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MR. …………….. MR. ……………..   N Naresh Kumar 



ROLL NO-11018180056




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I would like to thank Sh.S.K Dahiya {Senior Manager (H.R) !akshmi

"re#ision S#rews !td. $ho hel%ed me in #arrying out this %ro&e#t study a#ting

as the guiding s%irit 'ehind the #om%iling o this re%ort and %utting tremendous

eort rom his side to assist me as mu#h as %ossi'le. .

I am also eually grateul to !akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. and Sh.K.!

Malhotra ("lant Head) or his *alua'le suggestions and encouragement given to

me from time to time.


 I am also thankful to all EXECUTIVES OF DOCUMET!TIO CET"E#

 $akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'. for their time# an' co(o)eration an' hel)ing

attitu'e to&ar's me# &hich ma'e me com)lete this )ro*ect. 

 Naresh Kumar 

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I Nare! K"#ar, student o Va$! Te%!$%a' I($("(e, R)!(a*  here 'y

de#lare that the Industrial +raining Re%ort entitled “P'a( 'a+)"( &

Pr)"%( $ LPS P'a(-” is an original work and the same has not 'een

su'mitted to any other Institute or award o any degree. +he %ro&e#t re%ort

was %resented to the su%er*isor o the %ro&e#t. +he easi'le suggestions

ha*e 'een duly in#or%orated in #onsultation with the su%er*isor o the


S$/a("re )0 (!e S"1er2$)r S$/a("re )0 %a$a(e


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,s an integral %art o +++++.# a stu'ent has to un'ergo a four &eeks of the

real construction &orl'. Fulfilling this course curriculum# the )ro*ect &as un'er

taken at $akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'.



The )ro*ect &ork has ,een un'ertaken to anal-e the in'ustr- in In'ia in the

li,eralie' econom- &ith )articular reference to $akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'.



+he ollowing re%ort will dri*e the reader an insight in to the inter %lant

manua#turing system 'ased on standard %rodu#tion. +he #om%arati*e analy-e

will ena'le to analy-e trend o %erorman#e and %resent the %i#ture o o%eration

o !akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. in %re li'erali-ation.

The re)ort )resent a frame &ork /in li,eralie' environment0 for the tren' of

 )ro'uction )erformance of the com)an-# the change in the )erformance# the

various factors lea'ing to these changes# the e1)en'iture on ra& material#o)erating cost# )ro'uction etc.

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  !akshmi "re#ision S#rew !td. is one o the leading manua#turers and su%%liers

o high tensile asteners su#h as 'olts s#rews nuts and similar %arts o automo'ile and

other industrial se#tors. !"S ltd. was ounded 'y Shri /imal "rasad 0ain in 1234

under the name o Na*/harat Industries. !"S were in#or%orated as a %ri*ate limited

#om%any in 1256 and were su'seuently #on*erted into %u'li# #om%any in 1271.

Initially it had only one8'old making ma#hine 'ut now there are one hundred dierent

ty%es o ma#hines %rodu#ing wide range o %rodu#ts. +he #om%any has latest

ma#hines im%orted rom a'road 0a%an 9erman and +aiwan. In addition the #om%any

has heat treatment automati# mi#ro%ro#essor #ontrolled %lating and %hos%hate %lants.

+o u%date the 'oth %rodu#t and %ro#ess reuirements the #om%any has its own

resear#h and de*elo%ment #ell whi#h is well eui%%ed with most modern #hemi#al and

 %hysi#al la's.

+he !"S "lant II started un#tioning in Se%tem'er 122: as an e;%ansion unit o

!akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. o a'out 1<<<< S. yards. +he %lant is situated

ad&a#ent to !"S 1 at Hissar Road Rohtak. +he layout o a#ilities in the %lant has

 'een designed ater taking se*eral le#tors su#h as lo#ation o ma#hines= men ma#hine

 'alan#e material low > material handling a#ilities in to asteners o *arious si-e >

s%e#ii#ations. +he %lant has 4< se#ondary o%eration ma#hines. +he a#ilities in#lude :

shar%er Hearth ?urna#es 4 @erti#al ?low Air#ulation or heat treatment %ur%oses. +he

 %lant has also got ully automati# %lating > %hos%hate lines o grow > well make. +he

#a%a#ity o %lant is 43<< tons %er annum. +he %lant has dedi#ated workor#e o around

:3< em%loyees.

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9rowth in de#adeB8

1. In 125< the #om%any turned into a limited and Seth.  2.C. 3ain &as )ro)ose' as

the chairman of the com)an-. !fter turne' into limite' the com)an- raise' its

 )ro'ucts an' variet- in )ro'ucts an' achieves the turnover aroun' 45 crores.

4. IN 7<Cs > 6<Cs  In 7<Cs under the name na*'harat industries it ado%ted new de*elo%ed

te#hniues and e6ui)ments an' u)'ate' its )ro'ucts technolog- to confirm that

a'o)te' ,- lea'ing )ro'ucers of nuts an' ,olts. !fter the 'eath of Seth 2.C.

