?!\i...--* .1 I .' .' 'I' | I I Ml «M£ and ¥M% w n. i . S----V .v-.-. s a l e priced, ; .'w itoz. r - i - :••.* ihiz. ' < !'••• IS „_ -, -wi'ivmi dafly. ' k.i-.is of Candy, ifeeiSL^ tt ir i ' -; fancy table App\t*k 1$)%L P CONNEIX, ' - -f Bridge Stgttet, aable in the world?.* B&&^ w K > illed masters ta$ the ad • itest impiwements *wt'~ jiess their feeer isj»0t»&j Wgmt PER i l> Paper v*7e tiav- seasor you if ant to our yon apd call mmg. u Samples. Cash EJazaip II i •*•* revisions i Northern tLOi for giinn^f r^r fattsburgh, N*Y* y\>; I X -No. 2964 lirf r son *' gpt !•• cow'' as ••• This " f less « troo '• Sore Throat or west, * ** Stt^iiIst0Y^tis . : p.i^od and gives re- . >•**- This 4s the sea- ,.«sn«s or exposure is BtitiEV^RYBODT«oniesio <->undatfon for serious 1 troubles. Cure mat r -st shows itself. You taking our G-lycyrmel. 11. h is safe^knd harai->; *• inflamed t i s s u e <aud .. throw *off the Whole PLATITSBJJMH, UlEl) ONLY BY "9 ' City Pharmacy 11 ? Biro (X: l r t and GFnton Sttej&g, City (National B^nfe OF PLATTSByRCiH £)HN P.O BR1EN, if, G BAKhR, - - CsNbler Lde**. DIRECTORS t Jaha F. O Brien. . H. W. J&ho H a o g h r a n . i, T. KeKogg. % L. ?h«<1den. j. N. Stower. •frtnsafts a < general Coifitaewial ^saSe lag Easiness, a a. Geo. Chafcook H. V. S.-Tartter, •i Wtea they! Want theBesl^Taero-Be ' •t •! mr.r.i..|...ri In copaeotalon with, our regular line of ©ee£ vi*L Laanfe am«d Pork, «& aye always | prepared to tarnish yoju with al| the extras carried by a | FjTRSrp CkASS.MARKST ! ' . Snob as ' » [pY&ptgm ANB- FISH, Caniied Meats "Yeribest* £abel. This inariet is ' * .." - ^boiic an «et. TWIH: SHIPS is a liiroader g&Kge toy whioh. to judge tfcanx a aatterSi^s advertiei&inetit on. the jgrocer'a part k Oar- adrverfiseooiente we ©imply meant fc* eaH your attention to Hie quality of the stock we have. The goods will sell themselves. MARGA&BT ST&BBT. OBtnSES IOST WiTH! The Boyarih \f/as :he Y; dental Contact WitH a i«ff Laaves f»ort Arthutj.1 N.iY., THURSDAY, FEBRUA'RY 18. TORPEDOED Russians Lost Tvo; fort AtiUm ijanspprt KoSfean piiira^yraiiiMHH &MO m&im OP HEW YO^II. j» -a uoBv^nr *. j' paw?- D^josltors offelred ^HOSiSf «h!ch th«-ir balances, Isj^aera and re- Qesstbility warrajat. We ^o not-ihavfe- to depend <m t h e watae- Oar I^ambeif'Eteyer -srith, a of 2QM® feet'at one filling: ., iBrsjst If feetii sre m < teds Lat 4 >, >- Pme. • . Hewe'- te L:. . betof given : - us with tthorotighly and p^sr^ material ist <mx trade;. We .farturers) and dealers tn.all ' K *ugh abd Dressed Lianfer •z\e&. Ckpboards, Southejrn andi. Floorinig, CpliJ* 11 •IK s?.f*rs. Wainscoting, all kjnde. Get om priice uy. knQMtries and 1 attention. TAYLOR & AYER8 v '. ,:: sONVlIxaa, IN. Y. inter- ordier T». >nneo.fcion. 1847 Life \n-ur &U1JI ;r M for " PENN MUTUAL a nee Company, <!iF.l.PFflA. j 9 nbsrt'utcly nbn for- .(•vjihlw Tt p"^vt'Va <"• nn«i P a i « up V a l u e * 'in'.- wllhont rftgu«at • » inrt without ded«c- • » n Su.rr»!us m a y be . ]• f . Pn»mii>mii. or to «>•• may be AccumlAt- •, • T« nlv vearsf n*-v-r had a. Sjpertor I f- C *OK, <ien. /i.gt. # f*lnt I - l . n r s r h . SJ. '"k ...,,.,..,-Fr»s!aeat .Ti6eTBresldeit 1. I*, S ^ 0 & ,......... ? ...-.^... : .«Oa«Mi 35>ha ^m$hrjm, ^ JS». Satb.er* t Thps. Bp* <2o|away f . ©Mrlek •aanlois.i Wau '%, Pattlasdn.' , 1 ; <3enerkl banking businees, Bomeetl? and" «J?^?etE&' Dfalte-: •' latere st pi id oa ispeclal deposlta. 1 MpaalSa^gs Jag. Bj, Garret JLV^ Allfctt Manniiis Preside: .Yiee-Sre^MeM Cbas.- ftthson .... ^i.-Yiee-ftresldeht Albert,:?- s|eye»a ..|.,.„ : ..*i , reaSur^T. Beceiv« Bppsits on lateMSt 4atii»g from tbe Wpst day ot Bach Modi which niay lie sent by mail in Cheops or Cash by registered mall or express or depoftitecll ia person. Banls Bootes retun^ed by mail otherwise, a^ desired. I,ett«r5 pf>aii>Sy ae*np*ledged. Di-pidcBid days Janxary and July Interest paid on S^smoay 1st, 3L3CI1 at the ntte oi Z% per sent, per ataiuata, Do You I hark It Real Ss ate ik ISrge dfT small amounlts from 01 e. to \ three y^rs, or on ta^j Dept. M way to should bo to! pairing fdonft. Wahjt Money to loan on all kinds pi monthly payiiaenta. interest ; I i NOTTCSEf.—By order, or Hon, John H feooth, iSurrogate or Clinton coun- ty, $. Y.t notice is hereby igiven. ac- cording to law* to ail persona having claims .against Alexander 13. ]Lord, latBotSaranac in said county* de- ceased, that they are required ^o ex- tolbit the ts&ma with the Touchers tfcereoi*o the subscriber *t the store oa: *Daa Lyons, a t Sarana«w Clinton ismmt&. N( Y., on or before th«'X5th day ot July, 1904. mm$ DAN LYONS, Executor, fttfsd; Jan. It, 1904. AME3KUH CQKSrjLATE rOEOED. i»»,*<» t»OM»lnfito I«nnrie«Mit» A«*tit> I « - «alt Gnr PIaar> "WjVShtngton, Feb, 17.—The rebels la Santo teonning* have <#amnitted anntb- er breach of international law •aiifch, added to thc«.e iJrecetliug, i* aiiikbg op. a formldrtbie «,i5e that may JinUfy the United SJ«tes government in inter resting to restore order «nd protect the property !n tue difetractetl island Min istet PbweH has reported to this ef- "insurgents entered cor consulate at Sawattia witfi nrraed force and took tsw> refugees oiit. 1 * : 0 m ^tate department promptly com* iSinnicated this ^nronnatton to^tbenaTj 1 'de^artwsent, Tvitli a Tt?quest ttiat proper aetion be taken by the naval auhori- fles to protect the iPn'ited States «oa- ttulate, .This w^i j>roi»pfly'^atobmtt*• ted to^; Admiral Wise, -attdVlt h the. be- lief that he will not jonlj? |tifoteet the consulate..but t'Hl! deina?ndthep4»? s h" meat of the. perpetrators^ af ; %hlS|.o»t-* rage, and if the provisional, goveriiinpat Is jjot able to do this he will ein^Wy the iMted -States naval force to chastise the insarMints. St. I'eteifsl -A dlip! $ovemmeni I '• Boats at 1 MEN, sstroyed, i* y«niuet) by Acci- Iwtne—Alex»« tatch to St, iiOndpn, Feb. If James rGaaetle trOm (Kobe, Japan, rje porting a^J^pancise attecfc on Pojrt Arthur Feb. 14 sjiys, tbi; * Jtuasisjai guard fehip iii the harbor and another Warshiv lyi&i: outBid«t theimrbor wepo loiiXKiced. The JMjanefeo eacap^rt withou; injtoy. | ' WasliE|staiL, JPeb. W.ipMr. Alien, the Anericau mi!nis:er ^t Seoul ca- bles that Wiju has b«n declared open to the iccraamorce bf Itho T*xwld by t W w«s ftt.d itt the Hfussiatt church OJ Sunday, at whieh .wette present th# viceroy an4 <iil others iilgh onielally The pfestolhg pope blesked the regl mental bauiters." A!*xeitff Leaves Port Arthur*. Newchwati?) Fefe !T t •** Yiceroj Alexeleflf has left Pott Arthur foi Horbin with Genera) Pflug, the^ chlel xxi stalk and' the general stan*. I t is ^a(d tlmt the Russian array anS *na\jy eottmiands -will be reorganised and that General Kerpaitsky will «_o'omiand the Yalu dtrlsionj whieh Is <»xpectans to he attacked by the Japanese forces uies have been constructed and prep- •rations made for depositing them at the mouth of the riv^r here, where thf forts have b'eeii occupied by a field bnttoty of artillery and guns U'oiii the ltu«^ia» gunboat Sivouteh. 1 tyu4 PRICE TwcreEj^xs. RATON HOUBRS HAR«| SUFFERIKG FriOM CflLO CHINA MAKES A MOVE. President, Cabiiaftt and Congress Attend StafcejFuneraL MOlQfSNIN0 AT HA^EOIPS GAPjtTAlJ! XL1ZZAED BMOES' EAILSOAUS. r Sad Journey to Cleve and Begin* To 'Wght—Body to Lie li State In Homej j City on Cat^falqwe \jsed at McKinteyj 3 trvices, ^'ashiugtont Febj it.—Funeral serv- lefes "over the remains of Marcus A. i t City and,Country Frigid Wive* In Grasp of N HJa ma >veve held in the senate cham ; . tor. has the jwfefieht^oli spell'been ex- b«p today at noon. „ ], ^pded. TVsthia tela boms the mer- ^ie mqltltilde that Assembled to do ' urg, iF;b. it—3fews ot jvnOthe^ terrible fliis isterl ifor Bussin^ this time inflicted, by the'elements iju-. .stead o t the, upaitesp, Js fsported hepe on gootl rtut'ionty. It ih> announced that 600 ttws&isui. tcooptjl have bei-h frozen jto flea th whil s maj|fcuig ncro*>,-> Lake BiUknl. easier 1 Siberia, on tjie The tsmperature Is) at oj> degree* he- ld in The tempoiary railroad Baikal j is wot yet (wmip 1 large dctaelnuent o 1OT\- jseto ia 3tber|n, repcjiit* wy, a: provision trains are t'el&y^. Uuasi soldieitj are not on,ly ireesiltag to dejt^h but are actually st,fli*|vlnjf. Across "Lute nted, undi a troop* was sejnt on a twenty lake to aid! Iberia: that it wijjf it par|t M thi^i B a l t i m o r e lM»TW>»«<je Co»«»»iaIc» wtM. Baltimore, Feb. 17.