11 r 1 1 i kr k c I i I J t 4 IH SLN PRIAYV MAY r L i 1 WO Russians Chtnwe on- C wan dty KM never strongly fortifl dined u It was1 for a commercial cent to the fortress at Port Arthu Extensive barracks wore recently but there for troops for whom ther irras not room at Port Arthur OX FROM PITSEWO- JlQiilint Tfll What the Hae Since lincllns There I 3i ttlalcotltpe itc loVni am ST PBTKBiJBnBo May 12A despatc from Clen Ksrkovlch dated May 12 nay that about sixty Japanese transports warships appeared on May 4 betwee and Cape Terminal Detachment of Bharpshootors wore ent to reconnoitr and discover Intention A small detachment of infantry was aeot from pulantlen to reconnoitre announced that the Japanese had landed Mr Slaokotoiseltsa In Klnchau Bay and near the mouth of tim Chengyubo and hid posted a division of 10000 men l- ithe neighboring villages Having fulfilled their task the sml detachment of Russians retired on the even big of May 5 but met a superior force of enemy and took another toad They wen pursued by the Japanese for eight kilo metres sad lout one sharpshooter wounded and three horses killed The Japanese on the evening of May iwmfc two regiment toward Tantealfanj and also two detachments toward the coutl and west of the point of disembarkation Their scouts appeared at 8A M on May I at Pulantien Thn the Japanese infantry cams up and opened fire without result upon a mall train coming from the north JAPS FEARED A STOKM- Th Japanese evacuated Pulantien on May 7 probably because great storm was beginnng to gather and also because of their fear of being cut off On May 8 a small detachment of Russian cavalry reconnoitred towards Sanshilipu PItaewo and Wanfangtien covering eightyfive kilometres The railway has remained free of thA enemy Japanese detachments consisting of from one and a half to three companion each kept watch and paused the night east of the railway They then proceeded toward thn south west x The Russian detachment having arrived- to a point ten kilometres northwest of Piteewo advanced to within a kilometre of a fortification in counts of construction which was occupied by a company of Jap- anese infantry During a fusillade one frontier guard and a horse were wounded According to Chinese information 20000 Japanese have landM east of with field artillery and siege guns Pitsewo U occupied by 1800 men A Japanese detachment consisting of four or five companies attacked the Russian posts near the village of Shihei on May 0 killing tour frontier guards and wounding tight JAPS LEAn THE BAILROAD The Japanese left the railway on May 10 Hallway communication with Port Arthur wareestablished The Japanese advance guard occupied on May 9 and 10 the villagee ef and Slatlatln 12 kilometres southeast of Pulantien Other detach mente of the Japanese advance guard have taken a position ten kilometres west of Pitnewo A squadron of the enemy approached to within twenty kilometres east of Wa fangtlen but turned back meeting Russian scouts The village of Tontsiafang was found to be occupied by artillery cavalry and infantry consisting of 1000 men Cannon lire was opened on coming in con tact with the small detachment of Russians which bad to within five kilo metres of MARCHIXG ON LIAOYAXG- iuitini Report Three Japanese Armlet Converging on Place tfptttal Cable Tn SUN ST PETETISBOBO May 12 Despatches- BaW received from Gene Pflug and which practically duplicate the despatch from Gen Sakiiardff received Tpstferday They show that three Japanese armies am advancing on the Russian at Maoyang routes cannot lie precisely deter- mined but It Is apparent that one army inarching through Hiuyen toward Hal eheng and that another Is moving north through KaimatiM but the repeated men- tion of small parties and references to post- dates make it impossible to give any valu- able statement of the actual present posi- tions Gen POug under date of May 11 re- ported that there was no exact information concerning the Japanese who landed at Pitsewo iI i The r Ru alan PUSH O Jape Done and Fllae o tht I also They ape the a Pit ewo Mut latun penetrate 1 Tat ben pit- on d I ij contiag 4 t I 4 c 4 7 I I I enemy 1 I J t t f i t j s 1 t 4 I L e I i I f s j J i r t 1 i I I 1 I I r cp I 11 I I l I I I 1 4 ft fit til t S t L i in- c I r 4 r LI < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ N LONDON May 18 Of the great move- ment which Gen Kuroki is supposed to be directing against the Russians at Llao yang the only news comes from Russian aources Much of this is two or three days old and is apparently booed on from the natives Reports from various refer to the fortifications at as very formidable Many heavy guns command tha rail way RVSSIAX LIGHTS FLASH Mdpi and Fert lo Arthur on Guard r a SlHeial Dtratrh it Tai KD- KCeiroo Passengers who arrived hero by steamship from Newohwang today aayt they do not believe the reports Ru io have destroyed their squadron They say that when they pawed Port Arthur last night they naw nearch lights flashing fromthe torts and ships in the harbor There wee no sign Japanese fleet JAFAXESK WARSHIP SCOtTVOT- orperto Boat Seen on Monday Mint x Off Pallacta In Kortheait m Cores Sp ial r W Dtifttcit it THE SDK LONDON May 12 A Japanese torpedo boafapponrtvi on Monday night in the rpanVtead of Pallada on the northeast coast of Coren Suapiclous lights were eeri at the raine place last night vIxwDOK May inOnn St Petersburg report represents the appearaHc of a torpedo in the roadstead quarter Pot Cab that lap hat I L J1 t 41 iii in- formation t I c e i t I c 4 r L I of- f j r MJz seia- s4 ¬ ¬ i Pallada aa lag mbi jMxnpprtajitthairw first believed Itsaythat tranapoi- accomponledby torpedoboathaT aiTlT there This is supposed to1 indicate near Vladivostok report says Is doubtful are t ran ports f STILL LANDiNG AT PITSEWO Correspondent Patrolling the Coast Raj That 41poo Japt Are on Cniqxoo May 13 Tho Chicago nends the following under Chefoo date After a cruise along the Eastern coos of the Llaotung Peninsula tho despatch boat Fawnn returned to port this morning The whole of the in the vicinity of For Arthur Is carefully patrolled by the Jap snoBs fleet boats are protecting the landing Transports are still engaged In landIng the details of the second army near Pitsewo It is estimated that 41000 men have disembarked The Fawan was for bidden to approach the coast and warnec Against floating mines Six of these dan gerous neighbors were sighted Fighting Is in progress daily on the Peninsula but the details are kept secret It IB said however that the Russians art offering very Ineffective resistance of the Japanese Officers whoboarded the Fawan said tha he understood from some of the army men that the Russians showed- up poorly as fighters Wo am amazed at the Russian army he said It Is no better than the Chinese A joint naval and military attack on Port Arthur la expected about May 18 4AVi RAISED Help Came to the Japanene Garrison and remarks Were Put to Flight SpHlat DeipaUH 19 TUB Box SEOUI 12 Infantry reenforce menta reached Anju last evening and raised the siege of the Japanese garrison by the Russians The garrison fought fiercely for twelve hoursreserving their lIre until the Cossackswere at close range The Cossacks retired with heavy loss the Japanese pursuing An engagement expected The prisoners say that the Russian ex- pedition was composed of BOO TransBaikall- osMcks and 100 Ussursky Cossacks of Nlandarlloffs command They assembled it Maoyang and rode twentyfive buy carrying twelve days provisions ITiey crossed the Valu north of Sosan and raided southward They divided into Hands on attacking Anju The official reports add one officer and en privates to the original fifty said to have been killed and wounded Several detachments of mounted Japanese iroops are operating from the towns be- tween Anju and Wlju it being thought that the Russians may attempt a flank movement in that part of the country WASHINGTON May 12 The Japanese Negation haa received the following report from Tokio dated May 12 On the jnorning of May 10 a detachment jf Russian cavalry two hundred trong attacked a outpost- it Anju Cores The garrison there offered- i stubborn resistance until reenforcements irrived from the south and north Our Asualties were four killed and six wounded The casualties of the enemy exceeded Ifty CO RE AX TOWXS RVRXED Ionian Deftray Two Place Tonihik Making Trouble In the South Special CMe neipatch to TBZ SUN From Tax Sro Correspondent at Seoul SEOUL May 12 Four hundred Russians md 3000 Manchurians have burned two eighty miles northeast of Anju The disturbances caused by n the southern districts of Corea have Caused the Japanese to send reenforce nents to the troops who are guarding the men employed In building the Fusan Seoul railway The troops sent forthlsm- rpofie were part of the garrison here TOKIO May 12 The presence of Coesacks- n northern Corea causes