111 H 11II I 11111 + 11 r IJJ Jill t BEREA POX L e HIHMlte Tufaat at 1M Pal0flae at Berra I alaunanialler HtiititIII III 11I 1 II VOL VI A Family Paper BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY DECEMBER 8 1901 One dollar a year NO 25 I r IDEAS I The self ulndu man in made or loU rising ntuff Tho fifteendollar man oil n twenty gruntl A man never realizes h proRrtiw in wisdom until ho roach no of his old tflue love Itttent TAKE NOTICE Heron Collegia will lx gin the win ter term Wednesday Jan 4 lit 8 AM Ifyouhiive not finally made up your mind iw to what you will do thin winter it will Is > to your udvnn logo to invcstigato Hereu lit onco A letter or tKwtiil to SIC Will 0 Qamblo will bring you Information alxjut its wouclorrllllllulpnltllt for doing you gixxl FROM THE WIDE WORLD Gen Por rio Diaz wan again in miKiiratod IIR rnwidoiit of IuxlcoI A ftte sinn attempt to recapture Meter Hill was repulsed with hoary Levis of life- ThottHnmln of recruits art joining the Jiiimiutto array under the nuw conscription net It is raid that Oom Paul Kru or late President of the TrniiHvaal Uo1 public left n fortune istunulcd nt 3750000 London Dec OA despatch from Cho Foo on Dec 0 + Daily Tele r prupk Miyn Heavy firing couthiueM L at Port Arthur today The Japa new are umkingnsosldetonnhltrlundi- sentislent ttdorU to capture the northern fortK- Mukden Dec 5There in n per Histeiit rumor that the force of Japa nese hunt to turn Oem Hontien kampffH flank hnn been repulsed with great lags The starry U not yet of flciully confirmed but details ore givoii with great circumstantiality IN OUR OWN COUNTRY Former IoHltnaMor General Jones X Tyncr Is dead Tho cruiser Teiinwww wan launched at the Philadelphia shipyards A 700000000 telephone triwt in said to lx in pnxfjw of organization Congrvtw will IH> luked to rotu sub- sidies in aid of railroad construction in AlaskaThe numlRrof hales of cotton produced for the year 10015 is 12102000 I Tho Ilinniiighnin Ala Commer ¬ clad Club has invited President Hoosevelt to visit tho city The Secretary of Agriculture trans ¬ mitted his eighths annual report to tho President It mows thin pros > erity of the farmer to ht unprcco iltnUnl Gen Story chief of artillery in his annual report urges the immediate completion of tho torpedo defense of all the fortified ions of tho United States Tho IxHiefl of Jim Bridger diwov erwr of Great Salt Lake will be roo- t interred in Kansas City today and a granite monument will lx unveiled next Sunday- A cog railroad three miles long Iwill he built from Brent on thoClieH a and Ohio railroad over tho I hills to Fort Thomas at n cost of I 450000 u mile The PoRtofTico Department has de ¬ termined tq put guessing contests under tho brut the Attorney General in u sweeping opinion holding that such schemes are lotteries In disguise Thirtyeight sticks of dynamite tied in two bundles and with n fuse r on each which had been lighted wore found nt tho Loitor mines at I Zeigler Illwhtlre u strike is in progress COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY The Rev 11 B Folk brother of Joseph W Folk Governorelect of Missouri lout accepted n call to tho Baptist church at Midway Ky Tho annual reports of tho Third As HiKlant Postmaster General and tho Fourth Assistant Postmaster General woro mado public Kentucky ranks nineteenth in the number of presiden ¬ tial olllces and third in tho number of fourthclass offices In n wreck on tho C 0 nt- MIIIIlllu Bnikeman Dan Holderfiold was literallycooked to death and Engineer Herbert Gregory was com ¬ pelled to suffer tho amputation of a foot before it was possi > lo to remove him from tho wreckage Ho will t probably dio A sensational in tho ox V citing prlntryelection in Owsloy county is tho theft ballot box in Booucville precinct About sixty candidates were and tho bal- lot ¬ was a veritable picture hook Thu theft is tailored to have teen in the interest of one of the candidates f wiiIIhTHE CITIZEN I HOW UNCLE SAMS MONEY IS NUMBERED irA machine that almost thinks was the way one of the presses In the government bureau of ougravltijt and printing was characterized recently by a visitor ho machine places the consecutive numbers ou p4ip r money end never maffi a mUtnke The ScKoiarsHp Contest Closed THE FOURTEEN SUCCESSFUL YOUNG PEOPLE WHO RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS TO BEREA COLLEGE Last Thursday December 1 mark ed tho closo of Tilt CITIZEN Scholar ¬ ship Contest The offer was made to eight counlierf but Pulaski failed to planes candidates Although there were many rumors us to tho hoarding of votes against tho last day by those iu tho rear tho successful candidates won by a safe margin except in Leo nod Jackson counties In tlolormor