, VOLUME XXIX. HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, HNS 'S , FOR_!,mAL .... ' 'flut llouae met at loalf VMt.-1 o.'ol ock. 1.>t 1uotiou mD.N.AL USI of Hou . U. '1'. Rtllldell, tho alluru a In to Ilia l!:xcdleucy'a tvuech was read n eeconol tic e. Tbct Sbllc rul" o( tb" Uo n»u waa then, on mu on. aue- La.a.p.B-.-IAIIuuaa.BaoJdlaaOo'!Cb.Wboopbaao-.t&.C&&IIJTb.Obo&Na'Mortna, D)r- ve nded, aud th& hollte i11Lo COIUUiit or tbe vN · E::.;::.. lll'OU the addreN; llouJawee l'i. iu tho 8p&-.l rw-- W7bod7 Arter I'Ome delihumtiun tho eonunitte roeo, WewG1MD4tNe, ll.a"; ':-- ported proJlrea and aeked leue h• The ;me •• au .. •.;•: wm H )UIO tbuu adjouruod uutil Friday uexL wtao oea4 u..tr - - .. ru... an. dlook -- -..ci' 1ucll7 _,.., fo'tUDA\', 2-ltl• . . .t.ll'WIIoboi.:J'orOC'de4treoUMm ... 'fho Houee met nt rour o'clcck. Hou . ..... •• G 'l' Ueudoll "Uf8Uallt to tlce onhsr or the day M7 pan t.be UAIW4 ate ... or 0oao4o. 1. e. JOIDI8011 oo .. P. o. 8os saua. Boo&oo. x...ii. .. . . MOST W TOHNDE ERFUL ll N I MEN T fieh e nea haYJOIC bceu read, FAMIL V REMEDV lloo. M. ••id !Je it would be all- 1 I 00 alllliUidl that thU prfatQl COUUitiO .II O( OUr EVER KNOWN liabenea dou.1audtl the ruoat cardul atteotJOu, uot . alone or but or o.ll in tbu colony. For Sale (W holeasale an.l .tte htil) ttt 'l'BoMPSON's Mctlieal H"ll, !:larbo• · Grace either direot11 or iodirectly interes ted lu tbew. More particuh.rly ia it incumbent upou our Ch(Ubber ur Comwerce, or Board or Trnllu, to givo 1\Ueutiou The S'U. bsori. "bers to that whicb forniahn th e of tho wuolu trade of the hlaud. Lookin.: tho se11l -tiabury, we 11ro would respectfully call attention of the MercharttS of Newfoundland to their stock of aeueibl1 aware til at it h.as beeu rapidly decliuiog dur iuf.! thu put three or four yeare, aud ao lar u tbe o1l produced b1 it ia couccrucll. would bo worth tla ll coal of outUt, ereu if wo ca uld couul apou F 1 s·u NETTINGS for setlson of 1888. fair ncr aile to large reduct ion iu tbo price obt.aioablo for it. That drnwback is compeulllted for by tho euuauced vnluo of but those eooceroed iu tho mauuf4cfuro or )eo\ oil nod akiue will odwit, and t!:o cannot be too impreaaed npou't !Jo ve ciMaes, that Ly tho maltreotmr ut of o ur senlekine, a de- ---o --- Now on hand, made up specially for the parti c ular regard to their requirements, Island Fi s het·ies, and with !J rftci.tiou in thdr value ie thu Too often are tboy 1ubjectcd to au uuueceuary awount of ex - posure ; the relta becoming lroren and euuburut.. and by tbo whco ha 'Uiiug of nca .. tog tlo holea for the hRuliug rop_ea too far iuto the ak:lu, the ir aizo for purpoac1 ia largely oi - tuioiallell, aod value lceao oed lie bGcl aeeo akioa wherein tbc racing boles, by tbla cMilled a redactiou of not leu' tbau twl!oty per ceul. on their value 'fb eu lou.: exposure ou the ice r'eod- Seines for Cod, Herring, and Caplin. \Vo nte prepared to fnl'nieb any of from Lho the aho\ •e S eines of any length mul dept/•, mode ·Shepard G-o1d. ere it ucxt to iulpo88i bl o for tllo altiooer to take off the fat without . injury to the aL:iu . 'fh l! racll eau- :M:ed a1 loOl be too llroogly upoo captl\ioa and crewa (If vca.ele, 10 na to ilccure an a\ ·uidance of prac · t icea which ao largely reduce th,, value of the voyage. AI rf'garda the cotjJiehe ry.h •ill be rcna umbt: red lut a eni oo a meaanre was pnaa11d iu, nuother place, 111d, aftt'r aome couaiderntioo. by thia Thill T wiuo proJ uceA tlao liyhtut S eine [>OIIi ble, with the sreat lh'enJ}tl' to witl..st nnd l'ough tUage. These S•1 inPs n re mo un Led in a m uunor apJn-oved by u ro rea.dy for .ue; WILL II ASOL ll: E Ad iLY 1 IJ O 0 00 0 YISDI!iO. COD-TRAPS of :1n y or sty le, m ade to on) c> r at sho rt no tice. 8TANDARD HEill{IN .G NETS . All ai z<'s r eady f or immetliute tleli; ery. For s;illing fish, t. ho CoL to n net uu qu es t io011 bly mo.!t prolita.bU to u1e. s nr pnlll!ea en y ot hor kind, and is the r SHEET L NETTING for Ol : tki n :;: oropniring Se ines, Tratpt, ot· Gi ll Nelfl, can he anppli od, in nny size m esh And twin .., at ouce uu on o( order. . G-oTTON \ LINES > cloamber, bniag for itll objtcl to CIIUSC oo itnprou- me ot iu tho quality a&d of our ataple. h wna a meunrc to t he of fi sh. It nppetore<! before tlo i11 io au uuworkab lo form, eeve ral mecnbere of thia body took th o trou bl e to try aod lido: it into shape, be believed not ouo of them wna annguloo of Rnceeeafnl reeulte from it Dl au oper 11t h·e·nacnsure. · Ht il l \t JU ight have been productive or benefit, in t htJ c.li rt'ction inte nded, hft d all intero:eted in it been so licitous to work for tho common good of the fi shery. T he coo trnry wa1 tho fn ct, and bu.' era of cod fi sh th e tr uth oftbe aasertiOD bo DOW 10 1\ de, th ll t I II!St 801\SOU W I\S ao OX• ceptloual ooo in r espect to the loCA l Mle 1\ nd pnr· c hKt e or Jt would eeem ns though nil local pnrohasere !Jod mndo up th eir noinds to rt nder Act iu queetioo abortive by buying fiab lalqwttl to a greattr uteot t l. : ui · {'Ve r berore. No as .... garde wllal may be tc rrued epriog fl ab, baodle-i early in the aeuou . it is nl.' arly imJl061lible to purchaao h iu any other w, y, but the h111 m!ul prl\cUco extend- ed throogbout tho &eAaon, nud oft t' u u bigh n price WR ean furni sh TA RRED or Watof a s uperi or quality, Wr ite for prices be fore orcie ri . " na giYen for tal'lu"l u it was poaaiblo to for "merchantabl e," oow. li e d id not deny th e of tbo1e eop11ed in the flsh ety tmdo to net ne tbey to order. like in the woy of buyinj:: aud wh en that i1 legitimately lmt there is • hight'r con1ideratiou than those o£ aelf ·i nt e res t, p resen t g11iu, or eonYenienco tbat 1hould auimftta tl ao&o doinli bueint N; that ie. the gener 11 l gocd of tbe fiabery i nt creeta, wbicb areeerioualy da mtt,::ed by tho ayatom of talquol parebaae. h deetroya all in centive ou tho of the fi1berma11 to make goou tleh, koowiog that bo ca n 1\8 high a price for Macleirn "' for by eelliug it to thie modo. Our prime obj eo t, 1\S IPJlilllator.t, 10 den ting with a question of th ie kin d, aboold be tu enact meas ure. \ Ve Are Lla o o ldest an•t manufllcttu ·e • '11 of fi sh ne ttmg H\ tl1e Umt ed States. It is our e ff ol't the requU"emJ!II.a of the tiahermen, And produ ce the beat.11dapted to th eir wants. · We epin our o wn Ya rn and Are the only manufactu . re . rs of . th o Oolcl Mmal Twin.u which hu r eceit:td the h.ightlt u1Danl wherever exlnLtted, tnclndtng the London In- te rn atio nAl Fiehedea Exhibi ti on, wh ere we r eceived t.ho only Gold Med lll awarded for auperw iorit.y of Twinea and Ne tting . Being from the rn w mate ri a l, o ur ca n re ly on the quQhty of goods, and a sureci of lottJut p f i cu . Can ti ll ord ers hy wire at shc.rt not.iee au d will g i\·e careful Attentton. ES'l'A BLI SH ED... .. . 1 <.: A PIT ,\ L .. . .. '360,000. Mill• at Bo,.ton, an c.l H ad tl am. AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO., 43 Street, BdSTON, Mass, U S.A. to eat.abliah a big htr atandard of character for onr fie h, and not to opeu the door to It a d epreciation. Such appeued to be the deal re or th ia body in pua· ing tbe roeaaure or laat aeNioo, th nt eveu to 10 010 exteut tba' laudable e ud UJi gbt be' secured. Now, Mr. CLairm11o, we hM •e in tllie city n body whU:h ia termed a " chambe r of co mmerce," nod be did think thu aher t!J11 ti•h·culliuac bill of tau year became the law or the laud, it waa tho doty or tbal bodr, wbon lhey met lo 1olemo conelan, to l•ne giuo a public defiuitton, bued upoo th e ir know- of the- couditiou aud reqa ·irecneotl of foreign markota, aa to what tbould be rtgardet.l ae" :ner- ftab, and what ahoold be c onlidered ·• ma- deira," to hue iMned ralea nd regolatiODII 1tatioi that i4 givloi the price tbey mil(ht. ban aareed upq.n ror .. wcrchaotablo" (Jah, tbfly woQJd require apd expect tbe 4\lb Lo, be .o,ured oc!)ordiDJ to aueb eonditioua • tbey poiuted tbia august body do thai wlafcb 11 ... honal to upect tbey abould hue dono? No 1 tbcy did nothinr, eun worM tban aothiug, the leadiu' ntemberl or tho Cbambtr or Comeunco tlatmle lna led tb' way in tle•eQicidal cour1e ofbo,ln(f ftah tnlqoal, aod be had no .. tattoo Jn dtolarioi It a to tba& cbambt' fO praclleo f J! U8b' wi!J,I t-roaer •ciee tv the ,:e•\erat 6allina 1utereat1 of tbla colorty.l Jl'or wbat purpoee doee tbllt 'bod1 Ulat? ,N)tl fahclfOnl, if n9t to take CCifPlll• ataee of Ntten pettalnlng to the trade, lind to pro· a.ote, bJ all •••Uab ......... lte bHitby adf..- .. ..... ,, fl•t trt. ....... .. bocfJ. Of RIU, pGIUI,Id abe .. labN& .. ewect . "' Jlu £ .,W Md lp, 1}.1 &M ofdla•J ,., ""-'n ._rlj ' ar .. utrrnaf · e•icli1101 ....... toJat . ret t!oallltttutet 1 hollll•c oraw. f•t or ollt18CMr. Ttae, &11\J.,.. 111d pab- J ... ......... ¥ai .. ., .... , ..... ... , • ....._ aoMptet ,_..,. ttnautedou of., .......... . it woold lleft MlftCI all ... ncJa attalMd b)' tlaM MARCH 10, 1888. NCMBI.:lt lJ. product of th eir iucub:Hivu. J> iol they, 1.1 \"ell 0!1 lf islce ry i nlJIIIlCl l or Cllrr icd oo t, beC!I U !'C ir it oth er I OCI\I tl o, :;rr.tif)' the lJUblic . uy wcru cufosced wo 110t lo-t:C Ill) _la rs:e 1\ pe1Cen l• iu vroCt:SiiiOo t loc t0\¥11, utt..wdlll at n:;tt of aannll &J\ I111 on 1\S 11 rnto C.• Jr •erv1cu iu oue ur ou r churchill:! Kud c.a ll - l. n1t ycnr. It ill unao h t<t-bc tlal\l th e fi lfh- iulllllJOII E). cullcloC:y tiau Guvcruur, we wi)( ht l.u th e lll'li utr t ny uf ou r 1 11 1\'U nul, Ul) I ll di apoa.:d to ovcrlonk tlu:ir iuutllit}> ll u rho pr('seut ticnu , roc6o \•cd n!hmti o•• otl ho 110 ru ore wa.slJ\kch •utwe ut y yC1H:s uf I u! lo,c.ll JLC>Ve ru lll c Uhl ns ti Hll r uuportuncu cuc ruuc.l. tbu hi11tory of the cudlishcry•tt.nll t loat of thu li e ruJtcol uow. liS rhu rcs uiL of tho lnbor11 of I hu (tOIU oJJ •)' li tem IJ f purclo.lliU IU ttC t:lt• eU II IIUi .-ioll ttl Vt< &u llt iu Y• •Hti;.:ntiul( tJ U wholu f Ub• puusivu aull rUIIIOU8 Uaull'l) of jiUr C h!tl iUg 11:1 tufqua/; ject, n liafocry IJurcuU CO UlJIOIIed Of COiupCtl.' lll lliiU u• ill cou•oqn eucea will llu fel L 1110ru lutcullt> · • -..ill be formed, to tllke COflll ltnloCa 111Jcl dlrcctu11 of ly in euauinl( k ttSOUII IIS the chnrnctur uf OW' li11h alii mnllul ll utlatiUJ: tu the fi11ll 11 Ud lialati riu of the will becowo f11rlhur d e preciateu 11.11thiil ptacticu couull y , .,o :'18 to •cuder IUI'III I)( tho utua oe t value to ia coutiuu cu. h i<s a wull·kuown fact lUKt lhu pro- tl.u l Jt' U J)IU, "ho are upun for Jlat:iralllp· portiou of " cu urcha utab lu" li sh to is y.:ar by 'POr t. Thu elltRblisluncut of aucb ius titutiou he yuar dccreasiug .. J wcuty ycl\fll \he !; 11!1\t bulk wout.\ one of th11 best thiu)t& tl1. 1t loas hllp• of our lil!b waa ruurchnutablu; but in r uct: Jot tlwee it poucu to ::\ uwfo 11ndlnnu for mnuy yctms . Conca tbo lesat:r quoullly. ouc.l th is 8th to of th iua,:e ll u1 o. thu 1. ni u, howevllr fct:bly bo will uo ou lro m bftd to worsu uulen latu metLoJ11 acquit hicuscH, hu s\ao u :u re el icu1 Ju ll ed to t ua bcC OUIC 8 pccllily re \"crseu. It ia bucu ly to bo 01- UtlCIIlj ,t 10 ud cnc.ltbu (; l.nual.cr or CoJUmo: rec lllo 'lliust pectull tL a' th u prot\ucu r11 of tish 'vill tRite ca ro to t he vun 1 .n·nt e ci ticismti of onu of t loe lao n. goutleJUu n ouru it wcll ''b l! u t ile expu rt crB will t iJ .:m oa who h86 j nbL 1poL: cn; \m t aeciu;; t loal I hil t bodr ill 10 hil:h n pricu for tbu iufcrior fur the :\l.l) rcpcc&enteJ iu 1 hi11 Chtuubuc, he felt it wo u l• l article j UOf will t huy be inJ uccd tU do HO Ulltrltlu!)' bo prCSU IIl ptiun OU Ioili jll\ rt lU luke Up th i11 position. 1\ud it to t,o to tll oi r o wn intur, •a t, which d upcu dl ll o wus nut t \Wnro Lhnt tho boJy wna nmcton ble to altnost unllrcly uvun thu act iou or thoso who pur· such c cHdurc. .\ 11 regnrda tl oe eubj,.et under ll i11 · ch nao their lish. It i1 St\ tiefuctoty to lind iu tho nd- cus@ion, it wnt plcnsiujl to liud th nt tlo e retu rns from dreu tho plt mai ug aiJullion to th u aucceaa uf tbu t he fi slo crieM havo placuJ the colony in n III IlCh more llauk tisb t:ry ; Lo ut the resuh ha.v u been rt: fa. vornblo po11i tioo thnn t hat n h iclc iL oec npic.l t wo lvt> dered touch to orc g ucccs.'$ful lmu caro bo: cu n,.:o. th at tit.a u moot petl'ous took a dt - tokeu iu tbu cnru of th u Geh, a ot.l it wouiJ bc wt: ll spouile ut \•iew of our II(Jturs, unu: uu!ortu nat l•ly, tf ao to imprtllll thial fact"" n11 upou lltosu circumll tnnco:ll thcu cl id not wnrmut n hope. coucerneJ iu it. T hu li sh un thu tul ouc. Ou1· tishoriell wcru lauo,::u it 1 lnn,.: ; 1 nn rkete. b: wk s ia of rr M ionibr kiud to that ou the iu - nl wo .. t ou r ( )II" U, luut from 1 111, 11ncl 1Lore or tbo illl ;m u, t iJOU J.( h it 101\)' bu :\ yeur Of t wo Wl.l knew IIOt where tO turn to alle\·inlO tho Md old"r ; yt:t fishcruleu will be henu\ \hat th ey prospect tLnt u peuo:ol 011t hororc ua; no detiuite aru d ilu1i wilar, a stateme nt wh ich nriser !rum tho auc:u111 or rcliuf :\l•peMcJ to tho aurrouudinll ignon.ucc thut us on uauj.: IOolll. l)• ll htst rc.o urce aeeUled to bo a rt'liaoce tens appertaiuiug tu our fi abunes. Ho cot\I J upon 11lmt 11 11 ha ll been occnatoancd \o alll.- u uderll: md wby llank tish !leeoud 11 hc 11 ltc t: lastica ty •• 1 ou r lr a(lo and or the rccu · coosid o: rt:d t!Ju WRY. it ia trc: 1tcc.l, IJcin r; l,i:\clly upll_ t. pt:m:i\·c cl.nrr .c tcr of wo had in bndly wu beJ , ao d,oftcu salted nud BlOtluilat lll)" 111 aud \\ ' hit:l1 we IDI AM a::\iu r the dlltk ; heuco when pi need IIJ )• )Il t he cull · bOn I J 1111)\'U our Wlcil e th e pre&c nt Rlnlo of a lar go proportion of it is fouud to hll sct lfcl'ly fit nfToir!l ie not ouo or th e briRhteat. it is 11ti ll far more for human food. Jl o coutenJe J, nod wi shed iL to be nl'.S unn:.: t hu n it woa n yenr n,::o, nod it mn y be gen.:rally understood Ly nll con ce ruotl . na erroncocs pc rt int:nt to enquire to wh11t couae is this chnn )!O nppenr to t>xiaL witu rogord to liah cn ug ht on to be ne.-ribl•c.l? unfor tu n:\ tely to tllot oilS· tho Uauka, tbnt it may, by proper be cured ticity thl\l hns L oruc us sncce&s fn ll y throus:!l! for- equal in quality to nuy Shore-caugh t fi sh. ll u hnJ mer triols. ll o v.:ry much wis hed wo cou lft a tt ri- 1eon ca rgo,•s of J:J:auk fi sh t hn t had como to St . J ol111 'a bot o it to th at cn usc. Our acnl ti sherv bns been a from the WeetwarJ ol such cure th nt uo Jh)f- short one. rollowc cl by low for ·its produce ; son, iguoraot of tho fncL thnt it wu Bunk fish could ou r cod fishery, except on tho H. tu ks. wns \nrpely 11ee nny di!Tereuco between it nncl Sh ore f id h. llo dcticient. so thut we seem to owe th e di iTc rouce in truate<.l that tlc e reports bere every Fnll from our position, IJ Ut to our OIVII re;;o urcoa. but t -o a furci,.:n warket s of !lie unsntisfnc to ry chnrncL: r of lucky ncc i•lcut whio•h lonB rroved nn unlucky ncci- our llank fi sh, will iuducu exporters a ud dent to oth.:rs, the fact tlont t ho No rwil::ion 11nd in· eneuin" I CI\80US, to gh ·o t.a or .: :l ttentiou townrcls Frc·nclo fi shurica \\(.'fC belllll' the or fMmer remedyiug a condition or things that d,· l•rcci l\ tca tho y (•:us, :111u the rc.ln r. tion or their competition with us value of the \ 'O)' IIg c, nnd thcrcforu ll1!11in st euabled Ull to rc:di zc rcmuoa e rn ti\ 'C p ri ces for fish. tbc1r i11t c rcatll, wh ile uncnat;ing t he ro:rn · lt nac 1r bol s., i.l we olwRy• to reckon trith t he tat ion or t ho produce· of t ho colony. In relntiou to of pracc.t iu forei>! D mnrkets, nud it does tho vrosucntion of ou r cot!-tiebery, he conside a cd uot nt nil I ell! ow ll on l cvt u if we hnd tbal very little doubt now exi ts regnrdiug th e iu- \"O.)' nces we ·houlol ,,·, tin ,;: vllrl In former jurious effect or tho U3i! or An Act \1 :I ll yon rs \h' )ar ,.l ccrt:. (I lo!h lllllrket3 almost enliretv to p atiSecl l nst.acasiou the uwu t· ul tis hi nf! by o ur"ch d, : 111 I ,, in ,.. s.:> mc11mes fl nct u11 tinns &ucla mnchiucry, nod t he opiuicn ti:IS then op: l lll•· l l.•lr• 1 ,r•lr I Co u • yo\ on tlac otlaer h:t ntl thry prt vnle ut iu tho Chncube; t lon t t l.c inter estc1 of t hu c q•• ·ll) •: ..:1 t<J I,J I t• <•llr and th cu o ur liahor)' would be se n·cd by tloc1r nt><llition; bnt 11 po•i11on ,. :. •onlp:\r •• ti\'d.r iudupendent. r t>gn rd ror •ested i nte acllts i:ollucuceJ the Legis1nturo of thin!!• ", mny not rt'ndily rccl\ll. becn uao we fo r n in n rncl1c.: nl nction in to tbeau time tn b•w e forfeited the rositi on \YO h nd ob . 'l he Fishery Commi&:iioo. or whic·o be hnu the honor t aincd. $11 pplnnted to n cxtoct Ly our to·bcn member , h'\J bt iU, o rc•l" ci.I) S nJ::O, nuder tlo ui r inrlcfl\tij!nb!.· ri\ •a ls whoS<I competition hns had anch eonaiderntion n report on t he fi sheries or Cnuaolo. c.l i s: 1.1t rons uff.:cts upon tho ioterests or this -colony. by \vb ic h it was secu tul\l iu th e whole l>v1ni nio 11 It is .:rnt;fyan:: to ohscrvo ooe hopeful aijZ n io t he oul) forty cod-t raps nr" in operation, while in Xt•W· of the L>ank l ishcry._ Tho who found l11od we h ll re hke four thonsl\ud. nirl o:d in s ti : nul ;lliu" t he revivnl of th e industry (of 'l'bi11 1peau for i uelf ; lor whe n we fin d that in wh om he "'"" glnd"to any be wM ooe) h, "'" reason a countr y which ex t ,•nt ·.; such n wl\ tchful cnro over to couc rn' ·l a te themselveS upon th o vindic:ttion or tho ioternte or i 11 lislwril·S ns cloea Cannd n, so fe w tlo e wisliom of th eir action 1111 pr oved by reaolta. trr.pe are in uao at t ho preeeut day. th o iufereucc h has IIOmcti cDes bc.>r n etatetl in thiR Jl ouso tbat is plni n that exp.e rit- nce loas dc moustrated t ho injury no pra7io1 .1 !l loc.'ll grvernment h!\.d done of this modo of fi sh ins li e belic\"ed t hn t tho pin e- for t ho welfa re of t ho fisheries. l n reply to such i' g of cod-trape keeps tho ba it, nud a iRo t he fi eh, ou t no O $Serti on be point lld to tbo Dt1 nk 6ebe r1 io deep water, anti tl:c cousequonco is. we ltn\"e bou nty na a complt-tc refutl\tlon of nny c har$rO acen ip rbe Nort her n Ec ttl rmcu te. it i:t icnposaiblu or llt>ttlis;:ence thl\l rc:ay be forwnrd l\$rllinst for the hoolt- aod· li oo men to catch 11 VO)ago As tbr .:o\ ·r rnment of t ical dny. Thc.>y ext<'ndccl n help. th e ,.chnou 1\nd fi alacr'i e11 of l:\al er n · i nJ: bnnd to th 11l Rshcry iu tho fuce of much rl•s- eon, they were abor t in qu nutity nn d b'\d in qnnlity. pnrAs:emcnt of th l•i r cnden\·ora. it having been con· l' robably in no prufious eenson wall eo inferior a t<-n ded thnt o ur men wero unti tl ed for th11t it qnalit y or 111lmon eeeo in SL .• John'.t, tLo r uopo rt ion require• ! hnrdier lumd ll t hn n those accustomed. M ' it or No 2 and No. s t C\ ::\ 0. l being li mply WM tcr mecl, to "l obstoring Glong the shoro." It Ir more Cft re wtre tnl.en with the snlmon wloe u \\' l\8 further urged tbnt the amoun t of bounty lbo ca ugh t, even ir oo quantity were t l\ll eo, the would offer·\ •ould be a 11 ins uffi .:ioo t i o - Ad\ ·ancement 111 VI\ Inc woulcl be foua<l to be ex trn · ducemcnt to IYn rm t h:\ L in(! uJtrJ" into lifl'. N o' w. ordin11 ry, Number ono lnrge anl mon fetches a much howe\ •e r, nftor th e lnpso of 1\ fe w y eare, it is n eati s- tiighf'r price rcllltil'ely t hlln oth er qul\lities, nn d i' to those wh o took n bopefnl view to tiod would therefore p11y people intcr usted to beetow their pred ic tions RO &ijlnl\lly fulfilled. The rtt hu more care and at tention on this branch of our lieh- !teen no difficu lt y in findinl! io t he colony 11 aal ffi- t> rics It would be e'ltisfl\ ctory to laon members to ci ent numb er of men henrtily williu!! to ri1k their be nsaured beiug lll'lde io the enqu ir y lit·cs iu lhe tlnngora noel bnrda !aips of on by the liehcry conu uia.ri on nppri ntcd lnet the nut! the rraulta nro ns3umioy to· day ftn d it is to bo hopo.!d t lo! lt io n ve ry 11hort importnut in cr,r!ncction with our trade. tuo e tla oobjocl so longnnd perti u11 cionsly alr i rrn for ln n (.!Cne rul hot fl'\ ' <lr, there wns enough to by hoo. .Mr . II nn ey-" burcnu-will a aaun1o show in to our fi shorie1 nad res ourcea that form and anblc.nce; aod that bef ore Auother year iu th eir preeeut 1tage of duelopru eot th ey are oo- eomu round we 1holl no longer be just ified io tile rclil\ ble aa eo ur ce of aueteo.tuco for tile popn· complaint that tbc lcodiog fh biug in the lntioo. W e hnvo eoo n aome ronr tbouMud of our world ia without 1\ny "uperv iaiug control over that beat producers from tho country witbiu the upoo which ita t' Xietenco u a colocy depende. p nst yMr, io utte r deava ir ekiug o ut a livi9g in li on C. U. A \ 'tt£ concurred in n.ne!.i that I, ad t ho land of their birth. All ou r de- fall en from lh e hon. geu tlou• au in regard tc the mode moolitrate th e necusi ty or re1orti og to ot ber UOOll · of dealing with the produ ce of (IUr tiona. He wns to fi nd ll i5 E :rcotteucy'a epeeeh preYed to hi uJ whAt a \' AU deal is lost a lluding, in bi s:lcly lorene. to the appre<ia- the conotry owlna tc.o waot of ca ru and nfteotio u tion )>y thu couutry of tho Agricult ural Aql r aaaed th e cure or flab. thua lnrgely deteriortt ting ill V !lluo. t hc .. oaaion uero'ro laat, of -tllu &dYt.ntoge• of which 'J.'hl1 appliu u at• o oglylo our piok,led ti ah aa to mnny persona bnvo av11ilod. T his will, no eodRab. who hu bad •o uch experience appeor when the pt\ 1 ' ers on th e he fo rc oL tn the purehaae of tlali , mnlll\dJnll t hat th e practice ll o Prca ldt ut) hop ed lllat agricult mo will, io or boyiag filh talqnal, 10 largely ndop te d la, t fall, tho fotnre. on e of th e maio d ependen ce• hal a damaging e! cct npou th e cbarecter Of Ollr pro - pf tbe p eople, tl.at th C!'f will take bold of dnce, and ILi1ll ..ely to produce eLi II mqro n it in tlmt It, ADd ob\ ·!Ate tho riak Md uoeer'Wnty of relian.:e dir ,o tJoo io tbe f_.turc. 1'8 '' render• jl ah ero1en ancl bi )OU a 1ilRio purauil, with ita too fnqneully cure•a nod iodiffurc ut aa to q_n11lity or tbe ti tog ntlvoree re:. ulta. 1'hero wu one m.Cttr io 1be .,ti cl_p the)"1ura ont of tbt it will apeej! h and reply, having to lhu creation of Rl flOOd a pri cttor tlo e ba it ufor the s et.aploymcn t lor tho people in lboir r"''orit o eo ter- pericw qaalhr: 1\ ' i1 thet Hore not iurpti1 111g that pn ao, wlclch be heartily &:,>prond or. 'fhq. lnoreaaed 00U1pl11fnt1 ahonld e rn an 'e. te (n.m thl' marhtl tO b"Utlly O ll l hlp-bollclfnf '11'11 ll WI IO l'nOYe, 4t1tlolt our fhh ie abi Ji red. and l•e cert l\ln fb11' •·bite providtaa . oe eapatfoo, It a' the •m• t101e tboto are oftu" too w9ll fonoded. and ttlmulated the ooaatnactloo of a ol..._ .,r ...-.r th11• OODiiderab .. pc$rt]on pt It <!!_ o•,. ultllllle, fitted for tbo of th Uaot La__.or of •• ,.raoter ll 1\lao ad, ., ttaherlea. ll o bellned tha or wans ol at, co\lnn tl.owu pl oplt io bt\a bceu and be had liiUcl I' produn of t1ae fl sltet f. Jt Will l ll,tetl tba' 'the l(ilployntt Dt Lu •• ., .... tt•ttft to olitalh a dt&Titet for tlae· he.ter r ot lion tent pri) \'Ottlod •nuch wao' amoda-' tb()f tf, ..... Oil Jl't,.,.t ,.811", I ll llfl tlll' and Wh iJt"• royfc)J ne 1Ue ll 1t . ror'&belr elllpJ01'ftent fa tie badl7 handled, while th ere waa n9 dhliotalt)' whAt- fnt brebellned, wt.culd411aaailWdnlln .,., In dilposiP6f n( tire tar.-o tal moo. Ito thouabl unon the llllbJio fuotll , beoaaM tbe ma••J ll•attpeJit lbt law 011 &h etatu • t. .. rtf'tlattoa th e .. lrn or In botuallet will li t retutoed to tilt! llo •l!hqtltf

o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban

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Page 1: o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban



