Centereach and Lake Grove Mn. Ethci Smith. BOnk. 9-4752 A family dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bingay Friday night in honor of their son , Freddy ' s nine- teenth birthday. Freddy expects to enter the Air Force in the near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Ulrich and children, Richard and Charles, of McGaw avenue visited friends in Noyack after which they had dinner at Marotta ' s restaurant in Westhampton May 21. The occa- sion was in honor of the Ulrich' s eleventh wedding anniversary. MENNONTTE CHURCH The Centereach Mennonite church holds services as follows: Worship at 10 a. m., followed by Sunday school at 10:45 a. m., gos- pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday, and Bible study at 7:45 p. rn. Wed- nesday. The Rev . Curtis Godshall invites anyone in the community to attend services which are held at the church on Rustic road. R. C. CHURCH Masses are held at the Assump- ti on of the Virgin Mary R. C. chur ch at 8, 9, 10 and 11:30 a. m. every S u nd a y morning at the VFW ha ll. A dail y mass is said at the rectory on Crown Acres street at 8 a. m. every day. Services are under the di rection of the Rev. Fra ncis A. Fitzgerald and his as- sistant , the Rev . J oseph A. Bel- fiore. COMMUNITY CHURCH The Centereach Community ( Presbyterian) church holds serv- ices as follows : Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., worship at 10:45 a. m. Sunday; Adult Bible study group at 10:30 a. m. Thursday; the jun- ior high Confirmation class meets at 1 p. m. Wednesday; the senior hi gh Confirmation class meets at the Port Jefferson Presby terian church at 3 p. m. Wednesday. A special session meeting was held at the church last night. The staff of The Visitor met at the Coram church Sunday night. The choir of the church led by Mrs. Wi lliam Scott earned a rati ng of 90 per cent at the junior choir f est ival held May 18 at the Sag Harbor Presbyterian church. At the mor ning serv ice Coreen Lee Herr schaft , dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herrschaft of Stanley drive , was baptized by the Rev. Norman Minard. Next Wednesday will be Suf- folk county day to go to Madison Square Garden to take part in the Bil ly Graham crusade. The Rev. Mr. Minard has . a few reserved seat t ickets. Those who desii-e to go by the special train from Baby- l on must mak e arrangements im- mediately. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Firs t Congregational church of New Village- holds ' services as f o l l o w s r- Sunday schoo l at 9:45 a. m., Svorship at 11 a. m., Youn g People ' s meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday; prayer and Bible study v«>at S p. m. W ednesday, and cnoir rehearsal at S p. m. Thursday. The flowers in the church Sun- day were given b y the Kuhnett family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Presske. Because of the Missionary Con- ference this weekend. C o m m u n io n Sunday will not be held next Sun- day but will be held on June 9. At 2 p. m. June S) members of the church will hold a service at the Suffolk home in Yap hank. Everyone is invited to participate. Starting that day evening services of the church will be held out- doors in the parking lot , weather permitting, and will start at 7:30 p. m. instead of S p. m. The Sunday school annual p icnic will be held on June 8 at Wildwood State park. A bus will leave the Sunday school building at 9 a. m. and return home at 5:30 p. m. Par- ents are invited to attend. There will be games and sports for all ages. The third annual missionary con- ference of the church will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 p. m. Friday the speaker will be Harold Kook , evangelist of the Go spel Mission to the Jews. The Rev. Alex Leonovick of Chicago, III., Evangelist missionary for the Slavic Gospel association , reaching t he Russian s f o r Christ , will speak at 8 p. m. Saturday. Moe Sabinia will speak on missionary activities in Japan at 11 a. m. Sunday. "Uncle Win " Reulke and his grou p with the Bible Fellowship will be at the Sunday school building for the children at 3 p. m. All parents are welcome. Following this serv- ice a fellowship buffet supper will be s erved in the basement. All are invited. The Rev. and Mrs . Charles Neilson , appointees to Japan under the Evangelical Alli- ance Mission , will be the guest speakers at 8 p. m. Mrs. Neilson is well-known here and in Pat- chogue. as she is the former Miss Mary Hazard of Patchogue. Every- one is welcomed to attend any or all of these serv ices ' . LUTHER A N CHURCH Se rvices at the Centereach Lu- theran church aie Sunday school at 9 a. m. and worship service at 10:30 a. m. The Rev. Kenneth Hoen er has annou nced " cottage plan " meetings. The adult discus- sion group is now in session , one meeting in Lake Grove at 8:30 p. m. today and one in Eastwood Village at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Rudol ph Ba u- mann of 36 Pickett lane, East- wood Village , will serve as hosts today in the first weekly series on Christian education and 1 Lutheran ^ teaching. The following men accompanied Pastor Hoener to the banquet at St. Peter ' s Lutheran church in Huntington Station Sunday night: Harry Gustafson, Fred W. Krey- ling, George E. Martin and Paul J. Steidel. The purpose of the meeting was to organize a Suf- folk unit of the Lutheran Lay- men ' s league. Eastwood Village Jottings Mrs. Michael Pasculli , ROnkonkoma 3-3953 Edythe Penmacoor of 93 East- wood " boulevard , daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penmacoor , re- ceived her first Hol y commun ion on Saturday at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Mrs. Aileen Arthur of 72 Jay road attended the Spring confer- ence of Parent and Teachers as- sociation held at Centerport on Thursday. The progra m included various workshops and a dinner . Mrs. James Cleary and children , Micha el an d Pa t r ici a , of 130 East- wood boulevard are all recovering from Jhe mumps. Mrs. Leo Argano and children , Jimmy and Ann Elizabeth , of 154 Eastwood boulevard left Friday- to visit her parents, Dr. a nd Mrs. James B. Pettis in Staunton , Va ., for a two-week vacation. The Ar- ganos were guests of Mr. and Mrs . Peter Perricone of Lake Grove on May 18 at a midnight supper party. ' Gil Pasculli , son ol Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pasculli , celebrated his tenth birthday oh Friday with his brother , Frank ,, and sister, Maria , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armato and children , Linda and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Leone and chil- dr en, Louis , Janice and Elaine, Mrs. Michael Acanipora and daughters , Michel le , Patricia and Candace. all from Eastwood boule- vard. Lind a and Johnny Armato, chil- d ren of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A rmato of 86 Eastwood boulevard , sp ent the weekend with their grandmother , Mrs. Talma M . ilano, at her summer home in Commack. The Good News cl ub met for the last time this season at Mrs . Alfred Siciliano ' s of 118 Eastwood boulevard. Those at te nding were Jo hnny a nd Sue Ann Si c iliano, Johnny and Nancy Cart er, Daria a nd Renee 'Mohteleone. - The club will resume in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montele ono and daughters, Dana and Renee, of 138 ' Eastwood boulevard cele- brated their eleventh anniversary on May 15 w ith a famil y dinner. They spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs . Stephen JVlon- geluzzi of Elmont. M r. and Mrs. William Gimler of 131 Eastwood boulevard returned from a few days visit upstate. Their daughter, Patty , received her first Holy communion on Saturday at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Diane Gregory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete r Gregory ol 15 Bar- bara driv e, received her first Hol y communion Saturday. Guests were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Andrus of New York city and M r b . There. -a Gregory of Uniondale. Mr. and Mrs. J oseph J J iaimile oi 31 Barbara drive celebrated then- daughter