—Application has been made for tlie appointment of re- ceivers for the Baltimore Fire Insur- ance company end the Some Fuje In- surance company, both of this city. The e«y government has reaume,d it* regular* routine bushiess in the various departments' tot me ftrit time.] AH claims against the mayor and; city council for which vouchers were ljn a're being "paid. The dynamiting of stand- ing walls in the burned district is be- ing continued. The cold weathei? has iiiled <?hesapeake bay with ice, and many vessels are tied up. , and 6.'per ceit R irmijigtoii Peavey, !pRlr|3AGte I BROKER, , * 1 md Fulton Street, \ 1 Biwrklyn, N. Y. Dj Harris Has Removed from l4 Charilotte street, acros* tte Don'i Burton'* Uemorrer Overruled,'' St Louis, Feb. lt.-J-udge Adams, in the United States district eourt, has overruled the demurrer _$t Onited States Senator Joseph B. Burton Of Kansas to the indictment charging him with accepting money for usipg his in- fluence in preventing the issuance of a fraud order against the Eialto (jSraln and Securities company. The trial of the senator was set for March 28. A sfci panel of sixty jurors has been ordered ^^ for that date. the COu^fh a ohse, where ytpu Complete <V«let In- Boirotn, Washington, Feb. 17.—Mr. Snyder, have ill WndB Of rje- the United States charge at Bogota, has go to the the Go ugh House, e*o|ld . AH cabled the state department from Bo- gota under.date of Feb, 18 as follows- kinds of second habd shoes bought "Coitaplete quiet prevails everywhere. Harris. 9 Charlotte $L ^Elections passed off quieUy, but no one knows whether Reyes or Velea has been elected president. Talk of Pan- ama seems to have completely subsid- eu." . ' Fourth Cla»M l»o.«tTkia«ter«.' Washington. Feb. 17.-The following fourth class postmasters have been ap- pointed) -• u • Connecticut Bast Hartland, IDavid X.-Gaines. New Jersey Grover, Benjamin U. Curtis. Pennsylvania—Eagleville, Minnie S. Wolf: Paxinos, William m T^orhbacb. SnwW Jn Central Sew Vork, Svraduse, N; Y.,,Feb, 17,-A #erce snowstorm is ragiiig all throngh :thia section of the stated ThtT: therttiom* eter to iSyraense was 15 degrees below mm during the night All trains are several hours late- tyinjg ;mpi>Ji£a h a v e l|>.ro havie b&»n. lost entirply that petlshcd 1 SIcugea"ciM .ken, dow|n. or foidlem at tb e.ea^tefn r *qf-bf'*ho tdm . %)sr -are- actjei^ My •«• *»g;it* '"deajth: <|«r p.- '.Jtesujt«f|ti^;ed : elay?.- : J-' •, • i-.- .•A dlspatcb- teoni Adsn|r|tl. Ale^StteO' ,'innoui\ces--iq,ii,Qthe^ ti^sast^r tO:*he Ifvts^ ijis«n fleet aft Port Aithur.. •; . ,.. : , • r Cru^anSank- -With $%7 -Men, p Accojt-dfngi to t h s-"« lleero^fe report the cruiser Bogtsirla vvrs diifitvoyed by a mine onM5tel>. IS, V i t h ' i i Jloss 'of I19T {illicerij i|indiu|Gn. ' f ko details rf the- a a*air kc& given" but bttt It IS bteHeved tliat thel cruiser| ac- cidentally Hit-the bine la the sarac; .manner as the tcirp >do transport Yen- isei which! vas destroyed-jwith a Soss of-'nlnetjv-lii*'. 1 ' : 1 • ' fhfe BoyKMln -^as a srceil prote^tcf cruisei- of'•^he s&etind 01a|s of 3.00 t6»s dtevlM ?men1t« She whs M l Ifow lOiig, 39 fetor 3 I i c h J s b e a m and iljre-v- to feet Of k iter. Her hwMcaled hoW power wate 17,0(0 md iher speed 2r knots. ; ' She was! built at Copenhagen an was protects by armor raiging fjro'- one-hBlf to' two Irch ss and tiree lmj;he in the cOnUiJg tower. \ & Her armslihent cf nsisted of six 4.' Inch, el£ht! ihreeinch and tjwo Moxlu .tarns. She also ciirrled s|x torjjredt ttil^ea alWvjo water. ! ' iit^is ihep|»-ted here-that the los^ of ,he Rmslar torjjedo gunbe-at Yenisei vlll ent|iil serious tonsequebcejs. Tbr -cptain of the! vessel had placet' v torpedoe|s it farons places. a«>: the maps and pllnns indicajang tbes vnots w^nt iown'witb the ship, it i heltoved lth«: the jjenos-al pt'aff possfissi^s! (lMl|>lica«>S! Of Uieke papejts. but ihere' L- a.probamltty thftt those which were lost contained c^rtr in corrections an i modilicntlons which the others do not. Lleuteijinh: General Ivatfoffl. governor general jmd comlmander of the trpopj in Turkestan, hjts gone to Tashkent, with GsheridiSakbi:.roif.. chief of $tafl of the mllitJ ry district- of Turkestab- It is salid in blah nilitary cjrcles jthal General Ivanon* jias been instrnetejd, tc prepare for the contingency <k militan aetion^in tbe direction of India inl tlii event of Gi>at ^ritiln niaoptfng an at tithde op^en y hostile toJRusjsia ori at tempting 't<> prejudice Russian inter CStS in I'jersta or Tibet. ARSEJM/> American FUy**e»«.» pee>r^ted. Paris, Fob. 17.-nDr. A. J. Majghln, the Amei-ican physician, who has ^ ^ ^ charge of 'the American. hojpK&l here, ent i ce cjafalese temtths to wbrk. has bofn decorated with the ^ross 01. n ^ yflI gy^^ju^ i 3 a l f ^ ^ ^ the Xie^ion of Hojiott. ^yuitg f 0 f g ?a ^ty, ' fUlts forjs pa anty, •. . . 1 -. 1 ....... ... . 1 *Tbe,bo^i^aar4 Of the viceroy, mnijl Putting one's «ho»?dors tr^ho fheei jy^njyejglit CossacKs, now compttt« may •bpise.-aod- huj*,_h«t i^.f* •own tM' : 0t&:; ' " n,v ijts i t s thlrty-si^tliosenjmen. A liiglimUa v hich laated fotur hj»t»i detach rn^cin h<j»nOr to the,dead statesman inclr-iedsi pfeisldent Jtdosevelt and his cabinet^ senutors aiid representatives, diplomats! and distinguished citizens fioaa jiiany 3 ' lfc.8 of life and ^'roni many atateg. , !he house of, representatives entered s chamber in a body. *T.he vic£ prest- lmp«ria( Troops to Bo Buthed to tht Frontier to Protect Her interests* Tldaitsui, Feb, 17.—TJhe most dis- fpUeciiig news of the war is the an- nouncement here by Yuan ShilKai, cojtnmander in cldef of the Chinese iin- pwiltl ariny and navy, that Btissia m|H8) keep east of the Chinese Railway, running along fhe e.isterly *irte Of the J fl?& Llaotung gulf JErojn Shanlaikwan^ to j l^e, and were^ conducted by Chaplain KiftOlwm and thence northerly ttf Sin mluiJhun, about forty miles east of UufiOen,, Yuan SM Kal offleially in- formed the French general, woo is dean of the European commandants in Tientsin, that on Thursday he 'would mov« 1G,GCK> imperial trojops frooi the city Of PaotJcg to Kincliau. "This jg done to guard the railroad frontier, and It is our purpose to dis- arm , all belligerents vho cross the HiiuV* was the mmouncement' of the Chinese general. The foreign officers bere regard this s.8. tho gravest step of the tfar so fat as It aflfects other nations. Itiiichau Is at the iiea(jl<-ot the gulf of XJaoUrag and has" a llusslan garrison placed thereto protect the westewy shie oi,_ the railway leading from Ba|ny north-' The Russians of d©nt*s rpom waa reserved for the mem bera of Qie family of the late seautoi and, the oflieutiing clergy, whence they, •wpfe escorted to seats on the senate Uooj*. irhe services were brief, but impress- the body from Washington. At Salem tlie jsoxernQr.will be joined by the elfeV' Canned Goods Seized by JapancM, S4n Francisco, Feb. 17.—Ciipiie ad- V1OB» bate been received by tjbe Cali- fornia Fruit Orowers* assOeiatfon that their- shipment of canned goods shipped. on;the steamer Coptic a mobth ago and consigned to Port Arthur had been seined by the Japanese gdvernjinent at Nagasaki. A large shipment .of mess beef p r the Itussian government, ag gregijjtlng 1,CNK>,000 pounds, is nowj here, to be shipped on the steamer Chi- na, which will sail for the orient next Vreek. Tiie shipment hi all probability Willi be consigned to Shanghai, and re- shipped there for Port Arthur.! ew 'York City Experience* Second Coldest Spe{i of the Record Breaking Winter—-Great Delay Land and Water. I 1 I New York, Feb, H.