HNS 'S, FOR_!,mAL legislatl,~~ .... ~.?-,~,.~2~~1. ' 'flut llouae met at loalf VMt.-1 o.'olock. 1.>t 1uotiou mD.N.AL USI of Hou . U. '1'. Rtllldell, tho alluru a In re~) to Ilia

• l!:xcdleucy'a tvuech was read n eeconol tic e. Tbct OvMDlpbUieria,Onlup,A.a~BrocohlU.,Jf~Paeumonl&,Rbe-'l-.B~atU.. Sbllc rul" o( tb" Uo n»u waa then , on mu on. aue­La.a.p.B-.-IAIIuuaa.BaoJdlaaOo'!Cb.Wboopbaao-.t&.C&&IIJTb.Obo&Na'Mortna,D)r- vended, aud th& hollte W~U~ i11Lo COIUUiit or tbe

~=~AN o·vN·E::.;::.. ~ ~~a~!~· lll'OU the addreN; llou=·Jawee l'i. iu tho 8p&-.l rw-- W7bod7 •~••l• Arter I'Ome delihumtiun tho eonunitte roeo, ~-WewG1MD4tNe, ll.a"; ':--~ ported proJlrea and aeked leue h• ail~~~- The ;me ~ •• au ~ .. •.;•: wm H )UIO tbuu adjouruod uutil Friday uexL ~ wtao oea4 u..tr - ~ - .. ru... ·~ an. dlook -- • -..ci' l'Ua~ ~ 1ucll7 _,.., fo'tUDA\', 1-~ubruar 2-ltl• . . .t.ll'WIIoboi.:J'orOC'de4treoUMm ... oad~h,dollrooolnooenlllootet.ba'U..-uq.a.a 'fho Houee met nt lutlf-pae~ rour o'clcck. Hou . ..... ,~a4ocUIDOtobouMS&DU7..U.lle4. a.tan~S&o&o.:O~ •• ~. b"pNMpnpakl~ G 'l' Ueudoll "Uf8Uallt to tlce onhsr or the day M7 pan ~ t.be UAIW4 ate ... or 0oao4o. 1. e. JOIDI8011 • oo .. P. o . 8os saua. Boo&oo. x...ii. • • • .. . . •

MOST WTOHNDE ERFUL ll N I MEN T ~~;~ii~~ ~:~:~2~·~~Y!~~:Et~,~~~~~~~t~~= fiehenea haYJOIC bceu read,

FAMILV REMEDV lloo. M. MoNuo~>; ••id !Je tbuu~lll it would be all-1 ~ ~ I ~ille~ 00 alllliUidl that thU prfatQl COUUitiO.II O( OUr

EVER KNOWN liabenea dou.1audtl the ruoat cardul atteotJOu, uot . alone or tb~ Le~islnturu, but or o.ll in tbu colony.

For Sale (W holeasale an.l .ttehtil) ttt 'l'BoMPSON's Mctlieal H"ll, !:larbo•· Grace either direot11 or iodirectly interested lu tbew. More particuh.rly ia it incumbent upou our Ch(Ubber ur Comwerce, or Board or Trnllu, to givo 1\Ueutiou

The S'U. bsori. "bers to that whicb forniahn the ~·i• of tho wuolu trade of the hlaud. Lookin.: a~ tho se11l -tiabury, we 11ro

would respectfully call th~ attention of the MercharttS of Newfoundland to their stock of

aeueibl1 aware til at it h.as beeu rapidly decliuiog dur • iuf.! thu put three or four yeare, aud ao lar u tbe o1l produced b1 it ia couccrucll. i~ would acar~ly bo worth tlall coal of outUt, ereu if wo cauld couul apou

F 1 s·u NETTINGS for t~.e se tlson of 1888.

fair ncr aile Yoyn~es, owin~: to large reduction iu tbo price obt.aioablo for it. T hat drnwback is lar~tely compeulllted for by tho euuauced vnluo of s~:ulakiua; but those eooceroed iu tho mauuf4cfuro or )eo\ oil nod akiue will odwit, and t!:o !ac~ cannot be too atron~l1 impreaaed npou't!Jo op~rnti ve ciMaes, that Ly tho maltreotmr ut of our senlekine, a ~:rent de----o---

Now on hand, made up specially for the particular regard to their requirements,

Island Fis het·ies, and with !Jrftci.tiou in thdr value ie thu r~ault. Too often are tboy 1ubjectcd to au uuueceuary awount of ex­posure ; the relta becoming lroren and euuburut.. and by tbo pr11ctic~, whco ha'Uiiug ~ala, of nca .. tog tlo holea for the hRuliug rop_ea too far iuto the ak:lu, their aizo for mnnufacluriu~: purpoac1 ia largely oi­tuioiallell, aod value lceaooed occordio~ly. lie bGcl aeeo akioa wherein tbc racing boles, by tbla pn~ctice • cMilled a redactiou of not leu' tbau twl!oty per ceul. on their value 'fbeu lou.: exposure ou the ice r'eod-

Seines for Cod, Herring, and Caplin. \Vo nte prepared to fnl'nieb any of

from Lho

• the aho\•e S eines of any length mul dept/•, mode

·Shepard G-o1d.

ere it ucxt to iulpo88iblo for tllo altiooer to take off the fat without . injury to the aL:iu. 'fh l! racll eau­

:M:ed a1 T~e.. loOl be too llroogly ur~ed upoo captl\ioa and crewa (If ecatin~ vca.ele, 10 na to ilccure an a\·uidance of prac· t icea which ao largely reduce th,, value of the voyage. AI rf'garda the cotjJiehery.h •ill be rcnaumbt: red tha~ lut aenioo a meaanre was pnaa11d iu, nuother place, •111d, aftt'r aome couaiderntioo. JW~cntod . to by thia

T hill T wiuo proJ uceA tlao liyhtut S eine [>OIIible, t.o:;:e~h e r with the sreat lh'enJ}tl' requi~cl to witl..stnnd l'ough tUage.

T hese S•1inPs nre moun Led in a muunor apJn-oved by fuhorn&a~; u ro rea.dy for .ue ; WILL

II ASOLll: EAd iLY1 A~D IJO 0 000 YISDI!iO.

COD-TRAPS of :1ny ~izc or style, made to on )c> r at short notice.

8TANDARD HEill{IN.G NETS. All aiz<'s ready for im metliute tleli ; e ry . For s;illing fish, t.ho CoLton net uuq uestio011bly

mo.!t prolita.bU to u1e. snrpnlll!ea en y ot hor kind, and is the

r SHEETLNETTING for Ol:tkin :;: ot· ropniring Seines, Tratpt, ot· Gill Nelfl, can he anppliod, in nny size mesh And twin .. , at ouce uuon ~eipt o( order.

. G-oTTON \


cloamber, bniag for itll objtcl to CIIUSC oo itnprou­meot iu tho quality a&d chan~cter of our ataple. h wna a meunrc to re~u l• te t he cull i n~ of fish. It nppetore<! before tlo i11 llon~e io au uuworkablo form, eeveral mecnbere of thia body took tho trou ble to try aod lido: it into prn~ icnble shape, tbou~h be believed not ouo of them wna annguloo of Rnceeeafnl reeulte from it Dl au oper11th·e·nacnsure. · Htil l \t JU ight have been productive or benefit, in thtJ c.li rt'ction intended, hftd all intero:eted in it been solicitous to work for tho common good of the fi shery. T he cootrnry wa1 tho fnc t, and bu.' era of codfish k~oow the truth oftbe aasertiOD bo DOW 101\de, thllt III!St 801\SOU WI\S ao OX•

ceptloual ooo in respect to the loCAl Mle 1\nd pnr· chKte or ~dliah. Jt would eeem ns though nil local pnrohasere !Jod mndo up their noinds to rt nder Act iu queetioo abortive by buying fiab lalqwttl to a greattr uteot t l. :ui · {'Ver berore. No douli~ as .... garde wllal may be tc rrued epriog fl ab, baodle-i early in the aeuou. it is nl.'arly imJl061lible to purchaao h iu any other w, y, bu t the h111 m!ul prl\cUco extend-ed throogbout tho &eAaon, nud oftt'u u bigh n price

W R ean furnish Cotw~Lines, T A RRED or WatT£ of a superior quality, Write fo r prices before o rcie ri • . • •

" na giYen for tal'lu"l u it was poaaiblo to ~et for "merchantable," oow. lie d id not deny the rigb~ of tbo1e eop11ed in the flshety tmdo to net ne tbey

to order. like in the woy of buyinj:: aud aellio~ when that ri~bt i1 legitimately cxerci~od, lmt there is • hight'r con1ideratiou than those o£ aelf ·interest, present g11iu, or eonYenienco tbat 1hould auimftta tlao&o doinli bueint N; that ie. the gener11l gocd of tbe fiabery intcreeta, wbicb areeerioualy damtt,::ed by tho ayatom of talquol parebaae. h deetroya all incentive ou tho p11r~ of the fi1berma11 to make goou tleh, koowiog that bo can o~t.aio 1\8 high a price for Macleirn "' for .nerohao~able, by eelliug it accordin~r to thie modo. Our prime objeot, 1\S IPJlilllator.t, 10 den ting with a q uestion of th ie kind, aboold be tu enact measure.

\Ve Are Llao oldest an•t ~t. manufllcttu ·e•'11 of fis h nettmg H\ tl1e Umted States. It is our effol't ~learn the requU"emJ!II.a of the tiahermen, And produce the ~;ooda beat.11dapted to their wants. ~ ·

W e epin our o wn Y a rn and Are the only manufactu.re.rs of .tho S~1.ep0rd Oolcl Mmal Twin.u which hu receit:td the h.ightlt u1Danl wherever exlnLtted, tnclndtng the London In­ternat ionAl Fiehedea Exhibi tion, where we received t.ho only Gold M edlll awarded for auperw iorit.y of Twinea and N etting. •

Being mant~fuc:tnrf'!• R from the rn w material, our cn~tomera can rely on the quQhty of ~nr goods, and b~ a sureci of lottJut po1~le p f i cu . •

Can till orders hy wire at shc.r t not.iee aud will g i\·e th~m care ful Attentton. ES'l'A BLISH ED... .. . 1 ~2. <.:A PIT,\ L .. . .. '360,000.

Mill• at Bo,.ton, Can~-on a n c.l H adtl am.

AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO., 43 'co~mercial Street, BdSTON, Mass, U S.A.

to eat.abliah a bightr atandard of character fo r onr fieh, and not to opeu the door to Ita depreciation. Such appeued to be the dealre or thia body in pua· ing tbe roeaaure or laat aeNioo, hopin~ thnt eveu to 10010 exteut tba' laudable eud UJigbt be' secured. Now, Mr. CLairm11o, we hM•e in tllie city n body whU:h ia termed a " chamber of commerce," nod be did think thu aher t!J11 ti•h·culliuac bill of tau year became the law or the laud, it waa tho doty or tbal bodr, wbon lhey met lo 1olemo conelan, to l•ne giuo a public defiuitton, bued upoo their know­led~o of the- couditiou aud reqa·irecneotl of foreign markota, aa to what tbould be rtgardet.l ae" :ner­chao~ablo" ftab, and what ahoold be conlidered ·• ma­deira," ~d to hue iMned ralea nd regolatiODII 1tatioi that i4 givloi the price tbey mil(ht. ban aareed upq.n ror .. wcrchaotablo" (Jah, tbfly woQJd require apd expect tbe 4\lb Lo, be .o,ured oc!)ordiDJ to aueb eonditioua • ~· tbey poiuted ou~ lli~ tbia august body do thai wlafcb 11 ... honal to upect tbey abould hue dono? No 1 tbcy did nothinr, eun worM tban aothiug, ~o1e the leadiu' ntemberl or tho Cbambtr or Comeunco tlatmlelna led tb' way in tle•eQicidal cour1e ofbo,ln(f ftah tnlqoal, aod be had no .. tattoo Jn dtolarioi It a dh·~~ee to tba& cbambt' fO cc.ou~teJIIIUCO" praclleo fJ!U8b' wi!J,I daoUJI(fna~ t-roaer•ciee tv the ,:e•\erat 6allina 1utereat1 of tbla colorty.l Jl'or wbat purpoee doee tbllt 'bod1 Ulat? Wba~ ,N)tl fahclfOnl, if n9t to take CCifPlll• ataee of Ntten pettalnlng to the trade, lind to pro· a.ote, bJ all •••Uab ......... lte bHitby adf..-.. ..... ,, fl•t trt. ......... bocfJ.Of RIU,pGIUI,Id

abe .. labN& ipteJJJIIIII~ .. ewect."' Jlu£ ~IJ• .,W ~~~~ Md lp, &~, pr~a,lotlof, 1}.1 &M ofdla•J 00~1'0JWe,,i ,., ""-'n t,~tJ ~~~jt • ._rlj' ~~~;to ar .. utrrnaf ·e•icli1101 ....... toJat .ret t!oallltttutet1 hollll•c oraw. f•t or ~1'1101~ ollt18CMr. Ttae, &11\J.,.. 111d pab-J ... ,~ ......... ¥ai .. ., .... , ..... ... , • ....._ aoMptet ,_..,. ttnautedou of., .......... . it woold lleft MlftCI all ... ncJa attalMd b)' tlaM

MARCH 10, 1888. NCMBI.:lt lJ.

product of their iucub:Hivu. J>iol they, 1.1 \"ell 0!1 l fislcery i nlJIIIlCll or U~ Cllrricd oo t, beC!IU!'C ir it other IOCI\I n~Uocin_hona tlo, :;rr.tif)' the lJUblic . uy wcru cufosced wo shout~ 110t lo-t:C Ill) _lars:e 1\ pe1Cenl• wnUtio~o~ iu vroCt:SiiiOo throu~;h t loc t0\¥11, utt..wdlllat n:;tt of aannll &J\ I111on 1\S 11 brou~o:hL rnto C.•Jr mnrk o~ •erv1cu iu oue ur our churchill:! Kud nherw~•rcl 11 c.all- l.n1t ycnr. It ill unaoh t<t-bc rc~;rdtcd tlal\l the filfh­iulllllJOII ,Uit~ E).cullcloC:y tiau Guvcruur, we wi)(ht l.u criu:~. the lll'liutrtny uf our c~uuu t ry, 1111\'U nul, Ul) I ll

diapoa.:d to ovcrlonk tlu:i r iu utllit}> llu cu •a>~iJu rud rho pr('seut ticnu , roc6o \•cd 11uc~ n!hmtio•• otlho h~uds 110 ruore rdro~:rac.lcati.'J) wa.slJ\kch •utweuty yC1H:s uf I u! lo,c.ll JLC>VerulllcUhl ns tiHll r uuportuncu cuc ruuc.l. tbu hi11tory of the cudlishcry•t t.nll t loat of thu c.:luuo~u lie ruJt•col uow. liS rhu rcsuiL of tho lnbor11 of I hu (tOIU th~ oJJ •)'litem IJ f purclo.lliU IU ttC lJrcSeu~ t:lt• eU IIIIUi.-ioll ttl Vt<•&ullt iu Y••Hti;.:nti ul( tJ U wholu f Ub•

puusivu aull rUIIIOU8 Uaull'l) of jiUrCh!tl iUg 11:1 tufqua/; ject, n liafocry IJurcuU COUlJIOIIed Of COiupCtl.'lll IJ~riOnl lliiU u• ill cou•oqneucea will llu fel L 1110ru lutcullt> · • -..ill be formed, to tllke COflll ltnloCa 111Jcl dlrcctu11 of ly in euauinl( k ttSOUII IIS the chnrnctur uf OW' li11h alii mnllul ll u tla t iUJ: tu the fi11ll 11Ud lialatiriu of the will becowo c~l.lll f11rlhur depreciateu 11.11thiil ptacticu couully , .,o :'18 to •cuder I UI'III I)( tho utuaoet value to ia coutiuucu. h i<s a wull · kuown fact lUKt lhu pro- tl.u lJt'UJ)IU, "ho are 1 ulyin~ upun tb ~m for Jlat:iralllp· portiou of " cuurchautablu" lish to culln~e is y.:ar by 'POrt. Thu elltRblisluncut of aucb ~u iustitutiou he yuar dccreasiug .. J wcuty ycl\fll a~;o \he !;11!1\t bulk wout.\ ru~orol iUI one of t h11 best thiu)t& tl1.1t loas hllp• of our lil!b waa ruurchnutablu; but in ruct: Jot tlwee it poucu to ::\uwfo11ndlnnu for mnuy yctms . Conca tbo lesat:r quoullly. ouc.l this 8th to of th iua,:e llu1o. thu l ' lli:.SIO~.NT 1.niu, howevllr fct:bly bo mii; h~ will uo ou lrom bftd to worsu uulen latu metLoJ11 acquit hicuscH, hu s\aou:u reel icu1Ju lled to t:&!t:~y tua bcCOUIC 8pccllily re\"crseu. It ia buculy to bo 01- UtlCIIlj, t 10 ud cnc.ltbu (;l.nual.cr or CoJUmo:rec lllo'llius t pectull tLa' thu prot\ucur11 of tish 'vill tRite caro to the vun1.n·nt eciticismti of onu of t loe laon. goutleJUun ouru it wcll ''bl! u tile expurtcrB will ~ i vu t iJ .:m oa who h86 j nbL 1poL: cn; \mt aeciu;; t loal I hilt bodr ill 10

hil:h n pricu for tbu iufcrior n~-o fur the fir~~ ·Chtas :\l.l) rcpcc&enteJ iu 1hi11 Chtuubuc, he felt i t woul• l article j UOf will thuy be inJuccd tU do HO Ulltrltlu!)' bo prCSU IIl ptiun OU Ioili jll\rt lU luke Up th i11 position. 1\ud it to t,o to tlloi r o wn intur,•at, which d upcudl ll o wus nut t\Wnro Lhnt tho boJy wna nmctonble to altnost unllrcly uvun thu act iou or thoso who pur· such ccHdurc. .\ 11 regnrda tloe eubj,.et under ll i11· chnao their lish. It i1 St\tiefuctoty to lind iu tho nd- cus@ion, it wnt plcnsiujl to liud thnt tloe re turns from dreu tho pltmaiug aiJullion to thu aucceaa uf tbu the fislocrieM havo placuJ the colony in n IIIIlCh more llauk tisb t:ry ; Lout the resuh tui ~; llt ha.vu been rt:U· fa.vornblo po11i tioo thnn that n hiclc iL oecnpic.l t wolvt> dered touch toorc gucccs.'$ful lmu ~o:t c•to:r caro bo:cu woutlo~ n,.:o. A~ that t it.a u moot petl'ous took a dt ­tokeu iu tbu cnru of thu Geh, aot.l it wouiJ bc wt:ll spouileut \•iew of our II(Jturs, unu: uu!ortunat l•ly, tfao to imprtllll thial fact"" 8\rou~; l y n11 po~:~iblc upou l ltosu ci rcumlltnnco:ll thc u ~xiatiu~ clid not wnrmut n hope . coucerneJ iu hauu l iu~ it. T hu lish c:ou~: h t un thu tul ouc. Ou1· tishoriell wcru lauo,::uit1lnn,.: ; 1nnrkete. b:wks ia of rr Mionibr ki ud to that cnUJ:h~ ou the iu - JHC\ iou~ly nlwo .. t our ()II"U, luut ~OII l' from 1111, 11ncl 1Lore or tbo illl ;m u, t iJOUJ.(h it 101\)' bu :\ yeur Of t wo Wl.l knew IIOt where tO turn to alle\·inlO tho Md old" r ; yt:t fishcruleu will be henu\ 8.1yio~ \hat they prospect tLnt upeuo:ol 011t hororc ua; no detiuite aru d ilu1iwilar, a sta tement which nriser !rum tho auc:u111 or rcliuf :\l•peMcJ to l i~tbteo tho aurrouudinll ~euural ignon.ucc thut preva il<~ aJclOu~~t us on uaut· j.:IOolll. l)•ll htst rc.ource aeeUled to bo a rt'liaoce tens appertaiuiug tu our fiabunes. Ho cot\I J ~uil)' upon 11lmt 11 11 hall been occnatoancd \o rc~ard alll.­uuderll:md wby llank tish r.au k ~ !leeoud 11 hc11 ltc t:last ica ty •• 1 our lra(lo and r~:tourcu, or the rccu· coosido:rt:d t!Ju WRY. it ia trc:1tcc.l, IJcinr; l,i:\clly upll_t. pt:m: i\·c cl.nrr.ctcr of ~~> lo i cl• wo had .t; perien~e_ in bndly wu beJ , aod,oftcu salted nud BlOtluila tlll)" 111 fonn~ r ~·o:lllb, aud \\' hit:l1 we !tort-~ IDIAM a::\i u re· the dlltk ; heuco when pi need IIJ)•)Il the cull in~: · bOn I J 1111)\'U our uitlicuhit~~ . Wlcile the pre&cnt Rlnlo of a largo proportion of it is fouud to hll sctlfcl'ly fit nfToir!l ie not ouo or the briRhteat. it is 11t ill far more for human food. Jlo coutenJeJ, nod wished iL to be nl'.S unn:.: thun it woa n yenr n,::o, nod it mny be gen.:rally understood Ly nll conceruotl . na e rroncocs pcrtint:nt to enqui re to wh11t couae is th is chnn)!O H.l~ns nppenr to t>xiaL witu rogord to liah cnught on to be ne.-ribl•c.l? ~ot, unfortun:\tely to tllot oilS· tho Uauka, tbnt it may, by proper hnudli u~,;, be cured t icity thl\l hns Loruc us sncce&sfn lly throus:!l! for ­equal in quality to nuy S hore-caugh t fish. llu hnJ mer triols. llo v.:ry much wished wo coulft att ri-1eon cargo,•s of J:J:auk fish thn t had como to St. J ol111 'a boto it to that cnusc. Our acnl tisherv bns been a from the WeetwarJ ol such ~ood cure thnt uo Jh)f- short one. rollowccl by low price~; for ·its p roduce ; son, iguoraot of tho fncL thnt it wu Bunk fish could our cod fishery, except on tho H.tuks. wns \nrpely 11ee nny di!Tereuco between it nncl Shore fidh. llo dcticien t. so thut we seem to owe the diiTc rouce in truate<.l that tlce reports nrri fi u~t bere every Fnll from our position, IJUt to our OIVII re;;ourcoa. but t-o a furc i,.:n warkets of !lie unsntisfnctory chnrncL: r of lucky ncci•lcut whio•h lonB rroved nn unlucky ncci­our llank fish, will iuducu exporters aud protluc~rs, dent to oth.:rs, the fact tlont t ho Norwil::ion 11nd in· eneuin" I CI\80US, to gh·o t.a or.: :l ttentiou townrcls Frc·nclo fishurica \\(.'fC belllll' the nv.:rn~o or fMmer remedyiug a condition or things that d,· l•rcci l\tca tho y(•:us, :111u the rc.lnr. tion or their competition with us value of the \'O)'IIgc, nnd thcrcforu 111 i li tntc~ ll1!11inst euabled Ull to rc:dizc rcmuoaernti\'C prices for fish. tbc1r i11tc rcatll, wh ile eeriot~aly uncnat;ing the ro:rn · lt nac1r bol s.,i.l we h~ \·c olwRy• to reckon trit h the tat ion or t ho produce· of tho colony. In relntiou to floctu.l\tiou<~ of pracc.t iu forei>!D mnrkets, nud it does tho vrosucntion of our cot!-tiebery, he con side a cd uot nt nil I ell! ow llon l cvt u if we hnd nbunclnn~ tbal very littl e doubt now exi ts regnrdiug the iu- \"O.)'nces we ·houlol ,,· , tin ,;:vllrl •~turns. In former jurious effect or tho U3i! or c:> altropt~ An Act \1 :Ill yonrs \h' )ar,.l ccrt:. ( I lo!h lllllrket3 almost enliretv to patiSecl lnst.acasiou re~:ubtial (:' the uwut· ul tishinf! by our"ch d, :111 I ,, in ,.. s.:>mc11mes thc~e fl nct u11tinns &ucla mnchiucry, nod the opiuicn ti:IS then ~cucrnlly op: l lll•· l l.•lr• 1 ,r•lr I Co u • yo\ on tlac otlaer h:tntl thry prt vnleut iu tho Chncube; t lon t t l.c in ter estc1 of thu cq•• ·ll) •: ..:1 t<J I,J I t• <•llr .~th·nntn!! t' . and thcu our liahor)' would be sen ·cd by t loc1r nt><llition; bnt 11 po•i11on ,. :. •onlp:\r •• t i\'d.r iudupendent. Thi~lll.1tc r t>gnrd ror • ested inteacllts i:ollucuceJ the Legis1nturo of thin!!• ", mny not rt'ndily rccl\ll. becnuao we fo r n in withholc.Ji n~ n rncl1c.:nl nction in rc&pcr~ to tbeau t ime ~ecm tn b•w e forfeited the rosition \YO hnd ob . 'l he Fishery Commi&:iioo. or whic·o be hnu the honor taincd. heiu~ $11 pplnnted to n lnr~e cxtoc t Ly our to·bc n member, h'\J b tiU, o rc•l" ci.I) S nJ::O, nuder tloui r inrlcfl\tij!nb!.· ri\•a ls whoS<I competition hns had anch eonaiderntion n report on the fisheries or Cnuaolo. c.l is:1.1trons uff.:cts upon tho io terests or this -colony. by \vbich i t was secu tul\l iu the whole l>v1ninio11 It is .:rnt;fyan:: to ohscrvo ooe hopeful aijZ n io the oul) forty cod-t raps nr" in operation, while in Xt•W· !lllccc~o~ of the L>ank lishcry. _ Tho Governm~nt who foundl11od we hllr e romo~hin~ hke four thonsl\ud . nirlo:d in s ti :nul;lliu" the revivnl of the industry (of 'l'bi11 fac~ 1peau for iuelf ; lor when we find that in whom he "'"" glnd"to any be wM ooe) h,"'" reason a country which ex t ,•nt·.; such n wl\tchful cnro over to coucrn' ·l ate themselveS u pon tho vindic:ttion or tho ioternte or i11 lislwril·S ns cloea Cannd n, so few tloe wisliom of their action 1111 proved by reaolta. trr.pe are in uao a t tho preeeut day. tho iufereucc h has IIOmcticDes bc.>rn etatetl in thiR Jlouso tbat is plnin that exp.erit-nce loas dcmoustrated tho injury no pra7io1.1!l loc.'ll grvernment h!\.d done nnythin~ of this modo of fish ins lie belic\"ed thnt tho pine- for tho welfa re of tho fisheries. l n reply to such i' g of cod-trape keeps tho bait, nud aiRo t he fieh, out no O$Sertion be pointlld to tbo Dt1nk 6eber1 io deep water, anti t l:c cousequonco is. a~ we ltn\"e bounty na a complt-tc refutl\t lon of nny char$rO acen ip rbe Northern Ecttl rmcu te. it i:t icnposaiblu or llt>ttlis;:ence thl\l rc:ay be brou~hl forwnrd l\$rllinst for the hoolt- aod· lioo men to catch 11 VO)ago As tbr .:o\·r rnment of t ical dny. Thc.>y ext<'ndccl n help. re~nrda the ,.chnou 1\nd herriu~: fialacr'i e11 of l:\al ern · inJ: bnnd to th11l Rshcry iu tho fuce of much rl•s­eon, they were abort in qunutity nnd b'\d in q nnlity. pnrAs:emcnt of thl•ir cnden\·ora. it having been con· l ' robably in no prufi ous eenson wall eo inferior a t<-nded thnt our men wero untitled for i~ ; th11t it qnality or 111lmon eeeo in SL . • John'.t, tLo ruoport ion require•! hnrdie r lumdll thnn those accustomed. M ' it or No 2 and No. s tC\ ::\0. l being limply rJis~raceful. WM tcrmecl, to "lobstoring Glong the shoro." It Ir more Cftre wtre tnl. en with the snlmon wloeu \\' l\8 further urged tbnt the amount of bounty lbo caugh t, even ir oo l l\r~:l!r quantity were tl\ll eo, the l e~t ia l ature would offer·\•ould be a11 insuffi.:ioo t io ­Ad\·ancement 111 VI\ Inc woulcl be foua<l to be ex trn · ducemcnt to IYnrm th:\L in(! uJt rJ" in to lifl'. N o'w. ordin11ry, Number ono lnrge anl mon fe tches a much howe\•er, nftor the lnpso of 1\ few yeare, it is n eatis­tiighf'r price rcllltil'ely thlln other qul\lities, nnd i' !~ootion to those who took n bopefnl view to tiod would the refore p11y people intc rusted to beetow thei r predictions RO &ijlnl\lly ful filled. Thertt hu more care and atten tion on this branch of ou r lieh- !teen no difficulty in findinl! io the colony 11 aalffi­t>rics It would be e'ltisfl\ctory to laon members to cient number of men henrtily williu!! to ri1k thei r be nsaured thlltprOJ:ft'&~ i& beiug lll'lde io the enquiry l it·cs iu eucountcrin~ lhe tlnngora noel bnrda!aips of