 3ain his el'er son Seth ".7. 3ain took the charge of the com)an- as Chairman

an' rename' the com)an- a $!7S8MI %"ECISIO SC"E9S $TD. !s $.%.S.

the com)an- ,ecomes the market lea'er in scre&s an' nuts an' ,olts. $akshmi

 %recision Scre&s $t'.

!.".S. Aom%any whi#h is amous in all o*er world was started in rohtak.  Its

o&ners &ere live' in rohtak in starting an' as the kno&ing )ersons are telling that

the- &ere o&ners of a ,ic-cle sho). The- &ere starte' there com)an- &ith a ver-

 small )lace an' having three or four machines. o& a 'a-:s $.%.S. Com)an-

having their )lants in all our In'ia. 


Sh. !alit 0ain #hairman > marketing dire#tor 

  Sh. R. K. 0ain managing dire#tor (e;%ort)

  Sh. H.S. ada* senior %ersonal manager

Sh. "ardee% Dhawan %rodu#tion manager

Sh. Ra&i* Shekhawat engineering (tool room) 

Sh. S.". Singh training oi#er

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+he #om%any is situated on hissar road in distt. . Rohtak (Haryana).!.".S "lant 1 4

ltd. is nearly a'out 3 km. rom 'us stand and : km. rom railway station. +he #om%any

was lo#ated at one o the 'est lo#ation in rohtak in the dire#tion o %rogress o the

#om%any. !o#ation o the #om%any is good enough to %ro*ide the all reuired

a#ilities to the #om%any. +he #om%any has got e;#ellent manua#turing a#ilities and

#onditions manua#turing %lant e;tending o*er a s%a#e o a'out 438:< ,#res.


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E*ery logo %resent or des#ri'e its meaning or what %ur%ose it was manua#tured.

!ogo o any #om%any is 'asi#ally to des#ri'e the eeling > moti*ation o that#om%any. +his logo 'asi#ally is the identii#ation o that #om%any. +he #om%any is

identiied 'y its logo. +hatCs why logo is *ery im%ortant or a #om%any.

+he he;agon is a sym'ol o %re#ision. +he %eo%le related to !.".S. are

re%resented 'y *iew o he;agon nut. In the sym'ol the #ir#le re%resent the #o8%ro#ess

understanding dedi#ating towards the workers duties like in uality #ir#le. !.".S. is

the name itsel (!akshmi "re#ision S#rew) in sel8e;%lanatory. !ogo o any #om%anyis %resenting its %resen#e in market.

!.".S. has a'o*e 4<<<< share holders more than 6<< em%loyees an#illary su%%lier

and 63< dealers and sto#kiest all engaged in large s#ale in*ol*ement and sustained

eorts to meet the e*er &in'ing market horions of technological com)etence

a))ro)riate to In'ia;s uni6ue an' changing nee's. It achieve' aroun' a turnover of

<5 crores in 4=== an' e1)orts )ro'ucts of >? crores. $.%.S. attri,utes its success to a

constellating of the right )eo)le over motivate' )eo)le. Striving for one goal()rogress

&ith one commitment )erfection. One attitu'e )rofessionalism an' one )hiloso)h-(enter)rise or &ork. Their ho)es as)irations# De'ications# Commitments an'

team&ork have hel)e' $.%.S. its magnificent heights. ! goo' reason to &ork har'er

to'a-# for still making their tomorro& ,etter. 

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/usiness +y%e E;%orter Manua#turer 

Aa%ital in Dollars FS G million

E;%ort "er#entage :


ISJ 2<<4 #ertii#ation S82<<<B1226 #ertii#ation ISJL+S1522B1222 #ertii#ation ISJ 1<<1 #ertii#ation @ol*o 9lo'alSu%%lier #ertii#ation in8de%th e;%erien#ed #aterer at reasona'le


ear oEsta'lishment 1274

JEM Ser*i#e"ro*ided


"rodu#tManua#turing High +ensile ,ll En8Aa% /olts Nuts S#rews ,uto $heel /olts,llen Key.

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!.".S. ltd. is to 'e #onsidered in the NJ.1 #om%anies in ,sia in manua#turing the nut

> 'olts. +here are some %i#tures gi*en 'elow o models o nuts and 'olts whi#h are

manua#turing in dierent %lants o !.".S.

   $.%.S. lt'. is reall- consi'ere' in list of that com)anies &hich are tr-ing to

making some effort in 'evelo)ment of our countr-# 'irectl- or in 'irectl-.

?ollowing are the %rodu#ts whi#h are manua#turing in !.".S.



Special Automotive Fasteners


Special Automotive Fasteners


Hex Nuts


Hex Head Bolts


Socet Set Scre!s


Socet #ounter Sun Head #apScre!


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Socet Button Head #ap Scre!


Socet Lo! Head #ap Scre!


Socet Head #ap Scre!


