Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 188 Ames, IA First United Methodist Church 516 Kellogg Ave Ames, IA 50010 [email protected] 515-232-2750 SAVE THE DATE! FUMM ANNUAL AUCTION April 13, 2013 “A vital church connecting with God and with each other...driven to serve” Connections for March 2013 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Building on the Past, Reaching foR the futuRe” The Ames First United Methodist Church cordially invites you to the CONSECRATION AND DEDICATION FESTIVITIES of its new building addition ON Sunday afternoon, March 24, 2013, with a Consecration and Dedication Worship Celebration starting at 2:00 p.m. With an open house from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Bishop Julius C. Trimble, Episcopal leader for the Iowa Annual Conference, will be preaching. An offering for the global initiative “no MoRe MalaRia” will be collected during the worship. “the aMes fiRst uMc seeks to Be a vital congregation connecting PeoPle with god and with each otheR… dRiven to seRve!”

“Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

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Page 1: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation



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April 13, 2013











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“Building on the Past,

Reaching foR the futuRe”

The Ames First United Methodist Church

cordially invites you to the


of its new building addition ON

Sunday afternoon, March 24, 2013,

with a Consecration and Dedication

Worship Celebration starting at 2:00 p.m.

With an open house from 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Bishop Julius C. Trimble,

Episcopal leader for the Iowa Annual

Conference, will be preaching.

An offering for the global initiative

“no MoRe MalaRia”

will be collected during the worship.

“the aMes fiRst uMc seeks to Be a vital

congregation connecting

PeoPle with god and with each otheR…

dRiven to seRve!”

Page 2: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation


These words of hymn-writer, Shirley Erena Murray, have been speaking to many people all across the globe since she first penned them at the close of the twentieth century. Her thoughts are especially appropriate to meditate upon as we journey through the season of Lent:

Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead, Find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed: Clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes that we can see, All the things that really matter, be at peace, and simply be.

Jesus set an example for us to follow for our personal well-being. There are accounts in the gospels about how Jesus would go off to a quiet place. He would go on retreat and seek renewal. Jesus’ example for us is to take the time needed to pray, reflect and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying about our lives. Jesus example is a model to be practiced. We are encouraged to follow it. But, we are so often poor at it.

The United Methodist Book of Discipline (par.351) provides for such a model to be kept by the church’s clergy. It is called a Renewal Leave. Renewal Leaves (lasting several weeks to several months) are recognized and endorsed by the church as a way for congregations to be in ministry to their pastor. Such leaves are encouraged by our Iowa Annual Conference’s Bishop and Board of Ordained Ministry.

I have not ever exercised this opportunity to take a Renewal Leave over the past 33+ years of active ministry until now. However, thanks to the support of this church’s Staff Parish Relations Committee and to our District Superintendent, I will be going on a Renewal Leave from April 1 through May 31. Pastor Deanna and Pastor Bethany, as well as church leaders, will help to cover the majority of ministry needs during my absence.

My personal hope during this renewal time will be to do some traveling and perhaps to do some “de-cluttering”. I hope this can be a time for me to “recharge”, rest, relax, refocus, and get ready to return to this congregation with some renewed energy and perspective for my service here in Ames. I hope it will give me a chance to “catch my breath” and gain some insight for the remaining years of my active ministry. I thank you for your prayers and support of me as I journey through this renewal leave. Silence is a friend, who claims us, cools the heat and slows the pace, God is who speaks and names us, knows our being, touches base, Making space within our thinking, lifting shades to show the sun, Raising courage when we’re shrinking, finding scope for faith begun. In the Spirit let us travel, open to each other’s pain, Let our loves and fears unravel, celebrate the space we gain:

2013 Lenten Gift Order Form *Mission Gifts* and/or Blooming Plants

Give a gift to honor a loved one at Easter. Plants will arrive for

Easter Sunday. Take your plant home after Easter. Donate money/

mission gift in honor of a loved one.

Please indicate your choices on the form below and

return to the office.

$12 (8 ½” pots)

Easter Lily: White Only

Snowball Hydrangea: Blue Pink

Total # of $12 plants: _____

$8 (7” pots)

Daisies: White Pink Lavender

Mums: Purple Pink Apricot

Begonia: Yellow White Red Pink

New Rose/White-Striped

Double-Flowering Kalanchoe:

Yellow Pink Lavender

Total # of $8 plants: _____

Given by:___________________________________

In honor of:_________________________________

In memory of:_______________________________

Order by March 10 to assure your plant choice.