no anxiety a land route Is now of minor importance is a Hue of transportation Prisoners at Anju say that the party which attacked that place consisted of the Hfteenth Cossack Regiment which came jy forced marches from Liaoyang by way f Chosan Their flightto the northeast s regarded as showing that they intend o return by the route oer which they tame which passes the American t is believed that there are etlll mch parties in 30000 4T PORT ARTHUR Pocks Pretence Indicates That a Large Garrison f There 41 r a Ante It or alp Sore today Toro Cob abut towns the the mini Cora Gen r l- at 1andin cor- respondent al- ready One SiEGE ii miles Ton ghaks > > < > ¬ ¬ Sptrtil Cane lo THI Sow ST PBTEBBBtiBO1 May n The presence of Gen Pock at Port Arthur which was announced In yesterdays despatches was not previously known here It possibly indicates that the garrison Is far stronger than the Russians have admitted Gen Pock commands the Fourth Siberian Rifles numbering 10000 men If these troops Port Arthur the garrison probably numbers 30000 Such a large force will render the Investment of the place very difficult unless the Japanese- are able to concentrate three times that number Tho rumor that the Japanese have cut off Port Arthurs water supply in ridiculed The chief supply is obtilnedby condensing sea water Only the Chinese residents use welli CORE AX CABIXET STAYS B Command of the Emperor the Mbiliter Consent to Remain In Ohio FromTnt SUN Correspondent atiSeoiil- SFOCL May 12 The Cabinet Ministers who in a fit of pique tendered their re- signations have consented at the corn martd of the Emperor to retain their port This action the serious- ness the political situation by giving those the Japanese a prepon- derating Influenoe TO LXD OX THE WEST Report Trial the Jap Are to Dlifmburk at roil Attain virrta Cablr Dnpatrh lo TBJI Sow ST pRTEnspcmp May 12 Thirty trans- ports with a Japanese division on board are off Port are toO JQf L D porn at lessens Lr e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < DOWNED i r COALITION HIM I BROOKLYN STfyEtipTIt- EfiEDt Talking AboutNew Lead eler Say Its Not Hls AjmBltic- t Should It Be ShfTlIn fcL uibln- Faroihter Littleton Been Capture The DemocratiofacUonalflghtinBrool- lyn the main objectof of Senator P H McCarren a primaries and his consequent downfall i of Kings countyorganizallpi- is on in dead eamesf A pdworfi combination backedup by Leader CharU Tammany has now bee formed toput a quick end to WcCarren political reign which began i Weeks beforetho last when McLaughlin refused to support and Grout It comprises McLaughlin his lie- vtehant Bird S an most of the other merabersof Wl street guard exSenator J Coffey who broKe with Mcliaughll four years vago and his followers Warde Patrick Hayes of the penitentiAry hits also ben at odds with for time and otherlrifluentlal Demc have been disgruntled by tli manner In which McCarren distribute the political patronage when his relation with Miirphy warn harmonious Since war between Murphy and McCar WAS declared a couple of months and Deputy Fire Commissioner Wllllar Doyle was designated by Murphy as h dispenser of the Brooklyn patronage s things havn happened to linderrnIn- he political props Of McCarren and lewi Ida prestige His law partner Henry f was iKiunced from the Depiit- olircCommlsslonershlpiindanantiMcCar en man Installed in his cotiol- if days ago Deputy Water Jymea another sbong McCarren partisan ras removed and in a day or HO ranothp nan hostile to McCarren will be filling tlv acancy The heads of four big depart nents are thus at present In control a who will work all their energy ti down the District Senator antI i assumed on all sides that before thi- rimariee come around ten weeks tram if not all the commissioner and deputy commissioners who persist ii dherlng to the McCarren standard wll ave shared the fate of Haggerty Jyrnes Impartial political observers now admit hat with all the patronage torn from hti rasp McCarren la almost mireto incur efeat at the primaries unless meanwhile ome unexpected political development ccur If he should pull through with mid dds against him he will certainly havr 0 be classed not only as the most populai the most adroit resourceful states Brooklyn hn ever produced Commissioner ond II the other opponents of McCar an contend that tho Senators leadership at an end and that even before primaries come around ho will liavo and decide that it would e useless to put a contest except bly in his own Senatorial which ils foes are also planning a light So were the IcCnrronltes yesterday that they could him even a in the execu ive committee within a week or HO at put that their conferences all hinged on he question of the selection of a new that the from management nd that he as meritus Mr Coler who hats been mentioned as n aspirant for the leadership declared tat all his recent activi by no such motive am opposed said to the leader of and have been working for lila retirement I want to see armonv in county or It is time enough for In tallatlon of a new this is about and the executive com an opportunity to look carefully In some highly Influential It Is that will eventually be Ir McLaughlin had him in training during last of hl own Meanwhile Mr will continue to be recognized aa the dispenser f the an committee composed in addititm T Dcond Assembly district Thomas R arrell of the f the Twelfth and Assemblyman Kehoe- f the Ninth It Is said that the antlMcCarren combina- on has received positive assurance from- Ir Murphy that not and never has een any onthe part of j ansail the autonomy of Brooklyn his r perfect harmony of action between Tliere was a night that former Commissioner Shea the in the Seventeenth district might- et the Deputy Water ut Mr that the selection of had not Just what stand Comptroller Edward 1 Grout III going to olltical in Brooklyn is causing jnslderable speculation He has classed as a of McCarren Is doubted if he will now take a hand i the factional clash The antiMcCr mites were last that ad captured Borough President Martin r FIRED FttOX RED CROSS TRAIN apanete Version of Their Attack on the Cari RDHlani Started It WASHiNOTpN May 12 police to the State Department the ussian Government has made a formal rotest to the Japanese Government against 10 alleged action of Japanese troops In ring on a Rod Cross train carrying Russian ounded north from Port Arthur after the ipanese landed at Pitsewo The protest was laid before the Japanese overnment by the French Minister1 at oklo The following cable received at the Japan e legation from Toklo sets forth the cir iimstances upon which was based the Rut an charge that one of their Red Cross sins was fired upon by the Japanese- It Is said in a Russian official report ut a detachment of Japanese Infantry caupying a position about three miles om Pu Len Tlen on May A fired upon a sin which was proceeding northward- om Port Arthur paying no attention to ie Red Cross flag which it was nd killed several Invalided n board According to a report received by the apanene military authorities when the ipanese detachment approached Pu Len ien on May 8 ft train without the special larks by the Cross reguln- orm WBJ seen proceeding northward from Arthur As soon as It came the detachment soldiers on ardthe train fired on the Japanese and ie latter returned the fire The train then suddenly anti- C Red Cross flag was wm the Japthetw stopped fIring and pro eded an lnveetliatlonbutbefor at could be donethe train started up and raped fv iG NI U t i- I n t l th i n a n Hugh Fore frt l ugh MI hael who Imp a o A v- era I C m men Fast m now mo t and but man the anti beat a Ron Thigh ache l tie ere mite man the for the to of alsh of the them mater ben has given caring Red Port hale hol make l I HAS wh1oh1h the defe the Aitgti ak r F Murphy couple She v in the Id ron place and borough lth was McLaughlin had permanently as leader himself ridge been made nt Insight Ita Russian b I > RaMlan rtayTarn helPlaee Over Special CIIBKOO 13 There tlu soldiers remalhlng in arid only guns r In the forts The larger pieces ordnance have boon removed to The opinion is expressed that RUSS will hand over to China Ct- Muntho the European military adviser Yuan Shih Kal of Chili and mander In chief of the Chinese Army b log there ready to accept It and that tl Russians wilt remain only until the Chlno troops arrive to looting The res Ionic of Newohwang describe the of the RiiHHlans as excellentT- xNDONi May 12A clespatoh to says that the townis In perfectly orderly condition No trouble fighting Is expected In the vicinity Con munlcatlon with Port Arthur has bet cutoff IxjNDON May 13 The position In tr neighborhood of Newchwang In obscuri The Petersburg of tli Standard reports that the Japanese ai to occupy that place to the Nowchwnng rorn- apondentof tho Daily Vail numerous hodif- of Russian cavalry and Infantry