Student U & the Durham Art Guild: Creative Mentorship Program | Student Application

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Student U & the Durham Art Guild: Creative Mentorship Program | Student Application

Student U & the Durham Art Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


Express yourself! Explore new art media!

Work one-on-one with a local professional artist! Exhibit your artwork in a professional gallery!

Sell your artwork! PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Student U and Durham Art Guild Creative Mentorship Program aims to empower students to develop and take ownership of their artistic ability and unique creative voice, while fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of a specific artistic field. This 20-week program gives students the opportunity to develop their art under the mentorship of a local artist, participate in monthly workshops and take fun educational field trips to arts organizations and museums in the area. The program culminates in a collaborative exhibit of student and mentor work at the Room 100 Gallery at GoldenBelt. The artistic media that students explore may include paint, print-making, photography, drawing, digital graphic design, encaustic (painting with hot wax), sculpture (wood and metal) and fiber arts (sewing, knitting, and weaving). Students who participate commit to the following:

o Meet weekly with your artist mentor for 20 weeks in the spring o Attend an Orientation with all participating students, parents and mentors o Attend monthly art field trips around the Triangle with all participating students and mentors (past

locations have included Supergraphic Screenprinting, the Ackland Art Gallery, the Nasher) o Bring their energy and enthusiasm to exploring new art methods and working with their mentor

We encourage all high school students with an interest in the arts to apply for this opportunity. Good candidates will be able to express their interest in the arts and their commitment to developing their craft. We will select 5 students to participate in the program. Application due: Nov. 19, 2016 PROGRAM CALENDAR Family Orientation: Thursday, January 7, 2017, 5:30 – 8:30pm, at Golden Belt, 807 E Main St. Weekly Student-Mentor Meetings January 9 – May 22, 2017 at Golden Belt, 807 E Main St, Durham, 27701 Weekly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays for a 2 hour block between 3pm – 6pm Monthly Field Trips and Workshops (Time to be determined as locations and activities are confirmed. We will do our very best to keep them between 12-5:00 pm and under 4 hours including transportation) Saturday, January 21, 2017 Saturday, February 25, 2017 Saturday, March 25, 2017 Saturday, April 29, 2017 Exhibition Dates June 3, 2017: Installation of show in Room 100 at Golden Belt

Student U & the Durham Arts Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


June 6, 2017, 6pm: Artist Talk with students and mentors June 9, 2017, 6 – 9pm: Reception with students, parents and sponsors June 16, 2017, 6 – 9pm: Third Friday Durham (optional) June 24, 2017, 12 – 4pm: Exhibition Takedown & Final Celebration STUDENT APPLICATION COMPONENTS:

1. Applicant Information 2. Student Commitment Form 3. Parent Commitment Form 4. Student Response Section

Applications must be submitted in writing to Student U, either by mail or email. Send applications to: Daysi Hurtado Student U 3116 Academy Rd. Durham, NC 27707

Or email: [email protected] Please include “Art Application” in the subject line.

If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns, please contact Ms. Daysi at [email protected] or call her directly at 919-813-0294 with any questions. APPLICATION DUE: November 19, 2016 to Ms. Daysi

Student U & the Durham Art Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Home or Cell Phone: _______________________ Current School: _____________________________ Parent Email: _____________________________ Student Email: ______________________________ Current GPA: ______________________ 2. STUDENT COMMITMENT FORM

The Creative Mentorship Program is a 20-week program leading up to a one-month exhibition. Participating students commit to working with Durham Art Guild mentors for 2 hours every week and four Saturday field trips from January 9 – May 22, 2017, and be actively involved in the exhibit in June 2017. This consistent weekly commitment ensures that your mentors can support you, you can take full advantage of the arts resources offered by the program, and you can grow as an artist. Students must continue to fully participating in all other Student U High School Program requirements (checking in with your advocate, attending monthly cluster meetings, attending U-Prep & Community Days) in order to participate in the Creative Mentorship Program. Students will participate in ALL of the following:

o Family Orientation: January 7 o Weekly Student-Mentor Meetings, January - May o Monthly Field Trips and Workshops: Last Saturday of each month, January - April o Exhibition Dates in June

Please look at the Program Calendar on page 2 and list any schedule conflicts that you may have with the components of the program. An inability to commit to all components will not necessarily harm your chances for being selected to participate. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask Ms. Daysi. __________________________________________________________________________________


By signing below, I commit to fully participating in all the components of this program listed above. I understand that I must continue to fully participate in all other Student U High School Program Requirements in order to participate in the Creative Mentorship program. Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Student U & the Durham Arts Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


