Farbenlehreund Farbmessung. By W Schultze. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1975. 3rd revised edit., vii, 97 pp., 57 figs., bound, DM 32.-. This book is currently the only Introduction in the German language to color measurement and its applications in daily industrial practice. Mathematical expositions are largely avoided, and with a few exceptions this certainly makes it easier to understand “color metrics”. Two-thirds of the contents are devoted to the principles of color measurement (inter alia the CIE system color coor- dinates X, Y, Z, apparatus for color measurement, evaluation of color differences) together with scattered references to phy- siology (e.g. color blindness), while the remainder deals with questions of immediate practical value (tolerances, principles of color match calculations, color depth and color saturation, color reproduction). In 86 text pages many aspects can be covered only superficially, which also means that some terms introduced in the first part of the book cannot be explained until later. The 135 literature references will certainly help those who want more detailed information. This small book can be recommended as a useful and easily readable review to practical workers and to all who occasionally come into contact with color measurements. Fritz Heinrich [NB 335 IE] Hochdruck-Fliissigkeits-Chromatographie (High-pressure Liquid Chromatography). By H. Engdhardt. Springer-Ver- lag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1975. 1st edit., x, 213 pp., 52 figs., 17 tables, bound, DM 56.-. As stated by the author in the Foreword, the object of this 200-page book is to provide the newcomer to high-pressure liquid chromatography with a review of the apparatus, separa- tion processes, and applicability of the method. Little stress is laid on the theory of chromatographic separation, but rather on a detailed discussion of the components of a high-pressure liquid chromatograph. Pumping systems, detectors, carrier materials, and stationary phases are described in detail. In addition, the author gives a clear description of the four types of liquid chromatography, augmented by representative examples of applications, with the greatest emphasis on the parameters that influence a separation. It must, however, be said that the main purpose of the work, giving the experimentalist decisive help in obtaining a high-pressure liquid chromatograph, is unfulfilled by the present book. Much of the information is only of academic interest, since on the one hand apparatus is described (e.g. detectors) that is not supplied commercially, and on the other hand the user will seldom be in the author’s position to construct or rebuild apparatus as would follow from a study of the book. Most users will find it impossible for practical reasons to obtain components such as pumps and detectors from the various distributors. A complete working system from one manufacturer, selected for a specific planned applica- tion, is usually the better answer, even if the high hopes attached to it often fall short in reality. Karl Zech [NB 342 IE] Cz-!oji L.r:im3},1 l!.-.tmr;cr‘rwndl‘r. I Lexicon of Procedures and Methods for the Preparation, Use, and Testing of Varnishes, Paints, and Similar Protective and Decorative Materials for All Industrial and Commercial Uses. By H. Hadert. BAG Brunner Verlag AG, Zurich/Ver- lag Chemie, GmbH, Weinheim 1976. 1st edit., 356 pp., plastic, DM 95.-. This is the first book of its kind in the German language. It is aimed not only at the specialist but also at the users of varnishes, varnish ingredients, pigments, dyes, solvents, etc. In this Lexicon is collected a wealth of keywords from the varnish, paint, leather, and printing ink industries. A large part of the keywords consists of the tradenames of products and apparatus; the remainder are chemical, physical, and industrial terms. At the end of the explanatory text for very many of the industrial products there is a reference to the “Index of Manufacturers and Suppliers” in which the supplier company will be found with its full postal address. The Index of Manufacturers and Suppliers is at the end of the book; this part of the Lexicon is printed on yellow paper to facilitate its location. If the reader requires additional information about a commercial product he can apply directly to the suppliers without losing time in searching for the address. Hartmut Grahmunn [NB 348 IE] Separation and Purification Methods, Vol. 4. Edited by F. S. Perry, C. J. van Oss, and E. Grushka. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xii, 413 pp., bound, $ 32.50. Solute-solvent Interactions, Vol. 2. Edited by J. F. Coetzee and C. D. Ritchie. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xi, 459 pp., bound, SFr. 125.00. Anionic Surfactants, Part 1. Edited by W M. Linfield. “Surfac- tant Science Series”, Vol. 7. Edited by M. J. Schick and F. M. Fowkes. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xi, 314 pp., bound, SFr. 115.00. Beitrage zur Didaktik der Chemie. By R. Kriimer. Verlag Mor- itz Diesterweg, Frankfurt 1976. 224 pp., paper, DM 28.00. Methodicum Chimicum. A Critical Survey of Proven Methods and Their Application in Chemistry, Natural Science, and Medicine. Edited by F. Korte. Vol. 8: Preparation ofTransi- tion Metal Derivatives. Edited by K . Niedenzu and H. Zim- mer. Academic Press, New York/Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 1976. x, 579 pp., bound, $ 110.00. Molecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 4. Senior Reporters: R. F. Barrow, D. A. Long, and J. Sheridan. The Chemical Society, London 1976. viii, 279 pp., bound, E 17.25.-A volume in the series “Specialist Periodical Reports”. Structure and Bonding, Vol. 27: Bonding Forces. Edited by M. Simonettu, A. Gavezzotti, K . D. Warren, and 0. Ermer. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1976. iv, 21 7 pp., bound, DM 64.00. Anyrn. Chem. Inr. Ed. Enyl. 1 Vol. 15 (1976) No. I1 71 1

Book Review: Farbenlehre und Farbmessung. By W. Schultze

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Farbenlehre und Farbmessung. By W Schultze. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1975. 3rd revised edit., vii, 97 pp., 57 figs., bound, DM 32.-. This book is currently the only Introduction in the German

language to color measurement and its applications in daily industrial practice. Mathematical expositions are largely avoided, and with a few exceptions this certainly makes it easier to understand “color metrics”.