. C/I~ied on by the liehcry conuuia.rion npprintcd lnet the YOY3~c : nut! the rrau lta nro ns3umioy to ·day •pria~, ftnd it is to bo hopo.!d tlo!lt io n very 11hort importnut si~nilic.loce in cr,r!ncction with our t rade. tuoe tlaoobjocl so longnnd pertiu11cionsly alrirrn for l n n (.!Cnerul ~rny, hotfl'\'<lr, there wns enough to by hoo . .Mr. IInn ey-" li~ht.>ry burcnu-will aaaun1o show in r:~;:nrd to our fishorie1 nad resourcea that form and anblc.nce; aod that before Auother year iu their preeeut 1tage of dueloprueot they are oo­eomu round we 1holl no longer be justified io tile rclil\ble aa "•~le eource of aueteo.tuco for tile popn· complaint that tbc lcodiog fh biug ~nutry in the lntioo. W e hnvo eoon aome ronr tbouMud of our world ia without 1\ny "uperv iaiug control over that beat producers lluoin~ from tho country witbiu the upoo which ita t'Xietenco u a colocy depende. pnst yMr, io utter deavair o£ ek iug out a livi9g in

lion C. U. A \ 'tt£ concurred in n.ne!.i that I, ad tho land of their birth . All our eorroundiu~e de­fall en from lhe hon. geutlou•au in regard tc the mode moolitrate the necusity or re1ortiog to otber UOOll· of dealing with the produce of (IUr fiebtri~l• tiona. He wns ~tl nd to find ll i5 E :rcotteucy'a epeeeh expt:rit~IICO preYed to hiuJ whAt a \'AU deal is lost a lluding, in bis:lcly f11von~blo lorene. to the appre<ia-the conotry o wlna tc.o waot of caru and nfteotio u t ion )>y thu couutry of tho Agricultural Aql r aaaed the cure or flab. thua lnrgely deteriorttting ill V!lluo. thc .. oaaion uero'ro laat, of - tllu &dYt.ntoge• of which 'J.'hl1 appliu u at•ooglylo our piok,led tiah aa to mnny persona bnvo av11ilod. T his will, no dou~t., eodRab. ~oyooe who hu bad •ouch experience appeor when the pt\1' ers on the aubj<!c~ are heforc oL tn the purehaae of tlali, mnlll\dJnll that the practice llo (t~o Prcaldt ut) hoped lllat agricultmo will, io or boyiag filh talqnal, 10 largely ndopted la, t fall, tho fotnre. cono~htuto one of the maio dependence• hal a damaging e!cct npou the cbarecter Of Ollr pro- pf tbe people, tl.at thC!'f will eo~dially take bold of dnce, and IL i1ll .. ely to produce eLi II mqro n it in tlmt It, ADd ob\·!Ate tho riak M d uoeer'Wnty of relian.:e dir,otJoo io tbe f_.turc. 1'8 ' ' render• jlahero1en ancl bi)OU a 1ilRio purauil, with ita too fnqneully recur~ cure•a cnrele~ nod iodiffurcut aa to th~ q_n11lity or tbe t itog ntlvoree re:.ulta. 1' hero wu one m.Cttr io 1be .,ticl_p the)"1ura ont of tbt it hnuda, k:nowtll&}I!~Y will apeej!h and reply, having refet~ace to lhu creation of Q~tain Rl flOOd a pricttor tloe bait • Oitre~ ufor the su· et.aploymcnt lor tho people in lboir r"''orito eo ter­pericw qaalhr: 1\ 'i1 thetHore not iurpti1111g that pnao, wlclch be heartily &:,>prond or. 'fhq. lnoreaaed 00U1pl11fnt1 ahonld e rnan'e.te (n.m thl' marhtl tO b"Utlly Oll l hlp-bollclfnf '11'11 ll WIIO l'nOYe, ~lite, 4t1tlolt our fhh ie abiJir ed. and l•e fe~c. certl\ln fb11' • ·bite providtaa . oeeapatfoo, It a' the •m• t101e tboto eoa~plaloq. are oftu" too w9ll fonoded. and ttlmulated the ooaatnactloo of a ol..._ .,r ...-.r • th11• ~ OODiiderab .. pc$rt]on pt It<!!_ o•,.ultllllle, ho~ce fitted for tbo pr,~MGalloa of th Uaot a~ea La__.or )o~ of •• ,.raoter ~ tb~t rc~niJ. ·.me~ ll 1\lao ad,., ttaherlea. llo bellned tha r~1al' or ~bl4 ~· A!pML\~ wans ol at,co\lnn tl.owu bl.'~or p loplt io bt\a bceu hl~:t.ly ~cno6ciaJ, and be had liiUcl I' 'a.tnd~~ til~ produn of t1ae •lq~on flsltetf. Jt Will l ll,tetl tba' 'the l(ilployntt Dt "~led Lu •• .,.... tt•ttft to olitalh a dt&Titet for tlae· he.ter rot lion t ent pri)\'Ottlod •nuch wao' amoda-' tb• ~' ()f tf, ..... Oil ~t Jl't,.,.t ,.811", Ill i~l..ftl llfl tlll'and WhiJt"•(§royfc)J ne 1Uell1t. ror'&belr elllpJ01'ftent fa tie badl7 handled, while there waa n9 dhliotalt)' whAt- fntbre.· 'fhllt:()"ra~J,ho bellned, wt.culd411aaailWdnlln .,., In dilposiP6f n( t ire tar.-o tal moo. Ito thouabl unon the llllbJio fuotll , beoaaM tbe ma••J ll•attpeJit lbt law 011 &h etatu • t. .. o~ rtf'tlattoa the .. lrnor In botuallet will lit retutoed to tilt! llo •l!hqtltf

Page 2: o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban



I • ' I


lly iuc1 \'" ,.,, COII•lllllj'li·w ou tlu: P"' t urI he pc•• · J.l'"· n·u<ll.'nu:,: lhc'm ct>uu iiJut"'" l•t. iu11tcnJ of n bn1tl \!n IIJJOII, •hu r. venue :Such :. n•ctho.t or ai.J i • •~.: i11 the ""I'P"n ur thl!"'peop'e w1111 wi•lel:t d iff,:r,•ut in 111\turc 11111•l dfctL from tlt"t ,.,ftich is ter•v .. d ~thl<l -hollio:d poor rt' lit·r 11 .. al.onh.l 111\1

lay hll\1111! to 1\IIY particul:tr GO\'t'ruuu:uL o r tbc coluuy !or the f XiBII.'ucu autl "l''":lll ttr tltil 1)'8· tew. ,\II ttnr :,J,.,iJ. iatr.litllll!, lur 11<' \'cr lll Yl'l\rll I11W C, tv n •'Ort111i11 eXIcu t , DJIJit~:lte•l to h.: roiCt!ll to ket-IJ it nlive nu.J, whilt1 it il! \'o:ry easy to poin t 0~11_ "h:~t cnv,·rnmt'll ll 11hol)l•.' ••ot 1l_u. it is \'cay

' dalh,·n lt In know \\h"t lht• \' ll rouul.l tlu to rt'lllt' tly till' j.!IU\\'i ll l: \' \' 11. )t ioc lt llj••XIfclltl'l\' hMrtiJ'fO· ltltJIII IU J,.a) \\ith, ~0 Uunlol , IIIIIch plollllO lo1111 •ri"l'll in c:. rt\"iug ouL ohlu-h.~die•l. l'o"r rdi .. r. •htl~ \' \'1)' l ill lt•, jl~Of'latly iu thu vmy u f l>llh· ll:tllll:-1 ••utk lont.IJI'<'tr re tu r t,.,d 'fur tho~ out . J :t.\' If Ill 111J )'ll:!~il•lt' ~OIUI! l:lriujlt: tll llll'aiiS

11ho ul<l " " 1!•·•·i•c·l to r' ' l'"' t> i, nucl cn11 \•iure tloe l" uple t '•·l llhe.v tuust •d.Y II J'"" tl ... ir own re· ll tlllrcC'I• itlll ti\'N-ill IU ~'H•II.: Iy IIR I•O·Ilihlo llflOO s h,•u t rha• it i" '"" l h •· olu : \' uf n l:"'''llllltt! UI to fi,,, ""'1'1") " '""' f,.r th,.,.; "'"h;r ull ci•c•un -ltlnurd. ('J j , Ill' c;,,,,;.,u.,f ,1

·~ ~

~tmbarb -.\ :O. ll-

C:O."C::.' / '1/•I N JJA r :1 D I'J.:/:1/SH/o'. .. .. ,._.,._...,. __ .,....... __ ._._ ............ ____ _ S .\ Tt:l: ll\\', M r\IWII 111. 1 1'~<.~. • _ ... ___ .. ___ ., __ , ___ ,_"'_ ...... __ .... __ CONFi;D Ri\ fiOr~.

\\.ut::~ Wlllllu l cd l.1:. t \\' cHI. tlml thu tllult c t·

nf Cc.mft:dcnJ iion with tit" Uuminiuu of Cuu­o.ln \\ lit! IIUI, bO fttl' llll Wt' l {I 1\\\ Ill o, tfu II u~i · t ~oc. i 11:; tlt t- Jla Li ic mimi ot tl,i:t colony, wo na e fl t'III U COIIfC'>ll tlntl \\(! Wt' I C IIOl Ct.ll(ll i :tAtlll of LJ. ~:o f.1cL lhnL CCit u iu nc;,;o tintiuns WCIU 11L lhnL tiutU i u uctivo l •l'll~ll·l.~ l,a,·iu;; fur tltc·it· c.itu tin: Cvlll>ltlllluuLao u of 11aiJ Ill !lUll. Such, l1o w ' ' ' 'c •·, we :.nllsPqnt'lllly luarnc•l \loa!! Ll •o fu ct. A 1.hu• L ti111u ps c duusl.v, it s t•t·llt!;, tl 111 i~h I" " tn lll llnl•j .. cL lmtl cv tlltl Ill' Lcfv l tl tlw Go\·­CIII 01<·111 , aut! hnd hc•·n bt' llnll!ll \' com,iJc•·cJ

\\' t•lo:\\t:IIOW tO lll nkt: the f.u·tJ;cl UIIUVUIICC~ 1111111 t ft !L CHI 'f'ftUI'Min y f.<'t Ll l t-lt•).!rll lll f1 0111

~ ~ ... r ; ,. , , .,lllll <:cm•tal u f <..:ut,jd,, wu~ la id on tlot• ta l.lu (J [ tlu: Ll uuhu of A:sM·nal· ly. Tlli:~ d • • , u tdt ! •. t:, :.ucl• 11 , . , . , ·' cl.-1'1' ~> IJ..:Uiticnucu fvr IJII I 1••1 1•.c llt.IL We l ' :III IIUI ' futlol.'"'l' f ; o m ltf' I " :nl11 ~; •l 1. , c :

t) IIA W ,\ :\I no cia -' 1 X&~. It I• • uo <I h' t .,,1 hr Ull li .J \'Crllllo\' llt 1 )t,., if I' V tlf

( .,, \111 H ( td "1 ' 1" " 1'~·8 ·., e ! 1•1 I! \1 011 1,1 IJ~J ~011 · \ t J , ) , l•l f u r I Itt• th•t'• •J.,. , t , ll u ( du.• t )'lr511U U O f the! lu ! tt ll~•: t u u [ ~,· td.>•o uoll .otlll to lht• I·, . .J ,•rttl Ull·

i ' " · 111 . .! tl o.o l uo dilliculry Wtl iiiJ hu ltkt· ly 10 '1 1:- t tu .,lla•q.•inc ft'l ll lH. Una!\.· r tf. t·F,• r in •u•t· llol ... ~ . t\ u'd ~ · ·u ~ .... .t lt o!o-l n,:llllllllltl 0!1!1a lll. " s: 1, J l •·: ,•r I •• ll<' ll ttll,tlt: '! lu l•llr I•J•II oiun . I Itt! ' · < I ll ~l lt • ll fh• Ulol ll'll •·>t'lol t loo• O J • JJO~I tiOI II 118

" """' 11,.- n '""''""I l •<~rty . "'"I n• tl~<· C:tt1n •I:Jro ~, .•• :oul•:t<>l•q:uu nu ol "'")' l o..- .. hull , I " o ul•l h 11::n ':.' tl.c cXfl'oltc< 1' \ ' oo lll oo: tlt•f•n ta\IUII 1ailin~: l>) tf.e • l l.':t lllt"r Of th,· J;)tJI i ' OI AI I,

!... .\~I 1!:-I>U '\' ~ ._ !-r . f , , IJ..,·~ . :ll:t otlo i . l &l8

I Ill,. I l'('~ j l '('ol ) VIII II Jq.: r.1111 l. toJ lnt<l ll b11· f t.. I \.' h.\ IIJII1iol\.l tt.

IIE:\I: Y A 1: 1..\1\t-:

h\lpo lo t.eu tlao whole maLwr IIHIItlled in ocuch " nhtOill'l' "" will lit nally '""'·e nothing l" l•e t.leairt:tl, Kn,l will t't'dcc' thtt ltiMiwet. ct·udit ou ull l"utii!a O()UCOrned. 1f \be illtlklt'lnnt quesl i•m i• tttktu liJ'• Jut such l.u done with" . iugle eye tq tlJe Cl>oaer,·•tiun lt.D11 belles went. of &\'f't'.)' int.t-re~t~ in the ~untry -of JIOI'I\uU'I uf .til tll111d~a of 1.ulitio ,) ol'iuion "" l belief. H Ct'O Llaon iH 11 phtLfonu em which 0111' pulitknl l'nrttCII Cltll Hltlnlllli•ltt \,1 aiJe~­tiHI ont> uhsotlt ihl:( con"'iiJt~,·lttiou l-.Jin:; 1he COIIIIIltlll ·c:ooJ ot th•! COIIIIIIUII ouu.tLr\1, Lt!t. tJ." lUI'IIIO loe-nnitNI "''ft fii.Jianl, di,·i, J~,J Yl' tl lnll, ThA (OUntr v will WKICIJ tl1u cv111'8e of t'\',.lllt. l\' ith 1:111cl; ltt1X it!~y.

------A 8 WA IIIIIIOIInCOJ Ill oct " ' l 't'Jc 1 I J. .. Sti"UI •• C:tl

Lady Glover'""' llucuul '"'"" IJ .... II t·n::"~f'•l b) the UovuruutouL fu t' till' Jlf-1 fol'ltlll uc .. u l tl• .. impul'tal'-l_ts~• vice ol t!J::s e ufurCt:lucul v f llau Cvlnuv's ll11it Act.

'1'1 11~ Ltu.I!J t.iwuflr, untl.-a· t he cosu11umJ uf Cuf't. CutLill, lcrt thi11 por t ~~rly l•at. WeJ11c11d dtty mo1uin~ for St, J ltu'"· Tltellce "'"'ell· terf'lJ IIJIUU IJ,o CX~CIItion Of tho Ontii'CHI!I litH)

1 e.-pnaHilalc wot k IJufore laua· Sue> SllileJ I rut.u lOULJIIIICI.l t.. .•. F . II' IIIIIC n .. y 1111 Tt.urKtluy llf~el' 11111•11. ~hu lvuk ,. ill• l11·1· J Htlt;*' 1'1 riW8t! 1111t.l Otlio.:c111 Ulil'lmm nutl \Vhcoler, Lo lliJ in 611· fu• ciu~t L!Ju a•I'IJ\ i:;iuuli of tue liU\)\'U Lt!UUticeuL ruellsurE'. u~r COIIliiJI'L, Lhu Herculu. cii,,L. ChristO·

11ftCI' 1 JdL 011 t J.O 1-IIUII.l LUis..,iou lrtt~r thtt t~uwc t..lay. Sllo cun tcJ Su~ lnspeclot· Sttlli­"'"' uut..l Sllll)ln mt l .acey. T!Je ca·..,wa. tlf t-he twu t~lcu nw t':l llu \'e Lccu IIWOI'U iu II If h)'CCilll CUIIRI'Iil.:Cll.

( \\' e l e al II tu- du v tllltl Lot h IIUUlll"' .,., dttaiu­et..l 1u lJuy Uull• by the ice.)

Tltua hKs thu fit"¥L lfl llt• Leen Luken towa1·d11 thu I'"' foru.unce of .. st!rvict! iu Llle fllitl.tul tlX~IIltUII ol 'l'lJicf1 lUU hO!Jt."8uftfae Ju t gt-IL IJIIi• jurity of our )ll'Oial o ttre ccuLn!t.l. Mnny w. Lett s Ly gudspcuJ "'ill folluw tLu t-X pt'dit.i ) II.

T1111t iL wil l iu ~tcut Uteu11uru 11c.:utuplish the CUUIIUCUJuLitt oLjucL lui' which it hull with gaunL ttouLitl ttud CX!Jeli~>C Lecu illatilutet..l, we lltlltlt couft-118 "'" Lnvt: not mucL douLL-.. 11 tfauL IUU)' ~I! ll:iltol'leJ LO lht! COUli'Pl)' UULWitll•

lfluuJiujo{. EYt!U llii811Will" l11o clltclt uf lhe l•'• ~ud.1 :.ccntcJ HrunuJ tht: allorcl6 o f 1hi11 [~:~. luuJ Le no~ \'CI'Y W•turirtlly rcJuccJ ( wuach w~ :tlult·ll·l i~ c 111, yc.t t.o tl•tt t:xt•·n~ ,f """' tl•i• · t), still Llwit upc111ti on:~ :m Ll,i,.. .:•ln'lll\ ill IH.' 8t:IIOUS1y IIIIUJ WtOJ uut..l. iu lo•d'tt c d with. \\' e Ul lculiL ltOJ'C f~•l' litiS DlllCh, ir ll<ltlail•,l( Ull)l e. Much ucndil l o lhtl l.cbL itttcru ... t. of tLi11 c.,Jouy IIIU.JL Le Lha iut!\'it11Lie ~ullwe ­q •ttloc... 'l'ltut gut.'ll wHI•oul •u!o· inr .

Now tluil L ui:~ AcL l•u• ht-cv•ue uue tf oua bl :tlu tu, it ia naud• tv hu hoped t.hllt our J'~'U l'lc "ill ... l.uuJ"utly U<'lll<lllllt rute Ly lht:• r c..ou.l uct lltuL thl'y u1c l.lw kci1J'tHI!, u ut I ,w l , r(·.~k~· s P. \\·u n• u Wttl'llllll•·J iu t:xpect lll~ tloi11 uf Lh.-u•, 'l'l1tt J.,.y, we ur~ ptstll.luJot..l, ",]l Jcch•tt it.

TJ.i, ' l. ll•t, "" ,,, . .... id. I .. ... ~ .... J .. ,J"" ,, oi l· \V r c 1 .... , o ru1u n ~· llt l c lllllll l11l<·ly in ~owu t- p•• l c.-l., ,t •lu· ;.:,•u ''"' ' 1111p• • Lt r c•·. 'rl .. · \ \ ' t • .t"'. 1 • 1 n •m t Lu \\ •·:.L c .... ,~ tJ, .. t. t 16 l '~ur · l ~ of m.wy \ I , " t/1 t1 1111 tl i rlir:tt .'lof 11'(•11 1./ [,,. l,l·,f ,t ( 1/ 1: r 1 1 · · 1

. . ~ . . I' Ull' " IIJ • l ,,.," ..... I n ~IIJ..:IIIl; Wtl I '"'' ~'· l'lo l • l oi iJ /'ol ii:J I N f(f, IIU :olf' ,ll \\lllt•r .J I ' I> '· t' l N tl ' ' J

; 1 • ' ;.: \ ' Ill .hi' .u.11 • ..: h wr·y. o w ••~ 11 I 111 1

' 11 1


· ' I tloo• ' · ' 1'1 ' >I 1" ' 1 '" 1 1" 11 ' ' 1'" I ' ' oJ· 1.11~111<·.~14 \\ lr d1 we 1\ ooUIJ ltku t v 1\1"1' 0111' Fvr-

1 ;,. f I l. , l l. l' '' ' tlu: \\lo .: •. ,,oli o I 111 10.~ l ou I 1' I . I I. • I f I . . I . r ., 1 111 11l' ····J I lt:lll lll llllfe " I'· IIPIII'III •• t It' q •~<·s -·''' :..•·· . 1 1111 ~ 1 ~l·tl nl 1'1 'I . I" I,. J, . ' " ' \)I tiullnloh: OIIU tol tlu- l ou iL llld ll..:. Couhl not to llo•. a: "'!"' • 111111 (',oil II.• II 1.,. M "ll< u ~h· 11.: I f 1 1 I' ) /'t 1

• ~1111111 v I 1\' C oiiiUi o• IC ,II 111111 U I IC v <J';(II ~,: .. . ,f .. l, II II ol r !.t• 1, ~ .,,,, .. 1, .. . II ,, ... '•·I t l I J t I I

' l .tl• l' I U lll' Co•>llll)' 1111 :I 0 I> 1111 1 .. ~V(I< Ill \ \', . " "'Jl• ·:· ~ttlt .. l•noll, J,, \\t' • ll ''l" II I'' k ' C J · I ' o.llo ' lt.g V UOJ •!oll)' Ill\ Ill!; 1111 ll'tlll ll lllll lf'l" Ill 1- ' , J :ttll l 1111 ' .1'· \1,,. , l!.c• " ('••1• d r lw ,:.. >01111! u l tl tl' litoQ loiCtl l l lt:.< i n t l 1_, u lou\8 t;d\'

1 " ! I ••• I I 'I t! 1li,· ' •' I \ • t1 ;I I t ,, I.;.:' I ,.."' t .. t It I ' _'' I l .

\1 L l'l e \ oe f.t.:ll ll it'" r .... :'III C 't'Midl y OoUHiuc:t-l t1 .. t I r ul ' , .. , • . I l l t I 'tl ' 1.,. I ) u. i ld •t l l G ~l\ t ' ll1 • r : u:.; ll11" L•u uclo v l1111 l.luJ'i tt iuln,.ll')' llrts 1111 · " '' 1.1 tc'l ' lui/.! uttr l."ui tC.I ff (u• '"'· l'l 't I I l ;oi Joh l oo ' l11• :\ toll lo\\,1101, l •t ., J.II !. J. lol ,'1 .

c..;, .. ... ~. •,.. n,.y Uhll }•, ,, L a u . J ~,. ~ (lll t• , . H II t l \\ •II •d,., • ""'"uue rl1t- l.u a l,·u ,,J r! .. · I'' ,"''' .t '" i I"" ,. ~1: 1.- i.J ,\ ; i11 ,.: 111! , 1\ ,,. J,w d t' ' ' \' l ilt' llt.l\\11,\'

J•lljol'l 11 :,:0 \1 ' 1111,1'11 1 llllo l ~ t luki o !!, Tlo.tl ,

h ll•f,.,w"" '· al .. i•· I '' L c \ il. to 1 •. 11.1 tlrt· ll•u.l 1ol tl. o· lult- • I ul ·•lll l ::?()II :: ·1 IH : Io,; 11 ."'"•

\1 id1 tl1> r:ou.n1 <1111,,1,:,. o! j• Cl n l ul lu\1' 11 ' ;! tlw

) " llli.ol i .. ll 1 : 11~ t •) ._,ttl,• ulo I;..: tl.l' fiut•, I'IC.

'flril> l.o <'f'•lorlll ,. \1 • 11 'tl 1111 u 11 t ill iuont• ' i tll' (','CJII•IIJ ir ntf' , iu •r ··•·" . ' ' ' " ' 11 .: • ••• I' nr•'t•, ,,r ftco lumd .. e I t.',ult ,,, I (":!00 rJfJIJ) .!, [ ,,.II to,,,., l unl•·td ,,.c/ J:'.j'J t/,uuJ nnl t;· :z:o,o:XJ) I ' .

c u,/r•1 n !I'll•' .' .' ~ .. ~ i' 11,:, u ' l. • f' wu11lt..l u !11••, it i11 nlll ·

F C· t I t tl, lac: ,-,.,.'uud tu:r~ liou- n•·• • .. 111 0111!" fur 01 1.1 I ' l,c,.!-im~,.(::: II.J II• f ft:OIII. tht-1 fl l l•.lttl•'- '11' 1•111.,, I'I C, : f >h •IIL t t- 11' 01 11:1<, 1\ II U

t l.u 1 l !ie' i1:; ,,f ' ' ·' ' I• 1• .ol :;o' c' l . II H'III fruus otl 1•1 II I<J'OI:~il,jlitil l!1 Ht•,

Tl:h,•·. I r idly, u "' ~oo au1• l •f tl .. · ps OJIOI'Cfl

l l'tll8 o f n~oiou so f n 1' t\11 Wf' 1\1 o w thl'm. I~ IIIII '.I 1 1: thi u.i11Pd1 I OWC \ e r, tim\ lot- lure wlaol~ ly •:. lll ll1i ttiug oneself to tiHs n uttl1•r uL i!lllnc , t)•c, Wit~•.r 8DU more )'I ut.leoti!\J COlli''<{\ is t.o " 'nil. and let things Jurtbcr den:lc.p tlaetu­;,c:h-('11. 011r opin;on on tl•e "'•Rtr .. c•. quet~~ion c:U CoDfederllliou is, we lllke it, too well knowu to tlJe rendens of the Su~nAno to n eeu the lcuat t eit~:ration be1-e. A11 wt•llnid lust week, tire mKllea of tcrmll v.ill involve cvc•·ythins.

With ref\ard_ to the .. "~Ae11tion ofl'eretl in tlto Oo,·emor, Oem:ral'a leiPprum, tltut, viz., of ser.diug 11 dt-legAtion ro 0LJat w11 willa JIOWPI to ·uegoliate, tlaete ennnot, "'e tltiuk, \,e touch oiJj~tiou t.ro thMt., otl1" r things, of coursf', Leiug equal. All tlaftt will l~e •l)eololdy uecea&ary end iudiapco•uLie iw tltllt it lJt: of &ILCh " cha•·· actet· as' will· DOL a!onR I.e eomm<'nonrate with the grave import.lloee of tlte nti~~~>ion oo which i~ ia ..ent, \mt. will tlo eve• y jus tice lo tlae country ar.d people "hoot it l'tltiltya to rl')'t e­aenl. Jfor Lhia 1ood Mod etficien\ ruaoo, we d~oa il imperalhe lo utge ti!Rt tbd grtattat JtC~~tillle ca•• lie obae"c.od in tltt aeltclion of tlte mal.iri4l. Would it. not.~ ad,·iMLie a lao tl11t the dtl.Lioo be re)n't!lenlath'u in ita ehat OC:Ier-ri'JII P.aeUt.ath 8 of aiJ puhticttJ J»ttli~' In view. of llae fnl~ iUtJIOrhmce uJ tlo •ul.j'" aud of tlw ulasuitude cf tlur idu" a& alake (to tbi.a couotr) ), w:e aadeetl7

' 111 J•H81il'' l::iun·ly, it C.1 11 Lll J •Ill! .

