r V: OLUME XXIX. HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDL AN p ,' WEDNESDAy, APRIL 25, 1888. NUMBF.R 2! FOR INTIBNAL -AND- llTIBNALUSl L The S'U.bsor1bers would respectfully call the attention of the :Merchauts of Newfoundl11nd to their stock of FISH · NETT IN (..t S for .e aenson of 1888. ---o--- -:\"ow on hRncl, made up specially lor tl• c Island lfishc ri cs, nnd with particular r .. · ga rd to th e ir requiremeuts, Seines for C od, He rrin g, an d Cap lin. ·' '.\' u •• I •· to furn is h nny ot t he uu u ,·o of any length flllU depth, mnd o I • • II tittl -Shepard C*e> 1d J.\4ed a1 Tlli'! Tw me the liyht{Jst Seine J"M.1ibfe, with the gl'euL reqtt..i recl I•J ,,,;t!,•t t ll•l •ll') ll :w•· an· lll<llll lot.Pt l in u m11nn er < t pproved arc r tcl<l!J fur -u3e; wn.L I', .. ': . I ., •·OUO FI S IIINO. C OD- TRAPS ctl an y or s t. ylt>, m Rd l' tn on !Pr ut shot·t no ti ce. A II 11 izt"H •·eu dv for irnm ,. dinte Je liv er v. For gilling th .i •, Ll. o Cutton net s urpMscs any other kind, and is the nuut prnli table to SH EET-N E TTING f H ' " ·' k111g or 1 C 'l'•tiriug 'e iu es , or Ud l can be 1111pplied, 10 nny size mesh and twin• ·, at OJtCe n!•On r E'Celf•L of o•·d er . COTT ON LI NES I \V'u ca n Cutwn Lines, T .\ RIH:o or \VRIT tt of· II s nre •·i nr (lllltlity, lu o rcl or. \V1it •• I·• •· pr iCt.>H hP11il'e oJde 1111g. \Ve tt ro th o n• l mnllllf . tctur( ·r ::. ui li, h n ett ing in LIH· Uni lcd ::3 t•t!Hs. It ou r ··fiil rl :.o lnarn r eq uircmcu l.ll of ti shc rrueu, anJ produce the goods best. uJap te<l lo tl!e ir wants. \ We s pin o ur own Ya}t n nd P.re th o onl )' JUtillUfac tul·e rs of tho Gold MedaJ whi ch htta received " ward wh er ever e xl!ilsited, in c luding tho Lond on In - tornntioMI where we received the on ly Gold M ed11l awarded lor super- io rity of Twin.-.s lind N•·ttin g. Bei ng mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw o ur can rilly on flte qunlit1 of U ll l' goods, 1\Dd be IU!ll lli'CU oi wwut possible pricea. Can fill orders hy wil'e ut sho rt notice ttnd will givo tl. em crtreful o n. ESTABLISHED . .. 1842. CAPITAL $360,000. Mills at &!Jton , Oanton a nd A ME RICAN & TW•NE CO. , \ 43 CoD1IDercial Street, BOSTON, Massi, U S.A. THE M YS T'r: Rv found, Opinions were bao di t>d Advertisemen ts. 11hont; aowe !\:tiri he have e«CftttAd in the .. ....... ........... ................... - -- -o -- · · fog ttnd i;Ot off t.y R friendly ; CHAPTER IV -(ccmcludlri.) thAt 1 1 e lutd waited till 'm orn ing, und l:fe depa. rted whh uograolooa reply ring1ng 1 t.l ep· 1 rted lllisurely, in dU.guilw,iu wo 011111 's iu hie eAr'l, aod u.-graoioua 1 felt iL to be l:ihe , · d bo lted tho agai n, aud pa lled t he clotl1et1. ot· 1\ lals<n.:r s j NO a ew cuahioo off mpbead. geatcd he had not gone 11t all, lm l WJ\8 Are you emothered, child? &et up. Now , lyihg conceAled iu it yeL. 'l'b e first opinion mark rne: you muat oot aay a wqrd w Mr. Ed· was the . more probable onE', people said; GE NERAl . 4saurauc e; Cam , ' J.,... ,. l .i'l .Jt£-rA. wio of what happened at the BOmmer- while th P of his 1\dopt.in r• w nm 1\ ' !l nsrn . T ...,.,-, :: -;:-.::::=:_ lion ell .• Oo weotion it at all, to him or to !Jc,. \\ Ja u;;l! ed a t; a 01 ,, 11 of fl .. 1 '.J j ·" 1 ' ) 1 A l H--7. Any boa) el•• entre's hoi,IH so ultired would bo folll>w •· .l 1 n AuutSehoa?' o 1 ., 0 ' . M El . 1 .. H L,\.Tl 'H·fl!' 1 • How can you be .Philip Kios;r ie the us tt. gJI\ ntcs.'l. t "'':t 1 f• :: 1 '.' .'- 1 l:\" !' t nod wbo el•e ia there to aelt you? You ley WI\S 111 grrat tit l11 6 ei!Ct (><: , II• I surely bavu uot evoken of it already?' aho cou- won!d h1m to the tl .. ,t h rt i\1 I r l ..... "'!"'\.: ""t ! • tiu•Jctl, it1" tone of alnrm l r. .cn t"! tgul! . .. ll1ot' came to L lC '"" ' "'"• u f' I had not lf!JOKPil to uuy one, Hllt.l to' JJ her tino oi•l wit l1 whi te bai r. T: 1. 1 HO. Wh on tny aullsided , atft.et· in Mr. J,u\\'0 co aTct·lt-J n1e for culliLg hut l i 1, ! ' ·' 1 •• · rt'Oru tho \\' Ood ntnthlo to Spt!K k, tlao bCrVt d,tS uu <l :4ui .l lac cnuiU uot bttanuch utorc tL:,n 1 · \', t P' ,., "' ' ' "' ·" qneatiou ed 111" 118 to wbnt had Cllnsed it. l [ h:1d n o t th en the e xperience to kn ow t h·d I'Ul• ' q J,,, . I ,·,! ' I I :-. !'I .... ' 1' !' ( I! l I 1 'f' ouly r eplicJ Lhut I heard a sho t 11nd 11 scl'cam, whil e youn 0 ,., !•CJ 'Sons call fifty olll, those ap I WitS too ruuch afrnid to say moa'El. p1·oaching tlJ•Lt uge ure llpt to 01t ll it yr.n og, ;--: ,. , • , .. ,, . .... -. .i, T ' I 'd Bel' H I I 1 '' ··'' 1 . _\ "-'"" · 1 ·1, hat s wo 1,' S81 my Aunt mn. c WJ\S 1\ COUI' toous, ge nt e mon y II 'HI', bnt E. n. Trlt 1.\ I}Jf;() 1' She se nt me to orderi ng Jemima lo soomed J.owet.l do wu with griet; he 16 ilt I b 'II I 1 Tb I 'ld II l d · I I .ly 111 );J,. ]farf,,,, r;,, < Stay J ffi(' tl WUII aS ecp. ' e C I I 0111 y Ct U 1\ 0t IIlli lt, Or W u.t Ul oJLI v 'S - _ ---- _ feel nervouR,' she remarlred to her in 11.11 could hn\ ·e actuAt e'! ltiK son; l.u , ,, , ,, ! ... •Jt I F! , D'l T \ unde rtone, but the words r61lchcd me. A in t;uilt, and prok. o; Letl L lmt . 111· U l&'"Q. .l1. ,Q .b \:l long, long time it eeemed to me that I was gE't· g un muti t hu vc gone <'fl' by acci•lent. FIRE AND LIFE tintt to sleep. und in the motning, when J 'T!. en why be run uwuy 1' nrg uuJ :J woke up, I found to wy surprise t.hat I \VIt8 Mr. l!:dwin Burley Ass'! I\ y in wy \ unt Selina's bed. 1 butl so stllrtf!d Tho inquCKt sttt, anu rotnruoJ u I "'-1 .Lb!! 1\Ud moaned, it after I t.ld get to ve rdi ct of wilfulmurrl er against. George Ue ' OF 1 ' sleep, tltllt Jemima wE'nt and Cftlled her utis· ettgP.t Til e ch id witnUAs was Mr. b:d win • · tresa, tLinkiug I be ill, aand Mt *'!. Edwin &u·ley. I WtLS not caliecl uflon. tlnd nly - · --- bad mo down to hor own bed. Wh e re A li i< I fltti d it Wl\8 R p• uof lhll t 1.. " 'F.RT A Rr..J p. n 1 Jt2l. .Mr. Edwto 11lept. that night I Jo n ot. not me nti oned I WJ UI present. o t. th o 111 ",. 1 ,- know , but not with his wife Yuu mny be I t.ook cure not to 111 •'• 1 1 ' ·' '' ' Cun you tln .:HH yout self, Ann l' r IJIY ltllllt i t. : llf' ithn Jj,j she. Nothi rg It' I' ' .... ,. '" .... L l ::. ke.l 10u. And l t'\,so up in bt:d uJ H.I lookud ut t ouchi ng tl.o cu c.: u nuiA- 1 ' Lit tbe bUIIIU.I c• . I, ...... Le•·, fu1· t·he voice did lik e be '' oico. th c• dvrc the dhir tu lh c.: i''l 'An s yon ill, Aunt ::le li11;,1 \Yhy JiJ Ill mys l eq; EJwin S 1Lrloy · so hott. 1 sely !' P •l t!t11t P hi hp K ing, in l1atl ' I fed ve1 ·y ill, Anne. My tbrout iM t.h ut ntl\ \ G .··. J -gu Henc-'s;«: """ '' 1• • ur my ch.:,.t, I can '' t.ich; per · hre at hi ru; I kne w Phili!J King Inn: hllpS it id uolh. Can you dress without Rli- sai rl 1'0. Dni uo OllC else kne\V it, !'l: \ .• sitiLilnce r Aum Se lina, onrl !<he only froru Ul e, . . ··. I' I \' '" Ob. yP.s; made me d o Lhnt did uot. c·d' u:•· •H J,.. .. to ' '1 ' 1"' "'1 ·•' . l WitS 1L very little girl.' qu est; I aut! lhey lluuu 110, ll lm\ " ' .. ' ,\ " 1 1 "' 'Get up th en at onoo. And when yon go for .. he cuu lu not lenve It(·• ! ; ?u, · ' I down Rc ml Mtss Delves ' t.o me.' she persisted th:tt sh u Wll8 uuab!e to giq· ": l I s prung out. of bed and looked about.. '1 po sit ive upon t.be subject, ••n.J ·' dvn't see toy clothes her Aunt SelinR.' in aut hori t. · knew no why " f 1 Ob, U( !llt', r forgot. P;Jt thllt llhnwl 0)1, sh o•lltl .li.,bclie vo he r, \.hartltOre slte wn.; l I and run lllJ tlryour OWl roow. How stnpid in peuco. .. t trO G eorge H eoMgo'oi r. . . of J emitua noL to briug Lhem dowu I' dupaa te J, I. e LtuJ till in ten wi th i"·1 ... I huosaid thllt [ w'as llO imaECinative, her bedroom, 1\ml to roe it11eemcJ t ol w·• •• "::!: .. .- .. l.•: ' , thoughtful, e xcituble child, and as 1 hast ily long whil e. "' • - •• ..... atti:ed mysch, one sole recollect ion (l could Tl1e inqu est. was held in the honse on T n"• · f t J havtl said fear) kept ruoning tb•"Ough my t.lay; the!·e was no publlo.honRe neur, su fli - • · I , 1 k Lu , t u \ H' -::4 L. ' ... •• .. cq · ·, brain . t was the oracular mad e citmtly commodio us. It begrtn at two o c oc · · : ,J "Y DnfF, ralatiug t.o hie miatreee and the fog. in tLe 11fternoon, and the boos& Wl\8 like 11 ' If she don't cllteh her dea , h, it.'a odds to me. • fail'-polic omtLD, d octors, the coron er und Suppose 11he had eanght her · death, My jury, with incidental persona coming nud go- a t. the thought. ing as tbtly pleased. The aervanl.ll bl-.ou The first. thing I saw when I went down 11bout, peeping and listening ; 1 did the snmo : was a lnrt(e high screen of ten folds raised now and then ono would come out. of the hall, hiding the tllble. dining .room, whore they bad assembled, P nd ' W b11t ill bt>hintl itt I wbielJeaed tell ns scraps of news. Now it would bo trh nt who was coming out of the dining.room wi•.b tbesurgeoll8 were giving evidence; now, thut 11 dnster and n broom in her hAnd. lf r. Edwin Barl ey wu !lnder euwinnli l>n : ' The snme that lust night, mila,' she once Charlotte De lves was summon ed b duru RllHwered. ' lt cau't b& moved, t hey suy, till t.bem, because Philip King hau l!llt with lt..:r ufter tLe crowucr Las sat.' in tho for hP.lf an hour the morni ng ,,{ 'Sarah, !Ja .. o tbey t.llken .Mr. Heneugo 1' hi s cl0<1 th ; but sbo proved that ho htul uot 'Not that. 1 nave heard on, miss, One of louchcd npoH uny point of dispute, or spok t• u them police gl'nts wus in just now, und he of George llcncuge. Ndthing satisfac.: l• Jty to ld 1\iilll:l JJel\' es th ere was no or ccrt,nin co ulJ be gleaned, su ve from l ilu •T Wl\nt. to fiml Mi11s Delves. Whnre is ahe f t es timony of Mr. Edwin Barley. 'In m aster 's study. You can go in. Don't. 'Child;_A.Uied my Aunt Selina,' is n ot th nt you know which it i11 1 thut J'v utn \milt inquest O\"er 1' o\ll; at the back, ln1lf wJ.y up the first flight. Not ye t, nunt,' 1 anawered . of You can see the door ft 'Om he re.' I had wandered into her room when C\'Nl· In t.he study Hut Mr. B11rley and Mr. J<:d- ing was drawing on , and abe putthe qu ootio u. win •t br61lkfast, Chtnlot.te serv i og What was stir I heard a minute or th e m. 1 gat.ve her my aunt's meaange-but two ago 'I' Wll.ll nearly scared out of wy aenllell at view- I ThAy called from the dining · room to have ing Mr. Edwin Bnley. the lttmp light.eli. John w6Jlt in and did it.' 'Get up nt once, Charlotte, and teA what ' Is it dark, Annie t' it is,' be sa\d. 'Bow do you BAy, little one ' Not dark. It is getting uatl r .' -that her thr01tt iA 1' Dark it appeared to be in my aunt.'s cham· ' Yea, sir, and sh" Cltnnot. spe.Lk well,' I ber, for tbe c rimaou curtain were drR wn us Mi11s Delves left the room, lore . the ' large, deep lsay window and so pur . 'No wond at; she has only heraell t.o t.ba.nrt,' ti ully around the bed. You could distio be muttflred. 'The wonder would be if abe obj ec ts it, and that wus nil. I we re not ill ' went close up to tho bed and looked ut he r, 'Why f' asked Mr . Barley curiously, lifting she . WIUI buried in t.he pillow a ; that s hu wlUl r It I ;-, l' I .v pil l !. ' I •' '' Jose ph \' u1. ·: niHil• , H rit.tow Ho vi .• . .... 1 Th.., lion ,) ... •·· , . .J oh n Clnllun. Jo:11q . U CIII\ 'IUS I:; Coopc, :\J .P. t; r <, l ;! · .t rthu r Fulle r, liaq. ()h Jr ..,., E. (j ooJhBrt. Esq. I\1. 1. 1 .J, l l.11' kwe, Es'). 0:::1. ... 1 ' ··.l.. I " · JjU•t. ... l.:"., ( .. ll •,·, - ,,Ut;o.l I J ' (' Ill : I . I •. ·.· ,, . r: .•. 'I 1 .. . , l1 11,i:. · it, ' r "'111. J •'ltt:!-1 • ' '; , 0 : ·l i! ' . J 1: Vol' ft., 1\' li .LI ,\ 1: t' . d ,,,, I 1:'!!. \St:l ':i 1: :ll.\C•0::\t l• ,} J . I. i ·. t:..: 'I' IJv (! u.;,:.•;.;< :Jl! L !Il:s of t!J .., <..: , : ·, ;lr • - teed hy :1 liiiUH! l' I) U::i UUU WcuiL h) 1 rupl• . ot_\' udditi ••n tv !\ lU\ c.:>L\JJ u .. [ •: l.d; I L .. pro wpt itml u umll.ii.Jur .. liity wit.h whi c!. l)!.t1.1. bav c nh\'U) S LvLII •r.vt, !l;'l' k·,j·vH n·.l Tbe irulh 1 t 11.ce of t :l.Lr''·'t: iun :s J: Fl UF.Fh .. E ltu CJ til.. ate;,l f. vw the .L ... : eet.'\blisbment-now ovor ON <: li li:\Ui.L 1 J. M. 11 - tb o pnymoot 11 in satisru. cti l.lo of Clai'w" fu r Leu • ca hn\'o oxceed••tl l< ,Ol'J!TFF; t; )lt i..um,., .Sn l nsu raucc11 LoS! by Fir <' ..ltHl L•l•htu· u!g nro ciTc·d•·•' ' •Y :i;,l l 'orop .... ; •t>•J • , •. ,.rv d t·-t•.: t ipt f 1 r J \" .... '•V h\v hia bc11tl. very ill I knew, for the physician from N l't· Ob, she got. rright.ened Jut night, aod ran tloby had corue that morning with Mr . l .ow.:. J::\o 1 7 ont iu the fog when Philip ' How is it turoiog ?' Sbe presootly Mkt: t. borne, at&yjng ever 110 long,' wu Mr. JtAwin'e 1 'furniuJ.: ?' J .repeat e. d, no& . r oply. c With nothing on too I' : Down: al4trs w r.he 10qW11t.-room; wi)Q IS '' , ,.,. - Ed . ed' 1 ·l , goiDJf agntnat. ?' ' .lUI 'S. WID appears exot 10 K y ).K>OI' y, Who abo uld it ao againet, aunt, but when sh! ret.u11_1ed. Heneage ?' Lowe lllltd he should oo here th1a morotng, · ' Li 11 tan, Annie 1 H matt be oYer, for they nr<:: ve rhaps he will not long •• She. must have eomiug out.!' abo exclaimed, rcatluMiy. lllken cold.' I daae4lnded tba. atainr half-way, aud stopped Scarcely bad abe apoken when t.he aurgeon to look. euout:b, tbey were pouriog ou t.of Cllme in. Mr. Bdwm Barf1c wtnt upatairs the room, a aTAt orowd.of dark ftaur es, IAiklllg · b b. ..,_ Lo '-1 d ... tber cao e, aod alowlr aakhl1/.or tbe hall· wtt . tm. mJ, · we came aaooe, an door. Sudden lr M . Edwio S ar - I e&P8bt a Jllomenl · t.o apeak t.o bun when no Jef. aod bo appeared to be coming towar<h &ho one wu b1• a&ain. f Will m1 Aunt Selina pt well, m' · 1'o bia atudy, .. llboaald. aod .... ,. WtDl 1, 'I do not. know, m1 d8!U',' be anawered, 11oc carloa wbero, ao Uaa& I did eooouoter turniD1 upon me bia &raYe face. "I fear him. Added to my chUdiP di"lllte aofl fcftr nf abe ia SO[DI t.o be fery ilJ.' )b . EdWUI Bar ley, alDOl &tama1 alabt anod\er __ hapabt to afOld blm lwt ben addild: a dread OB.APTBR V. wbioh 1 ooald DOt dlnu m;pelf of ... , be ehoold aelae apoD me ud queetioa wbU had takeo 1ne Nothins ooultl be beard of Geof1e lat9 tbe .wood. Mr •unt bad rno Mt Tbtt · polioe ICO\Ired the C011Dk1 : handbills kU ; but if be did quoatioa me, wba1 oould 1 do? .... prinled, a reWard fOI' lllultPre- l bow &baa 11M fair WM apoD IP• loll-.,, ut.l IQr ..... _, •• , ·f -ltft•rt 1t, . baflhM &IN CU. ,_.ad.. • · • · C. L. 1\ o. 145 'r1 .... 1:;, .... (}. . B AHTLL.: T.f' S H uu U.k f. . :·>'SI L !SLUE UMll GLO::id FLO O.ii. G LASS tilGil .Ht>\VLS aocl PRE- SEKVg GLA&i Ohee41e PLA'l' lCS !. \ r "' ,... ''' ' ... .t\. H•• )hC.KLL - llll)NS•

M YST'r:Rv HNIIJN~S llTIBNALUSl 4saurauce; Cam,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880425.pdf · Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers

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Page 1: M YST'r:Rv HNIIJN~S llTIBNALUSl 4saurauce; Cam,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880425.pdf · Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers






L The S'U.bsor1bers would respectfully call the attention of the :Merchauts of Newfoundl11nd to their stock of

FISH ·NETT IN (..t S for d ·.e aenson of 1888.

---o----:\"ow on hRncl, made up specially lor tl• c Island lfishcrics, nnd with

particular r .. ·gard to their requiremeuts,

Seines for Cod, Herring, and Caplin. ·' '.\'u •• I •· t•rquir.~cl to furn is h nny ot t he uuu ,·o ~ci nes of any length flllU depth, mndo

I • • II tittl

-Shepard C*e>1d J.\4eda 1 T~e.•

Tlli'! Tw me prodn~P" the liyht{Jst S eine J"M.1ibfe, tug~:Lhcr with the gl'euL 1J~rmytl1 reqtt..i recl I•J ,,,;t!,•t t ll•l r ·•ll')ll '''"'")~ .