Floyd Lucas in tho last weep sent In enough votes to give him a leatlV bf 00 over Clay Combs In lnckson county MirriiMiu Wntf oit noemwltc Imo the first plate over the other young ladies but Miss Hatfiold undo a special rally during the last week winning out by 805 votes W L Begloy received tho highest minter 3103 with Miss Bessie Lays of Berea second 2112 Following are tho fourteen successful Winners of Scholarships W L Begley Jackson county Lnuru Hatfield Jackson county Claude DoBaun Madison county Bessie Hays Madison county 11M Rice Clay county Susie Sparks Clay county Floyd Lucas Lee county Mary Parlor Leo county Ambrose Wilson Estill county Katie Moores Estill county Snowden Reynolds Owsley county Xorn Wilson Owsloy county E B Thompson Rockcastlo county Rachel Hibbard Rockcastlo county Following is the final standing of contestants Jackson County W L Begley3103Snm- utel Davis GOO C D Smith 100 Robert Taylor 100 Laura Halfield 1073 Susie Watson 1308 Lizzie Wilson I 850- Nannie Click 300 Lucy Parsons 300 May Sparkman 800 Madison County Claudo DoBaun 20 tO Wallace Adams u 818 Tommio Baker 875 Ilessio lays 2142 Maggie Lower 375 1curl Goy 325 Clay County W M Rico I MOO M M Robinson 1808 Water for the Town In response to many inquiries it may Ito said that there is every die position on tho part of tho College to do tho neighborly thing in furnish ¬ ing firo protection cold water to citi ¬ Zeus BO fur as it can at most reason ¬ able rates An inquiry recently made showed that the citizens nplreclllled this good will and woro ready to co operate when tho time comes The fact that tho waterworks in ¬ volvo more expense in tho way of Bowers plumbing and other extras than was expected makes it impossi ¬ ble to say anything definite at this time as to water rates or the exten ¬ sion of tho main pipes to other streets Wo can say however that it is our desire and expectation to do- an wo would IMJ done by in this matter ufld afford our neiglxirs every iHwsiblo accommodation W G FIIOST T E Burch 050 Chas Combs 500 G J Jarvis 500 Susie Sparks 1 PRO Ida Bongo 1000 Mary Collins too Lie County Floyd Lucas 710 Clay Combs 050 II McGuire 400 Mary Parlor lA 1410 S olla Thompson 203 > a r EltllI County 4 1 Ambrose Wilson v 050- Garnott Powell 800 J II Richardson 200 D B Alumbatigh 200 Robert L Cole 102 Nolan Cox 100 Jonas Colc well 100 Katie Moores 1050 Thcda Xoland 000 Nora McGee 400 Katie Winkler 200 Martha Ix > gdon 101 Sallio Wilson 101 Owslty County Snowden Reynolds 881 Garfield Campbell 450- Burgoyno IJotner 110 B J lendorgrass101N- ora Wilson 027 Mary Ray 450 Jeanotto Gabbard 300 Flora Pendorgniss 201 Nettie Treadwny 110 RockeastU County E B Thompson 500 John McForron tOO- Rllcbol1Iihberet 500 Fannio McCluro 100 Mollio Carter 100 Minnie Nicely u 100 Byrda Mchnrgue100T- uE CITIZEN wishes to compliment these young people ou tho success of their efforts It means that they have wanted this help towards edu ¬ cation enough to work for it And wo trust that it may prove but u stopping stone to higher learning and advancement to usefulness To those whpnro losers wo say Popular ¬ ity prove worth and I there are marry other way of securing on education than by scholarships Tho names of tho winners will bo dej osited with tho Treasurer of Beren College and notice sent to each one Industrial Dept Exhibition On Thursday Friday and Satur ¬ day of this week tho Industrial Do partmont of Borea College will hero nut Arts and Crafts Exhibit in No 30 at tho right of tho main entrance of the Industrial Building Tho room will bo open from 8 to 480 on Thurs ¬ tiny and Friday and front 1 to 430 on Saturday Work Bono by the Sewing Iliad Cooking Classes the Sloyd and Woodwork Classes and by tho Department of Fireside Indus- tries ¬ will bo on exhibition cord for sale nt specially low prices Tho Department of Fireside In jIuHJries has received much praise for its exhibits nt Chicago Minneapolis Dayton 0 St Louis Dubuquo Town Detroit and other largo cities this fall and this exhibit will bo an for tho people of its own tQI I I JOSEPH M ROGERS 79 Author of the True Henry Clay This office has received a copy of a 380 page hook of which tho author and his Alma Mater Boren may well feel proud The work is tastefully printed on deckleedged with 24 full page illustrations from half ¬ tones JBLippincott Company Phil adelphiaare tho publishers Tho book is truly an exhaustive shld of the sub ¬ jest and is particularly notable for its wealth of portrayal of Clay as a man Hero follow a few facts about Mr Rogers and his hook Joseph M Rogers author of liTho True Henry Clay was born in Ohio where his parents came from Ken ¬ tacky on account of the moving in ¬ cidents preceding tho civil war lIe returned