—OuTy once be- foVe dflrlng this record breaking wffi- cury fell 25 degrees ia fhis .city and tit the surroundmg coUntry,'and for Huee lioiiys m tike, niorjimg the otficiai record was 1 degree above zero, whllfe suburban tlaehnometei a, rjiiiled torn 5 to 10 degrees belpwl Gre.it -deiny "wiis caused on ali the ferry lines on b>th JJvorth and East lV'ers 1 Trains ntp greatly nelayed on all riads, but £be traflie conditions are not \ so sOrious as ttiey ivere during jtrevi- 01s cold snaps. The vflelays on the ^ew York pentra| of six and seven kputs on several trains are due chiefly &S western connections., the locals eom- bicr in neai*rj»- on time. On the 'Long island road there is considerable, difli* calls' With drifts, and th& engine driv- e: of oue train whieh was stalled he- t'lme unconscious from' the cold. The roads having- tlieir ter|mlni at Jersey Cjity report niany trains late. There is aii^aretijj appeal antie about the bay and rivets, 'and ships Unit cmie in look as though they had had •UIHCU of the far north-in their jour- wurd to Mukden. „.. course^ia^*e no right to be there, but, they occupy the city and at times nave? r ^ . _ Ijcen accused, of beating and. .robbing 1 en members of hist stiffi* the Ohinesfc residents. The nririyal ot J Th» Journey tl CUveland 10.000 Chinese troops may bring about j Tile trip irom Saiem to Cleveland a conflict with Kwssian Soldiers, and sen wlllf be slow. The* train will pass, all China aflame. Rnssian .soldiers at j-tl rough several towns and villages Inj New'chwang, east of Kinehau, already »i I of which Senator/Hanna was a fa- J^ave majltreated <5ermans f Chiueae and J English residents, and foqr foreign gmiboat* arii no>v at that port to pre- vent deprodatiojia of Cossack cavalry. The troops at rooting are much, fax* the* irom the scene of action than, the imperial soldiery Ju Peking, Yungphtng and, Kieuehang. Those In i*aot!ng*. however, are tlie pick -of the imperial troops, and as Yuan Shi Kal is to ac- con^pany them it Is accepted here as njpst likely~tha£ troops ijram'Pekingjn ^nd/Ot^e^^lies^ar^'to be:pon|?ed .iota 'It: eastern it3Catiei.afcia, liRbftre they); will be. Hale of the United States senate, as- sisted" hy 1 the chaplain of the house, A|t the qloset the participants in the s^rxjice^ tjetired \ A^ 5 p. in. ttu> body Will be conveyed to) the Pennsylvania rlulroad station. A|t 6 o*clock a special train bearXng s th.e» b^dy and! the*memb6rs of tlie family and]their invited guests will depart for Ceveland. Tjie running time of the train will be comparatively slow. The trab*wlll leave Pittsburg on Thursday morhlng at 6:30 o'clock, central £me/ nej fa, their -sales enatheled in white. Abokt 8' o*dock it will enter the state railing and rigging cohered over with of dhio, A few minutes afterward, at ftozeb spray and ma||»ta like bugle gjilem, -which Js 9 only a few miles from .s Salagrpitcs from some imammoth polar SimAtor Haima*s birtliplace, Go-yernot; cave. , Bjemck yiH receive £he body fn Ohio.] Motorman Frozen nt Hi*-Ppst; Tbtej governor, with, General Charles) 1 Ail of the squthem coastwise steam- Blek, Andrew Sgutre, Dr. Carter and era have come in almost listed, with S<pci|etary Elmer Dove, will aceompanyj t le tons of water which the northwest" vrinds had flung'against their port s|tdes, the water freeemg on deck in snow white layers. I At New Rochelle, overcome by the intense cold, John Trapbagan. a mo- tn'man'in the employ of the TJiiion riiilt^ay, collapsed while on duty and lis stBl in a precarious state. He had a narrow 'escape from being run over fcy his own car. His hands wer^ bad iy frozen. ' Up the state it is reported even more uncomfortable than in -New York city. In Buffalo all records since 1P99 were broken, with 8 degrees below zero. Kodol supplies the- bitUral juices of digestion and does the work oi the atomacrfi, relaxing ft* norvous tension, while the Inflamed -muscles and membranes of that organ- are. allowed to rest and fyeal. It cures indigestion, {latulsnce. p»lpita|fo,ti el the heart, nervous- dyspepsia, and all atomach tt-oubles by cleansiTtg^ purifying and strength ispng the glands, membrar)*s-of the stom- ach and dlgeSUvftorgina, / itarThmUrZ**$*ppfrZ*t. , ISottks |HI1»; % t,00 Sfz* hoMlnr ZH'Vmt th(rtHU f!is,*hIcbjiU*for HOC? I tnm*iVf£CDtWITT4 C0-, CttlCAOtt. L 5old liy «hMden ft Booths and HKX. D &. Gilbert. PlattartKB-jW 1 / mjilijir figure, but no itopswill bemadaj Arriving in Cleveland about 11 o'clock^ tl|e train-will be met, at the station by^ the Icitizens' cOmmitljee [and by Troop 1 A, ofc the Ohio natural guard cavalry,, width has been ordered by Governor Herbcic to act .as a special guard ofj !lionar»- , *• 1. - - , .Tibe catafalque Ihat whs used at Qie, .lying in state of tlie late'President Me- Ivinjey at Canton, has been secured for "" ^-nijar purpose.. fcjr' ^enatoj; ..Haana, ievolKhd.' ' " .\' •;.. ' '* .: burial will be ill J.ais;eview cem- Oft ths&ftitmg lino Of. the war.' All the e< **rK tb^ final eerehi^nites bilne held iBjironfiftli eonnuandera hero v l|a,ve in- -t^----•**------- *-----« • v •>» - forjftied their; respective governments of Clilna^s intontion a to throw;; troops Into the seat ot war to Manchuria. Another Attack on Russian.Fleet. Tokyo, Feb. 17.—A report has just, reached*here that the Japanese,; torpedo fle^t reattaeked the. Russian fleet at Port Arthur Feb. 14, and It is thought that one Russian warship was dam- aged. . , ' L WELL GUARDED. Two Th.onisland Men P*otectj th* port, Arthur Military StorAs. ' e i ' Port Aft&k. v|a phefu. Feb, T7.-4T.h( autborititesf jhavt taken jevery prebau tlon to pfcol set the arserial. .The ukna; gtiard of p)0 nen ha'sniowj been! in cfeased (Jo! :f,000. At Kinehow, Talien W^an alid JBjldzlvo the forts sind gkrirl so^s b a H bpen repl'enlshjed threefold.! In the '"ddstrbyer.'works a^ Nevfskj there is a great rash "Of acttivity|, j|if they are dc ing their ntmoat ^olaijtnel •sis partljy' mlsbed vessels nbw htiilp iiig. Labojr Is* scarce, but high wag^t' *>*- Sent to Bury Live Woman. New York, Feb. 17.—Mrs. Alexandet Cosbie of f>16 East One Hundred and Fdrty-fourth street has ba<l * b 0 dis- agreeable experience of having two nn- uennkers call'at her hoise for the pur- pose of preparing her oady for burial w hi M^ she was in excellent health, as were-1 her five children and h|er, hus- bartu.' After the visit of the second un- dertaker Mrs. Cbsbie_ appealed to JheJ-K^ police. The unT|ertakers say they were acting In good faith and that the re* quest to visit the* Cosbie home Came from a well dr^ss^d woman about for- ty years old who had seemed to be greatly distressed' over Mrs. Cosbie'a death. . ' -|lt "Sfoide Mortuary #apel, a beftiitifu| structure in marble an^ mosaics, but wim such, a Umiled. soating captlclty— parhaps thirty or forty—that the cem- Qimk services will be private.. The b >#' will be placed ill pne of tfie re- 0(ipMcles In: the chapel until spring. Bisllop Leonard will conduct brief s<!rv|ees In the chapel. "** e church funeral services will be a^raftiged by Rev. George H. McGrew, D.Jj*,, pastor of St Panl's.' Th§ seat- ing Wpaclty of that-chdrch, 800,' will limit the attendance outside the fami- ly ahd public officiall'to probably 400. lihef Ohlo ; state legislature is expected to attend ia a body. The president will not go to Cleve- land! to attend the fnneral services This was decided aft^r a con- r4ice with H.\ M. laanna at the ^hfte House. Secretaries Taft, Cor- telyou and Wilsoja will represent the cabinet at the Glelveland servicea. 'c Sorrow at the White House. Tflj.fe preslelent and all the attaches We' in the general sorrow over the aieaj€l» of Senator Hanna. 