I " " " " ' ~ I When you go to (ZEIDLER MOTORS) to see the NEW EDSEL ... (and don' t rnish it - *' (J0oidbt{j A!) Be Sure to Ask the Salesman to Turn on the Radio . . . it ' s a i ST ROMBERG-CARLSON i with transistorized power and the sweetest sound that | ever caressed your ears in an automobile! j The same superb quality and value are yours for your j home, too in Stromberg-Carlson High Fidelity Phono- j graphs and Radio-Phonographs. See them at our store and you'll agree "There is nothing finer than a Stroiaberg- I Carlson. '' i GEORGE' S RADIO & TV SHOP SALES AND SERVICE RECORDS PHOTO MUSIC ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS 65 North Ocean AVeriue Patchogue 66 Mam Street Sayville For TV Servkfe GR 54)834 SA 43370 Join Our Record Club FREE Bonus Records . "SCRAMBO" Word Is MANALY Mrs. Martha Theis. GRover S-JoiS Local voters are reminded that the Fall Primaries will be held on Tuesday from 12 noon until y p. m. Polling places in Medford are at the Tremont Avenue school for those south of the railroad tracks, and at the Veterans hall on Long Island avenue for those north of the track. Ail those who voted last year will be carried over on the books, but new voters must come in person to register. The annual Suffolk county Re- publican club picnic will be hold at the chib's headquarters on Saturday. All food and bever- ages will be free and the public is invited to attend. The Med- ford Repblican club will meet at the Med ford Communit y hall on Septembe r *, :" . Plans for the fall program will be made. The Medford unit to the Suffolk County Extension service will re- sume its activities at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. A. Theis on Mt. Vernon avenue. All women interested in home- making are invited to join. En- rollments will be taken and the progra m for the year will be discussed. Through a shifting of dates by the count y department it will be necessary to make some alteration on the programs sen- to the old members. A social tea will follow the meeting. The Medford Girls 4-H club will resume its activities on Sep- tember 21 f rom 10 a " , m. to lr noon. This will be the onl y day for enrollment with the group, since the working classes begin immediately afterward and no new members can be added. Hardy Garden Mums , Shrubs. George Poll' s. GRover 5-5915. —Adv. Mrs . John Gauticr of the Private road attended the christening of her granddaughter , Mariann , in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FiT 'i Strier of Durkee lane , East Patchogue at 3 p. m. Sunday at Christ Episcopal church at Bell- port. Sponsors were Dale Whitlock and Mrs. Anthony Rudtk e of Pat- chogue and Mis s Helen Vogel of Yaphank. A buffe t supper fol- lowed at the Strier home. Miss Mary Rate of the Private road spent the holiday weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Roger Jones and family at their summer home at Cape May, N. J. Michael Mathews , son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mathews of the State road, returned home this week after a month's vacation at Cape Cod. He was the guest of his aunts , the Misses Mary and Gladys Mathews of New York city. They visited Martha ' s Vine- yard and West Yarmouth. Mr. and Mrs. William Houlik of Oregon avenue entertained a number of their friends with a barbecue at their home on August 25. Guests included Mr , and Mrs. Carl Wingard , Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Dittmeier and son , Edward, of Patchogue; Mr. and Mrs . j Stierholz and daughter , Hul ga , Mrs. Wilma Flannery and daugh- ter , Linda , of Medford. Mr. Houlik built a clam bake pit in his back- yard. Recently he acquired a new skiff and spent the holiday week- end on the bay. Mrs. Philip Weissenberger of the State road returned last week after a trip to the farm of Harry Baron at Somerset , Pa. Mr. ' tiaron ana ins uau^nter , Jars. An- mony u»uro , hau oeen visitors at .ueinoru. iJunrig tne wten. , ±>irs. Lauru returned to . vlediord with . virs. VV eiastiioerger co await tne return ot her nusoanu from ttaiy. tne Luiu-us plan to leave tor Las V egas , .\tv., mis week wnere tney piau to maKe tneir nome. . virs. uauru is tne former ivnss belie t>aton oi Aitalord. . virs. Weissen- nerge r accompanied her last winter on a vacation at L.as Vegas. . .ir. and Mrs . Robert Sauberlich ot *it. v ernon avenue en tertained ac an outdoor picnic ana Darbecue on isunuay axternoo ' n. xnose pre- sent were ivir. and Mrs. VVnour Long oi J amaica, Mr. and Mrs. Hurt rteinnard ox central islip, ivir. ana mrs. Henry Ciaussen ana son , William ana daughter , Rita , ot Sayvine , Mr. and irirs. W. v. Warner and daugnter, Nancy, Mrs. A. H. ihieme and son , Kurc , and Mrs. h. A. Ineis. xvtr. and Mrs. Warren Pedatella of Long island avenue drove to Brooklyn , on baturaay when they met Mr. 'and Mrs. Cnaries Berke. tne Uerkes' twin daughters , Kii- zaloetn and Andrea, Jhad Seen guests oi the .fedacellas. Their son , ^.ntnony, who had been visit- ing tne Bei'Kes at Upper Darby, Pa., returned home with tnem. Tne ±"eaat.elias tnen drove to Pleasant Valley where they visited with Mrs. Agnes Pedatella , Sr. Mr. ana Mrs. Michael Pietrasesa of Brooklyn , wno nave been spend- ing weekends at their home oh Long Island avenue , have returned to tne city ior the winter. Hie t' aicnogue Advance is on sale at W eissenberger ' s , Larsen' s grocery, t essler's stationery and William' s Luncheonette and Sta- tionery Store in Medtord.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steljes and daughter , Judith> of Merrick and Mr. and Mrs. William Stel- jes oi Richmond Hill were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warncke ot Tremont avenue. A new home is being built on Tremont avenue, by John Rein- irank , for his * son and daughter- in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rein- frank and family. Mr . and Mrs. W. D. Warner and daughter, Nancy, ot Mt. Ver- non avenue attended the party given by Mr. and Mrs . George iiofmann in honor of their daugn- ter , Ivy ' s sixth birthday on Sun- day atternoon at Rocky Point. Rehearsals of the Medford Men' s and Ladies ' Choral groups re- sumed on August 26 in prepara- tion of the fall concert to be held on October IV) at the Tremont Avenue school . A dance will fol- low at the . Medford Community hall. On December 8 at the St. Francis Youth center at Patch- ogue , the Suffolk County United Singers , including choral groups from Huntington, Lindenhurst , Isli p and Medford , will hold a concert. The Suffolk group was fi rst place winner in its category at the national contest in New York city last spring. Mrs. Stephen Pollis returned to her home on Olympic avenue on Monday after a few days at the Brookhaven Memorial hospital where she underwent an operation on her wrist. Mrs. Irene Forster is spending a week's vacation at her home on the State road. Her grand- children , the Lucas " twins , Nancy and Ste phen , spent the holiday weekend with her and their great- grandmother, Mrs. Harry Truman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sieber and daughters , Carol Ann and Nancy Marie , spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Sieber ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fusca at Glen Cove. Thomas Fusca , a nephew who had been visiting the Siebers over the past week , accompanied them and returned to his home at Glen Cove. The members of the Medford Fire department will meet at the firehouse at 8 p. m. Friday. The officers met on Tuesday night. Fire drills are scheduled for 10 a- , rh. Sunday arid 7 p. m. Septem- ber 23. Fire school will be held at 8 p. m. September 2S. Miss Toni Masem returned to her home on Mt. Vernon avenue- iast week after a short time at the