to Kentucky with his par ¬ ents in 1805 und was graduated from Berea College in 1870 For a few engineerillgIn journill111m ¬ Ho is at present on tho editorial staff of tho Philadelphia Inquirer Mr Rogers was born on Clay soil and from youth was interested in amongthoso end many were tho incidents of the great mans career which were ro hated in his hearing While iu col loge ho desired to proparo a paper on Clay and was surprised to find how littlo literature there was ou the subject Coltons history in six campaignlives and none of these was what he sought It was then ho determined to write a life of Clay himself and for nearly thirty years he accumulated all the information possible against the time he should bo ready To write In The True Henry Cloy tho author has tried togivo a picture of Clay the man rather than a treatise on his political career While it does contain a careful account of his offic ¬ ial life it has been tho aim of Mr Rogers to make the great commoner stand out as a personality rather than a political institution Mr Rogers was materially assisted by surviving members of the Clay family had ac ¬ colts to documents and relics and made the most careful researches in every direction iu order to present a living picture of his subject Ellwood Those who have seen and heard Ellwood tho great Master of Magic and Imitator say that ho and his company furnish one of the greatest entertainments now put on the boards Berea is favored in having those great artists for the grand opening of the Lyceum Course Tuesday night December 20th Single admission 35 cents Tickets for tho course 100 Admission for children at the usual reduction The next number will be the Nonpareil Jubilee singers of ten voices Ad ¬ mission the same Secure tickets beforehand aunt come early Colored Teachers Convention The colored teachers of the State will hold their 28th annual meeting at Lexington Ky December 2720 1004 The first session will open promptly at 2r M Tuesday Decem ¬ her 27th and the entire meeting will be conducted with duo regard for punctuality and dispatch Tho program for the coming meet ¬ ing has many attractive features It will bo full of interest from begin ¬ ning to end Our8fociol guests hU year are Washington DC State Superintendent J H Fuqua Superintendent CM Merry ton President W G Frost Beren CollegeLet all planning to attend tho meeting write to Mr Walker Graves 333 Ohio Street Lexington Ky Chairman of tho Reception Commit- tee ¬ who will procure homes for visiting teachers F L WILLIAMS President To slate ati old truth over only a little more emphatic no man Is a hero In tho eyes of his typewriter A bad actor zany be a good man but you dont see how It Is n good deal harder to find mon oy titan to Had the owner of It The men behlnd the slot machine thinks that pennies are Just as good as any other kind of money Notice Taken up as stray Three hogs two red and ono white weight about 80 pounds Owner can have those hogs by paying all charges P J PAWLKT t Departments Eight Pages Cannot Afford To Lose LI jiII f Sixteen IAVE that you do not care to J seI If so we advise you to one of our safe deposit boxesI in our fire proofvault These safes will take care of your papers jewelryand etc costs you yearCome J I 1 J THE BEREA BANKING COMPANY c J J MOORE President W H PORTER Cashier 8 RICHMOND GREENHOUSES D Phone 188 Richmond Ky I t Cut Flowers Designs andG Blooming Plants A THE SHOP For Ladies C J HANSON CO + O + O+ O +O + O +O + O+ O+ O +O + O +O + O + O + O +O + O + O + O + olo +O + O + O + O + t THE HOUSECLEANING SEASON i 4 O moreo + J FURNITURE CARPET or MATTING + o Take a Look TI JPOUBII Our Stock t 1Q + o IF ITS FROM US ITS GOOD 1 New Florence Drop Top Ball Bearing Sewing Machines S + 125 130 and bib worth 150 f6O and f65 o + tCRUTCHER EVANS o loplln tOld Stand Richmond Ky Ds y Phone 73 Night Phono 4706 o O + O + O +O +O +O +o + O+ O O+ O +O +O + O + O + o4o +O +O +O +O +O +O +O + O + O FOR SALE One good house and lot in the east end of Berea located on Prospect Street The house has five plastered rooms and two sealed rooms A large garden spot and extra good Can be bought right Also a small house and lot in Wal laceton Ky with a good garden five miles west of Berea Ky Two churches and a schoolhouse in sight For further particulars call on- E 1 B WALLACE Phono 63 Boron Ky H+ M Ifl M t 1 II M i East End Drug CO DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES See our 60 and lOc counter A WONDER OF GLASS- WORK Come and look at the nicost tine or QUEENS WARE evar In Berea We also carry a nice lino or- FRESa GROCERIES anti STAPLE ARTICLES at the lowest prices CALL AND SEE US ty PRESCRIPTIONS A SIICIALTf H e WOOLF Prop + MtItHIt14 j j vWY fr i d1

Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1904-12-08 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47grj63/data/1381.pdfMay Sparkman 800 Madison County Claudo DoBaun 20 tO Wallace Adams u 818 Tommio Baker 875

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1904-12-08 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47grj63/data/1381.pdfMay Sparkman 800 Madison County Claudo DoBaun 20 tO Wallace Adams u 818 Tommio Baker 875

111 H 11II I 11111 +11 r I J J Jill tBEREA POX

L e HIHMlte

Tufaat at 1M Pal0flae at Berra Ialaunanialler

HtiititIII III 11I 1


I The self ulndu man in made or loUrising ntuff

Tho fifteendollar man oil n twentygruntlA man never realizes h proRrtiw

in wisdom until ho roach no of hisold tflue love Itttent

TAKE NOTICEHeron Collegia will lx gin the win

ter term Wednesday Jan 4 lit 8AM Ifyouhiive not finally madeup your mind iw to what you will dothin winter it will Is > to your udvnnlogo to invcstigato Hereu lit onco A

letter or tKwtiil to SIC Will 0Qamblo will bring you Informationalxjut its wouclorrllllllulpnltllt fordoing you gixxl


Gen Por rio Diaz wan again inmiKiiratod IIR rnwidoiit of IuxlcoI

A ftte sinn attempt to recaptureMeter Hill was repulsed with hoaryLevis of life-

ThottHnmln of recruits art joiningthe Jiiimiutto array under the nuwconscription net

It is raid that Oom Paul Kru orlate President of the TrniiHvaal Uo1public left n fortune istunulcd nt3750000

London Dec OA despatch fromCho Foo on Dec 0 + Daily Tele

r prupk Miyn Heavy firing couthiueML at Port Arthur today The Japa

new are umkingnsosldetonnhltrlundi-sentislent ttdorU to capture thenorthern fortK-

Mukden Dec 5There in n perHisteiit rumor that the force of Japanese hunt to turn Oem HontienkampffH flank hnn been repulsed withgreat lags The starry U not yet offlciully confirmed but details oregivoii with great circumstantiality