(urloc Bolts


)*eel Hu+- Bolt




#onnectin, Rod BoltLRS-13


Hi,*er or.ue rans/er



!.".S. %ro*iding  their )ro'ucts# mainl- nuts ,olts to man- com)anies.

 Mainl- these com)anies an' )ro'ucts of $%S are relate' &ith each other


?ollowing are some amous #om%anies whi#h are dealing with !"S.


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"lant la-out of an- com)an- is im)ortant ,ecause it is one of that factors &hich

increases the )rofits an' 'ecreases the in)uts of the com)an-. @oo' or ,a'

arrangement of a com)an- 'eci'e' that com)an- goes to&ar's )rofits or not.

  Taking small area of lan' an' making it more useful is the one of

the for&ar' ste)s to&ar's success.

  The la-out ma- ,e 'esigne' to re'uce increasing )ro'uction costs

that gra'uall- evolve from )iecemeal e1)ansion or to intro'uce an entire ne&

 )rocess. "e(la-out strikes for the ma1imiing )ro'uction flo& an' la,our




,##ording to the %lant layout we know that there is a Se#urity room Re#e%tion room

Ele#tri#al #ontrol room Ji#e Sam%ling room Storage room $orksho% 9eneratorroom Raw material room and other room like Aanteen also. +he small des#ri%tion isgi*en 'elowB


It is a small room whi#h is %resent on the main door where a man sits who is knownas se#urity guard. ,s anyone #omes he makes #onta#t to oi#e and asks to %ermit. Ihe allow then o%en the gate and allow the guest to enter. +he guard #he#ks e*eryone

 'eore entering the industry and 'eore lea*ing the industry.


In this room ele#tri# su%%ly is maintained and #ontrolled .there are many ele#tri#iansare so that they #an maintain the su%%ly to the industry. I the su%%ly s not #om%letethe ma#hine #ant work. E*ery ma#hine has to work or ull hours.


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+his is a *ery im%ortant %la#e in the industry 'e#ause all the %eo%le entering in theindustry dire#tly #onta#t on the re#e%tion #ounter. ,ll #ustomers #an #all to there#e%tion to know a'out the timing and dealing.


It is a %la#e where al the oi#ial work is done su#h as maintaining a##ounts et#. +hereis a waiting room also and a se%arate room or manager and Dire#tor. +he oi#e isully ,.A. and the stas mem'ers are 'eha*e *ery well to me.


It is 'asi#ally a godown where dierent ty%es o raw materials are stored. ,ll the rawmaterial is ui#kly send to the reuired ma#hine 'y small tra#tors. So there is no

 %ro'lem to la'our on a ma#hine regularly.


Storage room is that room where all #om%lete %rodu#ts are store or send them to theirworking %la#es. Store room is dry rom water and other dierent ty%es o #orrosion#onditions. "rodu#ts are *ery sae rom any 'ad #onditions.


+he !"S is a amous #om%any in Haryana. It distri'utes the materials or making the &o's in small worksho%s in the #ity. Dierent $orksho%s do dierent work su#h asdrilling turning %a#king et#. So 'eore gi*ing the material or making the &o's noteand it is done in that room.


It is a 'ig hall where many ma#hines are installed. +he latest te#hnology ma#hines are

also %resent su#h as ANA ma#hine et#. there are dierent worksho%s or dierentworks like drilling turning threading sha%ing #old orging et#. there 'e manyworkers who worked #ontinuously or many hours. ,  su%er*isor is a%%ointed who#ontrols all the work done in the worksho%. In the worksho% there are many *entilatorsand ans. 


It is a room where generators are installed these generator are hea*y %ower generator

whi#h used when there is a %ower #ut o r any distur'an#es 'y the ele#tri#ity.

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I there is not sui#ient ele#tri#ity to run ma#hine then it will not gi*e it #om%letethere is loss o time and e#onomy.


 It is a room &here the staff mem,er:s or &orkers get refreshments such as tea# coffee

an' lunch etc. Outsi'e of in'ustr- man- Dha,a are )resent &here also &orkers 'o

lunch# tea etc.

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!.".S. is manua#turing nuts and 'olts and other %rodu#ts using dierent ty%es oo%erations 'y dierent ma#hines. +hatCs why it is im%ortant to know the introdu#tion

o ma#hines (%arts %ur%ose o ma#hines) 'eore knowing manua#turing %ro#edure.


  Ma#hines are the main %arts o a #om%any. +o #onstru#t a #om%any we need to

 %ro*ide all im%ortant need to the #om%any and ma#hines are the one o main needs o

a #om%any. ,#tually ma#hines and other needs are relati*e to ea#h other they #annotwork without ea#h other.

+he ollowing ma#hines are used in !.".S. %lant 1 rohtak to manua#ture nuts >

 'olts and other %rodu#ts.

