Personal Social and Local Items .Ton Seth Reiuleliii iili of Hulliniore "M t l ., is visit ine: bis irrandpiirpiils , Mr. aixl Mrs . Alex /. ieUi'i mnn of Mulford . * I reel. About . 'IOO pfnph* enjoyed the suc- cessful dunce (.riven by the Daugh- ters i.f Jacob Israel Aid society at the I' ntchoctie Jewish center , the evcninc- of July l.'i. .Mrs. Hunt 1 Sobel was chairman assisted by .Mrs. Fan- ny -t. ' olilslein. Tliey received .splendid help frum I heir many committee wm kei-s. Mrs. Jacob Bush iitTiinjred the bc-iiilifiil decorations. Mrs . Joseph Kentulbo was (fiiest- of-bniuii* al n siirpri..e stork sliowei lit her hume on l. ojr road . North Pat- clsoiitie , July , KIVCII by Mis. Mi- chiie-l Mi - interiilvo of Center Moriches assisted b y .Mrs. Fred Andreano of Pntdiojriio and Mrs. Al Peinlaich of (' enter Moriches . Mrs. Konto.lio re- eeive'd many beautiful (rifts. Amotifr thus** present were Mrs . Kihvard Runt, Mrs. Krnest C' urdomom* , Hell- port ; Mrs. Dominick Frabiitio, .Mr c . Kuire'iie (jnnnon , Miss Frances An- dreano. Kast Patchoirue; Mis . Frank Monieciilvo , Mrs . Michael Montecalvo , .Mrs. John Montecalvo , Mrs. Al I'eml- zick, Jlrs. Harvey Kdwanls. Mrs. Cyril l.avis , Mrs. Theresa Cheiubini , Cent*'!* Moriches ; Mrs. John De Saul , Mrs. IU'rt Price . Mrs. Michael Mira- bel , Mrs. Sal vn lore Lotito , Mrs. J' rank Kentollio , Mrs. Evelyn Oieru- bini , Mrs. Kenneth Rockwell , Mrs. Dick Carrabus , Mrs . Fred Andreano , Miss Mildred Crozier , Miss Ann Marie Andreano and Miss Patricia Coinan , Patchoirue. Unexcelled values in fine watches- jewelry and silverware , .Culler ' s Jewelry Store. —Adv. Mrs . Grnyee Lessey, Mrs. Viola Huberts and Mrs . Nellie Hammond were hostesses at the meeting of Patchojrue Post 2<!9, American Le- (iion auxiliary, in thc Legion House July 15. The July birthdays were honored . The next meeting will be August 10. The christening of Linda Jean Glove.!- , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glover of Crescent street , Yaphank , took place at St. Sylvester ' s R. C. church , Medford , Sunday after the last Mass. A fam- il y party was held in the afternoon and evening at the Glover home where a buffet supper was served. Among those who attended were Mrs. Pauline Glover , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Howell , Sr., Mrs . Daniel Ho- well , Jr., Mr. and Jlrs. Harry Garh- man , Sr„ and sons , Harry, Jr., and Jack ; Mrs. Estelle Kuhl and son , Raymond , Jr. ; Edward Glover , Stan- ley Glover , Mr. and Mrs . Felix Glov- er, all of Yaphank; Mr. and Mrs . William Glover , Jr. , and daughter, Marie , of Medford ; Mr. and Mrs. John Glover and daughters , Dorothy, Chsu-lene and Sandra ; Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Anton and son , Alex , of East Moriehes; George Rooth , Eastport; Mr. aiid Mrs . Harry Kalenowicz. * Cen- ter Moriches; Mr. and Mr.s. Stanley Zaweski and sons , Albin and,Frank; Mr. and Mrs. Felix Zaweski and son , Kenneth , all of Jamesport; Air. and Mrs. Theodore /Jamba, Riverhentl; Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDermott and son , Charles, Jr., of North Patchogue. Kaller ' s, one of the oldest and most Teliable Jewelry stores on Long Island. —Adv. Mr. and Mr.s. Samuel Weinberg have .eturned to their home on 19 Maple avenue after a motor trip of four and a half months in which they covered 12, 000 miles. From ' 'Florida they went westward, then to Mexico where they spent a month , stopping at Mexico City for a short time. They spent the remainder of the time touring through the beauti- ful countryside there. Leaving, they followed the southern route to Cali- fornia and took the northern route back to Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. Weinberg visited the town of Raton , N. M., where he -was in business. He left th ere in 1920 to come Kast. While glad to be home , they are al- ready deciding on u return trip to visit tlie states they missed. Mr.s , David Cole and daughter, Cheryl Lynn, of Bridgeport , Conn., have retunied home after a two ' weeks '" visit with Mrs. Cole ' s parents , , Mr . anil Mrs. Alex Zickerman of Mul- ford street, Mr. Cole spent tlie week- end h«re. A family dinner party wns Riven Tuesday night in honor . of the birth - day of Mrs. Howard ' S ' . Melville , at her home on 2G0. Medford nvonuc. i . Jlr. mid Mrs. Frank A. Tnfi* ol [ Seitz court entertained a numbe r <»i out-nf-lown guests who attended tin I wedding of iheir daughter , Barbara. to l.iissell William MacC' oiniskey. Sunday. Thev included: Mr. and Mrs. John llil!. Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. MaiCouiiskev, Stratfi .i- il . Conn.; Miss Dut-iithe. -i Myers , Miss Margaret Con- nors , .Miss Nancy Kekuk. New- Lon- don , Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Mcl_g«T. Bridgeport , Conn.; Mr. and M r.s . Hollis Hall and daughter, Vir- ginia , and Mr. am! Mrs . George Spain- , Litchfield , Conn.; Mr. and Mrs, Willis Jenkins , Peabody, Mass.; Mr. anil Mrs. William Leeman , l.in- Idenlilirst ; Mr. and Mr. s. George Odd- er , He- .vielt; Mrs . Art_ i.il- Shelbourne , Kast Orange , N. J.; Miss June Dew- hur. il, Stonington . Conn.; Mrs. Eve- lyn Young, Say brook , Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. liernnnl Peterson and son. Beriinrd , Watertown , Conn,; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taiigney, Aliss Phyllis Tancney, Air. and Mrs. Thomas IJemiiscy. Miss Florence Bean , Ver- non Ta iipney. all of Lynn , M. ' tss. Mr. and Mrs . William Bondurant , Char- lottesville , Va.; Air. anil Mrs. Charles Macl. 