Mission Gift Amount:___________ Given by:___________________________________

In honor of:_________________________________

In memory of:_______________________________

Please include check with this order form.

Memo as: Easter Gift 2013

Page 3: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

FAQ ON UMC APPORTIONMENTS Apportionments (a portion meant for others) support the global missions of the UMC and help us be truly a “connectional church” at work to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. There have been misconceptions at times about the formula for figuring apportionments, partly due to the fact that the annual conference can change that formula from time to time. It is important to know that the current formula is NOT based on membership or attendance or on operating expenses. It IS based on income. The formula is based on the 4-year average on selected income items (identified by the annual conference) of the local church’s yearly statistical report. Every church in the Iowa annual conference pays the same percentage of income, figured as the percentage share of the annual conference budget. Any amount of increase or decrease from year to year shall be limited to 10%.

Does the Joy of Easter Seem Far Away? For those who have suffered a loss or who are going through the difficult time, Easter can be a time of painful loneliness and emptiness. If you are smiling on the outside, but full of pain on

the inside and the joy of Easter seems far away, help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, and pray with and for you. Stephen Ministers have been specially trained to meet your emotional and spiritual needs; male Stephen Ministers are always matched with men, and female Stephen Ministers are matched with women. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders: Deanna Pullen, Carrie Copley, or Cami McColley. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

Now let the heavens be joyful! Let earth her song begin!

Let the round world keep triumph, And all that is therein; Invisible and visible,

Their notes let all things blend, For Christ the Lord has risen,

Our joy that hath no end.

—St. John of Damascus

There’s a place for deepest dreaming, there’s a time for heart to care, In the Spirit’s lively scheming there is always room to space.

(Shirley Erena Murray, Come and Find the Quiet Center.)


It is hoped that many here at FUMC are trying to be intentional in keeping some, if not all, of the Lenten disciplines. These practices are tools to enable and enhance spiritual growth and faith. A focus on compassion and self-denial is at the core of these historic disciplines:

* Fast one day a week to become more aware of those who are hungry in the world.

* Set aside a time each day to read the Bible. * Pray for people who are hurting and pray for peace in the world. * Do acts of mercy. Perform random deeds of kindness. * “Pay It Forward” * Give an extra donation to the church’s mission projects. Reach out to

persons in need.

During this season of Lent be aware of where God, in Christ, is calling you to go and listen carefully for what you are to do as a Christian disciple. Pray without ceasing. Keep in your mind the thought that “before we can celebrate the resurrection we must stand at the foot of the cross.”


Jesus said, “Feed my lambs” and we today seek to fulfill Christ’s teachings to reach out to those in hunger and pain all around the world. Through the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, to be received March 9-10, we as United Methodists in connection with one another can help. This offering goes to the work of our United Methodist Committee on Relief that responds when disasters strike and people need support. Help to make a world of difference by giving to this special appeal.

March 1 - World Day of Prayer is an international event that unites Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christian women and men in 179 countries. The goal each year is that this day will strive to bring informed prayer and prayerful action to life in our communities. Each year a certain nation is featured and a prayer service is designed using the worship traditions of that land. Church Women United sponsors this event. Please be alert to announcements in the local newspaper and bulletin regarding this event in the Ames area.

Page 4: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation in our worship services of the Passion narrative from the Gospel with Reader’s Theater and special music.

Wednesday, March 27, Family Holy Week Worship at 6:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday, March 28, worship at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary Good Friday, March 29, worship at noon in our sanctuary Holy Saturday worship at 5:30 at Saturday at First, March 30 Easter Sunrise Worship, March 31, at the First Christian/Disciples of Christ at 7 a.m. with breakfast following there. Other Easter Day Celebrations of Worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m. here in our sanctuary



