. AT CHEAP RATES. 1 ANTHRACITE OOAl IN STOCK AND TO ARRIVE. Board, Scantling, Dry Goods ... Gooqs, Groceries, Hardware. : Lumber of q.<>od Qunlity now in Stock. --ALSO- ' I The Flour of Quality. Try it fol' Loaf Br ead, Cake or Pastry against higher Priced Dour. SliiRK & MANUFACTURERS, Bridgeport and &den . Wire Sales Office, Pictou, N.S. J. B. HARTY, Salei!,Manager.

Board, Scantling, Dry Goods - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · , All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla. (My. A. W. tewit:.B

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Page 1: Board, Scantling, Dry Goods - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · , All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla. (My. A. W. tewit:.B



Board, Scantling, Dry Goods • ...


I:>~ Gooqs, Groceries, Hardware.: Lumber of q.<>od Qunlity now in Stock.


' I The Flour of Quality. Try it fol' Loaf Bread, Cake or Pastry against higher Priced Dour.

• SliiRK & SNtD~R, MANUFACTURERS, Bridgeport and &den .

• Wire Sales Office, Pictou, N.S.

J. B. HARTY, Salei!,Manager.

Page 2: Board, Scantling, Dry Goods - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · , All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla. (My. A. W. tewit:.B

, All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla.

(My. A. W. tewit:. B D., fOnaerly of Harbor Grace. bli& for tile put .three yun of MfUiaocket,

Nerves that are over-worked or Malae. 04r reader• of all de-weak quickly 'iadicate their dia- aCJIDiaations who uaed to read \ t.rcM by pain. That paia may be ·with much enjoyment tbe .er~ aeural&ia or inflamed nerves. aaous of the Rev. A. W. Lewis usually affeetlng the head, but I'Will f»t plehtd to have anOther .tea the spine a ad limbs.. It from hi~ pen, ¥Jd to b.ear that may be nerYOus dyspeptia, easily lle is Ia gooclliealtb.) started by worry, excitement or DwCskula was a Zula ; and he

Want a Representative for Harbor Grace and sur­

rounding clistnct.

The reliability. bu.ltby coodilioo or our •tock aa well a" lruene .. to name muet be 11ppreciated by the public: or tht1 would not buc help­ed u• to inereue our: bu1ioen 1ea'r· I fain~ 1837. the dale of our eat:tb­l~thment.

Our- 6rm'a name 'nd• prc•Ua-e to our reprceentatl•c:a-~mplc:te line of Nurur1 Sloc:k

for S(lriag 1911. Wr.tc for full puliculua.


weakaesa. It may be St. Vilus died J.-~bristilll. For )'tara be dauce, a common afttictioa.amoog had !t-'claper:lte firbt •ltb. ~· cbildrea, or ueurutbeaia, a con- heatbea habits. It wp tbrourb ditiop of g~aeral nervous exhaus- the preaching of the Gospel tbat tioa accompaaied by by acute he was led to pray tp the tt'ue God meaalcboly. 'Wont of · all the aad to a-o about doin~r good. He paia ma1 aipal the early st'ages teat bis cowa here aad there to of paraJyais or nervous decay. be milked by the aick ... and the AU these disorders signify that aeedy. He yoked up his fourteen tbe buagry nerves are clamorin~r oxea aad took great Joada of cora for 110urisluaeat ill the form ol to the~ people free of charge.

Tlic Foothill Nureerica, ~ TORONTO. • ONT~IHO". •

, aooct. rich blood. Tbe numerous yet be dld not seem atite to break cura of the above named nervous With his evil customs. Oa .SU•· dlteale8 aad weakaesa ia both days under the iaftuenoa ~ the eexee by Dr. Willl&JDS' Piak Pills, word of~ and the !eXample of are accouated for by the fac~ that the miaaioae17 be would make up tbe~~e Pilla actually make new, b~'aliad to gtYe up his beer pottt rich blood aac! 10 aupply tbe au bit many wi•es i ud he put atarYed nerves 'll'4h t1ae ntal ele- oa pants aad shirt aad coat. ~ aeeded to atrengtben. them.· 'l'bJA clowa he would a-o .cgaia )6. Wna. G. Joaea, Weatmead, iato eavirollmeut, decked ~th a Mall. a~ : A few years ago it ~ &~D. n. tbf!ty 1ears be was .;.y aaiaforta11e t'O auffer froiD ~teet between hia coat& aacl ~ 4ebillty, broupt a6out a~a bot all ~e ~,It~ kept tbrJ)U&1l a .evere attack of la pr&JlDC aad ooua•led to~aae Krippe or iafhtenaa. Wbea the CluistWla. ~ears ~ 1nt efteda were felt I usoc1 to diect he reuou hiS b th wUe up ba the mid4le of tleep W&Jio ud j ae4 ttie treaablU.,. lib a leaf, add ia a 'J)ea all wu Yldori. &mid • ~ batJa of cQid penariratioa. Later ple. that were beathea. Th.t

*le ere• 10 Met that I ba~f GOd reaclaed ou~ to liim got a .wbtlr of tleep, ud th Jl the AJDericaa Church

..,_ aboQt 1a bed, trow- &lid ~~the Miaioa •tt UD-

~'&f:.'~i:i •e..-r~~"* auf-·~~:;:l Witboat ayail.; ~llif!Xper(eace o la

aod 1110re JOw Uferieace otaaaa.7 u wltbOat•&&ly appar- e laere. Hislife~a~

hue fit. or cry- between natural .-...mid coaditlon, a ta ud the life IQJde" .,.aible

wn~.·li•. • puapJalet 'ftl thiWa-ll J_. CUiat SO loat .. wbt Dt. Wil- 'IPe'· trilit Ia cNnetwes ttte .. old

lfi4 doae for awa" pia tJae :rictory; aa4 the 4etemiile4 1.o ,::4 u aew maa" is diac:o~-- ud

$~i;I;J~f:,. s1 1Jae.u. abule-facecl. But Ollf s~~cy ~-;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;~a,!BIB.-*i:i~~~~~~ ·} ._.I~ to ii'Of Go4; aad ."'* we _.ly U4 ~ilk areatl7 Et our tnaat in. 111m, we pia aa