Tlu'~;;" ~., :w•· an· lll<lllllot.Ptl in u m11nne r <tpproved byjt..~JiteTTT~.e7~i arc r tcl<l!J fur -u3e; wn.L I', .. • ': . I ., •·OUO FI S IIINO.

COD-TRAPS ctl any ~i'le or s t.ylt>, mRdl' tn on !Pr ut s hot·t notice.

A II 11izt"H •·eudv for irnm,.dinte J e liverv. For gilling th.i•, Ll.o Cutton net unqu;·~tion1tbly surpMscs any other kind, and is the

nuut prnli table to tLR~.

SHEET-N ETTING f H ' " ·' k111g o r 1 C'l'•tiriug 'eiues, Tt•~t\'8, or Ud l ~ets, can be 1111pplied, 10 nny size mesh and twin•·, at OJtCe n !•On r E'Celf•L of o•·d er .


\V'u can furn~h Cutwn Lines, T .\ RIH:o or \VRITtt of · II snre•·inr (lllltlity , lu orclor. \V1it•• I·• •· pr iCt.>H hP11il'e oJde1111g.

\Ve tt ro tho oldes~ n• l l~trgest mnllllf.tctur(·r::. ui li,h netting in LIH· U n ilcd ::3t•t!Hs. I t i~ ou r ··fiilrl :.o lnarn Lit~ requirc mcu l.ll o f tl~t• ti s hc rrueu, anJ produce the goods best. uJapte<l lo tl!eir wants. \

W e spin our own Ya}t nnd P.re tho onl )' JUtillUfactul·ers of tho Slt~pard Gold MedaJ Twi~a which htta received ~.)igltut " ward wherever exl!ilsited, including tho London In­t ornntioMI Fisheries~.hJJlitton, where we received t he on ly Gold Med11l awarded lor super­io rity of Twin.-.s lind N•·tting.

Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers can rilly on flte qunlit1 of U ll l ' goods, 1\Dd be IU!ll lli'CU oi wwut possible pricea.

Can fill orders hy wil'e ut short notice ttnd will g ivo tl. em crtreful a~•··" ' on. ESTABLISHED ... 1842. CAPITAL $360,000.

Mills at &!Jton, Oanton a nd H11ddam .~

A MERICAN r~ET & TW•NE CO., \43 CoD1IDercial Street, BOSTON, Massi, U S.A.

THE M YST'r:Rv 110~ found, Opinions were fal~ly baodit>d Advertisements. I"~ • 11hont; aowe !\:tiri he mus~ have e«CftttAd in the ~"'"'~, .. ~ ....... ~·····" ~ ........... ....,~.._.._..,.,..... ................... - --

-o- - · · fog ttnd i;Ot off t.y R friendly r~tilw«y ; o~;bul'8 CHAPTER IV -(ccmcludlri.) thAt 11e lutd waited qni~tly till 'morning, und

l:fe depa.rted whh ~he uograolooa reply ring1ng 1 b~n t.lep·1rted lllisurely, in dU.guilw,iu wo011111's iu hie eAr'l, aod u.-graoioua 1 felt iL to be l:ihe , · d ~ bolted tho d~r again, aud pa lled the ulve~ clotl1et1. ot· 1\ lals<n.:r s ~~ott1re j NO a ew tl\1~. cuahioo off mpbead. • geatcd ~hat he had not gone 11t all, lm l WJ\8

• Are you emothered, child? &et up. Now , lyihg conceAled iu it yeL. 'l'be first opinion mark rne: you muat oot aay a wqrd w Mr. Ed· was the . more probable onE', people said;

GENERAl . 4saurauce; Cam,

'J.,... ,. "L"~ l .i'l .Jt£-rA.

wio 8~~rley of what happened at the BOmmer- while thP snrmi~ of his 1\dopt.in r• wnm 1\ ' !l nsrn . T ...,.,-, : :-;:-.::::=:_ lion ell .• Oo n~t weotion it at all, to him or to ~!ot !Jc,. \\ :~s Jau;;l!ed at; a 01,, 11 of ~1•·· fl .. ~a. 1 '.J j .r~ ·" 1 ' ) • 1 A ~ l H--7. Any boa) el•• • entre's hoi,IH so ultired would bo folll>w•·.l 1 n •Bn~suppoaolaruuked, AuutSehoa?' o 1.,

0 ' . M El . 1.. H L,\.Tl 'H·fl!'1

• How can you be ulte~? .Philip Kios;r ie the u:;Hw~y us tt. gJI\ntcs.'l. ~- t "'':t 1 f•:: 1 '.' :~ .'-1l:\" • !' ,· t ~one; nod wbo el•e ia there to aelt you? You ley WI\S 111 grr a t ~tugo•· . tit l116 ei!Ct• (><:, II• I surely bavu uot evoken of it already?' aho cou- swot'('~~~ won!d pu1t-~1e h1m to the tl .. ,th rt

i\1 I • r l ~ ..... ~ ~ "'!"'\.: ~L ""t ! • tiu•Jctl, it1" tone of alnrm l r. .cnt"!tgul! . .. ll1ot' came to L l C '"" ' "'"• u f'

I had not lf!JOKPil to uuy one, Hllt.l to'JJ her tino oi•l ~cntloJU.:.IIl witl1 whi te bair . T:1. t. :,. ~. 1 HO. Whon tny *Rrt~or aullsided, atft.et· ~ran in Mr. J,u\\'0 coaTct·lt-J n1e for culliLg hutl i 1, ! ' ·' 1


· rt'Oru tho \\'Ood ntnthlo to Spt!Kk, tlao bCrVtd,tS uu <l :4ui.l lac cnuiU uot bttanuch utorc tL:,n 1 · \ ' , t P' ,., "'' ' "' · " qneatioued 111" 118 to wbnt had Cllnsed it. l [ h:1d not then the experience to know t h·d I'Ul• '

q J,,,

. I ,·,! '

I • I :-. !'I

.... ' 1' !'



l I 1 'f'

ouly replicJ Lhut I heard a shot 11nd 11 scl'cam, while youn0,., !•CJ'Sons call fifty olll, t hose ap

I WitS too ruuch afrnid to say moa'El. p1·oaching tlJ•Lt uge ure llpt to 01tll i t yr.n og, ;--: ,. , • , .. ,, . .... - . ~i()ij" .i,

T ' I 'd Bel ' H I I 1 '' ··'' 1 n· ._\ • "-'"" ~<! 1' ·1·1, • hat s wo 1,' S81 my Aunt mn. c WJ\S 1\ COUI'toous, gent emon y II'HI', bnt E. n. Trlt 1.\ I}Jf;() 1'

She sent me to t·~t, ordering Jemima lo soomed J.owet.l dowu with griet; he 16 ilt h~ I b ' II I 1 Tb I ' ld II l d · I I ""~'· .ly 111 );J,. ]farf,,,, r;,, < Stay J ffi(' tl WUII aS ecp. ' e C I I 0111 y Ct U 1\0t IIlli ~rst.an lt, Or W u.t UloJLI v •'S - _ ---- _

feel nervouR,' she remarlred to her in 11.11 could hn\·e actuAte'! ltiK son; l.u ,,,,,, ! ... •Jt I ~~~TI' F!, ~ D'lT \ 'fA~'f unde rtone, but the words r61lchcd me. A ~lillvu in hi:~ t;uilt, and prok.o;Letl Llmt . 111· ~ U ~ l&'"Q. .l1. ,Q .b \:l long, long time it eeemed to me that I was gE't· gun mutit hu vc gone <'fl' by acci•lent. FIRE AND LIFE tintt to sleep. und in the motning, when J 'T!.en why >~huuld be run uwuy 1' nrguuJ :J

woke up, I found to wy surprise t.hat I \VIt8 Mr. l!:dwin Burley Ass'! I\ ~1'3nc t'i CorM"~~ y in wy \ unt Selina' s bed. 1 butl so stllrtf!d Tho coroner':~ inquCKt sttt, anu rotnruoJ u I ~ "'-1 ~ .Lb!! J~W 1\Ud moaned, it appt~ared, after I t.ld get to ve rdict of wilfulmurrle r against. George U en· ' OF 1 ONDO~ ' sleep, tltllt Jemima wE'nt and Cftlled her utis· ettgP.t Tile chid witnUAs was Mr. b:d win ~ • · tresa, tLinkiug I Juua~ be ill, aand Mt*'!. Edwin &u·ley. I WtLS not caliecl uflon. tlnd nly - ·---

bad mo carri~d down to hor own bed. Whe re A li i < I ~t•l i llll fltti d i t Wl\8 R p• uof lhll t 1.. " 'F.RT A Rr..J tRTl]i~D p. n 1Jt2l. .Mr. Edwto B~tt·loy 11lept. that nigh t I Jo not. not mentioned I WJUI present. o t. tho 111 ",. 1 ,-know , but c~rlldnly not with his wife Yuu mny be Sill~ I t.ook cure not to 111 •'• 1 1 ' ·' ''

' Cun you tln.:HH youtself, Annl' r IJIY ltllllt it. : llf'ithn Jj, j she. Nothirg It' I''

.... ,. '" ....

Ll::.ke.l 10u. And l t'\,so up in bt:d uJH.I lookud ut touching tl.o cu c.:unuiA-1' Lit tbe bUIIIU.Ic• . I, ...... Le•·, fu1· t·he voice did nott~q_unJ like be1· ' 'oico. thc• dvrc the dhir " Pl'~'nrt·d tu lh c.: i '' l

'Ans yon ill, Aunt ::le li11;,1 \Yhy JiJ ~ u 11 suh·~:tl Ill mysleq; ~lr. EJwin S 1Lrloy · ~penk so hott.1sely !' P•l t!t11t P hihp K ing, in Jyin~, l1atl •• ~-

' I fed ve1·y ill, Anne. My tbrout iM h~td , t.hut h~ ntl\\ G .··. J-gu Henc-'s;«: """ ' ' 1• •

ur my ch.:,.t, I can sc~&rce!y ~Pll '' t.ich; per · h re at h iru; I knew Phili!J King Inn: hllpS it id uolh. Can you dress without Rli- sairl 1'0. Dni uo OllC else kne\V it, !'l: \ .•

sitiLilnce r Aum S elina, onrl !<he only froru Ule , . . ··.

I ' I


'" • Ob. yP.s; mammaalwa~·~~ made me d o Lhnt did uot. c·d' u:•·•H J, .... to ''1 '1"'"'1 ·•' . ~>in~ l WitS 1L very little girl.' quest; I aut! lhey lluu u 110, ll U!U:s~ lm\ " ' .. ' ,\ " 1 1


'Get up then at onoo. And when yon go ~tc.ljourncd, for .. he cuulu not lenve It(·• ! ; ~·~~ ?u, · ' I

down Rcml Mtss D e lves ' t.o me.' she persisted th:tt shu Wll8 uuab!e to giq· " : l I s prung out. of bed and looked about.. ' 1 posi t ive l~timouy upon t.be subject, ••n.J ·' •

I~; '

dvn't see toy clothes her Aunt SelinR.' p~'~oplc in authori t. · knew no C~tn~e why " f 1

• Ob, U(!llt', r forgot. P;Jt thllt llhnwl 0)1, sho•lltl .l i.,bclie vo her, \.hartltOre slte wn.; l '· I

and run lllJ tlryour OWl roow. How stnpid in peuco. J~ .. t trO George HeoMgo'oi r. . . of J emitua noL to briug Lhem dowu I' dupaa teJ, I.e LtuJ till in ten i~w wi th i" ·1 ...

I huosaid thllt [ w'as llO imaECinative, her bedroom, 1\ml to roe it11eemcJ tolw·• •• Fir~ "::!: .. ~ : · .-.. l.•: ' , thoughtful, excituble child, and as 1 hastily long while. "' · ~ ~· • -•• •

..... atti:ed mysch, one sole recollection (l could Tl1e inquest. was held in the honse on T n"• ·

f t ~ J havtl said fear) kept ruoning tb•"Ough my t.lay; the!·e was no publlo.honRe neur, s u fli - • • ·

I , 1 k Lu ,, t u \ H' -::4 L. ' ... •• .. cq '..1!''-:•~ · 1~(' ·, brain. t was the oracular oblt~nat.i'Jn made citmtly commodious. It begrtn at two o c oc · · : ,J

"Y DnfF, ralatiug t.o hie miatreee and the fog. in tLe 11fternoon, and the boos& Wl\8 like 11

' If she don't cllteh her dea,h, it.'a odds to me. • fail'-policomtLD, doctors, the coroner und Suppose 11he had eanght her · death, My jury, with incidental persona coming nud go-6n~era tr~mbled a t. the thought. ing as tbtly pleased. The aervanl.ll bl-.ou

The first. thing I saw when I went down 11bout, peeping and listening ; 1 did the snmo : was a lnrt(e high screen of ten folds raised now and then ono would come out. of tlu~ acto~ the hall, hiding the tllble. dining .room, whore they bad assembled, P nd

' W b11t ill bt>hintl itt I wbielJeaed ~Sarah, tell ns scraps of news. Now it would bo trhnt who was coming out of the dining.room wi•.b tbesurgeoll8 were giving evidence; now, thut 11 dnster and n broom in her hAnd. lf r . Edwin Barley wu !lnder euwinnlil>n :

' The snme that w~ts lust night, mila,' she once Charlotte D elves was summoned bduru RllHwered. ' lt cau't b& moved, t hey suy, till t.bem, because Philip King hau l!llt with lt..:r ufter tLe crowucr Las sat.' in tho p~trlor for hP.lf an hour the morning ,,{

'Sarah, !Ja .. o tbey t.llken .Mr. Heneugo 1' his cl0<1th ; but sbo proved that ho htul uot 'Not that. 1 nave heard on, miss, One of louchcd npoH uny point of dispute, or spokt•u

them pol ice gl'nts wus in just now, und he of George llcncuge. Ndthing satis fac.:l•Jty told 1\iilll:l JJel\'es there was no ne Nt~.' or ccrt,nin coulJ be gleaned, suve from l ilu

•T Wl\nt. to fiml Mi11s Delves. Whnre is ahe f testimony of Mr. Edwin Barley. 'In maste r's study. You can go in. Don't. 'Child;_A.Uied my Aunt Selina,' is not thnt

you know which it i11 1 Tt't~ thut J'vutn \milt inquest O\"e r 1' o\ll; at t he back, ln1lf wJ.y up the first flight. • Not ye t, nunt,' 1 anawered. of stAi~ You can see t he door f t'Om here.' I had wandered into her room when C\'Nl·

In t.he study Hut Mr. B11rley and Mr. J<:d- ing was drawing on, and abe putthe quootiou. win •t br61lkfast, Chtnlot.te Del•~ serviog • What was thn~ stir I heard a minute or them. 1 gat.ve her my aunt's meaange-but two ago 'I' Wll.ll nearly scared out of wy aenllell at view- I ThAy called from the dining· room to have ing Mr. Edwin Bnley. the lttmp light.eli. John w6Jlt in and did i t. '

'Get up nt once, Charlotte, and teA what ' Is it dark, Annie t' it is,' be sa\d. 'Bow do you BAy, little one ' Not dark. It is getting uatlr .' -that her thr01tt iA b~td 1' Dark it appeared to be in my aunt.'s cham·

' Yea, sir, and sh" Cltnnot. spe.Lk well,' • I ber, for tbe c rimaou curtain were drR wn be~ replit~d, us Mi11s Delves left the room, lore. the' large, deep lsay window and so pur .

'No wondat; she has only heraell t.o t.ba.nrt,' tiully around the bed. You could distio be muttflred. 'The wonder would be if abe gu.i~h objects wi~hin it, and that wus nil. I were not ill ' went close up to tho bed and looked ut her ,

'Why f' asked Mr. Barley curiously, lifting she . WIUI buried in t.he pillow a ; that s hu wlUl

r It I ;-, l ' I ~.' .v pil l !. ' I •' ''

Joseph \' u1. t ~n' ·:niHil• , ··~·t H rit.tow Hovi .• . ~ .... 1 Th.., lion ,) ... •·· , . .J ohn Clnllun. Jo:11q. U CIII\' I US I:; Coopc, E:~4. , :\J .P . t; r <, l ;! · .t rthu r Fuller, liaq. ()hJr ..,., E . (jooJhBrt. Esq. I\1. 1. 1 .J, l l.11' kwe, Es'). 0:::1. ...

1' ··.l .. I " · JjU•t. ... l.:".,

( o ,~.l . . l l •,·, - ,,Ut;o.l I J ' (' Ill : I . I •. ·.· ,, . r: .•. 'I 1 .. . ,

l111,i:. · it, ' r "'111. J •'ltt:!-1 • '

'; , :·~ • • ~. 0 :

·l i! ~ ' . ~

J 1: Vol'• ft.,

1\' li.LI ,\ 1: t' . ~1.\t..lh.l.' d ,,,, I 1:'!!.\St:l ':i 1: :ll.\C•0::\t l• ,} J

. I.

i·. t:..:

'I'IJv (!u.;,:.•;.;<:Jl!L!Il:s of t!J . ., <..: , : ·, ;l• r • -teed hy :1 liiiUH! l' I)U::i UUU WcuiLh) 1 rupl• . ot_\'

udditi••n tv !\ lat ~(J lU\ c.:>L\JJ u .. [ •:l.d; :.t~ I L ..

prowpt itmlu umll.ii.Jur .. liity wit.h whic!. l)!.t1.1. bavc nh\'U) S LvLII •r.vt, !l;'l' ··~!l k·,j·vH n·.l acknowl"d~cd.

Tbe i rulh 1 t 11.ce of t ~e :l.Lr''·'t: iun:s J: ~;.,.

PHU~:\[X Fl \.1~ UF.Fh .. E m~ty ltu CJtil .. ate;,l f. vw the f.,~,~ .L ... : eet.'\bl isbment-now ovor ON <: li li:\Ui. L 1 ~· J.M.11-tbo pnymoot11 in satisru.c til.lo of Clai'w" fu r Leu • ca hn\'o oxceed••tl l<,Ol'J!TFF;t; )lti..um,., .Sn 1 :1.1~;.,

l nsuraucc11 nl{niu~L LoS! by Fir<' ..ltHl L•l•htu· u!g nro ciTc·d•·•' ' •Y :i;,l l 'orop .... ; ••t>•J • , •. ,.rv d t·-t•.: t ipt ~ (.' f 1 r J \" .... '•V h\v


hia bc11tl. very ill I knew, for the physician from N l't· • Ob, she got. rright.ened Jut night, aod ran tloby had corue that morning with Mr . l .ow.:. J::\o 17

ont iu the fog when ~r Philip w~~~~mght ' How is it turoiog ?' Sbe presootly Mkt:t. borne, at&yjng ever 110 long,' wu Mr. JtAwin'e 1 'furniuJ.: ?' J .repeate.d, no& oompreheudin~ . roply. c With nothing on too I' : Down:al4trs w r.he 10qW11t.-room ; wi)Q IS ' '

, ,.,. - Ed . • ed' 1 ·l , goiDJf agntnat.?' • ~ ' .lUI'S. WID appears exot 10K y ).K>OI' y, • Who abould it ao againet, aunt, but ;\~

~1d Oba~lotto Dehe~, when sh! ret.u11_1ed. Heneage ?' Lowe lllltd he should oo here th1a morotng, · ' Li11tan, Annie 1 H matt be oYer, for they nr<::

ve rhaps he will not long • • She. must have eomiug out.!' abo exclaimed, movio~r rcatluMiy. lllken cold.' I daae4lnded tba. atainr half-way, aud stopped

Scarcely bad abe apoken when t.he aurgeon to look. ~uro euout:b, tbey were pouriog out.of Cllme in. Mr. Bdwm Barf1c wtnt upatairs the room, a aTAt orowd.of dark ftaures, IAiklllg

· b b. ..,_ Lo ' - 1 d ... tber cao e, aod alowlr aakhl1/.or tbe hall· wtt . tm. mJ, · we came ow~ aaooe, an door. Suddenlr Idia~iuaalabed M . Edwio Sar-I e&P8bt a Jllomenl ·t.o apeak t.o bun when no Jef. aod bo appeared to be coming towar<h &ho one wu b1• • a&ain. •

f Will m1 Aunt Selina pt well, m' ·1'o bia atudy, .. llboaald. aod .... ,. WtDl 1, 'I do not. know, m1 d8!U',' be anawered, 11oc carloa wbero, ao Uaa& I did ~· eooouoter

turniD1 upon me bia &raYe face. "I fear him. Added to my chUdiP di"lllte aofl fcftr •nf abe ia SO[DI t.o be fery ilJ.' )b. EdWUI Barley, alDOl &tama1 alabt anod\er

__ hapabt to afOld blm lwt ben addild: a dread OB.APTBR V. wbioh 1 ooald DOt dlnu m;pelf of ... , be ehoold

aelae apoD me ud queetioa wbU had takeo 1ne Nothins ooultl be beard of Geof1e ~eo~ge. lat9 tbe.wood. Mr •unt bad ordl'rt!t~ rno Mt t~

Tbtt · polioe ICO\Ired the C011Dk1 : handbills kU ; but if be did quoatioa me, wba1 oould 1 do? .... prinled, ~ a reWard fOI' lllultPre- l bow &baa 11M fair WM apoD IP• loll-.,, ut.l IQr ....._, •• , ·f-ltft•rt 1t,.baflhM &IN CU. ,_.ad.. • · • ·

JU ~" C.L. l~ E·

1\o. 145 \~'An:~: 'r1 .... 1:;, BA~TLETT'I; lil.A('J~l .... (}.

. B AHTLL.:T.f'S H u u ::iHO~ U.kf..:·>'SI ~·t .