You and your friends are invited to observe the season of Lent by sharing in our annual Lenten Lunches. Four of the salad lunches will be worship liturgies focused on some themes from “The Exodus” story found in the Old Testament. As Christians we recall how the events of Jesus’ last week before his crucifixion were centered on his celebration of The Passover, remembering how God had delivered Israel out of captivity to freedom. On Wednesday, March 20, during Spring Break week, we will be encouraging folks to take time at home for a “quiet period” over the lunch hour. Then, on Wednesday, March 27, we will invite folks to the sanctuary for some “musical meditations of Lent.” The lunches that will start serving at 11:45 a.m., with the worship services starting at approximately 12:15 a.m. The lunches this year will feature a small variety of salads, with bread/rolls and butter, and beverages and will be held downstairs in the social hall. Lunches will be provided by the following groups: March 6 - Stephens Ministry March 13 - Quilters March 27 - Choir A free-will offering will be received at each of these lunches with the proceeds being divided between the Ames’ Curt Forbes Residential Center, a half-way house/transitional place for persons returning from incarceration, and the UMC’s ministry at the women’s state prison in Mitchellville.

7. Investors will have their interest paid annually. Lenders will be provided with a 1099 for the year in which the interest is paid. The interest paid may be subject to treatment as ordinary taxable income for both federal and state income tax purposes, however, lenders are encouraged to consult with their independent tax and/or legal advisors in connection with any note

transaction or the tax consequences of extending a loan. FUMC cannot and does not give tax or legal advice.

8. The principal amount, and all accrued interest, will be paid on the term date

of the note, at which time the note will be deemed satisfied. Owners of the Certificates may be given the option of renewing all or a portion of a

Certificate upon maturity. The minimum Certificate amount will remain $2,000.

9. The notes are callable by FUMC with 30 day notice to the lender. That is,

the notes can be paid off by the church at any time, with interest earned up to the date of payoff, after giving 30 day notice.

10. Requests by the lender for early redemption in the event of an emergency

will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

In order to better gauge member interest in the Investment Certificate Program the Steering Committee is asking that those interested respond by filling out the form below. Please note submission this form in no way represents a commitment to participate in the program. All information provided will be held in confidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: _____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Amount of Loan: $2,000 - $10,000 ____ $10,001 - $20,000 ____ $20,001 - $50,000 ___ $50,001 - $75,000 ___ Over $75,000 ____ Length of Loan: One Year _____ Three Years _____ Five Years _____ Estimated Date of Loan _________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please place the completed form in an envelope and mail to the church to the attention of Jo Durlam, Business Manager. You can also drop the completed form in the church office. Please do not put in the Saturday or Sunday offering. If you would like additional detailed information about this program an Investment Certificate Disclosure document is available in the church office.

Page 5: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

Project Financing Update 2-24-13

Member Investment Certificates On Thursday, February 7, the Administrative Council approved a motion from the Project Steering Committee to give authority to the Chairs of the Administrative Council and the Board of Trustees, to sign a loan agreement with FNB to borrow up to $1.75 million. The term of the commercial loan would be five years and the fixed interest rate is 4.15%.

The Project Steering Committee is considering offering church members an alternative long-term project financing option - Member Investment Certificates. These Certificates would provide FUMC members, and their extended family, an opportunity to loan funds to the church to finance the cost of our new church addition. The intent is to offer members reasonable interest rates and reduce the borrowing/interest costs associated with a traditional commercial loan.

If the decision is made to move forward with the Member Investment Certifi-cate Program outlined below, the proceeds would be used to pay off the FNB loan. Please note, in addition to the interest paid to the lenders there will be some, yet undetermined, administrative costs associated with the Investment Certificate Program. The terms of the Investment Certificate loan are as follows: 1. This is an unsecured loan that will be documented by a promissory note

issued by FUMC.

2. The individuals who loan funds to FUMC must be members of record with FUMC. A member’s extended family is also eligible to loan funds to FUMC as long as they are Iowa residents.

3. The period of the loan can be either one, three or five years as agreed to in advance by the member (or extended family member) and FUMC.

4. Interested individuals are requested to indicate their intent to provide a short term loan to the Finance Committee Chair by (date). The intent should state the amount and term of the proposed loan. The Loan Agree-ment must be executed by (date).

5. The minimum amount of the loan is $2,000 for any given term, and can be in any number of $1,000 increments above that minimum.

