Java Management Extensions Borcon 2004 Ken Sipe [email protected]

Java Management Extensions Borcon 2004 Ken Sipe [email protected] Borcon 2004 Ken Sipe [email protected]

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Page 1: Java Management Extensions Borcon 2004 Ken Sipe kensipe@codementor.net Borcon 2004 Ken Sipe kensipe@codementor.net

Java Management ExtensionsJava Management Extensions

Borcon 2004Ken Sipe

[email protected]

Borcon 2004Ken Sipe

[email protected]

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Overall Presentation Goal Overall Presentation Goal

Defined the problem space and need that JMX solves.Provided details on the architecture and understanding of the technologyProvide resources need to expound on this learning.

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Speaker’s QualificationsSpeaker’s Qualifications

Sun Certified Java 2 Architect. Instructor for VisiBroker for Java, OOAD, Rational Rose, and Java

Development. Frequently speaks on the subject of distributed computing programming,

including CORBA and EJB architecture. JBoss Certified Developer ;)

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX

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What is JMX?What is JMX?

Java Management Extensions Provides runtime application configuration and

management. Update services on the fly No downtime

Provides monitoring services with notification services. Standardized toolsets

Required for future J2EE Services

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JMX HistoryJMX History

JSR – 03 Early need recognition

JMX 1.0 – Sept 2000 JMX 1.2 – Dec 2002

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Implementations of the SpecImplementations of the Spec

Sun http://java.sun.com/products/JavaManagement/index.jsp

IBM http://alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/TMX4J Not really available separately any more, part of WAS 5.x

AdventNet http://adventnet.com/

JBoss http://jboss.org

mx4j http://mx4j.sourceforge.net/

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Where’s JMX currently usedWhere’s JMX currently used

WAS 5.0 Tomcat 5.0

mx4j JBoss 2.4.x, 3.x, and 4.0 beta

jbossmx Weblogic 7.x Required

J2EE 1.4 J2SE 1.5

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Related SpecificationsRelated Specifications

JSR-77 J2EE Management API JSR-88 J2EE Deployment API JSR-160 JMX Remote API JSR-174 Monitoring and Management for the JVM machine

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J2EE Management API JSR-77J2EE Management API JSR-77

J2EE 1.4 Required Provides API for Managed Objects

J2EEDomain JVM SessionBean

State Management Performance Monitoring SNMP

Provides a common tool set to provide monitoring tools for Provides a common tool set to provide monitoring tools for any J2EE server.any J2EE server.

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Java Management DiagramJava Management Diagram

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J2EE Deployment API JSR-88J2EE Deployment API JSR-88

J2EE 1.4 Required Leverages JSR-77 for Targeting deployment

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JMX Remote API JSR -160JMX Remote API JSR -160

JMX specification since 1.0 defined distributed services as a level of the architecture. However even specification 1.2 merely mentions it and do not define it.

Defines the an interoperable, transparent, secure and flexible solution for clients to connect to JMX servers.

Defines: Connectors Transport Lookup Services Bindings

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New to JMX 1.2New to JMX 1.2

Open Mbeans manitory New interface StandardMBean interface Class loader repository redesigned and class loading behavior clarified. New Security Chapter Updates to:

Timer service Monitor service ObjectName class

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX

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JMX Architecture DiagramJMX Architecture Diagram

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JMX ArchitectureJMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Defines the implementation of manageable resources commonly referred to as

MBeans or Managed Beans. There are several defined types of MBeans which will be outlined in the Instrumentation section. This level essentially defines interfaces and APIs for the developer to adhere to during the implement of an Mbean.

Agent Level Defines the agents and services which will provide access to the managed

resources. This level is implemented and provided to the developer providing services and the MBeanServer.

Distributed Level This level is defined in the specification as being needed and provides the details of

HTML accessible, or SNMP capable. The specification doesn’t provide a clear direction here, stating that it isn’t in scope for this phase of the specification. Tribal knowledge defines this level as Connectors and Adaptors to the services. Additionally there is JSR-160 which defines JMX remote API, which purpose is to provide JMX agent discovery and access to clients.

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Instrumentation LevelInstrumentation Level

MBeans Must provide the following characteristics

Public and concreteOne public constructor

Does not have to be a no argument constructor Categories

Standard MBeanDynamic MBean

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Standard MBeanStandard MBean

Most Simple Predefined set of attributes and operations which are fixed in an Interface Two Components

The interfaceThis interface defines the publicly exposed APIIt has a specific naming convention*

The class implementationClass must implement the defined interface

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Standard MBean Interface ExampleStandard MBean Interface Example

public interface VMMonitorMBean{ public String getThreadCount();

public String getFreeMemory();

public String getTotalMemory();


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Standard MBean Class ExampleStandard MBean Class Example

public class VMMonitor implements VMMonitorMBean {

public String getThreadCount() { ThreadGroup root = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while (root.getParent() != null) root = root.getParent(); return root.activeCount() + " active threads"; }

public String getFreeMemory() { return Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " bytes"; }

public String getTotalMemory() { return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() + " bytes"; }}

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JMX 1.2 Standard MBeanJMX 1.2 Standard MBean

The JMX 1.2 Specification addresses the issue of forcing the MBean notation on an interface name. It allows for the creation of a standard MBean with an interface of an arbitrary name. The relationship of the interface and the implementation is managed by the creation of a StandardMBean object.

