Eagle Vision Campus Newsletter June 2011 A STRONG 2010 – A STRONGER 2011! The graduating class of 2011 – will they run with perseverance the race that God has set before them? From a human perspective, high school performance is not always the best predictor of future success in college or in life. Dz dz ϐǤ ϐ Ǥ Dzǯ dz Ǥ ǯ Ǥ ǡ ϐ ǡ He will carry it on to ȋǤ ͳǣȌǤ ǡ Ǥ ʹͲͳͳ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ͲΨ Ǥ ȋ͵Ǥͺ ȌǤ Ǥ ȋ Ȍ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ʹ͵Ǥ͵ ǯ Ǥ ͳΨ Ǥ ǡ ͳͲͲΨ Ǥ ǡ ǣ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ Dzǯ Ǩdz ϐ ǯ Ǥ ϐ Ǩ ~Dr. David Butlerǡ Ǥ Karen Bakerǡ

Eagle Vision June 2011

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  • EagleVisionCampus Newsletter

    June 2011

    A STRONG 2010 A STRONGER 2011!The graduating class of 2011 will they run with perseverance the race that God has set before them?From a human perspective, high school performance is not always the best predictor of future success in college or in life. He will carry it on to ~Dr. David ButlerKaren Baker

  • pray that you capture the depth of our mission to build into the hearts of our children, at every stage of development, a discerning ability to interpret the world around them through the lens of

    in the education of your child. I have seen our students learn to respect each other and treat each other with the kind of respect each other and treat each other with kindness and respect, the student body as a whole can concentrate on their school work! I blessing to be able to be part of training young people to respect

    A Message from the Elementary Principal

    Mrs. Hunstman

    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    In this issue...


    th grade, we witnessed a passion ignite within our students and it became even more to foster a spirit of servanthood in our students for years to come. Imagine

    Servathon Testimonials:

    I went with the Senior Class yesterday to Grace Centers of Hope in Pontiac for their Servathon project. Everyone worked hard clearing a huge pile of tree limbs and old Christmas trees (actually moving all of it to a different location a little over a block away so it could be disposed of by a chipper machine later)

    and cleaning up trash and raking the woodchips on their playground. We broke for lunch after those jobs were completed around 11:30 am and then went to Oak Hills Cemetery that the City of Pontiac has asked Grace Center to help maintain. They, along with the

    citys personnel, were preparing the cemetery for a

    were asked to clean up last falls pile of dead leaves that had collected along a fence-line. It may not sound like much when describing it here, but trust methere were a lot of leaves. It was quite a long fence-line and the leaves were probably 18 to 2 deep in some spots. As we raked them down the fence-line and onto a paved area, they initially tried to sweep them up with a road sweeper vehicle and when that didnt work well, they brought in an end-loader to pick up the leave piles and dumped many loads of leaves in dump trucks!! When we returned to Grace Centers of Hope around 2:00 pm to return the rakes we borrowed from them, the gentleman in charge made similar remarks as the Vista Marie peoplemany thank you comments and he also said Please dont forget us. Come back anytime. So it may be we have a partner there that we can serve in years to come, too! Praise God! What a great day! ~ Carol Greve

    Dear Friend, You are worth more than pure gold! God treasures you and holds you in His hands. Hi, my name is Quinn I am 10 years old. Now listen, never feel like you dont have any friends because you have Jesus. He loves you so much that He died on the cross for your sins.

  • If the investors wanted to hear how their investment paid off with our students, they would be very pleased to hear about the raves from the people at Vista Maria. The men in charge of the work detail said our 50 sophomores were truly exceptional doing heavy landscaping in clay soil with their great work ethic and fantastic attitudes. Trust me, it was very hard work! The volunteer coordinator, Janice Coakley, pulled me aside and said that she had in all her years never seen a group like ours. She wants to be part of our Servathon for many years to come. We got far more work done than expected and she was deeply touched by the prayer at lunch by one of our sophomores. I dont know of any parent who wouldnt want their son or daughter to be singled out for their Christ-like servants heart like these sophomores received from Vista Maria.

    thDear Friend,Jesus loves you a lot and so do I. I pray for you every single night I rest my eyes. My classmates and I are wishing and praying for you to one day conquer the world and have everyone know who you are. Jesus is watching over you and has something planned for your life. Remember that Jesus has your life in His powerful saving hands.