liavu hrn disposed In the vloinlly of the town the purpose of harassing If not nrrestln the overland movement of the Japanese rite nature of the country Is favorabl to such an object which If fviorrssful wi give Koiiropatkln tlmo tp strength his position at Iiaoyan- gSY roar AnTtirit ts err OF The Upanetir Deny Tlmt Comnmnleatlo lies Hern Restored fifittlal rnblr pMpnfriM to Sex TOKIO May that Port Arthu has been restored I officially domed her SHAKHAIKWAK May l2There Is rumor here that fighting going on soul of Xewrhwan- gCniTMISEfi STlDEST EDITORS Pror Vincent flunks Their Items Wee Too Hlhillar to Poor Storlen In Real Pipers CHICAnO May George K Vii rent of the University of Chicago ex- pressed himself as well please work of his students In preparln copy for the dally newspaper- I feel sure Dr that BttldenU learned more about newspaper way are made from ex of yesterday than they coul hove been a time an adequate idea or how much work It to prepare the material needed h ono one day and just how skill nnd ability energy must be ox endcd out one issue of a bi criticism I have to offer work is that it lacked originality Most f the stories were too pool tories In real newspapers Our reporter tad a very expressed J OIIOXER IH i THitKATEXED Iii Talk or falllnie Witnesses Against Doctor Provokes Women PllliaDKtPHlA Pa May 12 Followlnj- oroncr Dugons Intimation that ho would ummon of the women patients o r Appel tho loner tx ourt as oftlclol has l ee- ehlged with letters from women who were by the physician Seven of tters with violenc hould he call the writers to testify anc hue subject them to exposure The Is BO he is cen- tering the advisability of having a de protect are al of one shower feelings toward Coroner inforni tim that no would be dead within an hour f he dared compel her to tell in open court experience Dr Appel IECOVERI FROM DROKKX SPINE Patient Was JO Years Old Also H Two Ribs Broken WASHIKOTOK May 12 A remarknbk- covery from a broken spine especially i view of the agoof tho is rcportec- t tho Emergency Hospital here Janice a 70 old ran caught between two trolley cars or eb 15 and had two ribs roken That It was a genuine ittle hope was held for at he continued to improve aa discharged a few days not com but to walk FFICIALS IXSPECT THEIR FUR hen Proclaim It Finished and the Greatest how Ttiat Ever lluppenrd ST Louis May 12 Tim worlds fair fUciulH this afternoon inspected every t i the following statement n made public The national commission officers anti board of lady nd the foreign and loners have completed a five hours aur of of exhibit alucort to announce to tho ublic that the exhibits are installed In all xlilliit and pilots collection of tho accomplishments f over TMIKM ROXIXtf GOSSII Ian Important BontB on the Tapli Wal coils Deal at San rranelico Discussed The week just passed linn prolific- i the way of boxing With xccptlon of the contest between luck floot Ueoree Gunlnrr at ChIcago no Important was decided However the match lakcra have not been Idle a number f good bouts have been arranged One in Is between hits fiiihlln nnd Marvin art AicordltiK to Hilly Madden they- re to box at Raltlmore on Miiy SO timid the- O to bo twelve rounds of fifteen- s originally Althoiieh Muddeu be If this romhat were for wenly rounds 1m thinks that Huhlln will 10 able clriirly to show life superiority jr ore the end of the struggle tat there will not bo nuiuh difference In ho of lie men as Ruhlln weighs 05 pounds to hurts these gores nre eorrert this Loulnvllle tat dcvelotiinc lute u really heavy feliht- Thore Is another proposed null which met not IH the 20 round contest bcttteen Arthur Cripps anti ommy Kjan at Cnlma Cal on 10 has had two In this ountry ho hiss many think concealed form lInt have to be ie t Ryan Whatever may have said methods It cannot Is business too but whether he Is ns f Ht clever as remains to he seen The UKtrallan champion can which U a Ie feather In his and what Is more n Is came So the fight bids fnir to be A etlc treat to Rloek Atwonrts Penalties Keliemr DANBURY Conn May 12 Oov Cham irlain has been asked to rail a special sslon of the legislature to repeal the w under which D Preston of hall brought many suits to re iver penalties from executors and art estates who have railed to lo Inventories l rry DrlinonrnWatrli Reek WhisperIng Larry IWmours watch hlrh was stolen from himon a rond- ventioelevated train while hpyraa returning om the raoeti at Morris park beau Whispering Lartr got it lek had been pawned for 1125 fN F i r OINe ToP 1 Sf a New otl como conduct Lloyds f m a j t abut for Tar 1 re- port a i 12Prof toda the he get allege the ho wi- t her b spin W8S of the time and on the manger inspection nol and and would hl real at hi been be that he a fighter n I 1 r o It I wiiw 4 are 1 OORdscian xlight field main Newchwan correspondent len Viceroy sod the mtic tally o- ho I Man lie confirmed application palace After cam been lie ill a lnst iud big denied is knows r ry has > > ¬ < > NEW YORKERS TO JREALLY GREAT cotXTRrl- v riltif at kDlnner Here Sa itlieaima- of lilt AUopted Territory l Wi and That All That H Needed XJp The ta More1 People and t Traniportail- pt John Green Brady of Alaska spending a few In New York a last was the guest ofhonor a Martin The hot of the evening wore A J Stewart Helm and F M Brndshawv BesjdC- iov1 Brady there was vlted guests among W Heyburn United States Senator fro Idaho Thomas 8 Knowles of June and Janilllarly tb young in Alaska only 72 Mayor of Delegate from Alaska On the wall back of Cloy cha ther ft largo map of whit the VObvorVior frequently referred he epoko In responno the toast to whifjh the assembled company drank stanc ng He said Senator Seward was thin greatest expai Bionlt this ever Mrunuri nun future greatness of States thn of Ills it has be n said ho bought Meal of pimply as an expression tnrioto country for fthipito us war Yetas far bar- ns In H speech In Fit Paul he I w e In Northwest Russian rJUIIUlIlK INVJ ions Let Rnwlans KO ahead and bull for are only building them for the Unite States In Well when Ahtka was bought there was ten box splendid country was called People sal we want Territory They sal lllvo Russia her bu for heavens sake dont load us with Alaskf live It to else Now the faUn Impression by thoc comments nnd clung to tha splendid Territory ever shore As to th on the and alone the sea- shore it IH than the climate of Nei York and New England Thin river valleys are a big degree Stock Is ver rapidly developing In the morn norther part reindeer moss grpws Thero Is ono woolen up there who has a her of 500 rnlridecr and shin haM become wealth In them Last year she sold tame reindeer to miners for as as a heat Last the Income from the salmon nnn- nlnif Industry was anc the war started of has Increased 100 per will result In B Increase this Alaska I feel as though were preaching the gospel of hope Corn anti us We us long t live so conic and us the grea resources that are to there have made my home there I married titer and have a ninth of children there nnd I my cup of happiness I about IIH full M that or man What vo want Is people We have go everything else with all the there are people will not cant thorn must be some reason for it Thor ire the old take notions for one thing ant then there l undoubtedly great lack of trans nortatlon It ns as a dollar i- Dound to transport freight all that wil change When the people corn than got to change those who are ewnrd ot vastly advancing values GOVLDS GO TO TIlE CATSKILLS In Gould Still Inrtlspocrd rtmlly Hll Sail for Europe In June LAKEWOOD N J May 12 Mr and Mrs reorge J Gould left today for Fur xigh Lodge their summer home hi the latekills Mrs Gould is not well and the rip to the mountains Is made thus n the season or her benefit her ludden illness in Now York Irs Gould has not regained spIcily as expected She has been confined o her room most of the time since sIR to Georgian Court Last week she planned to attend the open horse show at the Club As ah ras to leave to drive o she was attached with ax ndlspositlon which confined her for two days physician has prescribed a trip broad and Mr Gould and the children to accompany her They will sail th bird week June according to present ilans POMCENAX SHOT DEAD itsallant Is Supposed to Be an Arm Deserter Whm McCrath Arrest BORUNOTON Xl May man who i upposed to be a deserter from Fort Etna Lllen shot and killed Policeman Jame McGrath tonight McGrath was 01 in the lumber yards and at 30 oclock was seen leaving there tranger Tho two stopped at Main latter and after a ftw minutes man drew a revolver nd fired four times three of the bullets lodging In McOraths body After the fourth shot the murderer ran o the lumber yards and disappeared Llthough several persons saw the shooting one of thorn followed the man McGrath died on tho way to the hospital Many soldiers have deserted from