Gr Vespers 2005

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  • 7/25/2019 Gr Vespers 2005



    The priest, vested in epitrachilion, leaves the altar bythe Northern Door and stands before the Royal


    Priest:Blessed is our God, always, now and ever andforever.People: Amen.

    In Pascha, the priest sings once: Christ is risen fromthe dead, y death he tram!led death and to those inthe toms he "ranted life.All sing twice: .Christ is risen from the dead, y deathhe tram!led death and to those in the toms he"ranted life.And we continue fro !"oly #od, holy and ighty ...$


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    Glory to #ou, our God, "lory to #ou$

    %eavenly &in", Comforter, S!irit of Truth, everywhere

    !resent and fillin" all thin"s. Treasury of Blessin"sand Giver of 'ife, (ome and dwell within us, (leanseus of all stain, and save our souls, ) "ra(ious )ne.

    %oly God, %oly and *i"hty, %oly and +mmortal, havemer(y on us. % ties-

    Glory to the ather and to the Son, and to the %olyS!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    *ost %oly Trinity, have mer(y on us/ 'ord, (leanse usof our sins/ *aster, for"ive our trans"ressions/ %oly)ne, (ome to us and heal our infirmities for yourname0s sa1e.

    'ord, have mer(y. % ties-

    Glory to the ather and to the Son, and to the %olyS!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    )ur ather, who art in heaven, hallowed e thy name.

    Thy 1in"dom (ome, thy will e done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us this day our daily read, andfor"ive us our tres!asses as we for"ive those whotres!ass a"ainst us, and lead us not into tem!tation,ut deliver us from evil.

    Priest: or thine is the 1in"dom and the !ower and

    the "lory, ather, Son, and %oly S!irit, now and everand forever.


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    'ord, have mer(y. &'( ties)

    Glory to the ather, and to the Son, and to the %olyS!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    Come, let us worshi! our &in" and God.Come, let us worshi! Christ, our &in" and God.

    Come, let us worshi! and ow efore the only 'ord2esus Christ, the &in" and our God.

    During Psal '*%, the priest says the Prayers of+ight.

    PSALM 103

    Bless the 'ord, ) my soul$'ord my God, how "reat you are,

    (lothed in ma3esty and "lory,wra!!ed in li"ht as in a roe$

    #ou stret(h out the heavens li1e a tent.Aove the rains you uild your dwellin".

    #ou ma1e the (louds your (hariot,

    you wal1 on the win"s of the wind,#ou ma1e your an"els s!irits

    and your ministers a flamin" fire.#ou founded the earth on its ase,

    to stand firm from a"e to a"e.#ou wra!!ed it with the o(ean li1e a (loa1:

    the waters stood hi"her than the mountains.

    At your threat they too1 to fli"ht/at the voi(e of your thunder they fled.


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    They rose over the mountains and flowed downto the !la(e whi(h you had a!!ointed.

    #ou set limits they mi"ht not !asslest they return to (over the earth.#ou ma1e s!rin"s "ush forth in the valleys/

    they flow in etween the hills.They "ive drin1 to all the easts of the field/

    the wild asses 4uen(h their thirst.)n their an1s dwell the irds of heaven/

    from the ran(hes they sin" their son".rom your dwellin" you water the hills/

    earth drin1s its fill of your "ift.#ou ma1e the "rass "row for the (attle

    and the !lants to serve man0s needs,that he may rin" forth read from the earth and wine to (heer man0s heart/

    oil, to ma1e his fa(e shineand read to stren"then man0s heart.

    The trees of the 'ord drin1 their fill,the (edars he !lanted on 'eanon/

    there the irds uild their nests/on the treeto! the stor1 has her home.

    The "oats find a home on the mountains

    and raits hide in the ro(1s.#ou made the moon to mar1 the months/

    the sun 1nows the time for its settin".5hen you s!read the dar1ness it is ni"ht

    and all the easts of the forest (ree! forth.The youn" lions roar for their !rey

    and as1 their food from God.

    At the risin" of the sun they steal awayand "o to rest in their dens.


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    *an "oes out to his wor1,to laor till evenin" falls.

    %ow many are your wor1s, ) 'ord$

    +n wisdom you have made them all.The earth is full of your ri(hes.There is the sea, vast and wide,

    with its movin" swarms !ast (ountin",livin" thin"s "reat and small.

    The shi!s are movin" thereand the monsters you made to !lay with.

    All of these loo1 to youto "ive them their food in due season.

    #ou "ive it, they "ather it u!:you o!en your hand, they have their fill.