Two-thirds of the contents are devoted to the principles of color measurement (inter alia the CIE system color coor- dinates X, Y, Z, apparatus for color measurement, evaluation of color differences) together with scattered references to phy- siology (e .g . color blindness), while the remainder deals with questions of immediate practical value (tolerances, principles of color match calculations, color depth and color saturation, color reproduction). In 86 text pages many aspects can be covered only superficially, which also means that some terms introduced in the first part of the book cannot be explained until later. The 135 literature references will certainly help those who want more detailed information.

This small book can be recommended as a useful and easily readable review to practical workers and to all who occasionally come into contact with color measurements.

Fritz Heinrich [NB 335 IE]

Hochdruck-Fliissigkeits-Chromatographie (High-pressure Liquid Chromatography). By H . Engdhardt. Springer-Ver- lag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1975. 1st edit., x, 213 pp., 52 figs., 17 tables, bound, D M 56.-. As stated by the author in the Foreword, the object of

this 200-page book is to provide the newcomer to high-pressure liquid chromatography with a review of the apparatus, separa- tion processes, and applicability of the method. Little stress is laid on the theory of chromatographic separation, but rather on a detailed discussion of the components of a high-pressure liquid chromatograph. Pumping systems, detectors, carrier materials, and stationary phases are described in detail. In addition, the author gives a clear description of the four types of liquid chromatography, augmented by representative examples of applications, with the greatest emphasis on the parameters that influence a separation.

It must, however, be said that the main purpose of the work, giving the experimentalist decisive help in obtaining a high-pressure liquid chromatograph, is unfulfilled by the present book. Much of the information is only of academic interest, since on the one hand apparatus is described (e .g . detectors) that is not supplied commercially, and on the other hand the user will seldom be in the author’s position to construct or rebuild apparatus as would follow from a study of the book. Most users will find it impossible for practical reasons to obtain components such as pumps and detectors from the various distributors. A complete working system from one manufacturer, selected for a specific planned applica- tion, is usually the better answer, even if the high hopes attached to it often fall short in reality.

Karl Zech [NB 342 IE]

Cz-!oji L.r:im3},1 l!.-.tmr;cr‘rwndl‘r. I Lexicon of Procedures and Methods for the Preparation, Use, and Testing of Varnishes, Paints, and Similar Protective and Decorative Materials for All Industrial and Commercial Uses. By H . Hadert. BAG Brunner Verlag AG, Zurich/Ver- lag Chemie, GmbH, Weinheim 1976. 1st edit., 356 pp., plastic, D M 95.-.

This is the first book of its kind in the German language. It is aimed not only at the specialist but also at the users of varnishes, varnish ingredients, pigments, dyes, solvents, etc. In this Lexicon is collected a wealth of keywords from the varnish, paint, leather, and printing ink industries. A large part of the keywords consists of the tradenames of products and apparatus; the remainder are chemical, physical, and industrial terms. At the end of the explanatory text for very many of the industrial products there is a reference to the “Index of Manufacturers and Suppliers” in which the supplier company will be found with its full postal address.

The Index of Manufacturers and Suppliers is at the end of the book; this part of the Lexicon is printed on yellow paper to facilitate its location. If the reader requires additional information about a commercial product he can apply directly to the suppliers without losing time in searching for the address.

Hartmut Grahmunn [NB 348 IE]

Separation and Purification Methods, Vol. 4. Edited by F . S. Perry, C . J . van Oss, and E . Grushka. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xii, 413 pp., bound, $ 32.50.

Solute-solvent Interactions, Vol. 2. Edited by J . F. Coetzee and C . D. Ritchie. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xi, 459 pp., bound, SFr. 125.00.

Anionic Surfactants, Part 1. Edited by W M . Linfield. “Surfac- tant Science Series”, Vol. 7. Edited by M . J . Schick and F. M . Fowkes. Marcel Dekker, New York 1976. xi, 314 pp., bound, SFr. 115.00.

Beitrage zur Didaktik der Chemie. By R. Kriimer. Verlag Mor- itz Diesterweg, Frankfurt 1976. 224 pp., paper, DM 28.00.

Methodicum Chimicum. A Critical Survey of Proven Methods and Their Application in Chemistry, Natural Science, and Medicine. Edited by F. Korte. Vol. 8: Preparation ofTransi- tion Metal Derivatives. Edited by K . Niedenzu and H . Zim- mer. Academic Press, New York/Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 1976. x, 579 pp., bound, $ 110.00.

Molecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 4. Senior Reporters: R. F. Barrow, D. A . Long, and J . Sheridan. The Chemical Society, London 1976. viii, 279 pp., bound, E 17.25.-A volume in the series “Specialist Periodical Reports”.

Structure and Bonding, Vol. 27: Bonding Forces. Edited by M . Simonettu, A . Gavezzotti, K . D. Warren, and 0. Ermer. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1976. iv, 21 7 pp., bound, DM 64.00.

Anyrn. Chem. Inr. E d . Enyl. 1 Vol. 15 (1976) No. I 1 71 1