APR Respect | Responsibility | Sincerity | Perseverance 2018 Yours sincerely, Mdm Mae Quah 1 Note Dear Parent, Welcome back to another exciting term. We usher in the new term with an assembly talk by Mr See, our Vice-Principal, on one of the school values, ‘Responsibility’. Through relatable examples, Mr See described how students could demonstrate responsibility at home, in school and in public places. Being responsible is one of the keys to success as it involves giving our best in all that we do. I would like to take this opportunity to commend our students who have represented the school in national competitions. Some competitions are still on-going, so we still see some students going for training and rehearsals. Being prepared mentally and physically for such competitions require a lot of dedication and a high level of responsibility. These students have demonstrated this wonderful value by consistently turning up and putting in their best effort for rehearsals and trainings. On top of that, they had to be responsible in completing their homework well, taking care of their own health by eating right and sleeping early and organising their time well. These are outstanding traits of a responsible student that builds strong character and sets them up for a successful future. They are already winners in our eyes because of the dedication and passion they display. All NCPS students can learn from their fellow peers by fulfilling their roles as students, student leaders, friends, daughters and sons to the best of their abilities with a lot of heart and passion. Simple acts such as being safe while crossing the road, picking up litter on the ground or even queuing up in an orderly manner for food during recess; these are amazing acts of responsibility that we celebrate. In the wise words of Anne Frank, “The final forming of a character lies in their own hands.” With the unwavering support and encouragement from teachers and parents, I am confident that as our students learn what responsibility is, they will be able to create the future that they seek.

Anniversary - NCPS · 2018. 4. 5. · Nan Chiau Primary School 71st Anniversary 2 Visitors from Sweden Nan Chiau Primary School hosted a group of ten teachers and principals from

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Page 1: Anniversary - NCPS · 2018. 4. 5. · Nan Chiau Primary School 71st Anniversary 2 Visitors from Sweden Nan Chiau Primary School hosted a group of ten teachers and principals from


Respect | Responsibility | Sincerity | Perseverance


Yours sincerely,Mdm Mae Quah


NoteDear Parent,

Welcome back to another exciting term. We usher in the new termwith an assembly talk by Mr See, our Vice-Principal, on one of theschool values, ‘Responsibility’. Through relatable examples, Mr Seedescribed how students could demonstrate responsibility at home, inschool and in public places. Being responsible is one of the keys tosuccess as it involves giving our best in all that we do.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend our students whohave represented the school in national competitions. Somecompetitions are still on-going, so we still see some students going fortraining and rehearsals. Being prepared mentally and physically forsuch competitions require a lot of dedication and a high level ofresponsibility. These students have demonstrated this wonderful valueby consistently turning up and putting in their best effort for rehearsalsand trainings. On top of that, they had to be responsible in completingtheir homework well, taking care of their own health by eating rightand sleeping early and organising their time well. These areoutstanding traits of a responsible student that builds strong characterand sets them up for a successful future. They are already winners inour eyes because of the dedication and passion they display.

All NCPS students can learn from their fellow peers by fulfilling theirroles as students, student leaders, friends, daughters and sons to thebest of their abilities with a lot of heart and passion. Simple acts suchas being safe while crossing the road, picking up litter on the ground oreven queuing up in an orderly manner for food during recess; these areamazing acts of responsibility that we celebrate. In the wise words ofAnne Frank, “The final forming of a character lies in their own hands.”With the unwavering support and encouragement from teachers andparents, I am confident that as our students learn what responsibilityis, they will be able to create the future that they seek.

Page 2: Anniversary - NCPS · 2018. 4. 5. · Nan Chiau Primary School 71st Anniversary 2 Visitors from Sweden Nan Chiau Primary School hosted a group of ten teachers and principals from




Our school commemorated its 71st anniversary on 8

March. The students spearheaded the celebrations

by penning their wishes for the school during their

recesses. These wishes were then pinned up on the

notice boards. Students also acquainted themselves

with the history of the school through the

completion of activities during Form Teacher

Guidance Period (FTGP) lesson. To further enhance

the love and pride for the school, a ‘My Nan Chiau’

Design Challenge was launched. Students were

invited to come up with creative illustrations based

on the theme, “My Nan Chiau” or “爱我南侨”.