I..~ UMll GLO::id ~'l'AltOJ:i.

em~ FLOO.ii.

GLASS tilGil .Ht>\VLS aocl PRE­SEKVg DlSlfE~ GLA&i ~ALVERSaotl Ohee41e PLA'l' lCS

!. \ r "' ,... ' '' ' ... .t\. ~1-1'• • H••"· • ~•

[j1~l'£1tl1 Hl.S£,.. )hC.KLL -~ SMOO'f1U1~~ llll)NS •

Page 2: M YST'r:Rv HNIIJN~S llTIBNALUSl 4saurauce; Cam,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880425.pdf · Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers


• I

• •

T_l.W B<ARBOR G.RACK ST~DU~, APRIL ~o, ~.~.s~.

far~or ~rau· -AND­

CONCEP'['JQN BAY ADVb:R1 JSER. - • • """"'" ......................................... -~~:---.~.;..;;;..;;..,;.;w~-WEUNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1888.

__.....__... ....... ,, __ .............., ........................ _ ....... ...__.......,_

eiMJ. Strilt" AN euioid.l, Mn PuwJ~•·I)i uya i 1.t.ey are failure. tlYery 1.iwo, !'act• and 6guree are g{Yen ehowing t.,b~ ulter ho&~ leatte• or etrilree •nPCed in by voo·· m~u who t~xpeu~ •~pport from men u 110or •• tbemaelvee. Mr. l'owderly dwells iq,.lu the fo lly ?f yielding to tM. olamor of 1/tort ._tg/&l. td . and ll4n !wJdltl tJVn and ruabing into B~rtkoe 1\t Ave ry prot-ocation1 .

Jl eubJ.uin portloU.of a.dooament which will baYe -. int.el'fa~ tOr &be pneral rea~er. 1• ia " Bill to regul"ht the prao&.l~ or Medi· oiDe and 8Drpry in tlue Oolony. Ttie Bill ba been rer.,rred t.o a Mli'IOt oommiuee' ol &be u.,t .. la~ve Co~lllcil. We eball ~&erely lay iL bflfortt onr reader~~, leav~og Lbem to draw tht~ir own ooaoaln11io11L Many aound o"bjeo­tii'IJJI oan be taken to aeural or t.bft vrovil· ione-tiJMft will fiOUea~ themtelYOI!

A. Bm entitled An A.ot to ~te the Prao­t.ioe of K~cfne and Bunreey in thil Oolony

T.RE HurlJot· Gt-ac~ &~king Oompany•1 eohoonet· '!'hra&hm-1 .Capt. O'Neil, llliled on M o ndAy O':_eniog fot· Conception BRrbo r , at which piRcA she will take on botlrd the evm­plem£mt of her crew. Thenoo she will de­l' t·t fot· t. John's for the pot'polc of going on the dock, prel'aratory' to proceeding o n the voyage. M.Ky nlJnudunt sucoe&a ~tltoml he1· as well oa thu refit of tho B urbor Grace tleet 1

Let ua hope tbat the above will lu lak.l\u in the 81\!lle good spirit ih wbiob it isc otTt>reJ · lhll.\ !t w~ll lit l:tllefnlly· po~dered ov~ .. ; allei that tt. wlll hue the deaired beoe6oial t~tfect.. A •vord to the wiao ia Always euftioieul, Tb,. HoYcrnor fn Conncll .ahall hue power to

aprolah ColooiBI Merllcal Board, hertafleroall· N()t_WtTB.S'UNDINO thedear~h of in lunn~Hion ert • tbe Board " wboae dutiea, powtn aod faoo·

We have ( lo r reasons which will Bllggest aa to wnat. the Government. baa MII IIII'Pd re- tioul aball relate to the uaalliog aud eoforoing of themsel\'e.'l to tho roHectin~:; reader) hithe rto gt\Ning tbe proposed depu~tion to Ott.l\wa to m~:~aaur.,. u~y fur the regulatiou of tbe refrained irom n oticing the httlo d il!puto late d~eouss terms of union, it may aaft•ly ho cnn Praotioe vf Mo~ioiu~. aull ci.Joprotection aod pr"· Jy ohtui hin .. , 1\S well in Harbo r Ontco us ,·n 1 deJ tb , bl . II 1 aerntion of lifo aud health in thu Colony, .u " c u a .. no unreasona o tune wi he unt hl'realter prot idtd. • 80\'erul other pia cell in thi"' a nd 1'rmity llnys, in clespalchiog thll delegates. Tlto is~nAA in Tbe BoMd ehall oooaiet of eenn regularly over tl e matter o f this season 's Bankin~ agrae- volved nre t.oo important to h~ trifled with. qu .. ll6ed MediCAl praotitionere of oot leu tha n m e nt.--betweon the s nppliorA nod omlitlurs -'' s guardittns uf tho p ublic intt>rchllt,ou r rulers tlu yean eLauclio~e o n thA on ' part tand t bu orew11 or po r tion" of would n o1 he .wnrrun ted in dllll\y iug th is m att· . 'l'bree memben& .9i ~h e lltJartl ahall"be oomiuat. them un thu olber. l'his, a verv ono 'who bttiJ ter unreMooably i u ow do we suppollf\ tbete ull by Lht: Go Yer6'6r iu <..:onocil. aod tbe remniu­llt heat t t ho t r uo mat-erial iutorestK of ~he is a ny intention to do ao. The ques tion i" lu~ four by tloe ;:it. John's aotl C.,oceptlon B~oy

1 1 b I' MediCAl Sooiu~ies. eMh noruloa tiost two, and pro-me n t lemao 1·es mus~ ave rE'gr-ettcd lo ht-Hr. beao t·o the conn try, and is considered ~ lu·o11gu yided that if any other l\!odical Society bo form · For, Rfte r ull, whttt was the o ne imn•itaule, ont the lnnd to bo a. momentous it~sue wl11cu ed it aball be equally repreeeotcd. o nly to be ex(le\!ted result of na y p •·ocodut·e IJns to be deoideJ . lt eball be tbe duty nf the P.oKittrar on or be· such n.s thu bove--when adop~d in N o w · It. mu11t be as apparen t to tuo Cfflvernmnnt. fore tbe firat day of io each year to fo und land 1\t. this timd of labor depression 1 a s ~t i& to ali-- intell~en t ou8e rvera that the ca11ae 1.0 be priutt~d or JlUbliahed io the Royal \Vbllt b nt this, vit:. , tha t o ther m e n could with· 1wo plo ~enerally rue fully alivu t.o tho nc-."'" flautu of . Newfou udl11nd, a correct liu of tbe out tbtl l~ust trouble bt> go t to take t he Yt\c.mt llity or a uew deparlurfl: tmblic t\tfuitll fltlllllul uamea, io t.lpbabetical order, of aJJ p~raoos ap-

1 d h b poaring oo tbe Hegiater at that dMe, together pace;, un l al those w o refu.sed to bhip un· !'luger be ru n iu t he old groovel'l. TLo o11ly with U!e phtce of rl!eideuce, titlee. dlplomu and d er the r·e!Uiolll\blo w rru s otfea-od would be left pos.~ible a ltt>rnnti'"o t.o •lnion with C~tn'"'olo~. le qualification• 81 couferred ~1 any Collel(e or on shore 1 'T'his, we ~>ay, has been lately the the adoption o f n system to provide t•.til rottds body, with the ~ate ~~~ordiog to tho aubjoined oxpt>rience here aud eh;cwhPre, ar.d the co•l· to connect all varts of thP country; nod to ~obedule. sequ ence is that m a ny of tho poor misgnidt>d secure senleroeut upon tho asriculturallAnlls. Saob lhgieter eball be called "Tbe Medical m e n h-. 1•e lost thei1· " bor Lhs" ·lit the Bank Qu11ck medicines, s nch as ha,·e been tried io Regiawr" and a oopy of tbe same 11ball be prima fishor}·-with thi;; unfortun11.t.e rc.su ll, 1.1• ... , t h t ·11 b ~ d t b d 1 .1. {ac~ evidence io all Cl'urta of Law, aod before

.. 0 pas • Wl e 0 00 0 0 u l t llatlu~-1\8 nil Jueticea of tb u Peace, aud otbe111, tbat tbe

that thf'ir famili~ aP w••ll 11.8 t bcrrlsel ,,a~ u•" o f yoa·e Are we t' n u poat· · ~·o t • 1 · ... J ..... , .. " • .. " n o lo•c~ ~ lUI peraooa herein apecifiet.l, are regiatured according

uow !lull'ering de prinnio n and presc::n t wttnt.. ultornn~ive 1 A ruiho~td, eqnippcol, to con- to ~be proYieiooe of tbie A'"· aod tho abeeucu of N ow, lot n give he re t\ biut O l' ~wo fo1· tho HI'.: ~ tl(o west or Mutb-wost. uosst, und al110 aoyperaou fromeuch regieter e!lall bt pn'mafacie

heneti l of t uotw' of our peoplo wbo bu \ "O IJcen the north, would coat not.l~s thlln fro m seven uvilluuoe tbat eucb pt-raoa it no t rogiaterud uo . lt·d nstmy by localolg italQl:.-put-.oo:~ whu oro to eight million!! of dollars, the annual in - oordiog to tbe provieioue of thie Act, aod tb o:ro­l~<J'\. ,!_,1,...,, t.!:: tba~ tb.-.y g.11 c t[1,. 1 1 ,. l.!hlJv r·tl l>' l eJJt. upon. which wou 'J bo I rom t hiny four fore not a legally qualified practitiooor.

1 1 1 l I h 1 d ·' Tbe m emb41re o f ~bii Board aball fo riD a body H• I~~~·'' ·•··•• w o-." ,. ' '" ~'•lll •t \:S~ llnu~all.d• '-' : lo t t r ty·stx t IOusan uOIIIu :t , o\·eu tf tho of Medical Examioerd nod L icoueora, whose

• \ lll :it~ l c~ u; ""~ th.H itt" ltt t l't· ·I •·· llllo ney could L,~ l.oorrowctl ut. i~ p~·r c .. nt. oorLi6cate • hall be tbe oatly Lic.:nau penulctiug .!1C': .i •· t l Y po ""'o •· 0111 Ht~tb .. ,.: tt·,,·, Tho his tory o t th1• short rn i lwt\y nuw run .. the Practice of Medicine ia tbit Colony, provid­... ,: I ,,,,,. I. ·I .... ott. H.··· n •• 1,. II •fq . I lt itog Lotwcen SL. John':~ tiHU ~hit~ t h tl llt'C\Hicl otl tho a pplicaut for ancb a licooae shall pre­•:"' ·,. ' •.: •. ,.., ·~ · '• .• :· :· , : ...... , wh.1, city demonstmtes t he faot that rl\ilroads vioaely bayobtaioedi\.Medicl\lOiplom't from ~< !t· .v 11 I•' ·. w .ol·ni• , w .. : •.1 • • 1 ••• ,, 1,..111 J.i o r where \'1\r open\led will ptty all e xpenaea, in- recognized College or Univcn~ity.

c un,., . '--" ~!u • I' is •t! tlct>•n ., ' o • Uf'ul! e luding t epairR and l'31Hlw~tl i u.c.d ltll\y be No pereoo aball be entitled to hue hie name "c >Ur- . ' :' II\!' IO:t ... llldt •u·· te ll ,. I ..;J, .. · tt" ll lt•'W I tl d d d t . ld . ·-· entered on the Regiater of t he Colouial Medical

~ v ur l.or epen e on ° Yk · a s tn&mg fund Board uoleaa be cno Bt\tiefy tba t body &hat be shv·•·~ --" 1•· ·'··· · · · ·: • '" ..: '" '~ " • - •'U•·- which, hy rropea· managt~ment, would secure bolde a tl~:sree of diploma from eomu reKular w,,, ·· .•.tr ' 1

• • " ··, .... : ll • ,..,.rk the extinction of tLo cost wi thin a rfa.sonnule Uoi•t~raity or c)chool o f M edicine ia good ataod. inj•11_v ; .. •.~-t- •:. ••·· ,. · ·ullllc!l. period. Will a nti--confeuerntes foresbauow iog. :o;u ro ' 1 • •. • ·.,,., • , •• • :o · sut,1.-.,;. 11 any such systuiU for the builcliug of r 11 ilmttUIJ :loth J'l·r~un sh::toll t beo receive from tbe Board •nottu·:, • .... :..,!. . , ,,.ot · "' .•· wt-rt' in t he count1·y n.R is a bove ind.iou t~J 1 \Yt~ a licenetJ Lc11 ri11t{ the seal of l bat body, upou "''"•u . .,. ",,, ·I ·• ' . t ' " ' Lh;. It t doc cunfells we uuvu little hope Lhat they will do v•yrueu~ to Lbe !:tegiatrar of tbe eum of too

l .. u~ 11111, ,,11 ~ •1. : ,. ,11 , ..... t" 1 1 , 1 '" ,,t,,,·t 110 ,· nnd we J"ndge that thia will not bu ·'· •n"' llo1lara, ani eb"ll have hae uamo eo1ored upoo the • U v " • Re(llatur.

Lt llll" . Why I n •. , .u~· ·. nn•t··1 •·Xil-ltt ·e.; t' ll"· bc~austl 1111ch a c hungo iovolveo:~ t1 principle 1t 11111,11 ll~: thl! Juty of the Board to examine cum:.L•II• O.:··, aud · .ilt! •h·· t: •n•a: • v H•ulltlllli '\km to w~at they so strongly repudiat.o in RIJ degreee, diplomu, liceosea aod o ther crodeu­a:~ iL h, ! .... ,., , 1\ !t.do '" 111.tw •nn .• ·~l·. ' ••r Lou Confe ll cmtton-nnm ely, 1\U tLbsohu eJy new Liale, preeeo tetl or (Civeo in ovideuce uader tllie ph·n t• i~ l . ·• ·•'- ·••• o~ l • .- r ll1~'"" .ut . .... 1 , .u'L J,.p,trturo wbich shall mel\n that tbe country Aot, fu r thu purvcte of eoabllug tbe ownere f"'Mlhll· I.e .. t: ... , ·.-1"· ..... . · :.ott t•· r ,111Jo.:.d Juts cuplibilities tba~ should uo do .. e lopod ; .t bereof to practice in tbia Colony; aud if it bt: clc.t u:_: l} l.a k ,. ,..,~..;p Itt Ll.,• I~ .. If l'uhL tc. I ' at aw L ••Uu tlt'"'t the tunc bas como to C118L tutide the deearllii uece.seary' 1.0 .:>blige ~be ow nor of euolt I f dd · creduotlal:~ lO Ot-lt:llt UIJOU oaLb or alfiduit tbat lll· t-X (ot:tll·u c.:u 11 Ll 11~ ,.,,., ,, , , , ... ,. L'"' •· l'• t•.•t'Jt' 11wa lttt" clothnc of t' n"ancy! "'tciJ lid

v • " • ., ~ o ..., " = VIIUCO hu ia tbe peraou • boae uame ie 'Uentioueti tbertlin Lt 1110 th · ~ tur ,., "I 1 ... , •• '·· ~· u.c,· ..... lJen h" toutde in tho past involving wbut waa deem ed and thu he bu biiCoUJe poaee~~ed of tho aaruo that ulfl• t •. Lh.-to· ·., ... ti .... I"''~~~~~~ tt·adv Lo o xcessi ve e xpenf{it ure IV tiS at.tendeu by dis- by lawful meana. til l lL aL " lll ••tt11 u' ·· tt ••llc .. I \\':u1 n11L. tht., mal forel>odinc;s o f ruination to follow. To· Every member of the profeuiou practiaiog in c ndt'Jt L in lit·· ,.,.,.,,. Ill :a;u• I - ·hd n u t ~~~~~ it!· d tty, tho de mand is ro .. uciditiOUM-UOt for ro· NewfounJituu..l u cept meUJbers of iDCOIIJOrated su.· pr .• ,,. l 1.,.)" •11·1 .t 1,.., 11 .. , , . 11 , 1: 1 • _ 1,, , 11 ,. Juctio 11H iunny oftho.:IOpul.licexpenditua e.'l · Mollioal:)ocie~r~:~~ebaJioaaaehie oawo,ago,ploco th .IL cro'"" "''',.. ,. "'" , .. cll t t•ol tu t.•k·· tl .. · untl no luuJsltipll us li cousequc uco ure coru' of ru idence, pJace of natiYity, tbe t.lat.e ot lioetlle

I I or diulvma, ·a111 l where obtaiuell, to be euten:d I• oces to I l 1 •~>•· '' lw .. ~11 11 •·l,·" -,,.,· tltoo .... · •• 110 l•l11 i11NI o f h)' •-· "" I)Hyer~ I f )I · f · d r , """~ "'· l 11· nntt rum li upou thu H~1111or of tbe Board. .. rt·fu .•td I ll ~· ·-·~o"- ,, lil t t.'tl .~ Olltl .ot"lol lt tl ot ···- 1····1 Wtlt"r tlntucf u•l·l UIJ to tbn m k d ' II £ ·' · ~ • ... · ~- ar · , 11n w1 very port1ou properly registered uodor tbia s- . lt , I'll. llaut 'II IIIIV .,f :It·· '"'"''""''" ' " ····· I t·n;·•:-:'' l u s ulo!l ttru to tlti!:! ttlt('rn .. th·o f,,r Cou Act elu. ll be ~:utitled to practice Mlldiciue, Sur-1111\V w o• . 111..: '

1t .. ~ •····· · · t>ur • r ,. ,., •• • .. t ll'do· •·sui f.l· : LlaA :3TAND.>RD s lutll thon 1,11 ron<fy ~:ery auall .\l! . lt~ifury ia any part o f tbia lelaod k"" "' '" -. ·' ' ' •·· L" . , '" I•Jt n I ". : • ... , n ..- t u dt' I' Oto 1t~ lo,..t!L t- lfo rtll to lltH8lor tloe ilutttils aod to tloulautl 'nud recoyer iu a ny Court of Law otlt~·t 'l tl to·t • at·· .,,"".'" '' h.ool 1, , 1,.,. , ,. 11. ,111. loy p luciug l•<'f•ll"t.l tha l'~'"t•lt-, wtm~ t lwy r.111.0

ruuonable()hargea fo r professional Rid or adYiCtl, Ol'liJII'<;I \ ,. !ocala . ic::<. :1111111' till· I"Ulll : L• 1". ::-iuw, a II •h t to E'X ( c' nd I 't . I tOlolbur """ lho CtJll or lliiY Uletliciut.' o r other

.1 1 · t; . • :t· '' " .111 lil t.

1 I K tll C~> II t t '"Y IDildioal lUlu 1hlrgical appliADce euppliell by him.

li t I' " li t• · ' ~·li l t ll" l>t".J t 1 I~ t ~•'I"IC,dotr 11 1 riot' llh11ll f'll)OJ. fft~'tlpenlllrt 1111 and b .. t tlOm tJJI' \.1 r n " • ~'o peraou wboae nnu.u ia uo t re~idterod uudur •·Hrt•u ... , 1 ... " "''.!lot lo ",. 1 .. ··r; "'·• '·•·· : lll'on dte {.;t o wn l~t ntl!l known to be sui\c-d for tltia AJ;:t slmll ue ent.ltlt.'d to reco\' t~r auy fees iu

A!!.HII · " tl f'O" '":.! lro·M· tt11·n I tel " !"1'1 '" 1 ·l ~l'll'll ll_n _•·td !'.•"t"•..e.R, will vccnpy 11n import- nuy Cuun uf h'I>V for auy medical o r eurgidl\1 '"' I !.!"'" 1. · c I~ •nk •- · • 1 • . ol I" a nt po1111t"1o 111 lltn he w ") s tc ru 1 efe rrecl to; advicu, or for "uy &er\·ict:ll wbtu aouver, reodured ltt~t• tl n1u · , lw·• ••r l cro·«· 1\t·uk:o. :,1!,, J,.,J tl .. •1· 1\ lllch 1\tlltra\'Oh ·a ln•go m 111 u1al oxJJend itnrPoc. in tbu t~~p·•cily of a aoedical ma11; uorabatlloo II OL t lw n "~~1 1• ~""-'l ''"''t Llai-. N'.Uion u f mak:llg lu p l.nn Lei Ul9, 1~o ha ,·o reucbod 11 po int rccei"e ""Y tmym~n' of charges for anymetiiciot~ fro rn ~l:!11 •,\ ~-':ltlll t·. tcl , ~ ~""· l'f' lluf> 111 . 0111, wlae ao wo ron t d\!.:ldc to n_ct the (lUn of m t>u, orm~:Ju:11l ur4Ur!(icatepJ!Iia.uc:ca wl.ach oaay have I beeu IUppJiud by uim.

~ ICtt: IUI IIId 1111' 11 } ll_\ h,t \ tJ tu t>J.tp !•lr f .... t ftl l\· HI" cfUS(J LhC ha u,f of OUr b1g Uf'OLiter who cniJ8 · 1 • f t• \\' b lr &119 " l'r110u oot reuistc rell o r liceoeed under u o•· u n wu~C'S, It t '" \' ho·. no t tll t>l•' 1 ! .. tn half Lu u~ rom van.tllll ich s hall it. 00 1 • r 0

l l I · the provibiOrus uf tbis Act ~ball praouco modioiu .. , IC' II 11)\C lt111\l11 11L ; •ll' o'l!,f\ IIIII\" h,.,., '0 '-,'0 1 1 1 Oil flit. - h j,. repor ted that the H Ott. J :tS· eqrgery or midwifery for ltr ru, gaau, laelp, o r ro-

t IlL IPr " 11 t; uu o'lll!~'1 wi; la llw l""'·t "'t.L of ' "'L · war~. or wiltully aod fBisely pret.eod to bu a nhy·

r . I () I II \\' Pitt>~ has lJeen :t t•IIOintad to tb .. Ex"'•'lltt've . r t'a " '" • 1111 ut t•c • • l n ar,. t•:tch. t.t>11·, u ·- eacaao. docto r or ruudioiuu, s urgeon, ot gt~aeral t bl'll, is l ht· gu~l 1·\~h•ll>u uuuuliL h11 i t lw ~ouncrl , i n plt~OO of tho lion. C. R. Ayrc, re· pnaochiouur or talte or llile aoy oawu, title, adlli-11 ~ • 1ko l t'l!ttl tt·d -N"IIt 11u1ul_v tho 3 upplwr11•.

