Ronkonkoma and the Lake Marie Monncj. Tel. Konk. >»< LEGION U XII.IAKY HOI OS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS IWKn RONKONKOMA M:* . F• > " - ' Overton , president . f ' . he !->*' - - . ' > auxiliary, ot * the \Vii!ia:v M 'V:"' .: Hallock post. American beside:.. ' ..' .. » . week appointed the fo!i. >w: :- .s; - ' ¦ ""' mittoe chairmen: Mrs . . leseph ii' ... ' \ man , for the Cancer l\*m:vl v. w. -:v. : tee; Airs. H. Wiiliui" Beice. " : " . ¦ . :l- e Gold Star Mothers : Mvs. H. ::v ' .e. Soreu. -oii. I><¦gislation; Mis. J, ^ >t :•'• A- Kirk. Past presidents parley; M T -S . Walter Zak.uy. Pan-Ameruams:-;. A: present, the auxiliaiy i> s;- .:d\ re Veneruela. and anyer.e havir.g >.:.; - ¦ pings or ether informatier. ^n Ye-.e- ziic ' la is asked to get in touch «'. ''" ¦ Mrs. Zakarv. Following the meeting. ;r. e r. ' .it;e. - hc-ld their Christinas party, with _ Co!d Star Mother. - .itid hu. -bands ef the auxiliary members ;> .* uuests. He- cause of had weather the ( "!i >Id Sta; Mothers could n>>t have a " urge rep- resentation , the onl y oties prvser. t being Mrs. Sterling Gira rdot. mem- ber, and Mrs. Saner of Holbrook. The po. -t rooms were decorated with a Christmas tree , and other appro- priate trimmings. The committee in i charge of arrangements included Mrs. Berger. Mrs. Raymond Puifield and Mrs. William Ehlers. assisted by Mrs. John Sevenliss. Mrs. Berger. Mrs . Joseph Fi>h. Mrs . Adelaide Annis and Mrs . Foster Overton attended the county meet- ing Dece m be r 4 at Islip. Auxiliary members interested in attending the next County luncheon the second Sat- urday in January, should contact Mr. - . Gertrude Ferro, who is in charge of reservations. ! This year ' s Christmas mass sched- ule at St. Joseph' s R. C. church . Lake Ronkonkoma. will be the heaviest in the histo ry of the parish , ac-. --iding to announcement made ove r the weekend by the Rev. Francis H. T-.il- ler ,, pastor. There will be nine; masses in all , beginning with the solemn high mass at midnight. The * < ^- , . - ' . ' . " ¦ , \.e- ' ¦; ' - '" m;tss. will ; :vV. " ' ¦ " .- ' ¦ > ' - ' - ' - ; V '•' 10 - >" . : - . .; . : : ' ; ; . ' ¦ ¦ .\i:v " " . :. '" > ' - ' ' "to Mt St ¦ ' ¦ •:• .. . . : <. . ¦: \v ' : : Mloiv the . _ ;- - , » N ¦ . > t " .- . - ' .\' .. : ' . >-e v - \ >;ites- : < ¦ ¦ < , ¦ ¦ v ' -t- >f' .i> ; -i i' f' .^m 5 . " and : " ;• ¦ ¦ •• ' ,' ¦ - ¦ . . -:¦ ... . k h «• . ' . ' : :v open at ' ;• :• : ; " . - v . > .^-w^> :e ti.e mtdnight J»s* K SkMdcc T*l . K<>nV S»T1 >E. - \\ a:a:- !\;i!\:mm was tuvstess at .1 v - . -r.ii iv.rty :"' . he: heme on I.ake- ii >v,; r. 'ad 1V, T :-:! V ' . 14 for the bene- ' •' . ¦ •: " t> : : •«:¦>' T:vi-p >. There were ~v, - ;;; * .- " . es .it- .ii the following ladies were rivse:;;: Mr> . Petei- Colwin. ; o.i«u v. and eo- leaders. Mrs . Edward i»ruv atai Mrs. Frederick Grice. Mrs . H. A. Gardner. Mrs . J. R. Ruland: aise Mis. ( . ' . W . Ruland and Mrs. Geerce Rogers from Patchogue : .Mrs. ' Frank Newton. Miss Lulie Pink- ham. . Mrs . Ronwick Raynor . Mrs . Ste: htig Girsrdet. Mrs . Anton Pedi- ! >sch. Mrs . Ravmond DurTiold. Mrs. M. Miller. Mrs . ' William Chipp. MisJ Harold Sorer,s<m. Mrs. Michael Pedi- sioh . Mrs. Joseph Kirk , Mrs. William Susa and Mrs . James Hodgson. Mrs. Pinkham -served refi-eshments and the afternoon was most enjoyable . For your Real Estate and Insur- ance problems see Berger-Genat Agency. Ronk. S66-I.—Adv. Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Edna Kenneth was hostess to her Pinochle club in her new home. Those present were: Mrs. Ethel Dehe , Mi's. Helen Halik, Mrs. Josie Pedisich , Mis. Katie Pedisich , Mrs. Lena Susa , Mrs. Flossie Kirk, Mrs. Ada Rummel. The club members . presented Mrs. Kenneth with a beautiful chrome Carve-ette set. Thursday evening Mrs. Flossie Kirk was hostess to the Bridge club at her home on Rcsevale avenue. Mrs. Kirk left last Saturday for Florida and expects to stay nearly a month. Last Friday James Watt received word of the death of his mother, Mrs. Thomas Watt of Brooklyn . In- terment took place Monday in the Methodise cemetery. She is survived by her husband, three sons and two daughters. Last Thursday night the Pa rent- Teacher association of Lake Ronkon- koma entertained the faculty of the Ronkonkoma school and the PTA of Ronkonkoma. The affair was held at the new school at Lake Ronkon- koma. The Patchogue Advance Is on sale at BeeDee Stationers , Frank Gerbe' s and Triangle Grocery Store, Lake Ronkonkoma. —Adv. Miss Doris Holt , sister of Mrs. Howard Cltnebell , wife of the pastor of the Methodist church , who is a senior at Ob ' erlin college and house mother of the freshman dormitory, arrived for a two weeks' visit during the Christmas holidays. Doris is studying organ. Mr. and Mrs. Clara Morrissey of . Hawkins avenue have been entertain- ing their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson of Gilbertsville in the Catekills , There will be a beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service fro m 11:15 p. m. to 12:05 a. m. at the Methodist church, when there will be special music and Communion. The Rev. Howard Clinebell will give a talk. Sunday will be " Student Recognition Day, " at the Methodist church dur- ing which various college stude nts home for the holidays will partici- pate in the service. The sermon topic will be "If Jesus Had Not Come." This evening at 7:30 the Sunday school pupils will have their annual Chri stmas pageant at the Methodist church. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. . . Last Monday night , December 13, at the Lighthouse Bow-ling Alleys , a bowling match waa( held "between the "Hamberge r King - Men' s Team," and the Women' s team , whose members are : Mrs. Kay Ryan , Mrs. Eileen Watt , Mrs. Veronica Walsh, Mrs. Helen Schildt, Mrs . Hinky Kapler, Mrs. William Okvist. Members of the men' s team are : Phil Coffey, Middy Giordano, Sam Kaplan, Red Traps, Bob Ackerman, Eddie Ryan and "King " Watt. The men won by 10 pins. The fatchogue Advance is on sale at the Thrift Center, Ronkonkoma. —Adv. Joel Lappin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lappin of Hawkins avenue, was host to friends at a birthday party December 11. Those present were : David Terry, Joseph Letsch, Bruce and Patricia Walsh, Camille Palladino, Jacqueline Watt , Gail Becker, Bobby Ryan and Joel' s sis- ter, Patty, and his two brothers , Mi- chael and Christopher. The children played games and had refreshments. Gail Becker received the award for bingo and David Terry received the award for "Pin The Tail on the Donkey." The children had a grand time and some of the parents of the chi ldren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lappin for a buffet supper. Recently Mr. Lappin flew back home from Bristol , Tenn., where he had been for three weeks, supervising the construction of a group of hew buildings for the American Thread company. . Mrs. Helen Schildt and Mrs. Joan Lappin drove to New York Tuesday of last week and visited Mrs. Schildt' s parents and daughter at Middle Vil- lage , then they drove to Jackson Heights to visit Mrs. Lappin' s sister, Mrs. James McBride. Former State Senator and Mrs. August E. Farrenkopf on Saturday, December 11, had as house guests Mr. and Mrs. William Dudde of the Bronx. Mr. Dudde was formerly deputy regional director of the War Assets administration in charge of surplus property disposals for the U. S. government. ISLAND NEWS BRIEF LINDENHURST "!