'omiskoy, Springfield , Alass.; and Mrs. "Myrtle O'Connor , Arlington , Mass,; Air. and Airs. "Walter Newton and (leorge .V u geiit , Rockville Centra Last Tliursd. - .;, - evening a get-to* gethcr dinner and clambake for 4-1 people , including representatives r-i the I'atchogue District of the Metro- politan Life Insurance company, their wives and guests, was held at the Domino Yacht club , East Pat- chogue. Edward J. Hughes , manage r of tlio district , had as his guests Mr. und Mrs . Robert W. Browning. Mr. Browning is the manager of the Ja- maicii District. This event was in celebration of the accomp lishments of members of the organization . A novel t*uich was added in awarding honors for work accomplished , when the wives of the eight agents were given cord ay bags. Tlie ladies re- ceiving these tokens of their hus- bands ' efficiency were : Mrs. George Krause , Mrs. Franklyn Boate , Mrs. Williani Guy, Airs. Richard Heinz , Airs. Leonard Fleming. Mrs. Carl De Gregorui , Jlrs. Peter O'Connell and Airs. Kihvard Colligan. Long Island' s modern Jewelry Store , Kaller ' s at Patchogue. —Adv. A beautiful cedar chest and 25 other articles are displayed in Swe- zey und Newins window. These will be awarded October . ' .1 at the Ala- sonic Temple, for the benefit of Old Glory chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Betty Sta rk . Council was well rep- resented by its members at the Sons and Daughters of Liberty outing and bazaar Saturday, which wa.s held at the organization ' s Home, Lakeland avenuo , Sayville. Mrs. Amelia Brun- nemer , 31 rs. Lida Seostrom and Mrs. Evelyn Coghlan assisted at the fancy work booth . The bazaar is the first to bo held in this vicinity for the benefit of the Home. i Mr, and Airs. Patsy Lanese of 24 Evergreen avenue , Patchogue, have announced the engagement of their daughter , Marie , to Robert J. Smith , son of BIr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Woodland avenue , Blue Point. Tbe Pulaski club will not hold its ca rd party this month to enable the patrons to attend the North Patch- ogu e Fire men ' s Carnival. The _ \Ir. and Mrs . club of the Methodist church will meet at 6:45 p. m. Friday at the Leja Beach ferry for a moonlight sail. Air. and Mrs. Angelo Ferrigno are living in their new home at 100 Conklin avenue. The heuse was con- structed by Mrs. Ferrigno' s father , Martin Hummel of Patchogue. Lucille Rose Dobson of Sehroeder lane is enjoying the summer at Camp Inimnt'ulata in Mattituck. Do you want your iiarty to be a succesn ? Pat Morrison will take care of all your party decorations. Simply contact her at Sayville 1727 alter 6 p. m. —Adv. Mr, and Mrs. John Pascarella of Bay Ridge , Brooklyn , are enjoying their vacation with Mrs . Lucille Dob- son , of Sehroeder liine, Miss Jean Moyce of the Atomic Enei'Ky commission , Brookhaven area , is spending her vacation with hev mother , Mrs. Erma Moyce of Buffal o Mrs , Fred Andreano and daughter Ann Marie , have returned to tlieii homo on ' Lakewood street afte i spending last week visiting Mr.s. An* dreann ' s sister and brother-in-law .Mr. and Airs . Dan DeCailo of New- ark , N. J. Mr. Andreano and theii son , Richard , motored lo Newark foi the weekend and his family returned wilh him. A picnic of Old Glory chapter , Order of the Eastern Star, was held Jul y Ki at Heckscher State park, Great River. A picnic supper was en- joyed by many of the members. Members of the DYWYK club and their families will hold tbeir annual outing at Leja Beach Sunday. Mrs . Laurette Waters of the Atom- ic Energy commission , Brookhaven area , has returned after spending a pleasant vacation with her sister and brother-in-law at Lake Erie. Ai rs . Howard S. Melville of 250 Medford avenue announces tbe en- gagement of her daughter , Ruth Irene , to Charles A. Larsen , son of Air . and Airs . Nils Larson of Oak- wood avenue , Bayport. Airs. Arthur Siieib ' ourne of East Orange , i\\ .1., and Mr. and Mr.s. Bernard Peterson and son , Bernard , of Watertown, Conn., were weekend guests at the home of Aliss Lou Branduu and her father. Gustave Brandan of North Ocean avenue. Charles L. Royal of Cedar Grove street spent, the weekend in Worcest- er , N. Y. Airs. Royal and their daugh- ter , Jngrid , and son , Ken.iard , who have been spending several weeks in Worcester returned home with him. A lawn party was held July 7 at the home of Air . and Ai rs. Williani Paxson of North Gillette avenue , Bayport. in celebration of the sec- ond birthday of their daughter. Bar- bara. Those present were William Steyert , Jr., Barry Kulbokas , Joseph Hansen , Elizabeth Erhardt , Patricia Kinzeski, Ai rs. J. Carlson , Mrs. Jacob Erhardt , Airs. William Steyert , Mrs. Peter Kulbokas , Airs. Edward Kinz- eski , Airs. Peter Hansen , Mrs . Wil- liam Paxson and Airs. Al. Amy. Bar- bara received many nice "ifts . Air. and Airs. Harvey Gehrig and children , Harvey and Chery l , of Sum- mit avenue are spending two weeks with Mr. Gehrig ' s parents in Med- ford. Wis. Ma_ bh your silverware at Kaller ' s, leading jewelers and silversmiths. —Adv. Airs. Helen Lighthall , -who is the District Deputy president of Suffolk Rebekah district :i, IOOF , has as hev officers for the coming year: Deputy Warden , Airs, Nellie Hammond; De- puty Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Cogh - lan; Deputy Treasurer , Bliss Nellie Lyman; Deputy Chaplain , Mr.s. Ada Pearsall; Deputy Musician , Mrs. Mabel Goodier; Deputy Inside Guard- ian , Airs. Mamie Terrell ; Outside Guardian , Airs. May Hammond. Mrs. Lillian Overton is the marshal! for the coming year . All the officers are Past Noble Grands of Dorothea Re- bekah Lodge 404 of