6. The promissory notes will be repaid by FUMC at the following interest rates:

Note Term Annual Interest Rate One Year 1.25% Three Year 1.75% Five Year 2.15%

NOTE: The rates shown above will be effective through June 30, 2013. Rates may be adjusted quarterly. Interest rates are generally based on the most current investment rates offered by local financial institutions plus 100 basis points.


Classes have started but it isn’t too late to join! Choose to attend one or all of our classes each week February 18-March

29: Mondays 6:00am-6:45am, Tuesdays noon-12:45pm, Thursdays noon-12:45pm and Fridays 6:00am-6:45am. Classes are open to all persons 7

th grade

and older and are held at FUMC. Work at your own pace. Class includes cardio, strength training and closing devotionals. The first week was an introduction to proper form and technique. The classes will progress throughout the 40 days of Lent. Homework challenges each week encourage physical and spiritual fitness. There is going to be a free-will donation for these Lenten classes with the proceeds being divided between the Ames’ Curt Forbes Residential Center, a half-way house/transitional place for persons returning from incarceration, and the UMC’s ministry at the women’s state prison in Mitchellville. Leading this NEW ministry is Nanette Heginger. YOU are a gift from God and should care for and build up that gift in service to God. Join us and JOURNEY TO WELLNESS! Registration forms are available in the church office after February 1

st. For more information contact:

Nanette Heginger at [email protected] or 515-290-0005.

Easter Prayer Vigil to be held at First Christian/Disciples of Christ A prayer vigil will begin on Good Friday March 29, 1:00 pm, just after the noon service here at First United Methodist Church. It will end on Easter Morning March 31, 6:30 am., just before the 7:00am Easter Sunrise Service. All members of Ames First UMC are encouraged to spiritually prepare themselves for Easter by participating in this prayer vigil. Christians throughout the ages have taken time out from our bustle and busyness to become quiet and “clean house.” As we gently place our daily concerns temporarily on the shelves of our minds, we create space for a deeper appreciation of the Easter story. And we now are better prepared to process out daily concerns.

A sign-up poster will be available each Sunday in March, with 1/2 hour slots, at the First Christian /Disciples Church. You may take one time slot, several or many. It is hoped that all slots covered. You may also join the vigil from home. Joining the parishioners from First Christian/Disciples of Christ and FUMC will be our neighbors at the United Church of Christ. Eric Brown and other members of FCDC will be present during the night hours so that no one has to be alone at night. There will be quiet space, reading material to contemplate, journaling pages to focus thoughts, and a few craft items (paper, crayons, etc.) for those who wish to make an artistic expression of their soul’s desires.

Page 6: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

The Journey Continues… The Lenten Journey began on February 20th the week after Ash Wednesday. We are using the Adam Hamilton “24 Hours that Changed the World” DVD and books for

those who want to delve more into this topic. “In his inspiring book 24 Hours That Changed the World, Adam Hamilton guides us, step by step, through the last day of Jesus’ life. In the companion DVD, we travel to the Holy Land with Adam Hamilton to visit the sites where those earth-shaking events took place. We walk where Jesus walked and see what he may have seen, along the road that led to the pain and triumph of the cross.” All ages are welcome. We will begin at 6:30 each evening. Adults will meet in the Fireside Room and begin by viewing the DVD segment for the week (about 10 minutes) continuing on with a deep discussion of the various events that occurred in the 24 hours leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. The youth will view portions of the DVD segments beginning in room 102 and continue on with very meaningful activities during the hour. Kids’ Club children will begin in room 201 and learn about the same topic of the week that the adults and youth are discussing through pictures, discussion, art, and games. We end at 7:30 each night. March 6th-Condemned by the Righteous March 13th-Jesus, Barabbas, and Pilate March 20th-not meeting due to spring break March 27th-Holy Week Family Worship (this will cover the chapters of The Torture and Humiliation of a King and The Crucifixion through prayer, memorable stations and music), April 3rd-Christ the Victor. If you would like a copy of the book prior to this group meeting please contact Nicole or Bethany. 232-2750

March Worship Schedule Saturday Evening 5:30 p.m. Worship Sunday Morning 8:30 a.m. Worship 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship

Coffee Hour Hosts

March UMW will assign circles

April 7 & 14 Stewardship Committee

21 & 28 Finance Committee


4 - CEMT 6:00/A

5 - Staff 9:30/P

5 - SPRC 5:30/A

6 - Gifts & Memorials 5:30/A

11 - Missions 6:00/A

12 - Member Care 5:30/A

14 - Ruth Circle 9:00/P

14 - Rebekah 9:15/Jo Durlam

14 - Sarah 1:00/P

14 - Silver Anniversary 7:00pm/

Judi Reese

17 - Welcoming & Marketing


18 - Foundation 5:15/A

19 - Trustees 5:30/A

26 - Finance 5:30/A

27 - Stewardship 5:30/A


1 - Pancake Days 4:00 - 7:00

2 - Pancake Days 7:00 - 7:00

2 - Uganda Hunger Banquet

6 ,13 & 27 - Lenten Lunch 11:45

Program 12:15

6, 13 & 27 Journey of the Cross 6:30

8 & 9 - Puppets to the Twin Cities

9 - Prayer Shawls 9:30

15 - Story Co Support Initiative 9-3

18 - 22 Spring Break (no wed. act)

24 - New Member Coffee 9:45/P

24 - DEDICATION 2:00



May you always have:

a sunbeam to warm you,

good luck to charm you,

and sheltering angel

so nothing can harm you.

Laughter to cheer you,

and whenever you pray..

heaven to hear you.

Page 7: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

ADDRESS CHANGES – Please Keep the Office Informed If you have recently moved (or if you are a returning snowbird to whom we have been sending you bulk mail items like the newsletter to your winter address), please let the church office know of any changes of address. Also, if for some reason you are receiving more than one copy of the newsletter at your address, please let us know so we can avoid some duplication of our efforts.


Do we have your email address? Every day the church is doing more communication through email. Please be sure we have your email address so you don’t miss out on the latest news or opportunity for ministry. Send your email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you would like to start receiving the newsletter by email, please notify Deb of that change.

Clothes & Small items to donate? If you start some early spring cleaning, remember some items could be taken to Bidwell-Riverside UM Mission Agency in Des Moines. We can either supply you with the address for you to take them there or we have a small closet here in the church building to receive a few items. For more information, call the church office.




This year we are pleased to announce a new campership available to any church member going to an overnight camp for the first time. The first 10 to contact the church office about the “Gohman Campership” will be gifted with $50 that will be applied to their camp fee. This

campership is available due to the generosity of Jim and Barb Gohman. The Gohman’s have fond memories of their years at church camp and know the importance of this wonderful opportunity that every child should have. Thank you to the Gohman’s for this gift.

Attention Dads!!

The YMCA of Greater Des Moines and 365 DAD are

sponsoring a wonderful conference called Championship Fathering. This will be held at Hope

Lutheran Church in West Des Moines on Saturday,

March 2 from 9am-1pm. The featured speaker is

Carey Casey, CEO of the National Center for

Fathering, and author of Championship Fathering.

The honorary chair and speaker for the event is ISU Athletic Director Jamie Pollard. The cost is only $10

and that includes Casey’s book and lunch. Join hundreds of other

dads for an unforgettable morning of inspiration and learning.

Championship Fathering is about loving, coaching, and modeling.

Attendees will walk away with new skills as well as the tools – and

charge – to engage other dads across our city. Go to 365dad.org to register or contact Nicole for more information.

ASP………...The dates for this year’s trip to the Appalachian Service Project are July 20 - 28. Every year we send 4 teams of people to ASP, and they work hard for a week to make people’s homes “safer, warmer, and drier”. No construction experience is necessary, although we always do need knowledgeable volunteers. We have been working with this mission for over 25 years, so let’s make this year another great one! Applications are available in the church office and more information is available from Pastor Bethany at 232-2750 or [email protected].

Page 8: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

Attention all parents, middle school and high school youth: IT’S BACK! Summer Stretch is happening again this summer and we want YOU to be a part of this awesome summer program.

Summer Stretch began with one congregation in Burnsville, MN, in 1992 and this year will be a cooperative arrangement of 55+ congregations, bringing several thousand middle school youth together one day a week to serve in their communities as servants of Christ and to have a lot of fun doing it! Summer Stretch allows youth to participate in small groups, to sample a variety of places to serve, to have fun together, and to make a difference in Jesus’ name. It’s also an opportunity for high school youth to mentor small groups and to lead by example. And, Summer Stretch welcomes adults to help make it all happen by dividing up driving and supervision responsibilities into short, manageable time periods.