IN OUR OWN COUNTRYFormer IoHltnaMor General Jones

X Tyncr Is deadTho cruiser Teiinwww wan launched

at the Philadelphia shipyardsA 700000000 telephone triwt in

said to lx in pnxfjw of organizationCongrvtw will IH> luked to rotu sub-

sidies in aid of railroad constructionin

AlaskaThenumlRrof hales of cotton

produced for the year 10015 is12102000

I Tho Ilinniiighnin Ala Commer ¬

clad Club has invited PresidentHoosevelt to visit tho city

The Secretary of Agriculture trans ¬

mitted his eighths annual report totho President It mows thin pros

>erity of the farmer to ht unprccoiltnUnl

Gen Story chief of artillery in hisannual report urges the immediatecompletion of tho torpedo defense ofall the fortified ions of tho UnitedStates

Tho IxHiefl of Jim Bridger diwoverwr of Great Salt Lake will be roo-

t interred in Kansas City today and agranite monument will lx unveilednext Sunday-

A cog railroad three miles longIwill he built from Brent on thoClieHa and Ohio railroad over tho


hills to Fort Thomas at n cost ofI 450000 u mile

The PoRtofTico Department has de ¬

termined tq put guessing contestsunder tho brut the Attorney Generalin u sweeping opinion holding thatsuch schemes are lotteries In disguise

Thirtyeight sticks of dynamitetied in two bundles and with n fuse

ron each which had been lightedwore found nt tho Loitor mines at


Zeigler Illwhtlre u strike is inprogress


The Rev 11 B Folk brother ofJoseph W Folk Governorelect ofMissouri lout accepted n call to thoBaptist church at Midway Ky

Tho annual reports of tho Third AsHiKlant Postmaster General and thoFourth Assistant Postmaster Generalworo mado public Kentucky ranksnineteenth in the number of presiden ¬

tial olllces and third in tho numberof fourthclass offices

In n wreck on tho C 0 nt-

MIIIIlllu Bnikeman Dan Holderfioldwas literallycooked to death andEngineer Herbert Gregory was com ¬

pelled to suffer tho amputation of afoot before it was possi > lo to removehim from tho wreckage Ho will

t probably dioA sensational in tho ox

V citing prlntryelection in Owsloycounty is tho theft ballot box

in Booucville precinct About sixtycandidates were and tho bal-


was a veritable picture hook

Thu theft is tailored to have teen inthe interest of one of the candidates





irA machine that almost thinks was the way one of the presses In thegovernment bureau of ougravltijt and printing was characterized recently bya visitor ho machine places the consecutive numbers ou p4ip r money endnever maffi a mUtnke

The ScKoiarsHp Contest Closed


Last Thursday December 1 marked tho closo of Tilt CITIZEN Scholar ¬

ship Contest The offer was madeto eight counlierf but Pulaski failedto planes candidates Although therewere many rumors us to tho hoardingof votes against tho last day by thoseiu tho rear tho successful candidateswon by a safe margin except in Leonod Jackson counties In tlolormorFloyd Lucas in tho last weep sent In

enough votes to give him a leatlV bf00 over Clay Combs In lncksoncounty MirriiMiu Wntf oit noemwltcImo the first plate over the otheryoung ladies but Miss Hatfiold undoa special rally during the last weekwinning out by 805 votes W LBegloy received tho highest minter3103 with Miss Bessie Lays ofBerea second 2112 Following aretho fourteen successful

Winners of ScholarshipsW L Begley Jackson countyLnuru Hatfield Jackson countyClaude DoBaun Madison countyBessie Hays Madison county11M Rice Clay countySusie Sparks Clay countyFloyd Lucas Lee countyMary Parlor Leo countyAmbrose Wilson Estill countyKatie Moores Estill countySnowden Reynolds Owsley countyXorn Wilson Owsloy countyE B Thompson Rockcastlo countyRachel Hibbard Rockcastlo county

Following is the final standing ofcontestants

Jackson CountyW L Begley3103Snm-utel Davis GOO

C D Smith 100Robert Taylor 100

Laura Halfield 1073Susie Watson 1308Lizzie Wilson I 850-

Nannie Click 300Lucy Parsons 300May Sparkman 800

Madison CountyClaudo DoBaun 20 tO

Wallace Adams u 818Tommio Baker 875Ilessio lays 2142Maggie Lower 3751curl Goy 325

