“With a little imagination everything is possible”

Latest CV 16.06.2011

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My current curriculum vitae/portfolio

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“With a little imagination everything is possible”

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“Beer. Now there’s a temporary solution.”~ HOMER SIMPSON ~

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“Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.”~ PABLO PICASSO ~

This Curriculum Vitae includes






The quotes used are from people I really admire.

The photographs used are my own (with the obvious exceptions of the ones on the front and back cover).

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“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”~ ALBERT EINSTEIN ~

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“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”~ JIMMY STEWART ~

David Brown

11 Underwood Road


Glasgow G73 3TE

Telephone: 0141 563 9672

Mobile: 07702 349 847

email: [email protected]

Date of birth: 23rd July 1960

Marital status: Married (to Morag)

No children

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“One of the most important days of my life waswhen I learned to ride a bicycle.”


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“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.Design is how it works.”


• Education

1971-77 Govan High Secondary School

Qualifications Gained Higher English and Mathematics

O Grade Art, German, Arithmetic and Physics

• Further Education

1977-79 Cardonald College

Qualification Gained Scotec Technician Diploma in Art and Design

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“I think I did pretty well, considering I started outwith nothing but a bunch of blank paper.”


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“All I can do is be me, whoever that is.”~ BOB DYLAN ~

• Employment History

1979-81 Prontaprint - Paste-up Artist

1981-83 Kall Kwik - Paste-up Artist / Manager

1983-85 Interpress - Typesetter and Graphic Artist AP Repro - Typesetter and Graphic Artist

1985-86 Beith Printing - Graphic Artist

1987-89 Hamilton Design and Print - Graphic Artist / Designer

1990-91 Inprint - Typesetter and Graphic Artist / Designer

1991-2003 Original Printing Company - Owner / Partner

2003 - 2007 The Print People - Graphic Artist / Designer

2007 - 2010 Royal Blind Charity - Designer / Marketing Officer

2011 Scottish Executive - Census Enumerator The Scottish Labour Party - Graphic Designer

Full employment details, including duties, can be provided, along with referees

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“Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.”~ JOHN F. KENNEDY ~

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“As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”~ JOHN LENNON ~

• More Stuff About Me

Capabilities Although my most recent permanent employment was working in the

charity sector in the main I have always worked for, or with, print and

design companies. As such I have a very good working knowledge of all

aspects of the printing trade. I have been using Apple Macs since 1990

and am very proficient in the use of QuarkXpress and Adobe CS ( In-design,

Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat). I also use Microsoft Office as well as

other programmes associated with the Mac. I am currently teaching myself

web design and development using CMS. I also undertake photographic

assignments, which includes post production and image manipulation.

I have a wide and varied knowledge of print and print related services. I

have worked on a variety of projects big and small for a variety of clients,

also big and small and am considered by many clients and colleagues as

creative and knowledgeable in my field. I consider myself to be a dilligent,

conscientious and hard worker. I am able to work well, either on my own

or as part of a team. I get on well with most people and am always willing

to listen to other peoples views and ideas. I am articulate, numerate and

possess a keen sense of humour and sharp wit.

I am currently looking for a position which will best utilise my skills and

talents as a graphic designer, photographer and people person.

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“I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.”~ MARILYN MONROE ~

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“You must believe you are the best andthen make sure that you are.”


• General health I generally keep in good health. I am a non-smoker, drink in moderation,

could lose a few pounds and exercise (not nearly often enough).

General interests My wife and I enjoy travelling. This allows to me to enjoy my passion -

photography. I also absolutely love all kinds of music (old and new, but

particularly bluegrass and country). To celebrate my 50th birthday we went

on a three week American “Road Trip” holiday, which started in New York

and finished in Nashville. It was an incredible journey, which allowed me to

indulge myself in all of these .

To see a selection of my photographs including our great American

adventure please visit my flickr site www.flickr.com/deebeeandswivel

I don’t read nearly enough, do a bit of DIY (badly), am good at watching the

footy, but not so good at playing golf and really enjoy a night at the movies

or the theatre. Just a pretty normal, average guy really.

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“I am not nearly as afraid of myselfand my imagination as I used to be.”


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“The creative act lasts but a brief moment, a lightning instant of give-and-take,just long enough for you to level the camera and to trap the fleeting prey in your little box.”


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