'Fijpm the entrance «f the lamented Mci Linley Into the White House Sena tbri iauna was a conspicuous figure at hJfie executive mansion. Both before iijiuj after he became a member of the | semfte Mr. Hanna was a,frequent call- >|r a?t the White House/and his visits ; day s been frequent since Mr. Roose- sielt succeeded to the presidency. Pres ideit Roosevelt entertained a cordial rfegird for Senator Hanna, and the sieru tor cordially reciprocated that feel- In Syracuse and Blmira ft jenched 15 below, and in Schenectady the schools h'ad to be closed. AJ1 trains of the Route, Watertown artd Oscdensburg rbad ha^e been abandbned because of the cold." r : I ...- -f • , ^_i_—^. BLIZZARD AT CAPE COD. Several Trains Stalted I'n Snovifdrffts 1 . Afil Night. ^iProvintetown. Massi,' Feb. 17.—The entire Cape Cod section, which has heen-swept by a faiiotis hlfesard—the vjrorst since th^t of November; 189S^- has not recovered,..and; traffic on land arid navigation are delayed. ', The em- ployees of the New York, New Haven andyHartford railroad have succeeded, in digging out Several trains which were stalled during-the night. One' of these was a train which- had left Boston for Pravineetown. The locomotive struck a big drift at.B^aeh .point,, and the train remained stalled. The trainmen, to spite ,of the bitter qold, managed, to send word to Prov- ineetown for assistance. Two : rehef trains Were started, but they, too, be- came stuck in the drifting snow, and the (attempt to dig out the Boston train had'to be abandoned for the night. At many points along the railroad the snow is packed and drifted much Worse than during the gale of 1898. , ,- . , Rear Admiral Cotton Retires. ' Washington, Feb. 17. — Announce- ment is made at the navy departmen' of the retirement at his own reques? of Rear Admiral Charles S; Cotton commander in chief of the European station. Rear Admiral Cotton's re- .1 quest tq.be retired was because of 'theieontinued ill health of bis wife. It Is thought, tliat he hauled down his nag-from the Brooklyn yesterday at Genoa, Italy. ' He probably will be, 8Ucceeded:by Rear Admiral French E. Chadwlck^ ' •,'•;•' Twelve, Hurt In a Georgia Wreqk. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 17.^-The Florida limited on the iSfestera and Atlantic railroad, soutnb§tt»a\ has been Wreckr *& eight miles fron)( tbis city. The? cars were overturned, and twelve 1 persons were injured; two bf whom tnay die. The train, which. '• was |an hour and twenty minates. late, was mm|3ugiat n high speed. - I t teirrled a-full eomple- inent of -ptosengerg/ ineindinlg mani" from; <3bicag*fc 'Cincinnati andt^western citle* The m«ek was dne to tike break-' V(m of |mr ^xle f - 1 V x- « Coldest Day In Elmira, N. Y. jBlmira, N. Y., Feb. 17.—The mercu ry.^dropped'to 15 degrees below zero in this city during the night, and the day is one of the coldest of the whiter. The "oldest resident'.' lis entirely out of Stories, for the Chemjung valley never suffered so before. ! Farmers report that witter wheat crops.are ruined be- cause of| the thaw early last week and the freeze following. Ice several inch- es tbici; ]covers acre after acre of wheat, arid the;plants are rotting. Wane tessoiis* .MISS CDRONELL M. HUI>30N, Will receive a UmitjOdi < number of pupil* "»t~ \ th? following TERMS: 20 Lessons. - - - - - $$.$0 A t T w o JL>et4sons P e r WeeliL I I 1 For further, particulars and hour* call at No. 80 Court street | i ,\ Be S^ MORRILL, AUCTIONEEFi* i -TfS Sells and Repairs BilHard and Pool r ? ,• ° : Tables. . 1 i^otre<fe to Taxpayers. ii -ft received the AssessmentEoll of the .City ,of ^ a t t s j j u r ^ ^ ^ e - W r ^ 1904, hopes is hereby giyenifibat^fc&e ». uadersi|pea wEl attend at ,hls cSicn at .the.: .First Hattonal Ba^i, c<»rn«5- ot ^argar^fc and BrmkerhoSr stree^. Mthr said roll for thirty days from, the date ^ hereof,.! Sundays and legal .holidays 1 f excepted, from 9:00 o'clock in the fi^e—^ noon uiitil 3:00 o'clock in feha af^r> f aoon, and from 7:00 until 9iOO o'doe&i J on Tuesday and Satairday evenings such 30, ^ y s , to receive taxes so sessed, without fee, percenta@e of terest thereom. •' / On all taxes unpaid after ~ tiop of ^uch thirty days tWo.ipflrJI fees -wi^l' be collected. On al^ taxes -remaining unpaid ^ sixty days from the date-;hereof,;' per cenj:. fees arid interest at the : of one per cent, per month fromj expiratilon of said sixty days wtljtjibel collected. ' ! ' Dated', Platteburgh, N. Y., Feb. 9, '04, . ! JOSEPH L. NASH, j. 0 i ' » ' City Chamberlain. T&eir personal regard was based on the firmest respect While they dif- fers d at times, as strong men may dlf- rjer, their personal relations never were fcjndlngered by the difference; Indeed ^jo iiigh was the regard in which tlie brejtident held Mr.-Hnnna's ability aa a golitical manager apd as a potent. fjorfte in national affairs that a few -^ojjiths ago he reqiuested him urgently e event of his pom!inatij0.n for the idency to assume again the cares responsibilities of directing the na- lal campaign. While* it was feared Hanna'sN health might induce him decline again to 'accept the chair-' nship of/the Republican uational Otnmittee, he had not returned at the hfie he was stricken by his fatal 111- I a final answer to the president's nest; •; . M^ Hanna, the senator's;: brother, s borne up well under the long ain. 1 He has directed most of the neral |irrangem4nts. "enator Scott of West Vhtgtnia, who s intimately associated, with Mr. anna in Imsiness and politics, has ^lulapsed and.had'to be taken to bed. s\ Admiral Sfgsbee at Santiago. <3uba, Feb. It—Rear Ad Iruisers New York and Uatrolt have rrlyfeff. ThuiWorst Storm In Years. Utica, K. Y., Feb. 17.—This section is in the dutches of the worst storm of years. 'J'rjains on ay^railroads are late from a few minutes to seven hours. Some.are jstalled apd others annulled. Freight taaftic is at a standstill, and it will be J^Venil days before passenger 'travel ctn he resumed with any degree of reguu.rjty. Frozen to Death lb Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Feb. 17. r— Thermometers registered from 5 to 10 degrees below zeifo in Anji about Pittsburg. At Corry' it was 3D;degrees below zero. TJVO men were> fcnijid frozen to death, an un- known man in Allegheny and Robert O'Brien aft Coraopo% a suburb. Veltn-ont Railway Tied Up, igW vt t> 'Feb. l7..^H:ea.Yy jiirali Charles: B.'Sigsbe^ has arrived! £n©\vfa ill accompar ied bf Joittfer cold f Oteio #stiine commftna of the tMted| |»'eathefi|have iiitei'ihpteti^gein all pastes south Atl^htie squadron, Th^ pire^tigrii.1 * 4 triiias have wived troni tUf north ovejf the Rutland radl- ro&4 foeitiro a^jra. ( mil Am lop lit* 13 Schools Ciosejd by Cold. < Scl<enel|tady, N. Y., Feb. .17. — T h e H i g h si.'hjool a^rtd' several of the- other' schools in this city have been closed by reasojji of the intense cold. Bliz- zard conditions . obltain/ Street ear traffic isjimpeded. Country roads as?e practicr 1^' impassable. .' , . ' IT CAN BB OCRHD BY TAKING A. J. P. RHEUMATIC CURB Blnghamton, »-?. i., Jwa& 8,1901. V -lr. A J. Phillips, Norwood, S. Y. The Famous A. 3. e. Rheum«tlf remedy that you promised to send i© when I was suffering so much *f . ;yracu*e, Waa duay received and hai \ one all you sal* It w*mldj stoppM ] ae paJis entirely, and I hsm not h*4 > taiy pjalit since..: On my way horn* j rom the Grand Lodge in May last 1 verheard the master of Olean Lodg*. ^o. 253, complaining of faia, aaflerlim , md found that he Was then au!ferin# aueh pain, and Ms lianas were mod Hstorted by rheumatJanv 4: told hfcen t mj sjEperienca and %mt Mm th» < ^ext da^ one of the bottaeft ot f<xwt^l amoha remedy, which he g^^ioJBy \ kn^wl^aged, but I hay© noli ye^hbuir / its! effect butr aavo no donM, of tlMI $ r *uaJ good result r ' % \ 4 t O Very t r a y your*. OUNTOK F BA$m. ."F.L.AF&CIT^ h ^r bmel six bottles for $5-00 K 11