Fort than Allen during the last few days and murderer IH believed to be one who had eon arrested by McGrath The police lave not yet found the murderer but say hey have a clue to his Identity MET THE THIEF LEAVIXG ThrooBh the Street for a Men Who Says That He an Amateur Joseph Sanford got Into the furnished oom house at 152 East Fortyseventh treat yesterday afternoon He went to he third floor room of Peter Kerrigan and tacked up the latters best clothes In a suit j plcki ng lip also what jewelry he could Ind The burglar then made his way to lie second floor and got in a room occupied Alice Roach a stenographer Three Ilk dresses end a number of owelry of small value were token by who started to the base tent door through had On the bumped into Iterllng who has house a terlliit recognized Kerrigans suit case and silk dresses The burglar the case with his right hand dresses on his loft arm Sterling called Policeman HeiUier and lanford to his heels The and ran after him crying thief timed north in Third avenue and ran rlth the mob at his heels for three blocks an who was coming south Sanford was to the East Fifty ret Street station He said he was a laker out of work and had recently come romBoston Im not h professional thief he said but t RonJt get I became des Child Palls Five Stories Tot Much hurt William pBrienl years old was playing n the fire escape of the fifth story of the pnement at 4 3 West Seventeenth street e erday when hn fell to tho ground To had only a scalp wound When his other heard the stprR she fainted OTTIXGS AROUT net to CtpllrA ontduW L m Nlnraio Ondldnwbo unil Ullltd RluMppe- lilarquacuimn iunji TO in rift ith rrtt A te I II Hotel F 9 abut u know t- In year JOlal B BraY h when to him 8 morn of th Mla Alt r 11 t and docks tat wi t the ot lar tie and thll esr I non llh I raise an co ts before the the Sino r air Cut abut t he- rm are T- ie p duty abut 7 and street the I b lave Inter knows who there and a crowd He e Shee p TOt 1- LINTE I days ho Was prophetic vIsion an man portS the lie 75Oq enticed reindeer Salmon here will reap earls arm base ese V every one lives Ito 10 iii chase Sanford was William crate JustIce ttre8tmjtt hcevsatd in hcolite dl Lamar hem shot the Genetli 5e1toa- slmnllaurbterhitheortdcrrj I > > < ClothesFit methods have ace organization is first besure then It is this element of sureness which makes our clothes fit so perfectly- Wm Vogel Sons clothes chiefly In the perfect garment They fit In spots but all over t whether a or overcoat designed for a tall manor a short man a thin man or a stout man or man afUttle different the normal buildit will fit him made for his Individual We owe this to a which is as unique as it is unusual the our garments from the forms of and papier mache dummies 15 Spring Suits Overcoats with Our Concave der Collar AT SIR Suite In all the new single and devble breasted ra Meli- of blue Serce black Thibet blue and black Cheviot and plaits and fancy effects In Tweeds At 15 Top Coats a wide range of model newihadei of tan and green Coverts At lo Medium length Overcoats of black and Oxford unnnlihed Worttedt and OievloUsllk lined throacbont edce of lapeta At Rainproofed Overcoat In the Belted Back or plain and 52 Inches long of Cheviots and Whipcords In plain and High color effect Spring Suits and Overcoats 15 to 35 WM VOGEL SON Broadway Houston St rt e I 1 differ other u r in y waysbut fit of system terns Sh ul Close fitting Salk and ont the s model I t I Ij- I I I ReducedtoaS i this mi eao as Cautinerra 80 > < ESTABLISHED 18 FOR 41 Work proraptlr atmmi4 633 634 CHELSEA 328 7 AVL NEAR 28th ST AOATKST SCHOOLS Mr Smiths Plan If WIU TVInetentli of NEW ORLEANS May movement against the negro schools that o Gov Vardaman of beet inaugurated in Louisiana by the Hon T Spence Smith member of the Leglslatun Mr Smith has introduced a bill in thi Louisiana Legislature providing for a division of taxes the races alt the school taxes paid by negroei going toward negroet taxes by the usec for the education or This is the Vardaman plan which if would close of the negrc in the State FarmerCrazed by Grip Hangs Himself DUNKIRK N V May 12 Albert Kit comb a prosperous farmer of North Clymer Chautauqua county committed suicide this morning hanging himself from a tree a from while suffering from mental derangement caused a severe attack of He was care- fully watched but managed to escape front nurse and ran to He was dead when found Ho was 48 years old Coal Miners Take a Day Off WILKESBARBE May 12 Most of the anthracite were shut down today because quit toattend Ascension As usual they save no notice of their Intention and been for the experience of former years the operators suffered more or loss It was several mines were ready to operate and had to Smallpox In a hospItal ELIZABETH N J May 12 The Alex Ian Hospital here was quarantined today because a case of smallpox has developed- in one of tho old He to the hospital a few He was at Worthington Pump Works the employees of probably have to vaccination Admiral Inspect Dismal Swamp Canal NORFOLK Va 12 Bear Admiral Henry C Taylor of the Bureau of Navigation with Rear Admiral Harrington Commandant of this naval station went through the canal to the Dismal Swamp today It is understood that of bureau wished to get an idea of the availability the Dismal for the passage boats and smaller craft Mr Dewltt Released DELHI N Y May 12 Mrs Dewitt of Sidney N Y with the murder- of her discharged from custody the Grand no Indictment against her Aycr Fltr Randolph PLAIxmtP K J May 12 Mlsn Bwiy Fits Itandolph daughter of Mr tod Nathaniel Kite of Bellevua avenue and super- intendent of the American Locomotive nt Allegheny Pa this Miss Kvallna Dubois Ilcnton of this was of honor nnrttho Miss Joilpo Ayers of Vnterlr H I sister of bridegroom Ml t Alberta Irwin of Miss Clara Babcock of Springfield Mace Minn Katharine X J Ass Fits Randolph n- biothrr of the bride was best man re n Seward Tlie marrlacre of Miss Anna H end Alonxo Ureen took place on at tha horns of the brides parents Mr William H Sward of N J Rewards only was her and the Howard liay Kdwaru Urahtm and Edward Malnrt CARPET TEAR Ar lea Rata k STEWART Adopt 12A alto white pu- rred b mine worker Da s patent May toro charge Mal obart at the ere a Surd r- Ind co c V I fr CLEAN SING used dens Sewlag bJ T1 NEGRO ties close- down evenIng bay this n sister a t A < ¬ ¬ < > Homers Furniture REQUIREMENTS town hojises can be so satisfactorily as at our reason choice in all lines combined with unequalled Bedroom Furniture in white bird eye maple curly Brass and WhiteEnameled Bedsteads in newest patterns Furniture In mahogany and all finishes In oak Weathered Fumed Ac with Tables Chairs China Goseta to match Full Mission Weathered Oak and flemish Furniture Including 8ettaa Sofas Arm Ac R J HORNER CO Furaitur Maker and Importora 61 63 65 West 23d Street STUDENTS CELEBRATE Parade sari Banquet Over the Strotor of Agricultural Building Hill ITHACA May student of Cornell agricultural college held a bratlon tonight to ooramemorate passing of the StewartMonroe bill which gives to Cornell 250000 for the erection and maintenance of a npw agricultural building A parade nearly half a mile in length was held made up of floats sad exhibits the science of agri- culture The university artilleryi corps a Governors salute of seventeen for Oov Odell who made the law with his signature Immediately on the and tlreworkH set off while the whIstles of nil the city factories and the chimes in the tower of the Cornell airs The celebration wound up in the armory with a banquet In honor of the of the menu consisted of oh the university were given by of the oT agriculture Speaker Nixon of Stewart and Malby and Assemblyman Monroe t DECISION AGAl8t Tgf B O- Ddorlmtnatlon In Charge on Coal DC to Be XJnlawfnl May The Intorttet Commerce CommissIon today rendered an opinion sustaining the charges made against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company by the Gltxte Coal of of discrimination against it and In cars at exacting a commission nnda that the acts complained- of are unlawful and that the pany Is entitled to reparation WrItes HI WJfe That He b Orown Himself and BINOHAMTOK N V May WilUaup- Eayner HalUtead a railroad man wot to- Owego laat night wrote a letter to his wif saying he was going to drown other note that he iatn the river at ao Before left bean he drew 78 his month He wot money orderfor M to hU wife from In the river today lisa failed to w al the Body COFFEE AILS GONE WHEN YOU USE POSTUM THEKES A REASON Get the book To m SUMMER fled value eel Table ot CORNEL 12The the ole fred bUt the wu over blew far Tot Ole j ale t of to on not by Gem t His clothing at tb jump 0 0 a I Itt Tnt and Sloe lines typical of parade a favor competitor in furnish in higher coal blIneal- thd disappeared wsatoijnd- n sat would clock Owe OAD I I C 1 > ¬ ¬

