Light Touch Looking Into a Bubble You would have to be a real curmudg- eon not to like bubbles. A person who is not attracted to a big, beautiful bubble must be suffering from an acute, pre- mature loss of childhood, no matter what his or her age. When people who are interested in optics look at a bubble, they fre- quently see a beautiful example of col- ors produced by the interference of light. It is not difficult, at the level of a general physics course, to calculate the path difference between light rays re- flected from the two surfaces of a soap film, and for a given thickness of film determine which reflected wavelengths are enhanced by constructive interfer- ence and which are diminished by de- structive interference. (You can even explain the dark color of the very thin film if you remember to include the phase changes on reflection at the two surfaces.) The bubble shown in Figure 1 dis- plays the iridescent patches that we can understand as a thin-film interference effect. When I am talking about such things to an audience of non-scientists, I often point out that, for me, under- standing the process that produces those colors does not di- minish my pleasure in their beauty. The fact that I understand more about interference colors in a bubble than does the average pedestrian al- lows me to see and en- joy more effects than that hypothetical individual. I think it is a message about science worth spread- ing to non-scientists and even, as a re- minder, to "serious scientists," who may have forgotten what got them in- terested in science in the first place. (Shown along with the bubble in Fig. 1 is its creator, my daughter.) The focus here is not the colors seen in the bubbles (however appeal- ing they may be), but another optical effect. In Figures 2 and 3, you can see some giant bubbles that we were en- joying at our cabin in the Canadian woods. We were making the bubbles while standing on a large rock outcrop- ping, surrounded by trees. As I looked at the photo (Fig. 2) sometime later, I had the feeling that there was some- thing I didn't understand about it, but I didn't quite question it consciously. (I am familiar with this effect in other cir- cumstances; it is as if I am trying to avoid asking a question to which I may not know the answer.) But, after look- ing at the photo one more time, I no- ticed how the trees, as seen in the bubble, form a horizontal band. And I realized that it was not obvious to me what kind of focusing action could cause that kind of image! The (more or less) cylindrical bubble in Figure 3 shows the same ef- fect, with a dark tree image running horizontally down the middle of the bubble. The optical system (bubble) is rather simple, and if we can't explain what the picture shows, we better worry about whether they will take away our license to practice optics. My guess is FIGURE 1. THE BEAUTIFUL, IRIDESCENT COLORS OF A SOAP BUBBLE CAN BE UNDERSTOOD TO RESULT FROM THE INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT REFLECTED FROM A THIN FILM. (PHOTO BY THE AUTHOR.) FIGURE 2. INSIDE THE BUBBLE, NEARLY A METER IN DIAMETER, ONE CAN SEE A HORIZONTAL BAND OF TREES. WHAT ARE WE SEEING? (PHOTO BY R.F. NEWELL OR THE AUTHOR; I'M NOT SURE WHO TOOK THE PICTURE.) FIGURE 3. A NEARLY CYLINDRICAL BUBBLE CONTAIN- ING THE HORIZONTAL BAND OF TREES. (PHOTO BY R.F. NEWELL.) ROBERT GREENLER is Adjunct Profes- sor of Physics with the University of Wis- consin, Milwaukee, Wisc. 50 OPTICS & PHOTONICS NEWS/OCTOBER 1993

Looking Into a Bubble

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Page 1: Looking Into a Bubble

Light Touch

Looking Into a Bubble Y o u wou ld have to be a real curmudg­eon not to like bubbles. A person who is not attracted to a big, beautiful bubble must be suffering f rom an acute, pre­mature loss of chi ldhood, no matter what his or her age.

When people who are interested in optics look at a bubble, they fre­quently see a beautiful example of col­ors produced by the interference of light. It is not difficult, at the level of a general physics course, to calculate the path difference between light rays re­flected from the two surfaces of a soap f i lm, and for a given thickness of f i lm determine which reflected wavelengths are enhanced by constructive interfer­ence and wh ich are diminished by de­structive interference. (You can even explain the dark color of the very thin f i lm if you remember to include the phase changes on reflection at the two surfaces.)

The bubble shown in Figure 1 dis­plays the iridescent patches that we can understand as a thin-f i lm interference effect. When I am talking about such things to an audience of non-scientists, I often point out that, for me, under­standing the process that produces

those colors does not d i ­min ish my pleasure i n their beauty. The fact that I understand more about interference colors in a bubble than does the average pedestr ian a l ­lows me to see and en­joy more effects than that hypothetical ind iv idual . I think it is a message about science worth spread­ing to non-scientists and even, as a re­minder, to "ser ious scientists," who may have forgotten what got them in ­terested i n science i n the first place. (Shown along wi th the bubble in Fig. 1 is its creator, m y daughter.)

The focus here is not the colors seen in the bubbles (however appeal­ing they may be), but another optical effect. In Figures 2 and 3, you can see some giant bubbles that we were en­joying at our cabin in the Canadian woods. We were making the bubbles whi le standing on a large rock outcrop­p ing , surrounded by trees. A s I looked at the photo (Fig. 2) sometime later, I had the feeling that there was some­thing I d idn' t understand about it, but I

didn' t quite question it consciously. (I am famil iar w i th this effect in other cir­cumstances; it is as if I am trying to avoid asking a question to wh ich I may not know the answer.) But, after look­ing at the photo one more time, I no­ticed how the trees, as seen in the bubble, form a horizontal band. A n d I real ized that it was not obvious to me what k i n d of focusing action cou ld cause that k ind of image!

