J a Year Devoted to tbe Interests of tbe Home School and caY 1 I VOL I BEKEA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7 1000 NO THE KIIITOU and MAMAOrH PublUhei at the ottleo ol Till CITIZEN Keren ICy Knteml ut She IottnjHrt at ll < m Iy at ttt n J dtut marl > alltr u Tlioiio Hood Old DtiyN That goad old day ha + IIlmIIoOI When any honcit mats With liralnt could rl n from poverty Ami Inul rur nation VII That good old day la almixt 11 No more tu mine again When those who dlmb to honor e belghU wets plain last slits men That goat old day Ilu paned away Whet ollllc were ln o From ring and IHHY Justin It Form tune only When nelrsr of public trutl Gould out lie taught and told And brain and push and homely Could wield more Intact than gold That grand old lay ban lusts away loneorofn < t roll A reronl loyal bravo and true Must dnow orchanci his plan Contntlon ball with puke packed Were not In thowday tarn Tahelprm0 vlf polnll booa Control his bar machine We would not have that old day hark With Its grand and chlvalroui men We da want lack that tcntlincnt That ruled our country thin Wlini offlcto ol public trust Could not tw taught suit told Ant bralnt nut push anti bounty Could wield more power thus gout llrMur AILK lttxr The Wide World Gen ProtoriotiB is to Ira released on parloo aid sent to his homo hy Lord Koborli London novHpip > r cornspomliul report that dm Joulxirt hUll beau Boverely woundixl by a shall and will not ho ablu to be in command again Tho inmo man reports that the Boor attack on lady lUith was a serious mistake RoporU front South Africa indicate that Gon Bullcr bait again croftood the Tugoln River and is advancing on tdynmith He is expected to rot lievo the town noon Gen White tho garrison oipt cli MjxMxly rrleaso by Gon Bullor Indication point that way On tho contrary Gnu Schofield a rotirod officer of tho US Army in considering the situation says LadyNtnith sure to bo captur ed by the Boors as Gun is a position whero ho can hardly bo reached by roouforcoineuts Our Country Gov Roosevelt sent a message of encouragement to Cur Taylor Opt plauding hill and urging him to hold out Gen II W Lawton recently killed in tho Philippines will bo buried A gn al strike of all thin building trades is on in Chicago aud business is practically tied up Mittens in conference recentlyat Indianapolis succeeded an incnmso of 14 cents per ton for mining coal Maj John A Logan killed in the Philippines has loon brought to the United State aud taken to the Logan homo at Youngstown 0 STATE NEWS Tho rumor was current yesterday that Goobol was killed by some rola live of John SanforU whom Goebel killwl five years ago Suspicion would to Republican very nat ¬ urally Goobol wore a coal of mail but tho stool bullet penetrated it The trouble at Frankfort over tho question of governorship has subsided partially though it may break out at any time Iho death of Goebel seems to havo quieted for tho limo tin trouhlo which was imminent but it is doubtless true that there will be moro trouble later Members of tho Legislature are in attendance ot Lou ¬ don aud more ant expected at any tune Tho opinion generally express Dill that sympathy is turning to tho Republicans agai- nCounty News Gon John B Gordon lectures in OW Richmond unit Tuesday night A number of Madison citizens have bion in Frankfort during tho past weekC E Woods editor of tho Rich ¬ mend Register id on an extended Eastern trip A largo crowd was in town Mon- day ¬ About 1GOO cattlo worn offonxl and thoro wore takers at 2 to i cunts y The trade was brisk and tho mule market exceedingly active Good maro muUw brought from S100 to SHfi each Others not so good brought smaller figures Time horde business was about as usual lnaijraph NNNNNNNNNNNTIDE CITIZEN IfiOc CdnlelaryWtuthiugton PERSONAL J IL Ilaya went liomf Friday Prott flu went to Ml Vernon Friday leatla o Lester wmt toOriKon Monday 8 K Welch Jr ual In Franliirt IuI wwk urn Mitchell WM up Irons Inllil Iirk Saturday tIh Mire K DougliM has been lit the week 111 J lavnuanI IVteri went to rincliimtl Monday to IIATV his te treated Rev OtnrgeAmeegots Friday to M Luulto I nliUln iimlloit tnHtnirnt- Mn Frank oylerrtitrnolTuexIuy front II vts II with her parents at Wild I IL to Imton went In lllrhmond Friday In en Ice the Infirmary for tncdlral treatment U H Wyatt went in 1 Inrlniiall WrdnrMlay tu HvhUtUterwImlisIrk In the hospital there Mo returned Krliliy I II Johntou ami wife returned Friday lromI Hlrliinoiii where Mr Jnhnmn Ita + ITCH for mcil nl treatment UUhraltli Ia very poor tit Im rut K W Todd Ikrea W left KrlUy or hum p+ lxn III where hr enters ujxm a round of Mudy trading tcichemlinlriiKliicerlne lit mum J C Fey M who It studying there- On ThuriuUjr cvrnlnic llev II J Dvrlhlck rI fnnrrd time ceremony which unllrd In marriage It If UhrUuiin uul Mix Laura Oayleit the na Idctiru of the brldea father J C Ooyle- Mr VanWInkle mother of I W VanWInkle atsd Mm Cult alit 1111 Monday morning itMrt Cliff where abe hail made tier home fur yrar HurUI Monday afternoon In Hem Cciii eteryM Jivm Todd died Hi hit home on the Walnut Mraduw pike ulcer llrrea early lat MoniUy morning The funeral was held Tuesday alter noon burial being In the honue urhllroulII Drrrawdna m years old the ulilnl man