    #ou hide your fa(e, they are dismayed/you ta1e a(1 your s!irit, they die,returnin" to the dust from whi(h they (ame.

    #ou send forth your s!irit, they are (reated/and you renew the fa(e of the earth.

    *ay the "lory of the 'ord last for ever$*ay the 'ord re3oi(e in his wor1s$

    %e loo1s on the earth and it tremles/the mountains send forth smo1e at his tou(h.

    + will sin" to the 'ord all my life,

    ma1e musi( to my God while + live.*ay my thou"hts e !leasin" to him.

    + find my 3oy in the 'ord.'et sinners vanish from the earth and the wi(1ed e6istno more.

    Bless the 'ord, ) my soul.#ou made the moon to mar1 the months/

    the sun 1nows the time for its settin".%ow many are your wor1s, ) 'ord$


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    +n wisdom you have made them all.Glory to the ather and to the Son and to the %olyS!irit

    now and ever and forever, amen.And then three ties, with a bow each tie:Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    Glory to you, ) God$

    Prayers of Light

    The priest says the Prayers of +ight before the RoyalDoors.Prayer ':) 'ord, (om!assionate and mer(iful, lon"7sufferin"and ri(h in mer(y, "ive ear to my !rayer and attend tothe sound of my !lea. Show us a si"n of your favor,"uide us in your way so that we may wal1 in your

    truth. Gladden our hearts that we may fear your holyname, for you are "reat and do marvelous deeds.#ou alone are God, and amon" the "ods there is noneli1e you, ) 'ord. Powerful in mer(y and "ra(ious instren"th, you hel! and (omfort and save all those whoho!e in your holy name.or all "lory, honor and worshi! are due to you,

    ather, Son and %oly S!irit, now and ever andforever. Amen.

    Prayer (:'ord, do not reu1e us in your an"er, nor !unish us inyour wrath. 8eal with us a((ordin" to your 1indness,) !hysi(ian and healer of our souls. Guide us to the

    haror of your will, enli"hten the eyes of our mindsthat we may 1now your truth. Grant that we may


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    s!end what remains of this day and the rest of our life!ea(efully and sinlessly, throu"h the inter(ession ofthe holy *other of God and of all the saints.

    or yours is the mi"ht and yours is the 1in"dom andthe !ower and the "lory, ather, Son and %oly S!irit,now and ever and forever. Amen.

    Prayer %:'ord our God, rememer us your sinful and uselessservants as we (all u!on your holy and sulime name

    and do not !ut us to shame for ho!in" in your mer(y.Grant us instead, ) 'ord, all our !etitions whi(h leadto salvation and ma1e us worthy to love and to fearyou with all our hearts and to do your will ineverythin".or you, ) God, are "ood and love man1ind, and we"ive you "lory, ather, Son and %oly S!irit, now and

    ever and forever. Amen.

    Prayer :#ou are !raised y the holy !owers in hymns whi(hare never silent and do6olo"ies whi(h never (ease.ill our mouth with your !raise that we may as(riema3esty to your holy name. Throu"h the inter(ession

    of the holy *other of God and of all the saints, "ive usa share and an inheritan(e with all those who fear youin truth and who 1ee! your (ommandments.or to you, ather, Son, and %oly S!irit, is due all"lory, honor and worshi!, now and ever and forever.Amen.

    Prayer -:Blessed are you, 'ord God Almi"hty. #ou 1now the


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    human mind/ you 1now our needs lon" efore we as1or re(o"ni9e them. Therefore, ) &in" and 'over ofman1ind, "ood in every way, allow us in your "reat

    mer(y to (all u!on your holy name with a (lear(ons(ien(e, and lead us not into tem!tation, utdeliver us from the evil one, and, in your !roviden(e,arran"e everythin" for our "ood.or to you, ather, Son and %oly S!irit is due all "lory,honor and worshi!, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    Prayer :'ord, ) 'ord, you hold all thin"s in your s!otlesshand/ you are lon"7sufferin" toward all of us, and youre!ent over our evil deeds/ rememer your mer(y andyour (om!assion. Visit us in your "oodness and forthe rest of this day enale us to flee from the manywiles of the evil one and 1ee! our life se(ure y the

    "ra(e of your all7holy S!irit.Throu"h the mer(y and the lovin"71indness of youronly7e"otten Son, with whom you are lessed,to"ether with your all7holy, "ood and life7(reatin"S!irit, now and ever and forever.