- Members of the Board of Education met this week to begin plans for a proposed $850 ,000 new elementary, school south of Montauk highway. The proposi- tion will be presented to the-voters: early in February. S y ft S\\ I " i. I I stmas | VIST \w~ * I ^^ .1948- I B, "¦««. Utf* B S . . , fi I ' "*'" """ -I I OOf TRADITIONAL f \ WISH FOR VOL I \ IS ONE OF * \ JOY-FILLED DAYS % \ DURING THIS | \ HOLIDAY SEASON. | ' W ff laz^wB&^Wrs&M s | w^mzmm | \ FELICE BROS. \ \ SERVICE STATION I \ Academy Strec! 1' atchoguc 5 Mafeai&ift ^araftaatraft feBiSi ^asia^ - I i f twEsElf That ' s our «^J greeting to - j Sfo you in this ¦ v| happy seasoiv^^ 176 West Main St. , Patchogue 2990 SETAUKET and EAST SETAUKET Mae Heater Mr. and Mrs. Je. -se Wells will spend Christm:rs in East Hampton with their son-in-law and daughter . Dr. and Mrs. Albert Pontick. Mr. and Mrs . Yito Barcone and sons . Michael a:ui Henry, were dinner guests Sunday ' of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Presada. I Mrs . William Lyons and Miss I Lilian Randall of Southampton are | spending a few days with Miss Lil- ; Han Van Brunt and Mrs. Sue Burke . ! Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wels of Wels ! road were guests at a dinner party j Saturday at the home , of Mr. and : ' Mrs. Otto Moleman of Port Wash- i mgton. j Mrs. Edward Reuter and Mrs . ' Charles Crouse spent Friday in Pat- | chogue. i Last Tuesday Mrs. Charles Crouse ; of Port Jefferson , formerl y of East Setauket , entertained at luncheon and ca rds Mrs. Mark Davis , Miss Addie Rollinson and Mrs. Edward Reuter. The Salvation /Army drive went over the top in East Setauket. Mrs . Reuter wishes to express apprecia- tion to the faithful workers through- out her district, and to remind the dono rs that their . dollars will be well used among the needy. Mr. and Mrs. George Spurgeon of St. Albans were dinner guests Sat- urday of Mr. and Mrs . Havens Bishop. Miss Lilian Randall of Southamp- ton was a suppe r guest last Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerl . The Setauket school closed for the Christmas holidays last Friday. Raymond Price , a sophomore at Yale university, is at home with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price, Sr., for the holidays. The Patchogue Advance is now on sale at Stephen Bossey ' s in East Se- tauket. —Adv. Mrs. William Hawkins is a patient at Mather Memorial hospital , Port Jefferson. At the last meeting of the Mary and Martha circle of Methodist church four packages of clothing were sent oveiseas. Roger Bennett , a student at Yale university, is at home for the holi- days . Raymond Ellis of Brooklyn was guest speaker at the Setauket Pres- byterian church Sunday morning. Miss Martha Wells, a junior at Cornell university, is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wells, for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Patte n and son, Edward , returned from Cali- fornia last Week. Saturday they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Twomey. Mr. and Mrs. Israel B. Hawkins had Sunday dinner with their eon-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler, and Miss Jane Fowl- er. , Mrs. Jesse Wells spenj; last Mon- day in New York city. The Women' s Society for Christian Service and the Mary and Martha circle had a delightful Christmas party last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Israel B. Hawkins. Twenty-eight members were present , 10 of whom were secret pals. Games were enjoyed , followed by appropri- ate holiday refreshments. Christmas Program Is Given at Bellport HS BELLPORT—Last Friday morn- ing Bellport High school presented a Christmas progra m and play in the auditorium prior to the begining of the school holidays. Richard Mac- Carroll gave a fine reading of the Christmas Story from St, Luke. The Girl's glee club sang "Ave Maria " and "White Christmas," and A. Peri no and J. Schordine played "Jingle Bells " and "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. " Jean Marehant played the "Cantique de Noel." Then a faculty group sang "Silent Night" and the sprightly "Deck the Halls. " After an overture by the- orches- tra , the assembly saw an enactment of "A Christmas Carol , " by Charles Dickens. This was followed by carol singing by the whole school , after which ice cream and cookies were served. Dancing in the gymnasium was also enjoyed. Troo p 8 Three g ift project s were completed recently at the meetings of Troop 8 in the Emanuel Lutheran church, Patchogue. They included: a Santa boot made of red crepe paper, trim- med with cotton, and filled with candy; dolls dressed in ballet cos- tumes made of orchid tarleton with the skirt adorned with tiny silve r bows ; and plastic pins with flowers made of colorfu l shells. These gifts will be sent to St. Charles Hospital for Crippled Children at( Port Jeffer- son and the Suffolk County home in Y aphank. The leaders, Mrs. Wil- liam L. Homer and Mrs. Marshall Shaw, were in charge of the work, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Leffert and Mrs . Raymond Cabre. Assistant Scoutmaster Frank Hass was one of those who helped make the recent party of Girl Scout Troop 8 and Boy Scout Troop 44 such an outstanding success. Troop 18 On Friday night Girl Scout Troop IS and Boy Scout Troop 65 of St. Francis de Sales church had a com- bined Christmas party in the base- ment of the Parochial school . Skits, games and songs made up an enjoy- able evening and a grab bag added to the fun. Refreshments were pre- pared and served by the troop com- mittees. Gifts were exchanged by those present. The Rev. John Gor- man, sponsor of both troops , was present ,, -also Mrs. Robert Fuchs arid Miss Rae Schordine , leaders of the Girl Scout troop, and Robert Fuchs and A. Kuntz , leaders of the Boy Scout troop. GIRL SCOUT NOTES Holbrook Rosemary Barbera . Tel. Rank. 9115 The Christmas party held by the Community club Monday was a great success. Mrs. Hilda Davies and Mrs. J. Fin- nerty were installed as new members of the Catholic society , at the meet- ing December 14. Mrs. Mario Bello, who was taken seriously ill recently, is convalescing at Mather Memorial hospital , Port Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leonardi