10


12 13





1. '�#�!







8. >�� *

10. )%

13. ����

14. ����

15. '�(

Page 17: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Match the Word ��� (Chi-zu) Cheese






&��' �

("!) *"+







Page 18: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Names Read the following katakana names and write how you would say them in English. The first one is done for you.

���4 sho-na Shona




















Page 19: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Map Read the place names written in for the countries in the spaces below. a b e f i j m n

Map Work

Read the place names written in katakana on the map above and write then English names for the countries in the spaces below.

c d g h k l o p

on the map above and write then English names

Page 20: Name: Class: Katakana Workbooklizzy-sensei.weebly.com/.../katakanaworkbook_great.pdf · In katakana a long vowel sond is represented with a dash ( ). When we write katakana words

Word Search In the word search below find the Japanese words from the English list. You might find it useful to write the Japanese word beside the English word before you begin. All of the words have been used in the last few pages. Test yourself to see how many words you remember.

� � � � � � � ! " # � $

# � � � % & ' ( ' ) * �

# � $ � + , ) - ' . � /

� " � � 0 � " 1 � , " " �

� 2 � 3 � ) % / � � 2 � �

� 2 � � 3 3 & " � � � &

� 4 � � � 4 " 3 � 5 ) ' "

" # 6 $ � & & 1 & 0 �

$ � � 2 � � 7 � � � � � "

Pocket Bed Racquet Concert Motorbike Cassette Player Toilet Radio Present Hamburger Dress

Sweater Popcorn Petrol Steak Toast Tie Test Soup Television Christmas Stereo

Tomato Cream Notebook Pink Lunch Pizza Bell Pie Door