Mauarouuty InI Prof and Mr L V Hudge went to Thursday to attrtid the route it tlvrn Ity the Duds rrofmnt returned Friday lint Mn Hmtit welitlo >iiratlcr to Band Sunday with Mr II M Imterxin reluming Monday They rr port that the coned wm I great IIUTYM bring a fine entertertdumeutLOCALS Horse for sale CITIZEN ollicu For Halo two bicycles at 520 and Ilnt CITIZEV office Printed Berea College stationary is all the go At tho 1rintine ollico Pleas Evans has built a new barn on the Selkirk place recently pur chased by him 018000 Hqtiarc inches of scratch mirfaoo for onlr 13 cents at tho- r Pnntingoffice IE C Siggers patent lawyer Wash ington D C hut an advertisement In thia issue about patents FreeA I i Everything else in our hue as free an you will over seoltwe lIenrI only n little to ace if you aro in Bicknell and Earl recently built themsolvoH a now delivery wagon uso in their business rorI Sarah Jano Moberly at trill to escitpo by time morphine route last Tuesday but did not succeed Nico lino of ladies holt buckles hat sterling silver bracelets just ar I rives Ask to sloe the Derby i cult holder Robinson tho Jeweler- J W Hcrudou of Hcrndon Walker Whites Station was in town j Saturday and reports that tho stock business of tho firm is progressing uicoly The Order of SpanishAmerican Veterans has boon recently establish el hero by TT Simmons and other veterans of tho low war The boys mire every Saturday Johnston and Dickinson cham ¬ will meet all comers for R series of crokiuolo games boat II out of 5 100 points to tho game H H Johnston F L Dickinson Tho past week has boon one favor- able ¬ to skating partias and ice bous ¬ es Richardson Bros secured a largo amount of ice andovary day saw a party of young rolksonjoJiug the skating T R Robinson just back from his regular trip through Eastern Ken ¬ tucky reports m tho four couu ties of Clay Owsley Breathitt and Leslie there is said to bo 10000000 worth of logs cut nnd waiting for a tide The initial number of tho Rambler Embryis devoted to tho bost interests of tho colored people advocating industry economy suit education and should bo in every colored homo Jauiua McGuiro of Brush Creek Rockcitstlu county is supposed to bo tho oldest man in tho county Ho was horn in February 1800 suit in spite of his 100 yearn is spry nod hearty Ho hiss and hearing nud rodo ltorsubaclto Mt Vernon rocontl Near his homo is tho oldovarsltoi waterwheel built by him years ago still in oper ¬ alien Mr McGuirv lives about a half milo from the Iron Jacket church and ins 12 children 100 graudchildnm nnd about COO groat grandchildren byProf American Inspiration James A fjJz zz z2ZZ YiZZ zZzzZ A OF WinterI for the Fall and Mens and Boys Fine Stylish Made I ODQTIIINGJ WEarcpnwrelto font you with the Lon eat prhrd rlitlrly made absolutely W In America Klghtlymailc as It U of famnua Vital IlniKl KVy only readytowear ClothliiB Tailored on a strictly scientific bast In clean well Kjfo workrums Ierfect lilting and wearmining IHIHIIM the Inside the Ilhe 11111 time very life of the garment I carvfnltiem In making represent the ex Wfi of time and thought and la a decided contrast to the tailoring area lu Kj rewlytowear Clolhlnit The Fabric that we how are the very newest tlrIICII lima1 will he arch thia seaool Many lOnllued t1IluJinly to fns In the lace of j the above facts The mont rxtwonlliiary feature combining our great ofler In that w- ean v and do aril our Clothing nt JK I e LESS MONEYI Than rlwwhfro How ran we afford to than eltewhereT Our answer Is pure atrietlyutsprogrvsalveluauourClothiagIs auld on the smallest margin of proHt VA depending on a large volume or The more Clothing we sell the greater jfat our purcha lng rower time lower our price that the awry In a nut ahcll W- I COVINGTON MITCHELL L RICHMOND KENTUCKY S Y P aa tZ P fIt Garfieldwas the heat lecture heard hero for n long time It compares very favorable with any lecture de- livered here in recent years oven bj lecturers from abroad Many favor- able eriticiums were heard the re- Mark boink frequently nlll1ll1IIU wear the lent thing here for years This in n correct estimate for tho lectun bhowed lout amid careful reparation and was delivendwillt tine cal effect Tho effect is easily ining hued Tho audience WitH niton tivo from hrnt to last and showed id appreciation by long and hearty applatiKO at the close showing tha tho lxest is thoroughly appreciated hy Berea audiences In Mcmoriam At the January niccttiiK ol tbe w C T U wa lull a memorial err ire for our mnrhlove deter IN tan Vlnk1e who was culled to her llrarrnly Home but November Ktlnlieth VanWInkle ilaujhtcr of l owls am Margaret Coyle Davit wa horn In whet In tsa- rJarkwnCoKyletSt1107 the WIt a convert ol In 1N 2 and often salt that the felt na UIOUK she fell at Jwin feel at her ronvertlon She wa married to James W Van Winkle March 3 1357 She and her hunliand with eight ehllden lime to Here Ky In I8TO Her life near an example and her low Ii mourned not only by husband Mint ami laugh lIen but by our tnlon the Church and the corn munlty In ceiural Phu was grunt faithful aftMllonate forglvlnit and ianeatd n fait I width KHVO her at all limy the Rood cheer en Joined by the Ixml all thlt broucht a txnutlfu lead lo her soul and Inspired other nlth a de- sire