f) Click the Save As button in the right pane to display the Save As dialog box. • If necessary, navigate to the desired save location (in this case, the Word folder in the CIS 101 folder [or your class folder] on the USB flash drive) (Save As dialog box). Type Clarke Resume Web Page in the File name text box to change the file name. Click the Change Title button to display the Enter Text dialog box. Type Clarke Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 313 p yout New folder CC AaBbCc AaBbC cC AaBb Cc C Name Date modrfit:d Typo ory I Comments I Commen... 'II' Normal No rtems match your search. Enter Text Page ttle: Clarke Resumel D The of the poge is displ.oyed in the tt<> bar of the browser. veterinary·clin1c· c Figure 5-57 Resume in the Page title text box (Enter Text dialog box) (Figure 5-57) . 0 Click the OK button (Enter Text dialog box) to close the dialog box. Click the Save button (Save As dialog box) to save the resume as a Web page and display it in the document window in Web Layout view (Figure 5-58) . • If the Microsoft Word Compatibility Checker dialog box appears, click its Continue button. <t Can I switch to Web Layout view at any time by clicking the Web Layout button? Yes. Riley-Ciarket :: • !'= • ·;;:· i ii: IJ 'ill • : ;;· L_. AABBCC I Category II Comments --- a I Normal Change .. Styles• 8982·West-CondorJ\\Ie'ntr;Oonnt"r;OH·q 4 772 804-555-2982·(home),804-555-0291·(crll)f D , ObjecthreJt .Educ.c:ionll " Wordl'l9:. To -obtarn "0 full- lime .Vel ennOry·lechnrcion -pOsrtion with "0 .Vet ennory·climc -or"School·m ·the A.A.S. -veterinary ·Technology {Donner Community Coll ege)1 May-2012'1 ..... Deon's-Ltsi,-J"Semesters, . .... Sp!ndle<Smaii·Anlmai-Medlclne·Award, ·January"20121 . .... Twin<:ree.--outstandlng-studeni<Scholarsh!p,"2011--"20121' I .... Pet H&alth ·Journal. ·J•· .Place. 'Client -Education ·Article'V .... Areas -of-concenfrolion:+-' Anesthesia "<lnd Cl1ent -edvcol1on+-' Laborotory ·tesllng'Ond-procedures.-J Poflenl-monlloring 'Ond -handhng.,; Pharmacology.,; Recordl:::eepingc Veterinary ·Assistant, Oonner ·Animal +tospita11 ................... .-:lO.l'IC- Figure 5-58 Other Ways Word switches to Web Layout view, which displays the resume much like it will look 1. Press F12, click 'Save as type' box arrow (Save As dialog box), select Single File Web Page or Web Page in list, click Save button

f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

  • Upload

  • View

  • Download

Embed Size (px)

Citation preview

Page 1: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

f) • Click the Save As

button in the right pane to display the Save As dialog box.

• If necessary, navigate to the desired save location (in this case, the Word folder in the CIS 101 folder [or your class folder] on the USB flash drive) (Save As dialog box).

• Type Clarke Resume Web Page in the File name text box to change the file name.

• Click the Change Title button to display the Enter Text dialog box.

• Type Clarke

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 313

p yout

New folder CC AaBbCc AaBbC cC AaBbCcC

Name Date modrfit:d Typo ory I Comments I Commen... 'II' Normal

No rtems match your search.

Enter Text

Page ttle:

Clarke Resumel D

The t~le of the poge is displ.oyed in the tt<> bar of the browser.

veterinary·clin1c· c

Figure 5-57

Resume in the Page title text box (Enter Text dialog box) (Figure 5-57) .

0 • Click the OK button

(Enter Text dialog box) to close the dialog box.

• Click the Save button (Save As dialog box) to save the resume as a Web page and display it in the document window in Web Layout view (Figure 5-58).

• If the Microsoft Word Compatibility Checker dialog box appears, click its Continue button.

<t Can I switch to Web ~ Layout view at any

time by clicking the Web Layout button?



:: • !'= • ·;;:· iii: -~ ~ ! ~

IJ • 'ill • : ;;· ~. L_.

