MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam www.mambalamtimes.in CMYK FREE 988th Issue : May 24 - 30, 2014 Vol. 19, No. 52 With this issue, Mambalam Times completes 19 years of its service to the residents of T. Nagar and Mambalam. We have distributed over 2.75 crores free copies of Mambalam Times so far.

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Page 1: MAMBALAMmambalamtimes.in/admin/pdf/1400855561.MT Pages.pdf · MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam C M Y K Vol. 19, No. 52 988th Issue : May 24 - 30,


The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalamwww.mambalamtimes.in



FREE988th Issue : May 24 - 30, 2014Vol. 19, No. 52

With this issue, Mambalam Times completes 19 years of its service to the residents of T. Nagar and Mambalam.We have distributed over 2.75 crores free copies of Mambalam Times so far.

Page 2: MAMBALAMmambalamtimes.in/admin/pdf/1400855561.MT Pages.pdf · MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam C M Y K Vol. 19, No. 52 988th Issue : May 24 - 30,

May 24 - 30, 2014MAMBALAM TIMESPage 2


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Oratorical /elocution contestfor school students

Shree Vignesh & Company will conduct an Oratorical/elocution competition on Friday, May 30 at 27, Giri Street,West Mambalam.

Students in the age group of 10 - 15 years can participate.Participants can talk in both English and Tamil.

Participants will have to talk on gurus and philosopherslike Gnananda Giri Swamigal, Yogi Ramsurat kumar, KanchiMaha Periyava, Shesh adri Swamigal and Ramana Mahirishi.The number of participants is limited to 30. Registration,which is free, will begin on Saturday, May 24, and will be onfirst-cum-first served basis. The topic will be given to theparticipants at the time of registration.

For more details, please call 93840 56677 / 99625 81489.

Plea for old newspapers toraise fundsBy Our Staff Reporter

Care for Children (an NGO, Jeevanandham Salai, K. K.Nagar. Ph: 98403 98777, 4353 2332) has appealed fordonation of old newspapers and other waste to raise funds forproviding educational support for poor children. The itemswill be collected at the doorstep.

M. Subramanian (Managing Trustee) said that the 3-year-old trust provides uniforms, notebooks, other stationery andfees for needy students mostly in Government and Corpora-tion schools. Assistance worth Rs. 20 lakhs was provided lastyear with the help of donations, he added.

Talk on‘Thiru

Arutpa’ onTuesday

Under the aus-pices of VallalarSanmargasangam(V.O.C Street, MGRNagar, Ph: 9445343706), Dr. KadavulKannan will give adiscourse on ‘ThiruArutpa – MotchaVeetin Thiravu Kol’on Tuesday, May 27,at 6 p.m in SakthiVinayagar Temple(P.T. Rajan Salai,K.K. Nagar).

All are welcome.

Talk in Tamil on ‘Shastram and its significance’ tomorrowNannilam Vai Rajagopala Ganapadigal (publisher and editor of Vaithikasri, a Tamil spiritual magazine) will give a

talk in Tamil on ‘Shastram and its significance’ on Sunday, May 25, from 3.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m, in Ayodhya Mandapam(Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Ph: 2489 3077). It will be followed by an interactive session on spiritual matters.

All are welcome.

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MAMBALAM TIMESMay 24 - 30, 2014 Page 3

42,000 copies of this edition are deliveredFREE every Saturday!

Page 4: MAMBALAMmambalamtimes.in/admin/pdf/1400855561.MT Pages.pdf · MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam C M Y K Vol. 19, No. 52 988th Issue : May 24 - 30,

Page 4 May 24 - 30, 2014MAMBALAM TIMES

By Our Staff ReporterNatarajan Ramaswamy

(55), who suffers from dwarf-ism, was earning his livelihoodby running a tea stall on thepavement of Pondy Bazaar.

In November 2013, ChennaiCorporation cleared PondyBazaar pavement of hawkersafter allotting them space inthe ‘Chennai Corporation Pave-ment Vendors’ Shopping Com-plex’ on Thyagaraya Road, T.Nagar.

Natarajan, who stands just3 feet tall, said that he was notallotted a space in the complexas he was not a member of anyof the hawker or trader asso-ciations.

Since then, he has been shut-tling between the Madras HighCourt and Corporation’s headoffice in Ripon Buildings, seek-ing a small corner to start hisbusiness in the Vendors’ Com-plex. “I have government docu-ments to prove that as a handi-capped person I am eligible for6 ft x 4 ft space in Corporationpublic places,” he said.

“Till 1993, I was paying amonthly rent of Rs. 100 to theCorporation for the space al-lotted to me in Pondy Bazaar,”he added.

Natarajan said he had beenearning his livelihood for the

He fights to regain livelihoodafter losing pavement space

past 20 years from the samespot by selling tea, biscuits andtobacco.

When the eviction orderswere passed, he got a stay or-der from the High Court butthe Corporation officials stilltook away his bunk. He filed acase again but it is getting de-layed and he has almost ex-hausted all his savings and hasno more money to pursue thelegal battle, he told this re-porter.

He has met senior Corpora-tion officials a number of times,but to no avail.

He said he has even identi-fied unused space in the com-plex which can be allotted tohim. “When I had my stall, Ihad a number of patrons andwas earning Rs. 1,200 a day.

Now I and my family arestruggling to live with a mea-ger disability allowance of Rs.1000 per month received fromthe government. I have vaca-ted my rented house and sentmy wife and two daughters toher parental home in Kalla-kurichi where my daughters arestudying in a governmentschool,” he said.

He concluded by saying“With no earnings, I stay andsleep in my friend’s shop in theVendors’ Complex”.

