Arcane School

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  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School



    byJohn Yarker

    This book provides a background necessary to understand ee!ents o" the

    #oden $a%n and O&T&O& initiations' particuary in !atters ike the incusion

    o" the Sa!othraian deities in the "or!er and the detais o" the o%er and !iddedegrees "or the atter& The (estern Occut Reviva is docu!ented in it)s origins&

    Yarker)s thesis is to de!onstrate universa and indigenous initiation insy!bo and egend throughout the history and paces o" the %ord* and' by

    reating the !eanings and practices o" ancient and !odern +asonry ,through

    the century/' to discose the universa content o" the rites and !ysteries&

    The author is !ore skeptica than !ost' and there is a distinct "avor o" 0ra1ierin the stye o" presentation& +any Christian traditions are presented in great

    detai and !utipe e2a!pe to be ignorant gosses o" the ancient !ysteries&

    Theories o" ost continents are brie"y propounded %ith open !ind' so!e

    dated by i!its o" schoarship o" the period3 e&g& Yarker did not kno% that

    4oynesians traveed thousands o" !ies by ship' that !id oceanic sea "oorsspread' etc&

    Theosophica egends are used %ith !ore restraint than %as co!!on in the


    5Aryan5 is used "or an i!aginary race' co!!on in the period but not as ater&

    5Learned5 racist stereotypes o" the period are perpetuated' but %ithconsiderabe !ore restraint than in other conte!poraries& At the ti!e o"

    %riting' race and cuture %ere !udded concepts& Since universa 5+asonry5 is

    the sub6ect o" this %ork' 5Aryan5 is better understood in !ost instances as5possessed o" the secrets o" iu!ination5 or so!e such concept&

    There is occasiona and e2cessive dependence on phioogy "or evidence' asoco!!on in the period o" authorship&

    7n the ast chapters o" the book' Yarker de"ends variant +asonry on the

    grounds o" the 8nited #rand Lodge o" Engand being ignorant o" !anytraditions and indi""erent to oder charters& 5York5 !asonry is uphed as being

    !ore traditiona&

    The Arian and Cabiric races taken "or granted in this book are "ictiona'

    though based on "ar !ore i!ited actua ancient cutures& At the period in

    %hich this %ork %as %ritten' a racist theory o" %ord civii1ation %as current&This theory cu!inated in anti9Se!itis! and uti!ate atrocity in the second

    :uarter o" the ;

  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School


    European schoars o" the ti!e %ere the!seves a deveop!ent o" history' as

    such re!ain today& These racist theories o" %ord history ste!' in part' "ro!

    the earier reigious beie" in the age o" the %ord as roughy ='

  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School


    reigion5 by Yarker& The various theories and dates !ust be "urther ad6usted in

    ight o" !odern archaeoogy and ethnoogy& ight o" !odern archaeoogy and ethnoogy&

    Schoars and students o" European iterature %i "ind unusua vaue in the

    %ork& Ho% ese !ay %e understand stray re"erences ike3 5(e shoud ook ike

    the t%o sons o" Ay!on' %ho had ost their brother&5 99"ro! Chapter >>?777 o"5The Three +usketeers5 o" Ae2andre $u!as@

    ,Speing varies in the origina te2t "or so!e na!es and co!!on %ords&4unctuation aso varies "ro! conte!porary nor!s' perhaps representing the

    oratorica stye o" breaking ong passages !ore than error in usage& Origina

    typos are aso co!!on& An aphabetica ist o" variant speings is avaiabe "orthis te2t&/

    999i Heidrick


    7N the "oo%ing pages 7 have sought to satis"y a re:uest' o"ten !ade to !e' togive a short but co!prehensive vie% o" the %hoe "abric o" the Arcane

    !ysteries' and a""inity %ith the +asonic Syste!* and 7 here take the

    opportunity o" recording !y protest against the sceptica tendencies o" thepresent generation o" the +oderns %ho are +asons' and against the e""orts that

    are !ade' in season and out o" season' to underrate the indubitabe anti:uity

    o" the +asonic cere!onies& These e""orts' %hich tend to o%er the prestige o"

    our ancient Cra"t' are not atogether %ithout good resuts' as they have ed to a!ore care"u e2a!ination o" our +asonic egends and o" ancient docu!ents'

    and 7 have there"ore added' to a genera History o" the Arcane Schoos' a vie%'

    su""icienty e2picit' o" the ancient rites o" the +asons' eaving the inteigent0ree!ason o" our day to trace the reative bearing o" these& 7t is no co!pi!ent

    to the +asons %ho "ounded the #rand Lodge o" Engand in -B-B' and %ho'

    ho%ever i in"or!ed they !ay have been in London' yet' as is a!py proved'accepted od custo!s o" the #uids %ith discri!ination' to suppose that they

    unani!ousy undertook to i!pose upon the pubic' a syste! as ancient %hich

    they the!seves %ere engaged in concocting& Nor is it any co!pi!ent to theinteigence o" their i!agined victi!s& (hether or not 7 succeed in convincing

    the candid reader o" the great anti:uity o" the 7nstitution !ust be e"t to ti!e*

    those o" !y readers %ho are pedged to the vie%s o" these +oderns %i no

    doubt adhere vD through i"e to the ideas in %hich they have indoctrinatedthe!seves' but en:uiry is progressing and there is sti a very arge

    substratu! o" the Cra"t %hose beie" is yet strong in the good9"aith o" their

    predecessors' %hether' in %hat %as ast century' ter!ed Ancients or +oderns'and it is to such that 7 !ore particuary address !yse"& The best re%ard "or

    !y abours %oud be to "ind that the study o" our Cra"t and anaogous societies

    %as !aking progress' and that others are suppying ne% "acts "ro! od books'that !ay aid in bridging over any chas!s that !ay be noticed in the "oo%ing

    pages& +y endeavour has been to print %e authenticated !atter ony' in

    order that the in"or!ation suppied !ay be reiabe& Every paragraph is a "act

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    or deduction "ro! "acts' and ho%ever !uch condensed nothing o" !o!ent'

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    kno%n to the present ti!e and having a bearing upon 0ree!asonry' has been

    o!itted& The %orks o" the earned rother #eorge Oiver' $&$&' ack critica

    cohesion' and have conse:uenty "aen into undeserved negect' but su""icient%i be "ound in these pages to sho% that his theories are not devoid o" !ethod'

    and %i ad!it o" an authentic construction being put upon those cai!s %hich

    he advances "or the anti:uity o" the +asonic 7nstitution&o!itted& The %orks o" the earned rother #eorge Oiver' $&$&' ack critica

    cohesion' and have conse:uenty "aen into undeserved negect' but su""icient

    %i be "ound in these pages to sho% that his theories are not devoid o" !ethod'and %i ad!it o" an authentic construction being put upon those cai!s %hich

    he advances "or the anti:uity o" the +asonic 7nstitution&

    Those %ho obstinatey deny the e2istence o" anything %hich is outside their

    o%n co!prehension are "uy as creduous as those %ho accept everything

    %ithout discri!ination& There are certain inteects %hich ack intuition and

    the abiity to take in and assi!iate abstruse truths' 6ust as !uch as there arepeope %ho are coour9bind' or dea" to the !ore deicate notes o" !usic* this

    %as %e kno%n to the ancient theoogians and !ystics' and the reasons %hich

    they assigned "or the !enta incapacity %i appear in the "oo%ing pages&

    7 cannot ao% the opportunity to pass' in cosing !y abours' %ithout

    thanking !y pubisher "or his invariabe kindness' courtesy' and genera care*and the reader is aso !uch indebted to hi! "or the co!piation o" the 7nde2&

    (e have consideraby e2ceeded the =

  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School


    7n the 5"irst and second chapters5 %i be "ound the proo"s o" a syste! o" !ost

    ancient sacerdota grades and !ysteries %hich in the eariest or proto9Aryan'

    civiisation added to their cere!onies those e!be!s o" geo!etry and art %hich

    have been trans!itted by 0ree!asonry&

    7n the 5third and "ourth chapters5 %e see !ore ceary the advance %hich the

    Aryan civiisation introduced into the pri!itive association* the deveop!ent o"a caste organisation' and the reduction o" the !ore ancient civiisation' by

    invasions' to a sub6ect state' %hich in ti!e created an independent syste! o"

    Art9+ysteries' co!bined %ith natura reigion' or %hat %e no% ter!0ree!asonry&

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    7n the 5"i"th and si2th chapters5 %e have atte!pted the eucidation o" the

    doctrine and sy!bois! o" the Ancient +ysteries and their reationship %ith

    the !inor schoos 2D o" 4hiosophy %hich sprang "ro! the!' as "or instancethe 4ythagorean and 4atonic schoos' proving that a these possessed !uch in

    co!!on 99in doctrine' rites' and sy!bos' not ony %ith each other but %ith

    0ree +asonry o" our o%n days' %ithout the distinguishing "eatures o" the atteras an operative art* %hist' side by side' the Arcane schoos o" 4hiosophy

    passed on%ards through the centuries o" Christianity' in nu!erous branches'

    %ith the od rites and sy!bos&doctrine and sy!bois! o" the Ancient +ysteries and their reationship %ith

    the !inor schoos 2D o" 4hiosophy %hich sprang "ro! the!' as "or instance

    the 4ythagorean and 4atonic schoos' proving that a these possessed !uch inco!!on 99in doctrine' rites' and sy!bos' not ony %ith each other but %ith

    0ree +asonry o" our o%n days' %ithout the distinguishing "eatures o" the atter

    as an operative art* %hist' side by side' the Arcane schoos o" 4hiosophy

    passed on%ards through the centuries o" Christianity' in nu!erous branches'%ith the od rites and sy!bos&

    7n the 5seventh and eighth chapters5 %e have' "or convenience' arecapituation o" proo"s o" the e2istence and trans!ission o" Art +ysteries and

    sy!bos "ro! the !ost ancient ti!es to our o%n days' %ith detais o" the

    Constitutions o" a 0raternity' specuative in its teaching and operative in itsappication' "or the conservation o" Arts and Sciences in their tripartite

    appication to houses' churches' and "ortications' and %hich entering this

    country in ritish and Ro!an ti!es "ro! Egypt %as !odi"ied by Cudee !onks

    and earned cerics' and so continued as 0oc9!otes or #uids in the ti!e o" theAngo9Sa2ons&

    7n the 5ninth and tenth chapters5 so!e space is devoted to an en:uiry as tothe origin o" the Se!itic egends o" 0ree +asonry %hich entering this country

    in Ango9Nor!an ti!es' %ith an Eastern syste! o" %ork' o" !arks' and

    sy!bos' %ere engra"ted upon the oder Constitutions* together %ith so!eaccount o" the esoteric !arks' e!be!s' and rites o" the organised uiding9

    brotherhood %ho erected our nobe #othic edices' and re"erences are !ade to

    !any o" these edi"ices in iustration o" 0ree +asonry& (e see the end o" the#othic and reviva o" the Cassic Arcanu!&