to reach the heltihti the had attained HtT greatert work wu In the home where shi rearm our lau htcrii and fix 10011111111 ol whom rime up and call her Wowed for the was one 01 themotl patient loving and ran 1d of inothen She thlfldod tier children from temptation at time tnme time Initlllnx tutu them the real prln elplcs of virtue and purity which mule then strong when temptation came The program of the memorial wrvlec wax m rangol to bring out her characterise One apokeof her at a titter Anther of her us a dl rector lu our Industrial Two daughters ppok lovingly and tenderly of her from earlier recol Icillont giving ua gllmpesof her Impartial hoi pltallty often extcndH to the lowly and cutout of Instance when the stool strong aetlutt wm ways of social life when she coiuldeml that lucl brought danger or tuiplclon to the pure name o her daughter and at all time the taught then that her instructions were the isle ways of lid because they were according to the word of sal Another rake ofheraasumafulin brlnglut to manhood six eons with that good name whtcl In letter than great riches And her inns hue this good rune while to many ol our young men Iwar names ttalned with evils of which h- Is a shame to iHak because she taught tuna from childhood that customs of society not It accordance with the word of nod mutt not IN followed by them showing them plainly time evil that arc destroying Mxletjr Ilvullilng their dan- ger the odentald If lean only live until my suits art grown 1 thai be unsold Volunteer tpoke of her at a neighbor T < those In trouble the wan always able to brume comfort lettllylng to the time when Cod had tarn her help III the time of trouble She had only much education u her early ante rounding afforded but her asMXlatlon with those who valutd the benefit of church and school gave her that knowledge which made her one whose counsel wo eagerly sought In times ol perplexity or when dlmcultlciaroxo Favor Ir deceitful and beauty Is vain but a woman that fcareth limo Ixml the thall be prnli e lAttliocloio of this nieotliiB there retoliitloni were adopted HArmu In tho Irovldcnco of Ood our beloved dater Kllzabcth VnnWInklc who had been a member of time W C T U from IU organization boltUeHoLVKu I That as a union wo have lost one oloiirmott active and faithful workers one who wax ready nt all tunes to make personal sacrifice to do her part lu this or any work to which her mattur calmed her 2 That whltwjn her death we Ire reminded of tho transitory tiling ol earth we shall our- selves bo spurred to grouter uctlvltles and this tun measure make up for the loss which her departure ha cauned 3 That a+ a union we express our rympathy to the bereaved htmbiind con and daughters and to the Ioler III our midst ratorcly bereft 4 That these resolution IKS tprvad upon our record that a copy bo furnished tho bereaved family mid that they bo published lu the HEBIU UtTilxx pur study und practical work ror years have been tho TEETH AND THEIR TROUBLES Ts it any wonder therefore that in 99 cases out of a hundred wo cnn remedy faulty teeth It is folly to Jct a decayed or broken tooth go withou attention simply bocauso it does not ache It may cause you a great dea of trouble later Lot us see what wo can do to put it in good shape Teethextracted S 25 Beat amalgam fills 7i host gold fills lW A good set of teeth 50 Half faro ou K It and free hote accommodations for people from 0 distance if you write for terns ant engagementsDR H HOBSON Office Next Door to Post offico Rich- mond Ky Office open nights Madison County College Hill Little Andrew Douthitt died Jan- uary 20th Dock Nolands wire was buried January 21st II A Laine and William Martin have each lost a horse by distemper Several of our boys expect to go to Ford to work as soon as work b gins there An investigation of the nocall chickenpox by the board of healt disclosed it is the dreaded small Quarantine has boon establish ed nnd tho yellow flag marko the in fested spots Wo are glad tho genial Editor of the CITIZEN has survived both the typhoid rover and matrimony and it still with us and trust that through his weekly ideas tho readers of his paper may be lifted to higher things ICicliiDond Mrs Elizabeth Broaddus was ill tho past week but is now improving Prof J A White principal or Lancaster city schools is homo visit- fug his family Rev J 1r Turner has been in the city tho lust few days holding Quart- erly Conference Miss Maggie Broaddus who has boon homo since Christmas has re turned to her school at Irvine Mon dayProf Reynolds contemplates ad ding another year to tho course in the City Colored High School Such a step is mil keeping with tho spirit of Limo man Rot W W Locke of Winchester was in our city on business Monday Bois working in financial and bnsi cogs interests of tho Negro race anti claims to have important business up his sleeve a Cn Y FarmfiO 3LI CITIZENT PROCLAMATION IIECONOMY only Other BRIGHT The Berea Monument Co Tilt result of work and reasonable prices that p flow have in all parts of the State When you want Anything in the monument line Let us know and we will end you designs and price Headstones up to any amount- S and Monuments At prices to suit the times and work firstdas JOHN HARWOOD Prop Berea Ky WMWHITES For 20 by