Patchogue " . Mrs. Louis Manzie of 108 North Ocean avenue underwent an opera- tion at Southside hospital last week. Mrs. Alanzie is improving; nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soper of Mt. Dora , Fla., who are spending the summer at Islip Terrace , visited friends here . Mr. and Bl rs. Soper lived in Patchogue for aiany years when Mr. Soper owned ahd operated the Montauk Drug store. George Cesman of The Pa tchogue Advance staff is on a week's vaca- tion. Cadet Midshipmen 2/c Lloyd Nie- nian of Cook , Neb., and Jack H. Hus- mann , who are attending the U. S. Merchant Marine academy at Kings Point , spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Husmann of 57 North Ocean avenue. Mrs. Leroy Tuthill and Mrs. Wil- liam Rogers of Brooklyn and Mrs. Walte r Dcnquer of Rockville Centre were guests of Mrs. Laura Green of Jayne avenue last Thursday. BY POPULAR REQUEST FRIDAY - SATURDAY JIMMY ROCCO FOft YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ^ .. , AT Tin: ' ' '' •¦ " ¦ ' ' ' . ' Manhattan House BAYPORT JUST ASK YOUIt FRIENDS *-r -THEY KNOW Infant Sustains Skull Fracture In 3-Story Fall Condition of Charlotte Brown Satisfactory after Accident In Sayville Friday Evening SAYVILLE Charlotte Sue Brown , 2-1/2-year-old daug hter of Ma- , and Mrs. Andrew Brown of Tyler avenue , West Savville , suffered a fractured skull when she fell from a third-story window to the sidewalk Friday night at 9 p. m. Her condition is reported as satisfactory by South- side hospital officials. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Charlotte Sue were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est C v Dnwe at the latter ' s Main street apartment , Sayville , when the fall occurred. Mrs. Brown and Mrs . Dawe were in the living room. Char- lotte Sue, in climbing near a window, fell against a screen. The screen flave way and the baby dropped to the sidewalk , hitting ' a projection of the building on the " way and landing within a few feet of her father , who was standing outside talking with some people. BIr . Brown took his daughter to the Southside hospital. Walter Corrigan , Tiger Nurseries Owner, Dies Tues Walter E. Corrigan , a ged ft! , own- er of the Tiger. Nurseries and widely- known in this vicinity, died at his home on Beaver Dam road , Brook- haven , Tuesday. Born in Brooklyn , he had lived in this locality for 26 years. Many years ago Mr. Corrigan was engaged in the automobile business in New York city, but later joined his father iii the general contracting business. He was the owner from time to time of several large apart- ment houses in Brooklyn , as well as numerous pronerties in thLs locality, and was engaged in many local real ostate : transactions. A highly successful business man , he had a wide' acquaintance among people in all walks of life. He drew op a great futfd" " of humor and was. noted for his repartee. ' Mr. Corrigan ' was a member of Southside Lodge No. 493, Free and Accepted Masbfis; Suwasset Chapter 195 , Royal Arch Masons; Patchogue Cpnimandery, Knights Templar; and Kismet Temple 7 Shrine, Brooklyn. Funeral feen|jces.i-7* ?ilL ^. bte held , at 2 p. rri. today atXhi^iatp home, -with H. C. Ponienihz . first ; reader of the First Church of Chrfst Scientist , Pat- chojjwe, officiating. Interment will be private in Oakla-vm ' cemetery, Brook- haven . ' Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Augusta Corrigan , Brookhaven ; ' _ a daughter, Mrs, Jeiie O'Rourke, Brook- havenj two sisters , Mrs. R. W. Wood- head of Red Batik, N. J., and Mrs. P. W. Abrams :of New York city. CARD. OF THANKS Wc wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their * kindness during our re- cunt bereavement. , * Ilufih Bowie and. Family New* Federal Rent Law Doesn ' t Mean Automatic Boost Nassau-Suffolk Area Rent Di- rector Explains Procedure For Increasing Rentals The n«w federal r«nt control law does not automatically increase rents, it was emphasized today by Vincent Marcellino, Area Rent Director of the Nassau-Suffolk Area Rent ofiice. In response to a flood of inquiries from .anxious tenants and , some land- lords , Mr. Marcellihb said tenants in controlled housing accommodations are to continue paying- the legal maxi- mum rent of June 30, 1947, and are to receiv* the same service and equip- ment furnished as of that date, until changed by an-official order from his office. Mr. MTarcellino explained . that "If a landlord and tenant voluntarily and in good faith enter into a written lease on or before December 31, 1S47, the Housing and Rent Act of 1947 provides that the rent may be in- creased by not more than 15 per cent. In order for tlie lease to be valid it must be made effective after July _, 394 7 , and mitst expire on or after December 31 , 1948. " A true copy of the lease signed by both the landlord and tenant must be filed with the Area _ it office within 15 days after the lease is executed , together with three copies of a form called "Registration of Lease." Land- lords may secure the "Registration of Lease" form from <he Area Rent ofiice. Every rent lease filed with the Area Rent office is carefully ex- amined and if found to be in order is retained and a copy of the form " Registration of Lease" is mailed to both the landlord and tenant. Mr. Marcellino also made it clear that a tenant' s refusal to sign a lease does not constitute a ground for evic- tion and stressed that the new law includes specific protection against eviction. "In general , " he said , " a tenant who continues to pay the lent to which the landlord is entitled has no . more reason to fear eviction JIOW than