81~ 11uu HOme t lutn aiflO. It is also mrnonrod tioo, or deecriptioo, iruplyiog o r CAicalatiog to ~ ot. s 11 .. ·1y t.ltt: 11 10~ 11 •11• thut ~ho M unicipal B ill h ull bcon urnrw• .. u i n decetf'e or l~:~od the public to iofor that ho is

Fu1 thl'rruo ru: A l•hs luu, aiRo it.,en inflict·· 'h iK wt11c : two m e an hers o f tuo B o1trrl :ru to retcllte l'tld under this Act, o r wbo propoaee by I · · I e a uot" •o·' I •1 E t ' 0 'I d public ~d,enisemeut, card. circular or otberwieo

('( "' t hiH wise: 'fire Banking CrKft Wt•to 1111 : 1'..- n .. u 'Y ~ 18 Xt>..:n li'C ounca' lin '"practice lllt~diciue, eurgery or mi~wifery Ill thle tl~tly tlo•lnyl'd, tlltJ ••OuuLiem; lauv lost OIIQ 1" ' 0 ~rA .t o It~ olectefi l.ty tho ruto-puy e t·tl. It lelanct, or to ~ivu advicu tbureia or in aot wlae ttip- - fu r it will Le tll!ell uy r e fCI'I.II\CO t.o ttll~ 111 MI\IU, hk&Wl.Se, t.bat tho M ulti)JIC VOlt' il'l nlso lead peovlt~ 1.0 iufer lb~C bll ia qoah6ed to rrao· o ther colu mn thnt •. Ito H ou. M. -'l on•·oc'a nltl\ndonoJ. VI ~~o il theRe eubject8 more ~tnon. tice roediohte. aa•gery o r midwitery, he ebal for-llcltooner J:fcteor t'(' lll t ned fr ona the 13t~ 11 k~; o n fci~ aud pay tho 111m ot t.wenty dollare for each M ontl:ty l•t'it 1\ it lt 200 q uiut"l" of li,;l a-lwr -A ~AD ACCIDENT occurred M f'e rtouu-to on dCLy that oe eo praotieee or leac1a people to lofe r fi t st \'uyugt>. -:;"'· t UII'. the " t ulmLiltL• 111 thttt yeetur~ Y we,.. It- The Colofli.rl givea tho p.Hlicu- tb4t he ia prao.ttictug, or shall aulfer iauprlao'lroeol 1 J 1 ... J IRrs. It auetna that. i11 oowpBoy w1tb aoolbe r for oot UOtlodio~ mouths. ut• t 1C awn llhippL'<i under t.la .. ir llgrl't•tnf'utH, youog mnn, t wo otbore (Jobo B ren11110 aort J o hu

dte)' would h:a vc 1n.·t·••· 11 p, .v•- 00111,1,..·• rlafi 1, f b b 1 ) A II pt~ncoua violotiog the abo,•e regulati01111 U u .. v "' •OJ:O rll 0 t e a ove p ace procooded from tho b II b u·

t rll!J n., :uuoun L fo r which 'lrey ~t"""l out. I o ao of lt to ' b ._ I d ~ a o an JIICt td tbe peoal ti~~a of this Aol, and I 1

d 1'). ~ " """" 1 0 Ol(era • 0 IOiltnern oea for tlt e 111 all Cll.lld tnt' burden o f proof ae to ~LHe qu.1li-

1 VtRed, Rhort l>i"h~ctl pvltcv ! purpose of •Lootiug 1omo ec"birda lrbich lt11t.l ficatioua, iu acco~daoce witb tbe provie•ooa of t hi,!l ln t.n kin~ lca,·o o f thi~ ~~~l~cct f,,r ~he Mtoe ioLo the shore with tbe icu, a buuy Ilea Act, eltall bo upou tbo defendao~ or p raotit iooe r.

no C . I • I t• I r I blliug 01\ a t tbe timo. After o:iltoot.ing ~~IUU of n ~· wu uClllrc to pu • 1..8 1 o r I 1£' P~-tpoei~tl ~ "" Auy pt-reou u r pereooe uot conuolct~:d wit,b tho honetit o f our b .. u·dy 8:tJlk tibh tst·m11n wluot tlJ d lli role Hogera aod Breunau go~ out upon a IDedical p•ofeaaiou wbo ahall (li1·o inrormntio11 ~l p d I rock for t he p11rpoee of aaviog the dog of tlte 1 d ' t.h • • f b . I • r. ~w or y, the C!lie t of the Kuigl.ts (,( latter, wbBn a aea wubed poor Brooaao olf ea tot: to e COIIYlctlt>u o Sllc lrteRU ar prao-k _l.o r· 1n th_e U ort.ed ;:)t.ate>i,luts k• 811y on Lite R 1 · b' r b ld d • Li,lo11e r. elattll be Mth•letl to on11 lo.tlf of ~he 6ue

I I t.. t os era OIIUt( .. oot o a!l faJiio~r b.oltward rocoYercd . t' Vl ' c.m :aanVI\I'tU•J y nttentling Htrilce>~. ll i& ioto Lhe eea 13eiog no swimmer, Brennan after u ttenu a..:l.'l'l ttrc d r•Ror ving of avery 1 especL, some toelfectual retiataoce to the furJ ~f the Nothlu~e in thie Act ahall preven t prlnte per­fu1·, :o' an.1ny o f ou r rr•ac lora u•·~ !lwnre, he 111111 Wl\ves, eaok to riao oo more. Itosera beio~t of •on.r r..-..,,u srivin~t r• t ceaaary meolic11l or ear~ti"'l 11,.,f a ,, .lo 4.X(IIltil'nco of •met. llll\tlet'H. II e ~at.hor Ylgorollt frarne ood " (1,ir swimmer 11110• aid iu tiauea of nrueo' oeeJ, ~1•eciall1 where

1 1 cee•l~:•l iu gt>niul( ou a 1,1\.0 of ico. froJO wltich rbero is no rl'fUIIl.r :-e~l tlent pbyeioiAII, proYitled 0 •· •• •r Y ,Ju,,~b tlant iu nine t:tt tl>l o•" of wu, through tb!laid of ltyau aod a tua u uame.J li tH~ th11t auoh 111olur attendauoe ie uoi dvun for hire

~l~·ak t>s hi o ll!lfOr At~nded wi~La 1111ythiug Lu and hie aoo who If ad beeu CAlled to the reecuv or l•in liM thu giYinlt of it mad. • . bnei~ ... or IIIJIIry to thot~tU takmg J>1trt iu~ t~elU~YOn he WU IUOOM41fUJIJ drawo to tbo lbure aod cou: way Of ~ralnlha. JIYelibood by tQO!t puMIOU. IIIOU((h the 1110 11 wora cn~t1,1etl t.o dngBge in nyuli 1.0 bia ._ome. "here be diec.l almo11t iaa- -~"rJltereon rteideot In "'i• Coloby ud who

-lte hi& duty aa aooo u ~rt tYideooe II obt.aiDed lO ,.,n t4aetbar &lat ......,_,. of "'e board-at other tbnn t t11ted lha11 for &be purpoee of arnt.~tglog ult auita ~ lrroplar prac&i· cionera aod carryiOi-OU~ &hi proyiaJone of '!lit Ao• lo relatioq to the 41&mo. ·

Ii shall bu the d uty of ~he differeo• Medloal Sociotiua to co·Opum te wit.b the merobera of the Medie.1~ Bonrll iu tioioie aU &bey cao 1.0 elnate the atnoo:uu of tho proft~~iou, to protect the Uvea aod hc.nhb of lhe peoplo, aod 1.0 foa!er aorl maiot.A1u nil thtatt prof-ooal meaaarea wblob may be au..tttutl:a for t be furt.buaoce of medical ICWDCC. Nothio~ in tb!J Act ahall prneol competent

female. frau• prnot1ciog e.Sd..,lfery lo tbla hlaod, proyi-Jed ench puraooa ~aUafy the Board tba~ tbeJ are properly q uaufictl for auob datlee, aod. ob&aia frum the Rt,l{ !>lr<tr a certificate 1.0 &bal al~

Ju oa&ell where 1t ahal~ be impoMible or im· practicnbtt. fo r aucb caod~datea to preeeot ~bem· aelvu lot:! JIU titu Soard for examauatiou, the Boarci sunll. u :•ou rucorumeudation of Lwo ?'ilia· t erod praCI" tvo~r.~, one of wbom aball be a pno. tiu oocr 111 Hoc di.Lric t of 111cb applicant, graaH such O:ttJ.;,J,,, .: a v iet: ole to prac tice midwifer1 io tbe •Ja UH·· [.on:~Jri:.>ed.

Any 1" t '" !o•wd pra~iciog widwilery, coo· trary !o t b·· 1 .... H"c rcwnlation, ahall bo deal~ witb ae t hu Ho"• J 1t.n)' r1irec~ . ,

h slt -111 n iHo t.u thu duty of the Board t.o oo­q u rrc ioto " I ant\LtuMI per,aioiu~e 1.0 tbe pablio healtl1 . t lo o• r,·c or t·uJ.: of birtb11, deatbe aod mar. r ia$fc8, t::.e :u \"t: ' t• a.'l\t i.>u of epidemic dleeura, tbe aoalysit~ ol 1.1.r• clt::i of food anrl drink, lhe viaitiug o f places whe re nuisaoceeare coruplatoed of, tbe exnwio"uon ui pr.tcus o f public builrlioga. aod tbe Ri vin l( of suc •t ad nco as may be of practloal valuo iu nil w.>.tters of 81\Dtt.ary reform.

,. . ~TOT::: EDlTOil 01' THE STANDARD.)

l> EAH :jllt 1-

Titc tol:o \ ir.: son.! wae oompoeod about l :J2 yo:tr$ Jiuct : ' ;,,•ermao called Wadbam. AI· t hOUJh • · • •' "' ! •>u tic.'ll werit to rocommeud it, you 1u.ty ....... ruu-.: :u to "i-ve it t=ablicity for ita uacfu !uc~~ '1 ;11 ·: of t ho olt.l lr.babitaota ltue pro •·•n l •l ; ;r :· D t.'>~; a ad 1 uoderat&od tt is on r~;c •r I lt ·11.: ,\dmira lty Office, Londou, u l41.' lJ,.,~, l~liD;:' pli O~ for ~ba\ part or tbia U• IRuJ 1~ 1:11 • . ,. " l'a.pu lloouistn aod Fogo,

1' <.:.\ .. .')HA M'S SONG.

( l'crbatim.) •

W . P.

F ront : • .~:. !'be c •. 1.

Then y• 1 •··

Till c .. ' L.

• , ··•f'l.l to t ho Stinking lalu ' · ., tull fo rty miles

, ~,.. r ;\WI\Y (..; 1:;, ~ u.JI I leland loenrs W.N. W .

T hen X ~: ~,,.

T bretl ,. · ' \\' lterevf • : • l'wo rat! ~ ...

':t i three mile!! ·fi .;,oru lie Waolhr.w'' hlee

•·oc~ must taku caru ..ow off h lo bears

T hen :S. \\' •.. , :;. twalv11 milee or more Thor·~ 1!,·~ ft. 111 I llvuJ on Fogo ehoro But.'~ . ~ \\' ... , or d gbt milee Lie!! 11 ~·ll•k .:11 m ck ncnr the Barrack: Ia lee

'flle rt:ftJr•• ·,.,, 1 r ll't:d I woald you 1\dYit u ~incu ,.J. t . r •cks i11 dao~:er liee T hnt v•otl •. ,, •.a .. o:t:,:At tltt:lll fall Uu~ k . .:q• ~ ., tr :.:ff :wJ 1Ycl8tlter 1he1u all.

A11 yo u • r t • ttc , r • 1 fo'OJ<O lund You 11 '"' ' '' trn·· .. ., fntltuaue tho eounllin..: IIAnol; l'ro1o li f,, . .,, t • .:•t.:n luc u. oever morfl Aud t!..:•l yc 1 !1 • ·•f! close to tho tbore.

Whe n you allr~·t\~1 of lb a'nd H~:ad be ;1:ucn .lvo· ,; ' l 'vcll t you 'll plaioly 81:0

I o starl .,,,r . · 1 l ' treo or four miles You'll •t"J • ••• o:.:l vi d - ·- d rag!;ell Jelos

\Vhcu .1 .. .., :; ••• • l'oiu l you 11ro "breast Thou F e•:.. 1 I t or:oo r hcO\rs d ue West Bu1 uu t,.,. 1 ,: • • n .. uu incltity laid A illlllk •" .:. , rici•L i11 tbu tradu

~0 w .: l

J"i JI llt tt!IH \\' lu t:lt " T hCII ll'

,\ tltl ' Ytttl''l .. 1'11.: .. Burt .

·\\"bet• ·• •h Thcu · ., Po~).....!, • io" llll' .. :a •

,•~~ ' " t lU 8lOOt

, u • ita l doth pl11i11 appear . ' .!y' l"•i h t you' ll IJUtl

.. .; ... ) o u Bro froo

• .'t:n a milo ' ~ ' " ::iyu.ee' !ale

'.\Duel i• no t very wirlo •• r ie ou tho IBrboarJ sit.lu

· •••· !'oint you ha\'O eh••t I • • :" '""tor you lar. vo go~

• .... • • m tl t.ake ca re ... . • , .. u r to 111eor

\\' hen !'.:.: · ,• • .; you Bro Rbreaat Star t•· •·11 1 I · . ''!l ' Hturr S . ·. \\' . !'i ll 1' .. 1~ • I' . .,, .,,, v~•n1 Symee' sta~:c

1'hen yc.·t .r. o•: L" I will eogn~:o

•UIJ,\It !, h • t.\1Jt DOW 8t!ln tling.

~ y Telegraph. - -o--

II 1..1 1".1 ~ ~ ., ' :.:i- White.. Minietor of t he luturtor t "n••·•· •llcJ on Saturdny o f i uOam· nJtllioh ol tnt• l•tu~o:•.

Jo: ... p.-r .. !- ... :i ciCk 18 ituvr•IYiog. The fi! I'Or ltl\l! RlJ • e • 'I "' rd;~·.t ur.• reel 1:s imperative.

Tlt\l '....!·• .I I' ... , Floreue .. ror Herliu. '1 ho ~- ~. ·'''rJ1 ,a,,, with ~ngliab rnaile, •&rr iY·

et.l hc:ru tl· • wt• usu,:. !:ibe has t ho laat weekly mai l for · !.s. • ••v 1

S 1x y h.'ltl!l:,: YrSSO!d , ro lu Halifax barber fo r ou~fiu ·

.\ ~m t :!1- ,.,., B"tt:C of l1outronl baa deolarell a dtvitl.•tt•l 111 ;, pl·r cent .

T ho Pvpu r 11 ~o·otltt8 'he Iriab pt»-.mpaign and fo t lridtt b'' ) cot tlog. -- -· -.:;- '

li lt> IIUig.I/Htt r,..VOo ~ hM bOOII SUJlprellled. Tho Ero1poror Frt~duriok 's ooudi~ioo is mnro

eati sfRctoa·y . l"lto "" t) llint.~ of cite glftude baa de­nroarll:rl ; lh~t llillt'ltc\ri(U Cro10 tbe throa• ie oopioua. Ue held 1\ Dlll l':y mluutos' ooofereoue with Bi•· marok. •

Local and Other ·ItAUils. •

-Then.~. u: Bo7d 1.-ur.ia thelkldab Holl a\ 8 o 'olock tbia'neolllf-OD "ProbiUldoD." Ad · a.'-iOD rree.

-'lbe C. W. Otdloa, Capt. litqerald, It DOll' loaded by her owoera, Ueun. Jobn Muon & Co. fur the Eugliah.marke~. Sbe baa a cargo of oil aod flab, aod Ia cleand for PIJIIIOnth. Sho tailed thia tweaiog. ... •

-The S.S. Eog~. Capt. Jaokmaa, arrhed tit St. Joliu'a, to Meura. Bowriog RrOL, tbla mora. Ia~. with a fall load of 27.000 wale. Sbe left Triuity oo &carda7 week Jut. and bu been .Wee ca\lj(bt in the Ice io Trioi~1 Bay. • -----Hi. aaid tba& &ypbue fenrla pmentat B lack Head ; tba~ of " tbe four ~raone down with it, tbua far ooe ia dead, ooe Ia al!gbtly better, 11od two are io a very precari<'al conditioa." lr t bis be true, i~ iarmaner o.f rearet, for tbo dieeu" i• a very roaliguaut one. ---h ia with pleaaare W& DOtiOe that BDOiher Of o11r yoaog Harbor GraoiBoe bae lately bllco awarded a Maater'e Certi6cate of Uompetency by lbe Local Marioe lioard, ~t. Jobo'~:~-uamoly, Mr. Tbcmaa G. llemteter, forruorl1 mate of Meura. J oba ~uao & (Jo.'a brig Tnutu. Tbo STANDAIIO wlehu iw youag friend a aueceasful nau tical carebr.

-llurbor •Grace hu an Agric!lltural Society. Tbe talk is_:wha~ lraa become of il la!e•y ? ll:lll i~ ho:ld aoy w.:ettog tLie ycor ? A.od 11 uot, ..rby uoc? Tbero are severai of tbe towuepeoplo ' "' " cooductiog ratuer extt:uaivo brming operations her". Those abould bnvo n aay in the matter, aud ebould le~ t heir voice be beard. Sur up, gen tlemen ! 1 'bo eea11ou is atlvouciug.

-BANKERS~-:\leasra John Mona & Co.'e bnn­ker Scliuu. t.:I\Jll . ll utlaon, 113ilcd 011 Mo1 '' .Y lrust for Adaw·e (;ovu, l"ort lt tillotc. ~> l.crt.' • Ito wae delayed for n abort time. Sbe baa s ince ~~ailed for PI.Accutia for bnit Tbia veaeel i:t to bavu her fish w nde at HBy-de· Verde.

l'be HBrbor Grace llaolt fo' iabiog Co.'s echr. Flying Arrow, Capt. K earaey; u.iled thie ruorotrq.: fo r tbe southward for ba tL. We wis h tbem ;Il l succeu. ---

-Tht: , cboout:r tlrgonaut, CBpt Gleeson, Rrrrv • llJ fro iD (.; rboneor uu Monday lut. She lauJ o:.l pnrc of her cargo l.terc, and lef~ agBiu fur Cn.r­boacar tbis murniu~ T ho .tlrgt>llaut 111 B h·. ll apeci~neu of lba Awerican fiebiUK Yeuel, :u:tl 1• c redited with bowg a fl\.lt eailtlr. tihe 111 len year11 old ; ie H toua burtbeo, 3Dd wae built ,t llatll, Me. \\' e wiab tho enterprising owoo1•. Meure. Duff & .Balmer , e very 6Dccesa.

-Tm: SEAL FtsUERr.-Tbe folbwiog arc tljo a r rivals at tit John's ai noe lasL isauu-Tb~: :>. . Wolf, Capt. Sroitb, 700 ; the S .S. ? olur•ia, Co1 t . Guy, 7000 old ; tne ti.S Kttt, Copt Aeb, l li{J • : 11 nd tbo acboooer Kate, Capt. Sulhvao, I row t11·J liulf wnb 1200 priwo youog barpe.

l'bu Wolf. ! ro n: 1 hu t\onhw10rd, r~porus I' tHy

poor euoceas. Sbo was jawmed fo r aoroo co11. aidernble time.

Tbe ? olgnia arr ived from tbe Gulf. ~ftc Uriuga 801111:1 '"UIU Of tho Btlli\IUI!r ,l}astijf (If \ .. 1

pore, wbicb appeara from t lul fol iO\\ wg tt:lo~;r•"" : ·' OnJIL. Guy , of tbe l 'olynia thmke tb:.t tbe J~ a.• ·

tiff -. u.a quite baudy to tbo .Poit,••iu "'b ~:u &·.~ took tw~:uty fivo buudred."

-i-"llLSC FRO:U rut: lSA:>K.S - l'o r: _,e ot tbu lluu. M. l.lvuro,) f Uaukiu~ tluut-tbtl Jlcttor, UlilJI. .fiuvat: tck,-w~st IJo: acco rded tbe lirat Jllac" uo a~ lio:IUKiu- tir111 becaueu abu Wd tbtl lira~ ecl.tuouo.: r to orrive from tbu tiabtu" · g rouutia. ~be baa tl.te liue far~: of tOO qurutale-no' by wy weaue r• boll cotDUloocuweut. Sbt~ reached .l:'lac~;~o t i:a c. u • Mvudr~y laet. ~Ito rcpurll tlat.! ' Wb:lLiocr l'ct y rouJ:h.

W u learn allo tllat. auotb"r souoouer-tbo Julnlu, <.:av~. N icko:rsoa-alao arrived aiL t he abovu pluco tbo anmo Jay, reporLiu~; tbtl lou tlf tw 0 me u h tJ to be uoved tbat t hey will lllrll UIJ Bll n~ht iu tbo cou1 su ol n eborL tiUJu.