ORDER OF QUARANTINE I KicitMoxn KY JAN LJ 1000 OFFICE QF nOAUD OF I1KUT1I MAD1SO > COUNTY KY All ptnoni are hereby nitlfle who hue or have bein rxpoxcil to 8M ALIr IUX or other cOn tsfflom illnaw to remain at home upon penal tyol flume from 300 to 1100 for curb and ever nflensc to be collectrtl lu rash or lij restraint III jail or work upon the public road All unvuvlnatetl I rrrne from two ycann who have been expoxml aro hereby notified lu report at once to n regular practicing physlclai and be racrlnatcd or you will bcarmted cut put Into a ol detention Infected housci must toe marked with a bellow Flag Indicating danger u no liinoecn exposedKvcry will bo policed and th ofllocr will have nil power to enforce the laws Jt POYNTZ 1Kia llonnl of Health M C- WI JlliSON HEALTH OrriciR KENTUCKY STATUTES VACCINATION SEe If49bfaaa to lit ttICtIltIW All person of the age of 21 years or over who have not been vaccinated or If vaccinated not ucccarfuly shall within three month after this rerlsloi takes elicit procure their own vaccination or re- vaccination as the ease may be SEC 4009 tlinon ami ifa Umcclnnliun All purcuU guardlant and irx ns having the care custody and control of any child or children or who may have In their employ any minor or minors shall have the same vaccinated and ev- ery parent guardian and person who may han the care custody or control of any child born hereafter ball have said child vscclnatedwltlil twelve months after Its birth or utter It come under his or her care custody or control SEC 4010 Per onl coming from other stake to IJt mcfinaitd All persons coming Into this State 10 abide or become citizen who have not been vac clnated or who may have children under then care orcontrol that have not been vaccinated hall procure the vaccination of themselves am Mid children wlthia alx months after coming In to this State coxcniNiNo rats Braun or axAUrox SEC ads ratlenti hating amoUpozrore la lit tattn p Every person auperlntcndlng a hospltaJ or other place where a patient having the imall pox la confined shall prohibit all Intercourw therewith of pens zus not having the disease and shall before a patient or uITerlDg him to be removed take due cure that his person la thoroughly cleansed and his clothe such a have not been Infected with the disease under the penalty of ten dollar Sgo1616 PrraonapoiegwkrceemtmZl JwnOLIlllor lit ronjtnnf If any person who has never hail tht smallpox hall go Into a houne where the small- pox Is or associate with a person who is afflicted therewith any Justice of the peace ou due prool of the fact may cause luch person to to some hone or place In the country where the dlKcase will not spread there to remain until hi shall have gone through the disease or until a physician thai certify that be will not take the same If such person bo not able to pay the ex pcnw of lts nursing tho county lhall pay the tame SEC 4017 renally Jar tdllfuUy tprcaittng II any person stall willfully endeavor to spread or propagate the amdl pox he shall be subject tc be indicted and fined the turn of five hundred dollars or to be Imprisoned for lx month SEC 4013 1tnalty fur person hating smaUpox- going in imUls ptocti Any person who having reason at the tlma to believe lilinsclf aflllrteU with the olseaseof uraallpox shall voluntarily go upon any public highway i r street or to any place at which people are accustomed torollcct ores semble or who shall enter or go on hunt any railroad iwr or other public convey ancc and any pentium who 11 knowingly aldoi ttuslst anyonvthu tooireml shall be guilty ol a misdemeanor hind upon conviction shall be- fiunfuotlenathm one hundrc nor more than uric thousand dollars Faults of Digestion causo disorders of till liver and the whole bocomus durangod IIERBINli port fed s the process of digestion and as similation and thus makes ptiro blood Price GO cents SB Welch Jr JENNESS MILLER SHOES For Womenr Are the Most Stylish Are the Most Durable Are the Most Perfect Are for Young and Old Are sold by Us They Fit the Feet as Nature Intended Accept No DOUGLAS 00 237 We t Main St RICHMOND KT good it customer 600 Marble Granite Material OF discharging beconveyol itrainboat CREAMI IIiI CENTER STREET ART GALLERY- C I 000 Proprietor UptoDate Photos Kothli lit Tta Best Finish at tile beast PriCIi BURTON The Photographer DEALER IN AMATKUR 8CPPU19 Fine Photographs at Reasoitkli Prim Views about Berea a specialty CsFa HANSONSLIVERY I I Yon Want GOOD GLASSES IF YOU WANT THEM AT ALL Glosses that are not properly adjusted to eyes are actually dangerous I know It d you ought to know It I will not attempt to glasses to your eyes until I know what laa Eyes examined free A Nice line of Novelties in JEWELRY- T A ROBIHSOH Jeweler lit Oftkte LEWIS A DAVIS Medicine and Surgery Berea Ky Office in Hanson Bid E B McCOY Dentist Berea Kentucky DENTAL SV11QERY A WILKES SMITH D D S Smith Building Main Street Richmond Ay Telephone Itrililrnrr No lit ManeN6 n J C MORGAN Dental Surgery Office Hours S to 12 A M- 11o3 P JT National Bank Building Richmond Ky n ATTENTION MILL MEN TRY our Small Dimension and Ticket Mill for cutting lath Picket Chair and other Small Dimension Stock from the round block Send for circular MODEL MACHINE WORKS 20 Ashland Ave Lexington Ky Jan I73ra 1

Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1900-02-07 [p ]. › lccn › sn85052076 › 1900-02-07 › e… · J a Year Devoted to tbe Interests of tbe Home School and caY 1 I VOL I BEKEA

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  • Ja Year Devoted to tbe Interests of tbe Home School and



    KIIITOU and MAMAOrHPublUhei at the ottleo ol

    Till CITIZEN Keren ICyKnteml ut She IottnjHrt at ll alltru

    Tlioiio Hood Old DtiyNThat goad old day ha + IIlmIIoOI

    When any honcit matsWith liralnt could rl n from poverty

    Ami Inul rur nation VIIThat good old day la almixt 11No more tu mine againWhen those who dlmb to honor e belghU

    wets plain last slits menThat goat old day Ilu paned away

    Whet ollllc were ln oFrom ring and IHHY Justin It

    Form tune onlyWhen nelrsr of public trutl

    Gould out lie taught and toldAnd brain and push and homely

    Could wield more Intact than gold

    That grand old lay ban lusts awayloneorofn r cornspomliulreport that dm Joulxirt hUll beauBoverely woundixl by a shall and willnot ho ablu to be in command againTho inmo man reports that the Boorattack on lady lUith was a seriousmistake

    RoporU front South Africa indicatethat Gon Bullcr bait again croftoodthe Tugoln River and is advancing ontdynmith He is expected to rotlievo the town noon Gen Whitetho garrison oipt cli MjxMxly rrleasoby Gon Bullor Indication pointthat way On tho contrary GnuSchofield a rotirod officer of tho USArmy in considering the situationsays LadyNtnith sure to bo captured by the Boors as Gun isa position whero ho can hardly boreached by roouforcoineuts

    Our CountryGov Roosevelt sent a message of

    encouragement to Cur Taylor Optplauding hill and urging himto hold out

    Gen II W Lawton recently killedin tho Philippines will bo buried

    A gn al strike of all thin buildingtrades is on in Chicago aud businessis practically tied up

    Mittens in conference recentlyatIndianapolis succeededan incnmso of 14 cents per ton formining coal

    Maj John A Logan killed in thePhilippines has loon brought to theUnited State aud taken to the Loganhomo at Youngstown 0

    STATE NEWSTho rumor was current yesterday

    that Goobol was killed by some rolalive of John SanforU whom Goebelkillwl five years ago Suspicionwould to Republican very nat ¬urally Goobol wore a coal of mailbut tho stool bullet penetrated it

    The trouble at Frankfort over thoquestion of governorship has subsidedpartially though it may break out atany time Iho death of Goebelseems to havo quieted for tho limotin trouhlo which was imminent butit is doubtless true that there will bemoro trouble later Members of thoLegislature are in attendance ot Lou ¬don aud more ant expected at anytune Tho opinion generally expressDill that sympathy is turning to thoRepublicans agai-

    nCounty NewsGon John B Gordon lectures in

    OW Richmond unit Tuesday nightA number of Madison citizens have

    bion in Frankfort during tho past

    weekCE Woods editor of tho Rich ¬

    mend Register id on an extendedEastern trip

    A largo crowd was in town Mon-day


    About 1GOO cattlo worn offonxland thoro wore takers at 2 to i cunts

    y The trade was brisk and tho mulemarket exceedingly active Goodmaro muUw brought from S100 to SHfieach Others not so good broughtsmaller figures Time horde businesswas about as usual lnaijraph



    PERSONALJ IL Ilaya went liomf FridayPrott flu went to Ml Vernon Fridayleatla o Lester wmt toOriKon Monday8 K Welch Jr ual In Franliirt IuI wwkurn Mitchell WM up Irons Inllil Iirk Saturday

    tIh Mire K DougliM has been lit theweek 111

    J lavnuanI IVteri went to rincliimtl Mondayto IIATV his te treated

    Rev OtnrgeAmeegots Friday to M Luulto InliUln iimlloit tnHtnirnt-

    Mn Frank oylerrtitrnolTuexIuy front II vtsII with her parents at Wild I

    IL to Imton went In lllrhmond Friday In enIce the Infirmary for tncdlral treatment

    U H Wyatt went in 1 Inrlniiall WrdnrMlay tuHvhUtUterwImlisIrk In the hospital thereMo returned Krliliy

    I II Johntou ami wife returned Friday lromIHlrliinoiii where Mr Jnhnmn Ita+ ITCH for mcilnl treatment UUhraltli Ia very poor tit Imrut

    K W Todd Ikrea W left KrlUy or hump+ lxn III where hr enters ujxm a round ofMudy trading tcichemlinlriiKliicerlne lit mumJ C Fey M who It studying there-

    On ThuriuUjr cvrnlnic llev II J Dvrlhlck rIfnnrrd time ceremony which unllrd In marriageIt If UhrUuiin uul Mix Laura Oayleit the naIdctiru of the brldea father J C Ooyle-

    Mr VanWInkle mother of I W VanWInkleatsd Mm Cult alit 1111 Monday morningitMrt Cliff where abe hail made tier home furyrar HurUI Monday afternoon In Hem CciiieteryM

    Jivm Todd died Hi hit home on the WalnutMraduw pike ulcer llrrea early lat MoniUymorning The funeral was held Tuesday alternoon burial being In the honue urhllroulIIDrrrawdna m years old the ulilnl manMauarouuty InI