TUti my qalileaiate victOry. .. My ~ace retura, aay salicien.t for tbee ; •Y•treaftb

lied•,,.. aact ia a il li&de perlect ip weueea•. I was feell11&" .. WbeU I>Wesbula lraew he wu dy­fil•J. Ufe, aad ial' h e called the whole tribe I Will always about blaa ; aacl be Uked them all

-oalliDellld Dr. WU· to beo>me Cbrittiaa Ia oae to eYUJ oae year there baa ~.a ~t tura­tlaq ...tore4 lar iato tb..e Christ. Thirty mea

stre:llrth after have ~t off their head·riars aad llllfeulllrti ... ldaa'IIWt:Wtll lalJ ed." are w.lrinr off the rrcue aad

8o14 me4icine, clay, to put oa clotUr aad foUo" $yoa ia eome meaaurt for the • wiD by Dl&il, poe~ paicl, CbriatlU 1ife. -Hats are beiag Ulaati'atioa oa tbii At <:\aoly tidingawhicb ilJ.s DJY at 10 cepta per~ or iix boUa tora dpw~ aDd decent houMa an tnt~ -.oald *' let hi• bold t dutJ:;.,to e»a'Jr• Your farl3.'10a. b~ ·~~ Me~~r~o Mlq built. The IChoola ate~; bet haa4. Thea. wbea they PC)Otdeat lallift11ied ~dealy ou '!'. Kc.MaldO ~· Co.,· St. Joba'1o when. a Pfe&Cber •eat OYer ffOiD ~to a ~.p~ • ._took M'oa4ay, ediinr, or 'to aP:MJc mote

· UaumJMt lie b.t I. coarrecatJoa hOld of.bia H~tle laP'· AS it be- aecurately, abOut a quartd fast of300! The 1peeple tay to ·oae came more. icy,;, tile telsed )aq oae 9tcloc:lroo Tuesday monuag. aaother, :•tt fa Dweahula'a ~ whole J:aata4. 'Thea abe let ~ ea· Ia lllm I have loat the beat of we worship." If oaly evay Ctm.- tirely ud said busbaactJ, ud you the IDOSt loving !fa" ~ulcf follow Christ, SteppiDC" u ~APA 'fA«.& BOLD OP JUC", • of puepta; 1 ti&Ye beea SO heart-lD W. foot-priata, there wc*fd be 14eu"bd ~ate aU the time b.JOirea &ad beWila.etl, that 1 have a ~t tuialnf uato Cbn.t i~ .Uppiag lilld faltlair, becallae they bee1i quke uable to write before Cbfla~ ... Laada. . · tniel, too mach . f11 ~maelYea. aow. aad I ~ly forgot even the ".I taiutot do.it aloae. ~me get a little bold of Go<!, existence of tile \tlegTapb. , You

The-Wan• rue fut ud high ; sometimeS; bu,t that is aot suf- win co~qe he~ li quickly aa you And t~e f•doae.cbill4f0uad; fic:iut. We need to throw away call I feel aure. :tour preseuce at Aad thelitbt IQ~•t in tb.e sky; all ~ ia oand'Yea. ud ,such a tiai1C will be my only com· But I Inlow that •e two uk Qo4 to taw 11o1c1 of ottr bud. fort. Sball rJa ill the end, Jesus Thea we are l;&fe"; aad we &hall Tbaf the blow will be a terrible

aadl. - lraow the complete auJ&ciency of one'"to you I cannot doubt-as it

i .... ;o;•;• ~~=· &be oo::-"UC= Ttie first lesson that we oppt God's grace." "I kaow wb'om I has beea to me ; but we must trr -~ of s~n. to learn ia life. ia that we ~ ao~ have believeq ; aDd 1 am penuad· not to forlet tha.\ we are always (I:' ::r:a;=~llad M !: adldeatJil ounetva; yet ~is is ed .that He ia ab~e to keep that in. the baads of . O~e who or·

mn&. Tb• Mloaal 'N2fl! of teo aJesaoQ. mu .faiJa to learn, which I hue com nutted unto Him duas all theae affllct1ons for our 1 aate ~ atz. olkiiJI ':lit' E. uatu be bas b.ug~ th~ wQdom apia.tt t~ daJ.." m are kept' ultimate good. :f~~Jaei. aU w:ry dearly. \Vliit-' life ~\'ea bytbe pow~ of~ through faith Your poor papa baa oaly ~rriv~ .,.. ..... tato ~,:U ,,.,_-~n,s-..r aloDr smoothly aad all \hiap\re unto a perfect salvation.. e4 here by five o'clock tra10 oa ~'l-:r'~la, ~· · fa..ura.ble, we are apt to Ud~ ·~ Compl.~te Ja Him 1 While J;tere MoD4ay afteraoon. Be "!as•U-

. that it is ~use of our ability to \_:::_ ~ ed at the dinaer table, wtthbut a -The Bon&riata braacll rail- cope 'With the world'e problema. With eaemies coatend.inl[, moment's warning, and . Qevcr

way is aow practically fi.niabed. There is no limit to tbe 9umber Ilia mirhty power we daalz.fiad spoke aftenrards. lt was aadecd of them and uo bbttom to the Ria weakest cbUd defeuding, ~erribly, m.)'8lerious1y sudden.

l(uay WOIDia la&Ye Jdd.Def d.I.MNI ud doDOtltaow ,, btoaul t.be}' aitribale ~-0 ........ Tbeueor • .. XJ4~MJ: Ad LIYir PUS. .... tlaori ~' beelliiOiae aDCl :p,.. ..... llrlou II'OID denulncl ~ .u ~a bon about thll P"IIUlll7 ro.cUoa.

