Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Ştiinţe Juridice, Nr. 2/2011 Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2011 27 DE LA DECLARATIA DE INDEPENDENTA LA CONSTITUTIA SUA. CONTEXTUL ECONOMIC SI POLITIC Prof. univ. dr. Dorel Dumitru CHIRITESCU Universitatea „ Constantin Brâncuşi” din Tg-Jiu Abstract: Se implinesc in acest an 235 de ani de la aparitia unuia dintre cele mai importante documente manifest din istoria social-politica a lumii- Declaratia de independenta a Statelor Unite ale Americii. Acest veritabil certificat de nastere al natiunii americane a aparut la 4 iulie 1776, zi devenita sarbatoarea nationala a SUA.Cele 13 colonii britanice din America resping resping dominatia imperiului , aceasta data marcand aparitia unui nou stat independent pe harta lumii ,stat a carui structura si organizare vor fi definitivate dupa 1783 ,cand Anglia va recunoaste prin Tratatul de la Versailles ,independenta coloniilor. Declaraţia de Independenţă a Statelor Unite ale Americii este un document prin care cele treisprezece colonii ale Marii Britanii din America de Nord s-au declarat independente de Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, explicând în acelaşi timp motivele pentru care au făcut-o. Constituţia SUA, adoptată în 1789, a fost un document hotărâtor, fără precedent în istorie prin

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201127DE LA DECLARATIA DEINDEPENDENTA LA CONSTITUTIASUA. CONTEXTUL ECONOMIC SIPOLITICProf. univ. dr. Dorel Dumitru CHIRITESCUUniversitatea Constantin Brncui din Tg-JiuAbstract: Se implinesc in acest an 235 de ani de laaparitia unuia dintre cele mai importante documentemanifest din istoria social-politica a lumii- Declaratia deindependenta a Statelor Unite ale Americii. Acest veritabilcertificat de nastere al natiunii americane a aparut la 4 iulie1776, zi devenita sarbatoarea nationala a SUA.Cele 13colonii britanice din America resping resping dominatiaimperiului , aceasta data marcand aparitia unui nou statindependent pe harta lumii ,stat a carui structura siorganizare vor fi definitivate dupa 1783 ,cand Anglia varecunoaste prin Tratatul de la Versailles ,independentacoloniilor. Declaraia de Independen a Statelor Unite aleAmericii este un document prin care cele treisprezececolonii ale Marii Britanii din America de Nord s-audeclarat independente de Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii,explicnd n acelai timp motivele pentru care au fcut-o.Constituia SUA, adoptat n 1789, a fost undocument hotrtor, fr precedent n istorie princoninutul i simplitatea sa. Se asigura protejareaproprietii private n concordan cu libertileindividuale, exceptndu-se sclavia care persista n Sud.Procesul de elaborare a Constituiei a fost unul destul deanevoios, presrat cu conflicte de idei i de interese. nurma disputelor i a compromisurilor, Convenia a adoptatproiectul final dup patru luni de la nceperea lucrrilor. Lamijlocul anului 1788 Constituia era deja ratificat demajoritatea statelor, procesul continund pn n 1791.Cuvinte cheie: Declaratia de Independenta,Constituie, sclavia, coloniiSe implinesc in acest an 235 de ani de laaparitia unuia dintre cele mai importantedocumente manifest din istoria social-politica alumii- Declaratia de independenta a StatelorUnite ale Americii. Acest veritabil certificat denastere al natiunii americane a aparut la 4 iulie1776 si autorul sau a fost Thomas Jefferson, alFROM DECLARATION OFINDEPENDENCE TO U.S.CONSTITUTION. THE ECONOMICAND POLITICAL CONTEXTUniversity Professor Dorel DumitruCHIRITESCU Constantin Brncui University of Tg-JiuAbstract: Two hundred and thirty five yearshave passed since the appearance of one of the mostimportant manifesto of the social and political history ofthe world-Declaration of Independence of the UnitedStates of America. This genuine birth certificate of theU.S. nation appeared on July 4, 1776, a day thatbecame the national holiday of the USA. The thirteenBritish colonies in America reject domination of theempire, this time marking the emergence of a newindependent state on the world map, a state whoseorganization and structure will be completed after 1783,when England will recognize the Treaty of Versaillesand independent colonies. Declaration of Independenceof United States is a document