    The re!aining 5eeventh' t%e"th' and thirteenth chapters5 give a short

    account o" the principa points in the history o" +odern 0ree!asonry "ro!-B-B to our o%n days* and %hich incudes a chapter upon the design' origin

    and history o" %hat has co!e to be ter!ed high9grade 0ree9!asonry' 2iD and

    out o" %hich sprung the distinction bet%een Ancient and +odern +asonry' adissension %hich continued unti the union o" these t%o sects o" +asons in


    Lasty in the 5Appendi25 %e have added a "u series o" Constitutiona Charges

    %hich continued in "orce "ro! Sa2on ti!es unti the year -B-B and even !uch

    ater* these %e have sighty !odernised "or the ease o" the reader&

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    C O N T E N T S&


    4RE0ACE & & & & & & && & & & & & & v

    7NTRO$8CT7ON 99#ENERAL 4LAN O0 THE (OR & & & & & & i2



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    7& ARCHA7C LE#EN$S & & & & & & & & & & & -

    77& 4ROTO9ARYAN C7?7L7AT7ON AN$ +YSTER7ES & & & & & ;& +ASONRY 7N NOR+AN T7+ES & & & & & & & & & ;.=

    >& 0REE+ASONRY 7N +O$ERN T7+ES & & & & & & & & GI=4ART 777& 99S4EC8LAT7?E RE?7?AL&

    >7& OR7#7N O0 THE SYSTE+ TER+E$ H7#H9#RA$E ,ANC7ENT/ & & & ;-

    >77& 0REE+ASONRY 7N THE #RAN$ LO$#E ERA ,+O$ERN/ & & & & .->777& 0REE+ASONRY 8N$ER THE 8N7TE$ #RAN$ LO$#E & & & & & =;-

    4ART 7?& 99ANC7ENT +SS&

    A44EN$7> 9

    SER7ES O0 CONST7T8T7ONAL CHAR#ES & & & & & & & =GB7N$E> & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & =IB



    - 99=th ine "ro! top' "or 5%as5 read 5%ere&5-I 99-

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    ,o"ten abbreviated into #R3Epsion& O!icron& eta&/ There is but

    one #od& and he is Serapis& He is aso caed #R3Epsion97ota9Sig!a

    eta9O!ega9Nu Theta9Epsion9O!icron9Sig!a' The one Living #od&

    -;B 9-;th ine "ro! top' "or 5ocius'5 read 5' Socius&5

  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School


    -B 99Fth ine "ro! botto!' "or 5dani5 read 5do!i&99Fth ine "ro! botto!' "or 5dani5 read 5do!i&5

    ;-< 99--th ine "ro! botto!' "or 5ast century5 read 5in the eighteenth

    century&5;G- 99;

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    and progress o" hu!anity upon earth than that handed do%n to us "ro! the


    ancient sages& As !ans !ateria nature increased his spirituaity decreased'

    and as his intuition tended to beco!e dor!ant !eans %ere sought %hich

    !ight restore his ancient status& The discipine necessary "or this purpose %as

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  • 8/13/2019 Arcane School


    the ancient 4hiosophers& This doctrine ao%s "or the e2istence in e2tre!e

    anti:uity o" a sunken continent in the 4aci"ic ocean' o" %hich the present

    isands are !ountain tops' and in the Atantic ocean o" seven isands' the ast

    o" %hich sank beneath the %aters about the period %hich %e have assigned "ora great catacys!' or -;'=

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    o" the #ods'5 %hich is supposed to be a per"ect s:uare guarded by a %a

    protected by eight circuar to%ers' and the hoy !ount' %hich is o" conica

    shape' rises in the centre o" the cityMM5Anacaypsis'5 i& p& =

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    7t is on the

    %estern side o" the Suei!an +ountains&

    Leaving this sight digression %e return to the Secret $octrine' %hich goes on

    to reate that in course o" ti!e a third race o" !en %ere produced %ith bonesand divided into se2es' and %ho are practicay the "irst race o" Ada!ic !en' "or

    the rib o" Ada! is a euphe!is! auding to the division o" se2& These are said'

    a"ter deveoping a !onosyabic anguage' no% represented by Chinese' to havespread over the ong ost 4aci"ic continent* here they beca!e great buiders'

    deveoped the reigious +ysteries' and spread "ro! north to south' popuating

    the Atantic continent' %ho are considered a "ourth race' a"ter the 4aci"iccontinent had disappeared& Here %as the ho!e o" the proto9Aryan race o" a

    bro%n9%hite co!pe2ion& A coony o" these setted in Egypt in re!ote ages'

    %here they introduced the astrono!y and 1odiac o" Asura9+aya o"

    Ro!akapura' and the pupi o" Narida' o" %hose books the 7ndians cai! to have

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    so!e "rag!ents& Another coony o" educated priests setted upon an isand'

    %here the desert o" #obi no% e2ists' but then an inand ake' %hich hed in its

    boso! -; s!aer isands& These priests' or at east so!e o" the!' aiedthe!seves %ith a red9yeo% +ongooid race possessing great intuitive po%ers'

    a race o" %hich the Chinese are a branch' "or it is cai!ed that there %ere

    seven sub9races in each o" the Grd and th races&%here the desert o" #obi no% e2ists' but then an inand ake' %hich hed in its

    boso! -; s!aer isands& These priests' or at east so!e o" the!' aied

    the!seves %ith a red9yeo% +ongooid race possessing great intuitive po%ers'a race o" %hich the Chinese are a branch' "or it is cai!ed that there %ere

    seven sub9races in each o" the Grd and th races&

    The inter!arriage o" these t%o races' %hich %e !ay co!pare %ith that o" the

    sons o" #od %ith the daughters o" !en' gave rise to a "i"th race o" Aryans' %ho

    sent out civiising !issions over the %ord' and it is asserted that there are

    records %hich sho% that these priests traveed into Europe to superintend theerection o" reigious structures such as e2isted a!ongst the ritish $ruids'

    and it is not i!possibe' as the Eastern civiisation had a engthy precedence

    over that o" Europe& =D

    (hen the isand o" Atantis sank a pass %as re"t %hich drained the $esert o"

    #obi' and caused the Aryans to take re"uge in the !ountains and high tabeands'and the change o" ci!ate !ay have sent out others to seek a %ar!er

    ho!e* others being "orced out%ards by the increase in popuation' and thus

    co!peed to coonise ne% regions& Thibet has preserved !any detais o" the

    %ars o" this ost Atantis' charging the cause o" its destruction to thecutivation' by a portion o" its tribes o" back !agic' or the e"t9hand path& 7t

    !ay be !entioned that there yet re!ains bet%een Cabu and akh' or the

    ancient actria' so!e "ive i!!ense statues "ro! -;O to I< "eet high' said tosy!boise this doctrine o" these successive racesMMThe Secret $octrine' o" H& 4&

    avatsky&& 7t is curious that on Easter 7sand there are so!e si!iar

    statues' ranging "ro! B< to G "eet high' !entioned by Cooke as e:ua to ourbest !asonry' and o" %hich investigation has been !ade by the S!ithsonian

    7nstitute' and %hich are said to have been %rought in ava %ith iron toos&

    The Egyptian priests had a chronoogy vasty in e2cess o" the ordinary

    co!putation' and the accounts dovetai %ith %hat %e have aready reated&

    Herodotus' %ho visited Egypt about =< &C&' states that the "oo%ing %ere

    care"u records o" ti!e preserved by the priests& e"ore any ing' a dynasty o"gods rued in Egypt* the 0irst o" these %ere the F great gods' so!eti!es

    enu!erated as B* then "oo%ed the -;' %ho %ere produced "ro! the eight' o"

    %hich the Egyptian and Tyrian Heraces %as one' and %ho rued -B'

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    "ounder o" +e!phis' the priests read over to hi! the na!es o" GG< kings' and

    aso sho%ed hi! the statues o" G7 hierophants' %hich the historian esti!ates'

    at G to a century' as representing --'G< years "ro! the "oundation o"

    +e!phis& Herodotus ID %as prohibited "ro! giving any esoteric in"or!ation'but %e !ay point out that there is an a""inity bet%een the t%eve 1odiaca signs

    and the abours o" the #recian Heraces %ho! Herodotus considers to be !uch

    !ore !odern than the Heraces o" Egypt and Tyre' and %hose abours %ereappied to the Hercues o" the Latins& The great gods !ay re"er to the Cabiric

    cute' the esser gods to the Aryan' but %e sha see !ore o" this as %e proceed&

    The "or!er are represented by the panets' and the atter by the 1odiaca signs&The birth o" the gods !ay indicate the introduction o" their %orship into a

    country or district' their !arriage the era %hen one %orship %as associated

    %ith another' %hist their death !ay be e2pained on the doctrine o" an aeged

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    reincarnation& The Egyptians' Herodotus says' %ere the "irst %ho erected

    atars' shrines' and te!pes' and %ho engraved the "igures o" ani!as in stone*

    the "irst to divide the year into t%eve !onths' and to give na!es to the -;atars' shrines' and te!pes' and %ho engraved the "igures o" ani!as in stone*

    the "irst to divide the year into t%eve !onths' and to give na!es to the -;


    gods* the "irst to de"end the doctrine o" the sous i!!ortaity* the "irst todeveop geo!etry&

    7t is %orthy o" note that G' B' and -; are pro!inenty represented in Hebre%&There are G !other etters' B doube' and -; si!pe characters' %hich actuay

    bear a panetary and 1odiaca signi"ication& The Hebre% aphabet is but an

    adaptation "ro! an oder one' but the arrange!ent proves that the inventor

    %as an 7nitiate o" the +ysteries' o" %hich this aphabet is the synthesis& 7t isasserted that in the !ost ancient ti!es there %ere t%o secret 1odiaca signs

    and ten that %ere kno%n as aso -< si!pe characters& 7t is no% i!possibe to

    "i2 %ith !athe!atica precision the dates o" such 1odiacs as e2ist& O" theEgyptian that at $endara !ight re"er to -G'

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    Atantis beneath the %aves o" the ocean& 7t is "urther stated that the country

    had te!pes o" back and %hite stones' decorated %ithin and %ithout %ith

    precious !etas& The shrine o" 4oseidon and the paace o" the ing %as

    surrounded %ith three sheets o" %ater' "or!ing three parae concentriccirces' and a te!pe e2isted roo"ed %ith gided copper& Theopo!pus in his

    5+eropis5 attributes a si!iar account to the priests o" 4hrygia' and tes us

    that the isand contained a "ighting and a conte!pative race* the "or!er kne%ho% to !ake the!seves invunerabe to iron' so that they coud ony be

    %ounded by stone or %ood& 4rocus :uotes +arceus on the sub6ect& FD

    avatsky says that they had a %ritten character and used it %ith the tannedskins o" !onstrous ani!as no% e2tinct& 4ro"essor o%der Sharpe thinks that

    aied "or!s o" birds point to a ost continent %hich stretched "ro! South

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    A!erica to Austraia %ith an ar! e2tending to +adagascar' and this %oud