of Brooklyn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bello of Long Island ave- nue. The Holbrook school' s annual Christmas play, scheduled for Mon- day, was postponed until Tuesday afternoon. The children entertained their families and} friends with a de- lightful performance . The school closed Tuesday for the Christmas va- cation. ' .. . The Communi ty club will meet at the clubhouse today at 8:30 p. m. Josephine Keber Last Wednesday the Rep ublican club held a Christmas party and after the refreshments , the election of of- ficers for the coming year took place , with the following being elected : president , Henry Heine; vice presi- dent, Arthur Wehrenberg ; secretary, Mrs. Mary Bedell treasurer, Fred C. Michael. John Hanson was elect- ed trustee for a three-year term. Theresa Ann , the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kilian Langsdorf , Jr. of Patchogue road was christened last Sunday , at St. Joseph' s R. C. church, Ronkonkoma, with the Rev. Harold Cox officiating. The godpar- ents were the uncle and aunt of the baby, Mr. and Mrs. John H ruby. Those of this vicinity who attend- ed the card' party given by the guild of St. Mary ' s Episcopal church of Ronkonkoma Saturday night were : Mrs. Fred Luddeke , Mrs. Lester Bedell , Mrs. Andrew Miller, Mrs. Lucy Reiber, Mrs. Lillian Home, Mrs. Fred Siedendorf , Mrs. Henry Heine and Mrs. A. H. Habich. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siedendorf of Lincoln avenue attend- ed the funeral services of August Kracke of New York , a former resi- dent of this vicinity. Mrs. Velmore Luca of Claas avenue has returned home from the South- side hospital , Bay Shore , with her in- fant son , Joseph John. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan St. Louis of Coates avenue entertained the fol- lowing guests Saturday in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary : C. P. M. and Mrs . Francis St. Louis and children, Tyrone and Marsha of New Hampshire, Sgt. Terry St. Louis of Fort Slocum, New York , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hine , Jr., and children, Marie , Tom and Cathy of Rockville Centre , Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Skid- more, Jr., and children , Arthur and Linda of Sayville and Mr. and Mrs . Henry F. Heine of Coates avenue. Mrs. Henry F. Heine entertained the Grandma coteri e at her home yesterday. HOLTSVILLE NEWS Mrs. Ca rl J. A. Hamann . Tel. Selden 2899B1 ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Before an enthusiastic audience last Thursday night , the children of the Holtsville school presented their annual Christmas entertainment. The program opened with a rendition of "Santa Land" by the primary chorus. Leslie Terry recited "Just Before Christmas, " Teddy Still sang «*G Hdly Ni ght, " Marion Stuart, recited "The Duel" and Richard Voigt and Caroline Fields sang "Silent Night. " The can- tata "Trouble in .Toyland" was per- formed under the ^ able , direction ' of Mrs. Gertrude Devers by the follow- ing pupils: Gary Tatum, William Hartung, Claire Lydecker , Rosemary Pelikan, Allan Sipos , Robert Rosen, Nicholas Cipolla , John Milone , Judith Terry, Dolores Weber, Mary Ann Cavallora , Constance Galisano , June Heiner , Dorothy Hudson, Carol Vau- trin, Lillian Heiner , Barbara Kagel , Elsie Jannen , Lynn Larsen , Joan Tantillo, Sandra Herron , Marion Stuart , Grace Marie Tantillo , Eleanor Tingen, Mary Sipos , Eleanor Jacobs , Marie Tatay, Caroline Thiede, Carol Moscaferro, Virginia Terry, Marlene Jonck , Edna Thiede, Alice Jonck , Catherine Stadier, Barbara Kaffka , Douglas 'Barker , Carl Hamann, Frank French , John Hamann, Donald Car- michael , Robert Lande , Douglas Nem- schick , Joseph Hudson , Henry Lalla , Carl Garite, Robert Morel , PhiUippe Olivier, Vito Ferlito, Joseph Kou- chinsky, Christian Nielsen, Victor Pelikan, Elizabeth Corsitto , Anders Ferguson, and Nancy Clark. Mrs . Charlotte Terry and Mrs. Ir- ma Reilly were in charge of the mu- sic and the excellent singing was a tribute to their training. Mrs. Horse- field designed the costumes and Mrs. Paula Weiss and Miss Mildred Palm- er provided the scenery: The faculty and students are to be congratula ted upon an excellent per- formance. The audience was unani- mous in agreeing that it was the finest entertainment ever seen in the Holtsville school. Mrs. Wendell Still of Selden was hostess to the Ladies' Aid society of the Farmingvilie Congregational church, Tuesday evening, December 14. After a short business meeting at which Mrs . Leslie Munch, Miss Edith Calhoun and Mrs. Edith Elfast weve appointed to nominate officers for the coming year , those present enjoyed a Christmas party. The room was dec- orated for Christmas, with a large tree. The ladies played games and exchanged ' gifts , .arid refreshments were served. The guests included Miss Edna Hawkins, Miss Edith Cal- houn, Mrs. L. Howell , Mrs. Anthony Kreutz , Mrs. Leslie Munch, Mrs. Theodore Alexander , Mrs. Edith El- fast , Mrs. Leigh Stuart , Mrs. Arden Terry, Mrs. William Wentisch, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Walter Katen and Mrs. Eleanor Tatum. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at Lydecker ' s Store and Johanna Krentz ' s in Holtsville. —Adv. C. Matthews of 70. East 93rd street , New York , died at his home Sunday morning. Funeral services were held yesterday morning. Mr. Matthews , who had been ill for several weeks, had been a summer resident of Holts- ville for over 20 years and a member of the Volunteer Fire department for 15 years. SW^^^JS SJ I granddaughter , Carol ^ of 9 They were accompanLA" 11 ? a and daughter , Robe, " I rf V n their M\ gyfe ^y Wii^t y ^ JM There will be •< «, - > ^H the R. c : chuSh Vft-g **M m Farmmgville ChrUti* ^** those who plan t„ . - MM Christmas party of the T?, end th «H boree at the Community hT r Ja, "-B are reminded to brin J a fe" ^M for the grab hag. ^ a - 5 "cent giffl The Ladies' auxiliav, - * ., MM ville Fire compan ' e 0 £ ttc >!,, ¦ mas party at the Clt ' Chri*H Saturday night. The haTl "f y , hall B ated m red and Kre«,n , lt as decor-H Christmas tree A^ffi » *M was served at a table bea^.f Uppet B orated- with a white c&Wo **¦ Claus faces and red , green a^H ^B snappers. The noisemaker" 1% J vh,te B hats were donated to thfLir fancy H Benjamin Silvers of \vest P 'f y b ?H Gifts for those presen wSt ^B from two grab bags , one f0 ^K dlawB B l n l ** the . fvomellit T1 vulvae oi a march. Music ft«. - K mM was furnished bv AI~ S- dMcu«H Walter Lohr Present ™„ P , ° . 3 and B Mrs. Walter Katen lh 1 ] r \ and H Fred Griffen . Rdi"!