Clay CountyW M Rico I MOO

M M Robinson 1808

Water for the TownIn response to many inquiries it

may Ito said that there is every dieposition on tho part of tho Collegeto do tho neighborly thing in furnish ¬

ing firo protection cold water to citi ¬

Zeus BO fur as it can at most reason ¬

able rates An inquiry recently madeshowed that the citizens nplreclllledthis good will and woro ready to cooperate when tho time comes

The fact that tho waterworks in ¬

volvo more expense in tho way ofBowers plumbing and other extrasthan was expected makes it impossi ¬

ble to say anything definite at thistime as to water rates or the exten ¬

sion of tho main pipes to otherstreets Wo can say however thatit is our desire and expectation to do-

an wo would IMJ done by in thismatter ufld afford our neiglxirs everyiHwsiblo accommodation


T E Burch 050Chas Combs 500G J Jarvis 500

Susie Sparks 1 PRO

Ida Bongo 1000Mary Collins too

Lie CountyFloyd Lucas 710Clay Combs 050II McGuire 400Mary Parlor lA 1410S olla Thompson 203

> a r EltllI County 4 1

Ambrose Wilson v 050-

Garnott Powell 800J II Richardson 200D B Alumbatigh 200Robert L Cole 102Nolan Cox 100Jonas Colc well 100

Katie Moores 1050Thcda Xoland 000Nora McGee 400Katie Winkler 200Martha Ix >gdon 101Sallio Wilson 101

Owslty CountySnowden Reynolds 881Garfield Campbell 450-

Burgoyno IJotner 110B J lendorgrass101N-ora Wilson 027Mary Ray 450Jeanotto Gabbard 300Flora Pendorgniss 201Nettie Treadwny 110

RockeastU CountyE B Thompson 500John McForron tOO-

Rllcbol1Iihberet 500Fannio McCluro 100Mollio Carter 100Minnie Nicely u 100Byrda Mchnrgue100T-

uE CITIZEN wishes to complimentthese young people ou tho success oftheir efforts It means that theyhave wanted this help towards edu ¬

cation enough to work for it Andwo trust that it may prove but u

stopping stone to higher learningand advancement to usefulness Tothose whpnro losers wo say Popular ¬

ity prove worth and I

there are marry other way of securingon education than by scholarships

Tho names of tho winners will bodej osited with tho Treasurer ofBeren College and notice sent to eachone

Industrial Dept ExhibitionOn Thursday Friday and Satur ¬

day of this week tho Industrial Dopartmont of Borea College will heronut Arts and Crafts Exhibit in No 30at tho right of tho main entrance ofthe Industrial Building Tho roomwill bo open from 8 to 480 on Thurs ¬

tiny and Friday and front 1 to 430on Saturday Work Bono by theSewing Iliad Cooking Classes theSloyd and Woodwork Classes and bytho Department of Fireside Indus-tries


will bo on exhibition cord forsale nt specially low prices

Tho Department of Fireside InjIuHJries has received much praise forits exhibits nt Chicago MinneapolisDayton 0 St Louis DubuquoTown Detroit and other largo citiesthis fall and this exhibit will bo an

for tho people of its owntQIII


Author of the True Henry Clay

This office has received a copy of a380 page hook of which tho authorand his Alma Mater Boren may wellfeel proud The work is tastefullyprinted on deckleedged with24 full page illustrations from half ¬

tones JBLippincott Company Philadelphiaare tho publishers Tho bookis truly an exhaustive shld of the sub ¬

jest and is particularly notable forits wealth of portrayalof Clay as a man Hero follow afew facts about Mr Rogers and hishook

Joseph M Rogers author of liThoTrue Henry Clay was born in Ohiowhere his parents came from Ken ¬

tacky on account of the moving in ¬

cidents preceding tho civil war lIereturned to Kentucky with his par ¬

ents in 1805 und was graduated fromBerea College in 1870 For a few

engineerillgInjournill111m ¬

Ho is at present on tho editorial staffof tho Philadelphia Inquirer

Mr Rogers was born on Clay soiland from youth was interested in

amongthosoend many were tho incidents of thegreat mans career which were rohated in his hearing While iu colloge ho desired to proparo a paperon Clay and was surprised to findhow littlo literature there was ou thesubject Coltons history in six

campaignlivesand none of these was what he soughtIt was then ho determined to write alife of Clay himself and for nearlythirty years he accumulated all theinformation possible against the timehe should bo ready To write