    !eet the account o" 4ato& !eet the account o" 4ato&

    (e have another account' si!iar in its essentias to that recorded& 5The

    4opu9?u'5 or 5ook o" the A1ure ?ei5 o" the +e2icans' tes us that these

    Atantians %ere a race that 5kne% a things by intuition'5 and repeat thecharge o" sorcery' or back !agic' as the cause o" the destruction o" their

    country by the gods& This book aegorises and personi"ies the "orces o" nature&

    The 5Troano +S&5 records the sa!e !atter %ith specia !ention o" thegeoogica changes %hich the catastrophe caused& $r& e 4ongeon transates a

    passage thu3 9957n the year I an' on the --th +uuc' in the !onth ac' there

    occurred terribe earth:uakes %hich continued %ithout interruption unti the-Gth Chuen&5 The +S& goes on to say that the and o" +u disapeared and that

    ten countries %ere scattered' and that this occurred F'

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    sy!boised by the trident' and the three9peaked cro%n o" its kings' and auded

    to in !ythoogy as the kingdo! o" 4oseidon' ronos' or Saturn&

    There %as' says the author' a dei"ied king na!ed Can' %hose tote! ore!be! %as the serpent' and a rue o" his kingdo!' as in so!e Asiatic

    countries' %as that the edest son shoud !arry his youngest sister& This Can

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    had G sons and ; daughters' thus !aking a "a!y o" B' each o" %ho! rued one

    o" seven cities& 0oo%ing the rue aready !entioned' one o" the brothers

    na!ed Coh' chac!o or eopard' took to %i"e his sister +oo' but their brotherAac' %hose TOTE+ %as the turte' out o" ove "or his sister se% her husband

    treacherousy& According to -

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    the door o" the sanctuary is represented both the cross9bones and a skeeton

    hoding up its t%o "eshess ar!s in the "or! o" t%o s:uares' a position %hich

    is so!eti!es represented in Egypt as that in %hich the sou appears be"ore

    Osiris& Here again it is singuar that a corresponding doctrine is "ound in 7ndiaas to the sy!bois! o" the %as and "oors o" their te!pes& There are other

    te!pes in Yucatan %hich %ere intended "or sun9%orship' the ground pan

    being three concentric circes' ike the akes %e have !entioned assurrounding a paace in Atantis

    ut the !ost e2traordinary part o" the cai!s o" Le 4ongeon is that he hasdiscovered the interpretation o" the hierogyphica inscriptions and "inds that

    the character used' %ith the e2ception o" a very "e% etters' is absoutey

    identica %ith the hieratic aphabet o" Egypt' %hist the anguage %hich thesecharacters bespeak is yet "ound in a!ost pristine purity in the diaect o"

    4atan' a anguage %hich is per"ecty constructed and strikingy rese!bes the

    Coptic& As in Egypt and Chadea the ground pan o" a te!pe %as the obong

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    s:uare sy!bo o" a hori1onta rectangeD' %hich %as again the sy!bo both in

    Yucatan and Egypt o" the etter + or 5+a5' %hich i!pies the earth' and the

    %ord +aya& 7n the na!es o" the #reek aphabet Le 4ongeon "inds a poe!' the4atan %ords o" %hich gives the history o" the great catastrophe&

    Yucatan and Egypt o" the etter + or 5+a5' %hich i!pies the earth' and the

    %ord +aya& 7n the na!es o" the #reek aphabet Le 4ongeon "inds a poe!' the4atan %ords o" %hich gives the history o" the great catastrophe&

    The +ayau2 had their reigious +ysteries %hich %ere governed by -; priests'%ith initiations and care"uy guarded sacred rites' o" %hich so!e account !ay

    be gathered in the %ritings o" the uiches' a neighbouring race at >ibaba3 in

    passing through these initiations the Neophyte had to undergo !ost severebodiy trias' %hich Le 4ongeon co!pares %ith certain descriptions in the

    Chadean 5ook o" Enoch5& 7t is not' ho%ever' sho%n that in these +ysteries

    Art sy!bois! e2ists such as %e sha "ind in Thibet and China and in

    0ree!asonry& (e earn ese%here "ro! so!e researches !ade at the instanceo" the S!ithsonian 7nstitute that these' or si!iar +ysteries' -;D are yet

    preserved by the uni peope and consist o" t%eve orders o" priests' into so!e

    degrees o" %hich +r& 0rank H& Cushing has recenty obtained ad!ission a"terundergoing severe bodiy trias& Historica and reigious anaogies %ith Yucatan

    are to be "ound a!ongst the Japanese %ho represent the "irst seven gods by

    the sa!e sy!bos as the +ayas' and rother #eorge Oiver sets "orth that a


    Japanese candidate' in initiation into their +ysteries' represents the sun spassage through the t%eve odiaca signs& 7t is singuar that the +ayau2

    egends or +ythoogy shoud contain so !uch in co!!on %ith Egypt' Asia' and

    7ndia& 4ersia has the tradition o" one brother sain by another& The Hindu5Ra!ayana5 represents that the king o" the !onkey race' perhaps an in"erior

    aborigina tribe such as the Anda!ans' had t%o sons' ai and Sougravia' each

    o" %ho! desired the sa!e %i"e' and Sougravia' by the aid o" the divine Ra!a'

    treacherousy se% his brother ai& 7t is aeged' in con"ir!ation o" Soon



    state!ent' that Atantian e!igrants setted in Egypt and #reece' that they

    e:uay setted in the $ekkan& 7ndeed' the 5Ra!ayana5 states that +aya' the!agician and architect o" the $avanas' took possession o" South 7ndia and

    navigated the ocean "ro! %est to east and "ro! the south to the north* the

    %ord +aya here !eaning a d%eer upon the sea&

    7n the Atantic 7sands' or !ountain tops o" Atantis' there is a genera beie"

    that a syste! o" secret +ysteries prevais' and this see!s to have been

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    estabished as a "act by severa recent +asonic e2peri!ents&MM5Canadian

    Cra"ts!an5' 2vii' No& * aso A&&C& The natives o" ?irginia have a society o"

    7nitiates designated Huseana%er& The !other prepares a "unera pyre "or her

    son o" %ho! a si!uated sacrice is to be !ade' as in the case o" 7saac' andduring the preparation she %eeps hi! as dead& A tree is cut do%n and a cro%n

    !ade "ro! its boughs3 the initiate is given a po%er"u narcotic by %hich he is

    thro%n into a state o" so!na!buis!' and a"ter a protracted retire!ent he -GDis ooked upon by his tribe as a ne% !an& Again' the negroes o" #uinea have

    certain +ysteries caed the ey 4aaro* the candidate is ed into a %ood %here

    he is divested o" a cothing and !etas* here he passes "ive years in absoutesecusion* a"ter this he is initiated into the !ost secret doctrines o" the

    sect&MM5Secret Societies o" A Ages and Countries5& Jno& Hogg' 7FB=' by

    Heckethorn& The ob6ect o" their %orship' as %ith the +aoris' is Rangi and4apa' or the heaveny 0ather and the earthy +other

    Even in the 4aci"ic isands' or the !ountain tops o" a great sunken continent

    %hich has been deno!inated Le!uria' there e2ists a syste! o" reigious+ysteries& Heckethorn !entions that at Tahiti and scattered over 4oynesia' is

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    a society caed Areoiti' %hich has seven degrees o" initiation' %hich none but

    the king !ay pass over a at once& One o" their cere!onies is practised at the

    %inter sostice' and it is a "unerea cere!ony rese!bing that in honour o"Osiris' acchus and Adonis& The !eaning underying this initiation is the

    generative po%ers o" nature' and ay!en have to undergo severe bodiy

    trias&MM5Secret Societies o" A Ages and Countries5& Jno& Hogg' 7FB=' byHeckethorn&

    the king !ay pass over a at once& One o" their cere!onies is practised at the

    %inter sostice' and it is a "unerea cere!ony rese!bing that in honour o"Osiris' acchus and Adonis& The !eaning underying this initiation is the

    generative po%ers o" nature' and ay!en have to undergo severe bodiy

    trias&MM5Secret Societies o" A Ages and Countries5& Jno& Hogg' 7FB=' byHeckethorn&

    There are cave pictures in Austraia o" a race !ore ancient than the

    os6es!en' one o" these caves has a robed "igure %ith a rainbo% round thehead %hich the Rev& J& +atthe% considers to be identica %ith the chie" god o"

    Su!atra&MM5Luci"er5' 2iv' -F.& There are !any genera assertions that a

    syste! o" signs identica %ith !odern 0ree!asonry e2ists a!ongst the nativeAustraians' and one such account appears in 5Ars uatuor

    Coronatoru!&5MM?o& 2& ro& 0& Jones& ut the !ost precise account is a

    paper in the 5Ne% eaand Cra"ts!an5 o" F 0eb&' -F.F' by rother HenrySto%e' %hose grand!other %as a +aori& The paper deserves to be "uy


    5The +aori in their traditions' 50angita%hiti5 ,epic poe!s/' and anguagesho% concusivey that ages ago there %as at Ha%aiki' a grand te!pe kno%n

    as (harekura' -D at %hich te!pe !eetings %ere reguary hed and presided

    over by Tohunga' or initiates o" a very high order' and %herein %as taught andpractised a per"ect syste! o" principes in an esoteric "or!' %ith e2haustive

    and appropriate rituas' aso sy!bos' signs' and pass%ords' and that these

    %ere kept and preserved on tabes o" stone' %hich atter %ere deposited in thete!pe& The ritua and sy!bos %ere entrusted by the Ariki9Ran6i ,divine and

    supre!e head/ to the various o""icers in order to propery carry out the

    cere!onias connected %ith these !eetings' %hereat ony those others %ho%ere entited to be present had the happiness o" istening to the recitas' and o"

    observing the uses o" the higher sy!bos& Regarded "ro! a +aori point o" vie%


    this +asonry is neither !ore nor ess than the reation o" the !ain "eatures o"


    creation and the origin and history o" the higher destiny o" !an'

    %hich reation

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    %as acco!panied %ith appropriate sy!bos& TANE %as the #&A&O&T&8&' he !ay

    or !ay not be identica %ith the Chadean Oannes& The anguage in %hich this

    %isdo! reigion %as e!bodied is e2tre!ey archaic' but thanks to !y havingbeen taught in !y youth by an aged Tohunga' and reative' so!e o" the

    sy!bos and !ysteries' 7 understand !any o" the ausions and a! ac:uainted

    %ith various signs& A kno%edge o" astrono!y being absoutey essentia to aproper reaisation o" the principes o" the order' its Adepts 99Tohunga9

    okorangi 99constanty taught in observatories its ee!ents and pheno!ena'

    to those %ho %ere accepted "or :uai"ication&

    58nder the +aori syste! the t%o !ain 4iars' together %ith their Chapters'

    %ere represented be"ore the do!e o" the sky& These %ere divine& A


    subordinate piar %as the 4iar o" the Earth* at certain points the Nagana orcentre %as traced& These %ere t%o great circes %hich intersected and %hich

    had their corresponding circes& The s:uare %as taught upon "our points o" the

    visibe universe& +ora teachings %ere !ore or ess -=DD associated %ith the0igure o" the Ripeka cross' the type o" good and evi' or enighten!ent and

    ignorance by t%o opposing ines& 7t appears that there is a universa tendency


    to restrict' th%art' dei!it its bene"icia "unctions&






    tapeka ta ta ara Ripeka&5


    A "oot %hich diverges "ro! the good or pure to the

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    evi or i!pure path&/ The "igure o" the triange' Tantora' "or!ed the basis o"' or"or' the !ost eaborate cacuations in connection %ith astrono!y and