Brookhaven Memorial hospital. She was injured on August 16 in an automobile accident and is re- cuperating rapidly. The Ladies ' auxiliary of Henry J. Jones post VFW, will resume meetings again next Thursday- ni ght , following the summer re- cess. Plans for the fall activities will be made. The Rev. William Murray con- ducted morning prayer services at St. Mark ' s Episcopal church on Sunday morning. The Rev. Harry Morrell of Seaford will conduct Hol y communion services at 11 a. m. Sunday. Mrs. Philip Weiss- enberge r provided the flowers for the altar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lull y of New York city were wfeekend guests of Mr. and Mrs . Edward Pirner of Oregon avenue. Mrs. George Poll' s, GKoTtr 5-5915 The Medford Democratic club will meet at 8:30 p. m. today at the clubhouse on Liong Island avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bach- teler and children , Lawrence , Jr., Richard and Jean , of Hicksville were guests at the home of his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bach- teler of Richmond avenue , over the weekend. ' Both Robert Hinkel and Max Schmaeler, Jr. , have been working as counsellors at Boy Scout Camp Baiting Hollow again this sum- mer. Later this month they will both return to college. Lieutenant Loren L. Bush of the Army Reserves is spending two week s of active du.v in Fort Belvoir , Va. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steinke of Pompton Lakes, N. J., were re- cent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kronimus of Richmond avenue. While they were here , they, also visited with Mrs. Helen Rothermund. Mr. and Mrs . Fred Bachteler. Mrs. Elizabeth Kocher , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ro- termund and children , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maresco and chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wanamake r. LeRoy Bostelman. who is a member of the Air . * orce , is now stationed about 60 miles from London , England. Recently, he went to London and visited with an uncle and aunt- a brother of his late father. LeRoy is one of the sons of Mrs. ' Adele Bostelman of Waverly avenue. Mrs. Dorothy E. Ryan of Rob- inson avenue returned home Sun- day by plane , accompanied by her friend. Mrs. Frank Fox of Jersey City, N. J. The ladies had spent the past three weeks vacationing in Miami Beach , Fla. While there , they also took tri ps to Hollywood , Little River and Miami , and visit- ed the Everglades and many other places of interest. Mrs. Walter Kayton of Waverly avenue was pleasantly surprised Friday night when she was the guest-of-honor at a baby shower held at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jacob T. Mistier. Sr.. also of Waverly avenue. The shower was given by Mrs . Mistier and Mrs . Adele Bostelman. grand- mother of Mrs. Kayton. The rooms were attractively decorated with green arid yellow crepe paper. Guests present were Mrs. William Kayton. Mrs. Joseph Kayton, an aunt , Mrs; Joseph Kayton.. a sis- ter-in-law , Mrs. Hector Ramirez and Miss Marie Voll , all of Bell- port ; Mrs. Ronald Steinbrenner and Mrs. John Marrero of Hol- brook; Mesdames Robert Henken , Eugene Satterley, Charles Hem- minger, Sylvester Weaver, Wilr liam Stiri z , Betty Rogers and Mae Teppla, all of Patchogue; Mrs. Ernest Stoll. Mrs. Charles Munkelwitz and Miss Ernestine Stoll of Sayville; Mrs. Thomas G , undern\an of Farmingville , and Mrs . Howard Sexton of Smith- te n. Also Mrs. Alfred Zebrbw- ski of Blue Point; Mesdames Rob- ert Mistier , Paul Mistier; Fred Mistl eri Paul Williams, William Mistier, George Gattimann; Henry Reirifrank and George "Mistier , and the Misses Joyce GatHmann, Jean Bostelman, , Bonnie Mistier , Evelyn Mistier arid Dorothy Hur bel. Little Lorraine Rogers of Patchogue , a godchild of Mrs. Kayton , also serif a ».gift. After Mrs. Kayton had opened her many lovely gift ' s; the guests enjoyed a buffet supper. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guerrasio and children of Oregon averitie over the holiday weekend was his aunt , Mrs . Louis Fusco of New York city. Word Ha8 been received that Richard Mistier , a member of the Arriiy, has been advanced to Spe- cialist 2/c. Dick , who is stationed in Mahriheim. Germany, is expect- ed home before the fi rst of the year. Soon after, he will be dis- charged and plans to return to Alfred university,; where he will resume his studies. He is . the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferde Mistier of Ohio avenue. > Kurt SeVwarz of the Navy has gone on a cruise which will take him to ports in most of the . north- ern European countries.. , He is aboard one of a large fleet of ships and expects to be gone for two or. three months. . Formerl y stationed at a naval ammunition depot in Red Bank . N. J. Kurt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Schwarz of Waverly avenue, : The home of Miss Janet Bianco of Mt. Vernon avenue, was the scene of a surprise bridal shower August 27 held in . honor of Miss Dorothy Nolan. The co-hostesses were the Misses . Janet Bianc o, Ellen and Mary. Ann :Nolan, , who will be bridesmaids , at the forth- coming w«d<Iing. Seated beneath a large umb ' rellartrimnl«a;. " . n whita ' , the, briderto-be opened-Jier " mahy lovely gifts. Among the guests were Mesdames Thontas Scott , Theodore MoreUitio and Irene For- ster of Patchbgtle; Miss Florence McKeown of Maspe th ; Miss Joan Grant of Yaphank; the Misses Lois Byrne, Ada Costello and Monica Mooney of Ronkbnkomia ; Misses Liz Corsitto . and Eleanor Tingen of Farmingville;. and Mes- dames Ernest Theis , Hubert Bi- anco, George Pollis, Lawrence Bianco , Michael Hopkins . Edward Kiernan , Mary Rattiger , Edward Dasch , Herman Behrmann , Wil- liam Gartung, Sr., John Gartung, Gerard Nolan , Harry Truman and Ferde Mistier, and the Misses Theresa Stirh pfl , Rita and Phyllis Saporita , Janet , June and Mar- garet Bianco, Dolores George , Ellen Nolan and . Tbni Masem. After the . shower , a buffet supper >va .s , enjoyed. Miss Nolan , daugh- ter of Mr. arid Mrs. Gerard Nolan of the State road , will be married on Saturday to ' James J. Mc- Keown of Maspeth , in St . Sylves- ter ' s R. C. church. Mr. and Mrs. William Bachteler arid children , William, Jr. , and Marguerite , of the Alps, West Stephen Town , spent 10 days of their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maresco of Rob- inson avenue. Mr. Bachteler, a former resident of Medford , visit- ed his brother and siste r-in-law , Mr. arid Mrs. Fre d Bachteler of Richmond avenue while he was here. They also visited Mr-, and Mrs. Donald Murray, Mr. artd Mrs. Eugene Mistier , Mr. and Mrs. John Schleyer and Mrs. Mary Betts. A fishing trip in Moriches bay was enjoved one day by Mr. Bachteler and his son , William, and Donald Murray. The ladies of the Tuesday Night Card club rhet at the . home of Mrs. Jacob Beck in Patchogue this week. Mrs. Francis Carasiti , Jr., daughter-in-law of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Carasiti , Sr., is spending some tiriie here with them at their home on Richmond avenue. Frank , Jr., has gone on to Fort Devens , Mass., where he will receive his discharge from the Army tomor- row. Mr. arid Mrs. Carasiti will remain for awhile at his parents ' Home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hart of Jahiaica avenue motored to Grotbn where they visited Mr, and Mrs . Ray Seneca! and children. Mrs. Seneca! is Mr. Hart' s sister. While they were away, the Harts also stopped in at the New York State convention for firemen , which was held in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. George Pollis and daughter, Ava , of Waverly avenue attended a- birthday Barbecue given in honor of Theodore . Coop- er, Jr., at his home in Port Jef- ferson Sunday. Mrs . Ralph Hart of Jamaica avenue was hostess to the ladies of the Tuesday Night club this "ive ' ek. Visiting for a f ew days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hart arid childreh of Jamaica ave- nue was Miss Emily Wogan of Brooklyn, siste r of Mrs. Hart. Miss WbgaH was accompanied by Joseph Duff , also of Brooklyn. ST. SYLVESTER'S CHURCH - Sunday, masses at; St. Sylvester ' s R. C. church are hourly from 7 to il a. m. and at 12:15 p. m. Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- merit will follow the 8 a. m. mass. Daily masses are at 8 a. m. Con- fessions are heard from 5 to 6 and from 7:30 to 9 p. m. on Sat- urday. ¦ . A bus will leave , at 8:45 a. m. from . the crossroads iri Farming- ville ib bring the parishioners to St. Sylvester' s church for the 9 a. m. mass on Sunday. Return transportation will also be pro- vided. Confessions will be heard from 5 to 6 and from 7:30 to 9 p. m. today in preparation for Firs t Friday. Masses on First Friday will be at 0:30 and 8 a. m. Holy communion will be offered at 7 a. m. MEDFORD NEWS ITEMS -tniiiiuiiiinaitininriiniMiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiitidiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiMliiiiiiifitiiiiiuBiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuii ^ I Medford Farm Stand ( I Route 112(3 blocks south of Medford Station) Medford I I Plenty of Free Parking Operi Year Round § 1 GOLDEN RIPE | ! BANANAS 2 ">s. 25«M g ¦ ; ' ¦ j | SWEET SUGAR ~" f | PLUMS 2 ibs 29e | 1 leedless GRAPES 2 ">* 29« [ ! Mciiitosli APPLES 3 «> s &9« j f -i. : ¦ , ; i ' g I Beefsteak Tomatoes 0 i^ *»«rk^ ! I Italian Tomatoes 3 ^ \ [ Sweet L. I. CORN 59*^1 1 Jumbo Bale PEAT MOSS *»»» j j 7% Cii. Ft. Bale | J No. l SLATE 2ggc each " ) I Bush y Hardy Chrysanthemums , all colors 95c I I-— ; : . '' : -i I Come see our selection of Evergreens at $2.25 ea. | m* m ^UlillJiJi.luIl.IilfllilUll 'll.liJilihi^llJ,^ PATCHOGUE LOCALS AND SOCIALS After residing in Fort Pierce , Fla., for the pas t 10 years , Mr. and Mrs . Orville Wiggins have returned to Patchogue and are making their home on Snyder street. Recent visitors at the Wi g- gins home were Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy of Fort Pierce. The Murphys are former residents of Patchogue , where they lived on Medford avenue. Mrs. Arthur Robinson celebrat- ed her birthday with a family gathering at her home at 139 Jennings avenue last Thursday night. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Foster Powers and daughter, Bon- nie , Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Rob- inson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Robinson and daughter , Sharon. Thomas Kevin Roslak , infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ros- lak of Peconic , was christened in the Cutchogue Roman Catholic churc h on Sunday. The godparents are Vincent Roslak of Patchogue , the baby ' s uncle , and Miss Carol Klinger , also of Patchogue , an aunt of the baby. Thomas Kevin was born on August 8 in the East- ern Long Island hos pi tal in Green- port. Mrs. Roslak is the former Miss Lois Klinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Klinge r of Washington avenue. Mr. Roslak is the soh of Mr. and Mrs. John Roslak of Cedar, avenue. Fresh Montauk Sword Fish and local Blue Fish at South Bay Fish and Fruit Market. We deliver. GR. 5-1595,—AdT. Mr. arid Mrs. Clifford Marshal l of North Ocean avenue went by plane to Ormond Beach , Fla., last weekend. Mr. Marshall's mother , Mrs. Virginia Marshall of North Ocean avenue , who has been spending three ntoiiths in Qrmond Beach with Mrs. Leslie Brown , returned with them this week. Frank Michaelis , uncle of Miss Loraine Andersen , who will be married bit Sunday, was host at a party for the wedding attend- ants on April 28 at Josephine ' s Pizzeria on Medford a v e n u e. Those present were Mrs. Anna Cohklin, Mrs. Robert Habel and daughter , Cheryl Miss Loraine Anderson , Miss Edith Anderson , Miss Monetta Baker , Miss Alma Reiblich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Williarn Bollman, Herbert Schu- man, Edward Anderson , Louis Gurham and Alfred Jacobsen. Miss Andersen will be married to Her- bert Schuman at 4 p. m. Sunday .in the Emanuel Lutheran church on East Main street. Protect your valuables in a fire- aroof Safe Deposit Box. The Patchogue Bank. —Adv. Mrs. George Buchheit of Maple avenue speht Friday in Bridge- port, Conn., where she visited her cousin , Miss Florence Blackham, who is 84. Miss Blackham is a re- tired teacher, who taught at the Hall school in Bridgeport. Mrs. Percy Monroe Skidmore of Carman street spent 10 days re- cently at the home of her son-in- lay, Lieutenant Julius Fuchs of the Navy, who is stationed in Newport , R. I, Her granddaughte r, Judith Ann ' SkidmQre , who spent the summer with Mrs. Skidmore , returned to her home with her. Mrs. J, Athol Udall of Lake Wale . s, Fla., has been visiting her brother and siater-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brbwneli of East Pat- chogue. Mrs. Udall is a forhier resident of Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph I. Robinson and daughter, Sharon, have moved from Carman street to 139 Jen- nings avenue. Chief Warrant Officer arid Mrs. George 9. Corstori and sort . Billy. Spent the weekend and , Holiday with Chief Corston ' s riiother, Mrs. George L. Qorston of. 93 Cedar avenue. After being stationed at the Coast Guard academy in New London, Conn., for three years he left Tuesday witl) his family for New Orleans , LaU where he will be assigned to the Southern Inspectors Coast Guard. Mrs. Joseph Hallock and daugh- ter , Miss Edith Hallock, of North Ocean avenue spent the. Labor Day weekend with Mrs. Hallock' s son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hader at their Kdrrie in Lyhbrbbk. Spending several days last week and the Labor day holiday with Miss Dorothy Treuer of Maple avenue was her niece , Miss ^Dor- othy Murgatroyd of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in Philadel- phia. Miss Helen Wheeler of New York city spent .the holiday as a guest of Miss Murgatroyd. The Patchogue Advance in on sale at Rimi' s Luncheonette, Chiu- chiolo' s Stationery, LaMoth's Gro- cery, G. & G Luncheonette, Robin- son ' s Dairy, William Gluth' s Gro- cery, Caprino' s, The Cozy Corner, Roth' s Drug Store, Minardi' s Deli- catessen , Pearl' s Delicatessen, Sal s Delicatesse n and Zattuto ' s Gro- cery iri Patchogue. —Adv. A daughter , Julie Ann weigh- ing 7 pounds 12 ounces was born on August 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn F. Qiiackenbush of Phoenix , Ariz. Mr. Quackenbush is the youngest son of Laverne T. Quack- enbush, a former resident of Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowie anc sons . Dale and Scott , of Avery avenu e spent a few days last week at Blue Point Beach with Mr: and Mi's. William Biggs o. Sterling place. Mr. arid Mrs . Biggs and children , Kathleen , William (Buzzy) and Jackie , have return- ed, to their home after spending the Labor day holiday at Blue Point Beach with Mr. Biggs' parents , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Biggs of Mulford street. Arthur Frederick , II , son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kottmcn of Medford avenue and Kathryri Lynn daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Harold Schneeberg were baptized at a double ceremony on August 23 by the Rev. Louis Martin , pas- tor of St. John ' s Lutheran church in Sa-yville, at the home of the babies ' maternal grandmother, Mrs. E. Cornell. Arthur' s sponsors are Mrs. Harold Schneeberg and John Parente , who was represent- ed by proxy by Charles A. Tichy. Kathryn ' s sponsors were Mrs. Paul Schneeberg and Charles A. Tichy. The ex-councilors of Betty Stark council , Son and Daughters of Liberty will meet next Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. Lillian Overton on Howard street. Mrs. Mable King will be co-hostess Mr. and Mrs. Patsy T. Felice and Mr. and Mrs . James Patanelh spent the Labor day weekend in Boston where they visited Mr. and Mrs. De Cristoforo. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Poulos and sons , Thomas arid John , of San- tiago , Chile, are spending thre< months ' vacation with Mr. Poulos parents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poulos of , 108 Cedar avenue. Mr . Poulos , who is a graduate 01 Patchogue High school and New York university, where he major- ed in meteorology, is head, of the Meterological station of the Pana- gra Airways in Santiago. Miss Julia T. Lindveit of Shore road has been invited to a Get Acquainted party to be held by the Centenary Alumni association on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Gelo in Westbury. Miss Lindveit will enter Centenary- College for Women in Hacketts- town , N. J., this fall. A suprise baby shower was held in honor of .Mrs. Peter Alevas at the home of Mrs ' . Gus Alevas at §8 Laurel street on August 28. Mrs. Fred Dohn, Jr., and Mrs. Gus Alevas were the hostesses. The guest-of-honor was seated next to a pink and blue tree which was decorated with a favor for each of the guests. The many lovely gifts for Mrs. Alevas were sur- rounding the tree. Those present were Mesdames William Holecek, Sr., William Holecek , Jr., Peter Alevas , Sr., Fred Dohn, Sr., John Poulos , Peter Poulos , Anthony Bul- lard ,. George Stokem, George Sch- ordine, John Erdman and William Takos. Mrs . Alevas received mariy lovely gifts. A surprise stork shower was held recently at the home of Mrs. John E. Pagel on North Summit avenue in honor of Mrs . Glenn Kropp of Patchogue. Guests were Misses Mary Rate , Doris Norton , Jpan Pagel and Mesdames Harold Morpurgo, William Rate , Dorothy Byrd, John Anderschqck , Jack Needham. Anna Smitjh , Ardis Kropp, E. Meason , Bety Brennan and Lois Haas . The guest-of-honor received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Raynor and children , Linda , Kenneth and Cheryl , have returned to their home in Orlando , Fla., after spend- ing their vacation with Mr. Ray- nor ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Myron Raynor of Electric street. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pagel of North Summit avenue were Mr. and Mrs . Joh n Phelps and sons , Glenn and John , of Sunnyside. The marriage of Miss Patricia Dahlman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dahlman , to James A. Crawford , Jr. , of Walton will take place at 4 p. m. Saturday in the Congregational church on East Main street. I ^^^ Mighty Value Month ] | ^W%$ lEND OF MODEL-YEAR I l Styling leade rship tha t will be riew for years ! \ f Record sales prove it! Chrysler ' s way ahead! It ' s J I the lowest {Ay 2 ft.) arid longest (219.2 in.) in \ \ its class, and roomier with more front seat shoul- \ | der room (6J.0). Wh y follow the parade ... \ I When ybu can lead it? \ \ f> ritfed to Fit the Family Budget 3 WM. L. MANTHA CO. , INC. I \ 4l4 East Main St. , Patchogue GRover 5-2635 \ f %%\%\ ,\%Xt Itt>**T>S. «, MtS.».»«« a n«. «.« . 1. ....... . ©BiTUARY NICHOLA S A. BIANCO, 71 , of Waverly avenue , Medford died at his . home yesterday. Bom in Italy, Mr. Bianco had been a resident of Medford for 47 years and was formerly em- ployed by the New York State Highway departrnerit. He is survived by his wife Adel- la, of Medford , with whom he had been married for over 49 years ; three sons, Hubert , Lawrence and Vincent Bianco , of Medford; five daughters, Mrs. J ay son Dayton of Patchogue , Mrs . Thomas Wiljiam- son of Pompano Beach , Fla., Mes- dames Mary Rattiger , Edward Dash and John Russo, of Medford ; two sisters , Mrs. Joseph DiMeli of New York city and Mrs. Caroline Chiesa of Ridgewood , N. J.; 17 grandchildren, and one great- grandchild. There will be a rosary at the Robertaccio Funeral Home in Pat- chogue at 8 p. m. today, and a requiem mass will be offered at St. Sylvester ' s R. C. church, " Med- ford , at 9:30 a. m. tomorrow with the Rev. Francis Sulzmann offi- ciating. Interment will follow- at Holy Sepulchre cemetery , Coram. VALENTINE T. SAUER . 77 , died Tuesday at his home on Un- ion avenue , Ronkonkoma, after a long illness . Born in Brooklyn , he had been a resident of Ronkonkoma for more than 35 years and worked as a painter. He leaves his wife , the former Elizabeth Hellrigel; a daughte r, Miss Elinore F. A. Sauer of Ron- konkoma ; a brother , George W. Sauer of Brooklyn; and a sister, Mrs. Julius Jacab of Woodhaven. A son , Eugene G. Sauer, was kill- ed in action in Germany on April 10 , 1945. Fuheral services will be held at 2 p. m. tomorrow at Raynor ' s chapel , Sayville , with the Rev. Jo- seph H. Bond , rector of St. Ann ' s Episcopal church of Sayville , of- ficiating. Interment will follow in Union cemetery, Sayville. PURCELL & CO. REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORS Member : N. Y. Stock Exchange Asasrlcmn Stock Exchange 10 SO. OCEAN AVE. PATCHOGUE , N. Y. GRover 5-2414 t* Broadway. Naw Tork City Opan Erenlng -s br Appointment SstOrdajr tilt noon. mmmGmauaiamiBKmBaaBBamam L I, Bank and Trust Company Stocks Over-the-Counter Securities These unofficial , last known bid prices are furnished through the coartesy of D. Raymond Kenney & Co., 1 East 42nd Street , New York 17, N. Y. Tel. MUrray Hill 2-4093. LATEST KNOWN BID PRICES SUFFOLK COUNTY BANK STOCK Bank of Baby lon 28 Bank of Huntington 40 Bank of Sraithtown 250 Bank of Suffolk County, Stony Brook 42 Bellport National Bank 300 Bridgehampton National Bank 35 Central Islip National Bank 100 Eastern National Bank , Smithtown 20 First National Bank and Trust , Bav Shore 140 First National Bank , East Islip _ 80 First National Bank , Grecnport 500 First National Bank , Southampton 325 Hampton Bays National Bank 325 Lindenhurs t Bank 270 National Bank of Kings Park 190 National Bank of Lake Ronkonkoma 105 North Fork Bank and Trust, Mattituck 55 Osborne Trust , East Hampton 180 Oysterman ' s Bank and Trust Company, Sayville 30 Patchogue Bank 150 Peconic Bank , Sag Harbor 63 Peoples National Bank , Patchogue 80 Seaside Bank , Westhampton Beach *7 Security National , Huntington 27% State Bank of Suffolk County, Bay Shore 19^ Suffolk County National Bank , Riverhead 425 Tinker National , East Setauket 120 ?Warrants 25-50 NASSAU COUNTY BANK STOCK Bank of Rockville Centre Trust 225 Bank of Westbury Trust . ' 58 Central Bank and Trust , Great Neck 33 First National Bank , Farmingdale 226 Firs t National Bank , Glen Head 35 Fort Neck National Bank , Seaford 16 Franklin National , Franklin Square 26% Hempstead Bank 36 Long Island Trust Company, Garden City 34 Long Island National Bank , Hicksville 15 Lynbrook National Bank and, Trust Cbrttpany 46 'Maiinecock Bank , Locust Valley 36 . Meadow Brook National Bank , West Hempstead 18" >6 ,N .issau Trust, Glen Cove : _ 25 Oceanside National Bank 285 Peninsula National Bank , Cedarhurst 38 Second National Bank and Trust , Hempstead 30 State Bank of Long Beach 23Mt Valley Stream National Bank and Trust 32 QUEENS COUNTY BANK, STOCK National Bank of Far Rockaway .. ..Z ...^wlijiv ...... HO Queens National Bank of New York 57 United National Bank of Long Island _ 48 KINGS COUNTY BANK STOCK Bensonhurs t National Bank 28 Central Industrial Bank 110 Citizens Bank 400 Kings County Trust Company 93 Lafayette National Bank _ 45 Peoples National Bank T. 54 United Industrial Bank 210