    Prof and Mr L V Hudge went toThursday to attrtid the route it tlvrn Ity theDuds rrofmnt returned Friday lint Mn Hmtitwelitlo >iiratlcr to Band Sunday with MrII M Imterxin reluming Monday They rrport that the coned wm I great IIUTYM bringa fine


    Horse for sale CITIZEN ollicu

    For Halo two bicycles at 520 andIlnt CITIZEV officePrinted Berea College stationary

    is all the go At tho 1rintine ollico

    Pleas Evans has built a new barnon the Selkirk place recently purchased by him

    018000 Hqtiarc inches of scratchmirfaoo for onlr 13 cents at tho-

    r Pnntingoffice

    IE C Siggers patent lawyer Washington D C hut an advertisementIn thia issue about patents

    FreeA I iEverything else in our hue asfree an you will over seoltwe lIenrIonly n little to ace if you aro in

    Bicknell and Earl recently builtthemsolvoH a now delivery wagonuso in their business rorI

    Sarah Jano Moberly attrill to escitpo by time morphine routelast Tuesday but did not succeed

    Nico lino of ladies holt buckles hatsterling silver bracelets just ar

    I rives Ask to sloe the Derby i cultholder Robinson tho Jeweler-

    J W Hcrudou of HcrndonWalker Whites Station was in town jSaturday and reports that tho stockbusiness of tho firm is progressinguicoly

    The Order of SpanishAmericanVeterans has boon recently establishel hero by T T Simmons and otherveterans of tho low war The boysmire every Saturday

    Johnston and Dickinson cham ¬will meet all comers for R series

    of crokiuolo games boat II out of 5100 points to tho game

    H H JohnstonF L Dickinson

    Tho past week has boon one favor-able


    to skating partias and ice bous ¬es Richardson Bros secured alargo amount of ice andovary daysaw a party of young rolksonjoJiugthe skating

    T R Robinson just back from hisregular trip through Eastern Ken ¬tucky reports m tho four couuties of Clay Owsley Breathitt andLeslie there is said to bo 10000000worth of logs cut nnd waiting for atide

    The initial number of tho RamblerEmbryisdevoted to tho bost interests of thocolored people advocating industryeconomy suit education and shouldbo in every colored homo

    Jauiua McGuiro of Brush CreekRockcitstlu county is supposed to botho oldest man in tho county Howas horn in February 1800 suit inspite of his 100 yearn is spry nodhearty Ho hiss andhearing nud rodo ltorsubaclto MtVernon rocontl Near his homo istho oldovarsltoi waterwheelbuilt by him years ago still in oper ¬alien Mr McGuirv lives about ahalf milo from the Iron Jacketchurch and ins 12 children 100graudchildnm nnd about COO groatgrandchildrenbyProfAmerican Inspiration James A

    fjJz zz z2ZZ YiZZ zZzzZA OF

    WinterIfor the Fall andMens and Boys Fine

    Stylish Made

    I ODQTIIINGJWEarcpnwrelto font you with the Lon eat prhrd rlitlrly made absolutely WIn America Klghtlymailc as It U of famnua Vital IlniKlKVy

    only readytowear ClothliiB Tailored on a strictly scientific bast In clean well Kjfo

    workrums Ierfect lilting and wearmining IHIHIIM the Inside the

    Ilhe11111 time very life of the garment I carvfnltiem In making represent the ex Wfiof time and thought and la a decided contrast to the tailoring area lu Kj

    rewlytowear Clolhlnit The Fabric that we how are the very newesttlrIICII lima1 will he arch thia seaool Many lOnllued t1IluJinly to fns In the lace of

    j the above facts The mont rxtwonlliiary feature combining our great ofler In that w-eanv and do aril our Clothing nt JK

    Ie LESS MONEYIThan rlwwhfro How ran we afford to

    than eltewhereT Our answer Is pureatrietlyutsprogrvsalveluauourClothiagIs auld on the smallest margin of proHt

    VA depending on a large volume or The more Clothing we sell the greater jfatour purcha lng rower time lower our price that the awry In a nut ahcll W-


    Garfieldwas the heat lecture heardhero for n long time It comparesvery favorable with any lecture de-livered here in recent years oven bjlecturers from abroad Many favor-able eriticiums were heard the re-Mark boink frequently nlll1ll1IIU wearthe lent thing here for years Thisin n correct estimate for tho lectunbhowed lout amid careful reparationand was delivendwillt tinecal effect Tho effect is easily ininghued Tho audience WitH nitontivo from hrnt to last and showed idappreciation by long and heartyapplatiKO at the close showing thatho lxest is thoroughly appreciated hyBerea audiences

    In Mcmoriam

    At the January niccttiiK ol tbe w C T U wa

    lull a memorial err ire for our mnrhlovedeter IN tan Vlnk1e who was culled to herllrarrnly Home but November

    Ktlnlieth VanWInkle ilaujhtcr of l owls amMargaret Coyle Davit wa horn In whet In tsa-rJarkwnCoKyletSt1107 the WIt a convertol In 1N 2 and often salt that the felt na UIOUKshe fell at Jwin feel at her ronvertlon She wamarried to James W Van Winkle March 3 1357She and her hunliand with eight ehllden limeto Here Ky In I8TO