    Prayer /:

    Great and wonderful God, you "overn all thin"s withindes(riale "oodness and ri(h !roviden(e. #ouhave "ranted us the "ood thin"s of this earth andthrou"h the "ood thin"s already estowed on us have"iven us a !led"e of the !romised 1in"dom. #ouhave 1e!t us away from every evil durin" the !art ofthis day whi(h has !assed even until the !resent

    moment/ now allow us to (om!lete the rest of the daywithout lame, in the !resen(e of your holy "lory,


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    sin"in" hymns to you, ) God, who alone are "oodand love man1ind.or you are our God, and to you, ather, Son and

    %oly S!irit, we "ive "lory, now and ever and forever.Amen.

    The priest returns to the altar. The deacon says thefollowing +itany at the abon.If there is no deacon, the priest reains in front of theRoyal Doors and says this +itany.


    Deacon: +n !ea(e, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y. &The sae response is given toeach following petition:)

    or !ea(e from on hi"h and for the salvation of oursouls, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or !ea(e in the whole world, for the staility of theholy Chur(hes of God, and for the union of all, let us!ray to the 'ord.

    or this holy (hur(h and for all who enter it with faith,reveren(e, and fear of God, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or our holy father Nae-, !o!e of Rome, let us !rayto the 'ord.

    or our most reverend metro!olitan Nae-, for ourGod7lovin" isho! Nae-, for the venerale


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    !resyterate, the dia(onate in Christ, and all the(ler"y and !eo!le, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or our "overnment and for all in the servi(e of our(ountry, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or this (ity, for every (ity, (ommunity, and for thefaithful livin" in them, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or favorale weather, for an aundan(e of the fruits

    of the earth, and for !ea(eful times, let us !ray to the'ord.

    or those who travel y sea, air, and land, for thesi(1, the sufferin", the (a!tive and for their salvation,let us !ray to the 'ord.

    or our deliveran(e from all affli(tion, wrath, andneed, let us !ray to the 'ord.

    Prote(t us, save us, have mer(y on us, and !reserveus, ) God, y your "ra(e.

    Commemoratin" our most holy, most !ure, most

    lessed and "lorious 'ady, the Theoto1os and ever7Vir"in *ary with all the saints, let us (ommitourselves and one another and our whole life to Christour God.

    R. To you, ) 'ord.

    Priest: Evenin", mornin" and at noon, we !raise you,we less you, we "ive than1s to you, and we !ray to


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    you, ) *aster of all and 'ord and 'over of us all. 'etour !rayer rise li1e in(ense efore you, and do notturn our hearts to evil words or thou"hts, ut deliver

    us from those who would li1e to ensnare our souls.or to you, 'ord, ) 'ord, our eyes are turned and inyou we ho!e 7 let us never e !ut to shame, ) ourGod.or to #ou is due all "lory, honor and worshi!, ather,Son and %oly S!irit, now and ever and forever.R. Amen.

    The First KathismaBlessed is the man, alleluia$

    5ho has not wal1ed in the (ounsel of the wi(1ed$Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia$

    or the 'ord 1nows the way of the 3ust,ut the way of the wi(1ed shall e lost.

    Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$Serve the 'ord with fear,

    e6ult in him with tremlin".Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    Blessed are those who trust in him$Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    Arise, ) 'ord, save me, my God$

    Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$Salvation is of the 'ord$

    !on #our !eo!le #our lessin"$Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    Glory e to the ather, and to the Son, and to the%oly S!irit.

    Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    ;ow and ever and forever. Amen.Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$


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    And then three ties, each tie with a bow:Alleluia$ Alleluia$ Alleluia$

    Glory to you, ) God$

    PSALM 140

    The deacon &or priest) incenses the whole church.) 'ord, + have (ried to you, hear me/

    Refrain: %ear me, ) 'ord$) 'ord, + have (ried to you, hear me/

    re(eive the voi(e of my !rayer when + (all u!onyou. Refrain: %ear me, ) 'ord$'et my !rayer as(end to you li1e in(ense

    and the liftin" u! of my hands li1e an evenin"sa(rifi(e. Refrain: %ear me, ) 'ord$

    ) 'ord, set a "uard efore my mouth

    and set a seal on the door of my li!s.'et not my heart e in(lined to evil,

    nor ma1e e6(use for the sins + (ommit.'et me never share in sinners< feastin"

    +f a 3ust man stri1es or re!roves me it is 1indnessut let the oil of the wi(1ed not anoint my head.

    'et my !rayer e ever a"ainst their mali(e.

    Their !rin(es were thrown down y the side of thero(1. Then they understood that my words were1ind.As a millstone is shattered to !ie(es on the "round,

    so their ones were strewn at the mouth of the"rave. To you, 'ord God, my eyes are turned

    in you + ta1e refu"e/ s!are my soul$

    rom the tra! they have laid for me 1ee! me safe/&ee! me from the snares of those who do evil.