Tho :::,TA :'\ 0 .\hU IIJ'I '''JI'!i f.,l' thl' htllt liul6 to J11y '"" l•·1· till' •·• w ,.,.,,.ne:•·aun. l l.a•·l,r ll~· ··iJ, . .J on. 'll1 .<t i, 11,,. i·ll\!u vf tl•u i'"JttH' t Wh.tl a \rt•l k . l111t , , j Ct.JIII•<' Kl U 81°lll('lto' ltlll tt•c.Jncc:<J • IZC \\' I' '" 'I'" that rl1t: nltl'l'"\tioll UJU\' lllt'UI

... · itlt 1lw " 1'1''"' '"'"'" uf u lll t c .tJel • i'lw uJ '"'" IIJ;I'" I ; I 1 b· rhau0c u1 c luo u.nuii•:•L tu III'N} I t:Jc ll' lh t ltlll',

\\' t: l111\'(• ul tcn iu tlu ~«' cu!nllt1 ·8 11·fe rn·t..l 1 o tl .. , l1 cl; u l • ll 'l'IJ " i · t· m 11 i lnH•·tl I·~ tl ... llo caclsttatlo; uf l lt1 11 c .. I,'"Y in uut au .. k iu~ 1111)' tloi P IIlli l; l ~~ I Jl', l'tH IU 111'1' 11 Ill' 6o.tue 11.-W

lllrl• 1-c:s f~ 1 uur hl npl~ )'I VUIII' t il 'J'lot! \\' i.:k fitfh Cll l t'tlllld \ t' lll' l l\11 II CO,, IIIIIII'IIJIIIolt! t·X­II IIIJ'It: ill t fti11 ll .. i ' I'Ct. \\'e (tl••l'l \ t' I•.•' K ktt• BrttiHh Jl"l'"'' tlauL nl 11 nw..s iu~ ,.f tl111>1 l,u,l.v, faeJu 1\ l!,ltOI'l timo IIJ:I01 iL WUif ll~t bt'<J I <) 1 .t•~ i Lion tit ~ Fi11l•e • y Buttru to send OIIIJ of i111 t•tti"' c~ a-s l o A111erictt lo rt'pun on 111~ ltkdalw"u of a till\ I ket Leing fnuut..l Llaeru loa· &utch­cual'~ hcarin~"· lt utny bo sttttet..l thut 1,800 keg11 of ctu eJ lter·tiu~~ wt~1e l~ttely ~oent f•o•u Wick to A m e ttCII 1 via Leith ~ntl OIJU\&tOW,

makiuu 3,300 k~~IJ txport.ed froru \Vick to New Yurk tLe )J • e~>ent. winter.

QliCt·y ; cu•Jid ilOL Lite Newfuu1tt..lhwd Ll'11de mftke "itlt ntl\'lanllcgo 110 tffurt. , to find uew nntl enlurgea! outl~tll for ~til our leaui11g pru· JucLI1 \.ttL. DIOif\ e•l·t-eill lly tlaOflts t~f our coo hllh autd- l•~>l'rin_g 1 Cuulcl not. tlti• m•ttet· well engoge lise allellliou of the> mtmLt:nt of Ott I' n1•1Jer houStt, I'" ucul•rly tltutU! of them wlao lui\ e '"'IJtl t.'ouuectioo with t!Je w.uvl" tn1ue o( the cuuqtry t

Ts& Noa~~oru boorJIB~aT iJo •Uil oo the iocrtose. A c.Llrg.,..u reoeh ed lAte I.)' ''1 the Gerwan Con•ul, B . H. Prow.e.Eeq., ahal.ett tl.d the c.tcb uv to S.Lur.layl••t, 3rd March, lt•d •ll.louutetl lo aix~n million fh,h (al>out. 260,000 quiotala) •• agai.Dat ntoe miiJiou {•Lou~ l6u,OOO qniut.alw.) for LLe oou-vond· insa~•4Ml or Ja.r. year: • . W• ot.en·e aome tipae~ lateiJ }'ullliabtd re.Jteetins tbe taP fod•n llwh•'1· 11at~J•rt• •~ ruaJ t111J1 110DJ.,. wba& miah!adiua, Tlli. fiah~ry itt uul.r• •mall t•t' ot the •lwl•-'*- ~* · '-1 auf .._ ... ,..,. .. , ,.. \ulaJ .,.~

. h will l•e ~ru•m\•et-etl Llaat. a •laort \imr

•10 we dre• •ttt~ntion to t.l!e fact 'th.d ~r,"t ••r1. datbrt'OUII and mlll~n~a~ tli~~U .. , di.,h lbefLr, ... vreeen~ to • limited esten~ in Cftl'&.lliu IOOit.liLieA in •o·l aronn•l Lbit t.o•n. We nope& to lltT tlaeL t.be ut .. l•d.y i.. atill Jlle\•lt!n&, l•ur. that f'nrtnna~ly it haa uol. apre-J i~lt much. N uL mOn!, w-e under­lt.n•l, titAn two or tlu-ee delltba ltuc ao for oecur.-.d, MUd lhNift Amo11g 1 he yonti!( •ae<Jj•l~.

hi' not. a duty in:mJUI, .... t upon l'!l~UIM Mild j(lltU'\iitlOI of ~·outla to Ol~tterve '"U &r•14t. ·

HL dilict"uce in Nf'IN\n&ting anJ Jte.e1Jin:t ltt';,..r~ •le tlulllf'l ol tJ ,., <"Lil.ll'l'n tbyl. am~ wl'll (roru tllOitl wlto uuay b4t ill or c"ropiMiuiug t h uot thi• a c • t! in which 1U1 (lllnt.:e ''' vru\' t'll'

tio u ta W(Jrt h a JKmnt..l, y.:• _wn l"lluuJg t>f cu1 c l


'l'h~ Wonderful Dooa.donoo Qf tho S&~­inl Floet.

\V.: tfLulc•l lt f~w ia.-;Uf":ol "~<J 'tltKL uvL "" 1111td1 "* on& t111ili.tg ,.e..'I&OI W>UJ lo t.e srnt ou~ w thu scul thsl•urytht: cura ~nl l!('ring •· itl•,•r f1'V111 llMrlaor On&Cc ot· ttny ••thor jtOrL i1a Cvu~···1• Uun B .1y . \Ve muy lillY ju11t h.:• e lhat S1. J uu11'" is llhl'ad of ns 111 l l ai~o~ punicul .. ,· ; •hn, prouJ city, i11 to l,u,·e t.ht~ l u;uor ll( 11t luntfL Ollt:J~Miliu6 \ll~.,.- 1 t'UI~rgiu~ Crou• tl.tnt prtvilt:l( ud h .. l'lxH', Tllili BCUUOiltll' is the Kau, c .. fJL. SullivMu, of 100 loll~<, llllll Cllorryin.l{ S5 men.

Yea, tll_, dUCKiit:Uef\ in the Mho\' tt I"" tioul"r hMt Leeo us murkuJ 111 h is rt!~lllHul.tle. Let lll fouk lit it fur ll lllu tU CIIl :

.As lilt Luck 1111 1805 lltere were atl nu~uy u11 SO ieh"ou c r11 oC from 30 to GO l~UII eug~&geJ iu th~ 8eul lialu:ry.

lAter, of 11niliug n~.1111da tbur~ Wt!l'u aeut out, IN 183t.

Yt»tl•. St. Joltn·e . .............. l~b <..:ouccvt iuu lhy. •• •. • .. ~ 18 Tri11ity B•y.... .. ......... 19 lire.:u1puud, &c. .. .... 12

'fo~l. ......... .. 874 lN '18H.

YU~CII. !'t. J ohn'• ........ . ..... 121 Harbour Gtace ......... 48 C.:a1 bou~ar ...... 7........ 62 Bri~ut & Cupida... ...... 43 Pur~ - J~: . Uru.: ...... . _ 10 B •Y "uucrla ... ..... ••• 11 ~.ll'"".ianJ'a B .. y~&c.. ... 9 Jrunl,)' .............. ...... 11 Ul\u L't lla•bur, &c...... 6 l:a1ahu• ... ............... · 19 (; rt"euapo"d,S~tl "'lo:e,&c 19 Twillio~tat .. . f~~~· • ..... l 10 T iltyu J,larbilur, &c.. ~

T ut••· II .V:lO li.i~5

1,oa9 971


Tu111, 11.088

• ~7 4.667 4.002

8ti0 !IH IS!> I !I ' M ·Hli

1 H7 l ,'h.~


Total. ........... ... :168 ~1,9:.:4 l~ Hi·H .

Vu.•cL-. 'J 0111.

St. JuJ.u'e •lid Son.h••n.l.. ... "• 9,:!6.1 lla1liuur li••ce ........ ......... 4~ ~lu&quitu... ..... ......... ....... 1 S1.a•·•••ll '• Uuy .~ Buy H .. ll~•La -i (.;atl~eJilt':&r .. ... . ............... 87

4,9ai i:l ~.H

S,Ub l Utillut, l'uv11lt1, l'v• ~ Jo~ '

(i•.a"~:~..,~~c ....... . ....... . ..... 66 I r iui1y 11111 l 'atl\liua ..... . ..... 4;t

6.9:10 ~.tlll l

~l'VI' l'erlic.w au•l ll llut• lhr l." ur .. .. . ............... ··· ····· :!7 :l, IMJ

tirt' l'III!JVIIU, &0 ........ . : . ... lli b.)t lletluour Uri.ou ..... .. ... ..... ~ till l.Jl'uilu .. ....... ,., ...... ...... 1 "'

J,J,.,,, 2 910 • . 8!1~ 41 ~ :lc.H

J/t". S,776 1.:177 '1,46\1 1 ,:it!6 . 2i9 SU:l :t i>:J ~:)4

ttia 6!4 bu;;



.1/.u ~.:!16 1,4.Ui


1 :il !Juei

l.!Jti:l l ,:J li 1

HU ~·lll

7.i Ill

'J Olt:il .... · - . ...... . .... U:J7 3U b:l!l 1 0, I g~

1~ 1\:S.tS. J't,!,w '•

St. Jo!: ~o'e aut..! Soulh"uci ... IV:! ll•n•uur (iract- -............. 61 ,\lt;..q•IIIO • .,., •• ., , , ..... . )

::iv~"''"'t ' l.sAy • •• u U11y 1 Jlo lrt:t'll .. .. .... . .... ..... 1 97

(.'Kri,Oht!ar .,., . .. ....... . .. f Uri~1us, L'uvi.t1, l'urt l''"J

( ira \ t-. ,,, •• •••••••• •••• •

Triult.Y au•l L'atl\ltuu ...... ~ ;\cw l'erlt~:1111 Bull l111ut~ 7~ llurwur • ... ............ • '' r.-e•,•vunJ, &o ...... ... . lldollu ur Hritult, .. ......... 3 L l'vtlu ...... .................. 1

1'ut~l. .llw ll o-4 G :i,:H I :,,:Y, I] l.litiJ

8,00li :.: I i~

u · 1 t!!.l ' -47 IIi

J'ornl • ••. .. .. .. •• U:iu 30 :ll.i 1 O.bi ~

Iu tl•c f,,IJ .. \Io i1 1~ .'·a·u•·, 1 S49, 11., r .. " " ' " tl, c1 , ... ., .. itt 1 fa,. li lt lid lt uf \ c u:!11, 'J'I,n l y• 111

lltt·r~ Illi Cit: II~IIL ulll-

J'u,q / .. . 7;,,,, M~u. St. •I l•11'1 "" 'I St•UIIownr<l. •• •.• ~ 5 Hl1 i l iU llod1o .• • fi r~tt:t: . ...... • .. .. .... :l~ 4 I~ 1,~1C ,\h,aqllitu , ......... .,. .. . .. • ......... ........... . ~l 'll •ll lort.l 'ao Uuy & 1.1\) lt,,lJ, riel Jti l.Msl b~ t 'u1 IIVIIt'llr, ... .. .... , • • , .. .. , .. {j! { ,:.1/-! l,45t luiun<~ , L'IIJoiJB, J'ult tic lir;a\'l,o

&.-..... ............. . .. . 4 .. . . .. /1:J <I .OSO 1.~:3 Tnuil) h il l.! l"•LIIIu,a .. ......... ~~ 2 2tiP 8ti7 Ne~· l ' cll•cao ~&ltd llaute llllr·

lluur .............. .......... ... 12 Gr·llt:tiiVOIJd, &c .............. " .. 27 llarbour .Uritou.. ........... ••• S Lsl'oilts ........................... l

1.041 l ,I;(.H

301 -!7

Tor,.l, , .,. , .. , .... ,,.~;IJ 26.123 G,gss Tltfl Yt!•al HU~7 alt1>wt>&l • i~t•·ge iuutell..a;

tlw ft.,e~ tl•e.\ tlutpLt~n•d ~~~•11 i(,O Vt'-'*'• uf f10111 .J'O to 2UO t~u•, Ntf h ottsWM ••umLt:riug 1•,000 rn~n. Tbat. yc•r ~he~ vHAot~t:. cuughL ulluut 600,000 te•le, woa th UCitrly " tllilliun ~&ud tlarce qn1uttsr clullnr&

T!Jopgh ¥1f'"W eut.,red tlus Mreo• d the tialusrJ in 1863, w.e ytsC. Ond thd it. did uot for "' leot "' few ye..,. thtreaftt'r it,tlf,.fere nr1 waterl.lllly wiLb t.he proeeoutiora ()( Llu• vuyar b1 ~:ailing l)ral ~. lu l8GO '~•re w.ea e 177 tailillg l'Haela, and tiYe -.te.awen;; in 1811 Llacre wea~ 201 a..&iiAJll \'t:Mela and l3 •~m· en, tlaeir uuattd crewanuwlleriua P.78l uaen. Silk.-e U.a~ tiaue, bow~:!\·er, tbe t&ec.d,nc:e 118. oaaae very warkeJ, aD•J &be • ilina ... , ~"' ao reduced in oamber u to at leufr'b ~me ahuod • reUo ol tbe a-a'- lif ow p~i•b~r Pou~vtlen our Trqih7 &1 t. .. a aba· ,,, •Yilt& ,..,a,,*9u':JDJC , ..... o, •· . ..

We IIana t.... "lriaaiU1 ~~


ft'W IIUUi llllll.tl f~tCI I\, iq ~~~\I J t'! , l..llll IWil llatlae~ "" •J•I'<IAAOtrt"'l from 0t·ncepUM ~la-y. ju"~ tl1irty yea'I"A ·~"· He iu(urmll "' 1 l1ttt 011 thb J.,t. ol ,.roh, 18~, tht>~ Wtltf!l.'J,•IUI'ti froin liey l!ohe•·h•, CniPj'" P c•iut, Docie. ~r~ . net'CJ,' aa.ll 'Pt)rt. .. )o-GallYe 110 ft·Wt!r t\11111 S~ vee-eh•; llut IIII,.Jl&.t "'lle ft i•UIIt. 83 l.()ll~. tl1e11~ np t.o 1 :lJ. A (,wr J'f'ltt'll l~t tf9r, tl1~> 11iz~ nf llau Vtlll8r ltl '~"•• iucr1·~1 t:J. Dnt. huw tlae 'tiuiefo ltnu ~tllerrd! N •it.ht1r uf tL.,..e~ jllll•t'1 hu tt'Jow ,.,. mnch "' ur.e 'Cllllf'l ti1liliu!' tc1 ' '"" ' ttu.tl fi~luu·y t!Jf"• ~·rruua llu• t ht­clum~e hct'IJ kr 'ho lH>tt.·r 1 A h, l11<11 iL 1

, ----·--· .... - ----l TU Tilt: KOtTtlll l~f ·nu:: :n'A~WAIUJ.j

H t:AI: ~III-I " '>tio·t' I iu the Ertui '!/ T rft!JfO.., 1'1 M"rch

:It~ I, t it .. ,.,.J.,hrnti•>n o r tbt•l r .. Juhil•:t' Auuh .. r ury ' of tltt!lr t lllrllth,:t! I IIli! ll ,.r ~(1\jl•l'l\ ' • 1\J jJj . ll'lrj ~t!l 1•ico• hy thrt'l' \'t:~ lt·r 11111 1) •y l,•, :\I c UI\}' •trill ~llun•y. ;\uw. Sir, I d .. .''"t ••·u wloy ,,ur uH lti .. utl ·• J .,ck 1\lc K .. y" llh•oUiol br il!ll t>r•••l Mt thi < mn•no:u•ulls nccusion Mr. :\lcK •Y " "'' 'rt'll th t: -1:z ... 1 u''Y"I lli~hl""·"'"" , .. , "''"il n; ,sa~ dt'I_Vcll iu llutl H....,ms.•nt 11111il 18.'>1. llat'll j tti t• t'Q tl•.s " H •l)!ll ~uwfoutot.l ><ll •ll'OIIIIJI\IIit•~t" in wltic)• ho~ rt'UIIIUt'•l 111•111 J u ly l k61. ll o j •ill"tl tltl' N.,wruuuoiiKIItl ·.,u,tn loultry in AU~t lhl, lb6 1 in \l hit• It Hun•irt: hi' hn~ :~i o u: .. lu• t-11 1\11 DCti Vtl tllt'lll

IJt'r. llllll uow s crvt•<l llo·r ~l.lj~··~· "" 1\llt'ltdn ul l•nhc .. ,IJio: t'r i11 ""' Ut~td.:t Cvurl uf this pl l\c~ M r ~· ··K t )' 1>1111 1101 ...... ,. 1\ IIIUII C.h OUI ur llt:l ~hjcst )',. uuilotw fur !Hay )1!111'11 COIIlll Apail lei, 1&s!S.

Yo1ir• truly, u :x. ~arch 6, 1888 -

(•'Oil TOt: liAIIBOJ; OIIAC~ 5TASilAUD.)


A Coureo or leoturl'8 r ... till' \\'iutur ·~IIIOU ltu h.-.:u Oll(au it~:~d by thu •• H •Y•I rHlJ,.rt" l:OUII · c:il Templa ra of I t:1111•emncu 'l'lur fih 1 uf th.: lt'ritl W All dt:li• .:rerl t:y the H~:~\', u . Uoyli or. I ,

Johu 'l, 0 11 lhll ,.JI.impOrii\Rt IOjJiC -" l't!UU IUI · TION, ' I he lt'cturer. In Lis uint11l forcible l'l"­queut , aull t:tltnc:at style: jrll'ft: " " "'Y AlrOIIIl llr·

I(IIIUt: lllll 10 1h.1w why a P n• btbitiuu I"""' allll ulol be iu furrc 111 thia Colouy. II i• rc .. uuka "er., frequt:utly iuterrnpll'd by lu•arty 11pplauae, a• fu r a n hour ant..! a b11U l•o~ hvld Lhu at11:u1iun of • wuat IIJII'rcciuto a :dleltco. Th.: ltev. J . GooJi· aoo """ ' prc11•lctl ou tbt- uccneiou

Ou Thur•olay 11i~o:ht. F\:bruarJ' 2:J . d, J 1\J,.x . nltol~r 1<•1\•iii!IOII , fo~q, Jlt:.II•I·WIIIIIt:r uf thu ~~ ~ · th.uhllt . (; mru11o11r licuool. lent ured on " N .ot.~IL­t.os·s 0\'t lt iiiiCIIW.'' Hev J \\' . Vacki'NI, whu pr.·~• · J ,.".J l·d•or e i u t r 01IUc lnll 1 hll I•CIIII er, lluttt ly

rerl'l rt··l I n I) fe w I tal! ~ •tu ~"I'"IIJOI, II CIHifRCit• t

t! l •c ci11l l.v c~l l iul! fur 1\<l lllirl\l lt)U Mr H., l o t t~anu uul~· l uu;:I,.,,J lij.:hlly I.'D •h•· lif, •. enrly trai11in~ . uu•l l• lo .:o ~tr• .. r ••f tloc "li•t l1• w•o:11l "'"" '' IJ ,. t l \\'t:lt ~:l .i.-fly 011 lhe b:alll··· ro u1:1•l iu Bt·l •i liiU­U.:uy. Qunno: U'""· auf! \\' nh·rloo. A ~tap tlf th.: lt:tlll" ~ rt'llllll hnll heeu pr~p:tr~•l . 11' 1 l hatlht' nu.h .. t•t·e "i•hnut ll••y •hllic11hy "er,.11lolu to f.,l. 1.•w I he 1, ctur.:r, .. ho ia 11 cl•·tlr anrl pl.-11~1ua: • pl'nl.cr Aa :\lr l<obitt6uu lo11tl viei:erl th o• 'filii ­toll& l..t ~llc-·Udu• dt•I Ciil•etl. "J. li •tunKI intel f'~l •> llj ~i\'\!h to 1\ tl•oauu.;hly iotcrl·e·iug aurl iu · MtrU('llVI' It CIUrtl

'1 It t' ~lt· l l t ooli"t S,.l,l)ll th Schoo l ,\r• 1• it·er~~~"'' 1"11111 " l'l'" llllet..l fu r ~nnol11 v In~• . ""' 4tlt in11L Tit~ ~111( 1 1 l"11ft1 rnlpit ""' CoCOIII •ie,J in tlu• 1110ruiu .. loy tlal' n .. ,. J (;oodi•llll :Stllll' l illl f'll ol l'aol ~JittiK· l t' l', "I" t••t-uolwtl "thuruu.:I•IJ prAc i.:nl lcrtuuu frutu H•otl, 1., l!iv .

I oo ~lo..- llflt•rnoo ll , nt ll o'<·lrtrk tl .. • FCI, ,,J.,rl' ,

,,.no.:Ju·o.J ""r'·"'" '""I foi,•H•Ii! lll ~tl' ll o l,lt:•l iu tit•· I 'louu•h .,.J ... rp " llll'l> t t't j oyaL! t• lll,.cli u.: "''"

lod tl. 1! . v J U\luJi~"" )lr•·•i•lt:tl 1\ll tl Jl"''<' "'"ll•l· I'>IJ'if"! tt•lt ICI' (\) t ho• ynno 1! 1"'"1'1,. f to olll >l tf'

•OI.JJ :-\\'•: '"' •• !'Ill <•t:t. Yt:Ail~ A.• .\ ·r,\1 .• : 111\f I "

Tllt.n . :11 1·11 U .tiT ,.h)y v··· · i· l o•ol nt 'rl ... 01{;1111, lluol \I r It " i'"l""'' lt•ol I loP pon~iool{.

-..... r •• llowl ~·~ " "·•8 I he J•tUjll <IIII OIIt' u r I ruct>nl · ill tt• : :-j , lo!' ·.: - ll"'n" !II! ( .1/ti s,., '''Y 9 -!.~ol IIJ."Yn., lltxJl') Jt~oo•ot. o .! /', u/nl ol.:l ... \ IJ :o.a, TE. l A :'\ II l'UII. I.IW II 'I: 1<hct ·

11• 1· I , . ' • l'r~~· · r : ..... ...... ... ... I!LI' .I \\' \ 'CI( I' II•

~i ~t.: i •. .: ..• ... •. . ... 11:1'11'' ;,t,; A·IJ ••• ,... •• • .. . .. .. . ...... .. . . .. f'liAfU)(A''·

'i ··"' '•.t 1/, m , :!:!11 Jr~·l h• ll~et.~ 1- i~·:r,,.;· ·,:f ·;~.: (-~ .~;· · .. :·· .:.·; y ~~ A I•!• Ch'. .

" - A ('r y ,.·., ~' ll'at. r•.. ... .., ,\ IIAV ' " · ' - h vH l / J, •piu; tltc (.'.~ :/Jrtll ... Joll'll l' t·uull'

tShn.ri11t: ••• ..• .... ••• ••• ••• .. . ••• //'.1!1'• &•J; .\ Jol r,,.,. ... ... ... ... ... ., ll \' J . \\' V ICto:lu• fl,-.·11 ~11<'11- .i"'tlt l'1•r ••r . .. .. . ... · ... \ I AI' ~'• t.IT I'

- Ta ou!.fc ;, A 'III II Cun11r .. II KIITII.ot. .lolA tor> tCI( ' Jlu llll UU!I day ... .,, .,,(' 11.\ULl ll l'A\'lll t:

~ittvl •l ll •• ~ ... ••• ••• ... ••• ... ••• IIJ• • LOfJ U•'CII .ol.l i•ll- .1/f 1'1'11HIIf.WJ ... ... J..ot.I ' IIA 'I' A\ 1.011. .. r.~t .lfu ,,,.·6 Cullot... ... Lin: a TA \'1.1111,

- UiffJ a ltnii:J ... ,., :S.AIIAU ll. 'I'A\'IA•II

"h•~ti ut: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... """'". au \ •lol r, .. , n,,.l 11•1~•11 uf :'whvul- 11 U. C UOO&IU . ~ :i o'JHJ.l ( =~ • It P I iu! l •

'>1•·;: • .. 1("":".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ll:.'fll• j!;: J:K~ t lJ!Cri•I :OC .

At 1.i.:ht R .. Y • • 1 \\' . \' tclc,.r~ pruel.eJ Crout .'.ir ~l !t lll•c" :lit.: l .'ll lo ""'' ltitlt Vt."l do:l.

' I h,, itocl ._ ,.,, ucy uf ll1u Wt'IIIJ,u r Ito It• I f,•rt•ll >ollollt'" l1nt Wltlt I I I' llllll~l<'.:~<llu lll! <l uri ttl! 11, .. •l11y Cullrr.riu1111 "''' 'C 11111 ol" nl "II ll1e lh'l Y tc~o 111 .. i.l O( I he ~u!ouatlt ::icl111u l - ( 'uul,

l~r ,\ln ,JitU f n . - I I III E~ .·cllo!ltO)' tlte c: u \'t!rtiOI

in L'· UtoCII, 1 .... Url' ll I le·••vJ tu "l ' fJOIIIl l ite fol ­lu .. l11~: l u ),., Coo\'l•t OuiA uf tl.c ~l ct lovtli~t (;nllo:11,., nutlt' r ::j, ct iuu XL \ ' II ul til l> ELi uc ttiun Acl ur l liai: 'JI, ., H .. n J c l•! lllhlr E 11: l, , .,., l 'rdi'leut or t.; .... t.-n·uc~. t;.·v•.: ·· J . u...... 11 .• -\ • t: eurl(e K-•y•t, .lntlit'M t>vws: ,J ,,f,n <:t•Jt.liiiiiU, Suluuwu M:.tthu" "· \\'i hir"" s ... """· .l.t<lll!al X ur~c. Ht•L~:~• t \V.' Fr.-•·•'"'"· J ••L" l' r""· I l•"•uaw \V Aakin•u••. .~''rancit G. Willt-y. (;corge ll tt ii ~Ju , lluu•y Lu wis. flhiMJ'UI II. Jalllt'l, J .. t,.~ llill, \\' 1llint11 K t: ll•lllll, J.u•llJ•h l'11rl.:iue, ( ;.::~• J,:e I' tito•l· t he lluu Lie• C. lt. Ayrt, J•u•ts4 1Ht8, Ja~Ut~• J. Uu~:crauu, AI · fre.l l'"""Y• ~hura .\. J . W. MoNwily ~.L:, :S Lt. Maroh, J . K P. l'eteaa, Jdm St11llt&. G.:orgu <;.,.,, Jaw .. a An~d. t ; rwiiJIJdl lfaev •rauu, U. ti. Fu1bd. At.O.. I huw"a C. Out.! , ' r11cs Ui•l•op, H~or~:e l'·ora.:y. aut.! Hub~ K. U(•lu

HI• l!:xo .. lll'uey, i11 Ctl.auci l. hat .Ueo btlltal pl~ll•• ed to Af)fJululllr. l'•trfck Joy. (Carbouear) tl' be a·Su 1\ "yor of f •lii.UIIIIIr.

t>ecrut•ry't OIJ!c',.,Oti.J Ma.cl1, l~ -Ciuttlle.

Local and other looms, . e

8"01'.1 ~lllJ.Il'I Or \\ tlli::uu )i~ I yt .. terdaJ uloru­ln;,;. &e to·d~f• H.:t.'J!r.lln.

-Tbe tfalinlo( •tt''lflu" Mu11t',jf. which lf'h t-'ere fur Cbauncl 011 F n.Jny Ill t, Jl"<:fo:d C.pt' H.,y uu Lhe lui o•!&~~ llutt t..lny

-Al:ir£CIAL l't: \IN 11r•h·eoi1U tlot• j •tucUillo )'C"• te"ltty. Atnou~ i111 JliUi&t'lll.'era wrr., 'Sir W. V. W tut .. •UJ, lt, J K l.'ut , 1-;1!1), hiHI em.: or twu olbe•• wl10it' n•lllll.:S •e ha\'e IIOl bea..J1

-A •lte~ntch frnm Ctuumd on Tbtl•l•y lllllll •tatd thllt ti~llt·ry l""~ltt'<:h! th~:r~ art' chceliii~J. 1\Utltbnt IOIIId ~0011 WOrk aiUitlllti"iJ'"'"'I.. 1.,'\1\' f

th-lfl&tChl!l fuiiU•I d"~·whtru'atat.:• lhal lht: l.uatl did wt:ll uu Tl.tu11•lny. • •

- T lo rllt>Kiiu.: IICII'IIIlrl •ltich l'llil ft uon ~~~~~It - • ('Ill """ \\' l'lllt'rn purl~ II} I he ICt! fiel .ll, tuuk th\'ir dt'JIHiure rc'"" St. .l o•hu'a '"' t.lnuuo~yl~~~: tl•,.ir 111\.lll(' ll \\"t:re thl! s~p/1111(, "'''!JU[tJ ll'ulut" Kit,. . Lwp01 tl, ;\ 'imr11J n11t.1 l'w1tl.tr, tl. t' li1aL hllllood f\lr l'KtaliUI\, ll.l' t~tl•cra ror CLauucl.