before. " 'Must Develop UN Into Organisation Capable of Preventing War ' »Py enti$< _ BELLPORT—"We must do every- thing possible to develop the United Nations organization into a struc- ture capable of preventing war , " Colgate Prentiss , president of the Student World Federalist , declared Friday night at a meeting sponsored by the Bellport Discussion group at the local high school auditorium. Mr. Prentiss , who spoke on "World Government , " was introduced by Miss Dorothea Park-Le^yis of Bellport. Mrs. Alfred Nelson , moderator of the Study and Discussion group, wel- comed a crowd of about 200 people. Describing the Greek ' crisis ' as a potential Munich , Prentiss said: "As long as we live in a. world of com- plete andchy, with sovereign states looking after their own interests , we cannot have peace." Mr, Prentiss called for immediate limited world government. Empha- sizing the strength of the United States of America , the speaker asked this country to lead the way toward forming that world government. To the inevitable question , "What if Russia won ' t join it?" Prentiss answered it wa.s worth a chance to try. If Russia should ace-opt it ,.. ,, mean real peace; if .1,,. . ' j*,, A' lt] world would k„o\ v hi. A . S' Tbe speaker hcartilv . ' , , i , , strengthening of the i; n it L ,i v.V " c organisation in its li,,!,, tat ^l peace and security. ""' 1 Mrs. Williain ' l-* M\ . , .. .. from Brookl yn and .ni , 0 !" '"«« of the New York city e..„ „. | ft question and answer p,.,. - ,„ . '"" - ' \*. m.ti. A m « .m.mm.+mmm. ma.mmmmmmAj.mmmmmm m .m.ma.m.m.m. m.mm.ma.a.m ^.^^.^^ Experienced Operators Wanted j Good Pay, Ideal Working Conditions [ ALSO HAND FINISHERS AND PRESSERS J » APPLY j RITT and BREGMA M | » 9 RAILROAD AVENUE PATCHOGUE * ,m~..-mw~mmm-.mmm~-a -mm~~~^m^r^—~— «_ > w ^-m-w -ww -r-w^-a -r-w-m-r-r-www^mvar'm-rm^'rvarwwr.va^l ' agfe* DIAMONDS MAKE THE jffip3|^ PERFECT GIFT m!%A ^^ WW While good selections are available , buy ' < %[ ^y i r that diamor,d for "THE ONE AND ^®&A^ ONLY." Prices to fit any budget. Also a fine selection of Watches Silverware Jewelry Use Our Confidential Lay-Away Plan WE BUY OLD GOLD AND SILVER COOK JEWELERS , INC. 2 WEST MAIN STREET I'ATCHOGUE 1204 VcLAMBAKE t i To Be Held at the Brookhaven Town Machinery Shed August 1 6th, 1 947 , at 5:00 P. M. This ad is not being run for the purpose of selling tickets but to give the hundreds I of people who attended our last hake in I 1942 an opportunity together with their | friends to come again this year. i N As the price of the tickets indicates this [ is not a profit-seeking venture for a nyone I but it is the earnest desire of the committee j to give those attending the best meal we j possibly can for the price -of admission of j $2.25. Below is a copy of the menu for 1 this affair. CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL STEAMED CLAMS . ' I HOT DOGS AND HAMBURGERS BAKED CLAMS ! BAKED CHICKEN BAKED POTATOES , WHITE AND $WEET SWEET CORN j A BEER AND SODA WATER [ ' WATERMELONS , ICE CREAM, C0FFEE Tickets may be purchased from your com- mitteemen or the highway foreman in your district or telephone Patehosue 650. The number of tickets for this affair may be limited. No tickets will be sold after August . Sth. * j I Sponsored by { REPUBLICAN CLUB PRESIDElbs ASSN, OF BROOKHAVEN TOWN ROBERT S. STILL, Chairman a»tima,tmaima.Mamilimitmtiaanim»iitmi^amiiaa<iamtmmirmtMmm^ ¦ " •' . *• •»- " * ... . .. . .... .. o,. t , ^ I WLM GiSOLIM LUBRICANTS Service Station and Commercial Accounts Solicited FUEL OIL and KEROSENE Wendell S. Still Selden 1782-J- l * Selden Ronkonkoma 9469 Long \ t\ m ^ __Mtf«MM_MMB«tfMIM_- _-__--___a - __m_M#l_MM-^^ Two dt-ivei-s from Richmond Kill were fined Tuesday 3n the court of Police Justice Charles N. Butler , Jr., for ' spee-ding in Patchogue. William Joseh Barrett , pleading guilty, was fined $10 for driving too fast on Main street last Thursday. For speeding &t a lower 'fate Friday, Janles Ellis " ^ was fined $5 by Judge Butlei. St Tuesday ' s session , ¦ Two , Richmond Hill Drivers Fined Here for Speeding I IT'S NATIONAL SURPLUS WEEK I I Carl & Bob Continue Nationwide I I - Sale Thru Saturday July 26 I ¦ BIG VALUE S IN GOV'T SURPLUSI I and GENERAL MERCHANDIS E « s J £ RUBBER BOATS _ _ \M \ •3 KE-ISSUED ^ « . ARMY BLANKETS-100% Wool g.09 " I RUBBERIZED WATERPROOF TARPAULIN , size 6 x8 . g.29 I SUN HELMETS . . . . . 1.49 1 NEW ARMY COTS . 4.44 1 LIFE PRESERVERS (Mae West T ype) %$* I NAVY SHEETS (Slightl y Irregular - 72" x 108" ) . . 2-79 1 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS (Navy) 102" x 84" . . (p.» 5 I SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST , I U. S. NAVY DUNGAREES ; \J * I ARMY MOUNTAIN CLOTH PANTS . . . . 2- 95 ' S U. S. A. DDT BOMBS (Full 16 oz; size) .... ! ••• 5 £ NAVY T-SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . ©9 C { % DUST RESPIRATORS . ' * ..... .... . . 29 e 5 ¦a BELT TYPE WE PRESERVERS ; <|»« jj ¦ COMBED) YARN ATHLETIC SHIRTS .... . <35 c I I HOODED CANVAS PARKAS . . . . J>9 C I I CARL & BOB'S OUTDOOR STORE I FREE PARKING IN REAR , TEL. PATCHOGUE 959-W j | 60 EAST MAIN ST. Opp, Patchogue Theater PATCH OGUE, Ujj EsHfflHsffinun The New Official IIi _l W:n- \u n , New York State is still a ;,^ a y free for the asking. Copies mav _ procured by writing tr> ti le AA of Public Relation , New York jff Department of Pul.lk- \Voik, ,. te eluded on the map HIT- lifts ' of ;,, York C Sr ,teR " ,ui "" ,ini ' 'l ' * Xi " IN MEMOIHA JI In lov i iiK memory of i.ur d. .. , ¦ ^: ir i^' Day , °' -^: "Always in Our 'Ihourluj . " 'I'll* - - Family MAI'S RTII.I , AVAILABLE