^! Anderson , Mrs. Agnes £. W'M and Mrs. James Dovl M^' pftB Elfast , Edward Jacobs Mr «#¦ Walter Lohr , M, s. MaV Oliver v rS 'B Siebnage l , Mr . and Mrs \V i ' fl' M er Mrs. Lillian Smith , i"^ John A. Smith , Mr. and w LoDestro, Mrs. Evelyn L u V k M^ H Mrs , Herbert TatuS? Mr*£'gM William Cuneen , Charles Smith Mr ¦ Rose Marie Gardner , MB riSf B Loesch Mr. and Mr,. ' Sai 'd^ l M 1 " ' a r nd , M S- Ralph Roda, Mr. and ¦ Mrs. Lalla. Mrs . Sue Smith vaTchai " ¦ man, assisted by Mrs. Katen , M s ¦ Griffen and Mrs. Gardner atIS » Po7rLfndJI rS - , I™ 11 *? 1 W ««sch °f| Portion road celebrated their weddine B anniversary Friday evening by at- B tending a performance of "Mv Rn Ml mance " at the Adelphi theater in 'B ^ York ; J he >: w «-e accompanied ¦ by Mr and Mrs. Charles Wentisch of B Bay Shore. ^m Mr and Mrs. Leonard Deal have B I?" to spend the holidays with Mr* ¦ Deal s mother, Mrs. E. J. Sinnings B of Jamaica. _ ¦ __ Mr. and Mrs. John Dennhardt of B Huntington were guests at the home H of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zueck of Wav- H erly avenue , Friday. ¦ That friend or relative in a distant H place would appreciate news of you fl and your home town. Why not a gift H subscription to The Advance ? Mail H check for $4.50 and we will send at- H tractive gi ft announcement in your W name. Hi K*ec«^{Sft«i«i«i«^*«S!«i<«S*M:iC««*«««!6«iC!«««*«««*««' s *^*^*!4 ' s!e **** '? i . \ » % V ' "S Br A $ jgS&S^J CJ&£ ^ * 5 Jm&MEff iiL 'i l ^Vl » 1 iA1Re$sa$» j 1 ff**® 01 -^ fro m | I \ | -|^P^~} Wishing you the | I ^TmW im in merriest Ghrist " | I ]? W I L ^^^ - mas PPSsibk* jp g I That means you , ^JSHB^i ^1 1 % ¦ you ../and you! ^S^M pP^J | * % m * *f ¦ ¦ i 2 V ¦ ' ' ; ' . ¦' . % J ferf "^ |- I 76 We8t tokin St. Patchogue 3668 | | __ ^ WNMiaaa waiatftaaaiM jai*^^ I I' M SUSIE-Q | t < ; y^88?J I ; IO O K rot HI ON < ! America ' s Best-loved Greeting CarJi ; > , I Sold Locally Onl y by j I WEEKS PRINTING j : : | 14 Railroad Ave. Patchogue ; 3 —*————————.— «_™ B ' \ NO PROBLEM s i- During the Winter s - . - y You'll Have Heat e With a \ CITIES j FUEL OIL CONTRACT ^ v » co. I CALL PATCHOGUE 32 I ' FOR SALESMAN * - ^WaMMHMtMMWMM aM^MMMMH ^-M gwwtewe ****^*,^^^ I , My associates at the Post Office >^«*jfefe ^M5^# I & Join me in thanking our friends -y ' ^ ^^^^^ fli \ £ and neighbors for their splendid ^ > J*** "'^" > ' ' j ^T ' 0 \ I; cooperation _ during ) the ' 'holiday ( I / \\/ ^ J ^mf k ^^ Cf ^ i We also e*tend our gratitude to ^^ i^SUSStJ^B^^ I the various civic organisati ons , JM B H B B S M BHB * i town and village officiate, ana the JM M A H A^LHLBHL T 1 press, for their great assistance JjSDvflBVlPw ^R 1 g during the Christmas rush. "^^SB ^ mMBBMMM m | JOSEPH W. HARRISON ! 39^ '^¦^¦i B j | Postmaster , Patchogue, N. Y. 79t ' ^BP^ . ^l foMtft ^M^ftM] ^ WEST SAYVILLE Eileen Candre™. Tel. Sayville 2029J , Inclement weather caused 1 the Brownies 'of Troop 8 to postpone until last night the Christmas carol- ing scheduled for Monday night. The Junior High catechism class of the First Reformed church held a Christmas party Tuesday night in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs , John Versehure , for- merly of Garfield avenue , moved re- cently to Tyler avenue. Mrs. Cornelius Broere of Rollstone avenue has been unde r observation at the Southside hospital for the past week. College students home for the holidays are Miss Beverly Hoek , Miss Jean Slager , Miss Elizabeth Slager and Calvin Seerveld, all from Calvin college , Grand Rapids, Mich.; Miss Ruth Joldersma from Western Re- serve college , Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Janet Joldersma from Hope college , Michigan. The Young People ' s group of the First Reformed church will go Christ- mas caroling tomorrow -night- Mr. and' Mrs . William Johnson and family of Cherry avenue moved re- cently to their new home on Hill- side avenue. i The Mothers club of the elemen- tary school gave a Christmas party I for the children Wednesday morning in the school. The school closed for the holidays yesterday at noon. The Couples club of the First Re- formed church held a Christmas party Saturday night in the base- ment of the church. Entertainment was provided by an amateur hour and small gifts were exchanged. Re- freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Dingness Kwaak of Rollstone ayenue celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Mon- day. Open house was held at 2 o' clock for their relatives and friends. The Young People of the Christian Reform church will go caroling this evening. The Christmas day service will be held at 9:30 a.m. with singing by the Choral society. Saturday at 7:30 p.m. a program prepared by the -Sunday school children will be pre- sented in the church. Wednesday night the Choral society will enter- tain the pa 'tients at the Holtsville sanitorium. The C. E. society of , the First Re- formed church hel d a meeting Tues- day night led by Miss Ruth Jolder- sma. Regular choir rehearsal will be held at 7:30 p. m. today. The church election results follow; elders ; George VanderBorgh and G. N. Vander- Borgh ; beacons: William DeRuiter and Andrew Style. Services Christ- mas day will be held at 10 a. m. Pt. Jefferson Sta Mrs. H. Kempster , Box 613 . P. Jeff. Sta. At a recent assembly program held at the Port Jefferson Station-Terry- ville school , 37 pupils were awarded honor certificates , each having an average of 90 per cent or better. An- nouncement was made that 58 pupils were on the credible work list , these students having averages from 80 to 89 per cent. Mrs. Carrie See of Greenlawn ac- companied her aunt, Mrs. Roger Smith of First avenue to New York city last Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ware of Davis avenue were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ware of Pat- chogue , Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Banach of Glen Cove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Banach of Davis avenue last Friday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Kempste r and baby son, Warren Henry , returned from the Mather Memorial hospital to their home on Union street , Wednes- day of last week. Because of the heavy snowstorm, the annual choir concert of St. Paul' s Evangelical Lutheran church was not held as planned but will take place this Sunday at 8 p. m. under the direction of Miss Anna Marie Knoernschild, church organist , and Mrs. Hazel Spence. . The proceeds wil| be used for ' the parsonage fund. The annual Sunday ' schdoL Christmas program will be.held at the church today at 7:30 p. im -Ajsnecial Christ- mas Eve service with Communion will start at li ni m. - Friday- . " Unto Us A Child is Born" - is- the topic of the sermon chosen by the Rev. Leopold Caban. School closed in District 3 at noon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and sons, Douglas and Gregory of East Williston called on relatives in Cora m and Rocky Point Saturday evening and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kempster.