Plea for donations toprovide educationalassistanceBy Our Staff Reporter

Alaya Kainkarya Sath San-gam (Flat 4, Subhiksham, 8,Bank of India Colony, AshokNagar. Ph: 2371 5585, 9543715552, 94442 72190) has ap-pealed for assistance to enableit to pay school and college feesfor more poor students.

K. R. Gopalakrishnan (Fo-under) said that the Sangamhas already received Rs. 4.5lakhs including Rs. 2 lakhs frommembers, their friends and rela-tives this year for this purpose.

He said that in 2013, theSangam extended assistanceamounting to Rs. 1.6 lakhs to10 poor students. Marriageassistance worth Rs. 1.25 lakhswas given to poor parents of 3brides. S. Ramesh of AshokNagar was helped with Rs.55,000 for surgery in both eyes.

Gopalakrishnan said that in2009, the Sangam adopted andrenovated the Sri VisalakshiAmbal Sametha Sri Viswana-theeswarar Temple in Kal-poondi Village in Tiruvannama-lai District. About 500 yearsago, devotees from the villagewent to Kasi and brought backa Lingam in the shape ofSaligramam which they in-stalled in the village and builtthe temple. The temple is situ-ated on the banks of Kaman-dala Naga River which origi-nates from Padavedu Hills, runsthrough the village and joinsthe Cheyyar River.

Kanchi Paramacharya vis-ited the temple during hispadayatra and also had a dip inKamandala Naga River.

The Sangam organizes thetemple festivals. It also con-ducts medical camps andhealth awareness programs inthe village. It has been provid-ing notebooks and other studymaterial for 280 middle schoolstudents in the village since2010.

Those interested in givingdonations for educational as-sistance may contact Gopa-lakrishnan (95437 15552), K.V. Thyagarajan (94449 61152)or R.Srinivasan (93846 66661).

Bhajans onFridays in SriKrishna templeBy Our Staff Reporter

Members of BrindavanSamithi will sing group bhajanson Fridays from 6.15 p.m to7.15 p.m at Sri Krisha Temple,Thanikachalam Road, opp.Matsya Hotel.

Devotees are welcome toparticipate in the bhajans.

Free grouprunning sessionson Tuesdays andSaturdaysBy Our Staff Reporter

Chennai Runners (T. NagarChapter) is conducting freerunning sessions from PanagalPark (Bashyam Road, T.Nagar) at 5 a.m on Tuesdaysand Saturdays. Anyone canparticipate in the runs.

Attendees can participate in6 km, 8 km or 10 km runs.

The runs will be followed by atraining session by regular run-ners on how to build-up staminato increase the speed and therunning distance. Those whoare interested may contactRadha Krishnas-wamy in73059 51900 / 89396 04259.

K. V. Anand, a HR consult-ant, offers free counseling tojob seekers. He said that can-didates with weak educationalprofile and gaps in employmentperiods can approach him forhelp and advice. He also offersadvice in writing resumes in aprofessional manner. He saidthat even though the candi-date may be bright and ca-pable, if his resume does notcommunicate his/her accom-

plishments clearly, it can getrejected even before the inter-view stage.

Anand has more than 8years experience in the fieldand has helped in placing morethan 100 candidates in thepast. More details can be hadby visiting his Facebook page‘Cure your placement feverhere’.

For appointments, pleasecall him in 98843 33872.

Offers free counseling to job seekers

Page 5: MAMBALAMmambalamtimes.in/admin/pdf/1400855561.MT Pages.pdf · MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam C M Y K Vol. 19, No. 52 988th Issue : May 24 - 30,



MAMBALAM TIMES Page 5May 24 - 30, 2014

Concert of Nandita and Nikitatoday eveningBy Our Staff Reporter

Sisters Nandita Krishnanand Nikkita Krishnan (resi-dents of Kodambakkam) willgive a vocal concert on Satur-day, May 24, at 6 p.m inSravanam Hall, TTD Center(Venkatnarayana Road, T.Nagar). They will be accompa-nied by T. Vagadheeswari (vio-lin) and Sriram (mridangam).

They are pupils of T.V.Meenalochani of Sri VenkataAnnamacharya Temple ofFine Arts (Kuppaih Street,

West Mambalam).All are welcome.

Book bank invitesapplications

Sri Sumathi Vishal JainBook Bank (ThirukumaranApartments, 12, Rameswa-ram Road, T. Nagar. Ph: 24360675, 90430 11190, 8015250009, 92823 42222) has in-vited applications from needystudents studying in engineer-ing and computer science de-gree courses in colleges in andaround Chennai for providingtextbooks on loan basis for theentire 4-year course.

Application forms can be hadfrom 4 p.m to 6 p.m from Mon-day to Saturday and from 10a.m to 1 p.m on Sunday in theabove address.

The form can be also down-loaded from www.ssvjainbook.org. Address proof, identityproof, income certificate ofparents and latest mark sheetshould be provided along withapplications.

More than 400 studentshave benefitted so far.

By Our Staff ReporterAbida Farheen (student of

Anjuman Matriculation Scho-ol, T. Nagar) was amoung theState 1st rank holders in Ara-bic by securing 99/100 inStd.10 board examination, theresults of which were an-nounced on May 23.

Her marks in the other sub-jects are English (95), Maths(90), Science (98) and Social(97).

Comes State 1st in Arabic inStd. 10 board exam

Volunteers rescue birds soldillegally on T. Nagar pavement

Blue Cross volunteers on May19 rescued 153 black headedmunia birds and 14 Indian par-rots from a roadside vendor inT. Nagar on May 19 and handedthem over to the police.