I iI d STfyEtipTIt- Sf I alp - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1904-05-13/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · r 11 1 1 i kr k c I i I J t 4 IH SLN PRIAYV MAY r L i 1 WO

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WO Russians Chtnwe on-C wan

dty KM never strongly fortifl

dined u It was1 for a commercial centto the fortress at Port Arthu

Extensive barracks wore recently butthere for troops for whom therirras not room at Port Arthur


JlQiilint Tfll What the HaeSince lincllns There

I 3i ttlalcotltpe itc loVni amST PBTKBiJBnBo May 12A despatc

from Clen Ksrkovlch dated May 12 nay

that about sixty Japanese transportswarships appeared on May 4 betwee

and Cape Terminal Detachmentof Bharpshootors wore ent to reconnoitrand discover Intention

A small detachment of infantry wasaeot from pulantlen to reconnoitreannounced that the Japanese had landed

Mr Slaokotoiseltsa In Klnchau Bay

and near the mouth of tim Chengyubo

and hid posted a division of 10000 men l-

ithe neighboring villagesHaving fulfilled their task the sml

detachment of Russians retired on the even

big of May 5 but met a superior force of

enemy and took another toad They wenpursued by the Japanese for eight kilo

metres sad lout one sharpshooter wounded

and three horses killed

The Japanese on the evening of May

iwmfc two regiment toward Tantealfanjand also two detachments toward the coutl

and west of the point of disembarkationTheir scouts appeared at 8 A M on May I

at Pulantien Thn the Japanese infantry

cams up and opened fire without resultupon a mall train coming from the north


Th Japanese evacuated Pulantien on

May 7 probably because great stormwas beginnng to gather and also because

of their fear of being cut off On May 8

a small detachment of Russian cavalry

reconnoitred towards Sanshilipu PItaewo

and Wanfangtien covering eightyfive

kilometres The railway has remainedfree of thA enemy

Japanese detachments consisting of fromone and a half to three companion eachkept watch and paused the night east of therailway They then proceeded toward

thn southwest x

The Russian detachment having arrived-

to a point ten kilometres northwest of

Piteewo advanced to within a kilometreof a fortification in counts of constructionwhich was occupied by a company of Jap-

anese infantry During a fusillade one

frontier guard and a horse were wounded

According to Chinese information 20000

Japanese have landM east of

with field artillery and siege guns PitsewoU occupied by 1800 men

A Japanese detachment consisting of

four or five companies attacked the Russianposts near the village of Shihei on May 0

killing tour frontier guards and woundingtight


The Japanese left the railway on May 10

Hallway communication with Port Arthurwareestablished The Japanese advanceguard occupied on May 9 and 10 the villagee

ef and Slatlatln 12 kilometressoutheast of Pulantien Other detachmente of the Japanese advance guard havetaken a position ten kilometres west of

PitnewoA squadron of the enemy approached

to within twenty kilometres east of Wa

fangtlen but turned back meeting Russian

scouts The village of Tontsiafang was

found to be occupied by artillery cavalryand infantry consisting of 1000 men

Cannon lire was opened on coming in con

tact with the small detachment of Russians

which bad to within five kilo

metres of


iuitini Report Three Japanese ArmletConverging on Place

tfptttal Cable Tn SUN

ST PETETISBOBO May 12 Despatches-

BaW received from Gene Pflug andwhich practically duplicate the

despatch from Gen Sakiiardff receivedTpstferday They show that three Japanesearmies am advancing on the Russian

at Maoyangroutes cannot lie precisely deter-

mined but It Is apparent that one armyinarching through Hiuyen toward Haleheng and that another Is moving norththrough KaimatiM but the repeated men-

tion of small parties and references to post-

dates make it impossible to give any valu-

able statement of the actual present posi-

tionsGen POug under date of May 11 re-

ported that there was no exact informationconcerning the Japanese who landed atPitsewo




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LONDON May 18 Of the great move-

ment which Gen Kuroki is supposed tobe directing against the Russians at Llaoyang the only news comes from Russianaources Much of this is two or threedays old and is apparently booed on

from the nativesReports from various refer to

the fortifications at as veryformidable Many heavy guns commandtha railway


Mdpi and Fert lo Arthur on Guardr a

SlHeial Dtratrh it Tai KD-KCeiroo Passengers who arrived

hero by steamship from Newohwang todayaayt they do not believe the reportsRu io have destroyed theirsquadron They say that when they pawedPort Arthur last night they naw nearchlights flashing fromthe torts and ships inthe harbor There wee no signJapanese fleet


orperto Boat Seen on Monday Mintx Off Pallacta In Kortheait m Cores

Sp ial r W Dtifttcit it THE SDK

LONDON May 12 A Japanese torpedoboafapponrtvi on Monday night in therpanVtead of Pallada on the northeastcoast of Coren Suapiclous lights wereeeri at the raine place last nightvIxwDOK May inOnn St Petersburg

report represents the appearaHc of atorpedo in the roadstead





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iPallada aa lag mbi jMxnpprtajitthairw

first believed Itsaythat tranapoi-accomponledby torpedoboathaT aiTlTthere

This is supposed to1 indicatenear Vladivostok report saysIs doubtful are tranports fSTILL LANDiNG AT PITSEWO

Correspondent Patrolling the Coast Raj

That 41poo Japt Are on

Cniqxoo May 13 Tho Chicagonends the following

under Chefoo dateAfter a cruise along the Eastern coos

of the Llaotung Peninsula tho despatch

boat Fawnn returned to port this morning

The whole of the in the vicinity of ForArthur Is carefully patrolled by the JapsnoBs fleet boats are protecting

the landingTransports are still engaged In landIng

the details of the second army near PitsewoIt is estimated that 41000 men have

disembarked The Fawan was forbidden to approach the coast and warnecAgainst floating mines Six of these dangerous neighbors were sighted

Fighting Is in progress daily on the

Peninsula but the details are kept secretIt IB said however that the Russians artoffering very Ineffective resistanceof the Japanese Officers whoboarded the

Fawan said tha he understood from some

of the army men that the Russians showed-

up poorly as fightersWo am amazed at the Russian army

he said It Is no better than the ChineseA joint naval and military attack on

Port Arthur la expected about May 18


Help Came to the Japanene Garrisonand remarks Were Put to Flight

SpHlat DeipaUH 19 TUB Box

SEOUI 12 Infantry reenforcementa reached Anju last evening and

raised the siege of the Japanese garrisonby the Russians The garrison fought

fiercely for twelve hoursreserving theirlIre until the Cossackswere at close range