\\' ~ le1nu further that tbere weru ou Moul111' :.!0 ,.~&IIlla ut .l:' lac~: util• >Naltiug for bai~.

\\' Asn:o !-W e pullh11uud uu Satn nlay ll\llt Ru· otbl!r lulh:r I ro w our wur t by correavuud~::uL "l:.tt · quirt~r" a~:tkiag iuformauoo ~tbout eowe cl!lcbr:· u ee tbu l.tuve lrotn tiu•u to tiUJo hulvod to al•"l'" tbu dtla tillleB of Harbor uraco: Amou&'Bt th eoo: woru meu titJuod thu oaUJul or tbe fit4t Mr. J U• ·

t ico (iar laod, and thu Huvue. Lu.urcuco Cu•lt;hllw aud L..w111 Awad~ue d.usuocb <..:ouoot suwe ut tbe UJBuy reRdt:rll of " U .STASDAit!J fUtUIAib tl•u lleelrl!\.1 ioftJrmutiou '(

Uur correapoudeut " W . .P." favora our read­ora to-<1ay w1tlt a useful 11oug oompoaoti l:J:l y utHi ago by n liahermnu 041led Wadbaw . 1L will bu read I\ itlr wucb iutord1~. Our correevuoduul lVIII ltCCUVI tbo Lb auks of • LUu ::>TANOAIIO S rCI\d · ere. Th~:y wtll bu always glad tu bear from biw.

-~SCUUltAOK IIOll t: L"\DUIITkT !-l.lr. J . A .

t ht>m 1111t.ler tbo r •• ~t ta,·or-ni•le cireou1111~nces mediatotr ahor arrival. Aa 1000 .u!M..aihle alti!r aha II lmh vracliaed Medtcloe, Sur~teryaod Mitt. -with ttny 1\DlOUIIL ot capital And rue>tntr",.t. tbe nuforluual• 9e41lrreuce. a special JD .... ge wJrerJ ,,., a pkiotl ol ten Je.re euue4!0Gtlntiiu tlaeir back to " 'Pt>Ort t.buiO pud their (:uuiliea wu detf·atohurl to t he iti~JC~urliary m11aiatsat• a~ one ~<•11•7 pre\'ioaa lo Lbe paaiul( of thie Ac" wlr ila c.hr:._y weae ou t. on lltrike_. tbinu, 1,1

F• rrylaod, Jobat A. Ruobford, ~.J.P., upon IIJ>ODpropf ul lbe ... e,ahall bue hianar.oe re~rie· o wboN arriYa! abor&l1 al&er, tbe utoal .._;eterial ,.,,..a .. d IIIICf\YI • liC.fllMI w p~ ooder tb~ u,., .,,.,, whiob i.t not 10 ~t~tai ly attainec.l in ineatipdoo .. held. About 8000 011 Jhra- Aet

Nftw(\)uodl.-od. Mr. Powderly alrow•. in hit daf llee ........ ol poor .Bonrt were ooa.if...d Au1 1oei'IIUn whtllt ... Diore4 ia aatulNrYice l~t. mamfe~~to, thAt a remark•ltltt clumge to IWr , .. , ,....... pl8oe fa t• a.., ... ._,, In lie• Ma.Jeetr'• ~ant. ~UiitarJ aenfoe, • J!hy­lrllts cuu'e OYer tbe IIJ>il'it of tit .. oluf'f Hf t.be Al Fer!Aeaee, beUw lolto•ld ~ the rna•• t,7 a elaiau or S •trltl'OII, lhll~ .,r,.~et Medlaine, 8nr­~n•ahtjJ ~.~r (.;abor· iti the p.tst lew month . lar~ awub.lr Dl. .,. .. pathido• f~• M4l ....... prJ atld ~li\lwl(urr ·~ N'e'!!fuaad'-u•l, after bn. th•• k • l•f Lhe uw.ui(t:¥~ ie Lhu futi luy of bor .. reeidata of F~rw.ue aud adJ&COnU•arboP. ' in~t betD ft'~ll~red, aud' receiYe ~ hoen11• from •L• i~~ awl !.htt tJi~tf wllic)J fulluww l Uv

1k) _tbe P'••nUjiD•, •l&hollllb eearoh lau beeu • tillle Uoarcl wiiJrO\t~ P"1nh11r& of auy re~tlatratlou

'J1aero Wl\4 u liiii>W·i.>to rrn at Halirax lau nlttbt A PRIL 2:,.--~•tt•er; Violorll\ reached llerlln o~

Monday Y c ft(,•rd •Y 11he drove wh~ tbe Empreu to Yisit EtUp•t·' Au~u'eta ~~~ lwl au eutbal· ioullic r('Ct<p LiOtl rfOI!I Lltll Berliiiiha. 'fbere w .. a gMI"'rtnt- of tl•u lwpurial f\ruilylu t.be onointr 1.0 moet tbu I~U.Ill'n. Tbe g,aperor'a oondltioo fa COIUpl\rAl(\·o~ly eatisfautof1. lld , WU renrlaiJ thie aftorn oor·

Wbttw.tu, o{ tbill towu, has tor 1101uu timo put bueu \lDgnguLI 10 exeoutiuK a tiueoriptluu o f ·, ot k

wbicl.t baa hitbt.rto uo~ bee11 a n uwpted bore, or in facL we behove iu tbe couotrf . 1 hi3 work ·~ tbe po&intiot: of three IICilUilB, and wan11e, for t he furoaaltiuu uf St l 'aul'e Hall, Up to tbo pret!tJn t Lillle,two ecouea huYt.' blleu put o ut uf baud. 'l he tirb' is iutculleri for a d rop oort;tiu , l\llll reprcacro h! a eet tJf criwsoo ourtaiua t1ralfu netde aut! tied with ta&lule i lu the ccutre ia a euverllly execu L.:.t rural akAtob-foreet L1 ee1, aad fo!ia"e, with 11

email ahellL of wa ter eurrouuded by wBter graua.:oJ and undergrowth. T ho curt.aiuearedl'8wn aeati11, u it wt~re, and thua tbu eceue is pre.uututJ to u .. , oo-looll.ur . 1'lre aecood oue Ia a p11r1t or ~:e~rdun 1C11oe; larg~ tree• are arLiatlcally groupt~d j,, auoh a way aa to eu~ae11 to oue'• mtuJ tbat &h ey wero 10 plauted that a peraoo could l(li~u In and ou t awoug Lbew ; an iUtitatiou muuurJI'I\iliag vru­je~ota froiD eaut. eide, lluibg a •vautl lu rht~ tt~11tro~ fur a V"Ma(CII·way, u•ch cor11ur b41iug tiuiehull with an abuttmtlut. ~·roru· thu enti'IIIIO\! u walk lude.baokwaardtw..-arl.leaae~ge-lookiua vouu uf •ater. l'be ~iewa art wt:ll· couoeihd aud L':leir e ... CUUOII i.e ltigbly •pokeu Of bJ fMINOUI who baYe b11d n~.~ttritiuce of auob mattere aa\1 wlio aru qualified t.o jcdte of tb• wert .. ()f the paiutlul,'ll.

Fin aceo• Ia all are to be execptotl, lltttl lhare it oo doabt bat Ula& tbe work ou tboee tha t are uollaiehed •UI ~aal \laM of \hQM peal oa& of bad.

Tbe worlt pi'OYM tbat M.r Wbi&tnan i1 aeoeuio artie& of oo mean •~trlt, aud r~airet but pr8o­tlco to exotl io aoy dep.rlwent ~ ih• a •• artl.

• • 1 "'"'a 111 'IHr MJall~ Dl. tbe.-a.e&rnoa.. DO • '"" · , ,

qaheu10ul&U 1Uu1 Ul .. cxtai«t ~d.! lsnotbMbtu'OWMlwlbt._.et,.,.ur.u:... 1 .-a. r......,.._ ....... _,.. • ..waacua...U . I

T lto P "ri .. ~lttuft:lpAI C ouuoll c~ndemua Oou· laullilt. ag1t1\li~n. •

' l'hu Va11~··· •ll!crdc, ooullomnlur bo7oottlnlf anti J•flln or r• ''I' ti~~~ . ttletlnrUithiSi aOJII&IIonal' 11\0YISt"UII l fr.ltll •uvvhld!HI, A&ltl 11111&111 1.0 008• ...... LIMa~. .

Tbe pttblio will loaYO 1\n opat<lri:::c.at tltu r01 ~t:\UIIhiU oOIIC~tt tO lll.'et VIIJW a11rl •t..l' Ju r ~henueel•eftf &he chc&raOter U4l Uat ""of Mr· WIUimla'a budhr~ .

Page 3: M YST'r:Rv HNIIJN~S llTIBNALUSl 4saurauce; Cam,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880425.pdf · Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers


-Tho Ot>ODIDif Ooocer~ at Sl l'aul'1 Uall will como olf ou the evening of ·ru .. <by oe~:,, let ~'a)'. Partionlara later oo.

We (Mercury) undor1t&nd tba• t'ae IAopard'a ee11l11 were 1old a~ 21L por cwt.., aod 'he orew w<!re aouled wi~b "~ t hat price 'l'he1 fared, iu this reapeot, better Lllau the oat WI of the other s1e11mere who wero paic.l nt tho nte of 188. per cwt. Wilen 1eala a re worth 2la. wby are t hey r~c~ oced at 1&. io·settliog with the meo? Will &oy ooo volunteer ~~oo au1wer?

The Ol"erlaud 1Mil from tho northward which arrh·ed iu towu ou Saturday afternoon brlug1 · oon6rwatioo of the lu~o qoautitiee of eeAial.l\keo by ths landsmen of Groen aod Wbito Baya ; the iorty o r fifty ~ne11 belonging to Muara Water· onl\lt & Co .• ou the Horae Ialanda bad onr four huod red seala por mat.. They Gre le1aoda bad no~ been heMd from u p to date o f our eorroepoo· \!<!:!' whore letter is dl\ted April Oth. bot a amall ""l1o0nur C!!.ll tld tho Nymph: l>clooglog to W llt er ­m:.u & HoJge, with a ClltW of teo mea bad :l,OOO pnn•o bMps o n board, aorl t ho E11dtn'ance, Hac­kett ~loo~~og to the same firm, bAd over 2.~. otll•r cra<h 10 t bo seal11 nnd likely to d o wol l. -

., ~t. . -- - -:-mce lMt is&lh'. ll. r bor (~mce haa h11d ill t\fO

t!r ~ i\rrivala from the scnl tbbery-tbu s1e11mer r, , r11laottl, Cnpt.. TLomcy, 110d tho steamer J.ce-" • • J. Capt. \\" inaor- l1ot h 10 ~leesr!. J obn ~l11nn

c;. ' . •' · . ·t.u G•·unland arrived y<'eterdlly1 with uu fo r­

t llll'ttcly li u la.: or o u etJ:d s . :5ho ~o~ ja111nwd iu :II ~ ice .l row dny& ahcr l(c tling clcolr ol tl o ~ hur ­bJr nerc, uod tuJ uo~ h!IVt. much o pportuo .ty of •I:CUriOj,! lOy 8\!ll.i

T he l c<wnd ~~rri \llJ ut 11bout 11 o"cloea. lust tll ..!h r. :)i,u hna tbd fiuo ll'iiJ of 1·1.200 of which l . - IJO nre youn~o~ And 2,000 o ld. UnriniC t he oalry I'·' " of th•· &tJrlD!l t his slup "as. with tbe otbur -tomc ra d:•ilinsc oo~ of t; reeuepood, ke pt fast u_,· t h<l icu. null Jid nM gut cicar uutil tb., t l<1t \l.r.:b. :\o ncci.lcot of ""Y k:n,l Mcurro?•l .lnri:.;.: 1 he! opriu~. "1 he weather cnc~uutered throu~:h · ·>.at tho trip w11a very fair .

U n ,\l~.uda) uv~:oln !l " lnr:to body o f old seals "..rc s~:cu ncar C"!J" ::;r., Fma.cis, but the lu•' rd · >! ~..:11 :11[ t h<l ktlhni-( o( 11\!Blll fo rbids t he Vtlo:IUJ; or • ·Y lft.er thd av• ;I April Cavt. Wiuan~ •"IS

t «rcfore cornpelled to P·'&!l by ud len•e 1\lone i J li-_. u~.:J t•ujc: l ll.:n' v f ltoeir lit.o rty ":at

• ••• 1 • ; ·' • .-J :111 l·tton to Utd .;o!.l l tr1 ,>.

- M•~•.-. Job~ Muou & Oo.'a· barqlleotlne CE.lAa. Capt. Jo1oe, was towec:l. hero frC~m S•. Jobo'a lltl-t afternooo by t he ~WI&mtag D. P. / rs-gralam. · -­.

-AN AII#.VDONID 8cmOOKEIL.-1.'be steamer Ltcpard, 11\lely at St. Jobo'e from tb" {jalf, b rought io a derello• acbooOI.lr, the n1lmhler, of 98 tous, abaoJoced o o Sitod!ly lut ~:~e~tr Potty Harbor. 'J'be crew, bad lef&. the schooner on Satu rday evening: oame aabore oa tbe ic.le, and proceeded to ~t. John's. It 111erua that the Rnmbltr belonged,1 to Jet~ey. l~at alio brlrl Jef~ Hrlstol for S t. John's oa the 2Srd Much1 C•ln­eigoed to Muaara. Gootlridge & Son e. •· II e r e&rJlO COtlaieted of liot.l, twioet~, corJ:~~ee, Ancho ra, cbaioB. bricks. etc. She · enoonotored tho loe eom.a d ilt&DCtl olf thi11 COt\lt. 1!) dt\y"ll ufj er \ e:~ ving port. Oo SAtarday ruorolng Pbe Will dri• \!o nearer the 1ho~ than the Captain Jboogbt s"fe, aad two aocbore were let go. A heavy aea wl\a ruooiug 1\mpngal. tho ice ~tod tho ch1in11 pnrted in a short 'lwo. See.io~ tba' tho cbaocea for st1cap~ would be sru~ll . if darltoe 1111 oame oo, the CaptAin tlcciied t-o llbandon tho tbi}J fo r nfuty o r h im­self and orew. The me n took most of thei r clothing with tbom, and ~fter nu:ch c.l ifficulcy reached the land M tho 1•orth shoro o f Petly llarbor. A. big ~~ea was rnnuin(!, a ol.l tho u1cn h~d a hard struggle to laud . £'hoy weru not f:1r f1 0 111 Cape SpeAr, 1\od sooo rel\ched the li:.:ht­bou~o. It oro they remained :1ll uight, nnd ·,, e:o k intlly treate•l hy tho keepe r Rn11 hi!! f:uni ly . T h•'Y luft thure 1\t too o'olook yeste rday monoiuc. nn•l Rfl~r 1\ abort ll tlly At Bl'\ck!IN•l nt;ain took t ho roRc1 1111d reachecl St . J ohu"t ·•I 11ll•l <'"cloclc.'"


SUPPLIED BT R S. U REllNKit . Dauntl~ . .. ••.•... ... Bntlcr .•... •. ... .•• ()7 SuSIInnn . .. ....••. .• .••. .• Plo,.-mno .... .••... 4!) ~oll ie ..... . ... ...... .. . .. ::-lu rllo .....•... . . .• . :15 llnlcc lh•llo! • .•.... . . .. R ·u~tlcl l.......... . ·l!l :.1.11 irn.1 ... ... . .••.•.••.... tlln<.lcll ........... u l Po rl ... ..... .. ........... Mo rris . . . . .. . . . . . . !3!'1 Lily ..... . .. .••........ ... Hulllldl .. ... . .... . S!l

HY p. & L. Tt... ~lt.R. \\" '\le r Lil y .. . .•• ..• ..• . .• Uonuclly •.•....•• 40

I ~0 1·1 14

.. •• l


3i:? 1 :, .~ l . - \"CII"' · ~ • ~72 t Oh8 . .. 1:3 men. \ . 7-! lj VC8!<:+ • . ;"'!) tons . .. :\00 .Ut:ll

• ~· t ·i.v••ll-..: cx·r• \ ·~ !:-'-' •• 1 tho a .. ip'l! ; . .: , • . d · , : 'tl.:r·~ u' . '.•. ti ·t.,•. Jc:n,.:R uf t t .. -; .. "'i'

1. Jlc• a~;,,.. c . ~ ~~- \' '"'~ ·: : ~ .•. l . i lll• -" ··· ~7 i lthu

The First Sign · OC f.tl:ln; h~lth, wbother to ·the torm. of 1\lght Swcata aU\l .No"oUiiMM; ~r In ~ t!e•n 0 o f Qoneral wa.rl~ &Del Lon ot .\ 1'1"'\llo, allOI.Ih.l-sugae~t the .... or Arer's S11Ullp:1r~lla. Thill . proparatJon le IDOl& '

uiTceth·o tor Jiving touo ud ah'eogth to tho en!ceblcd ayltC!rD, promodq the ll i,{~l>!.ioo 1111o.l .w.lulii:Uiou. ot toocl, ,..to~ In~ tho nervou1 t OI"C'/'1 to t M,Jr TJormal

'I C>lllllhlon, uuo.l for rurlfyln&", •nrlclllua, :w •l ,·ftatllzlug 01o blood.


Failing Health-. Ton TOnl"ll nsro my hel\1\b benll•to tan.

I \V.t'l lruubled w ith 14 lll5treullig·c4ugb, :\lght Swcntll, 'VcaknMS, nnd Nenou .. l .t·~•. {tried \"nrlOII!I rcmWIU preecrfbed b\ dllrl'rcllt ph;,Jcl:tl' • but 6ecamo ao \l:t•a k t hnt r cou)\l not ~o np 11taln with­o ut 'topping to rest. . ly trlend1 recom­lll<' lh.lt•l a no to try A l.'ur'a 8araapar11ta. which r diJ. nnc.l! nru Jiuw u hftltb}' and ~trot••:: :~~ ('l"r r. - :.U t . I::. L. WI!Unm1, .\ lt! . ..:nntl \"1:'1 , Mlun.

1 lo::·;r 11~c•l A ,·c-r'~ 5:1!"!:\pnrlllllt lu my ra ••:lh, f••1· ~:rorut.• . :w.d k now, U It 11 11twti Cllith Cully. t h ~~It will thoroughly o•;•il:lo•ut ··l hl'f W:Tll>lo o.ll'!rnse. I bllVO allo pr··•··n l·.·ll \t 11-1 u walic, Cl'l wollllS nn &ltor­o.i"·· :111•1 tllti ,LII:I~' th~~! hOOeAt)y be llCVO !: , f'l ''" 1 i10 h•··t b on:! n1cdlcloo e\•er : ·• ·· ...... ,. ·I.- \V. F. ··owler, D. D. S., :1 . · ' · · ti l l' ·uvllle, Tenn.

Dyspepsia Cured. ! : woul,l l>o hnpo••lblc t or mo to do­

••· rill" wh:at t auU ~:n·tl !('Om Iodlge .. llon ""'! l l•·:t,hdto up to tlao tlmo l begno 1·• "d11 : .\ yt•r'll Sar~:1pnl ih. t wu under I I l o•rtf') Ot TnrfOII.!I \)hH(C(I\nJ &U\J tried " .::• .ot 111:\ny k.lntl'l ot medldou, but 1 .. , r ··'•t:•im:d mora tb m temponlJY r~ · ~. :. it · r 1 .tdng .Aycr·~ finrl'aparlnl\ for :. • l•·•r ' : :mn, my he:tc' " •he dlaap~rod, ~ u.l ,.,.. -tomnrh perfo17!'1ctl lts dutlos more 1•·o·r .. c1 !~. 1'o-dny . m 1 i1eulth b com­! J,;r.elL .wtorcJ. -:U tr;o .il~~rlcy, Sprlcg-··' " ' · ·' ~u ... ....

r it: II"IJ !Joe n grc.·uhr Ul! ucil ted by tbo r1 ·'·"P' 'l:"u ot A~cr' ~ S.miaparillo. It ' ""··~ :•:1ll hl\·lgoralcs 111~ 'i~·~te.m, reg_t,llatea t ht! :tl't l'ln ot tho dl~e•tl VI! und MSimllatlvo <•'.._"1m~ . u111l ..,lul!z-::s .!1: blood. It n1 "it: ~•· UL J oubt, the 11· : a·clbblo l>loou ! Ill; . ,.~ \"~L llhiCO '."C:~i •••• rr. D . J olmson, ;;,1 .\ · Lmt!c n\'c., .:.;; j • • • • , ~. Y. .

L yer's Sarsaparilla, ~ ' ...! \ ,,,, \ ..:«! -

, ·• , •t t ·. ~ .• r ·': :! • :!! .>t . t :,f! ~~ ~a.u er I i'I'!A.RR::-~G::::S . 1 :·r ·: r· !!ly Dr.J.C. A~ ·r .co.,Lowoll,~ I . I Prl oo 81; ~o!.x "'>>:tle .. &.