Animal lovers Karthikeyanand Karthick Dandapani (vol-unteers with Blue Cross) founda woman selling the birds on thepavement near Pothy’s show-room (Usman Road, T. Nagar).The birds were cramped in smallcages, said Karthikeyan

“We approached the womanand told her that the sale ofthese birds was illegal. She firststarted arguing with us and themoment she realized that wewere calling the police, she aban-doned the birds and escapedfrom the spot,” said Dandapani.

The police came and confis-

cated the birds, he added.A police official said that the

birds were first taken to PondyBazar Police Station and weresubsequently handed over toArignar Anna Zoological Park(Vandalur Zoo).

Fifteen of the black headedmunias died by the time theyreached the zoo due to suffoca-tion, said Dawn Williams (GM,Blue Cross). The birds were firstexamined in the zoo’s hospitaland given treatment whereneeded, he said.

Indian parrots and black-headed munias are classifiedas endangered under ScheduleI of the Wild Life ProtectionAct and their trade is a crimi-nal offence, he added.

Carnatic musicclasses inVani Mahal

Vani Sangeeta Gurukulam(run by Sri Thyaga BrahmaGana Sabha, Vani Mahal, 103,G. N. Chetty Road, T. Nagar.Ph: 28152166) has invited ap-plications from students inter-ested in learning Carnatic mu-sic (Advanced Course) andbecoming concert musicians.

The last date for submissionof applications is May 30. Scree-ning of applicants will start onJune 1.

Dr. B. M. Sundaram (re-nowned musicologist and musi-cian) is the Director of theGurukulam. Students withknowledge of a few varnamsmay get the application formfrom the Sabha office duringworking hours. More details canbe had in www.vanimahal.com,email :[email protected].

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MAMBALAM TIMES May 24 - 30, 2014Page 6

Advertise in the Classified Columns: Mambalam-T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar- K.K. Nagar Editions: Rs. 400 (upto 35 words); Bold letters: Rs. 600Display: Rs. 240 per column centimeter. Advertisements will be received upto 1 p.m on Friday.



thu, Nameologyexpert “JyothishaRathna” Srimathi V.Akilandeswari, M.A.M.Phil. D.I.A. Specia-list in Palmistry,Astrology, Name-ology, Numerology,Marriage matching,Vaasthu and Sarva-muhurtha Nirnayam.Sri Raja RajeswariJathagalaya, 16/38,Postal Colony 1stStreet, West Mam-balam, Ph: 9444151597, 94449 97942,94449 97946, 23711068.ASTROLOGICAL reme-

dies & accurate prediction onmarriage, child birth, health,debt, education etc. Alsohoroscope, horoscopematching & casting, vaasthu,numerology & prasannam.Prof. S. Panchanathan,Vakku Sithar Jothida Nila-yam, T. Nagar/ Nanganallur.Ph: 94444 53693, 8939509292.


SCORPIO 2.6 deluxe,2004 model in good conditionfor immediate sale. Ph: 9444042348, 2434 6778, 24359241.


taken for marriage (Ato Z), small functions,nitchayathartham,s e e m a n t h a m ,a y u s h a h o m a m ,u p a n a y a n a m ,shashtiapthapurthi,sathabishekam andg r a h a p r a v e s a m ,birthday functions.Contact: Maha-lakshmi CateringServices (WestMambalam), Ph:91763 49027.SHYAMALA Catering

Service (West Mambalam).We undertake catering formarriage, seemantham,nichayathartham, ayushy-ahomam, upanayanam,grahapravesam, sashtia-pthapoorthi, sathabishegamand birthday functions.Quality maintained. Ph: 65671295, 93805 36735, 9382351712.

WE undertakemarriage and allother small functions/ occasions, A to Z,Indoor / outdoorcatering accepted.Trichi Ganapathi IyerMarriage CateringService, K. K. Nagar.Ph: 98402 52059,95662 01600, 9840887516, 98408 87249.SREE Balaji catering

Service, we undertakecatering for marriage (A toZ), Upanayanam, Ayus-homam, Seemantham,Nichyatharttam, Birthday,Grahapravesam, Sasthia-pthapoorthi etc., best quality,we serve more than 16 items,price Rs. 200 (includingservice). Venkatachari. Ph:98841 10890.

HIGH class cater-ing undertaken onlyfor Srardham at avery attractive rates,tailor made menudepending on yourneeds (full madisamaiyal) by malesonly. Contact: Srini-vasa Iyer. Ph: 9444045540, 99404 10008.


nal painting. Civilwork also under-taken. Contact: BESTHome Service (Ex-Alacrity), West Mam-balam. Ph: 9841032292

SAAI Sri RamConstructions (Ex.Alacrity Executive),undertakes jointventure, new buil-ding construction,alterations, bath-room, terrace leakrepairs, terraceweathering coarse,internal & externalpainting, aluminumfabrication, compe-titive rates, timelycompletion, goodquality. Ph: 9840541653.


TECH 365 solu-tions, computerrepair, services,AMC, virus removal,custom build PC’snet working, support(LAN & Wi-Fi), soft-ware and hardware,upgrade at low cost.Ph: 98849 26946.Email: [email protected]. Web:tech365.in.SAFWA systems,

Desktop, Laptop, Printer,CCTV cameras sales andservice, software, hardwareinstallation & upgradation,server network configuration,virus removal and datarecovery, ESSL, biometricattendance systems, billingsoftware, AMC & buybackold systems. Ph: 8939141444, 96987 35822.


CURRENCY & commoditytrading training using chartson ‘Metatrader’ Software.Free seminar will also beconducted. Interestedcontact, Ph: 95000 84470.


for all boards, prachar sabhaexams and spoken Hindi inT. Nagar, near MambalamRailway Station. Ph: 7418824950.