We here in the Story County area are combining our congregational resources to create another great ecumenical Summer Stretch opportunity in Iowa. The local churches involved will be First United Methodist Church, Collegiate Pres-byterian Church, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, St. Petri Lutheran (Story City), and St. John’s Episcopal and Bergen Lutheran Church.

Summer Stretch will be on Wednesdays from 9am to 4pm beginning July 3rd and running through July 24

th. Our summer together will end with a trip to

Adventureland on Wednesday, July 31st.

The registration deadline will be Friday, April 26th.

The total cost for those entering 6

th through 9

th grades will be $50, and $20 for those entering 10


through recently graduated. This fee includes all materials needed for our worksites, a Summer Stretch t-shirt, snacks, afternoon activities (Ames swim park, bowling, movie/game day, and more), and Adventureland. If you sign up after the registration deadline, a $15 late fee will apply.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this great summer program, please don’t hesitate to ask Pastor Bethany ([email protected]).


There is a position available for you! The only qualification is a willing heart. The hours are long ---24/7 actually. But the rewards are fabulous! Want a Job? You’ve got it! You are an official welcoming member of God’s family!

Your duties include: * Invite someone to come to our church for worship * Greet a new face you see at church * Introduce that new person to at least one other church member * Let them know how glad you were that they were in worship with you. * If they are interested, show them around the building. The benefit package that comes with this position is incredible!

JOINING VS. BELONGING There is a difference between joining a church and belonging to one. The key to belonging to a church is involvement in some kind of small group. Joining a church is relatively easy. Belonging to a church requires a bit more, but the rewards are endless! We want to help connect everyone at First Church in such a way that all will feel like they truly belong here. Let each person do their part in this connection.

If you are considering taking the next step of “membership” or know someone who is, you are invited to the informal potential new member coffee that will be held at approximately 9:45 on Sunday, March 24, in the church parlor, which is directly across from the sanctuary. Similar coffees will be held typically on the 4th Sunday of the month. You should know that there can be various “kinds” of

membership beyond fully being a regular member. For instance, some people wish to join with us but also keep their membership with a “home congregation” and that is called and Affiliate membership. Others may belong to another denomination and they may desire to keep that relationship but still join with us. In That case, the become and Associate member. Everyone is welcome!

FLOWERS ENHANCE WORSHIP Do you have a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding, baptism, retirement, etc…) or a special person to celebrate? Consider signing the Flower Chart on the bulletin board outside the church office and giving a flower arrangement/ fresh flowering plant(s) to enhance the beauty of our worship.

Page 9: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation


At the first meeting of 2013 the SPRC members received an overview and orientation to their work as a church committee charged with supervision and counsel of the church staff. They also agreed upon liaison assignments in which a member of the SPRC and the church staff are linked together for support and evaluative purposes. Here are those assignments --- and if you would like to share with a SPRC member “a joy” or a “growth area” for their related church staff member then please know that the SPRC members are persons who want to listen:

Rich McColley & Joyce Crotty will serve with Pastor Fred Kathy Van Pelt will serve with Pastor Deanna Susan Campbell will serve Pastor Bethany Jackie Delay will serve with Nicole Smith Linda Shoop will serve with Deb Benefield Marty Sankey will serve with Jo Durlam Paul Skjordal will serve with Steve Pelz Dean Howarth will serve with Myrna Cakerice

54th Annual Ames Kiwanis Club’s PANCAKE DAYS

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, March 1 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, March 2

First United Methodist Church 6th and Kellogg

All the pancakes you can eat, plus coffee or tea, milk, orange juice and lil’ smokies sausages

11 and older, $5 6 thru 10, $2

Children under 6 are free!

Proceeds benefit youth and community projects such as: ACCESS, American Cancer Society, Ames Veterans Memorial, Emergency Residence Project, Teen Maze, Habitat for Humanity, Ada Haden Heritage Park, Heartland Senior Services, Special Olympics, Story Co.4H, YSS, Raising Readers of Story County and many others.

Break Hunger during 2013 Spring Break!!