Diane' s first Holy com- munion Saturday. Their son , An- thony, and guests, Mr. Disimile' s mother, Mrs. Theresa Disimile, Di- ane' s godmothe r, Mrs. Lucille Gia- cobbi , M rs. Disimile ' s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charl- es Scala , and Dian e ' s cousins, Ma- rie and Ann Lascalzo. all from Astoria , enjoyed this happy occa- sion. The Disimiles also have three foster children , Mark Jorden , P au- la Wiseman and Bertha Lyons. Step hen Zeltinanss of 23 Wagon Lane East, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zeltinanss, received h i .s first Holy communion Saturday. The Zcltnianass ' enjoyed a family gathering wi*h their children , Pa- mela , Jean Mark , Michelle , Gerard , Anthony and the new baby boy. The Barbara drive Coffee club met at Mrs. Marie Sabine' s home on Lenard lane May 20 , with the following ladies attending: Mes- dames Marion Norberg, Mary Ri- chardson, Irene Whel en, Angie La- Bplita , Virginia Cooney, Flo Die- fenbach, Ann Nicolos i , Esther Di- simile and Madeline Murray all from Barbara drive , Mrs. Aileen Arthur and Mrs. Kitty Clingan from Ja>' road , M rs. Flo McGuire of "Lenard lane and Mrs. Bridget Burrows of Eastwood boulevard. Thr . ee cousins Rosemary LaBolli- to , James Whelen , J r., and Regina Richardson, all of Barbara drive received their firs t Holy commun- ion Saturday and celebrated with their families at the Richardson ' s home at 51 Barbara drive. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson and children , Patricia " , Charles, J r., and Lilli an, M r. and Mrs. Nichola s ' L a- Bollita and chi ldr en , Lorraine , Th e- resa , Antoinette and Regina and Mr. and Mr s. James \Vhelan and daughter , Catheri ne , were present. Mrs. Sebastian Leone and daughter , Janice, and Mrs. Mich- ael'P asculli and daughter, Maria , had luncheon recently with Mrs. Leone ' s school chum , Mrs. Toni Buccetta, an d daughte r , Toni A n n, of Kin gs ' Park. SCOUTIN G I.N EASTWOOD Centereach Cub Scout Pack 21 had a meeting at the Unity Drivt; school last Wednesday. The meet- ing was . conducted by assistant Cubmasters George White of 222 Eastwood boulevard and Robert Johnson of 44 Lenard lane. The Webelos Den received the honor den flag for this month. All dens had exhibitions on fire prevention. The following boys received awards: Ralph Francois, Lion book; Nick D'Angelo, year pin; Howard Brockway, Michael Rey- n olds, Kenneth Trele wiz and Gre- gory Partridge, Bobcat pins; Ri- chard Ehrhart Wolf Badge and one gold arrow ; and Paul Levine , one silver arrow. Kim Pansine who was transferred from We^t' -iury was welcomed into the pack. At the end of the awards the p ack drilled for the Memorial day pa- rade. Troop 27 of the Brownies met at their leader ' s , Mrs. Henrietta Acanipora, with Mrs. Jeanne Mon- teleone assisting. The following girls passed their test to fly-up in June to the Intermediate T r oj p : Elaine Leone , Linda Armato , Lor- raine Borger , Candace Hill , Bar- bara Murray, Susan Diefenbach, Susan Keller , Ginger DeOstiguy, Phyllis Gregory and Phyllis Kust. The Court of Awards will be held on June 12 at the VFW hall. The Girl Scouts of Centereach enjoyed their field day Saturday at Hecksher State park. The troops were taken by bus and had planned activities and races for the day. Neit her rain , sl eet , ice nor heat prevents deliver y to your home or your oHjce ot your Patchogue Advance. Only $8.00 a year. Write or telephone the Circulation Man- ager and start your paper today —Grover 5-1000—Adv. Dawn Estates N ews Items Mrs. Michael l J i.«ulli. KO. 8-3S33 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agius of lo-l Stanley drive celebrated their sixth anniversary Sunday with a family dinner with their children , Steven , Susan and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Venters of 120 Stanley drive celebrated their son. Robert , Jr ' s., birthday Friday with his sister. Lindy Jane , at a family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quad of 125 Stanley drive celebrated liis birthday Thursday with a famil y- dinner with their children , Diane and Joseph , Jr. The Quads cele- brated their sixth anniversary Fr i- day with dinner out. A dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kix of 96 Stanley drive in honor of his birthday May 21 with their children , Debra Ann and Fred- erick , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herrschaft of 213 Stanley drive attended ihe baptism of their daughter, Coreen Lee , May 19 at the Centereach Community ( Presbyterian) church with the Rev . Norman Minard of- f i c i a t i ng and the congregation act- ing as sponsors. Miss Carol Duffy of Lake Ronkonkoma and her fiance , Robert Maly of Stanley drive , and the Hert-schafts ' chil- dre n , Cynthia , Michael , Charlene and Cheryl , were dinner guests in honor of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Deni- mareh of- 147 Stanley drive cele- brated his birthday Saturday with their children , Anthony, Michael , Maria and Ray, at a familv din- ner. Your friends will know good t aste an d skilled workmanshi p have been embodied in the wed- ding invitations you order from The Patchogue Advance—at bud- get prices. —Ad v. Mr. and Mrs. George Donnelly of 12(> Dawn drive celebrated her bi rthday Saturday with their chil - dre n , Steven and James , and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Na- lepa, Mi. and Mrs. Michael Cani- marato, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cop- pola and Mrs. Dorothy Price , all of Dawn drive. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haggerty of 1 73 Noel driv e celebrated her birthday Monday with their chil- dren , Danny and Michael , at a family dinner. M r. and Mrs . H y Goldstein of 257 Stanley di-ive and son , Arthur, enjoyed the porforniance of their older son , Lar ry in the Fif e , Jug and Bottle band in the Musical festival held at the Unity Drive school May 19. Larry piayed a Jug. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Massaro of 158 Stanley drive enjoyed the com- pany of Mrs . Massaro' s brother and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Al Maltese of Brooklyn, May 19. Mr. and 31 rs. Steve Massaro of 158 Stanley drive visited her . fath- er Mr. Maltese in St. Catherine' s hospital in Brooklyn Friday. Frank Abbruzzo, Jr. , of 169 Noel drive , son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbruzzo, was disappointed when he was taken ill and couldn ' t re- ceive his first communion with his friends. The Centereach Cub Scout Pack 21 had a meeting at Unity Drive school last Wednesday. The fol- lowing boys received awards: Ni- cholas Fortune Wolf badge; Bruce Kaplan and Billy Mal y, Lion badge ; Barry lmprote joined the Webelos Den. Den 4 made posters on fire prevention. Mr . and Mrs . John A quila of 167 Stanley drive visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disclafani , and her brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs . Sam Lombardo, both of Brooklyn. May 19. 3 Easy Steps—1. Phone GRO- ver 5-1000; 2. Say that you wish to subscribe to The Advance; 3. Give us your name, home addr ess or P. O. Box number. —Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Galeota of 136 Stanley drive celebrated her birthday Saturday with her fath- er , Raymond Guvre of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs . waiter Rothamel of 108 Stanley drive celebrated their s o n , Lawrence' s birthday, Saturday with his brothers, Steven and Raymond, and guests , Judy La Bar , Christine and Diane Bar- tolomeo , Jean Cinriuapalnia. Shop Smith and Richard Fratecelli , all of Stanley drive. Thomas La Bau was discharged after four years of service in the armed force* May 19. He is now residing with his brother-in-law and sister , Mr. aud Mrs. I' cter Accard i of 154 Stanley drive. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Massa of 147 Dawn drive are the parents of a son, Edward Michael , born May 17 at Brookhaven Memorial hos- pital , weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces. The Massas have two other chil- dre n , Mic hae l , Jr., and Candy. Holtsville and Farmingville Mr». Harol d Leas, SEld*n 2-473J The Holtsville Fire department Ladies ' auxiliary will meet at 6 p. m. Monday at the Holtsville Community hali. The ladies will hold a food side beg inning at 10:30 a. m. June 15 at the Holts- ville hall. The Farmingville Fire depart- ment Ladies ' auxiliary will meet at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday at the Farmingville fireball. Both aux- iliaries will participate in the Me- morial day parade. The Parent-Teacher association will meet at S:30 p. m. next Wed- nesday at the Waverly Avenue school. The Community Democrate club will meet at 8 p. m. Monday at the Farmingville firehall. The Ladies ' auxiliary of Brook- haven Memorial hospital will hold a dance at 8:30 p. m. Saturday at Holtsville Community hall. Music will be furnished by the Bostonians. A plastics demonstration spon- sored by the Community Good Deeders will be held at 8 p. m. today at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lambert of Waverly avenue. All Girl Scout mothers are asked to make an effort to attend as the proceeds will go toward the Girl Scout Troops. The Community Good Deeders will hold a cake sale from 10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. June 8 at Santucci' s in Farming- ville. Th e Mo ther ' s club of Boy Scout Troop SO will hold a dance from 7:30 to 11 p. m. today at Farming- ville fy-ehall. Boys and g irls from age 11 and up are invited to attend. A small admissi on fee will be charged. The proceeds will go to hel p send Boy Scouts to Camp Baiting Hollow in August. There are vacancies in the Boy Scout Jamboree troop. Any scout interested in going, please get in touch with Scoutmaster Herman DeCastro, Starling place , SEld en 2-57 11. The jamboree will be held July 12 to 18 at Valley Forge, Pa . Scoutmaster DeCastro will go as assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 23. The Assembly ot God Pente- costal church holds Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and worship at 11 a. m. and an evangel i stic service at 8 p. m. Sunday. It is located at 250 Frances boulevard Visitors at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Trueit of Waverly avenue Saturday were Mr. and Mrs . Julius Zanotelli of Cypres3 Hills. The local Home Extension unit will have a covered-dish outdoor picnic June 11 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Kaffka of Farm-to- Market road starting at 11 a. m. Installation of new officers will also take place. The Ladies ' Aid of the Furming- ville-H o 11 s v i 1 1 e Congregational church will hold an amateur night at Farmingvile firehall July 20. Anyone interested in trying out for this affair p lease contact Mrs. Ruth Cr uger, Farm-to-Market road and Medford avenue or call SElden 2-3844. Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read , Sr., of Waverly avenue were Mr. and Mrs. George Read and son , Jack , Mr s. Jane Pa rfces and Mr. Herman , a ll of Flushing, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Widdmer of Copiague. Boys and girls who have been attending the Youth Night dances went to New York city by bus Saturday. They left at 7:30 a. m. from the Jacobs ' home on Waverly avenue, arriving in New York city at 9:30 a. m. The group took a guided tour of Rockefeller center , had lunch in an Automat, went to a Penny arcade on Broadway, to Radio City Music hall , and then had dinner. They took a television tour and visited St. Patrick' s cathedral , arri ving home at mid- night. Mr. Catizzio was the driver of the bus. Girls attending were Ste ph anie Carbonar o, Joan n An- selnio, Roseann Garite, ' Frances Rodri quez , Lydia Martino, Ju ne Mauro , Cathy Giossi , Marion Stuart, Elinor Elfast, Patricia Ol- sen and Esther LandahL Boys were George Greene, J ohn An- selmo. Andy Gonzalez , Eddie Koso, William Elfast and Leon Carbon- ero. Chaperones were Mesdames Sadie Sardone , Rose Mercadante, Edith Jacobs , Lillian Peters and Matilda Gardner. The next dance will be June 21 at Farmingville firehall. Mrs. Frank Kuc-liinskas of Wav- erl y avenue attended a bridal shower for Miss Edna DelPriore at the home of Mrs. Gerard Del- Priore of Glcndale Saturday. Miss DelPriore will be married to Mrs. Kuchinskas' nephew , David South- wick of Ozone Park , on July 13. Members of the Holtsville-Farm- ingville fire departments went to Westhampton Air Force base to put on an exhibition along with other lire companies of . Suffolk county Sunday. Miss Linda Ann Fredsell, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fredsell of Pineaire avenue, at te n ded the Spring piom May 21 at St. Joseph' s academy, Brentwood, to which the boys of LaSa-lIe Military academy, Oakd a l e, were invited. Mr and Mrs Joseph Reth of Vautrin avenue arc the parents of a son , James , born May 9 at Brookhaven Memorial hospital , weighing 7 pounds , 1 ounce. Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Paul Zunno of Waverly ave- nue Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kellehcr and son , Roy, of Uniondale. Miss Garnet Terry of Hunting- ton and Miss Judith Terry of Queens General hospital were at the home of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Millard Terry, Sr., of Waver- ly avenue, over the weekend. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Peters of Jamaica a\ e- nue Saturday were Mr and Mrs George Pugh of Medford. Leslie Terry, son of Mr and Mr.- . Arthur Terry, Sr . of Farm-to- Market road , i s visiting his brother , 'Artiiur Terry. Jr., of Eggert_-vilie t ' roni Tuesday to Sunday Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Men-andante , Sr., of Powell avenue Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Giusefti and chil- dren and Mrs. Maria Giusetli. all ot " the Bronx. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valot and children , Patricia and Edward , of Brookl yn visited Mr. and Mrs. George Driscoll of Boxwood !;.ne Saturday and took a cottage on Flower avenue for the summer. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bahnnuiller of Cedaroaks avenue had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Toder of Port J e f f e r s on Saturday ni ght. Mrs. Robert Schunk of Farm- to-Market road , along with other of the Li ghthouse Bowling team attended the play. "Most Happy Fella , " and had dinner at McGuin- ness , in New York city last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schunk , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aspenleiter, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aspenleiter. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wissemer attended the wedding of Miss Eileen Hene- han to Irwin Kohler at St. Mary ' s R. C. church in Winfield and the reception at Johnnie Walker' s in Winfield Saturday. There will oe no Girl Scout meetings this week. Troop 37 is getting their float ready for the Memorial dry parade. The com- mittee of Girl Scouts Troops 14 and 28 will hold an outdoor cook- out at the home of Mrs. Martin Ragl of Jamaica avenue at 7 p. m. June 1 1. Mrs Albert Matlat of Rcxmere avenu e and her daughter , Mrs . Walter O'Brien of Ridgedale ave- nue, attended the first Holy com- munion of Mrs Matlat ' s grand- daughter, Barbara Ann Felice of Plainedge, Saturday Joseph Mango, son of Mr. and Mrs . Fred Mango of Pinedale avenue, celebrated His sixth Jairth- day Sunday. Guests were Mr and Mrs . Melchiore M a r s a 1 a, Mrs. Charles Argento and children and Anthony Marcello , all of Long I sland Ci t y, and Mrs . Anna Mar- cello of New York citv. ' Willia m Lalla , son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lalla of Waverl y* av enue, played an a-ccordion solo entitled, "Go Way," in the piano accordion concert presenting pupils of Miss Helen Parmelee at Port Jefferson Elementary school Sun- day. Frederick Franke played "Let's Dan ce the Polka " in the junior accordion band and Sam Robinson , Jr., played "Two Gui- tars " in the senior accordion band. Proceeds of this affair went to S t. Charles hospital , Port Jefferson. Mr. a nd Mrs . Edward C. Ben- jamin of Long Island avenue are the parents of an 8 pound 14 Vs ounce boy. Jack, born at Brook;- haven Memorial hospital , Satur- da y. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at Ann ' s Sweet Shop, Beck- er ' s Delica tessen , Rudco Drug store, M and R Food Fair and Pel- lecci a' s in Farm ingville. —Adv. The Memorial day parade will start at 2 p. m. tomorrow from the baseba l l field i n F armingv ille . and will end at the Waverly Ave- i nuc school in Holtsville. | Miss l.auraiee Lambert , daughter ei ' Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur Lambert 1 of Waverl y avenue, made her con- firmation Sunday at St. Paul' s F.p is- copal church , Patchogue . Bishop ; Jaiaec IhW.df ortieiated. Cue. -L- at the Lambert home for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. William Swain and sou, Robert , and Mrs. Anna Simon , all of Ozone Park ; Mrs. Henrietta Simon of Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Lambert and daughter. Carol , and Mrs. Jennie Lambert, all of Seaford ; Morton Levine of Patchogue : Mr. and Mrs. James Smisek anil chil- dren of Bohemia, ami Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speight of Fort Washington , Pa., who spent the weekend. In the afternoon , Lauralee was in the p iano annd violin recital direc- ted by Raymond Lysak at Bayport High school . Lauralee played a piano solo "Valse Mignone" and also accompanied Mr. Lysak while he played the "Gold and Silver Waltz " on the violin. Miss Patricia Magenis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magenis of Long Island avenue , was con- firmed S u n d ay at St. Paul' s Episco- pal church , Patchogue with Bishop DeVVolf officiating. Dinner guests at her home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jenkins and son , Donald , of -Garden City; Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Grammels of Hollis; Mr. and Mrs. George Roessler of Islip, and Miss Virginia Krauz of Holts- ville. The Patchogue Advance ia on saje at Far rcll' s Delicatessen , Ski' s and L ydecker' s General Store in Holt sville. —Adv. Cynthia Rose and Tina Rennee Hulse , dau ghters of Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Hulse , J r., of Waverly avenue, were christened Sunday at St. Ann ' s Episcopal church , Sayville, by the Rev. Joseph Bond. A party was held at the Hulse home with the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Hulse, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Phili p Hulse and sons , Davi d and Charl es, Mr. and Mrs: Edward Chamier and son , Kevin , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stan- cyzk and Mr. and Mrs . Harold Nesbitt , all of Patchogue; Mr. and M rs. Charles Zvonik , M r. and Mrs. John Zvonik , Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bergen , Jr , and son, Gary, and Miss Lillian Zvonik , all o f Holbrook; Mr. and Mrs. John Hammill and children , Debbie and Maureen , of Wapp inger Falls, and Mi sses Cathy and Linda Hulse, al so daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Hulse, Jr. Field day sponsored by Central Suffolk Girl Scouts was held Sat- urday at Heckscher State park. Girl Scouts of Troops 14 and 28 who attended were Diane Davis , Barbara Ann Keller , Marie Alver , Grace Santa Lucia , Carol Katen , Donna Lee Podolsky, Marsha Kim- brel, Cath e rine Stallone, Margi.ret Bernhardt and Sally Ann Alfano ; also Mrs. Olga Alver and Mrs. Ida DeCastro. The girls went by I Fogarty bus. Winners ofi ' ,the three-legged race wore Grace Santa. ' ! Lucia and Carol Katen who won ; [ the ted ribbon for second p lace. I Brownie Troops 'J. 'j and 26 also | attended. Girls of Troops J.i were I Virginia /.ablocky. Marie Masi'do , : Franem- ; o ' nen . dune Uilev , Karen I. -iwe . I.orcLia Alver . Mary Alv.-r ; and Patricia Maxwell . Girls of! Troops 26 were Pamela- Audi- .ore, ! Maria Magagna , Anita Soria , ! Kathy DiPierro , Patricia O'Brien , ; Julie Ann Tiei i-.ey, Sandra Schom- | her , Nancy Bond , Alice Alexander j and R o s e m a ry Reinpel: also Mrs. j Jeanette Riley a-nd Mrs. Connie ! Soria. leaders , and co-workers ¦ Mesdames G. Magagna , Marion ' , Auditore and Mabel Matlack. The g irls gained L'6 points between the ! troops in the different races. The j bean race was won by Maria- ' Magagna and Anita Soria , hopp ing race b y Francine Cohen, Pamela j Auditore and Nancy Bond; sack race by Anita Soria- , Patricia Max- well , Maria Magagna , Nancy Bond ! and Rosemary Rempel . All Girl I Scouts and Brownies are to meet j at the ball field in Farmingville at 1 :30 p. m. tomorrow for the i Memorial day parade. The Suffolk County Council of Catholic women will sponsor its monthly Rosary for Peace in honor of Our Lady of Fatima at 4 p. m. Saturday over Radio Sta - tion WALK. Contributions which make the half-hour program possible on the lirt Satuiday of every month may be given by any organization or individual. The coming program was supported by the St. Rosa- lie ' s Catholic church Rosary so- ciety of Hampton Bays , an d mod- erator will be the Rev. Martin Flynn , St. Rosalie' s pastor. All contributions and corres- pondence can be sent to the Suf- folk County Council of Catholic women at 149 Fifth avenue, Bay Shore. Use Our CLASSIFIED Columns Catholic Women ' s Rosary for Peace On WALK Saturday Drivo wWti core ... eve rywhere I Bmdfcjh5HaWCBM5iBSIffi - "*«- /> I' -jl ' j. ft ^'- i/^^^^^B{!p} dwMB^EBBKiSSl ^BSB^^ HF^£^!£y ff^PSfl^Br ff . ^ H^C ?*^^*M^^^^^^ P P gtM e^^^^^^ ' ' ' ' ^ r ^^^J^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMf ^^^^' *4>r* A^"!*^?^M?«Js ££3MbMtf ^^ ^^^SflHcwi ^^^^^^n^^^fl^H^^H^^^^^^I^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I^^^^H^^^^^^^^^ H^HlH^^^^^^^^^^^ I^^^^^^I^I^^^^^^^^ I^^^P^^H^I^^^^K^^^^I^^^^I^H^^^^^B ^^!$>^ : ^^BIj ^a*^ '' ^tw^^^m^BKBmWi ^mm^^x^^BtoBm ^^m^mm^^m^mm^^a^^m ' JnW loves to cut loose and cover the miles ! If you' re looking for a real " escape artist , " not with Chevrolet ' s high-perform - a car that lovea to step out and get ance V8 on the pulling end. You ' ve got XSM S&$&\ JMZM^w away from it all well , it just happens up to 245* horsepower here for the fQflfCM mS^^Sl that Chevy was born with , that urge, biggest helping of driving pleasure found {nS^*^^^4B$Ep If there ever was a car that loved to in the low-price field ! ^\^ M ^B ^^ mMMhT cut loose and cover the miles, it ' s this Chevy' s new Positraction rear axle , ^S5^KRO£ ^J one. Yet it' s so easy to handle that it (optional at extra cost) adds still more l \/m\ mmm ^JMMMW even makes city traffic seem a bit pleasure. It delivers greater power to ^^^¦^ ¦^P*^ lighter and parking places a bit bigger, the wheel tha t grips , not the wheel that GET A WINNINC DEAL ON Chevy' s pretty easygoing out on the slips. You have surer control and better THE CHAMPION I highway too. Not pokey. Far from it. traction on any road surface. You find , for example, there isn't a hill Stop by your Chevrolet dealer' s * oPtionai a t extra cost. 270-h.p. around that can make it breathe hard before another good driving day goes by. h '* iv " H,b^ a . n t c ^II «i " ,so Cmlyfranchised Chevrolet dealers /fa!t ' |[p»)ron^ di s play this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer * sssssssm^ssss^^ INSURE YOUR CAR WITH P&R Potter & Robinsons, Inc. BNSSSKSmSSSKS^^ jfej jpff ' ¦ J^ =jj P? S ^JPilr^t ROOM AIR I AUTOMATIC , 1 " mW ^ "*¦» I TEMPEBATURE CMfflOL I CONDITIONER I w" 1 VWllB/l I lUHbll f COMFORT 0ONTMI 1 Hot humid weather is rou gh on air I »n»BT»Qic I conditioners. For your qomfort the I iucTiii»Tinu 1 G-E Deluxe Thinl ine is designed to I INSTALLATION I stand u p to rugged heat and humidity. I j> ^ 1 Full coolin g capacity; quiet efficient 1 ^M^ ^^ ^. ^\ operation; beautiful cabinet design; \ ^ 4r ^^ S*. ^^^^ . General Electric dependability. —W ^ - ' > . . .. - «TT Free Installation Limited Time Only "THE STORE THAT BEATS CITY PRICES" PATCHOGUE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. WAREHOUSE OUTLET IN PA TCHOGUE 174 MEDFORD AVENUE GR over 5-4666 , 5-4667 , 5-4607 IN SMITHTOWN 45 EAST MAIN ST. SH 2-2270 Daily Till 6 P. M. Thurs. and Fri. Till 9 .P. M.