-~.umow F..SCArt: -J\ rhc:.:cr by rile 111\10~ of DnnCIIn Coun~a:ts lt :~rl " onrro"' l!llC:tf• tl lrom drowui.nll on \rc,Jn,•erlHy lnu. H .. ,...,. " 'ilb no h·· ~ll. elllflluyctl on hol\rrl tho brip Aua.datin. a l : 1• ., • ••r•e• prcmi~u~ .. r MeABra ,J<,l"' ,\luiJII & Co .. ' '' ll· linst CH&ka 11' itl1 \11\t,.r. Tl1t~ , lrtnk. 0 11 .. h••·h ha • •111111nurli"lf " ' tile lim\! t•t•Jit:•l. ""'' h11 wn11 tbrow1o in lht1 wlllvr Somo liult' •IAJIIt'd hcfore the 111110 ""liS lt''C:!Ied frOtll his ptriJOUI rn-ilion, a urt •hco takf'll'lio 0 Jt l•o .... lu • ,.er,. uhau•lf't'l 11tnte. liP lolls dince. Lowev .. r full1 reconredJCroua the dfl'CIII ur ltil ioHucr~oio 11 .

-Else~ br.re "ill h,• runtul•ht> """t!rlie~ml'nl II~ _l>illl!ee. <:onn.ru & (.;o, or Wt'UJOrll\'1', , ••. I has firm. whtch 111 nne oCt It t' l<~r_rl'~tl i11 An11••i<'a . Jet~lll in ftowerlll, 11brub11 lind acc•l•. 11111d mllkt'l " ~f'~CiliiiJ or ·~Me culture, Tlu•ir loauolllom .. Jy tlluat rated Guide or Ho .... c•alrnre for lS.~. ill IIOW

on hanrl at the l>rn~t Sa ore of Mr. c:.- ror~te \\' t'h · ber, whero inl!•nrlinsr pnrchuenl or Plaut& t'IO

Cl\h ohtllin'" cnpy rrre or chor~.: e. Ptl t'lllrll. 'How: ffl'll 4l ~1\~1 . IO whom WU oro: inrJcbiC'If for II 04'Jl1 of tho h111dt'. llrt: lhtl KI{CIIIII or the ahovt: firm ill Ne wfounrll111nrl . Thnt~c who wi11h lo actnrn t hrir h omt'l -. ith rosee. fl ·•wt'rll ,nd •hruba woui1l do .,.ell to aeuti on a tril\l order An ordl'r tiel ia 110w opeu ~~ Mr. \~ t·biH•r'a. where lhl' catalo.:ue and OLhn IDfQrruallon cnu lie obtaiuetol .

. -A ya:RY SAo Acctot::.'T lulllpt:wed at l'l~tceu­lla latt S11lurtl•v 111f1enaoon. \\' bilsl 1younsz tnliU DIIIIOed Jnbn Power, 11011 or i\lr. Mit:hael P ower . WIIIIROiua from hi11 nwu ho use . ~· h~:~re h~h11d lwcn workilll!. to hie frtda~r·ll . a lltOrtt- thrnwu hom noe of tb" r.lilwl\y cu tti11~a . lltrnck hina ou the l•lnti, kll li 1l1r him "l•uo~tt iu>t'lntlv . It i8111•i•l tha t lht• ~l11r.t •MI~o hl'nvily cltllrJ.!e;t. llt•dlt loelr uroaa 11el.! lll ,. IICC nr ll!norn tH't• •om .. whcre Cl\ll•~ti the " ':Cirl.:ut. A mat.:i&lt'r"l i••q niry wa11 ht<ltl ou rnt'lllny '."•'- Ju~ri.·e O'l( .. ,l ly tXIIIuiueti nu­

lllt'rt\lld Wllllt!!llell """ look 1 ht• sworn al,.teu1enla .,, ·"'II"'' Grt-1'11 or \\' iti.-AA Bny, ruucer bt .. alt'r of r<>t:lt cut, who .. ~~ n·qnir.:tf 10 f;!l\'e a aui•nimtl luuul ' l lae sna.tilllr"'"l '' ~'~'"" nol indiol hiru ou " crimiu11l rl•nr c:P. l. •11 c-• 11 ·1•1•·•1.•1 t hetl' "'IIIli nnt ~uo c:u1tin11 ob8t· ~vcol "'''I h11im'ltf'd tlol\l Ofl~,... 1101~1 111 1~1111 '"'""'!! 1'1\llttO I l'r"rt•e.l tllal•·•• ,.,111 ol uct.etl wtth tltll! <'~ llli olll ( ,,, tl" li\'1'11 1,( th~ 111 •

h .. bitllll tl\ "'l•irh '" 'll~ l: i•lrrolt' , ho! 11111•1 fJ'•llt·ot IIHI anrtrol l<(.'lllu~l ll f•'(lt:li ti·lll or Satord .• y 'il rlll · 1·lor•ble acciJ\'ut.


Page 3: o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban

WuTB&WJ NiillmG _Jl The .aa •'illltol~~~E. ~~f.ew~i"uo· l:~-ea~~8J~~~~t~}J~. ~~ ~ ~~1'·

• ) { ~:7 •• ~1¥ : ;d . ..£f..:JJ"C ~-1 ~l!lt - Wm~~T Ktf.t~-' tel~~ta!'IJ'O.,.­

bone~r tt\fi mcfrol~~r teUi '11ltt .hat/.wl~·~-t.e to"t ""'PfiHiili ' wl-ere"1taieG'MWCWIM&I_.r !Dsd Jut C\'Cnin!l .:IJ:J'-'> YIJ J:lo:.>!: 1~ 7tU'J •i iu

~,, A lt~legr&la.,_lito..:.Ai'~"'~Jotf!!'~ )-\~1t11~n Uay "~ ~ •~~t~ri.!H:ia;•~W!Ob . .U.th ,.,..,_11 tbrou.:lt.1i\\J·.a ~oil ~.ofui\,,"1Wf.h\'ob~~f"~_t "

• :1~~ ., .:r;;; Ln ,. ·• .:~1 (UJ If~ '"!01 U~

. "1:'lflr.* UIJ wn·n,.·onnr•• 1hoo J ~?qll

c .1~'-L ·J. t=:"•:.x;;:-: ... . lm1t~llo ... ~ ~~­!'J¥)1p8QU 0111fi111N I~.~Q!~ §i!.~:J..,.~t..

LAre1'StiWr~ ftoQl the' ·~~ .. rJ •lftml ~~· p:uticulira. rceptc~iiJ ' t\~:e~ ~ . ~~P. w.; ' ). IDle YO}'"Ile iu thl\i. djrecttotL: CfetPfolC ' rom Twillin~:IHe on W'edu•dl\f~llttliihil~ re• aeala wer11 kUl4!d1 io; t~e wa~~· t'll~"re.-'h~~daJ: l.cFiom c;ruens.,oua- ttf.: BCboonltfi J+ill~'filpc,.ttd, o-'lled by 1'. Autchhl~t, Miled ,or . tbe! ic, .. ;6eldef At Chnul!e' lallluds on 'rne,td,lY a f¢.. \'mJ111Metw ~re killecHy mch in pun \I ·' U~,T~;#Ifi1' 1ill li( hr. .lfa!f£·~,.Sparrel Juaater, :.rt~f,om: 'f"'.tiJn· gato for tho lle_"l ~·h~r.y ..• I A ti''*GI' .dhi\l&tolr or the '"me date ayi tlh~t roeu ~~NiultY'~P! bttrul report thu a ~rea~ m"''Y~ ll(~~At a•n·~~ir1 •a Wl.'re 8CO;Xl J ?D11 ~'o1$ J·.~· ~ijl1 .~~CIJ :R'P.»~~;\ be got a'- .,,n ..J 1! I ·- . •• ; ;;., atll i t.J l·'!llua

·' I ho lollowio!l.aru. i'b~ •)at-.\ \teltarap~l:Qes­pntcheJ f.rojD=• Norlh 'ao<f. Wee~'-·~Yl~rble<the I l >a• .,,.._, • ' , • 'f l 1 1 , , Jj '• a c ... ""'"'" i - ' 1 ·• · ·t " · • · • J

CATALJ'iA, ~.e'dneadi.y1 -r-RI.!:dr~)"qt•a ·pi~lf.>ro· port lllkes wt..tor. iEAaL. and .. No.ttb ·f!,Ul. 1~vy sea. Ice uoL 1 e.\'1.• ~f•Lfy.~ eb>ft• ·N aigo ol seal a. ~ .... ' • ~ "' ~ 1

1 " · .' • • 1 h. 1 'CJ.n R1t, 'l'ho.ntcfli Wiud s.k, 'N:l!~'. and dull i .W~•.'ti'l«?f}; iu

~il(ht. j\ntjcptli report no ice io e~bl. l eat Cove 11hd, Bird 1~ock, report beaY.J.P~o~•~Pi•ed icc e,·er.y,whe~ •. • .. 1 i .... r • :1 • .i I : n 1

. i .. :i' :r ~I!ANI'{F.L]'.flcufed•'t l'h~ ~~~ i[il.f ad~ ·'f1o/Jar_ll anjietsfhia

LOOfllllli.; UQ ,Jqe YIIJ.~IO.t 1 ,WI\)tj ~!'~£1tefo4.~ JlOd moderate; -.n: ~ata:We!L 8ahed .y~tdl\1•. ptoa­pects b~b& foc<tiahermea, if.tbie· mild w~hu.r coutiD•tJ.a.~: . · ' '· · ~ J • • • • ~ .. d • J·~··

~. '•1~•'iu·Na•is;~h~{;9ay f.o' iio~. A no,l.lje~~·brej!f~ pr,va\1•. ~~~~ to-~ay_. with

boist11roua weit.l•l'r:~d heatJ I•&.. , A..f~.x.tf!ala were talle)l yeeierday. · ·• · .. J ~~ .: ~ ' · " b

' • : · Foau.''tha~tForerfbo'b. Some boods wo'rt;· cao'~ht "io' 'n\la .(L Joe :Watt's

Ar111 yesl.~f~ .~~n \DP'l'.9f.Cffn~l-t'J\01\he ice. lhlf n ~!e ~f wipd fr«?in Ul4!,etat~arf1. tJiew. hero 1~11t uii(Ut. aud.to-~3'- Ul.8 bay w.a,Wifl!liti.J.]illert witll ic!:.

GRBENSPOND, Thursday l''oreooon. W i..q N.E. by 1::., blowiDjC ha{d, wi~ -'9~ti..~ lllilct'

ele t. libe•Ba.r ia filhug\wi~ ioe. 'S.r-dalltll 25.65. ' .

8uSA\' lST.t., 'l hursdl\y Foreuoou. Wi11d oortbeut, •ith &bick. •eMber, and Uay

full of slob. • 1

• - •

t FoGo, l'"~s\.erd,ay Fore~~u. Hood• aeeu ftt 'I'illoo Harboc:: . N oddcg,aeen

here to-day W ind Eut, wotletate. ~ky clear, icc 8liU ruo ning io bay. ' . · '

TwlLLtNOATE, Yesterday Forenoon. Wind Eut. rreah. Repor• ~ot seale iu_ lhy,

uu ~ u:bo a.u't ~e' o~. ' '

t, BoNA'(tST•, Yest11rd&y Foreoo~n.

Wi d wt, etrOOIJ. Wentbur clear and fine. H~t}• c ear. 1

: "' CllAY:S~L, Y eaterday Foreoonn. Wib•l :S. ~ .. . !Jiron!t. No ice. No boata.oqt to-

day. !Diu well yesterdny. · . ·

u 11 "' I • H t.' 1111

uf1A,a',n ·~t Astley Otlope~ K~J ie all!! 1 h ~ • f • ! JtH "' t t.t; it , .I •tJ.t'-

~bitYelelbprlflli aJPraif!· 111

anti l)en'luark. l •· ' ' ·" • • P • ' '

' Ius declin,.c! Uie Deputy p nn ~roand Of b'~h '!.! neftt~iichted 1 '

'e. 'ud et'o~(., haa been rAI,otoJ( u· Emt ror'tho t t~o day a, 'llttip,I~R traffic 'ori (bo ~ne¥ e•oal.· .. ,

·n,e' L>ul'ce or.Ptfrtl~'ld is deart. 1' "

1 I

Tb~ Upli~d·St'a\ee~ellftlb hu ~m~.ed 1be iu t\oo or .ec'r.)cfrtom all tbe' treaty 'pr'otocole.

i1timated In . tho llilbte1 of Cdrrlmoaie ·· r 'tbe · protocot •onfrl 1Ue pl~ed in t ,.

bt the fllidert of lhe' Oppoaldoo', l. II '

ll Prinbe're£urull tO BOTliu at the' end ! 'Etp~Jror )Yilli•ui ' del irea1 hie nsto~o.'

William ti:U b\len autl•om"d to kiak era.• ·•: · tieot.U.ty: · t ' ' • •• •

M.AttCR '7. :..:.t;anadtan baoh ~~~pori. b\ah;elll r

Ud 'at;d fiOUriahinj(. 1 '

1 ' " •I I

o en1e11\~ ''as ocou"rrcd in Eastern R~uroelia. '

1offieen. ba.fe beeo ant!ated for 'bil(b 'trt!Aiou.

re' To'a&ok 1b 'Catlada 11nd tbe 'United ~tatee'for ry amo'unf 0 ot'cr· elnen1 million 'ddt)ar~

th11o laeL yenr. · - ·• ' 1 • h.u oobu iotroduced ib Cou~reas ~'pro·

Con~tneroml 'Unfon •ith Clltiid&.· · s:..; Si~ Job~ Rou hu b't!e'o 1aP.poiuted

ioli"'"'''"der 'of t'h'e Rriliab troops 16. Caoa'da, eoc-' 1..o ... ~ .... ,. Lord Ruisell'. : · '· ' · •

mper'or WilliJil'O'B d~llth fs ·expected ·~ 'a by irieilt: He h'ad a 'rel"pJe yesterday. · · 1

TM Crown Prince 'bu· l01proved eloee· hie "r­val 'fro~ Sao Remo. I 'Y u terda1 hie eoodilibo

ihooh better. ' 1 ' · • I • • • ' •• •

M~ncit 9~_: the' Emperor William ie ""IY lo• ; 1

ie detitb'ia'expee~ed aHu! io'omllut. Y esterday ie death 'wu'aonoiioced, bnt · \~ proved to be a 1

awooo.' Quetn :Victoria pottpooed a Cfrc• · ' y~ati!rday on account of t.be Emperor's

cal conditio!\.' 'Ao imperial decree pro'Yldet Prince Wittlatb will diachngo Lha •curreot

ot unth tbe Cro•n Prince ia better. lO'.!..'fbe ~mperor William died yea­

ng' tt ' bait-put eight o'clock. ll'be ~ouvictioo te that t.bere'w,ll· be odcben~re

lrrhiJe Btaml(rok iivea · ~he new l!.'m­Uiume8' \ile title 'FredericiC U I. Empe1'or

et.elt le11vea for San R~m'o' ~o-dey. 1'he has beeu· t~djourned iodefioite\y. 'l'be

net the Jato ' l!:mperor waa' to ti'ln a decree oai11~ tbo aeeaiou. 'l'b& Emperor died bokliog

he ~mproea by tho hand. Hls last •or<ii •are . • 1 a'm" m11n of' peace but ,r Ruellia rorccune to ar. l sht\11 raithrully side witb auy 111Jy, Anatri•; lexaoder ~romiseiJ me' nol to make •aragatnet

I am convioced b& ought oot to war ·ajl'llin&L' ruS&;n toward1' wliom & moat fTieodly · a:~iitodo u,:rh t to be mamtained." Queen V1ctoria aod the Pnnoe of Wale• ar&

o dtep. :mouroioK. Court roourninj( for' OlODtb OC'll.,red. Prince or Walea llJd. P.rinee (;briatian. llenry of Batten burg •ill repreaeot the .Qaeen at lbe funeral. ' ·

Ntwjov.rrillnnd 11rriyeil ye11ter~ay. I WII. I.INOATR, Fr iday- Wind 1-~ ligbt. F~ft ty Fonr o ld hoods kill ed to·dtLy, no si:-'1l' Of youog dcnls. 8"fl(lOecd to bu North side &y. ; -A N~:w PnOJ£CT.-l'.be 7tltgram states that.

Fooo.-.\V iod E All day very moJer11tc . al. proj~ct i.a ~flon~ io Tw.illlngalo '• (or · tiooiog 111 ''1~ ql\lm. Crowe of meu reached the h~nncle \_ 1 d f

I I d bort!ebcrrius oy t 10 o r tOilfJ !>roeeaa o pre-

wu b • i t~CI\ ly . repnrte opeu Wt\ter t!I\U or :nst- iou fru~t. ancl tb'at, Mr. MO: T . KoiJZht bu,re• o."rn I ~tnnda ouo Wadbsma. Xo seals. ! Yerl 11 r.equil'lition rroru thoao. interested in tbe

Bw."'I\-YISTA.--W ind K ~- E., very tnodqrnttl terpriee ur~iu2 him to ndyocate in the ANeDI· ;-.; ,, w.1tcr 10 be seeu fro01 Light.bonse. ·~ar~te a cooceiaion of a drawback from lhe r enone body icc ~ 1-: Cllpe ne~.vy let\ 1\IIIOUjl tbA ice. ll ~he mlue o r tbc augilr ll~d ,in OJIIDiU(t the

(ilt ..:t.s, roso. - Wind N . ~ .• modcrale. W ea- ThitlidP!\ or ntiliziost wb'nru is one, of tbcr tiue 1\Jld cold. 8 Loamerl clcnr: io uarbor, b(t atllndiiur. nod oerlllioly de~enea a Lrlal in a b~uuned -i~b ice. ' ... J atry ~haRe facilitiee of.al!drding omploymeo'

.. QllZ.Disl'Oll.D,.,'J:o-day. a111od 'fk. ' · ' · · · · Wiud N.E . , light. Bay packed wilh ice. ~o • • · · . •

chaoce steamers gettiog ou t yot. Hu: lilt~d. :. · r- -.B.-If ol Be' 1 • ·r '!' d .Mr. W. R. .....zier, · ail~ , 010., llni t~.: IVII.LINOAT£, 0 " ay. writea: •I• find · Dr; Tbor:nU' Eolectrlo Oil tb•

r W aod E.N .E., very Hah~ ; frosty· N o seals. o1ed.ieine I hn& ~'ru a ted· in "'1 etable • . •l BONAYIST.\. l'o· clt'1· . uied ,ir !~r brnie~s. ~oratcbea; wt.'!d ~of&

.~·. a~t:,~n~ ~ mtlcl, dull,l ~ /•~1{. opeS In OY!lrypue tt JraV& the bee~ e•tk-1.. ·'- .. ~. l.n.&,w..t:~.l. we. nea· it. u a ,honteho!~ re•&Jedy for'

m, litre ; oo change. d b & d · · f 1 Sldt'l"u:' CnANNEL, To·d•l'· ~· ~· .u".l''· .!!. , ,on , _IL ~~. ~ ~tr eot P,&n~qe~ , ~.

\~ied N.lO'., bgh~. A- ~boa~ all.oot.! "' "3.. rre~~ve. ~1!-tla flry' \~a.~l~g . ~11m ~?'f'll.~ . ~p~ ·1. +' "41.1 · - I~ OO~IODa ly.

l',ooo, To-day. , "7TT ·•· • , ... . 1 - • '

NJX{re ~(~'e~s.~dera . l:l!!-VY ~tS0A'iylf9f·. . 'Ae A~e· P,T~t.Pr. o_q l,P.!o¢~::-;he' ofll!iq¥• la·o~~~~oi'. o- the body ftrtJ~ ,weaker 1u tbe performpace . .

CAPE RAe&, To-day. ' ileople wl)o eu!~r f{pa, Ui9re.Uing iocfi~re•-• 'E'.N . i<j., smart breeze; fioe weatl1er. ' Sifial tOrP.i~i~y; o/ 't_h~ ,~,i!e~. ·.~nd <!o,o:ati~ti~a:

alri"IC' ·ioe runniog welL. 1

:J 1 1

ld 2tve !'eqewe4 tm~,>etqe' to the acttoo .of the l ,til' DNEY', To-day- Cioudr \ d N .• ligJU.r ... 1 afi\Mll"" b(le-.~e~~t •. ln$r ·'?r~u-.~~ b owel,{, !l~b

· • CAP£ Ht.Y · To-day. & kf.mao e Ve,.l(e~~le Dieconr1 ~nd N.E .ligb~; fioe. ,~rs t~fP!(fl: Poly11fa. · ~m:-Jr.~!u.~l~<"~ ... i~ r,. n~!er acitisc~t

Kite. Nimrod, LeJJpard, ·aud 'Wdtr'w,-aailed tbie worlte •oo,d.ere.· .,u . a. bl,o.od pnrifter _. moruiog. 1 • 4

'·· ---- .

... , ;


Ge11t:J"Cll Agent for Njid. Sun-Ao£t.'T. .

A. T., DltYSHAL~ , ... Harbor (.)rnco


Assil.ranca donlpany Olt' LONDON.

----ESTABLISHED A.D. 1821.

Sunscainto CAI'ITAL ......... . .£2,000,000 et,g. ToTAL I~-vEST£0 FuNDS or-

WARD OF. ... . . .. .. . .. ... .. . .. 2/750,000 11

A:oiNUAL lNCO.UE UPWARDS OF 350,0{\0 "


.. 'I



'' "

I •'

! '

., {

The 'i GUARDiAN" boiug a first class English ,Insuaance Compnny, ofiors nil those nd vn'ntnges most desirable to insurers, ' 'it. undouiJtt!d s~bili~y, fa~.,·orahlo T erms nnd prompt iut~lemont. to•olaitns for losa. .. • • 11

Ths ~ndcrsigned h·\Vi.lg been nppoin~d . ' • Agunta tor ·Nerfoundland ill· pa-opaTed to is~ :' • ~ sne Pol~oiea again.et Jo• by .. Fire;.t • · ·· ' ' ' ' ·

' I JAMES S WINTF.R · 1 ·''. ,, I ' ..

,. • ; P · . ..... • ' · ' St. John' I. ··.··' JOSEPJI' G~'JDDEN, ' · · ·

Sub-A'gent. Br. 'G\lace · 1 ·'

1 •

r • • ; .. \ ., ' ·•• '111"1 .. ... . : •• • I

4 t •. ' t .,, ' ... , h )

'·;. ·PHCE·NI·XI .l' I • : ,,·,~· · .

fire ; ~~~u~nc~ Compa~Y."~ ~~~.~~~ {Jl 1 1

• --b""" ' tt t 1 •' t •J 'J•I) •• '•I~ _) •

1 l()ND .!.'{, . t •. •· .. • ~ ! / ~~ lt l t J • t • 1' . t ' ·

LOM.BAllD. S.lRli:HT. & OH.ARI.NG •OlWSB • I rr.r ·' I ! • .. •' ··1 .. . ESTABLISBED IN I l782. . ~ ---

' • u

. • . . . ) ' (

·.! . , ·~

• r

Page 4: o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban



:EHE MYS~ER¥. -.u- ---oo-

Jh· Mni Ilt(NRT Wooo. 15'li.H0111IB u ftD!I!WJMI· - . (C9U-)"•

..... CFIAPTER J. '

An fiXJlrc.M tmin ,. .... whirling Along" lino w ..... DA1'o Feb. 2t. of ruih in till\ hCJut. ot Rn~huul. On one r Mr.l'AI~NS thehoo. meatbw·for~&..Jobo'e &.&. 1 J.e lil"'lt c11u111 ~tTi:lo"''R tllf'; u h rul h('t>n 11 lJo:ud critictaed "' ~orna' leo.-b tbll •P"Oh froaa the tbrooe,

frl!ely comme~nting on' the pariJrapbe teferriDif to 'll' ftl'lng' RJl intimution .. Fot• l~tli1!8 ouly," hut. tho cod6ehOrJ. the loblter &ahory, a,rridui,Dral 01)-

l h l' guRrcl hn1 l~kf-n it. ofl' when tho Lntin fit'llt erntiona, 111ining Jlf!)epect•, tlae Wuhtoi'Oa million, ~>l.lul('d. IL hl\t! como tt\Rn1 ntilell , s ince. the ~ounty ou ehipbuiloioJC, &br IW' Act. ,.,. t•a.. Sruttcd in!lidt', tho only pll!ISCII{ter i11 tlllt~ com· ceuti" ltnilw"Y· thtlituproYod eewerace-of 6&. Jobo'1, Jllll'tment, \\'liS 11 Jit~ltl :.:irJ iu det!IJ 01011rning. lliC., CIC. • H"ferellCII W .. aJ~o ID&de tO tbe ticket A Lh(\lt~:hLi u l , gl'llllu cl•ihl, with n lunooth, ayat6m lutely 111loptetl"by tTte 6o,.roiDoa' membt:re

1 f 1 1 of tho ASietubly. Tho hon. auember obarect.uriaed • l•n ° ore •cnr • f'~ll'II('~ L ' ~'Y <'fl, nn al lung, chu·k tho speech 1111 tho 11101& bl\rroeo dOOOIDeDt Utat bad

uyeb !llll'!l t it~~ '3Wt•pt lwr cheok. It W:o!l n u•·ur IJccn put iu hi.s bauc.t. 'l'l•ere waa ot> indicatioo g loom.r ~epl1' 111 1,,. ,. day , fo:;"y , nnt! tlt rMLcnin;; of the fu1urc pulioy of thtt Go,•orutaeu,, aarl 80 IoniC 111i11 , II ,~r;c/ / 1 tl)!i i11~ tl.t.\'1 111111 tho ch il1l'11 f.ICH M IVC luloi'IIIU this pnrty in l)()Wer jUIL 10 loug will !let• : u~u tu /u~HJ l,u. wwc11 Lho aspect. 11f the wo hl\vc t hill kind ol epuecla. Jn couoludinac lu• aak­Wf'ntltl'l', fllt' tt ' ''II II Jlt-l' l'ntletl t1y ,1 tin~11 of'"' 1 ('(i th u c,1;1ntry to rnlly rouhd t.ho four v ppoaitioo l lr.l13. 'l'ha l lit! lc l!it l "'"R 1, U lllll' Ht:-t-clott:!. lllctni.Ju t ~ ""'' Clllltthu t raitors from ollico; to cluau

thu pnhlic (ltficC:&' ft OIII th.: C"orrnplioncuul rniU•Itbrtt '(' J,,, l l"lr•l wla it ll'al i"' l " :1 '-"~''• itliJ"" I nuL 1lotilu them, llUl: t c.'llons tu NcwfonnOll\lllltbtt tl11y11

. l:t liu u. / ll'..,••r t lr.\11 1111.)' ," 0 l 11uiJ•IIl'~~~1; f: \'1' 1~' · ul "' pri>~ li lle purity 11 11d prQN>.:ri ty. • I .. ,,J · l'l ''l' lllt·tl I u J,.. ~c: ltn;.: out, n 111! 1 Ito 8'"" ,1 1 hu li• at &~.•ot iun '''"" paawJ. a111l tho Committee C•lllw 11/' lo t hf' Ctt taiu ~:c : •• ~ow, "'1 littlu rosu, rcporll!t1prohrru. audaaktt~Jlt:ttYO toai'a~ain l.uly ." , ., .. 1 t,P, '' dl:lii!.(O J 1 n~ her«, uud ~olnp lO· IIIorrnw. to • tt•ll m inute!!." '1 hi) ll on110 then ntljonrnt~:l tillto. morrow athDII·

T l iko•al tla:H ~ll'll t l. ll o !tnrl >l kinci, hcut·ty p.UII t hrcu o'clock.

facro, a u.llal' J.,,J Ctll'• l' llfl ~<C' \'t' l'a lti llh''IIOt ho TuunSDAT, Feb. 23 1!1 11 111 ~1' olut ill! lhnj.,urllt')', n,.kiug hnw 1 ~nt Tlw llonso met nt S.SO o'clock. Upon motiou lr Oil. li e t .. lol " ' " ' "' lu11 l a littlu ;;n·l ut h ill rl'so~h•cd il8cll l'alo Cuaumlll~e of the Whole 011 the 0\1 n , a irout " " ul• l "" T. aolol• cu of tlu\llk~. .\ t r. <:odll,eu iu the ch11it

•• A I (' \'01, hw u:.:•·,· 1'' Pn icl ,., .. nR ho liftt·cl .\lr. l\l tli!ISt: olCCIIpil!d the cl081) nttonl ton or the r ·I · · ll u n~u lvr 1 he l' traco: of t wo hours 11nd 11 h"Jr. Il l! 111 1' I 1111: l I ('I Cr\1 I l:l!_f'.