The Cossacks retired with heavy loss

the Japanese pursuing An engagementexpectedThe prisoners say that the Russian ex-

pedition was composed of BOO TransBaikall-

osMcks and 100 Ussursky Cossacks of

Nlandarlloffs command They assembledit Maoyang and rode twentyfivebuy carrying twelve days provisionsITiey crossed the Valu north of Sosan andraided southward They divided intoHands on attacking Anju

The official reports add one officer anden privates to the original fifty said tohave been killed and wounded

Several detachments of mounted Japaneseiroops are operating from the towns be-

tween Anju and Wlju it being thoughtthat the Russians may attempt a flankmovement in that part of the country

WASHINGTON May 12 The JapaneseNegation haa received the following reportfrom Tokio dated May 12

On the jnorning of May 10 a detachmentjf Russian cavalry two hundredtrong attacked a outpost-

it Anju Cores The garrison there offered-

i stubborn resistance until reenforcementsirrived from the south and north OurAsualties were four killed and six woundedThe casualties of the enemy exceededIfty


Ionian Deftray Two Place TonihikMaking Trouble In the SouthSpecial CMe neipatch to TBZ SUN

From Tax Sro Correspondent at Seoul

SEOUL May 12 Four hundred Russiansmd 3000 Manchurians have burned two

eighty miles northeast of AnjuThe disturbances caused by

n the southern districts of Corea haveCaused the Japanese to send reenforcenents to the troops who are guarding the

men employed In building the FusanSeoul railway The troops sent forthlsm-

rpofie were part of the garrison hereTOKIO May 12 The presence of Coesacks-

n northern Corea causes no anxiety aland route Is now of minor importance

is a Hue of transportationPrisoners at Anju say that the party

which attacked that place consisted of theHfteenth Cossack Regiment which came

jy forced marches from Liaoyang by wayf Chosan Their flightto the northeast

s regarded as showing that they intendo return by the route oer which they

tame which passes the American

t is believed that there are etlllmch parties in


Pocks Pretence Indicates That aLarge Garrison f There

41 r


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Sptrtil Cane lo THI Sow

ST PBTEBBBtiBO1 May n The presenceof Gen Pock at Port Arthur which wasannounced In yesterdays despatches wasnot previously known here It possiblyindicates that the garrison Is far strongerthan the Russians have admitted

Gen Pock commands the Fourth SiberianRifles numbering 10000 men If thesetroops Port Arthur the garrisonprobably numbers 30000 Such a largeforce will render the Investment of theplace very difficult unless the Japanese-are able to concentrate three times thatnumber

Tho rumor that the Japanese have cutoff Port Arthurs water supply in ridiculedThe chief supply is obtilnedby condensingsea water Only the Chinese residents usewelli


B Command of the Emperor the MbiliterConsent to Remain In Ohio

FromTnt SUN Correspondent atiSeoiil-SFOCL May 12 The Cabinet Ministers

who in a fit of pique tendered their re-signations have consented at the cornmartd of the Emperor to retain their port

This action the serious-ness the political situation by givingthose the Japanese a prepon-derating Influenoe


Report Trial the Jap Are to Dlifmburkat roil Attain

virrta Cablr Dnpatrh lo TBJI SowST pRTEnspcmp May 12 Thirty trans-

ports with a Japanese division on boardare off Port




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EfiEDt Talking AboutNew Leadeler Say Its Not Hls AjmBltic-

t Should It Be ShfTlIn fcL uibln-Faroihter Littleton Been Capture

The DemocratiofacUonalflghtinBrool-lyn the main objectofof Senator P H McCarren aprimaries and his consequent downfall i

of Kings countyorganizallpi-is on in dead eamesf A pdworficombination backedup by Leader CharU

Tammany has now beeformed toput a quick end to WcCarrenpolitical reign which began i

Weeks beforetho last whenMcLaughlin refused to supportand Grout

It comprises McLaughlin his lie-vtehant Bird S anmost of the other merabersof Wl

street guard exSenatorJ Coffey who broKe with Mcliaughllfour years vago and his followers WardePatrick Hayes of the penitentiAryhits also ben at odds withfor time and otherlrifluentlal Demc

have been disgruntled by tlimanner In which McCarren distributethe political patronage when his relationwith Miirphy warn harmonious

Since war between Murphy and McCarWAS declared a couple of months

and Deputy Fire Commissioner WllllarDoyle was designated by Murphy as h

dispenser of the Brooklyn patronage sthings havn happened to linderrnIn-

he political props Of McCarren and lewiIda prestige His law partner Henry f

was iKiunced from the Depiit-olircCommlsslonershlpiindanantiMcCaren man Installed in his cotiol-if days ago Deputy WaterJymea another sbong McCarren partisanras removed and in a day or HO ranothpnan hostile to McCarren will be filling tlvacancyThe heads of four big depart

nents are thus at present In control awho will work all their energy ti

down the District Senator antIi assumed on all sides that before thi-

rimariee come around ten weeks tramif not all the commissioner

and deputy commissioners who persist ii

dherlng to the McCarren standard wll

ave shared the fate of HaggertyJyrnesImpartial political observers now admit

hat with all the patronage torn from hti

rasp McCarren la almost mireto incurefeat at the primaries unless meanwhileome unexpected political developmentccur If he should pull through with middds against him he will certainly havr0 be classed not only as the most populai

the most adroit resourceful statesBrooklyn hn ever produced

Commissioner ondII the other opponents of McCaran contend that tho Senators leadership

at an end and that even beforeprimaries come around ho will liavo

and decide that it woulde useless to put a contest exceptbly in his own Senatorial whichils foes are also planning a light

So were theIcCnrronltes yesterday that they could

him even a in the execuive committee within a week or HO atput that their conferences all hinged onhe question of the selection of a new

that the

from managementnd that he asmeritusMr Coler who hats been mentioned as

n aspirant for the leadership declaredtat all his recent activi

by no such motiveam opposed said to the leaderof and have been

working for lila retirement I want to seearmonv in county or

It is time enough for Intallatlon of a new this is

about and the executive coman opportunity to look carefully

In some highly Influential It Isthat will eventually be

Ir McLaughlin had him in training duringlast of hl own

Meanwhile Mr willcontinue to be recognized aa the dispenser

f the ancommittee composed in addititm


Dcond Assembly district Thomas Rarrell of thef the Twelfth and Assemblyman Kehoe-f the NinthIt Is said that the antlMcCarren combina-on has received positive assurance from-Ir Murphy that not and never haseen any onthe part ofj ansail the autonomy of Brooklyn

hisr perfect harmony of action between

Tliere was a night that formerCommissioner Shea the

in the Seventeenth district might-et the Deputy Waterut Mr that the selection of

had notJust what stand Comptroller Edward

1 Grout III going toolltical in Brooklyn is causingjnslderable speculation He has

classed as a of McCarrenIs doubted if he will now take a hand

i the factional clash The antiMcCrmites were last thatad captured Borough President Martinr


apanete Version of Their Attack on theCari RDHlani Started It

WASHiNOTpN May 12 policeto the State Department the

ussian Government has made a formalrotest to the Japanese Government against10 alleged action of Japanese troops Inring on a Rod Cross train carrying Russian

ounded north from Port Arthur after theipanese landed at PitsewoThe protest was laid before the Japaneseovernment by the French Minister1 atokloThe following cable received at the Japane legation from Toklo sets forth the ciriimstances upon which was based the Rutan charge that one of their Red Crosssins was fired upon by the Japanese-It Is said in a Russian official report

ut a detachment of Japanese Infantrycaupying a position about three milesom Pu Len Tlen on May A fired upon asin which was proceeding northward-om Port Arthur paying no attention toie Red Cross flag which it wasnd killed several Invalidedn board

According to a report received by theapanene military authorities when theipanese detachment approached Pu Lenien on May 8 ft train without the speciallarks by the Cross reguln-

orm WBJ seen proceeding northward fromArthur As soon as It came

the detachment soldiers onardthe train fired on the Japanese and

ie latter returned the fireThe train then suddenly anti-

C Red Cross flag waswm the Japthetw stopped fIring and proeded an lnveetliatlonbutbeforat could be donethe train started up andraped



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InsightIta Russian

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RaMlan rtayTarn helPlaee Over