Marie Monncj. Tel. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1948-12-23/ed-1/seq-18.pdfVeneruela. and anyer.e havir.g >.:.; - ¦ ... at her home on Rcsevale

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Ronkonkoma and the LakeMarie Monncj. Tel. Konk. >»<


R O N K O N K O M A — M:*. F• > " - 'Overton , president . f '. he !->*'- -.' >auxil iary, ot* the \Vii!ia:v M 'V:"'.:Hallock post. American beside:.. '..'..» .week appointed the fo!i.>w: :-.s; -' ¦""'mittoe chairmen: Mrs . .leseph ii'...'\man , for the Cancer l\*m:vl v.w.-:v.: •tee; Airs. H. Wiil iui " Be ice." :".¦•. :l- eGold Star Mothers : Mvs. H. ::v '.e.Soreu.-oii. I>< ¦gislation; Mis. J ,^ >t :•'• A-Kirk. Past presidents parley; M T -S .Wal ter Zak.uy. Pan-Ameruams: -;. A:present, the aux i l i a iy i> s;-.:d\ reVeneruela. and anyer.e havir.g >.:.; - ¦pings or ether informatier . ^n Ye-.e-ziic'la is asked to get in touch «'. ''"¦Mrs. Zakarv.

Following the meeting. ;r.e r.'.it ;e.-hc-ld thei r Christinas party , wi th _ Co!dStar Mother .- .itid hu.-bands ef theauxil iary members ;>.* uuests. He-cause of had weather the ("!i>Id Sta;Mothers could n>>t have a "urge rep-resentation , the onl y oties prvser.tbeing Mrs. Sterling Gira rdot. mem-ber, and Mrs. Saner of Holbrook.The po.-t rooms were decorated w i t ha Christmas tree, and other appro-priate trimmings. The committee in icharge of arrangements includedMrs. Berger. Mrs. Raymond Puifieldand Mrs. William Ehlers. assisted byMrs. John Sevenliss.

Mrs. Berger. Mrs. Joseph Fi>h.Mrs. Adelaide Annis and Mrs. FosterOverton attended the county meet-ing December 4 at Islip. Auxiliarymembers interested in attending thenext County luncheon the second Sat-urday in January, should contact Mr.-.Gertrude Ferro, who is in charge ofreservations. !

This year's Christmas mass sched-ule at St. Joseph's R. C. church . LakeRonkonkoma. will be the heaviest inthe history of the parish , ac-.--idingto announcement made over theweekend by the Rev. Francis H. T-.il-ler,, pastor. There will be nine;masses in all , beginning with thesolemn high mass at midnight. The

* <• ^ - , .- '. ' ." ¦ ,\.e- ' •¦; ' - '" m;tss. will; :vV. " ' ¦" .- ' ¦ > • '• - '- ' -;V '•' • 10->"

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>E . - \\ a:a:- !\;i!\:mm was tuvstessat .1 v-.-r.ii iv . r ty :"'. he: heme on I.ake-ii >v,; r.'ad 1V,T:-:!V'. 14 for the bene-•'•'. ¦ •:" t> : : •«:¦>' T:vi-p >. There were~v, - ;;; *.- ".es .it- .ii the following ladieswere rivse:;;: Mr> . Petei- Colwin.;o.i«u v. and eo- leaders. Mrs . Edwardi»ruv atai Mrs. Frederick Grice. Mrs.H. A. Gardner. Mrs . J. R. Ruland:aise Mis. (.'. W . Ruland and Mrs.Geerce Rogers from Patchogue:.Mrs. ' Frank Newton. Miss Lulie Pink-ham.. Mrs . Ronwick Raynor . Mrs.Ste: htig Girsrdet. Mrs . Anton Pedi- !>sch. Mrs . Ravmond DurTiold. Mrs. M.Miller . Mrs . ' William Chipp. MisJHarold Sorer,s<m. Mrs. Michael Pedi-sioh . Mrs. Joseph Kirk , Mrs. Will iamSusa and Mrs . James Hodgson. Mrs.Pinkham -served refi-eshments and theafternoon was most enjoyable .

For your Real Estate and Insur-ance problems see Berger-GenatAgency. Ronk. S66-I.—Adv.

Last Thursday afternoon Mrs.Edna Kenneth was hostess to herPinochle club in her new home. Thosepresent were: Mrs. Ethel Dehe, Mi's.Helen Halik , Mrs. Josie Pedisich,Mis. Katie Pedisich, Mrs. Lena Susa,Mrs. Flossie Kirk, Mrs. Ada Rummel.The club members . presented Mrs.Kenneth with a beautiful chromeCarve-ette set.

Thursday evening Mrs. FlossieKirk was hostess to the Bridge clubat her home on Rcsevale avenue.Mrs. Kirk left last Saturday forFlorida and expects to stay nearlya month.

Last Friday James Watt receivedword of the death of his mother,Mrs. Thomas Watt of Brooklyn. In-terment took place Monday in theMethodise cemetery. She is survivedby her husband, three sons and twodaughters.

Last Thursday night the Parent-Teacher association of Lake Ronkon-koma entertained the faculty of theRonkonkoma school and the PTA ofRonkonkoma. The affair was heldat the new school at Lake Ronkon-koma.

The Patchogue Advance Is on saleat BeeDee Stationers, Frank Gerbe'sand Triangle Grocery Store, LakeRonkonkoma.—Adv.

Miss Doris Holt, sister of Mrs.Howard Cltnebell , wife of the pastorof the Methodist church, who is asenior at Ob'erlin college and housemother of the freshman dormitory,arrived for a two weeks' visit duringthe Christmas holidays. Doris isstudying organ.

Mr. and Mrs. Clara Morrissey of.Hawkins avenue have been entertain-ing their son-in-law and daughter,Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson ofGilbertsville in the Catekills,

There will be a beautiful ChristmasEve candlelight service from 11:15p. m. to 12:05 a. m. at the Methodistchurch, when there will be specialmusic and Communion. The Rev.Howard Clinebell will give a talk.Sunday will be "Student RecognitionDay," at the Methodist church dur-ing which various college studentshome for the holidays will partici-pate in the service. The sermontopic will be "If Jesus Had NotCome."

This evening at 7:30 the Sundayschool pupils will have their annualChristmas pageant at the Methodistchurch. The public is cordially in-vited to attend. . .

Last Monday night, December 13,at the Lighthouse Bow-ling Alleys, abowling match waa( held "between the"Hamberge r King - Men's Team," andthe Women's team, whose membersare : Mrs. Kay Ryan, Mrs. EileenWatt , Mrs. Veronica Walsh, Mrs.Helen Schildt, Mrs. Hinky Kapler,Mrs. William Okvist. Members ofthe men's team are: Phil Coffey,

Middy Giordano, Sam Kaplan, RedTraps, Bob Ackerman, Eddie Ryanand "King" Watt. The men wonby 10 pins.

The fatchogue Advance is on saleat the Thrift Center, Ronkonkoma.—Adv.