Mu' st Develop UN Into Organisation Capable of Preventing ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1947-07-24/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · sonic Temple, for the benefit of Old Glory chapter,

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Personal Social and Local Items.Ton Seth Reiuleliii i i l i of Hulliniore

"Mtl ., is vis i t ine: bi s irrandpiir p iils , Mr.aixl Mrs . Alex /. ieUi 'i mnn of Mulford.* I reel.

About .'IOO pfnph* enjoyed the suc-cessful dunce (.r iven by the Daugh-ters i.f Jacob Israel Aid society atthe I'ntchoctie Jewish center , theevcninc- of July l.'i. .Mrs. Hunt 1 Sobelwas chai rman assisted by .Mrs. Fan-ny -t.'o l i l s le in . Tliey received .splendidhelp f rum I heir many committeewm kei -s. Mrs. Jacob Bush iitTiinj r edthe bc - i i i l i f i i l decorations.

Mrs . Joseph Kentulbo was (fiiest-of -bniu i i* al n siirpri..e s tork slioweilit h e r hum e on l. ojr road . North Pat-clsoiitie , July f» , KIVCII by Mis. Mi-chiie-l Mi-interiilvo of Center Morichesassisted by .Mrs. Fred Andreano ofPntdioj riio and Mrs. Al Peinlaich of('enter Moriches . Mrs. Konto.lio re-eeive'd many b e a u t i f u l (rifts. Amotifrthus ** present were Mrs . KihvardRunt , Mrs. Krnest C'urdomom* , Hell-port ; Mrs. Domini ck Frabiitio, .Mrc.Kuire'iie ( jnnnon , Miss Frances An-dreano. Kast Patchoirue; Mis . FrankMonieciilvo , Mrs . Michael Montecalvo ,.Mrs. John Montecalvo , Mrs. Al I'eml-zick, Jlrs. Harvey Kdwanls. Mrs.Cyril l .avis , Mrs. Theresa Cheiubini ,Cent*'!* Moriches ; Mrs. John De Saul ,Mrs. IU'rt Price. Mrs. Michael Mira -bel , Mrs. Sal vn lore Lotito , Mrs.J'rank Kentollio , Mrs. Evelyn Oieru-bini , Mrs. Kenneth Rockwell , Mrs.Dick Carrabus , Mrs . Fred Andreano ,Miss Mildred Crozier , Miss AnnMarie Andreano and Miss PatriciaCoinan , Patchoirue.

Unexcelled values in fine watches-jewelry and silverware, .Culler 'sJewelry Store.—Adv.

Mrs . Grnyee Lessey, Mrs. ViolaHuberts and Mrs . Nellie Hammondwere hostesses at the meeting ofPatchojrue Post 2<!9, American Le-(iion auxil iary, in thc Legion HouseJuly 15. The July birthdays werehonored . The next meeting will beAugust 10.

The christening of Linda JeanGlove.!-, infant daughter of Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Glover of Crescentstreet, Yaphank , took place at St.Sylvester's R. C. church , Medford ,Sunday after the last Mass. A fam-ily party was held in the afternoonand evening at the Glover homewhere a buffet supper was served.Among those who attended wereMrs. Pauline Glover , Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Howell , Sr., Mrs. Daniel Ho-well , Jr., Mr. and Jlrs. Harry Garh-man , Sr„ and sons, Harry, Jr., andJack ; Mrs. Estelle Kuhl and son ,Raymond , Jr. ; Edward Glover, Stan-ley Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Glov-er, all of Yaphank; Mr. and Mrs.William Glover, Jr., and daughter,Marie , of Medford ; Mr. and Mrs.John Glover and daughters, Dorothy,Chsu-lene and Sandra ; Mr. anil Mrs.Frank Anton and son, Alex , of EastMoriehes; George Rooth , Eastport;Mr. aiid Mrs. Harry Kalenowicz.* Cen-ter Moriches; Mr. and Mr.s. StanleyZaweski and sons, Albin and,Frank;Mr. and Mrs. Felix Zaweski and son ,Kenneth , all of Jamesport; Air. andMrs. Theodore /Jamba, Riverhentl;Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDermott andson, Charles, Jr., of North Patchogue.

Kaller 's, one of the oldest andmost Teliable Jewelry stores on LongIsland.—Adv.

Mr. and Mr.s. Samuel Weinberghave .eturned to their home on 19Maple avenue after a motor trip offour and a half months in whichthey covered 12,000 miles. From''Florida they went westward, thento Mexico where they spent a month ,stopping at Mexico City for a shorttime. They spent the remainder ofthe time touring through the beauti-ful countryside there. Leaving, theyfollowed the southern route to Cali-fornia and took the northern routeback to Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs.Weinberg visited the town of Raton ,N. M., where he -was in business. Heleft there in 1920 to come Kast.While glad to be home, they are al-ready deciding on u return trip tovisit tlie states they missed.

Mr.s, David Cole and daughter,Cheryl Lynn, of Bridgeport , Conn.,have retunied home after a two'weeks'" visit with Mrs. Cole's parents,

, Mr. anil Mrs. Alex Zickerman of Mul-ford street, Mr. Cole spent tlie week-end h«re.

A family dinner party wns RivenTuesday night in honor .of the birth -day of Mrs. Howard ' S'. Melville , ather home on 2G0. Medford nvonuc.

i. Jlr. mid Mrs. Frank A. Tnfi* ol[ Seitz court entertained a numbe r <»i

out -nf- l own guests who at tended t inI wedding of ihe i r daughter , Barbara .

to l.iissell Wi l l iam MacC'oiniskey.Sunday. Thev included: Mr. and Mrs.John l l i l ! . Mr. and Mrs. Russell W.MaiCouiiskev , St ra t f i .i- il . Conn.; MissDut -iithe.-i Myers , Miss Margaret Con-nors , .Miss Nancy Kekuk . New- Lon-don , Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. JosephMcl_ g«T. Bridgeport , Conn.; Mr. andM r.s. Hollis Ha l l and daughter, Vir-ginia , and Mr. am! Mrs . GeorgeSpain- , Li tchf ie ld , Conn.; Mr. andMrs, Wi l l i s Jenkins , Peabody, Mass.;Mr. anil Mrs. Wil l iam Leeman , l.in-