HOME / Regular tuitionsup to +2 (all boards & allsubjects), 10th /+2 re-exam,special coaching, 100%results assurance. Diploma /B.E/ U.G/ P.G all branches,spoken English / French /German / Hindi / Malayalam,all GRE /GMAT/ TOFEL/IELTS/CA-CPT/ICWA also.Ph: 84383 10931, 9597969396.

S A D H A N ACoaching Centre(Estd. 1979), GunturSubbiah School T.Nagar. Classes forstd. 9, 10, +1, +2 (allboards & subjects),Maths, Physics,Chemistry, BusinessMaths, Accountancy,Computer Science,English & French,Hindi. Fresh batch for+2 going student. Ph:94440 59108, 9840052853, 94440 20232,2434 0873.

TUITIONS & COACHING:Accountancy excellentcoaching for +1, +2 CBSE,State. Regular & weekendclasses with one mark test,test series, pre-board testspersonalized coaching,nominal fees. Success(centum) assured. Ph: 9884671480

TUITIONS: upto Std. 12,B.E, MBBS, BDS, UG, PG,IIT-JEE, NEET, SRMEEE,JAM, NET, TOEFL, GRE,IELTS, GMAT, SpokenEnglish, Hindi, French,German. MBBS Papers:Human Anatomy, Physio-logy, Bio-Chemistry, Patho-logy, ENT, Ophthalmology,OG, General Medicine,Surgery Orthodontics, Pros-thodontics, Pediodontics andall. S V T Rengammal Aca-demy. Ph: 98403 24260,99623 19638.

TUITIONS undertakenPRE KG to 12, BE/B.Techwith regular tests, qualityeducation at low price, newbatches start from 2nd June.Contact: 86800 05778, 8680005235.



driver, child caretaker, housemaid,patient attainder,care takers, elec-trician, plumber,.Sree GanapathiHome Services, No.7, PachaiappanStreet, Jaffer-kahnpet. Ph: 9962874936, 95001 36557.Email: ganapathih o m e s e r v i c e s @gmail.com.

OM SaravanaBhawa Man Power,West Mambalam, wearrange vegetarian/n o n - v e g e t a r i a n /brahmin cooks,housemaids, patient/baby caretakers(male/female). Ph:93805 78731.



alliance? Think of us.Chennai Sai SankaraMatrimonials, 7 (15/2), 9th Avenue, AshokNagar. Ph: 2471 6920,98403 30531. Web:www.ssmatri. com.Astro services, latestchart available.Thank you for makingus No. 1. –Panchapakesan.



URGENTLY wanted newfaces male / female models,children for ad –films, cinema,serial in TV channels, shortfilms, portfolio, news readers,compering in TV, actingcourse. Le Mannequin ModelCompany (since-1998 inmedia). Ph: 99414 81483,97899 80573, 4261 6787.Web: www.sangeethaabalan.com.


Piano, keyboard, guitar,Trinity exam western &carnatic. Also 15 days courseRs. 1500. All days exceptMonday. Radha Illam, No.21/15, Bharathi Street(behind Ayodhya Man-dapam) West Mambalam.Ph: 99403 15101, 4266 8646.

SAI Swarangal Academyof music offers Carnatic andWestern music in keyboard,No. 11/6, J.P. Street, WestMambalam. Aslo excellentlight instrumental music forall functions at reasonableprice. Ph: 98843 70896, 42667796. Web: www.mambalamsaiganesh.com.

NISHANTA KalaKendra, T. Nagar,conducts piono,keyboard, guitar,vocal bhartanatyam,aerobics, Westerndance. Also 15 dayssummer classes,Trinity and otherexams. Ph: 9840180210, 95001 61555.


MAMBALAM Sri Anna-malaiyar Packers & Moversfor shifting of household,office, industrial articles,Chennai city and otherdistricts. Anywhere in India.24 hours service. Safe, 0%damage. Ph: 91765 85154,98406 40522.

Advertisein the

ClassifiedColumns ofMambalam

Times for immediate


AMMAN PackersMovers, packing,loading, unloading,shifting, localChennai city andTamilnadu, Andhra,Kerala, Karnataka &anywhere in India.Full truck, mini truck,sharing load, 100%prompt service. Ph:2440 3637, 9884998064.

MAMBALAM ACLPackers & Movers forshifting in localwithin Chennai Rs.3300, insurance free.Chennai, Hyderabad,Bangalore, Pune,Mumbai, New Delhi,all over India. 0%damage. Ph: 9840047501, 4263 9387,Email: info@aclp a c k e r s m o v e r s .com.

MAMBALAM SriThangam Packers &Movers for shiftinghousehold, localChennai city, fulltruck, mini truck,sharing load. Door-to-door Tamil Nadu,H y d e r a b a d ,Bangalore, Pune,Mumbai, New Delhi,all over India. Safe,0% damage, reliablereasonable charge.Ph: 4212 0864, 24414055, 98412 22437.MAMBALAM SVL

Packers & Movers for shifting,Local. Insurance free, doorto door. Chennai, Mumbai,Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad,Kerala, Bangalore and all overIndia. Just dial and relax. Ph:98410 44422, 93831 44422,3251 4422. Email: svlpackers&[email protected]. in.Website: svlpackersandmovers.coms.

KVT packers & movers,household items, office thingsshifting, machineries moving,door to door, all over India.Ph: 98402 60307, 7871412904.



computer teacher,senior male (50-60years) for an ElderlyBusinessman in T.Nagar, near Mam-balam Railway Sta-tion, persons livingnear preferred.Apply: credentialsgs1 0 0 8 . v a s a n @gmail.com.

