Hansen Handout

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  • 8/2/2019 Hansen Handout


    Mark B. Hansens Argument: Bodies in Code

    By this I do not mean a purely informational body or a digital disembodiment of the everyday

    body. I mean a body submitted to and constituted byan unavoidable and empowering technical

    deterritorialization a body whose embodiment is realized, and can only be realized in

    conjunction with technics it is precisely through the vehicle of bodies-in-code that our

    contemporary techno-culture, driven by digital technologies, comes to constitute a distinct

    concrete phase in our contemporary technogenesis (our originary yet historico-technically

    differentiated coevolution with technics). (20)

    The Virtual Body as Resistance

    Far from being a mere instrument or the first medium (as some versions of posthumanism

    allege, the body is a primordial and active source of resistance; indeed, it is as resistance as the

    living expression of something simultaneously organization and obstacle to its organization that

    the body form the source of excess supporting all levels of constitution (or individuation), from the

    cellular to the cosmic. As source of excess, the body possess a flexibility that belies any effort,

    such as that of cyber-cultural criticism (and behind it, of cultural constructivism), to reduce it to a

    passive surface for signification. The body is affirms Millon, an entity that becomes a person, a

    creative subject, a being or an individual according to the circumstances. (15)

    With its picture of an originarily technical organismic perspective, this paradigm effectively

    repudiates all externalistaccounts of the body, including constructivists theories that have

    recently held sway in critical discourse. It thus offers an affirmative model of bodily agency that

    conceives of the embodied organisms constitutive coupling with the social (paradigmatically, the

    technically mediated world of images, including linguistic images) in a fundamentally different

    manner than does (for example) Judith Butlers theory of performative iteration. The latter, in the

    final instance, subordinates the agency of the body (the force of iteration) to the content of the

    social images that, following the paradoxical operation of (linguistic) performativity, open up the

    space of its exercise. (13)


    Using the broader definition of the Greek tekhne, which means not only technology but also art,

    skill and dexterity, technics refers to the interplay of a social milieu and technological innovation -

    the "wishes, habits, ideas, goals" as well as "industrial processes" of a society.


    Mark B. N. Hansen: Bodies in CodeJessica Steele

    CCTP 704: Gender, Sexuality and the Body Professor Michael Coventry

    Georgetown University April 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Hansen Handout


    Marleau-Ponty & The Phenomenal Body

    Body Image: generated from a primarily visual apprehension of the body as an external object


    Body Schema (Body-Environment Coupling (20):

    emerges from what, with autopoietic *literally: self-creation]theory we have called theoperational perspective of the embodied organism. As such it encompasses an originary,

    preobjective process of world constitution that, by giving priority to the internal perspective of the

    organism, paradoxically includes what is outside its body proper, what lies in the interactional

    domain specified by embodied enaction.

    What IS Embodiment?

    Embodiment is essentially and orginarily technical(78)

    Embodiment and technicity thus comprise two

    divergent, yet entirely complementary (indeed, strictlycorrelated) expressions of the negativity of (human)

    being as Merleau-Ponty understands itthey each

    occasion an orginary form of transcendence and thus,

    together, furnish the (double) condition for the

    emergence of the human as a form of life that is, as

    sensing sensible.(79)

    Primary Tactility

    Beneath the reciprocity of pure reflexivity and pure

    corporeity, activity and passivity, consciousness and

    matter, lies the primordial cart of tactilityas a first

    (and originary embrace off alterity, an original of the

    elsewhere, a Selbst that is an Other(74).

    Reversibility & Double Sensation of the cart

    Cannot quite occur in fact and yet must, by right, be possible(71)

    As the protodivision of primary tactility, the cart generates a protoreversibility a reversibility

    prior to and independent of any actual terms to be reversed that forms the sensible-

    transcendental condition for sensation(75).

    Second-Generation VR/Mixed Reality: allreality is mixed reality(5)

    As technology that lays bare the enabling constraints of the body(that is, the bodys necessity),

    virtual reality comprises our cultures privileged pathway for laying bare mixed reality as a

    technical-transcendental structure, which is equally to say, for exposing the technical element

    that lies at the heart of embodiment. (15)