Header Ma#hine

+rimming Ma#hine

/olt maker 

?lat Rolling

Round rolling

ANA ma#hine

+rau' ma#hine

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879 Pr)/re$2e )'( 0)r#er 8%!" 4"9 Ta$;a

89 Pr)/re$2e )'( 0)r#er 8<=!1, >=,77=,7?=9 Na($)a'

8<9 Pr)/re$2e 0)r#er 8== #a@ 1% #$.9 Na($)a'

89 Pr)/re$2e "( 0)r#er 8!1 %"((er ? "$'' 1$er%$/ $e9

8?9 Pr)/re$2e "( 0)r#er 8%0 7=, ?= 1%#$9

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+he su'&e#t o threads and threading is o the %rime im%ortan#e to an engineer 'e#ause nearly e*ery %ie#e o eui%ment will ha*e some rom o s#rew thread or otherin it. Most o the ma#hine %arts are held together ad&usted or mo*ed 'y threads omany si-es and kinds.

+hreads are #ommonly used or the ollowing %ur%osesB

(1) as asteners

 (4) to transmit %ower or motion

(:) or ad&ustment 


(1) +hreading ma#hine hart ort ho%%er eeding F.S.,.

(4) +hreading ma#hine #hun -u *i'ratory eeding +aiwan

(:) +hreading ma#hine national *i'ratory eeding 0a%an

,nd other ma#hines rom main #om%anies o India e.g. H.M.+. Kirloskar %raga ltd.with automati# eeding or manually #ontrolled

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$hen threads are #ut 'y milling the thread is ormed 'y a re*ol*ing milling#utter sha%ed to #onorm to the shar% to thread desired. Either single or multi%le#utters may 'e used. In the #ase o single #utter all the #utting edges lie in one %lane.+he multi%le #utters #onsist o se*eral annular rows o #utting teeth. , ho' may 'eused or #utting threads in whi#h #ase the teeth lie along a heli;. +he disad*antage othe ho' ty%e #utter is that is must re*ol*e with a i;ed relation to the work= this is nottrue o the #utter with annular teeth.

  Milled threads may 'e e;ternal or internal. +he only in station 'eing the si-e o holein whi#h a #utter may 'e inserted. +he threads #ut ' this method are more a##uratethan those #ut 'y a die 'ut not as a##urate as those #ut with grinding wheel.

S)#e )0 (!e #$''$/ #a%!$e "e $ #$''$/ )1era($) $ ())' r))# $:-

(1)  Milling mL# *erti#al 18* 'w

(4) Milling mL# *erti#al m48* hmt

(:) Milling mL# hori-ontal 18h 'rw

() Milling mL# hori-ontal m48h hmt

(3) Milling mL# hori-ontal m4%h hmt 

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Internal or e;ternal threads #an 'e inish ground 'y means or a single ormulti%le edge8grinding wheels. +he threads are #ut as grinding wheel (ha*ing annular

thread groo*es ormed around its %eri%hery) and work rotate. , *itriied 'ond isgenrally used with a ine grit o a'out 5< the %ro#ess is #arried on a s%e#ial grindingma#hine ha*ing a master led s#rew and gears and means o holding the work. +hewheel rotates at :< mLse#. and work is rotated slowly. In the #ase o hardened sto#k

 %ro'a'ly grinding is the only means o orming threads. +he a##ura#y o grindinge;#eeds that o any other method and inish is e;#eeded only 'y good thread rolling

 %it#h diameter #an 'e ground to an a##ura#y o <.<<4 mm %er 4.3 #m and a##ura#y olead may 'e maintained within <.<<7mm in 3< #m o thread length grindingeliminates tiny #ra#ks due to hardening and also tearing is always %resent to some

e;tent in any material remo*al method.

 S)#e )0 (!e /r$$/ #a%!$e "e $ /r$$/ )1era($) $ ())' r))# are:-

1. Fni*ersal +ool > Autter :,85, Stanlso Im%ort

9rinder <4<<O3<<

4. J8hand %edestal dou'le wheel Net

  Net 14P grinder <:<<

:. Sura#e grinding mL# 4<<O5<< S?$ 4<< $M$

. Internal 9rinder ?JR+ @N,

3. Aylindri#al 9rinder 91:811 HM+

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 This is newly developed process of threads cutting. It findsapplication in the automotive field. Paris such as internal threads onsteering gear hall nuts. Ball-race nuts for various calculating built-upassemblies are the examples of this call. The work piece ate givenone or two passes (through and finishing cuts! heat treated andthen finish ground one on an internal threads grinder. "ne-stationmachines are us the broaches used for the application have specialfrom and are guided by lead screw. #rawing up the part and fixtureagainst the revolving tool cuts threads. The broaches ate available in

si$es up to %& mm dia. 'nd %& mm length.

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Heat treatment is an im%ortant o%eration in the manua#turing %ro#ess o ma#hine %artsand tools. It may 'e deined as an o%eration o heating and #ooling o metals in the solidstate to indu#e #ertain desired %ro%erties into them Heat treatment #an ater theme#hani#al %ro%erties o steel 'y #hanging the si-e and sha%e o the grains o whi#h itis #om%osed or 'y #hanging its mi#ro #onstituents. It is generally em%loyed or theollowing %ur%ose

 1) +o im%ro*e ma#hina'ility4) +o #hange or reine grain si-e.:) +o relie*e the stresses o the metal indu#ed during #old or hot

working.) +o im%ro*e me#hani#al %ro%erties. E.g. tensile strength

hardness du#tility sho#k resistan#e to #orrosion et#.3) +o im%ro*e magneti# and ele#tri#al %ro%erties.5) +o in#rease resistan#e to wear heat and #orrosions.7) +o %rodu#e a hard sura#e o du#tile interior.