WANTED ladyteacher for hometuition for Std.12,student in T. Nagar,subjects: Maths,Physics, Chemistry.ME, M.Tech studentcan also call, salaryRs. 7500. Ph: 9840170210.WANTED PRE-School

teacher, interview on 26th May(Monday), from 4 p.m to 6p.m. Unique Kids, No. 6/66,Balakirshanan (N) Street,West Mambalam, comedirectly with latest resume.



experienced in South Indianfoods, age 25 to 40 years,work in Abroad, pass port is amust, if knows driving addedadvantage, salary Rs. 25000,food, accommodation and airticket to be provided by thecompany, should have atleast 5 years experience in ahousehold or office mess. Ph:2834 5311, 93821 44806.

WANTED lady Brahmincook cum kitchen help in T.Nagar, age 48 years andabove, timing 7.30 a.m to 4p.m. Contact: Mrs. Deepa.Ph: 98650 65190.

WANTED copiyists withbeautiful handwriting to copyTamil manuscripts. Joinimmediately to getremuneration too. Contact:Krishnamurthy, Life timeachievement awardee, No.7/8 Ramakrishnapuram 1st

Street, West Mambalam. Ph:2489 3542.

WANTED technicalassistants (Electronics /Electricals), qualification: +2,ITI, Diploma, experienced /fresher, call between 10 a.m& 6 p.m. Contact: UltimateBiomed System & Services.Ph: 2484 6048.

WANTED accountantmale / lady with knowledge inTally / MS-Office, 2 yearsexperience, for office inKodambakkam. Contact:Weld Eezy, No. 3, RailwayBorder Road,Kodambakkam. Ph: 8148188888.

WANTED lady recep-tionist/ DTP operator and fieldexecutive (male), below 35years for a office in AshokNagar (very near AshokPillar). Ph: 98400 33889,98849 33889.

WANTED salesman,delivery boys, accountant,cashier. Dhanalakshmi Medi-cals, No. 61, Arya GowdaRoad, West Mambalam. Ph:98403 95541.


cushions repairing &reconditioning at verymoderate charges. Contact:K.N.S. Rajan, New No. 58,Peters Road, Royapettah.Ph: 2813 2762, 93818 03956.


(1) July 4 - 7:Ahobilam Nava Nara-simhar. (2) July 10 -15: Puri, SimhachalYatra. (3) July 21 - 27:Pandian NaduTemples. (4) Aug. 1 –6: Malai Nadu (Ker-ala) Temples. VaidehiParthasarathy, 9444762968, 94447 54468,99401 47313.


pranayama, art of living,meditation (Samadhi) from28-05-2014 to 04.06.2014from 6 a.m to 9 p.m in HariOm Vidyalaya, No. 14, 22nd

Street, 5th Sector, K. K. Nagar,behind Padma SeshadriSchool. Ph: 2433 4747.


Play structures in Natesan Park need repairsThe play structures in Natesan Park (Venkatnarayana Road, T.

Nagar) are in a neglected condition.With the summer holidays in progress, the park is a good recre-

ational place for children in the mornings and evenings.I appeal to Chennai Corporation to repair the structures immedi-

ately. – Balasubramanian, South Boag Road, T. Nagar

Service woes in Ashok Nagar Post OfficeSir, For the past one month the service for savings account in

Ashok Nagar Post Office has deteriorated.Customers are being harassed for no fault of theirs. The standard

Sir, On May 22, a resident of our street who was on her way toNatesan Park for a walk at about 5 in the morning almost became avictim of chain snatching.

As she was passing Shrine Vailankanni School (KannadasanRoad), two youths on a motorcycle tried to snatch her gold chain. Thevictim fell down but luckily manage to hold on to her chain whichbroke into two pieces. The youths, realizing their attempt had beenfutile, raced away on their bike.

Incidents of chain-snatching are still taking place despite theheightened patrolling by the police.

The incident is a warning to women to avoid wearing jewellery andstepping out of the house alone during the early morning or late nighthours. – V. S. Jayaraman, Motilal Street Residents’ WelfareAssociation, Old No. 31, New No. 57, Motilal Street, T. Nagar

Futile attempt at chain snatching at 5 a.m

MAMBALAM TIMESAdvertisement Rates

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excuse given is thatthe computers are notworking and they can-not access the account.

We are asked tocome later or on an-other day.

I am 70 years oldand had to wait for 20days and make 5 tripsbefore I could make asingle withdrawal. –V. Swaminathan,6th Avenue, AshokNagar

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MAMBALAM TIMESMay 24 - 30, 2014 Page 7




WANTED 500 to 600 sq.ftfor catering service in andaround T. Nagar / WestMambalam. Ph: 98843 70366.


Hall, New No. 174, HabibullahRoad, near KodambakkamRailway Station, available forsmall functions, non A/c. Ph:2814 3406, 92831 12153,89393 37313, 89391 43014.

WEST MAMBALAM,Mahadevan Street (StateBank Building), 2 Halls –Kamakshi Mini Hall A/c (100guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c(200 guests). Ph: 4351 2233,4351 2556, 99404 54545,94450 54545.www.kamakshihall.com.



T. NAGAR, NatesanStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 540 sq.ft, 2nd floor, 20years old, suitable forcommercial purpose, 2-wheeler park, no brokers. Ph:093207 68241.

WEST MAMBA-LAM, EllaiammanKoil Street, nearMadley Subway, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 600 sq.ft, 2nd

floor, no lift, 20 yearsold. Ph: 95662 61472,94440 12454.ASHOK NAGAR, Kasi

Estate 1st Street, comm-ercial semi-basement,810 sq.ft, UDS: 216 sq.ft,ideal for computer center,architects, charteredaccountants or godown.Ph: 98410 52499.