    Thank you for partnering with us in our endeavor to train students to live a life of service to the Lord and their community.

    Jesse Backman and he is a lieutenant in the rd grade students learn more.


    speech workshops and parent coaching, our students develop techniques to

    SENIOR TRIP 2011COSTA RICA great destination for the The class had the wonderful opportunity to travel at the end of March and spend eight days sightseeing, ministering, volunteering, white water rafting, The following was an email written during the trip. All is well right now in Costa Rica. It is awesome here. White water rafting was amazing!!! We saw two toucans and many cool birds. For the past two days we have been able to play with kids at a church, and the joy that is found is almost unreal. Though they live in the poorest part of Costa Rica, they are so happy by the littlest things such as a photo. They love for you to take photos and show them the picture. This trip I have found to be very meaningful; it has so much more than just sightseeing. Today we scraped paint off of a wall

    for two and a half hours; it was hot but we all had fun and got a lot done. Sunday we were able to teach the Sunday school class for the kids, and I had a little girl that sat on my lap for most of the time whose name was Dirde. The places they live in are so desolate and poor. It has been such a humbling experience. We also were able to attend a church service. It was all in Spanish and it was amazing just to see other people worshipping God in a different language. ~Erica Smith, PCA senior


    LETS BREAK SOME GROUND!Thursday, June 9th at 11:30 am.LETS BREAK SOME GROUND!!

  • red with an award for her art portfolio. including charcoal, pencil, and colored pencil. The contest was

    Aitken (left), her art teacher at Plymouth Christian Academy

    Life of Keys. The artwork was presented in a digital show at

    Arts in Motionin Michigan. Flying Fish,

    copy of the cover.

    received gift card awards from the yearbook staff, who sponsored the contest.

    sponsored by the art department.National Art Honor Society New this year!

    Fine Arts Trips

    and key to their cultural growth.

    The Herff Jones workshop was such a great experience! I learned so many different things! Its amazing to see how much detail goes into making the yearbook. Im really excited to apply all the tips and information that we learned this summer. ...I learned so much about what goes into making a book. Seeing a new way to make a yearbook has really inspired our staff...

    Fine Arts Awards

    DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!drama, Little Womenbeen more proud of the work the students put into the production and run of Little Women.

  • This is how were getting there!Will you join us?

    purpose for their lives. Catch the Vision

    andBuild a foundation for the next generation!

    Catching the Vision!The vision of Plymouth Christian is to develop world-changing community leaders

    who impact lives for Christ with unmistakable purpose.

    Thats where were going.


    Even though it has been almost two years since I graduated from PCA in 2009, I thought it necessary to let you know that it is still paying off for me in big ways. Currently, I am a sophomore at Syracuse University majoring in Political Science. My goal is to eventually contribute to the government process in D.C. Because of my connection to PCA and the reputation it has, I was able to secure an internship working with Congressman Thaddeus McCotter on Capitol Hill this summer through Aaron Welty, who previously attended PCA and currently works for the Congressman as well. Taking the trip to D.C. as junior and having A.P. U.S. History and Government with Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Gillett furthered my excitement to be involved in government. Thank you for your commitment to holding this school to higher standards. I am so thankful for it and it seems to be paying off. The lessons I learned at PCA have been invaluable and I thought you should know.

    WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? YOUR CLASSMATES WANT TO KNOW! email, [email protected], careers, and families. It provides inspiration and encouragement to our staff and current families to hear your stories. 1982





    2002his out eye for that special person!