loves to cut loose and cover the miles!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1957-05-30/ed-1/seq-23… · William Scott earned a rating of 90 per cent at the junior choir festival

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Page 1: loves to cut loose and cover the miles!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1957-05-30/ed-1/seq-23… · William Scott earned a rating of 90 per cent at the junior choir festival

Centereach and Lake GroveMn. Ethci Smith. BOnk. 9-4752

A family dinner party was heldat the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Bingay Friday night inhonor of their son , Freddy's nine-teenth birthday. Freddy expectsto enter the Air Force in the nearfuture.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Ulrichand children, Richard and Charles,of McGaw avenue visited friendsin Noyack after which they haddinner at Marotta's restaurant inWesthampton May 21. The occa-sion was in honor of the Ulrich'seleventh wedding anniversary.

MENNONTTE CHURCHThe C e n t e r e a c h Mennonite

church holds services as follows:Worship at 10 a. m., followed bySunday school at 10:45 a. m., gos-pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday,and Bible study at 7:45 p. rn. Wed-nesday. The Rev. Curtis Godshallinvites anyone in the communityto attend services which are heldat the church on Rustic road.

R. C. CHURCHMasses are held at the Assump-

ti on of the Virgin Mary R. C.church at 8, 9, 10 and 11:30 a. m.every S u nd a y morning at theVFW hall. A daily mass is said atthe rectory on Crown Acres streetat 8 a. m. every day. Services areunder the direction of the Rev.Fra ncis A. Fitzgerald and his as-sistant, the Rev . Joseph A. Bel-fiore.


The C e n t e r e a c h Community( Presbyterian) church holds serv-ices as follows: Sunday school at9:30 a. m., worship at 10:45 a. m.Sunday; Adult Bible study groupat 10:30 a. m. Thursday; the jun-ior high Confirmation class meetsat 1 p. m. Wednesday; the seniorhi gh Confirmation class meets atthe Port Jefferson Presbyterianchurch at 3 p. m. Wednesday.

A special session meeting washeld at the church last night. Thestaff of The Visitor met at theCoram church Sunday night. Thechoir of the church led by Mrs.William Scott earned a rating of90 per cent at the junior choirfest ival held May 18 at the SagHarbor Presbyterian church.

At the morning service CoreenLee Herrschaft , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Herrschaft ofStanley drive, was baptized by theRev. Norman Minard.

Next Wednesday will be Suf-folk county day to go to MadisonSquare Garden to take part in theBil ly Graham crusade. The Rev.Mr. Minard has. a few reserved seatt ickets. Those who desii-e to goby the special train from Baby-lon must make arrangements im-mediately.


The First Congregational churchof New Village- holds' services asfollowsr- Sunday school at 9:45a. m., Svorship at 11 a. m., YoungPeople's meeting at 6:30 p. m.Sunday; prayer and Bible study

v«>at S p. m. W ednesday, and cnoirrehearsal at S p. m. Thursday.

The flowers in the church Sun-day were given by the Kuhnet tfamily in memory of Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Presske.

Because of the Missionary Con-ference this weekend. CommunionSunday wil l not be held next Sun-day but will be held on June 9.

At 2 p. m. June S) members ofthe church will hold a service atthe Suffolk h o m e in Yaphank.Everyone is invited to participate.Starting that day evening servicesof the church will be held out-doors in the parking lot , weatherpermitting, and will start at 7:30p. m. instead of S p. m.

The Sunday school annual p icnicwill be held on June 8 at WildwoodState park. A bus will leave theSunday school building at 9 a. m.and return home at 5:30 p. m. Par-ents are invited to attend. Therewill be games and sports for allages.

The third annual missionary con-ference of the church will be heldFriday, Saturday and Sunday at8 p. m. Friday the speaker willbe Harold Kook, evangelist of theGospel Mission to the Jews. TheRev. Alex Leonovick of Chicago,III., Evangelist missionary for theSlavic Gospel association, reachingthe Russians for Christ , will speakat 8 p. m. Saturday. Moe Sabiniawill speak on missionary activitiesin Japan at 11 a. m. Sunday. "UncleWin" Reulke and his group with theBible Fellowship will be at theSunday school building for thechildren at 3 p. m. All parentsare welcome. Following this serv-ice a fellowship buffet supper willbe served in the basement. Allare invited. The Rev. and Mrs.Charles Neilson, appointees toJapan under the Evangelical Alli-ance Mission , will be the guestspeakers at 8 p. m. Mrs. Neilsonis well-known here and in Pat-chogue. as she is the former MissMary Hazard of Patchogue. Every-one is welcomed to attend any orall of these services'.

LUTHERAN CHURCHServices at the Centereach Lu-

theran church aie Sunday schoolat 9 a. m. and worship service at10:30 a. m. The Rev. KennethHoener has announced "cottageplan" meetings. The adult discus-sion group is now in session, onemeeting in Lake Grove at 8:30p. m. today and one in EastwoodVillage at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudol ph Bau-mann of 36 Pickett lane, East-wood Village, will serve as hoststoday in the first weekly series onChristian education and1 Lutheranteaching.

The following men accompaniedPastor Hoener to the banquet atSt. Peter 's Lutheran church inHuntington Station Sunday night:Harry Gustafson, Fred W. Krey-ling, George E. Martin and PaulJ. Steidel. The purpose of themeeting was to organize a Suf-folk un i t of the Lutheran Lay-men 's league.

Eastwood VillageJottings

Mrs. Michael Pasculli, ROnkonkoma 3-3953

Edythe Penmacoor of 93 East-wood" boulevard , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Penmacoor, re-ceived her first Holy commun ionon Saturday at the Church of theAssumption of the Virgin Mary.

Mrs. Aileen Ar thur of 72 Jayroad attended the Spring confer-ence of Parent and Teachers as-sociation held at Centerport onThursday. The progra m includedvarious workshops and a dinner .

Mrs. James Cleary and children ,Michael and Patr icia, of 130 East-wood boulevard are all recoveringfrom Jhe mumps.

Mrs. Leo Argano and children,Jimmy and Ann Elizabeth, of 154Eastwood boulevard left Friday- tovisit her parents, Dr. and Mrs.James B. Pettis in Staunton , Va.,for a two-week vacation. The Ar-ganos were guests of Mr. andMrs. Peter Perricone of Lake Groveon May 18 at a midnight supperparty.'

Gil Pasculli , son ol Mr. and Mrs.Michael Pasculli, celebrated histenth bir thday oh Friday with hisbrother, Frank,, and sister, Maria ,Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armato andchildren, Linda and Johnny, Mr.and Mrs. Sebastian Leone and chil-dren, Louis, Janice and Elaine,Mrs. M i c h a e l Acanipora anddaughters, Michelle, Patricia andCandace. all from Eastwood boule-vard.

Linda and J o hn n y Armato, chil-dren of Mr. and Mrs. RichardArmato of 86 Eastwood boulevard,spent the weekend w i t h theirgrandmother, Mrs. Talma M.ilano,at her summer home in Commack.

The Good News club met forthe last time this season at Mrs.Alfred Siciliano's of 118 Eastwoodboulevard. Those attending wereJohnny and Sue Ann Siciliano,Johnny and Nancy Carter, Dariaand Renee 'Mohteleone.- The clubwill resume in the fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleonoand daughters, Dana and Renee,of 138 ' Eastwood boulevard cele-brated their eleventh anniversaryon May 15 with a family dinner.They spent Sunday with his par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen JVlon-geluzzi of Elmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Gimler of131 Eastwood boulevard returnedfrom a few days visit upstate.Their daughter, Patty, received herfirst Holy communion on Saturdayat the Church of the Assumptionof the Virgin Mary.