T. NAGAR, No. 19, Rama-samy Street, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 814 sq.ft, UDS:235 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheelerpark, 13 years old, price Rs.85 lakhs. Ph: 87544 74173.

T. NAGAR, RanganStreet, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 900 sq.ft, 2nd floor, nolift, 28 years old, price Rs. 62lakhs (negotiable). Ph: 9840706496.

C.I.T. NAGAR(West), West Road,near Alpha school, 2bedrooms, 875 sq.ft,2nd floor flat, no lift,car park, 19 yearsold, well maintained,price Rs. 68 lakhs, nobrokers. Ph: 9003092125, 99623 78963.

J A F F E R K H A N P E T ,Kambar Street, near RaghavaReddy Colony, 600 sq.ft,independent old house, priceRs. 46 lakhs. Ph: 9962430669, 94442 57659.

SAIDAPET, SarathambalStreet, near AranganathanSubway, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 580 sq.ft, UDS: 300sq.ft, 3rd floor, 2 balconies, 20years old, price Rs. 30 lakhs(negotiable). Selvam. Ph:99624 30669, 94442 57659.


Arunodaya Apartment, D-3,Madley 2nd Street, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 790 sq.ft, groundfloor, semi furnished, 2-wheeler parking, newlypainted, ventilated, rent Rs.13000 (negotiable), Brahminsonly. Ph: 96001 38307.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.27, Adhikesava Perumal KoilStreet, near Govindan Road,1 bedroom, hall, kitchen,ground floor apartment, bathattached, rent Rs. 5200, family/ bachelors. Ph: 2433 3477,98411 93685.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 17,Raghava Reddy Colony, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1200sq.ft, new flat, lift, coveredcar park, woodwork, rent Rs.20000. Contact: Selvam, Ph:99624 30669, 97105 85571.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 139, 1st

Sector, 2 deluxe bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 970 sq.ft, 1st

floor,Brahmins only, no bro-kers/car park. Ph: 94456 78845.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.14, Rajagopal Chetty Street,behind Ayodhya Mandapam,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 950sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, marbleflooring, woodwork, 24 hoursbore/well/metro water,vegetarians / Brahmins only.Ph: 98415 66449.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.16, B.R.P. 2nd Street, oppositeMambalam Railway Station,3 bedrooms, attachedbathrooms, fully furnished,new constructions, electricalfittings, individual car park,woodwork, vegetarians /Brahmins only. Ph: 9884050270, 91760 64758.

ASHOK NAGAR, NewNo. 11, 65th Street, 12th

Avenue, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, pooja cum store room,1100 sq.ft, independent groundfloor house, rent Rs. 19000(negotiable), Brahmins only,no brokers. Ph: 2489 3984,98415 16262.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 42/7, Rams Flat, Flat No. 14, 2nd

Avenue, next to ING Bank, 2bedrooms, 3rd floor, no lift, A/c, car park, rent Rs. 8000,Brahmins/vegetarians only.Contact premises onSaturday & Sunday from 10a.m onwards. Ph: 9003031672.

JAFFERKHANPET, No.99, Jayabalan Street, nearKasi Theatre, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, independentground floor house, car park,vegetarians only. Contact:Owner. Ph: 096322 28606.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 22, Rams Flat, VeluStreet, 1 bedroom, hall,kitchen, 500 sq.ft, goodventilation, vegetarians only,no brokers. Ph: 94445 43856.

T. NAGAR, Door No. 36/6, Mahalakshmi Flat, Flat No.17, Mahalakshmi Street, 2bedrooms, 750 sq.ft, 2nd floor,rent Rs. 15000, 2-wheeler park,vege.only. Ph: 99520 63594.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.8/8, Rajvilla Apartment,Ramakirshnapuram 3rd

Street, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, balcony, 2nd floor, nolift, fully furnished, A/c,inverter, 2-wheeler park, rentRs. 15000 (negotiable),Brahmins only. Ph: 9094338321, 2474 0024.

KODAMBAKKAM, No. 1,Central Avenue, near MenakaCards & Sekar Emporium, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, poojaroom, 980 sq.ft, 3rd floor flat,lift, car park. Ph: 94440 29036,90031 88645.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.52/2, Thambiah Road, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 900sq.ft, ground floor flat, 2 A/cs,2-wheeler park, rent Rs.18000, Brahmins only, nobrokers. Ph: 72996 73491.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.13/7, Nagarathinammal Colony,3 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, poojaroom, bath attached, groundfloor, 3 window A/cs, geyser,UPS connection, good watersupply, car park, rent Rs. 27000,Brahmins / vegetarians only.Ph: 98416 07073, 98416 29792.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 50/66, 7th Avenue (Main Road),1200 sq.ft, ground floor,modular kitchen, semi-furnished, reserved car park,rent Rs. 30000, residential,Brahmins only, no brokers,inspection on May, 25. Ph:98944 69366.

T. NAGAR, No. 9, GopalStreet, near Bus Terminus, 2bedrooms, 1st floor apartment,car park, rent Rs. 25000,advance 10 months, preferredfamily of 4 members. Contact:94442 00464.

WEST MAMBALAM,No.1, Subba Reddy Street, 2bedrooms flat, 650 sq.ft, 2-wheeler park, rent Rs. 11000.Ph: 80560 54327.

T. NAGAR, No. 2,Mambalam High Road, nearKodambakkam RailwayStation & overbridge, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,ground floor, car park, 24 hourswater, security, children’spark. Ph: 95662 06307.