L I, Bank and Trust Company Stocks MEDFORD NEWS ITEMS ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1957-09-05/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · Carl Wingard, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Dittmeier and son,

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Page 1: L I, Bank and Trust Company Stocks MEDFORD NEWS ITEMS ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1957-09-05/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · Carl Wingard, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Dittmeier and son,

I " " " " ' ~—I

When you go to(ZEIDLER MOTORS)to see theNEW EDSEL . . .

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j The same superb quality and value are yours for yourj home, too — in Stromberg-Carlson High Fidelity Phono-j graphs and Radio-Phonographs. See them at our store

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65 North Ocean AVeriue Patchogue66 Mam Street SayvilleFor TV Servkfe GR 54)834 SA 43370

Join Our Record Club — FREE Bonus Records


Mrs. Martha Theis. GRover S-JoiS

Local voters are reminded thatthe Fall Primaries will be heldon Tuesday from 12 noon unti ly p. m. Polling places in Medfordare at the Tremont Avenue schoolfor those south of the railroadtracks, and at the Veterans hallon Long Island avenue for thosenorth of the track. Ail those whovoted last year will be carriedover on the books, but new votersmust come in person to register.

The annual Suffolk county Re-publican club picnic will be holdat the chib's headquarters onSaturday. All food and bever-ages will be free and the publicis invited to attend. The Med-ford Repblican club will meet atthe Med ford Community hall onSeptember *, :". Plans for thefall program will be made.

The Medford unit to the SuffolkCounty Extension service will re-sume its activities at 1:30 p. m.Wednesday at the home of Mrs.E. A. Theis on Mt. Vernon avenue.All women interested in home-making are invited to join. En-rollments will be taken and theprogram for the year will bediscussed. Through a shifting ofdates by the county departmentit will be necessary to make somealteration on the programs sen-to the old members. A socialtea will follow the meeting.

The Medford Girls 4-H clubwill resume its activities on Sep-tember 21 f rom 10 a", m. to lrnoon. This will be the only dayfor enrollment with the group,since the working classes beginimmediately afterward and no newmembers can be added.

Hardy Garden Mums, Shrubs.George Poll's. GRover 5-5915.—Adv.

Mrs. John Gauticr of the Privateroad attended the christening ofher granddaughter, Mariann, in-fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.FiT'i Strier of Durkee lane, EastPatchogue at 3 p. m. Sunday atChrist Episcopal church at Bell-port. Sponsors were Dale Whitlockand Mrs. Anthony Rudtk e of Pat-chogue and Miss Helen Vogel ofYaphank. A buffet supper fol-lowed at the Strier home.

Miss Mary Rate of the Privateroad spent the holiday weekendvisiting with Mr. and Mrs. E.Roger Jones and family at theirsummer home at Cape May, N. J.

Michael Mathews, son of Mr.and Mrs. Albert Mathews of theState road, returned home thisweek after a month's vacation atCape Cod. He was the guest ofhis aunts, the Misses Mary andGladys Mathews of New Yorkcity. They visited Martha's Vine-yard and West Yarmouth.

Mr. and Mrs. William Houlikof Oregon avenue entertained anumber of their friends with abarbecue at their home on August25. Guests included Mr, and Mrs.Carl Wingard, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Dittmeier and son , Edward,of Patchogue; Mr. and Mrs. jStierholz and daughter, Hulga,Mrs. Wilma Flannery and daugh-ter, Linda, of Medford. Mr. Houlikbuilt a clam bake pit in his back-yard. Recently he acquired a newskiff and spent the holiday week-end on the bay.

Mrs. Philip Weissenberger ofthe State road returned last weekafter a trip to the farm of Harry

Baron at Somerset, Pa. Mr.' tiaron ana ins uau^nter , Jars. An-mony u»uro, hau oeen visitors at.ueinoru. iJunrig tne wten. , ±>irs.Lauru returned to .vlediord with.virs. VV eiastiioerger co await tnereturn ot her nusoanu from ttaiy.tne Luiu-us plan to leave tor LasV egas, .\tv., mis week wnere tneypiau to maKe tneir nome. .virs.uauru is tne former ivnss beliet>aton oi Aitalord. .virs. Weissen-nerger accompanied her lastwinter on a vacation at L.asVegas.

..ir. and Mrs. Robert Sauberlichot *it. v ernon avenue entertainedac an outdoor picnic ana Darbecueon isunuay axternoo'n. xnose pre-sent were ivir. and Mrs. VVnourLong oi J amaica, Mr. and Mrs.Hurt rteinnard ox central islip,ivir. ana mrs. Henry Ciaussen anason, William ana daughter, Rita,ot Sayvine, Mr. and irirs. W. v.Warner and daugnter, Nancy,Mrs. A. H. ihieme and son, Kurc,and Mrs. h. A. Ineis.

xvtr. and Mrs. Warren Pedatellaof Long island avenue drove toBrooklyn, on baturaay when theymet Mr. 'and Mrs. Cnaries Berke.tne Uerkes' twin daughters, Kii-zaloetn and Andrea, Jhad Seenguests oi the .fedacellas. Theirson, .ntnony, who had been visit-ing tne Bei'Kes at Upper Darby,Pa., returned home with tnem.Tne ±"eaat.elias tnen drove toPleasant Valley where they visitedwith Mrs. Agnes Pedatella, Sr.

Mr. ana Mrs. Michael Pietrasesaof Brooklyn, wno nave been spend-ing weekends at their home ohLong Island avenue, have returnedto tne city ior the winter.

Hie t'aicnogue Advance is onsale at W eissenberger's, Larsen'sgrocery, t essler's stationery andWilliam's Luncheonette and Sta-tionery Store in Medtord.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steljesand daughter, Judith> of Merrickand Mr. and Mrs. William Stel-jes oi Richmond Hill were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. FredWarncke ot Tremont avenue.

A new home is being built onTremont avenue, by John Rein-irank , for his* son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rein-frank and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Warnerand daughter, Nancy, ot Mt. Ver-non avenue attended the partygiven by Mr. and Mrs. Georgeiiofmann in honor of their daugn-ter, Ivy 's sixth birthday on Sun-day atternoon at Rocky Point.

Rehearsals of the Medford Men'sand Ladies' Choral groups re-sumed on August 26 in prepara-tion of the fall concert to be heldon October IV) at the TremontAvenue school . A dance will fol-low at the .Medford Communityhall. On December 8 at the St.Francis Youth center at Patch-ogue, the Suffolk County UnitedSingers, including choral groupsfrom Huntington, Lindenhurst ,Isli p and Medford , will hold aconcert. The Suffolk group wasfi rst place winner in its categoryat the national contest in NewYork city last spring.

Mrs. Stephen Pollis returnedto her home on Olympic avenue onMonday after a few days at theBrookhaven Memorial hospitalwhere she underwent an operationon her wrist.

Mrs. Irene Forster is spendinga week's vacation at her homeon the State road. Her grand-children, the Lucas" twins, Nancyand Stephen, spent the holidayweekend with her and their great-grandmother, Mrs. Harry Truman.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sieber anddaughters, Carol Ann and NancyMarie , spent the holiday weekendwith Mrs. Sieber's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Sylvester Fusca at GlenCove. Thomas Fusca, a nephewwho had been visiting the Siebersover the past week , accompaniedthem and returned to his home atGlen Cove.

The members of the MedfordFire department will meet at thefirehouse at 8 p. m. Friday. Theofficers met on Tuesday night.Fire drills are scheduled for 10a-, rh. Sunday arid 7 p. m. Septem-ber 23. Fire school will be heldat 8 p. m. September 2S.

Miss Toni Masem returned toher home on Mt. Vernon avenue-iast week after a short time atthe Brookhaven Memorial hospital.She was injured on August 16 inan automobile accident and is re-cuperating rapidly.

The Ladies' auxiliary of HenryJ. Jones post VFW, will resumemeetings again next Thursday-night, following the summer re-cess. Plans for the fall activitieswill be made.