The school will assemble all the pieces that are

voted by the student population for display around

the school.

Nan Chiau Primary School 71st Anniversary

2Visitors from Sweden

Nan Chiau Primary School hosted a group of tenteachers and principals from LePont Schools AB,Sweden, on 1 March 2018. We shared the use ofreasoning and communication skills to build confidencein Mathematics in our teaching and learning practices.

There was an enriching exchange of knowledge and good practices with our Swedishpartners too.


Page 3: Anniversary - NCPS · 2018. 4. 5. · Nan Chiau Primary School 71st Anniversary 2 Visitors from Sweden Nan Chiau Primary School hosted a group of ten teachers and principals from

APR Responsibility2018



The dance exchange for international dancestudents was held on 14 March 2018 at NanChiau Primary School. The four otherparticipating primary schools wereAnderson, Canossa Convent, Dazhong, andJurong West. After the ice breaking session,the students presented their SYF danceitems. They were genuinely impressed bythe performances put up by the dancers andwere motivated to do better for theupcoming SYF dance presentation. As aclosure to the day’s event, participantsexchanged tokens of appreciation.

Dance Exchange for International Dance Students


Our choir team went for a choir exchange programme with6 other schools on 17 March 2018 at CHIJ St Nicholas GirlsSchool. The other primary schools involved were CHIJ StNicholas, Pasir Ris, Zhonghua, Woodgrove, Stamford andMee Toh.

Our school had the privilege of listening to the choir performances of other schools. Ourchoir members also put up an impressive performance. It was indeed a good exposure forthem as it served as a rehearsal for their upcoming SYF Arts Presentation this month. Ourchoir members enjoyed themselves immensely and said that it was an enrichingexperience for them as they learnt a lot from the choirs of the other schools.

Choir Exchange Programme

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On 7 March 2018, the Environmental Club studentsattended the annual H2Olympics Amazing Raceorganised by Dunman High School CommunityService Club (Senior High). H2Oympics targets theyoung to raise awareness about environmentalissues, such as water conservation and foodwastage. Games booths were set up to educate thestudents. Not only did the students become moreequipped with knowledge on environmental issues,

H2Olympics Amazing Race@Dunman High

but they also had lots of fun bonding with theirfriends during the race. We hope these youngenvironmentalists will continue to inspire theNCPS family to save our earth.


During the assembly on 22 March 2018, members of the Environmental Club CCAgenerated publicity about Earth Hour. They shared what Earth Hour is and also createdawareness of how the students could support Earth Hour. During recess, they alsotaught students how to make a purse using used milk cartons. To encourage students tosupport Earth Hour, each class was given a stationery holder made from plastic bottlesor drink cartons. Staff and students were also asked to make a pledge for climate changewhich was initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR).

Earth Hour 2018

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P2 Learning Journey at Kidzania7

The Learning Journey for the P2 students in Term 2was a day spent at KidZania. The event took place on20 and 27 March. At KidZania, our students weregiven opportunities to explore their areas of interestand learn about the possible career options. Theyhad the opportunities to play the role and do the‘work’ of different job holders. They also learnt thatwith hard work they would get paid and hence learntabout financial management in the midst of fun.Through these explorations, our students discoveredtheir strengths and weaknesses. They were able tomake connections to their daily lives and apply whatthey had learnt.


On 9 March 2018, a group of P3 studentswent on a Learning Journey to the SingaporeHokkien Huay Kuan (SHHK). The studentsparticipated in a game put together by theSHHK volunteers. They went through a seriesof pit-stops to complete various tasks. Ateach pit-stop, students got to learn about theculture and history of the SHHK through thegame and activity. It was a fruitful andenriched afternoon spent at SHHK.