    5The ter!




    are used in the Engish sense and "or

    convenience& $ays and !onths %ere !easured by successive phases o" the

    !oon' %hie the year %as !arked by the heiaca rising in June o" the star

    4uanga' Rige in Orion' due east' this being the star o" the +aori ne% year' andthe "irst sign o" the A%ahio9Rangi' or 1odiac&

    57 have no kno%edge o" the use o" such a thing as the ; inch gauge' but canvouch that cacuations o" ength or distance %ere %orked out %ith nice

    e2actitude& The signs in use varied "ro! those o" the Europeans& Sti in so!e

    i!portant respects' so "ar as a !ere +&+& is abe to co!pare' there isastonishing agree!ent' and the agree!ent suggests 5a variation on the

    European scae'5 o%ing to the incorporation or bending therein' o" the ter!s o"

    the Oath& The ordinance o" the Tapu sanctity %as its ,+asonic/ very essence3any in"ringe!ent thereo"' or negect o" its observance' by %ho!soever' resuted

    in sure and speedy death' %hich %as the true pena sign' sient and a%eso!e&


    Then again Specuative +asonry%as not advanced or urged' and each one

    appears to have used his enighten!ent "or the purpose o" "urthering hiskno%edge aong these ancient ines' %hich e!braced the co!pete syste!'

    o""ering that "uness o" happiness granted to !ortas %ho %ere enabed to

    penetrate the very depths o" nature' and by reveing in her !ysteries attain thethreshod o" the divine&5

    There are nu!erous other archaic egends %hich !ight have appeared in this

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    chapter but %hich it %i be !ore -ID convenient to re"er to herea"ter by %ay o"

    iustration& Those o" #enesis' "or instance' co!e %ithin this category& The

    Ada!ic egend o" #enesis has the appearance o" being the esoteric caste

    !ythoogy o" a tribe %hich setted in the Caucasian highands' hoding theAryan doctrine o" divine incarnations' to %hich they gave the e2pression o" a

    co!ing +essiah' or divine reincarnation' %ho %as to redee! and rehabiitate

    their o%n "aen race aone' and %e have seen that the serpent %as e:uay anesoteric e!be! in A!erica& Anaogous egends to those o" #enesis appear

    aso in ?edaic iterature& A cergy!an recenty advanced in his book entited

    the 50a o" Ada!5 that it aegorised the intercourse o" the higher spiritua orAda!ic !an %ith the o%er and souess race o" pre9Ada!ites' and as %e are

    not bound do%n by the Rabinica chronoogy %e !ay carry such a theory back

    to the 5+oon5 and 5Sun5 races o" Thibet&

    7n the A!erican Can %e !ay have a coincidence %ith the Tartar tite o" han'

    and perhaps %ith the ibica Cain& 7n the scriptura account it is Cain' the

    edest son' %ho' ike the Thibetians' o""ers a sacri"ice o" the "ruits o" the earth'says his younger brother Abe %ho o""ers a sacri"ice o" bood' and %ho eaves

    no progeny& The continuance o" a spirituay !inded ine devoves upon the

    third son' or race o" Seth& 7t is a"ter the !arriage o" these sons o" #od %ith thedaughters o" !en that %e "ind the union o" the %ordy arts o" the ine o" Cain

    %ith the !ore spiritua ine o" Seth& According to the Ta!ud La!ech !arries

    the t%o daughters o" eenan' to %ho! it assigns the stone tabets o" prophecy*the progeny o" these !arriages beco!e !en o" reno%n 99Jaba' Juba' Tuba

    Cain' Qc& 7n Egypt o%ing either to a racia inversion o" the egend' %hich !ay

    have either been the production o" so!e very od racia %ar' or ater to !ark

    their detestation o" the Hyksos' or Shepherd ings' the priests !ade o" the god

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    Set' or Seth' a devi identica %ith Typhon %ho !urdered his brother Osiris&

    There e2isted in A"rica' conte!porary %ith the beginning o" -BD Christianity' a

    sect o" Abeites' and it is not i!probabe that the Syrian aa' the CretanAbeios' the Cetic Abeio' and the #reek Apoo' %ere !odi"ied versions o" the

    Hebre% Hebe or Abe&

    on %ho !urdered his brother Osiris&There e2isted in A"rica' conte!porary %ith the beginning o" -BD Christianity' a

    sect o" Abeites' and it is not i!probabe that the Syrian aa' the Cretan

    Abeios' the Cetic Abeio' and the #reek Apoo' %ere !odi"ied versions o" theHebre% Hebe or Abe&

    7t is %orth %hie to note that the Je%ish ibe !akes the ine o" Cain to bethe "irst to buid a city' %hich !ay !ean a series o" %ooden huts anaogous to

    those %hich originated the trabeated' or bea! stye o" stone %ork' prevaiing

    a!ongst the eary Egyptians' #reeks' and Ro!ans in their te!pes and co!ing

    do%n even to Christian ti!es* "ound as %e in the cave te!pes o" 7ndia' %hichare richy and %onder"uy carved to represent %ood%ork& A"ter the "ood it is

    the descendants o" Ha! %ho beco!e the great buiders' and Japhet is to 5d%e

    in the Tents o" She!'5 %hich tent is the prototype o" the 4agodas o" China'4ersia' and Japan&

    As these egendary accounts o" an art %hich spread "ro! a sunken continentare scarcey !ore than prehistoric tradition' %e need not "oo% the sub6ect

    "urther in this chapter* %idey spread as these traditions are' they can scarcey

    be atogether baseess& So!e con"ir!ation has been "ound by scienti"ic sea9

    soundings' and "urther corroboration is a""orded in the accepted "act that athe 4aci"ic isanders are o" the sa!e race' and speak diaects o" the sa!e

    anguage' and this at a distance "ro! each other %hich is i!passabe to their

    s!a boats* a e:uay say that their "ore"athers d%et in a and over %hich the%aves o" the ocean no% s%eep&

    (e are' "or these various reasons' 6usti"ied in a beie" in the veritabee2istence o" such continents' and' by the sa!e parity o" reasoning' as %e "ind

    sacred and secret !ysteries e2isting a!ongst the!' in the 4aci"ic' Atantic' and

    in Austraia' %e are 6usti"ied in supposing that these sacred schoos are as odas the race that inhabited these continents& (e see' ho%ever' that these

    !ysteries have no architectura ai!s' and are a part o" the con6ecture %ith

    %hich %e began this chapter' as to the reative position o" reigion and art& 7"

    the reader paces no -FD con"idence in these traditions' unti science haspronounced upon the!' he can "orget that he has read the!' and pass on to

    %hat is !ore generay accepted&

    7n the "oo%ing pages coser proo" %i be "ound o" the e2istence o" a syste!

    rese!bing 0ree +asonry' and though %e have not a !inute book to prove that

    pri!eva !an invented 0ree +asonry' under a !ore ancient na!e' and thenestabished Lodges in Tartary' Egypt' abyon' #reece' 7tay' ritain' etc&' yet

    the "act that si!iar societies e2isted in a these countries is indisputabe' and

    there is no doubt that other and !ore i!portant inks %i yet be brought to

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    ight by a diigent perusa o" od cassica authors' by so!eone %ho has the

    intuitive abiity to understand the anguage o" +ystery&

    -.DCHA4TER 77&

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    4H7LOLO#7STS see! to be "ast arriving at the vie% that %hen the %hoe earth%as o" 5one anguage and o" one speech5 it %as a pri!itive !onosyabic or

    Turanian tongue& The %ord Turanian is !ost inde"inite' "or it is taken to

    incude the s!a' dark' ong9headed $ravidian race o" 7ndia' %hich penetratedritain be"ore the Aryan Cet and o" %hich the as:ues o" Spain are a surviva*

    the ong9headed %hite race o" Scandinavian hunters* and the %hite' broad9

    headed +ongooid' %ho! %e chie"y ter! proto9Aryan' as an eary branch o"the Aryan race* a race %hich in prehistoric ti!es spread "ro! Lapand to

    abyon' and "ro! 7ndia to Egypt and Europe&

    The !odern discoveries o" archaeoogists' in the countries occupied in re!ote

    ti!es by this once po%er"u proto9Aryan race' have scarcey yet had ti!e to

    "iter do%n into the ordinary +asonic channes' but they !ust in course o" ti!e

    consideraby !odi"y the vie%s o" oder %riters upon our +asonic +ysteries& 7t%oud see! "ro! %hat can be gathered that %e o%e advanced buiding in stone

    and brick to this race' and the assi!iation o" their so9caed Turanian speech

    is indicated by this' that' +onsieur Lenor!ant traces the re!otey connected4roto9+edian and Akkadian o" abyon to the 8gro9Ataic "a!iy o" anguages'

    traces the Aryan to the sa!e 0innic race o" the 8ra !ountains' and the

    anthropoogica evidence is as concusive as the anguage o" the 8gro9Ataicorigin o" the Aryan race& 7t !ay have taken ;

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    end Avesta attributes their departure "ro! their origina ho!e to ci!atic

    changes3 Ahri!an' the evi spirit' %ho is !entioned both in the Avesta and the

    ?edas' introduced cod& The no!adic habits o" the peope as breeders o" catte

    ed the! into Europe& 7n the Hi!aayan centre or that o" the Hindu' a %ararose bet%een those %ho had assu!ed divine po%ers in virtue ;-D o" their'

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    oray ac:uired' kno%edge o" the sacred hy!ns' and the %arrior or +ahara6ah

    cass' %ho %ere subdued by a divine being %ho incarnated as Ra!a' upon

    %hich the priests ao%ed "avourabe ter!s and per!itted the %arriors toreceive a i!ited a!ount o" sacred kno%edge' and to 5hear5 the ?edas' %hen

    coected in %riting' read& A previous incarnation is aeged "or the bene"it o"

    the 5!onkey race'5 by %hich is perhaps !eant so!e o%9caste tribe' but that o"Ra!a represents so!e prehistoric re"or!er o" the Turanian cuture' to %ho! a

    divine origin is assigned&

    cass' %ho %ere subdued by a divine being %ho incarnated as Ra!a' upon%hich the priests ao%ed "avourabe ter!s and per!itted the %arriors to

    receive a i!ited a!ount o" sacred kno%edge' and to 5hear5 the ?edas' %hen

    coected in %riting' read& A previous incarnation is aeged "or the bene"it o"the 5!onkey race'5 by %hich is perhaps !eant so!e o%9caste tribe' but that o"

    Ra!a represents so!e prehistoric re"or!er o" the Turanian cuture' to %ho! a

    divine origin is assigned&

    At the period %hen the advance into 7ndia began' so!e I'

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    books o" Her!es& ut the no!adic Aryans o" Europe had not !ade the sa!e

    ;;D progress' the Cet %as the !ost advanced but used bron1e toos unti

    about ;'

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    !ay accept its e2tre!e anti:uity "ro! the "act that in the !ost ancient historic

    ti!es there %as a %idespread syste! o" three degrees o" Theosophy a!ongst

    peope hopeessy separated&ti!es there %as a %idespread syste! o" three degrees o" Theosophy a!ongst

    peope hopeessy separated&

    The 0inanders "ro! the !ost ancient ti!es to the present day have had a

    !agica syste! o" three grades %hich are ter!ed Tieta6at ,earned/' Asaa6at

    ,inteigent/' ;GD and Laua6at ,incantators/& The abyonian Chasdi! %ereter!ed hartu!i! ,con6urors/' Chaka!i! ,physicians/' and Asaphi!