SpecialCIIBKOO 13 There tlu

soldiers remalhlng inarid only guns r

In the forts The larger piecesordnance have boon removed to

The opinion is expressed that RUSS

will hand over to China Ct-

Muntho the European military adviserYuan Shih Kal of Chili andmander In chief of the Chinese Army blog there ready to accept It and that tlRussians wilt remain only until the Chlnotroops arrive to looting The resIonic of Newohwang describe theof the RiiHHlans as excellentT-

xNDONi May 12A clespatoh tosays that the townis In

perfectly orderly condition No troublefighting Is expected In the vicinity Conmunlcatlon with Port Arthur has betcutoff

IxjNDON May 13 The position In trneighborhood of Newchwang In obscuriThe Petersburg of tli

Standard reports that the Japanese aito occupy that place

to the Nowchwnng rorn-apondentof tho Daily Vail numerous hodif-

of Russian cavalry and Infantry liavu hrn

disposed In the vloinlly of the townthe purpose of harassing If not nrrestlnthe overland movement of the Japanese

rite nature of the country Is favorablto such an object which If fviorrssful wi

give Koiiropatkln tlmo tp strengthhis position at Iiaoyan-

gSY roar AnTtirit ts err OFThe Upanetir Deny Tlmt Comnmnleatlo

lies Hern Restoredfifittlal rnblr pMpnfriM to Sex

TOKIO Maythat Port Arthu

has been restored I officially domed herSHAKHAIKWAK May l2There Is

rumor here that fighting going on soulof Xewrhwan-


Pror Vincent flunks Their Items Wee

Too Hlhillar to Poor Storlen In Real PipersCHICAnO May George K Vii

rent of the University of Chicago ex-

pressed himself as well pleasework of his students In preparln

copy for the dally newspaper-I feel sure Dr that

BttldenU learned more about newspaperway are made from ex

of yesterday than they coulhove been a timean adequate idea or how much workIt to prepare the material needed hono one day and just howskill nnd ability energy must be oxendcd out one issue of a bi

criticism I have to offerwork is that it lacked originality Most

f the stories were too pooltories In real newspapers Our reportertad a very

expressed J


Iii Talk or falllnie Witnesses AgainstDoctor Provokes Women

PllliaDKtPHlA Pa May 12 Followlnj-oroncr Dugons Intimation that ho would

ummon of the women patients or Appel tho loner tx

ourt as oftlclol has l ee-ehlged with letters from women who were

by the physician Seven oftters with violenc

hould he call the writers to testify anchue subject them to exposure

The Is BO he is cen-tering the advisability of having a de

protect are alof one shower

feelings toward Coroner infornitim that no would be dead within an hour

f he dared compel her to tell in open courtexperience Dr Appel


Patient Was JO Years Old Also HTwo Ribs Broken

WASHIKOTOK May 12 A remarknbk-covery from a broken spine especially

i view of the agoof tho is rcportec-t tho Emergency Hospital here Janice

a 70 oldran caught between two trolley cars oreb 15 and had two ribsroken That It was a genuine

ittle hope was held for athe continued to improve

aa discharged a few days not combut to walk

FFICIALS IXSPECT THEIR FURhen Proclaim It Finished and the Greatest

how Ttiat Ever lluppenrdST Louis May 12 Tim worlds fair

fUciulH this afternoon inspected everyt i

the following statementn made public

The national commission officers antiboard of lady

nd the foreign andloners have completed a five hoursaur of of exhibitalucort to announce to thoublic that the exhibits are installed In all

xlilliit andpilots collection of tho accomplishmentsf over


Ian Important BontB on the Tapli Walcoils Deal at San rranelico DiscussedThe week just passed linn prolific-

i the way of boxing Withxccptlon of the contest between luck floot

Ueoree Gunlnrr at ChIcago no Importantwas decided However the match

lakcra have not been Idle a numberf good bouts have been arranged One in

Is between hits fiiihlln nnd Marvinart AicordltiK to Hilly Madden they-re to box at Raltlmore on Miiy SO timid the-O to bo twelve rounds of fifteen-s originally Althoiieh Muddeu

be If this romhat were forwenly rounds 1m thinks that Huhlln will

10 able clriirly to show life superiority jrore the end of the struggletat there will not bo nuiuh difference Inho of lie men as Ruhlln weighs05 pounds to hurts thesegores nre eorrert this Loulnvllle

tat dcvelotiinc lute u really heavyfeliht-Thore Is another proposed null whichmet not IH the 20

round contest bcttteen Arthur Cripps antiommy Kjan at Cnlma Cal on 10

has had two In thisountry ho hiss many think concealed

form lInt have to beie t Ryan Whatever may have

said methods It cannot

Is business too but whether he Is ns f Ht

clever as remains to he seen TheUKtrallan champion can which U aIe feather In his and what Is moren Is came So the fight bids fnir to be A

etlc treat

to Rloek Atwonrts Penalties KeliemrDANBURY Conn May 12 Oov Chamirlain has been asked to rail a specialsslon of the legislature to repeal thew under which D Preston of

hall brought many suits to reiver penalties from executors and art

estates who have railed tolo Inventories

l rry DrlinonrnWatrli ReekWhisperIng Larry IWmours watch

hlrh was stolen from himon a rond-

ventioelevated train while hpyraa returningom the raoeti at Morris park beau

Whispering Lartr got itlekhad been pawned for 1125

fN F ir

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riltif at kDlnner Here Sa itlieaima-of lilt AUopted Territory l Wi

and That All That H Needed XJp Theta More1 People and



pt John Green Brady of Alaskaspending a few In New York alast was the guest ofhonora Martin The hotof the evening wore A J StewartHelm and F M Brndshawv BesjdC-

iov1 Brady there wasvlted guests among WHeyburn United States Senator froIdaho Thomas 8 Knowles of Juneand Janilllarly tb young

in Alaska only 72

Mayor ofDelegate from Alaska

On the wall back of Cloy chather ft largo map of whitthe VObvorVior frequently referredhe epoko In responno the toast towhifjh the assembled company drank stancng He said

Senator Seward was thin greatest expaiBionlt this everMrunuri nunfuture greatness of States thn

of Illsit has be n said ho bought Meal

of pimply as an expressiontnrioto country forfthipito us war Yetas far bar-ns In H speech In Fit Paul he

I w e In Northwest RussianrJUIIUlIlK INVJ

ions Let Rnwlans KO ahead and bullfor are only building them for the UniteStates In

Well when Ahtka was bought there wasten box

splendid country was called People salwe want Territory They sallllvo Russia her bu

for heavens sake dont load us with Alaskflive It to else

Now the faUn Impression by thoccomments nnd clung to thasplendid Territory ever shore As to th

on the and alone the sea-

shore it IH than the climate of NeiYork and New England

Thin river valleys are a bigdegree Stock Is verrapidly developing In the morn northerpart reindeer moss grpws

Thero Is ono woolen up there who has a herof 500 rnlridecr and shin haM become wealthIn them Last year she sold tamereindeer to miners for as as a heat

Last the Income from the salmon nnn-

nlnif Industry was ancthe war started

of has Increased 100 perwill result In B Increase this

Alaska I feel as thoughwere preaching the gospel of hope Cornanti us We us long t

live so conic and us the grearesources that are to therehave made my home there I married titerand have a ninth of children therennd I my cup of happiness I

about IIH full M that or manWhat vo want Is people We have go

everything else with all thethere are people will not cant

thorn must be some reason for it Thorire the old take notions for one thing antthen there l undoubtedly great lack of transnortatlon It ns as a dollar i-