Joel Lappin, son of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Lappin of Hawkins avenue,was host to friends at a birthdayparty December 11. Those presentwere : David Terry, Joseph Letsch,Bruce and Patricia Walsh, CamillePalladino, Jacqueline Watt, GailBecker, Bobby Ryan and Joel's sis-ter, Patty, and his two brothers, Mi-chael and Christopher. The childrenplayed games and had refreshments.Gail Becker received the award forbingo and David Terry received theaward for "Pin The Tail on theDonkey." The children had a grandtime and some of the parents ofthe children were guests of Mr. andMrs. Lappin for a buffet supper.Recently Mr. Lappin flew back homefrom Bristol, Tenn., where he hadbeen for three weeks, supervisingthe construction of a group of hewbuildings for the American Threadcompany.

.Mrs. Helen Schildt and Mrs. JoanLappin drove to New York Tuesdayof last week and visited Mrs. Schildt'sparents and daughter at Middle Vil-lage, then they drove to JacksonHeights to visit Mrs. Lappin's sister,Mrs. James McBride.

Former State Senator and Mrs.August E. Farrenkopf on Saturday,December 11, had as house guestsMr. and Mrs. William Dudde of theBronx. Mr. Dudde was formerlydeputy regional director of the WarAssets administration in charge ofsurplus property disposals for theU. S. government.


LINDENHURST"!- Members ofthe Board of Education met thisweek to begin plans for a proposed$850,000 new elementary, school southof Montauk highway. The proposi-tion will be presented to the-voters:early in February.

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"i. I Istmas |VIST \w~ *

I ^ .1948- IB, "¦««. Utf* BS . . , „ fiI ' "*'" • """-II OOf TRADITIONAL f\ WISH FOR VOL I


\ HOLIDAY SEASON. |' Wfflaz wB& Wrs&M s| w^mzmm |\ FELICE BROS. \\ SERVICE STATION I\ Academy Strec! 1'atchoguc 5

Mafeai&ift araftaatraft feBiSi asia^

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if twEsElf

That's our « Jgreeting to -jSfoyou in this ¦ v|happy seasoiv^^

176 West Main St. , Patchogue 2990


Mae Heater

Mr. and Mrs. Je.-se Wells will spendChristm:rs in East Hampton withtheir son-in-law and daughter. Dr.and Mrs. Albert Pontick.

Mr. and Mrs . Yito Barcone andsons. Michael a:ui Henry, were dinnerguests Sunday' of Mr. and Mrs. An-drew Presada.

I Mrs . William Lyons and MissI Lilian Randall of Southampton are| spending a few days with Miss Lil-; Han Van Brunt and Mrs. Sue Burke.! Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wels of Wels! road were guests at a dinner partyj Saturday at the home, of Mr. and:' Mrs. Otto Moleman of Port Wash-i mgton.j Mrs. Edward Reuter and Mrs.' Charles Crouse spent Friday in Pat-| chogue.i Last Tuesday Mrs. Charles Crouse; of Port Jefferson , formerly of EastSetauket , entertained at luncheon andcards Mrs. Mark Davis, Miss AddieRollinson and Mrs. Edward Reuter.

The Salvation /Army drive wentover the top in East Setauket. Mrs.Reuter wishes to express apprecia-tion to the faithful workers through-out her district, and to remind thedonors that their .dollars will be wellused among the needy.

Mr. and Mrs. George Spurgeon ofSt. Albans were dinner guests Sat-urday of Mr. and Mrs. HavensBishop.

Miss Lilian Randall of Southamp-ton was a supper guest last Saturdayof Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerl.

The Setauket school closed for theChristmas holidays last Friday.

Raymond Price, a sophomore atYale university, is at home with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price,Sr., for the holidays.

The Patchogue Advance is now onsale at Stephen Bossey's in East Se-tauket.—Adv.

Mrs. William Hawkins is a patientat Mather Memorial hospital , PortJefferson.

At the last meeting of the Maryand Martha circle of Methodistchurch four packages of clothingwere sent oveiseas.

Roger Bennett, a student at Yaleuniversity, is at home for the holi-days.

Raymond Ellis of Brooklyn wasguest speaker at the Setauket Pres-byterian church Sunday morning.

Miss Martha Wells, a junior atCornell university, is at home withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. JesseWells, for the Christmas holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pattenand son, Edward, returned from Cali-fornia last Week. Saturday theywere guests of Mr. and Mrs. JamesJ. Twomey.

Mr. and Mrs. Israel B. Hawkinshad Sunday dinner with their eon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Lewis Fowler, and Miss Jane Fowl-er. ,

Mrs. Jesse Wells spenj; last Mon-day in New York city.

The Women's Society for ChristianService and the Mary and Marthacircle had a delightful Christmasparty last Friday evening at thehome of Mrs. Israel B. Hawkins.Twenty-eight members were present,10 of whom were secret pals. Gameswere enjoyed, followed by appropri-ate holiday refreshments.

Christmas Program IsGiven at Bellport HS

BELLPORT—Last Friday morn-ing Bellport High school presenteda Christmas program and play inthe auditorium prior to the beginingof the school holidays. Richard Mac-Carroll gave a fine reading of theChristmas Story from St, Luke.

The Girl's glee club sang "AveMaria" and "White Christmas," andA. Peri no and J. Schordine played"Jingle Bells" and "I Heard the Bellson Christmas Day." Jean Marehantplayed the "Cantique de Noel." Thena faculty group sang "Silent Night"and the sprightly "Deck the Halls."

After an overture by the- orches-tra, the assembly saw an enactmentof "A Christmas Carol ," by CharlesDickens. This was followed by carolsinging by the whole school, afterwhich ice cream and cookies wereserved. Dancing in the gymnasiumwas also enjoyed.

Troop 8Three gift project s were completed

recently at the meetings of Troop8 in the Emanuel Lutheran church,Patchogue. They included: a Santaboot made of red crepe paper, trim-med with cotton, and filled withcandy; dolls dressed in ballet cos-tumes made of orchid tarleton withthe skirt adorned with tiny silverbows ; and plastic pins with flowersmade of colorful shells. These giftswill be sent to St. Charles Hospitalfor Crippled Children at( Port Jeffer-son and the Suffolk County homein Y aphank. The leaders, Mrs. Wil-liam L. Homer and Mrs. MarshallShaw, were in charge of the work,assisted by Mrs. Arthur Leffert andMrs. Raymond Cabre.

Assistant Scoutmaster Frank Hasswas one of those who helped makethe recent party of Girl Scout Troop8 and Boy Scout Troop 44 such anoutstanding success.

Troop 18On Friday night Girl Scout Troop

IS and Boy Scout Troop 65 of St.Francis de Sales church had a com-bined Christmas party in the base-ment of the Parochial school. Skits,games and songs made up an enjoy-able evening and a grab bag addedto the fun. Refreshments were pre-pared and served by the troop com-mittees. Gifts were exchanged bythose present. The Rev. John Gor-man, sponsor of both troops, waspresent,,-also Mrs. Robert Fuchs aridMiss Rae Schordine, leaders of theGirl Scout troop, and Robert Fuchsand A. Kuntz, leaders of the BoyScout troop.


HolbrookRosemary Barbera. Tel. Rank. 9115

The Christmas party held by theCommunity club Monday was a greatsuccess.

Mrs. Hilda Davies and Mrs. J. Fin-nerty were installed as new membersof the Catholic society , at the meet-ing December 14.

Mrs. Mario Bello, who was takenseriously ill recently, is convalescingat Mather Memorial hospital, PortJefferson.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leonardi ofBrooklyn spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs. A. Bello of Long Island ave-nue.