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    'et the wi(1ed fall into the tra!s they have setwhile + !ursue my way unharmed.

    PSALM 1415ith all my voi(e + (ry to the 'ord/

    with all my voi(e + entreat the 'ord.+ !our out my troule efore him/

    + tell him all my distress while my s!irit faints withinme.

    But you, ) 'ord, 1now my !ath.)n the way where + shall wal1 they have hidden asnare to entra! me.

    'oo1 on my ri"ht and see:there is no one who ta1es my !art.

    + have no means of es(a!e,not one who (ares for my soul.

    + (ry out to #ou, ) 'ord,+ have said: #ou are my refu"e, all + have in theland of the livin".

    'isten, then, to my (ryfor + am in the de!ths of distress.

    Res(ue me from those who !ursue mefor they are stron"er than +.

    0or '* 1tichera:Brin" my soul out of this !rison

    And then + shall !raise your name.0or 2 1tichera:

    Around me the 3ust will assemlee(ause of your "oodness to me.

    PSALM 1!


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    0or 3 1tichera:)ut of the de!ths + (ry to you, ) 'ord/

    'ord, hear my voi(e$

    0or / 1tichera:'et your ears e attentiveto the voi(e of my !leadin".0or 1tichera:

    +f you, ) 'ord, should mar1 our "uilt, 'ord, who wouldsurvive=

    But with you is found for"iveness: for this we revere

    you.0or - 1tichera:*y soul is waitin" for the 'ord. + (ount on his word.

    *y soul is lon"in" for the 'ord more thanwat(hman for dayrea1.0or 1tichera:

    'et the wat(hman (ount on dayrea1,

    and +srael on the 'ord.0or % 1tichera:

    Be(ause with the 'ord there is mer(y and fullness ofredem!tion,

    +srael indeed he will redeem from all its ini4uity.

    PSALM 11"

    0or ( 1tichera:Praise the 'ord, all you nations/

    A((laim him, all you !eo!les.0or ' 1ticheron:

    Stron" is the love of the 'ord for us/%e is faithful forever.

    Glory to the ather, and to the Son, and to the %olyS!irit: And the Do4asticon, if prescribed.


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    ;ow and ever and forever. Amen.And the Theoto5ion.

    FESTAL ENT#ANCE6efore the 7Glory ...7, the priest vests in thephelonion.At the 7Glory ...7, the deacon &or priest if there is nodeacon) opens the royal doors, ta5es the censer&and the "oly #ospel if there is to be a reading froit), and the priest and deacon a5e the entrance.

    &If there is no deacon, and there is a reading fro the gospel,the priest ta5es only the gospel boo5 and a server carries thecenser.)

    The following dialogue is recited 8uietly:

    Deacon: 'et us !ray to the 'ord.

    Priest:Good &in", you love us all and less all thin"s,we fervently im!lore you with (ontrite heart andhumle s!irit to less our (omin"s and "oin"s$ oryour (omin" and "oin", and your dwellin" amon" usare lessed, ) Christ our true God, now and ever andforever. Amen.

    Deacon: ather, less the holy entran(e$

    Priest: Blessed is the entran(e of your saints, always,now and ever and forever.

    Deacon: Amen.

    At the copletion of the 1tichera, the deacon &or


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    priest, if there is no deacon) intones aloud:

    Deacon: 5isdom$ Be attentive$

    The deacon &or priest, if there is no deacon) censesthe "oly Table, the people and the Icons of our +ordand the 9other of #od.

    %YMN OF T%E E&ENIN') 3oyful 'i"ht of the holy "lory of the ather +mmortal,

    the heavenly, holy, lessed )ne, ) 2esus Christ.;ow that we have rea(hed the settin" of the sun, andsee the evenin" li"ht, we sin" to God, ather, Sonand %oly S!irit.+t is fittin" at all times to raise a son" of !raise inmeasured melody to you, ) Son of God, the Giver of'ife. Therefore, the universe sin"s your "lory.


    Deacon:'et us e attentive$

    Priest: Pea(e e to all$

    Deacon: 5isdom$ Be attentive$

    The people sing the Pro5eienon, and the deacon&or priest in the absence of a deacon) chants theverses.

    n 1aturday in Tone , fro Psal 2(:

    The 'ord rei"ns, he is (lothed in ma3esty.;erse: Roed is the 'ord and "irt aout with


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    stren"th. ;erse: The world he made firm, not to emoved.