P3 Learning Journey to SHHK

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Readers for life programme@NCPS aims to cultivate the love of reading in our students to read more, read widely and read together and imbue reading as a lifelong learning habit. We have a range of activities to engage our students in reading.

We had invited the author of FossilFinders, Andy Chua, to give anassembly talk. He has been collectingfossils since he was 20, and nowowns over 400 unique specimens. Asa member of palaeontology societySingapore Fossil Collectors, Andy hasmet various palaeontologists andfossil experts, and has been a guest

Assembly Talk by local writer,

Andy Chua – Author of Fossil Finders

“It was an interesting talk. I have learnt more about

dinosaurs and fossils. I would want to read Mr Andy Chua’s

books.” - Emma Chng, P2 Kindness

“I didn’t really know about fossils before hearing Mr Chua’s talk. After the talk, I found fossils to be very interesting.” - Zoey Seah, P2 Gratitude.

“I’m inspired to be an author just like him. I love reading. Megan Quek, P2 Gratitude.

Books-to-Go@ Nan Chiau Primary

Readers for Life Programme

Books-To-Go programme is a collaborative

effort between NCPS and NLB to bring reading

to the doorstep of our school. Each year, at

least two to three sessions of book browsing

and borrowing are conducted in our MRL to

entice students to read avidly.

In Term 1, the P5 and P6 classes had their

Books-To-Go session. The P3 and P4 classes

will have their Books-To-Go session this term

and finally in Term 4, the Books-To-Go session

will be for the P1 and P2 classes.

speaker on prehistoric life at schools, libraries and museums. Fossil Finders is his first children’s book series. He is also a 3D artist with a company that provides training and engineering solutions around the world. The students were intrigued by his vast knowledge on fossils and managed to ask him questions on why he wanted to be an author and where he got his ideas from.

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APR2018 Responsibility

The Primary 5 and 6 students were givenreading assignment during the March holidays.They had to complete activities posted in ourLearning Management System, Ask’N’Learnportal after reading their magazine andscanning the QR code on one of the pages inthe magazine to watch a short video clip. Thestudents posted their responses to thequestions posed in the discussion forum andthe Class Blog.

I enjoyed doing this activity as it makes me learn more ways

to cope with cyberbullying which is getting very common

nowadays. -Faustine, 6 PS

con’t…Readers for Life


Reading Discussion: iMagazine

Reading@Recess (R&R in the library)Reading aloud is one of the most importantactivities parents and teachers can do withchildren. Reading aloud builds many importantfoundational skills, introduces vocabulary,provides a model of fluent, expressive reading,and helps children recognise what reading forpleasure is all about. We are pleased to be ableto conduct the session during recess 1 and recess3 for our primary 1 and 2 students. The teacherskicked off the R&R this term in Week 1 while ourparents from the Parent Support Groupcontinued in Week 2. This will be a daily activityduring recess in Term 2. Do encourage your childto join this session. For more pictures and videoyou may scan the QR code or click Link.

It is important to provide a nurturing readingenvironment so that students are encouraged tobecome engaged and motivated readers. One waythat we conscientiously do is to showcase teachersreading, sharing and recommending a book he/ shehas read before the assembly in the school hall everyThursday. Apart from our English Language teachers,teachers from the other departments like MotherTongue, Physical Education and Science have alsoshared the books they have read.

Teachers Tell Tales (TTT on T)

I am so impressed by the sharing that the teacher did that I had to borrow the book

about doctors and read it myself.

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APR2018 Responsibility


The Time for Reading EXposure Programme(TREX ) in NCPS is helmed by all the languageteachers teaching the Lower primary.

Time forReadingEXposure

A variety of reading activities wereheld in Week 3 to encourage ourelder buddy to share a section of astorybook or an article in the i-Magazine that they have read.Students were also encouraged tosign up to record a book review inexchange for coupons. Theresponse was truly overwhelming.It is heartening to see thestudents immersing themselves inthese reading activities.