AABBCC I Category II Comments




I Normal -· Change .. Styles•

8982·West-CondorJ\\Ie'ntr;Oonnt"r;OH·q 4 772 804-555-2982·(home),804-555-0291·(crll)f E·m.aif:rcia~"WOrldvrw.rrt.,

D , ObjecthreJt


" EXfil«~lence1 Wordl'l9:.

To -obtarn "0 full- lime .Vel ennOry·lechnrcion -pOsrtion with "0 .Vet ennory·climc -or"School·m ·the -Midw~t .

A.A.S. -veterinary ·Technology {Donner Community College)1 May-2012'1 • ..... Deon's-Ltsi,-J"Semesters, . .... Sp!ndle<Smaii·Anlmai-Medlclne·Award, ·January"20121 . .... Twin<:ree.--outstandlng-studeni<Scholarsh!p,"2011--"20121' I • .... Pet H&alth ·Journal. ·J•· .Place. 'Client -Education ·Article'V • .... Areas -of-concenfrolion:+-'

Anesthesia "<lnd 'Surge ry+-~

Cl1ent -edvcol1on+-' Laborotory·tesllng'Ond-procedures.-J Poflenl-monlloring 'Ond -handhng.,; Pharmacology.,; Recordl:::eepingc

Veterinary ·Assistant, Oonner ·Animal +tospita11 ..........._._,~ll ................... .-:lO.l'IC -

Figure 5-58

Other Ways

Word switches to Web Layout view, which displays the resume much like it will look

1. Press F12, click 'Save as type' box arrow (Save As dialog box), select Single File Web

Page or Web Page in list, click Save button

Page 2: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

WD 314 Word Chapter 5 Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document

3: Quick Reference li; For a table that lists how

to complete the tasks covered in this book using the mouse, Ribbon, shortcut menu, and keyboard, see the Quick Reference Summary at the back of this book, or visit the Word 2010 Quick Reference Web page (scsite.com/wd201 0/qr).

Saving to the Web If you have access to and can save files to a Web server or ITP server or have a

Sky Drive or Wmdows Live account, then you can save the Web page from Word directly to the Web server, ITP server, or Sky Drive. To learn more about saving Web pages to a Web server or ITP site using Microsoft Office programs, refer to Appendix B. To learn more about saving to Sky Drive, refer to Appendix C.


If you wanted to change the default location that Word uses when it saves a document, you would do the following.

1. Open the Backstage view and then click the Options in the Backstage view to display the Word Options dialog box.

2. Click Save in the left pane (Word Options dialog box) to display options for saving documents in the right pane.

3. In the 'Default file location' text box, type the new desired save location.

4. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

Formatting and Testing a Web Page On the Clarke Resume Web page in this chapter, the e-mail address is formatted as

a hyper link. Also, the background color of the Web page is brown. The following sections modifY the Web page to include these enhancements and then test the finished Web page.

To Format Text as a Hyperlink

The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts automatically and opens an e-mail window with the e-mail address already filled in. The following steps format the e-mail address as a hyperlink.

0 • Select the e-mail

address in the resume Web page (rclarke@ worldview.net, in this case) .

• Display the Insert tab.

• Click the Insert Hyperlink button (Insert tab I Links group) to display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Figure 5-59).

"j] ll

Clip Art


n Riley-Clarke,. 8982·West-CondorJ\w>rltr;Oc:mnE"r, 804·555·2982·(homP);804·555·029 E-mail:[email protected]!ow.tle't

,. a

tl!l E;s.lstino File or

Web Page Cyrrent Folder

!!.rowsed POijOS

Create ~ew R~ent Doci.Jlleflt Fi&es


.... BooKmark


li nks

@ Addr~s: rclarke@Worldv;ew.net

E·mail Address

Figure 5-59

.:j Header • u .J Quicr Parts • SignatUie li

Footer • .f wordArt• Date &T1me

~ P-,qt:Nl Text

~ 'JiObJ•ct • Box· He<ldt:r & Footer T•'<t

Links group

• 1.--BQol<rrw..,--.,k.-. · 'I

[, I TorQO(Fr!!me ... I

Page 3: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 315

0 • Click E-mail Address in the Link to bar (Insert Hyperlink dialog box) so that the dialog box

displays e-mail address settings instead of Web page settings.