    ;erse: %oliness is fittin" to your house, ) 'ord,

    until the end of time.

    n 1unday in Tone 3, fro Psal '%%:Come, less the 'ord, all you who serve the 'ord.

    ;erse: 5ho stand in the house of the 'ord, in the(ourts of the house of our God.

    n 9onday in Tone , fro Psal :The 'ord hears me whenever + (all him.

    ;erse:5hen + (all, answer me, ) God of 3usti(e.

    n Tuesday in Tone ', fro Psal ((:#our mer(y, ) 'ord, shall follow me all the days of mylife.

    ;erse: The 'ord is my she!herd, there is nothin" +shall want. resh and "reen are the !astureswhere he "ives me re!ose.


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    n 0riday in Tone /, fro Psal -3:#ou, ) God, are my and your mer(y "oes efore me.

    ;erse:Res(ue me, God, from my foes/ !rote(t me

    from those who atta(1 me.

    The #reat Pro5eienon in Tone /, fro Psal ''%:But our God is in the heavens/ he does whatever hewills.

    ;erse: 5hen +srael (ame forth from E"y!t, 2a(o

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    Deacon: 'et us all say with our whole soul and withour whole mind, let us say:

    R. 'ord, have mer(y.

    ) 'ord almi"hty, God of our fathers, we !ray you,hear and have mer(y.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y.

    %ave mer(y on us, ) God, a((ordin" to your "reatmer(y, we !ray you, hear and have mer(y.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y. Three ties-

    A"ain we !ray for our holy father Nae-, !o!e of

    Rome, and for our most reverend metro!olitanNae-,for our God7lovin" isho! Nae-, for thosewho serve and have served in this holy (hur(h, for ours!iritual fathers, and for all our rothers and sisters inChrist.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y. Three ties-

    A"ain we !ray for our "overnment and for all in theservi(e of our (ountry.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y. Three ties-

    The deacon ay intone special petitions here.

    A"ain we !ray for the !eo!le here !resent who await


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    your "reat and aundant mer(y, for those who showus mer(y, and for all Christians of the true faith.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y. Three ties-

    Priest: or you are a mer(iful and lovin" God, and we"ive "lory to you, ather, Son, and %oly S!irit, nowand ever and forever.


    *a1e us worthy, ) 'ord, to e 1e!t sinless thisevenin".Blessed are you, ) 'ord, the God of our athers, and

    !raiseworthy and "lorious is your name forever.Amen.

    *ay your mer(y, ) 'ord, e u!on us who have !la(edour ho!e in you.

    Blessed are you, ) 'ord, tea(h me your(ommandments.Blessed are you, ) *aster, ma1e me understand your

    (ommandments.Blessed are you, ) %oly )ne, enli"hten me with your

    (ommandments.) 'ord, your mer(y is forever/ des!ise not the wor1

    of your hands.To you is due !raise, to you is due a hymn/ to you is

    "lory due.ather, Son, and %oly S!irit, now and ever andforever. Amen.



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    Deacon: 'et us (om!lete our evenin" !rayer to the'ord.

    R.'ord, have mer(y.Prote(t us, save us, have mer(y on us, and !reserveus, ) 'ord, y your "ra(e.

    R. 'ord, have mer(y.That this whole evenin" e !erfe(t, holy, !ea(eful,and without sin, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    R. Grant this, ) 'ord. and after each following

    petition-or an an"el of !ea(e, a faithful "uide, and "uardianof our souls and odies, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    or the !ardon and remission of our sins andoffenses, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    or what is "ood and enefi(ial to our souls, and for!ea(e in the world, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    That we s!end the rest of our life in !ea(e andre!entan(e, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    or a Christian, !ainless, unashamed, !ea(eful end of

    our life, and for a "ood a((ount efore the fearsome3ud"ment seat of Christ, let us esee(h the 'ord.

    Commemoratin" our most holy, most !ure, mostlessed and "lorious 'ady, the Theoto1os and ever7Vir"in *ary with all the saints, let us (ommitourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ

    our God.R. To you, ) 'ord.


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    Priest:Great and most hi"h God, you alone !ossessimmortality and dwell in una!!roa(hale li"ht. #ou

    made all (reation with wisdom, dividin" li"ht fromdar1ness, estalishin" the sun to rule the day and themoon and stars to rule the ni"ht. #ou have allowed ussinners to a!!roa(h your !resen(e with than1s"ivin"in this !resent hour and to offer you evenin" !raise.) 'ord, 'over of us all, ma1e our !rayer as(end toyou li1e in(ense and a((e!t it as a sweet fra"ran(e.