+he most #ommonly used o%erations o heat treatment areB

1) annealing4) normali-ing:) hardening) tem%ering3) #ar'uri-ing (#ase hardening5) #yaniding7) nitriding6) indu#tion hardening2) lame hardening

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It is one o the widely used o%erations is heat treatment o iron andsteel and is deined as the sotening %ro#ess in whi#h iron 'ase alloys are heated a'o*e thetransormation range in the urna#e itsel . ,lternati*ely the steel may 'y transerred into

 %earlite (inal #ooling #an 'e done instill air). +he su##ess o annealing de%ends u%on#ontrolling the ormation o austenite and the su'seuent transormation o the austeniteat high su' #riti#al tem%. @arious ty%es o any

,nnealing treatments areB8 

a) "ro#ess annealing ') "atenting#) ?ull annealingd) S%heroid singe) Isothermal hardening


  ,##ording to ,meri#an so#iety o material testing it is deined as the %ro#ess in

whi#h iron 'ase alloys ate heated < to 3< degree A a'o*e the u%%er transormation rangeand held there or a s%e#iied %eriod ( to ensure that a ully austenite stru#ture is %rodu#ed)and ollowed 'y #ooling in still air at room tem%erature. +he heating or hy%o8eute#toidsteel is done a'o*e the u%%er #riti#al tem%L the normali-ed steel #onsists o errite and

 %earlite or hy%o8eute#toid and %earlite and #ementite or hy%o8eute#toid steel. Normali-ing o%eration o steel is #arried out to im%ro*e the ma#hining #hara#teristi#sdeine grain si-e and homogeni-e mi#rostru#ture modiy and reine #ost dendriti#stru#ture and %ro*ide desired %ro%erties.

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,##ording to ,.S.M.+. it is deined as the heat8treatment %ro#ess in whi#h steel is heatedto 4<<A a'o*e the transormation range soaking at this tem%erature or a #onsidera'le

 %eriod to ensure through %enetration o the tem%erature inside the #om%onents ollowed 'y #ontinuous #ooling to room tem%erature 'y uen#hing in water oil or 'rine solutionthe rate o #ooling is #ontrolled 'y uen#hing medium.

The me'iums are(

Solution o salt or #austi# soda. High lash %ointL#lean water rom grease o soa%. /last 'ydry air.


uen#hing #an 'e desira'le as an o%eration that %ro*ides or the ra%id #ooling as steelrom as high tem%erature su#h as room tem%erature. +he uen#hing.

Me$a %a e %'a$0$e $() 0$2e %a(e/)r$e:-

1) 'rine4) water  

:) solution o s%e#ial #om%ound oils (N,JH> HA! in water)) air  

+he 'rine ha*ing highest and the air ha*ing lowest #ooling %ower. 


it is #ondu#ted similar to 'roken hardening = the only dieren#e that in the irst o%eration.+he %art treated is ke%t in used salt until the ,R transormation is #om%leted. !ine ta'lein ig. re%resent isothermal hardening o%eration. +he steel su'&e#ted to isothermal

hardening as a stru#ture #onsisting o a#i#ular true stile.+he hardness o'tained 'y this %ro#ess is lo*er the in #ase o 'roken hardening %ro#ess.+he a#t that is some ease there is no need to #arry out tem%ering ater the isothermalhardening o%eration #onstitutes one im%ortant ad*antage isothermal hardening. , newmethod o hardening the so8#alled 'right hardening is o great %ra#ti#al interest. In thismethod the metal is heated in salt 'aths and su'seuently #ooled in used alkalis (N,JH

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koh > their other mi;tures). +he sura#e 'eore treatment is well #leaned and no o;ideormation takes %la#e aterwards. It is used or 'olts and small %arts.


  ,##ording to ,.S.M.+. it is deined as the reheat %ro#ess reheating 'eing #arried outunder su' #riti#al tem%erature. Su#h a reheating %ermitting the tra%%ed marten site totransorm into true stole or sor'et de%ending on the tem%ering tem%erature and relie*e theinternal stresses. +oughness and strength. It is an o%eration used to modiy the %ro%ertieso steel hardened 'y uen#hing or the %ur%ose o in#reasing its useulness.