Diane Gregory, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Peter Gregory ol 15 Bar-bara drive, received her first Holycommunion Saturday. Guests wereher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Andrus of New York cityand M r b . There.-a Gregory ofUniondale.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph JJiaimile oi

31 Barbara drive celebrated then-daughter Diane's first Holy com-munion Saturday. Their son , An-thony, and guests, Mr. Disimile'smother, Mrs. Theresa Disimile, Di-ane's godmother, Mrs. Lucille Gia-cobbi, Mrs. Disimile's brother andsister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charl-es Scala , and Diane's cousins, Ma-rie and Ann Lascalzo. all fromAstoria, enjoyed this happy occa-sion. The Disimiles also have threefoster children, Mark Jorden , Pau-la Wiseman and Bertha Lyons.

Stephen Zeltinanss of 23 WagonLane East , son of Mr. and Mrs.Harold Zeltinanss, received h i .sfirst Holy communion Saturday.The Zcltnianass' enjoyed a fami lygathering wi*h their children , Pa-mela , Jean Mark , Michelle, Gerard ,Anthony and the new baby boy.

The Barbara drive Coffee clubmet at Mrs. Marie Sabine's homeon Lenard lane May 20, with thefollowing ladies attending: Mes-dames Marion Norberg, Mary Ri -chardson, Irene Whelen, Angie La-Bplita, Virginia Cooney, Flo Die-fenbach, Ann Nicolosi , Esther Di-simile and Madeline Murray allfrom Barbara drive, Mrs. AileenArthur and Mrs. Kit ty Clinganfrom Ja>' road , M rs. Flo McGuireof "Lenard lane and Mrs. BridgetBurrows of Eastwood boulevard.

Thr.ee cousins Rosemary LaBolli-to , James Whelen , J r., and ReginaRichardson, all of Barbara drivereceived their first Holy commun-ion Saturday and celebrated wi ththeir families at the Richardson'shome at 51 Barbara drive. Mr.and Mrs. Charles Richardson andchildren, Patricia", Charles, Jr., andLillian, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas' La-Bollita and chi ldren, Lorraine, Th e-resa, Antoinette and Regina andMr. and Mrs. James \Vhelan anddaughter, Catherine, were present.

Mrs. S e b a s t i a n Leone anddaughter, Janice, and Mrs. Mich-ae l'P asculli and daughter, Maria ,had luncheon recently with Mrs.Leone's school chum , Mrs. ToniBuccetta, and daughter, Toni Ann,of Kings 'Park.


Centereach Cub Scout Pack 21had a meeting at the Uni ty Drivt;school last Wednesday. The meet-ing was .conducted by assistantCubmasters George White of 222Eastwood boulevard and RobertJohnson of 44 Lenard lane. TheWebelos Den received the honorden flag for this month. All denshad exhibitions on fire prevention.The f o l l o w i n g boys receivedawards: Ralph Francois, Lionbook; Nick D'Angelo, year pin;Howard Brockway, Michael Rey-nolds, Kenneth Trelewiz and Gre-gory Partridge, Bobcat pins; Ri-chard Ehrhart Wolf Badge andone gold arrow ; and Paul Levine ,one silver arrow. Kim Pansine whowas transferred f rom We^t '-iurywas welcomed into the pack. Atthe end of the awards the pack

dril led for the Memorial day pa-rade.

Troop 27 of the Brownies metat their leader's, Mrs. HenriettaAcanipora, with Mrs. Jeanne Mon-teleone assisting. The followinggirls passed their test to f ly-upin June to the Intermediate Troj p:Elaine Leone, Linda Armato, Lor-raine Borger , Candace Hill , Bar-bara Murray, Susan Diefenbach,Susan Keller, Ginger DeOstiguy,Phyllis Gregory and Phyllis Kust.The Court of Awards will be heldon June 12 at the VFW hall.

The Girl Scouts of Centereachenjoyed their field day Saturdayat Hecksher State park. The troopswere t a k e n by bus and hadplanned activities and races forthe day.

Neither rain, sleet, ice nor heatprevents delivery to your homeor your oHjce ot your PatchogueAdvance. Only $8.00 a year. Writeor telephone the Circulation Man-ager and start your paper today—Grover 5-1000—Adv.

Dawn EstatesNews Items

Mrs. Michael lJ i.«ulli. KO. 8-3S33

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agius oflo-l Stanley drive celebrated the i rsixth anniversary Sunday wi th afamily dinner w i th their children,Steven , Susan and Michael.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Venters of120 Stanley drive celebrated the i rson. Robert , J r 's., b i r thday Fridayw i t h his sister. Lindy Jane , at afami ly dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quad of125 Stanley drive celebrated liisbirthday Thursday with a family-dinner with their children, Dianeand Joseph, Jr. The Quads cele-brated the i r sixth anniversary Fri-day with dinner out.

A dinner party was held at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. FrederickKix of 96 Stanley drive in honorof his birthday May 21 with theirchildren, Debra Ann and Fred-erick , Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Herrschaftof 213 Stanley drive attended ihebaptism of their daughter, CoreenLee, May 19 at the CentereachCommunity ( Presbyterian) churchwith the Rev . Norman Minard of-ficiating and the congregation act-ing as sponsors. Miss Carol Duffyof L a k e Ronkonkoma and herfiance, Robert Maly of Stanleydrive, and the Hert-schafts' chil-dren , Cynthia, Michael, Charleneand Cheryl, were dinner guests inhonor of the event.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Deni-mareh of- 147 Stanley drive cele-brated his birthday Saturday withtheir children, Anthony, Michael,Maria and Ray, at a familv din-ner.

Your friends will know goodtaste and skilled workmanshiphave been embodied in the wed-ding invitations you order fromThe Patchogue Advance—at bud-get prices.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. George Donnellyof 12(> Dawn drive celebrated herbi rthday Saturday with their chil-dren, Steven and J a m e s, andguests, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Na-lepa, Mi. and Mrs. Michael Cani-marato, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cop-pola and Mrs. Dorothy Price, allof Dawn drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haggertyof 173 Noel drive celebrated herbirthday Monday with their chil-dren , Danny and Michael , at afami ly dinner.

M r. and Mrs. H y Goldstein of257 Stanley di-ive and son , Ar thur,enjoyed the porforniance of theirolder son , Larry in the Fife, Jugand Bottle band in the Musicalfestival held at the Uni ty Driveschool May 19. Larry piayed aJug.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Massaro of158 Stanley drive enjoyed the com-pany of Mrs. Massaro's brotherand sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. AlMaltese of Brooklyn, May 19.

Mr. and 31 rs. Steve Massaro of158 Stanley drive visited her.fath-er Mr. Maltese in St. Catherine'shospital in Brooklyn Friday.

Frank Abbruzzo, Jr., of 169 Noeldrive, son of Mr. and Mrs. FrankAbbruzzo, was disappointed whenhe was taken i l l and couldn 't re-ceive his first communion with hisfriends.

The Centereach Cub Scout Pack21 had a meet ing at Uni ty Driveschool last Wednesday. The fol-lowing boys received awards: Ni-cholas Fortune Wolf badge; BruceK a p l a n and Bil ly Mal y, Lionbadge ; Barry lmprote joined theWebelos Den. Den 4 made posterson fire prevention.

Mr. and Mrs. John A quila of 167Stanley drive visited her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disclafani,and her brother-in-law and sister,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lombardo, bothof Brooklyn. May 19.