    Grant that we may s!end the !resent evenin" and the(omin" ni"ht in !ea(e/ (lothe us with the armor ofli"ht. 8eliver us from the fears of the ni"ht and fromeverythin" that lur1s aout in dar1ness. Grant thatthe slee! you have "iven us to refresh our fati"uemay e free from all illusions of the devil. #es, )*aster of all, "iver of "ood thin"s, let us feel

    (ontrition as we lie on our eds, rememerin" yourname throu"hout the ni"ht. Enli"htened y meditationon your (ommands, may we rise with "laddened soulto "ive "lory to your "oodness, offerin" !rayers andsu!!li(ations to your (om!assion for us in our sinsand those of all your !eo!le. Visit us with mer(ythrou"h the inter(ession of the holy Theoto1os.

    or you, ) God, are "ood and love us all, and we"lorify you, ather, Son and %oly S!irit, now and everand forever. Amen.


    Priest:Pea(e e to all$R.And to your s!irit.

    Deacon:Bow your heads to the 'ord.R.To #ou, ) 'ord.


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    Priest: 'ord our God, you owed the heavens and(ame down for the salvation of the human ra(e. 'oo1u!on your servants and u!on your inheritan(e, for

    they have owed their heads and ent their ne(1s toyou, the awesome 2ud"e who love humanity. They donot e6!e(t human hel!, ut await your mer(y and lon"for your salvation. Prote(t them at all times, thisevenin" and toni"ht, from every enemy, from all thedevil

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    and a!tist, 2ohn/of the holy, "lorious, and illustrious a!ostles/R:of the holy a!ostle and evan"elist nae-,

    and of all the holy, "lorious, and illustriousa!ostles/of our holy fathers the "reat hierar(hs and universaltea(hers : Basil the Great, Gre"ory the Theolo"ian,and 2ohn Chrysostom/ of our holy father, ;i(holas the5onderwor1er, Ar(hisho! of *yra in 'y(ia/ of theholy e4uals to the a!ostles, and tea(hers of the

    Slavs, Cyril and *ethodius/ of the holy e4ual to thea!ostles, the faithful "reat !rin(e Vladimir, of the holymartyr 2osa!hat, Ar(hisho! of Polots1/ of thelessed martyr Theodore, isho! of *u1a>evo/ of ourlessed athers and Confessors Paul, Bisho! ofPre?ov and Basil, isho! of *edila, of the holy,"lorious, and vi(torious martyrs/ of our venerale and

    God7earin" fathers Anthony and Theodosius of the*onastery of the Caves/ of the holy and 3ustan(estors of God, 2oa(him and Anna/

    of the holy patron of the >hurch)of the holy saint of the day-

    and of all the saints/ we esee(h you, all7mer(iful'ord, hear the !rayers of us sinners and have mer(y

    on us.R. 'ord, have mer(y. '( ties-

    Deacon: A"ain we !ray for our holy ather, nae-,the Po!e of Rome, for his health and salvation, andthat the 'ord God may hasten and assist him ineverythin"/ ) 'ord, hear us and have mer(y.

    R.%os!odi !omilu3. '( ties-

    Deacon: A"ain we !ray for our most reverend*etro!olitan nae-, for our God7lovin" Bisho!


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    nae-, for our s!iritual fathers, and for all ourrothers and sisters in Christ, and for every Christiansoul that is trouled and affli(ted and in need of

    God0s mer(y and hel!/ for the !rote(tion of this (ityand those who dwell here/ for the !ea(e and serenityof the whole world/ for the staility of the holyChur(hes of God/ for the salvation and the assistan(eof our fathers and rothers and sisters who laor andserve with dili"en(e and fear of God, for those whoare asent and for those who are travelin"/ for the

    healin" of those who are (onfined y illness, for there!ose, lessed memory, and remission andfor"iveness of sins of all our true7elievin" fathersand rothers and sisters who have "one efore us/and for all our rothers and sisters who are !resent atthese servi(es/ and for all who have served and nowserve in this holy (hur(h, let us say:

    R. &yrie eleison. '( ties-Priest: %ear us, ) God our Savior, ho!e of all theends of the earth and of those far off at sea. And emer(iful to us, ) mer(iful *aster, on a((ount of oursins, and have mer(y on us. or you are a mer(ifuland lovin" God and we "ive "lory to you, ather,Son, and %oly S!irit, now and ever and forever.