-Hemnr an more plentiful at Boaae Bay thu eY4:f, but there is vuy little sale for them, there befU DO Ye8le1s there to purchase tbe '!lb. Tllia b a ,.reat loes to

• tbe people of the pl~

Tbe laD~, llllll·hlYalld I J,bl II DO J...-r 1!0~· ll'lf• ftllla, IODIIdtd ••llliil a laealtb7 slow to \beDroom· 111atoa are &be reildlill or 1I.II.H Dr. A. 'W. Ollue'e l'ferYe PoocL lltL OooclaoD, 101 "8e11UtaDOI 8&rMl, Konll'*ll, Que., ""'""-" IIJ tlaqlateJ"I appetlM .,. .. 1* u4 ue 'WM ~ aDd.~ bloociJ ....

depth of tbt-m. · We aeyer know Complete ia Him 1 Though EYeD ao"', I can se&r~".ely reelize ~m~~~~~. ~~ · ~d~ul¥ OUr strength is amaller t~ it . May often gather o'er us. i'urtber details, dear Marpret, tee1D8, wbea we are being carried With faitb aad loYe ;we giYe I reserTe till I see you. I o.aly a1oag with the current of good the.bucl. add that tbe funeral will ~ fottuae. The power o( maa'a eo- To Biai who roes before us. place on Saturday. There IS a emiea cuaot be eYea gueped by (To be contiuaed.)' lo•ely little rural ch"rchyard the few scouts that .may meet u!i ~ere-euch a sweet quiet a pot-by the way. Nature's materials, Me.....,es'IAI JUSl . the pJace my dear M.;l.rma-of which we are made, ate v~ry l"l • l;' ":!!i!~ere duk~ 1VO~ld have chosen. ba~ the perishable, havin~r ia them all !!b •...I ~rtulllty beea gra.atcd ht.m ?{ 'the teed!! of disaolati~ 'rbe a fl.,.. OOiag so. The se.a bro~s ~llbtn st.nns aad cold of life are seen a quarter of a:- mtle of ifo-a coo· ia 110rtbern latitudes. The aeJ. w:: ou,. a.y:-.. ~~ OH~~:- tinous aootbidg mutmqr. I bQpe fttba• of man baa accumulated NlftVK ~ to find a resting-place there my-ia eoclety ; ~ that a ftood • of • Mrs. Kutiia~ Cdlttioa • a..rlb- sell some day. . wzeags -..raita to overw'belm any ed Ia hu letter ~ -'•• IOIIt• ld• Do uot fret, dear chdd, more uafortua~e person. Our owa ~,.t::l ~er!:j.':r~:h than is absolute_ly uecessa~ot aiorat nll!ttrf baa beea per- ell.ree u thiJ .han Dlaetd Dr. CU..'• all our tea.ra Wlll suffice. to bnng verte.d an~\sibful teadeacles lie .,Nerve Food where lt .tana. today u OU( lost ones back -agatn. Now thick Heut ur path, while the tbe m..t. pop\llar aad alft .. eetl•• and alway(, most affectionately great ~Ye of God aad man a orve 1'011t4nltl•e tW 16o11e7. will bu7. yourt.

Uie IOfi. and :weep tto aaoa..

FOR &ALE. 800 M. No. 1 SBINGLJIS, AlaO Matched BOOD, &c.

Miaard'a Lhaimeat Cures Gar,et .ia Cows.

·· The ddl4rea~ver wboee iu­ta:eeta ~ ·prelided u co-1-~were abed. aad IA4y 'ftaorndale would aot be bome till tell o'clock. By that hour Mar-gareta grief hacl·ia some meuure '-~------~----.-~-=-=-!1!:111.-=•1111!---=~=

Sr=t.\~:-r::::.=..s Worth tllllrlei•ht in Gold her bair,, the weat ia search of It her ladyab1p. D M • T ~: ...._ ,... .,..._, "'c-.~ o~.

Lady Thorndale, ia the lall· r. orse s ~an J!OIUUll, Oat.,, ....... .,. l.$o .,....

id h . b bad d w. H . C:O-TOC.C, eo.. LTD., gu way w 1c use ma e a R oot p1·Jls. oua 6~:&.-v'*r ··~>r • .,_.. l.tldlao R-d t b d PUla" •~ tk -t ••~Ialor lor tto. ~ ,.,., ~COD nature 0 er, exrr.. b....,oiLy eaa tiM. Life .. u tk Clae-phu;

ber aorrow at hearing o IW;ias fralla..rdet-a-..,. ... ,orn.-. Ati•J

Deimoa4'al~andatoacerrant· Dr. Morse's Indian ==$~:£~&$•= ed her the requisite leaYe of ab- tNa u. tta tt-.k",;:r. 11ott wa11 ,_:.....uw seace from her duti~. How:ard Root Pills. ~f!t:~ ... bat~~ and Irea~ must ba"-e a few days 1ec1. wtt.ll lkUc tlVIII>Wf 1a lllc ..._...w.a. win

---r- - ft<ltii...IUdl. ..... Uooroooalt'lJ dea..tq 'holiday from their lessons; that Dr. 1\Ko.a...e's Jn:.:llian !.'!!..·:~~ .. .=;:!a~ .. F*t ~e-:,:~ was aU. No doubt the child rea J.U 1 ~ \,J ~""ia~, a1 • ..., .... a.b;; raplcllf,

•ould be deligb~ed. R P'l} •utUI wlloat eo.w. Ia lllc beclDAI"fl.:=e ~*• M OOt 1 S CllftCl 'lritllllUie ti'OIIbk, ~ fatal. By ten o'cloc next day, ar- • ,...,"''eat tW.. tad..tM utto,..,U~_u.u,•u•

tr1lret fouad herself in the traia, ----------- ·~u, bs lbe - ol "-'• Pilla. a od"' "-d ~-...a 1 0 M , 1 d' ~~ra114Yllalllf. Y"!':~.!»~·. aa oa her way to ~oa- ~ ..... A•--Willows. After the first half- r. OrSe S n 1an TH T,....,.tlm' s.., .. c; .. lfl. dozen miles, abe bad the compart· R t P'l1 .t.~o~AOAovatl'O•u•. N.&.~ - , ,,..._

00 1 $ W. B . Coxnocc, Co., LTD. meat to berlelf, and coulcl111eep • D&u.Sta,-Por -•nuniha<rtllK .. IIrtll in silence and uaaeen. _..__ __________ ~~:tn:.~~::" ... ~--=~

• Tobecontinued. Dr. Morse~s Indian :t.s"-~::-·~~~'1!':1~~:::

1 'llfU cured of t.rrlblo lombaao by llnr.t.JU>11 LJIUXa,KT.