Idenlilirst ; Mr. and Mr.s. George Odd-er , He-.viel t ; Mrs . Ar t _ i.il - Shelbourne,Kast Orange , N. J.; Miss June Dew-hur.il, Stonington . Conn.; Mrs. Eve-lyn Young , Say brook , Conn.; Mr. andMrs. l iernnnl Peterson and son.Beriinrd , Watertown , Conn,; Mr . andMrs. Fred Taiigney, Aliss Phyll isTancney, Air. and Mrs. ThomasIJemiiscy. Miss Florence Bean , Ver-non Ta iipney. all of Lynn , M.'tss. Mr.and Mrs . Will iam Bondurant , Char-lottesville , Va.; Air. anil Mrs. CharlesMacl.'omiskoy, Springfield , Alass.; andMrs. "Myrtle O'Connor , Arl ington ,Mass,; Air. and Airs. "Walter Newtonand (leorge .Vu geiit , Rockvil le Centra

Last Tliursd.-.;,- evening a get-to*gethcr d inner and clambake for 4-1people , including representatives r-ithe I'atchogue District of the Metro-politan Life Insurance company,their wives and guests, was held atthe Domino Yacht c lub , East Pat-chogue. Edward J. Hughes , managerof tlio district , had as his guests Mr.und Mrs . Robert W. Browning. Mr.Browning is the manager of the Ja-maicii District. This event was incelebration of the accomp lishmentsof members of the organization . Anovel t*uich was added in awardinghonors for work accomplished , whenthe wives of the eight agents weregiven cord ay bags. Tlie ladies re-ceiving these tokens of their hus-bands' efficiency were : Mrs. GeorgeKrause , Mrs. Franklyn Boate , Mrs.Williani Guy, Airs. Richard Heinz ,Airs. Leonard Fleming. Mrs. Carl DeGregorui , Jlrs. Peter O'Connell andAirs. Kihvard Colligan.

Long Island's modern JewelryStore, Kaller's at Patchogue.—Adv.

A beautiful cedar chest and 25other articles are displayed in Swe-zey und Newins window. These willbe awarded October .'.1 at the Ala-sonic Temple, for the benefit of OldGlory chapter, Order of the EasternStar.

Betty Stark .Council was well rep-resented by its members at the Sonsand Daughters of Liberty outing andbazaar Saturday, which wa.s held atthe organization 's Home, Lakelandavenuo, Sayville. Mrs. Amelia Brun-nemer, 31 rs. Lida Seostrom and Mrs.Evelyn Coghlan assisted at the fancywork booth . The bazaar is the firstto bo held in this vicinity for thebenefit of the Home.

i Mr, and Airs. Patsy Lanese of 24Evergreen avenue, Patchogue, haveannounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Marie, to Robert J. Smith,son of BIr. and Mrs. Harry Smith ofWoodland avenue, Blue Point.

Tbe Pulaski club will not hold itscard party this month to enable thepatrons to attend the North Patch-ogue Firemen's Carnival.

The _\Ir. and Mrs. club of theMethodist church will meet at 6:45p. m. Friday at the Leja Beach ferryfor a moonlight sail.

Air. and Mrs. Angelo Ferrigno areliving in their new home at 100Conklin avenue. The heuse was con-structed by Mrs. Ferrigno's father,Martin Hummel of Patchogue.

Lucille Rose Dobson of Sehroederlane is enjoying the summer at CampInimnt'ulata in Mattituck.

Do you want your iiarty to be asuccesn ? Pat Morrison will take careof all your party decorations. Simplycontact her at Sayville 1727 alter 6p. m.—Adv.

Mr, and Mrs. John Pascarella ofBay Ridge , Brooklyn , are enjoyingtheir vacation with Mrs. Lucille Dob-son , of Sehroeder liine,

Miss Jean Moyce of the AtomicEnei'Ky commission , Brookhaven area ,is spending her vacation with hevmother, Mrs. Erma Moyce of Buffal o

Mrs, Fred Andreano and daughterAnn Marie , have returned to tlieiihomo on ' Lakewood street afte ispending last week visiting Mr.s. An*

dreann 's sister and brother-in-law.Mr. and Airs . Dan DeCailo of New-ark , N. J. Mr. Andreano and theiison , Richard , motored lo Newark foit h e weekend and his family returnedwilh him.

A picnic of Old Glory chapter ,Order of the Eastern Star, was heldJul y Ki at Heckscher State park,Great River. A picnic supper was en-joyed by many of the members.

Members of the DYWYK club andthe i r famil ies will hold tbeir annualout ing at Leja Beach Sunday.

Mrs . Laurette Waters of the Atom-ic Energy commission , Brookhavenarea , has returned after spending apleasant vacation with her sister andbrother-in-law at Lake Erie.

Ai rs. Howard S. Melville of 250Medford avenue announces tbe en-gagement of her daughter , RuthIrene , to Charles A. Larsen , son ofAir . and Airs . Nils Larson of Oak-wood avenue , Bayport.

Airs. Ar thu r Siieib'ourne of EastOrange, i\\ .1., and Mr. and Mr.s.Bernard Peterson and son , Bernard ,of Watertown, Conn., were weekendguests at the home of Aliss LouBranduu and her father. GustaveBrandan of North Ocean avenue.

Charles L. Royal of Cedar Grovestreet spent, the weekend in Worcest-er , N. Y. Airs. Royal and their daugh-ter , Jngrid , and son, Ken.iard , whohave been spending several weeks inWorcester returned home with him.

A lawn party was held July 7 atthe home of Air . and Ai rs. WillianiPaxson of North Gillette avenue,Bayport. in celebration of the sec-ond birthday of their daughter. Bar-bara. Those present were WilliamSteyert , Jr., Barry Kulbokas , JosephHansen , Elizabeth Erhardt , PatriciaKinzeski, Ai rs. J. Carlson , Mrs. JacobErhardt , Airs. William Steyert, Mrs.Peter Kulbokas , Airs. Edward Kinz-eski , Airs. Peter Hansen , Mrs. Wil-liam Paxson and Airs. Al. Amy. Bar-bara received many nice "ifts.