•· ;\111 ,.1,1 1.. 1 h il l I'"·''"" tit<' lai!'cnitll. , f l'"' uko:al, 1111ann~: aunry n t11er thin111. tlutt the Go\'· · e1 utn: nt "••re u~Sl•IIVWIC upou Hie 1-:xcellt•IIOY th~

" II " rr. , : ~If' III ! ' c.tl l.·tl 0 11 t It t>, l<tOI'JIIIlo' ' u fl I 1nme dull attcry ns thuy 11ui ~iven hi& !Jrutlt'ceuor. ma ll "I"' Will~ '"' '' .1ing 1' •:-t. " At l' yon go- II •~ prctlct'c&llor tltt•y ltru1 111tlnced to writu" du­in:.: "' it lt t lu• N .. Ldt•hy t n ain I'' I "I'·IICh nn tlo c Uftit Bill, wlttcb cotu1nented so 1111•

,, Yc ·s. \\' hnt I r I .alii r wn~ the nulll'~ ln\'olrnhi.Y II JIOII tilt· resourct'e o r tho country thllt they " '"'·''" ' Ill'""" •· t ~;f a cly llll llll'al , IN II, l oll' hn <~ •~"""''" :11ad ll'l" " ' " 'lcd nil r<:AIIOnllbi l i~y for It h "' .1 sl pr n, •0111 fa ct>. U ur p r··, eut Ut1v1 rno r hns pltc~erl himat:lf 10 nol -

' 1 1. uallr hller Il l'" " " • ll ... lllllliouftl princ•vl~•. llrul lois .. ::'o·l' I "~ ll t fr :!i al ~Il l' 1~ in tl11' ITU fll cl',. 1 ,. " r rcot .. ccs•c·•· 1 nno• • h.! !!.\late, 11 e shonlu luiVe uu IJye-

clo.ll !,;"· Tu 1, •• !•11 l i11 ' :,.. l.aciH•H' Clll' l in;;••, nnd l·l•·t·t ious spru n~: npo u '"" people in wlaich tho CliO· t ul: •·n (Ill In ~. t tll'l •1· •· dJol tt l t'll RlUiu " ""Y M the midnil!ht hour. \\' e

T ill' 11\ .111 ~1\ (' ll ~h('l ll. h t>•l hy \\' 11\1 nf 11 11 · " " r ulol hllve 00 nt u~ lcnmllliOII in de6Ruce or writtt''l R\\ ,. , • :onol '" " ' j,•d :1 wu ,.. :\ 111! t11A c,;,., d Lt>ok (>l(•ol ,.:rR · " I' ~ la .. u ld not loll Til thonsau d& cor ru ptly nil' into.1 1:11~P 100111 ,;h,·r1• r 11,.\'C(., ~' t' "' 1''~'"-" ~I"'"' 111 :.: 1··~~ '" '· r lh~ o ulrlt)(c, nnu we ~thoulti no.t.

II hH• c " " ·" •·.all ,,.,, Inuit 011 Execuuvo ro:el>o•u•tbtlil,v'. Ill~ 10•111<1 n COil ll t l'r " f'l t' , :\Jj ,s \Vii -I' " 1 1 f 1 "' co u• •·•upiii OII ""'' .:llnttl of a Yute of the Hon~W t ' n1'• " ' ' '11' 111 " 1' '' co 1 111 yo u ng \\' llllle ll Of all nu r IHI, . ~ .. llae ~1111\ll, t ho ununporrnot ill · •C•Ir :wl "; " !!i \1• l loh lttt l<· 1mh ~o C'IIIl'~ llll ' !: tu : du• try " ' lnlt• ll·a r·A c cl.nt~ 1• the ouly ti1hery thft t 11 P.tl :· ll ·l • o~ u : l:. n ul !.ala · • ·" ' ' nf lr!ll' ti ll t la r• • Ioii i\' ~urr(',.~lu l T uccod , ll.'\lmooanri hcrr•llll fi~h ~ • II :t:-1, ,· ' "' " ' "' '"' s ~~~~· ·~ 1 o ' " " e w ian l l l!l l<:ll " c• 11 r.ll • liu lnrc:H." 1111d the Urtuk fi11hcry WI\ I COIIII·~ lO :1 •l o 1 ri 111 ~ ' IIOl Pqunl to lh <! Jlrl' \' 10118 year's. 1 ,1e pric,·l or COd·

•· \\'lr:-t t "ill 1011 t 1k•'. 111 ,. ,f,>,11 t" ·•·kr·tl ,.J11, li h were rt~ i~erl ou ly Ill~ htiO dftt.•, when the lj11~ 'J'J.p Co'lun i (' J · " "' .,11 l otll : ,1 " nod rl. in••s t l·n l I wns nil l!olol , nud ~o the morchl\~te notthe li~h .. rm• ll I I k I I • ~ · : " "r<• t he J.!ll lnc rs, :w t.l th na thc rtch were m:tdu 11clwr

' I• lltl '. .. •• , .. \\ I I ', . ' ' "' ' " ' I L , .... .. ,I, ''I' I ' I' I H •. I . · · . · • nuol 1 1c puor pnorer. ho I nnlc auc:ry ueo• s u!.r o u 1 t•!n m 1 " 1 \ J..,q \\ tllt.t iiiQ l oll_!:lat.>tl , ·' '" ' J!u•l cunnon nn•l lte ( \lr. M) did uot th iulc thM 1\,11.; I 1. ~ .1 1. .. . ,,. , <:tl fOlio(• fi.IIHI" ichl' ; t 1"l nuv ul llt'r nc1 .. r tlou ljovernment Cftlla for euch ru­nt•tl lltr :.;• · al • , ""r•i. l";•hn• w u ns th:H •1luch pula two doll ra into the1r

--I.e " '' "' 1 "'11i 11 ..: Ill (' 11111 11 r u p o f l'uff,.,. 0"" l'''l'la·C!III~ the eXpenae ofthoataryin~rftaheruae" \\ J,, n I I·•· ~· · ·" ,: 1••1111 ,. "I' 11., ,. 1, .. \ ".111 r 1, , ,,_ ' ' ' ""' ~ """ ' t lo11. c"l•w y. '11;c increi\IO•I b lltntyl,or

l I I ~ ' ~ •lllt •· hntlolllll:. o a ol,•r,•d 111 NO\'CIIti.J.: r hut t~llc a)~ll in · ;. o.:p ,•<( I •' l:fo•<f Il l ~ l 1•h ," ~ 11 •1 ,.,., " 'io\11 °al

, ' " lla•· 1 u('\; r l• .. r llou ua· r-:h~ u ts. 1111•l ia pnul I.Jy the h t ,J 1' '11' 1 •:.; I 1

·l : ' • ' -' •·ltl•-'· l • l.tl l" " 1 ;,,,,. J ,f, . • , " " ' ~ hoil:erau,• u ol tlou ~horts 1111d l.11br11 •1or liSh· d.l\ • .

' • " ' ~ ' " llac "t•ll.•n .llo> yoollllt men who~() 0111 "I'"" ' c; .) ' . 11 : 1' o• k I '' ,' f 1111" 11•1 • ol , tiJ ,• ll uo l:ll ' J'Ia,•r r li"" nl-0 ltt•I'JI II rlelay iu p11111111(

J,, ·' 1' •·•·· i, • l •. ·), . t l o' '"' ~ 1.1 1o:u1k" "·I nu ~·•·ll• a ... aM Ito l'Uio orr e t ho Jlnat Bill. nud St J'•,. rre l : It ~ . • \ · ... , · , :\11 1 1111 :-; ,. 11 oll l' l I<Ao •• rs ' ' ·' "'' nl ro •.a~1v pu r~h llll'cl "corupl··te f.IIJI(lly

·,,II' " llh ;.:" ... • •. t ,,. 1. 1- 'I'll I · .. 1 l i C~ ....... i r ,, ' ' " ' j " "L: li •ht'I Y Evt'n "f' 10 olrtle the llfl' !CI' I'' ,11 , , 1,, . , h~· '"" ""'" ~o: avuu cu the o wueraof ele"mera. \\'hy

1 d r >. "".n 1 1 t~r \\' laa t• h I d ad l loc 1;11\'£' 11 1111 1'11 ! kc•pt b11ck their ftrlver lltCIIlt' ll l ... I II ~ 111 1 I I I." ' " ,,, I I I ' , , , ,t. ,. Pllt•·r . I I . F ? •>r •la •.I OIII'I ~ n 11 11l I 1e lllttlrllll of ebrn~try J& it ' r .' In. ,, ' Ol I . • . II .j , , , , . .. . ,. Ill \\ llilfoll l II I l1l'l' 111 81' , ........ r I hnrbnru'l atc"more ftf8 ~n loe I'll·

" '"I T " • It b · h 11 •'1'1"'' " ' ' I ,.,,,. I ,,,. ,. 1 ~ •..:· ol '" tl r~· l rafh . nutl tlae GoYeromeut ditl not .I iII ''-J I I. • lilt• I , l 111 1i 11 1 >lil t ,J 11 ~ , ,. ol " ·'" ' Ill I t• lruu lolt• ll \l' llla OUIII<lu COmpetiliOII? t) ,• ol 1 lilt " '" , , .. ,.,, , , , .... •111• 1" ,1 111 , 1 ~ 1

1\ ·• l•nt·" •lou l i •) t'"'" "'.: n~ will t'IJifNill tho re·u ou of j lo·•i•a , 1,,1,,.1 1 1:.: " l~< l a ', j,., \ \'!1 ,1., 111 , ll l•} ll"·l l._l' na.ol t.·l l n•. tqo, whaii!ICPp•lorn th._.y j 11d !.: ' '' ·: 1 , 11: • • 1 1 1 J11.t " " ' ' 11 1111' 10 ,,,,1 ,, I " '' " ' "" .. '"""' enrorceni~ttl of th" hill111 l11vor of I . , ,., r"1111 I'" '" ''~ J',·r hnp- lht'y will infor111 na 111 10

I ,,. • " ' , ,, " •• ~ .:.I lot• • •111111 , and ft lt u~eb. t mo.l " hu l 1 rvllllllt"fl l lt~•y l111 l<l 0111 to t he pt-01110 of t he oC cj,, ... ; ,. . , ., , t ~ 1 1ul lla" t h . \\' 1 · r il l uH• t ll llloa•·,.:nrr IO exeanpiiOIII rroan lhO 0(1 ·

:\ tthc Ill " t station II II Ot l .. •t l.a.:1y " '" p 11 t on , t'IR • ou"~ ur t i• Jil ·' "'· prn uiiii'S I hAt wa·re lai11hty ian• nnd ~~~~ · I l'.;tllt to tulk tn 1110 nL IJ II CC " A 1 a prO,•cr 1v loen 11111d ts w1 thou~ l h~ tlOu•enrrr tlol' Lt•llil· ) 1111 11 , , , ll1ug .oi l nl•mt· I" lo lonu .A II hon::h lhurtl hotd Uet'n 41h per ceut ntl1l ·

\' ,. , , III•I'H ,.l 1

lilt' ,_: l' :'ltc l t.t kPlo C.ll C of '"" o• r d tu l h ~ 1111t' ll . IIi., ro.l YCII I)\1 ~ 1\8 lhurt t iOQ 00') 1\l • 11 , , 1. , 011 c. llll' f

11 1· loc ( .\t r .\l ) hMI preJ tr.terl l1111t ye11r. Tho li111it of


1. , , , , II r l l oX ollt> ll Ita• I beeo f ~:-to•J.ed, nn<l nulriS economy were

l l'lll •olc J••11 L 1 > ·1·nn prnci 'Ct'tl "c would bu tuined . Tlait ye11t'1 roari Rhi • ••- t l•£' ~>~>11 Cotrl'>l l r S•·<·llll'll n long '''"Y u rft llll land t.1·en lv11, "'" ' now cbero remnioa no~ 11 t o lilt'. nne! I ..• tal "'' ' · d ulh• r 111 tloC'I( hll loda. Tho cuullon Clf new atoam.

r .. " dl r on l oll loH' H•ll l 11<1011' I \ l llut C cr& fo r l hc con! l:l l e,•rVICO ""' madu in the Rddrell Saty l l i.i 11. I'' pLt ) o ne ." · ru load Ul'en t>Xpected . I.ar~er bo:lll were aot ~

.• It IS A n uiu IJ , .... fulc.l .. III IICir n ·q •url'll u frl'quen l trips It ja 1\IIO r ro\·j,J . " 0 ,. , 1111- J,irr 1 ~ 1\ \ f' l ) nice pn• t l'f l lrP eal lhl\1 " "''"m llo11t• OAJI .liSe. J uJm'snftor the

11 I'IHCCill ln llll l"ftY 1\1\l baull , nnd 1101, IIIWIII Irt/llt'd in count1y. 111 e .\ ou h1c·~l in i• . .lll 1011 r J, f, . J'

I • f.a vvr or l loc l ' htCL'IIIirt rnilwfty l• lt yeu, th;H Pl•CI'II• ' 'Not qui l t•. 1 '' (IS l,o, 11 in lndtu . )f ,tlll 1i.1, lon•·inu Uc<' ll 1111\tlu tile wtllo:rn t erm111u1. l\ U Y·

m r. ln o u;tlot. me to l!."'~nd when I II' HS cl 11·cA 1111! in 1111ou 111111 woncy wo11JJ h11ve b.t>u rtfecre•l. Y<'ll18 olol,'' \ l i n ll1t·n C)IH Uo\'llll••l UIJOII h"v in~t"eomera in the

II Y o n n: t' lll dee!' II Oll l( in::. 1'1 il (,,. 1\ 1 ... ,., " " 1\ 118 l! hul, 011 uultlllf o f hill Clllll liluenl!l, n cn t· t l'l.1t i'() thttt " e n•c 1o lm•c n ett•lllllt'r•>n Tun11y B~tl', lte a

1 clttluo l '""'" II, I lrll~al , ,, I . " CHI' ·t t lt' llll('t tloelt' " '"" ' Lc or Lite ~ rtft l t'lt 'f:tlne IO the • 1 I ;.,, ,, . II @lol., c•l lim•" '' '"'" Bay, l\11•1. to 101ue l'lll'n t , to

t . l ' \1 11••••1\\ 11.! I IC :1'. 11 11 \\ IC:I J,naJ C •nrt• 111 rio., • orc lo hi·!" ~~~ •rcll ,\ atenu1er lc,.Yin~: UJialo or 10 IIIJ c ~ c ~ ~l tOld•J •o nwuy 11 11 1 cuu lol , :\c .. · lln1Lur, o a llt u~: nt llort a t:o• · •~·•l ,:coiut; to !'.01 \.,(.':11 t lt.l l 1-lt tl ll.0l' IS • .l H:C 1111' \1'1'1'1'•1 J:na .tom. :llltl pn>l l 11n11y tO t: .. taliu'l, Wlltllt l cou(t'r 1 1.c l.u!y ·· · l.cJ ll.,:ntn, nnd t•' CSC:ut iy l lUI nell I .r,.:·· IIUV \111:'1 ;.:£8 npon c:ooae l!.ty Kiuac'a t:uve und 1 ound. " F .11 m.llllllltl." H llltll'id lll. ntad II J•OII :~ II tlac• i111 cr•·ening lettleniCulll

::ihe •·. ns~>i iPn t {01 &ome ~i l oe1 Jooking n l llle '" t '•e ro •t h ·ei.to o r ll'lnft•i• t• Hfty, wlail.: rt fi(H " l d your P·' l' I dend t1lso l ' . o'Cittl•)llt'l' o r 8111:-tlllonnnce rnnuinl( frou:. Kiujl'l Cove

H r d lo :-; t! l'.l!-e null tho:I.CC: niOII)( tlatt north ah.l rt~ of " 6 < H! l\ long IV IqJe Lcfm·e mnmrn ll li t;· Jl nun•·u •n l.i:IJ won ld cnnf11r coneid~:rable .:: l!.:d~d uc -11 Yc.n lillY you W<!re 1Jo1n lo In tlill · J•t:r commoalat ir.u UI•CJn L'.e UIRIIY itnpo~nt u11lemen11

hnps he W t\8 nn offiCPI' r· , bciWl'en tiilh·lls;" " '" ' u .. pe Fr .. ela. JJe (.\Ir. At . ) ' ' H e W l'lll Colouel H et efo tai. " uc.x t cumcrent c1l uu !:~vorniJfy upol\ th" A llla11 cu11 . "How rr.any ••• 01 hen. am! ie~el11 t.o l'e y ou r · I lnCl In hia orln;nn there • • • 110 ntceuity for re-11 .Not nny." nt'wi n~ I he coulrl\c t The bn1\11 of t l•e Compnny "where nre yo n goin~ to li 9 a 1'' hn• e •l iach .. r~.: c• l IIH· ir dtll i\'1 n:o1t .. rnoiently, 1111d 1, ..

I d , u l•l 110t thiuk l\ I.Je u u cl11u of 11umere couiJ he aoc .. on t k now. I O!ll g :::iug n o w t 'l IllY ror I he • ub·irl)' nnid l'u~ tiJe-DftiL uf llr• l.:r•ico Ia

A nn t. Sel i~lrt',,'• l 'l {: • en~ t luH the Clnvorumeut -·ill not te wnrr11111ct1 'fhC\ h 'lll ll npproncl•cd n a lation ,. n<.] t!te lrt•ly j in n· • •e,dn~ t hl' conrrnot Ir ;, coo ' ' ' fl"llt ifll to p11y

got out, 6r s he trJ:Oi o~tlrly wonlo hti\ O 011 ~;:,.1] S40 nvo or s:w fl\'o fl r t ho ltccommoclouion of n fe"· men gr<'Rt. de,• I more . AL lhe~t.ation follow, l ' '"'''·~lius: .":.:\ nht uf the mere •n_lilo houaca i11 ~t ing t.hftt the t"o ~t ill."nt ltJJiu so~ ·on ~ d I J ol• ll II. J lou '!" ' rrlll\1111 ltt ei rrdt mnch lleut'tite•l wu Blo~e·o"'ain . The 6··~ tltillg I u'd \:I ll uy lla<! (11 1\' tl t•;:c of """'"If tlo cir frehth l carriell ill

. o 1 "" Lo 1ho .\ II"" hoa1 .11, ~~a thc:ru "'e o'her llellttlllrt ti1M eat my tarUt, nnd throw nn•Ay Lhe JIII J•t' t' ''"S; wn ul•l briu" i t •uore ch~,,pJy if it' were uol fo r th.: .anti the next wos, to-dro r neleep. en iJaialis.:•l co'" l•ttth iun uf th~ 1\llrttll If nnr IIJ>~ile

'IhtgoAtd'a,anrly voice orontB«1 me. " Thj11 were 1c111 rin P lnc\!nLi" to ~ydntJ, 11nc1 ttln fJn, ifa& Nettleby, if y ou oro going t.o get. uut. H e to 1-:nul""d uy tlte rut buat .. bgut ~nt C'outrnotell

.Mirl eomething nlJon t aomo Ju~aAge : " H ow fo r ~!l~ao Cnmulinn <JoYPrnmelll, they woulllllrdYe fdlleb Ia it.l ' iu l··•uc lnorl 111 l pl'erllly "' nnd~r pre•tuat uaan.tlo

•• A larntt 0 d II 1 tnoula~hilo m• •l,. curui"ll fruta the United ~flltd D ox ~n " lima (JOI', 11Rf L~o ond t;11u!'•lrt, cou .1 IJe hron~rl•t 1'111 ::Jyrlntt ""'' P l11 ·

CArpet oftgll. 'l11M H erf'ford, puaengf'l' to Ol! ntla , mnch run. ' qnlckiJ tl ... n lllltler lht Jll'l'lt'rtl Ne~~leby,' i• wrilten on thl'm,'! wne my llll· •YIIf'nt Snell b~iu~e alt, ~•e .-1t7 at,oqJd al,., t; uY· •wer, "Can yon pltAie to tell me wbc tl1cr rrumeut Incur llocl'lpea ... of refleWftht the enucreo•9 M r. Edwi4 B .. rll'Y li\'H Mt\r or fr1r oiTT' Tho l'laowutla rallw•y ••• p rl'tolktl fn r t hie yt'1lr,

'' I dov'to Jcno., ony ~r EU ~· in Durley bot will uo• bo ~nmpl111t ed tilt "••• ••'""'""· Uu J tm, lee after her. I'm a~inl to "•'''' 01 ~ lira u:._nuiclp"l llil . ar~ elf ~t' Juh~·· tin•• ltille ..... ,

• , 1 been uotrodnccd .. 11 of wluoh f'ltlw«l lie hflfl"rl rn Jwr I lllnltJ.' (To ~ ctArtinwd. ) , ' ' ' 11 IJIIII!IIfr!l I'~' tllrullfb tlale . f!rMIO., tlaat wouhl

.... '"na..pa,erJ..p~.Jk:l-oh!''' J~·~-~trpl of Woneer or eome ti~-"D lb~·~h~(ro~ , .. ; ,b-rooe. r I ~~ tWr o•D alalft, r~~ fltWIJil :~h7 lle paid ftnt a hl~ca~ipp~ ~a ltlt Jtaoll~oc1 , were~· HI~ ~llld' ar" U1t • Wutdn~:lon' &be $OYemor. lt li; le •lfl, fe.r:J.Qratlfr{u,r lO nl to COCDIIl a? Aacf iiaFlalooen !oeuaed kDo+ .W,' tbje ~,~._.Of Jo~~J ·~ •-lch IIL~·f the Goweraa · ciW~ Yera· Hi• ~oelll'AoJ ·~~lna''$• ~~~ w~l1a to .tb• ~., ..._ fll ,._ aae ~au.. a&iil dpll4l tqtlal I7JPr ••tt.lec6eutao! tile J'euiupla ~·o~t ~ldt bf,, ad Llalp. &enoaJ u.,...,~~·tlt4W~Jpj"'u~~~· &h• ru,uniiJr·a a.•~t~~.Hpr~c;hait~ •· · ·u .• Mr.lt.) 'u••T __., ...-P," ~ eald KY._ 11fqjtf 16,.,.~~~~~' -"ujl l}Jil. ·~!t .._. lha&.' 80 luntc .. he oo••LIIl!lr8 ~ alf"AJ. tl111 •-•~ ~ bDU' ,orch U.tr._1tbp o1HJIItl twl-f~ ct~ ow~ - iottrMt in ou~ luadtutiro• aad lp tl1e welfare JDa1 alwa71 be nlled ~ aG\tri~ ~i~k ~~ ~"''~M£fi ~ll1~ie 'tp~~' ~u~t""; of olir countrJ, eo 19fW ~ill lie E~~ll~c:7'• d raft•. care ota CoJ4 or eaap. deoa atloo • . f.-~1.!."P.~e~'tB••d~SOP .upoauur~nuitude~_l'!lbonoured. fbebon. mem·, Laat .JanurY lWII,........W. • tMrW,illa18 , •• ~!,f"-q~~~to,.J llae.f9•l.,roa\llea ber· then anc:rely onucau•l MV.eral paragrepbe of the '" .. Cold, wbldl, by~ ...S 1reo aad e ~ e ¥li ,,_qe b'aCI 'I\'flc:.t~ t~al lu Hie apeeoh Tllo Jlab11rie1 '"'"" falleo oft, our mluea11re q~L u~ became worae, ~~ l!.:JtoelJtlncJ'UplleClll e~1wAA 'no r~f'~/e'iui~' l'rilido tot uoworkecl, 1\nd ourtlahinJC and l111furinl( elden 11ro =~?ot~!S~ =~j:"EC &he mo\Jifi!IIO:III ftali'Qiaoifeeto ~d'carried •dietD17 lltarflllg. 'fh~t herr) all Rud atft) fiahrriel. 1\0tl IJolb f.be oha&, fi"'OIl wbleh 1111 • Into tbe hearUI of't~e .ieak·kneed Rl\tt •r•llo top· tile U\brador 1\ud altore cotl flahoriea hll\'u b"eo fRII· Aller t.rflol nriou• remedlel, "WJ!tr'' portore of the GoY~p1meot. h( .,. tbe) bl d he~~rd urea duriul( the pAotJt:llr. ""d OltiJ \hu Jobetl!r fteh - obtalnl~ avllef, I eoOUJ!eDCed D& 'be ftrat note QL&Ii~ toC.ln wt.l~b aQundod~e.ir 'po,liti· ery ~1\8 ala own " '~ i!"creMed ~nd more profitl\ul~: pr~· A.Ju'• erry PootQraJ, aod waa calrlllllth-kuell. ~:n"'truaailflltOIIItAI\)to-p.tedbJJ.he II IIC\1\'eiiCIIS. \\ e rtlreellllflu~l to ~xpect lhl\ltlll$ SpeedUy Cured. purut patriotiem aud wonld huo the elfect or dri\W• Addrcl!ll woul1l indt::ato eome 111teuuou on the pnrt lam aotlded Lbat tbll rcmedyuYed m1 inl( uoullll Sir Willifttn tl1e atr"ugeet pArty thl\t ever of thu r. o,·urument to 1\rrhle At a Bohtllou of t lae llfu.-Juo. Wcbsl01',l'owt.ueket,~ L a political lun!l.!!r In &Ilia country . ltlltl h11d to IUIIaiu queetion of th;, enforced idluocPa oft he vrople wbtch 1 cont..rtiCterl o serorc eotd, which IOd-hiiJI. h wu the' u\~·~qe of tho ouly etakllllllll de· lan11 t•rct-S~rt i teclf 110 promiu~utly into view lftll'ly. denly lloveloped Into l,neuwonla, prueur.-• ~r'filll( thnt n ruu" that thiaco•1 ntry h~ l yet !"o•lnc.:al. ll u l111d c~IJcclel' 111"1 "" nlle•ut>t wo ul1l he 11mrlo t.\) lng daugerou• nnd obstlh~tto 1Jrmpto0114t

000 lly l>hyi lcllm nt once onlered tue UIIO of 'JlJe pnrty or prOI(fl'U . wc:re tlcl i!lht.:d IIIIth it . h JeclclleU lhO t:ll0 111l to118 uxptndi tu rc ur $t0l\ Ill A yer'll Cherry I•ectoral. Hb lnatruWOIII' Crlr riecl jny iutu tbeit'i hearta wh• u it auured thcom pllUJrcr relief , Jr hull tloi11 tatuouut Wl'll' nuly apc·n~ wore toUowetl, aud U•e re~~ult was a rapid 1 hftt tlttl ouly ' tttall wllo luu1 tli.aot.t'ntted tyl4!no•d bi• i11 j .. Jiciona rOJI•l m11k111;: tlu Ull)..lro:ll t lae colouy. the aod pei'UWleuL cure. -H. E. Slmpeou, cuuutry, hrttl ' mit de..Crtf'd h . hu,l w'" ' ' ~ely. •hll•! otlot'r hnlf wunltl llu'll\\'ual to t hu J•Uul!c uclu·qncr. Rogere P ralrfo, Tex.u. ' tlu~ timu ""i~tl , to unfu tl tht.OI\~t of pnlgr.:u a nd Tlit!fO ill t ut nulc 1lut11(1'r 11h1:nd of t lte colo~oy r hicl1 Two~~ aotrertd f rom a aeTere -.. M\'1! hb! cuuutry from th• m in \tito whiob 111\11\PftCity thtt Bovt>mm~l,t i$ takiu~t nn att'ps to avoi•l. Au- ~~'!.t"' v~o':. pby~rc~':~1~~rioo~ C::.: 1111d ii(OOOtiiCII '{,ere 80 rapidijo -plntigiul( h . Uoull· uther bK\1 liPhery wc1111~ ••w fi"""'1i'll ruin. liM modk:loes tboy pre.erlooa, but rocelnd ~ Yillft alrel\tly b~il• him .. her revrullllnl.l\tlvo · He therl! ~nil )· ho:llll "" h 'l • ' • ntt-ut in n~:ricnltu ral oo\1 to111porary relict. A friend Uadu<*l hM pleall(lld bimsdr to that dieuiot. fro m ~hich hi! ludu11try dnriu" the t• - 1 ~ t·•u? The ""Y crop me to try A yer'll CbllnJ· PoctonU • .Atter lan1 teccive•l, •or ~Viii 1000 n:ceiu, r~ni•niuua uf was .1 fniln ru. 111111 u11l~ rcucio..-al onu-hnlf of wh:aL 11'1\1 ~~~f. t\S~n~\1111':11 't~!! ~r::;'~!P'e:! thl! nh•et tlallurrng ohnrnctur, l!llt:\llfttiu~e from eyery l'l ltccl etl. J'hu Jot•I I J'llll\)(fiiJih Sftya tlalll t he rt>cent tornl toruychl!llrco,audcoiil!derU. ci"'ICYIIIIIII, piKntar, anll fithelln" " in i ~. Mr. \\'bite's •dv11uce in thu pnc~• or cuppt!r o ru opcua 11 hopef11l reatgul\tioh Will IIIIQ COIIllllenleal 011 , null the c:o vern · ~1 >: \Y ur t he JJI OIJII:Cl .. r tlau t:XIeuaiou uf t he fi d d of ' The Best Remedy meut cuudemucd tor uot iuuit1Jl 11 writ . Ut r hol'ee, ltt bor i11 ~!a nt in•pw trtul inaluatry. Uut Lla11t oc!vnucc for Cold~, CouJl:h~, ftn•\ all Tbt'Oftt aDCI 1aio thu loon. welllb t r, 1l11all ll" fultllled: thu till)' o l i11 the I" ico: ia nol suffic•cut co J-:11'0 ne n rcnHounblc Lung df~c:ll!CIC, e'·l'r m~lln my tomlly.-