T. NAGAR, No. 23,Rajabhathar Street,behind Pondy Baz-aar, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1000 sq.ft,3rd floor flat, no lift,open car park. Ph:96778 02132, 9952992490.T. NAGAR, No. 34/8,

Mannar Street, near T. NagarBus Terminus, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, pooja room, 968sq.ft, 1st floor, balcony, A/c,woodwork, 24 hours water, 2-wheeler park, Brahmin/vegetarians only. Ph: 9600114485, 98848 63357.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.51, Flat No. 6A, ThambiahRoad, single bedroom, hall,kitchen, rent Rs. 6000,vegetarians / Brahmins, nobrokers, immediate occup-ation, visit on Sunday from 7a.m to 9 a.m. Ph: 98402 12733.

T. NAGAR, No. 108,Kamkoti Flat, RameswaramRoad, 2 bedrooms, 670 sq.ft,2nd floor flat, furnished, rentRs. 12000 (negotiable),vegetarians preferred, nobrokers. Ph: 98840 32680,98846 68680.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.5/21, Abirami Apartment, A-29, Babu Rajendra Prasad 1st

Street, double bedrooms, 800sq.ft, 2nd floor, rent Rs. 12000,vegetarians, no brokers, visiton May 25, Sunday. Ph: 9940103920.

T. NAGAR, Old No. 4,New No. 7, Bhagirathi AmmalStreet, near VidyodayaSchool, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, dining, 1200 sq.ft,independent 1st floor house,covered car park, rent Rs.26000, Brahmins / vegetarianspreferred. Ph: 99620 76266,095351 00844.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 8,Sathya Garden, ChakrapaniStreet, near PSBB School, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100sq.ft, open car park, rent Rs.17000, Brhamins only. Ph:98402 81452.

T. NAGAR, No. 27/B1,Appaswami Towers, PondyBazaar, opposite Holy AngelConvent School, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 1100 sq.ft, 1st

floor, lift, backup, sweet water,rent Rs. 24000. Contact:Owner. Ph: 97911 19549,90031 08993.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.18B, Ellaiamman Koil Street,Junction of Govindan Road,near Srinivasa Theatre, 2bedrooms, 900 sq.ft, new 2nd

floor flat, covered car park, nobrokers. Ph: 94448 99378,2434 1604.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 20/1, Chakrapani StreetExtension, 2 bedrooms,kitchen, 750 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheeler park. Ph: 9380287378.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.20, “Deepashram”, Giri Street,single bedroom, hall, kitchen,dining, 700 sq.ft, 1st floor flat,no car park, rent Rs. 12000,small vegetarian familypreferred, no brokers. Contact:S. Krishanan. Ph: 4351 2424,98414 11839.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.51, Station Road, nearMambalam Railway Station,3 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, woodwork, covered carpark, rent Rs. 25000. Ph:85319 72124, 86789 71278.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.27/5, Vivekanandapuram 1st

Street, 1 bedroom, hall,kitchen, 450 sq.ft, 1st floor,rent Rs. 8000, advance 10months, ideal for small family.Ph: 98943 09660.

T. NAGAR, New No. 30,Mahalakshmi Street, near BusTerminus, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, pooja room, washarea, 900 sq.ft, ground floor,only Tamil Brahmins. Ph: 42127412, 98417 48757.

KODAMBAKKAM, No.3,Thirumagal Apartment,Station View Road, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen,ground floor, lift, furnished,car park, 24 hours water, rentRs. 20000, Brahmins /vegetarians only, no brokers,inspection on 25.05.14 from 1p.m. Ph: 98410 97300, 9841597300.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 161,15th Sector, 94th Street, nearNagathamman Koil Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, flat,no car park, rent Rs. 9000,vegetarians only. Ph: 24728494.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.14, Balakrishnan Street, nearAyodhya Mandapam, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 725sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, 2-wheelerpark only, rent Rs. 15000,Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 94422 14016.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 25/38, “Madhurams”18th Avenue,79th Street, single bedroomflat, 440 sq.ft, immediateoccupation. Ph: 94453 59782.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 763,10th Sector, 65th Street,off. Ramasami Salai,spacious 3 bedrooms,study room, 1900 sq.ft,covered car park, rent Rs.28000, vegetarians only,Brahmins preferred. Ph:98407 20645.

WEST MAMBALAM, NewNo. 108/2, Lake View Road,near Railway Station &Primary School, 2 bedrooms,1100 sq.ft, ground floor flat, 2-wheeler park, rent Rs. 19000,vegetarians only. Contact: R.Anand. Ph: 98410 99770.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.17, Santhi Avenue, Lake ViewRoad, near Duraisamy Subway,2 bedrooms, 760 sq.ft, 2nd floor,no lift, no car park, smallBrahmins family, rent Rs.13000. Ph: 94442 15189.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.7, B.R.P. Street, close toMambalam Railway Station,3 bedrooms, 1500 sq.ft, 1st

floor, covered car park, rentRs. 25000 (negotiable). Ph:93822 31960.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 7/34, New No. 18,Majestic Archana Flat,Ramakirshnapuram 3rd

Street, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 750 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheeler park, rent Rs. 15000,family / spinsters, no brokers.Ph: 94440 40202.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.50, Lake View Road, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 700sq.ft, ground floor, rent Rs.10000, small Brahmin familyonly. Contact Appu. Ph:98414 67463, 97908 25121.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.180, Lake View Road, nearPublic Health Centre, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 700sq.ft, 2nd floor, all facilities,rent Rs. 14000, Brahmins only,no brokers. Ph: 6555 8476.

ADYAR, No. 20,Parameswari Nagar 2nd Street,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1000sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, attachedbathroom, car park, rent Rs.20000 + maintenance Rs. 850,no brokers. Ph: 99625 72101,99625 72105.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.8, Gokulam Colony, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 800sq.ft, independent ground floorhouse, Brahmins only, nobrokers. Rajkumar. Ph:93847 47487, 98413 13116.