In The True Henry Cloy thoauthor has tried togivo a picture ofClay the man rather than a treatiseon his political career While it doescontain a careful account of his offic ¬

ial life it has been tho aim of MrRogers to make the great commonerstand out as a personality rather thana political institution Mr Rogerswas materially assisted by survivingmembers of the Clay family had ac ¬

colts to documents and relics andmade the most careful researches inevery direction iu order to present aliving picture of his subject

EllwoodThose who have seen and heard

Ellwood tho great Master of Magicand Imitator say that ho and hiscompany furnish one of the greatestentertainments now put on theboards Berea is favored in havingthose great artists for the grandopening of the Lyceum CourseTuesday night December 20thSingle admission 35 cents Ticketsfor tho course 100 Admission forchildren at the usual reduction Thenext number will be the NonpareilJubilee singers of ten voices Ad ¬

mission the same Secure ticketsbeforehand aunt come early

Colored Teachers Convention

The colored teachers of the Statewill hold their 28th annual meetingat Lexington Ky December 27201004 The first session will openpromptly at 2r M Tuesday Decem ¬

her 27th and the entire meeting willbe conducted with duo regard forpunctuality and dispatch

Tho program for the coming meet ¬

ing has many attractive features Itwill bo full of interest from begin ¬

ning to end

Our8fociol guests hU year areWashington DC

State Superintendent J H FuquaSuperintendent C M Merryton President W G Frost BerenCollegeLet

all planning to attend thomeeting write to Mr Walker Graves333 Ohio Street Lexington KyChairman of tho Reception Commit-tee


who will procure homes forvisiting teachers

F L WILLIAMS President

To slate ati old truth over only alittle more emphatic no man Is a heroIn tho eyes of his typewriter

A bad actor zany be a good man butyou dont see how

It Is n good deal harder to find monoy titan to Had the owner of It

The men behlnd the slot machinethinks that pennies are Just as goodas any other kind of money

NoticeTaken up as stray Three hogs

two red and ono white weight about80 pounds Owner can have thosehogs by paying all charges




Eight Pages

Cannot Afford To Lose




IAVEthat you do not care to J seIIf so we advise you toone of our safe deposit boxesIin our fire proofvaultThese safes will take careof your papers jewelryandetc costs you

yearCome J





J J MOORE President W H PORTER Cashier

8 RICHMOND GREENHOUSESD Phone 188 Richmond Ky It

Cut FlowersDesigns andGBlooming Plants A

THE SHOPFor Ladies


+O+O+O+O+O +O + O+O+ O+O + O+O + O +O +O+O+O+ O+O +olo +O + O+O+O+t THE HOUSECLEANING SEASON i4 Omoreo +


Take a Look TI JPOUBII Our Stock t1Q+o IF ITS FROM US ITS GOOD1 New Florence Drop Top Ball Bearing Sewing Machines S+ 125 130 and bib worth 150 f6O and f65 o


tCRUTCHER EVANS oloplln tOld Stand Richmond Ky Ds y Phone 73 Night Phono 4706 o

O +O+O+O+O +O+o+O+OO+O+O +O+O+O+o4o +O+O+O+O+O +O+O + O + O


One good house and lot in the eastend of Berea located on ProspectStreet The house has five plasteredrooms and two sealed rooms A largegarden spot and extra good Can bebought right

Also a small house and lot in Wal

laceton Ky with a good gardenfive miles west of Berea Ky Twochurches and a schoolhouse in sight

For further particulars call on-



Phono 63 Boron Ky

H+M I f l M t 1 I I M i



See our 60 and lOc counter


Come and look at the nicosttine or QUEENS WAREevar In Berea

We also carry a nice lino or-

FRESa GROCERIES antiSTAPLE ARTICLES at thelowest prices




jj vWY frid1