Logical Rdm Standard

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  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    Logical Relational Data ModelingStandardsVersion 1.0

    June 16, 2008

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    Table of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................ 3

    Purpose................................................................................................................... 3

    Document Maintenance..........................................................................................3

    Scope...................................................................................................................... 3

    Logical Relational Data Model Defnition....................................................................3

    ER Diagramming Conventions.................................................................................... 4

    Modeling Synta ......................................................................................................4

    Diagramming Layout !uidelines............................................................................."

    #ormal $orms..........................................................................................................%

    &riting Defnitions o' Logical ()*ects.........................................................................%

    Logical ()*ect Defnition !uidelines+....................................................................... %

    Entity Defnition !uidelines+.................................................................................... %

    ,ttri)ute Defnition !uidelines+............................................................................... %

    #aming Logical ()*ects.............................................................................................. -

    Logical ()*ect #aming !uidelines...........................................................................-

    Entity #aming !uidelines........................................................................................ -,ttri)ute #aming !uidelines...................................................................................

    Relations/ip #aming !uidelines.............................................................................. 0

    Relations/ip Standards............................................................................................... 0

    Super1types and Su)1types.......................................................................................2

    Entity eys................................................................................................................ 22

    Dimensional Data Modeling...................................................................................... 25

    ,ppendi .................................................................................................................. 23

    Class &ords........................................................................................................... 23

    Logical Relational Data Modeling Standard Page 5

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group


    Purpose 6/is document provides standards and guidance 'or t/e naming and use o' o)*ectsin logical relational data models. Logical o)*ects are created and maintained tomeet )usiness re7uirements. ,ccurate naming clarifes t/e specifc nature o' eac/logical o)*ect. Consistency allo8s t/e logical names to /ave persistent value indi9erentiating data items. #ame 'ormation and t/e use o' logical modeling o)*ectsare independent o' any particular data modeling tool or relational data)asemanagement system :RD;MS< plat'orm. 6/ese logical relational data modelingguidelines are independent o' specifc C,SE tools.

    6/e intention o' t/is standard is to esta)lis/ an agreed1upon )asis 'or developinglogical relational data models in order to promote greater 7uality and consistency

    across data models and ena)le o)*ective model revie8s.Document Maintenance

    6o suggest improvements= c/anges or additions to t/is standard= contact+

    !ail ,ustin or >ars/ S/arma

    gail.austin?gmail.com s/arma/8?ya/oo.com

    Scope 6/ese standards apply to all logical relational data models t/at are developed )y(M! su)mission teams.

    Logical Relational Data Model De nition 6/e relational model 'or data)ase management is a data)ase model )ased onpredicate logic and set t/eory. It 8as frst 'ormulated and proposed in 20%0 )yEdgar Codd 8it/ aims t/at included avoiding= 8it/out loss o' completeness= t/eneed to 8rite computer programs to e press data)ase 7ueries and en'orcedata)ase integrity constraints. @RelationA is a mat/ematical term 'or @ta)leA= andt/us @relationsA roug/ly means @)ased on ta)lesA. It does not re'er to t/e linBs or@BeysA )et8een ta)les= contrary to popular )elie'. 2

    , logical relational data model defnes 8/at an organi ation Bno8s a)out t/ings o'interest to t/e )usiness and grap/ically s/o8s /o8 t/ey relate to eac/ ot/er in anentity relations/ip :ER< diagram. ,n entity relations/ip diagram is an a)stractconceptual representation o' structured data. It uses standard sym)ols to denotet/e t/ings o' interest to t/e )usiness :entities

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    Data Model= in contrast to t/e more a)stract Conceptual Relational Data Model=contains detailed c/aracteristics o' t/e entities :attri)utes< and t/eir defnitions. Itgenerates t/e structure o' a p/ysical data model 8/ic/ in turn generates adata)ase 'ollo8ing Model Driven ,rc/itecture principles. It is a result o' detailedanalysis o' t/e )usiness re7uirements.

    6/e 'ollo8ing illustration s/o8s /o8 t/e logical model fts into t/e overall datamodeling process+

    ltimately= t/e logical relational data model /elps to solidi'y and validate )usinessre7uirements and delivers sta)le= Fe i)le data structures t/at are easily navigatedand can ans8er unanticipated 7uestions.

    Logical Relational Data Modeling Standard Page 4

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    ER Diagramming Conventions

    Modeling Synta 6/e recommended notation 'or models is In'ormation Engineering :IE< @Cro8Gs$eetA 1 )ecause it is easier 'or users to interpret t/an t/e Integration Defnition 'orIn'ormation Modeling :IDE$2H< notation. 5

    Diagramming Layout !uidelines(rient entities so t/at t/e @toesA o' a relations/ipGs cro8Gs 'oot al8ays point do8n.

    6/is puts 'undamental entities in t/e top area o' t/e diagram= and positionsassociative and su)type entities in t/e lo8er area o' t/e diagram.