The Rev. William Murray con-ducted morning prayer services atSt. Mark's Episcopal church onSunday morning. The Rev. HarryMorrell of Seaford will conductHol y communion services at 11a. m. Sunday. Mrs. Philip Weiss-enberger provided the flowers forthe altar on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lully ofNew York city were wfeekendguests of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardPirner of Oregon avenue.

Mrs. George Poll's, GKoTtr 5-5915

The Medford Democratic clubwill meet at 8:30 p. m. today atthe clubhouse on Liong Islandavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bach-teler and children, Lawrence , Jr.,Richard and Jean, of Hicksvillewere guests at the home of hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bach-teler of Richmond avenue, overthe weekend. '

Both Robert Hinkel and MaxSchmaeler, Jr. , have been workingas counsellors at Boy Scout CampBaiting Hollow again this sum-mer. Later this month they willboth return to college.

Lieutenant Loren L. Bush ofthe Army Reserves is spendingtwo weeks of active du.v in FortBelvoir, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steinke ofPompton Lakes, N. J., were re-cent guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Albert Kronimus ofRichmond avenue. While they werehere, they, also visited with Mrs.Helen Rothermund. Mr. and Mrs.Fred Bachteler. Mrs. ElizabethKocher, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ro-termund and children, Mr. andMrs. Walter Maresco and chil-dren and Mr. and Mrs. HenryWanamaker.

LeRoy Bostelman. who is amember of the Air . * orce, is nowstationed about 60 miles fromLondon, England. Recently, hewent to London and visited withan uncle and aunt- a brother ofhis late father. LeRoy is one ofthe sons of Mrs. 'Adele Bostelmanof Waverly avenue.

Mrs. Dorothy E. Ryan of Rob-inson avenue returned home Sun-day by plane, accompanied by herfriend. Mrs. Frank Fox of JerseyCity, N. J. The ladies had spentthe past three weeks vacationingin Miami Beach, Fla. While there,they also took trips to Hollywood,Little River and Miami , and visit-ed the Everglades and many otherplaces of interest.

Mrs. Walter Kayton of Waverlyavenue was pleasantly surprisedFriday • night when she was theguest-of-honor at a baby showerheld at the home of her mother,Mrs. Jacob T. Mistier. Sr.. alsoof Waverly avenue. The showerwas given by Mrs. Mistier andMrs. Adele Bostelman. grand-mother of Mrs. Kayton. The roomswere attractively decorated withgreen arid yellow crepe p a p e r .Guests present were Mrs. WilliamKayton. Mrs. Joseph Kayton, anaunt, Mrs; Joseph Kayton.. a sis-ter-in-law, Mrs. Hector Ramirezand Miss Marie Voll , all of Bell-port ; Mrs. Ronald Steinbrennerand Mrs. John Marrero of Hol-brook; Mesdames Robert Henken,Eugene Satterley, Charles Hem-minger, Sylvester Weaver, Wilrliam Stiriz, Betty Rogers andMae Teppla, all of Patchogue;Mrs. Ernest Stoll. Mrs. CharlesMunkelwitz and Miss ErnestineStoll of Sayville; Mrs. ThomasG,undern\an of Farmingville , andMrs. Howard Sexton of Smith-te n. Also Mrs. Alfred Zebrbw-ski of Blue Point; Mesdames Rob-ert Mistier, Paul Mistier; FredMistleri Paul Williams, WilliamMistier, George Gattimann; HenryReirifrank and George "Mistier,and the Misses Joyce GatHmann,Jean Bostelman, , Bonnie Mistier,Evelyn Mistier arid Dorothy Hurbel. Little Lorraine Rogers ofPatchogue, a godchild of Mrs.Kayton, also serif a ».gift. AfterMrs. Kayton had opened her manylovely gift's; the guests enjoyeda buffet supper.

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. MichaelGuerrasio and children of Oregonaveritie over the holiday weekendwas his aunt, Mrs. Louis Fuscoof New York city.

Word Ha8 been received thatRichard Mistier, a member of theArriiy, has been advanced to Spe-cialist 2/c. Dick, who is stationedin Mahriheim. Germany, is expect-ed home before the fi rst of theyear. Soon after, he will be dis-charged and plans to return toAlfred university,; where he willresume his studies. He is . the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Ferde Mistier ofOhio avenue. >

Kurt SeVwarz of the Navy hasgone on a cruise which will takehim to ports in most of the .north-ern European countries.. , He isaboard one of a large fleet ofships and expects to be gone fortwo or. three months. . Formerlystationed at a naval ammunitiondepot in Red Bank. N. J. Kurt isthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W.Schwarz of Waverly avenue,:

The home of Miss Janet Biancoof Mt. Vernon avenue, was thescene of a surprise bridal showerAugust 27 held in .honor of MissDorothy Nolan. The co-hostesseswere the Misses . Janet Bianco,Ellen and Mary. Ann :Nolan, , whowill be bridesmaids, at the forth-coming w«d<Iing. Seated beneatha large umb'rellartrimnl«a;.".n whita',the, briderto-be opened-Jier "mahylovely gifts. Among the guestswere Mesdames Thontas Scott ,Theodore MoreUitio and Irene For-ster of Patchbgtle; Miss FlorenceMcKeown of Maspeth; Miss JoanGrant of Yaphank; the MissesLois Byrne, Ada Costello andMonica Mooney of Ronkbnkomia;Misses Liz Corsitto. and EleanorTingen of Farmingville;. and Mes-dames Ernest Theis, Hubert Bi-anco, George Pollis, Lawrence

Bianco, Michael Hopkins . EdwardKiernan, Mary Rattiger, EdwardDasch, Herman Behrmann, Wil-liam Gartung, Sr., John Gartung,Gerard Nolan, Harry Truman andF e r d e Mistier, and the MissesTheresa Stirhpfl , Rita and PhyllisSaporita, Janet, June and Mar-garet Bianco, Dolores George,Ellen Nolan and . Tbni Masem.After the .shower, a buffet supper>va.s, enjoyed. Miss Nolan, daugh-ter of Mr. arid Mrs. Gerard Nolanof the State road, will be marriedon Saturday to ' James J. Mc-Keown of Maspeth, in St. Sylves-ter's R. C. church.

Mr. and Mrs. William Bachtelerarid children, William, Jr., andMarguerite, of the Alps, W e s tStephen Town, spent 10 days oftheir vacation at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Walter Maresco of Rob-inson avenue. Mr. Bachteler, aformer resident of Medford, visit-ed his brother and sister-in-law,Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Bachteler ofRichmond avenue while he washere. They also visited Mr-, andMrs. Donald Murray, Mr. artdMrs. Eugene Mistier, Mr. and Mrs.John Schleyer and Mrs. MaryBetts. A fishing trip in Morichesbay was enjoved one day by Mr.Bachteler and his son, William,and Donald Murray.

The ladies of the Tuesday NightCard club rhet at the . home ofMrs. Jacob Beck in Patchoguethis week.

Mrs. Francis C a r a s i t i, Jr.,daughter-in-law of Mr. arid Mrs.Frank Carasiti , Sr., is spendingsome tiriie here with them at theirhome on Richmond avenue. Frank ,Jr., has gone on to Fort Devens,Mass., where he will receive hisdischarge from the Army tomor-row. Mr. arid Mrs. Carasiti willremain for awhile at his parents'Home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hart ofJahiaica avenue motored to Grotbnwhere they visited Mr, and Mrs.Ray Seneca! and children. Mrs.Seneca! is Mr. Hart's sister. Whilethey were away, the Harts alsostopped in at the New YorkState convention for firemen, whichwas held in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. George Pollis anddaughter, Ava, of Waverly avenueattended a- birthday Barbecuegiven in honor of Theodore . Coop-er, Jr., at his home in Port Jef-ferson Sunday.

Mrs. Ralph Hart of Jamaicaavenue was hostess to the ladiesof the Tuesday Night club this"ive'ek.

Visiting for a f ew days at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. RalphHart arid childreh of Jamaica ave-nue was Miss Emily Wogan ofBrooklyn, sister of Mrs. Hart.Miss WbgaH was accompanied byJoseph Duff , also of Brooklyn.