    ,theosophists/&MM5Chadean +agic'5 by Lenor!ant&

    There yet e2ists in 7ndia certain oarian and $ravidian tribes %ho possess a

    !agica syste! si!iar to that o" the 0innic and abyonian races' and they

    practise a syste! o" secret initiation %hich they cai! has descended to the!

    "ro! a ti!e !ore ancient than the invasion o" their pateau in centra 7ndia bythe Aryans' a con:uest occurring thousands o" years ago' but %e purposey

    abstain "ro! "oo%ing European dates as they are atogether unreiabe& Their

    grades are Na6o ,%itches and %i1ards/' $eoni or +ati ,%i1ards/' and hagat,diviner/& 7t is said that in the grade o" hagat the +aster priest goes through a

    part o" the initiation aone %ith the aspirant' and that the cere!ony is

    co!peted at night ti!e %ith a corpse' near to so!e %ater& A!ongst thesetribes are the #onds' sprung "ro! $ravidians' %ho in eary ti!es reached a

    high degree o" cuture* in Chanda are the ruins o" a paace and to%n %ith a

    per"ect net%ork o" underground passages' %hich have never been e2pored by

    Europeans' and %hich' tradition states' ead to a series o" has %here secret

    concaves %ere "or!ery hed&MM5The neph'5 v' p& < See aso +r& E& $& E%en



    paper ,%ho resided severa years a!ongst these peope/ in 50ive Years o"Theosophy&5 +r& Ja!es 0erguson' 0&R&S&' in a ecture read be"ore the enga

    7nstitute o" this country !aintains that the origina occupiers o" 7ndia %ere a

    Turanian race o" buiders %ho %ere tree and serpent %orshippers' and that the

    4easgian inhabitants o" #reece possessed the sa!e "eatures' in each casebe"ore the Aryan invasions and con:uest o" these countries& The "u

    co!prehension o" this is the key to !uch that is pu11ing in the trans!ission

    o" +asonry and the +ysteries& There are i!portant distinctions bet%een theHindus and these aborigina hi9tribes* the atter have no caste divisions' they

    eat "esh "ood and o""er ive victi!s in sacri"ice to their ;D gods* and are

    essentiay either o" a +ongoian or Turanian type' ike the ur!ese andJapanese&

    The +edian +agi' or sacerdota cass o" the proto9+edes %ere originay a so9

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    caed Turanian priesthood& ut at so!e re!ote period there arose in the

    region north o" actria a !onotheistic re"or!er %ho! his "oo%ers ter!ed

    aradust' the "irst o" the na!e' and %ho is probaby the sa!e prophet %ho!

    the Hindus ter! 4arusha9Ra!a' and it is this re"or!ed +edian civiisation%hich constituted the reigion o" the !ost ancient abyonians* and o" the

    so!e%hat !ore !odern 4ersians& 7t is cear that the race %orked !etas and

    buit in brick and stone "ro! their eariest !igrations& 7n the ti!e o" Cyrus 7&these +agi consisted o" three casses' thus na!ed by the earned #er!an

    schoar Heeren 99Harbed' or discipe* +obed' or !aster* $estur9+obed' or

    co!pete +aster& These constituted a sacerdota Coege over %hich presided aRab9+ag' or chie" !agian& The %ord +agi' or +aha6i in Sanscrit' !eans great

    or %ise& Their distinguishing attributes %ere the Costi or girde* the Havan' or

    sacred cup* and the arso!' or bunde o" t%igs grasped in the hand* a sy!bonot propery understood but supposed to represent staves that %ere e!poyed

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    in divination' but it is !uch !ore probabe that it %as a sy!bo o" that union

    %hich %as to give strength to their order& The cubica dice %ere said to be used

    by the! "or divinatory purposes& Aristote asserts that this +agian ponti"icate%as !ore ancient than the "oundation o" Egypt* and 4ato' %ho had an e2ated

    opinion o" the purity o" its doctrines' con"ir!s this anti:uity& Her!eppius says

    that the pri!itive oroaster %as initiated by one A1anaces ='

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    rites as e2isted at Sa!othrace& They cause their ancient progenitor to e2cai!3

    57 a! a $ruid' 7 a! an architect' 7 a! a prophet' 7 a! a serpent&5 (e sha see

    that the Cabiric Rites %ere the prerogative o" priests and architects' e!bodying

    the dra!a o" a !urdered god& There can be s!a doubt that the 7rish egendo" #obha!9Saer' the son o" Turibi o" the Strand' %ho %as !urdered %ith his

    -; co!panions by -; robbers' is a vugarised


    !urdered Cabir and the -; signs o" the odiac& O


    re"erence to the

    rien says that he %as a

    #uabhres or Cabiri' and that Saer has the signi"ication o" son o" #od& He

    advocates in his ;ID 5Round To%ers5 the 4hoenician origin o" these buidings

    %ith their appropriation by ater Christian +onks* o"ten' as at #endaough'seven s!a chapes' or atars' are attached& 7t is possibe' as has been

    !aintained' that north Europe %as the centre %hence the Orientas derived

    their egends' and that Chadean' %hence Cudeean' %as as appropriate to the$ruids as to the abyonian' and that as the Essenians %ere abyonians' the

    Cudees %ere Essenes' as hed by the venerabe ede' and thus the Essenes' or

    Assidiana' %ere Cudees&

    The chie" ritish gods %ere Hu and Cerid%en' or the Ouranos and #he o" the

    Cabiri* and it is %orthy o" !ention that there are $ruidica unhe%n stones and

    te!pes in cruci"or!' the one in the isand o" Le%es consists o" -; stones eachi!b having three' and the subterranean o" Ne% #range in 7reand is aso

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    cruci"or!& Higgins in his 5Cetic $ruids'5 !entions in Scotand as prechristian'

    a cruci"i2 on one side o" %hich is a a!b' and on the other an eephant& a cruci"i2 on one side o" %hich

    is a a!b' and on the other an eephant&

    There is nothing very re!arkabe in the prechristian e2istence o" such

    cruci"or! structures' in 7tay it predates architecture' and the Rev& aring#oud points out that there are in South 7tay ake9d%eings o" an i!!ense

    anti:uity %here the cross9"or! is o" greater anti:uity than the bron1e age& The

    cycopean te!pe at #a11o is buit on the basis o" a Latin cross' and hence it%as a reigious e!be! o" the Cabiri& 7t is "ound in 7ndia in the !ost ancient

    cave o" Eephanta' and is e:uay an e!be! in centra A!erica& There are aso


    t%o prechristian caves in 7reand o" this "or!&MMSee 50ree!asons+aga1ine'5

    -F=B& p& ;BI& (e !entioned its use by the +aori race&

    Toand points out that the three divisions o" the $ruidica syste! %hich %e

    have !entioned !ust not be taken as progressiona degrees& They %ere threecasses corresponding to Soothsayers' 4hysicians' and 4rophets& The ast' or

    the $ruid cass' had "our degrees con"erred at intervas o" G' I' and . years&

    The ards and Ovates ;BD %ere each divided into three casses %ith specia"unctions&MM5Toand'5 :uoting Jones& Taiesin as an initiate e2cai!s 95

    Thrice %as 7 born' no% 7 kno% ho% to ac:uire a kno%edge by !editation&5

    The e!be! o" the $ruid %as a vitri"ied egg' chased in god' and hung "ro! the

    neck' and %hich hed up to the ight she%ed a sacred token* the 5Serpents'5 or$ruids' prepared it&

    7t is generay accepted that the theoogy o" these sacred Coeges' even in the!ost ancient ti!es' taught the e2istence o" one soe po%er or creator o" the

    visibe universe' though tripicated in His !ani"estations' and that "ro! Hi!

    proceeded the !inor gods' anges' and de!i9gods& He' the one' %as $yaus inSanscrit' eus in #reek' Tiu in Teutonic' the ancient inscriptions and books o"

    the Egyptians pace it beyond doubt* the Chinese' the +agi' Hindus' Hebre%s'

    etc&' a add con"ir!ation' and various other proo"s are adduced in the %orkentited 5Natura and Reveaed Reigion5 o" our brother the Chevaier Ra!say&

    7t is i!!ateria by %hat na!e the prophet' or outteer' %ho reveaed this

    doctrine %hether Taut' 0ohi* aradust' Ra!a* Enoch or Edris %hose pupi

    Abra!' or great9"ather' %as* the doctrine o" one #od' uncreated' incorporea'a9seeing' a9po%er"u' every%here present' and d%eing inco!prehensiby in

    his o%n unity' gea!s out through the darkness o" the ages& And though the

    doctrine ad!its o" !inor deities as agents o" the Supre!e the dog!a o" unity"or!ed the background o" a the ancient reigious +ysteries' couped %ith that

    o" divine incarnations' and that ind%eing hoy spirit in !en' %hich !akes hi!

    e:ua %ith the !inor gods&

    The e2a!pes %hich %e have given o" an arcane society divided into degrees'

    so %idey separated by ocaity' by anguage' and by !anners' "ro! data

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    e2isting so!e thousands o" years ago' un!istakaby point to a !uch !ore

    ancient derivation "ro! a co!!on centre' uness %e ad!it an intuitive need "or

    so!e such syste!& (e ;FD "ind e:uay the sa!e %idespread distribution o"

    geo!etrica sy!bos intended to typi"y Theosophica truths' and e!bracingcos!ogony and creation& 7t is hed that each sy!bo represented a etter' a

    coour' a nu!ber and a sound' thus constituting an esoteric hierogyphic

    understood by the 7nitiates o" every country& As an e2a!pe %e !ight easiyarrange a set o" very ancient sy!bos "or!ing itte understood +asonic

    e!be!s' and e:uay carved by operative !asons on the ancient ruins o" Asia'

    7ndia' and Egypt' and these !ight again be appied on the pan o" the od

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    4hiosophers to the recondite !ysteries o" nature& Take the "oo%ing as

    nu!eras nu!eras

    7' 77 or ?& e:uiatera triange %ith ape2 to top' s:uare& 4entagra!&

    He2agra!& he2agra! circu!scribed& cube& cube circu!scribed&D -& Latin cross& Earth& Latin crossco!posed o" t%o transparent rectangesD&

    each having specia appication to a dog!a&

    (e have aready !ade sight ausion to the Cabiri' and a authorities are

    agreed that the +ysteries practised under this na!e %ere aied %ith the

    Cycopean +asonry and its buiders' and that those Rites and uidings' in a

    countries' %ere the reigion and architecture o" a pri!itive race %hich precededthe Aryan invasions o" +edia' abyon' 7ndia' #reece' and Egypt& The pri!itive

    inhabitants o" abyon' %ho! it has been agreed to ter! Akkadian' %ere !ore

    neary aied in bood' anguage' and reigion' %ith the 0inanders' +ongoians'eary Egyptians' proto9+edes' 4easgi' Etruscans' perhaps aso A!erican

