6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 [email protected] 915-747-6671 1 Today’s Outline Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) Overview of and introduction to real-time software systems Host/Target Connection and Setup Lecture & Demo Slides adapted from A. Kornecki, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University 2

Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 [email protected] 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview

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Page 1: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



Dr. Salamah Salamah

CCS 3.0608

[email protected]



• Today’s Outline

• Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on)

• Overview of and introduction to real-time software systems

• Host/Target Connection and Setup Lecture & Demo

Slides adapted from A. Kornecki, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University


Page 2: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Tell us

• Your name

• Level (PhD, master, undergrad)

• What are you looking for in the course

• Something else (anything)



Page 3: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Replacement of analog processing section of control systems by

their digital equivalent

• Progress and miniaturization of computing hardware

(minicomputers, microprocessors, microcontrollers)

• Application of computers in military and aerospace domains

• Research in operating systems, scheduling, concurrency,

exception handling, reliability, and safety

• Proliferation of computers in all areas of science, technology, and

everyday life


In groups

• Have predictable and guaranteed timing behavior - they fail if the

timing constraints are not met (real-time)

• Interact with and control the environment (safety critical)

• Operate continuously as a part of a larger system (embedded)

• We use the term real time software - designed to respond to and

control the dynamic environment of a real system

• Another term: cyber-physical systems


Page 4: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• process control (chemical industry, food processing)

• robotics (manufacturing, automated control)

• avionics (flight management, GPS)

• aerospace (jet engine control, fly-by-wire)

• military (weapon management, encryption)

• data collection (acquisition, signal processing)

• communication (fax machines, digital phones)

• appliances (microwave dishwasher thermostats)

• automotive (engine/cruise control, anti-lock brakes)

• computer peripherals (printers, terminals, modems)



Page 5: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Specification and Design• theory, methodologies, CASE Tools, notations, process

• Programming• code, synchronization, communication, threads, development support (programming languages, compilers), run-time support (real-time kernels)

•Operating System• scheduling, thread management, memory management, interrupt handling, input/output, application programming interface (API), priority inheritance avoidance

•Hardware• Processor, bus, peripheral devices, memory, cache


• Simple micro-controller chip (car engine, copier, microwave)

• Single controller board (industrial robot)

• Complex controller boards on a bus (space data processing, aircraft avionics)


Page 6: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Dedicated workstation

(simulation, graphics,

medical device)

• Distributed workstations

(air traffic control)

• Networked supercomputers

(military, nuclear physics)


In groups

• Logical/functional correctness

• Timing correctness

• Which is more important?

• Hard vs soft real-time (later in the lecture)


Page 7: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• RT system is a computer system that must satisfy explicit

response time constraints (the system correctness depends

on the time at which the results are produced)

• Dynamic systems are described by their state (or mode of


• The system state changes in response to input event

(interrupt, signal)

• Change of state requires time …

• Popular misconception:

• “real-time systems is a very fast system”:


In Groups

• a dedicated computer system designed for specific purpose

• A dedicated real-time computer system providing control and computation as a part of a complete system

• A computer built into a system and not seen by the user as a computer

• An execute-only target environment running correct, reliable and safe software

• A system developed using host-target paradigm


Page 8: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Embedded systems features:

• majority are reliable and predictable

• some must operate in real-time

• some are safety critical

• … many are the combination of above

• Usually an invisible part of other systems or devices (systems within systems):

• NASA Mars Path Finder

• Lockheed Martin’s Missile guidance system

• Several modern automobiles

• Household items

• Network environment

• Games15

• Expected Performance:

• Response time

• Throughput

• Reliability

• Predictability

• Safety

• Faults/Failures


• Required Interface:

• Types of signals

• Range of signals

• Frequency of signals

• Communication protocols

• Connectors standards

• Sensors

• Switches

• Displays

• Environmental Factors:

• Physical: weight, size, life span, maintainability

• Electrical: power supply, electrical interface

• Operational conditions: humidity, temperature, vibration

Page 9: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Embedded systems that respond to events in timely fashion

• Knowledge of the hardware is a must

• Usually cross-platform development (Cross compilers)









•A controlling system and at least one controlled system

• Interaction between controlling and controlled systems:

• Periodic – predefined intervals

• Aperiodic – no defined intervals

• Combination of above


Page 10: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



•Weapon defense system protecting a naval destroyer by

shooting the incoming missiles

• Command-and-Decision System (controlling/controlled system ?)

• Radar System (controlling/controlled system?)

• Weapon Firing Control System (controlling/controlled system?)