that shows that thethirteen colonies of British North America declaredthemselves independent of the United Kingdom of GreatBritain, while explaining why they did it.U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1789, was acrucial document, unprecedented in the history throughits content and simplicity. Protection of private propertyin accordance with individual freedoms, except slaverythat persisted in the South were ensured. Constitutionmaking was fairly arduous, strewn with conflicting ideasand interests. Following disputes and compromises, theConvention adopted the final draft after four months ofstarting work. In mid 1788 the Constitution was alreadyratified by most countries, the process continuing until1791.Key words: Declaration of Independence,Constitution, Slavery, coloniesTwo hundred and thirty five years havepassed since the appearance of one of the mostimportant manifesto of the social and politicalhistory of the world-Declaration ofIndependence of the United States of America.This genuine birth certificate of the U.S. nation Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201128treilea presedinte american.Filosofia politica pe care s-a intemeiatAmerica cuprinde urmatoarele principii: putereaguvernului deriva in mod democratic din puterenatiunii, rolul guvernului este acela de a promovalibertatile si interesele tuturor cetatenilor,libertatea cuvantului,libertatea religioasa, dreptulla libera asociere, libertatea presei. Radacinileacestei veritabile filosofii se gasesc in MagnaCharta Libertatum aparuta in Marea Britanie in1215 , act prin care nobilimea engleza impunearecunoaserea de ctre rege a drepturilor sale,Petition of Right si Hales Corpus Acte,documente aparute tot in Marea Britanie la 1628si 1679 si care urmareau ingradireaabsolutismului monarhic. Cand discutam despreradacinile filosofiei politice cuprinse inDeclaratia de Independenta trebuie sa maiamintim Contractul Social aparut in Franta la1762 si semnat de Jean Jacques Rousseau . Documentul despre care vorbim a aparutin ziua de 4 iulie, zi devenita sarbatoareanationala a SUA.Cele 13 colonii britanice dinAmerica resping resping dominatia imperiului ,aceasta data marcand aparitia unui nou statindependent pe harta lumii ,stat a carui structurasi organizare vor fi definitivate dupa 1783 ,candAnglia va recunoaste prin Tratatul de laVersailles ,independenta coloniilor. Thomas Jefferson este unul dintreparintii fondatori ai Americii. De asemenea a fostguvernator al statului Virginia intre 1779 si 1781.Intre anii 1784 si 1789 a fost ambasadr in Frantasi la revenire in tara a fost membru al cabinetului.In anul 1796 a candidat la presedintie dar a fostinvins de John Adams. In anul 1800 a candidatdin nou si a devenit al treilea presedinteamerican. A fost un presedinte moderat siconciliant cu adversarii sai ,creand un precedentvaloros de atitudina in politica americana.Dupa incetarea Razboiului Civil ,lideriinorditi au fost de acord c victoria finalreprezint mai mult dect doar ncetarea luptelor.Ea trebuia s cuprind cele dou scopuri alerzboiului: secesiunea trebuia repudiat total, itoate formele de sclavie trebuia s fie eliminate.Ei nu au czut de acord asupra criteriilor pentruaceste scopuri, asupra gradului de control federalappeared on July 4, 1776 and its author wasThomas Jefferson, the third U.S. president.The political philosophy America wasfounded on includes the following principles:the power of government democraticallyderives from the power of the nation, thegovernment's role is to promote freedoms andinterests of all citizens: freedom of speech,freedom of religion, freedom of association,freedom of the press. The roots of this realphilosophy are to be found in Magna ChartaLibertatum that appeared in Britain in 1215, anact which imposed the acknowledgement ofthe English nobilitys rights by the king, in thePetition of Right and Hales Corpus Acts, alsoappeared in United Kingdom in 1628 and 1679and who sought to restrict monarchicalabsolutism.When discussing about the roots ofpolitical philosophy contained in theDeclaration of Independence one shouldmention Social Contract appeared in France in1762 and signed by Jean Jacques Rousseau.The document we are talking about occurredduring 4th of July, a day that became thenational