Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus

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  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Bedah Saraf

    Mild head injury + Open depressed

    fracture of the frontalis sinus

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Patient identity

    Name : Zulfahmi

    Age : 23 years old

    Sex : Male Address : Pesantren darul


    Samahani, Aceh Besar


    : 987808

    Phone : 085260422626

    Drive license : (-)

    Patient came at: 09.00 AM

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Chief complaintDecrease of consciousness

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Patient illnes historyThe patient was referred from private clinic to ZainoEmergency Room with decrease of consciousness for 1 houcomplaint started when he was riding motorcycle withoand suddenly strucked with another motorcycle from besidthen his head hit to the asphalt. History of decrease of cons(-). History of nausea and vomiting (+).

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Physical examination

    Primary survey :

    A: Clear

    B: Spontaneous, RR: 20 breaths/ minute, C: Pulse 82 beats/minute, Blood Pressure:

    110/80 mmHg

    D: GCS: 14 (E3M6V5) ; isochoric pupil Right3mm/ Left 3mm,


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    L/S at the right frontal region

    L: Wound (-), Swelling (+)

    F: Deformity (+)

    L/S at the upper face region

    L: Hematoma (+), Edeme(+)

    L/S at the mid face region

    L: Swellling (-)

    F: maxilla floating (+)

    L/S at the lower face region

    L: Swelling (-)

    F: mandible floating (+)

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Assessments:Mild head injury + Maxillofacial fracture (Le Fort II) + Mandfracture

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus



    Stop oral intake

    Head up 30

    Oxygen 4 litre via canule

    IVFDNaCl 0,9 % 20 drips/minutes

    Urinary Catheter

    Ceftriaxone inj. 1 gr

    Metamizol Sodium inj 1 gr

    Laboratory examination Radiology examination

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Laboratory result Hb

    : 11,8 gr/dl

    White blood count : 8.500 /ul

    Platelet : 239.000 /ul

    CT : 7 minute

    BT : 2 minute Ht : 35 %

    Blood glucose ad random: 98 mg/dl

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Radiology result

    Head CT-Scan:

    SCALP hematome ar the frontal region

    There was depressed fracture at the right frontalregion

    Sulcy and gyrus in normal limit

    Ventricle and cysterna system in normal limit

    There was no midline shift.

    Scheddle AP / Lat

    Parasymphisis of mandible fracture

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Diagnose:Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis Maxillofacial fracture (Le Fort II) + Parasymphisis mandible fAnemia

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Consult to Neurosurgery Division :Craniotomy depressed fracture elevated

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Consult to Plastic surgery ORIF Elective

    Head CT 3D

    Oral hygiene

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Intra operative

    Patient in supine position, head up 300 with general anesthesia.

    Performed aseptic and anti septic procedure

    Performed linear incision at the frontal until bone

    Identified depressed fracture at the anterior and posterior wall of frontalsinus

    Irrigated wound with perhydrol 3% + povidone iodine 10% + normal salin0,9 %

    Bone was removed with canable

    Duramater intact and not tension

    Performed decortication

    Bleeding control

    Bone was returned with mozaic position Wound closed by primary suture.

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Post Operative diagnose

    Mild head injury (ICD 10 CM S.06) + Open depressed fractfrontalis sinus (ICD 10 CM S.06) + Maxillofacial fracture ((ICD 10 CM S.06) + Parasymphisis mandible fracture (ICS02.60) + Anemia (ICD 10 CM D50)

  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


  • 8/11/2019 Mild head injury + Open depressed fracture of the frontalis sinus


    Date S O A P


    POD I




    BP : 110/70

    mmHgPulse: 80




    GCS : E4 M6 V5

    = 15

    isochoric pupil

    Mild head

    injury (ICD 10

    CM S.06) +Open


    fracture of the

    frontalis sinus

    (ICD 10 CM

    S.06) +


    fracture (LeFort II) (ICD

    10 CM S.06) +



    fracture (ICD

    10 CM S02.60)

    + Anemia (ICD

    10 CM D50)

    IVFD NaCl 0,9 % 30


    Ceftriaxone inj 2g/24hours

    Ranitidin inj 25 mg

    /12 hours

    Metamizol Sodium 1

    gr/8 hours

    Liquid diet 6 x 100 cc

    Oral hygiene