• In the E-mail address text box, type rc larke®worldview. net to specify the e-mail address that the Web browser uses when a user clicks the hyperlink.

~ Can I change the text that automatically appeared in the 'Text to display' text box? ell 0 Yes. Word assumes that the hyperlink text should be the same as the e-mail address, so

as soon as you enter the e-mail address, the same text is entered in the 'Text to display' text box.

• If the e-mail address in the 'Text to display' text box is preceded by the text, mailto:, delete this leading text because you want only the e-mail address to appear in the document.

• Click the ScreenTip button to display the Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box.

as soon as you begin typing the e-mail address. Word inserts mailto: in front of the address

Set Hyperlink

• In the text box, type Screen Tip dialog box

Send e-mail message to Riley Clarke ~~ Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box) to specify the text that will be displayed when a user points to the hyperlink (Figure 5-60).

0 • Click the OK button in each dialog

box to format the e-mail address as a hyperlink (Figure 5-61). Riley-Ciark e t

~~' BOX'"'

Figure 5-60

~ How do I know if the hyperlink works?

~ ~ In Word, you can test the hyperlink by holding down the CTRL key while clicking the hyperlink. In this case, CTRL+clicking the e-mail address should open an e-mail window.

8982·W.,.I.'"CondorAvenUE'; Donner; OH·44772'11 804-555-2982· (home);804-555-0291·(a.>l~'ll

E-mail>rdarke worklvrw. a


Figure 5-61


If you needed to edit a hyperlink, for example, to change its Screen Tip or its link, you would follow these steps.

1. Position the insertion point in the hyperlink.

2. Click the Insert Hyperlink button (Insert tab I Links group) or press CTRL+K to display the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.


1. Right-click the hyperlink to display a shortcut menu.

2. Click Edit Hyper link on the shortcut menu to display the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.


Other Ways

1. Right-c lick selected text, click Hyperlink on shortcut menu

2. Select text, press CTRL+ K

Page 4: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

WD 316 Word Chapter 5 Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document

To Add a Background Color

The next step is to add background color to the resume Web page so that it looks more eye-catching. This Web page uses a light shade of brown. The following steps add a background color.

0 • Display the Page Layout tab.

• Click the Page Color button (Page Layout tab I Page Background group) to display the Page Color gallery.

• Point to Brown, Accent 5, Lighter 80% (ninth color in second row) in the Page Color gallery to display a live preview of the selected background color (Figure 5-62).

® Experiment

• Point to various colors in the Page Color gallery and watch the background color change in the document window.

e • Click Brown, Accent 5, Lighter 80%

to change the background color to the selected color.

background color changes, showing live preview of color to which you are pointing in gallery

Page Layout tab


View Design layout

•• • 0 I::~oColor

8982·W E'S(>Condori\VE'm.r;Donnt>r;OH·44772'1 804-555·2982·(home);804-555-0291·(cell)'j

More Colors ...

f.111Effects ...

E-mail' 1 a


Objective II


To-obtain-afvU-tlme'lteterinary·techniclan-postftonwtfh ·a"Vetennory-chntc·or-scho

A.A.S. -veterinary ·Technology {Donner<:ommunily <:ollege)l May-2012'1 • -+ Dean'si..ist. ·3-semesters, o ~ Sprndle -smaii ·Anrmai ·Medrcrne ·Award, ·January-20 I 2'1 o ~ Twin -creek-outstandrng -student -scholarshrp, -20 I I ~-20 12'1 o ~ Pet+-lea/th ·Journal, ·I·· .Place, ·Client ·Education ·Artrcle,

Figure 5-62

To Add a Pattern Fill Effect to a Background

When you changed the background color in the previous steps, Word placed a solid background color on the screen. For this resume Web page, the solid background color is a little too intense. To soften the background color, you can add patterns to it. The following steps add a pattern to the brown background.

0 • Click the Page Color button (Page

Layout tab I Page Background group) to display the Page Color gallery (Figure 5-63).

Figure 5-63

Page 5: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 317

0 • Click Fill Effects in the Page Color

gallery to display the Fill Effects dialog box.

• Click the Pattern tab (Fill Effects dialog box) to display the Pattern sheet in the dialog box.

• Click the Trellis pattern (seventh pattern in the fifth row) to select it (Figure 5-64).