..J l "-.· ,'" lh/ t•J l ur~"'t! 1..\J-.· \"RY l ttOU.! t' •nc .. \ I !' f feth· ·.,. nn the2!Jr tl iu":. ;1., · h_f' 011h n, ... , ... i~·vu

1 ... \ \ •·•Ill .. : t •: ' " t.ll,! ' · I ltV u : itc:r pvr : v t clo•J ·. o•· lhil ''•J:l . i\rch !···· ., F l ri· t ~!. •.'··c-·.: 1· .. ,_ • . ; 111-;. •• _ 1·· • 0" · -··~ L"· ' ·ot l ot' an' I t ···~ !··•· " ' 'tit·• ' ' ""· E 011" ' I" ltd.-> -'· • ·.·:.,•rio • N E w ' ,....... - E D s • • , . • r' " • • " ' v > • -. • • . ' L" . I ~ h r 1 I " • • r ' • ,

( t • o tfl\'\ ...... ,..,n ' '""!t ter o t !· ··'"' .ur J ·:-.t1 t .:' : • ........ , ....

f "\10 1; ' '"1.; Ill ,.c . .,, ,,,,It l. V I I ::I,, . ~···· •tea:u .• • • t •>rl~ Ill IY:It .. r near :lo,· I .\: lllo r.-,;• ll'r.ce or I 'to o r i lo! bth··r O.:t J <•b···· by ·- I

• '" t• . P""<ito<.l l.•p~· :·•J;.(• I l:lll o•rllcred .:-, oll u I )aul..- lt!.u a, .. ,. G .. 1. Hood, ll oDr) ::L "1tipm:tn. to lhry K • . , .,. Lltt• •io. t Seal~ !.:·• · t •1o .u. d beard f• v m Jl,., .·:. h•·•ll of tb~t city .

, I. .• " 1 o · r•: •u n~ uo.io were plco t:I•Jl. ~-~========-~-~====~~=~ __ ...,. •.111.~ I t~or·>tt. •, .. , , IN lor Cl\pc .)ohl'. I DEATHS '

'll ·: t•• •) lhJJJII. rc,.~· ""'l \ oud (slnnd :u:J .;co ~ T··-~··~· ( \lh.Jnrll<l&~) at 1:! .!· 1• on. a!t('r ~.~.~?rt ill-······' I .1~ h:a rp · 1\t·r~ :It Hor•tJ lslcLt. " ;>:·1, 1<1 ' ' \ L Dt"" ~. llp• r r .. !ICI':i . I"OU!ht··~t ·••.:lt tcr nr \ . 11.11111 H

n: -1 .\ ''" rh .. mp•o ... ~t;("tl 11 ) ··lr· · .; ,.! iroo1 , •tto:: plac1:, ~<Ud d;HIUl( t.Jtc r.:uo Ill · .\ IJTl'Cioua eoul from u• t11 l:'l'llO

• vf tu c• t."\Cil 'll ~ t ?O k 1000 toarpt! l'!)o ~~ •n..; cr. ,i. •·oicc " " ,,, . .,., ; .. fli :Jo,l . . . ·•ln. !:.:1..: 1 ~ . r:~I.J.IIlln:~ux , nuol Aurorn we re nlso A plftcoJ i11 vat:ftot in our homo :r: ro. Which never CAll b..! till oJ.

- ·•rd-:'l: v •cal~ •Vl'to: t.-.k c u. tbe men work i o~t AI l'hy Ht,berr.a. on the H tb insl . Loult~~, rollct or ~-·ell .• , ,, ~ l 'urtrad,;tl l'u1ut 1u qo~:Sl of lht• ht~ )lr Char les CAipio, ~1:'<"1 tiS v~ar•.

... '• "' ~. · .. - l !lc ICt: r uun l ll J.(. nn• l t ho ship J.(Ot jnm-

'· ·111 l a(t,'r :l w!Ho•• """" irceol. 'bo •teamed .\ :· t h rou~ • w.1tcr auJ ~t.oclc 1cc .

_ •th- \\' at h tuc /~·,,,,,,. A11rM·u. P..JJ•ogcr a ud ... , i t ctm.,·d Jo" o on r:. 8tJ~: or Ho rsu ! ~l au ds,

.• i •m :S . : uw lii~UII ul dt:llll'l .

_ ;,h-r .. ,. 1co runulll~ ou t v f I!Ry very 8t ro ng; !U.I 1.· r \J!t t~bliJ lo !Slac k i{uck. tbu Eagle. Falcvu. ,. 1 /t."·~;(r. ru·don .: r;~~t s.uuc t itll6; c rew out all • \' li t •! P"••tu.·d 1'\ ·••HI "l ... \l i't.

.: : th - :-.tu p ~t~l\1111rg t hro ugh laq;o shcot icc: '" •·..: townul north siol•· or Bay ; 1he body or

., ... ~ wure abou t 12 tn tlc8 tu Lhll ~ . \Y . of ll on~e · • u· I ~ : crew p·111ned I :J l)t' seala.

.:'· o-Cr(• w 0 111 ·dl .t .. y, llut p.mued ;ll.)Q&I"I\111 ; : • ,; 1.1 11 lonanl IUUO of t hu ptuuuHJ se.ala.

.! 't lo-1 < c RIIIJI ;;te •• n ll to C abou t . pickin J.: " P '· 1. ·,•red I•·""' of a .. nl~ 1 " ' '"" uut w1Lh l:lut\! rus .: : n l1nt! sonn· paus.

·•"tl•-t ' '"""'·.no.:t:tl "' ' "" ' U~ ~e!\!.1 iu l:wld ; ~a.d : J •-' uu l>oanJ :J.JIJ i!••al~ fro•u (11\UII \

-• l KI- Stl·tllllt:d to :'\. \\ t..J tnlto 11enl11 from l.tcr I• "'' G 111 uoutl.c r wloiCh I h., c ruw vuno~:u, but only could tiud thrt:u ptl U8 wills a bou t ISVll 11eal1 ' " • 1~t• rn : .rl urora a11<.( h"VJuwtauz about 'l m iles

Wt•l!l ; crew killed ~~~,{uiYacutterud Scala. I 1L Apr1l-Yery II t lo,Coue. .:n.t--Cro•v out nud ~;to boutliJIJ youn~_: 8c.1ls ;

:\1. : n rore·rwd-aher b..lot1' in,; to G roais I ~lnncls and to wed her to tno WM<l~o tho N J rtb 81UO ol t ht· Bay , a hip a tenwod in y. Jnl-~otbi oJ.' douu; s tentncd o ut tbo Bay io

•Hilt:r; • ury ftlw ~als ruon_,..--lth-N vthiog :looo __; ab1p st~miug ou~ ; le w

•.:.tl~ aeen . --.....~

.Jlh-::illip jaromed ; c r.:"• o ut and killed 60 ~· .,un~ aeala; J.'w illiogaru Loog Point, ~ . by W., :!11 •ntl .. ~.

ti tl.I-.Notltiu~o: done. 7tb-.\bout 20 aen111 t ken. "lh--."!Jip ~tc <Hiu:: S.E. ; anow-sho ... or ,_ nt

t:ru"!l : saw ~reat mauy olJ aenla ; e re " out and 1.; ·d "l~J Old.

J t h-." <>1no uld sea ls IICil ll ; c row t.: illed !.!00. HJlh-Notbiu~t don£:, I hh-Ttw ~h it' nbouL 40 wilel' N . E . Grol\is I !!·

ll\nl!s ; Mw a largo ll U1u llcr o f old aenl1, aod 840 wcro• l..1llcd by the cre w

l:.!th-<:rcw ou t arul killed 2:!0 o ld aealB l .i lb-450 aenls 1.3keu. I tth- .Notluu~ dooc. 15Lit- ame. "ith - Fohke Island• boru W., 8 rDilea; u w

"''''.: eels. -t'7 th--.l younl( hood~ 11 nd harpe " e r<' Lftkt•n. loth-UI\b"Ot l1lauds X:::ol . W., 10 miles; oruw

out aud )tilled 800 young booda and harps. 19m-Cape &na\'lsta, S.W. B miles ; aaw

t" o rsteamera; no seal11 Been. 20ti1-Baecalitu. N \V. by W. 15 miles; kill .

· eel 9 old aeala aol.l taw a larlo(e quantity. 2 let.-8b1p ateamiog to tbc S. \V .• aaw tho /lee .

~r. reported 1 .~ ; ehip t.!O~ jAmmed 22od-Nolbing d o ne; ehip B'ill jammed. 2:1rd.-Go, clear Auci c ut Lbrou~b wo leo to

tbe wa~r oo tbe ouUJide; reaebsd S aud cot in •~rain to W. ; at A o "elock waa eiauallod at Ule Block Hoaee, Sc. Joho'e: ateamed aortb "'od pnt ]3mrDed near Cape Sc. Frauaie lo a heaY)' body of lee; co' nlear aproynt.erday. and tltea!Md ap the .Bay, aod armed ., •• ,*'the wharf a& ll.SO.

-Fraooe l.t io t ronbkt, the d11,orber ~~ tl1e Jlh~ fltliDJC Geoenl &ulaul(er who it by no nocahl iacapable of tfoingu.i~~ebief, Ue eeem1to be rugarduc.lliJ th11 .lo' re11ob u ·tbe 1Mb wl10 ia ~ win for &h,aa &heir 101& .Protiaoll ucll.d Ia &bt wa:r of ref~,..

.\ • :: t ' .~hn"s. on tho 21st fuM tnt. • ftor " ln'IF; lllne~11, oorn" '"ith l' lorlo~thn rtoslgnt~ti •>n ,, lht\ Diviuo will. f oolnck l.uwi ... '"1(<.-:l St.i yoars: he IO&vcs n IYifo mnd fomll) t.o lll>.iUrll lhelr 11d foil.

P.A.SSENGERS. P,•r !; S Portt~a for Nuw York - llrd nrowu. Mls~

IIMrld. (' olonul O.o vuuport !u s'loou. nnd tbrtlc iu ~ccoud ,.,.,.;.. r'nr n al!r~x- 11 ra Cdlliu1, !Ie~~n F' 11 l.;ltol\'n . CC'IIin8. :iutdilfe and fou r ln llecoot1 C'ablu

r .. r:; s Curl~u- !rom I he W.-etw..rd - Qnnd flank­~~ r :'> ~·U<II u aod ).J r \Vo•tborlull St I-'""' ('I!C:u-ll rs P ll v oly. Grlllt J~rv! .. a-l.lr Cook :St Pitrru-An­nie :-uo.w. llurin - J L•uouu. llurj:uv- :.l1o1 L Sim!JfOn Gr•·nt J~rvt>le-).lr tlsmllu . • r . .\J.ry ·a- 11 1•~ F'ew.,r. )l r llt•.,lt·~· . llr C011tlgau Buri o- l.l l~:s .!'ower J ohu Wintor . ~'ivo in RIIM!I'llfii:O.




Webber's Drug Store . Water Street, Harbor Grace.

A pl:!5t f

To Let, on Reasonable Terms, TH.AT

DWELLING HOUSE, oo Harvey Street, beloo~riug to l\lr Krll,ller nud a t prcseo~ o ccup1ed by Mr. J.1wt•s Jnrvia.

A pply a~ this Offille. Apl25tf ·

Nova Scotia Central Railway. MEN WANTED.

i\ N Y NU~IRER o l goot.J Labourcrfl waoteri .. ""- nt onco to work ou ~be NOVA SC0 1'IA CENT RAL tUILWAY.

Steady eml'loymuoi. Currsut Wl\l!CS pnicl.­Aprly to Compaoy'e Office• a t Mit.ldllltoll o r Rridgcwate r, N.S.

R. H. FRASER., Apl2 1im


To At a reot to 11nit \be time•.

'filA I'

Desirable Dwelling • House, with Groaode a&&aehed, 1itunterl on V!otoria Street . and oecnJIIe•l Jat111rly. by l\lr J "rnus J "r· ria. For varticoJ.m app17 aL the ST.AXD.UD 081c.

Ra bor Gr~~-,e, At:l 8&1

Just rtccivcd J?CI" ~ . ...:. . Austrian from --Enghu d.--

Gard.en ~ Flower Seed.s. ~Gunrat1tecd fresh nnd reliable.

THOMPSON'S M I CAL HALL. H11rhor Grnce, April 12.



Paper Patterns 'Ill! E LA BBL nttachc.t to tlllch pAttern gina

explicit directioos for cuttillg aud putting togetbor, 110 that even t l-a ose uuaccnatomed to the use of .Pntteros c&nnot fn1l 10 meet with soc­cess. II e re ia wheru our Patterns are true labor­aaviog aids, renderioll I\ I I persona capable of pro­ducin~ tho moat antiafac t nr r rca nits. Tbey re­prese nt the fMhions of to d11y aa wt-11 ar thoae that will o btnin durinj.!thc eufnmg season; and 1\S an olenaeot o f ecooomy, 110 thoughtful pereon CJ\o fei l to appreciate tbeir vnln~. Not alo oe do tbsy 11fford t be m01t f ttbhlouablo designs at a tritliog cost, but alao clt>Rrly apccily tho exac~ auJouuts of matt:rial&ot.J trmun io~t requirecl .thcre· by preveotio~t 110 uo'lecel!•tlr." WRIIte of goods.

Largu CAtaloxuo to select from, at ~!r11 E. !'ARSONS.

Opposite Messrs Jobu Muon & Co'a. Harbor Grnce, A pril H. '



Water Street. H r Grace

·CAR As t !Je Mew be rt o f Lhu Cbllrcb of l!:og lmod in

~pAniauf8 Uay. are about to urect a Ne, Cbureb, oootrillutio~ t1rv bereby eolcclled aud will bo mol~ thaukfnlly rec11ived by lt .. v. 'l' R. N urae, f 'Aair· 111nnqf Committe~; Mr J acul..t Go~e aod AJr Jamea llutobing", Church. Wartftll l; Mr J F. Sheppard, Trt.IUur~r: ~lr Abraham BRrretc. Skretary

Spauil\l da Hay. Feb ~. I ~


Marble & Freestone Works ALE.XANDU SMITH, PROPBllCTOR.

AUXAMDIR lhoTn desirl.'s to thank those who hue fa~ored him io t h"e tJ&~l with their ordora. and would intimate at 'be •me Lime tba& be bu faollitlee for pttrformlnlf work iu h~ lioe wi"- aaeqoalled tleas-tcb aad ueatneu, Aad e& pri01>11 thnt Cllonot be OOID· pete<i wi th. P~•• rll<Jnirinjt MANTEL Pli!:CES.AJON!JHENT ', Ult..ADij"fONES TOMBS, GUkBS. I:IEAR1' HI:J aDd COP· J.NGI:i would ito well t.o call 011 hlaa. 'Ibe7

· cao obtain artieUo. thorooab aact eha.tte worluaaublp aa pritel Jower llwa &lie Jow· eateiHwltere. ,

'I'IM ijllbloriber bawln~ 11l.,.t tortyJtlllrt UPerloooe iu &lila Colony ltJ tbererore fa a poetticfti torro• l•lell•turf:tl snrt Worksnaa­lbip ben ~eulated to eudote lbe ae•eritlet of oar cllm•'-· 278 Gower Sweet, St. JoJm'•· Aprill& '

. ~~\&..;_,__I Adv8rttsemen~ Central" Boarding 1 House, .a. :a ~u~-.a. :a.~ wa~ street, llMl' Publi~ Wharf. Fancy and Useful Articlefl

·Mrs. Pmm; p;,prietor. • --- l l't

Tble Roo1e baa bee., eolarpd .-<1 otbttrwiae "improved; permaoeo•aa,weU ~ t.nnaient Board-era can now be IIOCoaamodated

~leal a oao be had at all boon, 11t abor& ootice, aud at ruaooable rataa. · 'fhe 11omo. baiDJt oeo~rally altoated, le 'fery eon'fenleo' to all, eepeoaall1 tho•• oo ebort •is its to tbe &owo.


SALE 0 F W0RK. T HE LADIES of tbe Methodiat eoopesratiou

of tbia town bate arr&J•ged to hold o Sale of" 01 k in th·o coming fall iu aid ot Lite deM on I he Church .Properly. ,

C o utribnt ioos iu rnooey or goocla will be th"nk· fallr received from noy of their frieoda,bytbe foJ . )OIII"IOflmcmbeiA o r the committe : Mra H . J . Watta Min Bemiator Mr .. J ~1 ndd.>ck Mill Laof'll Peters P,t rll u Taylor lliu A racy ~l re .1 A W hitmau ~11u Agnlll P R11!0 118

~ira EuJ:CDc '1\ylor Min ll n rri ~>t l'nJ,~~o ns ~lra CnptStevP.nson Min Sophin Dnvia Mrt1 James Wll'tten . Harbor Graco Feb . 24, l888lf

STEWART MUNN & Co., Shipping and Commission

Merchants, If:' •

22 St. John Street, Montreal.

Special a t l t•ntion given .to ~be sale o t Fi11h and Fit!h Oi l11.

Also to d1e huying and ebilJping of Flour ant.l Pro visions and Oenentl P roduce .

raul' at!rlrt.•~ : .\1/unn, j" flll trtal.

l:?C>R. S..A.L~ AT TIH.

FANCY & TOY BAZ~AR Victo-ria Street : l

Will be bald at 'pnciard'a 817, ID N o rember next. Proceeds fo r thP arE"ction nf ,. ~1 .. 1hodfet 1:'11rsooage. Auy coutributiODI in moue7 or goodl will be tb11olr.fully recel•ed Ly any or tb6 following Committee:-Mn Josiah .Goue. l:ir. Mrs l;lenr7 ~O@te, 1\l.ra

Robert Goue, Mrs Sto!lbuu Goue, Mrs Joelab Goue (RoM.), Mra Mark GOII#, Mr• Joupb Barrett, Mra Uavid Marrett, Miu Mary A. Render, Min Sarah H ouc . .Mns Soowd t:n, Mrs F rederick Gone. MrsUapt. Robert Gosse, Mn Josiah Goaee, (Notll), Maa Blleoeur Go~~e, Mrs Leonard . .H11rre", Mrs ll f'rbert Barrett, Mrs William G l.ll!8e, .Mih ltt.bd Goae, Miae Lydi• Goaao, or by S. SNOWDSN.


I NO ttrrHEltN Assurance Com-pa,ny

- - FOR­F1re a.n.d. T .1-re.

Capita.l,-£3,000,000 Stg.

I!l H.K P : t E:'\11 t; ~1 · ..... .. ........ . £41t3 .00'l J.fFE rio ... .. . ....... 157,0(10 !1\TERES'f.. . . . ... .. .. .. ... . . .. .. . 110,000

H I:::AIJ ~J:I'FI CE.::i: Lo :-ono s - l i\[oo•·~;nte "t rect A nr.nD ~c; t::-.· .- :l King ~trert.

I n'! ' ll llncPo; ,.tft•ctrll on Prc-pc 1 t )' in X P.w ..

fouodl nd 11L \' ,o ro l' ll\. .H11Wtt vf P1 Clulllln. PRosPEOTUst::s- .FormP of Application for

lo'ire nnJ Li fe l uHII Il n -:c , lll tU uP o t l11•t Jn­o rmflLion l'•l ll I·•· •• l ,~o•iuell I' I t Ju- olfi l·•· n t

A . 0. H~YW.\RD, ST. J" onN's,

A.yn1t lor .\'w-(oHwfl,nd.

improve Your Sight BY U SI .NG

Chen, Dominoes , Dr&11Kht B oards nn<l. .:!.en 1 ~ .,... ~ r::;po .A. "1r:::» TT fiC::f • Plnin and Doubl& Be.rlin W ool. • ..:s: - • ...._. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P lnin Qolld Shaded Single Berlin W ool I London Celebrated Perfect Traced a.nd Shaded Mat.a, &o.

-.A.LSo- !SPECTACLES BIBLES belonging to' Harbor Grace llraut'h of the Bible Society-only 17 and 20 cents , 1

each. Large Prints do.-60 cents - AND-

F ANc~/A. FALI; ,Eye-Glasses~ ,, I I THE BEST JN T HE WORLD

--- I

A FANUY F A lit will. b~ he.ld io No•ellll \lr I They never tire lhe Eye and lrust for many oex,. fo r t be purposo or hqo1da11ug" email dt:bl l years wi t h out. change due on Christ Church aad &be Sooday School. 1 ___ _ ·

Tho foll:»wiu11 LadieAha•e obuco o,.thl.' TniJII!s 1 aod will gladly rfoeive aud ackuowled~ee auy con · I tributione wb1cu OJay bs eeot to l heru :- I Mrs TAP!', I Mra ELLIOT. Mre R VTUERFORD. M'"" HISCOcK, I

Mrs STEPD!N HAWKINS. · Harbor Graoo. Feb 18.1888·J7

eRr Fo r •nlu Ly W . II. ' I' HO~lP~ON, Jt.::Sq .•


· cpt24lilll:

.Ht•t h ..::.l llt~ll, IJ a l l,or l.: 18CO. n. 1'. tr. GOULQ, &q.,

Mt.-t·chant, <JI4rbonear.

Owners of Banking Schooners I wbi~h IS of yrwt ad~·alltagc, by aoud ing number ' of 81ZO.

SAVE TOUR 9t.h-'J.'bia Aocbo r np to live huqrlred weiJ:M

C A 8 L 8 S caa. be iJwroughly rrJXJirtd by auy urdiiiOI"!J black· smith, wllerea.i tht1 common aouhor i11 tutally ~~~­leu when ooce brokou.

.A.lfD 10th -Tho S toolr of t he " VlCTOIUA AN-

HOLD YOUR . GRo· UND CHO.B." ill Ieos t hl\11 (lltt·lwlf 11.11 loug Ill; t ho stock • o f the common anchor, o11d if ueedutl in a hflrr!J

. RY oatxo can be thrown over tcitlwut .ttvck, ud it will be

Go.LDER'S VICTORIA PA:-rENT round)Wit u availnbfo •. ~Q t\Ut:hor oc tho day i• ·1 l w e11e1ly clwru l "f cham.