    7ndians' a so9caed Turanian' than they %ere %ith the Ea!ites' Ethiopians'

    Arabians' and other Se!ites' or %ith the Hindu' 4ersian' and other Aryanraces' that appear ater on in the pages o" resuscitated history& Yet there are

    actua traces o" specuative 0ree!asonry' inti!atey aied %ith the reigious

    +ysteries' a!ongst these pri!itive proto9Aryans& A cear e2panation o" these

    particuars does not ad!it o" being printed' but every inteigent 0ree9+ason%i be abe to read' ;.D %hat %e !ay %rite' bet%een the ines' and thus suppy

    "or hi!se" %hat %e !ay eave une2pained&

    Recent discoveries go to prove that 4aestine had its Cabiric or +agian Rites'

    and that ong be"ore the invasion o" the 5brigand Joshua'5 the son o" Nun' as

    an od inscription is said to ter! that scriptura %arrior' Akkadian civiisatione2isted in Syria' and the egendary Cain' Abe' and Seth o" #enesis' and their

    progeny' "ind their anaogies in other o" the reigious +ysteries& ut the

    Ta!ud or +ishna' %hich is

    ancient e2panation o" the La%' di""ers


    !ateriay "ro! 5#enesis*5 thus it is said that in the days o" Cains son Enoch'


    a very

    and in the days o" Seth

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    s son Enosh' the peope !ade i!ages o" copper and

    %ood to %orship' and it is to eenan the son o" Enosh that the Ta!udattributes the prophecies o" the destruction o" the %ord' %hich he %rote upon

    tabets o" stone& Enoch is represented as a Her!it' and the %ord i!pies

    7nitiation& La!ech %hen bind by age is said to shoot his progenitor Cain bythe accident o" an arro%' and "urther' in his grie"' kis by accident his o%n son&

    Hence the traditiona La!ent o" La!ech in #enesis %hich has been supposed

    to be a veied con"ession o" 7nitiation& The scriptura Tuba9Cain %ho %as sono" La!ech by the daughter o" the Sethite eenan see!s to be e:uay a Cabiric

    egend in the Crysor o" Sanconiathon the 4hoenician historian' %ho is

    supposed to have ived as a conte!porary o" ing Soo!on& E:uay Tuba9Cain' and Crysor' is the ?ucan o" #reek !ythoogy& Sanconiathon says o" this

    Crysor3 995+en %orshipped hi! as a god a"ter his death and they caed hi!

    $ia!achius' or the great inventor' and so!e say his brother invented the

    !aking o" %as and bricks& A"ter these things' o" his race %ere born t%o young!en' one o" %ho! %as caed Technites or the artist' the other #einos

    Autochthon or earth born' or generated "ro! the earth itse"& These !en "ound

    out to !i2 stubbe %ith the brick earth' and to dry the bricks so !ade in the

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    sun&5MMCorys 5Ancient 0rag!ents'5 -FBI' p& F& G

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    te!pes speciay adapted "or the physica proo"s began to be buit&

    e"ore %e enter upon the nature o" the CA7R7C +YSTER7ES' and the

    Architecture ter!ed CYCLO4EAN' %e %i endeavour to prove that in the !ostancient ti!es there %as in e2istence an actua Society such as %e no% ter!

    0ree!asonry& (e %i take "irst the Chinese' %ho are the !ost pri!itive o"

    civiised races' and sti retain their !onosyabic anguage' represented byhierogyphics o" %hich each is the picture o" a root9%ord' o" such vaue that the

    characteristic !eaning is understood throughout the E!pire' even %here the

    spoken anguage is !utuay uninteigibe& 7t is a cuture concreted thousandso" years ago a!ongst a race cosey aied in anguage' reigion' !ythoogy' and

    astrono!y %ith Akkadian abyon& +oreover the archaic tabets o" Thibet have

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    !ystica ausions in consonance %ith the +ysteries' but %e %i aude to these

    in a ater chapter& in a ater chapter&

    There occurred in the year -FB. in the $istrict #rand Lodge o" China a

    discussion upon the sub6ect %e have !entioned above' "ro! %hich %e earn

    that about '

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    identica in a respects %ith that o" China e2isted in abyon' but there are

    indications that such %as the case' as %e as in Egypt' and %e have aready

    pointed out that Yh9ing is an Akkadian vocabuary o" root9%ords& +r& St&

    Chad osca%en has a""orded us a note' %here he treats o" the ancient Caneh'about G'F

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    the ?iceroy #udea as 4atesi' or sceptre9bearer' subservient to the ing o"

    Erech' and ter!s hi! the chie" priest and architect as %e' his paace

    indicating the art in"uence o" Egypt& His statue represents hi! as seated andhaving the right ar! and shouder bare* on his knees is a tabet containing a

    pan' or %hat +odern +asons ter! a Tracing9board' o" his paace or te!pe*

    the edge o" this tabet is divided into a scae o" ;< G-< inches to the cubit' a!easure corresponding %ith that used in Egypt& rother (& H& Ryands dee!s

    that this cubit !ay have divided the pan into che:uered s:uares though not

    she%n thereon& 4ure copper i!ages o" the Cabiri have been disinterred atCaneh&

    9bearer' subservient to the ing o"

    Erech' and ter!s hi! the chie" priest and architect as %e' his paaceindicating the art in"uence o" Egypt& His statue represents hi! as seated and

    having the right ar! and shouder bare* on his knees is a tabet containing a

    pan' or %hat +odern +asons ter! a Tracing9board' o" his paace or te!pe*

    the edge o" this tabet is divided into a scae o" ;< G-< inches to the cubit' a!easure corresponding %ith that used in Egypt& rother (& H& Ryands dee!s

    that this cubit !ay have divided the pan into che:uered s:uares though not

    she%n thereon& 4ure copper i!ages o" the Cabiri have been disinterred atCaneh&

    ?ery strong phioogica grounds have been she%n by $r& +ier in his 5Har!oad5"or identi"ying the Chinese +asonic syste! %ith abyon' and this !ust

    be read in the ight o" the re!arks %e have !ade thereon& GD

    One o" the eariest Akkadian ings na!ed Lik9baga %as a pyra!id buiderand' ike +echisedek' a king and priest o" the +ost High* he uses as a tite the

    ter! 4a9teshi' %hich is thus iteray transated 54a5 99anoint' 5te5 99corner

    stone' 5shi5 99to strike* and the sa!e ter! is used by his successors& 4atassois a ha!!er' and the ter! 4atoeci %as the habitua designation o" the i!ages

    o" the gods o" the Cabiric +ysteries& Lik9baga see!s to have !odi"ied

    Akkadian theoogy and %as the cro%ned architect and aposte o" Sin ,!oon/'Sa!as ,sun/' e' and Anu& Another ter! used by these kings' and appied by

    Nebuchadne11ar to the !ost ancient kings' is 4a9teshi tsi9ri' %hich is

    transated Subi!e +aster by $r& Schrader* it is connected %ith the Hebre%4at9tish' a ha!!er' or the Cabiric ha!!er in the hand o" Tuba9Cain or the

    #reek ?ucan& (ith the Akkadians the god o" copper9s!iths had the sa!e

    na!e as the god o" iron%orkers a!ongst the Lapanders' and the %ords "or iron

    and copper are the sa!e respectivey&MM5Chadean +agic5 99Lenor!ant& 7tis' ho%ever' through the Aryan Sanskrit that %e can !ore particuary trace the

    assi!iation o" Akkad to a buiding "raternity' "or the %ord Ak !eans to pierce'

    Akra is a sharp point' Akri is corner' Akana is a stone' Aktan is the nu!bereight or the anges %hich are in a cube& Ak!an in Sanscrit is a stone and in

    4ersian heaven' and as a cube sy!boises the eight cos!ogonica po%ers' the

    %ord co!es to i!py the %hoe heavens& 7n #reek' %hich is an Aryan tongue'the na!e o" the "ather o" Ouranos is Ak!on' and $iodorus !akes 8r' or

    Ouranos and Ops chidren o" Ak!on and parents o" the Titans' %ho are again

    the Cabiri& Ak!on is aso an anvi' %hich !eans a !eteoroite' "ro! %hich

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    iron %as "irst !ade' "or in #reek Sideros is iron and reated to the Latin Sidus'

    a star& The %ord Ak in the Akkadian signi"ies to buid or to !ake' hence %e

    have ta9ak' tak' tag' a stone or !ountain' and akka' a buiding te!pe or

    sanctuary* these signi"ications "urther connect Akkad' or proto9Aryan' %ith theHindus and their architecture& G=D Ak is aso the !onogra! o" Nabu %ho is

    +ercury' +arduk' %hence Ni!rod* Nabu is there"ore +ercury' and the Her!es

    o" Egypt' the reveaing #od&

    7n Se!itic Assyrian abn is stone' abni stones'banah ,Heb& benah/ is to buid& The earned Ae2ander (iderMM#oud


    s 5N& Q

    &5' 2iii' p& ;.I& e2presses an opinion that Ni!rod' "ounder o" abyon' %aso" Tartar descent' in %hich anguage the %ord !eans 5spotted'5 and !ay point

    to the eopard skin in %hich the Assyrian priests o" $ionnisi %ere cothed& 7"

    Ni!rod personates ronos' as so!e hod' he %as in that case a Cabiri or kingo" the race o" Cycopean buiders&

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    0ro! a this it is argued' %ith !uch soundness' that the "irst kings %ere

    both priests and architects' or the #rand +asters o" these' and o" the cass o"

    Cabiri %ho %ere "irst %orkers in stone and brick' and a"ter%ards in !etas' andthat they trans!itted a traditiona doctrine o" the te!pe' based upon

    cos!ogony and the creation o" the %ord&MM5Ars uat& Cor&'5 v' pt& ;& 7t

    e2pains %hy #enesis assi!iates the %ordy arts %ith reigion' and she%s thehigh respect the Hebre% priests had "or art' though de"icient in practice& The

    abyonians !ust have a""orded in"or!ation to E1ra %ho revised the Je%ish

    ibe' and it !ay be pointed out that these peope %ere buiders in brick ratherthan stone' and hence that the practice o" art %oud vary in a country %ith that

    in %hich stone %as used&

    o! a this it is argued' %ith !uch soundness' that the "irst kings %ereboth priests and architects' or the #rand +asters o" these' and o" the cass o"

    Cabiri %ho %ere "irst %orkers in stone and brick' and a"ter%ards in !etas' and

    that they trans!itted a traditiona doctrine o" the te!pe' based upon

    cos!ogony and the creation o" the %ord&MM5Ars uat& Cor&'5 v' pt& ;& 7te2pains %hy #enesis assi!iates the %ordy arts %ith reigion' and she%s the

    high respect the Hebre% priests had "or art' though de"icient in practice& The

    abyonians !ust have a""orded in"or!ation to E1ra %ho revised the Je%ishibe' and it !ay be pointed out that these peope %ere buiders in brick rather

    than stone' and hence that the practice o" art %oud vary in a country %ith that

    in %hich stone %as used&


    (hen %e approach historic ti!es %e "ind that the actua Cabiric +ysteries%ere o" #recian continuation and perpetuated at Sa!othrace %here they had

    been in e2istence' "ro! a re!ote era' "ar into Christian ti!es' and %here they

    %ere hed in great veneration' not ony "or their anti:uity but "or the purity o"their doctrine& They are said to have retained !uch o" their techni:ue in the

    Chadean anguage' and to have preserved !uch o" the +asonic sy!bois!