Rav. Ww. B.aowlf. 1 wu eur"' of a IMid cue or eai'IIO.be by

Muu.tlD'I LtlfUrJll(T. ¥R8. 8. :R.VLDAOIL

l WU OUT~ Or Hoalttvo loop b.}' Alll'.t.J\{)'1 Ll"".MJUtT. •

llJIL S. M.t.IIT&U. ,_

-We beg to acknowled&-e the r~pt from the C. of H. E. of the Calendar for 19).0, 128 p~es, 10 ct&-a · valuable compeadtpm of information; also of the Diocesan Maguille for De.cember, as usual full of interesting matter, Uiclud· iag tales.

lllat PosltiOq do JJU Want? 'l'tlt~tnphe.r._ .En&IDoer, Eloeulfian

Obemwt. Kauulurgfa&, Sa"•~, Nari· PlOr 8ehool·Ttt1Chtr Dr&DJ1ltaman. Phun~r.L 811eet-Nelal Worker, fir wbal oot. 8~ at bolbe 1lll4tr thelatoma· llooal Coireapoaduoe School ol Soran· ton P.., u _,.. u e dolog at Orand Palb aDd bondrodll eleewhere through tho J•Jan4and you will htve a boUor chance. A. ooareo (IUIJ: ouo you --.Dt) tor dllpoul at tbf• ol!lce "' a 1Docli rod need tate. Apply Mrl,y, u onl1 ono

· Row Wistar' Balsam Cares. F.ROk SxhrooJt Tlf.t.TCllllJI, M. 1>. of

. H'er1DOD, N. Y. "W!ITAR'IJ B.t.t.a.t.ll ov WILD Omtruta

Kl•.,. uol•trul nUatacllon. H Hema '0 cure • coogb by looeentog a ad clno­hiJ tho lon~t., &lld aU..,-t.o& lrrltal.loo, t.boe removln• tho oatue, lnifead or dry· IDg yp tbe coogb aod lonlng the cauto btblod. I oonaldar the B.t.LUIIC the beet oougb modlolllo with wbioh I am acqaalo teet.''

25o., &Go., aDd 1$ per botUo. Sold by dealen &ntrally, aud by T. McMnrdo ~ Co. St. Joba'L

.~or -.y u-• ...., lro~a ltoiM. a.s t <1011kl

Root Pills. -~ 187 mftllloc -•• ecao])lc:.c witt>-- . boK of.,_.. Pilla.: ~ •:.J IC. ,_ :""con•,.

A Val•~• AP'tlcl• S•lll w.u. ~ro Save Doctor's Bllls, use Jlouuooa Hu80a,N.a.. jaa.l.). ,,.... ~- "'f, R. OOMITOCll. Co. l.TO.,

Dr. Morse's Indian Root ~Uls .. ~J:ld=-~~1011~!..= 1~c.l'::! ~~ Pilla. hell~ of lk Dr. •-.,.lodlaa ~

•HE BEST FA~ILY PILL IN USE POlo 11w1 of au tbc ...,_. COCIIbiM<L Tlkir .U. I IDeS a ... IOt.llt ~"1: Yours. a ,._

For Sale by all Oealtn. K· IJ Ktewo....-A

To Ne foundlanders , At Home· and Abroad.

• . ~

To Farmers in Particular-Both the H arbor Grace Standard ~d the Maritime Farmer-Fortnighdy Magazine (East­ern Canada's Leading ~tu.ral P~er) 1. 50 to end of next year, with one picture. I'

To New Subscribers-Both the , Harbor Grace Sta ndard and the Family Herald or :Veeldy Witness t? end o~ next year $1.50- tO end of this year 30 cents, wtth one ptcture.

" To New Subscribers-Both the Harbor Grace Standard and the Toronto Weekly MaiP'and Empire to end of next year $r.125- t0 end of this year 20 cepts, with one picture.

To Everybody- Both the Harbor Grace S tandard and the Family H erald or Weekly Wi~ or Maritime Farmer for one year $1.50. Both tlfe Harbor Grace Standard and the Mail and Empire $r.25, with one picture.

~If the Standa.r'a is to be PQSted to the United States. or Great Britain add soc. for year, and 13c. foe ql¥lrter year.

St. Jehn's .Marble W,or~s 81Dot utaa Dr. JL W. Obue'• ,Nern l'oocl tllere"la a -keel olaallre In ber CIOIIdliSon. 8be w etronrer tndboaltblor la eYerJ wa7." I

watches in ·m satisfaction. to lUa. EciWia llartb, Are'• cu., HoNORIA DEsxon. array a11 the tilty aad aU theo ~A.~~~~er! ~ t~ P.S.-Tbia js StJCh an out of -The C. E. T. S. held a public baneful iaflu es at~ is com.mau ln a terrible eaaclitSbD. Dia:T IPIII8 the way pliac:e, that you had bet· meetidtf ia the Synod building, •-inst th-· ho o ·-t to -k old e10111e ner 1De ua I woold tall to Ur bri:filonr mouraia• with JOU. St. Jobn'!'L oa Tuesday night aad ~- '""" ..... ~v• • tho "'oo• 1• a t-•-t. I _..,. ao• -- M.. 6 P 1 -J • ~-J..t


Manti.ments, Headstones, ·Tab~ets -Work at Bell Island is aow nearly closed for the seuoa. The year oa the IAlaad has beea a auc-­cessful one, and qwre ore has beea shipPed u~ to date tbaa !or any preYtOUI time. ,

-Peara· Anaaal for tble year with lb three &De colored pldaru. Mat free to aa1 patt of the Jelaad to aay oae 8taCliDI ia oae dollar for a 1ear'e aabecriptloa to the Harbor a •• .,.....,...,_,_taof~.