The new StandardMBean class removes the necessary to follow the previously required naming convention of the MBean interface. Previously the association of the MBean interface to the MBean implementation was by naming convention. The StandardMBean constructor provides the associate in JMX 1.2. This allows the developer to name new interfaces any name desired or to over existing interfaces without change. In our StandardMBean example, the interface VMMonitorMBean could be named VMMonitor. In this case the following would create the StandardMBean which could then be registered with the MBeanServer:

Mbean = new StandardMBean(new VMMonitorImpl(), VMMonitor.class);

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Dynamic MBeanDynamic MBean

Does NOT define fixed list of attributes and operations. Attributes and operations are dynamic at runtime.

Must implement the DynamicMBean interface Types

Dynamic MBeanAny MBean which is dynamic

Model MBeanExtends ModelMBean interface, which extends the DynamicMBean interface

Open MBeanDynamic MBean which follows specific rules

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DynamicMBean InterfaceDynamicMBean Interface

public interface DynamicMBean {public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo();public Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException;

public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException;

public AttributeList getAttributes(String[] attributes);

public AttributeList setAttributes(AttributeList attributes);

public Object invoke(String method, Object[] arguments, String[] params)

throws MBeanException, ReflectionException;}

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Dynamic MBean CharacteristicsDynamic MBean Characteristics

Works much like a COM object. Query the interface with the getMBeanInfo() Invoke the method with the invoke() method

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MBeanInfo ClassMBeanInfo Class

public class MBeanInfo implements Cloneable, Serializable

{public String getClassName()public String getDescription() public MBeanConstructorInfo[] getConstructors() public MBeanAttributeInfo[] getAttributes()public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperations() public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotifications()


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Dynamic MBean Pros / ConsDynamic MBean Pros / Cons

Pro: Programmatic access to the meta data MBean is not statically bound to Java class.

The bean could manage a resource which didn’t exist at the time of development.

Faster execution. Cons:

Much more to develop.

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Model MBeansModel MBeans

Mbean which extends the ModelMBean interface.public abstract interface ModelMBean extends DynamicMBean, PersistentMBean,

ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster {

void setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo modelMBeanInfo) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException;

void setManagedResource(Object object, String string) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException, InstanceNotFoundException, InvalidTargetObjectTypeException;

} PersistentMBean

Interfaces adds the signatures necessary to persist the state of the Mbean ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster

Interface provides the methods necessary to broadcast notifications

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Model Mbean CharacteristicsModel Mbean Characteristics

Provides a generic template for managing resources. Provides extensions to the management interfaces, such as attributes,

operations, constructors, and notifications. Defines behavioral properties such as security, transactions, persistence,

and caching.

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Open MBeanOpen MBean

The open in Open MBeans carries the same connotation as open standards. It refers to providing MBeans which follow standards in such a way that there is a high

degree of interoperability. Uses OpenMBeanInfo vs. MBeanInfo class Implements the DynamicMBean interface All types are constrained to:

Java data types Java Wrapper types (java.lang.Double)

java.lang.String java.lang.Void

java.util.Date java.math.BigIntegerjava.math.BigDecimal javax.management.ObjectNameJava.management.openmbean.CompositeData

java.management.openmbean. TabularData (interface)

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XMBeans (Not part of Spec)XMBeans (Not part of Spec)

Term first introduced by JBoss Development team. Defines a Dynamic Mbean which is configured and specified in XML.

All the meta-data is described in XML Other follow:

IBM has a XML specification for Mbeans deployed in WAS Common Modeler

Used by Tomcat 5http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/modeler/

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX

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Agent LevelAgent Level

MBean Server MBean Registration Component Communication Channel

Pre-defined Service / MBeans M-Let Service

Dynamic loading service Timer Service

Notification service Monitoring Service

Counter Monitor, Gauge Monitor, String Monitor Relation Service

Maintains relationship informationNotifies on relationship changes

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Creating an MBeanServer MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(“server1”);

Finding an MBeanServer ArrayList servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null); MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer)servers.get(0);

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Registering an MBeanRegistering an MBean

MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();ObjectName name = new ObjectName("Server:name=Monitor");

server.registerMBean(new VMMonitor(), name);

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M-Let ServicesM-Let Services

MLet Tag<MLET CODE = class ARCHIVE=“jar list”> constructor arglist </MLET>

Example<MLET CODE=“net.codementor.VMMonitor” ARCHIVE=“VM.jar”> </MLET>

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M-Let Dynamic LoadingM-Let Dynamic Loading

name = new ObjectName(“service:name=MLET"); server.registerMBean(new MLet(), name); server.invoke(name, "getMBeansFromURL", new Object[] {new URL("http://codementor.net/config.mlet")}, new String[]{URL.class.getName()} );