    %hich %e have seen in Chinese practise' GID "or the aborigina inhabitants o"#reece' 4easgians' %ere an aied race' and $r& 4etrie asserts that pre9

    Heenic' or proto9Aryan #reeks' %ere in Egypt' either as "riends or captives'


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    The vie%s o" a authorities are in unison %ith those o" 0rederick von

    Schege' %ho says that this pri!itive peope %ere the constructors o" the

    Cycopean buidings o" #reece and 7tay' being the origina inhabitants %ho%ere con:uered and overrun by the Aryan i!!igration o" $eucaion' that they

    %ere a peope %ho had the traits in co!!on %ith those o" !any other

    countries' at a re!ote period&MM54hiosophy o" History'5 p& ;G&

    e"ore %e consider their +ysteries %e %i say so!ething o" their

    architecture* a stye %hich is o" prehistoric anti:uity& 7t %as very !assive' andbuit o" irreguar and %e9bound bocks o" i!!ense si1e' so %e knit that

    though %ithout ce!ent a kni"e bade %oud not enter the 6oints' and so paced

    that a arge bock !ight be %ithdra%n %ithout endangering the structure& The0rench GBD 7nstitute' in -F

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    buiders %ere "ro! Syria in Asia +inor' by %hich he !eans Assyria* the sa!e

    %riter !entions vast caverns in Argos %hich had been converted into a

    Labyrinth by the Cycops* and here %as a statue o" the "ather o" the gods'%hich had a third eye in the !idde o" the "orehead' and %hich %as said to

    have been brought "ro! the paace o" 4ria! at Troy' an Asiatic city inti!atey

    connected %ith Assyria&e !eans Assyria* the sa!e

    %riter !entions vast caverns in Argos %hich had been converted into a

    Labyrinth by the Cycops* and here %as a statue o" the "ather o" the gods'%hich had a third eye in the !idde o" the "orehead' and %hich %as said to

    have been brought "ro! the paace o" 4ria! at Troy' an Asiatic city inti!atey

    connected %ith Assyria&

    4iny states that in the isand o" Le!nos' the ho!e o" the Cabiric +ysteries'

    there %as a Labyrinth o" -=< cou!ns' each stone o" %hich !ight be !oved by

    a chid* hence %e earn that they rese!bed the rocking stones o" the $ruids*and $r& $anie Carke "ound a stone circe at the top o" +ount #argarus' %here

    the gods' according to Ho!er' asse!bed at the siege o"

    Troy&MM5Anacaypsis&5 4iny attributes the %orking o" iron to their invention'and the "irst inhabitants o" Siciy are said to be o" this race& Achies Statius'

    bishop o" Ae2andria' !entions a statue in a te!pe on +ount Cassius'

    bet%een Syria and Egypt' %hich hed a po!egranate in the hand* it is a te!pe

    %hich Sanconiathon dee!s



    to have been buit by the descendants o" the

    s 5Cyco& Art& 4o!egranate&5

    This pecuiar +asonry is "ound upon the su!!its o" !ountains' a position in

    %hich Ho!er paces the Cycops and the Lastragons' and Theocritus theestabish!ents o" the od 4easgi& As it de!anded a arge e2ertion o" physica

    strength the ater' but sti ancient' #reeks attributed the %ork to giants %ho


    had an eye in the !idde o" the "orehead as had 4ria!

    s statue o" their deity&

    +ythoogy !akes the! sons o" Neptune and A!phitrite' %ho! Jupiter

    overthre% and cast into Tartarus %here they beco!e the assistants o" ?ucan*

    thus assigning a sea9pedigree to these %orkers in iron and stone' and typi"ying

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    an en"orced savery by their GFD Aryan con:uerors& They are "abed to have

    !ade the sicke o" the #reek ronos or Saturn' %ho! the Latins !ade the god

    o" agricuture' in %hose reign a ship grounded at Sa!othrace' %here the

    passengers setted and erected a te!pe "or their +ysteries& 7t is "urtherpretended that these Cycops constructed "or Jupiter a cubica atar o" brass

    upon %hich the "ather o" gods took his oath be"ore attacking the Titans' and

    upon this atar %as engraved the na!e o" $eity& Three principa Cycops are!entioned 99rontes' Steropes' and 4arac!ai& (e see that ike Hira!' %ho

    has credit "or buiding the te!pe o" Soo!on' the Cycopean Cabiri %ere not

    ony skied buiders in stone but %orkers in brass and iron' a race sub6ect to?ucan' and that a this ong preceded the introduction into #reece o" a

    +asonry o" "at and s:uared stones' %hich ca!e into use about the ti!e o" the

    Egyptian coonisation' a"ter the ages o" barbaris! occasioned by the Aryan%ars&

    esides 7ndia' %hich %e have !entioned in its cave te!pes' and #reece'

    other nations have this ancient stye o" +asonry' and Syria' under abyonianin"uence' has !any traces o" it' oder than the invasion o" Joshua and the

    Abri' and it is :uite possibe that the Hebre% invaders had !uch o" their

    specia bias "ro! the schoo o" +echisedek' ing o" Sae!&

    7t has been she%n by +onsieur 4erotti that so!e o" the !ost ancient ruins in

    4aestine are Cycopean' or as he ter!s the! 4easgian' and he instances so!eat Ephrata or e1ah' in other paces are ater ruins o" a !i2ed stye' buit

    co!positey o" poygona and s:uared bocks* at Ra!a is a door%ay rese!bing'


    on a s!a scae that o" Atreus at +ycenae*MM50ree!asons+ag&'5 -FI;' viii' p&

    GF& Cycopean ruins e2ist aso at ashan and aabec& The Rev& rother

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    years &C& This cacuation is con"ir!ed by the discovery in -.

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    a reveator o" arts %as a Cabir' and %i"e to $ionysos or acchus' and $ionysius

    Haicarnassus says that Atas e"t his habitation on +ount Caucasus and

    beca!e ing o" Arcadia& Apoodorus a""ir!s that this Atas %as son o"Japhetus and brother to 4ro!etheus& 4ausanius in"or!s us that the

    Arcadians %ere a 4easgi' as %ere aso the inhabitants o" Argos' and that the

    4easgians had that na!e "ro! a ing 4aagius&MMishop Cu!berand*5Origenes&5 $ionisu is Assyrian' and aso 7ndian as $ionysos' %hist

    ad!ittedy Egyptian as acchus* hence the $ionysian arti"icers o" #reece !ay

    have sprang out o" the Cabiri& Rao Rochette considers that the Cycop4aae!onius' to %ho! a Sanctuary %as raised' %as -D the Tyrians Heraces&

    Haicarnassus says that Atas e"t his habitation on +ount Caucasus and

    beca!e ing o" Arcadia& Apoodorus a""ir!s that this Atas %as son o"Japhetus and brother to 4ro!etheus& 4ausanius in"or!s us that the

    Arcadians %ere a 4easgi' as %ere aso the inhabitants o" Argos' and that the

    4easgians had that na!e "ro! a ing 4aagius&MMishop Cu!berand*

    5Origenes&5 $ionisu is Assyrian' and aso 7ndian as $ionysos' %histad!ittedy Egyptian as acchus* hence the $ionysian arti"icers o" #reece !ay

    have sprang out o" the Cabiri& Rao Rochette considers that the Cycop

    4aae!onius' to %ho! a Sanctuary %as raised' %as -D the Tyrians Heraces&

    H& 4& avatsky says that the 9buiders o" the sacred cou!ns at #adir covered

    the! %ith !ysterious characters and "igures' o" %hich the sa!e is sti "oundon the %as o" Eora' that gigantic ruin o" the te!pe o" ?isvakar!an styed

    5the buider and arti"icer o" the gods&5 7t is :uite ikey that the physica and

    superior strength o" the Cycops has a "oundation in "act& Apart "ro! the

    testi!ony o" ancient %riters' coected by !en o" the sta!p o" #rotius' inregard to the e2istence at one ti!e o" a race o" giants' there has recenty been

    discovered at 4ied!ont in +oravia the skeeton o" a hu!an "a!iy' side by side

    %ith the bones o" the +a!!oth' that o" the !an being o" 5e2traordinary si1e&5At the #rotto o" Rochers Rouges' +entone' skeetons have been "ound under

    ;. "eet o" i!estone staag!ite' %hich !ay be reckoned to represent F'

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    The Sun %as the Se!itic' rather than the Cabiric sy!bo' and !ay possiby

    be indicated in the archaic hy!n o" the Akkadian victory o" Hea over the seven9

    headed serpent& Other changes o" the sy!bois! succeeded and %e have the

    seven gods appied to so !any spheres' or to the panets' and "inayanthropo!orphised into seven gods o" arts& (e readMM77 5ings5 2vii&' v& G

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    are "ounded& Apoodorus and ?arro say that the Cabiri adored the heavens

    and earth under the na!es o" Ouranos and #he as the creators o" !ankind3

    Hindu spirit and !atter&and earth under the na!es o" Ouranos and #he as the creators o" !ankind3

    Hindu spirit and !atter&

    According to Sanconiathon and the 4hoenicians' the Cabiri %ere the eight

    sons o" Sadyk' o" %ho! the youngest' na!ed Esh!un or Ak!on' or in the

    #reek version Cad!ius or Cas!ius' %as sain by the others& +isor' thebrother o" Sadyk' %as "ather o" Taut' and received the inheritance o" Egypt' and

    the Cabiri record it' a cai! that the !ost ancient inhabitants o" Egypt %ere o"

    this ritua& O" these eight' three %ere !ost noted' and %ere ter!ed by the#reeks A2ieros' A2iochersos' and A2iocheres' and as 52i5 is but the #reek 5chi5

    it has been suggestedMM$r& Tyter' in 50&+& +ag&5 that these na!es !ay be

    trans!uted into Chadean as Ahea' Ashur' Ahea' %hich is e:ua to 7 a! that 7

    a!& +r& Ed%ard C& ingMM5Akkadian #enesis'5 p& =.* 5E2odus5 iii& v& 7* AhihAshr Ahih& reads these %ords Aya' Asher' Aya' and GD %hen Theodoret

    asked a Je% the true pronunciation o" the sacred na!e H3YH YH' the Je%

    said 5ya'5 and %rote 5aya'5 "or he %as not per!itted by his a% to pronounce thesacred na!e& E:uay in +asonry there is a (ord %hich can be %ritten but not

    pronounced' and there is a !ode o" uttering that %ord %hich cannot be

    %ritten& So!e %riters suppose that the three Cabiri' or Corybantes' sy!boisesun' !oon' and earth' in the contest bet%een %hich one is supposed to be

    sain in ecipse' and :uote the %ords o" Hesiod 995Stained %ith bood and

    "aing by the hands o" t%o ceestia bodies&5 One o" the gods %as na!ed

    Eubuos' pronounced very si!iary to three %ords used in 5Ancient5 +asonry'