holiday of the USA. The thirteenBritish colonies in America reject dominationof the empire, this time marking the emergenceof a new independent state on the world map, astate whose organization and structure will becompleted after 1783, when England willrecognize the Treaty of Versailles andindependent colonies. Thomas Jefferson is one of thefounding fathers of America. He was agovernor of Virginia between 1779 and 1781and ambassador in France between 1784 and1789. In 1796 he ran for president but wasdefeated by John Adams. In 1800 he ran againand became the third American president. Hewas a moderate and conciliatory president withhis opponents, creating a valuable precedent inAmerican political attitudes.After the Civil War ended, the northernleaders agreed that final victory is more thanjust the cessation of fighting. It must containthe two goals of the war: secession had to berepudiated and all forms of slavery had to be Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201129ce avea s fie impus Sudului, i asupra procesuluiprin care statele din Sud aveau s fie reintegraten Uniune.Reconstrucia, care a nceput nc dintimpul rzboiului i s-a terminat n 1877, aimplicat o serie complex i n rapid schimbarede politici la nivel federal i de stat. Rezultatul petermen lung a venit sub forma a treiamendamente ale Constituiei, denumiteamendamentele rzboiului civil: Amendamentulal 13-lea, care a abolit sclavia; Amendamentul al14-lea, care a extins proteciile legale federale nmod egal aspra tuturor cetenilor indiferent deras; i Amendamentul al 15-lea, care a abolitrestriciile rasiale asupra dreptului de vot.Sclavia a luat sfrit n SUA nprimvara lui 1865 cnd armatele confederate aucapitulat. Toi sclavii din Confederaie au fosteliberai prin Proclamaia de emancipare, carestipula c toi sclavii din zonele confederate eraudeclarai liberi. Sclavii din statele de grani idin regiunile Sudului controlate de Uniune aufost eliberai prin aciunea statelor sau prinAmendamentul al 13-lea la Constituia SUA (la6 decembrie 1865). Lumea nou beneficia decteva avantaje pe care le putem enuna:structurile mentale, altele dect cele alecontinentalilor care veneau dup un ev mediuntunecat i n care conservatorismul social ipolitic juca un rol esenial; un alt sistem de valorial societii marcat de individualism,pragmatismul, capacitatea de inovare,mobilitatea fizic i social, practica de afaceribazat pe lege i contract. Sunt structurile imecanismele unui tip de societate, ale unei noilumi. Americanul este o combinaie rar depragmatism i idealism, de viziune ndrznea icapaciti manageriale de firm. Nu n ultimulrnd este vorba aici despre simul de proprietate,aprat de cele mai multe ori cu pistolul n mn,de respectarea legii i a cuvntului dat. Pn la Declaraia de Independen din 4iulie 1776, economia coloniilor americane acrescut ntr-un ritm relativ lent dar constant.Conform datelor statistice ale vremii este vorbade un ritm de 0,3% pe an ntre 1650 i 1725,0.4% pe an ntre 1725 i 1750; 0.5% pe an ntre1750 i 1775.removed. They have not agreed on criteria forthese purposes, the degree of federal controlthat would be imposed on the South, and theprocess by which the Southern States would bereintegrated into the Union.Reconstruction, which began during war andended in 1877, involved a complex and rapidchange in federal and state policy. Long-termresult came in the form of three amendments tothe Constitution, called the Civil Waramendments: the 13th Amendment, whichabolished slavery, the 14th Amendment, whichextended federal legal protections to allcitizens equally regardless the race, and the15th Amendment, which abolished racialrestrictions on voting rights.Slavery ended in U.S. in the spring of1865 when Confederate armies surrendered.All slaves in the Confederacy were released bythe Emancipation Proclamation, whichstipulated that all slaves were declared free inConfederate areas. Slaves in border states andSouthern regions controlled by the Union werereleased by the action of States or by the 13thAmendment to the U.S. Constitution (on 6December 1865). New world benefit fromseveral advantages that we can mention:mental structures other than those ofContinental coming after the dark Middle Ageswhere the social and political conservatismplay an essential role, a