Robert Vuoue:rpool, McuuvJUc, PL pros;>erity i1 clawuiull-lhe dny the lAnd eo moch hoJiu iu t llb lu tnre ul. l hnt intl n1try. ' J'hu iucrenBt:cl

d · ·• '1 '1 1 · 1J 'II' b ~ 1 :\1 · f:omo tlmo n;o I took a 11l~bt C4?ld1 n.:cJe •~ nt houu; o r, aa " r. h nroh IYOuld say : bounty o r alu p 111 1 1111: \H18 eho wu y •• r. • or111e lo which, being llt.1:ltt·lctl, j;roW worae, llDG 'l'horo'11 a ml•l11lght bl,.cknt~u oh•n(liug luto grn) · huvc I.Jo•;u e8l•tblillh.:J iu the interests c•f lllllrcanl ilc eettleu on Dl)' hm~,;s. I had n bacldDK M.·u uf lhuulfl•t, n1eo of activo, oh•nr '"" w.y. ' suppnr lc:r& of tlce (;OYt'runocl,t ouceidt1 tl1o &lou~e ; cou,h, ilotl WI\S \'l!rY wcnk. ThON who

The C om...., tee roeo, reported pro ... reaa, aJ d 11ak- ro r 1 h:tt i .. creRsctl bon ~~ ~.Y 1!0 (111, uo t _iu tu thu _pock o:te knew mo bf>st cousluorcd my U!o to be . .._ .. r I I I II I. I I I I IJ h 1o ~relit dun~or. I continued to aulfer

ec1 luftve lu ' '' lll(niK. o t oe a •u rcl" " o uUt ' I wsu llt1 Jl8. ut llltu '. t' u ntll I commenced ualng A}·er'a Cbcny Upun mouou, tlae report wna adop tetl. ,_.~ckct o r ll•u mtrclc, .. t fo •· whom they RrC built. P cetornl. J.otll t bao one bot.tloot Uw ' 'al-c ., 1·r. D.\ •• K, iu riaiul( to 111ove the 1~0,,t re~diiiJ: I he hnn. mer ul.lt' r n)do tuntlf refcr~• c~ In nut! com· unulo medicine cure.\ we,ud l feel tbllt

of the s~ll l Fllhllry Uill, brle ft .. e:xp iailll'c1 1he rt-.110 111 lllt:n letl llt,I OIII \l lcll c t l.• npou the ."'".111•1 .. r '.he t.S HI L I OWO tho preserl'fttlon ot my lifo to lu ' 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 enr:tth·o powcn~.-.Mre. Ann Lockwood. ~hilt wd ••co.t him to bliug euch II IIICA81111l bcforo Act lire "~cnlm ( lu " "Y· lie "·' ".m~t.ce , lllu ~~~ ,. Akron, New York.

the Lc~tf!llltUrll . The Act or '"" aeaaiou ~ill ut:nr l' fl\:4 Cl. lll ll ll '~ .. '" · "e .u.Jtrcelonn uh~Litto n . ~hi! flllh · .Aycr'l Cherry reetornl II COMiderod, wu h 11re1H hanhlhip upou the crows of nucla eu- o:ry bm~nu, l loc 111 tlhCtlll prtl1.'·1 .: 8~ 10 11 or hah, tl~u hero tbeooo groot ren1edy for all~ !(lll(ed '" thu ''-'Ill Hshery; aud hie ohject 1:1 iut ro· lvlr&l t' r h~hrry, t_hc p• op~s.:rl lugt~ IIIIIO II fo~ tlt c 111 11111· ot the throat aml lun1."8, and ls woro Ollcilllt thu Uill uow u~:fore thu clt11 ir 11 to clo 11 wny .:ap:.l nllo• ra or ::It .I ohu il, t-Ic. l u COIIcl.ullon tl e ho n In dcmartd than wy oUter medlclno ot tu wtth the iuoru~I!O haridhip Ill hi nelc whi.:h 1 hu Acl n~t·m~o:r Sl\lfl tlmt he AI\\Y uo ..tTu rt llcll•t: mn,lu by ela».-J. F. Robe lUI )laguoUIL, Ark. f or '"Ill u aaiou impusea. ll i:s Jl rOpollll ia thnt tlte lite ( , II Y Jruur~· nt to ~heck _tho t' llOtlua or t ho: fl o wer Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tint ICCtloa of that Act bo atricken o••t u:ttwcll•er ; uf o ur r • ~o;, lu ~r ho . '' r" dully lcnv tnlt onr shous to

,. 11 1 1 .a 1 J f 1 S 1 Prepe.redbyDr.J.O.Ayu&Co., J.oweii,Jal-. that aecuon mai:le it compulsory fl11tt the cruwe vi ": ' Jn 1 '" 1'0 1'" '""'" 1111~ wen I 1 ~ 1 ·~ '"" '" " 111 lot.d by DnltrP..· l'.d.oe tl; ala boUJM, ~ ltfthll!( Yca,sele should rematu 111111 WAIOh the &t·nla Cftu lttl .1, nud IU " "'" An•c riCI\11 111111 C11notlt:tn IJankera uolll t hey hftd been lftkeu on 1Jo11nl tltc vel81!1 :)o At th Ht Jllllc lllre lh~ •u Ill ~ICftt CoiiUt fur nl~trcu-our much, llllleed , does thts Aet or IIIII 10:811011 increase (JcOpltl llfl! l t.l\' ltll( , ~ llr • hu• \ld -t>llr rCV(IIIIIl 18 cle w h p H. h 1'\ t ho r i1k1 and datJgllrt iuoidt:nt to th~ prOIICCIIIIOU of Cfci\SIII~ :tlld uur ~1pc111J itnrc for poor relief i1 ill• • y ay ag er r tlie Hill fishery, tha~ lle very much fc 11 red, If put 111 crcuiu~o: yo:nr l•y yel\r. \\' uet• Str Willhuu W lt itc - --\\ lll:;N __ OperatiOn, lhllt law WOUJti bl! lh" 1111!1108, b.:fUrl' ~ e1y l>t\)' Will lit tho Jll'l\l) .nr pu blic nt'f~tlt\1 , !to w diiJerCnt lo ng , of aome of ~be eloipe e"ll"~ ~rl iu litis hMh~·ry ·.w•ll lhu on! look ! I h•·u nil w~8 1 •ro~: n·a11 Ami pros . COIUIIIJt i1110 !fort willa o lu'lC" "'""""r of lht•lr err " pcnty . lint t ho: re i,c hop~ ) ~t lo r lhia count ry . remailling bc:hind. l:;vi!U if auch 1\ onllllllllY '" ' ' 1101 Thn t hO(Jil oVRH l'•lllloiiiiCol in !lou ,\I J111if.11l l1 o r S •r bappc11, tho Aot would moat co:rlnt uly lutve clot:.:( . \\'•oliftul. li t \\ Il l t'rc '""!: be u lo i~ puat. tho lentic r foct or, ton lftr,;e elltllt. deltruyiu.: t hc ltenhh nllal Ill " pro~n-811\'\l t :o l t•rtmcul . t lae len\lcr iu wholrt C<1Dill!ntiou of th"lk: lll\'11, II "' 11 118 qnilu ~nr~: 11 tho: l•eupl_c " Ill lan\'c cuulidc-Jorr to r t'storc co t lt i!f woulal IJt' rniuous 10 the •~nl listu•ry , n11ol lo u h•lt Clll•ony rh,• p ro• p•·lll)' l\ htt•lt h"s ah•pnrt cal rrom it cerl11in tlutt 11 th ts hOto OIIIblc j.:elll l,• lltt' ll \\hO ('n68cal ~l r . Uu:-.11 l' ' upu~ .. ol lhc lviiOIIi ll l!<!Ciiou in .•ht: Act land nuy pt nclieul kuu~·l,·tl~u or 1'1pcn .:11ce 1\III I! U•Iaueut to t he jl!ll ni::' " J'la rd t:rri 11g to l hll Bni t Will• ro•J;I\rtl I U lhia laulnllry 1!11•y l\ 1..111ltl llt' Yt' r hrt\'C Act :-put llllcl: a lnw uu rtcunl. 'J'Ioll "'"oliee 1\l thr i'~a l .. w,, nntlco• " '"" Et•···ll o·nc l ·~ I · l uu~tn•n t lo> t tlao Gov. f• I I l . r-r nmuu t l•r.-., ••• : ... ftdtliiiiU,.! ..... ,· ... u,.,.~ r •• r , ... f .. rdul_ .. the vru .. I• 1r ry 11 ur "''"" 111 t:IIYe the. ''''I' t•nr l)' 111 lh•· ~ \ i ... l•ttl~ t~f I frtt i\ c l , l,, ,.,.d t l t"'l .. o•:o.~t i••" r.·~f 't"l'f iu~ INtit fi"h'"" ·

tn o rnltaJl. IO s:n on thu iCl•, • ith Vt•r\' htcle r .• o t1 llh d \ \-lull'l t " " · ·nfe r t n•u tiCCi ol, .) •• , . ... . . . ,11, " ti '" t lftiiii<'Cit"' lh of ge l\~r.tfl! thiuly Chil l, l!lltl it WCIUI.J jiC 111' 111"1 rOll·~ ( or f rui~~·Ji lll[ nuol t •n'~\'1 \I h.: l1 oil li•hv<, \V<t lo•cl lh ot I lou COI.Ir8"

lhrOI ltl he Uump"llt•t l 10 rontniu OUI nllnh:lo t In \\' t' l \\ lalclo Ito-''""" Inkom ' " 1hl3 llroo•.ro·• u ,.( 811.-la A ~V''i'lllo · lind colt! '"' ' ' llllrlll , ,,., ,.roltCI the It'"'' 011 thf\ ICC· live clo ot•c•~r no IV C.\U•u ~=· " , . ........... ... lo 118 ~kill I( Ia. p11n1 H 11 •tnrn• wer~ t o eon•e "I' IH ui.-lat wlt11e • 11 >" " "Y 'a,.,., .. , 1" "' " '" no··· .. , .. ,,tl . ltiu~,t thu rot.;.,ct • PI'"'·

.. '"'' " Ill \ ..... Tlrl' .\ t•l "ill c-·rlnl•ol\· nrwrnll' Ill I lou ~ ... •· t lll'le Well were on l hu ICC i¥1\ICiainc ll<:llll, tht' ro:•u lt ...... ......... .... i or•· l .. ~· of . I rj:u ....... lr·· r .. 1 our tJ. It .. riiiCU ltrre· would inevttnb•y Ill' IIOIII!llhlug 1\Whtl to con•t:m• lu!orc ''">'"lo:" I lu tl ... l.r ait l rro ffi~. w •l "'•"•I! '" •'Ou•llleral.le fll"l~. U o:onpyilll( A lrll' l,t',..., 1\ll•l 11111l~r11111111 iu t: 1'"'1"'' IJ " lot,· h. l•y lh·· pru\•l• •nn~ ,,f I he llnh Ace I• rr•11 • t hii I.Jusilll'U 111lt1t clicl . ho wuul•l ocrtltiuly fo•d hllla· tJ. ro··l ''"'" l''·"' "··ly nol~t,·le• ... We l la t rtforo rc,;r•t '""' aclf r~apnu•ii.Jie for '"'Y r~nt t4 c J 1n ~ lltl.:ltt pou •hl.r nu pr .. , '''" " '"" I·~···• ""' '" t .. r olf·w•L·"ft rt•mr;oul nlinot 10 I ( I I •l••..,..tt " II f 1 ... , ....... t'll n ll•l "' t ll lJu auacr lf' nc,..to n br~u II IUIIII IIl lRilJlr O I Ito • I• uot ltrlllll thld uanlll·r pn1clic. t1 1y "' 1ta,. ••.: i 1 .,, 1 ,, , . .,.,1,u11r ••I thu Aol w., ll fOn loo em r lrn111• b11for~ the ll u1110, 1111<1 e~t~le11vnur 10 h11vts I hill I' or. ,.jJ ' " ('ullclu•u•u lrum iu111 1 III'IIOnoll' rl' to iJ i&~niiCI by Gn•·cru · t icul.tr ll'Ction removetl. Jl 't' rro1r01"rl .0 :l luer tl 111.,111 o\lul "I"'" lh11 :\ol .. .,.If tl.ol 'rla i!~ : OilY 110<lpld will !J.,

~ ,. ltETAl'., '>1' I h.: at'r.OIIII I !!CtiOII of tire ftbO•t• t\ 1:1 hy not ftJIOWIIII: tlniM rrt-.1 fr.,nt rn~:t,.: t nj( \II tin• lroolo•, llm•y bo c.orri,..J 011 ~

any 1\e,ls IO ho: pnnlle•llrt"fOIO the ~Oih of ~ln rch. Ill •• ill• llll llllltil) hy I he ll• h• " """ .. r rho llonoltllttll of C•n~''" 32 cts. Per Po u 11 d. ll••l a b " lot•eu enorlo•tl loo· " loh lo tho \Yholc~~>lo a11d tVIIU· 11\'011 o r lhe lith CJf t lonl lnOn!h which lll liCr ia II<IW J,.n 1I,••IIIIC11Uto u/ l<tll lisll'·~ '" •nltl W fti UVuutNi d lhoollu thu d nht l•fUCriht!d t y lniY, \Yh'l t he inre nalc tl I() tl.-.1 •••• ul tho ~ eou •• l.r.lo lhu ' '" '""'' hAI•ill ol these B.alte¥ ..,. 2 Oenu per Ouoca . ..o propoao 111h11t while c• erJ I0111 whu j:toee to the ~~·al '~"ulol "''' " ' 1n ... " "'""" ""' "· nn•l u ntlt~r whlcb cho l' rl viJ. tiahl!rV • '•"II Ull llllllwcd to kill 1\11 I he III'IIIS ,,.. U)<U .,f pro..-11 1111~ lo.t il ll~lu·A, Cl >lt/crrNt nvnn fo rcli{ll ··o••ola, 2i oz., 5 oz. on<l 10 oz. raclce ts , pvuibly "llll hftul on IJollnl between lhu 12llt naul \\ uulol I~· c-""11"" I'" lion..., vnrchulu~t tho ••une In our bftr· ;2!l I r ~· I . I. .... ...... 1\ lnl'r oll\'j! l rnole \fl\111•1 loo prnourtll In . , . ... .,., num-

' t 10 t •llrQh 111 IS OQt 10 ue alfowf'cl toP" " nuy b··• ur 1,.,..,1,1e Olt tho one "-""· and upou lhuuchcr, lloe\' NORTH'?RN a~al11 UtfOrlt thu !10th UIIL l hn~ llft t=r tltr.t unlu ftll \\ un lll ' '" Jn•rauial.,•l h • ''"1-:"1::" '" the J•r•·•~euli• H• or the rnnr'u "I!J 111.,1• 11111111ed by h im ' """ 1Jc:oon11! hie properly 118 import •" ' e ... w. hu•y,moro, .... , ,n .. tl) ' """''•oy ru..-o hllher- Assur~nce . Com-p~ny they cJi,l forcnerly. II ~ (CII(It . 1>) IYIII or OJtiuiun In: ""'''"··ru "'' " " ' hu ltrt t•ltl'l.,l' rur rlar('ftll'll ll<i rulll'lntnry "' "' tlaat It ill muoh better to haY~: rfllplllet aetll~d 111 11 n•u.>•ur~,. l..o)' " f••r"&" ""II lo~rcwfuro fritlodly po••o1·." c.> a art of l11w tban for oar reopl11 to h11~e to ~~elll u Mr. ~t cr. HATII AC<"Onc.leti t he Mlor tion of tile omeod- --FOR--tb.:m O.llllitlej 0!1 t ho ·~ fleltla. Ill! could lu. rd ly !IIeut. nnll Sll tol I hilL the o porniiOII of tho BniL Act P.lre and L1re. cuoecivc: it pou ble thftt l\117 crew hfH·r hnvins: k i ll ~d 111 us l "">tk n c re"t hnnlsl 11p eo fnr 1\1 l ~e pt!ople o f ----• tnJ' of se111111nrl aft"r h!tYIII)! bc"" comr-el! l!ll hy n Fo•rcu uu 1111t1 l ' l"ct' util\ ll11ye ftre concerned. It 0 •tal £8 000 000 11torru ro l'en,·e t t.SIITI fQT" tilllo wuuld caltply IIQ hu11 ~ "'e1111 ~ clalll t la o.l c: ." ·e• ' · '"~"' nrc forcin~; the pcnplu n.p1 ,- , , . Stg • to nu(lth~r o,..-wjoo1nlu-g Hta1 tAklnQ f, o,n cli ent lf,c 'lf tlaf\8~ hnys to ,:•,·c up n fiah ery th,tt ie uow a aourcd • · frtll• ll uf tht"ir ltobor. llu thon)lht t h111 tho e•••le or Jif i"S: to " "'" '· ' I he bRit aol tl to ' he Frrncb re- FIRE P:lE~IIUMS .. .. ........ .... £403,001 wl11ch Jut tetlltitw '>~ fiCt " u 1111re 10 crente ;~r.., 1ufi11· ru r11S $ ·WU ll II :u o nr people. 011 <1 Amt ricftns nud LJFF. do ... ...... ..... .. . 167,0()0 i\1\~lly woree

1thlln t hot1e tt ~urlcftVOt t rt'•l 10 rl'wo dy. oth" r ~rur~' .! " li•hera

1ou:" nlso purcf· h:~1 ~e llt~ il tu the ex- lNTE it 8 " f ...... ... ... .. ..... , . .. ., 110,000

1h rcl!nro ro I I.e J.IOIIItaOIII!IIll'lll "Of the ti me f1ar , ,,,, ,,.,., " :.nu.uuu 1 1s nn act o t •e g rentcfl iujns · J)ftlllli lljl ,,( l~ftltJ from the tw..f ft h to the t wcu lict" tio.:ts t• l>11 r l'l'np:o fn1 the (; overntneutto lnl;c rrom of ~lllrCh ho thought tir:a l llt08e \\ ho lol\'ftl " "Y I ' X. ''"'"' their anctlll8 or li7iii!J 1\' llhoullllft\.iug t hem 1\ny H 8A D O FFI C ES : peri~ 11C11 i u l h11 &el\1 liaht•ry wtll t egn,.l snch "" ~tl t .. r · e " ' J••·u•uti.•u " loniHcr fo r it r,.,,_no~ -1 1\Ioor;::t~ lc Street 1111011 in 111., lnw "" mn'lt t l ~eil'ft lolo. :::,•ftiR tn ke rl l>c · II '"' ~I •· t inotH: IHti t-: "~"t occu pied the 111teotioo AnERDCE:\-3 King Etreet, fo re the IWt:Ot ieth of ~11\rch a rc: of very I i lii~ VIII Utl ; ur l l.u ll olltS~ fua euua~ lillie While IJo dt' fc oded the Alld hu het.nl.i• propoleCI 1\llerl\t:un will Utl Ctlr!J•III . policJ o f the c: c:.v~·rcmrnt Tho hon. " eotleman Rnid, I Oi • DK't rnn.:t'S e cctctl un l,t'C Jll!l ty i n New-ly 111oro lrtlialftctOry ' ''"" t he preae11t lnw 1\lld work runoll).! o ther thu·u ~. t hn t i t \\ 1\8 n rc11l pl t~Aeu ro for 1 dl d , , ...,un :tn nt Clll'r P.n t .HI\tM of l'remitt tO. \YIIh jlreater bcud\t IO Lhu cnunlly $!1111erally. ' l ire lwn III CIIIh<•l i IO ><tdcomc l lis E xceilcucy uo~ernor Uill of lnae et's,.ou pruvirlerl thnt the mnater n ... l JS I:~kc. I he lto•·ernmcnt nre nn xionJ lo see H i11 PaosPI!C r OSES-Forms o f A pplit:altion ' tor ml!n were nlnne rt•epou•itJie ro r ftny breachte or aloe l~ tCtJ I Iruc:y I•UI8ue ' the co•use lac bns laiJ do wo, 11 uu Fir& aml L ifo lnRu rn n -::e, n n rl nll o~hel' Jn~ I",... Thill h• thonJCht a rcreat hftrdebip. for ou t of a lh•·y "" ''" nn "'Mh for I d an to J o ot bcrwiae. Ju t hts formation c:1 n L~ .>hiuincd n t I hn nfficc o t ere:• o/. 187 Jrom two hundr111d to t.hree bnuolred rr epect lh.: prr11cnt ndauinidt rll tion tlifflliR (rl)m the A. 0 , HAY\V.\RD '"" n not more tl111n prohfthly forty or ftrty or them one "hioh prcce<leri it 11nol ~\· laioh, loon member• O[l • • S J • ' k 11~w wh11t th., law ia in t hla rupecL It che111r11 IJOIII~. ncq n• iutt'd with llae (,,<'41, wi ll well remetn· Agtmt fur ~\·ewr!:d!ancl. ord11rcd o:.tt upou t l1e Joe I.Jy thu 111111ter thty h11yu I.Jcr ex trncted ~ 100,000 of whn~ 1111111 l>o recojlt:it.cd no riuht to di•••'"'Y him 11011 to aimko I hem reapou. tfl tlte 1 uhllc monty f ro•n the Bank without any au-eihle for 11011 alo ne under auch ci•curualllnc.ce il, 10 t lo nri ty . l.:uo wltltlJ.rc or~on1ent of tho l1overnor. Tile GENERAL "'Y the 1~111 uf it. a ~re"t l:a rrlahit•· Ue thons:htlt hon. liaenrl.ter t hen r"f"r~ erl 10 the parnara1>h io che wonltl ~~~ t'ttori! f'qoilftlJttl lo hlllk'e '''" owoer, ffilll· SJ'Ct'Ch lt ll u olin~: to the illl pro•ed oond ition of tho A a ter, 1\lltl ortn• join tly re11pnnaihlt: for niJ reunltira, QOlllltry; 1\UJ hll lhOnjZllt that nny one who lcnowa asuraaf":' {b tlft'lift18J lie he l~yed t.h111 ahort cntch of 11e11l1 IJ)i~ h t bf) 1\tlrj . anyt lain~ ni.Joutthc colony will not deny t ltot it fa io a ..l\1/ V~.r:~ • butt:•l tn il l11r~e e' rt'n l to the fnot, tlu~t "II do 'no ~ beuer poaitlon tlann it h111 been in any time within --- -llfl t.n •hie ft •htry ""rly euonAh T h-= delentlon of tl•e JliUitt ... o or thre~ yeAre. Siuce tbe preeeut Gov. Fl R L., AN 0 T••fp"L., att•l\ane rll unt il th.: l ( tl~ d• t uf .\l arch wu iut rotlno- ernmenl CfttUO inlo power the coootry baa been rielt- . l[!..f ''JU .I1~e etl Into 1be Actt fn or.ter 10 prorecL ••lliuu veu de, etl "' i lll two or lhre~ bo\d delierit-t. N uoe pereoo ES but •t ufo rttll.llltlythllt ~IMI or Y~urlt hue .. tcnoet woulo hold any lldtnioiat rlttioo reapoo or ao1 TABLISRED A .D. 1837 • abJ\IIIl•HII!II the ,.roeecuticlll or the I t'll llaht!ry ' "ilure In tbe ftehcriee. Al"oh of tbe tro:~b which 'l'll~!rt'fur. there i• ltftnlly ""T uttoeult1 lor l oeb a """ nftlictetl '" r.• n colo117 hna arla1:o from acl li1b· HEA.l) UF.lt'JOE : prorlalon, • . l'ritl . loot U tha 111110 titae A anat deal of oor

Mr. Kun IC!Oflllllecl lind Mr. &olt 10pport4d the troo\Jh!l 1.-. rduhcd frOIO the oollt.pie of the 10 · ~(\S CANNON srREET, J.QMDON, &0. Hill It wn• I hcu rcu\11 11 Moond limu. and orctt•~e•l Cftlletl pro~r .... ,.e policy ot I h<t late Rdlnloletratlou. --to be rert-rrcd 10" oomrulth:e or lbts •hole llouiO 00 \\' e, " ' • IIOYC:I'UiliO~t. met thl\~ troobh , to lhe beat Capital : .£1,000, 000 St ro-morrol\ , ! 1 oar •bilily. (\'e b11J.J hou lllC:Jllbera nrg iog oa In , If,

Uu u.oaiou n r C"t' ' · Dawe the rnlt·e of the Jloue "" •' IJ•I' uJIII;re of lfti')!O auma of monl'y fer the re- l .Dioranoe. eTeoted on ulm-tf ... 11 Lfn..l- of •~"'" "'"i'<'"tl"• l ' re.:ard lna tl.li Bil l. JJI!t or t l•c cl t!&~lto4e in tLe aue~al cUarrlota or tbe "" .. " 'W

Tho lluu.., tl~ll 'IIIJnume" Qntll IO·m~rrow aL ftl l\1111. w" lllf'dJI . ~ttpb ••pendltnre, for relief pro,ert1 in Ne donodian I AL lowe.t polli.ble half , ... It lltt_fl 1)'01011~ • III'Orkt 1\1\11 II OW theM YCrJ bOll ICMIIlbefJ JHIIIteiYet .......

, • .t - 1 , eltow 1 heir oo~o•lateuoy aad Lbelr .. ~, bf ~Ddlo• J. AUG UdTU'i OLlBT, FnWAf, F e b. 14. flllolt wlt.h 01 ror ~bl• expeadltar.. Wepa u pod 8oL!CtToa, Sr. JOBII'w,

Tl.e llou•e orenetl " ' SJ o'clock. lt reeol•ed It- Y11lue for the tnoneJ expeaded 11 IIIJ 'totemiDID' ..4.~1 lor A'tRD(t1Wf111~ lt'Jf lrttn cumlnluee of the •hule 011 tbe AddreM of u.-r obtallleO ror NOh ureadltor ... . Of "'"'• ., B. B. 'rHOMPSON:--' 'U.a&tb. Alfl ,l#UUrllf en ...... the aue.-tloa or &ht (&c Sll!'fl'IMHI J s,.~,., for Htt·Hr a ...