 +em%ering is di*ided into three #lasses a##ording to the useulness o steel reuired.

a) low tem%erature tem%ering (heated nearly 4< degree A)

 ') medium tem%erature ( heated rom 43<degree to 33<degree A)

#) high tem%erature tem%ering ( steel is heated rom :3<degree to 33< degree A)


,ustem%ering is a kind o tem%ering %ro#ess whi#h holding the steel in a molten salt 'athha*ing tem%erature % 43< to 3<< A a'o*e the #riti#al tem%erature when the stru#ture#onsists %urely o austenite. +he %art is then uen#hed at sui#ient rate to a *oidtransormation to errite and %artite and is held at uen#hing tem%erature or a timesui#ient to gi*e #om%lete transormation to intermediate stru#tures reerred as 'inate. Itis then #ooled to room tem%erature.


It is ty%e o tem%ering %ro#ess in whi#h iron and its 'ade alloy are a'o*e thetransormation range and then suddenly uen#hed in molten salt 'ath at tem%erature o16< to :<< degree A. +he %ie#e is held at that tem%erature until the #ore and outsidetem%erature are euali-ed the %art is then remo*ed and #ooled at moderate.

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$hen harden steel is tem%ered at a tem%erature &ust 'elow lower #riti#al o*er al line) the#ementite #on*erts to small s%heroids surrounded 'y errite

when heated a his tem%erature or a'out 15 to 7< hours. +he %ro#ess #an 'ea##elerated 'y the alternati*e heating and #ooling slightly a'o*e and 'elow a1 line.


+his %ro#ess is used to %rodu#e a high sura#e hardness or wear resistan#esu%%orted 'y a tough sho#k8resisting #ore it is the %ro#ess o #ar'oni-ation su#h thatsaturating the sura#e layer o steel with #ar'on to a'out <.2 or some other %ro#ess 'ywhi#h #ase is hardened and #ore remains sot. +he #ar'oni-ed steel is then heated anduen#hed so that only the sura#e layers will res%ond and the #ore remaining sot and

though sin#e its #ar'on #ontent is low.

Var$)" 1r)%ee )0 %ae !are$/ are:-

a) Aar'uri-ation

 ') Nitriding

#) Ayaniding

d) Indu#tion hardening

e) ?lame hardening 

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7) AJ""ER8 SI!IAJN ,!!JS


(51.3AF :3.3QN :!E,D)

:) ISB 15728125< mild steel wire suita'le or manua#ture o ma#hine s#rews 'y #oldheading %ro#ess.

) $rought iron


1) 1.1 to 1.4 #ar'on #ontent8ta%s thread metal dies.4) <.5< to <.7< #ar'on #ontent8 'olt heading dies.:) <.5< to 1.4< #ar'on #ontent8 dies %un#hes and ta%s.


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In the modern world most o the goods are a*aila'le in %a#kages. +he %a#kaging %rote#tsand %reser*es the goods and oer #on*enien#e in trans%ort handling and sales also. +he

goods in %a#kaging should retain then original orm sha%e and %ro%erties the %a#kagesshould 'e #on*enient and attra#ti*e.

, %rimary %a#kage is the one whi#h #omes in #onta#t with the %rodu#t. +hereore thesele#tion o material %lays a *ital role and it should 'e #om%ati'le with the %rodu#t to 'e

 %a#ked. +he main un#tion o a trans%ort %a#kage is to gi*e the reuired %rote#tion to the %a#kaged #ommodity against in#idental ha-ards during trans%ortation handling andstorage.

+he undamental a#tors ae#ting the design o a %a#kage areB8

1) "rodu#t #hara#teristi#s

4) Modes o distri'ution

:) Marketing #onsideration

+he te#hni#al #onsiderations whi#h inluen#e the %a#kages design ate duringtrans%ortation su#h as sho#ks and *i'rations transmitted to the %rodu#t during

trans%ortation 'y rail road sea and air.

Ha-ards during handling su#h as im%a#t due to dro% #om%ression and %un#ture. Ha-ardsduring storage (or e.g. the greater the ta#king height in a warehouse the more the needor strong and rigid %a#kage to with stand #om%ression) and= ha-ards due to #limate#hange. +he %a#kaging should 'e o 'est uality #an 'e %rodu#ed at #om%etiti*e %ri#e.@arious materials used or %a#kaging are %lasti#s metal glass wood and %a%er (in#luding#orrugated %a#kaging).

 Now me#hani#al %a#king times ate em%loyed and olly automated high s%eed %rodu#tions

systems ate 'eing introdu#ed. +raditional %a#kaging materials like tin and glass ate 'eingor#ed to gi*e way to %lasti#s and %a%er the whole #on#e%t is to gi*e the #onsumer themost e#onomi#al %a#kaging material.

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/asi#ally the reason or o%erating a maintenan#e8engineering grou% is to attend the day today %ro'lems o kee%ing the %hysi#al %lant ma#hinery 'uilding ser*i#es in goods

o%erating #ondition.


,lthough in %ra#ti#e the s#o%e o the a#ti*ities o maintenan#e Engg. De%t is dierent inea#h %lant or in institution and is enhan#ed 'y %lant si-e and ty%e #om%any %oli#y andindustry8 wide and se#tional %re#edent its %ossi'le to grou% these a#ti*ities into the twogeneral #lassii#ation8%rimary un#tion se#ondary un#tion that are assigned to the de%t.or the reasons o e;%edien#y know how as %re#edent.