ing lor hi~ u He goes. about IWOO; theM eoor~tlloat ""hbatma -~ ~ uey 1 ~you out ta. a coupe . a l~ge gathenng !:l pn:~ . the earth as a lag lion, seek- 1111 aer•oa •1ltal MeiDeCl t.o 111 utint- of hon[J at Jay's. I have been I Some important matt"" were dla-iag whom he y destrol'" ; and ly oshaa.ted. .comP:e~lecl to order mine 'from cussed. ba\riJSg a ~ar od the can be suited by addressing the Proprietor o.f the abow-he roars after has aeiJed hJs ~··ne- ot Dr. A. w. CbUe"'l ller.e tltere. H.D. I future. · ' ed W ks " Yictit;~:~. "Let him tha"t thiaketfl · •u bi\Dt v ..,. 818tal ~ Mlsa ~llioJt.d -:-- · , . nam or • •

d h tak " 1 f 11" 'I eo·tW I do 1aoaNwOtk No Eeaa=· · Pal ce G~s. f _..New Bubscnbe~to tbe Mon- ~ be stan et e ~eed est be a · aad .,.~ .. .nJ:t 07187

thobl.- aid :- ~ ~ • trea1 Seratd or Wita-. wiU ~ II::B' Outport letters o~ enquiry promptly ansvrered, estimates " MJ w~ oae wa.lked the !Iarrow 1 wn~ otu111 to buw aboU tt:"» :r.· · nunember tbat it tako6 aboat three· f · d 1wl L-'-t-1... d, d · · d

wall, Nt oa ~~ the Pllulu Dr • .l. w. As sbe fidisbed its·pt!'Uial, t1ie; week .. from the time of ordertor o pnces $ "'1".1 cs 1.un;.us.ue an satisfaotio)l as urc Ber eyes alert,l t sh~ight fallt Clwieo'• ·. ·.,="'., Food, 50 eta. a boz. e Jetter cltopP'd from lll~_t tha ~~before it will ~ch tbeas. to customers. ' At length abe top , aad this boxet tor t2.EO, Jt .n a-ten, or » Dealll6Dd'a aerveleaa fia,eta. - S!fe l~lt ell~ thetr ad~

her plea, a:aauo., lWt8 • eo., l'oNate. llatUWII 011 • IOfa ad ~t !itr frOta the MOD~ o&lce. . ,·

and such like Work. I

Page 3: Board, Scantling, Dry Goods - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · , All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla. (My. A. W. tewit:.B



Got Fatbat MorrtsCJ'S •••o. ur. Jist II TIM To Sill lis Ufl.

~ 111:. Ayh\1\nl':;:;;-talla Use •tMJ f Campbclltoa, N.D., F~b. 5o J9Q9.

, Jflllhu fotrUcJ )(~ Co., DuriuJ: \11~ wiota of 1~, while

tranllinj: 611 the Gtlap6 ~out, J coctr.act~o.-.1 • ..;nre Culd wlalda ~tUtcl upon my luOJtS.

Aftu 1 r.:turuetl Fati.Jer •torriKy •n~•-u•• I ~ .. t:tle J~rlptlbn fvr could uot be Glletl at We After one 'nck'a delaJ l jnat In the ulek of tlmo to 1\(~r :IUO UlOUW'I \:~ II~C!1f~

Yoi.usml171 }DO. A7lward.

There fa not mQCh tlJDe to la.e wba & colcl ec:t..tlH em li.Je luacw. Pncuwoafe kill• within a week. Wltb Pali.Jer lltorriac:y'- "No. so" at baud, you c)qD't ev~ ~Ye tonlt (or1u~ -.... Jo'' cu~ alllhnnt anti lung troablei. Jt II • n:.'n 1,.,.,~~ Tonie. andfo~ ciplnlt fatun~ attacb. Trl:!.l bottle 'SC.'R~lar ~tz.e soc, at your dc:llc:t'a, or from Pither ltorriiCJ Mcdlcloo Co. Ltd., Cballwn. N.a 6a

-Captain Bernier, "'ho ia aimiAg to reach the Paci&t: Ocean by the N. W. Pa .. age 1• elth~r at the Mackc:o&le Ri•c:r qn. the Pacl&c aide or elK frt>&en in tbe ice aome· where 011 the northern coaat or ~me ria.

-'Die D-"' lull,.,_•T Jhub1 Tlm• hu .. leHd - a.Jd "fUUl r 4&1111•1 or S.'IOO.OOO. aDd Ia 4oiDIIO wei UJ•t Lord Nortballcre bu perJDaMD\1)' looreuecl the alae of bla KYeDUII lfew• 10 Jwetn .,.. ...

0 hark, what's that I the tele-phoae bell, l.

I bear it ring apia! Hello! who's tbore, North Srd·

ncr. " Tbe aad news for to .tell?

I listened at the recci•er, The Cebtral there alae "id :

" I got word from the Blut Fur;-ttace, ,

A young mao tbcte ia dcd." A

Listen again I I .bear the DaUle I 0 hue I beard arirht I

Alas. I have, it'a but ~ trae-,.,. " Bis~amc is Artliur Pike."

That 6ae r.nl' ptan we lraew 10 wei,

Who came from our owa towa In his youth and prosperity,

In healtlt he was cut down.

0 God l wMh sad m:f,e, Ria poor wife must ve ;

Ob, who's the oae to break H ? The Clergy I be1ieYe.

For lae'a the IDOI!It coaaolilll', • And Ilia duty he will do, '

To try to bting aome comfort '1'-o 01le eo loyal and true.

-cea.ed9 oa motion of J. A. W. Mc:Ntflj, It ia ordered that Pro­bate to tbe BR~.t.e ~f the cleceue4 bie muted to Williaut Beary SOper of C&tbOnear, mercharatt tiM petitioaer. ., · Ill tbe'mattu of the al~ ia-liol~of Joha J. Heueaay of ~race, .. en;~aaut;. Appli .. catioa ou the part of ~Oha Shirl­daa a jaclpent creditor of the above-aamed Joha J. Beaueaay fOi' aa cmter to aet atde the order for)h~ U4 the •estiag ofder oa the lrririmdi that the p.titioa

, for laeolieacy 'tfoes 'Dot shew the But, hiS, ~r wde and cblldrea, petitioner to be lDtOl•ent. W. R.

It a tbeJabiall feel the I1IW't, ROwley for Shericlaa, MCNei1y To thiak that oae the, JoYed 10 faf Beaa-7• Md(elJy ]a heard

clear , · . · coatra;; HOwtey la &pitt beard. From theaa wu forced to ~ · Orclere4 t1iaf the further hearial'

I hope our friea4l aatl _.bbora be ~ to St. Joba's to the .. Will leacl a heJpla~r !wMf; 7th Dei:eiiber. •

:Aail pray to God to stnqttiea Court ~eel till t6-1b0row btr

1 at 11 o'clock. •

Ber tiollbles for to stad. No•ember 25. For liDo~ whea. we'll be Court met pursuant to acJtour·n-·t

meat. Ia the matter of the petitiou of

Tlaomu Clarke'- of Carbonear, ........... alJellat tqt Gi1ea fJililtla. Of· ~. Jtlaater, is liieolveat and prayi!l( that be -be 110 declUed. MCNeily for peti· tlouer etates the facta of the pe­tition. GUea Smith awora and evamiaed by McNeily.