Dound to transport freight all that wilchange When the people corn

than got to change those who are

ewnrd ot vastly advancing values


In Gould Still Inrtlspocrd rtmlly HllSail for Europe In June

LAKEWOOD N J May 12 Mr and Mrsreorge J Gould left today for Furxigh Lodge their summer home hi thelatekills Mrs Gould is not well and therip to the mountains Is made thusn the season or her benefit her

ludden illness in Now YorkIrs Gould has not regained

spIcily as expected She has been confinedo her room most of the time since sIR

to Georgian CourtLast week she planned to attend the open

horse show at the Club As ahras to leave to driveo she was attached with axndlspositlon which confined her

for two daysphysician has prescribed a trip

broad and Mr Gould and the childrento accompany her They will sail th

bird week June according to presentilans


itsallant Is Supposed to Be an ArmDeserter Whm McCrath ArrestBORUNOTON Xl May man who i

upposed to be a deserter from Fort EtnaLllen shot and killed Policeman Jame

McGrath tonight McGrath was 01in the lumber yards and at

30 oclock was seen leaving theretranger Tho two stopped at Mainlatter and after a ftw minutes

man drew a revolvernd fired four times three of the bullets

lodging In McOraths bodyAfter the fourth shot the murderer ran

o the lumber yards and disappearedLlthough several persons saw the shooting

one of thorn followed the manMcGrath died on tho way to the hospital

Many soldiers have deserted from Fortthan Allen during the last few days and

murderer IH believed to be one who hadeon arrested by McGrath The policelave not yet found the murderer but sayhey have a clue to his Identity


ThrooBh the Street for a MenWho Says That He an Amateur

Joseph Sanford got Into the furnishedoom house at 152 East Fortyseventhtreat yesterday afternoon He went tohe third floor room of Peter Kerrigan andtacked up the latters best clothes In a suit

j plcki ng lip also what jewelry he couldInd The burglar then made his way tolie second floor and got in a room occupied

Alice Roach a stenographer ThreeIlk dresses end a number ofowelry of small value were token by

who started to the basetent door through had

On the bumped intoIterllng who has house a

terlliit recognized Kerrigans suit case andsilk dresses The burglar

the case with his right handdresses on his loft arm

Sterling called Policeman HeiUier andlanford to his heels The and

ran after him crying thief

timed north in Third avenue and ranrlth the mob at his heels for three blocks

an who was coming southSanford was to the East Fifty

ret Street station He said he was alaker out of work and had recently comeromBoston

Im not h professional thief he saidbut t RonJt get I became des

Child Palls Five Stories Tot Much hurtWilliam pBrienl years old was playing

n the fire escape of the fifth story of thepnement at 4 3 West Seventeenth street

e erday when hn fell to tho groundTo had only a scalp wound When hisother heard the stprR she fainted


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ClothesFitmethods have ace

organization is first besure thenIt is this element of sureness

which makes our clothes fit so perfectly-Wm Vogel Sons clothes

chiefly In the perfectgarment They fit In spots but all over t

whether a or overcoat designed fora tall manor a short man a thin man or astout man or man afUttle differentthe normal buildit will fit him madefor his Individual We owe this to a

which is as unique as it is unusualthe our garments

from the forms of andpapier mache dummies

15 Spring Suits Overcoatswith Our Concaveder CollarAT SIR Suite In all the new single and devble breasted ra Meli-

of blue Serce black Thibet blue and black Cheviot and plaits

and fancy effects In TweedsAt 15 Top Coats a wide range of model newihadei oftan and green CovertsAt lo Medium length Overcoats of black and Oxford unnnlihed Worttedtand OievloUsllk lined throacbont edce of lapetaAt Rainproofed Overcoat In the Belted Back or plainand 52 Inches long of Cheviots and Whipcords In plain and High coloreffect

Spring Suits and Overcoats 15 to 35

WM VOGEL SONBroadway Houston St

rt e I


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Sh ulClosefitting

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ReducedtoaS i









Work proraptlr atmmi4

633 634CHELSEA

328 7 AVLNEAR 28th ST


Mr Smiths Plan If WIU

TVInetentli ofNEW ORLEANS May movement

against the negro schools that o

Gov Vardaman of beetinaugurated in Louisiana by the Hon TSpence Smith member of the Leglslatun

Mr Smith has introduced a bill in thiLouisiana Legislature providing for adivision of taxes theraces alt the school taxes paid by negroeigoing toward negroet

taxes by the usec

for the education orThis is the Vardaman plan which if

would close of the negrcin the State

FarmerCrazed by Grip Hangs Himself

DUNKIRK N V May 12 Albert Kitcomb a prosperous farmer of NorthClymer Chautauqua county committedsuicide this morning hanging himselffrom a tree a from whilesuffering from mental derangement caused

a severe attack of He was care-fully watched but managed to escape front

nurse and ran to He wasdead when found Ho was 48 years old

Coal Miners Take a Day Off

WILKESBARBE May 12 Most of theanthracite were shut down todaybecause quit toattendAscension As usual theysave no notice of their Intention and

been for the experience of formeryears the operators sufferedmore or loss It was several mineswere ready to operate and had to

Smallpox In a hospItalELIZABETH N J May 12 The Alex

Ian Hospital here was quarantined todaybecause a case of smallpox has developed-in one of thoold He to the hospital afew He was atWorthington Pump Works the employeesof probably have tovaccination

Admiral Inspect Dismal Swamp CanalNORFOLK Va 12 Bear Admiral

Henry C Taylor of the Bureau ofNavigation with Rear Admiral HarringtonCommandant of this naval station wentthrough the canal to the Dismal Swamptoday It is understood thatof bureau wished to get an idea ofthe availability the Dismalfor the passage boats and smallercraft

Mr Dewltt ReleasedDELHI N Y May 12 Mrs Dewitt of

Sidney N Y with the murder-of her discharged fromcustody the Grand noIndictment against her

Aycr Fltr Randolph

PLAIxmtP K J May 12 Mlsn BwiyFits Itandolph daughter of Mr todNathaniel Kite of Bellevua

avenue and super-intendent of the American Locomotive

nt Allegheny Pa thisMiss Kvallna Dubois Ilcnton of this was

of honor nnrttho MissJoilpo Ayers of Vnterlr H I sister ofbridegroom Ml t Alberta Irwin ofMiss Clara Babcock of SpringfieldMace Minn Katharine

X J Ass Fits Randolph n-

biothrr of the bride was best man

re n SewardTlie marrlacre of Miss Anna H

end Alonxo Ureen took place onat tha horns of the brides parentsMr William H Sward of N JRewards only was her

and theHoward liay Kdwaru Urahtm and EdwardMalnrt


TEAR ArleaRata k













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Homers FurnitureREQUIREMENTS

town hojisescan be so satisfactorilyas at our reason

choice in all linescombined with unequalled

Bedroom Furniture in white birdeye maple curly

Brass and WhiteEnameled Bedsteads innewest patterns

Furniture In mahogany andall finishes In oakWeathered Fumed Ac with Tables

Chairs China Gosetato match

Full Mission Weathered Oak andflemish Furniture Including 8ettaaSofas Arm Ac

R J HORNER COFuraitur Maker and Importora

61 63 65 West 23d StreetSTUDENTS CELEBRATE

Parade sari Banquet Over the Strotor ofAgricultural Building Hill

ITHACA May student ofCornell agricultural college held abratlon tonight to ooramemoratepassing of the StewartMonroe bill whichgives to Cornell 250000 for the erectionand maintenance of a npw agriculturalbuilding A parade nearly half a mile inlength was held made up of floats sadexhibits the science of agri-culture The university artilleryi corps

a Governors salute of seventeenfor Oov Odell who made the

law with his signature Immediately

on the and tlreworkH set off whilethe whIstles of nil the city factoriesand the chimes in the tower of the

Cornell airsThe celebration wound up in the armory

with a banquet In honor of theof the menu consistedof oh the university

were given byof the oT

agriculture Speaker Nixon ofStewart and Malby

and Assemblyman Monroet


Ddorlmtnatlon In Charge on Coal DCto Be XJnlawfnlMay The Intorttet

Commerce CommissIon today rendered anopinion sustaining the charges made againstthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Companyby the Gltxte Coal of

of discrimination against it and In

cars at exacting acommission nnda that the acts complained-of are unlawful and that thepany Is entitled to reparation

WrItes HI WJfe That He bOrown Himself and

BINOHAMTOK N V May WilUaup-Eayner HalUtead a railroad man wot to-Owego laat night wrote a letter to his wifsaying he was going to drown

other note that he iatnthe river at ao Before left beanhe drew 78 his month He wotmoney orderfor M to hU wife from

In the river today lisa failed to w althe Body




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