3 Easy Steps—1. Phone GRO-ver 5-1000; 2. Say that you wishto subscribe to The Advance; 3.Give us your name, home addressor P. O. Box number.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Galeota of136 Stanley drive celebrated herbir thday Saturday wi th her fa th-er , Raymond Guvre of I l l inois .

Mr. and Mrs . wa i te r Rothamelof 108 Stanley drive celebratedtheir s o n , Lawrence's bir thday,Saturday with his brothers, Stevenand Raymond, and guests, JudyLa Bar , Chr is t ine and Diane Bar-tolomeo, Jean Cinr iuapalnia . ShopSmith and Richard Fratecelli, allof Stanley drive.

Thomas La Bau was dischargedafter fou r years of service in thearmed force* May 19. He is nowresiding with his brother-in-lawand sister, Mr. aud Mrs. I'cterAccard i of 154 Stanley drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Massa of147 Dawn drive are the parents ofa son, Edward Michael , born May17 at Brookhaven Memorial hos-pital , weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces.The Massas have two other chil-dren , Michae l , Jr., and Candy.

Holtsville and FarmingvilleMr». Harol d Leas, SEld*n 2-473J

The Ho l t sv i l l e Fire d e p a r t m e n tLadies ' aux i l i a ry wil l meet at 6p. m. Monday at the Hol tsv i l leC o m m u n i t y hal i . The ladies wil lhold a food side beg i n n i n g at10:30 a. m. June 15 at the Holts-ville hall.

The F a r m i n g v i l l e Fire depart-ment Ladies' a u x i l i a r y wi l l meetat 8:30 p. m. Tuesday at t heFarmingvi l le f i r eba l l . Both aux -iliaries w i l l pa r t i c ipa t e in the Me-morial day parade.

The Parent-Teacher associationwil l meet at S:30 p. m. next Wed-nesday at the Waverly Avenueschool.

The C o m m u n i t y Democrate clubwil l meet at 8 p. m. Monday atthe Farmingvi l le f i rehal l .

The Ladies' aux i l i a ry of Brook-haven Memorial hospital w i l l holda dance at 8:30 p. m. Saturdayat Holtsville Communi ty hall.Music wi l l be furnished by theBostonians.

A plastics demonstration spon-sored by the Communi ty GoodDeeders will be held at 8 p. m.today at the home of Mrs. Ar thurLambert of Waverly avenue. AllGirl Scout mothers are asked tomake an effort to attend as theproceeds will go toward the GirlScout Troops. The Communi tyGood Deeders will hold a cakesale from 10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m.June 8 at Santucci's in Farming-ville.

The Mother 's club of Boy ScoutTroop SO will hold a dance from7:30 to 11 p. m. today at Farming-ville fy-ehall. Boys and girls fromage 11 and up are invited to attend.A small admission fee will becharged. The proceeds will go tohelp send Boy Scouts to CampBaiting Hollow in August.

There are vacancies in the BoyScout Jamboree troop. Any scoutinterested in going, please get intouch with Scoutmaster HermanDeCastro, Starling place, SElden2-5711. The jamboree will be heldJuly 12 to 18 at Valley Forge,Pa. Scoutmaster DeCastro will goas assistant Scoutmaster of Troop23.

The Assembly ot God Pente-costal church holds Sunday schoolat 9:30 a. m. and worship at 11a. m. and an evangelistic serviceat 8 p. m. Sunday. It is locatedat 250 Frances boulevard

Visitors at the home of Mrs.Dorothy Trueit of Waverly avenueSaturday were Mr. and Mrs. JuliusZanotelli of Cypres3 Hills.

The local Home Extension unitwill have a covered-dish outdoorpicnic June 11 at the home ofMrs. Ruth Kaffka of Farm-to-Market road starting at 11 a. m.Installation of new officers willalso take place.

The Ladies' Aid of the Furming-ville-H o 11 s v i 1 1 e Congregationalchurch will hold an amateur nightat Farmingvile firehall July 20.Anyone interested in t rying outfor this affair please contact Mrs.Ruth Cruger, Farm-to-Market roadand Medford avenue or call SElden2-3844.

Saturday visitors at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read,Sr., of Waverly avenue were Mr.and Mrs. George Read and son ,Jack , Mrs. Jane Parfces and Mr.Herman, all of Flushing, and Mr.and Mrs. Russell Widdmer ofCopiague.

Boys and girls who have beenattending the Youth Night danceswent to New York city by busSaturday. They left at 7:30 a. m.from the Jacobs' home on Waverlyavenue, arriving in New York cityat 9:30 a. m. The group took aguided tour of Rockefeller center,had lunch in an Automat, wentto a Penny arcade on Broadway,to Radio City Music hall, and thenhad dinner. They took a televisiontour and visited St. Patrick'scathedral, arriving home at mid-night. Mr. Catizzio was the driverof the bus. Girls attending wereStephanie Carbonaro, Joann An-selnio, Roseann Garite, ' FrancesRodri quez , Lydia Mart ino, Ju neMauro, Cathy Giossi, M a r i o nStuart, Elinor Elfast, Patricia Ol-sen and Esther LandahL Boyswere George Greene, John An-selmo. Andy Gonzalez, Eddie Koso,Will iam Elfast and Leon Carbon-ero. Chaperones were MesdamesSadie Sardone, Rose Mercadante,Edith Jacobs, Lillian Peters andMatilda Gardner. The next dancewill be June 21 at Farmingvi l lefirehall.

Mrs. Frank Kuc-l i inskas of Wav-erly avenue attended a bridalshower for Miss Edna DelPrioreat the home of Mrs. Gerard Del-Priore of Glcnda le Saturday. MissDelPriore wil l be married to Mrs.Kuchinskas' nephew, David South-wick of Ozone Park , on July 13.

Members of the Holtsville-Farm-ingvi l le fire departments went toWesthampton Air Force base toput on an exhibi t ion along withother lire companies of . Suffolkcounty Sunday.

Miss Linda Ann Fredsell, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fredsellof Pineaire avenue, at tended theSpring piom May 21 at St. Joseph'sacademy, Brentwood, to which theboys of LaSa-lIe Mi l i t a ry academy,Oakdale, were invited.

Mr and Mrs Joseph Reth ofVaut r in avenue arc the parentsof a son , James, born May 9 atBrookhaven Memorial hospital,weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce.

Visitors at the home of Mr andMrs Paul Zunno of Waverly ave-nue Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.Michael Kellehcr and son , Roy,of Uniondale.

Miss Garnet Terry of Hunt ing-ton and Miss Judi th Terry ofQueens General hospital were atthe home of their parents, Mr. andMrs. Mi l la rd Terry, Sr., of Waver-ly avenue, over the weekend.

Visitors at the home of Mr. andMrs. E l w i n Peters of Jamaica a\ e-nue Saturday were Mr and MrsGeorge Pugh of Medford.

Leslie Terry, son of Mr and Mr .- .A r t h u r Terry, Sr. of Farm-to-Market road, is visiting his brother ,

'A r t i i u r Te r r y . Jr . , of Egger t_- v i l i et'roni Tuesday to Sunday

Vis i to r s at the home of Mr. andMrs . Ral ph M e n-a n d a n t e , Sr., ofPowell a v en u e Sa tu rday were Mr.and Mrs. Rocco Giusef t i and ch i l -dren and Mrs. Maria Giusetli . allot" the Bronx.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valot andchi ldren, Patr ic ia and Edward , ofBrookl yn v is i ted Mr. and Mrs.George Drisco l l of Boxwood !;.neSaturday and took a cottage onFlower a v e nu e for the s u m m e r .

_ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. B a h n n u i l l e rof Cedaroaks avenue had d i n n e rat the home of Mr. and Mrs.Roswell Toder of Port Jef fersonSaturday ni ght.