Page 5: o·vN·E::.;::..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18880310.pdf · Can till orders hy wire at shc.rt not.iee aud will gi\·e th~m careful Attentton. ... worM tban

BOIL Jrr. CJoocs:rldae'a 8pMola. (Cortlirnud ,/ToM 4tl .pagc u ~rd'".)

il ou\ ol the quea&loo to atfppoll tba& •• Oould ao un txpendin&lare• ••me of 1D01MJ for aucb a pur­pMO. No Gonmmea& oobhl tuCI 1&. Nei\bN, he tla:)II&M, dld tbo 'P .... Dt atate of tlae ooaa&IJ de· ma od il. He ooollderetl the ,.._.., ouadi&IOa of tbe coloa1 to be betttr tbau h h&r' bteb for eome time puL Io proof of thia •e ou poln~ ~ 'b• faa& that a large incr.ue hu takea ~- ha the amoua' of depoaita aow lo tile Saina- Bao~. to &be ex· teat ' ol aomeLbia1 onr 1100,000 duriu& &be p&U twelu moot.ba ; aad tbat._ too, lb the faoe of the fao~ that large..amoaota of true'-mooeya ban btea withdrawn from that ioathutiou. Tbe hoo member for Bocaviata wbea be lltl\letl that the iucreue in the price Of flab Wf'D\ i11lt1 the (lOCket of 1he mer• cb&ot, could bu~t koowu ,·ery liule uf wll .. , he wu talk.ng aboul J I·· l!ould inform tbat bon mea.ber tbat a nry largt- !·•H• iou of the iocrueed price of flab went to Ule ti . ,.,.,,neo. and that tliey. and not the mercbaota, at , · .... real ~aiuen.. Tbe aafn wu mainly, if not wboll1, tu the former, while the rialt was borne entirely bJ the merobaota, and mnoh of the 6ab purchued a& the higher rate bu yet to be realised, and ita realiaation migbt probably mean a serioOfl loss to ita preaeot holtlera He lhoo. Mr. G .) looked upon the fact thKt' the Bank fiabery !Jad been EO largely deveiOJ·~J as a ~reat advan­tage to the colony. He re.:nrded it as likdy to take tbe place o>f the ae.l 6aht:ry, now raat disappearmg. aud belicTed tbal it will bP. the m.:aua of reslorin:.: to this country the gre:1t m\ddlu claas wl.icb tbe seal fishery formerly support~d. but whicu baa de­clioe<i witb tb11t ioduatry. More tbau t wo- thirds of the b:1nkers beloogio~ to t!Jia cuuntry a re owned by middle men or othera tbao werchaota. The boo. member for Bonl\,.;. 1a was en ti rely at sea wbeo be St.'\ted that our h . • , . ._ bclougtld to merchants, anJ he (boo. ~r. G.J was surprised that bis colluii¥ Ue the bon. member for l''ortuuu Uay did not correc t a statement which he muPt I11\Ve kuowu from his knowledge of bia own au.t 1he adjacent diatricta not to accord with the facta. Tbe i: crJnscd bounty for the building of bankera w1111 one ot the must com­mendable acla ever undert.>\keu by a t ~O\'c rowent. In his (hon l\lr. G.'t) o "·u c.listric~ a lo ''"· tLere a re teo veasela being built fur tho Bauk fiah.:ry. lie ft>l t sure from hia knowledge ol the abi lity nod Fkill of the builders. •··-t these n uels will bu creditaule to the colony. 'J .. t:o \·c rumeut were told last l\llt· umu that large su ... . uf ruooey were likely to be sent out of the colon~ lur the purchase of banking vP.s­scls 11nd we wert" t ur rher told that this GoTernrneut should do 11ometb1ug to keep Ibis •oney wtthiu the colony. The on ly way we cau prevent the impor­tat ion or ('aoadiao built vessels for thia fishery is by encouraging comp11titivo on th~ part of our own people, tbtl imperia l Hel.!i•rr·ctiuu .\ ct l' t umptiOJe Canadian shipping from u,., cff~et11 ul .. protecti\'e t.sriff; and be felt sure that boo. ruewt>ers \viii uot besit.sle to indemnify the Government for rhr bounty which thay have gi'ven. Th~ I~ •i \ . \ r• · •cli .. ved a mel\8ure for which the (; .. , .,ro .... ., .. , . l ... u. • rect"iYt> e'l'ery credit. Lon It in.r at the 1\dv .. ntlli:t' that tbie measu re u. ust nec•· l'-~~trily bu to the country at lar~e. i t is tbo intention ,,r the Go\'ernmcot to atringeu rly enforce its prqvi. • . ' · J '"a Pluployruen t of two f;ut steamcre auJ .. .. , uL,.., r terce thon"l, · .. .. ·euar)' . Although the Act cuay be harsh Ill 1\.1 •• rf, o; t UpOU

those who bave mado a busi ni'AA o f 1hu L14ll t ro.tlio, yet be tvaa snfe in saying tbat oiu~.~ -~eutl.ts of the populat ion will bu considerably benefited by Ita enforcement. Ho would "o further, and SIJ.Y tba~ Hen tboao who at firs t 6ud it a hart.h meaaure will eventually be beoefit~d. by turning their earnest attention to the prosecution of the tiahery, which ia really tbe mainstay of ~he couotry. We loBvo been of opinion for ye~u P"' t bat such an Act wa..~ a Ut· cePsiry, iu order to the succeaafu; prosecution of the fish ... ry . It wu found tbat we could not cumpete with the fieher men of Frauce, wbo received r. bounty upon every quintal of fiah they caught. ·n••idlah ery must. of neceuity, decrease, if ou r people be ~ed .,._._~Is.,. "-k •. 'ftte bon mem­ber fo r Fortune Ba'' · Mr. Uood, stated that the French could obtain· ll~tit •t .St . Pierre nod Mique­lon. but be ( boo. Mr I i ) could inforn1 him tl1~t tho supply to bo obt.aio .. d there ca11 itt ••u " "Y eqrr 11l the d.maod or meet the r~:qui rer" " '"• · ltunhwr cau they deptnd upon obra1oiu ~: 11quid upnn the bank ... Mr. ~orioo objected tu thw •ir.u of thtl bo"t to llu placed on the nortberu IDal l route, &Uti uid rhat t wo smalle r boats would b~ deaimble,in ordo:r to ~5tablish weekly commnnie&tiou whi::h wu what thu people or the oatports moatly •o:quir., J · Ue (hon. )ir. G ) ag rEed with hiru, for tllure cuulc.l ~e nu more: P" PU· lnr move thao tbo ea~abli&llluo:Ol of IVeekly t•o m­n.uniCAtion. But to accom1•ll8h tlait olojo:ct we would require fo nr bo1ota wbich wuulol it.crc&au the aubsidy from fifty to aeventy ·ti • tl i-'"' ceut. Wo co11ld uot afford such atouti"J a~ the i'reaeu t tiuse l'he difficulty will met to :. t'.e r•11in .. xte11t ltJ th u placingc.f atea r.cou our diffc:r""t b:oye. Ahhunl!ll we hi'IVe no~ receiv~ credi~ for n . our uuairc baa been to be aa progrerrve u ia consistent wtth tbe fioancea of tbt coloyy. Jo proof of tbia, we UJ

about to pl&ce a atu•_u~ r OIJ Trinity B •Y to connect wi th the r&ilway, ao~is steamer will also be ao ad \·anta"e to Mr. Morice's 90il4titueota who reaide on tue eout~_ Hg,paTrBta Bay, for .with the aid of good roads they Will be brought into conoectton with . the railway. A~~o .. iu another eteamer will be placed oo Placentia H:.y, which with the aid of aimi­lar roada oo the eUit"rn aide of ~ir. 13ond'a dietric~ ~ill b~iog hia pt?ple 111~ more epelfd>' commauica· lion w1tb tbe cap•t.al. We have been charged with keepiog back t bcs ac!Tc: rtiaemeot for teotlera for the Bah protection eer\'ice in order that the atearnel'll of the Premier may be \!1Jiployed. He (hou. Mr. G.) need ecarcel,JUY thero: ia oo g round for such an ac­cusat ion, Hon. -memLt~rs oppoaite have expreaaed their aurpriae U.at DO reference h•d been made to the ocean ateam aer-v•ce by the G O\'eroor io the epeecb from tbe tbroou. U wu oot prudent to do 10 ootil tbe preeeo• tiu1e. h wu alated Jut aeaaioo that a notice ••• gi~u the Allan comp&ny thu we would u rmioate tb.s cuotract io Jaouaryi~U~t. Since t bao, howeyer;-' oegutiatiooa hue been pending, wbtch have ruohtd iu tbe 'aecuriog of a cout.nct at aD adnot.age to the culou.t or ll1.s aUtll of a bout 820,000 and the uvio)l made aooualiJ oo tbia ser­vic!e will more tbao n.reet the coat of th~t Placentia Railway. The Placeut.Ja Railway will not coet half aa mach u we laue 111nd npou our new arrao~e­meota iltith reeard to uoeaq aud ooutal eteam. \V e could no\ bring before &be House maftera wbioh were actnally the aubj~K~' of negotiation i to do 10 might imperil thoee ue~eotiatioaa, aod damap--the iotereeta of the oolooy. Tbia mat~r w~ dela7ed io preeeut&tioa to •be llouee from oo diapoeilioo to no1d ecratiDJ or eoqol~. We court the tuJle.t aod mou eHrcble& et.quiry ioto all oar acta, aod •e feel aanred that •• t l.rall b. able to JO to the conntrJ whb

' u cleao • noord u aay I(OftnNDeat of U.e 1*'. aacla eteaaer oae t.llaat • ila& u( oar laiaaeciWe Pf*l~• Upoa wbM priDoiple•of ~or OODiiet••OJ oa Mr. Mortae, who ·repranta a Newfoucllallcl OM• t&i\UtDCJ. ..S.oo.ae Or jGitifJtbe lfiUid-a ofanlt­

• Oae .. U!.tDleJ .,...H. &k .... -- ... . ••• lit j. uo•e &lA ob,._ ud U. of tlaal

oeJcl be eo dir ... u.de froca •• ., ...........

Halifax' a7 dalllaprotta ...e wblall •• ... ,. reoaNd we ho~ to beabltto .. aeohwernu&or tbel'fomo&e"*-of tlat ............. &11 Wf&b ~ we&ror:•• n. Go ..... , .. DO' deed ~ D tbe IUite1' ofMf61ilbl~ ..... llnlotla the ba,rl of tlae lelu4- Our IGdcia Ia llala 0011 ....

41oo pro••.abla -111oa & act I'~"' &bat u a Gow .. me\sl we are lolaaltd bJDO boldii&Jio 1M Railway do. Now tba& .. han a ralhra1 .. are dNfroue or u&illalq h,aacl •• '*' .,.. Lbla ad by brlnftia~r the tarloQI .. ,. or lb.• lalaod lato conueotiun whb Ute ~lwa,r He ..,.. anrprlae4 tba& •dvooatea of tallw17 prolftM abould abut &be Placentia Ran -.ay, &baa whlola no raUwaJeD• terpriee will ner be more ·uaeful to tbt. oonat'7. l'be atatemea& baa beeo made a& raodom &bu &bia Placenti~ Hoe Ia .:olor to ~ &he oono&rf •760,000: l'ha& ata,emeo& li · eatirel7 un­founded. It will, w11 anticipate, bo bull& under the eatlmate, bu~ .,. · the n17 won'- will •xceed the eatimate by a nry &mall eum i aoJ \]lal unall e:a:c .. onr the eatlmate will be attribUlable to the fao& that macb of the work had to be glno to relieve tba deetltute. Tba' Jioe i1 DOW rrfDI WOrk to 700 meu WhO WOUld otherwile be to bat a poor oonditioa. We ban been blarDOd for aendiog Ulo '-ttoroe7 Ueo­eral to repreaeot ue at tbe Wuhl'ngtoo Commle­eion. ·,hioh met to conaider a treaty which will affeo~, in the moat material degree, the iuterestt of the colony. The AttorQey General bimaelf will be able to explain what AOtoally ha.t been done by the Comm,iaaioo; but be (Mr G.) could assert, without fear of contradiction, that the Governmen t Las d one itt utmoat to aecure the beet in terests of Newfoundland io tbia important matt.er . T ho hon. member for Fortune H11y co1Dplaius or ns tbat we bad oot prepared our exhibit• for l.lle Barcelona Exhibition at an earlier date. lie must know that fact year a vote wns taken to defray the oxpeoaea of a representative there, hut a::.ce rhen tho Gvveromcot " ere in­formed that .the e :t ~1 ibitio~ wu poetpoued, llll it w11s then behe\·ed, tndefinttely. It waa in J "nu­ar~· that we received the iufor10atioo tbat the ex­hidtion waa definitely to be held ia April next, to continue un til SciJttlmber. Upoo receipt of tbnt in t imation, lhtl Government took immedinte atepa to secure the moaL efficient repruent11tion at the exhibition, 11od he felt aure that the l11bora of the Committe<! which bu the collection of ex­hibits in oh11r~o. will reaull in a diapl!ly of our fishery products, which will do us ruaterinl bo: nc· 6t aL road. Our repreaeot&tiou 1\t the exhibition is " !UIIlter or much \'ital importauce. Barce lona is 11 ver1 largo fteh-consumioa dialrict lo tYhich we uaed. in former timea, to' make l~r!;" 1<h1p . meuta of our stnple artic:le of export or lnte years, how~ver. thl\t trade haa uufortuulltl'ly been t&kun from our hnods. and he fen ·ent ly hopo:.t thlll our Jispl:~y a t the Exhibitio11 will r~Eu lt in Lhtl regaiuiua: of much of the trad., we ha•·e lost . With regud to tho Jubilee ball, beh11rl to say lt•aa money waa spent in celebratio~e the bOth Anoivo:r· sary of the! reign ol cur good and llluriun!l Q u.·o: u in the colouy of N ewfoundl.u1d than in ""Y col­ony under her dominion. Thia amalloeaa of cx­peruliture arose from no lack of loyall? or devo­tion to Uer Majesty, bat aolely from the fact tha~ tbc GoTornmeut lut.d to C?oaider the depressed comlitioo of the conntr1. Only about 1 2.450 WM 11ctually spent I'D t-he J ut..ilee ball. and OCit

&lao~a•oda of.orcliaary Ia~.,.; clJIDa'"'1cle. &JMR lfll'eple loll 11 IDGriDOIII, uUI ~ dHU

...... create~ ao ooaamea\. & i& ~ willa fDdiyfduaJL The p,IUie of deula

ol proaalDeD' m .. ~ oommeat, ~17 wbto I& cua be elaowo ·dla& oat aD~ die. ... GU'riM d ..a or tU.,ud ,., " ... ,Dam· ben of ordlDarf _. ud woeu die before tlatlr time tftf1yeu froaa \he •• ...._"

It II aid it the ~ood te hp' f~ from oric aold, tba& heart dleiue, panl~ aenoua pro. tndoa, poeamool&. r~aeu~Da~m.aad ID&DJ,CUU of coa-amp&loD, w~d Dewel' be hoWD. 'nil arie acid, u are tulcl, Ia the n.U of the .,.. tem, ud i' ia the do&J of.the kldueJI&o remoYe lbil waate.

We are told tba' if &be kidoe11 uo maio tala. e d in p11rfeot bealtb, &be, arlo, k~doey, acid 11 k e~t on& of the blood; and ~beae aaddeo aDd DDtYeraal diaeuea caueed. b7 uric acid will, In a large meaaure diaappear.

But }! ow ebaU thia be :looe? I& I• lolly to &rea\ electa. U there it aa7 known way of ge&­tlng at the cauae, tba' WIJ abonld be known to the public. We bellne tha& W.arner'a aafe cure. of wbiob eo much bu beetr written, and ao muob "')ked Of by the public aeoeraJiy. ia DOW f800f• uiaed by impartial pbyaictaDI aod the publio aa t'te oue apecifio of aucb diaeue..

Becauee public attention has been directed to this ~reat remt!d1 by means of atlTeriis­ing. some pereuoa have not belined io the remedy. We cauoot aee h;-;w Mr. Warner could immediately benefit the public in any other way, aaod his valuable epeciflo aLould oot be condemned becauae some oodrnma hno come before ~he pnblic In tbe aame wt\y , any more than th11t nll doctora ab~uld be cuudemo­ed because eo ruaoy of thum 11re incompetent.

It ie astouiahiog what cood opinions yon hear on e'•ery sidu, of tha t ~orreat ro:medy, 1\Dd public opinion thus baaed upon an actual experience; baa &II tho weight and importance of ab10lule truth.

At this time of tlut year , the uric acir.1 io the blood iuvites pneumonia aud rheumatism, onrl there ia not " mau who d oes not dread these mouster11. of di!<t!IISe ; bu~ he need have uo fear of the rn we 1\re told, if be r i•l •he blood uf tbe uric acid o.uae.

These works are st rong. aod may sound lilte an 1\dv.,rtise!llent, autl bo rejeored as ancl• by un­thin k.in~e pevple, b ut we believe they are the trnth, and as a•.tch should be spoken by every truth-loving newsp"per.

T hoa. &bin, of Jo:stliogtoo. aaya : • I hue re­moved ten corne fro111 my feet with Holloway'a Corn Cure.' Header go thou and do likewiae.

One trial'uf Motb t~r G r,.\·es ' Worm Extermin­ator will convince y•w thaL it haa no equal Ill a worm medicine. Huy a boUle, 11nd see if it doea • ot plus~ yon.

Tbe oxtrnordiuary popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the natur~~l result of ita use by all clauee of people for ever lorty yeara. h baa prOYeD itself the Very beat II!JeCifiC fo r 00Jde, couK'Ia, and pulmoo~ry complaiuta.

!5,000 aa the honorable member for Uonui·t& - --ln~orn:ctl1 aaaerta. Aod of ~"' auro 11,000 ia Take Ayer'a Sareaparilla, io the apriog of the stall on our bao<!e. for the fireworlu are at tbia yern, to purify the bload, iovigor~te the ayatem, momeot lying iu the ma~:A,i oe. lfe waa aar- excite t he lh·er to action , and reatore healthy tone priecd that tbe boo membera oppoelte hue 10 And vigor to the whole physical mecbaniam, liule loy~lty u to objt-ot to ao amall 110 ex- Remember that quality, not qa&DtiLy, conali tu\d pendi ture upon an o.ccaaion of auch juyoua im· tl.te ~alue of medicine. port u the celebr.>.ttoo of \be Jubilee of the --reign uf oor beloved Queen. The hon. 1\l r. We hue oo nervous tonic a\ once so reliable G. then mAde refl'reoce tn • matter which aod cooTerJient u Fellrlw'a Compound Syrup of

, hu coniider11bly exerct•ed tbe minds of the llypoplooapbilea, a tid we, the refore, Kladly re­Go•ernmeuL auH the colony generally. He commend it io tbe dieease1 of aucb orgaoe u de­m~ant tbe judgment iu the r .. ilwAy appeal. l o pend for health oo Involuntary muacular action. tbts conoectton hon ruem.bera oppoaite have made • . ~tatcmeots utterly at v~naoce wub the facre. h Cllpt. D. Foster, or Por~ Burwell, Oo\, writes : 18 not t r11o tbat the r~overnment h11s borrow~ , 1 1 1 t t ' f r 1 h ft

f h .. - 11m p e~t~,., n nn 1 T von o t se eoe ~

IIIOu~:y ···m t t' u· .. · · "·· •Ill .. · - It( tue tt .. ilw~t'! I L . h I I . I r . • 'II . L l • f • WnlC U\9 C r..-C ... l\•t:• r ••ttl yu ·tr n e u't.t un,:::

o"' ''""Y t ts~a'""""""' ' 'rrroru .. kt•Ch••l.!,.ll Ill 11 h bl d ' tl · 1\1,!1\l•utl f; ll Execu t.s.-1' Ill relttllu 1\ sam a\'1111( .. t'll Iron e WI . '"u OCCA.11011 ·

1 h

1 11 to rtvullrrtl "'"t · ., J c"tll.:h. Rl t uuct vo:ry .... ~ere olunng) ""r' ..,,,..


8 "'1'""

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1•• 0 •~~r~esd 0,•w •O reathly hu ·li11 · [ h""'' fuun•l \'OUr l111l~~trn Lo rclit:ve my cuu· 1;

vrovc• . 1e oan rl\lle .11111 y t · 1 · · • h I t l. . d fl .e" r Wil li 0 ltlltutlc r11ore r .. a.h ly t lorw "" Yt hl u:.: I 11ver trio:.J . ~ly

t roug r re ruCOI!IIlte n:rnc111l ll(enta of th ·f 1 J · · 1 · ( ' tl L d- d \\' . I! "'' e 1M a l110 nse •t w1t • "'o"~ satisfactory rc· ro~er~merrt . lu or on RU eata11111t~ r Ba .. lc. •ctlts.

wh1ch •• one of the lllrl(eat 11ntl UlOIIt iuftu.,ntiKI I

-4Kirt:G I

POWDER AbscJutely P~re.

Tbis powder W!Yer variee. A !Darve l of pur­ity, strength aud wholesomeDese.-More econo­mica l than the ordin'fy kinda and cannot be sold io-.competitioo •"h tbo rriuttitude of low te! t. short weight.' al um or phosphate powders. Sold finly in calti'-ROTAL B.u:tNG POWDER Co 106 Wall-ftt., N.Y. JatsS ly '

. G) .... = Q

cc '­cc .... ml= iji

o E G)


t:: Q z


Medical Ball. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.


Tbtt ~ubsc;iber has agnin added to his large and \'&rted Stock, n few of Lhe newest le11ding Pa~nt .M_edicines and Sundries, as follows : Green's Augus t Fluwer, W aroer's Safe Cure. Lim~ ~uit. Juice, Boschee's German Sy rup Eno'a Fruit Salt, Holloway'a Com Cure ' Ca&r-. Little Liver Pilla, ' Wietar:s B:als~m of Wild Cherry, Wyet h 11 Ltqutd Malt E xtract, Hazeline M other Gr11ves' Worm Exterminator


Liebig's Extract of Meat, Drainage Tubing. P ear's Soap, P ear's Sbavins Sticks. White Enamel (for filling teeth,) n ,·nzine (for cleanbing l'll r poses,) .\l11tLson'a Family :o;y rin~ea. LtJmon 5 .vrnp, R ·•epi.Jtl•·r y t'_n u p, oJr. \Vilxvn'!·H•rbine Bitters, Jo>b naon's Afw.O<ly u11 Lininwnt, Tttmar Iodien (fu r· COKti vc-nr 88. ,

Eno's MU'ticawd :::i tr ~ttr (low wor ms), lhuu·d's Hair Jy•' . Tricn;>he• ous Tt~aber;y Tooth rowder,

llnolciu¥ corporation• in Enl!l ,.•u.l l'h., GI)Yern­mto ut l1llll h"d notlri ll l( r o do •i It th tl b•tUflboldor11 of tile coll)pany in raiai u~tlhia luan . llu poaili\'tt· !y deoierl the 11tser1ioo of the hou nremh.,. Cor l''ortrrn~ U11y, that the l>ov.,rurueOtt h"e loMt on1111oy to lit~ c?lony .by thl' rneth ol .. hich it lJUI"'IUt'tl in nt•l(OIIIII IIl j( thta lnan; or 11,.,, it ''"" ,f,.utK~o:t:d the tlullr• ci11l "'""tling " ' rhe colouv 11hro .. t tJv i1o4 nc­tiuu. i11 tlou tnatter uf t l•ct li ... ui "'II.Y rtppcal. l'trc cred!~ or the co.lony, .oo ~he coot tary, haa been atab1htatod by Ita acttoo 1n thia ruatter aod we shall be able to raise money iu future ~o te rtlla as favorable aod probably .nore fa\·orable lbao ever it hassuceeeded in doing before. He (hoo. Mr. G .) was happy to inform the Houle tha t tbia r.overnmenl hal never paid mortl thao five pe r cent. upon overdrawn accounts and that it hu ouly paid live per oeut in one · soli­tary instance daring our t• D•lre of office. We shall be able to • how a beuer atatement from tbe Uoar.l of Worka than ev11r before aorl hi' wu cooftdtot to 111ying tb11t in nearly ~Yen· " ' "f!r deparlm&nt of the pnblic ae• vice the "'"'" .,.-.. ,111 bout cao be m•<le.' We welcome 11ud d ... , , ., •be moat atringent int>ettigation into the workiull of tbia aod every other departmeut or the GoTern­ment ; euch an inquiry CliO only redound to the

Tl•e :,:reat lung be~t l u•· j,. fuun.t in th11 t PX·

cell · nt medicine 11oiJ 118 Bict.. le',. An ti -c., .. ~ surnpth·n Ryn1p. It sooth•·a und ,Ji~t~iui:~hPs the lll'n-<ihility nf tlr tt memlomu,. of tlr ., thr·11,.t and 11i r I'"K.~II-I(• •M, uwl i • " KO \'e rei"u n ·1ueol v

. . ,1 nrr".v's Floid M flgneai", t:P.ef, Iron and Winb,

credit of the present 11rlruiulatratioo.


A Great National Oalam.it.y, Whatit'reach•

The Ju t few yeara haTe played aad bnoc witb many prominent m~n of thl' country.

Maar, of them. dted without warniull, paaaiog away appareotlytu tbe full ~uah of life. .

Other& wtre •i .. k bot a compar11tinty ahon time. We turn io wonder, aoj are ut.uuiabed to lind. that moat of them die.d ~r apoplexy, of par­alyete, of oervoua proatrataooe, of waligoaot blood homor, of bri(tht•e diae .... or hurt dit­eue, of kidney diaeue, of rbt~omatiam or of pDeUtnOt.IL

h ie tin&alar tba& moat promioea\ ~a die of theee diaorden. Aay Jl)oroalia& wt.o watcbH Ute telerrapb reporu, rill be utoalabed u the Dawber of ~ p.omiaeu& Ylctimt of tbell dleo .....

Uao7 Maa.meote ..... eppnreci I• tlria .,.. 11ft wkb o\ben &o· &be tleo\ &&a& &be' diMatee wlliohoatried of eo ... , pro .... , ... lD-1887 ... ,...,, ... ,. ....... ...... ~& -.: ~to tH loealloo ., .......... ....

, ... ani..We ........... h .... _ ...... ~lalkottt.e ........ .w ..... , ..

0 . ftll' all Cll 11l!f l>l , C• tf,J..;, J.OII I'tl.'Wtttoll.-4, pa ill Ot' ll• ll'etl~;j in Lilt' clre:<t, '·• vuchi ti :<, e re. {L bas cured many when auppo.'led to be fat· ad vane· ed in consumption. ____ , . --~-

~lr. F. C. McCarthy, Chemis t, O ttawa, wrt tes : " I have hcen d isptlnsing and jobbing Northro>p & Ly man 's Emulsiou of Cod Li \'Cr Oil and B ypopho11phit.e8 of Limo nnJ Sodn, for the patat ~wo year11, and C<>naider thRt t.her'l i11 nn bette r P' epl\ration in tlte niatrlcet. IL is \' ery pa1Ktable1 and for Q}lt'onic coughs it has no equ&l."

llolloroay'l Pilu a11d Qi,tmtnl..- Whilst tl.t iu­lrnlli~u ta of our greru citiea eulfet from ~be ef. fccte or ovorcro• din~raud all ita attendaut eYils, toth phyacial &ftd moral, tbe mor.s robu~t aud euergetic ewigrapt will lu hir turn be liable to su~er in hie new hoane ~rom tbe w11nt of reatly akt ll and the 1-! reat med1cal nu ou•~• of bia na­tive land a lw•ya at oom1na'ld. l'he boA& advice. a friend cau give is for him to take a aupply bf the~~e well kuowo remediea as put of thia outOt for by attention the eaaily underatood and ye~ a~t)Jie dir~ctiont which 11ceompany each box ~nd VO~ he WtiJ Dt!Ur bo at faoiL wheo taken ill or undEr any adverae aanlta17 condition of life.

what am I to doP Tbe- aymptoma of Billoa.ene• are nnbappily

bot too well koowu. Tbey diler In diffeNilll io· dividuala to eorue extenL A biljona mao ia .. ,. doro a IJreakfu& eater. 'l'oo frequently, alao. he bU"'an ucelleoL appetite for llqwda bu& ooue for eolida ~fa moraiDjf. Hie tODilOe will har\l ly bear iDIP.eGI.IOO at aDy time i If h le oot wbhe aad fur· red it le rongb aL all ete•ta. · •

The dlpe&ive aJatem Ia wltoiiJ oal of order and Diarr~ea or Co...UpatJo• aaJ be a •1mptom or Lhe two may alteraa&e. Tltere are of&eo If••. orrboide or neD l~f Woed. 111en· aaj be liddl• .. aod oltn b~ aDd aWctkt or lat•· r ... •Dd teade,... s. &M "' of th ......,.. t.'o oofnoe all .W. H Mt ..._a ... try o,.,•, A.,..,,._.,., k ....._ .... tftle _. tfann•• ........ .....,.


;\ or throp & Lym11n't~ VeJtetable Di~covery, do do Quinine Wine,

Kello::g'" A sthma Remedy do C.ltarrh Snuff.

· D~tffy't~ l!;lixir, Hop Bitten Dr. Walker's VinAI!•lr Bitter11 P~ttrum'11 Corn l!;x tractor Keatin~·s lnlflcL P owdet· NHtht·op & Lyman's EmnlsioJ Ayer's SarRaparill&, Pntner'll Emulsion

do Cherry Pt'Ctonll Pierce's Golden M edic..tl Oiscovery

do Purgat.i vtt P e lle ts do NaHal I njectors

Waterproof N n raing A prons do Sponge B•gs do Bibs (for childrAn teething.)

Fellows' Cou.ponnd Syrup Ste~dmll tr'<~ Teething P owtlera Ruboor Tuuing for ~.,t!edera

Aye~·'" ~atir V igor, B11y l:lum Allen'll Hair ..Restnre r, Child's )'ruasea Adnlt'a Tru88att, Minard's L iniment C~tivert'H CruolJolio · Soap, Fuller's &lr&h Wright's Unlenuented Win• .Burdock .Blood Bitten Kco;•let·'~t Cod Livct· Oil :uul Malt. .E811flnett ol Srrnce, Allen's Lo'~ Balsam Judson'" Go d-;PKint, Judaon'11~Jnk Citrate of Magnesia , Cayenne T.oz~ges Pt~ppcrmiut Lozeugea,-Oinger Lozenges &l'ory and Mo 1re'11 Food Limt> J uic~>, C11DaPd Oystere, Del'iccated Cocoamnt, Ne~&ve'H ~·ood Woodill'a Baking Powder Yorklhire R elish, WorC\l&terahi•-e Sauce Dded S.\·ory, Dried Sage, Uried Thyme VioPgar in IJottlel', ))rit><J Mlut, Pioket.one'e Wat~Ling Orylltl.!_ ' .


Hair and Olol.ltea BRUSBKS. .. Pre fOtp\luaa carefull.t oompoa.ded .....

wltb P•" rfr'IL . · · W. H. tHOMPSON .

I t • • ..



.. '.