• Must produce correct computational result

• Functional or logical correctness

• Must conclude and produce result within a predefined period

• Timing correctness

• Each component of a RT system MUST have a deterministic behavior


Page 11: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• HARD RT - does specify the time at which each task must finish (e.g.

actuation of flight surfaces in a flight control system)

• SOFT RT - does specify level of urgency (e.g. missing data in a data

acquisition system)

• “what differentiates hard RT systems and soft RT systems are the degree

of tolerance for missed deadline, usefulness of computed results after

missed deadlines, and severity of the penalty incurred for failing to

meet deadlines”

• Hard RT – penalty is catastrophic

• Soft RT – penalty is a degraded performance

• The issue is not the speed but the impact of missing the deadline


• In Real Time programs the input events arrive asynchronously from the outside world requiring timely response

• The program is able to interrupt current thread of execution and instead execute some pre-defined code to respond to the input

• The executed code, in turn, may activate some other programs that were waiting for that input

• The system is able to resume its previous activity

• The system fails if the timing constraints are not met

• Dynamic tasks for various events, entities, and functions

• Tasks are activated periodically or sporadically

• Task synchronization and interaction is required

• Timely completion of each task before the deadline is required

• System shall not hang/crash

• Guarantee of timing behavior makes the system predictable

• The system must be reliable (not fail) and safe (not hurt or cause any loss)


Page 12: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Native environment: development on the same platform as the resulting


• Host/target environment: development on the host with the executable

downloaded to target



• On February 25, 1991, during

the Gulf War, an American

Patriot Missile battery in

Dharan, Saudi Arabia, failed to

track and intercept an incoming

Iraqi Scud missile

• The Patriot battery had been up

with no reset over 100 hours


Page 13: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• The prediction of where the Scud will appear next is a function of the

velocity and the time of the last radar detection

• Velocity is a real number (e.g., 3750.2563…miles per hour)

• Time has been kept by the system's internal clock in tenths of seconds,

expressed as an integer and thus it must be multiplied by 1/10 to get

time in seconds

• 24 bits error is 0.0000000596046447753906

• After 100 hours of operations without reset the resulting time drift error

was enough to fail the intercept - due to the magnified chopping error of

24-bit calculations


• On July 4, 1997, the Mars Pathfinder with

Sojourner rover landed on the surface of

Mars and rather than executing tasks

started resetting computer

• Software with over 150,000 lines of code

was written by seven JPL engineers over

three years using Wind River Systems tools

- VxWorks being the first commercial RTOS

to operate on another planet


Page 14: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Priority multitasking allows a higher-priority task preempt a lower-

priority task

• It is theoretically possible that a mid-level-priority task can interfere

with a higher-priority task causing the system to time out and reset

• This condition, called priority inversion, can be prevented by a priority

inheritance protocol, which is a user-selectable feature of VxWorks

• Engineers at JPL sent commands to “flip” one bit and thus turn on the

priority inheritance for the critical semaphore - after that, the system

worked flawlessly



• Data collection

• Control

• Interface

• …



• Reliability

• Safety

• Maintainability

• Availability

• Security

• …


• Deadlines

• Jitter

• Latency

• …

Page 15: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



•EVENT •an instantaneous (time-point) internal or external

occurrence that causes the program to branch

•Event types:

•Synchronous/Periodic • at predictable time points (e.g. clock driven)

•Asynchronous • at unpredictable time points (e.g. due to external conditions)


• INTERRUPT • an externally or internally generated event to allow for the disruption

of a processor’s normal execution

• handled by the microprocessor hardware interrupt interface

• INTERRUPT LATENCY• time required to recognize and start responding to an interrupt


Page 16: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• RESPONSE TIME: time interval between presentation of inputs (stimuli)

and the appearance of the associated outputs (response)

• DEADLINE: a time point before which the task must complete the

execution (or a specific event must occur)

• DETERMINISTIC SYSTEM • for each state and set of inputs a unique set of outputs can be determined


• the response time is known (or bounded) for each set of outputs


• the property of meeting the temporal determinism criteria


• TASK• a unit of a sequentially executing program designed to fulfill a specific

system function

• SCHEDULABILITY• a property of a set of tasks ensuring that all tasks will meet their respective


• PROCESS • a virtual computing environment set up to run as a program (contains its own

data, code, context, & resources)

• THREAD• a sequence of instructions executed within the context of a process

• KERNEL • a core component of run-time support (or operating system) residing

continuously in main memory


Page 17: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview




• when the system fails to perform its required function in the operational


• FAULT• a manifestation of error in system (may cause failure) from the system

engineering perspective – the requirements are not met … but what about

incomplete or faulty requirements?

• DEPENDABILITY• the property of the system that justifies reliance on its services (Quality of

Service – QoS)

• Dependability defined as an overarching concept including all other


Source: “Dependability: Basic Concepts and Terminology”, Edited by

Laprie, J.-C., Springer Verlag, 1992, ISBN: 3-211-82296-833

• SAFETY• a property of a system that it will provides hazard-free operation

•HAZARD• the capability of the system to harm the people, destroy the property

or environment

• Are reliability and safety the same thing?

• RELIABILITY - probability that the system will function correctly over

a given period of time

• Reliability and safety are NOT identical

• Reliability is a bottom-up activity focusing on system failures

• Safety is a top-down approach concentrating on system hazards


Page 18: Lecture 1 Intro - UTEP · 6/20/2018 1 Dr. Salamah Salamah CCS 3.0608 isalamah@utep.edu 915-747-6671 1 •Today’s Outline •Class intro (Syllabus, rules, and so on) •Overview



• Embedded real-time systems are here to stay:

• Expanding application domain

• Advances in technology

• Globalization

• Connectivity, internet

• Smaller and smarter products

• Expanding marketplace

• Practical experience with real-time system development is of great

value to your future employers in many areas of industry

• Industry is in a desperate need for real time software developers (IAB)

• Real-time has place in computing curricula

• Enforcing good software engineering methodology and process is critical


• Read Chapters 1-4 of RTCES

• Install workbench 3.3 on your own laptop and bring to class.