    Recommended cro8Gs 'eet do8n convention ,void dead cro8s


    Person Identifier (FK)Contact Point Identifier (FK)

    Home Contact Point Indicator Work Contact Point Indicator


    Contact Point Identifier


    Person Identifier (FK)

    First N ameMiddle NameLast NameLegal NameNicknameName Suffix

    irt! "ateirt! Place Name

    #ender Code


    Person Identifier (FK)Contact Point Identifier ( FK)

    Home Contact Point Indicator Work Contact Point Indicator


    Contact Point Identifier


    Person Identifier (FK)

    First N ameMiddle NameLast NameLegal Name

    NicknameName Suffix

    irt! "ateirt! Place Name

    #ender Code

    eep t/e relations/ip lines as straig/t as possi)le. ,void unnecessary )ends. 6oomany sym)ols clutter t/e diagram and maBe it con'using to t/e vie8er.

    ,void crossing relations/ip lines. Crossed lines maBe it diJcult to understand 8/ic/entities are related.

    Relations/ip names s/ould )e placed on t/e diagram so t/at t/e ver)s or ver)p/rases are read in a clocB8ise direction 'rom one entity to t/e related entity.

    E ample+

    5 6/e c/oice o' IE notation 8ill )e revisited 8/en t/e ;arBer notation )ecomes more 8idelyavaila)le in t/e modeling tools.

    Logical Relational Data Modeling Standard Page "

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working GroupPOLIC

    Polic$ Identifier


    Polic$ Identifier (FK)Insured %&'ect Identifier (FK)Co erage $*e Identifier (FK)

    co ers

    is co ered &$

    "ormal #orms#ormal $orms provide a 8ay to structure data to eliminate undesira)leredundancies= inconsistencies and dependencies. #ormali ation is a 'ormali edtec/ni7ue 'or creating t/e most desira)le logical model 'or t/e given data and)usiness rules. Completed logical models s/ould )e in= at least= ;oyceKCodd #ormal$orm :;C#$< 3 . $or a model to )e in ;C#$= every entity in t/e model must )e in;C#$. 6/e normal 'orms are summari ed )elo8+

    First Normal Form (1NF) identifes and eliminates repeating groups andesta)lis/es a primary Bey.

    Second Normal Form (2NF) identifes and removes partial1Bey dependencies. 6/is applies only to ta)les 8it/ composite Beys.

    Third Normal Form (3NF) identifes and eliminates non1Bey attri)utes t/at aredependent on ot/er non1Bey attri)utes.

    o!ce"#odd Normal Form ( #NF) identifes and eliminates Bey attri)utes t/at aredependent upon ot/er Bey attri)utes in an entity 8it/ a composite Bey.

    $riting De nitions of Logical %b&ects!ood Logical ()*ect names are important )ecause t/ey provide a persistent recordo' t/e uni7ue nature o' eac/ o)*ect. !ood names cannot )e developed unless t/eo)*ect frst /as a good )usiness defnition.

    Logical %b&ect De nition !uidelines' se industry defnitions 8/ere possi)le and appropriate. Descri)e 8/at t/e entity or attri)ute is not 8/ere= 8/en or )y 8/om it is


    3 See &iBipedia Data)ase #ormali ation+/ttp+KKen.8iBipedia.orgK8iBiKData)ase normali ation

    Logical Relational Data Modeling Standard Page %

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    ;e clear and concise. &rite as i' t/e reader is un'amiliar 8it/ t/e )usiness area. se )usiness terms rat/er t/an tec/nical terms to e press t/e meaning and

    importance to t/e )usiness. se mi ed case according to standard )usiness Englis/ conventions. Do not use *argon= a))reviations or acronyms. Do not include in'ormation t/at s/ould )e documented else8/ere= suc/ as

    process descriptions.

    Entity De nition !uidelines' Entity defnitions s/ould )e ro)ust and communicate t/e essential and uni7ue

    )usiness nature o' t/e entity. Do not depend on or re'er to t/e defnition o' anot/er o)*ect in t/e model. E press one concept or idea eac/ entity s/ould /ave a uni7ue meaning.

    (ttribute De nition !uidelines' ,ttri)ute defnitions s/ould communicate t/e essential )usiness nature and

    purpose o' t/e attri)ute. Do not depend on or re'er to t/e defnition o' anot/er o)*ect in t/e model=

    e cept 'or derived attri)utes. Include t/e domain o' allo8ed values and de'ault value 8/ere appropriate.

    "aming Logical %b&ects

    Logical %b&ect "aming !uidelines se one or more 8ords 8/ic/ are 'ormed using t/e 5% letters :,1

  • 7/25/2019 Logical Rdm Standard


    Property and Casualty Insurance Working Group

    series o' 8ords= as radar 'or ra dio d etecting a nd r anging. &/en an acronymis 8idely Bno8n it may )e an e ception to t/e no a))reviation rule. , list o'e ceptions s/ould )e maintained as an appendi to t/is standard andsu)*ect to an approval and a governance process.

    ,))reviations i' t/e o)*ect name is too long to ft in t/e space allotted )yt/e data modeling tool and all non1essential 8ords /ave )een eliminated'rom t/e name= a))reviate t/e class 8ord. I' t/e name is still too long= fndte t in t/e name t/at can 'orm acronyms. Starting 8it/ t/e rig/t1most te t=apply t/e acronym and repeat moving le't in t/e name until t/e name fts.>yp/en use i' t/e correct spelling o' t/e 8ord contains a /yp/en :e.g. o91premises