Tlie debtor asks for •• a.cl~oura mot for a week to enabfe ham to make an agreement with bll c:reditora. Oidered that the far­ther ~Ill' be adiouraecl to St. John • till Friday, the 2nd day of

ill Decelllber. The Court roae.

The Ml:mou:Y. =8D~ the

(CoatinUfd.) , Aa the maia cbaricterist.ic of the '\rhite race ls buaiDeaa eu· ere, the characteristic that more cllifereattates the yellow race Irom the othen is that they are an ethical race, iaclined to the atudy of the ideal in human -character. The lf!Uker blushed with shame

u be t&oufht of .the W&J in which the great British aatsoa which palmes 1taelf oa being par excel· lence the aalt of the earth forced on the 400 milltoas ia China, sue· ceptible to tbe fuciaationa of tbe deadly weed, the body/ad 110ul deatroyiag opium, aa u be ~ted the sad tale the audi· euce bl~e4_ too, or boiled with illdigaatioa, aad the chairman bad to upreu his, abhotl'euce of the deed. It was woader that -AUed the· miada whea he told bow the Chinese Go•erameat, lour or five .-,ean ago, 'made a eort of barptn. with the British

Eczema's Tortures

Aft treollftGnta '•"" "'' ...... loftl ~-cvre oompl ... wtt11 DR. •


Mrl. Link, ~Walker St., Jla.Jilul N. S., wrltel: ' Alter tllfte ,...,. o mllll!rablo ,torture &lid lll"pl• Dlallta wltll 1trrlblo auema, &aa aft« tr)"ID~ Oftr a dozu remedlta wltll•t obt.ala· iar uyt.blaa but •Usht W.ponar)" rell~, l u•e beu pert.eetl.Y u4 t~~~t&~ tllred bJ Dr. Ohue'a ~iatmnt. Alwr &lie tlinl or fourib apP.JlealloD ot till• (l'lllld ohataumt t obtiilDid nUet, ua e iow boses were tlllllclnt to makl a 1 boi'O\Ip:IIJ eure. It 11 Jix lllftlU llooe 1·101 fMed of thl• wretched akia en.. eu!l and u tbtre baa bND •o ntunl ot t~ b-";;bJ• I ~n1lder tb• tun a penD· ueat oae.' •

Sntb n,_ art ~ot broaabt abollt b7 lmll.atlou ud llllbltlblt• for Dr. Cltua'• OlatD.\eDt. It ... 1llll'lfore n~ tor you to M eftbla tlla£ 1 portrait w llgnatur, of A. ff. "- D., tbe famo111 Reulpt Book are 011 tbo; box )"OU bu,. eo eta. & 1t 1111 dulera or Edmao10111 ~tel .t Tor011to. Writa for a nee COJI1 Qr. CltaM '• "Reel pea.

sbUI- Hia hCIIDe-thrusta at the niggardlt,sesa of the -.t liberal of ua. thrusta etlforced nd ealiYeaecl with huiDOroua atoriea, aad followed 'by eloqaeat appeala for a better apirlt and a betttr giriag,could hardly faU to lbeet a fitting reapoal'e. The collect,lon box no dQQbt showed this, aad there ia reuon to think that tbe art of-liberal aad ayatematic ri~ iag (oa tbe fi~tday of the week} ,nu be more rratefully .-sd aedu· lously c:ultinted by hit hearers in general than it b~ beea Ia the put, fairly proficient thourh eozue of the!ll zuay he in tl~e p~o· tice .

-Trw S.A.V&aL.:...Hecelpt aad Order Boob at the STUDUD 015ce.

· -The Newfouadlaad herring fteet from Gloucester may reac;h 60 veaaela.

-The Newfoundland Righ· landers are now erectiar a a om· nuium tq!-Jipmcat ia their Hall oa Kial''s Road, St. Joha'a.

-All hope of recovering ally ol the bodies of the ill·fattd Golden Arrow has now been abandoqed.

-Next enr there will likely be a large increase ia the bank or trawl tithing fleet, aad it "ia poso alble thtt such will be lar~y en· Pled itt on the Labrador Coast, after the cl~ of the 11 caplin achoot.''-l>jlily NewL

-With the pr~l to estab­lish Diatrict Hoa tala, the pre­

Government in faU accord ateps ia that direction will be

talren ib due course. " -The ~rullia2' match, bet..,eea

Youag Olaen aod llartla Rock. ol Boet.oa, took pl.ace oa lloaday aiflat laat at .St. 1obta 'a Ia the prnence of aboQt 1000 people, Olaen had mat­ten all. Ia~ owa way, ud put Rodr'a abouldera to the mat wltb· oa.t uy e•ident uertioa, wlaalar with eue. Alter tbe 6~ 018ea cbalJearect otto Oppelt41lt any wdrht up to 158 lbL, wi~ any Te­feree.

MT.UIJSR'ID 187-i.

PreleDt llembenhJp 20,000. It. obJto&l..,. .. a4nDee tllllokreata

otl:aallilbmeaaacl U.etr CS..Oe1Miaata b7 ttro't"Ja!ac a lUI aM oen.lD IDUDec:it IDaAiu proteoUoo In Um• or ltokn.­aDd dW..._I Uld 10 IW~Itb .. &he llolldohmloD blhr"D Bql&D4 ead \be l&Ddl btl lOIII ban peoplfCI,

.BIIIel• &I'll To oue of atoka..., mldleal a~oe aDd a wMkl)' ben .. llt. Ia ea. or deeth $100; dMUa ot wua fliOt· du~ of oblld M\~•o I aod u. $16.

llltleUoa r- Ul uaUoriD. 'l'bi'M dollare tor ~1-.r• op to 50.