ASHOK NAGAR, Plot No.49, Raghava Reddy Colony, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 2000sq.ft, posh independentduplex, woodwork, coveredcar park, rent Rs. 40000, nobrokers. Ph: 93821 71852.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 13/722, 100th Street, 15th Sector,1 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 550sq.ft, 2nd floor, spacious sitout,rent Rs. 8000. Ph: 9677016911.

OLD PALLAVARAM, No.47, Perumal Koil Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, poojaroom, 750 sq.ft, 24 hourswater, rent Rs. 8000, Brah-mins only. Ph: 94444 30460.

T. NAGAR, No. 60, MoosaStreet, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1250 sq.ft, 1st floor,heat proofing, A/c, cupboards,covered car park, bore well,rent Rs. 24000 (negotiable),Brahmins preferred / companylease, occupation from June2nd week. Ph: 098860 70517,93810 26405.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.9/2, Babu Rajendra PrasadStreet, Chozha Apartment,close to Railway Station, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 800sq.ft, ground floor, goodlocality, rent Rs. 16000(negotiable). Ph: 98846 00878.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.4/58-1, Jubilee Road, nearRama Anjaneyar Temple, 1room, hall, kitchen, groundfloor, rent Rs. 7000, goodlocation, small family (2 or 3person only), immediateoccupation. Ph: 95001 10455.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.5, Ganapathy Street, 1bedroom, hall, kitchen, 600sq.ft, EB as per card, rent Rs.6000, advance 5 months,Brahmins / vegetarians only.Contact: V. Lakshmipathy.Ph: 99404 98789, 9789939056.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.2/7, Ramakirshnapuram 2nd

Street, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1st floor, lift, furnished,covered car park, rent Rs.20000. Ph: 95519 08234,97106 13916, 98412 02423.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.10, Maitri Apartment, Flat No.B-6, Jubilee Road, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, ground floor, opencar park, copious water, fullytiled, woodwork, rent Rs.13500. Ph: 97908 01346,96771 25003.

T. NAGAR, No. 23, BurkitRoad, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 850 sq.ft, 2nd floor, nolift, balcony, rent Rs. 16000(negotiable), vegetarians only.Ph: 98401 08071.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.16, Postal Colony 4th Street,near Jaigopal Garodia School,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 750sq.ft, 2nd floor flat, no lift,marbonite flooring, rent Rs.16000, vegetarians only, Bank/company lease preferred. Ph:099085 73271.

T. NAGAR, No. 7/13,Bazullah Road, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, balcony, 800sq.ft, 2nd floor, woodwork, opencar park, rent Rs. 20000,vegetarians, no brokers,immediate occupation. Ph:2835 0501, 98401 21069.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.15/14, Malarvani Apartment,B.R.P. 1st Street, 1 bedroom,hall, kitchen, 1st floor, rent Rs.8000, vegetarians / Brahminsonly. Ph: 98408 67843, 23717516.

T. NAGAR, No. No. 13,Flat No. B3, Ananthan Street,opposite Murugan Idly Shop,725 sq.ft, 1st floor, open carpark, rent Rs. 15000,maintenance Rs. 500,advance Rs. 1 lakh, inspectionon Saturday & Sunday only.Ph: 94447 82765.

KODAMBAKKAM, No.19, Chandrasekar Flat,Viswanathapuram 3rd Street,near Rangarajapuram MainRoad, 2 bedrooms, hall,modular kitchen, 1st floor,spacious 860 sq.ft, vitrifiedtiles, woodwork, 2-wheelerpark, rent Rs. 14000,vegetarians only. Sriram. Ph:93825 13825.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.19, Thambiah Road, singlebedroom, 500 sq.ft, 1st floor,road facing, balcony, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 8500, decentBrahmin family only, ready tooccupy, no brokers. Ph: 9444894108, 99418 63218.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 21, New No. 56, Flat No.B-10, Postal Colony 1st Street,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 600sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, 2-wheelerpark, rent Rs. 11000(negotiable). Ph: 98417 79761.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.48, Thambiah Street, doublebedrooms, 720 sq.ft,independent 1st floor house,tiled flooring, balcony, rentRs. 14000, advance Rs.80000, even non-vegetarians/ working in IT field / spinsters,call after 8.30 a.m. Mohan.Ph: 98407 27065.

T. NAGAR, No. 9, MalonyRoad, near Hindi PracharSabha, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1420 sq.ft, flat, lift,covered car park, commercialpurpose. Ph: 4217 8875,94444 11869.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.52, Gandhi Street, close toBus Terminus, & RailwayStation, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 700 sq.ft, 1st floor,woodwork, tiles, rent Rs.13000. Contact: Vijayson. Ph:98404 49011, 98406 80304.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.35, Ramji Flat, A-7, RukmaniStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 660 sq.ft, prime area,rent Rs. 12500 (non-negotiable), vegetarian familyonly, occupation from 1st June,no brokers. Ph: 094805 18852.

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May 24 - 30, 2014MAMBALAM TIMES CM


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Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29.

‘Kochadiayaan’ opens to huge crowds

Superstar Rajnikanth’smuch awaited ‘Kochadaiyaan’hit the silver screens on May23. There were huge crowdsoutside Kasi Theater andUdayam Theater where themovie is being screened.

A large battalion of policewas deployed to control thecrowds outside the theaters.

A Rajanikath fan club in-stalled a huge vinyl banner inUdayam Theater complex dis-playing in snippets variousavatars of the actor from hisfirst movie Apoorva Ragangal

to his latest movie Lingam(which is under production).