Media Evaluation Question 2

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As all my products are on different and contrasting mediums they do not have a noticeable house style as a CD digi-pack would. In fact the links between them are only constructed through symbols and imagery. On all three I have used the traditionally Gothic Horror colour scheme of reds and blacks, with the reds and greens of the mask adding a personal touch to the products. The Film Poster and Short Film have similar themes in the way the villain remains small and hidden in both, symbolising him being a part of the protagonists and the audiences psyche.

The brand concept, or the message portrayed in all of the products, is the need to advertise and portray a horror scenario. My poster is the main piece of advertising out of all my products, designed so my target audience would want to go and watch it. Film posters must provide a certain amount of anticipation for the films release, by giving a short teaser image to the audiences. It has a similar role in this essence to a film trailer. Whilst the old saying says “Never judge a book by its cover” my audience will judge my film from its poster, to get an idea of whether or not to watch it from the quality set by my this initial imgery. My Magazine Review also advertises the film in a more unconventional way, as it gives more relative information on the film to those who may be interested in watching it. Together my ancillaries help advertise the main product and collectively they can be taken as one promotional package.


In all of my products I have an overarching logo, mascot and theme of the mask and murderer, which provides the main imagery. This is conventional to the Horror/Slasher genre, in which the villain often becomes the main image associated with the franchise. Famous Horror imagery includes Jason Voorhees’ battered old hockey mask in Friday the 13th, and Freddy Krueger's clawed glove from Nightmare on Elm Street. The sinister and iconic mask is recognizable throughout all my products and links them all together as its major piece of imagery.

MEDIA INSTITUTIONS AND BRAND IMAGES Brand Images are vital to Media institutions as without

them and without a recognizable theme mistakes can be made as to who it is aimed at and what it will be about. For example, if my poster had a pink colour scheme it wouldn’t have seemed like a horror, and it would have caused confusion in the marketing stage, meaning I wouldn’t have targeted my audience correctly and it wouldn’t gain any level of popularity.

To stick correctly to my brand image and the conventions of the horror genre with all my products I have tried to stick to a generic colour scheme and the usage of a standard Horror Villain. In this way all my products group together and there is no confusion as to what genre it is.

DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCT My Main Product, as it is only a short film, would be unlikely to be

distributed in conventional formats like television and film, but instead on popular video sharing websites like YouTube and Vimeo. Both of these websites are good to use to attract different demographics; YouTube is more popular with teenagers so would make my product more readily accessible for my key demographic, whilst Vimeo is more popular for high definition videos and is more professional, especially if you wanted film making as a career. The film can be then shared on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to broaden its views and make it viral. It is unlikely for big production companies to distribute a short film, unless they put it on their video sharing channel.

My Magazine Review would be distributed and published in a film specialist magazine like Empire and Total Film. However the distribution of a film poster is much harder to classify. If the film became popular the poster would most likely be used on film sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes and popular information sites like Wikipedia as the main image for the film. It could also be put on billboards, in bus stops and on walls on high streets so more people would see it and be interested in the film. However, as my film is a short I doubt it would get that well distributed, so it would most likely remain viral to be closely associated with the film.


Together my main product and my two ancillary products had to combine to create one effective and realistic product. I believe I have achieved this task, as all my products make up one bigger product with the same theme and purpose despite them all being designed and viewed in different mediums.