different value systemof the society marked by individualism,pragmatism, innovation, physical and socialmobility, a business practice based on contractand law. We talk about structures andmechanisms of a type of society, of a newworld. American people are a rare combinationof pragmatism and idealism, bold vision andbusiness management skills. Finally, we talkabout a sense of ownership, often defended bygun, about respect for law and for promises.Until the Declaration of Independence on 4July 1776, the economy of American coloniesgrew at a relatively slow but steady rhythm.According to statistics of the time, it is a rate of0.3% per year between 1650 and 1725, 0.4%per year between 1725 and 1750, 0.5% peryear between 1750 and 1775. Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201130 ntre 1750 i 1760 relaiile dintre RegatulMarii Britanii i cele treisprezece colonii ale saledin America de Nord au devenit din ce n ce maitensionate. n ziua de 19 aprilie 1775, precedndcu peste un an Declaraia de Independen,rzboiul a izbucnit prin confruntarea militarcunoscut sub denumirea de Btlia de laLexington i Concord. Dei iniial a fost prea puin dorin deindependen de partea american i mult maimult o puternic convingere c jugul colonial vafi mbuntit, dac americanii vor arta c suntgata s lupte pe via i pe moarte, totui, n doarcteva luni, se va manifesta o cretereexponenial a dorinei de a scpa pentrutotdeauna de tutela Marii Britanii i, n acelaitimp, o puternic manifestare a sentimentului depatriotism naional. Se ntea cea mai puternic naiune aepocii moderne. Declaraia de Independen aStatelor Unite ale Americii este un documentprin care cele treisprezece colonii ale MariiBritanii din America de Nord s-au declaratindependente de Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii,explicnd n acelai timp motivele pentru care aufcut-o. Thomas Jefferson este autorul primeischie a documentului, fcnd apoi coreciile ischimbrile mpreun Benjamin Franklin i JohnAdams. Privit n timp, Declaraia deIndependen din 4 iulie 1776 este un documentpolitic emoionant, care pune bazele uneidemocraii moderne, pe care statele europene,multe dintre ele aflate n mare parte n beznaevului mediu nici mcar nu o puteau visa.Vom cita aici numai o parte dindocument, subliniind nc o dat mreia sa,caracterul su profetic. Noi susinem c acesteadevruri sunt de la sine evidente, c toi oameniisunt creai egali, c ei sunt nzestrai de Creatorullor cu anumite drepturi inalienabile, c printreacestea sunt: Viaa, Libertatea i dreptul laFericire. Pentru aprarea acestor drepturi au fostinstituite guvern ntre Oameni, care i derivputerile chiar din consensul celor guvernai.Astfel nct ori de cte ori o form deguvernmnt devine distructiv acestor scopurieste Dreptul Poporului s o schimbe sau s-oBetween 1750 and 1760 relationsbetween United Kingdom and its thirteencolonies in North America have becomeincreasingly tense. On April 19, 1775, a yearpreceding the Declaration of Independence,war broke out through military confrontationknown as the Battle of Lexington andConcord.Although initially it was too littledesire for independence from the U.S. andmore strong conviction that the colonial yokewill be improved if American people show thatthey are ready to fight for life and death, in afew months, an exponential increase in thedesire to escape forever from British tutelageand at the same time, a strong sense ofpatriotism has been felt.The most powerful nation of themodern age was born. Declaration ofIndependence of United States is a documentthat shows that the thirteen colonies of BritishNorth America declared themselvesindependent of the United Kingdom of GreatBritain, while explaining why they did it.Thomas Jefferson is the author of thefirst draft of the document, making correctionsand changes afterwards with BenjaminFranklin and John Adams. Viewed over time,the Declaration of Independence of July 4,1776 is an exciting political document, whichlays the foundation of modern democracy, thatEuropean states, many of them in medievaldarkness, could not even dream of.We quote here only part of thedocument, stressing once again its greatnessand prophetic character. We hold these truthsto be self-evident, that all men are createdequal, that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain unalienable Rights, that amongthese are Life, Liberty and the pursuit ofHappiness. That to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among Men,deriving their just powers from the consent ofthe governed, That whenever any Form ofGovernment becomes destructive of theseends, it is the Right of the People to alter or toabolish it, and to institute new Government,laying its foundation on such principles and Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201131nlture i s instituie un nou guvern, bazndu-intemeierea sa pe astfel de principii iorganizndu-i puterea astfel nct s asigure nmodul cel mai eficient Sigurana i Fericirea sa . Rzboiul declanat pe continent ntreMarea Britanie i Frana n anul 1793 a duratpn n anul 1815, iar pentru finanarea lui,Napoleon a vndut Louisiana, n anul 1803,dublnd astfel teritoriul noului stat independent.Instabilitatea din Europa a fost o nou ocaziepentru ntrirea Americii. Comerul i relaiile deschimb erau n plin avnt iar economia, oraele iporturile americane prosperau. Decretele Nord-Vestului din anii 1785 1787 au asigurat c noile teritorii ale SUA puteauprogresa ca statut i puteau s intre n Uniune,avnd egalitate deplin de drepturi cu cele vechi. Constituia SUA, adoptat n 1789, a fostun document hotrtor, fr precedent n istorieprin coninutul i simplitatea sa. Se asiguraprotejarea proprietii private n concordan culibertile individuale, exceptndu-se sclavia carepersista n Sud.Printre delegai se numrau cteva maripersonaliti, adevrai Prini Fondatori ainaiunii americane: Benjamin Franklin, GeorgeWashington, James Madison, AlexanderHamilton, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris ialii. n ciuda diferenelor de opinii, participaniila Convenie formau un grup destul de omogendin punct de vedere social. Ei erau elitelesocietii americane, oameni cu avericonsiderabile, muli dintre ei beneficiari ai uneieducaii britanice de tip aristocratic. Elitismuluilor li se aduga credina, izvort din filozofia luiHobbes i influenat de teologia calvinist, comul este guvernat doar de interesul propriu, cera nevoie de o constituie solid pentru a ine nfru tendinele naturale ale individului ctreegoism, rutate i har. Astfel se explic i faptulc, dei credeau c guvernarea nu se poate bazadect pe consimmntul celor guvernai iluptaser chiar cu armele mpotriva tiraniei ipentru suveranitate popular, Prinii Fondatorise fereau de ideea de democraie, pe care oconsiderau o manifestare periculoas aradicalismului, capabil s transforme maselentr-o bestie uman i s arunce societatea norganizing its powers in such form, as to themshall seem most likely to effect their Safetyand Happiness.The war between Britain and Francelasted from 1793 until 1815, and for itsfinancing, Napoleon sold Louisiana in 1803,thus doubling the newly independent territory.Instability in Europe was a new opportunity tostrengthen America. Trade and exchangerelations and the economy were booming,American cities and ports were flourishing.North-west decrees of the years 1785 -1787 have ensured that the new U.S. territoriescould progress as a state and could join theUnion, with full equality of rights.U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1789,was a crucial document, unprecedented in thehistory through its content and simplicity.Protection of private property in accordancewith individual freedoms, except slavery thatpersisted in the South were ensured.Among the delegates there were somegreat personalities, true American nation'sfounding fathers: Benjamin Franklin, GeorgeWashington, James Madison, AlexanderHamilton, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morrisand others. Despite differences of opinion,participants to the Convention formed a groupquite socially homogenous. They were the eliteof American society, people with considerablewealth, many of them beneficiaries of sucharistocratic British education. To their elitismfaith, springing from the philosophy of Hobbesand Calvinist theology influenced by wasadded, sustaining that man is governed only byself-interest, that they needed a strongconstitution to rein in the individual's naturaltendencies to selfishness, malice and maps.This explains the fact that, although theythought the government could not rely only onthe consent of the governed