0 • Click the OK button to add the

selected pattern to the current background color (Figure 5-65).

' ·Don111."r/ OH·44 772 55-0291 ·(rel~'ll


- To ·obTaTn· c

A.A.S. -IJet May'20 12'11 ..... Dean' • ... Sp1ndl .... Twin·C

• -+ Pet -He C Rotate fill effect w1th shape •-+ Areas ·

Anesth C lient·

Riley-Ciarket 89 8 2·West>Condoi"'Avem..r/Oonrrr; OH·447721 804-555-2982·(ho m.-); 804-555-0291·(<.-IQ1 E-mail' II D

Figure 5-64




selected pattern softens background color

' T0.0btaJn •a.fU f~time'Veterfnary ·fechnlctan ·posl"fionw l fh-oveterln~fi'n'ic.or'SChoo

A.A.S. Veterinary ·Technology {Donner<:ommunily <:ollege)1 May'20 121! • - Dean's-Lisf.·3'Semesters1f

· edicme ·Award,·Ja 1

Figure 5-65

To Save an Existing Document and Quit Word s: Background colors --------------------~---------------------------------------------------------- ~ VVhenyouchangethe

The Web page document now is complete. The following steps save the document again and quit Word.

0 Click the Save button on the Quick Access Tool bar to overwrite the previously saved file.

0 QuitWord.

To Test a Web Page in a Web Browser

background color, it appears only on the screen and in documents that are viewed online, such as VVeb pages. Changing the background color has no affect on a printed document.

After creating and saving a Web page, you will want to test it in at least one browser to be sure it looks and works the way you intended. The steps on the next page use Windows Explorer to display the resume Web page in the Internet Explorer Web browser.

Page 6: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

WD 318 Word Chapter 5 Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Fin ished Document

0 • Click the W indows

Explorer program button on the Windows taskbar to open the Windows Explorer window.

• Navigate to the desired save location (in th is case, the Word folder in the CIS 101 folder [or your class folder] on the USB flash drive) (Figure 5-66).


Downl o~ d s

Rec ent Places


~ Documents J Mu sic

I> ~ PICtures


4 Homegroup

• ., Compute r

local DISk (C:)


~!!) C larke Re sume

":.._ Clarke Re sume

Clarke Resume

~ Found Dog Flyor

~ Heartland Adverti sement Letter

@ Heartland lettorhead

@) Tnangulation Paper

Date modrfied

5/8/2012 8:58 .LIM

5/112012 8:24 PM

5/1110117:45 PM

5/112012 5:27 PM

5/112012 5:30PM

5/111012 5:31PM

5/ti/2012 10:56 PM

4/28/!01212:12 AM

4/27/2012 10:54 PM

5i14/l01ll:l9 AM

Windows Explorer program button

f) • Double-click the f ile

name, Clarke Resume Web Page, to start the Internet Explorer Web browser and display t he Web page file in the browser w indow (Figure 5- 67) .

11 items

Figure 5-66

Riley Clarke 8982 West Condor AvenUE:',. OonnE"r, 0H 44772 ..----------....., 804-555-2982 (home-); 904-555-0291 (crl~ e-mai l address is hyperlink E-m• lk ------i that when clicked starts

£ cluc.tion

default e-mail program

To oblatn a tvll-flme velennal'f lechoictan postlton wtlh a vGiennory chntc or schooltn the Mtdwesl.

A.A.S. Veterinary Technology (Donner Community College) Moy2012 • Dean 's List. 3 semesters

Sptndle Small Antmal Medtc tne Award. January 2012 • Twin Creek Outstanding Slvdenl Scholarship. 2011 - 2012

• Pet Health Journal, 1st Place, Chent Educafton Arf tcle • Areas of concentration:

Aneslhesta and surgery Client edvcafton Laboratory lesftng and procedures Patient monitonng and handling Pharmacology Recordkeeptng

Veterinary Assistant. Donner Animal Hospital J_onyoiV 20 II - Mav 2Q 12'


Mrcrosoft Word D ...

Mrcrosoft Word D ..

MHTML Document

MicrosoftWmd 9 ...

MrcrosoftWord D ...

Adobe .ll..o:robat D ..