ID lilt lll ro )'Ml'l of l&a axb&aaoe, Uae & 0. E. , 8. bu peld &o Eo&UaliiDut or Ulelr falaW.., o .. r one mUUOD aDd a quu*er dcallue' Ia rell1t of cl.lltnel, or wba~ Ia 110 1- to t.be pobst, to prna' 411 ...... n. 8oe.ltl1 baa. lo ... rete bhl exe!tl· IM t ICb IIDe Of J1t. llliDreoOI.

Par&alnllanl oeo be bad trom IDtJDbere Locl&e .. Dlamo.o41abll"'" No. 218, g..,... &or 1Jreoe.

t • JobD W, Oerler, 8wp. Oraad SIC., TctrooiO

Cabot B1lildlu,,..1Jater Street StJcum'a.


Full U.oea Gran.lte aod Marble Seadato11u. MonUI!!eata 1.11d Ceme­tery Decoration. now 011 band. oal~ and eatima~ on a_pplica· tlon.. Beat -workman.ahlp. Loweat price-.

THE .HOM.E PAPER Out Job Work D~eut ts under cMe of an

ex~enced competent foreman. It has an excellent reputation~ growing one. Often has to work extra to fill orders; All sorts of printing executed neatly, promptly, at reasonable rates.

IN EVERY WAY. Buafness Men-elsewhere more than in New-•

foundland-ars: increasingly becomi9g convinced of the value of having their name and business before the Public. Have something the public wants or would be the better of. Then the more widely you let such be known the better. One of the BEST and CllEAPEST ways of so doing is through the use of yo4r name~nd business on business paper-Envel­opes, Letter 0( Note Paper, Bill Heads.

·YOU CAN. , Look, too, at the savin~ of time effected through

the use o( PRINTERS INK. Five minutes a day saved through letter headings, etc., means r 500 minutes a year. Business men do not need so much to be reminded of this as the weary house­wife~ Then, by the use of printed order books, receipt books, and otber forms, bow many more hours a year will be saved, not to talk of records of transactions kepl.

....... a.bor . tiratt Jtaudard . Only $1.00 year prepaid

~ Bill Heacls~Letter lnq Note Paper Heads, En·

velopes, Visiting Cards, Memc•nal Cards, Notices of MeetiE.i Cards, Receipt Books, Order Books, Counter ~becks, etc.

·· . .~ WITH Church, Facto~· and Societies' Financial Forms

or other req~isitds. Posters, Dodb•ers, Circulars, ags, Tags, Ttc~, etc. . {

Montreal Family_ Herald --OR---

.. ~JarColored Pi ewes Free with ·above OUers on

request. ·

Page 4: Board, Scantling, Dry Goods - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · , All Nervous Diuasea Cored Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla. (My. A. W. tewit:.B

MQter diac:U.rpl his ~ with his W:llltomed ability. The..umoa, which wa:a ap able ll!ldfiaely deliY~ed eJiort, wu 'J)ftaclaed b.r the Ru. Fatlau \Valier, who took as his theme the Immaculate Coucepdoa.

~ke-follo1fiaw- cl~ were also p,reaellt aad· had. .eats Ia the aaoctuarr. Tbe Rev. Dr. Whelau, tbe ReY. F'r. W. P. Fina, and t~ .Re•. Fr. ~hibawt, Rev. F. ~ 'McCarthy, ud ReY. J. Mackey.

The choir rendered beautifully a programme of sacred music, which was highly apprec:iattd by

'':,I~~~ ~-·u~t 1 the la:r,e uaembty of worsbip-11. -pen; Miss M. Cody, the taJeuted

organist. presiding. Solos. were sung by Mrs. M. O'Brleu and Mrs. M. T. ]ones,• and Measn. Tho . Haarahaa, J. Casey, and R. K. Kennedy. These were beard to p:eat advantage in the Ave Mar­ta, the Sa.uctus, the Credo, anct the Salve Regina, some behsg ex­cepti•nally good.

Poptifical Vts~ was c:elebrat­ed in the e\·enuag at 7a30. the choir bOys chanting the pulms with fine effecL The whole day's services :w~re most im~ve.

Tbe Veaerable 8\atu Catherine of t~a Preseatatioa COaveut here ~~ UU, aftemooa a.Yabo~t one o'clock, &iter a long ~riod of ill· aeu. Sister QlUlerine had reach­eel tbe fldvaaced ace of over ~ yea.rs; aad was O!le of the ?14est m~bers of the suterhood tn the Colony. She was a native of the COUaty G~:way, Irelud, and bu beea u inmate of the convent here .for, we uodentaad, over •li&lf a cen.tury. She was ~ta Lady Superio"r until a few yeara ago, :whea the infirmities of age led her to trive up its duties. Three if not four g~aeration\.;.havc re­ceived instruction. (rom Sister Catherine a_nd are amongst the many that feel- saddened at her remonl from their midst.

-The Ladiea Aid Auociation of the Metbod•t Cliurc;li held a Sale of Work on Wedneaday at Coughlan Ball, which, iD apite or the bad weather gne the ladiea the baud· aome eum of sao .. the work table, ·the tea and candy tablea beiol:' well patroniaed. Aa to the two latter, dainty.eer,ice and bountiful and de· Iicloua fare made it hard topau them b1. Olllaat night the aale waa con­lfnued. aad a large number of citi­aenia of all Clauea and creed• attend-

the. bot a upper being a apecla.l at· traction. The proceed• amounted to$70. To-ofght, tl%6 Sale will be C01ltinued, teo cent t.eaa being ooo of the altractiDoa. The llidie.s hope tO add ~to the Fund or more.

• -The higbta or Colambua held their firat assnual meeting hut night.

.,n,rtna•.l ~e reporta of tbe different olfeere

Rouqd tri~ tickets will be issued between all Stations and Ports of Call on diis Company:s Sy~tem at• undermcntioned rates, proviqing schedule of trains and steamers p,ermit of re­turn being made within dates specified

AT ONE WAY EIRST ClASS fARE /1-: Dec. 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 251ti, good until Dec. 27tb. l Dec. 29th, 30th,) 1st and Jan. ut, gOod until Jan. 3rd.

At One and ' One Third first Class fare Dec. S2nd to January 3rd, ioC:IUaive. gOod atil jaa. stb.