1 1 ? Biro - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1904-02-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Santo teonning* have

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and ¥M% w n . i . S----V .v-.-. s a l e p r i c e d , ; . 'w itoz. r - i - :••.* ihiz. ' < !'••• IS „ _ -, -wi'ivmi dafly. '

k.i-.is of Candy, i f ee iSL^ ttiri ' -; fancy table App\t*k 1$)%LP

CONNEIX, ' - -f

Bridge Stgttet,

aable in t h e world?.* B & & ^ • w K >

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itest impiwements * w t ' ~

jiess their feeer isj»0t»&j


PER i l>

Paper v*7e tiav-seasor you if ant to our




m m g . u S a m p l e s .

Cash EJazaip II i

• * • *


i Northern


for giinn^f


fattsburgh, N*Y*

y\>; I X -No. 2964

lirf r

son *'

gpt !••


a s •••

This " f

less «

troo '•

Sore Throat or west, * **

Stt^iiIst0Y^tis . : p.i^od and gives re-

. >•**- This 4s t he sea-

,.«sn«s or exposure is BtitiEV^RYBODT«oniesio <->undatfon for serious

1 troubles. Cure mat r -st shows itself. You

taking our G-lycyrmel.

11. h is safe^knd harai->;

*• inflamed t i s s u e <aud

.. throw *off the Whole


U l E l ) ONLY BY "9 '

City Pharmacy

11 ? Biro (X: l r t and GFnton Sttej&g,

City (National B^nfe OF PLATTSByRCiH


if, G BAKhR, - - CsNbler



Jaha F. O Brien. . H. W .

J&ho Haoghran.

i , T. KeKogg.

% L. ?h«<1den.

j . N. Stower.

•frtnsafts a < general Coifitaewial ^saSe lag Easiness,

a a. Geo. Chafcook H. V. S.-Tartter,


W t e a they! Want theBesl^Taero-Be '

• t •! mr.r.i..|...ri

In copaeotalon with, our regular line of ©ee£ vi*L Laanfe am«d Pork, «& aye always | prepared to tarnish yoju with a l | the extras carried by a |

FjTRSrp CkASS.MARKST ! ' . Snob as ' »

[pY&ptgm ANB- FISH, • Caniied Meats "Yeribest* £abel.

This inar ie t is ' * .."

- ^boiic an «et.

T W I H :


i s a liiroader g&Kge toy whioh. t o judge

tfcanx a aatterSi^s advertiei&inetit on. the

jgrocer'a partk Oar- adrverfiseooiente w e

©imply mean t fc* eaH your a t tent ion

to Hie qual i ty of t h e s tock we have.

T h e goods will sell themselves.


OBtnSES I O S T W i T H !

The Boyarih \f/as :he Y; dental Contact WitH a i«ff Laaves f»ort Arthutj.1


TORPEDOED Russians Lost Tvo;

fort AtiUm



piiira^y raiii MHH

&MO m&im OP HEW YO^II.

j» -a uoBv nr *.

j ' paw?-D^josltors offelred ^HOSiSf «h!ch th«-ir balances, I s j ^ a e r a a n d r e -Qesstbility warrajat.

We ^o not-ihavfe- to depend <m the watae- O a r I^ambeif'Eteyer -srith, a

of 2QM® feet'at o n e filling: . , iBrsjst If feetii

sre m < teds Lat4>, >-Pme. • . Hewe'-te L:. . betof given :

- us with tthorotighly and p^sr material ist <mx trade;. We

.farturers) and dealers tn .a l l ' K *ugh abd Dressed Lianfer

•z\e&. Ckpboards, Southejrn andi. Floorinig, CpliJ*11

•IK s?.f*rs. Wainscoting, all kjnde. Get om priice uy. knQMtries and

1 attention.

TAYLOR & A Y E R 8 v '. ,:: sONVlIxaa, IN. Y.



T». >nneo.fcion.


Life \n-ur

&U1JI ;r

M for "

PENN MUTUAL a nee C o m p a n y ,

<!iF.l.PFflA. j 9 nbsrt'utcly nbn for-.(•vjihlw Tt p"^vt'Va

<"• nn«i P a i « up Value* ' i n ' . - wl lhont rftgu«at • » inrt without ded«c-• » • n Su.rr»!us may be . ]• f. Pn»mii>mii. or to

«>•• may be AccumlAt-•, • T« nlv vearsf n*-v-r had a. Sjpertor

I f- C *OK, <ien. /i.gt.# f*lnt I - l .nrsrh . SJ. '"k

...,,.,..,-Fr»s!aeat .Ti6eTBresldeit

1. I*, S ^ 0 & ,.........?...-.^...:.«Oa«Mi

35>ha ^m$hrjm, ^ JS». Satb.er* t

Thps. Bp* <2o|awayf. ©Mrlek •aanlois.i

Wau '%, Pattlasdn.' , 1 ;

<3enerkl b a n k i n g businees, Bomeetl? and" «J?^?etE&' Dfalte-: •'

l a t e r e st pi id o a ispeclal deposlta.1


Jag. Bj, Garret J L V ^ Allfctt

Manniiis Preside: .Yiee-Sre^MeM

Cbas.- ftthson . . . .^ i . -Yiee-f tresldeht Albert,:?- s|eye»a ..|.,.„ :..*i ,reaSur^T.

Beceiv« Bpps i t s on lateMSt 4atii»g from tbe Wpst day ot Bach M o d i which niay lie sent by mail in Cheops or Cash by registered mall or express or depoftitecll ia person.

Banls Bootes retun^ed by mail otherwise, a desired.

I,ett«r5 pf>aii>Sy ae*np*ledged. Di-pidcBid days Janxary and July Interest paid on S^smoay 1st, 3L3CI1

at the ntte oi Z% per sent, per ataiuata,

Do You

I hark It Real Ss a t e ik ISrge dfT small amounlts from 01 e. to \ three y ^ r s , or on ta^j

Dept. M

way to should bo t o ! pai r ing fdonft.

Wahjt Money

to loan on all kinds pi

monthly payiiaenta. interest ; I


NOTTCSEf.—By order, or Hon, John H feooth, iSurrogate or Clinton coun­ty, $ . Y.t notice is hereby igiven. ac­cording to law* to ail persona having claims .against Alexander 13. ]Lord, l a tBo tSa ranac in said county* de­ceased, that they are required ^o ex-tolbit t he ts&ma with the Touchers tfcereoi*o the subscriber *t the store oa: *Daa Lyons, a t Sarana«w Clinton

ismmt&. N( Y., on or before th«'X5th day ot July, 1904. mm$ DAN LYONS, Executor,

fttfsd; Jan. I t , 1904.


i»»,*<» t»OM»lnfito I«nnrie«Mit» A«*tit> I « -«alt Gnr PIaar>

"WjVShtngton, Feb, 17.—The rebels la Santo teonning* have <#amnitted anntb-er breach of international law •aiifch, added to thc«.e iJrecetliug, i* aiiikbg op. a formldrtbie «,i5e that may JinUfy the United SJ«tes government in inter resting to restore order «nd protect the property !n tue difetractetl island Min istet PbweH has reported to this ef-

"insurgents entered cor consulate at Sawattia witfi nrraed force and took tsw> refugees oiit.1* : 0 m ^tate department promptly com* iSinnicated this ^nronnatton to^tbenaTj1

'de^artwsent, Tvitli a Tt?quest ttiat proper aetion be taken by the naval auhori-fles to protect the iPn'ited States «oa-ttulate, .This w^i j>roi»pfly'^atobmtt*• ted to ; Admiral Wise, -attdVlt h the. be­lief that he will not jonlj? |tifoteet the consulate..but t'Hl! deina?ndthep4»?sh" meat of the. perpetrators^ af;%hlS|.o»t-* rage, and if the provisional, goveriiinpat Is jjot able to do this he will ein^Wy the iMted -States naval force to chastise the insarMints.

St. I'eteifsl

-A dlip!


I '•

Boats at



sstroyed, i* y«niuet) by Acci-


tatch to St, iiOndpn, Feb. If James rGaaetle trOm (Kobe, Japan, rje porting a^J^pancise attecfc on Pojrt Arthur Feb. 14 sjiys, t b i ; * Jtuasisjai guard fehip iii the harbor and another Warshiv lyi&i: outBid«t theimrbor wepo loiiXKiced. The JMjanefeo eacap^rt withou; injtoy. | '

WasliE|staiL, JPeb. W.ipMr. Alien, the Anericau mi!nis:er ^t Seoul ca­bles that Wiju has b « n declared open to the iccraamorce bf Itho T*xwld by t W

w«s ftt.d itt the Hfussiatt church OJ Sunday, a t whieh .wette present th# viceroy an4 <iil others iilgh onielally The pfestolhg pope blesked the regl mental bauiters."

A!*xeitff Leaves Port Arthur*. Newchwati?) Fefe !T t •** Yiceroj

Alexeleflf has left Pot t Arthur foi Horbin with Genera) Pflug, the^ chlel xxi stalk and' the general stan*. I t is ^a(d tlmt the Russian array anS *na\jy eottmiands -will be reorganised and that General Kerpaitsky will «_o'omiand the Yalu dtrlsionj whieh Is <»xpectans to he attacked by the Japanese forces

uies have been constructed and prep-•rations made for depositing them at the mouth of the riv^r here, where thf forts have b'eeii occupied by a field bnttoty of artillery and guns U'oiii the ltu«^ia» gunboat Sivouteh.

1 tyu4 PRICE TwcreEj^xs.