1) Maintenan#e o e;isting %lant eui%ment.4) Maintenan#e o e;isting %lant 'uilding and grou%s.:) Eui%ments ins%e#tions and distri'ution.) Ftili-ation generation and distri'ution.3) ,lternation to e;isting eui%ment and 'uilding.5) New installations o eui%ment and the 'uildings.

SECONDARY 3UNCTION1) store kee%ing4) %lant %rote#tion:) waste dis%osal) sal*age3) Jther ser*i#es &ust like %ro%erty a##ounting %ollution and noise #ontrolthe maintenan#e engg. De%t. seems to 'e #ure or many other odd a#ti*ities that no othersingle de%t. #an handle. ,lthough its human in#rease the s#o%e o ones de%t. #are must

 'e taken not to dilute the %rimary res%onsi'ilities o the maintenan#e area to handle there

se#ondary ser*i#es.

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"re*enti*e maintenan#e has a long 'een re#ogni-ed as e;tremely im%ortant the redu#tiono maintenan#e #ost and im%ro*ement o the eui%ment relia'ility. In %ra#ti#e it takes

many orms two ma&or that should #ontrol the e;tend o a %re*enti*e %rogram ate irstthe #ost o %rogram #om%ared with #areully measured redu#tion in total re%air #osts andim%ro*es eui%ments %erorman#e se#ond the %er#ent utili-ation o the eui%mentmaintained. I the #ost o %re%aration or a %re*enti*e ins%e#tion the &ustii#ation is small.I on the other hand 'reak down #ould result the se*ere damaged to the eui%%ed and ormore #ostly re%air the s#heduled ins%e#tion time should 'e tailored to it the un#tion odierent item o eui%ment. Aon*ersely %eriodi# ins%e#tion o small ele#tri# motors and

 %ower transmission #an easily e;#eed the #ost o unit re%la#ement at the time o ailure.


 Jne o the most im%ortant tool in minimi-ing down time whether as not a #on*entional %re*enti*e maintenan#e %rogram im%ossi'le is #alled %re*enti*e engg. ,lthough thiswould a%%ear to 'e the a%%li#ation o #ommon sense o eui%ment design maintenan#eengineers its the ield whi#h is oten negle#ted oten maintenan#e engineers are so 'usyhandling emergen#y re%air as in other day to day a#ti*ities that they ound no o%%ortunityto analy-e the #ause or 'reakdown whi#h kee%s them so ully o##u%ied while mostengineers kee% their eye o%en in details su#h as 'etter %a#king longer wearing andim%ro*ised lu'ri#ation system true %re*enti*e engineering goes urther then this and

#onsists o a#tually setting as idea s%e#ii# amount o te#hni#al man %ower o analy-ea##idents o 'reakdown and determine where the real eort is needed then thoughredesign su'stitution #hanges and s%e#ii#ation or other similar redu#ing the reuen#y o

 'reakdown and #ost re%airs. +hese #an 'e handled 'y s%e#ial grou% a#ting as a #ost oredu#tion unit or it #an 'e in#luded as one o the un#tion o the maintenan#e engineers. Itshould 'e em%hasi-ed howe*er that this ty%e o the %rogram reuired

intelligent dire#tion to ensure that time and money are e;%anded in the areas where themost returns likely a %arti#ularly %um% o%erating under unusual #onditions show a highin#iden#e o ailure 'ut 'e#ause o sim%li#ity o design and re%airs has a low total

maintenan#e #ost and i it were the one o its ty%e in %lant as intensi*e in*estigation ormaintenan#e #ost redu#tion would 'e dii#ult to &ustiy on the other hand a sim%le#om%onent su#h as #a%stan 'earing on s%inning ma#hine although ha*ing a low unitre%la#ement #ost #an ail so oten and on so many ma#hines that the total #ost %er yearwould urn to many thousand #ollars. Here an in*estigation #an #ontrolled on the reasonsor ailure o one unit #ould 'e e;tremely 'e %roita'le. Ee#ti*e %re*enti*e engineering#an result only when it is re#ogni-ed as an inde%endent a#ti*ity o are sear#h nature.

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1) Re#ruitment

4) +rainingL%la#ement:) $elare a#ti*ities) $elare a#tion3) Industrial relation


It is 'ased u%on the workload or a %redetermined target and is done with the #onsent othe managing dire#tor. +he ualii#ation standard or ea#h %ost is laid down as a%%ro*ed

 'y the M.D.


,##ording to the #om%any all the %romotion *a#an#ies are ulilled through internalre#ruitment. Fsually re#ruitment rom outside is or the workmen grade #ategoryadministration de%t. and trainees in the te#hni#al de%t.