- Sunday, masses at; St. Sylvester'sR. C. church are hourly from 7to il a. m. and at 12:15 p. m.Benediction of the Blessed Sacra-merit will follow the 8 a. m. mass.Daily masses are at 8 a. m. Con-fessions are heard from 5 to 6and from 7:30 to 9 p. m. on Sat-urday. ¦ . •

A bus will leave , at 8:45 a. m.from . the crossroads iri Farming-ville ib bring the parishioners toSt. Sylvester's church for the 9a. m. mass on Sunday. Returntransportation will also be pro-vided.

Confessions will be heard from5 to 6 and from 7:30 to 9 p. m.today in preparation for FirstFriday. Masses on First Fridaywill be at 0:30 and 8 a. m. Holycommunion will be offered at 7a. m.


-tniiiiuiiiinaitininriiniMiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiitidiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiMliiiiiiifitiiiiiuBiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuii ^

I Medford Farm Stand (I Route 112(3 blocks south of Medford Station) Medford I

I Plenty of Free Parking Operi Year Round §1 GOLDEN RIPE |

! B A N A N A S 2 ">s. 25«Mg ¦ ; ' ¦¦



| P L U M S 2 ibs 29e |1 leedless GRAPES 2 ">* 29« [! Mciiitosli APPLES 3 «>s &9« jf -i. : ¦, ; i '—— g

I Beefsteak Tomatoes 0 i^ *»«rk^ !I Italian Tomatoes 3

\[ Sweet L. I. CORN 59* 11 Jumbo Bale PEAT MOSS *»»» jj 7% Cii. Ft. Bale |

J No. l SLATE 2ggc each")I Bushy Hardy Chrysanthemums, all colors 95c II-— ; : . '' : -iI Come see our selection of Evergreens at $2.25 ea. |m* m^UlillJiJi.luIl.IilfllilUll 'll.liJilihi llJ,^

PATCHOGUE LOCALS AND SOCIALSAfter residing in Fort Pierce ,

Fla., for the past 10 years , Mr.and Mrs . Orville Wiggins havereturned to Patchogue and aremaking their h o m e on Snyderstreet. Recent visitors at the Wig-gins home were Mr. and Mrs.James Murphy of Fort Pierce.The Murphys are former residentsof Patchogue , where they livedon Medford avenue.

Mrs. Arthur Robinson celebrat-ed her birthday with a familygathering at her home at 139Jennings avenue last Thursdaynight. Present were Mr. and Mrs.Foster Powers and daughter, Bon-nie, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Rob-inson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I.Robinson and daughter, Sharon.

Thomas Kevin Roslak , infantson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ros-lak of Peconic, was christened inthe Cutchogue Roman Catholicchurch on Sunday. The godparentsare Vincent Roslak of Patchogue ,the baby's uncle, and Miss CarolKlinger, also of Patchogue, anaunt of the baby. Thomas Kevinwas born on August 8 in the East-ern Long Island hospital in Green-port. Mrs. Roslak is the formerMiss Lois Klinger, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. George Klinger ofWashington avenue. Mr. Roslakis the soh of Mr. and Mrs. JohnRoslak of Cedar, avenue.

Fresh Montauk Sword Fish andlocal Blue Fish at South Bay Fishand Fruit Market. We deliver.GR. 5-1595,—AdT.

Mr. arid Mrs. Clifford Marshal lof North Ocean avenue went byplane to Ormond Beach, Fla., lastweekend. Mr. Marshall's mother,Mrs. Virginia Marshall of NorthO c e a n avenue, who has beenspending three ntoiiths in QrmondBeach with Mrs. Leslie Brown,returned with them this week.

Frank Michaelis, uncle of MissLoraine Andersen, who will bemarried bit Sunday, was host ata party for the wedding attend-ants on April 28 at Josephine'sPizzeria on Medford a v e n u e.Those present were Mrs. AnnaCohklin, Mrs. Robert Habel anddaughter, Cheryl Miss LoraineAnderson, Miss Edith Anderson,Miss Monetta Baker, Miss AlmaReiblich, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesSchuman and son, Mr. and Mrs.Williarn Bollman, Herbert Schu-man, Edward Anderson, LouisGurham and Alfred Jacobsen. MissAndersen will be married to Her-bert Schuman at 4 p. m. Sunday

.in the Emanuel Lutheran churchon East Main street.

Protect your valuables in a fire-aroof Safe Deposit Box. ThePatchogue Bank.—Adv.

Mrs. George Buchheit of Mapleavenue speht Friday in Bridge-port, Conn., where she visited hercousin, Miss Florence Blackham,who is 84. Miss Blackham is a re-tired teacher, who taught at theHall school in Bridgeport.

Mrs. Percy Monroe Skidmore ofCarman street spent 10 days re-cently at the home of her son-in-lay, Lieutenant Julius Fuchs ofthe Navy, who is stationed inNewport, R. I, Her granddaughte r,Judith Ann' SkidmQre, who spentthe summer with Mrs. Skidmore,returned to her home with her.

Mrs. J, Athol Udall of LakeWale.s, Fla., has been visiting herbrother and siater-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Albert Brbwneli of East Pat-chogue. Mrs. Udall is a forhierresident of Patchogue.

Mr. and Mrs, Ralph I. Robinsonand daughter, Sharon, have movedfrom Carman street to 139 Jen-nings avenue.

Chief Warrant Officer arid Mrs.George 9. Corstori and sort. Billy.Spent the weekend and, Holidaywith Chief Corston's riiother, Mrs.George L. Qorston of. 93 Cedaravenue. After being stationed atthe Coast Guard academy in NewLondon, Conn., for three yearshe left Tuesday witl) his familyfor New Orleans , LaU where hewill be assigned to the SouthernInspectors Coast Guard.

Mrs. Joseph Hallock and daugh-ter, Miss Edith Hallock, of NorthOcean avenue spent the. LaborDay weekend with Mrs. Hallock'sson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Robert Hader at their Kdrriein Lyhbrbbk.

Spending several days last weekand the Labor day holiday withMiss Dorothy Treuer of Mapleavenue was her niece, Miss ^Dor-othy Murgatroyd of the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania in Philadel-phia. Miss Helen Wheeler of NewYork city spent .the holiday as aguest of Miss Murgatroyd.

The Patchogue Advance in onsale at Rimi's Luncheonette, Chiu-chiolo's Stationery, LaMoth's Gro-cery, G. & G Luncheonette, Robin-son's Dairy, William Gluth's Gro-cery, Caprino's, The Cozy Corner,Roth's Drug Store, Minardi's Deli-catessen, Pearl's Delicatessen, Sal sDelicatesse n and Zattuto's Gro-cery iri Patchogue. —Adv.

A daughter, Julie Ann weigh-ing 7 pounds 12 ounces was bornon August 22 to Mr. and Mrs.Elwyn F. Qiiackenbush of Phoenix,Ariz. Mr. Quackenbush is theyoungest son of Laverne T. Quack-enbush, a former resident ofPatchogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowie ancsons. Dale and Scott, of Averyavenue spent a few days lastweek at Blue Point Beach withMr: and Mi's. William Biggs o.Sterling place. Mr. arid Mrs. Biggsand children, Kathleen, William(Buzzy) and Jackie, have return-ed, to their home after spendingthe Labor day holiday at BluePoint Beach with Mr. Biggs'parents , Mr. and Mrs. WilburBiggs of Mulford street.

Arthur Frederick , II , son ofMr. and Mrs. Arthur Kottmcnof Medford avenue and KathryriLynn daughter of Mr. and Mrs,Harold Schneeberg were baptizedat a double ceremony on August23 by the Rev. Louis Martin , pas-tor of St. John's Lutheran churchin Sa-yville, at the home of thebabies' maternal grandmother,Mrs. E. Cornell. Arthur's sponsorsare Mrs. Harold Schneeberg andJohn Parente, who was represent-ed by proxy by Charles A. Tichy.Kathryn's sponsors were Mrs. PaulSchneeberg and Charles A. Tichy.