~. M.-Tioo YlO'l Ulti.A 1\ :'\C:IOH 1A th oa.ly A.N'<::::i.OBC>Rle 1\DChor of the day jU for !Jtllt/cmell·/1. !JOChU where

-- - 1 holdiu!J J~u:tr cowbined with lig1atne&$ and 11tatm:u For Why P 1 ~ ie the dona11d. __ _

-·-- ) let-Tbe • VlCTOIUA·ANQHOR'1 it ttot "'.

pecially adaptud for ao7 pardcular, but e.er, cla# n( Yl!lkll, from the Grtal Blutll"tt to Ute Dory.

2nd- It •uperaecJu all oaben, u h baa moru 1to/di11g pot«r ~D IDJ otber &WU~JI per 080" hea•ler.

!'Srd-lt canaot be flndt4 bJ oahlee onr it or ..,., bJ ''- owu. ~tb-Jl ~ iD OD8·f~ aM rOOJD OD dt!Ck

nr rail. oul7 projecuoc aboU a~ frow the ... &'a aide wbM. atow~

6&b-lt caD be le~ ~ a.ci hfl ~ from the rail bf .lb .... ol • 'l'omW.. No.-·WIIi.ltq, 11iJl.lJoorfU M frolr o.-. &.-IHMII!I'IfJ. 1

6tb-It oetlaot .,_n;l7 fonl the flrt·fvot or pril!lc tbo bow wbilfa' bet.._ HCDteO.

7tb-U Ia euler &o CGl udfol aad *"' U.u aDy o&lter 11114bor. ·

S&b-Tilt l'lqke ca t,e ,.._ 0111 aaa rt~d Ia a ftw .,.... s,ut nu. .. bt 1Ufplled,

'fbo su becribor begs to iuforiU KCiwo11U t\Dd yacht ou:-~rr, tba~ hl\fiog Ulftdo ftrr&ll11~menls with the 'J tTTa No-ca lro11 F01ntclrg St. Jolu,., & .t. for the mat~oraetore of loil Aochor (where i~ e:m bo eec:u aqd iur.ormatiou obtained) ia lluw read1 to reoei•e ord011 whiob ma7 be forwuded to

JOJUJ KUXN ct: Oo., Barbor Grace, , Hewfoundl&D.d.

Further information eao be obtained oo appli· eatioo to

F. W. GOJJ>ER, lntJ'tmtor, LAu t'.IJ"# of A. A. T. Co. /:1. S. A.li11ia,

med rtt:lpinet qf cAe ()old M~(/al altd DipltMHJ Jt~r 'IMfltl"' ut tJ.c. J.t'Wlcriu 1-zAibitioH, tc , 1888. .

AJdrt11-1'. W. (-iOLDf.Jt. P, 0 . J:lox No. ~,

!Wbor Qnoe1 .M~

Page 4: M YST'r:Rv HNIIJN~S llTIBNALUSl 4saurauce; Cam,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880425.pdf · Being mannfnctnrl'lc s from the raw materi~tl, our ctu~toruers


ThQ Ap~~t~t"' )lay be ln~:ren u, lhll Ill .• -. . .. ...,..," ' lt~n;tbeucJ, nit' I \ bo ll•m .,;~ n -,•••' • by \ 'lktn; Ayor•~ 1'11... 'Th" r I'' • ,, , pu«ly ''t~tnblcf In \h,·lr rntu: ,.,llh.u 'l' he:; eoc uln n~i' !:"l' · :•' ::.:\ u••r ·••· ... W\~us tint~. nn•l uu•~ 1.,. • ,;,. ·• ' ' 1· :. pc.r(ect u f l'l) by p~r&Oth ~·l a J' .. _ •

T wu a ,:TCIIt ~utlnr, r rt-otn D1 •· 1 .,., 41Dd Cota'ttl)l.llltul. l l•:hl lttt i .. J: o·. became gre:&tl~' do:hlll' t~ lt'< l , u .• I'' "~ " 1tant1r I.Dllct"" w it li Hl':l•l""h4l " ' • ., .. Dt i , 1 CODJIUllN h lll' ftiiUlh· ,,.,,., ,.r, 11 '"' pre.crlbod lor we, h i \ n1 ;.ni~> t juwr, 11 ·1 ,

out a!l'ordlng moN thn11 ''' '"'" '"'' .. : .i. t. 1 4natly commt'nr"<l 1 ol.lot:: ,, ' •·r· .. 1'1'1, ln :lahort Umu lll)' dl;,, ... llvu .unl :•t•l" ,,.,

IMPROVED my bowele were r rznlntt .. t, nn•l. It ·.- • '··· tlJ:ne I 6nlllbed two boxl'• u( tho•ot• J· .... '" " tende.ncy t<> hrnllnch , h:~ol oli•tli'l"'·'" ' · a.od 1 becamt> ~Iron~ 1111.1 W•·ll. • I ' •rlus l{, Logan, WUwlu~on, l>•·l.

1 wa.s troubll'<l , f(lr tW<'t n '<'nr. \\ '' It Lon o~ AI'P.'Iilt•, uu I \ .. '"'' ,) 11 '•.t .. '. l connueurl!tl t .. l. h ~ \ • ·, 1·.:· , . : . fOi l! filll~blnt; !J lC '11 ... \ • flit ~- ,.,,t.• .. ·l,•·, my ~J ' l ul'•t· ur. t · · t· ·u .. ', ' ·· .•. , tur •.l -C'. 0. (. ,_ rk , lloL~•Il~ , ' , , .

A yer' T l11• r.r~ tl.: 1,, ·1 ; ... ·II. ' no 6 t:,own to lUI! fur n~'"" . _, ; 1. . • •• • auJ Cor ull tli .. r:..' -~ c:Lu ·I I·. . . .! • · d l:ltomaob and T.h er. I • .:tl•·:-···1 r .. 1· "' • r lhrco ' f'IU t \\ l' lt ll" ''''lt! • .- . , .,,;. •. IUlJ c0n~tlp:11 . .,11. l I •·II' • :.• , ' I W R• w~11lt a::o.l~.:.cn·ou' ll:?~t oi 111• """

B Y USINO tbr~ bo~rs of ·"' "'• 1'11' •. '' 1 • , .... , .,me tlrn'! dlt"tlnt:' 1 • • 1C. 1 ,. • r:~ttly curcu. !If\ , !( , • • • ••• ' " ~ .. now {n ,;oool onJ .. s. 111 .l ,I o 1 il· , •. 1

l.t ;~ltb.-Pblll)l l. ... ,·h•• v.:>ol. ' j .. , .• 1 •• ! . , .

Ayer'• P ili• 1 ,,, hq . .r• .. 1 1 • , .... • -

tally. Fvr tuOI •· '·• I • t .!· . • ! 1 · , •

iestlon aud 11, ... 1-t.·iw. ". • night , sod h:d ·' I·· l •:• · h . ' " ' '' el'ery mom In;. \ tl r to .. · • '" t. A\'tr's PIJI,j , t.h l h• · •· t :· .. uloJ, • pcu cJ. m y r(ll .. \ IIi_ · r· l ,. •. · . .• . ilccp ws• rdr,·. hiJ, . l . " ' . i · .• m1:uway, RCJdq o.Jrt , ~: ,, •...

I W M cured uC the l' i' · J,· 1" Ayt r' , P illa. T l , 1 •• · . , o

Ol lbllt VUinfu l (i •II j I '

c re!IScJ \' l,.:or. m:ol 1 . • • • J obu LUZ!inl~, ~L J ulto•. :-. I.

Aye ·'s r ;;: .-. r ... .,":-\ t , t '• .' , ... . b •,,u J t.~) ... . l ._ .. . .... -· •

W hy

1t1 . r :\ lt." :. r

32 cts. Per Pound. fJ<f;' 2 Oe ll t s P"r ~ur..<'e Jt

2~ Ol.. , !l 07. •tn-1 It t n1. l""'k "t ~ .

f)U~~ r ! Ins11~' a, •.. co (: :)m pany. ..,:\ P IT '!

QCt. l .: L .' 1 . 1'\r · v l: l'lt. l 1!\ C: . ~ l}\ L l!l' IIIIL,

QUE~iie~·. ,'"; r, i , l ' lf.r >t ~HIH, GO I.JL\ I'::t I . !JI.! ' Il ~'I'HI~ l·:T,

l.t ).'\ !J• t ;'<

TW E:"l fY-'• INTil A:\;\ i A I. IU! I'OR'I , fhe Jt1·por tR :1nd .\ ct'ou n t s }llr tl 11• ycnr

1886, p t ea<.nt.e d to tltl! :,llu n ·l.oltlt•rr. tU tho Annut\l ltee ti ng, on T hu rn Juy 5 th May, 1887, show~;d iu tl.o

- F!lU~ tiH ,\ .NO H , Tbnt the P t ctniums lOr ~~~6. a l te r Ut:IIIIC•

ting 1:o- i nr{unwc<'s .. nmo u n tcu to £601,64.9. and thn L C>. Sl'li t .. c :~ .. 'l_ I~ I; ur ::iS. j [J por cent.

I :0 Till<: LU 1-: il l\ A :\(;li 'fh111 Nuw P ulicic:. Lud l~tam i ll!>ucd for

£258,9!JII. yioltliug in Jll <-llli nw £!),9 lli. und thi'L t,h tulttl nCH Jtl•'llliiiUI iiiCOIIIC WU!I £ 82,t' 374. ' l'l•ttt t htJ Jn•y m c>n tR c.o poltcy lfo luen s w e ae £1:1,7 11, uml thn~ t ho Life lund wna iuct f-81\t'(l h)' .£!0,003.

'flat' Ct.lnn co Ht C n ·u it. " ' l'ro lit and L olli!, .tft.tta· · .dint: .£23,000 ll'l t lt t.: fi' u u .l''und , WHH 8 11\1\\1 1 IIIIIOII OL lU £ J jJ,l9f) l0r1 <1U tllltl ,.' :lR tli>t !otlbl·ol uf llh f()I!CIWIJ :-

£27,001S IS 0 F or Divid.end aad Bon.u.e 16,701 17 0 Added to .Reaervo Fund, and 90,480 8 4 Carried forward.

TFJF. .FU NDS W.,.-e 1hown ~herwftot· w •laod ••• followa :-Caph'lL Paid up ••. ••. : .. ......... £ 180,086 H.eeerYt>tJ ... . .. ... ... . .. ..: ... ... ••• «0,-'89 l .ife Accumullu.-io n Fund ... ... ... • Ml,Ole Auauit, ttnnl'l ... ... ... .. . .. . .. •.• W,!Ot 'IO IA L fUNO~ fN UA~D . .. ...... .tl,WG,CJ6lt

JOHN CORMAC K, Gtwn'GI Agt•t for AlfiJ,

SC: .. .r\Otnn": , A. f . J)JlVHIJAU;

Uart?ur Urao.,


--WlbiilbAt, M11rch 1~ Mr. Mouu-lJ:o aao" lbe HoaN 1tu9 COm­

mittee of tbe Whole to lSoaeldir lbla fnllowlo~r tUolutlobl: ~.~Thd u Ia tbe opiatoa of tbia ComtbiUW thal l' II dMirable Ula• profl*loa abo\111 be made for oompeuadoD (bJ a eolaema of oompaleorJ llle laaaruoe) for the hlatiYu of ftabermen loe,'wbea eappd ia Ule O.ak Fl•h· ery, and alao for lbe praae"elloo of tho liYM nf bank flabermeo, eud 'lba• a bJII ~mb9djlhll tbtae proYiatoat ehDilld be enaoted ; Ruolckd .=a Tbta! the Commhtee bate powet td ~pok auoh a bilL 'the HoOle reaolhd lt.aelf ialo Cornmi,. tee of Uae whole ou &.be above malter. Mr. Cart7 Ia ~hi claalr.

Mr. lloUII Mid t~e bill whlob I' Ia prc.poted w the oommiU" to repeal la oae for the lnanr­anoe of the liYn of · llabermeo tuJCeg~d In ' the proaecutloo of !be ti11olt ftaberJ, and aleo for the adoplivn of aacb maoblnory aa will teod towarda the p~aetntioo of tbelr livea wbeb en~tagl'd in that occupation. The liill Ia of a dual ob .. ractur -the 8nt ai1 aeoliona o f whiob de11l entirely wi th n coutpulaorJ lifo iaaurauoo IIOhetuu, for Hauk fiabermun wbo loae tbeir livee wLilat en11aged in th11t occupatloo, a od tbe two followiull ecctivue refurring w tLe placing of auch macl:iuerJ iu tu11 bnuker'e doriea u will proYiue for the cowfvrl and aafety-4f ume 6ebermeu wbeu aalray in thei r doriea on tbo bnub.

Afte r a long diaouuioa participated iu b7 Mr. Greene, bou the Speaker. Mr. MoGratll . Mr. \\'at11on , Mr. Scott., l\lr. Peten, Mr. Keau, }llr. G riere, boo. Attorney General, Mr. Callah•u. t ho Chairma n rt.'ported from tbe Cdu1witto:u tlult they bad considered the matter to thew refecro:d and had paaaed tbe following Reaolutiuua, .. Llull t hey bad directt>d him lo report to the llouee, 11ud be banded tLe aame in at the C lurk 'e taLie, where they were read, and 11re ae follo ws:-

RtiOIIItd,-l'bat it ie tbe opinion of I uie Cutu . mittee that it ia d~airable tllat proYieiuu ebuulJ be made by a eyatem of compulsory u.u1u11l tif., iJlauraoce for cumpen1adon for legala cpocdeLta· tivea of llehermen lo1t wbea eag~ed in tl11t I:J•u" 6JJIIdy of tb~ coloo7. ~-fbat it ia tho opinion of tbia Com­

mittee tbat tbe aubjeot matter lle referred to a Select Committee of tbia Houae, to draft and •e· porl • Bill thereon.

Oraered tbat tbe Report be adopted. Ordered tbat Mr. Morrie, ~lr. Callahan, l\lr .

Scou , Mr. Grien, M r. Bra dabaw, Mr. W11taoo, Mr. Emereoo, t he t:fon Heoeiver General Mr. Greeue, and Mr. A. M. Mackay do form th~ Pid Committee.

Mr. WATaON-To aak bou Auorpey Get•eralif iL ia tbe intention of tl"' l:ioveromtot to in tro­duce, during thia aeuton, a meuure proYiding tor tbe dietrihutiou and genera l oootrol ot Local Road and Pour U ranu. by Uoarda elected by tbe ruidoota of l be eeveral diatrich in tbu colony.

lloo. ATrOR.'fET l:i&NER.U. informed thu bou. m 11mber that tho tnatter it a' preauo t under tbe consideration o f t bo Govoroml!nt. 'lbe subj~ct is oa e that ia 11urrounded witb difficulty. and he waa uoable to aay wbetber A bill will be intro ­duced or not.. Ac a ll e veote. he could lll8ure loim thllt there ie a diapoeition on the part vf tho Gove rnment to dea~witb tbe maUer.

Mr. Moarua- To uk bon. Attorney General to loy o n the ta.ble a copy of the report of tho medi­cal men in the cue of tho prisoner, Raudal l>ouonn, aow confined in tbe Peuitenliary.

Hon. Arroa}\EY G£N£RAL-TI,e document re ­ferred to wbu happened aome veare ago. I have autburtzed a aearcl. for it, and 1 think it will be found.

:'.lr. Moaaas- But wae tbete not a comtoi•ioo appointed, recunlly, C.O enquire into tb'- caeo?

li on. ATIORNV.Y GENEIIAL.-No. At th., iu . st •• nco vf t l. e bUrJ; I:!OII of the boeptt.al and a fc w

uabe r med1c~o l mcu. au enquiry waa made into the prti!Otu;:r 'a couditioo, whicb reaulted in lhe con­clu8aou thllt i~ w&a uol Sl\fe to allo w the utau aL large llo tllaubje~t.o occaaiooal attack&, -.hicb wouiJ wake uia preeeucu daogero uw; 11nd .. 1. tbOUjeh not a fit aubje.:t for a Lunatic Aeylum, it ia beller fo r tbe pobhc aud tho prii'Ouu to lenve h1m iu the P emte111iary.

'fh tt llo uo r .. b lt! t he Altoruey Uenera l, by coru­nuuul o f lliw Exc.-l lency lbe Governor, pn:t ~ u ted to the llouae llle .\teport of the Public Scboole oudo.:r MethoJiat lloards for I!S87

Ordered t hM tbu satd document do lie upon tht.: table.

Mr. McGRATH- To 111" bon Attorney Uc11errtl 1f it ia tbe intea~tiu .. of tbo Government to l!cud 11 Jde~o:Rtion to <.:ouada, as requea1ct1 by 1he Go,·er. unr General, nud if to, wbo are to be t!tu ,ft'le­(;:tlcl.

1lo1•. ATIOR!< EY \:h :Nt:RAL-!n tho ab•t'ttCtt of the Premier 1lw a~ overurneot bae not arriYetl at auy dcc•• ion wbicb can bo communicator! to the H ouee.

Tbo llouae ~hen aojou rned oatil half-p"aa three o'clock to- morro.,,

T tiORSDAY, MArch l b.' Tho Houae opened at llllf· pllet 3 o'clock. Mr. CAR'n' p reaented a peti.ion frow Mra.

Ah.rKaret Feon .... y, widow of tbe late Ser«leant Fenueeaey. praying for a pension. The ltndband of petitioof'r loa~ hia life wl.il11t in dil<!lu•r11v of biR duty. at Belli Cove, in the month of l>ecem bcr, 1~. Sergeant F ennessey Will fourteen y t-Rt ll iutbe Police fo rco, nnd durin~t tbat time he tiiacbarged hie duty iu n entlsfactory m11oner. He haa left behtnd h im a widow aud two urphan children who a re quite deatituto or the mena.a of liYelihood. . He' 1ntouded to wove an addrets upon thia petit lou agalo, and wheo it cornu .be­fo re! t he Executive, be t roateu tc· wall receive tbo attenuon Its merlta demand.

Mr. PAllSO~IJ 1ald1 although be bad no objeo­taoo w ita prayer betng jtranted; ye~ be moat. eay that he wae oppo• ed to any ponaioo being ~iven becanee "'e oo1;ht to atriye to d ec reiUe ioatead of iucrea~iog our nvuudi~nre.

Mr. Soon bad much pleaaare i n aupportin~ the praye r of lbia p111itioo. Thia e&~e is a mu~<• de­eervrog ooe, and' be trnated ·aoane tueana will b. taken and doe coa.tdoratlon given to !t .

Mr. Vl tTOR preeeoted a petition from Thoa. Molloy of Salmoo Co.,. oo the aubJecr of a plough; alllo, o ne from Jamea Lewle aed nthen oo the •me eubject ; &leo, one from .fobo Wnlab

~d otbert of Keltll(retra, 'praJhtje for a email eo•o moaey tu be •lloeated for openio1 np a ro•d

tOqb aarteullurall!lDdL The boeoe JIYrn bJ llle iOYmtiUIDI lui J•tfor abe ei~U'latt of wAIIte taa•d eaodot to &DJ Jt,...t .. t bt anlltd or un-1 .. • • baYt roidlltim., tlttoap tiM lucl re­ofalmed.

Mr. W .a no• pn10nted a petition froc Patriok LaheJ, of Hnrl'e Coldtea&, 011 &~e nbleot of • roed : "Ito. oee from 11. B. .& , of ilae •• plaoe, OD lilt iaittt aabfeei,

,.an uf thf' Rn.rd of Worll:a b7 00111• .... *EhllleuOJ the Oonroor laid apoD

ot te o t 1to fullu• lnr 'dcc:umeo&: lllporL ~f J T. Ne,·lll, laepeotor of Ugh& .

RH~tt ... P•bllo BaiJ.ffaRt- Ordlred tba& the · •ld dbC;Men• do lie dpdn tbe table.

Mr. LlrM..vaa.:. rrweoted a petUJ,oo from 1'boe.. A. Hiokiii&D aod o~hen, of Orud · Bauk, o-. the ' ellbjeot of a breakwaMr. Tbe petilioo­ert a&ate da&t the piera aC Ute •otraoce of the bar· bor .,. lo 1110b a bad a&ate tb&• aol ... aome re­palra an Immediately matte the eo&raooe !nto the t}aa bor Willi ho blt'Cked op. and uk for a eam of lflonef to bl detotel'l \o tbla object.

Mr Pritc~ ~flted ·it petltloa froro tbe io· ISabhaata of~Fqr&noe praylag for a email ao.m to be •&peocjf(l lu the ~orob~ of ~ eoobor aa~ cbalo &o moor tbco harbor buo1; and the petitioo­era Mt fort It tbat if thia were dooe great .. t.l­~nee would be ginn lo tbe pethiouera ill Ufe mooriDJr of th~lr \'Htelt; lle heartily aupported th• ~u1lon juat preeenled lJy bla bon colleague, Mr. Le~eeeurift. He tald we baYe beeo ea­doura~ted to eipec' tb,a& aometblnJ( would bave beuu dou• iu tbia maHer before thil.

lion. l\,TrOUNt::r G I>NER.U., by oomm11nd of Hie J:;xcellenoy the Go·'"' uor, beuod leave to laJ oo tht table tho report of th u Soperintondeot of Cbn~b of En~:lnutl &boola for 1887.

Mr. W ATSOM preeented " petition from Frau lit ferry and other loh11bitaota of Heart'e Conteot praying fur tbe eatabliahment of a lljrb& bou&e io tbat locality. Tbe p11titlou aeta forth tbe aeri­oua dao~cra of tbia coaet. aud makea reference t(J the Ioiii of a 'euel thero sorue fuw J l'&re a11o. 11nrl pnint1 nut tbll adyaotagu whiob ~ li11hl bouee th1.1re wonld be, not only to l he veasel1 of the hAy, bul also to puaioJr Yetllela. HearL'e Cou­l<nl it fll'~ becomlo~ one o f the moat imporlaot ltarbura it. Trlnit7 liay. A ~rd~ many Yet&llll, butb baaking aod coaating,buloul( to chat harbnr aud It is maiuly io order to enable theae naau: 1

to auake tho ltarbor wi~b lt:8cl riek a nd with greater eAae Anti freedom tbnn at prusent, that tbe pet!· tionera aak for thie ligbt although the atlnuta.ge ot a lijrht bouse tbere would be by no meaua cuo tined to the • eeaela of tbe place.