Air. and Airs. Harvey Gehrig andchildren , Harvey and Chery l, of Sum-mit avenue are spending two weekswith Mr. Gehrig 's parents in Med-ford. Wis.

Ma_ bh your silverware at Kaller 's,leading jewelers and silversmiths.—Adv.

Airs. Helen Lighthall , -who is theDistrict Deputy president of SuffolkRebekah district :i, IOOF, has as hevofficers for the coming year: DeputyWarden , Airs, Nellie Hammond; De-puty Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Cogh-lan; Deputy Treasurer, Bliss NellieLyman; Deputy Chaplain , Mr.s. AdaPearsall; Deputy Musician , Mrs.Mabel Goodier; Deputy Inside Guard-ian , Airs. Mamie Terrell ; OutsideGuardian , Airs. May Hammond. Mrs.Lillian Overton is the marshal! forthe coming year. All the officers arePast Noble Grands of Dorothea Re-bekah Lodge 404 of Patchogue".

Mrs. Louis Manzie of 108 NorthOcean avenue underwent an opera-tion at Southside hospital last week.Mrs. Alanzie is improving; nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soper of Mt.Dora , Fla., who are spending thesummer at Islip Terrace, visitedfriends here. Mr. and Blrs. Soperlived in Patchogue for aiany yearswhen Mr. Soper owned ahd operatedthe Montauk Drug store.

George Cesman of The Pa tchogueAdvance staff is on a week's vaca-tion.

Cadet Midshipmen 2/c Lloyd Nie-nian of Cook, Neb., and Jack H. Hus-mann , who are attending the U. S.Merchant Marine academy at KingsPoint, spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs. Henry . Husmann of 57North Ocean avenue.

Mrs. Leroy Tuthill and Mrs. Wil-liam Rogers of Brooklyn and Mrs.Walter Dcnquer of Rockville Centrewere guests of Mrs. Laura Green ofJayne avenue last Thursday.



FOft YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ^ ..• ,• A T Tin: ' • ' ' ' •¦ " ¦' ' ' . '

Manhattan HouseB A Y P O R T


Infant SustainsSkull Fracture

In 3-Story FallCondition of Charlotte Brown

Satisfactory after AccidentIn Sayville Friday Evening

S A Y V I L L E — Charlotte SueBrown , 2-1/2-year-old daughter ofMa-, and Mrs. Andrew Brown of Tyleravenue, West Savville , suffered afractured skull when she fell from athird-story window to the sidewalkFriday night at 9 p. m. Her conditionis reported as satisfactory by South-side hospital officials.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown and CharlotteSue were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ern-est Cv Dnwe at the latter 's Mainstreet apartment, Sayville, when thefall occurred. Mrs. Brown and Mrs.Dawe were in the living room. Char-lotte Sue, in climbing near a window,fell against a screen. The screen flaveway and the baby dropped to thesidewalk, hitting' a projection of thebuilding on the " way and landingwithin a few feet of her father , whowas standing outside talking withsome people.

BIr. Brown took his daughter to theSouthside hospital.

Walter Corrigan,Tiger NurseriesOwner, Dies TuesWalter E. Corrigan , aged ft!, own-

er of the Tiger. Nurseries and widely-known in this vicinity, died at hishome on Beaver Dam road , Brook-haven, Tuesday. Born in Brooklyn, hehad lived in this locality for 26 years.

Many years ago Mr. Corrigan wasengaged in the automobile businessin New York city, but later joinedhis father iii the general contractingbusiness. He was the owner fromtime to time of several large apart-ment houses in Brooklyn , as well asnumerous pronerties in thLs locality,and was engaged in many local realostate: transactions.

A highly successful business man,he had a wide' acquaintance amongpeople in all walks of life. He drewop a great futfd" "of humor and was.noted for his repartee.' Mr. Corrigan' was a member ofSouthside Lodge No. 493, Free andAccepted Masbfis; Suwasset Chapter195, Royal Arch Masons; PatchogueCpnimandery, Knights Templar; andKismet Temple 7 Shrine, Brooklyn.

Funeral feen|jces.i-7*?ilL^.bte held, at2 p. rri. today atXhi^iatp home, -withH. C. Ponienihz. first ;reader of theFirst Church of Chrfst Scientist, Pat-chojjwe, officiating. Interment will beprivate in Oakla-vm ' cemetery, Brook-haven. ' ••

Surviving are his widow, Mrs.Augusta Corrigan, Brookhaven ; '_ adaughter, Mrs, Jeiie O'Rourke, Brook-havenj two sisters, Mrs. R. W. Wood-head of Red Batik, N. J., and Mrs.P. W. Abrams :of New York city.

CARD. OF THANKSWc wish to thank our many friends and

neighbors for their * kindness during our re-cunt bereavement. , *

Ilufih Bowie and. Family

New* Federal RentLaw Doesn't Mean

Automatic BoostNassau-Suffolk Area Rent Di-

rector Explains ProcedureFor Increasing Rentals

The n«w federal r«nt control lawdoes not automatically increase rents,it was emphasized today by VincentMarcellino, Area Rent Director ofthe Nassau-Suffolk Area Rent ofiice.

In response to a flood of inquiriesfrom .anxious tenants and , some land-lords, Mr. Marcellihb said tenants incontrolled housing accommodationsare to continue paying- the legal maxi-mum rent of June 30, 1947, and areto receiv* the same service and equip-ment furnished as of that date, untilchanged by an-official order from hisoffice.

Mr. MTarcellino explained . that "Ifa landlord and tenant voluntarily andin good faith enter into a writtenlease on or before December 31, 1S47,the Housing and Rent Act of 1947provides that the rent may be in-creased by not more than 15 percent. In order for tlie lease to bevalid it must be made effective afterJuly _ , 3947, and mitst expire on orafter December 31, 1948."

A true copy of the lease signed byboth the landlord and tenant must befiled with the Area R«_it office within15 days after the lease is executed ,together with three copies of a formcalled "Registration of Lease." Land-lords may secure the "Registration ofLease" form from <he Area Rentofiice. Every rent lease filed withthe Area Rent office is carefully ex-amined and if found to be in orderis retained and a copy of the form"Registration of Lease" is mailedto both the landlord and tenant.