Ames First UMC is excited to take part in the Meals from the Heartland first ever Spring Break Hunger Fight. We would like to take a team (or more) down to Des Moines at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Elwell Family Food Center on Wednesday, March 20th and be packaging volunteers for the 1:30-3:30 shift. We will leave the church at 12:30 and return by 4:30. Please contact Bethany or Nicole by Wednesday March 13th if you would like to join the team.

Friday Night Adult Group - Fun & Fellowship

Do you have kids in Sunday School, but don’t always get the chance to meet or talk with other parents? Have your kids recently finished Sunday School Programming and would you like to reconnect with your FUMC community? This group is for you!

After a great turnout in January we've decided to plan monthly gatherings at local restaurants and at church members' homes in the future. We look forward to seeing you at our next event! The next gathering is scheduled for Friday March 1st at 6:30PM at Olde Main. We have reserved space on the upper level of the pub area for appetizers and/or dinner with more space to socialize. Please RSVP to: Anne & Chris Nelson, [email protected] (515.292.2042); Tami & Steve Goodhue, [email protected]; Kris & Kevin Hinders, [email protected]; or Greta and Terry Goodman, [email protected]

We’ve had some great turn out for the young adult group so far! New people are always welcome to join us. If you are interested at all, even if you haven’t attended yet, contact Pastor Bethany to be on the email list and receive updates about the group. We are continuing to

use the Cokesbury curriculum “Faith Link” which connects a current topic or even to our faith in our daily lives. We meet every other Monday at Panera at 7pm. Upcoming dates include: March 4th & 18th, April 1st & 15th.

Page 10: “Buildig the Past, Reachig fR the futuRe” Himages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2016/newformatMar2013.pdf · Palm/Passion Saturday and Sunday, March 24, our annual special presentation

We would like to send out a huge thank you to our congregation for the tremendous support you have shown us. Through events such as our fundraiser and your prayers and comments to us it really shows how much you support our "Up With Puppets" Ministry. March 8-10 we will be in Minnesota at the Creative Ministries Puppet Festival. We are looking

forward to fellowship, performing in front of other churches, and learning new techniques and ideas. It will be a great weekend! In April we take our ministry to Muscatine on April 7th and Parkersburg on April 21st to share the Word of Christ with others. In June we have the whole service at First and are starting to work on that as well! We have a very busy next couple of months ahead of us but with the outstanding kids we have it will be a lot of fun. This is a very special group of kids who spend many weekends performing and extra long hours preparing for our performances. We as leaders feel so blessed to be a part of this group.

In The Story of the Easter Robin (Zonderkidz), Dandi Daley Mackall retells an old Pennsylvania Dutch tale of the robin’s compassion as he witnessed Jesus’ death.

On Good Friday, a plain brown robin flying over Jerusalem was curious about the “nest” atop Jesus’ head. When the bird realized it was a crown of thorns, he tried to dislodge it. As the robin pulled out a long thorn from Jesus’ forehead, a drop of blood landed on the bird’s breast, staining it red. Now the robin’s red breast is a symbol of Jesus’ loving sacrifice, and the robin’s early-spring song is a reminder of Jesus’ joyful resurrection.

April 25th is World Malaria Day so the

United Methodist Church has designated

April 25th-28th as a time for Malaria

Awareness with hope to raise funds for

Imagine No Malaria, a United Methodist

group that supports the purchase and distribution of bed nets in Africa as well

as educating people about prevention, supporting infrastructure,

communcations and treatment . As part of the Iowa Conference Statewide

initiative, the children and youth and their families of First United Methodist

Church will be hosting a pancake breakfast here from 8am-10am on Saturday

April 27th to raise money for Imagine No Malaria. So mark your calendars,

come have a bite and STOP a bite that kills.

As part of the Lenten offerings, the children and

youth would like to sponsor a “game” drive and

collect new board games, travel type card games

such as Go Fish, Uno, Skip-Bo, as well as

coloring books and crayons to help build up the

supplies at the Curt Forbes House with items to

be used during times when children are able to visit their family member

staying at the house. We hope that by doing this, the child and parent can begin

to work on healing or maybe even creating their relationship by doing fun

things together at their visitation which can help build positive memories for

both parent and child. The collection boxes will be at the Sanctuary entrances

on Palm Sunday, March 24th. If you wish to drop something off before then,

you may drop things off with Nicole.

The Sunday School

children are

singing at the 11:00

worship on

Sunday, April 7th.