    %hich had a re"erence to Soo!ons te!pe' %hich a ancient %riters ad!it %as

    a type o" the universe&

    The sain Cas!ius had the sa!e signi"ication as the Osirian sun9god' and

    in the 4hoenician' abyonian' and Egyptian books' and cos!ogonies are so!e

    curious re"erences %hich !ay typi"y circu!cision' the +ythraic baptis! o"


    bood' and the Tauroboiu! or baptis! o" bus bood' %hich is re"erred to inthe 4hrygian version o" the Cabiric rites& Thus' on the authority o" 4hio


    ybus' %e have it in the egend o" ronos that he sheds his sons bood as a

    propitiation to his "ather Ouranos and circu!cised his "a!iy' and "ro! the%ords used it %oud see! that this %as sy!boicay acted in the +ysteries& 7n

    another egend' E castrates his "ather Ouranos in order to "ertiise the rivers'

    in %hich is "ound the "irst ger! o" i"e& Again e +erodach cuts open the

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    dragon Tia!at' or chaos' "ro! %hich he proceeds& 7n the Egyptian 5Ritua o"

    the $ead5 it is said3 5the bood is that o" the sun as he goes aong cutting


    +asonic %riters te us that the 7nitiated sy!boicay e!brued his hands in

    the bood o" the sain Cas!ius& These !urdered gods' as in the case o" Osiris

    and Adonis' usuay su""er in the generative parts' indicative o" the trans"er o"the i"e principe' and it is said !ythoogicay that %hen the t%o other gods

    se% Cas!ius they "ed D %ith a chest containing his genitas to Etruria' in

    %hich %e have doubtess a notice o" coonisation&

    The Cabiric gods %ere hed to be the instructors o" !ankind in a use"u

    kno%edge* !agica rites' buiding' s!eting and %orking in !etas'shipbuiding' !usic' etc&' and %ere deno!inated Technites or arti"icers&

    Sanconiathon says that Ouranos %as the "ather o" Scuptors' as %as Hira! the

    "ather or Abiv o" +asons' !eta %orkers' carvers' and dyers' and in verity a

    Cabir& 0aber considers that the ter! 0abri by %hich the Latins designated

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    Arti"icers in genera is derived "ro! Cabiri' and he aso asserts that 5a the

    !ost ancient re!arkabe buidings o" #reece' Egypt' and Asia +inor %ere

    ascribed to Cabirian or Cycopean +asons&5MM0aber' 5Cab&5 i& p& G=&!ost ancient re!arkabe buidings o" #reece' Egypt' and Asia +inor %ere

    ascribed to Cabirian or Cycopean +asons&5MM0aber' 5Cab&5 i& p& G=&

    As the rites aso pro"essed to instruct the candidate in incantations such as

    %e kno% %ere used by the Akkadians o" abyon that aone %oud indicate

    identity o" origin& The earned Hyde attributes the na!e Cabir to #abri'#uebri' "ire or sun %orshippers* and as the sain god is na!ed Ak!on' %hich

    %ord aso !eans a cube o" eight anges' heaven or Ouranos' it is there"ore

    e:uivaent to the Se!itic 8r and 8ri!' and re!otey to Hira!' %hose "atherJosephus says %as na!ed 8r&

    7t is said that the 7nitiatory cere!ony into the +ysteries o" Sa!othrace asted

    three days and %as ter!ed 5Enthrone!ent'5 and that !ystic dancesrepresenting the !otions o" the heaveny bodies %ere per"or!ed round the

    throne' %hich connects the rite %ith astrono!y& A %hite9stone %as presented

    to the 7nitiate as a sy!bo o" !e!bership& Hives o" bees %ere preserved in thete!pe' and the interior cavern or Sanctuary contained a pyra!idica cha!ber

    as its !ost sacred pace& Heckethorn asserts that in the 4hrygian branch o"

    these +ysteries they had a pine tree cut to "or! a cross' %ith the "igure o" a!an upon it' and the sa!e thing is asserted o" the ritish $ruids& The to!b o"

    +idas in 4hrygia is adorned %ith the' e:ua9i!bed cross' or the !odern #reek

    =D "or!& Eusebius' %ho can see ony the %orst side o" the +ysteries' %rites o"the! in the sa!e stye as the !odern secuarist upon the scriptures& Ection'

    he says' "ounded the Sa!othracian +ysteries' and ?enus sprang "ro! the

    !e!ber o" 8ranus %hich %as thro%n into the sea' %here"ore a u!p o" sat isthe sy!bo o" generation& These are %hat the 4hrygians ceebrate as the rites

    to Attys' Cybee' and the Corybantes& Certain signs %ere' 57 have eaten out o"

    the ta!bourine& 7 have drank out o" the cy!ba& 7 have carried the !ysticsaver& 7 have sipped into the bed&5 Si!iar e2pressions are "ound a!ongst

    the $ruids' and %ere kno%n to the Eeusenian initiates& They are but

    aegories and not actua rites&Ce!ens o" Ae2andria speaking o" these +ysteries says3 995no% that having

    kied their third brother they covered the head o" the dead body %ith a purpe

    coth' cro%ned it ,or encirced it %ith a chapet/' and carrying it on the point o"

    a spear ,or bearing it on a bra1en shied/' buried it under the roots o" Oy!pus&The +ysteries are in short !urders and "uneras&5MM5Ars uat& Cor&5 v&' p& -BG&

    995E2hort'5 ch& ii&' aso 5Eiusebius'5 prep& 5#os&5 c& iii&' b& ;& (here t%o gods

    !urder a third the re"erence !ay be to t%o seasons and %inter&

    5abyon&5 (e %i no% gance at the abyonian conte!poraries o" these

    Cycops or Cabiri& erosus the Chadean historian records that the civiisationo" abyon %as derived "ro! a god %ho %as ha" !an and ha" "ish' and %ho

    rose each day out o" the Erythrean sea' and Lepsius has e2pressed the opinion

    that the egend points to Egyptian sources& The "aith o" the od Akkadians %as

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    in Lapand' Thibet' Egypt' 7ndia' #reece' and even Yucatan& These Akkadians

    %ere' ike the Egyptians and +ayau2' pyra!id buiders' and the ruins o" abe

    or orsippa is o" this nature& 7t ca!e to be caed the te!pe o" the it91ida oro" the right hand' and there is an ancient cyinder %hich represents a seven9

    stepped pyra!id' at the top o" %hich is a coossa hand' and eight %orshippers'

    corresponding to the Cabiric gods surround the pyra!id in %orship&%ere' ike the Egyptians and +ayau2' pyra!id buiders' and the ruins o" abe

    or orsippa is o" this nature& 7t ca!e to be caed the te!pe o" the it91ida or

    o" the right hand' and there is an ancient cyinder %hich represents a seven9stepped pyra!id' at the top o" %hich is a coossa hand' and eight %orshippers'

    corresponding to the Cabiric gods surround the pyra!id in %orship&

    The ocaity o" abyon gave the! in specuation t%o 5#reat 4iars'5 the

    5+ount o" the %ord'5 in the northeast' or Ararat' %hich they aso ter!ed 5the

    abode o" the gods'5 and %hich %as to the! %hat +eru %as to the Aryans' and a

    corresponding !ount in the south %est' %hence %as the descent to the do!aino" +ugi the ruer o" the dead* %hich descent %as aeged to be guarded by

    seven concentric %as' %ith one gate in each %a& A the great !ountains o"

    the East are represented as the residences o" a spirituaised race&

    At a re!ote period the priests had co!posed an epic in t%eve books

    ans%ering to the odiaca signs over %hich the sun9god 6ournies 99in Akkadian7sdhubhar' in Egyptian Heraces' in Tyrian +ecarth& 7t co!!ences the "irst

    book or !onth %ith the siege o" #hi1dubar or 7sdhubhar in Erech 99it is ight

    %hich overco!es darkness& 7n the second and third the hero resorts "or

    co!"ort to the prophet Heabani& 7n the "ourth and "i"th there is %ar' "iguringthe ee!enta stor!s& 7n the si2th and seventh %e have the ives and disorders


    o" the hero and 7shter' beieved to re"er to the !oons changes& 7shtar descends

    into Hades' ike Ceres o" #reece' to seek aid "ro! +ugi' and is divested o"so!e portion o" her appare at each gate o" the seven %as& 7n the eighth and

    ninth %e have the %anderings o" the hero and a 4aradisica garden& 7n BD the

    tenth the hero is "erried over the Sty2 that he !ay be restored to heath byTa!1i' the transated Sage& The eeventh is a si!iar account o" the deuge to

    that in #enesis& The t%e"th co!!e!orates the death o" Heabani&

    7n anaogy %ith this sacred nu!ber seven' the to%er o" abe had sevenstories' and Herodotus in"or!s us that Ecbatana in +edia %as guarded by

    seven concentric %as' each o" %hich' as %ere the stories o" abe' %as painted

    to represent one o" the seven spheres or panets& The +ythraic +ysteriesthough proto9+edian in their conception' %ere Aryan %hen %e beco!e

    historicay ac:uainted %ith the!' and they had seven caverns o" 7nitiation

    approached by gates in a pyra!id o" seven andings' and the trias o" 7nitiationare doubtessy aegorised by the ancient 4ersian poet 0erdusi' in the He"t9

    han or abours o" Rusta!& 7n this the i!pication is obvious that the

    !ythoogy %as !ore ancient than the erections %hich sy!boised it' od as

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    these are in the %ords history& The to%er o" abe or orsippa' 5%hich hadbeen e"t un"inished since the deuge'5 %as co!peted by Nebuchadne11ar %ith

    the addition o" an eighth story 5according to the origina design5* this ast

    consisted o" a 5cubica cha!ber5 as a shrine "or the god' the appoint!entsbeing o" god&

    The odest te!pe in the %ord is said to have been discovered by e2cavatorsat iaya in Centra abyonia& The %as o" the to%er %ere "irst uncovered and

    the su!!it ceared& The "irst inscription on the sur"ace %as brick sta!ped

    %ith the na!e $ungi o" ;B=< &C& A itte o%er appeared a cru!ped piece o"


    god %ith the na!e 4ara! Si! %ho ived in GB=< &C& ,50ree!asonsChronice'5 -= Aug&' -.

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    %as a per"ect s:uare o" seven ascents or stages' ;B; "eet at base' each %ay' the

    "our corners "acing the Cardina points' and the FD seven stages occupying a

    height o" -=I "eet' the highest o" a %as a per"ect cube and the Sanctuary o""our corners "acing the Cardina points' and the FD seven stages occupying a

    height o" -=I "eet' the highest o" a %as a per"ect cube and the Sanctuary o"


    the #od&