President, Cabiiaftt and Congress Attend StafcejFuneraL


r Sad Journey to Cleve and Begin* To 'Wght—Body to Lie l i State In Homej j City on Cat^falqwe \jsed at McKinteyj

3 trvices,

^'ashiugtont Febj it.—Funeral serv-lefes "over the remains of Marcus A.

i t

City and,Country Frigid Wive*

In Grasp of


HJa ma >veve held in the senate cham;. tor. has the jwfefieht^oli spell'been ex-b«p today at noon. „ ], ^pded. TVsthia tela boms the mer-

^ i e mqltltilde that Assembled to do '

urg, i F ; b . it—3fews ot jvnOthe^ terrible fliis isterl if or Bussin^ this time inflicted, by the'elements iju-. .stead o t t h e , upaitesp, Js fsported hepe on gootl rtut'ionty. I t ih> announced that 600 ttws&isui. tcooptjl have bei-h frozen jto flea th whil s maj|fcuig ncro*>,-> Lake BiUknl. easier 1 Siberia, on tjie

The tsmperature Is) at oj> degree* he­ld in

The tempoiary railroad Baikal j is wot yet (wmip1

large dctaelnuent o

1OT\- jseto ia 3tber|n, repcjiit* wy, a: provision trains are t'el&y^. Uuasi soldieitj are not on,ly ireesiltag to dejt^h but are actually st,fli*|vlnjf.

Across "Lute nted, undi a

troop* was sejnt

on a twenty lake to aid! I b e r i a : tha t i t wijjf it par|t M thi^i

Baltimore lM»TW>»«<je Co»«»»iaIc» wtM. Baltimore, Feb. 17.—Application has

been made for tlie appointment of re­ceivers for the Baltimore Fire Insur­ance company end the Some Fuje In­surance company, both of this city. The e«y government has reaume,d it* regular* routine bushiess in the various departments' tot me ftrit time.] AH claims against the mayor and; city council for which vouchers were ljn a're being "paid. The dynamiting of stand­ing walls in the burned district is be­ing continued. The cold weathei? has iiiled <?hesapeake bay with ice, and many vessels are tied up. ,

and 6.'per ceit

R irmijigtoii Peavey, ! p R l r | 3 A G t e I BROKER, , *

1 md Fulton Street, \ 1 Biwrklyn, N. Y.

Dj Harris Has Removed from l4 Charilotte street, acros* t t e


B u r t o n ' * U e m o r r e r O v e r r u l e d , ' ' S t Louis, Feb. lt.-J-udge Adams, in

the United States district eourt, has overruled the demurrer _$t Onited States Senator Joseph B. Burton Of Kansas to the indictment charging him with accepting money for usipg his in­fluence in preventing the issuance of a fraud order against the Eialto (jSraln and Securities company. The trial of the senator was set for March 28. A

sfci panel of sixty jurors has been ordered ^ ^ for that date. •

the COu fh a ohse, where ytpu C o m p l e t e <V«let In- Boirotn ,

Washington, Feb. 17.—Mr. Snyder, have i l l WndB Of rje- the United States charge at Bogota, has

go to the the Go ugh House,

e*o|ld . AH

cabled the state department from Bo­gota under.date of Feb, 18 as follows-

kinds of second habd shoes bought "Coitaplete quiet prevails everywhere. Harris. 9 Charlotte $L Elections passed off quieUy, but no one

knows whether Reyes or Velea has been elected president. Talk of Pan­ama seems to have completely subsid-eu." . '

F o u r t h Cla»M l»o.«tTkia«ter«.' Washington. Feb. 17.-The following fourth class postmasters have been ap­pointed) -• u •

Connecticut — Bast Hartland, IDavid X.-Gaines.

New Jersey — Grover, Benjamin U. Curtis.

Pennsylvania—Eagleville, Minnie S. Wolf: Paxinos, William m T^orhbacb.

SnwW Jn Central Sew Vork, Svraduse, N; Y.,,Feb, 17,-A #erce

snowstorm is ragiiig all throngh :thia section of the stated ThtT: therttiom* eter to iSyraense was 15 degrees below mm during the night All trains are several hours late-

tyinjg ;mpi>Ji£a have l|>.ro havie b&»n. lost entirply

that petlshcd 1 SIcugea"ciM

.ken, dow|n. or foidlem a t tb e.ea^tefnr*qf-bf'*ho tdm

. %)sr -are- actjei My •«• *» *»g;it* '"deajth: <|«r p.-'.Jtesujt«f|ti^;ed:elay?.- : J-' •, • i-.-.•A dlspatcb- teoni Adsn|r|tl. Ale^StteO'

,'innoui\ces--iq,ii,Qthe^ ti^sast^r tO:*he Ifvts ijis«n fleet aft Port Aithur.. •; . ,..: , •

r Cru^anSank- -With $%7 -Men, p Accojt-dfngi to t h s-"« lleero^fe report the

cruiser Bogtsirla vvrs diifitvoyed by a mine onM5tel>. IS, V i t h ' i i Jloss 'of I19T {illicerij i|indiu|Gn. ' f

• ko details rf the- a a*air kc& given" but bttt It IS bteHeved tliat thel cruiser| ac­cidentally Hit-the bine la the sarac; .manner as the tcirp >do transport Yen­isei which! vas destroyed-jwith a Soss of-'nlnetjv-lii*'. 1 ': 1 • '

fhfe BoyKMln -^as a srceil prote^tcf cruisei- of '• he s&etind 01a|s of 3.00 t6»s dtevlM ?men1t« She whs M l Ifow lOiig, 39 fetor 3 I i chJsbeam and iljre-v-to feet Of k iter. Her hwMcaled h o W power wate 17,0(0 md iher speed 2r knots. ; '

She was! built at Copenhagen an was p r o t e c t s by armor raiging fjro'-one-hBlf to' two Irch ss and t i ree lmj;he in the cOnUiJg tower. \ &

Her armslihent c fnsisted of six 4.' Inch, el£ht! ihreeinch and tjwo Moxlu .tarns. She also ciirrled s|x torjjredt ttil^ea alWvjo water. ! '

iit^is ihep|»-ted here-that the los^ of ,he Rmslar torjjedo gunbe-at Yenisei vlll ent|iil serious tonsequebcejs. Tbr -cptain of the! vessel had placet'

vtorpedoe|s it f a rons places. a«>: the maps and pllnns indicajang tbes vnots w^nt iown'witb the ship, it i heltoved lth«: the jjenos-al pt'aff possfissi^s! (lMl|>lica«>S! Of Uieke papejts. but ihere' L-a.probamltty thftt those which were lost contained c^rtr in corrections an i modilicntlons which the others do not.

Lleuteijinh: General Ivatfoffl. governor general jmd comlmander of the trpopj in Turkestan, hjts gone to Tashkent, with GsheridiSakbi:.roif.. chief of $tafl of the mllitJ ry district- of Turkestab-

It is salid in blah nilitary cjrcles jthal General Ivanon* jias been instrnetejd, tc prepare for the contingency <k militan aetion^in tbe direction of India inl tlii event of Gi>at ^r i t i ln niaoptfng an at tithde op en y hostile toJRusjsia ori at tempting 't<> prejudice Russian inter CStS in I'jersta or Tibet.


American FUy**e»«.» pee>r^ted. Paris, Fob. 17.-nDr. A. J. Majghln,

the Amei-ican physician, who has ^ ^ ^ charge of ' the American. hojpK&l here, e n t i c e cjafalese temtths to wbrk. has bofn decorated with the ^ross 01. n ^ y f l I g y ^ ^ j u ^ i 3 a l f ^ ^ ^ t he Xie^ion of Hojiott. ^yuitg f0f g ?a ^ty, '

fUlts forjs pa anty, •. . . 1 • -. 1 ....... • ... . 1 *Tbe,bo^i^aar4 Of the viceroy, mnijl

Putting one's «ho»?dors t r ^ h o fheei jy^njyejgl i t CossacKs, now compttt« may •bpise.-aod- huj*,_h«t i^.f* •own tM':0t&:; ' "n ,v

ijts i ts thlrty-si^tliosenjmen. A liiglimUa v hich laated fotur hj»t»i

detach rn^cin

h<j»nOr to the,dead statesman inclr-iedsi pfeisldent Jtdosevelt and his cabinet^ senutors aiid representatives, diplomats! and distinguished citizens fioaa jiiany

3' lfc.8 of life and ^'roni many atateg. , !he house of, representatives entered s chamber in a body. *T.he vic£ prest-

lmp«ria( Troops to Bo Buthed to th t Frontier to Protect Her interests*

Tldaitsui, Feb, 17.—TJhe most dis-fpUeciiig news of the war is the an­nouncement here by Yuan ShilKai , cojtnmander in cldef of the Chinese iin-pwiltl ariny and navy, that Btissia m|H8) keep east of the Chinese Railway, running along fhe e.isterly *irte Of the J fl?& Llaotung gulf JErojn Shanlaikwan^ to j l^e, and were^ conducted by Chaplain KiftOlwm and thence northerly ttf Sin mluiJhun, about forty miles east of UufiOen,, Yuan SM Kal offleially in­formed the French general, woo is dean of the European commandants in Tientsin, that on Thursday he 'would mov« 1G,GCK> imperial trojops frooi the city Of PaotJcg to Kincliau.

"This jg done to guard the railroad frontier, and It is our purpose to dis­arm , all belligerents v h o cross the HiiuV* was the mmouncement' of the Chinese general.