Buddy Reading

con’t…Readers for Life


It endeavours to raise reading interest among our youngcharges. Every Wednesday morning, teachers will take turnsto share a book with the children. They are exposed todifferent genres of books. Their smiles and laughter coupledwith unbelievable exclamations are sure signs that they areengaged with the storytellers. With these weeklystorytelling sessions, we hope to instil in our children thelove for reading, an activity they can indulge in, anytimeand anywhere.

Little Red DotLittle Red Dot is an English Language reading supplementpublished by the Straits Times weekly for primary students. Itoffers a balance of kid-friendly news headlines, edutainmentarticles and interesting activities and ideas. Through thisreading programme, our students gain a deeper understandingof the issues that impact the world we live in, sharpen theircritical thinking and improve their reading skills. Our Primary 3and 4 students really look forward to reading the interestingnew stories, snippets on Asia and happenings around theworld. Our teachers engage the students through differentactivities ranging from writing reflections to vocabularybuilding.

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APR2018 Responsibility


knowing how to communicate to an audienceinclude the sharpening of critical thinking andverbal/non-verbal communication skills.

Toastmasters@Recess provides a platform for ourstudents to improve their abilities to communicateeffectively and express their thoughts and ideasclearly in the English or Mother Tongue Language.

The students need to form connections, influence decisions, and also motivate change.Undeniably, speaking in front of people and developing the fluency and confidence in publicspeaking is quite a daunting task which many have chosen to avoid. However, these studentshave definitely overcome their inhibitions and developed into effective communicators andconfident speakers! Scan the QR code or click Link for more photos and videos

10Public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience.It is usually done before a large audience, like in school. The benefits of

On 24 March 2018, FAMILYmatters@Nan Chiau has invited avery experienced speaker, Mr Bryan Tan to share on "MappingConflicts Effectively for Quick Resolution and Resolving Conflictswith Children Positively“. The response was overwhelming.Those who attended had a fruitful and an engaging three-hoursession. There were group discussions, brain storming sessionsand exchanging of tips on how to manage their children theright way. The pointers were straight forward and easy tounderstand.

There will be other sessions arranged for our parents. Allparents are welcomed to attend out next parenting talk in April,visit this website for more details : http://ncpsfms.weebly.com/


11FAMILYmatters@Nan Chiau

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Baked Beans Sardines Biscuits Coffee Cereal Milo155 cans 187 cans 314 packs, 12 tins 183 packs 127 packs 186 packs

New Insurance Claims Procedure

On 1 March 2018, NTUC Income launched the online portal forGroup Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance Plan for students. Parentscan submit the claims and check the status of their claims online viahttps://www.income.com.sg/studentgpa. You may also obtain theclaim form from the General Office and submit it manually.

Snacks for Break Time

Health Promotion Board has provided a list of easy-to-prepare snacksfor parents to consider preparing for their child. Students areencouraged to bring these types of snacks for consumption during classbreaks. Please click on the link or the picture for more information.

Owen Road Food Donation Drive 2018

On behalf of the residents living in rented flats at Owen Road, theschool would like to thank all students, parents and staff who havegenerously donated food items in the recent food donation drive. Wewould also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our PSG for helpingto collate all items collected. The items collected are as follow:

Reading Niche @ Nan Chiau

We have seen a heightened interest among students to share andexchange reading materials. To encourage this good habit, wewould like to invite your child to join in the quest of giving his/herfavourite book in exchange for someone else’s.For a start, we would look forward to every student giving ONEbook to kick-start the Reading Niche @ Nan Chiau. More details willbe mentioned in our message to parents sent out through SNAC.