The Aotiu~e Maeter- in-Cbll llcery to the Legia­Jath•e Council brougb~ dowu tbe following wri~­lun mf••ge:

MR. 6PilU£R :- rhe LegialatiYe Connoil ftC•

quaia~ lhe Houae of Aeaembl7 that they hue

faeaed a dill enthl11d an Act to 11mend tbe law of naolveno7, w wbiob they requeat tbe couour­

conce of tho Aasembly. March 16, 1888. E . l>. Snu, Po-uidtnt, Orclered that tbe asid meaBilge do lie upo n tbe

table. The bon !he Speaker roled that thie Bill con­

cern• trade •nd commerce, aod affecta tbe aub­ject to euch no extenl ae •pp~~ren tly to lr'locb up­on the preroj:tatiYes of this Ho uae. aud tbat u 4t preacn~ a ol ,ieed, be co uld uut acco:pt a wotiou fo r ita 6u~ read;DAC·

Mr. ROLLS preaen tt:d" petitio n from W ill'-m Green no••l ' •t.""' ul Til ton Harbor, pr•yt'lk' for s gt:t111 ' " ' ... ,. ·~patr of n bridge uvcr a brook, called ~,,,, .;J ~vve Urook. eiluatt:d a bout one mile from the before na med place. and on the main ro •a•l '" .rou Untt'11 Arm. T lte pllttli'>nere state ''"'' "'""" 11f their linrdens nro aeparated froUl their dwelliL!;I by this brook, l be bridge oYer wbicb baa no •v falle n into a lltHiu o f diarc pair_n n ! " : i.·l, i11 tleccSMry to bt! rubuilt in or­der to eoable tho petitiooe r11 to obtl\in acccu lo tbeae C"'rdrru•. 111fo for public l.leuc fil. Al110 :l petit ivu ''" " ' ~~~"rle11 Brett and 0111era of J oe Uatta Arw vu the aobject of roads; aod alao a pelitiuu from Nicholaa Peouuy, of Seldom Come By ou roada, alao from the Hev. C . SaddiujetOn and ntheno of Fo11o, on the anbjcct o f ro11de. and be b~tri """'" l'll'ttlure in supporting tbe &eYeral petiliUUII.

Mr. GBI&VE preaenled a petition from the Rev C . Entuat Snoialo, Mr C harlton and other inhabt ­lKOla u[ II""' ''' Content , Ou tbe aubject or. road. It appeara from t.be p etition that • 1ebool bouae hM ltt-1'11 erected at Southern CoYe, Heart 'a CoutPnl . nt tl ... 110le expenae of the people theUl­Belv..-e, '" l"t."r nnd material, aud the petitioners waot a hundred riolla tl\ to ena ble them to cion­atruct A ' " " ' ' •·• it wh ich will connect the Heart's Conteut ro:10 l •viab t bc Heart'a l>eh~ bt road to Jl&lll thie 1cboul bouae Ue boped that at the close of ' ' '" Fl·~- io n we &hnl! bu ablt• 10 make the ~rant "'h11·'• ,,,. pc litioucra here aak for.

Mosou, ~larch 19. HonRe npf'• •Prl ' ' 3.SO p m. Ou " '"" "" .. r 1 he Heccive r li c ocral l hu House

'weul ir. tu • • '" '"'tt-ce on aupply, Mr. Godden io tlte c hair .

Voh• fn r ~~ IR rie11 to 111 11~ iatrl\tea Mr. !'culT- Whet her from malice o r from suffi ­

cien t reaaon very rr1we cbar"ea bave beeu mod u 11gaiuet lhe Jull ~: ist.rattt 11t Uonne U11y. All to tbe cbara.:ter uf tltllt official he kne w oo~bin~t per­aonal!v , lutt I '~' coui.J not clo!e hill earl to tbe chargee lbat are goiuu around about blm. H it bu tru11 II•"' hi' is tbe &)(eut o r matoaginl( partner 'of a fi rm dotUK buainel'3 in Uonuu Uay be ce r­tainly occopiee an a uouoalo1111 poeition in wh ich he should not be allowed to continuo. • Jf it be dttired tn rell•in hie tl<·rvic~:a aa tOagietrate &he oorrt!cl thau.: fur the (~overnmeot t.f) rio it to gi•o h im a S IUOO a year 10 ftll W enable hlto &o lin reeprot11hly ~ut i i ndependontly, but at a ll eteate tee th11t "'ltilu he acta aa majtiatrnte bo baa no boaiueu cuuu••otiona A petition from tbe real­d r uu of hnnne Uay o u tbi11 iobjeot wl\l about to be pr~l!nlu•l:-'hu t it wu not receive• I lly tbe hon thu Speaker. T he hon member, .Mr. liradabaw, ukeo1 rit e loou Auoruey General for a cop1 of tile prea~tntmeut rwtolc by tbe G rand Jury ot tbe p1aco UJ>01t tb~t eulljuot of lhe conduct uf tbia gentle­man. The llrinancell complained of mutt , there . fore. be 11 aerione luoonveltiouce to tbe ~pie wbeu that body deemo:d it ndceaenry to brin~t che matt1•r before the Supreme Court. I do nol kuuw- wi,~:~ther tbe clral')(ell bronght ag.aiost hint hi! '"'It or uot, but 1 think the Uoveroment wqnlol do riJllt l to cotupel him to Yacl\le b'- poei ­tion lie ma~o:r of the North W eu Tradiog Oo .

)Jr. HttAO:iHAW 11\td be w1111 ahout to preeent a pethloo th~:~ other t.la7 lu referen,._, au tbe oonduot o f the n•aecwtr11te ac Koooe 8a7. but it •a. r11led ou& b7 hi. t..11 ... r the Speaker. He had a aimilar doou111ea& haut.led b im luUeeaion, wheo beapolte aboa& mat~illlrn lea bfolng appoio~ eud allowe d &o clo buei\to&~~ nn their owa accoan&. h ... •ld then Uta& thi• •enUeun bad heen appoioted b7 the JlrtoerllnJ Uoteromeot. ' I hal boweftr n11arltt to uaake uo dltfereoee aa aay GoYtrDmeot baa "right to ... tbal tbt eondocl of tbelr olll­cial ro 'If' cofr•-eL. Thia pd&Jemaa .,eta 400 dol­la.-. ~··•·•' ,. w• "'""'-',... aod he • •' the ~ame lima • iar"e ahareholdu iu the North W"t' ' l'radluJC C.,._.mp&ttf whleta mo"'- u a oooMqDenoe, ptenonl Irion frnru 11Uen•Hn1 &o IRe ja&ioi&l baai ­"• lie d iol IIOl llDOW aD1thlDjr qa(Ut him of hla own peraoua~l knowledsre. bat the aaformati~n had col" ' •:• leitn "1 the leu era aod ~~l&lofta &hal lae bMJ reoiiYed frOm hit oooatltuellta.

' /

• 1\

Mr. MoatM&-Io refeneoe lto Yr. Caadow, of Booulata, be abould likl to a.t' tbe GoYeromeo~ If r!Jey are aoina to prdYide a peuioo for Ula~ I(ODtlemao o>r win abeJ e-1 bim u tbe7 bate dooe Ia tbe put oo Eaeoame Reepoolibllitj . He brooaht lbt queatlon ap lu& Jear aud wu "ro· mieed that eometbiaa 1r0ald be dooe io the mat-te~ .

\loa AnoaM&Y G .. &UL-Aooordloe to ·pro· mUle, be may aa7, tba~ it .iA the ioteoUoo to t.alte tbe vo'- from Ita preaeb& potltloa aod uk the lea-lalatare &o proride for lt. lb. MokliU-ln refereooe to the appolntmeot

of jailor at Harbor Gn.oe be woold like to know wbat tbe Goteromeut ibwnded &o do io tbe ma&­ter. Tbe ~alary attached to lbe poaitioo la ael tlowo a~ 600 t).)Jlar•. yet i& Ia ~aid that wllll tbe feea and other perquili~ tbe eltuauon ia worth .£600. At preaent t!Jore a~ a great many ap~ll· oaota for tbe cflice.

Hon ATTORNEY UDJuL aald he m•1 iaform tbe bon member thee tbe Goverameot 11&'18 aot decided u 7et what lheyln~u·J to do about the appoiutmeot. '!'he GoYero mcot bave made lo­qulriea about the amount of feoa aod perqoiaitea received, and be belleYed t ht&t there baa beeo a good deal or exaggeration concerning th~> mal~er. The jailor get.e a aalary of 600 dollara a year and be i4 allowed tho aum of t wen ty r.enta per day fo r boarding eacb otthe pria<>uera. He may make aomelbiug on thi1 tranaaot.ioo, but tbe profile mueLbe ema!IIS8 tbe average number of p r iaonert ie about four per day

Mr. MORIN£-lt hequeotly bappcne that a mau found drunk is pat i n in tbo ulgbt. a nd al­lowed out again in tbe morning, for wbich the jailo r chargee forty -aix centa, tbe coiL of boardiu~e t ile man for lwo daya. Probably all the man has receired during tbia time ia " cup of coffo=e or a driok of w11ter. lie mentiotiod th1a not of hit o wo ltnowlerlge, but from information receiYcd npoo tbe matter. If it be true, be tbougbt the feea abould be atrlckea off and lbo j•ilo r rec:ei • e a proper p!Juy. He ehou ld aleo !i"u to aak tbe GoYernmeot whethe r it ia Uleir inteution to np· pctnt a MaJ!illrstv 11t Harbor Main , nod thoa make proyisioo for bia bon frieod, Mr. Veitolt, or ao:oe other equally deaervinl( (Jtlr~o o .

Hon. ATIORSEY' GESERAL-Tbis matter is al11o under conaidoration. The l:iuvornwo:ot fu: IJ reoogoisea the oe~eai~y for the appoin t01rnt of a magiatrate at Uarbor Maio, u well as many o ther pbcea; but tbe tioancial condition of the colooy rendere thaL neCI'uity leu urgen t at preaeut..

HESIDENT I:'HYSICIAS AT TU£ li OSrtTAL- $2000. Mr. MomNE- 1 would as k •what arrnu~emeuts

tbe Government ltave made iu co nuecuon with thie inatitutiou 11icce Dr. C ro 1Tdy lias llecn ""''Y and whether t ie aslary 11 atill bei1og c(Jutiout!d. If he, c:an ab11unt himself at lbis stuou of thu ynr tben the queetioo may bo aeltet.l , whether or not be ia rtquired w be tbea e at a ll. Ilia 8nlary appears to be mncb larger than that o f t be ke'epe r of t~e Lunatic Asylum, who bas a g rea ter uuol­ber of patienta to Bltend to. I d6 not wis!; 10

eay anything about t be t reattoeut that patients ha• e ro:cuived tH th ie iuat ilu lion. lm t 1 UII Yil bttcu epokvo to by medical men upou the mn11 er who expreaaed their eurpriae that par tit:B ehvuhl lou vu been diamiu erl without hav1111-: nnythio~:: do nt· l•n t bum. 1 am fully aware of tbv hijSlt •epulntwn thl\l Ur: C ro wdy bears in the commuui ~y, aoJ it i11 with great diffidence tbat 1 refe r tu runlt ere that hiiYe come under any owu uotico. I :un nloo 11w:ue tbat people •hoult.l not be kupl lo·otiu.: in the hUII(Jilal, "l t he tiiUUU tiw u [ IlLII tltrooogly of opioiou tbllt pel'!ona ehould uot , on .tbe score of economy, be sent uut before l he tr time, fo r sucb a cvul"Bt' may bo tbe meaos of making a mnn n burdeu ou thu colony for tlte remaJUdo:r of bid life. Such a peuoo abould receive all the ~rest · meat uoce888ry witbouL any rel!enatiou on the score of economy. Out of tbe five or 8il pe rsona that J bue eent tbere for treatment, only o ne of them ~~raa kept there for any len~tb of tio1e. Oue person whom 1 sen t tbore who bad a very ' eeriouo complaint .,.,.. permiu ed to atop there oo ly two daJII . He w&a \'iaited .>nly o noe by the rloctor and wae left to dres11 hill wouoda him­aolf. This pe rton ueeded good food and was 11eut there bcCJ\use he could not !Jroonru proper nour­ishment at bome .

llou. R ECEIYEU UEN£11AL-I llo no~ wish to make a defence fo r t.boae io char~t~e of the hospital, 1111 tbey do uo t corue whbto tho contro l o f tllj depruta1un t · but. kuo wtO j.! the bigb r11pull\tiuu of the geoUetnan wbo re11idea thoro, l cdoollt tbiok thaL the statementa mado are correct. h I!OIUl'timca happens that (JIIt ienll! who go there for reliuf thin~ t hey ebould hove been kept in the hospital for " loul(er period. They 10ay meoli,.,o tho matter to tbuir frienda, which ruay 1-(tvu ris~ )~tatemeotll nlloul patiunta bein.:r harsh ly tru u -· ed in this ioetituuon. bu~ 1 do uot think t hat n physician of a reputable character would turn nny one ou~ befur1.1 be waa eufficieutly \fOil. The boepittll sbuuiJ not bo treatecl as 11 Poor Aaylu"'• aod it is ''ery difficult to bolin e, &lllteutente againat •n io&titotion whicb has I(OOO without charge np to the preeent.. l>r. S tRbb rcceiv~l""l\ 111lary merely fo r his peraonal eorvicee. a11tl is provided with all necesuri~; Dr. C rowdy, on tbe other h11nd , lias lo provide b imsclf with All these neceUI\rtee out of bia aalary. Dr. C rowdy hu made ar rangement& for tbe mauage went of the hospi tal Juring bill abacnco; lhe colony b111 to btar uo exira expense on ar.count of tho ab · aeuce of that hon J(On tle10a u I ebould say that Mre. Crowdy is not a p11id .oalrou o f the ho1pital: but Mn. Stabb actually rf'Ce iYce a aalary aa ''"'' Iron of tbe Luoatio A~ylurn.

Mr. ftlOKlNE-Tbe complaiota •bicb I bu& re­peated were made by an individual l(eutlotullll, and not by penona wboae knuwledgo of tbe eub • jec t would uot be compowut. I think menne abould be taken to prnent peraons who have j ust pUlled the cr isis from ill neB& from beiog eeo' out into tbe wort~ before theil ~itutione haYe become 10 ro CIILabliahetl D8 tO Oe 1\"'0 to bear tbe bardahipe uf tife and th poorei11 o f tbeir ordiuar1 liviog. llhink tha& the machine ry for inlpeotin. our publio charitiee is inade9uato ror i te duty. lo Halifax tbbru is a lltaudtn&[ com­mittee of the Ho111111 apfointed for tbis work, wbo lnuligate accouota examine iow co:D­plainte iad repor1 upon tlie working of ll.e vari­oua iuatiuuiooe. 1'be pr81erl~ Obairmau of the Uoerd or Worktlt obar~eed with tbe dUt7 of io­epeollall lbeee iNtlluliona, bot J 110bmll tba& hw fneatiptioo mue& of 11~111 be perfaoctof1. I bcllnegrea& be• eftt.a wolllcfieealt from tbe ad­o ptioo of lbe- eyet.ern J allpM&, aad 1 am au.relbe b .-ada of theee charitiea wcMild bail witb pi ....are the ap"ollltmeut of ~ucb a committee. Dr. tkabb. for ioataooe, oomplaiaa e"r1 year of &bo OYer• orowded coodillou of the ,\aylum, bu' wllhou& nail, for I uut.re w .. , lha~ Yei'J few bo11 membera make ,hemeely• wutera of hie reporl.. HJ ltle •Pl-Oinlmenc o( 1111cb a ourumittoe lbe HoaH would be able to ~eep heelf foformer:t or all auch defeou In our pallia inaLitatiooa.

(7'o . 6e..c~~i 0


'4Kif4G · (

. .

PDWDER Absolutely Pure.

Tbie p<)wdor noYer variea. A marvel of pur ­ity, 11trength and wbolesomeoe111.-More econo­mical tban t ho ordin'lry kinde, and cannot be eold in competitio n with the mnlli t ude of low w el , ahort weight .. alnnJ o r phoapbattt powrlera. Sold (ln/y in ca1tr-HOYAL BAli NG I:'OWD!ft Co, 106 Wall-11t .. N.Y. Jatt8 ly


Medical Ball. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.


The S\lbscribe r has again addl!d to bia la'rge and varied Stock, a fe w of the newest leadi ng P aten t Medici nes und Sundries, as follo ws : G re1m's .Aug us t F lowe r, 'Va rner's S afe C'u rr . L iwe Fru it J uice . Bo~chee's G e rman l';y r up, J<~no'!l Frui t Sui~. H olltlway's Corn Cure, Carte r 's Little Liver P ill s , '\Vi.,t.u r 's Balautn uf ' Viloi C Le r ry, Wye t h's L iq uid Mutt F.x t rucL, H a ze linc M othe r Gra' e11' \Vorm E.xtPrmiuut01·, LieLig 'd Bxtruc t o f ~len t, Drttinuge Tu bing . P t>nr's :::!oap, P !.!n r 'll S h1:n·i ng S t ic ks. W hi te F. n un• I (fur fi lling teet~,) RPnzin e (f• ,. cle'ln>~ing purp<)li"l>, \ .\11\Lldun'K l't11u i lr ~.' t int:C'S. • Le 111n n , ' • 11 •, I ; . • 1., 1 r y ~' 1 11

l>r. Wils~n·,: II etloi tH' Bittt.·l .,, J ohnson's Anotlyuo Lini ment, ,-fnrn ur r nel a·· ·· ( •.• I t) r,i \"t'rH'"" ' •

Euu':~ Al e•i icu tt•J ~~~b : (llor Wlll l •• :!), G uartl's H air J _p', T ricC':lht'! t loUo :I'eauur ; y T ooth P o wJer, .••tll'l ay's FluiJ :\l ag n eMia, Hu•·f, I mn tHtd \Vine, N orthrop& Ly ru11.n ' R V e~et.a ble . Disco ve ry,

d o do Quinine " 7ine, K e lloJ.:g'& ':AsLhma He medy ·

do C.&tarrh S n nff. Daffy's Elixir , H op Bitters Dr. Wnlke r '11 Vinegar Bitte rs Putmun's Cum ExLracC.Or KeaLintt'll lnSP.ct Powde r N o rt l11·op & LymRu's E tnnlsior A yer's tiar~~aparilla, Putner's l':mulsion

do Che rry Pectoral Pie rce's G olde n Medical Discovery

uo Purgativt1 P e lle ts d o N 1\Btt I I nject.or:l

W aterproof N UMling A pro ns do Spo nge Bags do Bi'•s (fo r chi ldre n tee thing.)

Follows' Cvu.pound ·_pu1,

' Steedman'<~ T ee thing P n wde rs Rubl?cr T u l.ting fo r Fecdet·a Ay~r'a llt1ir Yit;v t·, Buy Hu111 Allen's Hair Re~tnror, C hi ld's Trut~l!es Adult'!i Truss~s, :.Uinanl'~ Linime nt. C.-\ivert'!l Carbolic Soa p , Fulle r·'s Earth Wright's lJnlennented Wino Burdock Blood Bitte rs Kej~lor'll Cod Li1•cr Oil :tnd Malt. Essenco ot Spruce, Alle n's Lung .Salaam J udson'!l G o d P uint, J udson'a Gold Ink Citrate of Magnesitt, Catye nne T..o!en gea P oppormiut. Lozenges, Oingor Lote nges Sa\'ory and Moore 'w F6od Lirue.Juice, Canned Oyste rs, D esicoa ted Cocoanut, Noave's Food W~>odi ll 'a Bnking P o wder Yorks hi ru R e lis h, \\'ot"Ct:.'llcrahi ro Suoco Dried SM·ot·y , Dried ~ago, Dried Thyme Vinogal' in bo ttl es, Orif'<l Mint, Pickstone's Was hing C c·yetal


H air ~~.nd Clo t bes BRUSUF.S. 8' Preeorptiooa carofully compounded 11od

witb pure clruge.


.a. :a .a.· Z A .4. R. -UI'-

Fancy and Useful Articles Will be beld a' Spaotard't 0..,. Ia ~oYember

"'eat. Proceed• for the erection of a Metllodi~t fareooage. Aoy CODtrfbu&iooa io moneJ or lCOOdl will be &bank folly reoelyed bJaDJ of 'be foUowiog Committee:- • Mrs Joalab c;o.., Sr, Mn lfeDfJ t;oe~e, Mn

Rober& Go .. , Mrt Stepbea G«**, M{a J oei•b Uoeee (Ro!M.), Mrt Wart Ooe~tt Mrt Joeepb Bamti~, Mrt J)aYid Bamat, IIIII ftlarJ A. Reader, Mile &nh Ooeee. M118Dowdeu, Mn Frederic~ Golee. MrtCap' llo'*' o-, Mn Joefab Ooeee, (Nalb). M11 -... .. , Goeae, • .Mrt Leonard Harreta. Mrt Ha Barrett, 1\lra W illi m GCMIM, t.llla Mabt ~~. Mlaa L,yura G-. or bJ 8. a,r.,.,..