XPS Uocurntnt

Mrr:rosoft Word D ...

tvhcrosoft\11/ord D ...

MrctO$Oft Word D ...

Micro~oft Word D ...

• Page '"" Safety • Tools •

Jltt Computer 1 Protected Mode: Off

Figure 5-67

Page 7: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 319

f) • With the Web page

document displaying in the Web browser, click the e-mail address link to start the

Message ln:sert Options Format Text Review -

@ Attach File 'f" Follow Up •

B I !! •IJI A Address Check Book Names

[@Attach Item • ! High Importance

tl& Signature • • low Importance

Clipboard ' :.1 Basic Text Include --l~___.:.Ta'-"g.:....' _ ___::...~.--:;:.,:,:.;;...........,.j e-mail program with the e-mail address displayed in the e-mail window (Figure 5-68). Q

e-mail address

To... r;;rc~lar~ke~@~wo~rld~v~iew~.n~et~~~ automatically ~ filled in when

Cc... window is opened

• If Internet Explorer displays a security dialog box, click its Allow button .

0 • Close all open windows.


Chapter Summary


Figure 5-68

In this chapter, you learned how to use Word to use a template to create a document, change a document theme, fill in a document template, indent a paragraph, insert building blocks, customize theme fonts, create a Quick Style, modify a style, save a Word document in a variety of formats, insert a hyperlink, and add a background color. The items listed below include all the new Word skills you have learned in this chapter.

1. Create a New Document from a Sample Template (WD 277)

2. Create a New Blank Document (WD 279) 3. Change the Document Theme (WD 279) 4. Modify Text in a Content Control (WD 283) 5. Format a Content Control (WD 283) 6. Replace Placeholder Text (WD 284) 7. Delete a Content Control (WD 284) 8. Move Table Rows (WD 286) 9. UseAutoComplete (WD 287)

10. Enter a Line Break (WD 289) 11. Indent a Paragraph (WD 2 90) 12. Insert a Building Block Using the Quick Parts

Gallery (WD 2 91) 13. Copy and Paste a Table Item (WD 293) 14. Customize Theme Fonts (WD 295) 15. Create a Quick Style (WD 296) 16. Reveal Formatting (WD 298) 17. Modify a Style Using the Styles Dialog Box

(WD 299) 18. Create a New Document from an Online Template

(WD 300)

19. Create a New Document from a Template Downloaded from Office.com (WD 301)

20. Save a Word Document as a PDF Document and View the PDF Document in Adobe Reader (WD 301)

21. Save a Word Document as an XPS Document and View the XPS Document in the XPS Viewer (WD 303)

22. Run the Compatibility Checker (WD 305) 23. Save a Word 2010 Document in an Earlier Word

Format (WD 306) 24. Save a Word 2010 Document as a Different File

Type (WD 308) 25. Send a Document Using E-Mail (WD 310) 26. Use the Document Inspector (WD 311) 27. Customize How Word Opens E-Mail Attachments

(WD 311) 28. Save a Word Document as a Web Page (WD 312) 29. Set a Default Save Location (WD 314) 30. Format Text as a Hyperlink (WD 314) 31. Edit a Hyperlink (WD 315) 3 2. Add a Background Color (WD 316) 3 3. Add a Pattern Fill Effect to a Background (WD 316) 34. Test a Web Page in a Web Browser (WD 317)


If you have a SAM 2010 user profile, your instructor may have assigned an autogradable version of this assignment. If so, log into the SAM 2010 Web site at www.cengage.com/sam2010 to download the instruction and start files.

Page 8: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

WD 320 Word Chapter 5 Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document

Test your knowledge of chapter content and key terms.

Instructions: To complete the Learn It Online exercises, start your browser, click the Address bar, and then enter the Web address scsi te. com/wd2010/learn. When the Word 2010 Learn It Online page is displayed, click the link for the exercise you want to complete and then read the instructions.

Chapter Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA Who Wants To Be a Computer Genius? A series of true/false, multiple choice, and short answer questions that test your knowledge of the chapter content.

An interactive game that challenges your knowledge of chapter content in the style of a television quiz show.

Flash Cards Wheel of Terms An interactive learning environment where you identify chapter key terms associated with displayed definitions.