  • 2004th2006practice medicine there at little to no cost to patients. The last two years he has done plant genetic research and hopes



    outside of our building. This has been an this spring! n It means that our students learn lessons about the importance

    creation. n their belongings, their homes, and their community. n and saving money by turning off lights and water. n teaching the students a radical


    its future, not us.Keep up the good work Green Team!

    Happy Trails to You!A big ole hearty thanks for turning out in record numbers IRUWKLV\HDUV:LOG:HVW)XQ)DLU7KLVVSHFWDFXODU


    amazing volunteers. Parents, thank you for your generous GRQDWLRQVRISRSFDNHDQGFDQG\


    winner, Mrs. Lucy Morris, grandma to Emily and Rachel Palms.


    Jail construction expertMr. Jim Paladino Sheriffs %XWOHU:LWNRZVNL

    Chuckwagon Chicks Kristy Jewell & %ULGJHW:KHHOHU DQGZKDWZRXOGD)XQ)DLU be without 5HQHH%XEEOHV0F.HQ]LH

    Thanks and see yall next year!

  • 2011


    Happy Birthday PCA!Introducing the 22nd Annual Auction35 YEARS OF EDUCATING FOR ETERNITY!

    who helped to establish the school and others who have worked through the years to better

    The auction consists of a silent auction, live entertainment and a live auction. The silent auction has eight different segments There is a special birthday surprise in store for this memorable evening!READY, SET, AUCTION!


    PARENT-TEACHER FELLOWSHIP THANKS ALL THE PCA VOLUNTEERS!tremendous impact and we want you to know how much you are appreciated! Books for M Magnetic white board for Mrs. Davis Our teachers, staff, and students THANK YOU!

    This year by unanimous vote, Dr. David Butler and Mrs.

    and the legacy that they will leave as they retire. It was my senior year, tells Dr. Butler, and one of the high school teachers asked me to teach his class. It was a tenth grade math class, and I had a free period, so I decided I would teach it. But little did he know that instructing this class is what would spark his passion for teaching. I fell in love with the kids right away. They gave me great feedback and I knew I could work well with these kids.Dr. Butler, originally planning to become a lawyer and a

    the most.Dr. Butler, a truly humble man, has made a great impact on each student changed many lives, revealed the fruits of his teaching was Zinn sang Thank You for Giving to the Lord and everyone stood up, I knew the of my career. There is no doubt that Dr. Butler loves his students and has impacted them for the good, but with a meek attitude and a humble heart, he gives all the credit to ten years left in me, and I plan to use all ten of them for the

    Thank you so much Dr. and Mrs. Butler! We love you!



    school records have been shattered!Girls:

    receiving at least one medal! Boys:

    Way to go PC

    A Eagles!!

    Bee in Illinois. Twenty-four students from third through eighth grade participated in

    with hundreds of other students in the mid-west region. This was our eleventh year competing in this event. highest number of students placing


  • WHAT really MATTERS

    SUMMERS AT PCAGround Breaking Ceremony

    Thursday, June 9, 11:30 amLocker Room Construction

    June 10Plymouth Christian Academy

    Summer Camps 2011 http://www.plymouthchristian.org/news_detail.cfm?newsid=62563

    Golf Outing Monday, August 27, 2011

    http://www.plymouthchristian.org/golf-outing.cfmWelcome Back Picnic

    August 24 from 4-7:30 pm

    SUMMER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTSprovisions, it is only natural to share with you over and above tuition to sustain and enhance


    honoring chapel with your grandchildren.

  • assurance as this twelve month search process concludes. During the Thursdays to facilitate the leadership transition.

    Thank you,

    Welcome to PCA

    !Dr. Mark K. Wood

  • plan to attend in the fall.

    The National Merit Scholarship Program

    percent of the nation.

    Congratulations PCA Seniors!