The ex-councilors of BettyStark council, Son and Daughtersof Liberty will meet next Thurs-day at the home of Mrs. LillianOverton on Howard street. Mrs.Mable King will be co-hostess

Mr. and Mrs. Patsy T. Feliceand Mr. and Mrs. James Patanelhspent the Labor day weekend inBoston where they visited Mr.and Mrs. De Cristoforo.

Mr. and Mrs. John Poulos andsons, Thomas arid John, of San-tiago, Chile, are spending thre<months' vacation with Mr. Poulosparents, Mr. and Mrs. ThomasPoulos of, 108 Cedar avenue. Mr.Poulos, who is a graduate 01Patchogue High school and NewYork university, where he major-ed in meteorology, is head, of the

Meterological station of the Pana-gra Airways in Santiago.

Miss Julia T. Lindveit of Shoreroad has been invited to a GetAcquainted party to be held bythe Centenary Alumni associationon Wednesday at the home ofMrs. Joseph Gelo in Westbury.Miss Lindveit will enter Centenary-College for Women in Hacketts-town, N. J., this fall.

A suprise baby shower was heldin honor of .Mrs. Peter Alevas atthe home of Mrs'. Gus Alevas at§8 Laurel street on August 28.Mrs. Fred Dohn, Jr., and Mrs. GusAlevas were the hostesses. Theguest-of-honor was seated next toa pink and blue tree which wasdecorated with a favor for eachof the guests. The many lovelygifts for Mrs. Alevas were sur-rounding the tree. Those presentwere Mesdames William Holecek,Sr., William Holecek, Jr., PeterAlevas, Sr., Fred Dohn, Sr., JohnPoulos, Peter Poulos, Anthony Bul-lard,. George Stokem, George Sch-ordine, John Erdman and WilliamTakos. Mrs. Alevas received mariylovely gifts.

A surprise stork shower washeld recently at the home of Mrs.John E. Pagel on North Summitavenue in honor of Mrs. GlennKropp of Patchogue. Guests wereMisses Mary Rate, Doris Norton,Jpan Pagel and Mesdames HaroldMorpurgo, William Rate, DorothyByrd, J o h n Anderschqck, JackNeedham. Anna Smitjh , ArdisKropp, E. Meason, Bety Brennanand Lois Haas. The guest-of-honorreceived many lovely gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Raynorand children, Linda, Kenneth andCheryl , have returned to theirhome in Orlando, Fla., after spend-ing their vacation with Mr. Ray-nor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. MyronRaynor of Electric street.

Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.John E. Pagel of North Summitavenue were Mr. and Mrs. JohnPhelps and sons, Glenn and John,of Sunnyside.

The marriage of Miss PatriciaDahlman, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Ernest Dahlman, to JamesA. Crawford, Jr., of Walton willtake place at 4 p. m. Saturdayin the Congregational church onEast Main street.

I ^

Mighty Value Month ]


l Styling leadership that will be riew for years! \f Record sales prove it! Chrysler's way ahead! It 's JI the lowest {Ay2 ft.) arid longest (219.2 in.) in \\ its class, and roomier with more front seat shoul- \| der room (6J.0) . Why follow the parade . . . \I When ybu can lead it? \

\ f>ritfed to Fit the Family Budget 3

WM. L. MANTHA CO., INC. I\ 4l4 East Main St., Patchogue GRover 5-2635 \f %%\%\,\%XtItt>**T>S.«,MtS.».»««a n « . « . « . 1. . . . . . . . .


Waverly avenue, Medford died athis . home yesterday.

Bom in Italy, Mr. Bianco hadbeen a resident of Medford for47 years and was formerly em-ployed by the New York StateHighway departrnerit.

He is survived by his wife Adel-la, of Medford, with whom he hadbeen married for over 49 years ;three sons, Hubert, Lawrence andVincent Bianco, of Medford; fivedaughters, Mrs. J ay son Dayton ofPatchogue, Mrs. Thomas Wiljiam-son of Pompano Beach, Fla., Mes-dames Mary Rattiger, EdwardDash and John Russo, of Medford ;two sisters, Mrs. Joseph DiMeli ofNew York city and Mrs. CarolineChiesa of Ridgewood, N. J.; 17grandchildren, and o ne great-grandchild.

There will be a rosary at theRobertaccio Funeral Home in Pat-chogue at 8 p. m. today, and arequiem mass will be offered atSt. Sylvester's R. C. church, "Med-ford, at 9:30 a. m. tomorrow withthe Rev. Francis Sulzmann offi-ciating. Interment will follow- atHoly Sepulchre cemetery , Coram.

VALENTINE T. SAUER. 77,died Tuesday at his home on Un-ion avenue , Ronkonkoma, after along illness.

Born in Brooklyn , he had beena resident of Ronkonkoma for morethan 35 years and worked as apainter.

He leaves his wife , the formerElizabeth Hellrigel; a daughter,Miss Elinore F. A. Sauer of Ron-konkoma; a brother, George W.Sauer of Brooklyn; and a sister,Mrs. Julius Jacab of Woodhaven.A son, Eugene G. Sauer, was kill-ed in action in Germany on April10, 1945.

Fuheral services will be held at2 p. m. tomorrow at Raynor'schapel , Sayville, with the Rev. Jo-seph H. Bond, rector of St. Ann'sEpiscopal church of Sayville, of-ficiating. Interment will follow inUnion cemetery, Sayville.



Member:N. Y. Stock Exchange

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These unofficial , last known bid prices are furnished throughthe coartesy of D. Raymond Kenney & Co., 1 East 42nd Street,

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Bank of Babylon 28Bank of Huntington 40Bank of Sraithtown 250Bank of Suffolk County, Stony Brook 42Bellport National Bank 300Bridgehampton National Bank — 35Central Islip National Bank 100Eastern National Bank , Smithtown 20First National Bank and Trust, Bav Shore 140First National Bank , East Islip _ 80First National Bank, Grecnport 500First National Bank , Southampton 325Hampton Bays National Bank 325Lindenhurst Bank — 270National Bank of Kings Park 190National Bank of Lake Ronkonkoma 105North Fork Bank and Trust, Mattituck 55Osborne Trust , East Hampton 180Oysterman's Bank and Trust Company, Sayville 30Patchogue Bank 150Peconic Bank, Sag Harbor 63Peoples National Bank, Patchogue 80Seaside Bank , Westhampton Beach *7Security National , Huntington 27%State Bank of Suffolk County, Bay Shore 19^Suffolk County National Bank, Riverhead — 425Tinker National , East Setauket 120?Warrants 25-50

NASSAU COUNTY BANK STOCKBank of Rockville Centre Trust 225Bank of Westbury Trust „ .' 58Central Bank and Trust, Great Neck 33First National Bank, Farmingdale 226First National Bank , Glen Head 35Fort Neck National Bank, Seaford 16Franklin National , Franklin Square 26%Hempstead Bank 36Long Island Trust Company, Garden City 34Long Island National Bank, Hicksville 15Lynbrook National Bank and, Trust Cbrttpany 46'Maiinecock Bank , Locust Valley 36 .Meadow Brook National Bank , West Hempstead 18">6,N .issau Trust, Glen Cove : _ 25Oceanside National Bank 285Peninsula National Bank, Cedarhurst 38Second National Bank and Trust, Hempstead 30State Bank of Long Beach 23MtValley Stream National Bank and Trust 32

QUEENS COUNTY BANK, STOCKNational Bank of Far Rockaway ....Z ...^wlijiv...... HOQueens National Bank of New York 57United National Bank of Long Island _ 48

KINGS COUNTY BANK STOCKBensonhurst National Bank 28Central Industrial Bank 110Citizens Bank „ 400Kings County Trust Company 93Lafayette National Bank _ 45Peoples National Bank T. 54United Industrial Bank 210