The Holbrook school's annualChristmas play, scheduled for Mon-day, was postponed until Tuesdayafternoon. The children entertainedtheir families and} friends with a de-lightful performance. The schoolclosed Tuesday for the Christmas va-cation. '

. . .The Community club will meet at

the clubhouse today at 8:30 p. m.

Josephine Keber

Last Wednesday the Republicanclub held a Christmas party and afterthe refreshments, the election of of-ficers for the coming year took place,with the following being elected:president, Henry Heine; vice presi-dent, Arthur Wehrenberg ; secretary,Mrs. Mary Bedell • treasurer, FredC. Michael. John Hanson was elect-ed trustee for a three-year term.

Theresa Ann, the infant daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Kilian Langsdorf, Jr.of Patchogue road was christenedlast Sunday , at St. Joseph's R. C.church, Ronkonkoma, with the Rev.Harold Cox officiating. The godpar-ents were the uncle and aunt of thebaby, Mr. and Mrs. John Hruby.

Those of this vicinity who attend-ed the card' party given by the guildof St. Mary's Episcopal church ofRonkonkoma Saturday night were :Mrs. Fred Luddeke, Mrs. LesterBedell, Mrs. Andrew Miller, Mrs.Lucy Reiber, Mrs. Lillian Home,Mrs. Fred Siedendorf , Mrs. HenryHeine and Mrs. A. H. Habich.

Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. FredSiedendorf of Lincoln avenue attend-ed the funeral services of AugustKracke of New York, a former resi-dent of this vicinity.

Mrs. Velmore Luca of Claas avenuehas returned home from the South-side hospital , Bay Shore, with her in-fant son, Joseph John.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan St. Louis of

Coates avenue entertained the fol-lowing guests Saturday in honor oftheir tenth wedding anniversary : C.P. M. and Mrs. Francis St. Louisand children, Tyrone and Marsha ofNew Hampshire, Sgt. Terry St. Louisof Fort Slocum, New York, Mr. andMrs. Henry Hine, Jr., and children,Marie, Tom and Cathy of RockvilleCentre, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skid-more, Jr., and children, Arthur andLinda of Sayville and Mr. and Mrs.Henry F. Heine of Coates avenue.

Mrs. Henry F. Heine entertainedthe Grandma coterie at her homeyesterday.

HOLTSVILLE NEWSMrs. Carl J. A. Hamann. Tel. Selden 2899B1


Before an enthusiastic audiencelast Thursday night, the children ofthe Holtsville school presented theirannual Christmas entertainment. Theprogram opened with a rendition of"Santa Land" by the primary chorus.Leslie Terry recited "Just BeforeChristmas," Teddy Still sang «*G HdlyNight," Marion Stuart, recited "TheDuel" and Richard Voigt and CarolineFields sang "Silent Night." The can-tata "Trouble in .Toyland" was per-formed under the

able , direction' of

Mrs. Gertrude Devers by the follow-ing pupils: Gary Tatum, WilliamHartung, Claire Lydecker, RosemaryPelikan, Allan Sipos, Robert Rosen,Nicholas Cipolla, John Milone, JudithTerry, Dolores Weber, Mary AnnCavallora, Constance Galisano, JuneHeiner, Dorothy Hudson, Carol Vau-trin, Lillian Heiner, Barbara Kagel,Elsie Jannen, Lynn Larsen, JoanTantillo, Sandra Herron, MarionStuart, Grace Marie Tantillo, EleanorTingen, Mary Sipos, Eleanor Jacobs,Marie Tatay, Caroline Thiede, CarolMoscaferro, Virginia Terry, MarleneJonck, Edna Thiede, Alice Jonck,Catherine Stadier, Barbara Kaffka,Douglas 'Barker, Carl Hamann, FrankFrench, John Hamann, Donald Car-michael, Robert Lande, Douglas Nem-schick, Joseph Hudson, Henry Lalla,Carl Garite, Robert Morel , PhiUippeOlivier, Vito Ferlito, Joseph Kou-chinsky, Christian Nielsen, VictorPelikan, Elizabeth Corsitto, AndersFerguson, and Nancy Clark.

Mrs. Charlotte Terry and Mrs. Ir-ma Reilly were in charge of the mu-sic and the excellent singing was atribute to their training. Mrs. Horse-field designed the costumes and Mrs.Paula Weiss and Miss Mildred Palm-er provided the scenery:

The faculty and students are to becongratulated upon an excellent per-formance. The audience was unani-mous in agreeing that it was thefinest entertainment ever seen in theHoltsville school.

Mrs. Wendell Still of Selden washostess to the Ladies' Aid society oft h e Farmingvilie Congregationalchurch, Tuesday evening, December14. After a short business meeting atwhich Mrs. Leslie Munch, Miss EdithCalhoun and Mrs. Edith Elfast weveappointed to nominate officers for thecoming year, those present enjoyed aChristmas party. The room was dec-orated for Christmas, with a largetree. The ladies played games andexchanged ' gifts, .arid refreshmentswere served. The guests includedMiss Edna Hawkins, Miss Edith Cal-houn, Mrs. L. Howell, Mrs. AnthonyKreutz, Mrs. Leslie Munch, Mrs.Theodore Alexander, Mrs. Edith El-fast , Mrs. Leigh Stuart, Mrs. ArdenTerry, Mrs. William Wentisch, Mrs.John Smith, Mrs. Walter Katen andMrs. Eleanor Tatum.

The Patchogue Advance is on saleat Lydecker's Store and JohannaKrentz's in Holtsville.—Adv.

C. Matthews of 70. East 93rd street,New York, died at his home Sundaymorning. Funeral services were heldyesterday morning. Mr. Matthews,who had been ill for several weeks,had been a summer resident of Holts-ville for over 20 years and a memberof the Volunteer Fire department for15 years.

SW^^^JSSJIgranddaughter , Carol of 9They were accompanLA"11

?a «and daughter, Robe," Irf Vn their M\gyfe ^y Wii^ty


There will be •< «,- > • Hthe R. c: chuShVft-g **Mm Farmmgville ChrUti* **those who plan t„ . - MMChristmas party of the T?, end th«Hboree at the Community hT r Ja,"-Bare reminded to brinJ a fe" Mfor the grab hag. a -5"cent gifflThe Ladies' auxiliav, - * ., MMville Fire compan '

e 0£ttc >!,,¦

mas party at the Clt '• Chri*HSaturday night. The haTl "f y, hallBated m red and Kre«,n , ltas decor-HChristmas tree A ffi

» *Mwas served at a table bea^.f UppetBorated- with a white c&Wo **¦Claus faces and red, green a^H Bsnappers. The noisemaker" 1% Jvh,teBhats were donated to thfLir fancyHBenjamin Silvers of \vest P 'fy b?HGifts for those presen wSt^Bfrom two grab bags, one f0 KdlawBB

lnl ™ ** the. fvomellit T1vulvae oi a march. Music ft«. 7° - K mMwas furnished bv AI~ S- dMcu«H