3. PARENT COMMITMENT FORM (This section should be completed by a parent/guardian). Una copia en español en la próxima página Dear Parent or Guardian, The Student U and Durham Art Guild Creative Mentorship Program is a excellent, free opportunity for students to develop their creative voice and learn under the mentorship of a professional local artist. The success of this program depends on parents’ support of their students in the participation of all aspects of this program. Participating students commit to working with Durham Art Guild mentors for 2 hours every week and one Saturday a month (up to 4 hours) from January 9 – May 22, 2017, and be actively involved in the exhibit in June 2017. The consistent weekly commitment to attend student-mentor meetings from January – May ensures that the artist mentors can support students, students can take full advantage of the arts resources offered by the program, and students can grow as artists. Student U and the Durham Art Guild will cover the cost of all materials for the program. However, families are responsible for their own transportation to the weekly meetings with artist mentors at Golden Belt and to monthly Saturday field trips (students will meet at Golden Belt). During the Creative Mentorship Program, students must continue to fully participating in all other Student U High School Program requirements (checking in with your advocate, attending monthly cluster meetings, attending U-Prep & Community Days). Please answer each of the following questions. Please type or neatly handwrite your responses and attach them to your child’s application. We look forward to your responses and working together. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Daysi at 919-813-0294 or [email protected] Parent or Guardian Name: ____________________________ The best way to contact you: __________________________ 1. Will you be able to provide transportation for your child? If not, how will your child get to and from

their weekly meetings with their artist mentor at Golden Belt?

2. What do you hope your child will learn or gain from the Creative Mentorship experience?

3. Please list any concerns you have about your child’s participation or schedule conflicts you may have:

By my answers to these questions and my signature below, I fully support my student’s participation in this program and will do what I can to ensure his/her success. Parent or Guardian Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________

Student U & the Durham Art Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


3. HOJA DE COMPROMISO DEL PADRE (Esta sección tiene que ser llenado por el padre o tutor legal del estudiante). Estimado padre o tutor legal, En colaboración con el Gremio de Arte de Durham, Student U ofrece un Programa Creativa de Mentores, una oportunidad excelente y gratis para los estudiantes de desarrollar su voz creativa y aprender bajo la tutoría de un artista profesional local. El éxito de este programa cuenta con los padres para apoyar la participación de los estudiantes en cada aspecto de este programa. Los estudiantes que participan se comprometen a trabajar con su mentor del Gremio de Arte de Durham por 2 horas cada semana y un sábado cada mes (hasta 4 horas) desde el 9 de enero hasta el 22 de mayo de 2017 y ser involucrado activamente en la exposición de arte en junio de 2017. El compromiso semanal constante de asistir a las juntas con su mentor de enero a mayo asegura que los mentores artistas puedan apoyar a los estudiantes, que los estudiantes aprovechen de los recursos artísticos del programa, y que los estudiantes crezcan como artistas. Student U y el Gremio de Arte de Durham cubrirán todos los costos de materiales para el programa. Sin embargo, las familias son responsables de su propio transporte a las juntas semanales con los mentores artistas en Golden Belt (807 E Main St, Durham, 27701) y a los paseos un sábado cada mes (los estudiantes partirán de Golden Belt para estos paseos). Durante el Programa Creativa de Mentores, los estudiantes deben continuar participando plenamente en todos los otros requisitos del programa de escuela secundaria de Student U (juntas semanales con su mentor académico de Student U, asistir a las reuniones mensuales de Student U en su escuela, asistir a los días comunitarias y días U-Prep en Student U). Favor de contestar las siguientes preguntas. Se puede escribir sus respuestas a máquina o claramente a mano y adjuntarlas a este solicitud. Esperamos sus respuestas y trabajar juntos. Si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con la Srta. Daysi en 919-813-0294 o [email protected] Nombre del padre o tutor legal: ____________________________ La mejor manera de comunicarse con usted: __________________________ 1. ¿Va a poder proporcionar transporte para su hija/o? Si no va a poder, ¿cómo va a ir y venir de Golden Belt

su hija/o para sus juntas semanales con su mentor artista?

2. ¿Qué espera usted que su hija/o aprenderá de este experiencia de arte?

3. Escriba cualquiera inquietudes que usted tenga sobre la participación de su hija/o en este programa o

conflictos de horario que tengan.

Con mis repuestas a estas preguntas y con mi firma abajo, yo apoyo la participación de mi hija/o en este programa y que haré todo lo posible para asegurarme de su éxito.

Student U & the Durham Arts Guild: Creative Mentorship Program Student Application


Firma del padre o tutor legal: ____________________________ Fecha: __________ 4. STUDENT RESPONSE SECTION Please type or neatly handwrite your responses to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please remember that this is a selective program and your essays will weigh heavily in your application. We encourage you to write your essays ahead of time and have them proofread by teachers, advocates, friends and/or friends. This section must be completed by the student.

1) Why do you want to participate in the Creative Mentorship Program? How will this opportunity influence your development as an artist and a student? (150-300 words)

2) How will you use your experience in this program to benefit the Student U community? (75 - 300 words)

3) What type of art medium/media are you interested in studying? List as many media as you would be

interested in exploring. (A medium is a material or technical means of artistic expression. This includes but is not limited to drawing, painting, photography, film, print-making, graphic design, sculpture (wood and metal) and fiber arts (sewing, knitting, and weaving).)

4) What other extracurricular activities will you be participating in during the spring (sports, clubs, youth

groups, etc.)? Please include when and how often you will participate in these. How will you manage your time so that you can be fully engaged in the Creative Mentorship program while continuing to participate in these other activities?