    R. Amen.Priest: Pea(e e to all$

    R. And to your s!irit.Deacon: Bow your heads to the 'ord.

    R. To you, @ 'ord.Priest: All7mer(iful *aster, 'ord 2esus Christ ourGod, ma1e our !rayer a((e!tale: throu"h the

    !rayers of our all7!ure 'ady, the Theoto1os and ever7Vir"in *ary/ throu"h the !ower of the !re(ious and


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    life7(reatin" Cross/ throu"h the !rote(tion of thehonorale, heavenly and an"eli( !owers/ throu"h the!rayers of the honorale, "lorious !ro!het,

    forerunner, and a!tist, 2ohn/of the holy, "lorious, and illustrious a!ostles/R:of the holy a!ostle and evan"elist nae-,and of all the holy, "lorious, and illustriousa!ostles/

    of our holy fathers the "reat hierar(hs and universaltea(hers : Basil the Great, Gre"ory the Theolo"ian,

    and 2ohn Chrysostom/ of our holy father, ;i(holas the5onderwor1er, Ar(hisho! of *yra in 'y(ia/ of theholy e4uals to the a!ostles, and tea(hers of theSlavs, Cyril and *ethodius/ of the holy e4ual to thea!ostles, the faithful "reat !rin(e Vladimir, of the holymartyr 2osa!hat, Ar(hisho! of Polots1/ of thelessed martyr Theodore, isho! of *u1a>evo/ of our

    lessed athers and Confessors Paul, Bisho! ofPre?ov and Basil, isho! of *edila, of the holy,"lorious, and vi(torious martyrs/ of our venerale andGod7earin" fathers Anthony and Theodosius of the*onastery of the Caves/ of the holy and 3ustan(estors of God, 2oa(him and Anna/

    of the holy patron of the >hurch)

    of the holy saint of the day-and of all the saints/ "rant us remission of our faultsshelter us under the shadow of your win"s/ drive farfrom us every enemy and adversary/ and ma1e ourlife !ea(eful. 'ord, have mer(y on us and on yourworld and save our souls/ for you are "ood and youlove us all.

    R. Amen.


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    All process bac5 into the nave. The priest, deaconand server stand at the Tetrapod. The Aposticha forthe day are sung.

    T%E CANTICLE OF SIMEON;ow you may dismiss your servant, ) 'ord,

    in !ea(e, a((ordin" to your word/for my eyes have seen your salvation

    whi(h you have !re!ared efore the fa(e of all!eo!les,

    a li"ht for revelation to the Gentiles,and the "lory of your !eo!le, +srael.

    %oly God, %oly and *i"hty, %oly and +mmortal, havemer(y on us. % ties-

    Glory to the ather, and to the Son, and to the %oly

    S!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    *ost %oly Trinity, have mer(y on us/ 'ord, (leanse usof our sins/ *aster, for"ive our trans"ressions/ %oly)ne, (ome to us and heal our infirmities for yourname0s sa1e.

    'ord, have mer(y. times-

    Glory to the ather, and to the Son, and to the %olyS!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

    )ur ather, 5ho art in heaven, hallowed e Thyname. Thy 1in"dom (ome, Thy will e done on earth

    as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily read,and for"ive us our tres!asses as we for"ive those


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    who tres!ass a"ainst us, and lead us not intotem!tation, ut deliver us from evil.Priest: or Thine is the 1in"dom and the !ower and

    "lory, ather, Son, and %oly S!irit, now and ever andforever.R.Amen.

    The Troparia appointed for the day are now sung. Ifthere is the blessing of bread, the priest sings the firsttroparion, and the deacon &or the priest, in the

    absence of a deacon) censes the tetrapod threeties, once at each Troparion.

    >oon Troparion to the 9other of #od sungfre8uently:

    Re3oi(e, ) Vir"in Theoto1os$ *ary full of

    "ra(e, the 'ord is with you$ Blessed are youamon" women, and lessed is the fruit ofyour wom. or you "ave irth to Christ, theSavior and Redeemer of our souls.


    Deacon:'et us !ray to the 'ord.

    R.'ord, have mer(y.The priest blesses the bread, wheat, wine and oilwith one of the loaves.

    Priest: 'ord 2esus Christ our God, you lessed the

    five loaves and fed the five thousand. 'i1ewise lessthese loaves, wheat, wine, and oil, and multi!ly them


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    in this (ity and throu"h your whole world. San(tifyyour faithful who will !arta1e of them/ for you yourselfless and san(tify all thin"s, ) Christ our God, and

    we "ive "lory to you with your eternal ather andyour all7holy, "ood and life7(reatin" S!irit, now andever and forever. R. Amen.