One of our three golden rules is ‘We respect this place’. As part of the school’sefforts to educate our students to respect this place is through showing care andconsideration in the canteen. There will be some cleaning cloths placed in thecanteen for students to use to clean up after themselves. Cleaning up is animportant part of a child’s development as it gives him/her a sense ofresponsibility, our core value for this term. The students will be taught simple stepson how to clean up after themselves. The Character and Citizenship EducationAmbassadors and Parent Support Group will be in the canteen to reinforce andguide the students accordingly. This activity will commence in Week 4. We wouldlike to seek parents’ support in ensuring that this is also practised at home.

We RESPECT this place

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Congratulations to our Wushu school team! They have trained very hard for the

National Primary Schools Wushu Championship held between 19 and 27 March. They did the school proud. Our

junior girls emerged as the National Champion under the Junior Girls Division.

Individual students that did well in the individual events are as follows:

A team of four students: 5DL Shafiiq, 5D Divya, 4RSSanjit, Akshara and Yuvaneswari, took part in the Tamil'Spelling Bee' competition called 'Thamizhodu Vilaiyadu'which means play with Tamil. A series of grammar andcurrent affairs topics were the themes of thiscompetition. A total of 82 schools took part. Afterseveral rounds, the team was one of the five finalists.The finals took place on 24 March and they won the thirdprize.In another competition organised by Telok Blangah CC,Sasha Xavier of 3KN won the consolation prize for thestory telling competition.

Class Names Events Position Class Names Events Position

4RP ANG EN CI Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

1st International Broadsword 4th 5-Duan Cudgel 4th

Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd 5SC CALEB TOH Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

5-Duan Changquan 1st 5SC CALEY TOH Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

5-Duan Sword 2nd 5-Duan Sword 1st

3-Duan Changquan 4th Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

Junior Girls Group Quanshu (reserve) 2nd 6IT TAN YEE SUN ASTIN Senior Boys Group Quanshu (reserve) 3rd

1st International Nanquan 3rd 4-Duan Cudgel 2nd

1st International Cudgel 1st 5-Duan Broadsword 4th

Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd 6RP DAVIAN KOH Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

5-Duan Broadsword 2nd 1st International Sword 3rd

5IT CHUA YU FAN ADDISON Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd 1st International Changquan 2nd

Junior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd

5-Duan Sword 4th 5-Duan Sword 3rd

Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd 5-Duan Spear 3rd

5-Duan Changquan 2nd 6RS LIM DIAN KAI CEDRIC Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

1st International Sword 2nd 5-Duan Sword 3rd

1st International Spear 1st 4-Duan Spear 4th

Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

5-Duan Spear 4th 4-Duan Spear 2nd

Junior Girls Group Quanshu 2nd Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd

5-Duan Cudgel 1st Senior Boys 4-Duan Sword 4th

1st International Broadsword 3rd 6SC CAYDEN LIM YAN FONG Senior Boys Group Quanshu 3rd
































Tamil Department

CCA - Wushu

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Date Level Activity RemarkWeek 3 to 5 P1 Theatre Experience:


Refer to SNAC notification for


3 April, Tue SYF-Guzheng Competition

5 April, Thu P1 to P6 International Friendship Day The theme for this year is to

celebrate the ASEAN


Students are encouraged to

wear their traditional costumes

10 April, Tue 5DI, 5IT Learning Journey @NEWater Refer to SNAC notification for

details. Other classes will be

going during Term 3.11 April, Wed 5SC, 5RP

12 April, Thu SYF-International Dance


13 April, Fri P3 (AM session)

P4 (PM session)

SHHK Inter-Schools Sports Day Venue: Bishan Stadium

Refer to SNAC notification for


P1, P2, P5, p6 Home based e-learning day P1, P2, P5 and P6 students are

not required to report to school.

17 April, Tue SYF-Choir Competition

19 April, Thu

20 April, Fri

P3 and P4 SA1 Oral Refer to SNAC notification for


24 April, Tue

25 April, Wed

P5 SA1 Oral

26 April, Thu

27 April, Fri

P6 SA1 Oral

30 April, Mon P3 to P6 SA1 Written-Composition

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen,

and thinking what nobody has thought.