Mr. Marcellino also made it clearthat a tenant's refusal to sign a leasedoes not constitute a ground for evic-tion and stressed that the new lawincludes specific protection againsteviction. "In general," he said, "atenant who continues to pay the lentto which the landlord is entitled hasno. more reason to fear eviction JIOWthan before."

'Must Develop UN Into OrganisationCapable of Preventing War '»Py enti$<_BELLPORT—"We must do every-

thing possible to develop the UnitedNations organization into a struc-ture capable of preventing war ,"Colgate Prentiss, president of theStudent World Federalist, declaredFriday night at a meeting sponsoredby the Bellport Discussion group atthe local high school auditorium.

Mr. Prentiss, who spoke on "WorldGovernment," was introduced by MissDorothea Park-Le^yis of Bellport.Mrs. Alfred Nelson, moderator of theStudy and Discussion group, wel-comed a crowd of about 200 people.

Describing the Greek ' crisis 'as apotential Munich , Prentiss said: "Aslong as we live in a. world of com-plete andchy, with sovereign stateslooking after their own interests, wecannot have peace."

Mr, Prentiss called for immediatelimited world government. Empha-sizing the strength of the UnitedStates of America, the speaker askedthis country to lead the way towardforming that world government.

To the inevitable question, "Whatif Russia won't join it?" Prentissanswered it wa.s worth a chance to

try. If Russia should ace-opt it ,..„ ,,mean real peace; if .1,,. . 'j*,, A'lt]world would k„o\v hi.A . S'"«

Tbe speaker hcart i lv . ', , i ,,strengthening of the i; n it L,i v.V "corganisation in its li,,!,, tat ^lpeace and security. ""'1

Mrs. Williain ' l-*M\ ., .... ..from Brookl yn and .ni ,0 !" '"««of the New York city e..„ „. | ftquestion and answer p, .,. - ,„ •. '""-'

\*.m.ti.A m«.m.mm.+mmm.ma.mmmmmmAj .mmmmmmm.m.ma.m.m.m. m.mm.ma.a.m .^ .^^

Experienced Operators Wanted jGood Pay, Ideal Working Conditions [


A P P L Y j

RITT and B R E G M A M |»

9 RAILROAD AVENUE PATCH OGUE *,m ~. . -mw~mmm-.mmm ~-a-mm~~~^m r^—~— «_ >w -m-w -ww -r-w ^-a -r-w-m-r-r-www^mvar 'm-rm^'rvarwwr.va l


m!%A WW While good selections are available, buy '<%[ y i r that diamor,d for "THE ONE AND®&A ONLY." Prices to fit any budget.

Also a fine selection ofWatches — Silverware — Jewelry

Use Our Confidential Lay-Away PlanWE BUY OLD GOLD AND SILVER


VcLAMBAKE t iTo Be Held at the Brookhaven Town Machinery Shed

August 16th, 1947, at 5:00 P. M.This ad is not being run for the purposeof selling tickets but to give the hundreds

I of people who attended our last hake inI 1942 an opportunity together with their| friends to come again this year.i N

As the price of the tickets indicates this[ is not a profit-seeking venture for anyoneI but it is the earnest desire of the committeej to give those attending the best meal wej possibly can for the price -of admission ofj $2.25. Below is a copy of the menu for1 this affair.





WATERMELONS, ICE CREAM, C0FFEETickets may be purchased from your com-mitteemen or the highway foreman inyour district or telephone Patehosue 650.The number of tickets for this affair maybe limited. No tickets will be sold afterAugust .Sth. * j

ISponsored by {


a»tima,tmaima.Mamilimitmtiaanim»iitmi^amiiaa<iamtmmirmtMmm^¦ " • ' . *• •»- ••" * . . . . ... . . . . .. o,. t :¦ , ^


Service Station and Commercial Accounts Solicited

FUEL OIL and KEROSENEWen dell S. Still

Selden 1782-J-l * SeldenRonkonkoma 9469 Long \t\m^


Two dt-ivei-s from Richmond Killwere fined Tuesday 3n the court ofPolice Justice Charles N. Butler, Jr.,for 'spee-ding in Patchogue. WilliamJoseh Barrett, pleading guilty, wasfined $10 for driving too fast onMain street last Thursday. Forspeeding &t a lower 'fate Friday,Janles Ellis " was fined $5 by JudgeButlei. St Tuesday's session , ¦

Two, Richmond Hill DriversFined Here for Speeding

I IT'S NATIONAL SURPLUS WEEK II Carl & Bob Continue Nationwide II - Sale Thru Saturday July 26 I¦ BIG V A L U E S IN G O V ' T S U R P L U S II and G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D I S E «s J

£ RUBBER BOATS __ \M \•3 KE-ISSUED ^«. ARMY BLANKETS-100% Wool g.09 "


RUBBERIZED WATERPROOF TARPAULIN, size 6 x8 . g.29 ISUN HELMETS . . . . . 1.49 1NEW ARMY COTS . 4.44 1LIFE PRESERVERS (Mae West Type) %$* INAVY SHEETS (Slightly Irregular -72" x 108") . . 2-79 1DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS (Navy) 102" x 84" . . (p.»5 ISPECIAL — WHILE THEY LAST , I


S U. S. A. DDT BOMBS (Full 16 oz; size) . . . . !••• 5£ NAVY T-SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . ©9C {% DUST RESPIRATORS . '* . . . . . . . . . . . 29e 5¦a BELT TYPE WE PRESERVERS ; <|»« jj¦ COMBED) YARN ATHLETIC SHIRTS . . . . . <35c II HOODED CANVAS PARKAS . . . . J>9C I


j| 60 EAST MAIN ST. — Opp, Patchogue Theater PATCHOGUE, UjjEsHfflHsffinun

The New Official IIi _ l W:n- \un ,New York State is still a;,^

ayfree for the asking. Copies mav _

procured by writ ing tr> ti le AAof Public Relation , New York jffDepartment of Pul.lk- \Voik, ,.

teeluded on the map HIT- lifts 'of ;,,York


,teR ",ui"",ini''l '* Xi"

IN MEMOIHA JIIn lov i iiK memory of i.ur d. .. ™ ,¦

S£ :iri ' Day ,°' - :

"Always in Our ' Ihourl uj ."'I' ll*-- Family