    Priest: Blessed e the name of the 'ord, now andforever. once-All: Blessed e the name of the 'ord, now and

    forever. twice-

    The blessed bread is ta5en into the altar. Thise4cerpt fro Psal %% is sung:

    PSALM 33

    + will less the 'ord at all times/%is !raise always on my li!s.

    +n the 'ord my soul shall ma1e its oast.The humle shall hear and e "lad.

    Glorify the 'ord with me,To"ether let us !raise his name.

    + sou"ht the 'ord and %e answered me,

    and from all my terrors he set me free.'oo1 towards him and e radiant/

    let your fa(es not e aashed.This !oor man (alled/ the 'ord heard him

    and res(ued him from all his distress.The an"el of the 'ord is en(am!ed

    around those who revere him, to res(ue them.

    Taste and see that the 'ord is "ood.%e is ha!!y who see1s refu"e in him.


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    Revere the 'ord, you his saints,They la(1 nothin", those who revere him.

    Stron" lions suffer want and "o hun"ry

    ut those who see1 the 'ord la(1 no lessin".

    Priest:The lessin" of the 'ord e u!on you throu"h%is "ra(e and lovin"71indness, always, now and everand forever.R. Amen.

    Deacon: 5isdom$R. Give the lessin"$Priest: Blessed is Christ our God, the )ne75ho7+s,always, now and ever and forever.R. Amen. ) God, stren"then the true faith, foreverand ever.

    Priest: ) most holy Theoto1os, save us.R. *ore honorale than the Cheruim, and eyond(om!are more "lorious than the Sera!him, who, avir"in, "ave irth to God the 5ord, you, truly theTheoto1os, we ma"nify.

    In Pascha: Shine in s!lendor, ) new 2erusalem, for

    the "lory of the 'ord is risen u!on you. ) ion, sin"with 3oy and e "lad, and you, !ure *other of God,re3oi(e in the resurre(tion of your Son.

    Priest:Glory to #ou, ) Christ, our God, our ho!e/"lory to #ou$R.Glory to the ather, and to the Son, and to the %oly

    S!irit, now and ever and forever. Amen. 'ord, havemer(y. 'ord, have mer(y. 'ord, have mer(y. Give


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    the lessin"$

    In Pascha: Christ is risen from the dead, y death hetram!led death and to those in the toms he "rantedlife. 'ord, have mer(y/ 'ord, have mer(y/ 'ord, havemer(y. Give the lessin"$

    Disissal for 1unday:

    Priest:*ay Christ our true God, risen from the dead,have mer(y on us and save us throu"h the !rayers ofhis most !ure *other/ y the !ower of the honoraleand life7(reatin" (ross/ throu"h the !rayers of the holy,"lorious, and illustrious a!ostles, and of holy &patronof the church), and of holy the saint of the day), andthrou"h the !rayers of all the saints/ for Christ is "ood

    and loves humanity.

    Disissal for 9onday:Priest:*ay Christ our true God, have mer(y on us andsave us throu"h the !rayers of his most !ure *other/throu"h the !rote(tion of the honorale and heavenlyan"eli( !owers ....

    Disissal for Tuesday:Priest:*ay Christ our true God, have mer(y on us andsave us throu"h the !rayers of his most !ure *other/of the honorale and "lorious !ro!het, forerunner, andBa!tist 2ohn ....Disissal for

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    y the !ower of the honorale and life7(reatin"(ross ....

    Disissal for Thursday:Priest:*ay Christ our true God, have mer(y on us andsave us throu"h the !rayers of his most !ure *other/and of the holy, "lorious, and illustrious a!ostles, ofour holy father ;i(holas the 5onderwor1er,ar(hisho! of *yra ....

    Disissal for 1aturday:Priest: *ay Christ our true God, have mer(y on us andsave us throu"h the !rayers of his most !ure *other/y the !ower of the honorale and life7(reatin" (ross,throu"h the !rote(tion of the honorale and heavenlyan"eli( !owers, throu"h the !rayers of the honoraleand "lorious !ro!het, forerunner, and Ba!tist 2ohn and

    of the holy, "lorious, and illustrious a!ostles, of ourholy father ;i(holas the 5onderwor1er, ar(hisho! of*yra, of the holy, "lorious and trium!hally enevolentmartyrs, of our holy as(eti(al fathers and mother ofthe true faith, and of holy &patron of the church), andof holy the saint of the day), and of the holy an(estorsof God, 2oa(him and Anna and throu"h the !rayers of

    all the saints/ for Christ is "ood and loves humanity.