and they foughtwith weapons even against tyranny andpopular sovereignty, the founding fathersworried about the idea of democracy, whichthey considered a dangerous manifestation ofradicalism able to turn the masses into a humanbeast and to throw society into chaos.Constitution making was fairly Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2011Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/201132haos.Procesul de elaborare a Constituiei a fostunul destul de anevoios, presrat cu conflicte deidei i de interese. O disput a aprut ntre statelemari i cele cu populaie mai puin numeroas nprivina reprezentrii n noul Congres. Statelemari au venit cu Planul Virginia, care prevedeaun legislativ bicameral n care fiecare stat s fiereprezentat de un numr de parlamentariproporional cu numrul locuitorilor si. Statelemici au contracarat cu Planul New Jersey caremeninea Congresul pe principiile ArticolelorConfederaiei: o singur camer, n care fiecarestat s aib acelai numr de reprezentani.Disputa s-a rezolvat prin CompromisulConnecticut, prin care se propunea un legislativbicameral, format dintr-o Camer aReprezentanilor n care statele aveau repartizaicte un numr de membri, alei prin vot, nfuncie de numrul populaiei i un Senat ales delegislativele statelor, n care fiecare stat avea ctedoi reprezentani.Problema sclaviei n statele din Sud aprodus de la bun nceput tensiuni n actul decreare a Constituiei. Dup intrarea n vigoare alegii fundamentale, dei textul nu fcea referiredirect la problema scaviei, aprobnd-o astfeltacit, aceasta a rmas cea mai mare ameninare laadresa Uniunii i, implicit, a Constituiei. Stateledin Sud cereau includerea sclavilor nnumrtoarea populaiei pentru a obine unnumr ct mai mare de reprezentani n Congres.Statele nesclavagiste au protestat, susinnd csclavii aveau statut de proprietate. Compromisula nsemnat adugarea la numrul pesoanelorlibere a trei cincimi din restul populaiei. Aceastaera de altfel singura referire, indirect, la sclavie.Consensul a fost atins repede n privinaprevederilor constituionale de baz. Republicaurma s fie guvernat de trei puteri: legislativ,executiv i judectoreasc. n urma disputelor ia compromisurilor, Convenia a adoptat proiectulfinal dup patru luni de la nceperea lucrrilor. Lamijlocul anului 1788 Constituia era dejaratificat de majoritatea statelor, procesulcontinund pn n 1791arduous, strewn with conflicting ideas andinterests. A dispute arose between large statesand those with population less numerousregarding the representation in the newCongress. Large states have come up withVirginia Plan, which provided a bicamerallegislature where each state was representedby a number of Members of Parliament inproportion to its inhabitants. The small statescounteracted with New Jersey Plan thatmaintained the Congress near the principles ofthe Articles of Confederation: a singlechamber, where each state has the samenumber of representatives. The dispute wassettled by Connecticut Compromise, whichproposed a bicameral legislature, consisting ofa Chamber of Representatives where eachMember assigned a number of memberselected according to population and a Senateelected by the legislatures of states, in whicheach state had two representatives.The problem of slavery in Southernstates has produced tensions from the outset inthe act of creating the Constitution. After theentry into force of fundamental law, althoughthe text did not refer directly to the problem ofslavery, approving it in a tacitly way, itremained the greatest threat to the Union and,thus, to the Constitution. Southern Statesdemanded the inclusion of slaves in populationcounts to get a larger number of representativesin Congress. Non-slaveholding statesprotested, claiming that slaves had a propertystatus. The compromise meant adding to thenumber of free persons three-fifths of the restof the population. This was, in fact, the only,indirect, reference to slavery.The consensus was quickly reached onthe basic constitutional provisions. Republicwould be governed by three branches:legislative, executive and judicial. Followingdisputes and compromises, the Conventionadopted the final draft after four months ofstarting work. In mid 1788 the Constitutionwas already ratified by most countries, theprocess continuing until 1791.