 ?or %ersons o %ro&e#t area and the state in whi#h the %ro&e#t is situated are gi*en some %reeren#es or re#ruitment or %osts o lower grade. ,ll the unskilled #orkers #an 'ere#ruited rom the %ro&e#t area and irst

"reeren#e is gi*en to the %ersons dis%la#ed rom the %ro&e#t ate %ro*ided they satisy allthe other #onditions. In the #ase o skilled workers #lerks and other sta mem'er whose

s#ale o %ay are #om%arati*ely low and whose 'asi# ualii#ation and e;%erien#e areeual %reeren#e #an 'e gi*en in order o %riority as mentioned a'o*e. +he *a#an#ies arealso notiied to the lo#al em%loyment e;#hange and they s%onsor #andidates 'elonging tothe state. In the #ase o medium le*el te#hni#al and non8te#hni#al %osts ha*ing highsalaries. Re#ruitment is done in all Indian 'asi#.

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+he #om%any has dierent ty%es training %rograms. +rainees are trained to im%ro*e the 'asi# skill and work knowledge on the 'asi# ma#hine. ,ter #om%letion o the two yearstraining the s%e#ialist trainees engineer trainees te#hni#ian trainees and trade trainees ate

 %osted as oreman and two in#rements.


  In almost all #ases the *a#ant %osts are ulilled 'y %romotion rom the #on#erned or %la#ement to higher %ost 'y %romotion %rin#i%le. +he %romotion shall only 'e to the ne;thigher %ost in the wage se#tion. "romotion shall 'e #onsidered only when they ha*e

se#ured minimum %eriod o eligi'ility in the lower %ost. Ahange o trade on %romotionwill 'e %ermitted in e;#e%tional #ases on the 'asis tests and inter*iews. "romotion oem%loyee should 'e #onsidered one month ater the date o in#rement in the lower s#ale."romotion will 'e made on the merit and seniority 'asi#.


 ,s %er a#tories a#t ollowing are the welare a#ti*ities or worker and sta.


1) "ro*ision o toilets4) "ro*ision o drinking water  :) Se%arate washing a#ilities.) Sitting a#ilities in side the a#tory3) ?irst8aid and medi#al a#ilities5) Su'sidi-ed #anteen a#ilities

7) Rest room and lun#h rooms6) ,%artments o welare oi#ers

?or e*ery 4<<< em%loyees there will 'e one welare oi#er. ?or e*ery additional 3<<em%loyees one additional oi#er is %osted.

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1) +rans%ortation a#ilities4) uartersLhousing:) House 'uilding allowan#e s#heme) Fniorms3) Re#reation a#ti*ities5) Death relie   

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T!e ;)r*er a(e e%)"ra/e () a%!$e2e #)re 1r)"%($) (!r)"/! a %a! $%e($2e %!e#e. T!e

a#)"( )0 %a! $%e($2e $ $re%('+ 1r)1)r($)a' () $%reae 1r)"%($) a $00ere( a#)"( are1re%r$e 0)r ea%! %a(e/)r+ )0 ;)r*er a%%)r$/ () %er(a$ 'a 0)@e 0)r (!e $%reae $ "#er

(!a (!e #$$#"# 0$@e 0)r a a+. T!e ra(e )0 #)e(ar+ $%e($2e, !);e2er, %!a/e 0r)# ($#e ()



+he ollowing la'our welare s#hemes are in o%eration in the Aom%any 


as %er %oli#y o the #om%any welare items like shoes so#ks rain#oat leathers &a#ketswinter uniorm towels goggles #a%s glass tum'lers and #oee mugs are %ro#ured#entrally 'y the #om%any and are distri'uted to the workers as %er norms i;ed or ea#hitems i;ed or ea#h items.


+he #om%any has made adeuate arrangement or %ro*iding re#reation to the workers 'yen#ouraging s%orts a#ti*ities among them. S%orts kits and other material is %ressured 'ythe #om%any or distri'ution among the interested workers. +here is arrangement orindoor as well as outdoor games. Aom%etitions e*en at the state le*el ate organi-ed andworkers %arti#i%ation is en#ouraged and ensured 'y e;tending all hel% inan#ial andotherwise. +here is regular system o issuing #ir#ular or %arti#i%ation in *arious gamess%orts among the workers.


+he #om%any arrangement #ommunity #ele'ration o ma&or airs and esti*als like

guru%ura' &anmshtmi ekadshi diwali and New ear day et#. in a 'eneiting manner.

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+ri%s to dierent %la#es o edu#ational and re#reational interest to the workers are alsoarranged 'y the #om%any rom time to time.


, welare trust known as the !.".Ss em%loyee welare limited is also running or the*arious welare a#ti*ities o the em%loyees.


+o %ro*ide a#ilities to the worker and their amilies in the ield o edu#ation #om%anyruns s#hools near'y and also %ro*ides trans%ort at su'sidi-ed rates to the #hildren

 %ursuing higher studies away rom the #om%anys #om%le;. Jther welare a#ti*itiesin#lude arranging or 'lood donation and amily %lanning #am%s or the 'eneits oworkers and %ro*iding a#ilities or %ostal lie insuran#e. Death relie und is also 'eingmaintained.

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