The foreign officers bere regard this s.8. tho gravest step of the tfar so fat a s It aflfects other nations. Itiiichau Is a t the iiea(jl<-ot the gulf of XJaoUrag and has" a llusslan garrison placed t h e r e t o protect the westewy shie oi,_ the railway leading from Ba|ny north-'

The Russians of

d©nt*s rpom waa reserved for the mem bera of Qie family of the late seautoi and, the oflieutiing clergy, whence they, •wpfe escorted to seats on the senate Uooj*.

irhe services were brief, but impress-

the body from Washington. At Salem tlie jsoxernQr.will be joined by the elfeV'

Canned Goods Seized by JapancM, S4n Francisco, Feb. 17.—Ciipiie ad-

V1OB» ba t e been received by tjbe Cali­fornia Fruit Orowers* assOeiatfon that their- shipment of canned goods shipped. on; the steamer Coptic a mobth ago and consigned to Port Arthur had been seined by the Japanese gdvernjinent at Nagasaki. A large shipment .of mess beef p r the Itussian government, ag gregijjtlng 1,CNK>,000 pounds, is nowj here, to be shipped on the steamer Chi­na, which will sail for the orient next Vreek. Tiie shipment hi all probability Willi be consigned to Shanghai, and re-shipped there for Port Arthur.!

ew 'York City Experience* Second Coldest Spe{i of the Record Breaking Winter—-Great Delay Land and Water. I 1 I New York, Feb, H.—OuTy once be-

foVe dflrlng this record breaking wffi-

cury fell 25 degrees ia fhis .city and tit the surroundmg coUntry,'and for Huee lioiiys m tike, niorjimg the otficiai record was 1 degree above zero, whllfe suburban • tlaehnometei a, rjiiiled torn 5 to 10 degrees belpwl Gre.it -deiny "wiis caused on ali the ferry lines on b>th JJvorth and East lV'ers1

Trains ntp greatly nelayed on all riads, but £be traflie conditions are not \ so sOrious as ttiey ivere during jtrevi-01s cold snaps. The vflelays on the ^ew York pentra| of six and seven kputs on several trains are due chiefly &S western connections., the locals eom-bicr in neai*rj»- on time. On the 'Long island road there is considerable, difli* calls' With drifts, and th& engine driv-e: of oue train whieh was stalled he-t'lme unconscious from' the cold. The roads having- tlieir ter|mlni a t Jersey Cjity report niany trains late.

There is aii^aretijj appeal antie about the bay and rivets, 'and ships Unit cmie in look as though they had had •UIHCU of the far north-in their jour-

wurd to Mukden. „.. course^ia^*e no right to be there, but, they occupy the city and a t times nave? r ^ . _ Ijcen accused, of beating and. .robbing 1 en members of hist stiffi* the Ohinesfc residents. The nririyal ot J Th» Journey tl CUveland 10.000 Chinese troops may bring about j Tile trip irom Saiem to Cleveland a conflict with Kwssian Soldiers, and sen wlllf be slow. The* train will pass, all China aflame. Rnssian .soldiers at j-tl rough several towns and villages Inj New'chwang, east of Kinehau, already »i I of which Senator/Hanna was a fa-J^ave majltreated <5ermansf Chiueae and J English residents, and foqr foreign gmiboat* arii no>v at that port to pre­vent deprodatiojia of Cossack cavalry.

The troops at rooting are much, fax* the* irom the scene of action than, the imperial soldiery Ju Peking, Yungphtng and, Kieuehang. Those In i*aot!ng*. however, are tlie pick -of the imperial troops, and as Yuan Shi Kal is to ac-con^pany them it Is accepted here as njpst likely~tha£ troops i jram'Pekingjn ^nd/Ot^e^^lies^ar^'to be:pon|?ed .iota 'It: eastern it3Catiei.afcia, liRbftre they); will be.

Hale of the United States senate, as­sisted" hy1 the chaplain of the house, A|t the qloset the participants in the s^rxjice^ tjetired \

A^ 5 p. in. ttu> body Will be conveyed to) the Pennsylvania rlulroad station. A|t 6 o*clock a special train bearXngsth.e» b^dy and! the*memb6rs of tlie family and]their invited guests will depart for Ceveland. Tjie running time of the train will be comparatively slow. The trab*wlll leave Pittsburg on Thursday morhlng a t 6:30 o'clock, central £ m e / nej fa, their -sales enatheled in white. Abokt 8' o*dock it will enter the state railing and rigging cohered over with of dhio, A few minutes afterward, a t ftozeb spray and ma||»ta like bugle gjilem, -which Js9 only a few miles from .s Salagrpitcs from some imammoth polar SimAtor Haima*s birtliplace, Go-yernot; cave. , Bjemck yiH receive £he body fn Ohio.] Motorman Frozen nt Hi*-Ppst; Tbtej governor, with, General Charles) 1 Ail of the squthem coastwise steam-Blek, Andrew Sgutre, Dr. Carter and era have come in almost listed, with S<pci|etary Elmer Dove, will aceompanyj t le tons of water which the northwest"

vrinds had flung'against their port s|tdes, the water freeemg on deck in snow white layers. I

At New Rochelle, overcome by the intense cold, John Trapbagan. a mo-tn 'man ' i n the employ of the TJiiion riiilt^ay, collapsed while on duty and lis stBl in a precarious state. He had a narrow 'escape from being run over fcy his own car. His hands wer^ bad iy frozen. '

Up the state it is reported even more uncomfortable than in -New York city. In Buffalo all records since 1P99 were broken, with 8 degrees below zero.

Kodol supplies t he - bitUral juices of digestion and does the work oi the atomacrfi, relaxing ft* norvous tension, while the Inflamed -muscles and membranes of that organ- are. allowed to rest and fyeal. It cures indigestion, {latulsnce. p»lpita|fo,ti el the heart, nervous- dyspepsia, and all atomach tt-oubles by cleansiTtg^ purifying and strength ispng the glands, membrar)*s-of the stom­ach and dlgeSUvftorgina,

/ itarThmUrZ**$*ppfrZ*t. , ISottks |HI1»; % t,00 Sfz* hoMlnr ZH'Vmt

th(rtHU f!is,*hIcbjiU*for HOC? I tnm*iVf£CDtWITT4 C0-, CttlCAOtt.

L 5old liy «hMden ft Booths and HKX.

D &. Gilbert. PlattartKB-jW

1 /

mjilijir figure, but no itopswill bemadaj Arriving in Cleveland about 11 o'clock^

tl|e train-will be met, a t the station by the Icitizens' cOmmitljee [and by Troop1

A, ofc the Ohio na tura l guard cavalry,, width has been ordered by Governor Herbcic to act .as a special guard ofj !lionar»- , *• 1. - -» - ,

.Tibe catafalque Ihat whs used at Qie, .lying in state of tlie late'President Me-Ivinjey a t Canton, has been secured for "" ^-nijar purpose.. fcjr' ^enatoj; ..Haana,

ievolKhd.' ' " .\' •;.. ' '* .: burial will be ill J.ais;eview cem-Oft ths&ftitmg lino Of. the war.' All the e<**rK tb^ final eerehi^nites bilne held

iBjironfiftli eonnuandera herovl|a,ve in- -t^----•**------- *-----« • v •>» -forjftied their; respective governments of Clilna^s intontion ato throw;; troops Into the seat ot war to Manchuria.

Another Attack on Russian.Fleet. Tokyo, Feb. 17.—A report has just,

reached*here that the Japanese,; torpedo fle^t reattaeked the. Russian fleet at Port Arthur Feb. 14, and It is thought that one Russian warship was dam­aged. . , '


Two Th.onisland Men P*otectj th* port, Arthur Military StorAs. ' ei '

Port Aft&k. v|a phefu. Feb, T7.-4T.h( autborititesf jhavt taken jevery prebau tlon to pfcol set the arserial. .The ukna; gtiard of p)0 nen ha'sniowj been! in cfeased (Jo! :f,000. At Kinehow, Talien W an alid JBjldzlvo the forts sind gkrirl so^s b a H bpen repl'enlshjed threefold.!

In the '"ddstrbyer.'works a^ Nevfskj there is a great rash "Of acttivity|, j|if they are dc ing their ntmoat ^olaijtnel •sis partljy' mlsbed vessels nbw htiilp iiig. Labojr Is* scarce, but high wag^t'

* > * -

S e n t t o Bury Live W o m a n . New York, Feb. 17.—Mrs. Alexandet

Cosbie of f>16 East One Hundred and Fdrty-fourth street has ba<l *b0 dis­agreeable experience of having two nn-uennkers call'at her hoise for the pur­pose of preparing her oady for burial w hi M^ she was in excellent health, as were-1 her five children and h|er, hus-bartu.' After the visit of the second un­dertaker Mrs. Cbsbie_ appealed to J h e J - K ^ police. The unT|ertakers say they were acting In good faith and that the re* quest to visit the* Cosbie home Came from a well dr^ss^d woman about for­ty years old who had seemed to be greatly distressed' over Mrs. Cosbie'a death. . '

- | l t "Sfoide Mortuary # a p e l , a beftiitifu| structure in marble an^ mosaics, but wim such, a Umiled. soating captlclty— parhaps thirty or forty—that the cem-Qimk services will be private.. The b >#' will be placed ill pne of tfie re-0(ipMcles In: the chapel until spring. Bisllop Leonard will conduct brief s<!rv|ees In the chapel.