An interactive game that challenges your knowledge of chapter key terms in the style of the television show Wheel of Fortune.

Practice Test Crossword Puzzle Challenge A series of multiple choice questions that test your knowledge of chapter content and key terms.

A crossword puzzle that challenges your knowledge of key terms presented in the chapter.

Reinforce the skills and apply the concepts you learned in this chapter.

Saving a Word Document as a Web Page and Other Formats Note: To complete this assignment, you will be required to use the Data Files for Students. See the inside back cover of this book for instructions on downloading the Data Files for Students, or contact your instructor for information about accessing the required files.

Instructions: Start Word. Open the document, Apply 5-1 Computers in Health Care, from the Data Files for Students. You are to save the document as a single file Web Page (Figure 5 -69), a PDF document, an XPS document, and in the Word 97-2003 format.

eJ rnhtml fHd /\\hp-d, -6---Japtop\WOfd 2010\0ffKe RTM"Appl) 5--1 (.omputers m Health Care Web Page.m - W1f'ldoyr,~ Internet Explorer

b_ Q .tfa.; \\hp·dv6·1aptop\Word 2010\0ffiu: RTM\Apply 5·1 Computers in Health Care Web Page.mht • 1 ~t I X I~ 8 ;q p •

Favontes ~ 1!9 Suggested Sites • _ ~t More Add-om •

fj mhtmlfile://\\hp·dv6·1aptop\Word 2010\0ffice ... ~ ~ ~ .. "' • f!l!t • Pillge • Safety ... Tools .... ~·


Nearly every area of health care uses computers. Whether you are vistting a family doctor for a regular checkup, having lab work or an outpatient test, or being rushed in for emergency surgery, the medical staff around you will be using computers for various purposes:

• Doctors use the Web and medical software to assist with researching and diagnosing health conditions. • Doctors use e-mail to correspond with patients. • Pharmadsts use computers to file Insurance daims. • Robots deliver medication to nurse stations 1n hospitals. • Hospitals and doctors use computers and mobile devices to mamtain and access patient records. • Computers and computerized devices assist doctors, nurses, and technicians w1th medical tests. • Computers mon1tor patients' vital signs in hospJtal rooms and at home. • Surgeons 1m plant computerized devices, such as pacemakers, that allow patients to live longer. • Surgeons use computer-controlled devices to provide them w1th greater preds1on during operations, such as for laser eye surgery and robot -assisted

heart surgery.

Two forms of long-distance health care are telemedidne and telesurgery. Through telemedldne, health-care professionals in separate locations conduct live conferences on the computer. For example, a doctor at one location can have a conference with a doctor at another location to discuss a bone X- ray. live images of each doctor, along with the X-ray, are displayed on each doctor's computer.

W1th te lesurcery, a surgeon performs an operation on a patient who is not located in the same physical room as the surgeon. Telesurgery enables surgeons to direct robots to perform an operation via computers connected to a high-speed network. -

Figure 5-69

Peiform the following tasks: 1. Save the document

as a single file Web page using the file name, Apply 5-1 Computers in Health Care Web Page.

2. Add the background color Gold, Accent 2, Lighter 80% to the Web page document. Apply the Solid diamond pattern fill effect to the background. Save the file again.

Page 9: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document Word Chapter 5 WD 321

3. Use Internet Explorer to view the Web page (shown in Figure 5 -69). Print the Web page. On the printout, identify how this document is different from the original Word document. Quit Internet Explorer and then close the Web page document in Word.

4. Open the original Apply 5-1 Computers in Health Care document. Save it as a PDF document and then view the PDF document in Adobe Reader. Submit the document as specified by your instructor. Quit Adobe Reader.

5. Using the original Apply 5-1 Computers in Health Care document, save the file as an XPS document and then view the XPS document in the XPS Viewer. Submit the document as specified by your instructor. Quit the XPS Viewer.

6. Using the original Apply 5-1 Computers in Health Care document, run the compatibility checker. Save the document in the Word 97-2003 format. Print the document. On the printout, write the issue(s) identified by the compatibility checker.

7. If your instructor allows, e-mail the document saved in #6 to his or her e-mail account.

Extend the skills you learned in this chapter and experiment with new skills. You may need to use Help to complete the assignment.