Mrs. Robert S c hu n k of Farm-to-Market road , along w i t h o the rof the Li ghthouse Bowling teamattended the play. "Most HappyFella," and had d inne r at M c G u i n -ness, in New York ci ty last Wed-nesday. Mr. and Mrs. RobertSchunk, Mr. and Mrs. JosephAspenleiter, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Aspenlei ter. Jr., Mr. andMrs. A r t h u r Meyer and Mr. andMrs. Edward Wissemer a t t endedthe wedding of Miss Eileen Hene-han to I rwin Kohler at St. Mary 'sR. C. church in Winfield and thereception at Johnnie Walker's inWinfield Saturday.

There wi l l oe no Gir l Scoutmeetings this week. Troop 37 isgetting the i r float ready for theMemorial d r y parade. The com-mittee of Girl Scouts Troops 14and 28 wi l l hold an outdoor cook-out at the home of Mrs. MartinRagl of Jamaica avenue at 7 p. m.June 11.

Mrs Albert Matla t of Rcxmereavenue and her daughter, Mrs.Walter O'Brien of Ridgedale ave-nue, attended the first Holy com-munion of Mrs Matlat 's grand-daughter, Barbara Ann Felice ofPlainedge, Saturday

Joseph Mango, son of Mr. andMrs. Fred Mango of Pinedaleavenue, celebrated His sixth Jairth-day Sunday. Guests were Mr andMrs. Melchiore M a r s a 1 a, Mrs.Charles Argento and children andAnthony Marcello , all of LongIsland City, and Mrs. Anna Mar-cello of New York citv.' William Lalla, son of Mr. andMrs. Alfred Lalla of Waverly*avenue, played an a-ccordion soloentitled, "Go Way," in the pianoaccordion concert presenting pupilsof Miss Helen Parmelee at PortJefferson Elementary school Sun-day. Frederick Franke played"Let's Dance the Polka" in thejunior accordion band and SamRobinson, Jr., played "Two Gui-tars" in the senior accordion band.Proceeds of this affair went toSt. Charles hospital, Port Jefferson.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ben-jamin of Long Island avenue arethe parents of an 8 pound 14 Vsounce boy. Jack, born at Brook;-haven Memorial hospital, Satur-day.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at Ann's Sweet Shop, Beck-er's Delicatessen, Rudco Drugstore, M and R Food Fair and Pel-leccia's in Farmingville.—Adv.

The Memorial day parade willstart at 2 p. m. tomorrow fromthe baseba ll field in Farmingv ille

. and w i l l end at the W a v e r l y Ave-i nuc school in H o l t s v i l l e .| Miss l .auraiee Lamber t , d a u gh t e rei' Mr. and. Mrs . A r t h u r Lamber t

1 of Waver l y a v e n u e, made her con-f i r m a t i o n Sunday at St. Paul' s F.pis-copal church , Patchogue. Bishop

; Ja iaec I h W . d f o r t i e i a t ed . Cue.-L-at the Lamber t home for d i n n e rwere Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m Swainand sou, Robe r t , and Mrs. A n n aSimon , all of Ozone Park ; Mrs.Henriet ta Simon of Richmond H i l l ;Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Lambertand daugh te r . Carol , and Mrs.J e n n i e Lamber t , a l l of Seaford ;M o r t o n Levine of Patchogue : Mr.and Mrs. James Smisek anil c h i l -dren of Bohemia, ami Mr. and Mrs.Frank Speight of Fort Washington,Pa., who spent the weekend. Inthe a f t e r n o o n, Lauralee was inthe p iano annd viol in recital direc-ted by Raymond Lysak at Baypor tHigh school. Lauralee played apiano solo "Valse Mignone" andalso accompanied Mr. Lysak w h i l ehe played the "Gold and SilverWaltz" on the v io l in .

Miss Patr ic ia Magenis, daugh te rof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magenisof Long Is land avenue, was con-f i rmed Sunday at St. Paul's Episco-pal church , Patchogue w i t h BishopDeVVolf off ic ia t ing. Dinner guestsat her home were Mr. and Mrs.Henry Jenkins and son, Donald,of -Garden City; Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Grammels of Hollis; Mr. andMrs. George Roessler of Islip,and Miss Virginia Krauz of Holts-ville.

The Patchogue Advance ia onsaje at Farrcll's Delicatessen, Ski'sand Lydecker's General Store inHoltsville.—Adv.

Cynthia Rose and Tina RenneeHulse, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.Leverett Hulse, J r., of Waverlyavenue, were christened Sundayat St. Ann 's Episcopal church ,Sayville, by the Rev. Joseph Bond.A party was held at the Hulsehome with the following guests:Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Hulse, Sr.,Mr. and Mrs. Phili p Hulse andsons, David and Charles, Mr. andMrs: Edward Chamier and son ,Kevin , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stan-cyzk and Mr. and Mrs. HaroldNesbitt , all of Patchogue; Mr.and Mrs. Charles Zvonik, M r. andMrs. John Zvonik, Mr. and Mrs.Gary Bergen, Jr, and son, Gary,and Miss Lillian Zvonik, all ofHolbrook; Mr. and Mrs. JohnHammill and children, Debbie andMaureen, of Wappinger Falls, andMisses Cathy and Linda Hulse,also daughters of Mr. and Mrs.Leverett Hulse, Jr.

Field day sponsored by CentralSuffolk Girl Scouts was held Sat-urday at Heckscher State park.Girl Scouts of Troops 14 and 28who attended were Diane Davis ,Barbara Ann Keller, Marie Alver,Grace Santa Lucia, Carol Katen ,Donna Lee Podolsky, Marsha Kim-brel, Cath erine Stallone, Margi.retBernhardt and Sally Ann Alfano;also Mrs. Olga Alver and Mrs.Ida DeCastro. The girls went by

I Fogarty bus. Winners ofi ',the

three- legged race wore Grace Santa. '! Lucia and Carol Katen who won ;[ t he t ed r ibbon for second p lace.I B rownie Troop s 'J.'j and 26 also| a t t ended . G i r l s of Troops J.i wereI V i r g i n ia / . a b l o c k y . Mar ie Masi'do , :

F r a n e m - ; o'nen . d u n e Ui lev , KarenI. - i w e . I . o r c L i a A l v e r . Mary A l v . - r ;

and Pa t r ic ia M a x w e l l . Girls o f !Troops 26 were Pamela- Audi-.ore, !

Mar ia Magagna , A n i t a Soria , !K a t h y D i P i e r r o , Patricia O'Brien , ;Ju l ie Ann Tiei i-.ey, Sandra Schom- |her , Nancy Bond , Alice A lexande r jand Rosemary Re inpe l : also Mrs. jJ e a n e t t e R i l ey a-nd Mrs. Connie !Soria. leaders , and co-workers ¦Mesdames G. Magagna, Marion ',Auditore and Mabel Matlack. Thegirls gained L'6 points between the !troops in the d i f f e ren t races. The jbean race was won by Maria- 'Magagna and A n i t a Soria , hopp ingrace by Franc ine Cohen, Pamela jAudi to re and Nancy Bond; sackrace by An i t a Soria-, Patricia Max-well , Maria Magagna, Nancy Bond !and Rosemary Rempel. All G i r l IScouts and Brownies are to meet jat the ball field in Fa rmingv i l l eat 1 :30 p. m. tomorrow for the iMemoria l day parade.

The Suffolk Coun ty Council ofCatholic women wil l sponsor itsmonth ly Rosary for Peace inhonor of Our Lady of Fatima at4 p. m. Saturday over Radio Sta -tion WALK.

Cont r ibu t ions which make theha l f -hour program possible on thel i r t Satuiday of every month maybe given by any organization orindividual . The coming programwas supported by the St. Rosa-lie 's Catholic church Rosary so-ciety of Hampton Bays, and mod-erator will be the Rev. MartinF l y n n , St. Rosalie's pastor.

Al l con t r ibu t ions and corres-pondence can be sent to the Suf-fo lk County Council of Catholicwomen at 149 Fif th avenue, BayShore.

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