Walter Lohr Present ™„ P,°.3 andBMrs. Walter Katen lh

1]r\andHFred Griffen . Rdi"! !Anderson, Mrs. Agnes £. W'Mand Mrs. James Dovl M 'pftBElfast, Edward Jacobs Mr «#¦Walter Lohr, M, s. MaV Oliver vrS'BSiebnagel , Mr . and Mrs \V i ' f l 'Mer Mrs. Lillian Smith , i" ¦John A. Smith , Mr. and M« w '»LoDestro, Mrs. Evelyn L u V k M^ HMrs, Herbert TatuS? Mr*£'gM

William Cuneen, Charles Smith Mr ¦Rose Marie Gardner, MB riSf BLoesch Mr. and Mr,.' Sai 'd lM

1"' arnd, MS- Ralph Roda, Mr. and ¦Mrs. Lalla. Mrs. Sue Smith vaTchai" ¦man, assisted by Mrs. Katen, M s ¦Griffen and Mrs. Gardner

atIS »

Po7rLfndJIrS-, I™11*?1 W««sch °f|Portion road celebrated their weddineBanniversary Friday evening by at-Btending a performance of "Mv Rn Mlmance" at the Adelphi theater in'B

^York; Jhe>:„w«-e accompanied ¦by Mr and Mrs. Charles Wentisch of BBay Shore. ^m

Mr and Mrs. Leonard Deal have BI?" to spend the holidays with Mr* ¦Deal s mother, Mrs. E. J. Sinnings Bof Jamaica. _¦__Mr. and Mrs. John Dennhardt of BHuntington were guests at the home Hof Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zueck of Wav- Herly avenue, Friday. ¦

That friend or relative in a distant Hplace would appreciate news of youfland your home town. Why not a gift Hsubscription to The Advance ? Mail Hcheck for $4.50 and we will send at- Htractive gift announcement in your Wname. Hi

K*ec« {Sft«i«i«i« *«S!«i<«S*M:iC««*«««!6«iC!«««*«««*««'s* * *!4's!e**** '?i . \» %V '"SBr A

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I \| -| P ~} Wishing you the |I ^TmW imin merriest Ghrist" |I ] ?WIL ^ - mas PPSsibk* j p g

I That means you, JSHB i ^1 1% ¦ you ../and you! S^MpP J |* %m **f [ ¦¦ ¦ i 2V ¦ ' ' ; ' . ¦'. %

J ferf" |-I 76 We8t tokin St. Patchogue 3668 || __

^WNMiaaa waiatftaaaiM jai*^

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; y^88?J I; IOO K rot HI ON <

! America's Best-loved Greeting CarJi ;> ,

I Sold Locally Onl y by j

I WEEKS PRINTING j: :| 14 Railroad Ave. Patchogue ;

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\ NO PROBLEMsi- During the Winters -.• •-

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gwwtewe **** *, ^^I , My associates at the Post Office > «*jfefe^M5 # I& Join me in thanking our friends -y' ^ ^ ^fli \£ and neighbors for their splendid >J***"' "> ''j ^T' 0 \

I ;

cooperation •_ during ) the' 'holiday ( I / \ \/ J^mf k^Cf i

We also e*tend our gratitude to ^ i SUSStJ B^^ Ithe various civic organisations, JMBHBBSMBHB* itown and village officiate, ana the JMMAHA^LHLBHLT 1press, for their great assistance JjSDvflBVlPw ^R 1g during the Christmas rush. " SB mMBBMMM m| JOSEPH W. HARRISON ! 39^' ¦ ¦iB j| Postmaster, Patchogue, N. Y. 79tf£ ' BP . lfoMtft ^M ftM] ^

WEST SAYVILLEEileen Candre™. Tel. Sayville 2029J ,

Inclement weather caused1 theBrownies 'of Troop 8 to postponeuntil last night the Christmas carol-ing scheduled for Monday night.

The Junior High catechism classof the First Reformed church held aChristmas party Tuesday night in thechurch basement.

Mr. and Mrs, John Versehure, for-merly of Garfield avenue, moved re-cently to Tyler avenue.

Mrs. Cornelius Broere of Rollstoneavenue has been under observationat the Southside hospital for the pastweek.

College students home for theholidays are Miss Beverly Hoek , MissJean Slager, Miss Elizabeth Slagerand Calvin Seerveld, all from Calvincollege, Grand Rapids, Mich.; MissRuth Joldersma from Western Re-serve college, Cleveland, Ohio, andMiss Janet Joldersma from Hopecollege, Michigan.

The Young People's group of theFirst Reformed church will go Christ-mas caroling tomorrow -night-

Mr. and' Mrs. William Johnson andfamily of Cherry avenue moved re-cently to their new home on Hill-side avenue.

i The Mothers club of the elemen-tary school gave a Christmas party

I for the children Wednesday morningin the school. The school closed forthe holidays yesterday at noon.

The Couples club of the First Re-formed church held a Christmasparty Saturday night in the base-ment of the church. Entertainmentwas provided by an amateur hourand small gifts were exchanged. Re-freshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Dingness Kwaak ofRollstone ayenue celebrated theirsixtieth wedding anniversary Mon-day. Open house was held at 2o'clock for their relatives and friends.

The Young People of the ChristianReform church will go caroling thisevening. The Christmas day servicewill be held at 9:30 a.m. with singingby the Choral society. Saturday at7:30 p.m. a program prepared by the-Sunday school children will be pre-sented in the church. Wednesdaynight the Choral society will enter-tain the pa'tients at the Holtsvillesanitorium.

The C. E. society of ,the First Re-formed church held a meeting Tues-day night led by Miss Ruth Jolder-sma. Regular choir rehearsal will beheld at 7:30 p. m. today. The churchelection results follow; elders ; GeorgeVanderBorgh and G. N. Vander-Borgh ; beacons: William DeRuiterand Andrew Style. Services Christ-mas day will be held at 10 a. m.

Pt. Jefferson StaMrs. H. Kempster, Box 613. P. Jeff. Sta.

At a recent assembly program heldat the Port Jefferson Station-Terry-ville school, 37 pupils were awardedhonor certificates, each having anaverage of 90 per cent or better. An-nouncement was made that 58 pupilswere on the credible work list, thesestudents having averages from 80 to89 per cent.

Mrs. Carrie See of Greenlawn ac-companied her aunt, Mrs. RogerSmith of First avenue to New Yorkcity last Saturday. i

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ware ofDavis avenue were dinner guests ofMr. and Mrs. William Ware of Pat-chogue, Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Banach ofGlen Cove were guests of Mr. andMrs. Henry Banach of Davis avenuelast Friday evening.

Mrs. Kenneth Kempster and babyson, Warren Henry, returned fromthe Mather Memorial hospital totheir home on Union street, Wednes-day of last week.

Because of the heavy snowstorm,the annual choir concert of St. Paul'sEvangelical Lutheran church wasnot held as planned but will takeplace this Sunday at 8 p. m. underthe direction of Miss Anna MarieKnoernschild, church organist, andMrs. Hazel Spence. . The proceedswil| be used for'the parsonage fund.The annual Sunday 'schdoL Christmasprogram will be.held at the churchtoday at 7:30 p. im -Ajsnecial Christ-mas Eve service with Communion willstart at li ni m. - Friday-. "Unto UsA Child is Born"- is- the topic of the

sermon chosen by the Rev. LeopoldCaban.

School closed in District 3 at noonWednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson andsons, Douglas and Gregory of EastWilliston called on relatives inCoram and Rocky Point Saturdayevening and also visited Mr. andMrs. Herbert Kempster.