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Timer ServiceTimer Service

Registration of 2 Mbeans with MBeanServer Timer - Broadcaster Reciever

Start the timer Invoke the addNotification method on the Timer addNotificationListener with a Filter

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Timer RegistrationTimer Registration

ObjectName timer = new ObjectName("service:name=timer");ObjectName receiver = new ObjectName("domain:name=timerlistener");

// Timer: import javax.management.timer.Timer;server.registerMBean(new Timer(), timer);

// TimerReciever: is user defined, implements// javax.management.NotificationListener;server.registerMBean(new TimerReceiver(),receiver);

server.invoke(timer, "start", null, null);

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Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + Timer.ONE_SECOND * 5); Integer id = (Integer)server.invoke(timer,"addNotification", new Object[] { "timer.event", // type "Notification Message", // message null, // user specific data date // event time }, new String[]{ String.class.getName(), String.class.getName(), Object.class.getName(), Date.class.getName(), });

server.addNotificationListener(timer, receiver, new ExampleFilter(id), null);

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Notification FilterNotification Filter

public class ExampleFilter implements NotificationFilter { Integer id; public ExampleFilter(Integer id) { this.id = id; }

public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) { // check / filter the notification message if(notification.getType().equals("timer.event")) { // we know it is of type TimerNotification TimerNotification timerNote = (TimerNotification) notification; if(timerNote.getNotificationID().equals(id)) // it's a timerNotification and it's this specific timer notification return true; } return false; } }

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX

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Distribution LevelDistribution Level

Very loose in the specification Tribal definition: Connectors and Adaptors

HtmlAdaptorServer HttpAdaptor RMIAdaptor

JSR-160 Remote Access Specification allows any transport RMI ** IIOP ** JMXMP * HTTP SOAP JMS

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HtmlAdaptor ExampleHtmlAdaptor Example

HtmlAdaptorServer adaptor = new HtmlAdaptorServer();adaptor.setPort(8082);

ObjectName adName = new ObjectName("Server:name=HttpAdaptor");server.registerMBean(adaptor, adName);

// start he adaptor service, which blocks the main threadadaptor.start();

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Html ConsoleHtml Console

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HttpAdaptor ConsoleHttpAdaptor Console

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Remote Access JSR-160Remote Access JSR-160

MBeanServerConnection Provides remote access All methods through IOException Must explicitly close connections

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Remote / Local Access ComparisonRemote / Local Access Comparison

Local access:MBeanServer server =

MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();server.createMBean(className, obName);Object a = server.getAttribute(obName, “Attr”);Set names = server.queryNames(...);

Remote access:JMXConnector c = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url);MBeanServerConnection server =

c.getMBeanServerConnection();server.createMBean(className, obName);Object a = server.getAttribute(obName, “Attr”);Set names = server.queryNames(...);c.close();

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Remote ListenersRemote Listeners

Code is the same as local Connector handles forwarding notifications to remote clients.

class MyListener

implements NotificationListener {...}

NotificationListener l = new MyListener();

server.addNotificationListener(obName, l);

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JMX Remote URLJMX Remote URL

Starts with “service:jmx:” service:jmx:rmi://host/… service:jmx:jmxmp://host:port

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX

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Defines a unique name for an Mbean Used to distinguish a bean for invocation Used to query a server for a specific bean Used to manage notification and relationship.

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Object Naming ConventionObject Naming Convention


Special Characters can not be used in the name Colon (:) Comma(;) Equals(=) Asterisks (*)

Example Names Server:name=Monitor WebSphere:name=server1,process=server1,platform=common,node=fezzik,version


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Querying Object NamesQuerying Object Names

*:*,type=Server,* All Mbeans of type Server

*:*,cell=fezzik All Mbeans on the cell named fezzik

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Presentation Agenda Presentation Agenda

JMX Introduction JMX Architecture

Instrumentation Level Agent Level Distributed Services Level JMX Object Naming

Leveraging JMX Code and Demos

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VMMonitor ExampleVMMonitor Example

public class VMMonitorTester {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); // register the new service ObjectName name = new ObjectName("VM"); server.registerMBean(new VMMonitor(), name); // register the http adaptor

// HttpAdaptor adaptor = new HttpAdaptor(); HtmlAdaptorServer adaptor = new HtmlAdaptorServer(); adaptor.setPort(8082);

ObjectName adName = new ObjectName("Server:name=HttpAdaptor"); server.registerMBean(adaptor, adName);


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Working with WAS 5Working with WAS 5

Starting ServerStarting Server

Starting wsadminStarting wsadmin

Query a MBean Query a MBean object name.object name.Get all attributes for Get all attributes for the MBean.the MBean.

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Demos / CodeDemos / Code

VMMonitorTimer Example


VMMonitorTimer Example


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Need to know ToolsNeed to know Tools

Mx4j http://mx4j.sourceforge.net/

EJTools http://www.ejtools.org/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/ejtools/

Jakarta Commons Modeler http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/modeler/

MBeanInspector - (WebSphere) http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/mbeaninspector

Sun http://java.sun.com/jmx

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JMX is matureJMX is here to stayJMX defines the standard for Management and Monitoring

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