JOG EXP report Nguyen Quang Vu

JOG EXP report - Eng

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Page 1: JOG EXP report - Eng

JOG EXP report

Nguyen Quang Vu

Page 2: JOG EXP report - Eng

I am Vu Nguyen Quang - GD from Gameloft HAN. In the morning Sep

1st, 2015, I had a chance to visit Gameloft Offices in Yogyakarta. There

are 2 of them here at the address:

• Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 73, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (JO2)

• Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.269A, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (JO1)

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Reception in JO2

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Reception in JO1

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I ’ d like to describe briefly these offices. Gameloft own 3 floors at the

JO2 building while has 1st floor and 5th floor at the JO1 building. There

are 12 meeting rooms in JO2 while there are 4 at JO1, each has its

own theme to increase employee inspiration. (image below)

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Pirate Room

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Red Room

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Is it coffee shop or meeting room?

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Home sweet home

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Besides, the office offers employee a balance working environment

with rooms fill with stuffs and activities like ping-pong table, foosball

table, Xbox, PS4, etc.

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Play room

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Club room

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Smoking Area

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The Human Resources needed in JO2 is significant (because it was

form earlier this year), but they have already had enough GD and there

is no target for recruitment.

I have spent one hour with some of GDs from JO2 on beach room and

have a chance to have a lunch with all of GDs from JO1 at a nearby

restaurant. They provided me the overview about GD jobs in Jogja.

They have GE and PUB projects on Android SD, Feature Phone at JO2

while they have projects on Windows at JO1. Since the projects on

Windows and Android SD have similar GD tasks as Gameloft HAN, the

projects on feature phone may prove to be very challenging.

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GD job overview at JO2

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GD process:

• Analyze plan

• Cutting plan

• Adaptation plan

• Initial Data

• Optimization

• Alignment

• Feedback

• Adjustment (loop the process)

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The Analyze part in Android SD and HD is quite simple since it is

similar to iOS, and there is nearly nothing need to be cut out in Cutting

Plan part. Most of the work is for Adaptation and Optimization. But the

optimization part of Android is proved to be nothing compare to the

projects that involve feature phone.

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The difficulty with projects involve feature phones is caused by:

• The limited file size: about 100kb for PUB, 200kb for GE, often have to

maximize the use of graphics or cut out the large part.

• There is no fixed orientation since there is a large library of screen size, both

portrait and landscape.

• Need to cut out most of game effect but still have to keep similar gaming


• Need to align elements manually without any third party (pixel based) and

there are quite a lot of UI.

• Button control is far slow response and inflexible than touch devices so the

control adaptation is sometimes very tricky.

• Can not take reference from other version of iOS and Android.

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The jobs involve Windows is very similar to Android HD too, but games

with portrait orientation is harder to adapt.

There are often 5 GDs assigned to 1 feature phone project based on

the large amount of works. The feature phones are divided into

category with C2 with the most size (1MB) and further cutting in smaller

size for C3, 3323S, 5866 (not sure about the name). These games are

made using java.

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GDs often find themselves spent time to negotiate with producer and

manager about what to keep and what need to modified since there are

often many things need to be cut out and the game experience aren’t

the same anymore.

I proposed Ms. Chau about an one week exchange program for one of

the GD in JO1 so that we could have technical sharing between studios.

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These are the experiences I collected during my visit at Gameloft JOG.

It helps me to have an overview of what we are doing in Gameloft and

inspire me to work harder to strive for higher work’s quality. We have

different projects that required different skill set and focus, so there is

little technical application. The meeting room decoration from Gameloft

JOG inspired me a lot and I wish we could have some themes for our

meeting room, too. Because of the limitation of our building, it maybe

hard but I think a fitness room can have a positive impact on our

employee at Gameloft HAN.