The (more or less) c y l i n d r i c a l bubble in Figure 3 shows the same ef­fect, w i th a dark tree image running horizontal ly down the middle of the bubble. The optical system (bubble) is rather simple, and if we can't explain what the picture shows, we better worry about whether they w i l l take away our license to practice optics. M y guess is




ROBERT GREENLER is Adjunct Profes­sor of Physics with the University of Wis­consin, Milwaukee, Wisc.


Page 2: Looking Into a Bubble

that you w i l l come up w i th the answer after a little thought, as I d id . I remem­bered another photograph I had taken that prov ided the clue to understand­ing these pictures.

If I showed you the "clue photo" on this page, you couldn't avoid look­ing at it. Think about what's causing the image before reading on. Turn to page 64 for your clue if you think you have the answer. Then come back.

The "After Image" photo on page 64 is a self-portrait of m y reflection in a soap bubble. The camera taking the photo is located just to the side of m y head: The bubble is formed on the end of a glass tube that I am hold ing in front of my face and camera. The rel­evant feature is the appearance of two images of my face, one inverted and one upright. It is clear that the images are the result of reflection and, indeed, wi th a little thought, we realize that one image results f rom reflection at the back (concave) surface of the bubble and the other f rom the front (convex) surface.

Figure 4 shows the familiar ray dia­grams that locate the images result ing from the two reflections. The back sur­face forms a real image that is inverted. It is real because rays diverging from a point on the object actually converge to the corresponding point on the image, located in space between the back sur­face and the bubble center. The front surface forms a vir tual image that is upright. It is vir tual because the re­flected rays diverge as if they came from an image point located between the front surface and the bubble center, even though there are no rays that ac­tually converge to the image at that position.

From the ray diagram, we see that the images don't occur i n the same plane, but actually are separated by a distance approximately equal to the ra­dius of the bubble. In the "Af ter Im­age" photo, you can see that I had the camera focused closer to the upright

image than to the inverted image, wh ich is somewhat out of focus. H a d I known that I was going to use this photo on this page in Optics & Photonics News, I probably w o u l d have tried harder to focus between the two images, w i th the camera stopped down to increase the depth of f ield so as to include both of the images.

Understanding the "Af ter Image" photo helps us understand what we are seeing i n the big-bubble photos in Figures 2 and 3. We are not seeing the trees in front of the camera, but, in the bubble, reflected images of the trees and sky behind the camera. The up­right image shows the sky at the top and the inverted image shows the sky at the bottom, w i th the band of trees f rom the two images overlapping. It is not a complicated explanation, but a simple answer to a simple question.

I w i l l end w i th an i l lustration of the way scientific terminology is deter­mined—clearly an important matter i n the development of science. In Figure 4, we see that the real image is inverted and the vir tual image is upright. W i th some sketching, you can convince your­self that this is the case w i th converg­ing or diverging lenses or mirrors, w i th any combination of image and object distances. This idea led to an incident that began in the late 1970s and ended two decades later.

When Peter Franken (University of Ar izona, Tucson) was president of the Optical Society in 1977, he sponsored a limerick contest. The l imerick had to re­late to optics, and there were prizes for the winners. A s I recall, Peter offered a 30-cm tall cactus as first prize, and, as second prize, two 30-cm tall cacti! (If I have it wrong, I'm sure he w i l l correct me.) Wi th an election year coming up, I had an idea for a l imerick that I worked

F I G U R E 4 . R A Y D I A G R A M S S H O W I N G T H E

R E A L , I N V E R T E D I M A G E F O R M E D B Y R E ­

F L E C T I O N F R O M T H E ( A ) C O N C A V E B A C K

S U R F A C E O F T H E B U B B L E A N D T H E ( B )

V I R T U A L , U P R I G H T I M A G E F O R M E D B Y R E ­

F L E C T I O N F R O M T H E C O N V E X F R O N T S U R ­

F A C E .

out shortly after seeing the contest an­nouncement. I knew that if I submitted my entry six months before the dead­line, Peter might lose it, since such things are almost never received unti l the week before (or after) the deadline. So I waited. Here was my entry:

To a politician who would reveal An Image with public appeal, Said his optical friend, "In my view I contend If it's Upright it's Virtual, not Real!"

Unfortunately, when I thought of it again some months later, I had missed the deadline and someone else had won the fame and cactus.

About 20 years later I was sitting at a scientific meeting dinner next to Robert Resnick, author and co-author of a series of textbooks that have helped to educate generations of students in physics. Know ing that he is a connois­seur of l imericks, I recalled the contest and m y fai led entry, and wrote it on a napk in to show h im. He laughed po­litely, put the napk in in his pocket, and I prompt ly forgot the incident. When I ran into h im a month or so later, he told me, w i th some enthusiasm, that they were going to use my poem! H e had shown the l imerick napkin to his co­author, Dav id Hal l iday. The third edi­t ion of their Fundamentals of Physics was in the galley proof stage. Hal l iday, who was responsible for the optics section, had referred to the v i r tua l images formed by lenses or mirrors as "erect images." However , he l iked the poem enough that he went through the proofs and, wherever there was a reference to an "erect image," he changed it to "up ­r ight" image so that he could include the poem in the new edit ion, where it is now found.

If you thought that al l decisions about scientific terminology are decided by a room ful l of serious people gath­ered about a large conference table in Geneva or Paris, now you know how it really happens. OPN


Page 3: Looking Into a Bubble

After Image

Self Portrait in a Bubble. In addition to the bands of interference colors circling the bubble, we see two images formed by reflection. One is an Upright image from the front, convex bubble surface, and the other is an inverted image from the back, concave surface. The images are separated in space, and in this case, the camera was focused closer to the upright image, leaving the inverted image somewhat out of focus. (Photo by Robert Greenler. See "The Light Touch," page 50.)