    Her life near an example and her low Ii

    mourned not only by husband Mint ami laughlIen but by our tnlon the Church and the cornmunlty In ceiural Phu was grunt faithfulaftMllonate forglvlnit and ianeatd n fait Iwidth KHVO her at all limy the Rood cheer enJoined by the Ixml all thlt broucht a txnutlfulead lo her soul and Inspired other nlth a de-sire to reach the heltihti the had attained

    HtT greatert work wu In the home where shirearm our lau htcrii and fix 10011111111 ol whom

    rime up and call her Wowed for the was one 01themotl patient loving and ran 1d of inothenShe thlfldod tier children from temptation attime tnme time Initlllnx tutu them the real prlnelplcs of virtue and purity which mule thenstrong when temptation came

    The program of the memorial wrvlec wax mrangol to bring out her characterise Oneapokeof her at a titter Anther of her us a dlrector lu our Industrial Two daughters ppoklovingly and tenderly of her from earlier recolIcillont giving ua gllmpesof her Impartial hoipltallty often extcndH to the lowly and cutoutof Instance when the stool strong aetlutt wmways of social life when she coiuldeml that luclbrought danger or tuiplclon to the pure name oher daughter and at all time the taught thenthat her instructions were the isle ways of lidbecause they were according to the word of sal

    Another rake ofheraasumafulin brlnglutto manhood six eons with that good name whtclIn letter than great riches And her inns huethis good rune while to many ol our youngmen Iwar names ttalned with evils of which h-Is a shame to iHak because she taught tunafrom childhood that customs of society not Itaccordance with the word of nod mutt not INfollowed by them showing them plainly time evilthat arc destroying Mxletjr Ilvullilng their dan-ger the odentald If lean only live until mysuits art grown 1 thai be unsold

    Volunteer tpoke of her at a neighbor T <those In trouble the wan always able to brumecomfort lettllylng to the time when Cod hadtarn her help III the time of trouble

    She had only much education u her early anterounding afforded but her asMXlatlon withthose who valutd the benefit of church andschool gave her that knowledge which made herone whose counsel wo eagerly sought In times olperplexity or when dlmcultlciaroxo

    Favor Ir deceitful and beauty Is vain but awoman that fcareth limo Ixml the thall be prnlie lAttliocloio of this nieotliiB there retoliitloniwere adopted

    HArmu In tho Irovldcnco of Ood our beloveddater Kllzabcth VnnWInklc who had been amember of time W C T U from IU organization

    boltUeHoLVKuI That as a union wo have lost one

    oloiirmott active and faithful workers one whowax ready nt all tunes to make personal sacrificeto do her part lu this or any work to which hermattur calmed her

    2 That whltwjn her death we Ire remindedof tho transitory tiling ol earth we shall our-selves bo spurred to grouter uctlvltles and thistun measure make up for the loss which herdeparture ha cauned

    3 That a+ a union we express our rympathyto the bereaved htmbiind con and daughtersand to the Ioler III our midst ratorcly bereft

    4 That these resolution IKS tprvad upon ourrecord that a copy bo furnished tho bereavedfamily mid that they bo published lu the HEBIUUtTilxx

    pur study und practical work roryears have been tho


    Ts it any wonder therefore that in99 cases out of a hundred wo cnnremedy faulty teeth It is folly to Jcta decayed or broken tooth go withouattention simply bocauso it does notache It may cause you a great deaof trouble later Lot us see what wocan do to put it in good shape

    Teethextracted S 25Beat amalgam fills 7ihost gold fills lWA good set of teeth 50Half faro ou K It and free hote

    accommodations for people from 0distance if you write for terns ant

    engagementsDRH HOBSON

    Office Next Door to Post offico Rich-mond Ky Office open nights

    Madison CountyCollege Hill

    Little Andrew Douthitt died Jan-uary 20th

    Dock Nolands wire was buriedJanuary 21st

    II A Laine and William Martinhave each lost a horse by distemper

    Several of our boys expect to goto Ford to work as soon as work bgins there

    An investigation of the nocallchickenpox by the board of healtdisclosed it is the dreaded small

    Quarantine has boon established nnd tho yellow flag marko the infested spots

    Wo are glad tho genial Editor ofthe CITIZEN has survived both thetyphoid rover and matrimony and itstill with us and trust that throughhis weekly ideas tho readers of hispaper may be lifted to higher things

    ICicliiDondMrs Elizabeth Broaddus was ill

    tho past week but is now improvingProf J A White principal or

    Lancaster city schools is homo visit-fug his family

    Rev J 1r Turner has been in thecity tho lust few days holding Quart-erly Conference

    Miss Maggie Broaddus who hasboon homo since Christmas has returned to her school at Irvine Mon

    dayProfReynolds contemplates ad

    ding another year to tho course in theCity Colored High School Such astep is mil keeping with tho spirit ofLimo man

    Rot W W Locke of Winchesterwas in our city on business MondayBois working in financial and bnsicogs interests of tho Negro race anticlaims to have important business uphis sleeve


    Cn YFarmfiO 3LI






    The Berea Monument CoTilt result of work and reasonable prices that pflow have in all parts of the State

    When you want

    Anything in the monument lineLet us know and we will end you designs and price

    Headstones up to any amount-

    S and MonumentsAt prices to suit the times and work firstdasJOHN HARWOOD Prop Berea Ky