Creating a Multi-File Web Page, Inserting a Screenshot, and Saving to the Web Note: To complete this assignment, you will be required to use the Data Files for Students. See the inside back cover of this book for instructions on downloading the Data Files for Students, or contact your instructor for information about accessing the required files.

Instructions: Start Word. Open the document, Extend 5-l Vincent Resume, from the Data Files for Students. You will save a Word document as a multi-file Web page and format it by inserting links, adding a texture fill effect as the background, and applying highlights to text. Then, you will take a screenshot of the Web page in your browser and insert the screenshot in a Word document.

Peiform the following tasks: 1. Use Help to learn about saving as a Web page (not a single file Web page), hyperlinks, texture fill

effects, text highlight color, screenshots, and saving to the Web.

2. Save the Extend 5-l Vmcent Resume file as a Web page (not as a single file Web page) using the file name, Extend 5-l Vincent Resume Web Page.

3. Adjust the colunm widths in the resume table so that the resume fills the window. Convert the e-mail address to a hyperlink.

4. In the leftmost colunm, below the e-mail address, insert the Web address www.scsite.com and format it as a hyperlink so that when a user clicks the Web address, the associated Web page is displayed in the browser window.

5. Add a texture fill effect of your choice to the resume.

6. Apply a text highlight color of your choice to at least five words in the resume.

7. Change the document properties, as specified by your instructor. Save the document again. Test the Web page in Windows Explorer.

8. Take a screenshot(s) ofWmdows Explorer that shows all the files and folders created by saving the document as a Web page. Create a new Word document. Insert the screenshot(s) in the Word document. Insert callout shapes with text that points to and identifies the files and folders created by saving the document as a Web page. Change the document properties, as specified by your instructor. Save the document with the file name Extend 5-1 Vmcent Resume Wmdows Explorer Files.


Page 10: f)The e-mail address in the resume Web page should be formatted as a hyperlink. When a Web page visitor clicks the hyperlink-formatted e-mail address, his or her e-mail program starts

WD 322 Word Chapter 5 Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Fin ished Document

Extend Your Knowledge continued

9. If you have access to a Web server, FTP site, or SkyDrive (Figure 5- 70), save the Web page to the server, site, or online storage location (see Appendix B or C for instructions).

10. Submit the files in the format specified by your instructor.

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Figure 5-70

Make It Right

Analyze a document and correct all errors and/or improve the design.

Formatting a Resume Created from a Template Note: To complete this assignment, you will be required to use the Data Files for Students. See the inside back cover of this book for instructions on downloading the Data Files for Students, or contact your instructor for information about accessing the required files.

Instructions: Start Word. Open the document, Make It Right 5-1 Buckman Resume Draft, from the Data Files for Students. The document is a resume created from a template that is formatted incor­rectly (Figure 5 -71). You are to change the margins, modify styles, adjust paragraph indent, modify a content control, remove a hyperlink format, and change the document theme.

Peifonn the following tasks: 1. Change the margins, and left and right indent, so that the resume text does not run into the orange

borders on the right side of the page and text is balanced on the page.

adjust paragraph indent

change document theme

Tremont· College,· Apollo, ·WY· ·M ay·2012 '!I BAm SpamshV

tic1pa.ted ·m studJr abroacl·prOiram ·tw1ce, spenchng a semestEr ea .elona and Madnd, Spamf

- Mmo in English Literature1f - Membe ··of -Colleee's Spanish National Honor -Society1 - Currentl enrolled m master's -deeree- courses, w1th projected 2(




Teaching·Aosistant,'l'remontoCollege· -August·2011·-·MaJ ·201 :( • - Assisted- professors · w1th preparation of ·classroom materu.U, • - Graded papers, tests, -and -qu1zzes1[ • - Supennsed. -laboratory projects1'

• - Ad.mimstered testsf

Figure 5-71

remove hyperlink from e-mail address

2. Modify the Normal style so that the text is a color other than red.

3. Fix the indent of the first three section headings (OBJECTIVE, EDUCATION, and EXPERIENCE) so that they are aligned with the text on the left, like the SKILLS heading.

4. Use the Reveal Formatting task pane to determine the font size of text in the Subsection style. Modify the Section style so that it uses a font size that is greater than the font size of the Subsection style.