Made instantly-. cGBd caa make tit. It Jias all the ~'ce and delicious -flavour of the fin&t coffee. There is no other' just as ROOd.' • • ~ 10GJ: er-r for lt ~o-c~&r, aDd be 111119 to a:r 'CAMP,'


Otr Saturday of last week a young man named Antle, of Vic­toria, met with a painful acci· dent causing him tbe loss of his left baud. He was iu abooti~Sjr partridge and in dischargiag ~ guo it burst aud shattered_,. band, which bad to be amputated by Drs. Boyle and. SteatafOrd, who found it necc.sary to do so.

The aanu.al S&le ot the Mttho­dist Ladies' Aid ~itty a.ud the Girl's Guild;; took place in the Collere Hall 011 Tuesday evening of Jut week. 'rhe Sale of ·fancy I[OOC!a wu opeaed by the Rev. Ja~ Pincoclc, pastor of the Church at S o'clock, and found ready sale. The tea tables were laden with a variety of delica­cies, aad were 1rell patronized by the visitors. Tb.e followin~ night the OoOUTt under the 'Gl&Dage­ment of the Girl's Guild, was a great succeas, aftu which came a hot supper, which s 'mltlated the tast~ of a great of people, and the ladies wer kept con­stantly on tbe move a ding to their :wants. The Sale was a great success, and the ladies were well -pleased with the proceeds, "Vhich amounted to the handsome sum of$342.

The following schooners arriv­ed during the week from Syney, coal laden : the Dorothy Duff, Captain E. Bur"Ke, to Messrs. W. Duff & Sons ; Lena, Capb.in C. Forward, to Messrs. Andrew and Freeman Parsons, Freshwater i and Minnie J. Smith, to Messrs. G. So~r & Sons.

The /brgt. Pride of the We$t, Capt. Ellis, finished loading with fish at Messrs. Udell & SOns on Monday and sailed for market.

t The Annual Meeting of the C,

E.A.A. took place last Thursday night and was fairly well ~llend­ed. TJ:ie !oltowin~ officers were elecW<i for the comtng year.: Bro. M: Colley, re-elected , Prestdent; Bro. M. ~. Hawker, r~elected Vice-President t Bro. L. Chubbs, Secretary ; BTc>. W. Pike, re-elect­ed Treasurer ; Bro. M. Earle,' Chap.; Bro. A. G. Marshall, re­elected Inuer Tyler ; Bru. George Bennett, rt-elec:ted Outside Tyler; Brothen R. Pike, 'r. Chubbs, S . Py~, and G. Pi'ke :were appointed as a committee .

I CoRllBSPONDRNT. Carbonear, Dec. 8.

-The achooneT Pretoria arriYed on Tueeday with a lot of coope.ri~e aluff for Mr. W. A. Muon.

-The •ery mild wd weatber we ha.,_.. been hatiag the paat few w~eke; "'ffith acarceiJ' :1 suan1 day, p,.e war on Wcdaucl'"1 e~eoiu& ud af&bt to a aoow-f&ll Uaat ia the c:Dane of meltba&' DUt da, llwle the walkiq nry diaagreeable. At nightfall, howenr, it had hardened "P conaiderably. ...;._ __

-.Wah Ling, a. Cbinami.D, 10 yeara ln the colllltry. a c:ouain of Kim Lee. died at Grand F'a.lla, of \ieart failur-o. on Tu~a,. Bla re. mai.Qa were brought by Thunday'a upreu to St. John'• to be burled. •

• -Tha Lorna Doone aniftd oo Tueadaf from St. Jobu'a with a ar~ o cement for the fouodation of the oew public buUdi.ng. It Ia an old story oow that we reg~t to aee the publle dock ldectecl for the aite when other. juat u good are avail­able.

-OK ExmmTJOM.-We han now on e..lribition in OIU' atore our F11U a.ud winter atock of auitinga and crtercoa.ting~ in all tile moat fiab.ion· able ahadoa. The.e JrOOd• are Brit· iah. maaufactllte and .imported di· rect. Ba'e your next .Wt a.ad onr· coat made in tbe lateat New York at1le. "with all tbe AatHtca.u dub" from theae goodL 6pec:ial ..atteo· tion ghen Mail OrdeTL Write to­day for aample. .ad meaaure cardL

' 1. & w. MA..UlOAN, The Ex-peri Tailors.

-Amougat the pauenier• by yeaterdaf'• exyreu :were Mr. Ro~t. Martin. aotl o Mr. Jnmea l'tfllrtsu (ateward) and Mr. WilliaiQ Martin 1011 of Mr. Jamea Martin of Mur­q 'a SqUare. from Montreal who re· t11ru here for the winter. They hue bfl.e'! working in the cbeeae factory .¥ Budaon and Rowaon, Montreal; aina; their ~ing up in the aprl-dr. Two other Harbor Gr.lciaJU?now~e.ideut In Montreal, are alao employed there, Meaar.. Harry and Rooa.ld Donnan. -The former ia .econd foremll.D in the utablilbmeat. Other fellow pas­aengera from Montreal were "Mr. Joe.liua French, whoae brother Charlea lately arriYed from the Yu· kon. and Mr. M. S\lute o! the South Side.

_.The Conception Bay British Society Band are holding ~ con­cert on St. Sfephe:n's night in aid o( the Instrument Fund. Mr. Kennedy and the members of the Baud are woTlcing bard, and a most enjoyable time may be au-tidpa!ed· · - ..

- We are pleased to see Dr.

were riad. ahowing a rooJ ye.nr financially and hi point ol numbers, The otlicera lot tbe eoming year wue elected. and otbtr neoeuary bualoeaa tranaa~ted. The membei- .:_Look out for something good, ahi.P at pre.ent ia 130. 't.ad out of the common on New

Good wid out again afteJ: his se,·· ere attack of illness. 1

-The Lad Supe.rior or the Year's N~.ht. The C. C. C. boya ~tioa tonveat is reCOVfl'to are ~alDg hard. inl' her late attack of illne8a · . • ~ • ud ia. we hear, able to be UP. -Our feub"W townsman, W. B. to-day. · J.P., was con-

. fined a 'day or so thru a cold, but it able to be about the put few days.

It is ~4 that ~an.nermau Bouse bas been sold. M~ W. E. Wood who bas been

here for a few days to see her JdOther and friends returns to S t. Jtha's this afternoon. ,.

Mifard's Linit"eat • Cure• Distemper. ,