    WMWHITESFor 20




    All ptnoni are hereby nitlfle who hue orhave bein rxpoxcil to 8M ALIr IUX or other cOntsfflom illnaw to remain at home upon penaltyol flume from 300 to 1100 for curb and evernflensc to be collectrtl lu rash or lij restraint IIIjail or work upon the public road

    All unvuvlnatetl Irrrne from two ycannwho have been expoxml aro hereby notified lureport at once to n regular practicing physlclaiand be racrlnatcd or you will bcarmted cutput Into a ol detention

    Infected housci must toe marked with abellow Flag Indicating danger u no liinoecn

    exposedKvcry will bo policed and thofllocr will have nil power to enforce the lawsJt POYNTZ 1Kia llonnl of Health M C-WI JlliSON HEALTH OrriciR


    SEe If49bfaaa to lit ttICtIltIW All personof the age of 21 years or over who have not beenvaccinated or If vaccinated not ucccarfulyshall within three month after this rerlsloitakes elicit procure their own vaccination or re-vaccination as the ease may be

    SEC 4009 tlinon ami ifa Umcclnnliun AllpurcuU guardlant and irx ns having the carecustody and control of any child or children orwho may have In their employ any minor orminors shall have the same vaccinated and ev-ery parent guardian and person who may hanthe care custody or control of any child bornhereafter ball have said child vscclnatedwltliltwelve months after Its birth or utter It comeunder his or her care custody or control

    SEC 4010 Per onl coming from other stake to IJtmcfinaitd All persons coming Into this State 10abide or become citizen who have not been vacclnated or who may have children under thencare orcontrol that have not been vaccinatedhall procure the vaccination of themselves am

    Mid children wlthia alx months after coming Into this State

    coxcniNiNo rats Braun or axAUroxSEC ads ratlenti hating amoUpozrore la lit

    tattn p Every person auperlntcndlng a hospltaJor other place where a patient having the imallpox la confined shall prohibit all Intercourwtherewith of pens zus not having the disease andshall before a patient or uITerlDghim to be removed take due cure that his personla thoroughly cleansed and his clothe such ahave not been Infected with the disease underthe penalty of ten dollarSgo1616 PrraonapoiegwkrceemtmZl JwnOLIlllor

    lit ronjtnnf If any person who has never hail thtsmallpox hall go Into a houne where the small-pox Is or associate with a person who is afflictedtherewith any Justice of the peace ou due proolof the fact may cause luch person toto some hone or place In the country where thedlKcase will not spread there to remain until hishall have gone through the disease or until aphysician thai certify that be will not take thesame If such person bo not able to pay the expcnw of lts nursing tho county lhall pay thetame

    SEC 4017 renally Jar tdllfuUy tprcaittng IIany person stall willfully endeavor to spread orpropagate the amdl pox he shall be subject tcbe indicted and fined the turn of five hundreddollars or to be Imprisoned for lx month

    SEC 4013 1tnalty fur person hating smaUpox-going in imUls ptocti Any person who havingreason at the tlma to believe lilinsclf aflllrteUwith the olseaseof uraallpox shall voluntarily goupon any public highway i r street or to any placeat which people are accustomed torollcct oressemble or who shall enter or go on hunt any

    railroad iwr or other public conveyancc and any pentium who 11knowingly aldoittuslst anyonvthu tooireml shall be guilty ola misdemeanor hind upon conviction shall be-fiunfuotlenathm one hundrc nor more thanuric thousand dollars

    Faults of Digestion causo disordersof till liver and the wholebocomus durangod IIERBINli portfed s the process of digestion and assimilation and thus makes ptiro bloodPrice GO cents S B Welch Jr

    JENNESS MILLERSHOESForWomenrAre the Most Stylish

    Are the Most DurableAre the Most Perfect

    Are for Young and OldAre sold by Us

    They Fit the Feet asNature IntendedAccept No

    DOUGLAS 00237 We t Main St RICHMOND KT

    good itcustomer


    Marble GraniteMaterial





    CREAMIIIiICENTER STREETART GALLERY-C I 000 ProprietorUptoDate Photos Kothli lit TtaBest Finish at tile beast PriCIi

    BURTONThe Photographer

    DEALER IN AMATKUR 8CPPU19Fine Photographs at Reasoitkli Prim

    Views about Berea a specialty





    IF YOU WANT THEM AT ALLGlosses that are not properly adjusted toeyes are actually dangerous I know It dyou ought to know It I will not attempt toglasses to your eyes until I know what laaEyes examined free

    A Nice line of Novelties inJEWELRY-

    T A ROBIHSOH Jeweler lit Oftkte

    LEWIS A DAVISMedicine and Surgery

    Berea KyOffice in Hanson Bid

    E B McCOY Dentist

    Berea Kentucky


    Smith Building Main StreetRichmond Ay

    Telephone Itrililrnrr No lit ManeN6n

    J C MORGANDental Surgery

    Office Hours S to 12 A M-11o3 P JT National Bank Building

    Richmond Kyn

    ATTENTION MILL MENTRY our Small Dimension and Ticket Mill forcutting lath Picket Chair and other SmallDimension Stock from the round block

    Send for circularMODEL MACHINE WORKS

    20 Ashland Ave Lexington KyJan I73ra