"** e church funeral services will be a^raftiged by Rev. George H. McGrew, D.Jj*,, pastor of S t Panl's. ' Th§ seat­ing Wpaclty of that-chdrch, 800,' will limit the attendance outside the fami­ly ahd public officiall'to probably 400. lihef Ohlo; state legislature is expected to attend ia a body.

The president will not go to Cleve­land! to attend the fnneral services

This was decided aft^r a con-r4ice with H.\ M. laanna at the ^hfte House. Secretaries Taft, Cor-

telyou and Wilsoja will represent the cabinet a t the Glelveland servicea.

'c Sorrow at the White House. Tflj.fe preslelent and all the attaches

W e ' in the general sorrow over the aieaj€l» of Senator Hanna. 'Fijpm the entrance «f the lamented

Mci Linley Into the White House Sena tbri iauna was a conspicuous figure at hJfie executive mansion. Both before iijiuj after he became a member of the | semfte Mr. Hanna was a,frequent call->|r a?t the White House/and his visits ; day s been frequent since Mr. Roose-sielt succeeded to the presidency. Pres ideit Roosevelt entertained a cordial rfegird for Senator Hanna, and the sieru tor cordially reciprocated that feel-

In Syracuse and Blmira ft jenched 15 below, and in Schenectady the schools h'ad to be closed. AJ1 trains of the Route, Watertown artd Oscdensburg rbad ha^e been abandbned because of the cold." r: I ...- -f • , ^ _ i _ — ^ .


Several Trains Stalted I'n Snovifdrffts 1 . Afil Night.

^iProvintetown. Massi,' Feb. 17.—The entire • Cape Cod section, which has heen-swept by a faiiotis hlfesard—the vjrorst since th^t of November; 189S^-has not recovered,..and; traffic on land arid navigation are delayed. ', The em­ployees of the New York, New Haven andyHartford railroad have succeeded, in digging out Several trains which were stalled during-the night.

One' of these was a train which- had left Boston for Pravineetown. The locomotive struck a big drift at.B^aeh .point,, and the train remained stalled. The trainmen, to spite ,of the bitter qold, managed, to send word to Prov-ineetown for assistance. Two : rehef trains Were started, but they, too, be­came stuck in the drifting snow, and the (attempt to dig out the Boston train had'to be abandoned for the night.

A t many points along the railroad the snow is packed and drifted much Worse than during the gale of 1898.

, ,- . , Rear Admiral Cotton Retires. '

Washington, Feb. 17. — Announce­ment is made at the navy departmen' of the retirement at his own reques? of Rear Admiral Charles S; Cotton commander in chief of the European station. Rear Admiral Cotton's re-

.1 quest tq .be retired was because of 'theieontinued ill health of bis wife. It Is thought, tliat he hauled down his nag-from the Brooklyn yesterday at Genoa, Italy. ' He probably will be, 8Ucceeded:by Rear Admiral French E. Chadwlck^ ' •,'•;•'

Twelve, Hurt In a Georgia Wreqk. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 17.^-The Florida

limited on the iSfestera and Atlantic railroad, soutnb§tt»a\ has been Wreckr *& eight miles fron)( tbis city. The? cars were overturned, and twelve1 persons were injured; two bf whom tnay die. The train, which. '• was |an hour and twenty minates. late, was mm|3ugiat n high speed. - I t teirrled a-full eomple-inent of -ptosengerg/ ineindinlg mani" from; <3bicag*fc 'Cincinnati andt^western citle* The m«ek was dne to tike break-' V(m of |mr ^xlef -

1 V

x - «

Coldest Day In Elmira, N. Y. jBlmira, N. Y., Feb. 17.—The mercu

ry.^dropped'to 15 degrees below zero in this city during the night, and the day is one of the coldest of the whiter. The "oldest resident'.' lis entirely out of Stories, for the Chemjung valley never suffered so before. ! Farmers report that witter wheat crops.are ruined be­cause of| the thaw early last week and the freeze following. Ice several inch­es tbici; ]covers acre after acre of wheat, arid the;plants are rotting.

Wane tessoiis* .MISS CDRONELL M. HUI>30N,

Will receive a UmitjOdi < number of pupil* "»t~ \ th? following

T E R M S : 2 0 L e s s o n s . - - - - - $ $ . $ 0

At Two JL>et4sons Pe r WeeliL I I 1

For further, particulars and hour* call at No. 80 Court s t ree t | i



i -TfS

Sells and Repairs BilHard and P o o l

r ? ,• ° : Tables. . 1

i otre<fe to Taxpayers. i i -ft

received the AssessmentEoll of the .City ,of ^ a t t s j j u r ^ ^ ^ e - W r ^ 1904, hopes is hereby giyenifibat^fc&e ». uadersi|pea wEl attend at ,hls cSicn at .the.: .First Hattonal Ba^ i , c<»rn«5- o t ^argar^fc and BrmkerhoSr s t r ee^ . Mthr said roll for thirty days from, the date ^ hereof,.! Sundays and legal .holidays1 f excepted, from 9:00 o'clock in the fi^e—^ noon uiitil 3:00 o'clock in feha af^r> f aoon, and from 7:00 until 9iOO o'doe&i J on Tuesday and Satairday evenings such 30, ^ y s , to receive taxes so sessed, without fee, percenta@e of terest thereom. •' /

On all taxes unpaid after ~ tiop of ^uch thirty days tWo.ipflrJI fees -wi^l' be collected.

On al^ taxes -remaining unpaid ^ sixty days from the date-;hereof,;' per cenj:. fees arid interest at the : of one per cent, per month fromj expiratilon of said sixty days wtljtjibel collected. ' ! '

Dated', Platteburgh, N. Y., Feb. 9, '04, . ! JOSEPH L. NASH, j . 0

i ' » ' City Chamberlain.

T&eir personal regard was based on the firmest respect While they dif­fers d a t times, as strong men may dlf-rjer, their personal relations never were fcjndlngered by the difference; Indeed jo iiigh was the regard in which tlie

brejtident held Mr.-Hnnna's ability aa a golitical manager apd as a potent. fjorfte in national affairs that a few -^ojjiths ago he reqiuested him urgently

e event of his pom!inatij0.n for the idency to assume again the cares responsibilities of directing the na-

lal campaign. While* i t was feared Hanna'sN health might induce him

decline again to 'accept the chair-' nship of / the Republican uational

Otnmittee, he had not returned at the hfie he was stricken by his fatal 111-

I a final answer to the president's nes t ; •;

. M^ Hanna, the senator's;: brother, s borne up well under the long ain. 1 He has directed most of the neral |irrangem4nts. "enator Scott of West Vhtgtnia, who s intimately associated, with Mr.

anna in Imsiness and politics, has ^lulapsed and.had'to be taken to bed.


Admiral Sfgsbee at Santiago. <3uba, Feb. I t—Rear Ad

Iruisers New York and Uatrolt have rrlyfeff.

ThuiWorst Storm In Years. Utica, K. Y., Feb. 17.—This section is

in the dutches of the worst storm of years. 'J'rjains on ay^railroads are late from a few minutes to seven hours. Some.are jstalled apd others annulled. Freight taaftic is at a standstill, and it will be J^Venil days before passenger 'travel ctn he resumed with any degree of reguu.rjty.

Frozen to Death lb Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Feb. 17. r— Thermometers

registered from 5 to 10 degrees below zeifo in Anji about Pittsburg. At Corry' it was 3D;degrees below zero. TJVO men were> fcnijid frozen to death, an un­known man in Allegheny and Robert O'Brien aft Coraopo% a suburb.

Veltn-ont Railway Tied Up, i g W v t t > ' F e b . l7..^H:ea.Yy

jiirali Charles: B.'Sigsbe^ has arrived! £n©\vfa ill accompar ied bf Joittfer cold f Oteio #s t i ine commftna of the tMted| |»'eathefi|have i i i t e i ' i h p t e t i ^ g e i n all pastes south Atl^htie squadron, Th^ pire^tigrii.1 * 4 triiias have w i v e d

troni tUf north ovejf the Rutland radl-ro&4 foeitiro a^jra.

• (

m i l Am lop lit* 13

Schools Ciosejd by Cold. < Scl<enel|tady, N. Y., Feb . .17. — T h e

High si.'hjool a^rtd' several of the- other' schools in this city have been closed by reasojji of t h e intense cold. Bliz­zard conditions . obltain/ S t ree t ea r traffic isj impeded. Country roads as?e practicr 1^' impassable . .' ,. '



Blnghamton, »-?. i., Jwa& 8,1901. V -lr. A J. Phillips, Norwood, S . Y.

The Famous A. 3. e. Rheum«tlf remedy that you promised to send i© when I was suffering so much *f . ;yracu*e, Waa duay received and ha i \ one all you sal* I t w*mldj stoppM ] ae paJis entirely, and I hsm not h*4 > taiy pjalit since..: On my way horn* „ j rom the Grand Lodge in May las t 1 verheard the master of Olean Lodg*.

^o. 253, complaining of faia, aaflerlim , md found that he Was then au!ferin#

aueh pain, and Ms l ianas were m o d Hstorted by rheumatJanv 4: told hfcen t mj sjEperienca and %mt Mm th» < ^ext da^ one of the bottaeft o t f<xwt^l amoha remedy, which he g^^ioJBy \ kn^wl^aged, but I hay© noli ye^hbuir /

i ts! effect butr a a v o n o donM, of tlMI $r

*uaJ good r e s u l t r' % \




Very t r a y your*. OUNTOK F BA$m.

."F.L.AF&CIT^ h

^r bmel six bottles for $5-00